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December 8, 2021 56 mins

Christina and Alan enthuse about Tiger Woods’s reemergence in the Bahamas and what it means for his future. They also weigh in on the drama at LPGA Q-Series and the lack thereof at the Brooks-Bryson “Match.”

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Christina Kim

Alan Shipnuck

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Hello, and welcome to another episode of Full Send with
Christina Kim and Alan Chipnuk. We were back at it.
It's been a little while. We've been kind of resting
and refreshing ourselves and storing up our little hot takes,
like like the squirrels harvesting the acorns here in Carmel Valley. So,

K what you've been up to. I let's see. So
we took off the week of Christmas or scurry, sorry, Thanksgiving?
Excuse me. All these these offseason holidays all sort of
blend into one. So I had a lovely Thanksgiving with
my family. It was very uneventful, which at my age
is something that we always strive for. There was no

political talk. There was just lots of just lots and
lots of fun stories. Actually my parents were talking to
me about because you know, they're they're they're cool enough
to watch the YouTube and so they've been watching some
Korean programs that talk about people that have defected from
North Korea and the stories of what it's like one

in North Korea, as well as how difficult it can
be to acclimate to like quote unquote modern Western you know,
South American civilization and just the things that they just
don't understand, like people that have never seen an egg before,
and then they gorge themselves on eggs, and you know
the some people say they've never used toilet paper, or

you know, just all kinds of amazing things. And and
it's done in a way that my parents say is
tragic and sad. And yet these people that have been
through so much are able to tell stories in a
way that can you can laugh, and you can laugh
with them at you know, the ways that you know,

us that are fortunate enough to live with electricity, to
live with running water, to live with fucking eggs, you know,
like take for granted and stuff. So it was it
was actually quite nice of a conversation to really sort
of solidify everything that we can and should be thankful
for every day, not just the was the last Thursday
of November some some bullcrap like that. Obviously different different

implications to people that are indigenous, Native Americans, Indians, depending
on which tribe you are. Funny story when I sorry,
I'm kind of long winded here, but when I played,
when we used to play, when we used to play
in Green Bay, I remember I was there for the
media day to announce it, and so I flew up

to Green Bay in the middle of December. It was
awesome because we were over at Thornbury Golf Club, which
is the the the official golf course of the Green
Bay Packers, and the Packers were playing against the Detroit Lions,
and it was it was it was an awesome, awesome game.
But I had learned that the tribe of p Full

over there, the indigenous people, they they wanted to be
called the Indian uh sorry, the Oneida tribe of Indians
of Wisconsin, as opposed to being called Native Americans. So
I remember I first read that, and I call them that,
and they came up, were like, thank you for calling
us Indians and not Native Americans. I was like, I'm
happy to know that there are some tribes that want

to be considered Indians, and there are plenty of people
that want to be considered Native Americans, and I was
just grateful for the lesson in that. Sorry, Hi, well right,
I mean, and i've you know, through the last year
or so. You know, I remember from most of my
life African American was was what I thought was the

preferred term. But um, as I've been educated, you know,
black with a capital B is un is generally more
preferred because there's there's so there's black people United States
who you know, their roots are in the in the Caribbean,
that's how they self identify or other parts of the world,

and they don't really consider themselves part of the African diaspora.
And so it's like really, um, you know, how you
identify yourself is important and it may be different from
somebody else, and so it can be a challenge of
modern life to use it terms correctly. But it does
take a little investment because it's important to the other person,
it may not be as important to you, and so um.

And then these things evolve over time, right, Like I mean,
I think when I was a kid, oriental was a
was a common term, and now you know, it's it's
very much passe. And so you have to you have
to you have to stay with the times and m
So it is a fascinating thing. I mean, language is
powerful and self identification is powerful and where they intersect

the identity a lot of times. So anyway, we digress.
But you were talking about thankfulness. I just saw on Twitter.
I did not fact check this, but um, and you
can't think you read. I know you can't live very
you read on Twitter, but how's the ring of truth?
It said if you if you have forty two hundred dollars,
you are richer than fifty percent of the world's population.
And you know that. I don't think that means cash

on hand, like even if you're if your vow, if
all your possessions are worth that much, like it does
give you a needed perspective that, um, you know, like
the concerns of us in the professional golf and golf
media are slightly different than most of humanity. So it's
it's American general you name it, like absolutely, yeah, I know.

It's interesting. Locally, there's some of the some of the
kids at Carmel High they went down to Mexico and
they built homes for people in need, which is awesome
and I totally support that. And it's like, you know,
you can just drive twenty minutes over into East Salinas
and there's people who are in desperate need and you don't.
You don't have to go that far. And that's another

thing that during the holiday season, we all like to
give back. And it doesn't have to be it doesn't
have to be in distant lands. I mean, there's plenty
of people here who need the help. But is this
a golf podcast? I can't remember. At some stage, I'm
sure it will be yes, and going off of that
real quick. Obviously it has already passed. But you know,
I always I've had a couple of talks with friends

about the whole concept of Giving Tuesday, which take place
takes place after Cyber Monday, which takes place after Black Friday.
Although with the way that the shipping ports are still
a bit clogged and everything, you know, it's it's a
lot of stuff was just Cyber or Black Friday week
and so it kind of happened before Thanksgiving as well. Anyway,
I was just kind of having some talks with some

friends about, you know, the whole idea of you know,
giving Tuesday, and it's like, I don't care if you
you know, I I don't care if you need a
holiday to feel like you need to give. I just
wish that some people wouldn't be like, oh, I save
six hundred bucks on TV on Cyber Monday, so yeah,

I'll pitch in twenty bucks kind of a thing, like
it's at the end of the day. Like that was
me being a bit judgmental, and so I was like,
you know what, actually, as long as people doesn't matter
when it is you find time to give, do it,
even if it just means that you go to you know,
your your local Starbucks and say, hey, I'm gonna add this.
You know, here's fifty bucks. Add thirty bucks to the
next thirty dollars worth of orders and you take twenty

or even if it's just you know, I'll pay for
the drink and the drive through behind me or whatever else,
if you you know, frequent Starbucks and things like that.
But anyway, yes, golf, golf, golf, golf, golf, Well what
things were thankful for? I mean you have to start
the list with Tiger Woods hitting golf balls. I mean,
coming out of the Hero World Championship or whatever they

call it these days. You know, there was some interesting
golf got was played, and Colin more Cow lost five
shot lead, and and Henrik and Jordan had a ridiculous
penalty and all kinds stuff happened. But Tiger just blots
out the sun. I mean just just him having hitting
a few balls on the range in the Sunday red
and people were losing their mind a completely different scale

than anything that happened between the ropes, and not that
we have forgotten how big Tiger is, but now that
he's kind of re emerging after his car accident and
starting to hold the golf club in his hands, it's
just like the excitement at the energy, the intrigue is
just off the chart. So what what did you make
of all the Tiger stirrings and the Bahamas? Besides the

fact that Mofo was swollen, he is clearly he couldn't
you could do any leg presses, but he was not.
He was not skimping on the biceps and the guy
looks figured there's ever been So it was interesting too. Well.
I participated in the Tiger mania because when they first
posted that picture of him taking you know, he when

he just said like swinging progress or progressing or whatever,
it was making progress. Yes, I tweeted omgomgomgomgomgom g until
all hundred two hundred and eighty characters were filled up,
and um, it was funny. I had a couple of
friends that were like, did you see what? I don't
know if it's some golf publication like they had on Instagram.

They had like a bunch of like different people in
the world that were like, you know, whether it was
Lebron James or Justin Thomas that were like making comments
about Tiger's um you know, U return to being able
to take some full swings. And I was the lone
girl in that bottom right hand corner where it was
just omgo and g O and g omg, and I
was like, that's the best that they could find from

the ladies. I'm sure that's not the case, but thank you.
Um no. I definitely partook in that, in that, in
that media frenzy, like just the fact of, you know,
knowing that the the pnc UH Parent Child Tournament had
not completely filled up their field yet, Like there there's
you know, I don't know if Tiger's going to make

the call and be like dude, yeah, I'll come and
I'll play with Charlie. Um you know, it's it's it's
it's going to to you you know. Obviously, for me, one
of the big things is how the cordas Nellie and
her father Peter are going to be playing. I love that.
I think that that's incredible, and you know, yet it's

still going to be overshadowed entirely by if Tiger and
Charlie tee it up. I mean, I lost my damn mine.
I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, it's intriguing in that it's
it's you know, an offseason hitting giggle. So you don't
have to grind as hard and you're not going to
post your own score because you know, Tiger has immense pride,

doesn't want to come back and shoot things in the eighties, right,
and so in that format you don't have to post
your own score. He can ride a cart, which I'm
not he's such an old school guy. I'm not sure
you would do that at Riviera, right, even if you
could get like a Casey Martin dispensation, would you actually
go down that road? I'm not sure. But other people
are riding carts and it's just it's just a father son.
It's not a big deal. So cold you could write

a cart and you could tell Charlie like, hey, just
you hit every drive and I'll I'll just I'll clean
it up from there. Um, you know, it's half the work.
And he I think he loves given Charlie that spotlight
in that stage, and so he's happy for for the
kid to uh, you know, step to the tea boxes
and whatever. So um, it's it's an intriguing idea. I mean,

it seems like it's too soon. But again, I no
one's going to care about the results or any any
sideway shots. It's just going to be a thrill to
see him out there. But and then also a tiger,
you know, he's never really been candid about what's going
on with his body, right whenever he's had injuries, and
there's always this element of secrecy, and so so then
he that that first video drops, like you're saying, everybody

goes crazy. He goes a beautiful rhythmic, you know, swinging
with a short iron. You can tell him the divit pattern.
He'd been out there for a while. It wasn't his
first swing, right. It was so good to that. And
then he then he does his press conference at the
Hero and he's like, oh, I'm not even fifty there,
I've got so far to go. You know. It's like okay,
and a real seems like a real shift in his

how he's thinking about his place in golf and what
he wants out of it, and it's like, okay, you know,
we'll be patient. It might be years away. And then
he's out there like every single day grinding. He's sitting drivers,
you know, he's like swinging with the band, and it's like, well,
maybe he's more, maybe he's fifty one. I mean he looked,
you know. It's obviously hitting balls is one thing and
posted scores is another. But as the week progressed and

he was out there every single day hitting balls and grinding,
it's like, wow, okay, this is happening. We don't know
exactly when what has happened, and so yeah, I was
just the emotions of the hearing his words versus his actions.
They didn't quite line up for sure. And that's the
thing I meancause, like you said that, the dude is yoked.
So for as much as far as who that like legitimately,

what what if those beautiful like you know, they weren't
necessarily like a two thousand and one tiger sort of
monster rip at the ball, But with the way technology is,
he might be hitting it farther now than he was
back then. What if he's like, what if this is
him saying like, yeah, I'm not even at fifty percent
because he's like I want Bryce and Deshambo to feel

like he did when I was at my peak in
two thousand and one, and he was just learning how
to play the game kind of a thing like you know,
you have we have no idea and obviously, like you said,
you know, being able to stay stationary and just focusing
on the fact that he's able to rotate and push
off that that right side is huge considering the fact
that he you know, amputation was certainly on the table,

you know, within the couple weeks prior to that making
progress video, Tiger was at a hotel in la where
Charlie I think, had a tournament, and like he looked
a little bit like a stereotypical sea captain, you know,
or a captain of a pirate ship, because it was
a little bit of it. It It wasn't a you know,
it wasn't just like a easy, beautiful flowing motion. He

had a little bit of that right leg was kind
of kicking out, like he almost had a little bit
of a peg leg action going. And to go from
that to seeing him walk now, you know, at the
hero and all the progress that he's made is it
is just i mean, light years, light years more than
any of us probably would have thought in all honesty,
so I'm just I mean, I'm all for the Tiger mania.

I am fully immersed in it. No, it's fun, and
let's not forget too that. I mean, he was recovering
from back surgery when he had the car accidents. So
there may be days when his leg feels better than
his back, and that could be, you know, those times
when he's walking funny and he looks stiff. It could
have nothing to do with the leg. It could just
be the Back's always been an issue in recent years,

and it's going to be even more so after this
latest surgery. So you know, I liked what Tiger said,
just you just play limited schedule and just give it
all he's got for those weeks and not have the
constant wear and tear of traveling and the grind to
always be tournament sharp, and he can give himself long
recoveries and I mean, who knows what he how far

IS's gonna be able to hit and all those those
sort of things. But on any given Open championship venue,
it's playing firm and fast, and you know, a Master's
where it hasn't been raining, like, he's still going to
be dangerous if he can. You know, he learned he
had to learn how to swing with a fused back,
and he cobbled together a different action and he figured
it out and he won the freaking Masters. So he's

gonna have to learn to do it a different way.
But we know he's an all time genius. And if
he can, if he just has a swing at it, whatever,
that swing looks like he's in the ball game. You know,
is he gonna win, you know at Deutsche Bank, where
you know you can fly bunkers at three twenty and
things like that. Probably not. You know, he may have

lost that ability to on certain golf cours just to
keep up with the really monster long players, because he's
not going to be that anymore. But on a firm, fast,
fiery test, I mean, he's still tiger woods and his
hand to break his hands, you know those, he still
has that magic and his and his fingertips. So you know,

I thought twenty sixteen, fifteen, when his body was broken,
he had the chip yips, and you know that I
was standing there on the old course and in fifteen
on that first hole, you know, he had a little
iron and he hit about six inches behind the ball
and just duffed it down the fairway and then put
the next one in the bird and his tournament was

over after two swings on Thursday, and people were coming
up in gawking at the divt because it was like
what a twenty handicapper would take at, you know, side
was one of his greatest performances. You know, would he
shoot eighty eighty five or something, And it was just
like it was sad and and so I thought he
was done then, and he climbed the mountain again. It's

just incredible, and you know, he said he doesn't have
any more mountains to climb, and I think that's that's
really probably the first time for Tiger Woods as a
golfer where that's he believes that and it rings true.
He has absolutely nothing left proof. You know, he had
to he had to come back after the scandal and
he got to number one, and then he had to
come back after the injuries and the chip yips and

all those embarrassments, and he had to get back. And
you know, he won the Torch Championship, and he won
in Japan, and he won the Masters, and he was
the best player in the world at the right at
the President's Cup at Royal Melbourne. Might be the best
golf course in the world, and so he made the
mountaintop again. But I think he's realized that, you know,
now he can play in a different way and just

just the act of hitting golf shots and just be
out there and have the sun on his back and
hear the crowd cheering. It feels like that's enough for
him and doesn't mean he's not going to try his
hardest and he's not going to grind it out, because
that's just how he's built. But it's gonna be fun
to watch Tiger if he can compete in a handful
of events and to have a you know, probably he
have more gratitude for being there and without that crushing

pressure to perform. I mean to watch Tiger player with
a smile in his face, and it'll be interesting. And
you know, he obviously deserves that. So I can't wait
to see it. Like a lot of people, absolutely not
to mention, you know, I mean, he he wanted Tory
with a with a broken leg, with a broken knee.
You know, like there all these things, all these mountains

that he has summitted, and for all we know, there
may be a mountain out there that he doesn't even realize.
And again, it could be something as simple as you said,
you know, the sun on his back, hearing people cheering
for him. It could be, um, you know, the next
mountain could be just fatherhood. It could be seeing how

far Charlie can progress, like any number of things. Like
it's it's as a as a golfer. Like and on
top of that, let's say he says he has no
more mountains to climb. What if the bitch goes and
like wins the Grand Slam, like the the you know,
all four majors in one. You're like, there's legitimately like
the fact that he doesn't you know, it's it's like
it's not so much that he doesn't have expectations, but

that different level of expectation can just be it can
it can Who knows what doors it can open up,
you know, or you know what, maybe he's gonna end
up not being able to break ninety, Like, I don't know,
I don't care. The biggest thing is the fact that
he's alive. First and foremost, the fact that he's able
to spend as much time with his family as he can,

and that he still seems to enjoy being out on
the golf course that I think is the biggest thing,
and I mean I am all for it. Like my
Tiger mania for him as a golfer will never ever die,
regardless of what it is, regardss of what his abilities are.
And my my relishing in the Tiger mania of him

as a father that is that has even been spurred
on more than him as a golfer, which is just
it's just so awesome, you know, And the fact that
he's able to just be a you know, he can
be a human if he wants to. He can be
a monster of golf again, you know, if his body
allows him to, because he's proven time and again that
if there's anyone in this universe that can do it,
it's him. But at the end of the day, I

just want him to be happy. And if that's inside
the ropes destroying the entire field, that's great. If that
just means that he gets to go and have a
whack about with his son and get beat by his
son at some stage in his life, that's fucking awesome too. Yeah,
Charlie's a huge X factor and all this because I
don't think Tiger would put it out into the universe
and add any extra pressure. But I'm sure he's thinking,

I want to play next to him in his first
PJ Tour event. You know, and we've all seen Charlie swing.
It's not all the Roman possibility, right, Like, he's got
the greatest backyard practicality in the world, he's got the
best possible teacher, he's got the athletic tools. You know,
Charlie's mom was a great tens player and she's an
athlete as well. So like, you know, Tiger is thinking, well,

maybe since he does run the tournament Riuvieria and that's
where he made his debut at sixteen, He's like, oh,
maybe we could arrange a sponsored exemption for Charlie and
maybe he'll we'll just happen to get paired together, you know,
something like that. So I think that that'll keep him
pushing forward. And we all know that Tiger has a
veneration for the history of the sport. He's always been
chasing Jack Nicholas, and now he can chase Ben Hogan.

You know that the mythical nineteen fifty three season. You know,
Hogan only entered six tournaments, he won five of them.
You know, he swept to three Majors he played in. Um,
you know, Tiger mentioned mister Hogan in his in his
comments as you like to call him, Christina, he's just
been to me. But um, and I'm sure that that's

like tigers sicking. Well, how cool would that be? You know,
I'll renounce Jack and I'll go I'll go after I'll
go after the Hawk and the so who knows, he's
freaking Tiger Woods. Anything's possible, But any outcome, I think
at this point is is going to be satisfying. It
He just goes back and he's happy. That's as you say,
that's enough. But we're so accustomed to him doing the

impossible it's hard to just to settle on that now.
It's like, all right, let's see it again, Tiger. I mean,
how are you saying what he's already accomplished is not
accomplishing the impossible? Like no, I'm saying he has. He's
done it over and over, so it again, no one
I know and he didn't know, and itself is almost
you know, he's overcome that, you know, it's it's it's now.

I know what you mean. Though, we've come to expect
the impossible from Tiger. And oh by the way, I mean,
next year will be the twentieth anniversary of the ninety
seven Masters, like that would seem like a once in
a lifetime performance. And then he topped it at you know,
Pebble two thousand and and then he the best golf
ever played was probably six h seven, Like it's just

you know, and then okay, well, his body's breaking down.
Then he'll win. He'll win Tori, as he said, with
a shattered leg. And then like, oh, that's ridiculous. And
then I'll have the worst internet shaming ever and the
most titating, the mostillating sex scandal. No one can come
back from that. It comes back from that. And then
his body again betrays him, and he's got the addiction issues,

he's got the DUI right, No, he's he's really done. Okay,
let's haven't all just win the Masters? All right, let's
just up the anti again. Let me smash up my
body one more time. Now, let's see, like the guy
just creates these impossible scenarios that he somehow transcends. I mean,
it's just it's really it's unbelievable. All right, that's Tiger. Yeah,

so that's Tiger. Now he did host a little a
little get together down in the Bahamas, and even though
it's a meaningless tournament, there's only twenty people there and whatever,
guys are rusty and it's just a working vacation. But
through was some fascinating stuff. I mean, if Marikawa had
taken that five stroke lead and he turned it into
a ten stroke victory, like I think, we'd have to

say he'd surpassed John Ram and he was now the
most dominant player in golf. And he's got he's got
a longer resume and he's knocking on the door from
number one as it is. But somehow he's always seemed
slightly underrated. But you know that that could have been
a really um that could have been performance that kind
of cemented him in people's minds in some ways. And

yet he went the other way, right, He struggled badly
on Sunday, coughed up the lead, and it's fine, He's
I don't think anyone's going to start selling their Maury
cows stock, But it was It was interesting because we
haven't really seen him unravel like that before in that
kind of scenario. And so the fact that it was
at Tiger's tournament and Tigers, you know, waiting on the

last green you give out the trophy and it just
it reminds you of Tiger's greatness as a closer. And
but also its like maybe Mark has got some vulnerabilities
that were yet to really reveal themselves. So I thought
that was interesting. It was otherwise a tournament that doesn't
mean that much. Well, I you know, I thought that,

you know, I was gutted for Colin because he does
not show up to not win, which is something that
can definitely be admired. And you know, everything he does,
he is so disciplined, and you know, he looked lost
out there, especially on that front nine on on Sunday. Um.

But at the same time, you know, like my my
brains thoughts are like, yeah, he doesn't need he you know,
he he can go out and win the next tournament
that he wants to play in. You know, he doesn't
need that solidification to happen at what some people would call,
you know, a a a funny money cash grab, you know,
not important kind of event or whatever it is. And

you know, also I appreciate, you know, the humanity that
he showed, you know, and and the fact that yeah,
like it's not always great, and it does suck to
have you know, aspects of your humanity shown in in
when you're on in the spotlight. But I have no
doubt that he's still on the right path and he's

going to show like, you know, it just it just
for me at the end of the day, We'll make
for a more satisfying, more complete, more compelling kind of story.
So I have you know, I'm not worried. I'm like,
you know, it's it's uh, you know. I was kind
of bouncing back and forth between you know, checking in
with the hero World Challenge or the I think that's

a name and the first week of Q series on
the LPGA tour, you know, and I was watching there
were it was light years away, but there were a
lot of similarities. Like it was just it was um
there were like a god, it's like a hundred and
one hundred and ten girls or some one hundred and
ten women are out there, and there's probably at least

a dozen of those players that I am um um
like good friends with. And the number of like tour
mom texts and inner Instagram dns that I was sending
of just being like I'm like, I you know, I'm
just like, you know, make sure you remember you know
it's it's and like all the cliches, all the cliches,

so such a tour mom of like you know, remember
it's a marathon, not a sprint. You know, one bad
wing is not going to define you. What will define
you more is the ability to recover from that. Everybody
is going to make mistakes. Uh, you know you're allowed
to get mad, So get mad, but get over it.
Find peace within you, um, you know. And then like

you know, the girls that that made the cut, I
like sent you know, between dms and texts. I was like,
all right, the hard part is over. You had two
challenges this week. The hard part is over, you know.
And it was like, you know, get some good food
in you get a great night's rest. And on Monday,
you know, if you want it, because there's a three
and a half hour drive over to Dothan from Mobile.
I was like, if you want to like a put

for half an hour or go walk nine holes and
put around on those greens, just to see if there's
any difference in the greens. But you know, make sure
you're pacing yourself. This that like all but you know,
and I'm just like, I like, I spent like well
over an hour like texting and and dming, you know,
a core group of the girls that I am like,
you know, really really, you know that I really care

about people that I admire and people who you know,
I love for me, I love Q series because it
shows especially for the girls that had for whatever reason,
you know, because we don't know anyone's internal struggles, but
have had some struggles and weren't able to retain their card,
whether it's coming back from maternity, whether it's you know,

um whatever it is, something happens where you don't play
a full schedule and then all of a sudden you're like,
son of a bitch, Like the tournaments I did play
and I didn't play well enough in and all of
this and all of that. It was a soul high year.
So a lot of my friends on the European tour,
you know, having a bounce back and forth between tours
what have you, and and and so these girls that
have come back and have made the made the second week.

You know, it's just like I think there's such compelling
stories and and um, so you know, like extra big
shout outs to Kelly Tan and Megan McLaren and Nicole
brock Estrap and Pavariso Yoktuan and you know, there's there's
a shit ton of girls that I messaged and Lyndy
Duncan favorite favorite golf swing on the LPGA tour, if

I'm being honest, absolutely favorite fucking swing and she doesn't
have I don't even know if she has a coach.
You know, everything is like, you know, she's homegrown, and
that rhythm is just so beautiful, and you know, I
just these girls that they constantly inspire me, and I
am all for celebrating life's victories. And you know, a

couple of them were like, you know, I'm going to
keep these words with me, and I'm like, dude, I'm
gonna be your hype woman for the rest of your career.
Like you're gonna get tired of all the texts that
I'm sending you being like you got this, go do it?
Remember this or that or whatever else, Like I want
this to be something that you don't even remember, you know,
eight victories from now. So it's kind of nice because

you know, we're at the beginning of the second week,
so I don't have to stress as much. Because your
girl was stressing. Your girl was stressing those first four rounds.
I'm just like, oh my god, like because I lived
it as well as having to witness it, you know,
after having played in it myself, and it's just like
I'm like, I like message a bunch of them on
Wednesday before the first round, and then I fucking waited

until Sunday after the last put dropped because I was like,
I am not going to text them between rounds like
they they they they know that they have my support
and I'm going to be there with them and you
know if there was and I was like checking scorecards
and everything and so like with Nicole brock Estrap, I
like texted her like on Saturday. I was like, hey,
you know what way to way to finish, you know,

with with without making any mistakes coming in because one
of course was harder than the other. And it was like,
you know, she had she had a two holes that
were you know, not par or better, and one of
them was you know, not not ideal or whatever. I
was like, hey, you know you had that happened semi
early in your round and you were able to string
together enough pars so you have not put yourself out
of it by any means. I'm fucking proud of you

for that. Like, you know, just all these like legit
tour mom things, I'm just like, this is me. Now,
this is me. I am a tour mom, and I
don't give a fuck. I'm good with that. I mean, right,
this is the human drama of professional golf. It's Colin
Morricala is already probably has a Hall of Fame resume.

He's going to have more money than his grandkids grandkids
can spend. So the fact that he blew up on
Sunday it hurts him. It was interesting in the larger narrative,
but it's not going to change his life in any way.
And but yeah, all those girls are all those women
you just mentioned in those those texts are sending like
they're fighting for their job, for their livelihood, for their future,

and if things go pear shaped, I mean someone might
just be out of golf like that. It's the margins
are so thin. And so you know, we were talking
about this in another context, Like It's one of the
things that's I think been a big change in golf
fandom is folks are way more tuned into the bottom
of the leaderboards and the bottom of the money list
than they ever have been. Obviously, Ryan French, Monday Quin

folks big part of that. But it's, uh, that's it's
really compelling stuff. And I mean the Q series it's
so brutal. They took it to the illogical extreme, like
it is. Absolutely it's Darwinian. It's you know, the Hunger Games,
choose your choose your metaphor. But it really it's it's

absolutely brutal, and that that's what's great about it though.
I mean, that's why we're it's so compelling. I want
to be one of those players. I want to be
one of the people who's who's part of it, you know,
were my futures on the line, but as observers and
spectators and and uh and chroniclers of the whole thing. It's, man,
it's it's compelling, no doubt. Because you've got three courses

in two weeks. There's a cut after the first week
to the top seventy and ties. I think it was seventy.
Oh boy, it was seventy three. It was between seventy
two and seventy. Seventy two and seventy four girls made
the cut to make it into the second week and
then from their top forty five and ties get their
tour cards, So you have a much better once that

second week hits, you have better than fifty fifty chance
of getting your tour card, you know, and looking at
where say, I don't know, like twenty fifth is down
to where that seventy spot is, there's not a huge
It's not like there's a twelve stroke lead. So the
reality is that those those you know, those those final

twenty cards really are very attainable for everyone. So it
is just going to be literal mayhem and I am
here for it, right. Well, you're right. It sounds less
intimidating because the numbers people go in your favorite, but
it makes it all the more devastating if you if
you play a poor around, like oh man, you know,

I'm so close, like I've only have to play solid
golf and i could get this card, and so you
get off to a rough start, and just the mental strain,
it's just got to be considerable. So yeah, now, key
series is great stuff. What else has happened in the
last two weeks in golf? I mean, I'm a Tiger
was a big one. The hero obviously, I love what's

happening at Q series. I'm trying to think we're missing anything,
not that I'm really that aware of. We do have,
you know, in the in the last like a couple
of months, we have you know, oh we had the
match thingy. Yeah we didn't watch on it. I mean,

did you hate watch it? No? I did not hate
watch it. I was busy playing golf, um which oh,
by the way, yeah, I took like how much time
did I take off? I took off like four days
off of golf because I was like, yeah, I'm I'm
golfed out. I'm golfed out. Yeah, I was because I
was starting to feel a little bit of the uh

you know, I was like because that high after the
Pelican was so so high, and then you know, for
no other reason, then there's no competition right now, I'm
just you know, back in back at home, I'm in
offseason mode all of that. Like it just sort of
started like puttering out and then the realization of like,
oh my god, the sunsets at like five sixteen in

the afternoon. Like I believe seasonal depression is a real thing,
and so I was just like, dude, your girl, she
she needs a reset, and so I took a few
days off of playing golf. I went and got a massage.
I've been working out, went and visited a float tank
locally here in town. It was great, sort of uh.

And then after I got my flu and COVID booster,
I got him in the same arm at the same time,
and it caused a little bit of impingement in my
shoulder that I'm still recovering from. And I texted my doctor.
I was like, doctor Thomas, like, what's what's up. And
he was like yeah, He's like, just make sure you're
icing it, apply heat. You know, it's just some inflammation

because that's you know, it's a decent amount of you know,
liquid that has been injected into your into your muscle tissue,
so there's going to be some inflammation. And he was like,
I have some patience that after the booster they needed
like three as much as four weeks to fully recover.
And I was like, oh, that's great. But going back
to it in terms of the match, I like just

peeked in after I had played golf with a couple
of buddies of mine and looked just to see what
was going on, and it said like Brooks was, I
don't know, like two up or three up or something,
and it was like I looked at my clock, it
was like five thirty and I looked and they were
just teeing off of seven and I'm like, and they
had teat off at four And I was like an

hour and a half for two dudes in a golf
cart each with their caddies to play six holes in
ninety minutes. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't,
I don't want. And then somehow Rice and won four
and three but it was only like twelve. Hold, I

don't know what happened. I was just Brooks one. Excuse me,
Brooks one, four and three. Yeah, And I was just like,
I don't you know. And then I saw like Phil
was doing his commentary and he had his sunglasses on,
and I'm like, okay, you're inside. I okay, okay, Jack.
He thinks he's Jack Nicholson. Though I mean I didn't

watch a second of it. I did click on some
of you know the great thing about the internet is
they'll give you the two shots and the four quips
that you really need. Yeah, and that was enough for me.
My interest. Cliff notes, Yeah, I just don't find the
protagonist that compelling, And I mean it was interesting which
one's a protagonist though as well. Yeah, there's like two

antagonists the other the antagonists. Brooks um, it's interesting that
he brought so much heat. You know, he was obviously
fired up and talking about how much he wanted to
beat him. Like I wish he would bring that kind
of intensity to his PGA tour starts, you know, like
amen um and Bryson say again touched the club in
two months, but like, okay, I mean tells you like

how important this is to you, Like if it's if
he doesn't care, I'm not sure I should care either.
So that plus it's we're no longer in May is
a big thing with me. Is I was like, but
you know, at the same time, this had been established
for a little while, so it's kind of hard to
to backtrack it and a number of people that that's

I'm sure must have had something to do with it.
But either way, it's done, and hopefully it's not something
that's going to be revisited because it's not necessary. Um,
you know, they didn't hug it out at the end,
and that's okay too. I find that just as satisfying
as anything else. And I did read in the last
week or wait, let me ask you this, what if

what if Tiger now the first tournament, his first competitive
golf is gonna be another match against Phil Like that
would be that would I would have really mixed feelings.
Of course I'd have to watch it, but that would
be a blockbuster, and given how I'd pay for that. Yeah,
as I canna say, like they try and show this
whole thing into a business, and they're they're trying to

make money, like Tiger was really cagy, that would be it.
That'd be the move make his return at the match
against Phil at I'd do that. I would pay for that,
and I wouldn't look upon it as a money grabbing
scheme because he has like four generations of fuck you money,
so I'm okay with that. But he's still out there

like slinging Monster Energy drinks and all that stuff. Like
these guys never say no to money, no matter how
much they have, Like, yes, but it's not, it's not
to the same level. I feel like me and that's
probably me having a misconstrued perception of various people. I mean,
Phil hates the tastes and smell of beer, and yet

he's he's pitching am still light Like okay, uh, you
know he he's in deep talks with the Saudis. And
there's various reasons for that, but money is certainly one
of them. Like, well, he doesn't have Tigers for generations
a fucking money. He got like a generation and a half.
Right now, I'd say, I don't I don't know. Yeah

that Tigers Tiger's next level. But Tiger's out there chasing
deals and he's building golf courses in ridiculous places for
the money. Like you know, if Tiger Woods designed, if
they cared about like his legacy as a designer, they
would go to every city in America and say, we
will build you a muni, a great municipal golf course

that'll be cheap to the public, will fundraise for it,
We'll do it for free. Just cover some of the
construction costs. Like that would be an incredible legacy. You know,
if there was a Tiger Woods trail of great public
courses all around the country, that would be amazing. He's
building the courses in the desert in Dubai to sell
houses and stuff like that, like given fifteen years, the
redemption arc can be much like the arc of justice.

It can it can be very very very long before
we see any changes to the arc, but it can happen.
It may happen. Who knows, Maybe he listens to this
facking podcast and he was like, you know what, I'm
not gonna lie. I legitimately did not think of that.
I think that's a fantastic idea. Thank you, Alan Schipnuk.
The arc of the golf universe universe bends towards dollars.

That's just the way it goes. But um, anyway, we'll
see what happens. But I've come up a couple of
billion dollar ideas. The Tiger was a golf trail and
then Tiger making his debut with the mats, you know,
against Phil at the Ocean course, Like those are those
are a plus? Like I mean, I'm I'm just spitting
facts here, ck And I mean I because trust me,

and this is terrible of me, but I can. I can.
I can reason almost anything. And I would just be like, hey,
you know what, it's familiar territory. They're going to be
in golf cards, you know. Like I'm just like I
want to be able to see golf. Tiger would swing
a golf clubs. So if that's what he has to do,
that's what he has to do to to you know,

test himself, see where he's at. Like, you know, I
I will, yeah, and then I'll be an asshole and
be like and then Phil will do it for the money. Yeah,
I'm I'm I'm an asshole that way, like I I will.
I will for people that I really really really really like.
And Phil, with his uh intelligence that has been showcased

in the last several years, um, and you know, his
his maturing in his own way has I've I've definitely
you know, softened to him quite quite a bit. And
you know, as much as I've softened to fill over
the last few years, Tiger's my number one. So I will.
You know, it's it's it's tough, and that's not fair

of me. That being said, again, huge fan of redemption stories.
So if the redemption that I personally feel like Phil
is on right now and it's less of a redemption,
it's more of a shift toward authenticity that I can appreciate. Um,
So yeah, I don't. I just I just want Tiger

to be happy. At the end of the day. And
if that means he goes out there and is hobbling
on one leg and beats a snot out of pill
like that'll make him happy, that'll make me happy, I think, Yeah,
all right, oh man, this is good. We uh, this
is a fun little catch up. But I don't think
I'm giving anything away to tell the listeners that me you,

Matt Jinella and Ryan French taped kind of a megapod
looking back at the year in golf, our years podcasters
and um typists and videographers and so that was really fun.
So we got we have a we have a few
little end of the year goodies for people. Um, but
I will I do want to say it here. It's
been an absolute delight, um having this conversation all year

long with you, Christina and I'm the regular listeners know
that we go back to the early aughts and we've
been We've been having this chat off and on for
almost almost two decades. So it's fun stuff. It really
was a really rewarding and gratifying part of my my
my work life and just just my hanging out being

a golf fan life. Was talking to you every week,
so just about it. Are you breaking up with me? Well?
I feel like, you know, I didn't. We should probably
see other people in a podcast sense, That's all I want. Yeah.
We had a weird sort of when at point chaotic,
which was exactly what I was going for when I

asked if we if if you guys thought we should
do this of like it was future rama with a
with a god? What are the crossover episode with the
Simpsons and Family Guy and like fucking Planet Earth and all.
It was just it was Mayhem and it was amazing,

and it was nice to be able to get to um,
you know because, like you said, we've known each other
for nearly two decades, and I've known Matt for a
number of years and Ryan I've only ever known really
in a digital sense. So to be able to have
all of us in this little box on the internet
at one time, it was it was it was like

the Thanksgiving dinner that I never had because mine was
filled with peace and joy. Yeah, it was. It was fun.
And Ryan such a character. I mean, he's just so
funny and he's so quinn. Is he really going to Africa?
Oh yeah, that's one million orcent going to happen. I mean,
so one of the first conversations we ever had when

he joined the collective was like, what do you want
to do? He said, I just want to go and
see these little mini tours and at the way places
and this Farie tour we always we are always intrigued
by because it's doesn't get more exotic, you know, playing
throughout Africa. There's there's obviously your your nations where there's
not much golfing traditions, so that the road for these
guys to get into professional golf is long and arduous

and unusual. And yet I mean there's there's now European
Tour sanctioned events on the continent of Africa, and the
SFARI you can feed into the challenge, you can feed
in like it's a legit way to make your make
your way through the ranks professional golf. And so he
just tweet We've been talking about off and on, but
he had some tweets about a couple of players at
this event that was happening last week, and I just like, dude,

why have you not gone on the s Fari toy yet?
What are we waiting for? And that just got us focus.
We got some phone calls like it's definitely definitely happening
in twenty two. I've just kind of left it up
to him, like look at the schedule, talk to people,
figure out what's kind of the best, you know, fourteen
and seventeen days he can spend over there. And so
he's kind of going through that and helps have fixtures

on the ground if we can identify those right people.
And even some folks who just kind of barge into
our Twitter back and forth offered their services because they're
they've played on that tour or they're they're down there
an hour or whatever, and so it's gonna be it's
gonna be epic. Like I did a small scale version
of this for Golf Magazine on the Latino America Tour.

This is like, I think two thousand and eighteen, and
it's a really fun story, but it was a miss
and that I didn't have a camera guy with me.
And there's so many different ways you can capture it,
Like as of the tournament in Jamaica and there was
all these Rastafarian dudes with like dreadlocks down to their waist.
They were they were serving as caddies and they were

taking They're coming over from Kingston, a couple hours away,
like six or eight dudes packed into minivans, And it's
one of the great regrets of my professional life. I
didn't just jump in with them for like the drive
home and just listen to their stories and their thoughts
about golf and understand their lives a little more like
there was. There was a lot going on that week,

and I just never pulled it off. And I didn't
even really I wasn't really kind of aware that they
were all commuting that way until a little bit deeper
into the week. So but like, imagine if you had
a camera in there and these guys, you know, obviously
the way they speak is so exotic and fun to
listen to, but their thoughts about the game. And I
talked to some of the caddies that week, and you know,

they were characters, and their thoughts about the players and
how they decided who they wanted to loop for. Some
have done all kinds of research. Some would just like
walk on the range and look at a guy's clothes
and shoes and they thought they could make a decision
that way. And so you get to the Fari Tour,
it's gonna be that that that level of otherness is
going to be just completely off the charts, and then

said Ryan, of all people like you know, who's not
done a lot international travel and has he done any
I can't speak to that, but you know, he's just
a nice Midwestern boy. So it's going to be a
fish out of water. It's gonna be amazing. It's gonna
be spectacular, and I am so excited for you guys.
It doesn't matter which continent he's going to. He's leaving

our continent, wouldn't matter if he was going down to
South America, if he was going over to Asia, going
over to Africa, Europe, whatever, Australia. We need to make
sure that we give him enough time to go and
get all of his required vaccines. Huge. Yeah, yeah, we'll
get it all sorted. I mean, it's yeah, it's fun.

I mean I've told Ryan. I mean it's kind of
the company policy. If you're having a story you're excited about,
just go do it and we'll figure out a way
to pay for it later. You know, Like, because if
you bring that passion and you write a great piece
or a series of pieces, and it's gonna the energy
and the around it is going to attract readers and
therefore you can always find advertisers and sponsors or whatever.

So it's it's definitely that's top of his bucket list
for many years. So it's gonna happen. It's gonna be glorious.
It is so cool. I'm so so excited. Bara. Yeah,
so I'll tell you this is funny talking about Bryson
not gearing up for the match. So I played in

band in the end of October, and then I came
home hand to finish my film book and the basketball
season started here at Carmel Hive and coaching. We won
our first game last week, by the way. That was
big and oh, no big deal. It's a player's game.
The players get all the credit, but we have such
an interest we have. I have six girls on my
team who are really good basketball players, and they've been

playing for years, and they've been playing together and they're
really solid. And then I have eight girls who are
basically brand new to the sport, and the amount of
coaching and teaching is significant, and it's and trying to synthesize,
and sometimes I put them up into two different sides
of the gym, and you know, the more advanced players
are doing more advanced things, like we're literally still teaching

layups to the new girls and just passing and catching
and but it's super fun to see how much they've
improved in such a short period of time. But anyway,
I have not touched a golf club all through November
now into December. And remember that that fundraition we did
for abandoned dunes for the caddies. This is like you know,
early COVID, right when everything was still shut down, and

they raffled off a chance to play golf with me
at PG Muni Pacific Grove and somebody spent a lot
of money on which was very flattering. I think it
was more about just supporting the caddies than it was
actually wanting to play golf with me, But they did
it and that was so that was really cool. Well,
we've been trying to schedule ever since. This is going
on like a year and a half, and so it's
happening tomorrow, you know, Tuesday, December seventh. And but the

funny thing is this guy, his name is Ron Haney.
He's super cool. He's like, would would you be okay
with changing the venue? I said, Uh sure, I mean
it's just all about you know, coming together and playing
golf and out fund. He's like, yeah, I got us
a time at Cyprus Point, so oh, I know. I'm like, okay, cool,
I'm down with that. But I haven't touched a club
in like fives So the second is POD's over. I'm

gonna go hit some balls and chip and putt. Like
you know, it's not an ideal scenario, but I'm not
gonna not roll up to the first team. I mean,
I've been lucky to play Cyberus a good amount of
times at this point, but it's always it's always a thrill,
and um, you know, you just have to I just
I gotta have to just enjoy the walk and hit

some shots. I'm not really worried about the score because
it's it's not an easy place to find your game.
Um you know, those sand dunes and those wicked greens
and um, you know whatever. But we'll see what happens.
Maybe maybe a little expectations is the way to go.
But so yeah, it's I mean, don't you like when
good things happen to good people? Like I'm winding up
it at CPC instead of PG. I'll take it, baby.

That is fantastic, and of course this is this is
the kind of shit that happens to you. Yeah, I
m in at the Pelican. I actually played in the
pro am with the group of guys that won the
auction to play with Cheyenne, and so we've been trying
to get them sorted out. Next Friday, I myself am

actually going to be playing Oh wait no, this Friday,
I'm going to be playing with those same group of
guys because I played with them in the in the
problem for the Pelican. I'm playing with them over at
Mountain Lake, which is like the only seth Rayner golf
course in all of Florida. So I'm pumped about that. Um,
And I still got to get with Lewis about the
round that I have with Tiff Joe over at Bandon

and the girls that are Caroline and Brianna getting them
set up with with Brian Louie and and all of
that like it because and then I mean even freaking
Wyndham Clark's round, like you're the pioneer in all of this.
You're gonna you're the one, you know, in the sense
of you're you're saying it's been you know, it'll have

been a year and a half. You're the first round.
That's yeah, you're the first one that's going to have
been redeemed. Okay, well, I mean, I'll I you know,
you can't not have fun because by by definition, these
are people who love golf and care about the people
in the game. So how can you not have a
good selling right you know, it's it's it's a self

selecting audience. So it's gonna be it's gonna be fun.
And honestly, it'd be fun if you're at PG. MUNI.
I love that golf course, and he's uh bron seems
like an awesome dude, and so I would have been
perfectly happy to pay it over there, the little humble
municipal golf course. But ultimately I can't say no, he's
kind of it's his day. I want him to be.
It's his day, and that's a lot of day that

you can't do morning over at Cyper's, in the afternoon
at PG if if everyone's schedule seems to allow it.
If so, that that's that's what we need to talk about.
Because we do have the Carmel High jav Girls basketing,
we have a road game and the Bustle leaves at
three thirty, Like, I obviously need some time to get
organized before that, but I'm thinking maybe we'll I'll take
over to Peter Hey and we can play nine holes

at the hay or you don't have a little more
golf and you know, obviously I'll spring for it and
it'll be fun. So um, yeah, we're on the same wavelength.
We'll play as much as time allows. Put it that thing.
That's awesome. Oh my god, I'm so pumped for you.
M full report next time, next time we pod. I
love it because no one ever gets tired of talking
about Cyper's point, so not at all. All right, well,

I'm glad we squeeze us in. Well done. Yeah, we
we've we've been. We've had a lot of talkie in
the last couple of hours. I didn't realize that podcasting
is like an endurance sport. I'm exhausted. I need a nap.
This has been like three hours of podcasting. I'm like
physically tired. How softer? Oh no, it's just this is

this is a different type of mental mental test, especially
with technology and everything else like that and having to
you know, think on think talk on the thing I
don't know, you know, yeah, yeah, you said it. Yeah,
let's let's release the listeners. All right, sounds good? Well everyone,
thank you again for listening to Yeah. Another episode of

fulls End with Christina Kim and Alan Schipnak. Will do
it again at some point soon. Thank you,
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