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April 13, 2022 19 mins

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All the evidence is gathered and there are three possibilities for what happened to Riley. Was it the Archer family, trying to hide a dark family secret? A lonely old man trying to relive his less lonely past? Or a mining company desperate to protect their newest project? Max doesn't know which path to take, but with your help, she'll make a choice of which lead to pursue...For cast and crew information, transcripts, and more please visit

MAXINE MILES is written and directed by Lauren Shippen and is a production of Atypical Artists and iHeart Media. This new YA mystery from the creator of The Bright Sessions and head writer of Bridgewater is an audio drama with heart and wit that involves the audience in a way no fiction podcast ever has. Follow @atypicalartists on Twitter and Instagram and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Maxie Miles is a production of A Typical Artists and
I heart radio. I think I know what happened. Excuse me?
Is someone here ship? Hello? Come on, we gotta get
out of here now, let's go down the backstairs. Hello.

Why are we hiding from Miss Hommy Will? Because she's
dating Ransom, so she'll want to give these files back
to him. But I can't let Ransom find out that
Riley was the one to steal them in the first place. What.
I'll explain everything, but we've got to get out of
here first. From a Typical Artists and I heart radio.

You're listening to Maxie Miles. Yeah, this is chapter nine.

The choice, and the choice in question is yours. By
the end of the episode, you'll have heard three possibilities
for what happened to Riley, and next week you'll have
to decide which one you think is the truth. Be
careful what you choose. Follow the wrong lead and there
could be devastating consequences. H Okay, what the hell is

going on? Nex? What did you just figure out this
birth certificate? I think Riley is Ransom Sun What? But
that does what? I mean? I mean how I don't
know what it has to do with why Riley is
missing yet, if anything at all, But it explains so much.

It does. I never got to the tavern to talk
to the foreman. Ransom stopped me on my way there
because he woke up in his office with his father's
safe broken into and no memory of anything beyond dinner
last night. So naturally he has a love child. No,
just hear me out ross, Okay, okay, I'm listening. He
wanted help to find the files. Yeah, well, good job, then,

I guess, And he was going on and on about
this girl he was in love with when he was fifteen,
who moved away suddenly, never to be heard from again.
Do you think she was pregnant, Yeah, I do, and
a teenage pregnancy out of wedlock. The Archers would have freaked, exactly.
They would have sent her away and locked up the
proof and tried to bury it. Okay, okay, I can

believe that Ransom Archer had a kid when he was
a teenager. But why the hell do you think that
person is Riley? First off, our arch are for Riley
or for Ransom. It true would be like Ransom to
name a baby after himself. This certificate is for a
baby born June eleventh, Ninete Riley's birthday, and there's a

some kind of legal form here. It looks like there's
some water damage or something, but I think that's Martha
Stevens's signature. Do you think Riley knew that ransoms his dad?
I don't know, but I think he would have stolen
these files for a reason. We know he had some
sort of fight with his parents. I wonder if he

found out he was adopted. Maybe that's why he wanted
to go to Berlin. This birth certificate is for the
hospital there, which is why nobody in Hastings seems to
know about it. This would have been a huge scandal
at the time. Yeah, and it's not like it was
that long ago. Fourteen years isn't long enough for Hastings
to stop talking about anything, right, Okay? So Riley finds

out he's adopted, and it goes to city Hall out
for the school paper, but to look up the birth records,
and he doesn't find his. So he decides he wants
to go to the only other possible place that anyone
is born around here. But if he was trying to
go to Berlin, why steal these files? And how would
he have known where to look in the first place.

Maybe maybe Honeywall still the files it is her in
but why what motivation would she have had. I don't know,
you're the one who actually knows her. Maybe it's got
something to do with the land deeds, Like maybe miss
Honeywell is trying to prove that the Maplethorpe property is
actually bigger than the current maps show. She seemed super
interested in the history of the town when she got here.

It is right next to the old Archer apothecary, and
the maple Thorpes and the Archers were basically the only
two families and Hastings for a while. I wouldn't be
surprised if there was a lot of overlapping real estate.
We should look through all the land needs later, but
it's hardly the most present concern, right Riley, you said
you'd figured it out, well. I figured out Ransom his mystery,

not Riley's. And even that I know the where of
the stolen files, but not the why or who if
Riley was the one to take them. Even with that,
there's still too many unanswered questions why Riley has been
hiding his back back. Mr Beaties phone call Riley's eavesdropping
in city Hall. Speaking of let's go through what you

learned again, Hal said, Riley asked him about the harvest festival.
They talked about the new mining project, but nothing major.
And then miss Honeywell came in and when Hal was
showing her out, he saw Riley looking through the public
Works office when the foreman wasn't there. Except Honeywell said
that as she was leaving she saw Riley eaves dropping
on someone's office. So someone's lying, yeah, but who, well,

who do we trust? Less? I'm a little less inclined
to believe Honeywell after after what we had a weird
conversation right before I saw Riley. Something feels off about her,
which is how I've always felt about How. And let's
say How's known the whole time about the mining project

and hasn't said anything. It would be the end of
his mayoral career if it came out, And of how
new that Riley had that information, it would be enough
to want to keep him out of the way for
a while. Once the old mine has collapsed, the Archers
and minute Our Mining are on the hook for the
new one. They can't back out of the contract. Then
Hastings gets a major windfall, making How look amazing and

the detonation is in forty minutes. Wait did how mention
when the decision was made to move the demolition up Ah?
He said the board of trustees had an emergency meeting
Friday night. That's why he couldn't help with the search
party they sent out in the area. We found Riley's backpack,
which was Thursday night. Remember what Mr Beaty said that

he'd get it done by Sunday night. Do you think
he was talking about the demolition. No, that's just it.
He couldn't have been not if it was decided on
Friday night. So what was he talking about? And who
was he talking to? Okay, I've got a crazy theory.
This is going to be about how Mr Beati is creepy,

isn't it. Mr Beatie went somewhere the night Riley went
missing with a duffel full of Riley's favorite candy. Mr
Beatie has a cabin in the woods. You're making him
sound like a grim fairytale villain. Just listen. Mr Beaty
lost his son when he was Riley's age and is
according to several people in Hastings, it's one of those
people you considered generally unstable. So, yes, you said, Miss

Honeywell said it too. She said he was in pain,
and people in pain do desperate things like kidnapped someone.
Maybe it didn't start that way, but maybe I don't know.
Maybe Riley was down in the dumps about his parents
and Mr Beatie was feeling sad about his son. Well,
Riley had been helping Mr Beatie out right, So they
get to talking and realize they relate on stuff, and

then Mr Beady just doesn't let him go. I know
it sounds nuts, No, no, it doesn't. Actually, it explains
the Duffel bag, why Riley's backpack was in the woods,
doesn't explain the shovel in tarp. But no solution explains
everything right, all right. The way I see it, there

are three distinct possibilities. One, Riley finds out that he
was adopted and his parents never told him. He runs
away to Berlin to find out who his birth parents
are and gets lost in the woods, loses his backpack
and his money, finds his way back to town, but
doesn't want to face his parents yet, so he hides
out in the inn. And he runs from you because

because he was embarrassed because he was scared, maybe because
he just wasn't ready to talk to anyone yet. Or
maybe maybe Ransom did something and then sent you to
dig up the evidence. Mm hmm. Maybe it was his
dad more in our shirt is known to be ruthless,
and if he's the one who covered up the pregnancy

and the adoption in the first phase, oh my god,
what what is it? Guys? The guys at city Hall earlier,
I knew I recognized them. I think they work for
war and Archer. Really, yeah, remember when he opened that
ski resort a while back. Those guys were definitely there. Uh.
There's lots of reasons that Warren would send people to

City Hall, but the timing is definitely weird. Maybe that
cabin in the woods is actually the Archers, and Beatty
is a part of it somehow. Well, that's option two.
Riley has been helping Mr Beaty out around his cabin.
You said you never saw Riley working on his house,
so the stuff he was doing for Mr Beatie must

have been at a secret cabin. The secret cabin we're
not even sure is his. You see why I think
Mr Beatie's creepy. Now, all right, so maybe he is.
Maybe he got attached to Riley, and when Riley got
into a fight with his parents, he offered Riley a
place to stay, but then he just kept him there,
And the stack of money and the phone call we

everhard was about something else entirely. Maybe it really does
have to do with the Archers. Maybe Warren paid him
to kidnap Riley keep his true parentage a secret, and
Riley escaped and didn't immediately go to the Sheriff. I
don't know. It all just sort of fits. Nothing's clicking completely.

We're missing something huge here. Well, what's the third path?
The mine? Right? The mine? Riley is doing an article
for the school paper about Hastings and finds out that
the mind is going to poison everyone, and instead of
going to Mr Combs, he confronts How, who had no

idea about it, and then freaks out and threatens him.
That's so hard to imagine. I don't know. How has
always been obsessed with making Hastings the best it can be.
I think he'd go pretty far to protect it. So
Riley then hides from How and by extension, the Sheriff.

But why would he run away from me when I
saw him at the end. I could have helped him.
He should have known that you love Hastings and how
Maybe Riley thought you wouldn't believe him. But I'm the
one who is constantly trying to convince people to care
about the environment. The New Mind being poisonous is exactly
the kind of smoking gun I would love to wait.

Maybe that's it. What's it? We found out about the
issues with the Mind a full day ago, and we
haven't told anyone. You're the one who didn't want to
I know, I know. I'm not accusing you of anything.
That's my point. We haven't told anyone because we don't
have proof. All we have is some notes in a
teenager's notebook. Plus we don't know who we can trust.

So you think Riley was in the same spot. Whatever
Riley is doing, whatever a kind of trouble he got into,
whatever he's hiding from. Maybe he's still in it. Maybe
he's looking for that proof Ransom's files or the environmental
impact report. If he's really an archer, or Mr Beatie
is really a kidnapper, or the Mind is really going

to poison the water, and Riley is the only one
who knows, then he doesn't just have an expose for
the school paper. He's got something that will seriously affect
a lot of people in Hastings. And Riley is a
good journalist. He takes it seriously like you. Yeah, like me.
He wouldn't go running to the sheriff, or to the mayor,

or to anyone until he knew exactly what he was
talking about. So you don't think he was kidnapped. You
think he's been lying low. I'm I'm not sure. I
know that I saw him at the end. The shoelace
you found is solid evidence of that, and it seemed
like he was there of his own free will. But

that doesn't mean that's where he started. You mean maybe
he was there hiding from someone who put him in
danger in the first place. I don't think Riley would
leave his backpack with his notebook full of information in
the woods unless he was running from something or someone,
a notebook that we still haven't shown anyone. I thought
you didn't care about breaking rules, Ross, I don't, not really,

But this isn't skipping class. His notebook. The shoe lays
everything we've put together. It's still evidence in a missing
person's case. So we need to tell the sheriff or someone.
But we don't know who's involved yet. I thought you
at least trusted Mr Combs. I do. But if we

don't do this right, then someone might get away with
a crime. And Wiley, we still don't know where he
is or what's going on. So then what do we do?
We have to think, like Riley, we need more information
before we start accusing anyone of anything. How do we
do that? How long until the demolition? Thirty minutes? Everr take? Okay, okay,

that's enough time, Enough time for what to confront someone
who I haven't decided yet. Give me a second. Are
you telling me that you're just gonna waltz up to
someone and ask them if they've committed any felonies or
had love children? And someone knows where Riley is, and
the fastest way to figure out what's going on is
to find Riley. That's what this has always been about. Oh,
I see, so you are going to confront a kidnapper.

I thought we agreed that we weren't sure if Riley
was kidnapped. I think we can agree that Riley is
in trouble, and it's a bit concerning how little you
seem to care about getting into trouble yourself. I've already
been grounded for the rest of time. How much worse
can it get. I'm not talking about that kind of trouble, Max,
I'm talking about the kind where you pissed the wrong
person off and they ruin your life or something much
much worse. What are you talking about the Archers? How

between the two of them, they own this town. If
they wanted to destroy your uncle's career or ruin your
record at school, they could. And Mr Beatie He's already
lost a lot in his life. People who don't have
anything left to lose, or people you don't want to push,
don't be ridiculous. I'm serious. Max. We're dealing with someone

powerful or unhinged enough that Riley has been hiding out
for almost two weeks to stay out of their way,
and if I don't find him soon, something much worse
could happen. But why does it have to be you?
Because as we've established, we don't know who we can trust.
Do you trust me? What do you trust me? Max? I?
I yes, I do. I trust you, really really, really

really good? Can trust that trust that? I'm just trying
to keep you safe. I don't need you to protect me. Ross.
I know you don't. I know that that that you'd
be fine without me. If anything, I've been dragging you down. No, No,
that's not true at all. I would have never figured
out any of this without you. I meant what I

said the other night. But you would have kept running
in those woods forever. You would have confronted Mr Beatie
right then and there in his cabin. Maybe I keep
you grounded or less afraid, but maybe I actually just
hold you back. And that's what scares me. Max. You
don't know when to stop. Ross. You don't have to

come with me. I don't want you to do anything
that you don't want. That's not the point, then what is?
You really don't get it, do you? I don't care
what happens to me, Max, I mean, yeah, if I
had in my way, i'd stay in this treehouse all day,
every day and never do anything remotely exciting. I don't
think that's true, But I can't stand the idea of

something happening to you. Ross. Clap is that Joe? No,
it's just your mom. Where does Joe think you are? Right? Now? Here?
But not from long? Max? Ross The demolition is going
to begin any moment now. If there's a time to

figure this out, it's tonight. Okay, what do we do?
Not we max? If you think I'm going to sit
this one out, it's not that I need you to
go to City Hall? Why because we don't have time
to do both both. What what is running through your
head right now? Whoever took Riley, whoever he's running from,
it might all be over tonight. If it has something

to do with the mine, then it'll be too late
for him to do any damage after the demolition, and
will have lost our chance to catch someone in the act.
If it's Mr Beatie, whatever he was doing has a
deadline of tonight, and I'm supposed to be tracking Ransom's
files down. He's going to be tracking me down soon enough. Okay,
So are you saying we should split up both take

a different person on ross? There's still the mine. If
the old mines get collapsed tonight, that means the project
is moving forward. And if it really is as dangerous
as right we thought, we need to stop it, which
is why you need to go to City Hall and
try to find that environmental survey report. And what are
you going to do. I'm going to go find Riley

and now what happens next is up to you, the listener.
There isn't one chapter ten, but three. You can choose
for Max to confront Ransom Archer, to go to Mr
Read's cabin, or race to accuse the mining company. But
be careful what you choose. There is a right answer,
but whatever the majority of the audience chooses, whether it's
the right answer or not, will become the official ending
of season one. Maxie Miles was created by Lauren Shippen

and Its Production of A Typical Artists and I Heard Radio.
This episode is written and directed by Lauren Chippen. Dialog
getting in sound designed by Mercy Owing of Hemla Creek Productions,
with editing assistance from Lauren Davis and Melissa Ponds. It
featured Jordan Cob as Max and Miles maxa Follow as
Ross Teller and Jack and Landgraph as Ms Honeywell. Original
artwork by Shaye McMullan. For more information about the show,
because visit Maxi Miles dot com and follow at A

Typical Artists on Twitter and Instagram. Maxie Miles is executive
produced by Lauren Shippen and iHeart Radio and for more
podcasts from my heart Radio, visit the iHeart Radio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Thank you for listening, and keep curious.
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