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July 14, 2021 76 mins

Christina and Alan welcome Solheim Cup star Angel Yin for a lively discussion about life on tour, staying patient between victories and shrinkage affecting British streakers. Angel also offers a honest look at the financial pressure for the average LPGA player. 

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Christina Kim

Alan Shipnuck

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
H Hello and welcome to Full Send with Christina Kim
and Alan Schiponak. We are delighted that this week our
guest is one Angel Yan. You know her as year
old from Los Angeles. She won the Dubai l Et

event years ago. She's been a stalwart on a couple
of Solheim Cups and just a delightful presence as you
shall see. So, Angel, thanks for doing this, Thank you
for having me. Um So what inspired you to say
yes to this invitation? I mean, you must have a
tremendous fear and discomfort. You know, you're you're you're coming

in here. You're gonna get a double teamed by me
and Christina, Like, it's quite brave with well. Christina asked me,
and I was like, you gotta say yes. You know
you can't say no. I asked so nicely too. I
was like, Angel, I've got a podcasting. I would love
to have you as a guest. It wasn't like, you know, Angel,
this date we're going to air, come on, you gotta

do it. It's great. I'm happy to be on. I'm
happy to be asked to be on. So I'm looking
forward to I have no idea what's gonna we're gonna
talk about. So that's how we roll around here. It's
just it's it's a completely uh spur of the moment.
I think it lends itself to a little more fun.

But why don't you give us an update on your
season so far, how you're feeling about your game, your life,
Just just bring bring the listeners into your world a
little bit, if you would tell me everything everything. So yeah,
so I'm game, the game is feeling pretty good. Obviously

I have an injury right now, so it's tough to
play a lot of events in a row. Um I
did play four events in a row and that was
a huge miss a. Can you can just see from
my Scots went downhill fast and like dropped off a cliff.
It didn't even like declined slowly. It just from on

the cliff to down negative. Um so that lesson learned.
M I kind of knew something was like that was
going to happen, but I just wanted to see where
my body was at and clearly it wasn't where I
think it is, which is a little bit healthier. Um So,
but hey, you have to learn from your mistakes. So

that's that. So fortunate because kind of ruined my major
at KPMG. But at least we got two more left. Still, absolutely,
what has compelled you to keep going instead of instead
of just giving yourself the rest you need? Um, I
want to put food on the table. Same, Um, so

you know, putting a roof over my head and some
food on my table now. But UM, I just don't think.
I mean, honestly, though we don't make it as much
as the guys, that is the harsh reality. And we
do not have the privilege to just take two to
three months off. I mean, we can if it's that bad,
but unless I can't walk, Um, it is tough to

take that long off because we don't make that much
and we just don't have the privilege to to take
a certain amount of time off to completely heal because
we live. We do live paycheck by paycheck and um,
you know, and I don't have any sponsors, so I

really do need to play. So everyone's situation is different.
I imagine a lot of girls on tour is like that.
So you have to just work around it and just
be wise about it and and just choose the turn
that you want to play. And this is and then
The second reason is also just hand Cup year. Um,
and I really want to make the team and I
feel like I'm healthy enough to perform for the team

and help win back that cup. But at the end
of the day, the number one reason is really due
to paycheck. Um uh yeah, yeah, I mean it's this
is as raw truthful as you get, because we don't
make that much money, right, But I mean you're also
you're spending money to go out there, you know. Yeah,

I mean, yeah, my percentage of I think me still
being able to play at a decent level is there.
So that's why I I'm still going out there to play,
especially since we had a year of last year. Um,
it's tough not to play this year. Just have to
just play a little bit. Just just fill the listeners
in on the injury and where you stand in your

recovery and all that. Uh, it's my left shoulder. It's
not really one thing. I did take an MRI I
last year at the end of the year. Um, it
doesn't really say anything, so we know it's nerve definitely.
So when it comes to nerve, we just have to rest.
But I've been treating it. It's getting better, which is

a lot nicer, but it's not you can't completely he'll
he'll unless you rest with nerve. Yeah, I mean you
did finish you know what six the Olympic Club, right,
so I did so obviously you can you can swing
the club and um, but is it one of those
things where it feels different every day when you wake
up and you don't quite know how the shoulder is

going to feel. Yeah, there is that, but also it's
more so that there is a certain amount of like
life fighting. Even use it afterwards you have to rest
because it just gets too tired. So there's there's that. Yeah,
And obviously you know, I mean Angel played great at
Olympic Club. That was super exciting to be able to watch,

and like she had said earlier, you know, it's just
there was a deterioration as the stretch continued to go along.
So it one of those things where it's it's really
tough because you know that the ability is there and
you know that you can do it. It's just if
you're encountering some physical limitations, um, say with with Angel's
left shoulder, my L five s lf L five S

one joint in my spine, things like that, like as
things start to deteriorate. You you get that sense of
it's so close and it's right there. And because of
the way that the schedule is sort of set up,
it was, you know, you had two majors in four weeks,
So in a perfect world, yeah, maybe we'd want to

play only three tournaments in a row, but that fourth
week is the major. And you're like, okay, well if
I were to And then you're like, well, I'm in
San Francisco for two weeks, so I'm I'm already here.
Why am I going to take the week after the
US Women's Open off if we're ready there in town.
And then it's like, well, do I really want to
take the week off before a major? Like there are
a ton of different things that you have to think

about as opposed to you know, oh, well, I'll just
hop onto my private jet and have my physical therapists
sit there and treat me while i'm you know, while
we're we're up in the air, and as we're taxing
on the runway, I'll call my private personal chef and
have them prepare something with all of my macros, and

you know, I'm going to make sure that I purchased
my food from a specific farmer, and I know exactly
which chicken is going to be pooping on my plot
of land by way of truly knowing exactly where and
how my food is sourced and and things like that.
So it's, uh, you know, it's it's very rarely, especially
more so for the women, I think than the guys

to sit there and just say I'm hurt, I need
to take time off there. There's so there's just a
myriad uh reasons as to why we play when we play,
and um, you know, I I definitely feel you their
angel with having to play with an injury. I A
you know, I I joke, I'm like, I'm like, you're

like two thirds of my age and I'm like I
played two thirds more events than you did because I
did six on this stretch. Yeah, it's it's like, I mean,
people can make of reasons and all that, but this
is the reality and this is the truth. Um, you
just you don't really have a choice. Yeah, of course
you have. You always have a choice within certain constraints. Yeah,

it's just very very tough. And you know, Meyer was
attempting um tournament because you know, everyone's playing. It's such
a big purse. Uh, and we haven't really had that
big of a person a while. So if we're an open,
smaller event, you're like, Wow, I want to go play,
you know, make some money. It's not that top of
a golf course. Plus it's a good warm up for

the major. But you know, it's it's so tough at
the end of the day, Like if you want the
true answer, it's mostly surrounded by money and about money. Um,
we can't just take time. Yeah, So that that stress
interests me. I mean when when you're when you're in
this mode and it gets to Friday and say you're

around the cut line, I mean, are you adding up
the dollars in your head? Like I've already spent jeez
and seventy dollars this week on on hotels and flights
and caddy and I got I gotta play the last
three holes and two hunder to get you know, to
get a paycheck. Like how much is it on your
mind out there between the ropes? Broke that if you're
spending dollars on hotels, flights and caddies, that means that

you're buying your ticket with miles, you're staying with a
host family and you've been eating Chipotle every single day. Like,
but right, you know what, I've been talking too much
to Ryan French about Monday Monday Q life. I was doing.
I was doing the wrong numbers. But yeah, okay, so
double or triple that, I mean that makes even more stressful.

So um, but but like in this modere in right now, Angel,
how much does that wing on you? Not terribly much,
because you can't think like that. If you do think
like that, you'll be swamped in your own negativity and
the thoughts of all of the stress. That's just gonna
crumble and crush you. But I personally don't think like that.

I just know that if I'm gonna turn im, I'm
gonna play my best. Um, and what happens happens is
nothing you can control, but obviously you're gonna have to
try our best. But yeah, to answer your question, I
don't really think about that at all. Um. You know,
it's just it's just not something you want on your
mind because that will really crush you. And then you

get back to the hotel, then you think about it,
or you just I just go on YouTube and that's
an Instagram and look at cat meeans thank you. I mean,
we're living the same life. Actually, what do you watch
on YouTube? I'm curious about your consumption habits? Oh, anything

and everything. I mean I like to watch a lot
of like Chinese like movie reviews where like there's this
creator that's super funny and h or I like to
watch a lot of movie reviews, um, and then there's
like weird stuff like I was into bonsai for a while.
So I was watching a lot of bons eye videos.
You know, do you mean the little Yeah, the little

old trees are miniature old trees and what happens on
these videos are just trimming them up. Fascinated. Yeah, so
it shows uh them how they take care of it,
how they restore an old un taking care of bonsaie
and the art of bons eye. There's so so many things.
I just like bonsaye and it's pretty cool on Instagram.
I just like art, a lot of fun, a lot

of artists, and then um, tattoo artists. Yeah, like you
actually watch people getting tattoos. Uh No, I'd just like
to see the pieces and then they rarely show the
process of it. The ones I follow, but most of
them just the pieces they tattooed onto other people. I mean,
this is a great advertisement for the glamorous life of

a professional golfer. You're a budget hotel stressing about money
watching Bonsaye videos. I don't know if those first two
things are entirely accurate, Allen. I think, uh, you might be.
We would have to have an asterisk and say though

based around actual events, there is uh you know, we've
had to create some what what is it that they
do where it's like, you know, loosely based on actual events,
based on a true story. Yeah, I can't agree with you, Alan.
I agree with Christina on this one. Okay, I'm sorry,
I got I got a little carried away. But just
because you're stressed about us on our money doesn't mean

that we have to be physically, like consciously stressed about it.
When we of compartmentalization, when we talk about stress is
the truth, but we're not like constantly dwelling on it,
like let's just sit there and like stressed out. It's
not like that, But it's the truth. I mean, it's
like thoughts that happen, but it's not something that we'll
just overtake our entire life. Yeah, we have a lot

of fun. Stiff, tell me about the fun. I want
to hear about the fun, like what what is? Give me?
You look up fun on the LPGA and you'll be
able to see the definition is a picture of Angelian Yeah,
and Christina Kim. Yeah. I'm like the sober one in
the back, just kind of like watching there being everyone's
like mom designated driver security detail. Uh, you know the

one that's telling like random facts about animals and stuff.
And then I like, you know, just make sure everyone
has sunscreen and we'll reapply it for them. Yeah, sunscreen
is such a big deal. I got sufered recently. I
was like, girl, girl, I know, it's horrible fun fun.
I mean I really enjoy programs, which is shocking to everyone.

I tell um, I like your programs just because like
kind of just hang out with angers, learned about them
and they never see them again. And how perfect is that?
Are you so alan in your pitch for this movie
in terms of the LPG, Are you also going to
talk about our like one day stands that we have
as well? Now? I know, Yeah, I understand it's a

little voyeuristic, like you get a peek into their life
and and there their psyches and yeah, I mean you
just never see them again and it's like beautiful, I
so real quick. I have to interrupt. When we were
at the KPMG on Sunday, I had a gentleman that

came out to follow my group and he spent the
entire day screaming at my golf ball and shouting at me,
and I forget how many holes it took for me
to finally blow my top. And I was like, hey, like,
can I tell you something that my caddie likes to
tell me because I'm very vocal to my golf ball,

is you know very well angel? And he was like,
the last thing they do before they put them in
the box and ship them out is cut off their ears.
And so I told him that's what my caddie said,
and he just he just doubled down and he one
thing he kept saying was lock up. And I'm like,
my back, it has Can you just commune titties like
we just the ball's not gonna listen to you. I

I thank you for the support, it's it's it ain't
gonna happen. He's like, I played with you eight years
ago in the program at such and such a place,
So every now and again they will return just remember,
yeah I not did. None of them have returned yet,
so oh my gosh, it was like it was like
the cicadas all over again for me. I was just

gonna say that I've witnessed that many times UM at
tour events around UM players where they're on their CIN
autographs and someone will say, you know, uh, hey, hey, Dustin,
remember we played that pro am back at Rivera in
two thousand thirteen, And he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, bro,

yeah you had a great swing and you know, and yeah, yeah, thanks,
yeah I made that party on number six. And they
go on and on and then keep walking and Justin's like,
I haven't no idea what that guy was. But all
the time, I've witnessed that a dozen times at least.
And so, yeah, Angel, you're not out of the woods
by any means. They they're You're still young in your
career on the LPGA. Just you wait, there's going to

be someone to be like, you know, Angel, I played
with you in two thousand and fifteen or two thousand
and seventeen or two yeah, two thousands of sixteen or seventeen,
your rookie year. I have no concept of time, ch
Angel I played with you in your first LPGA Tour event,
in your first LPGA pro am in two thousand seventeen.

We had such a great time and it's just one
of those times you're like, oh my god, yeah, we
had the best time ever. You have to go through
your your own rollo dex. You're like, Okay, what was
the first event of the year that year, and you're like, okay,
we were at you know, um you know wherever it
was were all you know was that phoenix, right, do
you remember the eighteenth Pole. And then they'll just be like,
oh my god, that was so crazy. You're like, oh

my god, I know. And then you have to like
slowly walk away, be like it's so great to see
you again, just like go like this, Christie, I just
Christie and I played in the pro am at Lake
Ver said like four years ago, and um she presented

me with a a signed photograph which is by my desk,
which I could run and get but it's not necessary
and um she signed, Well, it's like it takes me
thirty seconds to get there, and um I walked slowly,
And so there was there was some joke someone else
in the group had used the term donkey dick, and

so that became like it was me. I told him
he sucked donkey dick. Yeah that's right. Oh, Angel, you
can say anything, all all the words you've always wanted
to say your whole life. This is your chance. And
so anyway, Christina signed to signed my photo, you know,

dear donkey Dick, thanks for a great round whatever. And
it's so it's it's on. It's it's just taped to
the wall by my desk, slightly discreet place. And just
the other day one of my daughters was like, looking
at it, Dad, what does that say? I said, Oh, yeah,
that says donkey dick. That's a golf term. It's like,
oh okay. Anyway, it was uh, it's lived on forever.

So you may actually wind up podcasting with a pro
am partner someday. Angel, that you never know where life
is going to take you. That's the point of this story. Wow, wow,
this is I'm looking forward to it. That's that's amazing.
Whomever you played with last week, just think maybe fifteen
years from now you might be hosting a podcast. Wait,

let's actually let's drill down on your memory here, Christina,
because what is the third hole at Lake marstaid, it's
a steeply downhill. Part three. I think, yeah, do you
remember the t shot I hit there? No, I do,
because it wasn't almost ace, wasn't it? Yeah, like lived
out and I still have also on my desk a A.

I got closest to the pin for the entire pro am,
and that would have been because Angel I've never I've
never made an ace, and it's kind of become like
a running gag on social media and every time some
blind old lady in New Zealand makes an ace, like
my Twitter blows up and so um, people just love
to haze me. But but that one, like legit lipped
out on the low side. Yes, um, it got very

quiet for a minute. If that had gone in while
you were there in the pro am, it would have
been absolutely epic. So I would have taken off all
of my clothes and rolled down the hill. I would
have been more excited for you than you would have been,
because I'm like, finally it fucking happened, and he can
get off this bag, because it really it's like when

it does happen, and I promise you it will, it's
a huge deal, but it's not that big a deal,
I promise you. Wow, the fact that you would have
rolled down that hill buck naked, I'm now taking it
because that would have been fantasy. I would I would
have lost my damn mind? Are you kidding me? Remember
that one particular shot. I actually really do, because I'm like,

oh god, I almost witnessed Allen's for like first days.
Oh my god. That would have been the same year
as Webb Simpson's win right the Streaker when that appeared,
when they were getting a war presented. Oh no, this
this a little bit later. That was Yeah, that was
an Olympic club in like two thousand twelve, imagine happened
the same year Christina rolls down the hill naked and

in the street year comes over and oh my gosh.
So I've actually been wanting to find that guy Jungle Bird,
you know, he's out there somewhere, Like, wouldn't you love
to read a story on how is life has changed
since he got tossed in a bunker by Mike Davis
like that, there's there's there's a there's a great piece
to be done on on that guy and what led

what in his life led him to that moment to
wear that hat? To Heckle web Simpson of all people
like at the US Open trophy presentation, like, I'm sort
of fact, wasn't there wasn't there another streak of this
year at Tory Pines. Yeah, there was a streaker at
Tory that was who was he following? I forget he
got tackled, like the cart almost hit him and he
got thrown to the ground. But going back, I would say,

what happened in that guy in Jungle Birds life is
either a uh, the amount of attention paid to him
compared to the amount of attention he wanted as a child.
We're not sinked up, It's probably the best way to
put it. Um, not a not a not a dig whatsoever.
It's just you know, maybe he needed some maybe he

wanted more than he was given when he was a
kid at all. Because these days I'm like, dude, get
that camera out of my face on Yeah, I mean
it's actually there was a period there, like in the
two thousand's when there were streakers every year at the
British Owen coming down the last hole. The camera didn't
always catch them, but um, I was always standing there

and I saw a way too many naked pasty englishmen
and let's let's be honest, it's cold. You know, there
was some shrinkage and these guys were running around and
it was it was a whole thing. Oh my gosh, yes,
I continue. Well, that's the classic line about Peter Alice.

You know, he was the BBC announcer and this is
going back on probably the eighties, and there was a
streaker and you know, now they don't really show them
on the telecasts as a way to try and not
give the people the attention they crave per Christina's comment,
but back in those days, the cameras would follow them
and you know, this guy's are running around jiggling and um,

and then they finally get him off there and there's
just this pregnant pause and Alice says, what a big
fuss about such a little thing? And all time classic
Peter Alice moment. Yeah, let's let's bring this back. Let's

let's go back to golf. So you mentioned you mentioned
angels Um rookie year in seventeen. That was when you
wanted to Dubai if I'm not mistaken, and that was
I remember thinking, wow, this is you were so young?
Were you eighteen when you won there. It could have
been seventeen depending on when it fell on the coundar.

But um, yeah, I was. I was five years ago
and I don't know four years ago. COVID time counts double.
But um, so there was quite a big stir just
given your youth and how well you played that week, um,
and set some some big expectations. So how how did
you manage that that moment in your career? And um,

when you look back on that week, what went right?
And how are you trying to recapture that magic? Ah? Well,
all right, I mean I just I just played and
then it wasn't like the best golf I've ever played,
And um, I didn't end up in a playoff. It's

just golf, and it's really tough. It's it's so tough
to win a tournament. I guess I was just lucky
that week because I think you can be very skilled
in golf, but at the end of the day, if
you were to win a tournament, it takes luck to
be by your side. So I think I was just lucky.
I mean, you know, the skill is involved at the

end of the day. To win out of all those girls,
I think luck is involved. I mean, is there one
one shot or one bounce or something that that captures
that feeling like I do you remember a great break
you got that that brings out to life. I don't
think I got any good breaks because actually went in
the water on eighteen. I hit it straight into the water.

I hit so hard. I just went straight into the water,
and then I had a drop hit a five iron.
I nearly my eagle putt, my my brainy put lipped out,
which you know is Ego puts a Bertie putt. It
lipped out and then um went straight to play off.
But yeah, coming in actually I think I made a
bogie or I missed No, sorry I made I missed

the uh five footer for Bertie on some teams. So
it was like kind of like it's really testing. It
was like earned win, um, and you really had a fight,
fight for it. I want to fot for it. It's
just it wasn't like it wasn't very easy because I
had to go. I went in the water and I
was like, oh no, no, it's tough. But yeah, how

do you stay patient waiting for that that next wind? Practice?
Do my thing that I've always done, trying to improve
get better. I mean, there's so many things you can
always improve on. Every day you're learning new things. Um,
and then just when it comes, it comes. You just
have to be ready when the opportunities presented to you. Um,

you just have to be ready. And sometimes even opportunities
are presented to you. There are other people involved in this,
so you know it could be their chance in their timing.
So I guess for me, it's just being patient. I mean,
after training pro it has taught me more patients than ever.
And it's just not an easy game, especially you know

you're competing with so many people. People think it's I
think if you're good, your winning. It's not like that.
I mean everybody is good. Everybody on the LPG is good.
There's no one that's bad. Just depending on how it
goes really interesting and I mean Christina, you can you

can really to that right, Like, I mean, you're, um,
you've had you've had a terrific career, but I know
you're waiting for the next one as well. Like how
do you stay patient in this quest? Well, I mean
touching up on everything that Angel said, obviously, you know
it's it's a little bit different when you have every
single week, a hundred and forty three up to a

hundred and fifty five other girls, other players that are
just as hungry as you are, if not more, And
sometimes it's your week and sometimes it isn't. And patience
is definitely there's a reason why it's called a virtue
because the amount of times, even you know, almost twenty

years on tour, I'm like, but I want to be
Pasia right now. I don't want to we wait to
be patient. I want to be patient right now. So
there's a ton of internal struggles that you have to
battle through and a lot of times in order to
come up on top. Is like like for me when
I won um the loreno choa invitation all presented by

bonam X back in Mexico City, like it was the
the golf was not like Angel said, you sit back
and just like, well this is bullshit because it wasn't
the best golf of my life. So I didn't win.
And then there are sometimes you're like I played as
well as I could, I gave it everything I had,

and yet somebody still beat me by two shots, you know. Um,
So for me, a lot of it was just truly
finding that inner peace that I have fleeting moments of
like if I'll go on a run and have four
birdies in a row or something, you get that inner
peace and you're able to quell your emotions, be they good,
be they bad, be they something in between. You just

you you feel like you're relinquishing control to the universe,
but you're still in full command of them at the
same time. So it's it's uh, you know, it's it's
fascinating and it's interesting and it's tough. But that's why
we play this game, because if there was something that
was so easily attainable, you did it all the time,

Like I don't I don't know if I would appreciate
it in the same way, you know. And so you know,
even someone like Tiger who's had arguably the greatest career
in modern day, or someone like an Akas horn Stem,
someone like an Nby Park, they didn't win every single week.
I mean they want most weeks, but they didn't win

every single week. And so when you're able to see
them be able to bounce back. Or take Nellie Korda
who missed the cut at the U S Women's Open
and then went on to win the KPMG Women's p
G A in the next major like that. It's it
sort of expands the ability for people to see the
entire spectrum of the game and the internal struggles that

you and canra and things like that. So for me,
a lot of it is just continue to do all
of the right things, maintain the things I'm doing well,
improve on the things that I want to improve upon,
because maybe there will come a day when my next
victory will be easy. Because everything is, you know, fitting
in the slot, everything is being struck correctly. I'm able

to be emotionally stable, um, and I'm able to just
enjoy it more and be able to say I left
everything out there. I am exhausted and exhilarated at the
same time. And oh I get, I get. I get
a big glass cut to hold over my head and
realize how heavy this ship is. Awesome. Yeah, I I

don't know what you think, but I want to know
what you think. I think as I've played more, UM,
I think. I mean, obviously winning is great, but I
think winning is also overrated at a point because it
doesn't define how good of a golfer you are. Like
when people just go, so have you one on this tour,
So have you done this? It's it's not I mean,

like just to be on the LPGA and playing consistently
for years and years, that deserves so much credit. The
people are just overlooking and are about his win or
you know, what did you finish top ten? That's that
deserves praise? Like, um, you know, for example F one
everyone talked about F one out and I don't know,

a bunch of girls are obsessed they finishing second, getting
a podium, finishing fifth, getting points, all that is good,
Like that's what's so different instead of like just focusing
on the wind. Like I hate the saying saying like
you'll never you'll never remember who one second? No stop?

Like why are you putting so much pressure on this
one person just to win? And why why is second
not good enough? They beat everyone else except for one person,
They played so well. Why can't that deserve so much
more praise? You have to win to deserve praise. That's
just I think that's ridiculous and silly to a point. Oh,
I agree completely. You know I think that you know,

we can blame people like say Ricky Bobby from Talladega
Nights and his dad's saying if you ain't first, you last,
and um, you know, I think it would be interesting
to get Alan's perspective on this as well, because as
a person in the media, you know, oftentimes the story
is about the guy that comes out on top and
the guy that wins, and it would be interesting to

understand the psychology behind that, because you don't necessarily understand
um as a viewer. You know, not you in particular, Alan,
but just viewers don't necessarily understand all the different complexities
that come with playing tournament golf. And I think that's
one reason why I've been so keen to do this
podcast is because you can sit there and I will

sit there. I will psychoanalyze myself. I will talk about
all of the little victories that I had, and sometimes,
because golf is such an individual sport, you go out
there and you have you hit every shot the way
that you want to, and you shoot sixty six, You're like,
I hit every shot the way that I wanted to.
There were a number of holes where I said, I'm
not going to go for birdie on this whole because

that's just silly. We've got, you know, eight and a
half feet from the edge of the green, and then
on the other side of the edge of that green, Uh,
we've got a hazard. And you know, I have a
tendency to hit this kind of shot, and so trying
to force that is not the right move for me.
And so this whole I'm gonna play smart. I'm gonna
have my two puffs for power and walk off, you know,
because they every shot hit correctly does not necessarily mean

you're going to shoot fifty four. And then you go
and you talk to someone else or like, dude, are
scrambled around. I hit it like ship. I chipped in
three times and I shot sixty four, you know, and
it's like to they're happy with their score and displeased

with how they went about it because they had a
chip in three times. Whereas you hit everything that you
wanted to you off with the sixty six. They beat
you by two. But does that mean that they does
that mean that your round is less satisfying? Then they're around.
You know, there's there's so many different things where victories
come in all sizes and all shapes, and you know,

the actual I I grew up being compared to a
lot of people growing up, and so that is the
one thing that I hate about tournament golf more than anything.
Is well so and so one, and I'm like, good
for her. I've done did what I wanted to do.
I did this, I did that like that. I want
to focus on things that I did well, as opposed

to only focusing on the person that one who might
be you know, a piece of ship person, let's say,
you know, as opposed to being like, well, you know,
I don't sit there and advertise, uh one. I don't
have my own social media person that handles to accounts,
so I don't have to worry about Sam Burns is
wind going up on my account when he won the
valve spar like Bryson does. But at the same time,

I don't sit there and I don't talk about when
I go to the soup kitchens. I don't talk about
when I go and make donations like that's that's ship.
That's for me, like that that that that's for myself,
my community. I don't need to blast that kind of
ship onlines that people will be like, oh wow, what
a good person. I'm just like, I know I'm a
good person, So I don't care about that. So that,
while I do love the competition, I love head to head,

the idea of you going up against the entire field.
There's something about that that just has always been kind
of just different to me in um, in a lot
of ways. I think so as Yeah, I mean as
a fan. Uh yeah, they don't have access to all
that information, so the number is what they can relate to.

So in their in their mind, the sixty four is
better than the sixty six. They don't they didn't get
to see every shot. They don't they don't know about
the the emotional turmoil that did or not play out,
you know, for those eighteen holes. So um, you know,
to some degree, it's it's just that that's how that's
how it goes in sports. It's it's the number that

that people fixate on. And but the job of someone
like myself is to fill in the back story. And
uh and also if used correctly, you know, as players,
through social media, you can you can bring people into
your world a little bit, and it does give them
a little more understanding of and more context to to
think about those numbers. Um. But yeah, I mean I

agree with what you're saying. Like I'm sort of obsessed
with Kevin Streelman, who's been on the PGA Tour for
like two decades and I think he's won twice. But
he's had an unbelievable career in his mind, and he's
he's a great interviews, eloquent guy, and he has one
of my favorite swings them And you know, I talked
to him at Tory, where he played well. He said,

you know, it's like, basically, I couldn't win on this
golf course. I was given up fifty to seventy five
yards off the tee to most of these guys. And
that I'm, you know, sixth place. Whatever he finished was
about the best he could do. And that was the
comfort level he exuded. And he was proud of himself
for for grinding it out for samet holes seventi two
holes and tough conditions and it was exactly what what

you guys are talking about. There's there's little victories every
week that you can celebrate as as a player, and um,
you know, I think the folks in my profession could
could do a better job of that. And um and
you know, to your point about Tiger felt like he
won every week from when he turned pro until he
ran over the fire hydrant, you know, which is essentially

his his prime. I think his win rate was that
was it, and that's the greatest golfer ever played. Seven
out of ten tournaments he didn't win. I mean he
was probably right there for a lot of them, but
he didn't get it done. And so and you know
that's an astronomically high wind rate. And uh and even then,
you know he was he was quote unquote failing more

than more than seven out of ten times. So yeah,
I think you guys are right that you need more
context and um, and that that victories alone don't don't
tell everything. But it is the culture we live in.
I mean, that's you know, everyone loves culture. Y'all live
in sweetheart. Yeah, well it's true. I mean that's that's

that's sports. I mean, it's it's a in some ways,
it's a zero sum game. You know, if you're if
you're if you're on the Clippers and you're playing the
Phoenix Suns. I mean, there's only one outcome that's going
to be satisfying to your fan base. And um, you know,
golf is a little different, but um, I don't know.
I think I think there's definitely something we said for

those those those players who do it year after year.
I mean, and you you know you fall into that category. Christina,
you've been out there forever and mud I had to
dodge dinosaurs my rookie year, like it was ridiculous. Yeah, exactly. Um,
I think there's a greater appreciation for the grinders, if
you will, then maybe you guys even have tapped into

and uh, you know, I wrote it. I wrote a
story about Pat Perez a few years ago and at
that point he only one basically once in his career,
and he but he's kept his card every single season
on the PGA Tour, which is highly underrated achievement without
the victory exemptions. And um, that story got a big
response because, Um, I think I think the gold the

more sophistic golf fans do recognize that it's a grind
and it's a struggle and that those who can, who
can persevere your after year, there's a respect there and
hopefully you guys feel that as you go that there
is there is more than just just the winds. But um,
it's an interesting Yeah. I just feel like, um, we

can expand on a little bit more instead of just
like it's talking about the wind like it's the Holy
grail because you know, like, for example, of one um
a win is great, but also people who get podium,
people who finish fourth, accumulating points. It is also very
high up there and highly praised. So it's pretty cool
to see that instead of just you have to win
and it's individual sport, it's not a team sport. It's

a team sport because there's a team behind it. But
we also have a team. So I thought that was
pretty cool. It's just, you know, I thought it's obviously
very different in golf because it's so individual. But you know,
real quick, Angel, the next time someone asks you how
many wins you have on the LPGA Tour, you can
just look at them and very sweetly say, I'm still

waiting on my first one. How many do you have?
How many years have you been on tour? Or no,
why don't you Why don't you tabulate your podiums? You
can be like, well, I have I have nineteen podiums,
so that would they would be a little confused, but
that might be a good way to what you are
talking about. Okay, but if you took your top threes

or whatever, like, you could come up with your own
metric or um. Yeah, I'm interested that that there's there's
a there's a whole bunch of LPJ players who are
following Formula one. Is this this a thing that I've
unaware of. I don't know if it's really a thing.
I've always liked racing race cars, so I was, you know,

I always kind of sort of following it, and then
I went to my first race, and then I got
more involved, learned more about it, and then the Race
to Survive. I think that came on Netflix just was
a huge hit and everyone's just obsessed. Now I know
who Lewis Hamilton's is, and that's about it. I mean,

if if if you're on Saturday morning at at an
LPGA event, are people talking about like what's going on about? No? No, no,
we're not that crazy. Okay, well, I'm trying to gauge
to the depth of the obsession year. So no, that's
not very deep. M So all right, we've we've talked

about your your Bond's Eye videos like I do. I
do love the rituals of of the traveling gall for
because it's a lot of time on the road and
you have to maintain your standing. Like what are some
of the other ways that you get through the week.
Do you have do you have certain things and certain
people that you you kind of gravitate towards any given

tournament week. It's tough because sometimes in the tournament week
you don't even see some people and they are playing
that week and you're like, whoa, Like, you know, it's
funny Jinny and co. Who was you know, number one
in the world. Um. She was like, Asul, I haven't
seen a while. I was like, oh, I've been playing

the same term as you've been playing. She goes, yeah,
I know, but it's been over a month since I
last saw you. Actually was two months. Uh, And I
was like, yeah, I know. It's it's freaking crazy. It's
it's so crazy because you could just be playing the
same times, you know, saying tournament, but because you're on
different ways, and then because of we are different practice schedules,

we absolutely do not see each other. And it's it's
very common, so it's very hard to hang out with someone. Um,
and you're obviously really tired. Goffing is not easy just
because it doesn't seem as a very active sport. You're
not running around and you know, um, we don't typically
look like your everyday athlete. But it's more of like
a mental strain that you don't see. We we go

there before the sun comes out, and then sometimes we
leave when the when the sun leaves as well, you know,
so we're out there for a long period of time
and our body is constantly changing. Um. You know, every
environment is different. Traveling to this city is different. We
aren't able to have access to things we want to
For example, Um, you know when I played Meyer there

was no Hope foods. I had to go find Farmers
Market to like, you know, because you know, there's some
certain stuff I can eat, but certain stuff I can't eat.
So it's very different. And we're traveling, traveling constantly, so
our body clock is completely messed up. So there's a
lot of internal all strain and stress that you don't see. Um.

But yeah, I forgot your question, But I am going
to talk about what he was basically saying. You answered,
it's perfect. Tell tell me about the food stuff. This
interests me? So, I mean, what obviously looking for healthy,
organic whole foods, but is it that hard to find

in certain towns? Um? Yeah, so I after the pandemic
it I've always liked to just cook at home. Um.
And I've always done take out, regardless to where I
was in term. I just don't like to go out
and sit there and wait. So I like to just
get take out and then bran to my room and eat.
But now the pandemic it I was like, Mom, I

want to buy a pot. I want to like cook
my own food, and they just stuck. My mom was like, Okay,
you can do whatever you want. So I usually go
to Whole Food, buy some veggies, buy some meat, and
then cook it up um and then and that's pretty
much my my routine. Why do I say Hope Foods.
I just think their meat quality is a little bit

better than what you buy at Walmart or Meyer. Not
that you know they're bad, they're edible still, but that's
what I usually just go to. And they have all
my stuff, Like I can't really eat a lot of
gluten um because I just react poorly to it. Um.
So it's just easier. It's easy. I don't have to
go to Hope Foods. But it's just easy because it's

just like you know what you're getting, you go in
and out. I don't need to look for things myers huge.
I mean I don't know if you've ever been there.
It's like a little city Walmart, huge, Target, huge, Just
it's just tough. Like it's very stressful. I want to
go into a supermarket, you know exactly where things are,
be out in like fifteen minutes and that's it. Like,
but you know, going to my like going to a

big supermarket, you're in there for a solid thirty thirty
minutes because most of the minutes you're doing is walking,
like you have no idea where things are. Yeah, well,
the struggle is real. I mean I get it. You know,
I travel a lot as well. It's the small details
because we only have twenty four hours in a day

and we need to rest, so it's just little things
here and there. I mean, obviously we can adapt. That's
what we're that's what we're good at. We're golfers. We adapt.
We're constantly from one city to another. Before we're unpacking,
we're repacking already. Um so that's what we do. But
you know, it's just it's just things like that. You know,
when you play an event like um, let's just say basketball,

you play a home game and on away game, you're
not really traveling that much and you know you have
time given, Like, yeah, they are, you know, I don't
understand their sport, but there's a certain amount of time
they just need to play where we we need to
play from Monday to Sunday. There's no question. Like people

be like, oh so when does your term and start Thursday?
Oh so you're free, No, I'm not free. We get
in Sunday night. We're preparing for our stuff. Monday, we
get into business, Tuesday, getting into business. Wednesday, we have program. Thursday,
Friday we play golf, cut we make Saturday. Sunday boom,
we're on a fight again next place. It's very different.

We're constantly on the go. It's like working a nine
seven job without stopping constantly. They have weekends. We don't
have weekends. Are weekends are more stressful than you can
ever imagine. And our weekends are our travel days and
the day where you're spending the most time working on

your stroke, working on your swing, trying to fix ship,
so that once the tournament does roll around, the tournament
days can be looked upon as the easy days in
your week. Yes, absolutely, because your first three days you're prepping,
you're drawing out your game plan and then you're like, Okay,
what do I do to do next? Right? And then
all right, did I do everything that I can prepare

myself for for this week's event? And then when the
tournament rolls around, you're not practicing as much, you're just playing.
It's less stressful. It's like less stressful in the body,
like time consuming because you're just out there for a
certain amount of time and then you go back to
your room. But you're already being drained before the week starts,
so you have to consider your energy. It's it's just

there's a lot and then you know, sometimes we have
tournaments from l A and you fly all the way
to just say, California, and they fly all the way
to New York, and then you fly all the way
back to Texas and then you fly all the way
up to New York again. The traveling, it's not something
we can control because of the term is where TOWLD
are scheduling. Obviously we're scheduled closer to each other. You know,
it's like a blessing, but sometimes it just doesn't work

out like that. And when Asia hits is even more
worse because you're going from Thailand Singapore too, we're just
hopping countries constantly because it's funny. Because my friend would
text me and should be like, so so singaporessing. I
was like, oh, Singapore is done. I'm in Thailand right now,
you know, and then and then in a few days
later should be like, so, how how Thailand tailers done?

I'm in I'm in l A. It's like like this
all the time. There's no there's no um, there's no stopping.
So I think that's why it's it's it's not as
easy as people think it is. This podcast is not
a ringing endorsement for a young woman thinking about the

LPGA is a career. I mean, you guys make it
so tell them truth, so they can't tell them truth,
so they know what they're getting to themselves into. I
mean a lot of people have tested their tour life
and they have said no. I mean I have multiple
friends that I played junior golf with and now they're like,
how is this life? It seems like it sucks. I'm like,
I'm like, it's it's fun. I love it because I

love golf in general. But I was like, you are right,
it does suck at times. That's why you have to
find it out well. And that's the thing, you know,
like what Angel is saying, you know about the fact
that you know, when you do step into a mayer One,
it's um. You know, only a small section of the
country has them, you know, more in the like the
mitten of Michigan, and you know in some places like

in Ohio, I think maybe Indiana, um, And they're they're
legitimately g enormous. And and if you're looking for more
than just groceries, you're just like, oh, I'm gonna go,
I'm gonna get my groceries. I can go get the
back home. I'm gonna go get me some Tommy Hill
figure shirts. And you know, I'm gonna you know, purchase
this electronic and then I'm gonna go and buy a tractor.
Like you know, it's it's it's great in that sense.

But to Angels point, you know, when you when you
are limited with the amount of time that you have
in a day, you really want to be as efficient
as possible. You know. It's just like anybody. It would
be similar to like for me, I hate it when
I have to stay in say an airbnb, because that's

that's that's that's my life. Now um as opposed to
a hotel that's more than seventeen minutes away from the
golf course, because it's it's just you know, if I'm
staying somewhere thirty five minutes away, that's an additional thirty
six minutes outside of what my preferred comfort zone would be,
that I would a lot four time to transit to
and from the golf course, you know, And and we're

doing our best to try and make sure we get
about eight hours of sleep a day. Some days you
need more, especially if it's something that's more taxing on
your body, something that where it's even hotter, where it's hillier,
and so your body is going through these stresses, so
you have to make sure that you're accommodating your recovery
in the same manner. So time is even more constrained.

And because you'll sit there and have every girl hit
nine chip shots on every hole in a practice round.
Unless you're taking off at like three thirty in the afternoon,
you're not going to encounter a four hour, eighteen whole
practice round. You know. Even if you go first off,
by the time you make it to the turn, you're
gonna have to deal with the players that went off
the back nine and they're all hitting nine chip shots

each person every hole, and so that slows down days
like the practice round days. So you have to a
lot a certain amount of time to standing and waiting
and so it um you know, I to to angels
point one. Obviously you want to be aware of what
you're putting into your body. Um, I wish I knew

that because I would have told you about the d NW.
It's like a fresh market that's just across the street
from um the Mayer back over in Grand Rapids. It's
like three and a half four miles from the golf course.
Uh for the future. And then you know, you just
you just want to be able to make sure that
you're not feeling like you're wasting time because time man

made construct the concept of it. But it is fleeting,
you know, and we have to try and do as
much as we can so that we can have the
feeling of as much free time as possible, because it
can uh way you down if you're sitting there and
you're like, oh my god, I have to drive another
you know, eight nineteen minutes every day just to get

to the golf course. And it's not like you should
be on your phone. When you're in your car, you
should be focused on the road. And as you're in
the car, you're like a man like I can feel
my back tightening up, so I got to make sure
I get to the course to get my physical therapy
and things like that. So there, there, there, I I
completely understand where angel is coming from in that sense.
Like it there just like anything in life, there are

deeper meanings and there are more um uh more, there's
more thought that goes into it other than you know,
you're you're it's going to take you thirty minutes instead
of fifteen That that those fifteen minutes in a single day,
when you whittle it down our precious. So I'm with you, girl, Yeah,
I got all right. So let's let's let's flip this

around a little bit, like give me your favorite thing
about golf and your happiest memory and golf. This might
be this might be a good mic drop to end
this podcast. Like we've we've talked about the difficulties and
the challenges, but let's go out with some joy here,
Like it could be one single swing, it could be
just h whatever I want to your most embarrassing moment

on the golf course. Actually angel oh gosh um. Usually
I just like hide it in my archives, just like
gone with you afterwards, I promised, oh man um and
the US Open, I shanked it because the rough was

so damn long and brag you're halled a big contact
with the ball in the RAF. Such a humble brad,
I know. I mean, hey, that happens. That doesn't count.
We need we need, we need you go darker. Wait,
hold on, let me finish, Let me finish. I shanked it,
and then my caddies friends that were there watching me,
I nearly freaking just chuck them out because they were

they were sitting on the side of you know, some
benches and I was just kind of close, but they
weren't paying attention. I shanked it, and I was like,
oh oh, the only people I remember watched me like
I'm about to freaking take their head off. But thank

god it was over the hedge. I mean like like
like here was like it wasn't a perfect shank. It
had some it had some loft on it too, There
was some loss on it. But it was more embarrassing
because I was like, well, I almost killed them. And
one thing it's not an easy course to walk, and
you know they've taken their day, most of the day
to walk with us, and I was like, I want

to take them out. So that's the most recent thing.
I was like, look down, just look down. I'm sorry, okay,
look down. So you have to walk right past him
to get your balls. So what do you say in
that moment? I just walk away because they weren't really
my friends, but I was had of them, but they
were my caddie's friends. So I I was just like, runaway,

run run, keep your head down, just play. So it
was that I was really embarrassed. I was like bad, yeah, uh,
well one, I don't really I think I wasn't really
equipped with the the emotion of embarrassment or shame. Um.
But the best one that I could come up with

was we were in Atlantic City for the Shop Right
LPG Classic. This must have been in two thousand and six.
I think Angel, you might have been five, or you
might have been yeah you were, um, And I had
the first tea time in the afternoon for the first round,
and I like to get to the golf course. I

was staying on site at the hotel at the golf course,
not on the villas in the back of the range
where I've started domiciling lately, but at the actual physical hotel.
And I was, um, you know, it was one of
my skinny years, as I like to say. And I
went to the golf course of the bag on my
back and I put the bag down. I was I
was wearing Jay Lindenberg. It was one of the first

years that they supplied women with golf clothes, and um,
it was like very much in the camill of a
jagas uh sort of height of you know, that whole look,
you know, of the strong the tight white pants that
you're like, are they waterproof or do they just look
like their waterproof? And I, um was going to start putting,

and so I had these tight white sort of like
you know, above the knee length shorts that were pretty
tight and not a lot of give and and so
I was like, okay, well whatever, I'm just gonna go
grab my balls. I'm gonna start putting. So I I
dropped low, you know, as though I was at the club,
and my short split from belly button to the top

of my ass crack, and the keeping my pants on
my body was my belt and the button of the pants,
and so I just and but again, I like to
get to golf course early was the first tea time
in the afternoon. I clamped in the front, I clamped

in the back. I waddled back and I changed into
something that was a lot less starch and a lot
more comfortable. And then where there we go. Like there
was no one there to see the couter or anything
like that, but it was, Yeah, that was probably the
closest I ever got. But I was like, nobody died,
and I was like, and this way I get, you know,
nine grand or nine ounces less of luggage I have
to carry around and like suck these things. You know. Obviously,

the fashion, the materials, everything has changed quite dramatically since then.
But yeah, back then it was it was like wearing
sheets of plastic um cute ass clothes. Don't get me wrong,
I still I still wore their stuff, and I still
love their stuff. I was like, yeah, okay, so your girl,
Yeah nah, I either got to keep losing some more

weight or we're gonna have to, you know, maybe reassess
the style in which I am wearing my bottoms, because
otherwise people are going to see my bottom. I just
imagine if that happened. Imagine that happened like on the
fourteenth hole, like when you're actually playing around, that would
have I mean, would you w D What would you do? Bitch?
I keep playing? I'd be like, everybody's equipped with the

same ship, Like you haven't seen one of those before?
Go get me a pair of pants. Help. They'll have
rain pants in the in in the bag. But how
hard would it be to swing the club like you would?
I don't know, well, I mean clearly you're having to
deal with some restriction in certain anyways for the pants

to rip. I have had another time a pair of
pants that had that that they did rip on during
the round and then afterwards I was like, oh dude,
I was like, I could I feel so much more explosive,
Like it wasn't belly button as crack, but there was
definitely a terror there. And I was like, I don't care,
wait were you were you going commando or did you

have underwear when the belly button as crack happened? They
were white shorts, So what am I going to do?
Were some cute leather printed boy shorts? I mean you
could go yeah, I don't know, well, no, and that's
the thing. You can't wear white under neath white because
it looks even more stark. And this was still back
in the day when panty lines were very, very obvious. No,

it was just I was just like, nice, cool breeze.
I'm like, all right, I'm just gonna go change my
ship and then come back out like thank god I
started early. That's funny. What about you, Allen, do you
have any embarrassing um? I mean for this when I
think about, my heart still pounds. This is actually in
my as as in my job, not as a player,

but the two thousand fifteen Open Championship, when George Speed
had a chance to win the Grands you know, third
leg of the Grand Slam, and I was running around
at the Old Course and he was playing the road hole,
you know on Sunday, and crowds were huge. There was
a lot going on. I was. It was kind of
like this little island if if you're looking at the

seventi Old St. Andrews. It was short and left of
the green, behind the first green, and I was stationed there.
There's like a little tea be tower and probably wasn't
supposed to be there, but it was a good vantage
point and speed misses his putt on seventeen. He goes
to the eighteenth old. He still has a chance to win.

There's a lot happening, and in my mind he was
in the last group, and it seemed like the easiest
way for me to get over to the tent t
was to cut in front of the seventeenth green and
just loop back around to the t and I just bolted.
What I failed to account for was there was a
group behind him playing the seventeenth hole, and Louis Lucetaisen

was like over his ball about to hit, and I
like cut in front of the green and he had
to back off, and I just kind of glanced over
my shoulder and realized what was happening was I was
already fully committed at that point. I just kept going
and there was a giant grandstand behind the seventeenth green
and everyone was yelling at me and pointing me, like
get out of the way, asshole, and like I can see,

I can see they're snarling faces, which was deserved because
I was completely clueless as to like I was. I
was into erupting the British open it like at a
critical moment somehow the cameras didn't catch me, you know,
they were focused on Louis, They're focused on Jordan's and

but I didn't know that in the moment. I was
expecting to get like expelled by the RNA. And but
I also think of what if Louis had hit his
shot and it's like trundling up to the green and
I like kicked it into the bunker, because like it
would have been the biggest screw up in the history
of golf journalism and I would have been shamed forever

and rightfully. So I mean it was just just complete
total space cadet move and it still stresses me out
thinking about it, you know, six years later. But he
backed off his shot, The cameras didn't catch me, the
RNA missed it. And but when I was, I was
running up the eighteenth fairway trying to catch speed, thinking,

oh my god, my world could just end right now.
And my heart never pounded like ever. Uh. And I
still can feel the residual like stress from that moment. So,
I mean, there's so many people there, yeah, people, oh no,
And that grand stand behind seventeen green was probably the
biggest one of the course. I mean, it must have

been ten thousand people shouting at me and like calling
me a wanker and whatever. And I deserved it for sure,
but oh my god, it was. It was horrible. The
only thing I'm concerned about was I don't remember that shot.
How close did Louis hid it? Yeah? No, I know,
I mean he was, he was right there. I don't
even know because I was just like full like look down,

don't make eye contact with anyone, trying to be invisible.
As it was. It was horrible. So well, I remember
in two thousand and god, this is so long ago,
oh nine, because it was when we were writing that
book allan Um. I was at the Women's Open. I
was in the final pairing in the final round with

Katrina Matthew, who ended up pretty much running away with
the victory. And I might have been on Saturday, to
be honest, I was playing really well and had to
go and use the portable toilets. And you know, you're
sat there with like, you know, you've got your long
pants on, you've got your your golf shirt, you've got
your sweater on top of it. Sometimes you're wearing your
rain jacket. You've got your whole rainstup going and like

your girl, like I, I have been born with a
shelf up top and it's just something I've always done.
It's like I take my shirt and I roll it
up over my boobs. So I'm just like in case
I need to see what's going on or something. I
don't know. I just it's something I've always done every
single time that I that I use the toilet. And

I did that, and then I was like, all right,
well we gotta go this at whatever whatever. You know,
So you put on your pants and you put on
your rain pants, you zip everything up. I walked out
of there with my shirt just up over my titties
like there and fans were there, and I was just
like what. And my caddy at the time, Andy Dearden's
like just kind of looking at me like uh, and

I looked. I was like, oh ship, sorry, that's yeah.
I mean yeah. Actually I have another embarrassing moment. I
was playing in the First He Open, which is a
senior tour event where there's obviously senior tour players and
there's amateurs and there's first Tea kids. It's a great
Champions Tour players. It's always a senior tour to me,

just like it's always gonna be the Dinah Short Classic
and and they're always going to be spectators not patrons. YadA, YadA, YadA.
I'm not down with the corporate names. And so I
was playing with Alfonso Ribera, you know, the actor Carlton
on Fresh Prince Beller, and he's a good player and
a total grinder, like he cares too much, and I
was I just I was struggled with my game and

he was up with my business and just trying too
hard and whatever. And so we're on the fourteenth hole
at Pebble Beat and I incredible shot in the thirteen
and and then missed like um, you know, three footer
and just marinating in the self loathing. Hit a bad
drive off fourteen and there was a porta potty kind

of in the dog leg there, and so I went
into the bathroom. I was like pounding the wall and
I was like this, this spewing profanity, just so like
frustrated and mad at myself, and like I just kind
of lost my mind. And I opened the port potty
and Alfonso is waiting, waiting to use it, and his
eyes were like saucers. He's like, my partner is an

actual madman, and I was like it was so embarrassing,
Like I thought I was all alone because there's no
one within a hundred yards of that space. It's kind
of a player's only bathroom. And I was like, oh god,
the last like you know, four and a half holes
were just dead silent. Like he was like, this guy
is an idiot, and he wasn't wrong, So I don't know,

I think one that says more about him than it
does about you. And I would have probably looked at
him and been like, sometimes pushing isn't enough, I guess,
and just walk out of there. I didn't even have
the presence of mind to make a poop joke. That's
how That's how far gone I was. Poop is always funny.
Come on, um, well real quick, if we're talking about

porta potties, So Angel, you know when you when you,
when you or anyone that's watching that's ever used one
of those uh you know portals to the uh afterlife.
You know how when you open the doors to the
porta potty when they closed, you have the two little
metal things that like before a tournament starts, they always
put a zip tie around. It's like a little metal

hook where they used to lock it from the outside. Okay,
if you're ever playing with someone and want to like
funk with them, take a t and stick the tea
and the two little metal rings that the door will
be locked, and then they'll try and open it and
it won't open. They'll try and shove it open, it
won't open. They'll have to kick it down, and then
when they get out, you just be like, oh my god,
is it that bad in there. I did that to

Becky Morgan years ago when we were and it was
at the State Farm Classic years ago, and we were
heard with Anika sore and stem and I did that
to her and she was she she was mortified. She
was very very angry with me. I thought it was
the funniest thing ever. I was just I was so
proud of myself. Yeah, that is pretty funny. Yeah, So
don't ever use a porta potty if I'm in a

practice round with you, because you know what's going to happen.
So poor Angel thought she were gonna come here and
talk about like the Solheim Cup and you know, actual
golf things. We've we've got a lot of actual golfings.
We complained and we didn't complain, but we talked about
the struggles more than we laid out one of to

our golf. Yes, yeah, yeah, But this is the kind
of discursive stuff that that I think it's coming to
define this podcast for better and for words. But I
feel like we should probably release the listeners, like we've
been going for a long time here. Um, and you
always say that, like you SERI it's like, seriously, you
said that, you say release them as I had some

sort of like they've been serving their prison and sentence
and all of a sudden they get Bill Cosby like
come on, oh god, that's that's dark. Let's not even
go there. Um. But I'm just I'm um, you know,
I'm um. I guess I'm value yourself, Alan, These are
people that have committed to spend time with us and

and and you know, value yourself. You matter in this world, Allan.
I promise you, I don't want to. I don't want
to exploit that trust and you know, keep them here
too long? Do you actually have to go pooh? Is
that what happened? No, I don't want to talk about that, Christina.
He directed the conversation to Porta potties and poop and

then uh, and now he's like we should leave because
I can go now. Everybody, even Beyonce poos is the
way that I see. It ain't no shame about it.
Everybody does it. I'm gonna go do it a little
bit ship. Why not past some time? Answer some of
the trolls that that holler at me on social media.
That's when I try dedicated Twitter. There was that go

ahead and go Ahead where the Easter bunny it's poop
was actually jelly beans, and which was kind of clever
and funny but horrifying if you're alfy, my kids in
need jelly beans. For years after that, well, I used
to have bunnies and when we would let them out, uh,

probably a couple more times than I should have. Every
single time I was like, oh, we got raisins just
laying around at the house. They were never raisins. We
never ate raisins. I don't know why I thought there
were raisins in the house. Oh yeah, And that's the thing.
More than one occasion we never had raisins. And I
was always like, why I got raisins on the floor.
I don't want to waste food that's not food. It

was at one point, Well, we learned something new that's
actually pretty funny and interesting and a sterio tell that's
like a stereotel, like your childhood story. That's like a
perfect story. We was all stupid when we's was kids.
The way that I see it, it is true. I'll

talk about the next time on one of these other episodes,
I'll talk about the time I had to sall I
not had to. I end up swallowing a nickel and
thought I was going to die. But that's for another episode.
That's a perfect teaser that'll bring the people back right there. Yeah,
that's the one. That's the one, the one time that
I ate a nickel. Then you bring them back exactly Allan.

Allan is the shank and I'm the recovery shot that
that puts them to two ft from inside of the trees.
It's like, son of a bit, we gotta keep coming back, partner,
Are you playing Dow? So I had I was going
to play down with Haley Moore because she's my girl

and I'm like her tour mom, and then uh, there
was a possibility of me maybe doing some possible commentary
during the week of dow at a golf tournament at
Royal St George's and because I couldn't because of the

time in which I had to commit, I was unable
to commit to it. So she's going to be actually
playing with Alana uriel Um, so I will I will
not be playing. Dow will be taken the week off
prior to Evan and then Olive will see you at
evy on though. That's cool. Yeah, are you playing? Cool? Uh?

Are you playing? Yes? I am. Are you playing with
let me guess Lil Lily? Uh yeah, uh love that. No,
she actually she's actually playing with She actually playing with
was actually Blue High. I'm playing with Brittany A tomorrow.
Oh my god. Fun. Yeah, I know, I'm really really excited.

Oh my god. You could be you could be Team
Abbot because it's Angel and Brittany ultimate more. You could
be team Abba. That's really cool. And then have Dancing
Queen as your song coming up and you're like, I've
never heard that song. I'm thanks, what is this ancient music? No? No, no,
so our team name we actually just came up because
we couldn't come up with a name, and then it

was just like two point where like that's actually really clever.
The abba, but we we just it was like to
a point where like, um, I don't know anymore. So
I just was like, we should just call it Endgame
because I think that's what we are. We're endgame. That's awesome.
We want to pay you might like disappear half the

field like that's intimidating. But yeah, I just thought it
was really close. So our name is Endgame, and I
don't know where our walk up song is going to be.
I couldn't think of anything. Someone suggested Taylor Swift Endgame,
but I don't know. I yeah, no, so and then
there's a really good song with the Endgame, but it's

just too gangster. I don't know it is. I don't
know if they're going to allow the music. It's two
of the most wanted in America by Tupac in I
think snoop. Yeah, you can get the the edited version
of it absolutely, I mean, I know. Uh. When I
played a couple of years ago, we had California Love

as as our walk up song. Um, I want to
do down with the Sickness by Disturbed as my like
as my walk up song in my next Solheim Cup,
and I wanted to play while I'm teeing off so
that like like it goes wow right, I impact like
that's like I got it all plan out like golf thing,

like yeah, this is And you guys should be free
to play whatever you want as long as there are
no swear seas, and if there are, then they can
just get the edited version. But what do you think?
What do you think be a good walk up song?
Any suggestions? Um? I don't know. I mean I would,
I would. I'll have to. I'll have to brainstorm that

and then I will get back to you. How does
that sound then I will As Alan would like to say,
release our listeners and say thank you for listening to
the latest episode of Full Send with Christina Kim, Alan,
Schipnuk and Angelian. Yes that's a wrap. Thank you so
much for being with us. Angel and Alan. You're about

you got snaps. You gotta go go poohed always come
back to that. Not funny. You don't you have to
you have to charge your laptop. No, I have a
very important typing to do it. There's no pooping. Also,
it's pooh. There's no p at the end. Pooh is
sweet and innocent. I'm leaving you guys can keep talking

about this stuff. I'm out, I'm pressing me, no, but
thank you for having me. It's it's been Finn obviously,
always great to talk to you, Christina and you Angel.
Thank you everyone and you awesome
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