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December 13, 2023 42 mins

Golf news bombshells have been dropping left and right over the last week, and Paige and Sam get into them all. They cover Jon Rahm's exit to LIV, their predictions for who's going to make the jump next, the future relevance of the World Golf Rankings, The Grant Thornton Invitational and upcoming PNC Championship, and which WAG they would be saddest to see go to LIV.


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:24):
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Speaker 3 (01:09):
This is playing around with Page Renee.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
Welcome back to another episode of the Playing Round podcast.
Your dynamic duo is together, Page and Sam Sam and
Paige peanut butter and jelly. I mean, it just doesn't
get any better than that. Right, we're back, baby, Yeah,
what's it like an elite combo that it just is iconic?

Speaker 4 (01:33):
I mean hot dog and ketchup if you're talking to
the two of us. But that's a controversial take, that
is very controversial. You are starting out with a hot.

Speaker 5 (01:42):
Take maybe like iced ta lemonade, classic Arnold Palmer.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
Classic Arnold Palmer speaking of golfer you what a transition,
What a transition, What a horrible transition that was. But
it leads us to you practiced the other day. This
is breaking news, Samantha Marks.

Speaker 5 (02:06):
Practiced, it's breaking news.

Speaker 4 (02:08):
Actually, Samantha Marks, like touched grass would also be the
equivalent of breaking news. The only time I'm on a
golf course is when I'm with you and I'm just
trying to, like osmosis, a good swing into my brain.

Speaker 5 (02:21):
It doesn't work.

Speaker 4 (02:22):
I hit golf balls for maybe thirty minutes the other
day and I'm still sore.

Speaker 5 (02:27):
Why is my whole body sore? Like my obliques are sore,
My traps are like they like hurt my hands.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
Mine are the little muscles around my ribs. If I
haven't hit for a long time, that's where I really
get it.

Speaker 5 (02:41):
Yes, it's crazy. And then did you notice that? You know?

Speaker 4 (02:44):
I went out and practiced and I had to post
about it like seventeen times that day. I was telling
my boyfriend. I was like, look at I'm just He's like,
why are you taking so many pictures? I was like,
I never play golf. I have to like document when
I actually practice.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
Do you feel prepared for the child.

Speaker 5 (03:00):
Child parent parent child child? No?

Speaker 4 (03:08):
But oh well, I think it'll be fine. I was
rolling the rock like I could. I was making everything
on the putt and green, I was bombing driver. So
other than that, they're kind of on their own. But
my miss was thin. I don't like that. So if
you have any advice on a like take the knees
out of somebody standing in front of me, that would

be the shot.

Speaker 5 (03:30):
Those were the shots I was hitting, and it was
not cute.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
I will say I have seen you hit that shot
before a couple times. That is your miss. It goes far,
but it's such a weird miss to have. So my
miss is left and we don't love that. I'd much
rather have a thin miss. But I've never met someone
who has a thin miss the way you do.

Speaker 4 (03:50):
And you know it's only since like I don't play
anymore because my miss used to be like a hook.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
But it's so annoying because your thin miss still works out.
Her thin miss on her driver will still outdrive my driver.

Speaker 5 (04:04):
Yeah. It doesn't look pretty though, I'll tell you that.

Speaker 4 (04:07):
Like I was hitting some like six seven, eight nine
irons that were literally not getting above my eye level,
and I was like one that hurt physically and emotionally, like,
and I couldn't figure out what it was.

Speaker 5 (04:20):
So I don't know.

Speaker 4 (04:20):
I was like looking up YouTube on like how to
fix a thin shot. There's another idea for a YouTube video.
You could do one solely dedicated to.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
Me how to fix a thin shot. But remember Sam,
there are no pictures on the scorecard. Doesn't matter, that's true.
But my thin shot goes like forty yards over the grain.

Speaker 4 (04:38):
Like it's like it's like not a thin and going
the right distance shot, it's like a thin you're on
the next hole shot.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
I think it's because you don't utilize your legs much
in your swing. Yeah, and so you just turn and
you tend to lift instead of I drive down into
the ground, which again not saying that's better, but if
we combined our swing, we would be on tour.

Speaker 4 (05:02):
I love that journey for us. Actually, let's I'm going
to brainstorm about that later.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
As you also think about what's going to happen to
the PGA tour. It was announced officially that John Rahm
is going to live. He announced it on Fox News
in a live bomber jacket. He said that it's best
for me and my family. Obviously, I the money played

a part in it, but he's just excited for the
future with Live. What did you take from all of that.

Speaker 5 (05:33):
I thought that the Fox News.

Speaker 4 (05:37):
Screenshot that was, you know, every single person and their
mother posted it. When it happened, I thought it was
like a photoshop joke. I was like, no, there's no
way that that's happening right now, and then it did.
And I think that the announcement was strange thinking about
it from a marketing perspective, Why wouldn't you just do
it from your.

Speaker 5 (05:54):
Own channel and own it and make money on it.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
News on your channel and then do a follow up
on Fox News.

Speaker 5 (06:04):
Yeah, I thought the Fox News thing was weird. I
will say that.

Speaker 4 (06:08):
I thought it was very like I mean, you know
how news channels are very like stoic and strange. I
thought that Pat McAfee interview was incredible, though how I mean,
I'm obsessed with Pat McAfee, so that's a different story.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
I thought that was also a good interview. I will
say that the constant theme around the Genrem announcement was
how he was a hypocrite, which I don't think is
fair because when he said that he was loyal to
the PGA Tour, that was a while ago when the

PGA Tour was also loyal to their players, and so
much has changed within the last couple of years that
you're also allowed to change your mind when someone goes
against their word, you don't have to be loyal to
them anymore. And Jordan Spieth actually said this too. When

they asked him about wronggoing to live, he said, I
don't think for him it was the money. I believe
he saw two places that neither one was in a
great situation right now, and he said, may as well
have the money. I don't disagree with that. If both
tours are in a place right now where they are struggling, well,

I'd take the money. We would take the money.

Speaker 4 (07:28):
Yeah, And I think that's what we've been saying for
the whole time, is like these people who get on
here and are like, I can't believe he took the money.
You've never had that opportunity presented to you where you
can actually say that you would not take the money.
I think there's a lot of Twitter warriors who like
to get loud and mean and wrong and strong on things.
But I think you're right that the PGA Tour is

in such a different place than they are now, and
like we talked about last week, he could do this
and then just end up back on the PGA Tour
in a year or two years and maybe be the.

Speaker 5 (07:59):
Smartest businessman I've ever seen.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
So there's no clarity on what's going to happen with
the PGA Tour and the merger. Who knows what's going on.
Tony fee now was also rumored to be heading over
to Live, and he announced that he will be playing
on the tour in twenty twenty four. Why do you
think he potentially changed his mind because it was reported

numerous times that he was in discussions and close to
heading to Live.

Speaker 5 (08:28):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (08:29):
I feel like, if you know, if Tony fein Now
was Taylor Slift, I'd be reading a lot more into
this post than I was. But I feel like there
were like cryptic messages in it and like that you
could really read into it and like see the hashtag
I'm not leaving like that was all. I don't know
the music he put behind it. I thought it was strange.
I mean, he has six kids to feed. I was

kind of shocked he didn't go to live. He if
anybody needs the money, I'm that's not fair to say,
but like as a joke, I mean, he's got six
kids to feed. I mean, he needs the four hundred
million dollars, but I don't think his offer would have
been anywhere near that. I think it would have been
more for his likability rather than his play and performance,
like a John Rahm. I mean, comparing him to Jon
Rahm is like, not, you can't do it right now

on the golf course, But what do you think.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
I think that Tony Faw is so universally liked on
tour and among golf fans that it would be a
big impact if he went over to live, just as
we saw John Rahm. He's one of the greatest players
that we will ever see. He has a massive impact
on the game. Going over to Live was I mean,

it shook golf to its core when it was finally announced.
I think Tony would also have a really positive impact
on Live if he ended up going. I know, we've
seen a ton of players go over and weally I
don't care. I don't really want to watch them anyways.
I enjoy watching Tony. I like Tony, and I think
that he would actually bring a lot of players over

to Live, because again, he is such a likable person.
I'm thinking, who's going to be next for Live and
who's going to fill out John Rohm's team. Those are
the next questions that we need to start thinking about.
Patrick Cantley was reported to be calling the shots with
the PGA Tour, probably demanding a lot right now, and

if not, I could see him going over to Live.
Xander Schoffle decide that he's going to play on tour
in twenty twenty four, which is a little bit surprising
to me because he has been around the Live rumor
mill for a long time now. Who do you think
might be the next shock to go over to Live?

Speaker 4 (10:35):
I mean I'm kind of feeling at this point like
it's going to be a name that we're not talking about,
because Tony Feow we were talking about and we were
not getting excited about.

Speaker 5 (10:44):
But there was, like you said, several reports that said
that he was going to go and then he didn't.

Speaker 4 (10:48):
So I wanted to believe that it was going to
be Patrick Cantlay until all those reports were like Patrick
Cantley is running the tour right now, and it's like what,
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (10:56):
So I don't know. I mean, Cherial Hatton.

Speaker 4 (11:00):
I think it could be someone out of left field, Yeah,
like someone who makes sense. But maybe there hasn't been
those full set rumors.

Speaker 5 (11:09):
I don't know. It'll be interesting.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
Fred Couples came out with an interesting quote. He said,
the Lift Tour ain't changing a thing. I want them
to go for free. Go on TV and say why
you're going because it's that good. One hundred million, two
hundred million, three hundred million doesn't get it. But for
four hundred million, it's a great product. It's a great show,
my ass.

Speaker 5 (11:30):
I love this quote.

Speaker 4 (11:30):
And I saw the video or it was a radio recording,
but I heard it and I just loved how he
said it, like every other dad, like my ass, you know,
like just getting all pissed off about it. But I
think it's a good point. I mean, we never hear
from these guys unless there's a huge paycheck behind it,
and I mean, shit, yeah, four hundred million, grow the game,

grow my bank account.

Speaker 5 (11:52):
I'll sit on Fox News and say whatever you want
me to say. So, like, I think it's an interesting point.
What do you think about it?

Speaker 2 (11:59):
I think it's with everything that people do in life, though,
I think when you look at any opportunity, I would
say a very few percentage of people in this world
are highly passionate about their jobs and what they want
to get out of it. And there are people out
there who do it for the good of the greater
good and trying to get back to people and trying

to give back to society and trying to make a
greater impact throughout their life. But for most of us,
we all work because we need money and we want money.
And if you are being thrown this amount of money,
of course you're going to take it. And I don't
think John Rahm has ever really come out and said
previously that he really cares about the growth of the game.

He wants to win majors, and he probably wants to
make money to set up his family for a lifetime
for generations, this generational wealth right there, Yeah, why would
you not want to take it? I think also a
lot of these older players, I can see why they're
so protective over the tour because they probably feel like
they built this and they have sacrificed a lot to

give these players these opportunities and they're making more than
they ever made, and so I can see why Freddie
feels that way. But none of them were also offered
this opportunity, and it would have been interesting to go
back and see who would have taken it if it
was offered to them.

Speaker 4 (13:23):
If the PGA Tour is I mean, we don't know
what's going to happen, Gonna merge with Live or be
funded by PIFF or whatever. This is the it's Saudi
money argument like even valid anymore at that point, because
you're going to kind of be stuck with it if
you decided to stay on the PGA Tour or you
basically quit golf, you.

Speaker 5 (13:42):
Know what I mean. Like, that's that's what I'm interested in.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
One hundred percent. Like, let's see how they really feel
about it, because if they are this passionate about it,
then they will stop playing golf all together, which isn't
going to happen. And I think there's a lot that's
going on behind the scenes on the PGA Tour that
none of us also really know out And this quote
was very interesting. So a live golfer and former Ryder

Cup teammate give a quote to Alan Schipnak about Roy
macroy and his new book Live or Let Die. The
quote is, fuck Rory. Fuck Rory. I'm so sick of
hearing about who He's some kind of hero who is
saving golf. He's bought and paid for like everyone else.
It's just that his money is coming from the other side.

Did you know that when Whoop wanted to do a
deal with the PGA Tour, the tour insisted that Rory
be one of their endorsers. He was given a ten
million equity stake that is now worth two hundred million dollars.
How do you think he got his own deal with
NBC the tour broker that too. The tour is so

reliant on Rory now they've given him his own league
and TGL even though it will compete with the tour
for viewers and advertisers. Rory's fighting so hard for the
tour because he wants to reserve his revenue streams, not
because he cares about the tour itself. That he is
being held up some kind of savior on Twitter and
by the fanboys with their shitty podcast tells you period.

That's kind of like my favorite life. I'm just gonna
reread that one. He's being held up by some kind
of savior on Twitter and by all the fanboys with
their shitty podcasts. Tell you how little people really understand
what's going on.

Speaker 4 (15:31):
I mean, it's it's something I think that the whoop insight,
assuming that that's true is insane. I mean it's something
that now that I hear it, I'm like, yeah, that
makes sense. But I would have never thought about that,
Like I would have never considered that that is something
that was going on in the background. Like I said,

now it makes sense obviously, but I don't know. I mean,
I've always been a little bit skeptical of Rory. I
feel like he's like got shit all over his nose
from kissing, and like I don't love that.

Speaker 5 (16:01):
But I don't know what was your initial thought.

Speaker 2 (16:05):
When you have a quote that explosive, I really wish
that someone tied their name to it. I would have
respected that person so much more, and I think a
lot of other people would have as well, because I
do think that a lot of people are viewing Rory
in that way, and I think if the person who
said this came up and said it publicly, that they

would actually receive a ton of support. I think the
reason people are getting so frustrated with all of this
drama is that it all seems very fake and fabricated,
and everyone's trying to seem like they're better than everyone else.
And when it comes down to it, it is all
about money. That's why we do what we do. Money talks,
And so I get what they're saying. Who do you

think it is That is the real question. So I
would say my guess is Hendrix Stenson. Because there's a
little bit of a controversy on X and Rory came
out and said that he was essentially happy that Hendrick
went to live because he didn't want him as his captain,
and Ian Poulter and Lee Westwood both defended Hendrick, and

so there are three people right there that it could be.

Speaker 5 (17:18):
My gut was Ian Poulter, because it sounds like how
he talks, like just very like man, fuck that guy,
you know, and I feel like he would say something
like that and not. But then you're right, like, why
wouldn't you just tie your name to it.

Speaker 4 (17:35):
I think what's interesting about this quote specifically is to
remember that these guys all, like they may play golf
together on a day to day basis and maybe every
couple of years they play in a team event, but like,
these guys don't have to like each other. And I
think that there's probably a lot more of that going
on in the locker rooms than we know about. And

it's clear, I mean, they don't like each other. Look
at what I mean. I already got his ex password
back and it's just going off on there and it's like,
I don't know, I just think it's it's interesting, But
I think it was Ian Poulter. I do agree though
the anonymous quotes, they're not my favorite.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
If you're going to say something, especially say it with
your whole chest, say it with your whole chest. That's
how I feel. If I am going to say something
on social media, I also have to be very confident
that I'm going to say it to that person's face
if I ever run into them, And that has actually
changed my perspective.

Speaker 5 (18:36):
You're like, actually, no, I wouldn't, so never mind beliefs.

Speaker 2 (18:39):
But I started thinking about that because there were times
where I was saying something about someone and then I
was running into them and it was extremely awkward and
I was being a little bit about it, and that's
not cool. If you're going to say something publicly, you
have to be able to say it to that person.
And I feel like whoever said this quote would say
it to worry.

Speaker 4 (18:59):
Yeah, I think so too, But then why didn't he
t tea something that I think is interesting in this
whole debate and we haven't There hasn't really been a
ton of official World Golf ranking rumblings recently, but I
think it's going to have to become a conversation again
with people like John Ram switching over to play a

tour that doesn't have compliant events. Something interesting was that
Mackenzie Hughes moved up to number fifty after Rom's moved
to live and now he gets to play in every
signature event this season, Like what a day for Mackenzie Hughes.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
I hate to say it, Sam, that's grown the game
right there. You know what, You're right, And now Mackenzie
Hughes can have a great twenty twenty four season and
John Rahm got paid. It's a win win in my eyes.

Speaker 5 (19:45):
I agree with you.

Speaker 4 (19:46):
I mean, yeah, when John Rahm moved over in one
of his interviews, he said this year was good timing
with winning a major and being exempt into the majors.
So I think that that he said it right there,
that that had something to do with it.

Speaker 5 (19:59):
So I don't know.

Speaker 4 (20:00):
Maybe it's so official world golf ranking is just getting
more irrelevant.

Speaker 5 (20:05):
But what are we going to do about it?

Speaker 2 (20:06):
I don't have an answer for that, but I do
have an answer for the Grant Thornton Invitational. Was that
a good event? Absolutely? It was a great event, and
we need more of that this summer. Unleash the power
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Gambler for crisis counseling and otoral services. I was disappointed
that the genrem lived news overshadowed this amazing tournament. We

were all looking forward to this for such a long time,
and I tuned in, I watched, I followed it, but
I just don't feel like the social coverage was where
I wanted it to be because we were all discussing
John Rahm, which falls on our shoulders. You know, we
have a responsibility to report on golf. I mean, maybe
not us, but other people. I was like, speak for yourself.

Speaker 5 (21:37):
I'm a may for yourself, not.

Speaker 2 (21:41):
But you can't complain about not seeing social coverage when
you're part of the problem. And I did see that
a couple of times where there were people who were
talking about how there was enough social coverage around this event,
and then you looked at their timeline and there was
not one post about it. So it's just interesting to
see that you can't complain about something that you're contributing to.

Speaker 4 (22:04):
What a life lesson right there, What a life lesson
that was. You can't complain about something that you're contributing to.
That was actually kind of deep.

Speaker 2 (22:12):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (22:13):
I didn't put therapy session in the rundown. I'll be
sure that next time. No, But I think I thought
it was a great event. I especially watched the last
day and I thought it kind of came down to
the wire there with lydia co and Jason Day winning,
and I thought it was amazing. I love lydia cooe
swing and her game and her fashion and her style
and how just cute she is and so I love

watching her. But yeah, it was an incredible event. And
then we have another one this weekend, the PNC Championship
with the parent child, I mean.

Speaker 5 (22:42):
Parent child parent child. Am I playing in the PNC.

Speaker 2 (22:45):
I do have a question for you, who do you
think is the best player in the world right now?
Scotti Scheffler. Okay, so if you got paired with Scotti Scheffler,
in this.

Speaker 5 (22:55):
Event, No where would you have placed?

Speaker 4 (23:00):
Oh my god, well it would have just been him,
and then I would have just been there with the
bananas and the snacks. Like I thought you were gonna say,
would you win? And my answer was no.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
No, would you not come in last place?

Speaker 4 (23:12):
I don't think we'd come in well, you know what,
with the thin shit I got going on right now, we.

Speaker 5 (23:18):
Might come in last place because.

Speaker 4 (23:21):
It wasn't there an alternate shot part of it too,
We'd be we'd be so fucked. Yeah, I'd like hit
it an inch just so he could hit the next shot,
and I wouldn't like hit in the water.

Speaker 5 (23:31):

Speaker 2 (23:31):
The problem that I would have with that is that
Scott he's a little bit dicey with his putting, and
so he's not used to having six seven footers for
par like I am, like we are, and so I'm
sure he would feel pressure that he's not quite used
to being put in positions that we would we would
get him into. That just came out all types of

wrong right there. I am sorry, Meredith. That was not
my intention one bit.

Speaker 5 (23:59):
I loved that. I love Meredith, but I love that more. Okay.

Speaker 4 (24:02):
So my answer was Scottie, and I think we'd come
in like three quarters of the way down the leader board.
Who do you think is the best player in the
world right now? And if you were paired up with them,
where would you guys place?

Speaker 2 (24:15):
I feel like the exact same way Scotty for sure,
and I'd maybe we'd maybe beat two people. It depends
on how I was playing. But right now, if you
threw me out on a golf course with Scotti Shuffler,
I'm assuming for best ball and scramble, he's going to
carry the team all day long. So that would move

us up, and then alternate shot would drop us all
the way down to the bottom, and then we move
up a little bit again.

Speaker 4 (24:42):
Format I think the alternate shot is the issue. Like
without the alternate shot, yeah.

Speaker 2 (24:48):
I mean with alternate shot, we're shooting like an eighty
two at least.

Speaker 4 (24:52):
Yeah, it would be tough and it would be yeah. Okay,
we don't need to get into details. But the PNC
this weekend, my boyfriend is all about wanting to go
watch it in person.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
You should go.

Speaker 5 (25:06):
That's not happening. I'm against watching golf in person. We've
talked about this before.

Speaker 4 (25:11):
Unless I'm sitting in a hospitality tent with a constant
flow of Margarita's under the shade and with a sea
blowing on me, which I would be interested in. I
just haven't found those tickets yet. If you know of anybody,
DM me. But I don't have any interest in going
to watch like walk around the golf course, especially when
they're in carts.

Speaker 5 (25:29):
Please, but it's Tiger Woods.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
You don't want to go see Tiger.

Speaker 5 (25:34):
No, he's old now. I used to think he was hot.
Now I think he's really old.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
He is jack though, he is jack. So I played.

Speaker 5 (25:42):
Yeah, I'll be on the couch.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
I still know. Okay, No, I respect you for that.
I played in a parent child with my dad way
back in the day, way back in the day. I
was probably fourteen or fifteen, and it was supposed to
be a scramble or a best ball or shamba, I
can't remember, but it was one of the good formats.

And right before we tee off, they say it's alternate shot,
and so my dad doesn't play. They also made him
play from the tips and they moved me back as well.
The only fairway that my dad hit was on hole eighteen.
He hit the fairway on whole sixteen. I had to

hit shots that I have never seen before. I've never
been on that part of the golf course before. Multiple
times we bonded was trauma, bonded over a horrible experience.

Speaker 4 (26:43):
I was gonna say, that doesn't sound like the fun
type of bonding, kind of like how my event is
going to go this weekend.

Speaker 5 (26:48):
It's going to be a lot of like the you know,
you haven't practiced and this is your fault, you know.

Speaker 2 (26:54):
And we have never done another parent child ever again,
won and done. That was it. We were both scarred.

Speaker 5 (27:01):
Did you come in last?

Speaker 2 (27:03):
We didn't come and last?

Speaker 5 (27:04):
Well, then there you go.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
Actually, I don't to be fair, I don't actually know
where we placed because we both stormed off after.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
Because that's fair, we're both upset.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
How do you change the format right before?

Speaker 4 (27:19):
Yeah, that seems fishy. I don't like that, not one bit.
I feel like you might have been sabotaged.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
That's what we were putting together. And a little theory
is that all of the little dads and their sons,
because I was the only girl playing and I was
going to play from the front, ties that they didn't
like it, and so they had to change the entire
format and move my dad all the way back because
they didn't want us to win.

Speaker 5 (27:45):
So similar story.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
I played always in the Junior Club Championship growing up
at my club, and it's the name is still on
the board two times in the halfway house right there
Samantha Mark Smantho Marks back to back years.

Speaker 5 (28:00):
But what happened was the first year I played from
the red tees. I was the only girl.

Speaker 4 (28:06):
I had to have been, like you said, fourteen fifteen thirteen.
Maybe parents pissed, like so pissed. They're like, well, she's
she hits it two hundred and whatever yards and she's
playing from the red teas or whatever.

Speaker 5 (28:18):
And so I said, fine, I'll move back and I'll
still win.

Speaker 4 (28:22):
And then I moved back and I still won the
next year, and I went like this to everyone, I'm
flipping off the camera and you can't see me. But
I stuck a big middle finger out at all of
them and beat him again next year.

Speaker 5 (28:32):
And then I said, I'm not playing in this anymore.
I'm better than that.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
That's a power move. That is a mic drop right there.

Speaker 4 (28:38):
It was a little bit of a It was cocky
and then I was scared because I was like, now
I have to back it up, because you know, you.

Speaker 5 (28:44):
Grow up and of course you see those kids every day.
I'm like, I'm never going to leave.

Speaker 4 (28:47):
This down if I don't actually do it. But yeah,
the Parent Child Junior Club Championship, it's a whole thing.

Speaker 5 (28:56):
It's the whole thing.

Speaker 2 (28:57):
So I joined a new country club and there are
questions if I'm going to play in the women's league
or not. Okay, do you think I should do it?
They're recruiting me pretty hard.

Speaker 4 (29:10):
I think you should do it because I've been like
I want to plan some of them with my mom,
and because my mom plays every Wednesday with her friends here,
I think the schedule would get hard for you, like
when you're not in town and stuff. But I one
hundred percent think you should do it. And I think
you should just go and win it all and then
make enemies, not friends. We're not here to make friends.

But I think you should go and win. Yes, yeah,
women and.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
Golf actually liking me never gonna happen.

Speaker 5 (29:38):
No, no offense, but good luck.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
How can they hate a children's book author? I mean,
how could they do that? Sam?

Speaker 5 (29:49):
You know what that's actually, you're right. That would be
embarrassing for them to be hating a on a children's
book author. That's sad, that's low.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
I have spent my time writing a book to get children,
little baby children. You want to talk about growing the game,
I am growing the game of golf. They act as
if I'm like wearing a bikini on social media or
something I would.

Speaker 5 (30:15):
Never I'm not for four hundred million.

Speaker 2 (30:18):
I would never do anything like that. Six hundreds though,
period period.

Speaker 5 (30:25):
Speaking of that, speaking you go, I think you got
this one.

Speaker 4 (30:32):
Speaking of being a children's book author, how do You
Go's Golfing is still available signed copies and unsigned copies.
Assigned copies are really cute. Both Page and her sister,
who co authored the book, have signed them. Today, December thirteenth, Wednesday,
is the last day to order it to make sure
that it's there in time for Christmas morning for you

to read it to your children and have them open
up a super cute book on Christmas morning. So be
sure to order it that today, and you can do
so at back nine press dot com. That's back the
number nine and then press dot com.

Speaker 2 (31:07):
Just grow in the game, one book at a day.

Speaker 4 (31:11):
Honestly, that's a funny take though, Like you want to
talk about growing the game.

Speaker 5 (31:17):
Where is John Rahm's children's book?

Speaker 2 (31:19):
I'm looking, Sam, nowhere to be found?

Speaker 5 (31:22):
Nowhere to be found?

Speaker 2 (31:23):
Right, Ory doesn't have a children's book.

Speaker 5 (31:26):
Who does have a children's book?

Speaker 2 (31:27):
I do, Sam, I do period.

Speaker 4 (31:38):
So we have a couple of follower and listener questions
that I thought were interesting, one of them coinciding with
some news that dropped right after the RAM thing dropped,
which was that Wells Fargo decided to not renew their
title sponsorship for the Wells Fargo Championship.

Speaker 5 (31:55):
How will sponsors react to all of this?

Speaker 4 (31:58):
Because it was one thing when and Bryson Brooks Phil
they all went that was a big wave. Now we
have John Rahm leading what I think is going to
be another wave of this change to Live, especially with
Rom having to build out his team.

Speaker 5 (32:13):
Do you think that.

Speaker 4 (32:13):
The Wells Fargo thing was a reaction to this or coincidental?
Because I have a take, but I want to hear
what you think.

Speaker 2 (32:21):
So it was interesting when the first wave was going
over to Live a lot of their partners were pulling out,
and we saw that pretty consistently across the board. When
John Rohm went to Live, he didn't lose any sponsors.
So I think people are getting more tolerant or more
accepting of players jumping over to Live. Here's my wild,

wild take. Okay, you ready for this? Buckle up, strap in.
Everyone knows that the Wells Fargo Championship is Max Homer's event.
Max Holma owns that event. He wins all the time,
he loves it. I think they pulled out because Max
Holma is going to go to Live.

Speaker 4 (33:02):
Well you know what backs that up is his tweet
before Rom announced on Fox.

Speaker 5 (33:07):
You remember that How.

Speaker 2 (33:09):
Did he know he was going to wear a balmer jacket?

Speaker 4 (33:11):
This is so niche Can you imagine to someone listening
to this episode and not knowing what we're talking about, Like,
I hope you guys know what we're talking about.

Speaker 5 (33:21):
Okay, I'm not. Like, if Max Homa.

Speaker 4 (33:25):
Goes to Live, I will add the CW to my
cable package one hundred percent.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
That would be a massive, massive get for Live. And
he He's been kind of flirting back and forth with
Brooks Koepka as well. He wore the smash shirt during
the Ryder Cup, which I'm assuming was a lost bet.
He is still joking about it. Max Homa to live.

Speaker 5 (33:49):
What about Joel Damon?

Speaker 2 (33:50):
I love Joel. I don't think that he would have
the influence that Max would have.

Speaker 4 (33:56):
He did like a question and answer thing on the
other day when he was like traveling or something, and
I was reading through some of the tweets and someone
asked something about would you go if you were offered
something like that? And his response was, how do you
know I wasn't offered?

Speaker 2 (34:12):
Love that for Joel? What's your hot take?

Speaker 4 (34:14):
My hot take was that we I mean, I work
in the back end of a lot of your business,
and I know how long some of this shit takes
to come to fruition, Like deciding if you're gonna renew
a contract takes months, like figuring out the logistics. I
can't imagine that Wells Fargo did this in the span
of like three hours.

Speaker 5 (34:35):
Like I just I don't I think it was a coincidence.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
Ring Ring Ring? Is this the PGA tour? Hi, this
is Wells Fargo. We're gonna pull out by.

Speaker 5 (34:45):

Speaker 4 (34:46):
Like they wouldn't even have the the exit agreement fast
enough to make all of that happen. Like just thinking logistically,
I think it had to have been coincidental and it
It was interesting though, because did you see all of
the like, what is it going to be the Bank
of America Championship now?

Speaker 5 (35:02):
And like, I don't know. Something that I've been seeing.

Speaker 4 (35:05):
All over social media is the proposal of a PGA
Tour versus live golf tournament right now with Tiger and
Phil as the captains.

Speaker 5 (35:14):
How huge would that be?

Speaker 2 (35:15):
Massive? And this is another example of golf just missing
the boat on what the people consuming golf actually wants
to see. We are basically handing these ideas out on
a platter for live and PGA Tour to take advantage of.
And not just this, but across the board. You can

look on social media and find one great idea after
another and they're not doing any of it. Their response is,
you know, we're not going to do a live PGA
Tour Ryder Cup. We're going to roll the ball back,
So not only do you not get to watch entertaining golf,
you're also going to hit it forty yards shorter, have fun,

enjoy golf.

Speaker 4 (36:02):
And they also were like, no, not that f one
drivers that'll do it, Like what are we doing? And
I'm not saying it needs to be like broadcasted on
like NBC or something, but I think it would be
epic if And the reason I bring Bryson up is
because I know he has that like content creator experience.

If he like got together with all of his little
lib bros and then they got together with their PGA
tour friends and Bryson just like streamed it on YouTube,
that would be epic.

Speaker 2 (36:34):
You know who I had done a one to eighty
on is Bryson. We talked so much shit on Bryson.
And when I mentioned earlier that when I would have
to see someone in person, could I back it up?
If I saw Bryson in person, I could not back
up all the things that I have said about him.

And I actually feel quite bad about that. I think
when you get into doing this, you forget that they're
human as well. And everyone was shitting on Bryson and
it was just something that was almost necessary to do
to grab engagement at the cost of his emotional well being.
And I actually feel really.

Speaker 5 (37:15):
Bad It was easy too, Like it was so easy.

Speaker 2 (37:20):
It was so easy, and I do feel bad about that.
But I feel once he went over to live his
entire brand changed and shifted, and we talk about again
this theme of growing the game of golf and giving back.
Bryson is one of the few players who actually takes
time to create content for his fans and for viewers,
and actually find that really great of him to do.

He takes a lot of pride in the collaborations that
he does on YouTube. He makes amazing content, and I
just feel that I for sure have unfairly judged him
and have said things that I shouldn't have said. And
I don't think he gets enough credit for actually doing innovative,
interesting content within golf.

Speaker 5 (38:02):
That's actually interesting point that you make. Is there anybody
else who does content like that? I mean, I could
think of like Tony Finow and his wife do a
lot of really cool like travel content or like you know,
kind of more behind the scenes stuff. Max Homer's wife
does a lot, but there's not anybody doing it to
the level that he is.

Speaker 4 (38:23):
I mean, he's basically like being a professional golfer and an.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
Old time content creator. I mean, it's crazy, and I
don't think people realize how hard of a job it
is to be a content creator. And I'm not saying
I know a lot of influencers get a lot of
shit about this because they're like, oh, my life is
so hard, But there is a lot that goes into
creating content and for him to balance that while playing.
And it might be easier now because the lift schedule

is a little bit easier than the PGA tour schedule,
But even when he was on the PGA Tour, he
was creating content quite consistently, which is impressive.

Speaker 5 (38:55):
I mean, you've got to give credit where credit is due.

Speaker 4 (38:57):
I think it's impressive, and I think I think what
you think said was right is that it was shitting
on him was like the easy thing in the moment,
but it was so easy, like some of the shit
that he was.

Speaker 5 (39:07):
Doing, it was like come on, you know.

Speaker 4 (39:09):
But I think about the rollback and I think about,
you know, the changes that are coming to the world
of golf, and I'm like, just sad I'll never see
him hit it. Try to hit it over the lake
on number six at Bay Hill again, Like, do you
remember when that happened? I miss social media that day.
Now it's a dumpster fire. That was fun.

Speaker 2 (39:29):
That was fun, You're right, And I feel like social
media within golf it just hasn't been that much fun.
I know I gave him a hard time about this,
but I want to know Tony Finow's McDonald's order again
or his Taco Bell order you know that was Those
are the good times, not he's going to get paid
two hundred million dollars to go over to live. But

I already know your I already know your answer to
this one. Which wag would you be saddest to see
go to live?

Speaker 5 (39:59):
Obviously Meredith Scheffler. Obviously Meredith.

Speaker 4 (40:02):
I have a girl crush on Meredith Scheffler, and I
also want her hat collection. I never thought I could
pull off like a big sun hat until I saw
her do it, and then I was like, oh damn,
Like maybe I'm a hat girl. So if you see
me pull up to your next event in a cute
sun hat, like, mind your business.

Speaker 5 (40:18):
But I would say her.

Speaker 4 (40:20):
And then close second is Lacey Homa, specifically because of
her funny tiktoks.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
If you're not following Lacey Homa on TikTok, you are
missing out. She gives you a behind the scenes of
her life following Max around raising their child. She's hilarious,
She's really funny, So follow that I'd be sad to
see her go, but I also feel like her and
Jenna Simms or Jenna Kopka, Sims Kopka, what does she

who knows what she's She's just Jenna.

Speaker 5 (40:50):
I think she still just goes by Sims.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
They seem like they have a really good bond and
they were creating some tiktoks when they were together for
the Ryder Cup, and I feel like they would be
we're talking about dynamic duos earlier. I feel like they
would be a very good dynamic duo and they could
create a lot of interesting content, So I would not
be mad about that, which then supports my theory that
maybe Max Hoima is going over to We're going to

hear an anonymous quote about how a shitty podcast is
making up false rumors and it's gonna be us.

Speaker 3 (41:27):
We know that was.

Speaker 5 (41:28):
Yes, we are trying to get ahead of it.

Speaker 4 (41:32):
That's all that way, because you know what's going to
be sick is when Maxima does go to live and
I get the text, Hey, can you cut that clip
of the podcast of me saying that Maxhomah's going to live?
And it was like a week or two weeks ago,
and we get to say like, hey, we've been saying this,
so get on board.

Speaker 2 (41:49):
You know what we should start doing. We should just
start making predictions in every single podcast, well predictions, and
so the day that that does happen and it does
come true, we look like geniuses.

Speaker 5 (41:59):
Yeah, why aren't we doing that?

Speaker 2 (42:01):
It starts today, and it started now, Max Holman to live.

Speaker 5 (42:05):
All right, And on that note, bye, hope.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
You enjoyed today's episode. Don't forget to leave a nice review,
some five stars and if you want to have your
question up here on the next podcast episode, make sure
to ask us on the Playing Around Instagram account. And
as always, I hope you guys enjoyed and we will
catch you here next time.

Speaker 5 (42:31):
Love you bye, love you bye.

Speaker 3 (42:34):
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