All Episodes

September 26, 2022 39 mins

Meghan was spotted kissing and canoodling with Bachelor fan favorite Mike Johnson. 
So…we’ve got Mike here to tell all!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is Intimate Knowledge with Megan King. It's a show
about sex, all right, Welcome back to Intimate Knowledge, everybody.
This is Megan King, and I have all the dirty
details for you today and every day. But today is

a special day because today we are coming to you
from Las Vegas for the Heart Radio Music Festival, and
I am sitting next to the very loved Mike Johnson
from The Bachelor. Him, I thank you for joining me
today on the podcast. But he's kind of he kind
of has to you, guys. This is kind of has

to be here today. So you guys are going to
believe this. So I just want to be here today.
I mean, I want you here today. We had so
much fun last night, so Mike, Mike and I went
out last night and let me start at the beginning.
So so there, there's this thing you guys, is no
everybody's interested in my love life. I don't know why.
I have no idea why. But anything I do, any

move I make, any person i'm with that like the
public is interested in it. So I mean, I was
just spotting holding hands with my brother the other day
and literally Teddy Mellencamp said to me just yesterday, Meg
you told me you were done with putting your relationships
on the internet, and now you're up spotted holding this
guy's hand. I was like, Teddy, that's my brother, even Teddy,

even Teddy is is she can't even hide from it? Right?
So popular, I guess, I guess so, or at least
my love life is so. So I had this idea.
I thought, you know what, going to i Heeart Radio
Music Festival, single woman this there's a red carpet. Wouldn't
it be fun to have a date. So I'm talking

to to our production team on intimate knowledge, I said,
what do you guys think about? They said, yeah, you know,
we know, we know a lot of people from Bachelor Nation.
You know, maybe we could set you up and which,
by the way, I've been asking Amy and Danielle to
set me up with somebody for like years, okay, like,
and I guess this was the fire they needed to

actually set me up with somebody. And so, so Mike,
what happened? They're like, we're kind of like going through
a list of names. Not really, I mean, it was
Danielle's idea, and she was saying, oh, you know, Mike Johnson,
he said, who's Mike Johnson. I don't watch a lot
of TV, and I googled you and I'm like, oh,
he's cute, and I don't believe nothing on internet, And

so how did they contact you? Um? I just got
a call on Friday, and I was so confuse at first,
but I was on it honestly if I if they
felt that we would be a good period together, and
then of course I want to get to meet you,
and I think we had a wonderful time last night.
We did. But I'm like nervous talking about this because

I cannot imagine what it would have been like to
get a call and say, do you want to go
out with Mega? By the way, Like, how desperate do
I look? I'm like, oh, dude, to do I'm like,
this is this like mom in the middle of America
with three kids, Like I'm so desperate for a date.
I can't even ask him on my own. I have
to have my my team helped me out. And that's

the way to do it. Your team, you know, reach
out to I don't have a team, so they reached
out to me directly. So why did you say yes
to this? You flew to Vegas, you flew to Vegas.
You're staying at a hotel for two nights. Why did
you Why did you do this with a stranger? I
mean you're not a stranger no more. Though well no
I'm not. But I mean this is a this is
a big commitment for a first day, a blind date.

This is a big commitment to share. But I mean
we have the same we have the same name, so
we're just Iman and I like that. That's cute, you
did say. So we did text a little bit. I thought,
you know what, we shouldn't really talk, but well yeah,
and then I was like, no, we need to talk
a little bit, like we need to coordinate outfits, like
we got to figure this out. So we did text
a little bit, and then we got drinks yesterday before

UM before we went to the UM to the party.
Answer the party. Yeah, a lot of turn off last night.
But I'm mad that we didn't get to go to
the burlesque show. I really wanted to do that, Like
that was I've still never been on one. I gotta go. Well,
the night is young. We'll see where the night takes this.
But I want to I kind of want to put
a pin in this for a minute, and I want to.

I want to. I want to shift for a second
and talk about headlines. Headlines in the news. Um, because
like I said earlier, it's for some reason, the public
is very enthralled with with my dating life. But the
headlines recently said Megan King comes out and says she
falls on the gay spectrum. Now, last episode, if you

guys missed it, go back and listen. But last episode,
the first episode, I was having a conversation with Nif
Schulman and he's the guy who created a catfish and
so he was We're just talking about sexuality, and like, um, yeah,
I don't know, We're just you know, having conversation. And
I said, well, I've I've had hook ups. I've hooked

up with women before in the past. And I said,
but um, so if you and I said, but I
that doesn't make me a lesbian in my head. But
like it means that I was just having fun and
I felt comfortable sharing that because I don't think that's

anything to be ashamed of. Now, what what these articles
did was they took it in their ran with it.
Now I came out and said I fall on the
gay spectrum. First of all, like everybody's there's a spectrum
of everything, right, everything in life, there's a spectrum, right, yeah,
totally so, so um, I fall on the gay spectrum.
I feel like this is gay baiting, and I feel

like these tabloids took what I said and now they're
gay bating, like they're they're trying to make it look like,
you know, there's some big click baity headline and really
it's so anti climactic and it's like, oh, it's actually
straight after all, Like there's nothing there question though for you?
So you you liked, uh, we both like the ladies
and I don't. I don't actually, Oh my gosh, I

want to running with it? Who would you love to
schmooze smooth lady? Wise? What do you mean like up
with no one? Like I don't have a desire to
kiss a woman Like I literally don't. It's not like
I don't look at women sexually or anything like or

I think I can look at women and say wow,
they look beautiful or like wow, like very objectively like that.
But I'm not looking at women like I'm I want
to hook up with him. We went to the strip
club last night? Yeah we did? Yeah, Like I didn't
you didn't you were you were a good girls strip
club last night for sure. I mean, well we can
get into into that in a little bit. So yeah,

I mean that was that was frustrating for me. And
I have a gay brother and I was frustrated like
our r J, my brother, he's been through a journey
with his sexuality and coming out and being proud of it.
Um So to produce a headline you know that say
says I come out. I just think that it's those
headlines are pretty disrespectful of the lgbtwo Q community. Honestly,

I've never said it before or even thought about this,
but like, why is that still even the headline? Who
gives a funk if someone is straight, gay, whatever the funk? Right?
I don't know that's a good question, Maybe because like
I was married to a man on TV, So I
don't that's a good question. I mean, truly, it's three
almost like who cares. Let the individual isn't crazy, Like,

let the individual like whoever they like, Like, you are
a straight woman, you've kissed a girl, But that doesn't
mean that it has to be some huge monu mental thing.
We're human, We we enjoy sexuality. Well, I mean yeah,
that's literally it's literally a part of what makes us breathe, right,
like we need we need air to breathe, and we
need food to eat and water to drink and sex

to thrive. I would say orgasms. Yeah, orgasms are a
healthy part of life. Yeah. Absolutely. You know, somebody was
telling me, like this weird hippie friend of mine, he
was telling me that he took he did this challenge
where he couldn't you can't orgasm for twenty one days. Why,
I don't know. It's like it's it's like kamas Sutra

or something. No, so, but you still have to have sex.
You just can't climax. Oh no, no, no, okay, I
tried to do that. I did not last Well, you're
a different year woman, your your bodies may differently than
guys bodies, right, and so well, I mean I did
it for like ten days. For a guy, you should
be out of climax every single day. Huh, you should
climax every single day. Well, I mean I think for

a guy, like we can have sex and not ejaculate
but still reach orgasm. Yeah, yeah, that's like that's what
you're supposed to do in this in this challenge. Okay,
when it's like that, would you accept that challenge? I
do that? What really? Twenty one days? No? I do
from personally, Uh, I'll do like you're not just telling me, honey, No,

it's just you're not talking. Okay, But I definitely go
a month, maybe two months of not ejaculating. Okay. So
what I found out about you last night is that
you are in training to be a sex coach. I
am a sex coach. You are a sex coach. Okay, okay,
so you know a lot about sex, and like you

know the why the wise behind it. So why do
you do that? Um? As a man, and just like
women are built better for a lot of things. But
in this conversation, sexually wise, as a man, as we
continue to get older, if we continue to ejaculate, it
is snapping us of our energy. And as a male,

we can't have male multiple orgasm. But so many men
are dumb and watch porn and they it's a poking
pandemic going on, right, so they emulate what they see
on TV right or right porn. And so by being
able to have discipline and not ejaculate all the time,
I'm able to last longer and do better for your
life to you, you know, I feel like like men

that I have a lot of men that i'm that
I've been with. I'm like, how much porn do you watch?
Because I feel like we're in I'm like, it's like fast, fast, fast,
like there's only one goal and the goal is the
climax and then it's over and like, stop watching porn.
I'm over here and they're like, you don't know I
watched porn. I'm like, I can tell by the way

you are in bed, Like it's not a secret. Are
do they when you when you've had sex with the guy?
Do they poke? Or do they like make love to you?
I feel like, oh my gosh, I feel like a
teenager right now. I'm like, um, I think it's both ways.
Like I prefer making love because I like it's slow.

Like I think slow is I mean, you know, I
for everything, but like overall they're slow. Is almost like
four play And back when um Leela Deville was on
Intimate Knowledge a couple of years ago, she would say
it shouldn't be called full play, it should be called

cold play. Corporate. I agree. I've written about that absolutely.
I think play to me four play. Isn't even me
touching your volva or your breast, four plays, everything else,
four players making your entire body feel that you're in
the zone that I'm focusing on everything from your feet

now to the back of your ear. Yeah, I mean
I agree, because it's it's all about like that full
body essential experience, that intimacy. That's that's you know, surround
sex absolutely and and that's like that's I think what people.
You know, anybody can get off by themselves, like it's
not that hard to do, but but it's levels to it.
Those right, of course there's levels to it, but like

not every you know, that intimacy that we all humans crave,
that's that's different. That is different. And then also a
part of that intimacy is what I call aftercare. Yeah,
what's up just afterca after let me ask you a
question before I say that. When does sex end? Oh? Wow? Um?

I mean if we're if we're going by like porn,
it ends in the climax, right, but like specific when
I don't know, when you fall asleep. Who climaxes the man? Right?
And I wanted to say that because man listening fellas
we gotta do better sex is not supposed to end
when the man climaxes, right, And that's how I think
that we're brought up in our society. We think that

mail came, go to sleep. Now, No, it's should where's
the focus on us? We needed to? You know what,
I recently read that men talk about experiencing blue balls,
which is like when they're aroused and then don't ejaculate. Well,
women apparently have the same type of physical reaction, the

same type of blue ball physical reaction. But women are
we've been we've been conditioned to to just push it
aside and not to to focus on like that feeling
of ours because we just need our man to ejaculate.
That's like what we've learned that crazy, right fellow definitely
should work harder. I want to making sure that they're

a lady climaxes as well, whether just talk about like
just talk about like what what do you want? Like
what as a partnership, Like what do you are looking for? Um?
I think I'm like kind of in an exploratory phase
of just like figuring out what I like. Like there's

all different kinds of ways to to have sex, to
be intimate, to be turned on, sensual. So I don't
think that I could break it down to one thing
that's good. Actually you should you want that? What don't
you like? Um, I don't like feeling like I can't

move like you don't like that? No handcuffs. No, I
don't like feeling trapped like I need to have like
what about root about like some some eye covering. I
don't know. Yeah, I've never I don't think I've ever
done that, So yeah, I'm sorry. I don't. Look I've

been a single woman for a few years, like the
kind of relationships that I've been in, I mean when
you're like when I'm typically, you know, hooking up with
a guy I've been with for a few months, Like
it's it's not we don't. We don't. We're not at
that level of like exploration or when I say we,
I mean he yeah, I mean she's talking about Yeah, yeah,

that's that's not wrong. I want to go over to
some more some more headlines, but I feel like before
we do that, we need to talk about what we
did yesterday. So Mike and I we go to this
party together. You know what, really, what what I thought

was like very masculine that you did yesterday when we
were sitting We're sitting at the bar, and um, it
was before the party, and there was like a bunch
of the Bachelor guys. So there was Chris Harrison, and
there was Bob Guiney, and there was Higgins, yes, and

somebody else I think, I don't know whoever. There was
a bunch of them, and so we're just like chit chatting,
well chit chatting, and you said, okay, okay, okay, excuse me,
a gentleman, I'm gonna have to pull her away for
a second because I'm gonna try to get to know her.
But you go, you go, I know you guys have
heard this before. I'm gonna need to pull her as
that little Bachelor reference. But I thought that was so

that was so confident and masculine of you to like
think about me, to make me feel special. Here we
are on a blind day, we're trying to get to
know each other, but like we're in a group setting,
and you're like, no, I'm gonna make you feel special.
So thank you. I didn't even that even registered me yet. Yeah,
I really appreciated that. And then we talked about a
lot we got We talked about a lot of very

personal experiences right quick. You know, you said to me,
do you do you usually like talk about like this
stuff this fast? Didn't you? What did I say? I
just want to know. I think that are I think
our connection is just good. You know, we feel comfortable

around one another. I like your vibe, like, yeah, we
do feel comfortable around one another. But um, yeah, I
mean we I think, like, why did we talk about
in depth things so quickly? How did that happen? That's
a good question because we're in Vegas, we're in at

multiple people around. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I got
to know you a little bit that. Yeah, we we
both did. We both got to know each other really well.
Like I'm talking you guys, I'm talking like like from
when we were little kids, right like full family history,
family upbringing. Yeah, life, a lot of life that doesn't

typically happen on a first date or a blind date.
I guess I don't think so. So then we go
to the party. Yes, we're a little looser. At that point,
tequila was flowing a little bit. Sure was trampagne for me.
It still is flowing with the little hair of the
dog somewhere. And so we go so we go to

to the like little it was like a mixer kind
of idea, and there's like past apps, and there's um,
there's the photo booth. Yes, and and so we're loose
and you know, we got a lot like Okay, yeah,
there's some there was some touching, like I mean, you know, appropriate,
But I think we definitely looked like a couple. We

live like a couple of right, Yeah. And I think
I don't know if we were fooling everyone or or
if we were just fooling ourselves that we weren't a couple,
because like everybody thought we were a couple, and we
even took a couple's picture. We did. We took a
couple's pictures just the two of us, and I was like,

oh my god, we look in love. Like he had
to do that. I literally said that we looked like
we're in love. I'm like, we have to like stand
further apart. And I was like, well, I don't know
how to take a picture now like they were. I
have put a like on it, like on my my
photo album and my phone, I hearted the one that

looks like we're in love here and my favorite today, Yes,
oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed right now. I see
I'm getting hot. I was cold when we started, and
I'm getting hot because I'm like I'm saying like, oh yeah,
see look it's the top favorite of my phone. Look
we look happy together. What are we doing? We do?

I'm a holding you, You're you're doing your smiles. You're
just happy and feeling You're comfortable, consent. Yeah, you're like
nuzzling in my neck. It's so cute. Oh my god,
I'm like so embarrassed right now. I feel like like
a little kid. Um yeah, So so we Okay, did
we kiss there? Oh god god? Did we Did we

kiss at the mixer? I'm like, I don't think he
kissed at the mixer. Did you kiss at the mixer?
We did? Oh my gosh, you saw us kissing Tara?
Oh my gosh. Danielle saw it and she reported back,
where were we were we hiding? Like? Did we try
to hide it? You know what? Wait? Hold on, I

think maybe you kissed me when we were sitting down
at that table. Oh my gosh. We know we didn't
kiss in front of Teddy. Teddy would have blast all
over the internet right now, So I guess we did
kiss there um and then we're having fun and then
it was time for us to go to the strip club.

When we were going, I got it like I felt
like a little bit jealous before we went to the
strip club. So I'll be honest with you. So I like,
I don't know, I don't know where you went in
the bathroom or something. I don't know, and I had
to go to the bathroom or something too. And then
I'm like, where is he? He just left me? He
left me? Where is he going? Where is it with
other people? What's going on here? I was like getting
all people I think, so I was definitely getting like possessive.

And then I'm like, what are you doing? Meg? What
is happening here? And when I when I found you,
I was like, where you go? When you're like sorry?
You said to me like something like you need to
claim me or something like that, and I'm like, what
I said? What? What did I say? Something like well,
if you want me around you, you you have to claim

your man or something like does that sound like you?
That sounds like tequila? Does that sound right? And then
you were doing a TikTok. I did do a TikTok
and was like, why are you didn't talk with another girl?

What is this? Okay? Tara has just showing us a
headline Real Housewives Megan King hit strip club with Bachelor's
Mike Johnson getting close and personal in the club. TMZ.
All right, that's that was quick. What time is it?
It's it's not even that wasn't even twelve hours. I
swear it was. So we go to the strip club

and we were canoodling in the back. Were definitely loose
at that point. Yeah, I think you were having a
good time with you're going and you said, come on,
sit on my lap. That sounds sore, and I did,
and and there was kissing. Was it good? Yeah? Of

course I kept doing it was good? Am I good kisser?
Are you sure you're just saying that because I'm in
front of you? No, I'm not. What can I work?
What can I do better? What can I do better? Well,
I'm asking you meet you first? More more kissing. Oh
my god, Oh my god, oh my god. I can't.

This isn't okay. Doesn't it feel like we kind of
have a spotlight on us like this weekend, like everybody
knows what's going on, And it makes me a little.
It makes me a little right, like what are they doing?
Are they actually connecting? Yeah, definitely, I definitely feel that.
I mean it's okay though it was it like that

when you're in the Bachelor how so long? Yeah, for sure,
when you're on the show. Absolutely did you feel a
lot of pressure. I don't think I give pressure when
I'm talking to someone, whether those cameras or not. I
mean I feel like I feel pressure, but then I'm
like with like, how you know us? Whatever is happening here?
And then but then like, oh my god, see Amy

just walked out and she has this little smirk on
her face speaking of pressure, like pressure spot lights on us,
Like oh my god. Everybody knows what's going on. They're like,
what's happening? They just can't wait to watch what happens next.
It's like reality television. I know me too, because it's

it's like, I don't know, it's like embarrassing, like but
not embarrassing at all. No, but everybody knows what's going on.
It's two adults are enjoying your life, enjoying their time,

beating the adults. I'm thirty, I'm almost thirty eight, I'll
be thirty eight and a couple of days you're thirty four,
So does that make me a cougar? I don't think
that makes your cougar at all. Well make me a cougar?
What age? Um, I don't think it's an age. I
think it's like a difference in age. It would have
to be a difference in age. Like if you're about

to be thirty eight and I was like nine, that
much of a difference. Like, so if I dated twenty
one year old, I wouldn't be a cougar. You will
be cougar because you're dating. What I mean, Like, where's
the cut off? It was thirty was thirty one as
thirty one the start of it? I don't know cougar age.
I don't know. This is a hard question. What starts

at cougar? Yeah, I think a cougar is a part
personality to that. Yeah, I think of cougar. I think
like the Desperate Housewives, right that show back in the day. Yeah,
I think of like some nice some nice yellow nails.
I think of like I think of just personality when
I think of cooler. I don't think it necessarily has
an age starting. Yeah, Like I agree with that. What

does a guy call what does a guy call that's older? Um,
A player? A player? Yeah, like a guy's like, Oh,
they're called Leonardo DiCaprio, a guy that's older. Okay, does
he really not dat nobody over twenty five? He's dating
Gigi Hadid I think right now, she's twenty five, she's

twenty five, twenty two years. I mean, all right, I
get that. No, I feel like it's okay, But like
he only dates, Oh, I have to ask supermodels. I
have know what was your difference? What's your biggest age difference?
My ex husband what's his age? And I'm thirty? Were
fourteen years apart? Fourteen years apart? Okay, but I want

to date with a guy in his sixties one time.
I know, I'm pretty sure he's gay because he wouldn't
even he wouldn't even hold my hand, Like he wouldn't
touch me at all. Like it was a weekend date,
and it was actually a weekend blind date set up
and it was a weekend date. What is a weekend date?

Like I flew to Chicago and I and like we
went to a concert and we hung out. But I
was hanging out with with my cousin and her boyfriend
and then this was their friend and he was in
great shape and like he was attractive, and I'm like, whatever,
it would be a fun weekend and it was. But
he literally didn't touch me and I stayed in his place,

Like he didn't even like put his his pinky finger
on my knee like that that was that was you
Just putting your figure on my knee was more action
than I got that whole weekend. Like he didn't even try.
So I don't think that counts. Maybe he was enamored
by you. Well, I mean I'm flattering myself by saying

I think he was content want to touch me. I
mean I'm not responded to. I don't know. Maybe I
don't know. That would be the biggest Asian difference. What
about you? What's your biggest When I was nineteen, I
was with a thirty nine year old what. Yeah, that's
why why I was attracted to her? What do you

mean why was she with you? Because she was attracted
to me? Well, I mean that's like that's like kind
of jail baby, Nah, are you kidding me? I was nineteen,
I was legal. I mean legal and ethical are different things.
I mean, this is true. Was it ethical. I think,
so you do. How long did you date? I mean,
it was just definitely a flame, Like it wasn't like

something serious. Did she teach you anything? She did? What
did she tell me? A lot? Actually, because I remember
asking her, I said, I'll never forget it. I remember
asking her, I said, how do I not be like
your ex husband or a man that you're dating your
age group? Wow, a nineteen year old said that. Yes,
I'll never forget me asking that question, And I'll never
forgive her response either. She was just telling me man

gets as we get older, we get stuck in our
ways more. And she was like, make sure you always
please your woman, okay, and she like, make sure you
plead and we're talking sexually, make sure you please I
please my woman sexually instead of just trying to get mine. Well,
but like it was only a fling, So you couldn't
really apply that to that relationship, right I could? Yeah,

I definitely could. You know, it was weird about that,
that relationship gap. I've had a bigger age gap than that,
but that was just the youngest. Ye you're nineteen. I've
had some some I've had some cougars, Like you're still
like your Mom's like still like paying yourself phone bill?
Like no, hell no I have. I was the only thing.

We're in old nineteen alright. What was weird though, was
that I remember being at her house and she is
so crazy. She had eleven and to Europe. Oh my god,
you're I'm nineteen, and I'm like, you can God, did
they know that you were dating their mom? I mean yeah,

like they saw me puller, like they were at Target.
This is how pool. I'll never forget. They were at Target,
and uh, she was looking for a game, like a
basketball game in two k something. And I don't know why.
I'm so confident I just went for to kill what
you just picked her up in Target? Yeah, I was
at work having a little my little khakis on my

reach Target and you're like, all right, I got this.
Yeah I went straight to it, you know. And so
I don't think we talked about it right there and that, Yeah,
we didn't talk about right. I mean she knew I
was younger, for sure. I mean I look like a kid,
but yeah, her son's new for sure. They saw me
puller and then they see me at the house walk

walking around the house. I can't imagine. I was a
cute like in your boxer, is there something like I
wasn't okay, okay, I wasn't disrespectful because her mom was.
You know, she would stay there too. Yeah, oh my gosh,
that's wild. But I remember being my twenties with a
young sixty year old with a young sixty year old really,

so why because I was attracted? I'm so confused by
all of this. I think I'm like just too traditional,
Like what so you're like, whoa, you're why because that's

it's what you do when you're attracted somebody. Okay, so
sixty years old? I mean, like, how was the sex fantastic?
She knew what she was doing was taking hormone replacement,
like I want to like, I want to know. It's
a good question, right, Yeah, she's like through menopause and everything.

Oh I think women as I think women. Yeah, as
you get older, get more comfortable in your body and sexuality.
So but don't you think men do too? Probably not
think that? Mean well no, because we go down hill
so far, so fast, so quick, and guys get set
in their ways. I guess yeah, I even see that,
like with my like thirty year olds got men like

it's like going downhill, and men don't talk about like,
you know, stay on top of it. They're like they're
too overall. I think like men are too manly to
think that they have act all dysfunction or something function
for men, yeah, because then they get like they're not
confident enough to like in the bedroom, and then and
they won't talk about it with their doctor. And it's

like for all the fellows out there, they should definitely
you guys should definitely definitely take beat powder. Oh, beat powder?
What does that powder? Um? So about this? Yesterday writes
outa function is one thing we got into a lot.
We did, we definitely did, but it writes out of function.
Um it has multiple different functions. What this I'm not

going to speak on specifically because I don't want to
be wrong about it because it's so many pieces. But
what be powder does basically is it keeps the blood flow. Movie,
so in our penises, our capillary veins, they as we
get older, they start to break off, right, And that's
the reason for we're not getting the beat rudder will
help that. So it's not so does that like help

the heart too? It does, But I'm a dumb dude, right,
I don't ca about my heart scrape. What did well?
Apparently like when they were finding fires, are was looking
for um um. They were they were trying to develop
a heart medication, and they accidentally developed viagra. Yeah, it
was an accidental development, and which makes sense because they're

they're both vasodilators, you know, so like the veins would
dilate in order to allow a better flow of blood.
Just call me Dr Meg, Dr Meg. But there's other
things guys could do too. If a guy does have
it rights out of sun and there's a lot of
things that you could do to please your lady and
you could please yourself. Yea, completely great. So we go
to the strip club. You know what my favorite part

about the strip club was? What was it? The food
is good? We destroyed those little Yes, the strip food
is good. Did you not like shooting up the gun?
The money gun? I kind of like the money gun,
but like I was more interested in like taking collecting

that money from my own wallet. I'm such a hustler.
I'm like, oh, there's a dollar dollar, I'm definitely keeping
that for myself. Hustler cheap as you know. Whatever. So
then we came back to the hotel, and then we
both woke up in our own beds. We did, we did?
We did? You got a texta seven this morning from

your girls saying, did you wake up in your own bit?
Oh my gosh, Teddy, Oh my gosh, literally seven am.
And she Teddy is so direct, that Teddy Melling Camp
with her messages. She's just like, how was it? And
I said good exclamation point and then she's like, is
he laying next to you right now? That's time? She
asked it. Yeah, and I guess there won't be any

laying next to one another tonight because you're leaving tomorrow,
so this is like, yeah, good, Like take it slow? Right?
I got a question? How do you feel about stuff
like that? But? What take it slow? Do you? Is
there like for is there a making king rule like
sex on the first date kind of rule? Or do
you have like a ninety day? What is like? What
is your thoughts? I don't have. I don't like to

place rules on things because then I know I will
just be inclined to go out of my way to
break them, because that's just how I am. I'm like, oh,
somebody wants to place a limit on me. I don't
think so even if it's myself and so no, I
just like to glow with like how I'm feeling, like
how it feels, how do I feel? But I think

I'm trying to No, I'm trying to save like sex
for when I want to be in a relationship. And
and honestly, it's like kind of just this wu wou
side of me being like, no, you don't need to share,
like completely share energy until you know that you're ready to.

There's nothing woo wrong about that whatsoever. I think that's great.
I think that the stuff is real. Stuffy stuff is
very real. You know what. I heard a quote recently,
and it was like, when you're having sex with someone
for the first time, you're not having sex with them,
you're having sex with everybody you've had sex with in

your in your life up until that point, because you
don't know what your partner wants or desires are, like
how they their body works, and the first time that
you're like having sex with that person, but all you
know is you're applying like you're not leigent experiences from
your past. I think I see what they're saying with that,
But for me, I'm gonna ask you what you like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

that's and then also it's a good way to go. Yeah.
And then also just focus on you. Pay attention to you,
like see what see how you're breathing has changed, you know,
just pay attention to you and move around like that
and see do you like it? I think a great
question that people should ask where are you at your
pleasures go like one to ten while you're having Don't
you think that's kind of a buzz kill? No, you're

not at all. So let's say, for example, if you're
in the moment and if the partner, your partner is like,
how do you feel, how is your pleasure skilling on
skill of one to ten? No, you don't. You don't
do it like that at all at all at all.
You just say, hey, uh, let's say I'm going down
on my girl for example, um or no, because I

won't be to talk obviously, but let's say I'm just kissing,
let's kissing her neck or something, Hey, where are you
got your pleasures to go? I would be like, well,
I don't think there's nothing wrong with'm talking, because let's
say that you're at a five, right, But I'm not

going to say that I'm not going to say that. Okay,
remember how you just said like you're trying to read
your partner. I'm trying. If you're reading your partner, here
is you're reading me. Don't say that to me? Okay, check,
Like I think that that's like that's thoughtful and stuff.
But I think that, you know, people are different and
even how much like people talking they want in bed?

Do you talk in bed? Yeah? Medium? I feel like
a medium? What do you what's stuff do you say?
Do you do you dirty? Do you dirty talk? Or
do you like? How do I do all I do?
All the talks you do? What do you talk about?
Like how the day was? No? No no no no
no no do you no? Not really? What would you're

like like, like, what did you how it was worked today?
As you getting your back broke? Yeah? Okay, I mean
that's different. I guess all right, I'm like preventing myself.
I'm being so good, right good? I mean not good.
Drink up. Let's see what else do you have for us? Okay?

So tonight, so tonight we're gonna we're gonna walk the
red carpet together. How are you feeling about that? I'm
feeling good. I feeling great. I know that you're going
to take the shine on everyone from the red carpet.
That'd be great to see. Well, let's see what happened. Well.
I can't wait to read the headlines tomorrow. Thanks Mike,
thanks for being my blind date. This has been awesome.

Cheers to you until next time. Stay tuned to see
how this story unravels. Thanks for listening. Everybody where can where?
Can everybody find you? Mike? They can go to Feeling
scene dot com. It's sign it for our newsletter that's
all about sexology. Amazing perfect Feeling scene dot com. Everybody, Yes,
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