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February 28, 2024 19 mins

Genesis 8:15-19

We listen in as the ark becomes a hive activity. Even the animals must have sensed the excitement that they were getting close to exiting the ark! Oh to stretch their legs and run full speed using the strong legs God had given them!

We discuss what it must have been like to leave the known, safety of the ark for something new. Kids will consider times in their life when they experienced going from something known to the unknown and how we can trust God during it.


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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hello again and welcome back to Kids' Bible Stories. This
is Noah Part eight and is called Exiting the Arc.
It comes from Genesis chapter eight, verses fifteen through nineteen.
Today's episode is Made Possible, really made possible. You all
know the events that happened a few weeks ago, so
I'm not just saying this. Your support matters. There are

many we want to thank for today. We'll start with
the following families. Thank you, Lauren h. Thanks to Leaviny
and her family who provided something incredible before we even
put our ask out. God's timing is amazing, you guys.
Thank you to Santiago, Darien, Autumn, Casey, Richard, Christa Evely

and m Vanessa. Thank you, Sharon. Thanks Sandra, who says
her five and seven year old enjoyed listening. Thank you
for your support. Rioni, Julianne who said that they're loving
the newest series, Becca j Yane, Kristen Blair, Valerie April Calvin,
Alice Hayley, Aliyah and Jamison c. It really does take

a community to keep this going, and we have been
so blessed by our listeners. Josh and I continue to
try our best at stewarding this well, and I want
you to know that your generosity is what has kept
this podcast going so that children all over the world
can hear the Bible in this way for free. I
hope you're enjoying the bonus content, and if your child
would like to share the coloring page that they've completed,

just send it to my Instagram at kids' Bivel Stories
and I'll share their art on our Instagram. Thank you
so much everyone for your support. Now to today's episode.
We have been with Noah for a few weeks now,
first building the arc, then watching as the floodwaters surrounded it.

With Noah, his family and the animals safely inside. They
all rocked up and down as the ark floated upon
the water until God sent a wind. Then the water
receded and they find themselves sitting on top of what

mountain bingo and listeners. Was all of this quick? Did
it take just a few days?

Speaker 2 (02:27):

Speaker 1 (02:29):
No, it was months. Well, now the day has finally
come for us to take that first step back onto
dry land. Let's do a quick review from our last episode.
Last week. We explored the moments when Noah, his family,

and the animals awaited the signal to leave the ark.
Remember that they sent out the raven and then the
dove to search for a dry ground. And what did
the dove bring back? That was a good sign and
all of leaf. Yes, let's hear what happens next. We

pick up our story here. Then God said to Noah.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
Come out of the arc. You and your wife, and
your sons and their wives. Bring out every kind of
living creature that is with you, the birds, the animals,
and all the creatures that move along the ground, so

they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and
increase in number on it.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
So Noah came came out together with his sons and
his wife and his son's wives, all the animals, and
all the creatures that move along the ground, and all
the birds, everything that moves on land came out of
the ark one after another. Listeners, let's picture it. After

almost a year on the ark, the time had finally
come for Noah and his family to step onto dry,
restored land. Can you imagine the mix of emotions they
may have felt as they prepare to leave the safety.

Speaker 4 (04:44):
Of the ark.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
The last time we were with Noah, the dove had
not returned after its third flight. It was then that
Noah heard God speaking to him a voice of reassurance.
And how do you think Noah felt hearing God's voice
at that moment?

Speaker 2 (05:08):

Speaker 1 (05:09):
Thanks for sharing. I bet it felt like a wave
of thanks and confidence washing over him, knowing that God
had been with him every step of the way. And
with this divine assurance, Noah, his family, and the animals

began preparing for their exit. The scene on the arc
must have been incredible, the animals becoming restless as they
now sensed a change in the air. Noah, with a
heart full of gratitude, gathered his family for a moment
of reflection. Can you imagine what he might have said

to them.

Speaker 4 (05:57):
Family, gather around. I've heard the voice of God speaking
to me. It's time. It's time for us to leave
the ark.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
Finally, Oh Noah, No, what did God say? How do
we know it's time?

Speaker 4 (06:16):
God reassured me that the earth has dried up. We
are free to leave the ark and begin anew. The
time of waiting.

Speaker 2 (06:24):
It's over, Dad, Can we go now? I've been dreaming
of this moment for so long. What's it like out their, dad?
Is it all dry land?

Speaker 5 (06:39):

Speaker 2 (06:40):
Oh? I misfeeling grasp under my feet.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
Well, we're about to find out, my son. God has
been so faithful to us, guiding this arc through the flood,
and now he's leading us out onto the restored land.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
The arc became a hive of activity as Noah and
his family readied the ship for departure. There must have
been such excitement in the air as they checked each
corner of the ark. They ensured that the animals were comfortable, safe,
and ready to embark on the next phase of their journey.

The pandas, lions, the horses, all of them eagerly awaiting
the moment when they would feel the dirt the earth
beneath their feet. Oh, to stretch their legs and run
full speed, using the strong legs God had given them.

I bet shem Ham and Jayfith eagerly moved through the ark,
checking on each animal, ensuring that they had enough food
for the first leg of their journey. And maybe Noah,
his wife, with a list in hand, oversaw the gathering
of supplies, making sure they didn't forget anything important. Oh,

don't forget to look for the bananas in that little
nook up their shem Those sneaky monkeys love hiding extra there.
The family probably scurried about, checking every nook and cranny
of the massive arc, ensuring that nothing was overlooked. As

they gathered near the giant door of the Ark, Noah
could have surveyed his family a sense of accomplishment and
anticipation in his eyes.

Speaker 4 (08:45):
This vessel has been our refuge. But now it's time
to leave and embrace the land that God has restored
for us. Let's ensure that we leave nothing behind.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
The animals stomped their feet, snorted. Some paced back and forth,
as if aware that a new chapter was about to begin.
Shem Ham and Jayfith led pairs of animals towards the exit,
guiding them with care. Each creature's own distinct sounds mingled together,

creating a symphony. With supplies gathered and animals ready, the
family stood united at the great door of the Ark.
Noah placed his hand on the massive wooden door that
had shielded them from the floodwaters.

Speaker 4 (09:49):
This door, it has kept us safe through the storm.
Now it's time to open it and step on to
the land. Are we already?

Speaker 1 (10:03):
The family nodded in unison, their hearts pounding with excitement.
As Noah slowly opened the door, A flood of sunlight
and a gentle breeze that carried the scent of fresh
earth swept in. As the door creaked open, the family

and the animals stood at the threshold, gazing at the
land beyond. It was a sight they hadn't seen in
nearly a year, a landscape cleansed and renewed by the
hand of God. The family and the animals cautiously stepped

onto the solid ground. The animals, once confined to the ark,
now roamed freely, expressing their joy with every step. Oh
what a delight to see plants, to feel dirt and
leaves underfoot. I can picture the monkeys jumping in joy,

finally swinging from trees again. Say out loud, what you
think one of the animals did.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
I pick a bunny?

Speaker 6 (11:25):
When I first think they would do it, be hop
off the arc and bounced around and kick their legs.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
Up in the air.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
Thanks for sharing. I wonder what Noah's family did first.
What might they have said?

Speaker 4 (11:42):
We've witnessed God's faithfulness and now we step into a
new beginning. Let's cherish this moment and give thanks to
God for his faithful protection.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
And so with hearts full of gratitude, tude, and alle
Noah's family and the animals stepped onto the dry, washed land,
ready to embrace the promise of a new chapter in
God's grand plan. Well that is it for our story today.

But before we go, let's think about what we just heard.
Can you imagine how Noah, his family and the animals
had become used to life on the arc. It had
become their refuge, their home in the midst of the storm.

Yet as the time came to leave the Ark, there
might have been a mix of excitement and apprehension that
means worry or uneasy about something. Think about it. The arc,

once a symbol of safety, had become their familiar place.
The arc was what they knew, so in some ways
it was comfortable, even if there was a lot of
hard things about living on it. Stepping off the Arc
meant leaving the security of their home for the uncertainty

of the new, cleansed earth beyond. And just like Noah's family,
sometimes we too face moments when we have to leave
behind the familiar, something we know for the unknown. It
can be scary stepping into a new beginning leaving the

comfort of what we know for the uncertainty of what
lies ahead. And Noah is not our only example. When
you read your Bible, there are many people who experienced this.
Think of Peter and Andrew. They were out fishing when
Jesus told.

Speaker 4 (14:15):
Them follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
They immediately left what they knew fishing to go follow
Jesus doing something completely different and new. Or Abraham, God
told him to pack up what he could and go
go to the land he would show him. Abraham wasn't

given a map or written out plan in an email. Nope,
off he goes, leaving behind what he knew. But here's
the beautiful truth. God's promises are always worth the step.
Noah's family embraced the unknown, and as they set foot

on the restored land, they discovered a world renewed by
God's faithfulness. In your own life, have you ever had
to step into something new, leaving behind the familiar. It
could be a new school, a new home, or even
making new friends. Share out loud a time you experienced this,

I'll wait. Thanks for sharing. It's natural to feel a
mix of emotions, just like Noah and his family this week,
talk with your family about how that time felt, and
ask your parents if they've ever felt that way before.

So listeners as you navigate your own journey, remember this
embracing new begin might be scary, but it also opens
the door to God's incredible plans for your life. So
trust in his faithfulness, just like Noah did, and step

into the new chapter with courage and hope. Thank you
for joining us today. We can't wait to talk to
you next time as we finish our series on Noah.
It's not too late to join hundreds of families who
are enjoying the coloring pages, Bible study, memory versus all
the extra content for the episodes by going to kbspodcast

dot com and clicking bonus content. The link is also
in today's show notes. When you enjoy it, you also
keep this podcast alive and free for families to hear.
We had over three million downloads in twenty twenty three.
Let's keep sharing the Bible with families. Here's one family's
feedback of why they listen.

Speaker 5 (16:59):
My name is Wit and I am a parent and
I really like the Bible Kids podcast because it is
very animated and engaging. My kids love it. They love
the sound effects, they love the questions, and they are
able to quietly sit and listen, yet their attention is captured,

which is not typical, you know, when things don't have
a video component. So I really appreciate the podcasts. We've
incorporated it into our evening routine. So it's just a
major blessing to our family and so happy we stumbled
upon this podcast. Thank you so much and keep up
the great work.

Speaker 6 (17:43):
I like the Bible Kids podcast because there was a
part when said.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
Yes who.

Speaker 6 (17:55):
It really sounded good. I like that God they added
and Eve and the part that I didn't like is
one to snake tricked Adam and Eve. I like the
Vio podcast because that Adam. I don't like that Adam
and Eve just ate that apple in him. I like

that the kids were saying and I'd like that that
boy was saying yes no, sir.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
Thank you so much for sending that in. I'm happy
to hear that you enjoy listening and that you like
the sound effects. That is it Forday's episode. Thanks again,
and as always, bye for now.
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