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August 30, 2023 40 mins

 Paige and Sam welcome retired PGA Tour pro and current golf broadcaster Colt Knost to the pod! With so much happening, they jump right into the latest Ryder Cup announcement, Viktor Hovland's domination in the FedEx Cup playoffs, the best and worst moments in golf this year, what it’s like broadcasting golf on CBS, and Colt's bachelor party recommendations in Scottsdale.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 3 (01:02):
This is playing around with Page Renee.

Speaker 4 (01:08):
Hello everyone, welcome back to the Playing Round podcast and Sam.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
We have a very special guest today we do I'm
super excited.

Speaker 5 (01:17):
He's a friend of the pod as we would say,
let me let me introduce you guys, because I found
some stats on this man, most importantly Class three A
state champion senior year of high school two thousand and three.
Smugrad two thousand and seven. One of the only three
people who have won three USGA events in a year,

including the USAM in two thousand and seven. We know him,
we love him.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
He played on tour for a bit, retired from pro
golf in twenty twenty. Joined CBS Sports in twenty twenty two.
Cold nost everybody.

Speaker 6 (01:49):
Wow, what an intro. Thank y'all so much for having me.
I'm very excited to be on with you all.

Speaker 3 (01:54):
Good news. Does we have plenty to talk about?

Speaker 2 (01:55):
I think we do.

Speaker 5 (01:56):
We are recording this at Tuesday at ten thirty, which
we all know what happened thirty minutes ago.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
So page let's get right into it, okay. So Zach Johnson,
the captain has made his picks and it is Brooks, Koepka,
Jordan Speith, Colin Morrikawa, Ricky Fowler, Sam Burns, and Justin Thomas.
So Sam and I talked about this last week of
who we thought would be potentially on the team. Sam

was pretty close on who she thought was going to pick.
I just went totally off the radar with my picks.
But how do you feel about this cold because you
seem to always have the most insight to anyone in
the golf industry. Did you see this coming. I know
a lot of people are a little surprised by the
Justin Thomas pick and then also the Sam Burn pick
as well.

Speaker 6 (02:45):
Yeah, as far as JT, I'm not one bit surprised.
I've been saying for months that I thought he was
going to be on the team no matter what happened.
You know, the only question was when he missed the
FedEx Cup playoffs, would Zach go down that route? But
I mean, you look at his past record, He's sixteen
to five and three in Ryder Cup and President Cuppick,
I mean, Zach just said it.

Speaker 3 (03:01):
He's the heart and soul of the team.

Speaker 6 (03:03):
There's two things that I always think about when I
think when guys that aren't good for him. I never
worry about Jordan speed when he pulls up down Magnolia
Lane at the Masters, I don't care what kind of
form he's in. Something brings out the best in him.
And when these team competitions come around. I'm not one
bit worried about Justin Thomas. I mean, these things get
him fired up. He thrives in this environment. I said

probably five years ago, I think Justin Thomas will go
down as the greatest American Ryder Cup player of all time.
I just think that's how much he thrives under these
pressure situations. If you look back to Paris when we
got absolutely dummied over there, he went four and one.
He was the only bright spot on that team for
the most part. So yeah, I'm not one bit surprised.
Sam Burns was the one question mark. I thought after

the sixty two at the BMW on Saturday and then
finishing tied for ninth at the Tour Championship, he probably
had a slide edge. I thought it was Kegan Bradley's
to lose, just because he'd won twice this year. He'd
played so consistent, but he struggled on Sunday there with
the seventy three. Lucas Glover was, you know, kind of
the emotional pick. I would say everybody wanted him to
be on the team, being forty three years old winning

back to back weeks, but he didn't play his best
at BMW, didn't play his best at Tour Championship, and
even after all that, he still was behind Justin Thomas
in the Ryder Cup's points list, so I know he's
playing well. The Ryder Cup doesn't start tomorrow, it starts
in a month, so I'm not worried about JT's form
at all.

Speaker 3 (04:20):
Sam Burns looks.

Speaker 6 (04:21):
Like he's starting to find it, and I mean, I
thought this was the team he would go with.

Speaker 5 (04:26):
So the good thing is is that we didn't have
to sit through an hour long Picks show like we
did a few years ago.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
He got right off the bat.

Speaker 5 (04:32):
That was nice.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
I really enjoyed that.

Speaker 6 (04:34):
I was like, man, I'm going to miss these picks
doing y'all's podcast. But then he just went and said
boom boom. Yeah we got stuff to do. But no,
I love that. We actually had Zach on our show
a few weeks ago. We unveiled the Team USA uniforms
and talk to him a lot about it. And look,
it's not an easy job. I mean, the good news
is he has so many great players to choose from.

But I can't imagine what it's like, you know, making
those phone calls and saying, look, you're going to make
the team.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
It's probably like y'all breaking up with guys. It's tough.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
So if you're Keigan Bradley, Cameron Young, Lucas Glover, how
are you feeling in this situation? Do you feel like
you were slighted or do you understand the reasoning behind
why a Justin Thomas was picked.

Speaker 6 (05:17):
I think if you're a player, you one hundred percent
understand why Justin Thomas was picked. You know, there's gonna
be a lot of questions from the fans out there
about you know, he didn't play his best. He finished
seventy first on the FedEx, he's fallen in the world rankings.
He had a bad season. But guys get it. Look
it's it's a team event. And also their captain's picks
this Zach Johnson can pick whoever he wants. I mean,
that's the beauty of the job. Lucas Glover, there was

no thought of even Ryder Cup five six, seven weeks ago.

Speaker 3 (05:41):
I mean kidding me. He would't eve think about making
the playoffs.

Speaker 6 (05:44):
So for him it was like, man, it kind of
got dangled in front of him after those two wins.
But at the end of the day, I think Lucas
is very happy with his season, very happy to be
playing good golf again.

Speaker 3 (05:54):
And then Cam Young that's a tough one. Like he's
a young star.

Speaker 6 (05:58):
I know he hasn't won yet, and whether you believe
it or not, Like the team room's a big deal.
And Cam Jung is a super nice guy, but he's
super shy, super quiet, doesn't interact with the guys a
whole lot, and I think that probably played a factor.

Speaker 5 (06:12):
Yeah, when I was listening to what Zach Johnson was
saying when he was making his pixies that he chose
based off of personalities, teamroom, camaraderie and course fit. But
why do you think Justin Thomas gets up so differently
for these events versus playing on his own, especially recently.

Speaker 6 (06:29):
Look, he's a killer man, Like I've known him for
a long time. It doesn't matter if it's golf, if
it's beer pong, if it's a friendly match with us,
you know, in an off week, like he just absolutely
thrives and those loves talking trash, wants to beat you
at everything he does. He's one of the most competitive
people I've ever seen, and he takes pride and putting
on the red, white and blue, and I think he

honestly probably likes playing over there better because there is
so much hate towards the American team and it makes
it fun. I mean, he just he plays with a
chip on his shoulder and when people talk trash and
challenge him.

Speaker 3 (07:02):
It brings out the best in him.

Speaker 6 (07:03):
And I wouldn't be one bit surprised, you know, with
his form, will he play all five matches. I don't know.
We'll see what it's like going in. But I also
wouldn't be surprised if he goes over there and goes
four and one again or three and oh, whatever it is,
He's gonna rise to the moment and play great.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
And we talked about the guys on the PGA Tour
who might feel a little bit slighted, but Bryson d Chambeau,
who had an amazing last tournament on the Live Tour,
And I saw Zac Johnson talking on your show how
he said, you know, I don't really know because I
don't get to see him play that often. But when
you compare it to someone like a Justin Thomas, who
also didn't make the playoffs and he has been playing,

do you think that's an unfair comparison where it's like
they're both aren't playing, they're not seeing either of them play.
And do you think it really came down to just
team Conroderie. Do you think you wish that he was
more honest about that and why he didn't pick Bryson.

Speaker 3 (07:53):
You know, it's interesting.

Speaker 6 (07:54):
I think the Live guys knew when they made the
decision that they weren't going to get the looks for
the Ryder Cup. Probably they normally if they played on
the PGA Tour. Bryceon obviously had the great week at
Greenbriery shot fifty eight, won the golf tournament, finished fourth
at the PGA I believe, But other than that, it
hasn't been that great. Like in my opinion, ever since
he's going to Live, he hasn't really played great. He
has one win, I believe, and then the fourth at
the at the PGA, But you know, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (08:16):
It's a tough spot.

Speaker 6 (08:17):
Like Zach also is a PGA Tour player, like he
has a job to do, Like he's playing twenty weeks
out here on the PGA Tour. He's not going to
skip a week to go out and watch the guys
on live. I didn't think Bryceon was gonna get picked.
I thought if if Zach threw a curveball at US
at all, it would be leaving Sam Burns off and
possibly going with Dustin Johnson because he went five and
zero at Whistling Straits and everybody loves him. I mean,

he is a favorite among all the guys out there
and is great in the team room. That would have
been the one where, like I said, if Sam got
left off, I think he would have gone the route
of Dustin Johnson.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
That's what I said last week, and I got a
lot of shit for saying that. But he's such a
good Render Cup player and everyone loves him and has
the experience too. Because when we're looking at the team
and you have a Wyndham Clark and a Brian Harmon,
a couple of these players, Like, how do you think
Zach Johnson is going to pair these guys up together?
Like when you're looking at potential teammates for these rounds,

what are you seeing?

Speaker 6 (09:10):
Well, I think there's three teams that are a lock,
and it's obviously JT and Justin or JT and Jordan
Patrick can't leazer shot play and I think a big
part about Sam Burns being picked is his relationship with
Scotty Scheffler. They're so close, they play President's Cup together,
they travel together. I think that'll be definitely a team.
I know Wyndham is mentioned playing with Brooks when we've
sat down and talked to them, so that could be

a team there. And then I mean, you can put
Colin Morikawa with anyone. I think you can also put
Brian Harmon with anyone. The golf course should set up
really well for Brian Harmon. They love when it's played
over in Europe. It's not crazy long, the fairways are
very narrow, the rough is very deep, so you gotta
hit fairways and you gotta make putts, and that's what
Brian Harmon does. So I think Brian Harmon could sneaky
be a weapon for Team USA this year.

Speaker 5 (09:51):
So I was looking on Twitter when all this started
coming in this morning and I saw a book where
it said Europe is only plus one point fifty. Do
they have the upper hand? But like kind of not
as much as we think.

Speaker 6 (10:02):
Well, if you go back to the start of the
year or even into late last year, at one point,
tam USA was like minus three twenty five, like they
were a massive favorite, just because I think everybody thought
these the same team that was a whistling Strakes was
most likely going to make the team over in Europe.
And obviously things changed a lot with Brian Harmon went
in the Open, Wyndom Clark winning the US Open, Like,

those are two guys you definitely didn't plan on having
on your team. You planned on having a lot of
experience being locked and loaded, and then some guys came
out and played great golf. So yeah, the odds have
changed dramatically in the last several months. Look who's playing
well for them? I mean John Rom, Victor Hovlin Roy
and McElroy. I mean they are so loaded at the
top it is unbelievable. I mean, Luke Donald's got an

interesting couple of decisions to make as well. I mean,
do you take Ludvig Aberg, who's just this young, up
and coming star. I sure hope he does, because my
buddy gave me five to one odds that he wouldn't
get picked about four months ago. So I'm rooting hard
for Ludvig because I think this kid is a superstar.

Speaker 2 (10:56):
So who is your official Peck Europe or USA.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
I mean, I got a ride with my guys.

Speaker 6 (11:01):
I listen, I saw what happened to Riggs when he
went with Team Europe over at Whistling Straight because a
few things that ain't happening to me. I'm around these
guys every single day out there on the PGA Tour,
I'm staying lower to my team.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
I'm USA all the way.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
Do you think it's gonna be a close one?

Speaker 3 (11:16):
I do, I really do.

Speaker 6 (11:16):
I think it's gonna be a battle, just because of
the way our team likes to play golf.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
They like to absolutely send it.

Speaker 6 (11:22):
They don't care if they hit in the rough, and
I would imagine talking to Zach, I mean, the ruff's
going to be four or five six inches and it's
gonna be tough. I mean, look what happened in Paris.
I mean, we got destroyed in Paris because our guys
wouldn't adapt to the golf course and play the way
you know it was meant to be played. They kept
trying to ship it down there and it was a struggle.
So I do, and I think the guys over for

the European team are just playing so great right now.

Speaker 3 (11:46):
If that lasts for another month. It should be really
fun to watch.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
You think it's an advantage having Zach Johnson as a
captain speaking about course management because he played the game
a little bit differently than a lot of the players.
He wasn't the longest hitter. He would always have to
rely on his wedges. Do you think that's a big
advantage going over there.

Speaker 3 (12:04):

Speaker 6 (12:04):
And I think everyone also just respects Zax so much.
I mean, is there a guy that's talked about less
than Zach Johnson. He's a two time major winner. I
think he's won twelve times. He's one of the masters
obviously to gusta national in the Open Championship at Saint Andrews.
What a resume this guy has and he might be
the only guy out there on the PGA Tohore I've
never heard a bad word about. I mean, everybody just
loves him, like I said, respects him, and he's going
to be a huge asset. He's taken this thing very serious.

He's made several trips over there already. I know they're
going over I believe two or three weeks early. He's
gonna spend two or three days over there playing the
golf course, come back for two weeks, and then head
back over. So yeah, he's all in. It's gonna be
fun to watch. I can't wait to get over there.

Speaker 3 (12:39):
And be a part of it.

Speaker 5 (12:40):
Well, let's move into this past weekend, the FedEx Cup
Championship at East Lake. You were obviously there covering it.
Loved hearing you on TV. You're always not to be
like this, but you are my favorite commentator. You're so funny,
which I feel like is such a breath of fresh
air with a lot of the commentators that you listen
to nowadays. Take us through your week at East Lake.
Give us an inside look of what that looks like

when you arrive, what you have to do besides just
walking the course with players quote unquote, But give us
a little bit of an inside look.

Speaker 3 (13:08):
Well, it's hotter than hell. I'll tell you that.

Speaker 6 (13:10):
The last three weeks just a total I'm tired of
sweating it. It was a long three weeks for the
Fedas Cut playoffs. But I'd never been to east Like before.
You know, as Charlie Hoffman texted me on Sunday, congrats
on finally making the tour championship.

Speaker 3 (13:24):
That's what the seagull does.

Speaker 6 (13:25):
But I flew in there Monday night, took a little
rest day on Tuesday, and then Wednesday went out walked
the golf course just because, like I said, I've never
seen the place, and I was doing both shows Golf
Channel NCBs, so we're going to cover all eighteen holes.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
Went out there, just looked at.

Speaker 6 (13:39):
The golf course, you know, talk to whatever players that
I ran into, get their thoughts on it.

Speaker 3 (13:43):

Speaker 6 (13:44):
I mean, I'm a huge golf fan, so I watch
every tournament when I'm not working, so I kind of
knew the layout of East Lake and what to expect.
But it's it's cool just to get there and see,
like what the vibe is because i mean, eighteen million
dollars on the line. These guys try to say money
doesn't matter, but it's it's eighteen million dollars.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
I don't care who you who you are. There's a
lot on the line down there.

Speaker 6 (14:02):
But yeah, i have the best job in the world,
from playing professional golf to not knowing what would be next,
and then this happened, and I'm loving every second of it.
Go to the range, talk to whoever I'm following each day.
You know, I'm not scared to walk up in the
middle of a warm up and mix it up with them,
See what they did the night before, crack some jokes,
see how they're feeling. And then I get out there
and go. You know, I think I'm one of those guys.

Either you love listening to me or you hate listening
to me, which is which is fine.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
I'm different, but I have a lot of fun with it.

Speaker 6 (14:31):
Like, at the end of the day, it's a show, right,
I mean, I feel like I played this game long enough.
I did some pretty cool things in it that I
have the experience to comment on players' decisions and whether
it's good or bad.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
But then also just look at it. Like I said,
it's a show.

Speaker 6 (14:45):
I want to make it entertaining, Like I hate when
people say I'm turning the golf on to take a nap,
Like I want people to have fun, laugh, laugh at
it a little bit when when the moment's right, like
I know, coming down the stretch it's not a time
to make jokes.

Speaker 3 (14:56):
But yeah, man, I'm having so much fun with it.

Speaker 6 (14:58):
I I'm ready for a nice little break, but also
probably in about a week or two, I'll be ready
for Tory Pines.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
To be here.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
Do you ever get nervous when they throw it over
to you and you're like, I don't know what to say?
Or do you always have something to say? And do
you like prepare things beforehand, because that's what I would
feel nervous for. They like throw it over to me
and it's like, I don't know, feel good.

Speaker 6 (15:19):
I think the only time I ever got nervous was
my first one. My first one on actual CBS was
the PGA Championship at Kiwa, and you know, it's it's different.
I did the Golf Channel stuff as kind of preparation
and everything, and those shows are very laid back.

Speaker 3 (15:34):
They're a lot slower.

Speaker 6 (15:35):
And also I'd never worked with Jim Nantz before, which
was I mean, he was the guy who.

Speaker 3 (15:40):
First sent it down to me.

Speaker 6 (15:41):
I'll never forget in the fairway with Charlie Hoffmans group actually,
but this is a guy that started with the CBS
in nineteen eighty five, the year I was born. So
I've listened to this guy my entire life, and now
I'm working alongside him. That was probably the first time
I'd ever been nervous, or really the only time I've
ever been nervous, and then I don't know. I just
I'm extremely comfortable doing what I do out there. You know,

I'm talking about golf. That's what I love to do.
That's what I've done my whole life. And yeah, I
really don't anymore. You know, I haven't got to work
the main broadcast for the Masters yet. I'm sure if
that does happen at some point, that'll be a different experience.
Those nerves will will definitely kick in. But no, I
just I do get the only time I get nervous,
I never want to talk over somebody or step in,

and so it's always like guys have different speeds, right,
Like I know how Frank Navolo is gonna do it,
I know how Ian Baker Finch is gonna do it.
I get terrified of talking over Jim Nantz because he's
Jim Natz. But yeah, that's the only thing I ever
get worried. I never want to talk over someone, so
you always just try to time it out just right.
But man, I'm just I was so lucky. I never
saw this when I was growing up, like this is

what I could possibly be doing. But damn, I'm glad
it happened because it's the best job in the world.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
It's a lot.

Speaker 6 (16:50):
I mean, I just worked nineteen to twenty one weeks.
Now I have four months off, so I get to
sit at home and enjoy football with everybody else and
have a good time.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
Well, you're so great at what you do. But I
got to ask about the announcer curse and you fell
victim to this with Jordan Speith where you said if
he hits the fairway, he will win, and he did
not win. Does he give you shit about that after?
Does he even know that that's what you said? Like?
How does that play out?

Speaker 3 (17:16):
So I told him about it afterwards.

Speaker 6 (17:18):
But it was one of those shows that it was
kind of going slow and listen, like, I feel like
part of my job is to bring the energy to
the team, like mix it up, you know, joke around
with the guys, take shots at nobolo. And it was
going a little slow, and Jordan was I think one
back at the time and the tenth fairway there at
TPC south Wind's tough to hit. I was like, you
know what, I'm just gonna throw this shit out there
and see what happens. And I was like, you know what, Frank,

if he hits this fairway, he's gonna win this golf tournament.
He's like, oh, bold prediction, and I'm like, yeah, I mean,
just let's just try to spice it up. So then
of course he makes bogie so it gives us something
to talk about. And then he like, I think he
missed the green on twelve thirteen, fourteen, and I'm just
like and then all of a sudden, my Twitter just
starts going nuts that I'm a fat, worthless human and
I jinxed him and it's all my I'm like, I

just love that people think I have the power to
control what Jordan Speed does, because that'd be great if
it was. If I had the power to control and
I'd have him fly out here to Scotsdale pick me
up before every tournament, I wouldn't be going to Sky Harbor.

Speaker 5 (18:10):
That's so funny. I feel like, there's nothing I hate
seeing more than when a guy has like a six
foot putt and the graphic comes up, hasn't three putted
in thirty six weeks on the PGA Tour And You're like, well,
here you go, he's gonna miss it now.

Speaker 6 (18:22):
Yeah, that's obviously. The announcer Jeaks Mine was just way different.
I was just like, hey, if he does something good,
he's going to win it. So I was just trying
to mix it up and I'm not scared to throw
myself out there and look, I owned it. They moved
me off his group after fifteen to go up to
uh Rory McRoy and Patrick Cantley because they were making
a move, But as I left, I was like, this
one's on me, guys, sorry Jordan, and just took off.

So yeah, I'm not afraid page. If anybody knows, you
know how Twitter is or x whatever it's called. There's
some good, there's some bad. But I actually kind of
enjoy the hate sometimes I.

Speaker 2 (18:55):
Never see any hate directed your way. I feel like
you are so universally loved.

Speaker 3 (19:00):
I'll start screenshotting. I'm to you.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
I need to see it, because every single thing that
I see about you towards you is always love and
it's well deserved because, like we said, you are so
good at what you do and we need new people
to get into the game of golf, and you want
to make it entertaining. I think sometimes that's lost, and
you are always entertaining, always so funny and always great.

But we got to talk about Victor Hovland, and he
seemed to really have this breakthrough. What do you think
has been the difference for him?

Speaker 3 (19:30):
I mean it's been talked about a lot.

Speaker 6 (19:31):
I mean, his short game, the work with Joe Mayo
he's done is phenomenal. I mean, he went from one
of the worst chippers on the planet to now really
good around the greens, and it's made him a complete player.
His ball striking is elite. He's always been a decent putter,
and what he did the last two weeks was freaking awesome. Man,
I just love I love that guy. He's hilarious. He's
got a great personality. He's weird, which I think is

I think is great. I loved what he said after
you won eighteen million bucks. He's like, I live in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Money he goes a long ways there, like he doesn't.
He just it's not about the money for him. He
just wants to go out there and be the best
player in the world, and he's trending in that direction.

Speaker 3 (20:08):
But I walked with him on Friday.

Speaker 6 (20:10):
He was in the next to last group on Friday,
and just the way he drives the golf ball, it
is just a joke right now.

Speaker 3 (20:15):
It looked like video game. I was like, it's seriously
golden tea, Like you just spin the.

Speaker 6 (20:19):
Ball back, push it forward and it goes three twenty
down the middle every single time. And now that he
has the confidence in this short game, he's not scared
to miss greens. He's a problem. You know, he contended
in several majors this year. It's not a bold prediction,
but like Victor Hobblin's gonna win a major championship next year.

Speaker 3 (20:33):
He's ready. Like I said, the short game is what
was lacking.

Speaker 6 (20:36):
I mean, you can't compete in major championships, the toughest
test in golf when you don't have a short game.
And now that he does, look out. I mean this,
I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the number one
in the world at some point.

Speaker 5 (20:47):
If we were to ask you Thursday morning last week,
who you thought was going to win the Tour Championship,
given everything the Staggers star the previous weeks, who would
you have said.

Speaker 3 (20:56):
I mean, how do you not go? Scotti Scheffler.

Speaker 6 (20:58):
And then the start he got off to I think
he under through six and during commercial break we were.

Speaker 3 (21:02):
Like, this is gonna be a blowout.

Speaker 6 (21:04):
We're gonna have nothing to talk about all weekend, and
then then all of a sudden it got kind of
exciting Friday afternoon and early Saturday, and then Victor went
out and spoiled all the fun and just went off.
But then shout out to Xander Shafley for what he did.
On Sunday, I was talking with him and Austin Kai's
are on the range and Kay said, you know, sixty three,
I think we got a chance. That means Victor she's
sixty nine, possibly a playoff. He's like, I think, I

think that might do it, and I was like, yeah,
I mean obviously there's eighteen million dollars on the line.
Victor's been playing great, but it's gonna be a little different.

Speaker 3 (21:31):

Speaker 6 (21:31):
He shot sixty two and picked up one shot. So
sometimes sometimes you just get beat.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
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When we were talking about Scotti Shuffler, I saw an
interesting stat where he was essentially leading every single stat
on tour and then putting was just off the radar.
Why do you think he struggles so much with his putting, Well.

Speaker 6 (22:40):
There's a couple things. I've known Scott he since he
was six years old. I love the guy. It's so
cool to see what he's done. He has not changed
one bit with all the success he's had. His ball striking,
I mean, other than Tiger Woods in two thousand was
as good as it's ever been. It's just a joke
to watch him hit the golf ball. I think there's
a flaw on the stroke right now. He hits a
lot of putts out of the heel, and I think

mostly that's because he swings up on his up on
his putts a little bit, the left shoulder goes up,
makes it swing out to the right and hits it
in the heel. I know that's a little golf nerdy,
but it puts hook spin on the ball and he
misses a lot of putts left.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
And also confidence.

Speaker 6 (23:12):
I think him having to talk about his putting in
every single press conference, every single post round interview, and
the fact that he just he hits it so good.
He gives himself so many opportunities. It's got to be
frustrating for him. You know, I've known his coach, Randy
Smith forever, that's who I worked with. I'm a little
you know. They changed putters there for a couple of weeks,
went with the mallet style, which I was all for

making a change. But I think it's time with this
month he has before the Ryder Cup in the start
of the next season, like, let's experiment with some things.
Whether it's cross added, whether it's claw, go armlock, just
just try something, because he hits it so good. If
he puts just average, he wins by five or six
every week. I mean, you go back to Memorial and
Colonial where he missed a playout by a shot and

he was dead last of the guys that made the
cut both weeks. It's like, oh, you got just put
better than one person and you win the golf tournament.
But he didn't do it. Remember talking to Max Homa
after playing with him one day, maximusoff, He's like, Jesus Christ,
does this guy hit the golf ball good?

Speaker 3 (24:07):

Speaker 6 (24:08):
I mean, when you get when you're you impressed those guys,
the other top players in the world. That's something special.
So I hope he figures it out. It sucks, it's
you know, I get nervous for him when he's got
three and four feet, But he's a he's a beast.
What he's done the last several years. It's been fun
to watch.

Speaker 5 (24:24):
How different is We talk about this a lot on
the podcast, but just the difference between how good you
think you are as a weekend golfer and how good
the pros actually are. Something we talk about a lot
is how the sound is so different when you're in
person with them, and how they hit the golf ball.
They compress the golf ball, explain the real difference between
a weekend golfer and a PGA tour player since you're

right up next to it.

Speaker 3 (24:45):
Every week, well a lot, and I'll go step step farther.

Speaker 6 (24:50):
I mean, I played out there for eight years, one
hundred and ninety nine events. Will Wilcox, who played out
there for a few years now catting for Sun JM,
came out to me at Memphis and.

Speaker 3 (24:59):
We're on the range.

Speaker 6 (25:00):
He goes, what the hell were we ever thinking trying
to play against these guys. I was like, dude, I
say it every day now because I mean, look, I
guess I played out there a long time. I played
with some of the best in the world, but like
I didn't get paired with ry McElroy, Scotti, Scheffler, Jordan
Spieth all the time, like very rarely did I ever,
And to walk with those guys every single week and
see how they play the game, I'm like, dude, this

is another level. Like I mean, I was not even
close to being able to do that day in and
day out like they make it look so easy.

Speaker 3 (25:31):
He was unbelievable.

Speaker 6 (25:31):
And that's why you know, whenever those people come up
about the guy that's a plus two at their course
and all this and now good he is, I'm like, dude,
Scotty Cheff, what up you need three or four side, Like,
don't even think about it. You're you're not even the
same ballpark, Which.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Is crazy for you to say, because every time we've
played together, I don't think you've shot worse than a
sixty five.

Speaker 3 (25:49):
You bring out the best of me, that thriving those
pressure situations.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
It's true. I owe you so many things about from
our bets. You smelled me ever since whole time. But
as we're kind of wrapping up this year, what was
your favorite moment from this season?

Speaker 6 (26:06):
Oh, I had a couple. You know what Nick Taylor
did in Canada. He can't make that up. I mean
jim Nance's call glory and free when he makes the
putt from the national anthem up there. I mean, how
he does these things just amazes me. But to do
that your national open, with all the history they've had
with no one from Canada winning and so long, and

then to make what it was it seventy five feet
seventy two seventy two foot putt in a playoff, I
mean that place was rocking. Yeah, I mean I was there.
I was I was with Nick in the playoff. Like,
it was ridiculous how loud that place was. And obviously
everybody's rooting for him. Everybody loves Tommy Fleetwood. But look,
Nick Taylor, it's Canada. That was so cool it's hard
to beat. And then for me, I mean, look the

guy I worshiped growing up with Tiger Woods, and I
never got to play with him. I've had the chance
to sit down and talk with him some. I never
actually had covered his group until la this year at
the gym, and I got his group three out of
four days and to walk with him and see what
he has to go through out there, and how the
people just love this guy. We were on he started

on ten on Sunday, he's in fortieth place, like he's
not gonna win the golf tournament. We get to sixteen
at Riviera. The final group is Jen Rahm, Maxhoma and
Keith Mitchell. I mean, a pretty damn good group. And
the fifth hole is right there beside it. The amount
of people watching Tiger's group compared to the final group
the people that were leading, was unbelievable. It was ten
times the amount of people. That shows you how big

a deal Tiger Woods is. And then that was also
the moment where he went over and checked the little
girl's sign about the Heart transplay up Meet and Tiger,
and then going to Augusta Nationals.

Speaker 3 (27:39):
So that was a really cool moment. Those two definitely
stick out.

Speaker 6 (27:41):
And I always love Phoenix Saturday at Phoenix with Amanda
and myself on the stage, there is so much fun
interacting with the guys when they walk by, interacting with
the crowd, that's always a highlight.

Speaker 3 (27:52):
I'm gonna miss that one.

Speaker 6 (27:53):
Next year because CBS has the Super Bowl, so we're
not covered, so that'll be one that I'm very sad
and also worried for my liver that I don't have
to work that week.

Speaker 5 (28:00):
Hege what was your favorite moment of the season, Now
we just have to go around the horn.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
I would say Wyndham Clark winning the US Open. I
grew up playing junior golf with him. I've known him
for a while and to see him have that breakthrough.
He is such a talented player and I know it
means so much to him, and so that was It's
really cool to watch people that you've grown up with
and you've watched develop and every step of the way
become so successful on the biggest stage in the world.

And for him to get that done was really cool
for me.

Speaker 5 (28:28):
For me, I would say this is kind of I
would say, like the resurgence of Brooks Koepka, because you
guys know well page notes how big of a fan
I am of Jenny Sims and the Kopka family, So
I would say that, you know, seeing him come back
after his injuries and his struggles we saw outlined in
the Netflix documentary, I feel like that was a cool
story from this year.

Speaker 6 (28:49):
It's pretty crazy to think he almost made the Ryder
Cup team on points with just four events counting this year.
Like he's a monster in the majors. A lot of
people said that when he fell out they didn't think
he'd get picked. I was like, hell, are crazy. If
Zach Johnson didn't pick him, I mean, he would have
gotten abolutely crucified by the media and fans and everybody.
Like he doesn't want to have to deal with that.
So it was cool to see Brokes. I mean, it's

awesome what he does in those major championships.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
It's impressive.

Speaker 5 (29:13):
One question I want to get to was from your coworker,
Kyle Porter at CBS. This is an interesting tweet. I
don't know if you saw it yesterday. He tweeted which
golfer changed your mind about them the most this year?

Speaker 2 (29:23):
Good or bad? Who would you say?

Speaker 3 (29:25):
Cold, Well, anybody's changed my mind in the bad. But
that's tough.

Speaker 6 (29:29):
I mean not to go off what Page said, But
like Wyndham Clark, we play with him a lot out
here at Scottsdale, and when you play with him, you're
just like, holy shit, this guy's good. Like he has
all the tools. He hits at nine miles, he's a
good iron player, he's a great putter. But mentally he
just wasn't there the last few years, Like that was
a big thing he needed to work on. And he
brought on sports collegist Julie Ellie on and finally, like

he realizes how good he is, and it was awesome
to see him have this breakout year. We're so lucky
here in scotts Stale to have some of the best
players in the world. But I mean, you put him
in John raw as someone that doesn't know much about it.
But if you put him and John Raum on the
range and watch them hit balls, or watch them go
out and play around a golf I think a lot
of people would probably say that's the best player in
the world right there in Wyndham Clark, So no surprise

to see him do what he did. I'm very happy
for him and glad to see things changed.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
Oh that's a really hard question. I would say. What
I'm surprised about is Max Homan not winning a major yet.
I really thought he was going to get done at
the US Open. He has such a complete game and
it's shocking that he hasn't won a major yet.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
I'm just glad he got the top ten monkey off
his back. Yeah, you finally got that. They open. I'll
jump in before you go. Sam.

Speaker 6 (30:41):
What I'm sad about because we need him back out
there because he actually does have a personality is Kevin Kisner.
The struggles he's had, loved me, some kids, so we
need him back out playing well in the PGA too.
I know he's working hard, but you know a lot
of guys keep to themselves out there. They don't have
the biggest personalities, but kids, you know, lets you know
what he's thinking.

Speaker 3 (30:56):
And I love that guy.

Speaker 6 (30:57):
And he also told me he's coming from my job,
so I need him to get back and play better golf, I.

Speaker 5 (31:02):
Would say, And I'm going to steal the answer that
I saw on the replies here from Deep Fried Egg
Michael Block, and not in a good way. I can't
now this guy's doing like home tours with PGA memes.
This guy played like one good round of golf and
is like thinks he's the next coming of Jesus.

Speaker 7 (31:20):
I saw the house tour and everyone was like, I
thought he was like a struggling Yeah, literally teaching pro
he's like living large and people have turned on him
for sure.

Speaker 3 (31:31):
Okay, that's interesting.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
No, it's like really impressive tons of shoes and like
everything's laid out really nicely, like definitely not struggling one bit. Yeah,
the more, you know, even really outspoken about a live
and the PGA tour and everything kind of that's been happening.
When you look at next year, what do you think

the future of golf looks like?

Speaker 6 (31:54):
It's a great question. It's it's done. It's so tough
because we just don't know anything. I actually saw Commissioner
Money for the first time in a long time at
East like talked to him for a couple of minutes,
but and.

Speaker 5 (32:04):
He got booed at the end there.

Speaker 3 (32:06):

Speaker 6 (32:06):
I was actually heading back to the compound when that
happened and I got back into like he got boot
when he walked down on I'm actually not surprised.

Speaker 3 (32:12):
It's tough.

Speaker 6 (32:13):
I don't know if there's gonna be that many changes
next year. I think twenty twenty five will be more
of the year. But the first things first, you got
to get this agreement done. I mean, right now, it's
just an agreement to make an agreement, and there's so
many questions. I mean, it's crazy to think the players
don't know anything. I'm very interested to see what happens.
I think if it all works out. And obviously I
don't understand why, you know, PIFF would want to give

all the money to the PGA Tour and then the
PGA Tour would be in control and have all the
board seats and the majority of votes, Like that makes
no sense to me, Like I'm all the money and
yet I'm gonna let you run everything. So That'll be
interested to see if that is the case. Though, this
is gonna work out great for the PGA Tour and
the players because they're gonna have a ton of money
behind them, and I think it's only going to benefit them.
And you know, it's interested to see what happens with

liv You know, you hear a lot of guys they
don't want to come back. They enjoy the fourteen week schedule,
the guaranteed money and everything like that. I don't know,
it's issues. I hate to say I don't have an answer,
but I really I really don't, because we have no
clue what's going to happen with this agreement if it
even if it gets signed, like if they come to
terms on anything, I think it'll more be twenty twenty five.

But I just I think there's so many questions left
to be answered that it's hard to say right now
what it's going to look like next year.

Speaker 3 (33:24):
I think it's probably gonna look a lot like what
it did this year.

Speaker 5 (33:27):
That's a fair assessment. I mean we say that all
the time. Every time this news comes out. We're like, yeah,
I don't even know what to make about this. We're
not even going to try to talk about it.

Speaker 3 (33:35):
Nobody does.

Speaker 5 (33:35):
Yeah, let's wrap up with some questions from the followers.
If you listen to the podcast cold, you would no
be called a section T and A for reasons you
can only imagine. I can't imagine two people ask this
question actually what's one thing you would change about golf coverage.

Speaker 3 (33:53):
Hmm, that's tough.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
You know that we're not on it. I know that's
what you're going.

Speaker 6 (33:59):
Yeah, that's exactly exactly right, that they don't show my
face enough. No, you know, I think we've made some
great strides, especially over at CBS, Like the technology and
stuff we've put in place has been fantastic. Obviously, I
mean commercials. It drives me nuts when people are like, oh,
there's too many commercials, Like I get it, yes there are,
but CBS, NBC, all these networks, they're in the business

of making money and the commercials are what pay for
their business. So that's one thing I wish peopleould stop
complaining about. We all want less commercials, we all want
more golf. It goes really fast. I wish the broadcast
would be a little more conversational, Like I think, like
my job is to do way more than say, he's
hitting seven nine from one to seventy five. Like, I
wish we could just have a little more conversational. If

something crazy happens, we obviously react to it. But I
don't think there's anything wrong with sharing a Jordan Speed's story.
As we show several other shots Like that's just especially
like on a Saturday when people are making moves and everything.
Like the reason like shows like Full Swing are so
successful is you get the behind the scenes look, which
is what people crave for. They want inside information, and
like that's my job is you know, I've got a

great relationship with these guys. I know a lot more
than a lot of other people do, and and I
want to share that stuff. That's a that's appropriate out there.
And sometimes the broadcast gets going so fast it's tough
to do. But I think we're heading in the right direction.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
I would agree with that. Next question is best and
worst part of playing on tour?

Speaker 3 (35:23):
I mean, the competition is great.

Speaker 6 (35:24):
That's one thing I'll always miss is going out there
and mixing up because you can't you can't replicate those nerves,
that adrenaline when you're playing at home. Tuesday was honestly
probably my favorite day though, because that was the day
the money games were in the trash talking and just
you get it's so much fun because I think practice
round is the most boring thing on the planet, especially
when you've been out there for so long. I mean,
guys are putting to every single whole location and all this,

and it just drives me nuts. So I always had action,
so I always miss that. I mean, that was so
much fun. I mean, the worst part is to travel.
There's no I mean, it's it's lonely out there's a
lot of lonely nights and hotel rooms. You know, if
you're not flying private, you know, there's nothing worse than delays,
canceled flights and all that. The travel. Travel does take
a toll on you. But listen, I'm not gonna act

like playing on the PGA Tour sucked like like some
people do.

Speaker 3 (36:12):
It was.

Speaker 6 (36:13):
It was a dream come true and I'm just happy
I still get to be out there every week.

Speaker 5 (36:16):
Well, speaking of mixing it up in the games on
Tuesdays with a guy who claims he's not a gambler,
do you ever have any bests with Phil?

Speaker 6 (36:24):
We had a lot of action. We played a lot
of practice tramps together over the years. Him and I,
I mean, we love to go at it.

Speaker 3 (36:32):
We were never on.

Speaker 6 (36:32):
The same team because he likes to talk trash. I
like to talk trash. I know I'm playing against one
of the best players in the world, but I'm not
scared of anybody back when I was playing.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
Now I'm terrified of a lot of people because I suck,
But yes, I had. I had a lot of action
with Phil. We've had, you know. I mean, there's been
a story that came out. I never know.

Speaker 6 (36:49):
I never thought this story would actually come out, with
the fact that Phil allowed it too, about the John
ram bet him and I had about him being top
ten player in the world within a certain amount of time.
That one stung a little bit. But I've I've held
my own with him on the golf course. We've had
a lot of fun.

Speaker 3 (37:04):
You know.

Speaker 6 (37:04):
I hate what's happened in the game of golf with him.
He was always so great to me from the from
the moment I was deciding whether to turn pro stamit
or for the Masters.

Speaker 3 (37:13):
Through my PG to her.

Speaker 6 (37:14):
Career, like, Phil was always great, always reached out when
I was struggling, always needled me at all times whenever
he could, So we always had a great relationship. I'm
sad with what's happened. Obviously, we're not as close as
we used to be. I talked to him for the
first time in probably two years at the US Open
this year. But yeah, I've definitely had plenty of action
with him, like a lot of guys.

Speaker 2 (37:34):
Hey, last question, and there is no one better to
ask this question too. Scottsdale bachelor party recommendations coming from
the King of Scottsdale himself.

Speaker 6 (37:46):
Be honest, I've slowed it down a little bit lately.
I mean, obviously everyone's going to want to go to
go to old Town for the bachelor party. You know,
starting in the day you want to have some fun.
I mean, I don't really like it getting old, but
the w Pool is fantastic for drinking, scenery, atmosphere, all that.

I think you have to do dinner at Toka Madera
once again, scenery, atmosphere, all that. And then I'm not
the biggest nightclub guy anymore. Page Like, I hate it,
like I'm getting old. I'm like, it's so loud in here.

Speaker 3 (38:18):
This suck.

Speaker 2 (38:18):
Okay, Okay, so let's ask this not this year, but
like you know, last year, when you were still going hard,
what were here two weeks ago?

Speaker 6 (38:29):
I was always I'm always a fan of Bevy. That's
where I like to hang out. They like to mix
it up. It's not always the club music at all times.
I know the people that run the place, so it's
always a lot of fun to go in there. That
was kind of our go to spot, and for me,
I think the most exciting thing for a bachelor party,
especially like in the fall coming up is football. I
mean Saturday Sunday in old Town day drinking watching football

at Bevy or Bottle Blonde's.

Speaker 3 (38:52):
It's hard to beat. Those are my two go tos okay.

Speaker 2 (38:55):
And then a couple of golf courses, one that's affordable
mid tier and then your favorite private.

Speaker 6 (39:01):
Well, if you're coming out here in the fall, it's
obviously very expensive, but if you can if you can
wait until the stands are up at TPC scott Stille, like,
that's I mean, that's a bucket list for a lot
of guys to go in there because I love the place.
But when the stands aren't up, that part three is
just nothing and it's it's shocking how bad it is.
And then you see the see the arena of the
coliseum and it's incredible, So that one's definitely on there.

WEEKAPA is the hidden gym I think out here it is.
It is fantastic and obviously I'm biased, but if you
can get on Whisper Rock with a members It's hard
to beat that.

Speaker 2 (39:32):
Yeah, west Brock is pretty special, so cool. Thank you
so much for joining us today. It's always a pleasure.
We always love your insight and where can our listeners
follow you everywhere?

Speaker 6 (39:45):
I feel like I never stop talking about golf and
no but every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Serials XMPGA Tour Channel
ninety two, we're on noon to two Eastern and then
our subpart podcast comes out every Tuesday and you can
get it wherever you wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (39:58):
Love it. Thank you so much.

Speaker 5 (39:59):
Cool, I appreciate you and have a good few weeks
off and get ready to go to round.

Speaker 3 (40:03):
You got it anytime.

Speaker 6 (40:04):
Thanks for having me follow playing around with Paige Renee
on Irradio or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

Speaker 2 (40:15):
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