All Episodes

March 13, 2024 29 mins

Gene and Vlasta enjoy their anniversary vacation until a friend's murder draws Gene into assisting the CIA.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:07):
Monaco is the smallest, most densely populated country in the
world and also the wealthiest. Less than a square mile
of glistening coastline, filled with gorgeous beaches and gorgeous people.
It is known as the playground for the rich and famous,
but you need not be either to truly appreciate its wonders.
Whoa hey, what the heck? Lady? Can't you see I'm

writing here.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
If you don't come to the water, the water comes
to you. Now, put the pen down and stop ruminating
on the wonders of the modern day bikini. This is
supposed to be our anniversary vacation, not just another work trip.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
Need I remind my wife it's the writing that allows
us to afford vacations like this.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
Ah, wishful thinking? My husband?

Speaker 1 (00:53):
Is that so you man?

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Always so delusional? Everyone knows it's my photos sell our books.
It's simple math. Actually, how many words does a picture worth?

Speaker 1 (01:05):
The number is failing me.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
And by the way, darling, nit I remind you, we
can't actually afford vacations like this until I close the
deal for our new publishing contract. Fortunately, your old army
friend is the hotel concierge, proving once again, it is
not what you know?

Speaker 1 (01:24):
But who oh? Is that so?

Speaker 3 (01:27):

Speaker 1 (01:27):
Then let's see how much the photographer likes to get
wet herself.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
Hey, don't you dare? Let me put my camera down?

Speaker 4 (01:33):
First, camerade on first?

Speaker 2 (01:43):
Oh this water, it's so clear, it's like swimming in glass.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
Remember our first anniversary when we skinny dipped in the Amazon.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
I'm just glad the piranhas didn't get you. You are
as naked as the natives, King of natives. I saw
you observing the local girls. Would you prefer me better
in one of those skimpy bikinis that are all the range.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
I must admit the new fashion is hard to miss.
But you, my love, I prefer you and nothing at all.

Speaker 2 (02:16):
Oh, genius slimer, Who is that a Piranha?

Speaker 1 (02:22):
Happy anniversary, my love? And to Unia Moore, m.

Speaker 5 (02:28):
It's it's you.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
I think that Bill Hoop is waving at us.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
How may we help you? Monsieur Delo has sent me
to deliver a mess o.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
He invites you and your wife to an evening cocktail
on the South.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
Tell us, really now, I thought we might have other plans.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
It's your war body, not mine. A tribia tell mis
Si Devroux, we look forward to it's messy.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
And there goes his tip.

Speaker 2 (02:55):

Speaker 1 (03:00):
The palatial Hotel de Peri is the crown jewel of
Monte Carlo, a five star resort that takes its shining
crown very seriously. Every element the epitome of taste and luxury.
Set within a beautiful bell of poc Era building erected
in eighteen sixty four. It is on the grand terrace
where guests gather to see and be seen.

Speaker 2 (03:23):
Oh my god, look at these hotel guests. It looks
like they're out of a Morney painting. I hope I
remember my manners.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
I wouldn't worry about that. When I first met Fabian,
he was scavenging out of a vishy landfill outside Paris.

Speaker 2 (03:38):
I guess he has come a long way since then.

Speaker 5 (03:40):
Monsieur monsieur Madame Fodor, welcome the Hotels Paris. Oh, you're
so glad to have you.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
Jonas Vlasta, may I introduce Fabian Devereaux, my old friend
and the concierge at this fine establishment.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
Messiersieur Devo, your hotel is incredibly gorgeous and we greatly
appreciate the invitation your beauty.

Speaker 5 (04:01):
Only a Nancis is setting, Madame, beauty soradiant. It eclipses
the appearance of your humble husband's here.

Speaker 6 (04:07):
What is it?

Speaker 5 (04:08):
Your Americans say, is the face of the writer.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
And you have the face of a constipated frog's crine.
I missed you, you buffoon. It's been too long.

Speaker 5 (04:22):
Garson, A bottle of our finest and golden champagne and
three glasses.

Speaker 1 (04:31):

Speaker 5 (04:32):
I apologize for my email, but I missed my friend
for too long. Now please come join me.

Speaker 1 (04:37):
We have much to discuss.

Speaker 4 (04:39):
No aboutogy necessary, yea.

Speaker 5 (04:45):
Perfect to a long and passionate marriage. Mm hmmm.

Speaker 2 (04:53):
That champagne is incredible.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
Don't pern young If I'm not mistaken.

Speaker 5 (04:59):
You never my friend. I used to have the finest
ballads in other land, and the memory too match. This
man knows every crape on the vine and every bottle
in the cell.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
It does come in handy at a party.

Speaker 5 (05:10):
I love you know. This winter is extraordinarily for even
there's a growing season. It began with a reasonably cool spring,
which is slow but successful. But bursts before flowering see
summer months were consistently warm, with every reaching the sizzling
eyes that can suffocate the crape. The idellic condition continued

long and to the other. I'm allowing an easy the
successful harvest of a healthy crop one of their final
seasons ever.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
Oh, he dances on the town, truly magical.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
A toast to our friend Fabian mercy.

Speaker 5 (05:46):
Hospitality, speakinglish, Please, I must practice since your Chris Kelly
becomes a princess Grace, Your Americans arrive on the shows
of Monaco by a thousand, screaming of meeting Prince Charming
and becoming royalty.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
Well, you've done a terrific job of treating us as such.
Fortunately I've already met my Prince Charming.

Speaker 5 (06:07):
I'm glad the accommodation suit you, madam. We see monical
cramp re taking place tomorrow and recent fire at the
Hotel Metropolio are completely over books. But to disappoint some
powerful people.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
We appreciate you not evicting us. We're planning an entire
chapter on the Grand Prix in the next edition, the greatest.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
Race in the world right outside your doorstep. Truly incredible.

Speaker 5 (06:30):
Yes, what you hear now is roaming up for tomorrow,
studying every turn on the cause and bump on the street.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
Oh, I can't do wait. I brought special speed lenses
to capture.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
All the actions.

Speaker 5 (06:41):
I make sure you have the best view in the house.
How is it travel guide business? I see more of
your books hands is or does in the Bible itself?

Speaker 2 (06:51):
We're in twenty seven countries now, but our current publisher
barely gives us time to stand still.

Speaker 1 (06:57):
Fortunately, our contracts running out and losted negotiating with a
new publisher for months.

Speaker 5 (07:02):
So you write the books and place the business. I
understand now. It's a wise man who is a wise ocal.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
Man, then jeans a bona fide genius.

Speaker 1 (07:13):
That's right, honey.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
I'm actually meeting the CEO for the first time tomorrow
to go over the final details. He's in town for
the race. Probably writing it off is a business expense,
but if it goes through, we'll have an.

Speaker 4 (07:26):
Office in New York and even a small stuff.

Speaker 5 (07:28):
Hasn't it seems we have even more to sell.

Speaker 1 (07:34):
Your special guests.

Speaker 5 (07:36):
Mercy Francois Abioto, My apologies, but our next toust we
have to it's the French ambassador and his family have
just rife. Enjoy your stay. I see you tonight for dinner.

Speaker 7 (07:47):

Speaker 1 (07:48):
Well, I'll see. So what's Fabian's story?

Speaker 2 (07:54):
It seems like nothing's changed in years. Why not wife
and kids?

Speaker 1 (07:57):
The only children Fabian likes are the ones he's day.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
Remember the girl he brought to her wedding.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
The wine was older.

Speaker 4 (08:04):
Than she was and less intoxicated.

Speaker 1 (08:07):
Don't judge him too harshly. He had a family once,
but lost them during the war.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
Oh you never told me.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
I never met them, and Fabian doesn't talk about it.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
You men in your war secrets. Oh how did it happen?

Speaker 1 (08:22):
In air strike? Fabian was French resistance. When the Nazis
caught them trying to escape Paris. They sent Fabian to
a pow camp and his wife and son to a
concentration camp.

Speaker 5 (08:32):
Oh, no one survived.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Fabian helped them win the war, but it cost him everything.
The front of the Hotel de Paris opens onto a
grand plaza with beautiful views of the ocean, calling to
its well heeled guests, arms laden with shopping bags from
the nearby couture shops, each label a beacon of class

and status.

Speaker 3 (09:05):
Welcome to the Hotel Literary.

Speaker 5 (09:09):
In honor Monsieur Ambassador.

Speaker 8 (09:12):
We appreciate the last minute accommodation.

Speaker 5 (09:15):
Well, it is our pleasure as you and your family
have we been anticipating your arrival. After you get settled in,
perhaps I can give you itself. You want cellar. It
is the largest in the world, and you are quite
sick on air.

Speaker 8 (09:27):
Why don't we go?

Speaker 2 (09:28):

Speaker 9 (09:29):
That was not that nice at present?

Speaker 5 (09:31):
Maybe right this way, you see, Ambassador, you would never
know that didn't beneath a flower garden. We possess the

largest ruine cellar in the world. It has his undreds
of the thousands of a battle from every vintage.

Speaker 9 (09:59):
That is call incredible.

Speaker 8 (10:01):
An underground labarrel filled with fine wine. Pleas I would
not man getting lost in.

Speaker 5 (10:07):
During our most recent World war, the hotel employee sealed
off this section with seven rows of bottles, adding twenty
thousands of the most precious bottle from the Nazi. After
the war, Churchill himself came to celebrate the reopening abouttle
of eighteen eleven vintage R was enjoyed to Max the occasion.

Speaker 8 (10:25):
Winston did always enjoy his roalm.

Speaker 5 (10:28):
So you see, Ambassador, this is how good at keeping secrets.
May I introduce another.

Speaker 9 (10:37):
Sure Till Margo seventeen eighty seven, A shame. Even the
best Bordeaux on the last fifty years, eh cripe is lack.

Speaker 8 (10:46):
A man starts young and sweet, turns to alcohol with majority,
then goes to a warren old.

Speaker 9 (10:52):
Age ortn blending here on the behalf of the US government.
Thank you for joining us, Ambassador. I hope you've said uncomfortably.

Speaker 8 (11:01):
Fabian has been educating me on the fan their points
of the Oden.

Speaker 9 (11:07):
Please review this file, Ambassador. What we're proposing is a
multilateral treaty that would place Algerian peacekeeping under NATO oversight,
providing a ceasefire in the war to allow time for
peace talks.

Speaker 8 (11:19):
I was told presented this from England, Italy and Portugal
will also be attending this meeting in support of the twenty.

Speaker 9 (11:26):
They've arrived in Monte Carlo in secret, and we prepare
to meet during the Grand Prix to avoid detection at
Grande de Vergon Tibichure.

Speaker 8 (11:34):
I was told you also have evidence of an imminent
Soviet threat to the West down Europe.

Speaker 9 (11:40):
The intelligence will be presented at the meeting. It will
leave no doubt the Soviet threat is very real and
extremely dangerous.

Speaker 8 (12:00):
You idiots, what's what you're doing do you want to
kill us all?

Speaker 3 (12:04):
Sorry, sir, operationality is underway. The ESSs for fuselage USIP
and camouflaged according to your orders and hidden with the
farm equipment. And all these soldiers are dressed in civilian
clothes and quarantined below deck.

Speaker 8 (12:17):
Good and no more speaking of Russian English only you
are now a Norwegian cargo ship with a Canadian crew.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
You remember that, yes, sir.

Speaker 8 (12:28):
Once the rest of the cargoes loaded, burn the manifest
only you know the contents of the cargo.

Speaker 3 (12:35):
And burn, Sir, I must ask do the nuclear warheads
posing risk to the soldiers.

Speaker 8 (12:43):
Only if they are discovered, and they must not be discovered.
You are responsible for their safe delivery, and after leaving
port there will be no further contact.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
And said, just one more thing, what is our final destination?
The captain has been requesting.

Speaker 5 (13:16):
Cuba, Havana, Cuba.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
In addition to Hotel de Paris's luxurious accommodations and first
class service, make sure not to miss a chance to
dine at their Michelin starred restaurant, the most prestigious in
all of Monaco, where deals are made, celebrities are satiated
and French cuisine is at its.

Speaker 5 (13:50):
Peak, as is the chef's personal because it's what is
its translation. Ah, yes, he sweats from the body's.

Speaker 4 (14:02):

Speaker 2 (14:03):
You are so silly, Gine. I was just telling your
beautiful life.

Speaker 4 (14:07):
How I envy the life.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Of a hobble writers.

Speaker 4 (14:10):
A foots of people, hotels so fabulous. Is that how
you met Fabian? Oh no, not this story again.

Speaker 5 (14:19):
I met Geane under slightly less accommodating circumstances one and
more a prison camp in de Vous.

Speaker 4 (14:26):
I'm sorry I did not know.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
I served with the US Army as a frontline translator
during the war. We were captured and brought to the camp,
cold and starving. Fabian taught me how to survive on
k rations and merleau.

Speaker 5 (14:39):
Is this man so modest truses? It was Gene who
saved my life. He orchestrated a prison escape. I waited
until a moonless night and escorted an entire battalion of
bows from behind enemy lines. It's only his knowledge of
the land is his guid. Every night in that camp
I prayed to Saint Nicholas, who's faces GESU dear on

my necklace. A miracle turns out Eugenia It's the only
miracle work I needed.

Speaker 1 (15:09):
You're still wearing that rusty medallion around your neck, you
superstitious bastard.

Speaker 5 (15:13):
It's got missus far.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
In Colbert, how did you do it?

Speaker 5 (15:17):
Eugene means a genius. This an netlas In, said Brine.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
Just the family business. My father was a cartographer. He
never taught me how to ride a bike or fly
a kite. But I could tell you the streets of
Morocco or the canals of Amsterdam like the back of
my hand.

Speaker 5 (15:33):
It was the best place to buy a me leuto,
even a camo for set matter.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
Then he'll bargain with the street vendor in seven languages.

Speaker 1 (15:43):
What can I say?

Speaker 2 (15:44):
I'm well traveled, crize, impress your mom a true Renodson's man.

Speaker 5 (15:48):
Oh, don't get too impressed. Let's see if Moselfodo Hill
can guide us to the casino. It's time to try
a luck.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
I think I can manage it right this way, Miss
I mean.

Speaker 6 (16:06):
But a miss to please ab Please.

Speaker 5 (16:10):
Let's chance as well not to place.

Speaker 6 (16:14):
Oh no, mother, Chris, no, thank you so much. Let's cruel.

Speaker 4 (16:18):
Maybe you're leslie.

Speaker 6 (16:19):
Say that, madame, And no more beds, ladies and gentlemen,
no more beds please. Oh we're twenty four, willow.

Speaker 5 (16:35):

Speaker 2 (16:38):
I'm not sure I can take much more of this winning.

Speaker 4 (16:41):
It's giving me a headache.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
I'm going to pattern my nose.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
I'll watch your chips, darling.

Speaker 4 (16:46):
Last time you go to let toilette momenta doin you oof?

Speaker 2 (16:51):
Great? Lead away.

Speaker 5 (16:54):
And let's cigar. My friend, you've come a long way
from my fox early into them in my phone.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Much has changed, but not everything, it seems. While we've
gotten older, your girlfriends have an aged today.

Speaker 5 (17:07):
My fountain of you, they give me hop for ze will. Meanwhile,
Nutu still look like on Imun's. I guess life on
zero and Suzu.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
We are in a great place right now. Oh I
know I've lost to once more. Yes, this contract she's
negotiating is good business, but for her it's about something else,
settling down and planting roots.

Speaker 5 (17:28):
And he wants that too.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
Of course, who wouldn't thriving business, growing family, not living
out of a suitcase. But this is the only life
we've ever known, and.

Speaker 5 (17:39):
You feel change, my friend, joy shock always have been.
I'm afraid if you stopped moving forward.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Guess I'm more like my father than I thought speaking
of your father.

Speaker 5 (17:52):
I have a confessional to make.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
In truth.

Speaker 5 (17:56):
I invite you here for a reason. There's something very important,
show you. It's top secret.

Speaker 1 (18:01):
In fact, what is it?

Speaker 5 (18:04):
Something I've kept very safe? Gene, you see that man?
It's a buccle hot table. Has he been following us?

Speaker 1 (18:12):
I don't think so. Not sure everyone's dressed the same
in here. You're sounding paranoid, Buddy, Is everything okay? It
will be.

Speaker 5 (18:20):
I have to see Race. We can't Tokyo. Meet me
at my office in an hour. I explain everything.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
You're leaving right now. What about your date?

Speaker 5 (18:30):
I drive it will make sure she gets home safely.
Modern women, I love a good mystery ladies and get
them all bets fitful jo.

Speaker 7 (18:39):
Should we give it a go?

Speaker 1 (18:41):
Sure you're back, But where's the girl?

Speaker 2 (18:44):
I think I lost her by the black jack tables?
Where's Fabian going? Hiding from her too?

Speaker 1 (18:50):
He had to run. I'm gonna meet him for a
night cap later. Hold on, hold on, Oh my god,
he's been shot in the stomach. Somebody get an ambulance.
Hold on, Buddy, help us on the way. It's gonna
apply pressure. Ray, don't talk, just breathe right say, Nick,

he's going into Pardiac arrass. Come on, Davian, breathe.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
Please, please gone, Please, he's gone, Stelling, he's gone.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
Monica is one of the safest places you can travel
as a tourist. One police officer for every twenty three residents.
That's more police per capita than any country in the world,
and well trained, selected from the French Police Force before
going through an additional two years of intensive training, and
those criminals who are convicted face maximum sentences. Heavy security

for such a small country, yet danger often lurks in
the safest places, so a wary traveler should always keep
their wits about them.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
Jean, the attention the detective is coming.

Speaker 10 (20:23):
Good evening, mister and missus Vodor, thank you for sticking around,
and Detective Reno with the Monico police.

Speaker 11 (20:29):
You were a friend of the victim and the witness
to the crime.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
No, not a witness. We heard the gunshots and found
Fabian wounded and dying.

Speaker 11 (20:38):
Have you caught a shooter yet not yet, we are
working on it. You are also staying at the hotel
as guest of the victim.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
Yes, he invited us. He was an old friend.

Speaker 4 (20:49):
Wait are we suspects?

Speaker 11 (20:52):
No, madam, But this was no random act of violence.

Speaker 10 (20:55):
Fabian's office at the Hotel de Perrie was also ransacked
and he's safe opened.

Speaker 11 (21:00):
We believe the killer was after something.

Speaker 10 (21:03):
Did your friend mention Esratte perhaps a clue as to
why someone might want to arm him?

Speaker 8 (21:07):

Speaker 1 (21:08):
Nothing. Everyone loved Fabian. He was a great man, a
great friend, and the idea of what was in this
safe Now he just invited us with the grand prix.

Speaker 10 (21:19):
Very well, that's awful now, but please remain at the
hotel intel further notice in case we have more questions.

Speaker 4 (21:26):
Of course, what are the police doing.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
They should be searching the entire hotel and every inch
of this city.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
This is the biggest tourist weekend of the year. The
last thing they want to do is scare the guests.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
Oh, I can't believe we were just having dinner with
him a few hours ago.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
What do something like this, even in the most beautiful places,
will do the most horrible things.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
Are you all right, darling? I know what he meant
to you.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
It's just what he said before he died. It's like
he knew he was in danger.

Speaker 2 (22:23):
It's not your fault, Gine.

Speaker 4 (22:25):
You did all you could to save him.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
Who knows what Fabian had gotten himself into, maybe even
a jealous boyfriend.

Speaker 1 (22:32):

Speaker 4 (22:34):
Why don't you wash up and get some rest.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
It's been a long night.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
I can't not yet you go to bed. I think
I'm gonna go get a drink at the bar downstairs.
Clear my head?

Speaker 2 (22:45):
Hmm you want me to join you?

Speaker 1 (22:49):
It's fine, you get some sleep.

Speaker 12 (22:51):
I won't be long, I thought, monsieur, See what do
I owe you on the house for Fabian?

Speaker 1 (23:08):
For Fabian?

Speaker 11 (23:10):
No, no, no, to Atros?

Speaker 5 (23:14):
Did you.

Speaker 6 (23:17):
Bomb Exclo?

Speaker 12 (23:20):
Shut up and take that bullshit outside?

Speaker 7 (23:27):
Oh my goodness, what.

Speaker 5 (23:30):
Was that all about?

Speaker 7 (23:31):
I may not speak French, but I sure know what
a bar fight looks like.

Speaker 1 (23:35):
More terrorist attacks in Paris. The Algerian War is turning
the French against one another.

Speaker 7 (23:40):
And here I thought Paris was supposed to be the
city of love. So loud down here. Perhaps we could
finish these drinks upstairs.

Speaker 1 (23:50):
Sorry, I'm married.

Speaker 7 (23:51):
Oh I know, happy anniversary. Blast is a beautiful woman.

Speaker 4 (23:56):
You're a very lucky guy.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
Excuse me? Do I know you?

Speaker 13 (24:00):

Speaker 6 (24:01):
But I know you.

Speaker 7 (24:02):
Eugene Fhodor born in Leava, Hungary, currently lives in Paris, France,
studied at the Serbon speaks eleven languages, and served with
the OSS of the United States Army during World War Two.
Husband of Lastazobela, citizen and refugee of Communist Czechoslovakia.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
Okay, you've got my attention. Who are you and what
do you want?

Speaker 7 (24:20):
I'm a friend of a friend, and that friend is
waiting upstairs to join you for a drink. He said.
When you last toasted, it was over a bottle of
genevert on the banks of the Muse River.

Speaker 9 (24:31):
Colonel Blanding, follow me, Gene Fodor. It's so good to

see you. I only wish it were under different circumstances.
Can I offer you a drink?

Speaker 1 (24:57):
Colonel Blanding, Sir, how'd you know I was here?

Speaker 9 (25:00):
It's just Martin now, and I was also here at
the invitation of Fabian. He was a good friend. We
worked together for many years. I was with him just yesterday.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
So you're in the hotel business. I never imagined you
out of uniform.

Speaker 9 (25:12):
Not hotels. Fabian and I worked together in a different capacity.
I run an international trade organization called permandex with corporate
interests around the globe. But Fabian and I served a
singular interest.

Speaker 11 (25:25):
The CIA.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
You're telling me Fabian was a spy.

Speaker 9 (25:29):
An asset, one of the best we had. His position
at the hotel gave us access to intelligence that saved
hundreds of lives, perhaps more cost him his own. We
think it was the Red Hand, a KGB death squad
deployed to perform targeted attacks to incite communist revolution, and
they've set their sights on overthrowing the French government in Algeria.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
What's that got to do with Fabian or the CIA.

Speaker 9 (25:52):
The Red Hand has already subverted governments in Vietnam, Korea,
Hungary and Czechoslovakia. If they gain a foothold in Africa
and destabilized NATO, they won't be long before they're at
our shores.

Speaker 1 (26:02):
That's insane. You're talking about World War three? Why are
you telling me all this?

Speaker 9 (26:07):
Because I trust you, and Fabian trusted you. We've received
intel that the Red Hand are planning to assassinate the
French ambassador during the Grand Prix tomorrow as a message
to the world. We believe that same assassin killed Fabian
for this information he held.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
You mean, what was in the safe?

Speaker 9 (26:24):
Fabian received top secret intelligence concerning the Soviet operation microfilm
that proved their plots and revealed their targets. Whoever killed
them also ransacked his apartments, so we believe they still
haven't found what they're looking for.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Then you better find it first. Tell me you've at
least identified the killer.

Speaker 7 (26:39):
Not yet, but we will and they will be brought
to justice.

Speaker 9 (26:42):
And allow me to formally introduce Rebecca Ralston, my assistant
and one of the agency's best.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
We've met charming, But what I don't understand is what
any of this has got to do with me.

Speaker 9 (26:52):
More than you know. But right now we really need
your help, Gene. You were my best field scout and
frontline interrogator during the war, and the clock is ticking
on cat this killer before he strikes again.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
I'm not a spy or a soldier, not anymore.

Speaker 9 (27:04):
I don't need a soldier. I need a travel writer.
No one knows the city or the people that run it.
Better help us bring Fabian's killer to justice. If we don't,
more blood will be shit.

Speaker 1 (27:17):
All right, I'll do it for Fabian just one night
and Vlosta never finds out.

Speaker 9 (27:24):
I'll make sure she's protected. Rebecca will assist you. She's
a fourth to three black belt, proficient in a variety
of weapons and trained and counter terrorism tactics.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Impressive, A liberated woman, liberated and lethal. All right, then, Rebecca,
We've got a killer hiding in a country smaller than
Central Park. Where do we start with the microfilm?

Speaker 7 (27:45):
We find that microfilm? We find the killer.

Speaker 13 (27:56):
Fodor's Guide to Espionage is created by Lars Jacobson, written
by Lars Jacobson and Sabrina Jaglain, and directed by Sabrina Jaglain,
produced by Lars Jacobson and Sabrina Jaguline, and executive produced
by Noel Brown for iHeart Radio. Fodor's Guide to Espionage
stars Ethan Korn as Eugene Fodor, Leliah Symington as Vlasta Fodor,

and Jackie Emerson as Rebecca Ralston, with additional performances by
Chase Mullens, George Rivera, Matt Linton, Dylan McCollum, Gabe Greenspan,
Chris Cappel, Duncan Kaladine, Dana Melanie, Alex Gombadi, Noam Thomaschoff,
Katrina Aaron and Simon Jaglain. Sound design and editing by

Chris Childs. Original theme song by Jack Blavelt and Chris Childs,
with additional scoring by Chris Childs sound engineering by Chris
sec Fodor's Guide to Espionage is an iHeart Radio production.
For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 5 (29:00):
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