All Episodes

February 27, 2024 29 mins

Background checks, dating apps, social media…JoJo spills the TEA on dating as a celebrity!  Plus, what is JoJo's favorite date spot?! 

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Jog Just Sea now with me Jojo
Siua an iHeartRadio podcast. Oh my god, I'm laughing at
this before I even start this. Oh frick me dating
as a celebrity. I wish there was a textbook answer.

I wish there was a pamphlet, a user manual, an
instruction sheet. Shit. If there wasn't, it was in a
different language, I would learn that language just to figure
out how to do this. It is one of the
hardest things about my job. Whenever I say, you know,
being a celebrity, or I call myself a celebrity, I

always get very strange. I mean, I don't I know
that is like what I am or or who I am,
But it's very weird to call yourself a celebrity. I
don't know why, but it's just one of those things
for me. So if I'm talking and I'm saying that
and it's weird for you to hear that, just know
that it's weird for me to say it too. But
it is what it is. So we're just gonna We're
gonna get past that. Anyways. One of the things about

doing and being who I am, being a super public
figure stating in the limelight can be very very tricky. Now, look,
I've only learned about trial and air, and there's been
a lot of trial and there as sure a been
a lot of air, and that is something that I

think for the last few years actually I was a
bit a bit naive to and a bit like, nothing's wrong,
I'm fine. But then I think in this last year
twenty twenty three, really taking the time to just be
alone and looking back and looking back at things I did,
mistakes I made, good things I did, it really allowed

me to be like, oh, you know what, there was
some air and that is okay. And some of the
air was on my behalf, some of the air was
on my partner's behalf. But I think being able to
actually realize that is a very very very massive thing.
Long story short, today we are going to be deep
dive in talking about all of this. This is my

free therapy session for myself. So thank you for listening.
Every single person that is hearing this right now, you
are my therapist for the next thirty minutes because I
do not have one, even though I should, I don't.
It's okay, we're fine. That's what you're here for. Being
a celebrity, it is very difficult to enter the dating

scene just initially meeting somebody you know you first, just
being a human, it's hard to enter the dating scene.
You go out, you might find somebody, you might not.
How do you meet somebody? Who do you work with?
Are these your you know what I mean? There's there's
a lot that goes into how do you actually meet somebody?
But as a person in the world, dating apps are

a thing now, and they are They make it very
very much so more convenient for sure, uh and more
I guess they make data more accessible. But the thing is,
for being a celebrity, you cannot have a dating app. Now.
There is ray uh and that is some fancy one
for celebrities that you have to get approved to be in.
You got to get requested, is you referred. It's a

whole thing. But there's not that many people on it.
And so what happens is the thing with Hinge, Tinder, Bumble,
all of them. They see your name, So I'll put
in honestly, I'll put in Joel see what I won't
even put in jojo see because Joelle is what's on
my ID and what's on my passport and all that,
and I'll send in my passport, my birth certificate. I

make the joke. I'm always like shit, I'd send them
my Social Security number and I'd still get blocked. But
it is so true. They just the algorithm notices the
name and then they take it down, and you know,
then I'll email tell them what's up, and I've done
this all before. They'll say, okay, we'll get it up,
and we'll leave it up. But then again, just over time,
the algorithm just takes it down. And so dating apps

are not really a thing. So for me, I feel
like I honestly meet most people, I think actually pretty
much everybody, just through regular social media, through Instagram, DMS, TikTok, DMS.
I met one person I was okay, okay, okay, wait,
let's go back. Let's go back a little bit. Because

my first like true fling was with the boy and
I know I knew him as a family friend for years,
but we didn't have like a fling until I was famous.
But it was very normal because we had known each
other since I was like five or six. My second
fling actually ended up becoming my first boyfriend. I got
introduced to him through friends and that was kind of

It's kind of like a social media relationship in a way,
like we I like, I will never deny that I
thought he was like cute for a time, but it
was never like we were never going to truly be
in love, you know what I mean. Like it was
more for like videos and stuff for sure. And then
I met my first girlfriend actually on a cruise ship.
That was very interesting. When I met her, I actually

we were just friends for a while. She was dating
somebody at the time. She was dating a boy actually
at the time, and we became very good friends very
quickly on this cruise. And what's interesting is I actually
in the beginning thought she had no idea who I
was because she was not acting like she did at all,

and so whatever we were, we were fighting over this
crane game. This is like three days into the cruise.
We were fighting over this crane game. And she hadn't
been around me when people were coming up to me.
But like I just thought she like didn't think anything
about I don't know what I thought. I mean, I
was I was young, I was fifteen, and so whatever
doesn't literally doesn't matter. Anyways, we're fighting over this like
claw machine and we're fighting over it, wrestling over it.

She stops and she looks at me and she said,
aren't you supposed to be nice? Like, you know, because
obviously I have. I would like to think that I'm nice.
But of course the brand, you know, hold the drama
kidick Caaser, everyone's superhirl, dear you am. It's very it's
very much so happy, go lucky, very positive vibes driven.

And so I looked at her and I was like, oh,
so you do know who I am? And she was like, yeah,
of course I do. Everybody does, but like it just
isn't why like I wanted to become friends with you,
And I was like, oh that's sweet, like didn't think
much of it whatever. And so then cut to a
year later, she ended up becoming my very first girlfriend,
and so that's how we met. And then after that,
every other girlfriend or partner of interest, even if they

didn't become a girlfriend, has been just through social media.
And that is something that is very interesting because you
can't tell who people truly are, but you think you can.
And it's a trap that I've fallen into a few
times now where I'm like, oh, I know exactly this
person has i't mean I see them every day on
social media, not realizing that I see thirty seconds of

their twenty four hours a day on social media. And
I'm sure that that's been the same from a partner's
to me, you know what I mean. But I have
met some actually some really incredible people through social media
that just never went anywhere, you know what I mean,
Like there's no shame in being like, hey, we don't
work out as like partners in a relationship, but we
can be homies, you know what I mean. And so

that's something that I'm very grateful for a lot of
my people that I was like, oh man, this person's hot,
let me slide into the DMS. It just it's gone nowhere.
But it's become very homey, very friendly, and that's very
that's a vibe that I love. I think friends are
freaking awesome And now I want to dive into that's
kind of how I meet people. But now, so say

I'm with somebody, This is where it gets really tricky.
So we already passed tricky stage one, right, we found somebody.
Now we're happy. Let's enter tricky stage two. We go
out on a date. Now, when you go out on
a date. You know, you want it to just be
you and that person. You ditch the whole world and
you go to dinner with just them and you can

look into each other's eyes and everyone disappears and you're
in this beautiful moment and then all the sudd boom
bam boom, somebody will come up to you and say, oh,
my gosh, can I take a picture with you? And
that is who I am before this relationship and during
this relationship, and if this relationship ends, after this relationship,

and I'm very proud and I'm very very grateful for fans,
and I would love love to take a picture with you,
of course, but there's something to be said about that,
like it's so public. You are never just the two
of you, you know what I mean. And so I'll
be at dinner and that's the situation that will happen,
and you know, you snap out of that moment very quickly,

and for me, it's a very normal thing to snap
out of that moment to meet the fans to take
a picture. A lot of times it'll be kids, you know,
and so of course I want to have the best
time ever with the kid and just say, oh, how's
your dinner? You have a fun night, like, oh my gosh,
I do birthday of it. But then you know, spend
us to spend a second to talk to them. I
know if I saw Miley Cyrus, I would want to
have my moment, you know what I mean, Like I
don't want to take a picture, I don't want to

say and so I can get it. I can see
where people are coming from. Miley, I would care if
you're on a date. I would be very very respectful.
But I understand where people are coming from. People don't
even know that they're you know, coming in during a moment.
And so it's something for me that's very normalized. But
for my partner at the time, or I mean, this

has happened on every relationship, so for my partners, it's
very much like whoa wait a second, I thought this
was about us, you know what I mean. And so
that's something that's very hard. So I've actually found that
dating not in public places for me is easier, which
I saw Prince Harry said something actually about when he

started dating Megan, it wasn't like, oh hey, let's go
out to the movies because everyone's going to see us
it's like, hey, come meet my family, the Queen of
England and you know what I mean. And so it's like,
that's your first date is in your house, and your
home where's a lot of people, you know, You go
out for a long time, you have all these fun

little moments, and then you come home and then you
meet the family. But dating as a celebrity, you do
that in reverse. You don't get to be public right away.
You have to keep it private in your in your
confined home. So that's something that almost breaks a boundary
a little too quick, and I've found is very difficult
to deal with because you know you're letting somebody into

your whole life right away without even knowing them, and
that's it's tricky. It's tough. I have found. There are
some things that are a very very very good date. Movie.
I know people say that movies suck as first dates,

but as celebrity they are so great because you can
go and you can sit in a dark theater, you
can inter right when the movie starts, so you can
exit right when it ends, no one knows you're there.
Also escape rooms, because you can book out the whole
escape room. No one will know that you're in there,
you're bonding, you're having fun, you're working together, you're thinking,

you're talking, you're laughing. There's a lot of good about
escape rooms, and they can be very very private. So
I feel like those for me are like my first
like go to what are we gonna do today? Let's
do this, you know what I mean. But honestly, aside
from that, like a nice car ride to the beach
and like, but then you get to the beach and
there's paparazzi there. You know what I mean. It's like

there's no privacy anywhere. And so I've learned that you
have to be very cautious because a lot of times,
oh my god, this one time, kid, this are you
ready for this one? Buckle up? So I took my
best friend, best friend, best friend I cannot reiterate enough,
best friend who is in a relationship, who I like,

I love their relationship, like, live your life, do your thing.
I am her best friend. Took her to Airwon, We
go in, we have fun, we leave whatever, We're back
in the car eating food. We didn't know this, we
got paparazzied. Totally fine, totally normal. Paparazzi publishes this article
photos of us laughing. Obviously it's my best friend, Like,

we're gonna laugh, Joe, just see what on date with
Instagram model YadA Ya when I tell you, I looked
at it and I laughed and thought it was hilarious.
And then it was like, Joe, just see what. Being
so chivalrous got the door for Okay whatever, Fine, this
was like a hole, like, oh my god, they're really
running with this, right, I get back to this place

now they're getting the door in the show. Fore's part
is a very important part to the story, because I
get back to this place, air one that we were at.
It's an automatic door. It is an automatic sliding glass door.
You walk and it opens, and so that just goes
to show you that, like you never know what you're
reading in the press, but it is. It is interesting. Now.

The thing for me is I let people in very,
very easily, and then I get very scared as soon
as I let them in. I let them in, and
then I get very insecure about a lot of things.
I overthink a lot of things and I just immediately
run like that's only a me thing. And so I've
had to really lean on my friends to kind of
help me judge different people and be like is this

person good for me? Is this person bad for me?
And then this is something that's very interesting is I
recently had to add after they go through my friends
is like, no, we think they're a cool person. I
have a security team, and this is something that's very
strange for me, and I don't like it necessarily, I'm

not comfortable with it. But it's because of an incident
that happened that I have to do, and it's a
procedure and a thing that I have to do. And
the step that I have to go through is once
I start seriously talking to somebody, they do have to
go through a background check with my security team. And
that is a very very awkward conversation, especially because it

has to happen very early in the talking stage. And
so you know, when you're in the talking stage and
you like don't really know if you're talking or not,
but like you think you're talking, but you don't really know,
and you don't want to say anything because that might
make it weird. That's the phase where I have to
be like, hey, so can my security team talk to you?

Like that? Is that is it's the strangest, and there
is a very specific reason why I have to do that.
Something did happen to me with me and I that
I know that. It's a step that I had to
take and it is something that I have to do
to protect me so that way what happens doesn't happen
again and I don't end up in that situation again.

But it is a very very very awkward conversation to
have with a like thinking about it person. Ah ah,
But normally all things have been good. I've had to
do this with a few different people. Normally people got
that makes me sound so crazy. I've literally done it
with one person. Literally, I've done it with one let
me not be dramatic. I've had to do it with

one person. It went fine, it went smoothly. We are
good to go, like. It was very great. That person
and I never ended up doing anything, never ended up
going anywhere. Never. We still talk occasionally, but not like that,
not on like a cute level, just on like a
like homy level. They're in a happy relationship now, which
is great, very happy for them. But that conversation was

so good, but they were fine with it. They were
fine with it, So hopefully we were about to have
that conversation. When next they're okay with it, But damn,
it's just strange. Another thing about being a celebrity in
dating is the scheduling is very very confusing because our
my life is my career, and my career is my life,

you know, And so at any any any given moment,
you know, I could I could be on, you know,
working in my career, and then I could be off,
and then I could be on and could be off,
could be on, could be off. And it's very busy.
There's a lot of rehearsals. There's a lot of studio time.
It's a lot of you know, working time. It's a
lot of TV show filming time. There's a lot, a lot,
a lot of that. But I always say that I'm

very good for making time for what I want to
make time for. Now this does kind of transition me
into my double life. So I say that I am
two people. I'm not two people. I am very much
so one person. But there is two sides to me. Right,
there's the jojo see what that the world knows has

always known, sees whatever this this front, this this human
you know what I mean? Then my real name is Joel.
And the thing is is Joelle is also just me.
It's just the version of me that's like literally the
ten minutes before I go to bed at night, that's her,

you know what I mean. But the thing is is
I am always both. And that's something that's been really tricky.
I've been in my two serious relationships. One has liked
Jojo but not Joelle, and one has liked Joel but
not Jojo. And that is something that I find very

difficult to juggle because I have this talk with people that, Look,
the thing is is you can't just like me when
I am working or performing and then not when I'm
behind closed doors. It's very strange, just the same thing,
and both people are present at all times. A lot
of times, you know, I was in a relationship where

someone would say to me like, hey, like you're not
that right now, like like be like who you really
want to be right now and saying like be Joel
right now, don't be Jojo, And I'd be like, wait,
that's not a thing. It's not I'm not like true,
it doesn't turn off like I don't just like I'm
not a I don't. I don't switch flavors. Like what

do you? It's both, And so then I had a
deep dive into this conversation with this partner of being, like, look,
the thing is is when I'm on stage, it's Joelle's
like hard work that's driving that performance. It's Joelle's grit.
When I am chilling in my room relaxing and like
no one's around, it's it's still both. Jojo doesn't just

like go wait, my work has never left ever, And
that is something that I am very very used to
and I love and I care very very much about.
But when someone new comes into that that has a
normal life, it's very tricky to explain. Look, I am
always this human and that human. I'm always both. Neither

one comes or goes. It's a very confusing topic and
I wish, I wish it could make more sense, and
I wish it was easier to explain it. I wish
there was a word for it, or a definition or
a story that I could tell. But it truly is
one of those things that's like just a feeling that
like you either get it or you don't. And I'm
very lucky some very good friends in my life who

just understand it. And my best friends forever. Rachel. She's
been my best friend since I was twelve. She somehow
has always understood it and always been able to be
there for me in career moments, in personal moments and
know that when I'm having the high of my career,
I might be having the low of my life, but

somehow I can have both at the same time. And
then I might be having the high of my life
but the low of my career and I can have
both at the same time. And so that's that's something
that I'm truly looking for in a partner, somebody who
can understand that. But that is just one of those
things is like, look, you either get it or you don't,
and I can't teach it. I can explain it, but

it's one of those things that I just I don't
know really how to start that conversation until it just
like comes up. And I think I actually got scared
away from that conversation because I did have it with
somebody who I was very interested in. And after I
had that conversation, you know, it's a gradual process, but
it they they kind of ran away a little bit,

and that to me kind of scared me away from
that conversation because I was like, ah, shit, like I
just gotta let people think what they want. But then
at the same time, I was like, but that they
need to know, you know what I mean? Ah, it
is so crazy, So let's just go to my past. Right. Obviously,

I've been in some very very very public relationships, and
there is something that happens when I'm in these relationships
that I still am learning how to deal with and
learning how to navigate. So whatever, We'll post a cute video.
It's fun, it's fresh, it's fears, we're living our lives.
Boom bam comments section, what how do you deal with this?

You know, you have people a comparing to your last relationship,
be shading your relationship, telling people that you don't belong together,
telling you that you can do much better, telling your
partner that they can do much better. And it's like, WHOA,
I did not know people cared that much about my relationship.
But okay, and that's something that's very interesting. It's like

you kind of gotta kind of gotta pick your battles.
And I think I've just learned that, like people are
gonna talk, especially on the Internet, people are gonna talk
shit and it is so foul and it is so wrong,
but people, people will I do you think one of
the reasons why I want to keep future relationships private
is because my exes while I was with one of them,

got compared to one another, and that is something that
I I mean, obviously, you know, I'm I talk about
my exes publicly because it was very public. It's still
very public. It's all out there. And the thing is
is I always felt guilty being like, you have to
see this with her, but I'm not with her. But
I know what I shared with her, and I know

what it looked like. But now I'm doing that with you.
Like it's just it's just say I started dating someone
right now, right and they look up JOJ you see
a girlfriend, They're gonna see two girls and plus themselves,
you know what I mean. And so that's something that
I'm like, Shit, I really wish I would have taken
my dad's advice and kept everything super private, but I didn't,

and that's something that I just live and learn. And
it's okay. And obviously whoever's whoever I date next, you know,
is gonna I'm assuming at some point google my name
and they're gonna see my exes and they're gonna know
my past. And I'm very open about my past, you
know what I mean. But I think that's something that
comes with time and maturity and aging. Is I now
am like, oh, like I don't. I used to care

so much about like my partner's exes, you know, I
say what I know about them and are you still
in love with them? Now I feel like I'm at
a point in time and I'm an age in life
where I like, literally that your ex is the least
of my worries. I remember when it used to be
like my biggest problem, But now, oh my god, I
literally like, if you want your ex, go be with them. Like,

if you're still in love with your ex, don't be
with me. Like That's kind of where I'm at in
life now. But I remember being like, just say you're
in love with your rex? You know you are? Like
literally Jojo, relax, go like calm down, You're just stop it.
That's one of the things one of the traits about
me that I am very happy to have fixed now.

Sliding into DMS is something that I have no shame doing.
I will slide faster than I slid into home blade
during the celebrity softball game. Happily all the time as
much as possible. People have slid into me at my DMS,
and I do check, like I thoroughly will check my
Instagram dms, TikTok dms, I'll check my TikTok comments, I'll
check tiktoks that I'm tagged in. I'll check my tagged

photos on Instagram. It is how I find people, and
so I have no shame in sliding people that I've
slid in my DMS. Actually quite a few that I've
ended up like becoming very good friends with thought for
a time it might have been more than that never
went anywhere, And that's cool too, but not not like

I love a slide in the damn Some people are
ashamed of it. I'm not at all. I think it's
so what how else do you expect to like not
not just freaking slide in and enjoy it. Something that's
interesting is dating a celebrity versus dating not a celebrity.
I've dated somebody who's in the industry, and I've dated
somebody who's not in the industry, and honestly, both came

with their perks. They really did both had their pros,
bowls had their cons. I think personally, I don't care
if somebody's in the industry. I do think if they're
in the same exact career path as mine, you know,
Like I think dating a musician, as much as I
love Billie Eilish, I think it would be very very
tricky because that's that's my passion. That's what I love

to do. I love to perform, and so I want
somebody who that's not their passion. I want to be
able to go to their games or to their shows
that are not if they were comedian, I'd want to
go to their shows. But I think if Sy was
dating another artist, that for me would be very tricky
to navigate. And so I think industry doesn't bug me.

But look, I'm a firm believer in like, your person
is going to be your person. Whatever they do, whatever
walk of life they come from, that is meant to
be your person. As I'm just sitting here patiently, waiting,
patiently waiting anytime Billie Eilish wants to walk through my door.
It is wide open, but I am patiently waiting for anybody,
whoever that person may be one day, whoever the mother

of Freddie, Eddie and Teddy is we will find out
one day. Last thing that I want to talk about
is my fun dates that I have been on. So
the world has this joke with me about Disney dates,
and it's actually kind of funny. I just started talking
to somebody and I'm enjoying it very very much. We'll

see the future of life. But one of the first
things they said to me was, oh my god, I'm
to Disney. I love Disney so much. And I was like, oh, shay,
here we go. They were just going like on their own.
In a couple of days. I was like, here we go.
Here the freak we go. Yes, I do go to
Disney a lot on dates. The thing is, Disney is

very fun and very simple as a celebrity to go
to it's a very good day. You can walk through
the back routes, you have a guide, they get you
private private rides, they you have private seating at dinner.
There's They make it very accommodating for celebrities to go
to Disney. And so that's one of the reasons why

I love going on dates to Disney is because it
is very very accommodating. Now with that I've learned it's
also very very public, and I've got to be very
very careful about that. Will I be absolutely not if
somebody says to me they want to go on to
Disney Day, I will happily take them on a Disney Day,
for sure. I will say though. I've had a few

friends wore like, oh good, I want to go to
Disney that with you, and I tell them straight up,
I'm like, look, we can go, but just know, just
know what will come out of this. I was like,
obviously there's nothing between us, but just know how it
will be. And that's just not something I think. One
of the most outrageous dates I ever went on was

a Disney date and a Qurt side Laker date back
to back, same girl. The thing is, Disney's not cheap.
It's not cheap to go to especially you know, you
get you get all this this nice luxury treatment as
a celebrity, but it does come with a very very
pretty price. And the Disney teams amazing and I love
them very much and I love working with them very much.

But yeah, it's a it's a pretty penny and of
course court side Laker tickets are a pretty penny. And yeah,
boombam one day after another. That was definitely the most
outrageous dates I've ever gone on, back to back. But
it was fun. It was worth it. Do I regret it? Nah?
Maybe a little bit, maybe just a little bit, just

like a little bit, but like it was fun. So
I don't think I do, but maybe a little bit.
It's fine, It's fine. I mean to wrap this up. Look,
the thing is is dating as a celebrity is hard,
very much so dating is normal as just a human
is hard. Of course, being a celebrity, you know, it

has its other weird little quirks and things that you
don't even really realize some of them. I don't even
really realize, you know. I don't realize half of this
stuff until it actually happens and it's in front of me,
and then I'm like, oh, how do I do what
with this? Yeah? You know, I look to other celebrities
for advice. I have a lot of good big sisters.
Making trainer has been really good for me. Demi's been

a really good friend. Paris Hilton has been a very
very good friend. It's interesting, just like all these really
cool celebrities have given good advice, you know, what I mean,
and you just you talk to them occasionally, you have
therapy sessions. They get it, they help you out, but
it's it's not easy. But I don't I don't think.

I don't think it's easy for anybody, so I can't
give myself too much slack. Uh. Anyways, Look, applications are open.
If anybody would like to slide into the DMS, let
me know. After I upload this podcast, I will be
checking the DMS. So please, if you are a mask
lesbian out there, submit your information now, preferably taller than

five me. If you're not taller than five me. Look,
it's not that it's not topic of a deal, but
I preferably it's fine. Thank you. Anyways, I love you
all very very much. Thank you so much for listening
to this jojas you wan now and I We'll see
you next time. Peace out. Thank you so much for listening. Everybody.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok at
Jojesua Now podcast. Be sure to write us a review

and maybe if you're feeling to leave us five stars.
I'll see you next week.
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