Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Call It What It Is with Jessica Capshaw and Camille Luddington,
an iHeartRadio podcast.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Call It Crue, and welcome to
another episode of Call It What It Is. I just
want to jump in because.
Speaker 1 (00:26):
Our guest is definitely gonna call it what it is
from all the realms, all the dimensions.
Speaker 3 (00:32):
Listen it is.
Speaker 2 (00:33):
It's spooky season, and it felt very appropriate to have
someone on that can talk to the spirit world who
I am a huge, gigantic fan of, and I'm talking
about the Long Island medium, Teresa Computa. It's funny just
because I when I went to set after we knew
she was coming on, I went to set and I
asked the cast and crew and I said, do you
guys we have Teresa computoing on.
Speaker 3 (01:00):
Everyone was very excited.
Speaker 2 (01:01):
I said, do you guys have any questions for, you know,
the spirit side of stuff. Everyone had like forty questions,
So I literally had to go on my phone and
like make get the notes up on like startu writing
everything down. Yes, And I I'm so excited because I
feel like so many of these questions are just fascinating
to me and I can't wait to hear what she says.
Speaker 3 (01:23):
Yeah, Yeah, And I think that.
Speaker 4 (01:24):
It's what's what's what's super.
Speaker 1 (01:26):
Cool about it is that you can believe, not believe,
be on the fence about believing, and still be kind
of wowed, right, and yet you like and you and
you when you're in it. Like the times I've been
around mediums, I think I always going with a little
bit of skepticism, and I've never left, Yeah, I've never
left having the same skepticism. I am a full just
so for the record, I'm a full, all in, whole
body in uh to believing that there absolutely is a
whole nother realm that some people have access to, and
I think that our I think intuition is an extension
of that, and I think people who have really good
intuition really are just more in touch with the other side.
That's what I think, Camerila.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
I don't disagree with any of that. This is going
to be my first time ever talking to a medium
or being yeah, in the presence of someone with this gift,
so I'm like kind of nervous, I'm excited. I have
so many questions, Like I just have a wild question like,
for example, I want to know and people bought this
up a Wigi board. Did you ever play with ouiji
board when you were younger? That was a big no
no in my family.
Speaker 1 (02:38):
Yeah, I know you've talked about this. Yeah, no, we
definitely did. We did it as sleepovers. And you remember
how it had to be balanced on your knees.
Speaker 3 (02:45):
No, because I didn't never played?
Speaker 4 (02:47):
Oh you never?
Speaker 2 (02:48):
You never? Wait why did it have to be on
your knees?
Speaker 3 (02:50):
I thought it could be on a table.
Speaker 1 (02:51):
Oh, I don't know. I remembering it being on your
knees and then your hands sort of lightly touched the
I want to call it a cursor, but it wasn't
a curse or it was like a plastic thing. Yeah,
pointed to the letters, right, Yeah, no, I don't know.
I mean, I'm.
Speaker 2 (03:04):
Maybe that's my intuition speaking.
Speaker 3 (03:06):
All right, I think we just got to bring her in. Okay,
let's do it.
Speaker 4 (03:11):
I think I'm on.
Speaker 2 (03:13):
Teresa on.
Speaker 4 (03:16):
What do you say to my god for your gorgeous
You're gorgeous.
Speaker 2 (03:19):
My god, I'm so Teresa. You have no idea. I
have no idea the fan that I am of you?
Really we I mean, Jessica and I have been talking
about you coming on the pod for since since day one.
Speaker 4 (03:33):
Yeap, oh my god, original wish list, you were on
our Yes, that's still other people, No, because that literally
it always still blows my mind that people know who
I am because I like to continue to live my
life like I'm just Teresa Capudo that lives in Hicksville.
I still of my parents you know where he cam? Yeah,
thank you.
Speaker 2 (03:58):
So Teresa. I I went to set. I went to set,
took a raise anatomy, and I told them that you
were coming on the show. And I've told the other
guests you know, on the show, and they're like, yeah,
it's so fun. So they bombarded me with questions.
Speaker 3 (04:13):
It was literally like a.
Speaker 2 (04:14):
Line like cast and crew, we just have so many
questions for you.
Speaker 4 (04:19):
Oh so why don't you just have me? Do they
have like bring your favorite person to work day?
Speaker 3 (04:23):
You should yes, yeah, yea, yeah, you should get her
a cast here. You need a cast here, you need
to come on.
Speaker 2 (04:29):
You need to be a patient on the show.
Speaker 4 (04:31):
No. We that would be very interesting. I'd love to
see that.
Speaker 3 (04:36):
Have you ever done any acting on the on any show?
Speaker 4 (04:39):
No? No, okay, the a is that you can't act this.
I don't know. Maybe you can maybe Jennifer Coolidge could
maybe I know, but Kelly Ripped it does do a
good me I will say that, and Kate McKinnon, but no,
I haven't. But I did have my brain tested.
Speaker 3 (04:56):
You did, Okay, tell us about that.
Speaker 4 (04:58):
Yeah, so do you know doctor Amen, Yes, oh, Jessica,
you know I do. Yeah. Years ago, I was on
Doctor Oz and he actually read my brain as I
was reading someone. And because I always said, I don't
know what happens, it's almost like spirit clears out my
own personal thoughts, feelings and emotions. I have no personal thoughts,
it's just what spirit makes me feel, and it's almost
like my mind goes blank. And he actually said that
I'm able to access a part of my brain that
we typically don't and that my brain shows no activity
as I'm channeling. So I don't understand.
Speaker 3 (05:37):
That's amazing. Okay, So Jessica, Jessica.
Speaker 2 (05:39):
Before before you came out on, Jessica was talking about
how she feels like she has a little bit of
a gift herself. Well why don't you, why don't you
talk about it? Because we're wondering if it's something that
you're born with, can you develop it, can you grow it.
Speaker 1 (05:57):
Speaker 4 (05:57):
First of all, I always say we all have the
ability to connect with our own departed loved ones. I
know that I feel that, and know and believe that
this is a soul bond that can never be broken.
So things that you sense and feel that remind you
of your loved one that has died, know that that
is them. Know that that is the soul reminding you
that they're living life through your eyes. I believe we
in life in general, that we can grow anything or
nurture anything. Do I think more some people are more connected, Yes,
some people are more empathic where they're more sensitive to
you know, people's energy emotions. I always say I was
born this way. I mean, I've been seeing spirits and
some four and I always used to stay to my mom,
I don't feel right. I feel different than everyone else.
I don't feel like I belong here. And my mom
finally said to me one day, She's like, listen, she goes,
I don't know why you feel this way. You're not adopted.
You belong to this family, So stop feeling this way,
you know, but snap out of it. Yeah, you know.
And I come from a very spiritual family, so they
believe in an afterlife. They believe in that connection. And
I also come from a very strong faith family. So
I struggled with my gift for so many years because
of my faith, and you know, because as it started
to develop to develop, you know, I used to say,
my mom, I'm getting this. I'm feeling this. My mom like,
oh that's great, Oh okay, you know, like no one
ever really made a big deal about the things. And
then it wasn't until nine to eleven is when I
had this ex spiritual I had this spiritual experience where
I was shown that many people perish that day and
their loved ones were left with these negative emotions, burdens, guilts,
should have, could have, would have, and they were left
with all these things that they were afraid that their
loved one wasn't okay or what even happened. So I
kind of put my gift in God's hands and I said, look,
if this is my soul's journey, then open the doors
for me and I will gladly walk through these doors
with my gift. But I only want to be able
to help people. I want to be able to help
people to heal, to move on with their life, and
to find some happiness and here I am.
Speaker 1 (08:08):
That's incredible.
Speaker 4 (08:09):
Speaker 1 (08:10):
So I feel like I come from the women in
my family are very intuitive and that can come in
lots of different ways. I mean, the ones that always
make all of us go, oh my gosh, I can't
believe this is you know, one of us will be
thinking about the other one.
Speaker 4 (08:29):
In the phone ring.
Speaker 1 (08:31):
Yeah, which is pretty like you know, cliche one. But
it happens a lot, like a lot, a lot or
just coincidences that you know, could be lots of things.
But I think that we all believe.
Speaker 4 (08:43):
Are that that tethering, that connection, that that.
Speaker 2 (08:46):
Soul bond that you were just talking about.
Speaker 1 (08:48):
I also feel like I definitely feel other people's energy
in a different way than others like that, and sometimes
by the way, it's too much. Do you feel overwhelmed
like that?
Speaker 4 (08:59):
I feel overwhelmed in a lot of different ways, but
especially with my friends and family and stuff like that.
It's it's almost like I have that I can't tell
you how I do this, but I feel like I'm
able to separate myself from certain things, from you know,
just being able to hang out with my girlfriends and
not feel anything, especially when they're going through something you know.
So it's almost like a natural instinct that I'm able
to do without even realizing it, to kind of remove
myself from certain things or not feel certain things.
Speaker 2 (09:35):
I so when I watch you when you're doing readings,
I've seen you do a prayer beforehand and sort of
like there's a protection process that happens before you read.
If you didn't do that, what would you feel?
Speaker 4 (09:51):
Oh that I don't. I do it before anything I do.
I always protect I. Oh, I did it right before
I came on. I clicked into the link and I
sat here and I did my little meditation because I
never know what's going to happen. I know spirit always
has me say things for a reason, and I think
this is also something that I don't know if a
lot of people know about me. I do what I
do truly to validate an afterlife for people. It's never
about believing in what I do or even in mediums.
I really don't care if people believe in what I do.
I want them to believe in themselves because what I've
also learned over these decades of doing what I do,
some people they could be the most spiritual person, the
most faithful person, and they have a tragedy in their family,
they lose a loved one, and all of that goes
out the window. They don't know how to live, they
don't want to live, they don't want to have a faith,
and they don't know what to believe in anymore. And
I feel that the work that I do gives people
that gift back, It gives them their faith back in
a sense.
Speaker 2 (10:52):
That's it. I know I've seen this on your shows.
I've seen these moments where it's like people seem completely
lost and they have this it's such a healing moment
with you. I guess my question is is I'm so curious.
And this question came up a lot when you're in
a situation where you have thousands of people in a
massive convention center and you're going into reading. Are you
hearing thousands of spirit voices? No?
Speaker 4 (11:22):
I don't hear thousands of like that, Like like I don't,
It's not like that for me.
Speaker 2 (11:27):
Yeah, So how does it? How does it happen?
Speaker 4 (11:29):
So I don't know, it just happened. So I'll tell
you my process. Yes, Like before I come out on stage,
So before I come out on stage, there's a sizzle
reel that we play before I actually come out on
the stage. It's to kind of get people because some
people aren't familiar with what I do. So I'm actually
I'm doing my meditation. Sometimes I start to sense and
feel things, but it's not usually until I finish my speech.
After I hit the stage, I will just start sensing
and feeling things I am. Like, for instance, I came
into this zoom and right before I came in, I
felt extremely nervous and I felt I don't mean this
in a negative way, like apprehensive. So sometimes that might
be if someone might be they might believe in what
I do be very spiritual, but they might not want
to hear from their loved ones, or they might don't
feel that they're ready, or they're afraid of what they
might hear or might not hear. And I always tell
people the work that I do when spirit comes through,
it's to help us, and it's never anything that is
going to make us feel bad or said. It's always
just going to be little things that I say. Sometimes
I don't even realize I say things to people and
they'll be like, oh my god. I had the conversation
that we had the other day on the phone I
know my dad was channeling through you, Like my girlfriends
will say that to me, be like, I felt presence
and the things that you were saying were just things
that I was thinking and that I was talking to
him about the night before. So I just do things
that I'm not even aware of.
Speaker 2 (13:08):
Interesting. It's and the energy you're talking about is interesting
to me.
Speaker 4 (13:14):
It is. And to say this about my live shows,
it's to be in a space of thousands of people
to watch someone heal right in front of you and
to feel that energy you can't you can't even describe it.
And I'm doing this like fifteen years now, almost fifteen years,
doing live shows all over the country, and every time
I hit that stage, something amazing happens and I walk
off of that stage feeling like, oh my god, spirit
exceeded once again any expectation I ever would have had
of them.
Speaker 2 (14:03):
Have you ever had a reading, because you're talking about, like,
you know, being worried about people when not coming through
or coming through, or have you ever had a reading
where nobody has come through that.
Speaker 4 (14:12):
Has not happened. Wow, that has not happened.
Speaker 3 (14:17):
That's amazing to me. Have you ever had a reading where.
Speaker 2 (14:21):
You feel sort of well, do you believe that there's
also like a dark energy spirit? Does that exist out there?
Speaker 4 (14:30):
I'm sure there is. I don't encounter those. So this
is how I explain it to people, and I use
this reading that happened many years ago at a live
show as the example. I always say I only channel
souls that walk in God's white light. So from what
spirit is explained to me, there's different levels on the
other side. So if a soul enters at this level,
a soul up here can lower the vibration to be
with that soul to help them learn lessons, channel whatever
it is, but the soul down here can't move up
until they learned that lesson.
Speaker 2 (15:01):
Okay, got it.
Speaker 4 (15:02):
I was doing a reading for this woman and unfortunately,
her daughter was murdered by her boyfriend. And I could
see below the daughter and energy, I could see a soul,
but I couldn't feel anything from him, couldn't hear anything
from him. And she said, please tell my mom that
he is sorry and remorseful and knows what he took
from her. And after those words came out of my mouth,
I went, oh my god, this is a murder suicide.
And I went Oh, my god, Theresa, what did you
just say? But the mother looked at me and said,
that's why I came here. I wanted to know if
he was remorseful, and if he was sorry, and if
he knew how he took my life from me the
day that he killed my daughter.
Speaker 3 (15:51):
But you couldn't hear his voice.
Speaker 4 (15:53):
I couldn't hear his voice, but I could see the energy.
So but she was able because I couldn't lower my
vibration lower. And again, don't ask me how. I don't know.
I could just tell you what I see And how
in the world would I know that that's what that
woman came to that show for. And I always say,
it's not up to me what spirit has me say
or not say. I have to trust that. I just
sometimes if they show me something, I sometimes have to
try to find a way to deliver the message with
dignity and grace.
Speaker 2 (16:27):
M Oh, yeah, that.
Speaker 1 (16:29):
Must be a really big.
Speaker 2 (16:31):
Piece of this.
Speaker 4 (16:33):
It's yeah. I make what I do look very easy,
and it's just I don't know how to be any different.
It is the hardest thing that I have to do
is to stand in front of someone and have the
souls of the departed take us on this emotional rollercoaster,
because I also want spirit to communicate with levity.
Speaker 3 (16:50):
We need the levity.
Speaker 4 (16:51):
These are very heavy messages and to really validate that
the loved one soul is at peace, I feel a
better way to do that with that personality and with laughter.
And it's so hard, but I always say to people,
I wouldn't trade what I do for anything here in
the physical world. I consider it an honor and a
privilege to do this work. And the fact that people
trust me with the souls of their departed loved ones
means the absolute world to me. Because I don't think
it's easy to go to a medium. I don't think
it's easy, especially sitting across from me.
Speaker 2 (17:25):
You're the first medium I've ever spoken to you, by
the way. Oh, I've never been in the presence of
a medium.
Speaker 4 (17:30):
Oh have you wanted to? Yes, yes, it's like but
you're a But I don't feel I feel like you're ready.
But I don't know about what. So I'll ask and
then if anything comes Toro, I'll tell you, I'll ask who,
I'll ask what. Because I felt I felt very guarded
at first, and these are just my symbols, and then
I felt that the guard kind of went down a
little bit. So it was almost like, oh, you know what,
I feel comfortable. I don't know if that's the way
you felt going into this. I feel a little guarded.
I'm a little nervous, but I'm welcoming anything.
Speaker 3 (18:05):
I think.
Speaker 2 (18:05):
I think that my I think I have family members
that are not into it right, so and so that's
a little hard. And also I feel like, I guess
my question is if someone's on the sorry, well.
Speaker 4 (18:20):
I'm just I'm just going to say this to you,
whether someone has difficulty with what I do. I try
to look at myself something separate. I do what I
do to help people, and I was just shown there
was a separation, and separation from me could be emotional,
geographical communication, or a long time that someone has departed.
And I just felt that you needed to know that
the soul knows of the woman that you've become has
not missed out on your life. You have children, because
I see the soul it's a mother figure. So I
don't know if it's your grandmother or an aunt or
someone like a mom or your actual mom, but holding
souls of children before coming here into the physical world.
So knowing of your children, and I don't know, do
you do you have children?
Speaker 2 (19:06):
I do?
Speaker 4 (19:07):
Okay, And do you feel like you see this soul
in your child, like whether it be their eyes or
like in action. Is that correct?
Speaker 2 (19:16):
No, it's it's funny. It's my mother's on the other side, okay,
And she's been gone a long time, and I see her.
Speaker 4 (19:26):
It's okay.
Speaker 2 (19:26):
Sorry, I'm just gonna do it. I see her with
my daughter. Okay. My daughter's very similar.
Speaker 4 (19:34):
So know that when you see those things. And I
feel like your daughter might even acknowledge your mom never
met your mom, doesn't know who she is. But even
my I don't know if she is, Like I don't
know if she's old enough to have imaginary friends or
if she showed me My granddaughter. So my granddaughter is
only two and a half, but she's very connected to spirit.
Speaker 2 (19:51):
My daughter, I thought when she was little, she saw
my mom.
Speaker 4 (19:53):
Perfect Know that that was real, Know that that was
the soul showing them. Young children and animals are very
sensitive to the souls of the departed because we as adults,
our minds are so busy with burdens and guilts and
just busyness of a day. Young children. Their minds are free.
That's why I would say kids say the darnedest things right,
and a lot of times it's the truth because they
just say what it is that they're feeling.
Speaker 2 (20:18):
It's interesting though, because my mother, I think what's high
for me a little bit is my mother didn't like
was was. I was raised Catholic, right, so it's like
you're not like, so.
Speaker 4 (20:26):
Am I I'm a practicing Catholic. They take my money
every week, but they don't agree with what I do.
Speaker 2 (20:30):
I mean, you know, it's like if you have a
soul on this side, if you had a person on
this side that was raised that way and was not
into that stuff, does it prevent them.
Speaker 3 (20:39):
I mean, I guess something is coming through already.
Speaker 4 (20:42):
But I've had souls tell me, oh my god. I
was afraid they weren't going to come through because they
were an atheist. They didn't have a faith, they didn't
have a religion. It just happened. The other night. There
was a young boy that died, and he kept showing
me he was standing with the Blessed Mother and doing
the Sign of the Cross, and he made me feel
like he had no faith. And I said to the mom,
even though your son was not a practicing in their
religion or faith, because that's some man's personal being. His
soul has found a place with God. And she said,
that is all I wanted to know. So, you know,
people come and I feel like the work that I do,
I can only speak about myself, why I do what
I do, and how I allow the souls to use
my physical body as a vessel. Was there something that
you there's two things. Your mom showed me jewelry, so
I don't know if you have a piece of her jewelry.
But then I felt like you were either searching for
something or you wanted something of hers.
Speaker 2 (21:42):
I had a piece of her jewelry. Okay, I had
a ring.
Speaker 4 (21:45):
And did it get lost or it's gone? So now
can I just ask you this? Did you just get
like a chill or like a goosebum?
Speaker 2 (21:52):
Well, it's funny because I thought, I told my husband
before I got on here. I was like, if she
brings up the ring, then I'll know up like that
specific piece of joy, Like that would be crazy.
Speaker 4 (22:03):
And I felt like you were searching for it. How
would I know?
Speaker 3 (22:06):
I was, Yeah, I mean would I know that.
Speaker 4 (22:08):
Lost to So this is your mom's way of saying
to you, yes, you had let's just say, her most
prized possession or whatever it is, and now you lost it.
You feel that she would be upset. My grandmother would
always use terms like oh, they must be turning in
that grade. It's the farthest thing from that, validating for
you that even though you are still searching for this
piece of jewelry doesn't mean that your mom is upset disappointed.
Do you understand that?
Speaker 3 (22:37):
No, Yeah, I know that she wouldn't be. Yeah, she
wasn't really you know, like.
Speaker 2 (22:42):
It was a it was a really amazing piece of
joy that the mental awe. But I know that she
wouldn't be like that.
Speaker 4 (22:48):
No, but there's no way I would know that, or
more importantly, valid this is This is the other thing
I think people. I say this even in all my speeches.
Before I do a reading, I always say, look, people
come in with a list, and they even say, look,
if this is real, my loved one's gonna say this,
this and this, And I tell people your loved ones
might talk about those things. But I can guarantee you
there's gonna be a lot of things that you would
never expect them to bring up or talk about, because
there are only so many different ways that people can
pass away, and there are common burdens and guilts that
we might carry. I always say that's not my fault
or spirit's fault, that these things are common. So I
need them to talk about unique and different things, things
that you would never feel that they would know about,
and especially in exact conversation.
Speaker 2 (23:39):
Yeah, I mean it's weird because I feel like I'm
open to this, but I just didn't know if she
would be open to it.
Speaker 3 (23:46):
Jessica nosis like, I really like, she.
Speaker 4 (23:48):
Just snapped her fingers at me and then she restricted
my throat. So did you not get the opportunity to
say goodbye to her?
Speaker 2 (23:53):
Or I did not?
Speaker 4 (23:55):
Okay, So, knowing that everything and anything that you said
to her know that she has heard, she doesn't want
you to feel that anything was left unsaid. How do
you connect with well, I don't know if it's twenty seventeen,
how do you connect with the number seventeen? So it'll
ead to be the seventeenth of a month, it'll be
the age or like January and July. But you would
have to connect with both months as far as birthdays
or anniversaries.
Speaker 2 (24:20):
I mean my husband was born on the seventeenth.
Speaker 4 (24:23):
Okay, she went like this to me, So that means
that that has more meaning to it the seventeenth your husband.
So look, is this a validation that she's saying If
you wonder, oh my god, does my mom know? Did
you your mom didn't know your husband? Is that correct?
Validating for you? I wonder if my mom knows about
my husband bringing up his birthdate? Well, who was the
father figure for him that has departed? Who your husband?
So it will be either his dad or grandfather or
almost a grandfather.
Speaker 2 (24:53):
That's ten night.
Speaker 4 (24:54):
He has something very he kept something of his grandfather's
that doesn't have any monot harry value whatsoever. Because he
showed me like like a wallet. It's just my symbol.
It doesn't have to be a wallet. It's just my
validation that he has something that really doesn't time monetary value,
validating that your mom does know of your husband knows
of your children. How do you connect with trees? So
trees could be I don't know you like trees? Your
husband's a landscaper.
Speaker 2 (25:25):
No, I don't know how I connect with you or
They could be a.
Speaker 4 (25:28):
Tree planted in memory of someone, or if someone was
buried near a tree.
Speaker 2 (25:35):
I don't know about that connection.
Speaker 4 (25:36):
I'm going to pass on it. I actually like when
someone can't connect with something because it might be someone
might say, oh my god, I thought about doing it,
or it just is also my symbol for when we
did something in memory and in honor of a loved one.
Speaker 2 (25:50):
Okay, I can't think of what that would be.
Speaker 4 (25:51):
That's okay, that's fine. To who passed from the brain,
like either a brain tumor at Alzheimer's or like a dementia.
Because I just got a pain in the side of
my head.
Speaker 3 (26:00):
I don't know, maybe my husband, jessicass you.
Speaker 4 (26:04):
Or unless if somebody was shot. No, okay, who else
is on this call? Who's this? Who's mean?
Speaker 3 (26:14):
And the Courtney Ashley? Are you guys on this?
Speaker 2 (26:16):
Do you guys recognize anything to do with this?
Speaker 4 (26:19):
My mom's dad committed suicide and put himself in the head,
so validating for you. I asked the souls to step
forward because it's just belding that that soul has found
a place with God and knowing that the soul is
at peace. I always want souls to step forward that
you would never expect to bring up or people, or
that I would know about fair enough, So just know
that the soul is at peace. And do you understand
the tree as well?
Speaker 3 (26:47):
I don't understand the tree, but that just shook me up, Like, okay, really.
Speaker 2 (26:52):
Especially is that you? Yeah, it's Ashley.
Speaker 4 (26:56):
And then I just heard this ash I'm just going
to say this one of the thing. Please don't let
the way that I died define who I was. So
now this is an example of why someone might come
to see me. How can someone heal if they're afraid
that their loved one's soul is not safe and a
peace with God because of the way that they left
the physical world? And what I do is about healing.
It is not about anything else. We're going to grieve
the loss of our loved ones for the rest of
our lives here in the physical world. The healing process
is something completely different. Grief is like this. It's this emotion,
this powerful emotion that not only does that have anywhere
to go, but it comes in waves and it's so
heavy at times, and sometimes it seems a little lighter.
And that is my wish for people, is that the
grief becomes lighter. It's not going to go away, but
being able to reflect on back and maybe taking something
positive from having a reading with me and replacing it
with the negative feelings that they have, and this is
how they're able to release those negative emotions and really
start to heal.
Speaker 2 (28:17):
Have you ever said no to a reading or somebody?
Speaker 4 (28:20):
Have I ever said no to it to a person
or to a soul like someone physical?
Speaker 2 (28:25):
Either? I guess no.
Speaker 3 (28:27):
Okay, Jessica, I know we have so many questions.
Speaker 1 (28:33):
We have so many questions, sort of like you were explaining,
I actually feel like my brain has just been wiped.
Speaker 2 (28:38):
It's just trippy talking about all of this. It's just
your mind kind of feels like.
Speaker 1 (28:44):
Yeah, the way that you know, with all the people
that are on this call, that you're not hearing everyone.
Speaker 4 (28:49):
I always say souls when I especially if there's more
people in my presence, and sometimes even if it is
just one person, souls will band together to deliver a
messages at one time. So that's why my life shows
they're so powerful and why people walk away feeling something
even if they don't personally get read, they take something
from that.
Speaker 3 (29:10):
Does it make you not afraid of death at all.
Speaker 4 (29:13):
I'm not afraid to die, and I think that's something
that I always struggled with, especially being young, and I
think maybe most of us do. I don't want to die,
yeah see, yeah, but you're not afraid. But I'm not
afraid because I know that I will be greeted by
loved ones that have gone on before me.
Speaker 2 (29:29):
Do you see when you say that you're seeing, do
you do you can you? Is it a picture in
your mind? Or do you ever see spirit kind of
physically in the world, almost like a ghost?
Speaker 4 (29:39):
So I used to. I don't anymore, I think because
I work so much, and I literally when when I
first started doing mediumship, long before Long Island medium and
raising spirits I had I had, I would be like
getting ready for work and I would see a man
standing behind me and then I would describe the person
in the to the person that I was reading, like oh, yeah,
that was my dad, that was my brother. And I
had a little sit down and I said, listen, if
you want me to do this work, I gotta stop
seeing them like that because it's freaking me out. It
was constant and it didn't stop, so I don't see
them like like they'll just show me a flash like
before when you were speaking Jessica's that your name? Yeah,
I kept seeing uh someone, so I kept seeing dog
tags and someone saluting you.
Speaker 2 (30:25):
Oh you're talking about Ashley? Who was I think Ashley,
who's not on this pod right now.
Speaker 4 (30:30):
Oh, well, I don't know that. I know, I don't
know where this went to. But I just kept seeing it.
But I didn't feel pushed enough to say something to someone.
So it's also a difference. So I can always see things,
feel things, sense things, but not always feel the need
to say something to someone. Mm hmm if that makes sense.
Speaker 2 (30:50):
No, that does? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (30:53):
Do you does you know you have a daughter?
Speaker 4 (30:55):
I do?
Speaker 3 (30:56):
Does she also have this gift?
Speaker 4 (30:59):
My daughter shows extreme uh similarities to myself.
Speaker 3 (31:05):
Okay, okay, all right now, okay.
Speaker 4 (31:09):
And and and my son as well. But my son
is very different. You know, He's just extremely intuitive. He
just has this sensitive well everyone knows my son, my son,
my son, he's this sweet sensitive you know.
Speaker 1 (31:23):
Here we have the we have a son too, we
both the little babies.
Speaker 4 (31:27):
The little It's just something about him. He and both
my children, they just have this aura and presence about
them and uh. But so he shows his gifts in
a different way I feel than than my daughter. My
daughter shows most like me, but she she doesn't. She
she struggles with it, you know, because she struggles with
anxiety and a lot of other things, and and it's
very difficult to navigate through.
Speaker 2 (31:58):
Wow. Yeah, I had someone wanted who wanted to ask
you about orbs. Oh, okay, okay, So they have been
seeing orbs. They were actually living in a house that
was considered haunted and they have been seeing orbs.
Speaker 3 (32:14):
They've caught them on the camera. Okay, is that something.
Speaker 2 (32:16):
That you do believe are is a manifestation of spirit
or no in your experience.
Speaker 4 (32:24):
In my experience. So there was just an episode where
we just did on Raising Spirits where they were taking
pictures and you could see the orbits. I was like, oh,
here's your mom's face right here, and when you zoomed
into the orb, you literally saw the mom's features. Yeah.
It was the episode Raising Spirits with John Thesen of
this foundation that I work with here on Long Island.
And yeah, and you could literally see his mother's face.
So a lot of times a blurb or an ORB.
See years ago, we used to take it as double exposure. Right,
with negatives, we'd be like, oh, it was just a
double exposure. But if you take an ORB and you
kind of expanded and you kind of look around a
lot of times you might see old pictures that you
had of your loved ones that might be hanging on
a refrigerator, even a photo album, and it's them right there,
because they're showing you the way that they were when
they were healthy, because they don't want us to remember
them suffering and or sick. They want us to remember
them because they say, from the moment the soul leaves
the physical body, they leave behind all of that suffering,
they don't take it with them. So I believe in
blurbs and orbs, distortions, blurriness in pictures where you could
see some where it looks really blurry the whole picture
that's the soul moving swiftly past someone, and then the
next picture will be perfectly fine.
Speaker 2 (33:43):
Oh god, yes, this is blowing my mind right now. Okay, Jess,
next question I'm is just going to say, but next
question is great now.
Speaker 1 (33:53):
I mean, I'm like along for the ride.
Speaker 3 (33:56):
Yeah, Teresa, we've been that.
Speaker 2 (33:57):
We talk NonStop and this is the first time that
we're like just in complete stunned, like silence right now.
Speaker 1 (34:05):
Okay, yeah, I know. I think it's it's funny. I mean,
I'm not joking. I truly feel like blank minded and
I feel like you're meant to be in charge right now.
Speaker 4 (34:16):
I was just gonna say, do you want me to
keep talking? Like I can do that. I could not
stop talk.
Speaker 3 (34:21):
I mean there's something that's telling me yes.
Speaker 4 (34:24):
But you know how I feel with you, like I
feel like you're so open and like because you had
such a great experience, you're open to it and you
see how messages can help someone.
Speaker 2 (34:36):
Speaker 4 (34:36):
Yeah, and it's almost like you're just I don't look
at it as a blank You really came into this
with an open mind and open heart and open soul
and just like whatever's gonna happen is going to happen.
And I think that's why you feel that way.
Speaker 2 (34:52):
I think I think that's true.
Speaker 1 (34:54):
And I think that I believe so much in things
happening when they were meant to happen. And that doesn't
mean like whenever people say you know, everything happens for
a reason, I sort of think that that's not true
because I actually think that there's or I think that's
a hard thing to say to someone who's really grieving
right the way that you're talking about. You know, when
someone's really feeling the pain of the loss of a
loved one, it's not comforting to say everything happens for
a reason. It's comforting to have healing. It's comforting to
have someone you know name it or give context or reassurance.
I do think that being open allows me to walk
through the world feeling like anything could happen and the
possibilities of that in an optimistic way and not trying
to also get ahead of things because I also have
dealt with anxiety in my life, and when I futurize
or when I think about the bad things that can happen,
they just get.
Speaker 2 (35:57):
Bigger and bigger and bigger. Yeah, but when I prepare.
Speaker 1 (35:59):
For things, like when I know what I'm going into
and I feel prepared, it's a totally different feeling. I
really love again the openness of feeling like there's someone
who has access to another realm that actually has real knowing.
Speaker 4 (36:13):
I think it's important to trust your intuition and your
gut instinct. I always say that's your loved ones and
if you don't mind me saying it, even God guiding
them and saying, you know, you got to pay attention here.
And I understand that things happen for a reason, you know.
And I know you know how many times my daughter.
Speaker 2 (36:32):
Was born in twenty seventeen, she said seventeen. You said seventeen.
Speaker 4 (36:37):
Right, You'll be able to connect with it in a
lot of in different ways, in different ways. I just
was like, ringo, I love the way you raised your
hand because that was totally like, you know, like, oh
I got it.
Speaker 2 (36:53):
I'm like, that's an important That's an important number in
my world, you know.
Speaker 4 (36:57):
I mean, it's happened time and time again. When a
child else wants me to say to their mom, you know,
I was exactly where I was supposed to be the
day that I died. How do I say that to someone?
Speaker 2 (37:07):
That's hard?
Speaker 4 (37:09):
But then the souls will explain it, and that's the
thing that is amazing. They'll say. Sometimes they'll have me say,
you know, I almost died at birth or something happened
as a young Try where I shouldn't survive and where
I look at it that God gave us these seventeen
years you know, he didn't take you from me. We
were given this gift of seventeen years. And I think
because there's most certainly been things in my life that
have happened. And I was like, oh, and I thought
it was like the end of the world, and I
did almost die and I looked at it like, yeah,
you know what this was. This happened for a reason
because I needed to reground myself. I needed to reprioritize
my life and get my life in order. And you know,
so things I do believe truly do happen for a reason.
I don't think it's a clear cliche statement, and I
don't believe in coincidences. I believe that that is someone
something playing a bigger part in our life.
Speaker 1 (38:11):
Speaker 2 (38:13):
Do you when when someone dies really young, do they
end up sort of growing up on the other side
the soul grows.
Speaker 4 (38:19):
That's an interesting yes, because souls will show me that.
They'll show me like say that they'll show me, they'll
show me the number four and then they'll they'll like
go like, they'll show me their soul below my knees
and then they'll be my height. That's my symbol for that.
The soul has grown on the other side. And some
people will say then they'll sometimes they'll have me say
they I showed my mom in a dream. They just
dreamt of a little girl, and she didn't recognize or
tell her that's what I would look like. And the
I know that I don't even dream of my life
so crazy, and they'll say, I did have a dream
and I thought it was my daughter, So you know,
and I I think the thing that I love about
the work that I do is that it allows people
to feel the way that they feel and to validate
what they're feeling, where other people might think that they're
crazy or that it's just wishful thinking, or they're just
trying to make themselves feel better. M you know, it's
still after all these years of doing what I do,
spirit continues to have me do or say something that
my jaw just drops and I'm like, I'm out. I
gotta go because it's crazy. It's crazy in an amazing Wayah.
Speaker 2 (39:41):
Wow. Do you have spirit guides that help you with
this process? And are they human spirit guides or are
they were they humans wants or are they angels? What
do you consider them to be?
Speaker 4 (40:08):
That I don't know. I was just shown that they
were my spirit guides. Solarna is my angel, she is
my god side. And then I have Chief, which is native,
so indigenous. He watches over and he takes care of
a different part of my gift.
Speaker 2 (40:30):
Speaker 1 (40:31):
Yeah, are you able to have conversations with them?
Speaker 2 (40:33):
Speaker 4 (40:34):
I have. They're the ones that showed me that this
is the work that I have to do. They also
told me this is my last journey here in the
physical world, that my soul will not re enter because
I've done the work. And now I don't know if
I'm gonna then become a guardian angel or a spirit
guide or what have you. Because some people have said
spirit guides never walked the earth before. Some people say
that there are other loved ones. So the work that
I do is so much more than just communicating with
people that have died. It has reunited families back together.
It has given people back their faith and whatever that is.
Sometimes it's a religion, faith in themselves, faith in living
life again. And because no matter what has happened to
us in the past five years, four years, we all
lost something and I think we deserve to grieve. Whatever
that is. An argument, a friendship, a job, maybe we
retired and retirement doesn't look the same. I think we
have to just learn to love, honor, and respect ourselves
more than anything.
Speaker 1 (41:40):
For sure.
Speaker 2 (41:41):
I love we We've never been so like sucked in
Jess on a.
Speaker 3 (41:44):
Podcast Theresa, You've got us.
Speaker 2 (41:48):
We're like, we can do this for hours.
Speaker 3 (41:51):
I know, I feel a.
Speaker 1 (41:53):
Little dumb, to be honest, I feel I feel like
my brain just got sucked out of my head.
Speaker 2 (41:59):
I know, because you're we're talking about something that's just
so important. I really think it's just so important. We're
talking about the spirits of people that we have, what
we love so much in this world, that we really
don't know anything about. And it's hard not to know
all the things, right. So, I think when you're in
the presence of someone that has this kind of gift,
it's just so exciting and you're in so much awe
that you don't even know all. Like, you know, it's like,
I'm glad that I have some questions written down, because
they're all out the window now.
Speaker 4 (42:32):
Well. Sometimes I always feel like if you go over
the questions somehow during our conversation, they were probably answered
in some way, shape or form.
Speaker 2 (42:41):
Yeah, yes, no, I just I think that what you
do is so incredible and it's and it is interesting
to have been raised in a way that you know,
you're not.
Speaker 3 (42:50):
Supposed to like meddle with all those things.
Speaker 2 (42:53):
And I and as I've gotten older, I've just really
don't feel that way anymore because I feel like if
I crossed over and I had the opportunity to speak
to my kids, I would take that opportunity. I'm not
saying that, you know, every spirit feels that way. I'm
sure some spirits don't. Well do you do you come
across spirits that refrain from coming through.
Speaker 4 (43:18):
That refrained from coming through? Yes, no, because if I
can see them, I know that they're there for a
reason so that they have something to say. And I
think it's important. You know, you know you you use
the word and I liked it. You said meddling, and
you're one hundred percent right. There are probably people and
things on how people meddle on the other side that
they shouldn't. You know. I can just speak for myself.
I protect everything that I do in God's white light.
I treat the souls of the departed like my children.
If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say
anything at all, go to the back of.
Speaker 2 (43:55):
The room, you know.
Speaker 4 (43:59):
So. And I just love when when spirit you know,
when you could just feel that someone is lighter, but
you could just see it. You know, You'll have to
come to one of my live shows, I mean, because
just to feel it and witness it is just something.
And to watch spirit guide me around a space is just.
Speaker 2 (44:19):
It's I watch your show Raising Spirits. Yeah, and I
name I mean, I mean, I've watched all your shows.
I know that this is like your newest show. But
every episode I'm sucked in, Like every single episode I
walk away and it doesn't it doesn't feel like a
TV show to me. It feels like like a spiritual experience.
Just being an audience member it is. I can imagine
an a live show where you're touring with so many people,
the energy in that audience must be like it's crazy.
Speaker 3 (44:53):
Speaker 4 (44:53):
And to watch perfect strangers console one another, that's what
always gets me is you know, it kind of restores
my faith in the world. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (45:05):
Connection, mm hmm. Yeah, you do incredible and very powerful.
I know, I know. I want to talk to you
all day, Teresa.
Speaker 4 (45:14):
You could end me back on Okay, You're only a
zoom away exactly.
Speaker 1 (45:22):
Yes, yes, yes, okay, oh my gosh, I think you
think you. Thank you, thank you for coming on, thank
you for your openness, for your teaching, for your healing.
Really grateful.
Speaker 4 (45:34):
Thank you.
Speaker 3 (45:35):
And then Teresa, where can people get tickets for your tour?
Speaker 4 (45:38):
Theresakaputro dot com. And I tell people out there too,
there's a lot of scams out there. If people are
contacting you pretending to be me asking for money, it
is not me. Join my fan club. So you could
purchase tickets at the correct ticket pricing. It's nineteen ninety nine.
It's worth it to purchase the tickets. And I give
all the proceeds after the quster of running the fan
club back to the fans. So we're able to do
a lot of great things, donating money, doing great fan
club events, and a lot of great work. So I
just want to thank the both of you for really,
I guess, giving me a platform in a way of
just really showing a different side of me. So I
appreciate that very much.
Speaker 2 (46:20):
Thank you, and thank you for talking to some of
our people on the other side.
Speaker 4 (46:23):
Of course, anytime I'm getting also all right, we'll have
to have you back on and I'm going to steal
you for a longer reading at some point. You never
know you thank you anytime, thank you, thank you.
Speaker 2 (46:40):
Oh holy moly, that Oh my gosh, that was a lot.
That was a lot.
Speaker 1 (46:44):
I've never seen us be speechless.
Speaker 3 (46:47):
Yeah, we always have.
Speaker 2 (46:48):
So I had all these questions and I don't know
what happened. I feel like I was just so sucked in.
I didn't even want to bother talking. It's almost how
I felt. I was like, let me just listen to
her all day.
Speaker 1 (47:01):
Speaker 3 (47:01):
Yeah, she believes that people have this gift.
Speaker 1 (47:04):
Yeah. I felt a little self conscious that. I was like, yeah,
I feel intuitive too. I mean, well, I'm like not
compared to her, Well, that's.
Speaker 2 (47:12):
The next level. And I didn't realize that she had
it since she was four two.
Speaker 1 (47:17):
I the other mediums that I have spoken with, it
was very very.
Speaker 2 (47:21):
That's very young. I can't imagine to them.
Speaker 1 (47:24):
Yeah, And it's also like that feeling of I think
I feel like the common thread is feeling not like
the others when that's happening.
Speaker 2 (47:33):
Yeah, No, I just I think that she's when you're
in the presence of someone that has it, feels like
they have that like telephone line, right, that like direct service, Yeah,
that access. It's just you don't want to stop talking.
Speaker 1 (47:49):
She also impressed me with her ability to translate and
the way that she has created her own filters for
what's coming through her. It seemed very much like it
was about healing. Like I heard her say healing the
most and I heard her really categorize what she has
as a gift and that if she could use uh
that gift to heal others and help others, that that
would be that'd be what she wants.
Speaker 2 (48:17):
Yeah, oh my gosh.
Speaker 1 (48:18):
Yeah, well there were I'm multiple we can see each other.
You guys can't see us, but I am. I cried
multiple time too. Yeah, I was very emotional.
Speaker 2 (48:27):
I just this is one of those podcasts that we're
gonna we're gonna say goodbye to you guys. But I
think I'll just sit in my chair for like an
hour just processing. Yeah. Yeah, it's so crazy. Yeah, we
definitely want to have her back on. And I know
we only got through a few questions, but you guys,
if you have more, send us, and I promise that
I'll try and.
Speaker 1 (48:49):
We'll figure out we would we would we want one
single person where we're like and we're done with you.
Speaker 2 (48:54):
No more you no no. But this one's just this
one was extra wild. This yeah, this one was another realm.
I loved it and I love you and.
Speaker 3 (49:04):
I love you too.
Speaker 2 (49:05):
It was such a like, I mean, I want to
like cry that I like got to like talk to
somebody through you too. Yeah, with you.
Speaker 1 (49:14):
Very special, all.
Speaker 4 (49:15):
Right, you guys.
Speaker 2 (49:16):
This was an extra extra special episode of Call it
what it is, Jessica, why don't you call it?
Speaker 1 (49:23):
Yes, I think that we can now call it the
end of the episode,