Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I'm John Walzac, host of the new podcast Missing in Arizona, and.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
I'm Robert Fisher, one of the most wanted men in
the world.
Speaker 1 (00:06):
We cloned his voice using AI. In two thousand and one,
police say I killed my family.
Speaker 2 (00:12):
Three dead bodies to her children is slit the throat
of all of the first moment, then the kids, and.
Speaker 1 (00:17):
Rigged my house to explode in a quiet suburb.
Speaker 2 (00:19):
This is the Beverly Hills of the Valley fire before
escaping into the wilderness, leading police on a massive manhunt
in rugged terrain.
Speaker 3 (00:29):
There was sleet and hail and snow coming down.
Speaker 4 (00:31):
It was the biggest man hunt in Arizona history.
Speaker 2 (00:34):
They found my wife's suv.
Speaker 3 (00:36):
Within fifty feet was a cave. He could be buried
under rock fall and cut a skeleton. Leaning up against
the wall and with dog's blue.
Speaker 4 (00:43):
I could think of a sing the sniper me out
of some tree, but not me.
Speaker 3 (00:47):
Police believe he is alive and hiding somewhere.
Speaker 1 (00:50):
Can you disappear and change your name and work for cash?
Speaker 3 (00:52):
Yeah you can.
Speaker 1 (00:53):
Fisher is still very much a priority with the FBI.
Speaker 3 (00:56):
He's on the ten most wanted list.
Speaker 1 (00:58):
For two years. They won't you anything I've traveled the nation.
Speaker 2 (01:02):
Oh my god, I shook his hand that night.
Speaker 1 (01:04):
It was me.
Speaker 3 (01:05):
I was the one.
Speaker 4 (01:05):
The son's going down, and I'm standing in the entrance
of a cave about to crawl underground tracking down clues.
Speaker 3 (01:11):
They were thinking that I picked him up and took
him somewhere.
Speaker 4 (01:14):
You're one slippery rock away from tumbling down five hundred
and six hundred feet.
Speaker 3 (01:18):
Keep asking me this.
Speaker 2 (01:19):
I'm going to call the police and have you removed.
Speaker 1 (01:21):
Searching for Robert Fisher.
Speaker 2 (01:22):
One of the most dangerous fugitives in the world.
Speaker 3 (01:25):
I'm starting over kill her, kill my kids.
Speaker 4 (01:27):
It's a very real possibility Bob still around.
Speaker 2 (01:29):
He might even be in this town. Do you recognize
my voice?
Speaker 1 (01:32):
Join and Exploding House, The Hunt Family, Annihilation Today and Disappearing.
Speaker 3 (01:36):
Forty two year old Robert Fisher is a fugitive. He
is a phantom. He is a hunting figure in the
history of Arizona.
Speaker 1 (01:43):
Listen to Missing in Arizona every Wednesday on the iHeartRadio app,
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