All Episodes

September 25, 2023 55 mins

He's a CLASSIC storyteller. . . and we can't wait to hear his side of the tale! 

Tony Oller from the multi-platinum pop duo MKTO joins Lance to take a walk down memory lane. The singer opens up about meeting the MK to his TO, Malcolm Kelley, dealing with mental health struggles at the height of his fame and the real reason why he walked away from the band. 

Plus, Tony reveals the career he really wanted before becoming an artist, whether he plans to release solo music any time soon, and the time he found himself in Charlie Chaplin's theater. It's a classic 'one of a kind' story you will want to experience! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
This is Frosted Tips with Lance Bass and iHeart Radio Podcast. Hello,
my little Peanuts, it's me your host, Lance Bass. This
is Frosted Tips with me Lance Bass and my lovely
lovely co host and husband, Turkey Turchin. Hey there, guys,
Michael for some of you, but Turkey gobble gobble. All right.

I'm gonna get right to our guests because I have
a feeling we're gonna need this whole hour, Okay, because
I hear he loves to talk and tell some good
stories for a good ride here with Tony Aller.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Yes, one half of m K t O, the t
O of m K t O.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
Uh, you know them, you love them? Uh. Their song
classic is just one that just goes over my head
over over and over and over in my head. So uh,
when we come back, let's get to Tony. Tony, I
can't speak.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Or Tony oller.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
Okay, Well, let's get this started. Anthony Michael Ahler is
an American singer, songwriter actor from Springfield, Illinois but raised
in Houston, Texas. He had roles at as Waltmore on
the teen Nick TV show Gigantic and as Danny on
Disney's Channel as the Bell Rings. He appeared in the
films Beneath the Darkness the Purge, which scared the crap
out of me. He was also half of the group
mkt O with his co star Malcolm David Kelly, who

we had so before leaving the group in twenty twenty one,
which you have to talk about because y'allt y'all get together,
you take a break, you get back together. So we
need the full story, Tony. But let's start from the beginning. Yes,
So we've been going through everyone's history finding out how
they got into what they're doing now. So let's start
at that beginning. You grew up in Houston, Texas. What

was it like for little Tony in Houston, Texas?

Speaker 3 (01:53):
Man? You know, I don't know about you, but I
couldn't gain weight to save my life in high school,
so you know, senior year one, fifteen, and you know,
I always wanted to be the the sport jock guy.
But yeah, it was it possible. But uh, you know,
I did theater. I love theater, I think, especially when

you come from the South, especially back in the day,
if you did theater or acting or singing, it was
a very uh.

Speaker 1 (02:23):
You're immediately gay, which is the worst ever.

Speaker 3 (02:26):
Well, you were just immediately put into a category that
didn't to fit with everyone, and that was a shame.
But but yeah, So, I mean I I always like,
I just you know, at the end of the day,
acting and music. I mean, you know, you go to
a movie, see Spider Man, you want to be Spider
Man when you come out of it. It's just that
same thing. And I always, I always enjoyed that. So
besides the you know, the hazing that we all got

back in the day, I think it's somewhat better now.

Speaker 1 (02:50):
I don't know I made it right.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
I mean, I'm hoping because it's it's very much more
of a open dialogue and people are held accountable for
for saying me things, which is which is great unless
you're dying and someone just decides to film it as
opposed to help.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
I don't agree with.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
Yes, And so your family was like, how were they
musically talented or into theater?

Speaker 3 (03:13):
I'm adopted. So I was adopted from Springfield or taylor Illinois,
Taylorville one of the two. Yeah, definitely, so I was adopted.
So but ironically, I don't think if you met my
mom you would say, oh, this isn't this isn't her blood.
We're very similar in a lot of ways. But she's
a hoarder. I'm not a hoarder. So yeah, so I mean,

as far as that goes, they were just always so supportive.
And you know, you get older and you realize, you know,
what a sacrifice and you know the fact that I
was adopted is I wouldn't be where I am today
if it wasn't for that situation. So I met my
actually met my birth mom. Yeah, and half brother and
half sister all in a weekend. It wasn't planned because yeah,

so my family was all from the same high school.
So my mom that adopted me went to the same
high school my birth mom did.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
Oh, but they didn't know each other.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
They didn't No, they did not know ironically, but it
was a very small town. Ironically, I was eighteen. I
don't know why I'm saying ironically. When I was eighteen,
I was in visiting my grandma. My cousin says, hey,
you want to meet your sister, and I'm like what.
It's like, yeah, your sister. She says, she's your sister,
and I'm like what. So anyway, we ended up meeting

up it was really cool. There was a lot of
you know, it was good to get some questions and
answers with that. But other than that, man, yeah, it
was just you know, life, life has a way of
just kind of everything happening.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
It's so funny. It's fascinating to me, especially you know
when people are adopted in this day and age with
twenty three and me and all that, where people are
finding their relatives out there like wait a minute, and
so very much they're getting down to the truth of
like where they came from, which can be positive for
some people, but can go well for a lot.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
When you don't know if you're adopted.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
Oh, I know, right, absolutely Now you started working at
a young age, when did you how long did you
live in Houston? Did you make it to LA when
you were a kid to start acting?

Speaker 3 (05:18):
So I went out there for one pilot season, which
was like basically just like a couple of months where
there's a lot of auditions that happened.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
And it just doesn't happen anymore, Like pilot.

Speaker 3 (05:28):
Does not happen anymore, absolutely not. I mean these were
the days when you had if you went out there,
you'd have like seven auditions in a day, you go
bam bam, bam, bam bam. And so I was out
there for that and I went to like John Mure
Middle School Burbank, which was pretty cool. Actually I loved it.
I mean, definitely better than Houston. But so after that,
at eighteen, I had saved up money that I got

from Disney and all that stuff, and I moved out
to LA and I had enough to last me like
a year. Thankfully, every time things seemed to whittle down
something good what happened, I was like grateful to whoever's
you know, looking out for that.

Speaker 1 (06:03):
And that's funny how that happens. That happens to my life.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
It happened in my life too.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
But it's one of those things to where you when
it doesn't happens, you realize how much more grateful you
were it did. Oh, because it doesn't always happen. And
and uh, I'll humble you quick. Uh.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
Now, some of your roles featured you singing like Disney
Channels as the bell rings, But when did you decide
to actually pursue the music side of you.

Speaker 3 (06:29):
I always loved music. I I don't know about you,
but I still am you know, super self conscious in
a lot of stuff in life, even singing or being
put on the spot, like my anxiety goes through the roof.
But I always there was something about music that was
more in control, right than acting or reading a script.

It was the It was the ability to help put
something together and know you did a lot, you know
to help it. And I I just I always, you know,
I'd watched like these like you know, you're younger, you're eighteen,
You're living in LA there's a lot of people you meet,
and you know, Malcolm and I just clicked, and you know,
we would just start hanging out all the time and

and doing the music thing. But I think it didn't
really take itself seriously until after we met on a thing.
I don't even know what I can say because of
the sad thing. But when we started doing stuff, we
put stuff on YouTube, and we had both individually done
music beforehand, whether it's putting up covers or or you know,
doing songs here and there, but really really bad.

Speaker 2 (07:33):

Speaker 3 (07:35):
I produced a song that was awful, but I think
it's still on iTunes that is just ridiculously made on
garage band, but it's fun. And through that it was
like dude, you know, we would sit there and be
talking about, Man, I want to be cool if you
were on this side of the stage, on that side
of the stage, and we got people singing the songs
were writing and and that's like there is a certain
high to that, and I know you know that Lance,

there is there is such an incredible feeling you can
describe and and you know, to have it happened the
way it did, it was it was really cool because
you know, obviously it wouldn't have if everything didn't fall
in line the way it.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
Did, it definitely would have happened. So do you remember that?
Do you remember the moment you met Malcolm? Was it anything? Oh?

Speaker 3 (08:19):

Speaker 1 (08:19):

Speaker 3 (08:20):
So I was living in LA and they were doing
screen tests for Gigantic at the Nickelodeon building in Santa Monica,
and uh so, I think, yeah, it was a Nicklodeon building.
I believe we're MTV building.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
Yeah, the VIA building, Yeah yeah yeah.

Speaker 3 (08:36):
So. Uh So, there was two people that were up
for the best friend role and I had gotten cast
in it, and they were asking you to come there
to do chemistry to these two people. I felt so
bad for the other guy because I mean, the minute
I met Malcolm. We just clicked because I watched you
got served, like I hadn't seemed lost, okay, but I
knew immediately you got served. And I was an aspiring

breakdancer in my early years nicebsolutely awful at it. But
but man, so uh, I immediately clicked with him, and
you know, I met the other guy, and you know,
it was just it was a very cohesive, kosher, you know.
And uh, you know, after we read, I was like, guys,
please pick him, please, you know, and it was it

was cool. And from then on there, man, you stayed
in close contact. And it's crazy, though, because that one
moment affected my life for the next in a great way.
And that that's that was a.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
That was a really cool experience. I love that it's called,
as we say, absolutely when you're when did you start
getting into the garage band, because I, I mean, I
couldn't even produce music on gard garage band right now.

Speaker 3 (09:42):
Nobody can't, well some people can't, but like when it
comes to what comes with garage band, it, yeah, god man,
so I used got up to logic to where I
finally learned logic. But god man, uh, you know, there
was a time when auto tune was like going crazy
and you know, you had a pitch correct in garage band,
but it was so bad, you know, Like but like

I would be I would.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
Watch the original share sounding Yeah, oh my god, man,
yeah auto tune it's butchered.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
It really bad. But I don't know, man, I would
watch like Lil Wayne videos my eighteen living alone, and
I would watch like these mixtapes where he had you know,
auto tune on his voice, and I kid you not, man,
there's probably a thousand hours worth of mixtape rap songs
that I've done with friends on garage band. I pray

never see the light of death.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
Did you have any mentors to help you do or
do you just kind.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
Of YouTube YouTube? Did man?

Speaker 1 (10:43):

Speaker 3 (10:44):
Garage it was a little easier to well, not a
little easier. It's somewhat logic is when I finally got
some help. But I mean, you know, I wouldn't even
say the garage band stuff I did sounded it was awful.

Speaker 1 (10:57):
It was just but it was a moment in time,
you know, it was a moment.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
It was something.

Speaker 1 (11:02):
Yeah, it's like the Atari, you know, it's like, you know.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
I found an old Sega Genesis console. I had the
other day with paper Boy. I don't know if you remember.
It was awesome. Jumped the bike ran so simple. These
days you've got you know, whole worlds.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
And the play the ones now complicated you.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
Once after it was after PlayStation two. They lost me
because I had to PlayStation two and then I started
getting busy within sync and I just.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
Oh, yeah, you know, and then he jumped back into it.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
Had an Xbox, but like didn't play it that much.
The guys.

Speaker 3 (11:41):
Yeah, So we probably had that at like Arena tours
right like they would have it in like the green room.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
We had it on our bus. I mean we would
playing it. We play Halo and scared. I mean I
would be so scared of my bunk because we'd have
like four of these things put together and we'd play
each other and everyone's sniping your ass, and like, stop sniping.
That's cheating.

Speaker 2 (11:58):
We have got to.

Speaker 3 (11:58):
Talking about the bunks, man, Did you ever fall out
of yours?

Speaker 1 (12:02):
Surprisingly, I've never fallen out of a bunk. No, but
I know lots of people that have. And I love
ice sleep the best in a bus, I.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
Do, dude, So I would get little claustrophobic and I
felt bad because I would kind of just take the
back room right so like people would come back there
to watch TV, but I'd just make a little I
would just feel so secluded. And then the one time
I rolled out of thinking I was in bed and
just ate, you know, big splat and man, there was

one time where I don't know what it was, probably
a random story, but I had gotten an eye infection
and it was basically like a bad version of pink eye,
but like my whole entire eyes were puffed. I woke up,
didn't know what it was. We had a news performance

at seven in the morning and we had to do it,
so I wore glasses. I looked like the biggest dude,
just like, hey man, I wearing glasses, you know, and
I'm trying to be cool. And if, like you saw
me take them off, you go, okay, ye put him back.
It's all good. I love it.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
I remember when we finally were because you know, the
five of us always shared a bus for years and
then finally we get to a tour. We got spread
out to two buses, so it was three guys and
one and two on the other and I was on
one with Joey fatone, which is a whole nother story,
but that was when we finally got to have the
queen size bed in the back. And you better believe
I took that bedroom. It was like, Joey, you get

the ball right here. So yeah, it was. It was.
It's amazing.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
Yeah, yeah, I was just we never got to the
we had if we did. No, we did have two buses.
It was still one crew and one the other one.
But I loved it, man. I love the relationships with
the crew and the people you met on these tours.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
It's a family. I tell people. It's like, especially in
the acting world. You know when you do a show,
you know, movie, you do a TV series, it's the
same thing. You get to know this crew so well,
in the writers and directors, and you become this family,
and then all of a sudden it's over and you're like, oh,
and summer noting to do?

Speaker 3 (14:12):
I know, you go from seven am six pm schedules
for two years and you go back and you're like,
I don't know what to do with downtime?

Speaker 1 (14:21):
Well, yeah, very.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
Much, man.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
So I mentioned before, So y'all kind of broke up
a few years ago, right twenty nineteen, oh yeah, and
then you got back together, which why did y'all did
you get back together just for one reason? Like a song?

Speaker 3 (14:38):
I don't know what. So, like, you know, I think
there was a there's a period of time, especially when
you're growing up in this world, that you can very
easily get lost of yourself, lost in yourself, and lost
with everything around you. And you know, it's kind of
exactly what you're just saying that there was a there
was a hard adjustment, especially for me, to go from

this is what you have to do every day. Okay,
you can hang out for a month. You don't got
to worry about anything. And you know that for me
was like because I'm a very introverted person like I
you know, I could go years without wanting to leave
my house. You know, it's it's you know, and that's
not necessarily healthy. And I think, you know, I got
to a point to where just wasn't happy anymore. I

was extremely lost and just you know, there was other
things that were happening behind the scenes. And this is
another thing too, is you know, when you're making your
label millions, you're you're you know, you get treated a
certain way, and when you're not, you get treated a
certain way, and you know you'll get a you'll get
a million dollar budget for a music video. If that
doesn't go well, your next budget's probably five hundred if
that two fifty, down, down, down, And I think seeing

that and not being used to being grounded that Listen,
what you did was great, but it's not going to
always happen, and you have to figure out the tools
within your life to make sure that when it happens,
you can handle it. So I was really just I
got to a point where I just was ready to
go back and there was other things behind the scenes

that happened, whether it's people you're working with or contracts
or whatever. And for that point though, so I moved
back to Houston. And the positive thing I look at
that from a as I'm still alive, right. Uh. The second
part is when you, I guess, have whatever success you
have at a young age, you in one way or another.

I feel maybe you have relationships in your life you
never really cared to explore because you kind of feel
like you're on your own right. You had support from
your family, but then you know you're out by yourself.
The family, the relationship kind of distances and you lose
whatever that relationship was you had, and from moving back
and being older, I've rekindled, you know, those relationships with

my family, and you know, it made everything worth it
in my opinion. You know, it never happens again, that's fine,
But being able to have those relationships, being able to
spend time with my family seeing them was something that
I was very grateful that happened out of a chaos situation.
And and if it wasn't for that, I don't think

i'd be as close with my family as I am now.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
So funny actually, right, it's I know, it's all about
the journey and thank god you got to learn those
things at such an early age.

Speaker 3 (17:26):
Man, you know, well, still still learning, still learning, We
all learn.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
Oh yeah, but I can totally relate to what you're saying,
you know, with like the depression of it all, you know,
when you're because when you get to a high like
you guys have and like in sync has you. Yeah,
but like it's hard to beat that, right, It's like, yeah,
there's a moment in time and like we're lucky if
we get two chances like that. Right, But but it

is as much as you enjoy it and like, Wow,
you can't help but get depressed afterwards, be like god,
I feel like what else what is there for me?
When like no one just paid, like no one cares
about me anymore?

Speaker 2 (18:03):
Well exactly. I mean at that point, there's only the
only way to go is down about you know what
I mean. So you're kind of setting yourself up.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
And people like because I remember, uh so our last album,
uh Celebrity was considered too many that it was a flop,
you know, and it was our last album, and I
always been like, I hate going out on a flop, right,
everything's like you but it sold like six million albums?
How did people consider that? But yeah, if you compare

it to what you did right before, then everything looks
like a failure if you compare it that way. So
it just it was just weird to me that people
would just look down upon us because we told that.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
It's like you only sold a million the first week.

Speaker 1 (18:44):
And it was also.

Speaker 3 (18:45):
Like like what about people? You know, like there was
no there was no sense of I felt like with
a lot of the people that were surrounding it was like, hey,
it's gonna be okay. You know, we're gonna you know,
label you know, maybe coming and say we'll get an
next time. You know, we'll figure it out.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
But it was all yeah, our label was like you
guys are done. Like they saw that as a chance
to be like we are now taking a guy and
going so that because this is not happening.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
Very very similar on our Bad Girls. Whatever we did
was like they gave us a million dollar budget for
the video. Super exciting. Yeah we did it where they
shot American Sniper, There's beautiful women. It was really cool. Uh,
it was like mad Max theme and that song.

Speaker 1 (19:29):
Yep, and now don't you realize? I mean, I wish
we had learned this earlier, the word recoupable because yeah,
when we would get there billion dollar budget, like oh
we're paying yeah, yeah, it.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
Wasn't they weren't really putting that million dollar budget. We're
gonna take that out of your next check.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
Yeah, it's like next we're just going to do a
fan video, like recording our next concert.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
Next time on your iPhone.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
Dude. It was like the three sixty three sixty management.
I mean, that was very much like that way of
the deal, and it's I think it's awesome that you know,
there's definitely opportunities now these days where people kind of
can cut the middleman out.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
And I was going to ask that because you were
kind of on that cusp of the labels kind of
disappearing and just becoming a PR firm, and a lot
of artists that get discovered on YouTube and TikTok, they
get to play around with those labels like yeah, I
gotta sign with you. Yeah, I have so much power now.
So what was that like when labels were coming after
you guys? Was it easy to choose? And did Joe everything?

Maybe we should do this independently.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
You know? So it was a really random thing. So,
like I grew up going to like bands, warped tour shows, right,
So there was a band that I had kind of seen,
I think it was called Maybe.

Speaker 4 (20:43):
The Cab and and through that through that world, I
had met Brian Dales from the Somerset and he and
I kept in contact and randomly out one day I
kind of asked him, like, hey, man, anybody in LA
doing any music things?

Speaker 3 (21:00):
Really random stupid question because like, of course they are.
Can you introduce me to one? But there was there
was two producers, I Man and Evan and Andrew Goldstein,
who was in a band called the Friday Night Boys
and Andrew so I reached out to and when we
had met, they had classic So it was that song
was already basically, you know, it was there. It was like, hey,

you guys want to cut it? Actually no, it was
an audition. He's like, you guys, cut it. If we
like the way you're sound it, we'll go from there.
And I was like, hell, yeah, you love it. So
we cut like an EP couple of songs.

Speaker 1 (21:32):
When you heard that, what was your first thought when
you heard that demo?

Speaker 3 (21:36):

Speaker 2 (21:37):

Speaker 3 (21:37):
I was like really.

Speaker 1 (21:39):
You sure?

Speaker 3 (21:40):
Yeah? I mean, you know, like everybody you've ared, y sure,
I mean you know. But we were so young, We're
like we went in there, man, We're like, let's have
some drinks, let's do this, man, let's party, you know.
And and there was a it was it was a
fun thing. But once that was cut, then it became
the label selection, right. So what they wanted to do
was we wanted the base they use those songs to

get a good deal because everybody that we had played
the song for and we went to the label, we
went to you know, New York Run, which was a
Columbia dive Universal basically did the whole Hey, guys, that's
going so and so here play a song blah blah
blah blah blah. And then what was funny and I'm
curious to know what you guys went through with this

was we would meet like you know, the president. You're like,
what are you doing tonight? I'm like, uh, you know,
we're just hey, you out. He's like, dude, come to
my penthouse. We'll have some meatballs made by my chef,
and then we'll go we'll go out on the town.
So I won't say who it was, but he had
a penhouse. Actually I can't remember his name, to be honest.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
He had a.

Speaker 3 (22:44):
Pose above Pee Diddy or blow p Diddy, and that
was the selling point. He's like, dude, P Diddy's underneath me.
Come on now right. Uh we go to his apartment.
There's literally a maid that had just gotten done finishing meatballs.
I mean, there's like a It was. It made no sense.
It was like I'm ever going, hey, man, how's it going?
Come on over? It just it was weird. It's super weird,
great kneeballs, but dude. So then after that he's like,

come on, man, we're gonna go out. We're like, okay,
you know, we're eighteen, you know, can't even drink. We're like, yeah, absolutely, man. Uh.
And he took us to this like Illuminati looking building, right,
so it's like down an alley. It was there, you know,
lots of it is super sketchy looking, right, and we
go in.

Speaker 2 (23:29):

Speaker 3 (23:29):
He goes to the front of the line. He goes, hey,
I'm going in. He's like, oh, yes, sir, so and
so please come in and we go in, super dim,
candles lit. It was an old theater and come to
find out that was Charlie Chaplin's theater and a private
owner owns it and he had had like this kind
of party thing there. But I remember I was just

like Malcolm and I are just looking at you, like,
what the fuck is going on?

Speaker 1 (23:54):

Speaker 3 (23:55):
Like what And although that was amazing, you didn't sign. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
I mean we had some similarities. Look, the record labels
did not even want us. I mean, you talk about
Tommy Matola to La read, Everyone's like, yeah, that's not
gonna happen to Yeah. So we had to do our
stuff in Germany. So I'm sure yes to the president
starting there with his wife and it's you know, it's
not it's not New York City, let's put it that way.

It's your Munich, Germany.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
But that wasn't even I mean, I don't think that.
That's not just how it was. I mean, and and
talk about making people go damn, I should have done
something there. Yeah yeah, yeah, everything the way it played out,
you know, it's like, hey, that's the best way to
uh yeah, yeah, very much.

Speaker 1 (24:54):
All right. So, uh, you've talked about making solo music before,
and you've, uh you've done some solo befo performances. But
would you ever release a solo album?

Speaker 2 (25:03):

Speaker 3 (25:05):
Uh ah, you know I would.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
I would love to, but we're not working on that
right now.

Speaker 3 (25:16):
It's not that I don't want to, uh, you know,
it's uh uh, it's just a fortunate situation, especially when
it's something that you always had as an outlet. Right,
So it's I don't even know how to describe it.
I describe it as you guys remember Star Wars, right

of course? Have you seen you remember in Harrison Ford
the walls are closing in. That's kind of how I
feel when it comes with that stuff, really, because it's unfortunate.
But I don't you know. It's it's stuff you do
when you're young. Uh, and then you know it's just
you get older you're like, oh, may it shouldn't have
done this or that. But I would I would love to.

That's best way I would say. I'd love to release music.

Speaker 1 (26:02):
All right, Well, let's work on that. We've made some
magic happen on the show.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
We have, we've put.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
Groups together, we have made we've made things happen. Right.

Speaker 3 (26:11):
Well, I gotta say that I love I love oh
and I just saw love. Oh.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
Yeah, And you know what the name of that art
piece is called Love is hard to find because it's
hard to find because it's black.

Speaker 3 (26:24):
But then also, you got what's the art pieces you got?
Well that.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
He does all our art.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
I'm a resident artist. Yeah, faceless James Dean. But you
can't tell I love that man.

Speaker 3 (26:39):

Speaker 1 (26:39):
It's it's nice living with an artist because anytime I'm like,
you know what, like this piece right here we're going
to replace has been there for a few years, I'm
like I want something like this with this color, and
he's like, okay, done, Like, yeah, you never have to
buy art again.

Speaker 3 (26:54):
It's really great.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
I love it.

Speaker 3 (26:55):
I love it.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
I love art.

Speaker 3 (26:57):
I love it.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
It all goes and do you like to draw or
are you an artist yourself?

Speaker 3 (27:01):
I like, I like drawing. I got into uh, I
can't even think the name of I got really bored
when I was trying to figure out how like shading
you know it's and who was the one thing? I
stipling stipling, right, I was baffled at it. Man, so
I I yeah, so I've done a few few random things,

but yeah, yeah, you know there.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
Was one bo I don't know because the whole shading
things new to me, Like you know, when I draw
a stick figure, you know, I'm I'm not taking any
of that kind of stuff. But your dad, Michael told
he had some book and it was all about shading
and it made sense to me finally.

Speaker 3 (27:41):
And cross hatching and all that stuff and.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
Whatever that is. Sure, yeah, but he was kind of
doing it and I'm like, oh my god, it is
It's just all about just shading in a fence.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
Who paint shade? Everything is a shade. If you draw up,
you're actually just putting in the shading.

Speaker 3 (27:57):
Yeah, the shading makes it three D in religious.

Speaker 2 (28:00):
I know a book, it's like drawing with the whatever
side of your brand.

Speaker 1 (28:03):
So like, but that just didn't you to do it up.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
So you only look at the light source. That's all
you're doing.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
Never looked at the fact that from perspective until he
told me that, I'm like.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
Oh, that's painting it by section.

Speaker 1 (28:17):

Speaker 3 (28:17):
I love, I just I love I love learning about
that because that, to me is the same way. Like
I just it's inconceivable to understand how certain things are made.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
And then you started and you start looking at the
world differently too, because like you look at your faces
and everyone else like, yeah, the shadow there is that.

Speaker 3 (28:34):
I'll look at hair highlights. Oh yeah, that would be
the thing where you keep it white.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
Yeah, just white, right, the littles.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
Going up exactly. It's cool.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
See, maybe I missed my calling. If I would have
known that earlier, I could have the next you could
have been successful.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
Too bad.

Speaker 1 (28:51):
Never, Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna pick that up. Okay,
you're gonna have to teach me. You're gonna sing and dance,
and I'm gonna actually, he is a great singer dancer.
Let's and you can be a guy's role rehearsal Okay, Okay, done,
We do that all the time.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
Only only in Penhalse only.

Speaker 3 (29:11):
I'm surprised you haven't noticed.

Speaker 1 (29:12):
You know, you're Batman Batman.

Speaker 3 (29:15):
Yeah nice, there's the dumbest thing, bro. So when we
used to do the Universal Studios performances, oh yeah, which
was awesome. Man. You get paid fifty grand each for
like an hour. But then I would go to all
the shops and I would try to find a head
like you know, like so I found like an Iron

Man one, a storm Trooper one. I was very dumbly bought.

Speaker 2 (29:42):
But you know, I enjoy that sounds like Joey Fatone,
very yeah, very bad like that.

Speaker 1 (29:49):
Man is so funny. He collects all kinds of stuff
like that. I mean he's a big super superman, is
his dude. But then he started collecting guitars from you know,
big guitarists, and which is a great I mean he
has his collection all over the wall, signed by everyone,
right arrows a queen, I mean just everyone. And I
remember it was uh yeah, Jean uh Simmons, who Jean

Simmons is one of the smartest business men I know, right,
And it's just like he knows what it made merch everything,
like it's whatever. So you know, Joey asked for guitar,
just collection. Sure, Joey sure sends the guitar with with
a note saying, okay, just make the checkout to blah
blah blah blah, Yeah okay, which I thought was genius.

I'm like, you've been making pay for that, Jean giving
that guitar away.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
From sending the guitar.

Speaker 3 (30:38):
That's hilarious. Oh god, Well, I won't even know what
was that? What was the ballpark?

Speaker 1 (30:43):
I have no idea. I mean I would imagine it's
around twenty grand. Yeah, I'd like, yeah, but that's what
he can do.

Speaker 3 (30:53):
Is just take the guitar, Just take a lamin of
the autograph.

Speaker 1 (30:59):
Yeah, I'm I'm good guitar. Oh god? Speaking of other musicians,
are there any musicians that you would love to collaborate with?

Speaker 3 (31:11):
Man, you know, I've kind of always the weird thing
I think with music is that like the collapse that
you never thought really would work kind of always creates
something really interesting. Oh man, I don't know who I.

Speaker 1 (31:25):
Mean or who are you? Actually? What are what are
you listening to? Right now? Who do who? Who would
you recommend that work?

Speaker 3 (31:34):
And so I'm like, you know, sometimes I go to
these like stages where you know, as I said, I
grew up going to warp tours. Right, there's a band
called I Think bear Tooth that I've been listening to
lately that's totally like reminds me of early two thousands
bands warped towards rock and roll kind of things. Man, dude,

it's oh oh wait, no, who have I been drumming? Okay,
so drumm and bass. The genre just really gotten into
the way that everything is. And there's a artist by
the name, uh sub Focus, super cool. What's that one song?
And you guys should listen to if you haven't found

I found you by Focus, super good, super melodic. I
don't know, man, I like I said, I think it's
I think, uh the weirdest mashups either produce something really
cool or something really funny, and so either way it's entertaining.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
Well, so maybe weird. Al Yankovic, Wait, did you always
like always think? He passed away?

Speaker 2 (32:45):
Literally everything you died.

Speaker 3 (32:48):
I felt like there was an article that came out
not dead, not dead, I'm still here.

Speaker 1 (32:56):
Was there anyone in this industry that was a particularly
positive influence on your career, acting or music.

Speaker 3 (33:04):
Oh man, oh, and there's a lot of people. I
can't think of the top, but like I always appreciated
meeting people that were successful. Was still really nice when
being Taylor Swift.

Speaker 1 (33:20):
I think you guys know she loved you guys.

Speaker 3 (33:23):
Dude. Well she was so sweet, so so sweet.

Speaker 1 (33:26):
Because she yell out on the twenty fifteen tour, right yeah.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
Yeah man, that yeah, was that crazy?

Speaker 3 (33:32):
That was awesome. It was funny because we had a
radio show the day before and I think we were
trying to figure it out. In like the night before
we had figured out the travel situation. So we did
that radio show in the afternoon and then flew to
Gillette Stadium. So cool, man, so cool. So you did

a lot of the stadiums you do when you do
a House of Blues and you go to the stadium,
it's it's night and day. You can't hear anything to
begin with.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
No, And I was I think I asked Malcolm this
question last week. Uh, that first stadium moment you can
never get out of your head because I remember our
first one was Jenna Jackson's Belvel Rope tour and at
the Silver Domond Detroit and you just want to be
stage and you just get these like goosebumps that just
never go away.

Speaker 3 (34:20):
Yeah, it's just insane you're still here, that they're still here. Dude,
I will never forget. Uh, there's so many moment and god, man,
I love I'm so grateful Malcolm came into my life
because he's just a awesome person and somebody I really cherish.
And there's just so many great memories we have. And
there was that time to where you know, she's about

to announce whoever's coming, and and we are on this
elevator thing, right, So it's in the back of the
stage and elevator and Malcolm and I are looking at
each other backstage like I can't hear you. I can't
hear you. I go, this is an awesome He's like,
this is super awesome. It was just a high man high.

Speaker 1 (35:03):
And then but what's great about having that friend? I mean,
your it's your brother for life. Only you too, Only
you two will understand that you're the only ones that
will actually understand what that feels like.

Speaker 3 (35:16):
And we're both adopted. Yeah, dude, uh yeah, yeah, it's
it's it's a yeah, but it's it's man, dude, Yeah,
I don't even know how to describe it, but super awesome.
Super It was the one time where I definitely was like,

I don't care if I sound good or not, I'm
gonna take this in and it was super super cool.
And then that I never forget.

Speaker 1 (35:44):
What I love about a Taylor Swift concert is everyone
is in such a good mood. There's just everyone yeah,
oh yeah, I mean.

Speaker 3 (35:56):
And the thing is, though, is I have yet to
meet somebody who's been on that tour and not said
anything incredible.

Speaker 2 (36:02):
I mean, yeah, I've never met anybody that's actually said
anything bad about her, that actually knows her.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
Yeah, I mean, I mean, we got we got christall
or no Don Perryon. I say, that's so southern man.
King of the Hill is no, did she got? So?
She got us a bottle of Don Perryon. I met
her mom while she was walking one of.

Speaker 5 (36:24):
Her dogs, which is the most beautiful dog ever, And dude, yeah,
I mean it was just that's you get that same
energy and and I hope a lot of successful artists
see how she does it because as a whole in
the way it functions is a very positive thing to
see him in that kind.

Speaker 3 (36:44):
Of environment where a lot of the times it's not
you know, done like.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
That, and it's importunate and you see both sides. And
there's a lot of artists that do this and they're great,
but then there's a lot of artists that just don't
know what the hell they don't.

Speaker 2 (36:57):
Care true, and a lot of people think like you
have to be an asshole basically in order to be
to get to that level. But Taylor Swift is the
most successful artist in the world, and she proves that
you do not have to be nasty be successful.

Speaker 1 (37:11):
And Jackson, I mean, there's so many great examples of
people that just come off towards me like, wow, that
was the best thing ever there.

Speaker 3 (37:18):
Yeah, and you want to go right back on it.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
And it must be especially for Taylor these days. It
must take so much energy to not make mistakes r
because everyone's gonna make mistakes. But in her case, she's like, Okay,
one little thing could just really destroy everything I've worked
for because people are just wanting her to fail, Like
there's so many people just wanting her to do something,

but so far she has it. It's crazy.

Speaker 3 (37:45):
And I mean, there was a big hurdle with the
music stuff when she recorded herself. Oh yeah, I mean
I think that that was that That to me is
someone that's seen a situation like that, and I'm sure
you guys have as well. Obviously that was like, good
for you, that's awesome, man.

Speaker 1 (38:02):
So one thing I loved also, you know at the show,
even the all the security, all the concession stand people,
everyone taking your tickets whatever, smiling, dancing, getting people's bracelets
and trading bracelets with everyone. It was I mean, it
was just it was a beautiful thing. It was like
everyone for three hours was just living a wonderful, positive life.

It was it was beautiful. Yeah. Now, you have worked
hard and dedicated yourself to your career, and you know
there has been tough ties. We just went through COVID,
we're going through this SAG strike right now. So can
you give us a tip a frosted tip o? What
keeps you motivated during tough times?

Speaker 3 (38:45):
Oh? Good question, good question. Motivated. I think if you've
gotten to a even if you have it, there's something
in the way you kind of mentioned goosebumps, right, So

to a certain extent, I feel like as long as
you're oh man, this is a tough one. Staying motiv it.

Speaker 1 (39:15):
Let me think multi I think a.

Speaker 3 (39:17):
Good way to respond to this first, it's admitting that
it's gonna be tough, admitting that you know right now
there's not much you can do, being content with that,
and not letting it swallow you whole.

Speaker 1 (39:35):

Speaker 3 (39:37):
It's it was the what's the one thing these these
days soon will pass? Or you know, if it's you
gotta if you if you sit on a if you
sit on a thought, it's that negative, especially in situations
where you don't have necessarily an end date of when
this would stop. Uh, just setting yourself up for a

morbid thought process.

Speaker 1 (40:04):
Yeah, you negative, and but also.

Speaker 3 (40:08):
Speaking openly about that and being honest about that. Maybe
one person sees and goes, okay, he's not bullshit. I
feel the same way. So I guess that's Is there.

Speaker 1 (40:18):
A person that you like to confide in? Is it
a family member, is it a best friend?

Speaker 3 (40:23):
Oh man?

Speaker 1 (40:25):
Or do you just talk to yourself?

Speaker 3 (40:27):

Speaker 1 (40:28):
Most of the times.

Speaker 3 (40:29):
Yeah, I can tell you if you can talk to yourself,
you know, if you can have a conversation with yourself, Honestly,
I think that only makes it a positive thing. If
you're talking about with others, because at the end of
the day, you're not gonna always have that person talking.
But that meditation, I actually really strongly believe in meditation

or just doing some breathing exercises. Uh, what is it
where you well you're stucking with your mouth and you
bought with your nose, your nose and your mouth or whatever.
But you got three times for a certain amount of time,
you'll feel almost a natural, natural height. Yeah, yeah, and
just a calming thing.

Speaker 1 (41:08):
And a lot of the times people don't take deep
enough breasts. I mean you go way down in there
and and if you have trouble going to sleep, and
which I do and Michael does, I'm telling you meditation.
Last night we went to bed immediately.

Speaker 2 (41:24):
It was it was actually kind of weird.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
And it's the breathing if you get.

Speaker 3 (41:28):
I learned it therapy. Therapy is where I learned a
lot of that stuff. Yeah, I still stand by that.
That's something that should be way more open about.

Speaker 2 (41:36):
Well, yeah, that's a that's a good one itself.

Speaker 1 (41:39):
Therapy and therapy was such a stigma. I mean even
ten years ago, people would admit they're going, you know,
to therapy but now it's the cool thing. It's like
we all talk to some people.

Speaker 3 (41:48):
I love it that it's a cool thing. And I
hope it isn't from that abused in a certain extent
because there's there's an honesty with therapy and it's not
necessarily something where you do therapy you have to go
out the next and saying oh I learned this, I
learned that. It's just the process.

Speaker 1 (42:03):
Yeah, do you know, I think digest whatever's happened, and
just to remind yourself we forget. Yeah, so just getting
that like oh yeah, oh yeah, I need to breathe. Oh,
just just being reminded.

Speaker 3 (42:13):
You know, there's something somebody told me a long time ago,
or it was and this is for depression, which I'm
very open about. I'm always fighting that thing. But you know,
there's a couple of things you can ask yourself every day.
A did you wake up? Okay, you're better than half
the people in the world probably or whoever you know unfortunately,

you know, do you have a house over your head?
Do you have a roof over your head? Ye? There's
a lot of things you can It's easy for someone
to pinpoint negatives, but it's a lot more therapeutic to
realize the positives.

Speaker 1 (42:46):

Speaker 3 (42:46):

Speaker 1 (42:46):
I always like telling people like, think about this, Think
about how how much of a miracle had to happen
for you to be here right now? Oh yeah, I'm
talking about hundreds of years ago. Things had to have
happened perfectly for you to be here right now. If
you're a great great grandmother took a left instead of
a right, you wouldn't be here. And then all of

a sudden you're fighting all the other little sperm going
into the egg over there, and so you one of
that's one of billions.

Speaker 3 (43:16):
So it's like just like that, that to me is
like the biggest I'm baffled by that. I go down
a rabbit hole, right because I'm like, okay, so you're
going to go even deeper on that. It's what put
the world here? What put the universe? What put that
star there? Okay, we discovered this, but what put that there? Like,

I think that the one question always trusts me out
is you can ask it this throughout whatever you question,
but you say, what where did that originate? It goes
down a rabbit hole. And I'm hoping that we get
to a point where, you know, maybe maybe a UFO visits.

Speaker 1 (43:57):
I don't know, but apparentlyarently they are.

Speaker 3 (44:00):
I know they watched it, dude. I watched the Senate hearing.

Speaker 1 (44:03):
I watched.

Speaker 2 (44:03):
Oh yeah, I'm but why.

Speaker 1 (44:06):
Are people talking about that. It's so weird that we
kind of have confirmation from the government. But yeah, we're like,
oh okay.

Speaker 3 (44:12):
It's it's so weird because it's the way they went
about it, right, Okay, yeah, so okay, it is happening,
but we're going to change it from UFO to change
the acronym.

Speaker 2 (44:23):
Yeah, that's so it's different, and now people don't care
and it's weird.

Speaker 3 (44:26):
Dude, it's such a yeah, such, but I'm fascinated by it.

Speaker 1 (44:30):
But they actually they confirm their terrestrial bodies.

Speaker 2 (44:33):
Another saying, like in Peru, this small town in Peru
claiming being like terrorized by these seven tall aliens. Yes
they have recently. Yes, this little town are like, there's
apparently that's the newest thing. I'search because what.

Speaker 3 (44:49):
Did you did you ever see the documentary in South
Africa of the children's school. No, okay, watch watch that.
There's a documentary about it. It's just an entire faculty
describing what happened and on top of that, they have
the pictures that the kids drew from that time, reinterviewed
as adults and the stuff they draw. But everything is corroborated. Yeah,

it's a weird.

Speaker 2 (45:16):
Word, cob corroborate or collaborated.

Speaker 3 (45:22):
I mean, I mean, yeah, I feel like that's where
but no, watch that. It's super interesting because I mean
this was adults who are now in their you know,
elder years, and the kids that are now in their
adult years. Everything is the It's trippy.

Speaker 1 (45:36):
Is so trippy. I love that kind of stuff. I
love the conspiracy theory. You know. Oh man, I don't
you know. I'm not one of those conspiracy theorists that
go out and like really believe, you know, but like
it's fun to.

Speaker 3 (45:47):
Research them and pretending I'm curious of the unknown.

Speaker 1 (45:52):
What's your favorite tattoo? I see that you have sleeves
going on here. Do you have a favorite?

Speaker 3 (45:57):

Speaker 1 (45:59):
How do you shootings? Dude? Is it like everyone before?
You're like, I like that.

Speaker 3 (46:03):
Young and drunk and dumb, and you know, like I think, Uh,
we're in Australia and you know, uh, super super intoxicated.

Speaker 1 (46:15):

Speaker 3 (46:16):
But it was fun and we all decided me and
like two guys from the label. I think somebody else
all went and got the h I love the kangaro
Well yeah, but I'm just like, where the hell does
that fit? Like none of these really fit. I mean,
I have my hand one removed.

Speaker 1 (46:31):
I'll show you. This is the one I got in Australia.

Speaker 2 (46:33):
Oh god, what is it?

Speaker 1 (46:35):
The Southern Cross?

Speaker 3 (46:37):

Speaker 1 (46:37):
Yeah, it's the Stars of the Southern Cross.

Speaker 3 (46:39):
Oh cool. That had to hurt though you're on your
Actually everyone was saying yeah, it's gonna but didn't.

Speaker 1 (46:44):
Hurt it all. But again, I was in Australia and
properly drunk.

Speaker 3 (46:47):
Drunk, so I couldn't even get mine finished. I had
a god awful one. My buddy who does DJ now
his name's Ultron. He used to do do tattoos occasionally
and he did one of my fun and I was
definitely drunk, and I was just like, I can't, I can't.
I'd had all of my had on my ridge, couldn't
do it.

Speaker 1 (47:06):
It was just so yeah, the worst one for me.
And I wasn't even there to get a tattoo. My
friend was, and I was, you know, watching him, and
they're like, do you want something like, actually, I've always
wanted like a tear drop here on my fingers, that
little bit it was. It's like someone took I would never.

Speaker 3 (47:23):
I would never, I would I would immediately go Lance,
that's a tear drop. Yeah, yeah, it's the other you go.

Speaker 1 (47:29):
I just got to do it like that. But man,
that hurt. Oh my gosh, that hurts so much. So
outside of your career, what what are the hobbies you
like to do? Like what keeps you I don't know,
get your mind off of the deep stuff.

Speaker 3 (47:43):
Oh man, uh, I'm always thinking the deep stuff, MANU.
I'm I'm, I'm like, I love I you know, I'm
I love the exploration of something out in the Yeah,
I mean, I I'll end up, you know, spending my
time just watching U crazy documentaries. I am a documentary

buff good. I that's that's like I love them. A
lot of them that are super stupid, but man, it's
just interesting.

Speaker 1 (48:15):
And I love doc I mean, I'm a doc filmmaker
and it's one of my it's my passion. It's my love.
Because you make no money off of them, but I
keep doing them because I just I love it. And
if you haven't seen boy Band KHN when I did
for YouTube. Watch that one because as a musician, that one,
I think, yeah, because it's about Lou Pearlman, the guy

who you know put us through everything.

Speaker 2 (48:40):
But yeah, it's that's a good documentary.

Speaker 1 (48:41):
It's eye opening for sure for any artist out there.

Speaker 3 (48:44):
I am, I am. I'm watching that tonight.

Speaker 1 (48:46):
All right. Uh, Now, you've been pretty open about your
mental health on your social media. Give us some tips
for people who are in a dark place. And besides
like therapy and everything, is there any tools that you
use to kind of snap you out of dark thought
that you're having.

Speaker 3 (49:00):
Oh man, Uh, you gotta be uh first, you gotta
If you just try to push it down, it gets worse.
So I would say, you gotta first off, understand that
you're thinking of it for a reason. You need to
explore what that reason is. And there's really anything. I mean,

that's the other thing I love, like I've for some
reason but on this like like I said, documentarys, random documentors,
but I've watched a lot of like hospice documentaries, right.
And the reason why I say that is this is
a you are seeing in the eyes of somebody else
the universe and of their life. You're hearing what they
have to say, and they're you know, always going to
be more knowledgeable in my opinion, then you know somebody

that's far away from it. And I think seeing that
kind of stuff and seeing the relationships that people have
h makes you more grateful when it's over or when
you're in that situation. So that's why I do it.
But I, like I said, I kind of I always
think it's important to be honest about it, Yeah, because
it's it's it's not something that just goes away.

Speaker 1 (50:06):
You know.

Speaker 3 (50:06):
If you want to watch a happy movie, you know, yeah,
you'll think about the half movie, but right afterwards're gonna
go right back to that yeah way of thinking.

Speaker 1 (50:14):
All right, we have some fan questions for you. Did
you ever learn the classic TikTok dance?

Speaker 3 (50:21):
I did? I did it really bad? Really bad? Yeah.
I was baffled. I was baffled by that.

Speaker 1 (50:27):
I think we have to try this. I need to
find the classic TikTok I think we do.

Speaker 2 (50:31):
You have another question that was askeley GB, and then
we have another question from GB from Emily Gross nineteen
ninety Do you prefer acting or singing? And is there
any chance you would want to do a music.

Speaker 1 (50:43):
Oh would you go to Broadway? Oh?

Speaker 3 (50:46):
Man, dude, I start? I definitely did I start? Well?
Was it? I always love theater. I definitely did a
lot of, like, you know, musicals and stuff growing up. Yeah, man,
I I don't know which. I think it goes back
to I love music because depending on how you go

about it, you have a little bit more creativity. Acting
you're reading something somebody's drugging. But I think there's something
beautiful with that. Musical is a funny story about musicals. Man.

Speaker 6 (51:16):
So when I was sixteen seventeen, I was flown out
to do screen test for high school musical whatever the
last one was, and.

Speaker 3 (51:32):
Did it with Kenny Ortega. We did that whole thing
and it was it was really cool. Didn't get it,
but it was still an awesome experience. But yeah, I
think I'll do whatever.

Speaker 1 (51:44):
Let me give you three Broadway shows and you have
to pick the one that you would join up. You
got three offers covered right now, right now. One is
to do the lead in Chicago, one is to do
the lead in Hamilton, and one is to doe to
the lead in Hairspray. Which Broadway show would you do?

Speaker 3 (51:58):
I do Chicago. I love Chicago in high school.

Speaker 2 (52:01):
Yeah, it was it.

Speaker 3 (52:03):
Billy Billy, Billy Finn, Yeah yeah, Billy Glynn.

Speaker 1 (52:10):
Oh man, that would be man so good. And the
way they made that film too, that is just.

Speaker 2 (52:17):
That was like the best adaptation of a musical.

Speaker 3 (52:21):
Film still does really well. I mean, do they still
do it on Broadway?

Speaker 1 (52:24):

Speaker 2 (52:24):
Yeah, it's never ending.

Speaker 3 (52:26):
Yeah, that's what I was wondering.

Speaker 1 (52:27):
That's got to be a amazing phantom just in it.
It was the longest running and it just stopped.

Speaker 2 (52:32):
I mean every year there's like a new Real Housewives
in Chicago.

Speaker 1 (52:38):
I have, Yes, Well, it was so amazing to get
to know you. Uh, congratulations all your success. You are
definitely one of the best storytellers that we've had on
the show.

Speaker 3 (52:48):
So audible and I'm here from nine to five.

Speaker 2 (52:53):

Speaker 1 (52:54):
How can all your fans keep in touch with you?

Speaker 3 (52:57):
Man? You know, I'm hardly on the social media these days,
but man, I'm on Instagram occasionally follow But yeah, man,
it's awesome talking to you all. I appreciate you too
reaching out man, and I wish you both nothing but love.

Speaker 1 (53:13):
Likewise, likewise, Tony, it has been great getting to know
you and definitely have to have you back on to
have a little follow up.

Speaker 3 (53:20):
Yeah. Absolutely, I'll switch out to Batman for something else.

Speaker 1 (53:22):
Done and done, and I'm gonna work on that solo
thing for you.

Speaker 2 (53:25):
Because I love it.

Speaker 1 (53:27):
We do magic. I love it all right, good to see.

Speaker 3 (53:30):
Thank you guys, appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (53:31):
Man, Am I gonna say.

Speaker 2 (53:49):
We're gonna say it again?

Speaker 1 (53:50):
Are we really gonna say?

Speaker 2 (53:51):
It was so nice?

Speaker 1 (53:55):
Like great storyteller, I'm telling you on my little notes
right here. Best story tell we've had, yes, and we've
had some good story has some good Yeah. But he's
about it personality. I know. I love when people are
very open about their struggles with the pussion and all that,
because all of us deal with this, even sometimes when

you don't think you're like, oh wait a minute, oh yeah,
uh so I'm so happy that, you know, he he
does talk about it publicly because I know people listening
right now are like, oh yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (54:27):
Really And it's a good reminder, you know, like what
he said, like we just focus on like what you
do have, And for me, that's the best thing. When
I'm feeling so down or depressed about something like my
world's ending, I just think about well, okay, wop, I
woke up in a lovely home. I have my children, family, food,
like the basic things of life I'm not worrying about.

Speaker 1 (54:44):
So we all have a lot to be lucky.

Speaker 2 (54:46):
So the grand scheme of things, Yeah, you just put
things in perspective and it really helps. Those are my
two stands.

Speaker 1 (54:53):
Oh, I love your two cents, and maybe there are
times and your nickels and Yours'll stop it? Guys, all right,
is there anything else you would like to tell our
little peanuts before we leave them?

Speaker 2 (55:03):
Does that we love you and appreciate all you listening.

Speaker 1 (55:05):
Yes, And don't forget to breathe like FokI says.

Speaker 2 (55:10):
Like breathe, well, yeah, don't forget to breathe in general,
because you'll die. But but when you do breathe, make
them count.

Speaker 1 (55:16):
Yes, and and breathe deep. I'm telling us much better.
A lot of people don't breathe deep enough. I get
down there.

Speaker 2 (55:22):
You've got to breathe deep and hold that breath for
a few seconds and let it out transform your mind.

Speaker 1 (55:27):
All right, guys, Well, now that I'm falling asleep, let's
get out of here, because that is all the show
I have for you. Thank you so much for listening.
Be good to each other out there, don't drink and drive,
take care of all those animals, yes, and remember say hey,
thanks for listening. Follow us on Instagram at Frosted Tips
with Lance and Michael Turchinard and at lance Beast for

all your pop culture needs

Speaker 2 (55:51):
And make sure to write his review and leave us
five stars six if you can see you next time.
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