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April 25, 2024 34 mins

It’s The Big Show on Calm Down with Erin and Charissa and they are ready to talk all things Taylor Swift and ‘The Tortured Poets Department’! They also discuss Erin’s surprising reading material these days, Charissa misplacing her wallet and when’s the last time you washed your toothbrush head?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I'm going to tell you what I end up doing.
I read this and I look around. I'm like, can
anyone see that this is crazy? I want to go
back to reading Pro football talk. This is nuts. Calm
Down with Erin and Chrissa is a production of iHeartRadio.

Oh Hello there, whoa there? A frog? Must what's happening
like a frog? No? Nick? A little turkey? Happy Thanksgiving?
Hello everybody, and welcome to the Calm Down Podcast. We
have got a lot of things to discuss today. And
if I interrupt this podcast because there's a call from

an Uber driver, it will be my greatest call. Because
I lost my wallet in an Uber last night with Aaron.
Wasn't even intoxicated and we were just chatty mcchatterson's and
I put my phone and my wallet whatever, my fucking
stupid purse in the backs eat and I think it
fell out back there. So if anyone knows other ways

to get a hold of your Uber driver other than
the app, so you can such a pain in the ass.
Is it a bigger pain in the ass to lose
your wallet or your phone? We will discuss that along
with Taylor Swift's new album I'm excited about that Korean skincare.
Aaron isspired up about Korean skincare. I don't even know

what this is about, but I'm excited to hear about it.
What else you got for us today on the VIC ship?
My god, I might as well lose my wallet because
of what I spent on Korean skincare, Dove bar, and
I don't mean the chocolate one. This is not an ad.
I want it to be an ad. Carissa, I have. Oh,
I've told you about the Dovecare, the Dove bar, what
it can do for your life. Oh yeah, and so

is faith Hill. There's more on that. I don't even
you know that component of it. And again I hope
to find my wallet yep. And then also I had
a scare at the vet. I'm going to chat about that.
I'm going to become a veterinarian. And then we got
some great headlines. So it's gonna be a great, big show.
Let's jump right into it. Taylor Swift shocks us all

and releases not one, but two albums. This gal, she's good.
She is an unbelievable the marketing genius of her and
Tree and the whole team, like, oh my god, you
know what I've been dying to tell you or did
I already tell you? You know how when we found

out on Serious Radio Channel thirteen, which my like it's
been there the whole time, and we were when we
found out it was announced she was doing it, and
we were like, she's so fascinating, Carissa. She did that
so the new album could be played on it. So smart, genius,
so smart, Go ahead everyone. I always say that people,

uh sporting event should study the masters on how that
event is run. Everything is so precise and brilliant, a
tradition unlike any other. Everyone needs to study. If you're
a the music industry, if you want to have a brand,
if you want to be a famous whatever, Yes, you
do have to have talent. Study how this woman does everything.
She's like even from like the YouTube short little videos

to everything. It is just a masterclass. Harvard should be
teaching a Taylor Swift class. Yeah, somebody is. I know
there is somebody out there doing it. Last night when
we got home, I sat and I watched this YouTube
video of the Easter eggs. She plants and like it's
all it's all thought out. I mean, this is we've
discussed it before. She's really smart. She uses some words

I had to look up with the title of this song.
With Travis. We had to go you and I both did.
We're on a text chain, and she goes, just googled alchemy.
I was like, already did it an hour ago. Should
have sent it your way. My bad fortnight means two weeks.
Hold on, Oh, I didn't know that. I thought that
was a video game. Yeah, but it's It means like

in old English, I'm absolutely butchering this. You know how
smart I am. It means two weeks. So two weeks
of my life? Wait, really die for this song? Wait?
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on? What's it called? Oh?
I can do it with a broken heart? Have you
got there? Yeah? So here's what I did. I did
the preview, I was on the phone with you. I
did of all the songs just really quickly. Now I

need to do a deep dive with the lyrics because
I'm a lyric person, so I need to sit down.
But I did do the lyrics on the Amy song
Woo Tough. Tell me that there's a lot of different
things going on here, but I do I need a
guide to help me through what a lot of these
songs mean and are we sure they're about so and
so and so and so, like what's happening this one?

And every girl and somebody said this to me, like,
you know, when we talked about going through the fertility
journey and having to shoot up or just learning that
you've like no, my seven divorces and to go yeah,
leave you deal deal with drama exactly. We always talk
about how women have to deal with it differently. And
I am dying this song. I can do it with
a broken heart. It's basically talking about her her heart

being broken. She's on tour, she's doing all this stuff,
she has to be on hit Your end of this
song is money. We are not friends with Taylor, we
are in our minds, but I know when we end
up having one night with her, I feel like she's
gonna love us because her fucking humor is so us
where she's at the end of the song and it's
talking about you know you're good and I'm good, and

then she like literally like speaks in the song because
she goes cause I'm miserable and nobody even knows it's funny.
I know she's greaty, She's great. Everything about her is
and you know, and so then because of course on Instagram,
where it's like if you like once, like all I
get is Taylor Swift videos and rescue dog videos, and

it's like I have you know, I have such trauma
when I'm scrolling because it's like, good Taylor Swift and
it's like, then, rescue this dog he's been in the
shelter from I'm like, it's just the rollercoaster of emotions
on the Explore page is crazy. But she is so great.
I just feel like she's so she's like one step

ahead of everyone else, but also like so genuine about
everything and honest about stuff. I don't know, I just
love her. I think she's great. I mean the high
school song are you Gonna marry, kiss or kill Me?
It's all just a game, but I'm betting on all three.
I like privately got turned on. I was like, this
is incredible. The old part where she's like brand new,

full throttle. I was like a romance novel. I have
you ever read one of those? Yeah? I have what
because you have friends? Well, I'm halfway through one. I
feel like I'm reading one with the Taylor Swift album
because my friends are are you kidding me. You've read

you're reading it's I'm reading how to like find Peace
in My Life, and you're reading Dadanielle Seel Romance at
my face, I should find peace in my life. Yes,
I have a crazy group of hockey wives that have
me in this romance novel book club. One of us
is totally appalled and upset. Our other friend, Jackie Quick,

He's going, you know it's fiction, right, Like wait, is
this so like you're reading it? Are you like getting
turned on? Because it's like very graphic these books. No, No,
I'm going to tell you what I end up doing.
I read this and I look around. I'm like, can
anyone see that? This is crazy? I want to go
back to reading Pro football talk. This is nuts on

the plane? Like this has her romance novel in a
like of football preview magazine, like looking for seriously the
Kansas City Jets and all their Super Bowls and like
it's like he took her off the horse Ruby Ranch.

You get it. That's not the Bunny Ranch. That's not
what we're doing up there. But my god, I gotta
get a romance nob. I'm gonna be honest. It's slow
reading for me. I'm more like, oh, it's dropped this week.
What are we doing with the number one? Number two pick?
My husband's like, don't you want to read the romance novel? No,
what are the commanders doing? That's Minnesota doing for a quarterback?

He took the settle off the horse. Oh but just
are they gonna sign Justin Jefferson. That's the problem with
my life right now. Can you imagine we talked about this,
Chriss and you and I wrote an album and I'd
be like, I'm trying to read a romance novel. No,
you know where to do. We're gonna write a song.
We're gonna write a Taylor Swift inspired song. We're gonna

hope with some great lyrics, and we're gonna present it
to all of you guys next week. Hey, we got
to talk about this because we talked about this in
the car and we also texted I I'll still no
miss putting from a uberdriver, shit putting a bow on
our tail or. Swift conversation. The fact she can just
pour her heart out put people on notice. It's awesome.

It's made me think about a few songs i'd write.
I know you are thinking about it. I got forty
two songs, forty two names of certain individuals, and I
would be capitalizing all the letters. Okay, you wouldn't have
to do down four across five and try to figure
out whose name. I'm saying, you could fucking figure it

out real quick. So everyone that's ever pissed me off
should be terrified because I'm coming out with my own album,
sure you know, and tour. I'll be making up the
choreography for it. Oh okay, Taylor Swift, we love you.
You're the APPS. We love you. Speaking of which, can
you please lock down the dates in June? Enough's enough, Steve,
You guys asked me ninety seven times. I go call

them wait for something. No, it's not even that. It
maybe something else what we got to talk? But Taylor
aren't come in for you just don't. I know you
don't care. But I found my passport. I don't have
a wallet, but I found my passport. I'm getting to
learn London for you. Okay, you want to talk about

Korean skincare, which will start from the beginning of this.
I don't know what this is about. I know that
we can't have a lot on your plate. App wise
and things to be on. But I need you to
get a TikTok account because I'm only on it for
stupid things, and Korean skincare is definitely not stupid. But
I can't stop. I was in the car yesterday for

an hour forty five minutes when apparently there wasn't supposed
to be any traffic, and I gotta tell you, Korean
skincare is I love when you do that. I gotta
tell you, tell yeah, that's generally. I'm in a player media,
Tell yeah. I'm in a production with Sean Payton. Now
the player. Look here, the player. I gotta tell you

he's in the building. Korean Skincare is all the rage. Okay,
what does that mean? Like it's a Korean brand skincare,
Like it's brand all these women have gorgeous skin, the
last skin. They do all these different steps. They're very
big on double cleansing. You do a quick oil cleans.
I bought an oil cleanse yesterday that apparently takes the

black heads and see them right out. Okay, well, can
I ask you so it's not just one brand, it's
just Koreans skincare across the boat. Yes, yes, yes, that's
not the name of the brand. It's like, you know,
we have American skincare, European Italian. This is Korean skincare.
They're very big on glass skin. I don't know. I
may be too old for glass skin. But they are
into double cleansing. They're very into toner's, very into a serum,

very about a toner. I've never I always skip that
step because I don't think I need it, but it
sounds like I do. If I can get the skin
that these women have, I'll be toning it all day long.
I need to tone on my ass and my skin. Hey, well,
can you elaborate a little bit because I'd like some
more information. Is this like, can you tell me what
kind of brands we're working with or is it all
over the place, Because you know, I need ninety seven steps.

I'm good on like one stop shopping. There's some steps,
But what I would really like to do is go
to downtown LA. They have some of these like Korean.
All right, let's go stores that carry and apparently when
you go, according to the TikTok people I've been looking at,
they will actually walk you through the steps you need.

Anothers are very big, you know, you know my nail lady,
who like I love, She's always giving me a magic potion.
In fact, I've got three of them in the fridge
right now. Have I used any of them? No? But
also lends sketchy because she gives me these. She gives
me these potions, but they have like a prescription thing
on the front of it, but she's taken the name
off the front of it, so I don't know who's

subscription I'm using. No, But you know me, I don't
ask questions. Now, I showed on our ig that box
cutter that she uses on my face. You would be mortified.
You're ripping toys out of max hand in the class,
the Jimboree class, I am using a box cutter that
she just opened up new OPI colors with. Doesn't bother
me not looking like classh God, maybe that's not a routine.

Well I don't know, but okay, let's go take a
field trip one down and yeah, well, I would love
to with you. Apparently their sunscreen is unbelievable because they
don't want to get sunburned. There's rice and probiotics in it,
That's what I've gathered. But you know how, somebody told
me and I don't know if this is I've gathered.
Somebody told me when they were working with rice water,

women were finding like their hands were looking so good
because the rice water was getting on their hands. I
don't know. This could be completely crushit exactly why I
should be studying the draft and not Korean skincare. But
I'm interested. Well, there's time to do both. Read romance novels,
have great skin, and know who's going first overall, Caleb, Okay,

still don't have a miscall from my uber driver? Is
it not to stir? No, it's all loud, So why
we get it? I lost the wallet. The problem that
I'm having here with this, other than the annoyance of
just having to reorder all the shit, is I've been
really good about not losing stuff, Like I misplaced the

freaking passport because I had to hide it because after
the break in, I hide anything that's valuable. But like
I used to be the queen of like just Hansel
and Gretel, like leave shit around and like not care
or not that I didn't care. I just was like
being irresponsible, Like hey, put your sunglasses in the case.
Let's not scrape them, Like let's just take care of
our stuff, and I've been so good about that lately,

and I just feel I'm disappointed in myself that I
didn't check the car. And when I lived in New York,
I used to be so good about whenever I'd get
out of a cab or an uber, I'd look back
at the seat and make sure I didn't leave anything.
So I have to get back in the routine. And
I'm trying to take a positive out of a negative situation.
But when getting out of a car, I'll check my

stuff and then I just I just please, I want
my wallet back. I We're gonna find you today. We
were such a good friend yesterday for us to go
as far as we did on a Sunday in the
middle of the afternoon, any day for our little Jill,
of course. But I'm like, no good deed goes unpunished. No, No,
I lost my wallet, but anyways, I'm to find it back.

But I will say this, I'm curious what you guys think.
Is it a bigger pain in the ass to lose
your wallet or your phone. I can argue both sides,
because the phone nowadays, I cloud you just go get
a new one and then it's like everything's up and running,
but the wallet, we're still having to reorder the cards

and all this that I don't know. They're equally annoying,
but but you gave American Express a shout out because
they were very, very helpful, and thank you American Express.
Understand if you want to revoke this privilege that you,
unbeknownst to you gave me. Do you know on the
phone today when I called them, they're unbelievable. American Express
is frickin like my Delta. When it comes to credit cards,

they are just like immediately, like your new card will
be there tomorrow. Da da da da da. They're probably
the guy ends the phone call and says, thank you
for being a loyal customer for the last forty two years,
And I'm like, what forty two years? Well, I have
a picture of my card in my phone for like,
I don't know, sense someone to buy something. It says

on the front of the card customer or whatever client
since eighty two. They messed up. They put my birth
date as when I've been a member of American Express.
So American Express thinks that I've been a member with
them for forty two years. Maybe he was just looking
at your birth date. No, sis, I went and looked
at my card that I have a picture of, and

they says that to member. Since on the front of
the card when you go go look at your AMEX,
it says members, since yours will probably say two thousand
or whatever, ninety eight eighty two. I got my card
at birth forty two years. Loyal customer, No wonder they're
the car in twenty four hours you're getting I'm surprised
I got here now center on Wow. Probably the amount

of money I's been on. Maybe now I can't spend money,
so this is a good thing. Anyways, thank you American
Distress for being wonderful, helpful, very helpful. All right, we
uh oh, I had a big traumatic week aside from
losing my wallet. I want to give a shout out,
a lot of shout outs here, sure to veterinarians. I'm
going to become a vet. So at the ranch had
a little bit of a scare my sweet Simba. I

went to like take his collar off because it was
like smelled gross and was like looking dingy underneath the collar,
massive hole, like the dude had a Tracheoto me, I'm
thinking a coyote has gotten into his neck. Something's happened.
Rush him to the vet. Now I'm in the middle
of nowhere, this ranch, so the vet is not like
five minutes away. The vet is an hour and a
half away. Oh my god. To get on hundred and

fifty pound dog in the car and this sweet dog
of mine's been rescued that I just got from the pound.
I'm putting him back in the car and he's thinking
to himself, oh my god, she's probably taking me back.
He's thrown up, he's shit on himself because he's so terrified.
Poor thing. So I finally get him in the car

and I take him to the vet and I don't
have an appointment, obviously it's an emergency. But God love
the vets. I pull up and they're like, okay, is
it an emergency. I'm like yeah, And I proceed to
sit in the parking lot for the next forty five minutes.
If this is an emergency, can you like get me
in here? Like the poor dog is just like sitting there,
and it's like, I get it. We have other animals,

but like the whole idea of like the urgency behind things,
if they're all backed up. There's I need to become
a veterinarian. There is always that we're doing. I be
so sad. I don't understand how they They love animals
so much, but I just don't understand how they can
put away there. Like I don't know, I'm making couldn't work.
I couldn't work at a children's hospital or or be

a bet. But I got to say this the vets,
and I know that they're you know, there's some good
ones out there, there's some bad ones as well. If
you tell me that I have to pay forty five
thousand dollars to save this dog, I'm totally I'm doing it.
It could be the biggest racket out there. And I'm
like totally. They're like, we need to do this, we
need this. He's got the d worm. Mean, he's got this.
And I'm like, yep, yep, yep, there's nothing I'm going

to say no to. No, you can't give it. And
I had a credit card, Yeah, I give it to them. Yeah,
would you like to use the card on file? Yes,
I will use the card. But yeah, the VET I'm like,
oh my god, A we need more of them, because
you guys are sayings and b you can charge me
whatever you want. I won't know. It's that going to
a mechanic. Hey, we're going to need to fix this.
This this on your car. I won't know. Anyways, he's okay,

Thank thank god. I know. I vet you worried. The
old hole in the neck. You know, don't sit well
with anyone. I know. I want to give a shout
out to somebody too. And then let's get to our
headlines because they're actually really good. So we've to discuss
this before the dove bar. Yeah, the white soap dove bar.
Just again, my girlfriend who is a mother of four,

two hockey players. Her husband was a hockey player. This
came into my life, the dove bar and dove. If
you'd like to sponsor calm down, we won't calm down.
We would be so excited. I love dove. They okay.
The dove bar is as good as a tide stick
or a shout stick, anything like that. It gets up puke, blood, bathrooms, daines, wine,

wine stains, hine's on your runner. You want to know
how this is how I know? My girlfriend was visiting
us and it was actually our anniversary. My husband. Instead
of jewelry gives me a signed jersey from a player
I love very very much. I was crying. I was
so excited. Don't have to get this girl diamonds, just
get her an autograph jersey. As we're looking at it,

there's blood on it, and I'm like, oh my god,
this is game warn this is fucking huge. Jared's thumb
was bleeding, so he's like, oh my god, oh my god.
Our girlfriend June grabs a white dove bar. She puts
it on there, she gets it out. It's great. I
just found a top that I wore for the Taylor
Swift game when she came to Kansas City for the

Bears KC game. That was probably week five. I got
a dry clean there was makeup on it. I don't
even want to tell you the stupid amount of money
I paid on that friggin tank top, but I did.
And I'm like, oh my god, is this now ruin.
I just took a dove bar before the old Calm
Down podcast. I got the stain in out. You did
right now, you couldn't, I did. Okay, good, I'm glad

you said that because I spent too much money on
white T shirts because all I wear is T shirts
and the makeup won't come out of it, and I
washed it twice and bleached it, and I'm like, yo,
what kind of makeup am I wearing? That? Like won't
come out and dilute not Korean's game care make I
won't need makeup if I use that. Now? Are we
using the dove bar wet or dry? Like? Are you

wet the surface a little and then use it as
an eraser? But you only need a little amount. I
know who I'm talking to. Tanning bottle like Tanning drops.
You put the whole thing in your hand and you
put it on shock. Just do a little, tiny, tiny bit,
then get a wet cloth, wipe it off. My makeup
stain on that stupid expensive top is gone. Dove Bar
to the rescue made me in such a great mood.

Here's the synergy, which that makes me happy. Synergy here
of dove Bar and Korean skincare what Faith Hill, who
I have loved ever since they breathe her rolling around
in the white sheet and that long flowy hair. She
is someone that I just you don't need a romance novel.

Just watch that video. No, she just uses dove No,
this is what I've been told maybe this has changed.
But at the beginning, or a few years ago, I
was told that because I'm like, God, I just love
her so much. And someone told me, who knows her
very well, doesn't do anything skincare wise, just uses soap,
Dove soap like on her face, and I was like,
of course she does, and she looks incredible. Great the

little moisturizer and the day is done. I'm busy. I mean,
we're busy downtown LA looking for the next you know,
fountain of youth. But maybe they all work, just the
different skin types. But yeah, Dove to the rescue. Speaking

of soap. This leads into the headline. God, it's all
just coming together. That's when that happened. See I can
host just kidding. I've tried. It didn't go off. Doc,
you're a ridiculous blowing How tip you should do to
your toothbrush nightly on TikTok see doctor Joe Whittington. Every
single night you should be washing your tooth brussels toothbrush

brussels wow with soap and water. Not only can this
greatly impact the amount of bacteria and plaque build up
in your mouth. Now studies are showing the bacteria in
your mouth. I've heard this maybe linked to cardiovascular health,
including the development of heart failure. And I'll let you
take that next word. I don't have the headline up

a trial fibrillation. Okay, cardiovasco had development of heart failure
and atrial fibrillation fibrillation. Here's my thing on that. So
I have the Soniccare toothbrush. Okay, how often are you
changing that bristle head? I supposed to do it when

the blue goes down, right, Oh, I don't know. Need
to change it before we go away. I need to.
I need to know how often I should be changing this.
But what I do do I don't wash it with
soap and water, But I guess I need to now
because that like grosses me out that I haven't been
doing it. But I after I brush my teeth, I
will wipe the bristle head on the towel, like on

the hand towel so it doesn't says have a lot
of bacteria on them. Oh, well, what am I supposed
to do? Because I just don't want it sitting there wet. Also,
I'm so grossed out, Like my toilet is not near
the counter I'm so flushing it. I'm so grossed out
when I think about like different bathrooms or hotel bathrooms
or things that we're in when that tooth brush is

sitting on that counter and you flush the toilet, and
I mean, what use spew? I'm going spew thinking about it.
And I've gotta be honest, I'm not I'm not carrying
that little plastic cover thing on it. I lose that
the first week. That thing's not saying on it. I
know mine's just rolling around in the old uh yeah
dog in the whatever it's gone top kit. This's saying dobkin,

dob kit. I'm gonna get your dob kit that says
dob kit on it all right, next headline. I don't
have a solution to what we should do about that,
but I guess I'm gonna start washing it with soap
and water. Yeah, and stop putting it on your hand towel,
because that there's a lot of bacteria on it. Well,
I's gonna because it's what what No? I not to
tell you why. Well, I was busy losing my wallet

in the car last night and we were getting into
our deep conversations about Taylor Swift and being good friends.
You've got to take off your active on social media.
I don't know how. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, this is
I know I'm on right now. How do we do it? Okay? Well,
I don't know the steps we'll do when we get off.
Here's the announcement. So it all started when I was

in the nail salon yesterday and I said to Aaron.
I said to Lynn, I go, why don't need to
know what Kim whoever smith is paying you for nails?
And she goes, oh, you can see that, And I'm like, yeah,
if you're Venmo, I have a big thing with this,
I don't want to know that, like Jen paid five
dollars for nachos. Like take your Venmo and get that

thing up high to do that. Okay, Well, I so
I said to Erin. I was like, we got to
also get you off the social media active thing. It
says Aaron Andrews active five minutes ago, or it has
a little green dot that says when you're on. So
if you don't answer my call, I know it's because
you're business scrolling and so I have to you're completely
outing yourself that it tells everyone when you're active on there,

so I'm gonna I'm not hiding from anyone. I know
you're not hiding, but I don't want to know. I
don't want people to know if I'm scrolling, and I
don't want them to judge how long I'm scrolling, or
if I was scrolling five minutes ago, or you know what,
if you're gonna judge me on that. I've been judged
pretty much since I was twenty two years old. Okay,
you know what. Then I got a song about that.

Judge me, you know, and I'm going to put that
on the Tortured Poets Society. I'm I'm looking out for you.
So I love that, but it's ruining my life. What
a line? Wow? Active and I love She had post
Malone on it. Sorry, Okay, we got to figure out
how to like Karl Malone. Did I say what I

say post alone? Oh? I know I don't finish my words.
I yeah, Okay, we need to fix that. Okay, So
here's here's a PSA. Everybody check to see if your
settings on Venmo or on Instagram are active. If you
want everyone to know what you're spending money on, that's fine.
If you want people to know you're active on Instagram.
That's fine too. I'm just dying. I'm mysel. I just

put a heart, so I don't tell people that it
is for Tacos. I just put a heart. Oh okay,
well my picture's Gigi Hadid. I'm really fooling everyone out there, Okay,
but I'm just gonna tell you. It's like my version
of red receipts. I'm just out there looking out for
you because I know, and Steve has a few chats
with people right now and he's not letting them know
that their red receipts are on. And he's like, I'm

never going to tell him because then, you know, he
thinks that he's getting some intel. You know what I'm
gonna tell Steve. I will always thank you your red
receipts are on. Anyways. Okay, going back to our original
that you have something to tell me before I shocked
you with your act activity. You forgot, I forgot. Okay,
all right, let's go back to the headlines. They're really good. Okay,

next headline this restaurant. Do you remember what it was?
It's about skincare. But I don't want to see it
because I'm paying for it, and I would like them
to gift us or sponsor our podcast. I've started to
use these clean skincare sheets to wash my face and
take off makeup because and they're biodegradable, because face closs
wash cloths are so dirty, they're so gross, I know,

you know what. Actually, and I have a thing about
having a hand towel and a bathroom now because you're
the one that taught me to have the paper ones.
I can't do it in all the bathroomsase, but like
in a guest bathroom, the hand towel is kind of dingy. Yeah,
I know, I know your hand smells like it. It's
the whole thing. Yeah, So what are you doing with these?

Do you want to say the name of them? Or
no you don't? Yeah, I think I just did. Hold On.
They're great. They're sheets and like they're hold on clean
Clean skin Club. They're biodegradable sheet and that's what I
washed my face with, like clean off the skin Club.
Isn't it amazing when you wash your face and then
you use one of those and you're like, there's still
this much on there. Mine's on my T shirt apparently. Okay, Well,

I can't wait to can you make me a list
of the things that you've been buying off TikTok that
I don't know about. Yeah, okay, this restaurant, this, this
is why you're active. This is why is not This
is you're busy, you're working. This restaurant gives a free
bottle of wine, but you have to give up your phone.
I love this. Al condominio is that your name? Well, Great,

which opened in the northern city of Verona in March,
offers a free bottle of wine to customers who hand
in their phones before meals. Technology is becoming a problem.
There's no need to look at your phone every five seconds.
Well right now I'm waiting for an uber call. But
for many people it's like a drug. This way, they
have an opportunity to put it. Oh my god, I
love that, put it aside and drink wine. I think
that's a fantastic thing. You know what I've been doing

with Steve. When we sit down and we eat, I
take the phone other side of the counter. You don't
need it, there's nothing that important. If you're doing so
much work, that's fine. But if you're not, let's be
present in the conversation. Because what happens. It's like then
you start talking and it's like, oh, let me look
at that thing on my phone and let me show
you on my phone. No, let's be able to have
a conversation that isn't just about referencing something on our

phone or show you this or show you that. Like,
let's work on our communication. I love that. Where is
this Verona? Is this inn? Italy niece? All right, here's
a good one you like. Living with a stranger is
essential to preparing young people for the world. It's an
important part of learning to get along, to get along gang.

In recent years, some schools have pulled back the practice.
Many have adopted systems that give students far more control
over the process. So basically, some places they're allowing freshmen
to actually pick their roommates. Listen, I would run out
a good material if I didn't have if I had
picked my roommate my one room. Yeah, tell me crazy,
tell me go crazy, go. So was mine. I had

to I had to get out. I had to join
a sorority, and I wasn't even in the sorority. I
had mono. First year in college, had mine and hagirl, busy,
sigat and uh, had mono really bad in strap. It
was the whole thing. My dad, of course, had to
bring me home and we wrote her a note and

we were like, hey, just a heads up, like I
was sick, I had to go home, and she writes
me a note, no problem. Do you mind if I
borrow some of your makeup? Well it was probably good makeup.
It was probably good makeup. Karean skincare great makeup. I'm
not into you borrowing the makeup though, if you start
I had mono, Yeah, that's weird. That's like people that

like sometimes use your mescara and it's like, oh, have
we hadn't Pinka high? Are we? Isn't I infection? I
don't think we should be sharing that. That's Jamie makeup,
which she thinks of that anew my room when I
transferred up to Santa Barbara because I had went to
community college for the first two years. Got my residency,
we get it, we get it. Transfer in? Why transfer
in as a twenty one year old into college? Hag

and I my roommate is an eighteen year old that
doesn't speak English, and it's like I'm like, okay, this
is good for me, Like I'm gonna this is going
to be great. I'm going to learn a lot about
her and her culture, and you know, just really try
to acclimate myself into this whole college life that lasted
five minutes. She would cook food in this small dormitory

that smelled so bad, and I'm like, come on, no, no,
And so I had to join a sorority, which I
didn't want to be in a sorority because I'm not
a sorority gal. No offense, you are go, team Go.
And I lotedly luckily was able to rent a room
in this sorority that I didn't even have to join,
but like I could rent the room out and then
like still be friends with these girls but didn't have

to do all the things I had to get out
of that. I'm sorry, I can't twenty one year old
with an eighteen year old and like the smell of
the food food in her room had a microwave, and
I'm like, I'm on the top bunk and it's like
I'm too old for this. If I can go to
a if I'm a bartender and I can drink, I
can't be on a a trunk bed. Yeah, no, I'm out.

What I want in a top bond. Huh oh god.
I do think it's really good though, to throw yourself
into those situations where you don't know people. No, it's socialization,
but could be great. Yeah. I gotta go find out
how I'm gonna get on this airplane without a wallet.

I can do passport. Yeah, I feel so bad. Calm
down with Erin and Carissa is a production of iHeartRadio.
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