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May 1, 2024 20 mins

As anticipation builds for Prince Harry's return to London for the upcoming Invictus Games anniversary celebration, royal watchers are on edge amid reports suggesting that a long-awaited reunion with his father, King Charles, may be off the table. The countdown to the Met Gala is on, and the latest buzz from insiders suggests that Taylor Swift will indeed make a dazzling appearance on fashion's grandest stage.

After over a decade of financial oversight, Spears finds herself navigating uncharted waters, grappling with the newfound responsibility of managing her $60 million estate independently.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
Ye sure, it's time. Hello he no, no, no, and love.

Speaker 2 (00:15):

Speaker 1 (00:16):
Welcome to the Naughty but Nice Show. I'm your host,
Rob Shooter, and it is Wednesday. Normally, our dear friend
Donnie Meacham joins us every Wednesday, but today, unfortunately, he's
having computer troubles. I know he tried and tried and tried,
but alas it didn't work out. So I'm sorry. Naughty's
it's just me, But don't worry. You're here too. Set together,

we're gonna have the best twenty minutes talking about all
our favorite celebrity gossip. Okay, let's jump into the show. Naughties.
What time is it, my friends? It is tea time
you sign marvelous big story at the top of the show,
King Charles is too busier to meet Prince Harry during
his London visit. Oh so, as anticipation bills for Prince

Harry to return to London for the upcoming Invictus Games
anniversary celebrations. They turned ten years old and Harry has
been there since day one, so he's definitely going over
to celebrate this. Wele Royal watchers are on edge a
mid reports suggesting that the long waited reunion with his father,

King Charles might be off the table, so at the moment,
uncertainty looms over whether or not Charles's jam packed schedule
will permit a rendezvous with his California based son. If
such a meeting does happen, insiders tell me it will
be very fast. It's going to be a super fast meeting. However,

most royal insiders tell me the doubt it's going to
happen because his schedule is brimming with royal duties. Charles
took a little time off after his cancer diagnosis. He
is now back. He returned yesterday looking fantastic. A lower
lower low, Charles, welcome back. He visited a cancer hospital,

a lovely thing to do. As your first official official comeback.
He wanted to pay respects thanks to all the people
that helped him, all the people that are helping Kate.
And so he has a lot of royal engagements lined up,
some that would postponed that now have been rescheduled. His
schedule is actually very busy during a normal time, but

considering he took some time off, the schedule is insane
and this is gonna pose a challenge to calf time
out for any family engagements. Now, I know this sounds crazy.
If you flew in to Britain to visit your family,
they would make time. I'm going back to the UK
in a couple of weeks to see my mom and dad.

They're move in house, and so I'm gonna go and
help them with their big if I know that me
being there will be the highlight for them, They'll love
having me there. They'll drop everything. Well, the King's not
quite like that, even though they are a very close family.
Work comes first, that is their mission, that is their

priority duty. That's what Queen Elizabeth would say. Duty always
comes first. And Charles is very much his mommy's son,
and so Charles is not going to be canceling any
charity event, any official functions to see his son. Will
they try and find half an hour and an hour
where they can get them both together. Yes, But let's

remember too, Harry's schedule.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
Is chock block pecked as well.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
He's got so many things to do. He's going over
for the Invictors Games. He's not going over to see
his father. This is the problem when you tag on
personal and business. When I go to Britain for work,
I really do the work and then I get out
of there. When I go for fun, I do no work.
So Harry has the resources, goodness knows, he's made millions

from that super successful book.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
Instead of trying.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
To combine a work trip with a personal trip, just
flow over. Go this weekend, get on a private plane,
take the family you can afford it, then go and
see your dad. Have a trip where it's just focused
on your dad. And I think that would really really help.
Both of them are very very busy.

Speaker 2 (04:25):
I get it.

Speaker 1 (04:25):
I know what it's like to have a busy life.
Both of them are very very busy. But neither one
of them, it seems to be willing to make the
effort here to fix this problem, which I would argue
is bigger than anything else they could do at the moment.
Fixing the troubles at home will help everything in their lives.

And so I'm praying, I'm hoping that they do see
each other. I fear it's going to be really, really short,
and what can you accomplish in ten to fifteen minutes.
If Harry gets an audience with the King for half
an hour, what's going to be said? And also, shouldn't
his brother be there? Isn't that part of the issue here?
It makes me all really sad, which brings us to

our pole question of the day. King Charles is too
busy to meet with his son Prince Harry during his
London visit. Is this a snub or is this not
such a big deal? What do you think? Go vote
on our Twitter page at Naughty Nice Rob or a
Facebook page which is Naughty Gossip, and be sure to

check back tomorrow to hear your results. Okay, moving along,
Taylor Swift is going to the met Ball. So there
were reports that she wasn't going to the met Ball.
That's the big fashion event in New York. You've seen
the pictures. Oh, it's so glamorous. I'm lucky enough to
have been a couple of times. It's a fabulous night,
celebrities dressed up, everyone so glamorous, raises money for the

Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum. Well, there were reports
that Taylor had been invited along with Travis, but there
were two busy and now page six is confirming that
Taylor will indeed be at that ball, a star studied event.
She's going to be there. It looks like she's going
to be solo. I'm sure she's going to take a

friend with her. Maybe Blake Lively will show up, because
it could be potentially a little bit tricky for Taylor
because the Kardashians are going and we know there is
drama between Taylor and Kim. Kim has a non response
to the new distrack, a new song out there by
Taylor that's clearly about Kim Kardashian. A lot of history there,

We've talked about it on this show. Also to Kanye
West was involved in this, he was married to Kim.
So this is a really messy, tricky situation. Now I've
been inside the met Ball. You can't really hide. There
are a lot of people there, but you're all squeezed in.
All the tables are really close to one another. The
cocktail hour that's pretty close too, so everybody's quite screen.

So unless Taylor arrives just the red carpet and leaves,
she is going to see Kim. Now, I hit the
phones and my sources tell me that's exactly why she's
going to this event. She will not hide from Kim Kardashian.
Taylor's got nothing to apologize for, nothing to hide.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
For, and so she's going to go with her head
held high, and instead of dragging her boyfriend Travis into this,
She's going to do it with a friend or maybe
even alone.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
She's that brave, she's that confident. Maybe the two of
them could have this moment a minute at the ball
and settle this feud. But I think Kim ow's Taylor
an apology, and I don't know she's going to get
that from Kim. This will rattle Kim. Kim loves the
Met Ball, She loves fashion. This is on her calendar
every single year. For a while. Back then Kim was

not invited. They had a rule of no reality stars,
a soft rule that really was a hard rule, but
they pretended that it wasn't It was just a coincidence,
but known reality stars were not invited in Kim was
on the cover of Vogue. Then they can't put her
on the cover of Vogue and not invited her to
the Met Ball. And so then Kim became a regular
there every single year, looking fabulous, and she uses this

as a moment to get lots and lots of publicity.
Remember the year she wore Marilyn them Rose dress. Remember
the year she wore it looked like a couch, isn't
it that that fabric, that floral fabric, And so lots
of different, lots of different people are going to be
watching this ball just to see what happens between Kim

and Taylor. I'm told by all my sources, all my
friends that are going this year, that's all anyone's talking about,
is what is going to happen between these two? Okay,
moving along. Britney Spears is struggling post conservatorship, but she's
not going broke. So a couple of days ago, we
broke the story that Britney was in a lot of trouble,

lots of awful things happening to Britney's spiraling out of control.
Will now sources say that, yeah, yes, after a decade
of financial oversight where she couldn't even buy a toothbrush
without getting permission from her dad, she is now finding
it difficult to charter these new waters that she finds
herself in. So she is grappling with the new found

responsibility of managing her sixty million dollar estate independently. That's
a lot of money, they say. With people win the
lottery a million dollars whatever whatever amount they win, most
of them lose it because they are just not experts
in handling such a massive amount of money. Brittany's an entertainer,
She's very smart. She has her issues, we all know that.

But she's not a financial advisor. She needs somebody smart
helping her with the money. Sources reveal she has no
concept of money. For over a decade, other people were
in charge of her bank account and every purchase that
she made had to be approved by the court, even
if she bought a pack of gum. But now she's

on her own, and so sources say she is struggling. However,
they do want to point out she's not going broke,
at least not yet. I got some pushback on that. Yes,
she's spending money. Jessica Simpson just admitted that it's easy
to blow through millions. She wasn't talking about Britney, and
so Britney here, be careful if you're listening a lower,
lower low. I know you love podcasts, Allo, Allo, Allo,

it's hard. Why don't you hire somebody who's not a
family member but an expert, a financial advice to somebody
who can sit you down, plan out your future, plan
out saving money. Now, so you've got money when you retire,
all this stuff has to happen, Britney. If it doesn't happen,
you could end up in a lot and a lot
of trouble. Sixty million dollars, I get it. Oh, it

sounds like a massive amount of money, but when you
live as high as Britney Spears, it can actually disappear
rather fast. Just think about it. Elton John one of
the most successful pop stars I've all time, and more
successful than Britney Spears. He filed for bankruptcy because he's five.
Nancis were so badly looked after. So Brittany, we hope
you get some help here. And there's nothing wrong, there's

nothing embarrassing with asking for help. Sure, you can go
and buy gum and a toothbrush. You can even buy
yourself a new car. But its purchases of private planes,
of fifty million dollar mansions. Those are the purchases that
will get her in trouble. And at the moment, Brittany
has nobody helping her with that, so I'd not hear.

I'm not saying that she should get a new conservator.
What I'm saying is that she should have the same
help that all the other rich people have out there. Okay,
moving along, talking about money. Kim Ziliak from the Real
Housewives of Atlanta and her troubled ex Troy, their lavish
Atlanta estate is in the crosshairs of a fulleclosure yet again.

So recent court documents which we've seen reveal that the
pair have had a warning from their bank lender signaling
the imminent threat of for closure looming over the sprawling mansion.
So the deadline is set for May third. It's May

one today, so TikTok TikTok, and the embattled duo has
a narrow window to mount a legal defense to save
themselves from financial crisis. Now, the property, it's worth four
point five million dollars. It's a massive, gorgeous, glamorous has
It is on the market right now, but they can't

find a buyer. This is despite the fact that they've
slashed a million dollars from the price. Insideers tell me
that Kim and Troy think the house is worth more
than it really is because they're celebrities. Sometimes famous people
think that, don't they They think that because they've lived
in a property, it increases the value. But it doesn't

because for the minute you move out. It's now just
the house, And honestly, there is not the same cachet
to saying that you lived in the former house of
a real housewife. In fact, it's almost a little bit embarrassing.
You want to live at the former house of Taylor
Swift or Madonna or some fabulous celebrity. Julia Roberts used
to live here. I'd brag about that if I moved

into her house. But I'm not sure i'd brag about
living in the house of a real housewife. In fact,
it would actually turn me off. I'd want to get
people in there to give it a good cleaning, after
all the drama we've seen on that show. So how's
not worth quite as much? These two have lowered the
price a million. That's a massive amount. They're going to
have to lower it more. But the clock is ticking.

They only have a few days before forclosure. Ocase, okay,
quickly before we go to break. John bon Jovi is
talking out again more about his relationship, saying I got
away with murder in his marriage to Dorothea. So in
another candid conversation with Michael Straham, the sixty two year

old I can't offers insight into his rock and roll lifestyle,
acknowledging that there were quote one hundred girls in his life.
At one point he said, I'm John bon Jovi, reflecting
on his youth and his fame, and he said it
was pretty good. He added, quote I'm not a saint.
But if you think I was going to ever jeopardize

everything for being the narcissist in me, for what was real,
that is a stupid thing to do. What kind of
excess does a man need that is going to keep
fueling that fire. It's just not worth it. So here
he appears to admit that at one point there were
hundreds of girls. Early on in his career, he became

a total rock star and people went crazy for him.
But then he realized, you know, I don't need all this.
What sort of excess do I need to feel good
about myself? I have a really great life. I have
a brilliant wife, I have a beautiful family. I'm rich,
I'm famous. I don't need to fall into this. I
used to work for bon Jovi, and I would be
on their private plane traveling from concert to concert. Women

threw themselves at John. I never saw him once, not
once cross the line. He was respectful, he was flirty,
he was adorable, he was cheeky, but he never crossed
that line. Other people in the band did. John did not.
He always went back to the a luxury hotel by himself.
So there might have been the time when he said quote,

I was no saint, but he also realized he was
gonna blow something much much better. Okay, we're gonna take
it quick break and we will be right back. Welcome
back to the Naughty but nine show and Rob Shooter.
Hey naughties, let's get to the poos that the dub
this is adorable. So last show, we talked about Prince
William cooking dinner for Kad to celebrate their thirteenth wedding anniversary.

A little bit of a cheeky question here, can't help myself.
Would you rather go out for your anniversary or would
you rather eat in? What do you think? Would you
rather your significant other cook dinner or maybe you cook
dinner together or by yourself? Or would you rather go
to a restaurant? Oh, let's have a look. Seventy percent
said restaurant. I am with you, naughtyes. I don't want

the hassle of cooking on my aniversary. I want the
night to be special. I cook on dull nights. I
want this night to be special. I want to go
out and have a fabulous dinner and not have to
worry about doing the washing up. Okay, don't forget to
vote on today's poul. Go to a Twitter page at

Naughty Nice Rob or a Facebook page which is Naughty Gossip,
and be sure to check back tomorrow to hear your results. Okay,
it's time for and nicest of the day. Anne Hathaway
has revealed that she is celebrating five years of sobriety
and saying that it feels like a milestone. So I

did not know this. Anne Hathaway marks a significant personal
achievement as she shares her journey to five years of sobriety,
a milestone that she holds deer but rarely discusses publicly.
So Hathaway, who's now forty one, admits that alcohol served
us a coping mechanism to her five years ago, particularly

during moments of stress and discomfort with her own body.
She made the decision to stop drinking five years ago
and thinks it has been transformative, a major major milestone
in her life and I'm so happy you were talking
about this. I cover celebrities for a living. I think
I know a lot about celebrities. I do know a
lot about celebrities. I didn't know this. Maybe this one

had slipped me by. And so Anne now coming forward
and telling us about her struggles about using alcohol to
cope a coping mechanism. Most people say that, don't they drugs, alcohol,
even sex? To some people, it's a coping mechanism. But
now Anne is confronting the real issues. Taken oh way,

all the coping mechanisms makes you confront the real issues,
which Anne has done. And nicest of the day and
now and naughty is the day, naughty, naughty, naughty. Britney
Spears has vanished from Instagram amid a family drama. So
Britney Spears has once again disappeared from Instagram, leaving her
forty two million followers puzzled about her WorldWind other emotions.

So she stunned fans by abruptly deleting her account less
than twenty four hours after she got candid about what
her family has done to her. In a scathing post,
she lamented about receiving no justice following the settlement, in
her conservatory case, she said, my family hurt me and
there is no justice. Now Instagram has been removed. My

Britney sources tell me she's so unpredictable at the moment,
she could be back on right now, on off. Her
only way of communicating with the world is through social media.
It's all so sad, Britain, Meet Brittany, and Brittany, we
are sending you our best. Okay, let's end with a
moment of Rob You Rob, you rub you gotta rubber.
Never underestimate the power of a small habit. Think about

the following. If you save eight dollars a day, that's
gonna be three thousand dollars a year. If you read
just twenty pages of a book each day, that's thirty
books a year. And if you walk ten thousand steps
each day, which I do, that equals seventy seven zero
marathons per year. Start small, step by step, and you

will achieve amazing things. Okay, that is it for today.
Thank you so much for listening to The Naughty but
Nice with Rob and the Naughties. You were the co
host today or a production of iHeartRadio. Definitely get to
subscribe on the iHeartRadio, app, Apple Podcast, wherever you listen,
leave us a review if you can, and remember all

together an hour. If you're going to be naughty, you've
got to be. Let me hear you nice, sir, Your
sound marvelous spite. It's not even nice with bro
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