All Episodes

February 4, 2021 46 mins

Tori and Aneesa are joined by Challenge legend, CT, to discuss his biggest accomplishments over the years, his regrets, and the reason he's started talking like a baby in public. The vets also discuss this week's messy challenge, the return of an epic elimination and the tensions rising in the house.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up everyone. I'm Tory and I'm Anissa, and it's
time for another episode of MTV's official Challenge podcast, where
we go behind the scenes of the Challenge double Agents.
Like I always say, the podcast is not spoiler free,
so before we go behind the scenes, make sure you're
up to date on all the latest Challenge episodes. And

today is an extra special episode because we are joined
by the Man, the Myth, the Boston Legend ct itself,
so stay tuned for that. Later in the episode. We're
also going to get into that insane challenge the return
of an epic elimination because we know because we did it,
they changed it and all of the tensions rising in

the house. All right, Nissa, let's get into this one,
all right, Anissa, your favorite segment. It's safe House where
we're gonna do this thirty six second recap in honor
of the thirty sixth season. Anissa, are you ready? No,

Here we go go. So um, we end up going
to all brawl. It's in the middle of a field
with a lot of sheep shit and other animal shits.
You're just dodging piles of shit. Then we see a
circle with mud and water in it, and then we're
supposed to find a relic that they didn't tell us
what it looked like. And then we looked like we
were doing an archaeological dig. And then after that, Um,

cam one for our heat. I guess a choke, Lolo.
I don't really remember. It was in the moment. It was.
It was in the heat of passion. Um. Then we
got out, and then the full winners were st and
um CT and Big Tea versus Kyle and Cam. Then
I can't do it. There was just so much un

in the heat of passion. Huh. The heat of passion
I like as mundy as money as she's hot, I'm cold.
Damn that one fucking killed me. I was cracking up
the whole time. Well, Tori, now it's your turn to
try and explain thirty six seconds of what you saw. Okay,

here we go, viewer's perspective, all right, in three two one,
that's right, everybody is challenged day congrass with Leroy because
he came back off that wind looking high, kiss in
his girl in the room, about to get crazy. Boom
boom boom boom boom. That's right. Pull up to the challenge,
pull MP to the challenge take the AH out of Hall.
Brad called at all bra the AH stands for a
happy day, because I wish I was there. That shit

looked fun as hell. Ansa, what were you doing on
Lolo trying to have a baby. We like that ship too.
Set was in there with no I'm putting him in
the mud. Blah blah blah. That's right. Bring it over
to the next time. Big Team was there too. She
was trying her best. We gotta give her some credit.
But Big Cam kill a Cam took it, took it
from the top. Okay, that's right. I feel like you're
looking at a wall. I wish you guys could all

see Tori. I'm like, is she read it? Is she?
Is there something else going on in that room? Close eye? Okay,
close my eyes. I really getting his own. We're gonna
have a whole album from this your EP from this podcast.

All right, well, let's get into the play of the day.
What did you think was the best athletic move? Okay,
I'm not gonna call it athletic move, but I'm gonna
say it's got to go to Josh for winning his
first elimination. Can we give it to him? Like after
four seasons, his first elimination. I want to give it
to Josh. He deserves it. It doesn't matter what he
looks like throwing those balls at the thing. He's still

got the w and that's all that matters a day.
I agree, What do you think a play of the
day wasn'tissa? Um, Let's just talk about Nam sneaky, sneaky noam. Yes,
he's so smooth. He was so good and a little
secret before. I love to tell secrets before we even
get to challenge confidential. But we will play Mafia all

the time. For those who know the game, you have
to guess who people are whatever. He would be able
to tell who every single Mafia was. I mean, he
was just he has this weird sixth sense and he's
like super intuitive and he just yeah, and he's like
he's just really good at stuff like that. So I
think that it was about time that he, you know,

got to do something, and like I loved that he
got to get in there and like wrestle with CT.
He was such a good sport about it and he
put up a good fight. So hats off, shirts off,
pants off to you. Na. I love you, I love you.
I do love him so much. He's such a such
a good guy. And he said, can we give the

dirtiest dea to the day? And you're putting Lolo in
a chunkol dirtiest sea to the day? Is getting older?
Because I had to use her neck to get up.
I had to get back up. How was I going
to get back on my tour. You're gonna realize as
you get older, you're gonna need more assistance getting up
off of your knees. Oh all right, let me let
me rephrase that Tory. When you're on the ground doing something,

no it was something Tory, sit down on the ground
Indian style. Then you gotta get back up, okay, and
your hips aren't flexible. It's not always hard, but when
you're in mud and cold water. I think I was
just trying to get my bearings. But I did kind of,
you know, tackle her, because when you got a quick
ass Olympian in the water, you're gonna take that ass down.

What I felt bad about was that I told her
I really wanted her to do well, and like I
wanted her to play because after last episode when Teresa
was like, don't play guys, I was like play and
then I'm the one to take her out. So I mean,
clearly I felt, you know, bad about that, But I mean, honestly,
I don't think it was the dirtiest deed of the day.
The dirtiest deed was Kyle going up to her saying

that Nesa didn't I was trying to get you. Yes,
it is a liar. That is actually, you know what
he is the dirtiest deed. He's so dirty that Kyle
went up and he was like he would, but he
was riling up us up. After we got home. He
was like, Anissa, she's gonna kick your ass, and then
he'd go over to her and be like, she said,

she's she thinks you're I'm like, Kyle, that's I never
said any of those things. And I think that Lolo
knew that, or she would have came in. I mean
the way that she was fired up. Yeah, Lolo doesn't
give a shit. She would have came in and said
something to me. So, Kyle, you dirty, dirty bastard. You
better be glad I fucking love you. Yeah, well we
kind of, no, we do love him. He's just he's

just one of those people that you like. He does
the most fucked up ship. But he's funny, so he
gets away with it. Right. It's like, but I think
we also know how to separate the two, Like it
wasn't the end of my life because he lied to her,
you know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Well let's
just let's just get into this episode. Let's just pick
this thing apart. Let's rip off the band aid, all right. Yeah,

it's called all brawl all. First of all, we're all brawling,
like everybody got to touch everybody, And I think that
this is I wish you would have been there. I
feel like this is such a challenge you would have enjoyed. Yeah,
just getting in there. I mean even though I was
like I was saying we looked like hippos in the mud.
We did because we were in there for so long.

You don't see that. Yeah, but for some reason, my
I'm always in the heat that goes first, which is
hard because you didn't know what object you were looking for, right,
oh yeah, so yeah say that. They said a relic,
so I thought we were looking for an ancient artifact.
They were like, it's gonna be really heavy. I'm in
there pulling up the tar whole time. And then they

were like Kyle's like tackle Anisa for no apparent reason,
and it was funny and I really didn't care. But
once Nannie got it and started screaming, I was like, oh, well,
I'm gonna tackle Nannie. I knew that I could or
she could tackle me. And Big Tea was it like
because we had done this game, you know, we were

on that sack the week before together. Yeah, okay, I'm
Nannie and Big Tea and myself, we were ready to
do it again, right, Yeah, we had already kind of
built that trust where we were like, you know what,
it's a game, may the best woman win? Like, yes,
I love that. I make it a little dirt. I
think that is the most important attitude to have because
it's like, you come on the show to do things

like that. You build bonds with people in the house,
but at the end of the day, you're competing against
those people, Like it is what it is. So if
you can the people in the house who know how
to just leave the challenge at the challenge and just
go have fun in the house and decompressed together, that's
those are my favorite kind of people. So I love
that for Nannie. I fucking love that for you just
every fucking woman that brings out to the show's a

big tea, Like it's not even she was getting in there,
Yeah she was. I was just standing there by myself,
so I was like, oh, maybe I should move around
a little bit. Well, the next round is the NAM round, right, Yea.
He was so good, like you said, like he just
definitely gets play of the day because he was literally
picking up rocks and still throwing them while that thing

was under the water. Are so like, Yeah, he was
so sneaky to the point where he was he literally
did not look like he had it well, no one.
He was also thinking his way through this, like every
move super calculated. Yeah, and that's like I feel like
the engineer brain in him, like how do all these
pieces fit? And like how do I make this? How
do I get to the end, Like how do I win? Yeah?
I probably would have figured it out. Yeah, I probably

would have been like ninety I probably would be like,
sh got it. I probably would have I would have
kicked that thing right to the edge. They thought I
had it the whole time because I was just going
around the perimeter. Really I didn't have ship but big
ass rocks. Yeah. Oh my God, that's so funny. Well,
the next round was Gabby and Amber and oh my god,
this one. How was I knew Teresa had it because

she has a horrible poker face, That's what I was
saying in the episode, Like she was smiling, she looked
like a big kid, and I was like, and when
they jumped on Teresa, you don't see it from that angle,
but our whole face goes in the water. I mean,
like everything everybody jumps on Oh like there there. He
was super physical too. And then Gabby gets it and
she wins, which is nice because people don't understand, like

Gabby and I are now friends, umby. But I was
proud because I feel like she's so sensitive and like
I think that she saw herself, you know, like as
one of the smaller girls that she would be kind
of targeted and as a newer player be targeted and
this was a nice win for her. Yeah it was.
And CT does the same thing. Everybody was just so
smart with it. Oh wait did he get caught though?

Well they were like I was like, CT's got it,
you know, like I know him. Oh the lea t
is sorry. Yeah, Well Lee Roy was walking around like
a blind man Lee Roy was like, where'd he go?
I'll see him. Lebra had his hands out in front
and just imagine like a zombie like that and then
close your eyes a little bit because you have mud,
and then walk around and slowly like where are you

at all see him? So the whole time Leroy was
doing that, and I think that he just it was
just a bunch of guys like just just not knowing
CT at it. I can't wait to talk to CT
later in the so because I'm trying to figure out
where he put that rolic. When Leroy checked his he's
fucking good. So TJ pops up and says, you know,

you guys got a final round. Oh well to you
and your partner versus them and their partner. So it's
Cam versus Big T, Kyle versus CT. This was a
hard one to watch. CT has been cold and out
of the water for so long. I mean this was
our I mean, you don't how long these challenges taken.
I don't think the viewers get to see that. But

we are freezing, Iceland is freezing and we're all wet.
So Cam versus Big T Cam wins to kill a cam.
You know, I expected that, and then you know CT
and Kyle go for it, and Kyle's the scrappy son
of a bitch. So and honestly, CT and Kyle we've
seen it before. Like we're gonna have CT later on
in the episode to describe what it was like in

there if he did break a deal with Kyle, But like,
who knows. Both of those guys are heavy hitters too,
so like you never know what's going to Yeah, yeah,
So let's get into this elimination asset destruction. This is
something that you've seen before. Hate that motherfucking crate. And
I'll tell you that this is where we see the
second time we see an elimination repeated, but it's looking

a little different. So yeah, I'm thinking right now, I'm like,
you know, these may be the only eliminations we're gonna get. Yeah,
but they're gonna be crazy. So this one, you have
the puzzle element, and on the puzzle you have dots
where you're going to actually break the skull in those places.
So you would have had to do a puzzle too,

a slider puzzle. You're not too bad at slider puzzles, No,
I would have. I've been practicing with cards you know,
like when you lay the cards from Yeah, that's that's
the same thing. I try any trying. I love you.
That's okay. Yeah, so Josh and not to get voted in,
which is great because either way we wanted one of

them to get their skulls one because Josh is my
friend too, because Josh is you know, with Fessie and
all of them, and I need to keep my circle strong.
And you know, I want Nonnie to be there because
you know we're getting further along in this game, and
you know you want her to be here with me
in the house, damn it. Yeah, So tell me from
the viewer's perspective what you thought about this elimination. Okay,

I'm going to be real with you. That shit was
fucking hysterical and like I needed that laugh. Like I
hate it. I hate it that it's at Josh's expense,
but it's it was really funny. I feel bad for
mech I know how how much it sucks to be
stuck on something when the whole world around you is
continue to move, you know, So I know that feels bad.
But like Josh throwing those balls man like, and he said,

what did it look like when you were there. I
don't know what. I'm not talking about that. No, what
what got me was the music, and it's been done
to me. I get it, Josh, don't be upset where
they just slow down that music and make it like
deepdep d D I hearnict like it went from like

thrashing heavy metal to like some some song played on
the recorder. Glomo would just I think that Josh isn't um.
Josh doesn't throw medicine balls around. I think that's that's
what you feel. What though he's I got to give
him credit. I've been watching his Instagram stories. He's been
at the gym, he's been doing medicine ball. So you know,

when somebody loses something or doesn't do something exactly perfectly
on a challenge, if they're a good competitor, they'll go
home and they'll work on it. And you definitely see
that with Josh. I mean it was a shutout though tour. Yeah,
like yeah, it's not that Michi was even close, right,
it's I mean Josh, Josh wanted by leaves and Josh
could have gone and done the puzzle again, yeah, and

went back to throwing the balls and missing and then
making them and still probably would have won. Yeah, so
Um and Josh won work it out for a while.
I think that that's just part of his lifestyle, but
he always wants to be better, and I think this
was such a big morale boost for him. I think
also for Nanni UM, because they stay together, which is amazing. Yeah.
I do like that Nanni's with somebody who really supports

her and that she's with someone um that she can support.
I just think they work well together, So I'm happy. Yeah,
I agree, And I think Josh is a sweetheart. He's
literally one of my favorite males in the house. I
know that people are like, he's emotion you know. I'm
happy he's emotional. I'm happy there's a man out there
who is so in touch with the way he feels
that maybe it's over the line sometimes, but he's so authentic.

So I love Josh and I love what he brings
to the show. And anybody who wants to talk shit
on Josh, just no, I'm not the one to talk
to because I fucking love him. You also love Michi.
I do love me. You and Michi. We used to
sit on the couch and sing together. We used this.
We were like a we were like a trio. We
had the shit going on. I mean I was there

for a couple of them, but they would sing a lot.
We love, I mean a lot I love. It was
a cute friendship. Oh he's a cute friendship. Yes, yeah,
I'm sure we'll see him again in some capacity because
he is a character. I hope so, but you know
what I asked him, and he was like, you know,
Toriy like, I'm a singer, I'm a dancer. My body

is like my temple. I got to make sure that
I don't fuck it up doing a challenge so that
he can continue to keep doing his dance and singing career.
And he's amazing at it. So I hope we see
him again, but I understand if we don't. But I
do hope we see him again. Yes, all right, everybody,
We're gonna take a quick break right now, but when
we come back, we're gonna have the one and only cton.
So stay tuned, okay, folks. One of our favorite times

here on the podcast is interview time. We have a
special special guest today, one of the biggest heart throbs
of the challenge, a fierce, fierce competitor a fierce farce
competitor that has been feared and loved for any many years.

This is a friend of mine and I'm happy to
have him on. Please welcome a big ct oh h
than that one? And he said I was a good one. Man.
I'm all right, I can't complain. Honestly, I'm excited to
talk to you girls because this is the first time

I've actually talked to one Belton about three weeks. You've
just been hanging out with CJ. Yeah. Yeah, I've been
on dad duty since I got home. But uh, you know,
I find myself talking to everyday people, whether I'm at
like the store of coffee shop, whatever it is. I
talk in in baby, I order a coffee and I'm like, Hi,

can I have Yeah, let's let's go with the big one.
I want the big one so funny. Oh my gosh, man,
how does it feel about do you watch episodes with
with CJ? Or is he not allowed to know? So
I'm actually at a point where I know the time

is gonna come on. I have to tell him what
I'm doing because he's just turned five and he's a
big boy now. He's a big boy now, so he
doesn't need help. But he's very observant and he's starting
to notice, Like if we go to breakfast and someone
wants to come up and take a photo or something,
He's looking at them like, why does this random person
want to take a photo of my dado? Yeah, so

it's kind of like so if um, you know, when
we're doing uh one of the after shows there, um
you know, it was taking a kid to work day
and I'm filming a video because he has that Spanish
accent with the bees and the bees are mixed up.
He's like, why why are you making a video for work?
What do you do for it? And I'm like, I

don't want to tell him yet. I don't want to
tell him. Does he think you're a superhero? He has
to he doesn't know. Well, I just think in any
kid that at age, he's gonna look at your parents,
They're gonna look at their parents like they're they're they're
a superhero. Yeah. Wait till he's old enough to find
out that his parent is flawed like everybody else's parents,
and which is no more people. So I'll try to

write it out. I don't want him not look. I
know that time's gonna come when he's gonna like type
in his name, which is my name, and I'm gonna
come up, and then how do I explain to him
do as I say known as I do you know?
Because he's gonna have a receipt. I mean, well, speaking
of those receipts, you started doing the challenge in two
thousand and three, he's date me. I mean I'm also

datating myself literally and figuratively speaking. How has how has
the show changed since you started? Uh? I honestly, I
don't know. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like the
challenge went from the challenge originally was to bring cast

members back from real world and row rules together to
just put on the show. Like I remember, I think
Inferno it was one time when we could actually bring
musical instruments on the show. And we were up to
a little to almost sunrise, and I remember one of
the producers came in it was like, hey, guys, you
should get some sleep. We have a challenge tomorrow. We
all looked at each other like, oh, right, that's why

we're here. You know, this is back when like eliminations was,
they were like it was you would walk on a
treadmill with an itching powder suit on. You know, now
it's like full blown Olympics. Yeah, you know what I mean,
Like if you can't drop a double bag handspring, like
you're not even you don't even have to come. It

wasn't as intense, It wasn't as as serious, I guess,
But then again, I mean there wasn't as much money
on the line either, So uh yeah, I would say
that's how it's changed, just gotten a lot more serious,
to the point where, you know a lot of people
consider it the fifth major sport in the States, which
is kind of cool to be a part of. You know,
the watch it evolve like and nesa like when we started,

like reality TV was frowned upon, you know, it wasn't
accepted in the industry. Yeah, we were like, you know,
if you wanted to do anything else, you had to
stop doing reality TV. Look at Jamie John, We'll get
the miss Yeah, I mean shit, we have congressmen, congress
people from the show. Yeah. What else has changed? The
liability aspect has changed because reality TV has become such

a machine. We can't get away with half the ship
that we used to do. I remember back in the
day when our days off were real days off, yeah, no,
Saturday down. Yeah, drop us off in the middle of town,
be back here by four, or you gotta find your
own way back to the house. We'd be like works,
yeahuth Africa with a bunch of dudes watching rugby. I'm like, yeah,

then people would come up, miss it for two days,
come back on a raw steak and crusty nose. I can't. Yeah, well,
you know what, CT I gotta give you credit, man,
And because you over the seasons have also changed, and
I'm just talking about recently, your big transformation your body.
What the fuck did you do to prep for this season? Ah?

I had him. I turned forty, had a mid life crisis,
no life breakthrough is what I like to call it.
And I get my head right. Yeah, stop beating my
feelings and uh, stop drinking the least. Okay, Yeah, your
body looks great. I was like, you know what compared
to what you were looking at? Yeah, you know, I

got a long way to go. I just got under
two forty. By the way, I didn't realize. I was
like two seventy two. You look like you were going
to run through people. This season. I thought it was great.
I saw some abs poking out, I saw the v
I was like, that's my boy. You could get Because
you're older, you know, it's not gonna be the same,
but you I thought, you look great. I appreciate that.

I appreciate it. I tried. I tried, I really tried.
It's only getting better though, Like I'm on motivation now,
and look at if I'm going to keep if I'm
going to continue to do these shows, I have to adapt.
And I think that's the problem with a lot of
cast members from my generation. It's just you. You can't
continue to play the same game because time to change it. Say,
for example, the term rookie, right, rookie to us back

in the day was a bright eyed, bushy tail, the
clueless person that came in and wanted to be everybody's
sting was just having to be there. Nowadays, it's all
these other people from all these other shows that have
experienced in the game one way or another. If you
look right, they play. They got this the mental game
where you know, they just tell everybody what they want
to hear and just figure it out when when the

time comes. But back to my point, the term rookie
is completely different than when it was back in the day.
And I don't think like a lot of people that
we've seen who have tried to come back doing adapt
well because they're sort of used to the old ways. Yeah. Yeah,
it's a Hey. Another thing too, is I try to
write I've been trying to ride the line of always

passed his primise week he's out of shape. Yeah, and
at the same time trying to still some sort of
stay away from me. I'll bite you. Yeah, But at
the same time, my knees, my hips, and my little
back of fucking killing me. They're saying a whole different thing.
Oh god, God, those bump ds they don't get any easier, No,
they don't. These are These were pretty rough. It was

like a couch cushion on top of plywood. Yeah, they
were pretty bad. So let me ask you CT, what
challenge a moment are you most proud of? Uh. I
wouldn't have to say at the top of my head
my proudest challenge a moment? I think personally, I think
it would be invasion. It was when I showed I

came out of hiding and I came back on the
show slowed and all you know, have you said, dad
Boy era? You know I did it for my son
type of thing, and you know I did it on
my your own. It was an individual challenge, and uh yeah,
I was really proud of that one. Yeah, that one was.
I mean, I'm proud of a bunch of moments. I mean,

You've done so many things on the show, so I
think it's probably hard for you to sift through all
of the things in the folder of what you've done.
Like you have fifty daily wins, do you know that? Serially? Yeah,
I'm saying I just we got the statsman fifty, Like
I got to receive these. So like when you think

about that number, like what which one of those daily
challenges like sticks up in your mind as like damn,
like that is that was a really hard one, but
like I overcame it where I really pops in your mind. Well,
the one that just pumped up was the one that
me and West had won the challenge before the final one.
I won my first challenge and he so you can

attest to this. There is nothing worse the deal with
all the bs from the challenges to get sitting home
right before the final Oh yeah, and that was double.
That was the bane of my existence for the longest time.
It took me ten seasons to win my first season. Yeah,
it was either like I made it to the final
and lost, or I made it right to the end,

right before the final and got sent home. And I
remember everybody, the whole house was against me and West
and we pulled it off. I think it was like
the half pipe run up and down. Yeah, I saw
that that was what's his name rained me over of
all people. I was trying to avoid the contact. He
slipped his shoulder on me, said the whole water. Oh yes,
Oh my gosh. I rewatched old seasons when I was
like getting ready for season thirty six and I was

watching that ship. I'm like, damn god, you guys have
done some crazy stuff now yeah, but nowadays it's it's
to a whole numb level. You gotta give it to
the challenge guys. They just said they have a way.
They just keep turning the dial up. Yeah. I'll tell
you what though, to this day, my the scariest challenge
to this day to me is still trivia. Oh yeah, yeah,

it worse. So, like, how uncomfortable can we make them
while asking them like fairly easy questions, But when you're
up in the air, how wait, how long is the
fall before they hear terminal velocity? We're gonna hit that dial,
but yeah, make sure they fall back on the back
of their head. They look so like, is this really
thirty feet like? It looks like right thirty from the

pier right? Oh yeah, Trivia is definitely one of those things.
I'm honestly surprised they haven't shot us out of a
cannon yet. No, they shot Jordan out of a crossbow
and we're the world's too. Remember, ah, they can always
find that gray area. I can't think there's no gunpowder involved,

so not technically a cannon. I want to dig into
this receipt too. Want to pull this one out and
ask you, with eighteen seasons, eight finals and three titles
under your belt, who is your biggest competitor at this point? Uh? Um.
You know, I've had rivalries in the past that prevented

me from moving forward, and I've could a handle differently.
But I honestly think that I was my own worst enemy,
especially in the early seasons of my career on the challenge.
I just I didn't do myself any favors were either
getting kicked off or just running around My head cut
off acting like my poop didn't staying just always ready.

You look, I looked at it like like I said before,
like relativity wasn't really accepted as it is now. And
I kind of looked at it like I got lucky,
I hit the Watery, I want a free trip, you know,
I got I hit the water. It was like the
Lily Wonka Golden ticket, right, I mean that's how it
is now. Look, we go to the airport and we
handed our phone and everything else, and then they give
us the ticket, you know. And I always looked at

it like it was a free vacation. I never really
took it serious, And looking back on it, I wish
I had taken it more seriously. I think I would
have I could have done more with the hand I
was delf. You know. It wasn't until you know, and
we're way. It wasn't until I took a break from
the challenges where I kind of had. I came back
with a different appreciation for it, if that makes sense. Yeah,

you know, I'm more grateful than I was in the past.
You know, wasn't so quick to be like, well yeah,
well Finn, you what's p though, I'll go move right
now I'm taking you with me. Yeah you think I
give a fun I'm not worried about you. I got
people I gotta answer to when I get home. What'sop
you think I'm bad? I'm the good ones? Yea? To
being like yeah, I getting kicked off, waking up in
a hotel room, like fuck what, I hangover like a

totally I ben't. I could have beat that kid in
the final. You know that could have been me, right, Yeah,
I guess that's just all a part of you know,
live and learn and yeah, growth, And I think that's
one of the reasons why I've continued to come back
the same thing with you and Lisa and you're on
your way Tory too. Where Like we've basically grown up
on national television. We've grown up in front of everybody's eyes.

You know, think about it. We was doing this like
in the call It when we were you know, in
our early twenties. Those same people that were watching I
said early now you know now older now, and then
you know we're still holding it down. What's sort of
the uh an old generation all with the old name
of the noon, but they can't get rid of you guys.
Fucking you guys just have so you guys literally, like

everybody always asks me, like, okay, first and foremost, anytime
people know what I'm on the challenge, they don't say,
oh my god, that's awesome. They say, oh my god,
you know CT. Right, Okay, that's literally what people say
to all the time. But you two the way you
two have the ability to just look at a game
and strategically figure out how you're going to conquer it puzzles,
whether it be like fucking you guys, crush it, like

you should never stop doing it until you're ready to
stop because you're monsters. You've literally proven to me that
at any age you can come back and still kill
the ship as long as you got it. So I
think you should keep doing a CT and a Nissa book. Look,
I've been trying to take a page out of a
Nissa's book lately. We're working smart on me. I would
come in force run to a wall where it's like,

why don't we just wait for the door to open? Right?
I think I should teach myself that too, Like yeah, yeah,
I mean CT. This season, you're killing it and you're
really holding it up for your team, like Big Tea
is there. She brings all of this amazing political game,
but like when it comes down to like that strength
and all of the things that you bring, you really

fucking killed it. So what is it like working with
Big Tea because both you guys have such different strengths. Well,
you know, with Big Tea, to me, she's really doing
more for me than I'm doing for her. She's really
helping me. I've been so I feel like I've been
kind of sort of recluse, I guess or introverted since
the Dad bon ever, and there's a lot of new

new cast members and not a lot of new people
on the show, and she won this season. She really
helped me to like build new relationships, and she's really
helped me a dad to like the new style of
game that's going on now. And I know I've helped
her with their confidence and a lot from when me
and Veronica were on a team. And you know, I'm

not proud of the way I was. I was a
teammate with her. Look, let's be let's get something straight.
There's no way my fantass was getting across that stake
rope challenge. And I know I gave her all the
heat for it, but she didn't deserve that. You know,
she's a she's a Hall of Famer her own right.
And I learned from that, like, Okay, if I hate
to give him verunic in the same sort of encouragement
that I get Big Tea, I bet you things one

ended up differently, So I tried to come into it
with that sort of mentality, and at the same time
she was underrated. I think this was kind of like
this is turning into sort of her breakout season where like, wow,
oh yeah, she actually can't perform. She's she's good at
like the I don't I don't want to see weird
challenges to dismiss it, but like, look, she's not she's

not a fighter, and she's not a long distances runner.
I can say the same thing. I'm not a long
distans runner. I'm not good at climbing, but I'm good
at better at other things. And I think she had
she really showed what she has all from this one.
But also, like you said, politically, she really helped me
adapt to Okay, to really understand who these new and
upcomers are, and really helped my game with the newer

generation of people. All kids from the show and you know,
I honestly, I'm just trying to survive at this point,
because I mean I came in thinking that, like, hey,
happy to be here. I remember when we did the
initial toast, yeah, and I was like, all right, why
don't we just all say something with thankful for? And
everyone was like boom, were helping trying to help the

same people win that was trying to send me in.
I had no idea. I came in. Honestly, I feel
like I'm a born again rookie on this season. It
again rookie. Seriously, I'm just trying to survive. There's no
moves being made at this point. I don't know who trust.
My head's all messed up. I'm like I'm just like yeah, yeah,
I'm telling everybody anything you want to year just played
leave me alone. Yeah totally. I mean like it kind

of worked out in your favor because, like you said,
you were targeted really heavy in the beginning, and then
you obviously got a new partner, a big tea, and
then you end up being in a really good spot.
So it was like a blessing in disguise that all
that happened. So so far, so good, you know, Yeah, definitely.
So let's go to the episode a little bit. Oh boy,
now you're in that muddy thing. You're doing what you

have to do. You had the relic at your feet,
I mean, right, or am I wrong? Because I feel
like I saw your inching, But it could have been
that the hip was acting up. I didn't know. Um no,
I had it sneaky. So look at the thing is.
I think what everybody did was run to the end

and then everybody started fishing around. But everybody was afraid
to go back to the front because they were afraid
they wouldn't be able to kid somebody who found it.
So that whatever what's gonna happen is mother unlikely. He's
gonna be a big pile. So of like what happened
one naughty right, she was like, yeah, look I won,
So okay, you know what. Fuck it? So I was

walking around and I thought I stepped on a rock.
I was, and I was like, oh wait a minute,
oh shit, okay, And then I tried to choose the
whole song and dance like oh I'm cold, I want
to put my hands in the water, and I'm doing
like the zigzag thing right when I'm like uh uh
and then everybody I wasn't playing enough well enough because
everybody blew up my the bleacher section decided to blow

up my spot. And then uh Leroy comes crawling over
because they were like, I'm looking at him. And so
what I did was when I said, check me, I
actually take my left leg and I slide it over.
I'm like, go ahead, look like I was spreading my
legs to be like, go ahead, take a peek, but
I really had it on the outside of my left foot.
Oh my god. Yeah, it was that called everyone like this.

I was like, go ahead, go ahead, look look, and
I pulled it over like that. Oh my god. Here's
what I looked at it. The way I looked at
it was like if I freaked out and drove down
to grab it, everybody would have jumped on But if
Leroy grabbed it, everybody would have jumped on him. Right.
So I'm like, worstcation Snario, You're not going anywhere because
you're gonna grab me with two hands. I'm just gonna
grab you. Let everybody attack you. I'm waiting for the

ball to pop loose, sort of like naughty. I ended
up she ended up throwing it right. That was like Okay,
worst case scenario and if I get lucky, what all
happened is, uh, you know, I didn't see it, he
didn't feel it, and he didn't he didn't really give
it thorough check though. He just kind of was like
all right, I'm not gonna go ahead, go ahund yeah,
and I'm looking around like who got it? Someone's gonna
try to run, you know, and he was like no,
I don't get it here like walked away. So then

I had to like play it off because I didn't
want to keep inching toward at the finish line, so
I just went back, yeah, and I kind of look
around wait for everyone to like not, you know, turn
it back to me. As soon as they did. I
was more worried about Cory because he was the closest.
He was all like yeah yeah, and he's hungry man,
he's a big dude. So I was like, I think

I needed that totally. Yeah. So as soon as he
turned his back, I took off a rint. Yeah that
was good. But what about the Kyle round? Did you
It wasn't like a broke with deal. It's just look
at I was kind of being a post sport like
sometimes it's ok doing this long enough where like never
get your hopes up. I was like, oh, I got this.

I didn't know those two rounds right, and the last
one was going to be an infinite number of rounds
and then I had to do with my partner and
I was just like, ah, right. So it was just
to me, I looked at it like me and me
and he Kyle can go back and forth all day long.
Guy's beating me before me and him are gonna go
at it. But the thing is we both have to win.

And you know, big Teeth going up against Cam, Big teas,
she's good at certain things. One thing and he said,
you could attest to this. She's not a restless she's
not a fighter like that. And to me it would
have been like I felt like we've gone so far
the big building our confidence and all that. I didn't
want to make her feel bad because this isn't her

type of event. And if it was, I would have
started back at ground would I would have been back
at zero. Him with her would have been a ground level,
would have just been a shout feel bad. It would
have been like, oh I let it down and she
already felt like that as it is. Yeah, you know,
she already feels like she's living in my shadow and Kyle.
Me and Kyle would have put up a good fight
with each other. Do I think I could have had him? Yeah?

Do I think it would have been worth worth to fight? No? Yeah,
not to take anything away from him. He wanted it more.
I guess I'll say that. You know what I mean,
Like they look at Kyle's a scrapper, He's good at
what he does. He's already beat me in one of
these things before, right, the ill for anyone who does.

You're talking about this is a phone call. This isn't
mean we don't have any videos, because nothing's sacred with
you girls. Listen, we're there while we're laughing at nothing funny.
To me, it was like like I don't have anything
to prove, Like one thing I've learned from these challenges
is to live, to survive and fight another day. Like, yeah,
you know what, we could have been back and forth,

who knows what happened, would have been there all day ever, right,
what what I got? Nothing to prove? And it was
so cold it looked for it was no, it was
so cold. He was starting he was turning like blue. Yeah,
it looked because he once he was done his heat,
he had to wait. So it's not like you just
automatically went. You know how long these take? Yeah, for

what to get hurt for something? Because I want to
be apothermia. You might be a big boy, but you
were cold that day. I was freezing. I couldn't imagine.
You know what. I can't complain because the first challenge,
the first elimination, worked in my favor, I can't. I
can't complain about it this time around it didn't work
on my favorite. Yes, I would have loved to have won,
so that way it gets send myself in a goal

for that. You know, fine, um, but it just you know,
you know, it's just it's the challenge, yea. Sometimes it's
in your favor. Sometimes just not this time around. Him
wasn't what I'll still do, Like you said, play play smarter,
not harder. So I mean, this wasn't the one that
needed to be won and you were clearly safe episode.

So I mean on to the next one, live survived
fight another day like you said. Right, yeah, fuck Kyle, right,
fuck it. I swear he like my my fucking print
that I don't know who shows up at least expected
to fuck up my day. I'll tell you what though.

I'll tell you what though, watching this last challenge, uh,
I was very scupltical with him. I was surprised to
hear him not talking about throwing me in because we
all know that his m he likes to play everybody's
best friend. He likes to play both sides right, And
I honestly thought that he was part of this conspiracy

to make sure that you know, CDT never gets a
chance to go into elimination, because last thing we want
to do is see him in the final. And I
thought him as a way to get back a fesse
he he was gonna try to throw me in, But
then again he didn't give me a chance. So there,
I actually know what we just you know what, we
just did something. You're figuring everything to make sure I

didn't get No, he really hated me and he did
not end fassy and he really wanted us to go
and it just did not work out that way. Yeah,
uh CT, We fucking love you, man, and we're so
thankful that you gave us the opportunity to feel that
brainback and feel what's going on in your life. So
thank you, so much. Where can the people follow you?
Where can we how can we support you? Um? You know,

I am. The other thing I really have, honestly is Instagram,
Underscore at Underscore, famous phenothen What about Habitual? What about
the movie? Yes? Oh? Also, yeah, thank you. We have
me and my buddy Johnny. We uh made our own
horror film checking out individual. Um it's on Amazon Prime,

it's on um Exfinity on demand, it's on iTunes, I
believe it's on YouTube chokea dot com. Yeah, if you're
in a horror, it's a psycho logical, drug themed horror.
It's uh, it's get a little bit of gore, right,
but it's not such a hackers flash like Texas Chainsaw Massaca.

It's about a group of kids who go to this
rave get caught up in something they shouldn't and um,
and you're in the movie, right I am? Yeah? So everybody, Gary,
everybody better watch that. Support your favorite challenger, Go watch
a bitch and we'll go get that. Let us know
what you think about it. Thank you so much. Oh
but this is great for you. Guys are killing it.

I'm so happy that you guys are doing it. It's
about time they have like a challenge talking. Oh thanks, yeah,
we love you, Cet. Thanks, girls, appreciate it. Take on
the world handsome bye. Oh thank you, Cet. You are

always fun to talk to and great to listen to.
I'm sure listeners everywhere loved hearing from you, so thank
you for that, and I'm sure we we'll be seeing
you soon. Let's go into the next segment, challenge Confidential.
I wasn't there and he'said, give me some tea. Any
hook up set I don't know about? Yes, actually there
are who I was kidding. Well, Um Amber and Meets

You were a cute little thing. They were like a cuddly,
cute little thing. So when they became partners, we were like,
oh shit, they together for real? Now, I think it
would have been a cute storyline like why don't we
why do you like? That would have been you know,
they never show anybody like finally we got a hook up, like,
let's show it. And they seem like they genuinely liked

being around each other. You know an Amber Amber m
definitely is Um silly and you don't get to see
that a lot, so and you know, meets you silly.
So it's like and like, come on, celebrate it. At
least somebody was getting some in that house. I just
want to know where it is, Like, hello, dam that

was one thing I have a question. Oh go okay,
it's not really juicy, but I'm really curious, like where
did you guys? Like did that? So they hit the
relic in different spots every time? Obviously? So did you
guys have to go back on the bus for every round? Oh?
Hell no. So they made us turn around. So for me,
I'm like trying to listen. I'm like, oh, I got this.

I know exactly what corner it's in. And to be honest,
I should have gone with my gut and went right there,
but I didn't. We didn't know what to look for.
So once again we're at a disadvantage going first because
we didn't know that it was an X. If I
knew it was an X, which I'm familiar with, right,
I would have been looking for that totally. Okay, So
every round they just made you guys turn around. Yes,

that's so funny, girl, I will keep walking through that
field of shit. Yeah, okay, it was so the bus
was far enough, like no, yeah, yeah, it was a
long It was a long cold day. It was sunny
and then all of a sudden it was like forty
degrees and rain. So and you guys just had a

water challenge literally last week. So yeah, it's crazy. You
take us to Iceland, land a fire and ice, but
I've only seen ice, and you make us keep getting
of the water, get us out. I'm cold. Oh man,
Well it looked amazing and it looked fun, and I'm jealous.
I wasn't there, so I'm living vicariously through you right now. Anissa,
It's okay, baby cakes. You have so many seasons ahead

of you. Thanks. I appreciate it, all right. Should we
close this one out? Yeah, unless you want to be
here with me for longer. I mean, I love you,
but I got you to do too, all right, A Nissa,
tell everybody where we can follow you and how we
can support your fine ass. Um you can find me
Anissa MTV. That's a n e s a MTV on Instagram.

I'm there on Twitter, but more so on Instagram. DM me.
I usually respond. Um. I don't know if I'll respond
right away, but I usually do. And I read all
of them, and I love all the support and love
that I get. And I want to thank you all
so much for that. And Tori author, Hey singer, Hey
friend away, find you all right, guys, you can find

me Tory underscore deal. I did put out a kid's book.
I would love it if you supported it. It's not
It's all good. I'm still here. You ain't gonna get
rid of me that quick. And keep watching episodes of
The Challenge every Wednesday, keep sending in your questions, and
go behind the scenes with us the next morning on
MTV's official Challenge podcast.
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Tori Deal

Tori Deal

Aneesa Ferreira

Aneesa Ferreira

Devyn Simone

Devyn Simone

Da'Vonne Rogers

Da'Vonne Rogers

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