All Episodes

December 6, 2023 46 mins

Paige and Sam are back! They jump right in with the rumors around Jon Rahm going to LIV before moving on to discuss the Hero Challenge Tournament, Colin Morikawa's penalty (and his reaction), the golf ball rollback, Paige vs. Lexi Thompson, and their tips for working on your golf game when it's cold outside.


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:17):
Off social media.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
Sign up today at onlypage dot com.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Again, that's onlypage dot com.

Speaker 4 (00:25):
This is Playing Around with Page Renee.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
Hello everyone, welcome back to the Playing Around podcast and
the girls are back together. Your favorite duo of all time,
Page and Sam, Sam and Page.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
You've almost forgot our names there for a second. You
starter that was like trying.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
To combine them, and I was like, Pam Sage, No, yeah,
I feel like we need like a cool, like cute
little duo name. So maybe that is their assignment to
all the listeners to find a cute duo name for us.
But regardless, we are back together and that's what is
most important. And you know, we could spend so much
time catching up and girl talk and all of that,

but we have more important things. We're pressing issues right now.
John Rahm rumored a strong, very strong rumor to be
going to live. It has been reported by multiple accounts
that he will receive three hundred million dollars as a
signing fee plus twenty five percent equity in his own

lib golf team if he signs so. Reportedly, that is
around six hundred million dollars. This has been rumored for
a while now, and even though no one has really
come out and said anything one way or another, we
had Jordan Spieth recently say that he has also heard
these rumors, and I think that is something that's really

interesting because when there were other rumors going around, calling
more Kawa for example, he came out quite quickly and said,
I'm not going to live as well as a couple
other players. So for it to be crickets on John
Rahm's side does seem like this is not a rumor
and it is happening, and big if true.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
Big if true.

Speaker 5 (02:14):
I think my take on this, I mean, I would
be a little disappointed, But then I also look at
it and I'm like, why would I be disappointed? Like,
no one's ever offered me six hundred million dollars and
I've never had the opportunity to, you know, change my
my family and everybody I know's life with that kind
of money. And I think what's interesting is that this

is a hot take. I'm going to preface it with this,
is John Rahm going to live the smartest thing he
could do. He gets six hundred million dollars, and then
by twenty twenty five they merge and he's just back
on the PGA Tour with no repercussions.

Speaker 3 (02:49):
You take that all day. I'm surprised we're not seeing
more players jump over to live. I think when the
news of this merger was happening, I assumed a lot
of the big name players, We're going to jump over
to live. You take the money, and then if it
does happen, is you know we have been told that
this is going to progress forward, then you're back on

the tour. I don't know if they would. There's no
way they're going to have to give that money back.
We have heard so many different rumors of what might happen,
but I think one of the biggest reasons why Genrum
made the jump was because of how successful Brooks Kepka
has been under this format. We know that Brooks only
cares about the majors, and Jon Rum has said that

he cares about his legacy and PGA tour wins plus
the majors. But we really see him shine when he
does play in the majors. And so to see brooks
Kepka play the events that he's wanted to play, make
this type of money and still make the Ryder Cup
team and still do well in the majors, why not?

Why not make that jump? And there has been no
loyalty between the PGA Tour with the players, and so
it feels right now that it's every man for themselves,
and with even Roy McRoy leaving the Player Advisory Committee,
there has just been a massive shakeup. And for one
of the best players in the world of almost of

all time, like John Rahm is going to go down
as one of the greatest golfers of all time, to
then switch over to Live. It's very very interesting that
this is developing well.

Speaker 5 (04:28):
As we're recording this on Tuesday at noon, it's not
confirmed yet. I think the interesting thing that you said
at the beginning is that it would be you would
think it would be just as easy for him to
come out and tweet like this is ridiculous, you know,
like all the other players had when they didn't go
to Live. And I think, I don't know, I just
find it interesting a little drama that doesn't.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Involve me, never heard anybody, And there has been so
much drama around the PGA tour and Live for the
last couple of years.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
One thing I am really surprised about is that Xander
Schofflet and Patrick Cantlay are not also involved in these rumors.
Xander Schoffley has committed to play in the twenty twenty
four Farmer's Insurance Open, which confirms that he will be
on tour in twenty twenty four. We haven't heard anything
about Patrick Cantlay, but everything was kind of boiling over

during the Ryder Cup when they wanted to be paid
and again that was kind of going back into the
rumor meal, but it seemed like and Patrick Cantley has
been strolling around the Live rumors for a while now.
I feel like that if John Ram is confirmed, I
feel like Patrick Cantley will be the next to go
to Live.

Speaker 5 (05:39):
Do you think that he'll go, because he won't be
like the craziest name who's gone recently, Like if Rom goes,
then everybody will be like, oh whatever, Patrick Cantley like fine, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (05:50):
I think John Ram sets the tone and if he
makes the move, because he even has come out before
a couple of years ago. I don't know timeline of things.
It's so weird that, you know, I feel like a
couple of years ago, was this, this year, was this
last year? I can't remember like when this happened. But
he did sit down and say how much the tour

means to him and how much his legacy means to him,
and that he wants to continue on this route. So
for him to then make the jump, which again makes
sense considering everything that has happened, I feel like once
he makes the jump, a lot of other players will
will do the same.

Speaker 5 (06:28):
So I don't want to get us off on a tangent.
But this is also kind of related with a conversation
I had with a friend the other day, and I said,
do you think that all of these problems that are
arising on the PGA.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Tour, all of this like.

Speaker 5 (06:46):
Unrest with all the PGA Tour players, is that only
happening because there is now an existence of something else?

Speaker 2 (06:54):
What do you think? Because do you think we would
have heard about all of this if Live never existed.

Speaker 3 (06:59):
I think at some point this has been brewing for
a while, and I feel we've heard this that Phil
Mickelson was working behind the scenes for years to try
to get fair compensation, and there has been an uprising
and that is why the Lift Tour took place and
why it started to develop, because the players were unhappy

with how the PGA Tour was progressing and how they
felt like they were being paid unfairly. So I do
believe that there would have been some type of uprising
in some way. I don't know what it would look like.
I don't know if it would have been prolonged to ten, fifteen,
twenty years down the road. But right now it's a

very scary time within professional golf, and I feel like
all of it is crumbling, and I'm surprised that the
golf community is handling this as well as we are,
considering that one of the biggest players is going to
jump over to this other. We don't know what is
going on between Live and the PGA Tour. There is

still some uncertainty with what is going to happen with
even like the PGA Tour and players, and it just
it's chaos. It is pure chaos right now. And when
you think of years ago, before we started having these
discussions and talking about Live, our biggest issue within golf
was playing music on the golf course, and we would

get so riled up about joggers and hoodies during tournaments.
And now we're looking at potentially professional golf crumbling right
before our eyes. Everything is changing, Everything is changing.

Speaker 5 (08:44):
I think it's sad to me. It makes it so
hard to follow. Like I feel like if I don't
look at Twitter for two hours, I'm like lost, and I'm.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
Like, okay, this is just so.

Speaker 5 (08:55):
I'm sure that other sport corners of the internet, especially
if Twitter, are like that up, but like it's it
makes it not as appealing to me as a casual fan.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
Now is that do you feel the same.

Speaker 3 (09:08):
One hundred percent? So there's reality and then there's perception.
And within reality. Right now with golf, I believe that
in some way there are a lot of powerful people
involved in the game of golf that it will always
be successful. Perception is terrible right now. I feel that

golf had all of this momentum, and right now it
looks that we professional golfers are crybabies and they're greedy,
and we are so disorganized and we don't know what's
going on, and there's just all of these pieces in
the news that are coming out. So we have live
in the PGA Tour, and now we have the rollback issue,

which we're going to talk about later. And it's just
like one thing after another after another after another, and
when you're so engrossed in the golf community, the reality
of it is, it's it's not that bad. We will
figure this out and we we'll get through it. The
perception of what golf is right now is garbage. It
is absolutely garbage, and I think it is turning away
casual golf fans, casual sports fans, and I don't see

the game growing in a really positive way because of
the perception of what professional golf is and what professional
golfers look like. Again, not the reality, but that's the perception.
If you just are looking at Twitter quite quickly and
you're seeing these statements and clickbait articles, it's not good.
It's not good.

Speaker 5 (10:30):
What a soapbox. I love that. I love seeing you
with some passion behind you. Let's move Since we said
we were going to answer that really quick, and now
it's been ten minutes, let's move on to the hero.
What did you think did you watch it on TV?
I have some thoughts about Albany. But I'm gonna let
you go first.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
You know, I was really excited for Tiger to return,
and I feel when we looked at past years when
Tiger has had a comeback, there had been a lot
more buzz and excitement around it. And I felt this
year that with his comeback, which is incredible and very
exciting and I was looking forward to it, that the
buzz around it on social media was just not the same,

And even throughout his rounds, it just didn't seem like
people were following it as closely and it wasn't as
big of a news story that it was years ago.
And I don't know if it's because Tiger has had
so many comebacks lately that you know, it's just like, okay,
well another one. I was saying, Oh, if you'd like
to make another comeback, he's going to do his old
Tiger thing. And because it wasn't as like fresh as

you know twenty nineteen. Like think about in twenty nineteen
when he made his comeback and he won the Masters,
it was massive. It was the biggest story in golf.
That's what everyone was talking about. And I felt like
there were so many other storylines and interest pieces with
the hero, and it wasn't just the Tiger Show twenty
four to seven, which as a Tiger fan, I mean,

I always love on people he like can create this excitement.
But I also think it's a positive that people were
more interested I would say more, but as interested in
how Scotti Scheffler was doing, and Justin Thomas and will
Zala Torres and Victor Hoblin like you in Jordan speech
that I saw a ton of Jordan' speed headlines, and
so it was nice to see that people are excited

about I don't want to say the next crop, but
it really is. You know, we were always worried about
what was going to happen if Tiger did stop playing,
which again is not something we have to deal with
right now, but it didn't really seem like there was
that much interest compared to Tiger of these other players,
and I feel like that is changing, which makes me

very hopeful that people are still interested in these other
players in these other storylines.

Speaker 5 (12:40):
I think that that might have been one because we
hadn't had like an exciting golf tournament on TV in
a while that actually included like some of the top
twenty best players in the world, you could say. And
then also Tiger kind of said he was playing like
kind of last minute, like all things considered for it
being like his tournament. I know he could get away

with it, but it was kind of last minute. And
I feel like you're right, the ability for all the
hype to be there like it just the timing was weird.
And then there's only twenty people, so you're only hearing
things about twenty players as opposed to one hundred and twenty,
and so yeah, I don't know, it's an interesting event.
So side note, my family surprised my dad with a

trip to Albany this year. We have our one of
our best family friends as a house down there and
we've been there a few times.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
It is beautiful. It is just like exactly.

Speaker 5 (13:32):
What you think this prestige private country club would be like,
except in the Bahamas, and it's lovely. The golf course,
what are we doing? Like it looks like they're playing
on the moon. It looks like it's basically okay. I
know you couldn't really tell on TV, but the ocean
is like right there.

Speaker 2 (13:53):
How many ocean holes are there?

Speaker 3 (13:55):

Speaker 2 (13:56):
Zero? Zero ocean holes? How did they mess that up.

Speaker 5 (14:00):
It looks and you're watching it on TV and it
looks like desert golf.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
No fence to Arizona kid, Yeah, no one does.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
No desert golf is worse. I am a massive hater
of desert golf.

Speaker 5 (14:10):
And sometimes it's pretty, like you know, Scott Steel National,
like places out there where it's very green and it's
very pretty.

Speaker 2 (14:16):
This was just looked like dirt. I don't know, I
don't know.

Speaker 5 (14:20):
I think I have other choice words that I could say,
but I'm in order for me to maybe potentially go
back one day, I'm going to keep those to myself.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
But I if.

Speaker 5 (14:29):
It tells you anything, I don't really play golf much
anymore anyway, But me and my family all went and
played and I quit after eight holes. Do you know
how hard it is to quit after eight holes of golf?
Like very hard because you still have to drive past
the ninth hole, like you're gonna drive?

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Do you're gonna drive the ninth hole? Anyway? And I
was like, no, thanks, I'm good, and I went to
the pool that was very tying. It is.

Speaker 5 (14:50):
I mean, I probably would have only played nine anyway,
but I fully said, fuck the ninth hole, and I
was just like, I'm not doing it, so not.

Speaker 3 (14:59):
My favorite of course, ever, it didn't look that great
on TV as well. And if I I wouldn't want
to I mean I would want to play because obviously
you get invited, but for there to be twenty people
and no cut and if you're playing bad, you just
have to like finish it out. Will's alatours had a
rough go at it, and everyone thought that, you know,
maybe with a little bit of a break in having

his comeback as well, that it would cure some of
his putting yips.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
I mean, you can't see us right now, but we're
both making faces.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
Crickets, crickets. It's worse than it was before. And he's young,
and to have that much, have those demons in your
head and in your putting stroke, I thought, you.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
Really just not for that reason. But yeah, not good,
not good.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
But someone who turned it around, Scotty Scheffler had a
new putter in his bag. They lengthened it by one
and a half inches. You know, big big deal. One
and half inches makes a big, big difference.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Sam, Yeah, you guys listening would know that.

Speaker 3 (15:58):
So that's that's a lot and a bigger grip, bigger grip.

Speaker 5 (16:02):
The jokes right themselves sometimes, you know, but he does
look way more comfortable over the ball, like I was.
I was watching with it on mute, and I was like,
is that that's Scotty Shuffler, Like, he doesn't look so before.
I felt like he kind of I don't know, I
just looked uncomfortable.

Speaker 3 (16:17):
And then I unmuted it.

Speaker 5 (16:19):
Yeah, and then I unmuted it and they were talking
about how it was an inch and a half longer,
bigger grip, and I was like, whoh nice and yeah,
I mean he played incredible. Meredith looking stunning as always
at the end. Just my favorite, just my favorite big
Meredith fan.

Speaker 2 (16:35):

Speaker 5 (16:36):
She literally has no idea who I am, but I'm her.
She's my favorite wag.

Speaker 3 (16:39):
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This is really important, the fact that it's a small
difference in inch and a half with a bigger grip,

but that was a difference between winning and losing. And
that's why I'm such an advocate for going and get
fit for new clubs because something as small as that
loften line changes, it can completely transform your game to
the point where you get so frustrated. I'm sure Scottie
was just kicking himself last year because if he just

made a couple more putts, he would have had one
of the best years of all time. So that's why
I always tell you guys to go get fit because
your equipment is everything and it can completely change your
game and change your mindset about how you approach the game.
So make sure you head over to Club Champion and

get fit if you want to you want to be
a winner.

Speaker 2 (18:17):
If you want to be a.

Speaker 5 (18:18):
Winner and only winners, listen to this podcast. So if
you're listening to this, go get fit at Club Champion.
And actually, while we're talking about that, since this comes
out on Wednesday, if you use code only page all
one word and you are a member of only Page,
there is fifty winners of a giveaway. Okay, you know
usually you do a giveaway, there's like one winner. Fifty

people are going to win some big prizes. That includes
signed Maxim magazines, free golf clubs, built shirts. We got
a bunch of stuff in there. I know I'm like
being annoying, but if you have been thinking about getting fit,
now is a time steps off soapbox steps on to

talking about Colin Wrkawa getting penalized.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
Can you explain what happened there?

Speaker 2 (19:07):

Speaker 5 (19:07):
So did you ever do a point? Did you guys
ever get trained? An am point a little bit? Was
it like the bootleg training?

Speaker 3 (19:15):
No? Side note. I was sitting on my foot and
then it fell asleep, and then I moved it. And
you know when you have the pins and needs and
it hurts you and if you make any sudden movement,
you feel like your leg is going to fall off.
And I am sitting here trying not to make any
movement right now, until this shall pass. So while this

is passing, talk about what happened with Colin Warkawa.

Speaker 5 (19:41):
That happens to me a lot on airplanes and it
makes you like want to scream because it like kind
of hurts. You know, you'd be crossing your leg and
then you get stuck and then you uncross your leg
and you're like, oh my god, is my leg gonna
fall off? Yeah, I'm sorry that you're dealing with that,
but keep dealing with it in silence. So basically, if
you didn't get trained for aim point, there's these like

levels and they're red and silver for the most part,
and you can see tour players using them on the
practice screens before they go out and play in a tournament,
and that tells that that tells them how sloped any
part of the greenness. So it'll say in percentages, typically
between one and five percent. Five percent is like a
huge slope. I know, it doesn't sound like a lot
in the you know variation of like zero to ninety,

but five percent is like a lot.

Speaker 2 (20:27):
And then when you.

Speaker 5 (20:28):
See, by the way, this is like literally bootleg ame
point that I'm explaining to you. But so they put
it on the ground and it's like, okay, two percent
slope and you put it halfway between you and the hole,
and then you see players go like this, which I.

Speaker 2 (20:40):
Know you can't see because this is a podcast.

Speaker 5 (20:43):
They put two fingers up and they like squint with
one eye. That is because it said it was two percent.
So whatever percent it is corresponds with how many fingers
you're holding up.

Speaker 2 (20:53):

Speaker 5 (20:53):
Long story, apparently Colin work hows Caddie took that level
out onto the golf course during a practice round and
then wrote down whatever some slope was, like a significant
slope on a green. He wrote it down in his
yardish book. But notes can only come from traditional methods

quote unquote, so it can't involve any outside devices.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
I didn't know about that rule.

Speaker 5 (21:19):
We never used it on the golf course. We would
only use it on the practice screen to like get
acquainted with the slope.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
That's my understanding of it. Basically.

Speaker 3 (21:27):
So how did Matthitzpatrick was rumored to report it? I'm
confused on how So were they playing the practice round
together and he saw him write it in his book
or was he looking over and saw it in his book.
So my guess is the latter, because if they played
a practice round together, then it would have come out

sooner than that, right, this was like the third.

Speaker 2 (21:51):
Day it was.

Speaker 3 (21:53):
It was in the tournament. Yeah, as well the room
it was going. So I was confused there. But Colin
work how it did not do him self any favors
because when he was asked about the ruling, he said
he was quite disappointed in the rules official because he
showed up five minutes late to tell him the situation.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
Yeah, not good, not good.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
Really not helping the narrative of spoiled whiney babies, just
not helping it, Like why would you have why would
he say that it's five minutes. I know you should
be late, but for that to be his response, come on,
come on.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
Yeah, it was tough.

Speaker 5 (22:36):
I do think that rules violations told after the fact
sucks so bad. Like I would have rather Matt Fitzpatrick
had just said something to him on the golf course
or said something on that hole that he realized it.
When you're like in the locker room after you're done playing,
it's like so it's so much bigger of a thing,
and it's so like embarrassing and like you can't even

go make a birdie to like make up for it
because you're in the like you're taking your shoes off,
like you can't, you know.

Speaker 2 (23:03):
So I don't know.

Speaker 5 (23:03):
I do feel for him in that case, like if
Matt maybe Matt Fitzpatrick was like fighting himself and if
he was going to say something or not, which okay, pussy,
like just say it or don't say it.

Speaker 3 (23:13):
Interesting. There, We'll finish up talking about the cure with Tiger,
just to wrap it up. So he said he is
going to continue to play on the rest of the year.
Prediction on how he's going to do.

Speaker 5 (23:25):
Okay, I don't understand how people on Twitter were saying
his walk looks good.

Speaker 2 (23:29):
He looks so old.

Speaker 5 (23:31):
He looks so old and like so bloated and like,
I don't know. I like Tiger Daddy one hundred percent,
but I'm I don't know.

Speaker 3 (23:40):
You look jack Okay, But I think he was.

Speaker 5 (23:42):
Only so jacked because that was all he could do,
like when his he had surgery, Like he would just
sit there.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
And like pump weights, you know, right.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
Interesting too, because Phil Michelson made news for being a
Tiger hater. There was a report that Tiger looked his
head looked bloated and big, and that his cap was
sitting real tight on his head, which someone insinuated. Reportedly

insinuated that he was using steroids, and Phil Michaelson liked
the tweet.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
Let this be a public service announcement. Your tweet likes.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
Our public knowledge. I don't know how we will not
learned this yet.

Speaker 5 (24:29):
If you didn't know this, I'm sorry to you. You
might just want to delete and start over. Because some
people I'll like, if I like don't really like someone,
which is a lot of the time, I'll like go
with look at their likes and I'm like, you know,
ever have a rainy day, I'm like bored.

Speaker 2 (24:43):
I could destroy their lives with this.

Speaker 3 (24:44):
Philis petty that. I think he did it on purpose.
I think he knew that people would be like, yeah,
and he did it on purpose.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
I agree. I kind of love that.

Speaker 3 (24:54):
I love it. I think it's always funny. We got
to talk about something that just it's just this is
so boring, and this is so boring that we've even
had to talk about this. So it was reported that
in twenty twenty eight for pros and.

Speaker 2 (25:14):
Twenty bitch, Can we stop there? Can we stop there?

Speaker 5 (25:17):
I'm so sick I'm sick of seeing the US Open
will be at this golf course in twenty forty two.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
Bro, what like I could be in a home by them.
Why don't we worry about like what?

Speaker 3 (25:32):
I don't even know what I want for lunch? Literally, yeah,
I can't even think about Nico just popcat.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
He's like, did you say lunch?

Speaker 4 (25:41):

Speaker 3 (25:45):
But so we're eve been arguing. So this goes into effect,
this new rule change in twenty twenty eight for pros
and twenty thirty for amateurs, that they are going to
roll the ball back. They haven't really said how much.
It seems five to fifteen percent might be how it's

going the distance will be affected by the golf ball
that you will lose five to fifteen percent.

Speaker 5 (26:11):
Okay, I don't really understand what any of this means.
Like if we're just going to like, let's level set this.
I wrote this rundown, I wrote all of this. I
don't know what it means. So my understanding is ball
go too far. USGA RNA say ball go too far.
Pros say we swing fast, ball go far. Amateurs say

the same thing. They want to hit bombs. But now
they're just saying like no, we don't want the ball
to go that far. Like I don't get I don't
get it well.

Speaker 3 (26:46):
And it's all about protecting the integrity of the golf courses.
So what they're worried about is what the advancement of
technology and with players getting stronger and faster and changing
their own technique, that at some point they're going to
have to keep moving the tea boxes farther back and
we're just going to run out of room at some point.

And so these golf courses that have been around for forever, centuries, decades,
that they're not going to be competitive anymore. So you
wouldn't be able to play at a pebble beach. You
wouldn't be able to play. And we're seeing that a
little bit at Cherry Hills, for example, because of the altitude,
they have to make it so long and there's just

not enough land to make a longer golf course. But
what I have an issue with. I'm okay with pros
doing this, and I know why it all comes down
to money and logistics, but why do you have to
impact the poor amateurs. Not one person that I've ever
played golf with that's an amateur golfer has said, man,

you know what, golf is too easy and I hit
the ball too far. This is what gets people into
the game. You want to see these do superhuman things
and watching them hit it three seventy is impressive. To
watch them hit seven irons two forty and I understand
the other side of it. But if no one is

interested in the game of golf, and it goes back
to the conversations of living the PGA tour and reality
and perception, this is such a bad look because no
one is going to take the time to look at
all of the research. No one's going to take the
time to figure this out. They're going to see I'm
going to hit my driver and irons and everything fifteen
yards shorter. That's a massive, massive difference for a lot

of people, and it's discouraging. I don't want to hit
it shorter. I want to hit it farther. I want
to continue to keep hitting it farther. I really hate
this change. And what was sad to see is when
this was announced on social media, ninety nine percent of
the people did not want this change, and so we're

making a change for such for one percent of the
community of people who play golf one percent. This is
a change that no one has really asked for. No
one has asked for, and so we continue to make
these changes that people don't even want. You know, you

know what I didn't want. I didn't want to have
to drop the ball from my knee. I look stupid.
I don't want to do that. I was fine dropping
it from my shoulder. I didn't want that. Why did
we have to change that? There are so many things
within golf that I want to change. Why do I

have to hit a ball out of a divot in
a fair way and now I'm going to have to
do that fifteen yards back?

Speaker 5 (29:48):
I mean, you're preaching to the choir, I don't. I mean,
And I think I feel very ignorant on this topic.
So I feel like I shouldn't even say anything. But
I feel like if, for example, if if I outdrive
you by ten yards at two sixty, by the two
sixty you hit a two fifty, then it's just going
to be the same if we hit it to forty

and two thirty, like.

Speaker 3 (30:13):
Right, You know, when I learned out of all of this,
I don't know how to pronounce bit for furcation by forking.

Speaker 2 (30:20):
By furcation by furcation, you're adding letters.

Speaker 3 (30:26):
I've had to read that word in the last couple
of days, and in my brain goes to mush because
I'm having to like reread it and like I'm like,
how do I pronounce this? That's the only thing I've
learned out of all of this is I don't know
how to say.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
You're also adding letters into the word that don't exist.
So that's let's start there. Go ahead, buy a furcation
by furcation by furcation. There you go, good job. You
know what though, And let me just put this out there.
We never claim to be smart. We never said we
never said that, never said that.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
Do you want to improve your game faster and hit
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Speaker 1 (31:23):
I use the pro lx plus.

Speaker 3 (31:25):
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Speaker 1 (31:37):
I can use it.

Speaker 3 (31:38):
Anyone can jump over to shotscope dot com today and
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my code page at checkout.

Speaker 2 (31:51):
A point that I think is interesting is that other
sports have done this, right, Baseball with different types of bats,
the three.

Speaker 5 (31:58):
Point line, and NBA, I mean NFL did it with
the kickoffs. So like, while it's annoying, and I think
we are in the corner of the internet that like
everything is so loud and everyone's just bitching all the
time and it's all you see.

Speaker 2 (32:14):
Is it really like that big of a deal. Are
we just like late to the game?

Speaker 5 (32:20):
I have a theory that maybe people are more mad,
or we're seeing people are more mad because more quote
unquote average people play golf than like average people going
and playing a legitimate football game.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
So like maybe that's a difference.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
People just hate change, and change is hard, and especially
when it comes down to something like hitting it shorter.
Within golf, our egos are so tied into golf and
especially how far you hit it. And I think a
lot of people play because they just love hitting their
driver and they love hitting their driver far. I don't
think that this rule's change is a big issue. I

think it's fun for us to debate and talk about it,
but truth of the matter is, none of us have
a seat at the table, so no matter what we say,
it does not matter. And I think that is truly
the problem and why a lot of people are upset
is the core of the issue is that there are
a lot of people who love this game and play
this game, and there are changes that are being made

that none of us want. And again, they're making changes
for the one percent, and maybe they know a lot
more than we know, and they're doing things that later
on we'll be like, oh, yeah, they were right, we
were wrong. But I wish there was some type of
voting process to put these rules out there and for
the majority of people who play golf to have the

option if they want to change the golf ball or not.
I have no issue if they do it in pro golf,
and Rory made a good point is that even the
clubs that they're using, the equipment that they're using, the
golf ball that they're using are not the same as
what we're using. And that's true. It's different equipment and
its golf balls, and.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
So wouldn't it be easier to change that.

Speaker 3 (34:03):
That's what I'm saying. So, like if you just made
the change for the pros. So here's here's what I
think they should do. So in f one, every year
they give them rules and guidelines of their vehicle, and
you have to build a new one every single year,
and whoever builds the best one usually has the biggest advantage.
Why don't we do that in golf? Why don't we

give these manufacturers rules every single year and you have
to build the equipment to the specific specifications, specifications.

Speaker 2 (34:32):
I was about to say, let's try that one again too.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
Specifications, and then it's something that's new and interesting. I
know they won't because you know, money, but it would
be something that would add a little bit of interest
to the game. Here's where it gets interesting, though, So
if the RNA and the USBA, who is proposing this
rule change, if live is saying we're not going to

adapt and we are going to continue to play the
golf ball that we want to play, could be interesting,
could be interested.

Speaker 2 (35:06):
That is interesting. I haven't seen anybody mention that.

Speaker 3 (35:09):
You know, one of the more boring topics we've ever
had to discuss would be that one.

Speaker 2 (35:13):
So let's move on to yes, let's move on to a.

Speaker 3 (35:16):
More interesting debate. So there is this troll Twitter account
or x account, sorry, this troll x account, and they
propose funny, wild questions takes just to get a reaction
out of people. And one of them was if Page

played a match against Lexi Thompson, who would win? They
were doing that too, obviously rile people up. Lexi Thompson
would clearly destroy me. So question is, Sam, how many shots?
So we play the same tease, same tease? How many
shots would Lexi have to give me for it to

be a fair competition.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
I want to know what you think or pr side.

Speaker 5 (36:04):
I was going to say five per side because I
would I would give an extra one to the fact
that she's probably not gonna have a penalty shot and
like you might have one errant drive or like you
know well.

Speaker 3 (36:16):
And she wouldn't be nervous. I would be nervous.

Speaker 2 (36:19):
She'd be like, who, why do I what are we doing?

Speaker 3 (36:25):
The find thing is is that I grow up, I
grew up. We both grew up playing golf against Lexi Thompson,
and I never beat her.

Speaker 2 (36:32):
So I know for a.

Speaker 3 (36:33):
Fact that it would not be competitive. We played junior
golf against each other and she always won. She won everything,
like she was a phenom, and it's not gonna have
a bad player. And I think this is where people
get this this confused, because there's still a debate that
people think that I can't break eighty and that's just

not true. Like I'm a scratch golfer. I can shoot
in the low seventies, sometimes in the high sixties, but
I have the those really badgrounds. The difference is is
that she's probably a plus eight plus seven, plus eight handicap.
So if you look at it that way, I would
have to give her or she would.

Speaker 2 (37:13):
Have hold on, hold on.

Speaker 3 (37:16):
She would have to give me at least probably four
side for this to be competitive.

Speaker 5 (37:22):
But I think what's different too is you don't play
as much traditional golf, Like no, she plays eighteen holes,
I assume like every day. Speaking of us growing up together,
I'm still friends with her on Facebook, Like I see
all of her like little family pictures of like what
she's doing on the weekend.

Speaker 2 (37:38):
It's so funny.

Speaker 5 (37:39):
I in her first tournament ever, we were at DREL
in Miami. I remember like it was yesterday, and so
I was like seven, so she had to have been
like six or five. And I beat her and she
cried the whole time. She cried the whole time. She
had the same little visor with the Ladybug clip and
the ladybuggearings. Like this girl has not changed like at all,

and it is so funny. It is funny though, And
my boyfriend still will ask so where we're like watching TV,
I'll be like, did you grow up playing against them?
I'm like, yeah, all these people that aren't like Tiger
Woods and Phil Mickelson, like we grew up playing with
and against and it's really cool.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
Like I think it's really really cool.

Speaker 5 (38:18):
I don't know when the next wave, like the next
major wave is going to be, but I feel like
we got really lucky with like the wave that we
were in.

Speaker 3 (38:26):
We really did that, like twenty eleven twenty thirteen high
school graduation years where it was Jordan Speeth, justin you
got to get on the boys side too, Justin Thomas.
Even some players that like we knew really well, like
a Danny McCarthy who like, you can go down the
list and we know majority of them when we played

golf against a lot of them, which is really cool
to see. But it's also like what happened to us,
Like we were in the mix. We peaked, we peaked in.

Speaker 5 (38:54):
I actually literally peaked my right after I graduated high school,
like that summer I pe You know, it was like
half my life ago now. But we don't need to
go into that. Let's get into our last topic of
the pod. It is starting to get cold.

Speaker 2 (39:10):
Not here. It's like ninety in Florida, So don't worry
about me.

Speaker 5 (39:14):
Give us a few ways that you like to work
on your golf game when it's cold outside. I have
a few that are a little more untraditional, So I'm
curious what you have to say first.

Speaker 3 (39:25):
I would say the first thing is finding a place
to still practice and play. I think most people think
that they live in a cold weather area that they
just put the clubs away and then they bring them
out when it gets nice. But there are a bunch
of places that you can go to get better. I
love going to ex Golf, and I love going there
because you have access to all of this technology. You

see the guys on tour and they're always looking at
their numbers, and you have access to that, and they're
spending like sixty eighty thousand dollars on these devices, and
you have technology that will give you those numbers when
you go to X golf, and so I work on
my swing path, I work on my club face, and

I make these changes that are much easier to make
swing changes that are much easier to make when you're
inside because you're not as worried about people judging you
and looking at ball flight and hitting.

Speaker 2 (40:17):
Off your back.

Speaker 5 (40:18):
I've got a few beers flowing, You're all, yeah.

Speaker 3 (40:22):
Yeah, yeah. So you're able to actually make these changes
now in a really safe, comfortable environment. And that's why
I'm a huge fan of going to X golf, and
so go to places like that, go to X golf
and work on your game, spend time and treat them
as range sessions. And it's also great too because you
can bring your family, and it's also really fun and

it just gives you something to do. Also, when it's
so cold outside, you can still do really fun activities.
Another one is I love my perfect practice putting matt
and putting is one of the biggest, most important aspects
of the game, and so now you're able to just
grind and work on your putting stroke and to hear
the ball go in the holes always giving me a

lot of confidence since you're able to work with your
four to twelve footers, which is like your scoring zone
with putting, and if you're able to feel confident with those,
then you just score so much better. And the last
one is work on your flexibility and your strength. I
think this is a time where you can stretch and

work on gaining more strength, which will help you swing
a little bit faster and get in positions that you're
maybe not able to get into. And so spending time
on your body will help you play better golf.

Speaker 2 (41:36):
Those are great suggestions.

Speaker 5 (41:38):
I definitely want to echo the second one with putting
inside for me, and this is like something that's always
It's always happened to me. If I take a certain
time off of golf. It could be a week, it
could be three months, and I go back to the
golf course and I'm like about to play and I
look down at the.

Speaker 2 (41:55):
Grass, it like looks weird to me.

Speaker 5 (41:57):
Like if I don't putt for an extended per a time,
I feel like the golf swing for me I have.
I mean, we've been playing for so long, I'm not
gonna hit it perfect, but I can at least hit
the golf ball with putting, Like I'll look down and
I feel like the grit it looks like one of
those weird like simulation kind of thing. Everything's like moving
and I'm like feel I'm like, whoa am I like drunk?

Speaker 2 (42:17):
And I don't drink on the golf course, so I
know I'm not drunk.

Speaker 5 (42:19):
So I would say that's a big one, like if
you can stay consistent at least, like you said, here
the ball go in five ten footers like that is
if for an amateur, for a twenty handicap, if you
can improve within ten feet, like you're going to shave
strokes off your score so fast. My second one, my
second one would be in college. We did this a
lot because in Arkansas it would get to where we

couldn't even drive to the golf course it would get
so cold. We made baby clubs, so every year we
would get a new baby club and it would be
a full So we'd take a full length club that
like we never used so like it was just like
an old ping eye whatever iron, and then we'd chop
it down like half the size, put a grip on it,
and you can swing that anywhere. You can swing it

if you have eight foot ceilings, and you're still getting
that same like rotational feeling, but you're not like hitting
the TV, and it's not costing you a thousand dollars
every time you try to take a swing inside. I
would recommend that, especially working on flexibility as well. Like
Paige said, I think that's such a huge thing, even
if you're not playing golf. We can all especially since
everybody nowadays worked from home. I can't tell you how

like tight my body is because I just sit here
for eight hours a day. It's something that I feel
like is really neglected, and it's such a good time
to work on it.

Speaker 2 (43:31):
In the winter, you're watching a football game, you're watching
a basketball game, just sit on the ground and stretch
rather than sitting on the couch.

Speaker 3 (43:38):
Well, and also checking your positions. And I think having
the Baby club is perfect for that because a lot
of people think that you only have to get better
if you hit golf balls, and that's actually not true.
Just getting that muscle memory and just continually to like
hit the positions in front of a mirror is so important,
and that's something that I actually need to improve on
because I struggle with my takeaway, and my coach Jonathan

Yarwood always says, just take some time five ten minutes
throughout the day and just keep hitting those positions and
doing it over and over and over again because of
that muscle memory, and so when you go out on
the golf course, it doesn't feel odd anymore. It starts
to feel more consistent. So doing that is so important.
But also sometimes take some time off. I feel like

when I have been the most frustrated within my golf game,
I just need to not touch my clubs. I need
to not think about golf. I need to do anything
other than anything golf related. And taking some time really
does help me improve. And in nit's like a love
and a passion again within golf. And so if you

feel frustrated with your game, don't force it. Use this
time right now that it's called out to reset, because
you're gonna get excited about wanting to practice and play again,
and you don't want to dread going to improve your game.

Speaker 5 (44:55):
And if you're taking time off, and you're taking true
time off because it's cold outside, you're probably not good
enough to get angry about your golf game.

Speaker 2 (45:02):
Anyway, let's all remember that, but also full offense.

Speaker 3 (45:08):
So well, I hope you guys enjoy today's episode.

Speaker 2 (45:12):
I know that we did.

Speaker 3 (45:14):
Said the girls. The girls are back.

Speaker 5 (45:17):
The girls are back, just in time for it to
be the holidays. I do have an announcement though, I'm
playing in the Parent Child next weekend with my parents
and it's kind of nice because I get to play
with both parents and like, I need to decide which
one I'm going to hit the better shots for.

Speaker 2 (45:31):
That's a whole other topic.

Speaker 5 (45:33):
But my parents asked me if I was going to
practice beforehand. I'm thinking no, but I need to know
what you guys think. It's like a prime eighty degrees
and like not a cloud in the sky. But I'm like, nah,
it also gets dark so early. When am I going
to go practice?

Speaker 3 (45:48):
I think you know you should do. You should probably
hit some puts inside.

Speaker 2 (45:52):
I should probably dig up my baby club.

Speaker 3 (45:54):
Dig up your baby club. I'm excited to hear how
that goes on next week's episode. But thank you guys
so much for listening in today. Don't forget to leave
us a nice review. Share the podcast, listen as always,
download you know all that good step and if you
have any questions, let us know on the Playing Around
Instagram accounts. Until next time, Love you, Dame.

Speaker 4 (46:19):
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