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September 23, 2021 47 mins

Tori and Aneesa dive into an episode that has everyone on edge. From TJ visiting Headquarters to crumbling alliances everywhere you look: The Challenge vets discuss the behind the scenes of it all. Plus, they're joined by Fessy for an eye opening interview about his fight with Josh, his thoughts on the Big Brother alliance, and a sudden end to a season that was just getting started.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
What's up everyone. I'm Tori and I'm Anissa, and this
is MTV's official Challenge podcast, where we go behind the
scenes of the Challenge, spies, lives, and allies. On this
week's episode, we are going to dive into a game
ending argument, a risky move buy, a rookie, and a
shocking new alliance. And it just wouldn't be right if
we didn't talk to the man that I think everyone

has a ton of questions for. So Fessi Shaffat is
coming on later and I can't wait to get his
side of the story. And I hope he doesn't want
to kill me. It's all right, you already feel like death,
so I guess that that works out well in your favor. Yeah.
I can't wait to hear what Fessie has to say,
So we should probably get this thing started. Let's go.

So Tori, it's crazy. I know that you're hungover, but
that is not my fault. However, pizza Gate is your fault.
So you're gonna have to do time bomb today. It's
thirty seven seconds of you trying to do this without
throwing up. Yeah, I'm gonna throw up. Thirty seven second
read it's just gonna be thirty seven seconds of me puking. Actually,

but here, let's do it all right, Tory, are you
as ready as a hungover person can be? Yeah, okay, okay,
I'm gonna give this to you gently. In three two bombing,
we pick up right where we left off. That's right.
Bessie and Josh are still arguing. It's getting worse and
worse by the second. The drink gets flown flying in
the flace. What is a flace? We don't know. We're

still trying to figure it out. As the game continues,
Amanda is defending Fessie though. That's where really start to
see the love spark up. I think that there's something
in the air, or maybe it's in her hair. Maybe
it's his hands rubbing through her hair. It's getting awkward.
I'm gonna continue to move forward. TJ comes into the
house now and he's like, what's going on over here?
If I'm coming, it's probably not a good thing. Oh,
parents came home from work early house party over. Unfortunately,

Fessi has to go home. I'm really excited to talk
to him. I hope it doesn't hate me. Then I
apologize deliberation as well as Cory, and that was pretty
difficult because we obviously felt really bad. I thought I
was going into elimination. Oh okay, Well that was awkward
and as good as it's gonna get today, folks. Um,
I'm gonna not I'm not gonna give the play of

the day to Jewry today because that was the most
unathletic move. Yeah, I mean your stomach. I know Tory
has been going through some things. We're going to figure
it out. If we have any gaster nurologists somewhere, Uh,
we need you. So the play of the day the
best athletic move I want to say is Emmy, Yeah,

you went and you picked Uncle CT. And to be honest,
this man won the last season. Um, he's won seasons before.
He's a monster elimination. He probably won't go in this season.
Who knows, um, But by watching it like I got
when I was there, she it was like she didn't
understand the game, and she this girl knows what she's doing, Emmy,

I mean knows exactly what she's doing. She's got a
good team of people behind her. You know, you're really
close to Devin. She gets really close to CT. She's
close to a Manuel like she has a team of
people behind her, and like, at this point in time,
I was very close with Emmy too. I think she
trusted the Vets a lot. She was one of the
only rookies who and you saw that in the beginning.
Remember when she ran up to us and was like, oh,

there's a list. Well, yeah, we all went on our
middle aged woman walk with her. We let her come
with us because she felt very alone. But I think
she's starting to find out how strong she really is. Yeah,
and how to play the game, like, hey, if I
gotta if I know, I'm gonna keep going in and
find stick with Huey. Yeah, I'm out of here, and
who who's the best guy here? Dude. It was crazy

too because you know, obviously all of this happens and
Emmy goes in there, she steals CT. Berna had no
idea that CT was going around trying to get rid
of her, and you know, in this game, obviously Burna
is really sweet, but to go out of Like, I'm
working with CT at this point, and he has that
conversation with me where he like gives me the heads
up that he's trying to get a new partner, and

first of all, I didn't understand what he was saying,
because when CT talks in the challenge has, especially when
he's trying to be sneaky, He's like, so what I'm
saying isn't yeah, And I'm like, you need to come
with subtitles, you know, yeah, okay, that's literally what it
sounds like. What Half the time I'm nodding, I can
understand it. I'm like, I don't know what you said
to me. I have no idea what you just said

to me. He should come with a pocket translator, like
a person that pund here he hear you. This is
what the fox CT just. He just needs to come
with subtitles. It's simple. I just need to read what
the fuck you're saying. It will be easier to have
like a puppet pocket pop out of his pocket than
a puppet pop out of his pocket. I want you
to say that three times fast, puppet pocket pop out

of his pocket a pop. I can't, yeah, a puppet
puppet in his pocket. And he said, oh my god,
it's more it's more feasible that having actual subtitles follow
him around. Yeah, yeah, that's true. I guess that's difficult.
But listen let's get curious. Deed, let's just be honest. Okay,
you and Corey and this pizza. Yeah, I know, And

I'm not trying to make you feel bad. We're just
trying to find the dirtiest deed. I deserve to feel bad, Okay,
I deserve this hangover right now. I deserve to feel bad.
I watched my friend go home, and I know that
people think, oh, that person can't be your friend if
you do something like that. Dude, friends can fuck with
each other. You know, you have this weird friend All
of us have this weird friendship. So it's just different

because we've, like I always say, it's like going on
a first date and then moving in that night. We
that's what kind of It's like forced friendships that then
evolve over time. Yeah, and this it's just a weird,
dysfunctional summer camp. Yeah. And when you're bored, you'll do anything.
I mean, we can't leave this house. And obviously you

guys did seem pretty bored. Do you just get back
from the club and everyone's just hanging out in there.
That's exactly what it was. We had all gotten back
from the club, and I mean, you see a beer
in my hand and I'm just like, I'm bored, you know.
I mean we talked about this last episode. You know,
the camera guys were like do it. So Bessie knew
what I was doing and obviously he didn't want me
to do it. I'm not putting any blame on anybody

but myself and for that. But you know, it was
a joke for sure, and it we never know how
people are going to react to things, like some people
can take a joke and some people can't. So it
made it made um Yeah, for a good episode. Yeah,
but it also yeah, yeah, pizza Pizza, Pizza, Pizza Pizza
is the dirtiest deed pizza. Yeah. Well there's no daily

Challenge today on this episode. Yeah, because they split that
one up. It's a big cliffhanger. But supposedly that episode
got the highest ratings of the season so far. So well,
I'm not surprised. I mean, if you look at it, like,
I know, we're a competition show. I get it. I
get what we've become. But we started off as a

drama based game show of your favorite personalities on MTV. Yeah,
and the game has evolved, and I get it. We
have to stay on top of it. But there's something
that people love about seeing other people have drama. And
it's like, I don't care if you're watching Intervention or

My six hundred Pound Life, or you're watching Housewives or
whatever reality show sparks your fancy or tickles it. Rather
you watch it to kind of escape. Yeah. So it's like, oh, okay, well,
you know, this last year has been shit, So if
I watch ah, they're having drama on here, let me
just forget about the fact that you know, whatever's going

on in my household. And I think that that's that's
what we provide entertainment, yes, and escape to some comedic relief. Yeah,
but this episode was like, oh, we're about to see
two friends fight and we don't know what's going to happen. Yeah,
And it was a nerve wrecking watching TJ roll up there.
I mean, like always every nobody wanted. Nobody wanted that
outcome at all, you know. I mean, I think and

I feel really bad that it ended up falling down
on Esther because right, she's alone. Now, you saw what
happened when you left Logan one in there, same thing happened.
That seems like that's what's going to happen every time
if people keep getting kicked off and or injured. Yeah,
because that's what's the agency only has to say one name,
so right, it's in the agency's best interest to know

that person. Yeah, And I guess it works out the
way because you can get hurt at any time, or
you can push the wrong person and Pizza Gate all
over again. Yeah. But watching it, I made it, I
dig it emotional, like that's a It was a lot.
It was a lot. Yeah, And I think it was
really beautiful that Fessie and Josh goa to like open
up and talk like that, you know, like Fessi even
saying like I've never won anything, dude, Fessi's this person

that you see and you're like, oh, he thinks he's
the shit. You know, he's super confident. He's definitely won everything. Yeah.
I think it sticks with him, and I think it hurt.
I mean, him and I have talked about it, and
I guess that's why people wonder how we're friends now.
But like after our reunion after Double Agents, like remember
when we all went out, like him and I had
a really really long talk and he shared stuff with me,

and I was just like, ah, now get it. But
we put on these masks, you know, because like we
know we're going to get it from the fans. Yeah,
you know, we're already hard on ourselves as is. Yeah,
and I just think it's a way to protect yourself.
But yeah, he's a human being like everybody else. And
I think this was the season where Fessie was going

to make amends and try and undo all the wrongs
that he's done well the last season and you know,
try and make things right. And good on him for
trying to do that. Let's get FESSI on the horn.
Let's talk to the guy. Let's dive into that interview
because I want to hear what he has to say
about it, and I'm sure he's got a lot. So yeah,

let's take a short break and then guys stick around
because FESSII is about to come on the show. All right, folks,
we have now come to our favorite part of the
podcast where we get to interview a lucky guest, and

today we have today we have a special guy, UM
who has become our friend and our brother. UM. So
now here we have FESSI to uh talk about what
really went down in that kitchen and is the pizza
really that good? Jessie, welcome? Do you do you love me?

How much do you hate me? Lest Lee? I told
people like, because some people out that they saw the clip,
they were like, you know, I thought you were cool
with Tori and she's doing that, and I said I
was honestly, we all fuck around and joke around in
the house, like, yeah, I honestly don't think she wanted
to take it that far, you know, but it had
been building up for a week now. I think people

didn't know the time laps of this instant because when
I threw Amber in the very next challenge, we all
know challenges are like two days apart. So the very
next challenge was when ct and Burner one and me
and him still weren't talking, and then the next one
after that was a couple of days. So I'd been
a week when Tasty and Emmanuel one. So that was

that just opened up the sudgates, you know, Amber, because
me and Amber didn't talk either, So it was just
all built up. And I don't even think, you know,
people knew that. And then I think Josh, just because
we went out that night, you know what I mean. Yeah,
So I think that was his moment to where he
was like everybody kind of felt not comfortable talking about it,

but like, all right, now is the time to talk
about it. So it all like erupted in the that
one moment. Dude, it was it was your fault. Yeah,
and you know what, like I mean it was. I
do feel really bad. I definitely never wanted it to
get to that point. You don't ever want to help somebody.
We're not in charge of people's actions too, So to
be fair to yourself and to other people that like

you're a grown ass man, fatty right, Josh has grown,
Like yeah, no, there's no excuse for us to do
this shit we do. But like that could have happened
at bar at home, and y'all would have squashed it
and shit would have been fine the next day, like
regular too argument fight, Like you know what I'm saying,
Like that's that's the only thing that like, obviously I
blame myself. I don't blame anybody. Um, I'm a grown

ass man. I shouldn't put my hands on somebody, you know.
TJ says that. But I think one thing I felt
comfortable in the house with you know, and I thought,
I consider myself like a very composed individual. But obviously,
you know, I put my hand on Josh, so I
shouldn't have gone that far. But that's like Josh is
used to getting in these these arguments and these heated

things to where you know, it always blows up. So
Josh and me hang out in real life, and I know,
you guys hang out with Josh and Josh she didn't
like that in real life. So when Josh was like that,
it was kind of like my best friend or brother
in real life is like getting out with you and
you're just kind of like, yo, calm down for a second.
Like it wasn't no animosity even though we were yelling.
That's just how when that game is very emotional in there,

and me and him talk about everything in there, you know,
and that's kind of how sometimes we express our emotions,
we kind of erupt and then the next day we're fine.
But you know, TJ obviously said no hands on anybody,
So I mean, obviously I take full responsibility of it.
You know, it was kind of a shock to me
that I was leaving by myself. We all run an

impression that, you know, maybe me and Josh were leaving
ye together, so when I heard TJ say that Josh
is staying, I was like, Okay, maybe he's just given
us all a warning, you know. But I think the
tension was so high in that game up to that point.
It was kind of like, I don't want to say
TJ had to make an example out of me, but

it was kind of like set in the tone like
all right enough sense, like I told y'all knock it off,
you know, And it just it sucks that I had
to I had to see the you know, my game
entwer to that. But you know, I was when when
you saw my face when he said that I had
to leave, you know, I was kind of like, it
is what it is. You know, I'm not gonna sit
here and have a pity party, because at the end

of the day, it was it was my fault. I
could have controlled my actions and if I would have
not done that, I would have still still been there.
You know. Yeah, it was just it's so crazy because
like it it takes a moment like that to like
really see deep into somebody, and like I think this
was one of the first episodes ever Fest where you
were so vulnerable, like yeah, and I think that like

it sucks that you know you have to go, you
have to leave the game, like that's that sucks. But
at the same time, like if you have to see
the silver lining, it's like for anybody who's ever not
or thought you were just an egomaniac or thought you
had no feelings, I think this is like the first
time we really good to see like there's something underneath there.
Like I mean, you were crying when I came up
into the room and you and Josh and Casey and

Nannie were all there, like you were crying, you know,
and like I was like, damn, this is so real.
So like I don't know what was it like for
you to have that or open up like that. But
for me it was more because the after the fight,
I was more because we didn't even know who was

going to get kicked off, if anybody was getting kicked
off that night, you know what I mean. So when
I saw how upset Josh was, that was kind of
what was really like bothering me because I wasn't even
we weren't even thinking anybody who was going to get
kicked off, because you know, we were such close friends,
we just hadn't talk. So I was more concerned with
his feelings and him being so upset because you know,

he was going through it. So once t J broke
that news, you know, I mean, it sucked. It sucked
waiting in that hotel room, you know, by myself knowing
like I lost my shot again at like that's my
third chance at a million dollars, you know what I mean.
Most people don't get one chance at a million dollars.
So that's how that's how I was looking at it.

And I think, you know, like you said a lot
of times, I'm not I'm not shown being vulnerable. I'm
not in that state, but I am. I mean, I
tell him thirty next month, you know what I mean.
I know you guys have been been doing the show
for a minute, so you guys have your fair share
of hardships. You've you guys gone through. But it's kind

of been like my whole life, not with hardships, but
like losing, you know what I mean, you always I'm
used to losing. You know, you just got to learn
from it and get better. So that's kind of how
I took it. Like I shouldn't have put my hands
on Josh. I was thankful for the opportunity, you know,
to come on the Challenge for a third season in
a row, like you know, that was a blessing. Um.
So yeah, that was kind of how I looked at it,

like it's on me at the end of the day.
It just sucks that it had to end like that. Yeah,
because I think that this was a really good season
for you. And as much as last season you were like,
I don't really care what everybody fixed about me, I'm
like you do. You're a human about right, right, because

we're family at the end of the day, we really
do care about each other. I think that this is
just kudos to you because I know last time you
were on here, I gave you shit, but I just
you deserved it. Um. But I think your growth has
just been so tremendous. So for me watching it, like
you came on doing Rabbit on, you were so so

disciplined in that and observing that and then sharing with us,
you know, the stuff that you were you were going
through and why you were doing it, and you know
that's part of your actual life that you were bringing
on and then you're performing well. You have a great partner,
You're supporting her. I mean, it's just I've seen the growth,
and I thank you for for showing us this side

of you because I love this. I love this brother,
like I'll go to bat for this, Bessie for me.
What I don't want to say miscommunication, but I guess yeah.
Like when I came on my first season, I really
didn't know much about the challenge besides the fact that
I saw the clips of what the show was and

I was like, this is this seems like something I
could have like selling. So when I came in my
first season and I had people like Bananas and West
and CT and I saw, you know, the way people
were treating them like kind of like they've been there before,
They've done that, like that's the standard. I was just
hell bet on proving myself my first two seasons. I

wasn't worried about nobody's emotions, what people were gonna think
about me in this aspect. I was just worried about
advancing in the game and setting the tone for how
I'm going to compete on the show. And obviously when
I saw the fact it had on other people on
the show. After two seasons, I've done That's why I
came into my third season and I was like, Okay,

I get it. Everybody knows I can compete. Now, I
got that out of the way. That was my main focus.
I put that above everything to where you know, I
wasn't looking out for people's emotions and feelings. And it
took me, you know, to my third seasons to realize,
you know, it's more than just competing for a million
dollars for all there, We all put stuff aside at
home to come to this foreign ass country, you know,

to live in this hell hole. Because I mean, as
beautiful as the house was and as amazing as the opportunities,
it is stressful being in that house. You know, it's
to cut off from the real world, and a lot
of people lose their shit in there, you know what
I mean. So we kind of got a kind of
got to help each other out there. So I understood that,
but it took me three seasons. You guys are doing
this a while and had your ups and downs of downs. Yea,

we have showed our assets literally and figuratively speaking. My
early twenties were I was a badass, but I was
also an asshole, so we've done it. But I was
I was surrounded by other girls that were just as
you know, like if it were you and like a
group of guys. I think it's just because of you
have such a big presence that people have an expectation

of you to be one way. So it's when you
show them something different, they're like, well, what's what's going on?
You know, and yeah, it's great, but you have to
you know, like you like how you did this season,
you like ease into it and you people will you know, yeah,
people will appreciate the growth and the time you've taken
to learn from from your mistakes. We all know you're good.

You know what I'm saying. It just it's just you know,
when everything starts to fit, it's like, okay, now that's
the guy we want to root for. Well, one thing
I'm thankful for this season, Like when I was leaving,
the reason why I was kind of like had no
emotion was I was like, one, if it's my time,
it's my time, Like it's out of my control at
this point. I shouldn't have done what I did last night.

It's in TJ's hands. Now I'm not going to sit
there and you know, have a pity party. I shouldn't
have done what I did last night. But the thing
I was grateful for walking out the door was I
felt like I bonded and connected with my cash makes
this season, and they got to see at least me
in a different aspect, because y'all didn't really get to
see that. My first two seasons on Total Madness, I

didn't talk to anybody on Double Ages. I was held
that on pissing everybody off and trying to win, and
then you know, third season, I was a little more chill.
So I was thankful for that. Like I was like, yeah,
I'm walking out early, not getting the chance that the
money obviously hurt, but I was like, at least my
castemates got to know me a little better this season,

So I was thankful for that. So I just saw
Josh leaving some coffee, because you know, even though you
guys can't see us, I can see him. It's safe
to say you guys are on good terms. How long
did it take for you guys to get on good terms? Like,
what's the situation with your friendship? Yeah, you saw the clip,
you know, after the fight before TJ came in the house.
The next morning, me and Josh had made up. We

were cool. It was just we hadn't talked for a
week and we were just being prideful and no one
wanted to come talk to each other first. But you know,
at the moment we got back. In real life, we've
hung out. I went to Miami, he's come to Orlando.
It's just me and Josh talk about it all the time.
And we've always been close on the show, but as
close of friends as we have outside of the show,

like all my friends from back home I've known him,
played football with, who know me inside and out. They
don't know the TV aspect of me, like when I
go away for months at a time, because we could
try to tell them and explain it to them, but
they're not gonna understand. So that's something me and Josh
have in common. You know, we talk about all the
pressure from the show and having to pick up and

go and live this crazy life. So me and him
have that in common. So you know, it's it's like
we're brothers. It's it's crazy, and you know he gets
upset sometimes because I pick on him or whatever, but
like that's just how Yeah, that's how it is in
the locker room, like you joke with your closest friends

because you know, you guys can take it, you know,
but me and him are fine. He just brought me
some coffee, so you know, So what what happens to
the Big brother alliance? Now? Like, do you think going
forward and the challenges because I'm hoping and I'm sure
that you'll be back. Um, I think that hopefully this
will be water under the bridge for you because a

lot of us have been in these situations. So I
just yeah, what I'm thinking and hoping is is TJ
knew it wasn't It wasn't malicious, you know obviously. I
mean when you look back at it, I'm just like, yeah,
I was, you know, like even throughout the argument, I
was laughing, I was sitting down. I wasn't charging him.

You know, when I put my hand in his face,
we were in each other's face. He was pointing his
fingers at me, like, obviously I take forward Sponsila shouldn't
done it. But you know, I think hopefully I showed
enough composure, you know, and I walked away. But yeah, yeah,
I mean yeah, and yes, I think it's it's honestly

being there. I mean I think we were all after
you left, were like, we can't believe that was the
final decision, just because I think it could have gone
either way, and I don't know it stuck that I
had to go the way that it did. I think
it had built up all this stuff, you know, like
because yeah, two seasons in a row, so it's like
they're kind of like, yo, we told you before, stop this,

you know, and it's like, maybe we get so slide
tracted in the show. We got so much pressure on
us with you know, the elimination, the dailies, making the
final the alliances that you know, it's not in the
back of our mind that damn TJ said don't do this, Yeah,
and then we do it and we're like, damn, he
did say, you know, not to do that anymore. And

that's why when I was walking out the door, I
was like, regardless of the outcome, and we thought it
could have went you know, he could have let it
slide or could have kicked me and Josh off. It's
all out me. That's how I looked at it. So
I can't blame anybody but myself. Yeah, I mean the
growth is crazy, you know, like last season you were
owning the messy walking around with it. I don't give

a fuck attitude. And now it's like, even though this
is a messy situation, you don't come across as the
same person. Did you want to do that because people
wanted you to do it, or did you honestly feel like, yo,
I just want to be I want to grow. Well, honestly,
you don't. I mean, you know because you've been in
this situation. But I guess the viewers they only see

the outcome of, you know, the fin the season, like, oh,
didn't win the final, didn't get it done, you know
what I mean? But that takes a toll on your
mental not with how the fancy, but dude, I lost
a million dollars or half a million dollars two seasons
in a row, at the last day, at the last final,
you know what I mean? Yeah, to come on to
the Challenge and get an opportunity like this, you see

all the fans, Oh, I want to come on the Challenge.
I want to come on the Challenge, Like we get
to come on the Challenge multiple times. So to come
on two times in a row my first two seasons
and some people never make the final and I make
two and lose, and I consider myself, you know, a
physical competitor that weighed on my mental a lot. So
coming into the third season, I was like, Damn, I'm
blessed enough to come back for a third season in

a row. Hopefully I've proven myself to my castmates to
where I don't have to walk around like you know,
fucking Billy badass anymore. I could. I could just chill
because at the end of the day, everybody at least
knows my worth in the game as a competitor, so
I don't have to show I don't have to shove
it down anybody's throat anymoreing, Yeah, you know what I mean,
That's all I was trying to do when I came in.
Because you bring thirty something people from all over the world,

all these different TV shows, they all have their own egos,
they all have their same skill sets. So I was
just overly excited to show my abilities, you know. So
coming into my third season, I was like, I could
chill now and just five out with my castmates, enjoy
this nice ass weather, the nice ass house. So that
was my mindset, you know. Yeah, Yeah, this all started

when you threw Amber into elimination. You know, like, this
is where this whole thing built up from and like,
walk us through your rationale for doing that, and then also,
do you regret it now seeing how it transpired. So
the only the only thing I regret about the Amber
decision is maybe I didn't see it through another angle,

and that angle is because I didn't trust amberd Be
because I didn't have a relationship with her in the house.
Me and her never spoke. It was awkward. Obviously, the
ship went down with us on Double Agents, and then
I had heard on a podcast, I don't know if
it was the podcast she did with you or whatever,
that she got asked if she was going to work
with Big Brother moving forward, and she was just laughing,

and I think was it? And then Anisa was like,
you should see her face right now. So I was
like when I saw that, I was like, Okay. Obviously
I didn't get insulted by it, but I was like,
noted moving into the season, noted. Yeah. And then she
was an alternate, so at first I was like everything
was running smooth in the game, and then she came
in and we had already built our alliances and you know,

kind of clicked up. And then so Josh was excited
she was there. And he was partners with her. So
I was like, all right, this is kind of kind
of weird. So if walking back on the Confessionals, she
was really rocking with Big brother it was a stupid
decision by me. If she was really gonna write it
out and be loyal to Big Brothers, that's how she
was talking in the Confessionals. So it makes it seem like, damn,

Maybe she did think that, But what I saw was
me chilling around the house and her laugh and having
a good time with Devin CT, Kyle Corey, Jeremiah Dash
and not talking to me at all, not saying that's
her fault. Obviously it goes both ways. I could go
talk to her. That was I was like, I'd rather
take this shot and they get messy now than in

two fucking challenges she wins and throws me in and
now I'm like, damn, I left her in the game
when because all the other girls I was cool with,
that was the It was like, if I don't say Amber,
who am I going to say some rookie? Yeah I
understand that, but I was really close with the rookies
at this point. I was like, I don't see any
of these rookie women like voting me in right now,
I feel like they would definitely say another name before

me because I had built strong relationships with these rookies, right,
And that's something you don't see on the episodes because
you know, there's thirty something people and there's daily challenges eliminations,
so you can't see all these relationships yeah, blossom and stuff.
So that went into my decisions. Yeah, there's so much
that goes into every single decision. I mean, there's not

enough airtime to talk about every single thing. There's just
there's not And so it sucks when you know you
have to defend yourself all the time, but it's it
just is what it is. So obviously you were really
close with the rookies and you had a great rookie
partner who had Esther is your partner, and she had
your back throughout the entire Big Brother implosion, So like,
how do you feel about Esther and like what was

it like having her as a partner? Ester was amazing.
I remember I was a little nervous when she first
picked me because when she came to unlock me, she
wasn't saying anything, she wasn't introducing herself she was. She
was just unlocking me. So I was like kind of
nervous at first, but then after we finished the challenge

and we did pretty decent. I think obviously a Nissa
and Logan won that you came in third, right, fourth
or something, so but after I finished like sixth, so
it was like, you know, pretty good. So I was like,
all right, that's fine. You know, we did good as
a partner partnership. But I kind of liked how she
was just ready to get to work. And I think

the biggest difference between this season having a partner in
like last season was I was coming from a rookie
season and coming into the season with partners who's done it,
you know, way more than me. So I was still
in the mentality of trying to prove myself. So I
think that's why, you know, I kind of was that way,

I double agent because I was just held done on
that where this season, when Esther picked me, it was
kind of like she already saw she was the new
new partner coming in and saw what I could do.
So she was she told me straight up, she was
like hey, after she picked me, She's like, hey, I'm
a little nervous because obviously before we're picking, everybody was
going over the names and said, you know, you're a

little hard to work with. And I said, listen, esther,
just give me one challenge, you know, to prove to
you why, like why you made a good decision because
I was willing to get to work and I'm just
glad to give me a chance. That's all I'm saying.
Because she was a great partner for you. Like when
we had to hang upside down and she had she

just memorize every damn thing. I mean, yeah, whatever. She's
very smart, very composed. Yeah, and she's just she's like
knows the task at hand. That's that's the one thing
she like, That grit and that that drive. You know,
she was like that new rookie coming ready to prove

it to her, solve her family, her country. And she
was just really driven, you know. And that's one thing.
A lot of people come on the show and they're driven,
you know. But some people, you know, they love the
challenges whatever, but some people are like, all right, let's
go make another TV show stuck around. Yeah, actual was
there to win the million dollars and you know that

that was our goal. So it was it was nice
and refreshing to like have her in the game. Wanted
as bad as I do, and I know everybody who
leaves everything at home to come into the game obviously
wants it really bad, you know, obviously. But I really
saw that on Esther's face, and that that drove me

to to, you know, just push harder. Yeah. Yeah, she
was fucking awesome, dude. And she almost won that Hale
brawl like the second round. Yeah, she almost hit that.
So if she would have hit it, she would have
beat Emmy that round for sure. And I think she's
a monster. I was very, very surprised about when I

saw that elimination because obviously jay Uh made me go
home before that elimination, so this is my first time
seeing it. But Emmy's dude, Emmy's like five ten, Like, yeah,
she's an athlete, you know, and Esther's probably five three,
and she's got a lot of fighting her. But Emmy's

definitely got the fize on her. So I was like,
I thought, you know, Emmy was gonna just truck her,
but Esther would just had her wrapped up and it
was a it was a fight. I was there, Yeah,
and that just shows you her her grit and her
drive because you know, obviously Emmy was just standing up
walking her down, but Esther was holding onto her for

a minute, it looked like, you know, like yeah, and
even to think about like how she said she hadn't
done any contact sports before and she went in there.
She fucking she was not afraid. You know, we've seen
plenty of people afraid at all. We've seen plenty of
people going and maybe she was, but she handled it well.
I mean, we've seen a lot of people go into
hole brawls and it not looked like that, and they
had hate you for it not look like it didn't

look like that didn't look like yeah. Well, she also
said in her in her interview, she was like, you
just learned to adapt like that. That's what I was taught. Like,
you get something that you're not used to, and then
you have to adapt to it, which I think is
an incredible skill to have, especially on the challenge, because
all I mean, day to day you have to adapt. Yeah,

adapt to your friends being asshole's, adapt to somebody's sitting
your toothpaste, toothbrush. Oh my god, my bathroom overflowed again.
I think that is one of I tell people that
all the time is one of the biggest things playing
the game of the challenges. You have to know how
to adapt and how to react stass because you can
try to control the game and have your whole gameplay

mapped out. But the reality is she just gonna throw
twist and somebody that you didn't expect to win is
gonna happen. Somebody's gonna go home because of injury, and
it's going to be a a single female's elimination. So
you just got to be a quick thinker on your
toes and just be ready for anything on you. So,
now that you've gone home, which is super unfortunate, I

gotta know who you're rooting for and who you want
to go home, and you can save me best because
I just fucking deserve this shit. Um No, honestly, Like,
even though whatever happened with me and you, like I
know you had the me and you had talked about
you had the thirty seven on your arm and stuff,
and I you know what I mean, Like I told you,
I was like, damn, Like, well let's see what it's about.

You know, this is your season. Yeah, And then obviously
I wanted to see Josh and Casey go far um.
Just because of how much how we went through this season,
you know, as an alliance and how much shit, yeah
you went through. I was like, it would be nice
to see them, see them at least capped this messy
season off with at least a win. You know, Wait,

what about your girlfriend? Didn't you want her to win? Amanda? Oh?
Is she your girlfriend? No, we're just seeing what happens,
oh Mexico, And that's what we're calling it. What we're
doing a little see what happens. You know. It's funny.

Somebody was like, well not somebody. Literally everybody was like,
West message me. Devin says something at dinner. He's like, hey,
don't be knocking round though. When this ship gets messy
and blows up, blah blah blah, and like I'm like,
I'm to the point where it's like we signed up
for these TV shows. We've seen how messy my season

was on Double Age and this like everything's already messy
as how when it comes to the challenge. So like
if me and Amanda are vibing out, like enjoying each
other's company, like, let's just see what happens, you know,
like if it doesn't work. It doesn't work. But I respected, dude,
I really do. It's so hard to keep yourself. It like,
how do you We get judged for every little thing
we do, and people love to tearature depart. So I

have a bunch of respects for how you're handling that.
I mean, I was just asking him if he wasn't
he was rooting for his girlfriend too, That's what I
was asking. Well, honestly, I'll tell you this, and you
guys might be able to contest. This is when you
get when you get judged so much, whether it's from
TV or whatever, and it just it makes it so

much easier to do what you want. Yeah, it's like
they're gonna talk and say this shit no matter what. Yeah,
it doesn't even matter. It makes my job even easier
of doing what I want because it's like, even if
I were to try to please them or the fans
or the world or not something to say, so why
not please myself and do whatever the hell I want.

It's inspiring, dude. It really is. Like there's a sense
of freedom that comes when people don't fucking like you,
because then you don't know them. Shit, You're just like,
all right, but I'm gonna do me. I've had that
experience literally for the past couple of seasons on the show,
you know, because so much of my life has changed publicly.
So I mean it is crazy, it's it's pretty freeing.
It's what happens when you grow up on this thing. Yeah,

and it's painful for sure. Yeah, but it's deely you. Yeah.
If you don't develop a thick skin by now, the
challenge is not for you. Yeah. So we just have
one last question for you, fest Actually, how much do
you love us? No, so you talked a lot about
Ramadan and how you were fasting. Would you just like

highlight that a little bit and talk about what it
was like to do that during like a competition show. Yeah.
I mean it's always tough, just because obviously you can't
eat or drink water from sun up to sundown for
thirty days straight. So people are like, wait, you can't
eat for thirty days. I'm like, no, I could eat
when the sun goes down, but all throughout the day
as the sun's up, no drinking water, no consuming any

you know anything. So yeah, it's it's tough because in
that game, we're obviously competing physically, but there is a
lot of downtime. There is a lot of whatever, and
we kind of use food as our as our comfort tool. Yeah,
oh we're bored, let's eat. He was walking around. I
know he was so upset watching you guys a pizza.

So I finally get to eat, Like Ramadan was over.
I put my pizza in, can't wait to eat it.
And then so he says to Amber that I ate
her pizza. I'm like, dude, I'm just trying to build
my first Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm honestly,
I watched this back. I feel so bad. I'm never

going to do that again. Like I feel people tell
me that you should be madatory and you were. I
think when you saw me in New York, you were like,
because it was right after the episode, you were like
kind of like being awkward because you're like, you're gonna
be pissed at me. I'm like, I don't I seen
it all. Like I watched Double Agents back and had
to watch all our confessionals about me, so I was like, dude,

we could get through that, we could get through anything.
Oh yeah, dude, it's been crazy. I have a lot
of resass yeah, I have a lot of respect for you,
for real, anybody. I was just trying to come on
my first two seasons and make a name for myself.
Y'all been on this season after season I was, and
I think people knew who FESSI was from Big I mean,
your name is original, and people thought you were cute. Yeah.

Jimmy was like, Yo, is that FESSI guy gonna be
on the show. I'm gro I don't even know who
you're talking about. Body thinks I'd cute? Watch out all right?
You are? You are cute. Thank you. We've learned to
love you, FESSI. I'm so excited, yeah, to see what
comes from all of this. Me too, not this fight.
I mean, I'm like, I'm exciting to be at this
family now. You know. I came in my rookie season.

Like I keep saying this, but you guys know, like
they bring in fresh set of rookies and none of
them stick because they're they're just they're not it. You know,
they looked apart and they can't compete or they don't
they just whatever. And I was like trying to say
that you're it. Um, I'm it's that's all. I'm trying

to say is look at me, Okay, just look at
what I can do. That's I'm just kidding. If you
don't believe in yourself, no one's going to for real. Um.
So we have one last question for you, fast, the
question that we ask everybody. So this season is called Spies,
Lies and Allies. So from this episode, who's the biggest spy,
who's the biggest liar, and who's the biggest ally hmmm,

shit spies? Like something to watch out for, which would
probably be I know what the words five means. I
know I'm gonna have to say. Five is gonna have
to be a tie between obviously Tory and Cory because
they fucking h plotted that shit and you know what
I mean, they ran and got Josh. Yeah, so whatever.

Um Ally, I would say definitely Esther because Esther have
my back and like we saw you jost then you
just got in a fight. Hello Josh, Josh is there?
I can't hear you. I forgot you are, Um, but

definitely Esther because you know, al throughout that argument whatever,
that night I was walking sitting on the couch, Amber
was trying to come up to me. Esther was like, no,
don't talk to him. You know, she was trying to.
I mean, she did throw the drink, but she was
trying to be like, don't talk to my partner. She
had my back, so it was it was refreshing to
have somebody right for me like that. And what was

the other one? Lie? Oh oh for sure, Tory? She
told Amber I ate her pizza. Both say it, lie fuck,
I'll take it. Honestly, I'll take it. I deserve this.
I deserve it. I really do. Listen best, we love you.
I'm so sorry about what happened this season, and I

owe I owe you one, owe you a big one.
I'm gonna send you a pizza in the mail for sure.
Um Ah, there's Josh. What's he doing in the window?
I was still wearing a hat that you probably had
before he had it. So one thing I will say
is that that he is like a big brother. FESSI
is definitely like that because Josh has bought every single
thing that fessis. Oh my god, she said, did esther

breaking coffee this morning? You got mad because I thought
that the biggest ally Well on the episode. Yes, they're
talking about the episode. If we had to stay on
the episode, yeah, God, Josh, we love you. Fest. Where
can we about to get into it right now? Fest?
Where can the people follow you? And how can they
support you? FESSI, Fitness anything, Instagram, Twitter, you know what

I'm saying. Yeah, and then do you want to what
happened to that? Only fans my only fans. Listen, everybody
knows about only fans. If you don't, I mean, y'all
both know the hype is real, y'all. Yeah, both people.
I don't gotta tell ship to y'all two people, only fans,
not about you. I'm saying, people know, Yeah, it doesn't

got to be said. Hey, what do they say? What's
understood doesn't have to be said or something like that,
something like that. I don't know. It sounds like a
little sounds sounds real cool. Well, Fest, thank you so
much for coming on the show. We love you, dude,
and yeah, he'll just support you and we're gonna send
you pizza. We'll just bring it to Orlando. Yeah, all right, Joe,
all right, love you, have a good day. Later. It

was so refreshing talking to Fessie finding out his perspective
where him and Josh are Now, I mean, yeah, our
friend has grown in front of our eyes, and he's
grown up, and I'm really proud and happy that they're
still friends and happy that they could work through it. Yeah,
I agree that it's tough. Dude. I think he's handling
it all so well. I respect anybody who takes your

sponsibility for any of their actions, because you know, he
could have he could have been mad at a lot
of people for that for sure, especially me and Corey.
And he's just kind of chalking it up as like,
you know, what shit happens, like it was supposed to
be of a joke. So I have a lot of
respect for the way he's handling this, and like it
makes me appreciate him a lot um well. Also, we
have a challenge confidential that may, I don't know, shift

your perspective a little bit. Yes, uh, and listen, I
think I'm about ninety five percent sure about this, but
in the five this is a but I could be
wrong again, accurate. If I'm wrong again about who ate
the pizza, then it's just bad. But I'm pretty sure

that the person who actually ate the pizza was Priscilla.
I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure. Well, I'm going to
DM Priscilla. Yeah, Oscar about it, Oscar, because I think
it was her. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Then I'll come
back next week and I'll let you know, or I'll

just text you today when you're feeling better. Yeah it,
let me know. Priscilla's hilarious and I think she's great. Yeah,
such a great competitor. I can't wait for everyone to
see kind of like what she does coming up soon
because but she's and she's also an amazing narrator. So yeah,
thank you for being beautiful, Priscilla. I say it every

I think I say it every episode. Now I can't
help it. She's stunning. Yeah she is. Yeah, she is Anissa.
Where can we follow you and stop trying to send
me shit? No? Okay, do you know how many cashews?
I got so many nuts and so many pickles, and
my dms, I got a lot of dictionaries. Okay, did
you really? Yeah, they're listening. I love it. I love it.

It's just thank you guys all for sending me those things. Yeah. Um,
they can find me and send me what Tori, go ahead,
find a Nissa and send her pictures of pizza. Yay, Yeah,
it's a Nissa. MTV you know this drill An E
s a MTV on Instagram. There's no reason to look

for me anywhere else because I'll be on the gram. Yeah, Tori,
where can they find you and send you pedialyte? Yes?
Oh my god, send it and a new stomach. I
almost said my address by accident. WHOA that would have
been bad at Tory Underscore deal. If you can somehow

figure out my address, please drop off some PDLA. I
really need it. Guys, thank you so much for listening
to the podcast. It means the world to us, and
also thank you for watching. Don't forget to send us
your listener questions and make sure you watch new episodes
of The Challenge, Spies, Lies and Allies every Wednesday, and
then go behind the scenes with us the next morning
on MTV's official Challenge podcast.
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