All Episodes

August 31, 2020 22 mins

Angelina Jolie refuses to disappear as Brad Pitt and his new girlfriend make headlines, Andy Cohen is having second thoughts about Dorinda Medley leaving 'Real Housewives.' Plus, Taylor Swift sends her biggest fans the sweetest surprise note! Garrett Vogel is on vacation, so Rob is joined by a new friend, Lanae Brody, senior reporter at with all the scoop.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Push you. Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, Welcome to the
Naughty but Nice Show. It's the start of a fantastic week,
and we have a ton of gossip, including a little
surprise today. So Garrett, a good friend from Z one hundred,
is off today, is away with his children and his
lovely wife. So Lenee Brody from Hollywood Life dot com

is joining us. Lennie, are you there, I'm here, Rob Hello, hello, hello, hello,
thank you for doing this. I put a little post
up on one of these PR blogger sort of lists
on Facebook. It's also got a ton of journalists on
saying I was looking for people to come on the show,
and Lenae contacted me and we chatted away and I said,
come and join me today. It's perfect timing because Garrett's

loss is our gay And hello, how are you? Howlng?
Have you been at Hollywood Life. I've been there two
years in October. Can you believe it? I love that.
And you work for the Lla l A Berreau. You're
out in in Los Angeles. Yes, senior reporter on the
l A team fantast Stick and I'm told to that
you're a little bit of an expert on reality shows
and Bravo. Yes, yes, I actually launched an Instagram live

series for Hollywood Life during the quarantine called TV Talk
where we go live with your favorite stars right after
the shows that you love. This is fantastic. Also, too,
we should give a shout out to my old friend
Bonnie Fuller. You won't know Bonny's name, some of you won't.
Body sort of a legend in the magazine and celebrity
gossip business. She basically invented us Weekly, so the ice

weekly you love today, Yes, stars are just like us.
That was actually Bonnie Fuller. She created that and also too,
when she was at Cosmo, she was the editor of
the How His Bonny as a boss. Remember she's listening today.
She's great, She's a great Bob. I actually really like
working with Bonnie. I adore her. I've adored her for

years and years, and we're thrilled that you're joined us today.
So what we do on this show is we sing along.
There's lots of audience participations. So just setting the rules
up here and a I'm going to ask what time
is it, and everybody together is going to say it
is tea time. It makes sense. Okay, So what time
is it it is together. It's so ridiculous. The whole

show is so ridiculous, you'll get the hand give it.
So breaking news, Angelina Jolie is hitting back at brand
Pitt and his new girlfriend. So a couple of days
ago we discovered that Brad is dating again, a very
beautiful model called Nicole. It's a little bit scandalous because
at the moment they are in France, actually at the
chateauer what he still owns with Angelina. They have not

split up that chateau yet, they still own it together.
So basically the girlfriends at Andrew's house also too, this
is the place where they got married, so it's a
little bit scandalous that he is there. He could have
got a hotel or somewhere else. But in any case,
the big news we have is Angelina has been spotted out.
So the day we find out that Brad is dating again,

what does Angelina do. She grabs all six children, She
puts on a belus gold dress that is literally from
the red carpet, Her hair and makeup is flawless, and
she takes the children to No Boo in l A.
Let me explain, Nobody was a great restaurant, but It's
also a photo op every celebrity that wants to be seen,
but they get a nobre. There are a lot of

sushi restaurants in l A, and a lot of them
don't have photographers waiting outside. No Boo does. So Angelina
pumps up at No Boo. She looks phenomenal. Everybody goes crazy.
Is this a coincidence? What do you think today? No,
this is not a coincidence. Let me just tell you.
I have been to Nobo Malabu. Somehow. They've let me
in there on the patio, and you go there when

you want to see somebody or be seen. I had
dinner recently, or no, it was lunch recently. I had
lunch next to Rosianne Barr and John Boy there together. Yes,
at the same tea, of course they don't you want
some tea? I got some tea. You're you're gonna fit
right in here. So Alna has turned up. This is

actually typical Angelina, So sources tell me nobody knows more
than Angelina that a picture is worth a thousand words.
She doesn't have to say anything about Brad and his
new girlfriend. No, no, no. She turns up at Nobu
looking fabulous and the fact she had all the children
with him with her. It's reminding everybody that she is

one fabulous mommy. And while Brad wants to have let's say,
his dirty weekend away in France with his new girlfriend,
she's big mommy. Sources tell me too to expect to
see a lot more of Angelina and the kids popping
up at homeless shelters. I'm sure she'll find her a
puppy or two that needs a top thing. Angelina is
fully into this. She's not going to be backing down.

We should give us your little update too about Brad
and his girlfriend Nicole. So now the Daily Mail is
reporting she's twenty seven years old and she's actually still married.
That's right. Her German husband is sixty eight. They've been
to for eight years. She has a seven year old
son with her husband and they have an open relationship,

so she never actually got divorced. Then day, this is
so strange. What do you think? This is very strange.
I'm very interested to see how this is going to
play out. I feel like we will learn a lot
about this couple in the next few weeks. We are
I've done some digging too. We actually saw them together
for the first time. We didn't know it at the time,
but Brad went to a Kanye West show in November

last year. In November, she was sitting next to him.
So they've been together longer than we think. We've got
a pole question of the day. So the very same
day that Brad pops up with his new girlfriend, photographs
of merge of them together at an airport in Paris.
Angelina is photographed with her six children taking them to
dinner wearing a red carpet amazing dress. Is this a coincidence?

Yes or Noah? Go to add Twitter page at Naughty
Nice Robin votes, or go to our Facebook page Naughty
Gossip to live a comment and be sure to check
back tomorrow to hear your results. Nay, Love, what are
you working on? So Bravo is open to bringing Dorinda
back to real houses of New York? Um, can you
even believe this? This just happened? Um? You know? According

to page six and also us at a Hollywood Life,
we had the same reporting that the decision to leave
was a mutual decision, and a Bravo rep is now
telling page six that Direnda is on a pause and
the door remains open, which is exactly what my sources
have been telling me this whole time as well. Oh
were you surprised? I know you know Bravo very very well.

Were you surprised when you heard Dorinda had exited, had left,
had been fired, whatever it might be? Were you shopped
by it? So the funny thing is is any time
I go on vacation, a big Bravo story breaks, whether
I'm off or on vacation. And I woke up, turned
on Instagram and saw Bethany Frankel. That's what I was
greeted with, was her tribute hosted Dorinda, and I was shocked.

I was shocked. First of all, you don't really hear
about a lot of firings or quitting or anything until
the reunion air, so this was a very very very
big story. Umdrenda is a fan favorite. I'm hearing from
my sources that the reason she is leaving the show
is due to spend some more time with her family
and work on herself, but that she she should be back,

and not only will will she be back, Don't be
surprised if if to see her popping up here and
there next season. I was a friend they actually get paid.
So Luanne told me. The year that Luanne lost her apple,
Luanne became a friend of the housewife, she wasn't an
official housewife. Luanne earned more money turning up on a
day rate. Then she actually got paid as a full

time housewife because that season, nobody brought their storyline, so
everybody sort of didn't put their a game in, so
they kept calling Luanna up to come in on a
day raids and stirring up, which she was happy to do.
That's how Luan became promoted back to be you think
a high swive. I didn't know about all this. I
know there's lots of changes going on at Bravo. Nani

Leaks looks like she's at too. What what do you
know about going on? What's going on with Nini tonight?
So I've heard from my sources that Ninie's deal is
not done yet. They're still trying to work it out. Really,
it's what it's going to come down to is her schedule.
You know, she's filming this new show with Brad Gareski,
and that's really the hold up is finding the right
amount of time to carve out to give to housewives.

You know, they're really trying to make it work. The
other ladies have started filming, they started in the middle
of July, and their full steam ahead on the next season.
That so far, Nini has not filmed. However, you know,
they can edit her in if they can make it work.
And I'm told both parties want to make it work,
and what's the show without Nini. She's got to be there.
So let's all get they're able to figure this out.

I've never seen Bravo so release a statement so quickly.
So page six got a rep from Bravo telling them, quote,
Dorinda is on a pause and the doory is open.
Normally brother just don't respond. So as ladies come and
go on that show, they're pretty much like, they don't
really say that much. They sort of have no comment.
So the fact that they've said this tells you something

really interesting is going on here. Do you think they
might have made a mistake and now they're backtracking? What
do you think? What do you think happened? I think
what happened is, you know all these reports that have
come out that she's been fired for being quote unquote
meaning drunk one. I don't think that they would ever
even want that out there. Dorinda is leaving with her

held her head held high. This was as I'm told
her decision um to to do this? Um. You know,
I I think you hit it right on that there's
a lot of changes that are happening there. And like
I said earlier, it's very very very rare, very rare.
I can't think of one of the housewife that we've

heard of a dismissal of firing and letting go, if
you will, before the reunion. They normally wait for the reunion.
Although it isn't the cancer, they know the performance. A
little sources whispering to me, and I hate to be
a little bit of a troublemaker here, but you know
that's what you listened. A little source is telling me

that brother might be a little bit concerned about how
much Dorinda knows and so if they don't treat Drindle
well and look like they're on her side. She did
not like the rumor, the reporting that she was a
mean drunk out there. She did not like that at all.
And the sources telling me they are they they put

this statement out and they're treading carefully because they want
to keep Dorinda happy and there's certainly a lot being
said about Brother at the moment we saw we all
saw what happened to Eleanor. I'm not suggesting Brother was
the same environment. However, the last thing any company needs
at the moment is an ex member of staff out
there revealing secrets. Let us move along and talk about Taylor. So,

if this is so cute, Taylor Swift actually sent a
handwritten note to a fan. Let me explain. So Taylor
found out one of her biggest fans ever was getting
his PhD, his doctorate in philosophy. She sent him a
handwritten note saying, Andy, somebody told me about you finishing
your PhD. I want to congratulate you. And it was

so sweet. She said, it's incredible. She applauds him. This
is epic. She also wanted to say thank you for
being so supportive of my music over the year. She's
very touched and she's proud about a brave moment in
and his life, in his personal life where he chose
to live with honesty. It's very important for Taylor who
does this. Leonnaise, I just don't believe that this is

phony Bologney. I think she really means this I've never
seen anybody treat their fans as well as Taylor Swift does.
Have you, I'm such a swift e now, she is
the best. I love her. I will be a Swifty
for life reputation in you name it. I will be
at the concert screaming at the top of my lungs.
I love her. I live for her. I think she

has a class act and I will never say a
bad thing about her. I totally believe this. I'm with
you a hundred How does she find this stuff out?
Do you think she looks over her social media and
people's comments constantly? Like late at night? Is Taylor sitting
there with that cute boyfriend and her cats? Sounds terrible,
But if she's sitting there reading comments, she must be

or she must have somebody on staff that points this
out to her. What do you think? You know? I
definitely do. When I was at a Golden Globe party
last year, I saw her and she was leaving. She
had all these people around her, but of course everyone
and their mother wanted to stop for a photo, and
she stopped as much as she could on that little
tiny path of an exit that she has harved out
for her to do that because she really truly could

see how much it meant to these people who maybe
want the tickets in a charity event or whatever it was.
And I love, love, love to see a celebrity do that. Yeah,
she really does do it if anyone is lucky enough
to have a meet and greet backstage with her or
go to one of her shows. She treats every fan
with such respect, and it's something that a lot of
performers don't unfortunately do. I think after a while they

take the fans for granted. That has never happened to Taylor,
so nice. What's going on with Army Hammer? And he's
a strange wife? What's going on to day? So, first
of all, this separation shocked me. I've seen them out
several several times together, the two of them head turners.
Shocked and Elizabeth Chambers is operating as if nothing is

amiss with a strange husband Army Hammer. She spent and
welcome a tribute to him for his birthday, Happy thirty
fourth birthday. She captured a family photo from a previous party.
You are loved. I love to see x is getting
along And like I said, this was a really big
shock because on July tenth, they issued a joint statement
to their respect of social media accounts, revealing that they

would be moving on from each other after more than
a decade together. They said, quote thirteen years of best friends,
soul meets, partners, and then parents. And then they posted
this throwback pictures of themselves in happier times. Anytime I've
ever seen them walking a carpet together doing interviews, they've
both been lovely holding hands. I was very, very surprised
to see this, but again, you never know what's going

on behind closed doors. But good for them for being friendly.
I totally agree. Normally these statements asking for privacy when
celebrities break up and telling us they're still best friends,
they're never really true. But in this case, I'm starting
to believe that they're going to remain friends. Let me
ask you that if you break up with somebody, can

you still be friends? Um? Now, ex boyfriend said, no
birthday card for him, not for him at all. Before
we get a break. This is a lovely story. Prince
Harry is revealing little details about Archie playing outside so
that two of them have moved into their first home
together that they bought fourteen million dollars nine bedrooms Santa

Barbara Home and Harry was doing a video chat in
honor of rugby Football's League D and twenty fifth birthday.
He spoke about his love of the sport and also
told the group that he couldn't wait to start teaching
his fifteen month old son a little soon Harry, but
to play rugby. He loves it. And he's also really
grateful that they now have a garden for little little

Archie to play. In My question though here, and it
might be a little controversial, but we're cheeky here when
naughty but we're nice? Is does Harry want it both ways?
Like these two are always talking about privacy, don't talk
to us, don't shoot us, and yet they do like
to talk about little Archie. What do you think I mean?
Once a royal, always a royal, right, And the Americans

and are so fascinated by this, the fact that they're
in Monacito. Now, you know, I find it really interesting
that they chose Montacito. Why why do you think they
picked there? You know, l a really well? Do you
think that was the place? I do so. I heard
that they wanted to be in like the Hidden Hills,
area and that that didn't work out for them. So

Monatito is kind of like the I want to I
don't want to stay up and coming because it is coming.
But like Oprah has a house there, Ellen has a
house there. People are pretty good before and keeps a
fixer up. No, you can go there and be close
enough to l A to get into the scene, but
far enough away where you can have your privacy. And
I bet you that that's why they chose it best,

the best, the best. We're going to take a quick break,
Lennie and I will be right back. Hey, welcome back
to me. Naughty but nice sham house stop Shooter with
Lena filling in for Darrett today from Hollywood Life dot com.
So far, so good. Yes, yes, yes, I hope I'm
doing the job. You are wonderful. I tell you we

love you already. So let's get to the polls. We
do a dot dot dar here, Lena join in. We'll
do it again. Let's get to the polls. Look at you. Yes, ridiculous.
The whole show is so ridiculous. So last show we
talked about Katie Perry and Orlando Bloom. It's an exclusive
from Okay Magazine dot com. They're going to raise their

baby in England, so that's where little Daisy is going
to grow up. I asked you, remember the way I
talk everybody, but I did ask you if you do
like an English accent? Would you like your children to
have an English accent for they? Would you like your
children to have a British accent? Yes or no? Here
for it. Yes, I wish I had one. I wish

I had an American accent. So seven percent Wow, seven
said yes, they love an English accent and would wish
that their kids could have one. Let's have a look
on Facebook see some of your comments. Oh, Jason's here
the name. Let me warn you, Jason is a regular
comment on the show. We adore him and he's always naughty.
Jason said, yes, only if the kids speak in Macdonna's

faux British accent. You were terrible and Mary Ellen posted
the best j Lo gift I've ever seen. And so
don't forget. To vote on today's pool about Angelina and Brad.
You can go to our Twitter page Naughty Nice Robber
on Facebook page Naughty Gossip. I'm be sure to check
back tomorrow to hear your result. We'll do a nicest
to the day to day, and after that we do

a got it. So now it's time for and nicest
of the day. Who have you got? So? Denzel Washington
paid for Chadwick Boseman's tuition. I know. Denzel remembered Chadwick fondly,
more than two decades after he paid for the late

actor's study abroad tuition at British American Drama Academy. Denzel said, quote,
he was a gentle soul and a brilliant artist who
will stay with us for eternity, for his iconic performances
over his short yet illustrious career. Definitely, it was so beautiful.
So I didn't know this, and I should have known
it because when he got an award. I think Chadwick

revealed this a couple of years ago. Denzil did not
do this for publicity or attention. He did it to
help out a young actor who needed his fees to
be paid. Obviously, tragically, just a couple of days ago,
he passed away at age forty three years old. Chadwick
passed away. Last night, ABC aired Black Panther in honor

of him. I thought it was a beautiful, beautiful thing.
To do. You're both and nicest of the day and
now and naughtiest of the day. Naughty, naughty, naughty. Tony
Braxton is revealing that she regrets she didn't have enough sex.
So talking to the Guardian newspaper in London, she said,
you regret she didn't have enough sex. When she was younger,

she wished she'd drank more. She wished she'd party more,
smoked more, but her religious upbringing stopped her from doing that.
Now she's in the fourties, and she said, actually I
think she's in the fifties. She's fifty two. She said,
it's not such a good look now in my fifties,
she wished she'd got it out of the way. What
do you think about this? The day? First of all,
he wasn't man enough for me is one of my

all time favorite breakup songs or just songs in general.
She's amazing and you know what, let her live. I
am here for it. You go girl, you go go girl.
And now it's time for a moment of rob You
gotta Robbie rob nay for the show. We try to
make your laugh or giggle for twenty minutes, but for
a minute or even a moment or a little bit
more deep. I want to talk today about getting to

know yourself. It's an unpredictable process of discovery and it
can make your mind explode with joy or despair. Coming
face to face with your angels or your demons will
actually answer all the questions you have, and I promise
you it will help you in life. So every one
of us is born a stranger. Start the process of

getting to know yourself. Make a choice to do it. Lenaie,
how well do you know you? I think I know
myself pretty pretty well. I think I do you know I?
This time has really allowed us to get to know
ourselves right, Like right, I started my year out meeting
Brad Pitt. Two days later I tore my a c
L and meniscus and have surgery. Okay, I've had you.

I have had to find and oh and I broke
up with my boyfriend two days before my surgery, so
you know what, I have really had to find myself.
And like the other day, I just couldn't get it together.
I went and worked out for three hours, and you
know what, I felt better. So yes, we'll know that,
know that we hope to get to know you more.
Here on the Naughty but Nice Show. We loved having
you guys. That's it. We've ran out of time. Thank

you so much for listening. Hey Linnay, thank you for
jumping today. I'm sure you're going to be back often.
We adore you. Thank you for listening to the Rob
Shooters Show. It's a production of I Heart Radio. Don't
forget to subscribe on the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast,
or wherever you listen, leave us a review. Say nice
things about line and remember, ohne, we say this all together.

The word nice we say together. It's like the house
rules of the show. And remember, if you're going to
be naughty, you've got to be altogether. Now nice, it's
not even nice with bro fantastic
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