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July 19, 2023 42 mins

Paige and Sam kick the episode off by getting into The Open, who they think could win, and why it might be their least favorite Major. Afterwards, they change up the usual T&A and answer a few ridiculous questions Sam pulled from TikTok, including what liquids they'd choose to have on tap from five of their fingers, whether they'd rather lose all their money or all the pictures they've ever taken, and where they would go if they were given $10k and a ticket to anywhere in the world.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:45):
This is playing around with page Renee.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Hello everyone, welcome back to the Playing Round podcast. We
are here. WHOA, that was such a bad opening. We
are here. Yeah, we are here, and we are ready
for this podcast today. Paige and Sam back at it again.
We're here, everybody, We are here.

Speaker 3 (01:11):
That's the best she could come up with.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Today. We have come and we have arrived. What a day?
What a morning? What a morning?

Speaker 3 (01:18):
It's like morning, It's not even ten am and you've
already had a bad morning.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
Take us through. It's a bad morning. It's still a
lot of you know, get up, get ready, shoe content,
you know, talk about golf. But it's an exciting week
because it is the Open, and we have to say this.
You say it's the Open, you don't say it's the
British Open. Everyone freaks out. So this is my least

favorite major. I was gonna let.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
You say it first because I didn't want the headlines
to be Paige's co host hates the Open Championship. But
now it's going to be on you, so that'd love
that for me.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
I don't hate it, and I think that, oh god,
I don't know why I'm r I to think about
why I don't love it as much as the other ones,
and I should love it the most because it is
People always say that the Masters has the most tradition,
but the Open has the most tradition. It's the home
of golf, where all this began. This should be what

I look forward to the most. I think it's almost
golf fatigue. I think that's what it is. I don't
think it has anything to do with the actual major.
I think that we just have such a front heavy
section of the year with golf and you have all
the majors and the Masters is in such a great
spot because it's the first major of the year. We

are so excited. It's still you know, fairly early in April,
we're all looking forward to it. And then having the
Open be the fourth major, you're just you're just exhausted,
you're tired from seeing so much golf. And we've we
talked about this before where it's just there's so much
going on. And I think as well with Live and

all of the craziness that's been going on, it's just
it's been overwhelming. And I think it's like, Okay, I'm
always happy that this is going to be done. It's like, okay,
we're almost all through it, because it just feels like
a long six seven months.

Speaker 3 (03:13):
Yeah, I think it's I definitely think that's part of it.
I think there's two other factors for me the play
into why I don't like it as much. One is
because the tea times are starting at one thirty in
the morning. Yeah, for us on the East Coast, like
I don't, although like maybe that's how they feel like
people overseas feel with.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
All the majors all the other three majors being over here.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
And then secondly, I think course, when courses change for majors,
I personally don't like it. That's why I think I
like the Masters so much. I've been there. I can
picture the course in my head. When someone says, you know,
number twelve or number six, I can picture that, and
then we're going back to I mean, maybe you, like
golf freaks, could picture number six or we're a Liverpool,

but like not me, and so I don't know. When
the course is change, I find it a little bit
less interesting to me. And that's maybe a hot take,
but that's that's why I would say I'm not the
biggest fan, but the British Open Open Championship debate is
my favorite Twitter day. It's always the Monday after or
the Monday before the tournament, when everyone's like, just a

reminder everybody, it's the Open, Like, okay, find something else
to be pissed about, please.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
Yeah, there is always something for someone to be really
upset about. I feel that this year was a little
bit better than previous years. I feel like people were like,
I'll just say whatever I want. It's not that big
of a deal, and it wasn't as big of a
controversy as previous years, compared to like the debate on
should the players be a fifth major or we always

talk about this the menu at the Masters. There's always
a couple things with each specific tournament that's always a discussion.

Speaker 3 (04:49):
And they're like insufferable. They talk about them for like
it's yeah, you can't get away from it. That's the problem.
I think, Yeah, I agree. I think the internal ob
on eighteen has been the insufferable.

Speaker 1 (04:59):
Time that that has been. You know what I also
think it is I haven't played a lot of golf
over there, so I don't think I appreciate it as
much as I should. I played the Scottish Open years
ago at Doune Donald Links, but that is my only
real experience, and I would love to go play all
these really iconic courses that I've only seen through social

media and pictures and other people's videos, and I've heard
people talk about it, and I just don't have the
full appreciation because I haven't played any of those courses.
I haven't experienced the culture. I haven't experienced how amazing
the people are there. I was talking to someone yesterday
who did this whole Scottish trip, and he said, this

is how golf should be played. The people were so relaxed,
they love golf. There were dogs on the golf course.
It just was a very different atmosphere than here in
the States. And I can't appreciate that for everything that
it is because I haven't been there yet. And so
I think we need to make We need to make
a trip, We need to damn So sad about that.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
So sad about adding that to my to do list. Yeah,
I think too. For me, I grew up and I
mean you too, grew up with like trees and water
and like you know these not that Links golf isn't beautiful,
but it's completely different. Like you look at a Links
golf course on Google Maps and you're like, is that
is that an open golf course? Like is it is
it open for business? Because it looks brown and dead

and like you know, it's it's very different. And so
when you grew up in Florida with a tree lines
and a bunch of water on every holes, like my
course growing up has water InPlay on sixteen of eighteen holes,
like you could hit it in the water almost on
every hole, and so it's just very different. I've only
been over there. I went to Ireland and played a
bunch of courses this summer before I went to college

with my parents. It was a business trip and I
just you know, got invited. That was the last one
I was invited on, though, and it was amazing. I
got sick and my whole family got sick because of
the weather. You know, it's cold, it's windy. When you
have bad allergies or bad sinuses, like, you're very, very
susceptible to getting a little cold over there. But Old

Head is still one of my favorite courses I've ever played.
I will say it was. It was knocked down a
spot after we went to Australia by New South Wales.
But yeah, some amazing golf over there. We definitely need
to take a visit.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
I prefer link style golf courses because you really have
to think your way through it, and there are so
many different shots that you can hit, and they're set
up that way because of the weather, so there's all
these different variables that come into play on a link
style golf course and it really does test every aspect
of your game. I think some complaints about the golf
courses now is you just try to hit as far

as you can and then just kind of wedge it
out and get on. And they are very beautiful golf courses.
But on a link style golf course, you're thirty yards out,
you could putt it. You can hit a little seven iron,
a nine iron, you can hit a low spinner, you
can hit it high, you can putt like. There's so
many different things that you can do in a link
style golf course, and I think it really showcases who

are the best players in the world and who has
all the shots in their bag. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
I mean I think the course argument that I said
a minute ago about how you know I like that
when they play the same courses, I think the same
amount of people could say this the other thing, right, Like,
I like it when it's a new course. It shows,
you know, how they're learning the course and how they
can play the course differently. I think the link style
course was cool for me when I was eighteen because
you know, I could hit a three wood from two

fifty and it might run up to the front of
the green. It's very different when you're playing in Florida,
when every ball you hit plugs and you're like, if
I hit this club two hundred, it's going two hundred exactly,
like there's nothing else I can do about it. So yeah,
it's it's an interesting it's an interesting style of golf,
not one I appreciate aesthetically as much. But let's remember,

everybody listening to the podcast, it's okay to disagree. Can
we say it back, It's okay to disagree. Thank you,
Thank you everyone for participating in that. I think we
need to talk about the internal OB though I know
everybody's talking about it, but I think we need to
talk about it. So you guys, remember back in twenty
nineteen when Rory opened his Open Championship with a t

shot that went into the internal OB at Royal Port,
Rush shot at seventy nine missed the cut. That was
when the internal ob crisis hit. Four years later, obviously
twenty twenty three, it's returned and it's on number three
and number eighteen this week at Royal Liverpool, so keep
an eye out for that. They re routed a lot

of the course for this, like how the members play
it versus how the pros play it. So number three
and number eighteen run up against what's usually the practice
range for the members and this internal out of bounds.
We posted a pick from the podcast accounts, so if
you haven't seen it, go check it out.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
It's like two steps off the fairway, which is crazy.

Speaker 3 (10:06):
I mean, I think it's kind of awesome because, like
like brooks Kepka said, let me get the exact quote,
it's fine, just don't hit it over there and you
won't have a problem.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
And that is why brooks Kepka wins majors because he
has that attitude. Because you know, if I was playing
that golf course and I saw Ob a step off
of the fairway, I would be having a melt down,
a massive melt down. I'd be eyeing that Ob all
day long. I would have dreams about that Ob, nightmares

about that OB. I probably wouldn't make the cuts, so
two rounds I'd have to deal with that OB. Why
is it so close? I love it, I love it,
I agree with it, but it's like this far off
the fairway. I have an alternate thought for you.

Speaker 3 (10:57):
What if starting right where that line is, there was
a pond, would you be saying the same thing.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Yes, I'm a head case.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
No, I'm not saying you Personally, I'm saying, we wouldn't
be sitting here going.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Why is the lake so close to the fairway.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
We would just be like, oh, it's a pond, take relief.
I think what bothers me mostly is the outer bounds rule.
I think it's incredibly inconvenient. I think it's stupid. I
think you should be able to take lateral relief, especially
for amateurs, which is a whole bifurcation issue. But that's
what I think annoys me the most about it. It's like,
if it was water, it would.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Make more sense.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
Now it's like this crazy risk reward on number eighteen,
which I'm kind of excited to see, to be honest.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
I'm excited to see that. But yellow hazard versus red hazards?
Why is that a thing? Yeah? I don't know. So.

Speaker 3 (11:46):
One of the funniest things about dating someone who didn't
play competitive golf growing up is watching golf with them.
This is not in the rundown, but it feels like
an alley we need to go down for a second
because we will be watching golf.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
And he'll be like, so, why did they do that?

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Or like why like if they're on the carpath, can't
you just move it over a foot. I'm like, no,
you have to take full relief from the cart path.
And explaining everything is so funny because it's so hard
to explain because there's so many dumb fucking rules.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
But there's no rhyme or reason. Why is it one
club length compared to two? You would think that they
would all be exactly the same. All take one club length,
all take two club lengths. And now obviously you have
used to be dropping behind your shoulder. Now it's shoulder length,
and now it's by your knee. And they're trying to
simplify it, but it's almost complicating it because you keep

changing it every couple of years. I don't even know
a lot of the current rules because I haven't played
competitively in such a long time, and that's when you
had to implement everything that you learned in all the
rules of golf is okay, well, and I had to
do it all the time. It's like, okay, I hid
into a red hazard, I know what to do. I

hid into yellow hazard. I know what to do. I
don't even know if I would exact actly know what
to do. If I played a competitive round of golf,
I would have to really think about it, like relief
off of a sprinkler head one club like right, you okay,
well take your stands of where it would be where
it doesn't come into your stroke, and you take one

club link from there, and then you have to take
Do you have to take your head cover off? Can
you keep your head cover off?

Speaker 3 (13:23):
You don't have to take it off, And I don't
think you have to take it off anymore?

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Maybe you do.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
Clearly I don't know the rules either, but I will
say in your defense, every single time these guys have
to pick up their ball on the tour, there's a
rules official there, which I think is kind of funny
because like, how do you not know the rules? But
clearly they don't know the rules either, and or they're
doing it just to save face, right, So there's not
ever any like question or like they can't There can't

be a question that they did something wrong. If anything,
it's like the rules official got it wrong, which isn't.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
Going to happen. So I don't think.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
I mean, granted we probably should know, but no reason
to beat yourself up for it. These guys, I mean
don't don't know any of that either. They don't have
to right, it's not their job, like worry about something else.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
I feel like this has been a very tame couple
of days leading into the Open. I would say with
the Masters and the US Open and the PGA, there's
kind of some drama going on, and we really haven't
seen too many sound bites from press conferences. Why do

you think that? Do you think everyone's just trying to
stay quiet because no one knows what the hell is
going on and it's better to say nothing right now.

Speaker 3 (14:33):
I don't know. I think everyone's exhausted. I think these
press conferences are happening at four am, they're probably on
Twitter at five am, and then by the time we
log onto Twitter, they're gone. That's honestly my guess.

Speaker 1 (14:46):
I don't know. I would say the spiciest thing I've
heard so far was John Ram saying it was my
choice to stay, but I do believe that they should
be compensated, which at this point is not a hot take.
We've been talking about this for the last couple of weeks,
but there's been nothing spicy, and I don't mind. I
actually don't mind that one bit. Seems like everyone is

really focused on the golf. One of My favorite lines
was from Cameron Smith and his press conference where he said,
I told my guys, don't worry, I'll have the trophy
back in a couple of days. I didn't see that.
I like that. I love that confidence. And he just
won a live event. His game feels good, he's the
defending champion. No one really has been talking about Cam Smith.

And to have that line and that confidence going into
a tournament, love it, absolutely love it.

Speaker 3 (15:37):
So I saw somebody tweet this earlier. I believe it
was Rick, one of the golf betting guys. But who
do you think is gonna win? Using your brain? And
who do you want to win, not using any statistics
or any like head and heart?

Speaker 1 (15:50):
Who you got? I would say heart. I would go
Tommy Fleetwood. He grew up thirty miles from Royal Liverpool.
He's been playing some good golf. He has some issues
closing the deal, and he's been trending. And he said
in his press conference, I've dreamt about this, I want this,

and I feel I can do it. I like that,
and I think for being kind of in your area,
there's something so incredibly special to do. So. Rory is
also another one that is always in my heart where
I say, Okay, he needs to get another major. He
should win another major. He is one of the best players.

He has so much talent. Why doesn't he have more majors?
He has won here before. Everything is setting up perfect
for him. He just wanted the Scottish Open. He's playing
so great, not as many distractions right now. I feel
like he got everything kind of out of the way,
all of the terrible press conferences that he had to endure,
and all of the live versus Pgane, all of this drama.

He is seems like he's in a decent place considering
he should be one that wins. My head is telling
me he's fucked you over so many times. Don't pick
him because he has an issue closing on Saturday. It's
not Sunday because he'll shoot himself out of it on
Friday or Saturday, and then he comes in gangbusters on

Sunday and back doors a top five, a top ten
every single time. This is the Rory playbook. Don't pick
him again for a major. So I didn't pick him,
And same with Tommy Fleetwood. He can't win a PGA
tour it he probably will not close for a Major,
so don't pick him. So who am I gonna pick?

I don't know Sam, I don't know Cam Smith. He said,
do you feel good about Camp?

Speaker 3 (17:42):

Speaker 1 (17:42):
Now I feel good about Cam Smith. I really like
Tyrol hatt and I feel if Tyrol can keep his
emotions under control, then he is a dangerous pick. He
has been playing really well. It's just can he stay calm?
And it's difficult. Let me rephrase that, because I feel
like Tyro plays great when he is firing himself up.

But I do think at times it can spiral just
a little bit too far and a fine line. It's
a really fine line. With someone like a Gen Ram
and a Tyrol Hatten who embraces this fieriness, this competitiveness,
I feel like it almost pumps them up. But again
there is that fine line. So if he can keep
it in control, don't I don't mind Tyrol. How do

you feel about Rom?

Speaker 3 (18:27):
I don't feel like many people, and maybe I'm following
the wrong people are talking about Rom this week.

Speaker 1 (18:33):
He hasn't really played He's played good, he hasn't played
great since the major win at the Masters. So I
am not feeling too great about John Ram. I would
like to stay with the picks that I have, which
is a Tirol Hatten. I still like Tommy Fleetwood for
a good top ten pick. I'm not gonna pick Rory,
but I have a sneaky suspicion that he might get

it done. And Cameron Smith, all right, I like that.
Who are you liking?

Speaker 3 (19:01):
I mean, I like the Cam Smith storyline for sure.
I'm not like the biggest fan of Cam Smith, like
in general, I think he's like a little bit boring
to me, which is and you know, I like like
the Brooks Kefkas and like the people who are going
to talk shit. So maybe that just says something about me.
But I think that the defending Champion storyline, the quote
that he said, you know, I think all of that

would make it really cool for him to win.

Speaker 1 (19:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
I would like to see Xander do literally anything.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Did you see that meme where someone's poking stick into something,
do something? That's what it's like. Same with Colin Wrikaua.
I feel like they're kind of in Patrick Can'tley. They're
all in the same boat where I'm expecting them to
do great things and they'll kind of get there. They'll
show a little bit of life, and then there's that

disappointment that they're not quite fully getting it done. Yeah,
it'll be interesting.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
I mean, Matt Fitzpatrick is a big talking point, like
you around these majors.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
His brother is also.

Speaker 3 (20:03):
In the tournament, which I feel like is an underrated
and a little cute storyline. Alex is his brother. So
Matt and Alex Fitzpatrick are both playing. Alex earned one
of the five spots at the last Open qualifier two
weeks ago at West Lancashire. Probably pronouncing that wrong, feel
free to roast me.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
It will be.

Speaker 3 (20:22):
Alex's first major championship start and this is ten years
after Matt played in his first Open championship.

Speaker 1 (20:28):
That's exciting.

Speaker 3 (20:29):
Yeah, I think it'll be fun to watch, which I
mean it'll be at like he's teeing off it. I
don't know when he's teeing off the first two times
at one thirty in the morning, so I will be
fast asleep.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
We should we should pregame it and just stay up
and just do all nighters. Wat should we go live?
It's like two people yeah watching us. Oh so yeah,
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and motoral services. One more storyline we didn't talk about
is Patrick Cantlay, who is a notoriously slow player, is
playing with Brooks Kopka in the first two rounds. Do

you think that that is going to hurt Brooks? Because
I remember playing junior golf and college golf, and there
were a handful of very slow players that everyone knew about,
and you would dread when you would see your name
paired up with them, because you just know that you're
in it for two days, two very long days, and

you have to mentally prepare yourself to play with someone
who is slow. I think it's interesting that they're paired together,
Like what's up with that? Like who did that? Hey, Rna,
do you hate Brooks? Like what's this about? Yeah? I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (22:32):
I find that very interesting. And Hideki is the third
person in their group, which not the fastest player in
the world either. I would like to think that Brooks
and his caddie have discussed this and will stay very
distracted talk about a lot of other shit on the
golf course. But I think it's funny with how open

he's been about specifically Patrick Cantley being slow, that they're together.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
I don't know. I would like to think that that's
how it all started. That's how this whole thing with
Patrick Cantley started was at the Masters because they were
playing in front of John Ram and Brooks Koepka and
Brooks was unbelievably frustrated throughout that entire day, and that's
what started all of this.

Speaker 3 (23:17):
Yeah, So someone wanted to see someone wanted some drama
because that's like how many people are in this field,
and they put them together little spicy.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
There's some spice for you. Some other spice is that
Tiger's ex girlfriend drops the thirty million dollar lawsuits.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
That Okay, we're recording this on Wednesday morning. That happened
must have been overnight because this article was posted at
six am. She filed the lawsuit, originally in Martin County, Florida,
last year, against the trust that owns Tiger's South Florida mansion,
and she said, this is my favorite part. She says
she was owed thirty million dollars, which is equivalent to

the amount of rent she said she would have to
pay for a similar piece of beachfront property for the
next six years. I mean, I guess it's a good
deal if you can get it.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
But very interesting, very very very interesting.

Speaker 3 (24:13):
Also, I didn't realize they were together for as long
as they were.

Speaker 1 (24:19):
They did. She moved in with him in seven years. Yeah, yeah,
really long time. Well hopefully she got that beach front you.
I don't know how she did it, but good for listing. Okay, Sam,
I think we need to have some fun with some
TNA this week.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
So I'm addicted to TikTok let's call it what it is.
And I follow a lot of these fun podcasts, and
they're not sports podcasts. They're just people talking about random shit.
And I save a lot of them because I'm like, Oh,
that's a good question, or like, oh, we should talk
about that. So these are very random that they are
all questions that I've found on TikTok and other people's podcasts.

So let's speak in. You know what my answer to
this one's going to be. If you had to permanently
remove lemons or limes from the world, which would you pick.
Think about it for a second.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
You're gonna pick lemons because you need lime with your marcuritas.
I would pick limes. I prefer I love lemon desserts,
anything with lemon, so I would get rid of limes
and I would keep a lemon.

Speaker 3 (25:24):
All right, that's easy. I feel like we're starting off easy.
If there was a book of every positive and negative
thing anyone's ever said about you, would you read it?
And yes, if you read the positives, you have to
read the negatives, So like, you can't just read half
the book.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
And do that every fucking day. I go through all
my comments. It's my life. I'm like skimming through that
book being like, oh, what's today. Yeah, I would read it.
I do read it every single day. I think people
are surprised that I read all of my comments. I
read the good comments, I read the bad comments. I
look through everything. If I'm tagged in something, I'll look

through the comments. If I am posted somewhere, I will
look through the comments. I look through every single comment always.
And I want this on record that I have told
her not to do that. Everyone tells me not to
Apparently it's just not good for my mental health.

Speaker 3 (26:17):
Yeah, I wonder why that's crazy. I don't think I
would read it because that's none of my business.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
You know.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
I'll take the good with the bad, you know.

Speaker 3 (26:26):
Yeah, but like if someone has if someone has said
something good about me, I probably know it or they
said it to me, right unless, like you're talking to
someone and you're like, yeah, Sam's great, Okay, Well that's
not really like or shattering.

Speaker 1 (26:41):
I don't need it.

Speaker 3 (26:42):
You know, what people think about me is none of
my business.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
I think it would be harder to read the book
if it's from people that you know. Really, well, that's
what I mean. I read comments. Yeah, Like when I
read comment online, it's from most people. I don't know.
Sometimes it's an acquaintance. Sometimes it is someone I do know,
but majority of the time it's people I have never
met I will never meet, And so it is easier

to digest a comment when you don't know someone. But
if it's you or a family member or someone that
I really care about and they say something terrible about me,
then that would be that would be a dilemma. Sam,
It's like, what do you what do you do with
that information? You know, you got to be pretty strategic

our favorite word, strategic strategic about what you do with
that information. But I information is power, and I'll leave
it with that.

Speaker 3 (27:38):
I was gonna say, I have no idea what to
say to that. Okay, next question, on a completely different note,
I tried to randomize these so you can have five
liquids come out of one on each finger on one hand,
and they're with you at all times. Okay, So like
you have on demand liquids, five liquids, what are your liquids?
Think about this because I asked a lot of people

this question, and some of their answers made me rethink mine.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
Okay, any type of liquid, any.

Speaker 3 (28:09):
Type of it could already it could be like a
specific margarita you had at one place, like it would
be already like pre mixed, okay, like on tap basically,
so the thumb.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
Would be water because you need water to survive. So
I would do that boring, but it works. And also
think about think about.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
What you already will have access to, right so, like
you probably will have access to water most places that
you are not trying to not trying.

Speaker 1 (28:34):
I'm still sticking with water because sometimes you are in
a place where you don't have water on hand and
it's ice cage.

Speaker 3 (28:41):
I have seen you drink three SIPs of water.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
I don't like drinking water when I work. It's a
weird thing. I don't like eating or drinking when I work.
It really bothers me. I hate. Here's my issue with
water or to drinks in general. I hate holding something.
I de spies holding something if I'm at a party.
You know how people say if their comfort blanket to

hold something. I hate it. I hate holding a drink,
and especially if there's that condensation on the outside of
the cup, and then you have to get a little
napkin so it doesn't drip all of your hands, and
then then then the napkin is wet, and then like
I was holding my right hand and if you meet someone,
you have to switch it over, and then I have
a bag in my other hand and it is just
such a mess. Or if you want to dance or

do something and you're just holding a water or a
drink in your hand, I hate it. So if I
had water on my thumb, I would drink so much
more water.

Speaker 3 (29:36):
Oh so you're gonna use this like like squirt like
straight into the.

Speaker 1 (29:39):
Mouth like this, Yeah, like a little hamster. Just suck on.

Speaker 3 (29:46):
Oh my god, I'm dead. Okay, keep going. What are
your water?

Speaker 1 (29:50):
The peppermint milkshake from Chick fil A? That would fantastic
one on this finger. I would do a urgent pena
kolata on my middle finger, okay, because you can always
add alcohol, but you don't always have the perfect mix
of a good penia kolata. So that would be the
middle finger and then I could just like squirt it

in and then just add whatever alcohol that I want.
I would say the ring finger would be a good rupier.
I love rupier, but it's like a very specific type
of rupier that I like. It's like the homemade rupier.
So that would be the ring finger, and then my

pinky finger would be I don't know, probably some type
of hydration drink, because if I'm doing these other three
that I need a little.

Speaker 3 (30:44):
It could be like a condiment too, could be any
any kind of liquid.

Speaker 1 (30:49):
I know you're picking ranch. I bet I can do yours.
Let me guess you, and then my my pinky would
be marshmallow sauce. Marshmallow sauce is so underrated when it
comes to a topping for dessert, especially ice cream. No

one ever does marshmallow sauce, and it's a leak.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
I think marshmallows in general are a little underrated. We
always keep a bag of the mini ones in our cabinet,
and like every night before we go upstairs, we eat
like a handful of them.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
Marshrillos are where it's at, like a good marshmallow sauce,
like not like a fluff, like a little bit thin.

Speaker 3 (31:29):
Yeah, liquidy, so good. Those would be my five, All right,
do you want to guess mine? So yours is gonna
be I know two of them for sure. One will
be ranch, yeah, the other one will be a margarita.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
Yes I have a specific one, but yes, I don't
know the specific ones because you just get a margarita
wherever we go. The third one would be boba like
drink that.

Speaker 3 (31:52):
Would be kind of weird, like the little balls, like
popping out of your finger.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
That would be the other one. I don't know the
other two. Those are my three guesses. Okay.

Speaker 3 (32:03):
So I would do definitely not water because I don't
drink enough water to need it on tap. The spicy
mezcal margarita from the Ridge at Geneva National. That shit
changed my life. And it was at the Pool Bar, okay,
which like, and you're in the middle of Wisconsin. Who
would have thought the pool bar in the middle of
Wisconsin with three people who definitely did not look twenty

one working behind the bar would make this good of
a margarita. It was on the menu. I was like, Okay,
maybe best margarite I've ever had in my life.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
Twisted tea. Oh yeah, that was dumb on my part.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
I knew that, like, need I say more ranch for sure,
but the specific ranch that they have up the street
at this restaurant called the Porch.

Speaker 1 (32:42):
It's homemade.

Speaker 3 (32:43):
And then I would do a chocolate milkshake from Steak
and Shake no, whip creamer cherry. You're gonna make your
You're gonna rethink things when I tell you my fifth one,
I don't think so unleaded gas. Yeah, so I asked,
So I asked my boyfriend this and.

Speaker 1 (32:58):
His last of course he said that. No, he said
printer ink.

Speaker 3 (33:02):
He goes printer ink because I could, I could resell it.
I'm like, I hate you. That is not the point
of the game. But now, freethought mind.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
I'm rethinking and I'm sticking with marshmallow sauce. Okay, all right,
that's fair enough. The world needs to know about our fight.

Speaker 3 (33:19):
Over chicken fingers the other day. The world needs to know.

Speaker 1 (33:23):
So I had this take, and let me explain the
take before Sam totally butchers it and tries to can. No,
I don't think you get to explain it before you.
I get to explain it because you said this would
never ever leave the friendship circle. And now we're going
to tell thousands of people about my bad takes. So
I get to phrase this. Oh, so it is a

bad take. It's not a bad take. It's a bad
take when you phrase it. It's not a bad take
when I say it. So we were talking about I
am a guest talking about anything. I just out of
the blue said, you know what is overrated chicken tenders
because most chicken tenders the breading to chicken ratio is

off and it frustrates me. That was my take.

Speaker 3 (34:12):
That is not what happened. Can everyone hear me? That
is not what happened. We are sitting in the middle
of the lounge in Cleveland, Ohio, the Cleveland Airport lounge.
She looks at me and goes, you know, it's overrated
chicken fingers.

Speaker 1 (34:27):
Period. That was the end of the sentence. And that
is when I.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
Flipped a shit because I'm like, you can't just say that.
And then she follows it up by saying that the
ratio is off and there's too much chicken.

Speaker 1 (34:40):
That's the other bad part of this take. Ry chicken,
like a dry chicken tender is worse than eating sand,
not when you have ranch come out of your piggy finger. Well, okay,
what's the next question.

Speaker 3 (34:54):
Would you rather lose all of your money or all
of the photos you've ever taken, all of.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
The photos I have ever taken? What kind of question
is that? What does that say about me as a
person that I don't we have memories. Why do we
need a picture? I would much rather have my money.

Speaker 3 (35:12):
That is so, That is the funniest thing you've ever said.
Given what you do for work.

Speaker 1 (35:16):
I take so many pictures every single day to make money.
Why would I keep the Why would I keep the
pictures to get rid of the money? That makes no sense.
Whoever says keep the pictures has an inheritance, Because that makes.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
No I low key say keep the pictures because I
think because, okay, so you want to you want to
defend your awful chicken tenders. Take I think it's just
lose all of your money. Like, up until this point,
I can make more money. I can't retake pictures from
when I was like a child.

Speaker 1 (35:50):
You know what I'm saying. But how many times do
you actually open up a book a baby? Sam And
is like.

Speaker 3 (35:57):
More than you would think. I'm like, damn, she was cute?

Speaker 1 (36:03):
What happened?

Speaker 3 (36:07):
Would you rather be ugly and smell amazing or attractive
in stink?

Speaker 1 (36:12):
I would rather be attractive in stink? Really yeah, I wouldn't.

Speaker 3 (36:18):
But you know, I feel like we're both pretty self
conscious about how we smell.

Speaker 1 (36:22):
I don't feel like we ever smell bad and you
can always fix smelling bad with some deodorant, some perfume something,
or do you just constantly just smell bad?

Speaker 3 (36:31):
I think you just smell bad forever, like you can't
like it's not fixable. So then everyone you meet, even
though you're hot as shit, is like, wow, she how hot?

Speaker 1 (36:46):
I don't know. There has to be a scale, because
there there's definitely like a.

Speaker 3 (36:50):
Scale here, like one to ten, like ten pushing a lot.

Speaker 1 (36:54):
I look like Adriana Lima. Yes, I would smell all
day long.

Speaker 3 (37:00):
You just wouldn't let anybody get within six.

Speaker 1 (37:02):
Feet of you. They don't. Yeah, they can look, but
they can't touch. Or they can look but they can't smell.

Speaker 3 (37:08):
Fair enough, you just bring nose plugs with you everywhere
you go. Here you go have fun meeting page. Do
you crumple or fold your toilet paper? I'm a folder,
I'll be honest.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
Who crumples? I'm really confused about the logistics here. So
you crumple it into a ball and then like like
stick it there and like or do you that makes
you still? You? Still?

Speaker 3 (37:32):
You still wipe, but it's just not as ergonomically friendly.

Speaker 1 (37:37):
The same people who crumple. Are the same people who
pick pictures? Gasp?

Speaker 3 (37:44):
Would you rather lose both arms, both legs or one
of each?

Speaker 1 (37:49):
Are they like opposite? You know, you're giving.

Speaker 3 (37:55):
Me a lot of things to think about, because these
are just the questions. I don't you didn't they didn't
usify all this other bullshit that you're asking me.

Speaker 1 (38:02):
I think could be whatever you want. Do you want
it to be opposite? Yeah, I'd lose my my Oh no,
that's that's an issue though, because if I would definitely
need my right arm, so i'd lose my left arm
and I would want I mean no, really, I would
lose my whole side. I think I just feel like
it would be unbalanced. Well, I mean yeah, I would

lose one of each. You're me too. A lot of
people were saying both legs, though. I feel like people
are just a lot smarter than us and have probably
thought this through with great detail.

Speaker 3 (38:34):
But that's the fun of it because we didn't get
to think it through.

Speaker 1 (38:38):

Speaker 3 (38:39):
Last one, you are given ten thousand dollars in a
plane ticket anywhere and you have to leave tonight where
you're going.

Speaker 1 (38:45):
I'm going to Melbourne really or Sydney? Yeah, somewhere. I
probably Sydney, and I think about.

Speaker 3 (38:52):
It not and you wouldn't go somewhere you've never been, no.

Speaker 1 (38:55):
Because like what if you hate it and it just
like wasted that opportunity. You can always go somewhere else.
But I'd rather go somewhere that I know what I like.
And we didn't really get to experience it when we
were there because we were working so much, and a
lot of the places that we have been I really
haven't been able to do a lot of stuff, And
so it would be nice to go back to a
bunch of places for fun and not for work and

really get to experience it. Yeah, we definitely need to.

Speaker 3 (39:20):
Go back to some of these places and like just
play golf and then not do anything else, like not
have anything else planned, like just be able to go
shop around or like go do whatever.

Speaker 1 (39:30):
We tried to shop that day. It's hard to try
to do something after you're done working because you're already
you know, pretty exhausted, especially with the time change, so
like they had time for us to you know, do stuff,
but at that point you're just like, Okay, you have
an hour. What are you going to do an hour?
When you don't know where to go, so yeah, I
would probably i'd go to Sydney. Where would you go?

Speaker 3 (39:52):
I would probably go to either the Maldives or like
to Loom or like somewhere tropical that I haven't been.

Speaker 1 (39:59):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (40:00):
We're working on a fun to Loom trip for my birthday,
so stay tuned.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
But that should be fun.

Speaker 3 (40:06):
I've never really been to mex I've been to Mexico
City for a golf tournament, but never really been.

Speaker 1 (40:11):
I've never been either. All right, well, that was fun.
That was fun. I'll keep an eye out for random
I think we need to keep that going. But which
one are we going to post on the pod account?
Which one's going to start the biggest conversation? I think
we have to do the pictures versus money, because that
is just such an outrageous answer from you that I

can't even believe that you said that.

Speaker 3 (40:33):
Yeah, I think I think that's a good one to
post because a lot of them are like you kind
of have to explain or like, yeah, I think that's
a good one.

Speaker 1 (40:42):
All of my pictures are of me. I was looking
through my phone the other day.

Speaker 3 (40:47):
All of my pictures are also of you.

Speaker 1 (40:51):
That's true. Honestly, that's true. Well, I hope you guys
enjoyed this pod episode. I know that we did. If
you want to support, which would mean so much to us,
make sure leave a five star review. Subscribe to our
podcast that you can find it anywhere and go and
follow the Playing Around podcast account on Instagram. We're always

posting some really fun stuff there. Thank you so much
for always listening, and we will catch you here next time. Bye, loveya, Hi,
love you.

Speaker 2 (41:22):
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