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June 22, 2023 57 mins

Paige kicks off the episode recounting her crazy recent travel schedule before she and Sam dive into the U.S. Open recap, get heated about the need for more relevant broadcasters that'll grow the game, and calm down with a healthy dose of T&A.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:16):
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Speaker 3 (00:30):
This is Playing Around with Page Renee.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of the Playing
Round podcast. Your two favorite golf gals are here again,
Sam and Paige.

Speaker 4 (00:47):
Sam, I'm a little tired. I've had a bit.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
I've had a stretch, a bit of a stretch.

Speaker 4 (00:52):
Page the World Traveler over here. I keep checking your location.
I don't know where.

Speaker 5 (00:56):
At any time I looked this week, you were in
the air going somewhere else.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
It was a really fun last couple of days. I
was in Milwaukee for a Brewers game. They had golf
night and they made a bubble head of me and
I got to throw out the first pitch again. I
threw out the first pitch last year. I was so
incredibly nervous. I was pounding tequila before I went on
the mound, and this year is a little bit more calm.

So I'm proud of myself. I feel like I did
a much better job, didn't bounce the ball, and a
win all around really well.

Speaker 4 (01:31):
I also saw the feedback this year was much improved.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
Much improved. Yes, I mean you're always gonna get the
hate comments, but people were much much nicer this year.

Speaker 4 (01:41):
So I don't know what that was.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Why that was the case, because I feel like I
look exactly the same as I did last year.

Speaker 4 (01:51):
But yeah, it was all around.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
Really great experience. And then I was like, what day
is it? Where are we? What are we doing? Let
me go back and go for the days. So Saturday
morning we were supposed to fly from Milwaukee to lax
and they didn't have any drug flight so it was delayed.
We had a crazy travel day. On Saturday, did a
great party with La Golf. It was so much fun.

They absolutely crushed it. I hosted co hosted the party
with CEO Read Dickens, so that was really fun. Quite
an honor there, and they the highlight of that party
is they had this massive golf ball cake and it
was like four feet tall three feet wide. I mean,

this thing was a monster. And of course, since I
am now turning into a food reviewer, I did this
video where I stuck my entire hand in the cake,
ripped it out, stuck it in my face.

Speaker 4 (02:50):
And there's video of that somewhere somewhere to be somewhere
to be found.

Speaker 5 (02:54):
I haven't seen that. I did see photos of the
cake and I thought, just like the side of it
was cake.

Speaker 4 (02:59):
I didn't the whole thing. I actually don't know.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
It could just be the side of it, but no,
I think it was.

Speaker 4 (03:05):
But that's how does that even? What oven? Is that big?
I like to think about the logistics of this. I
think they do it was layers. Oh yeah, that's probably true.
Don't sign me up for a cake baking class. Or
maybe because they just.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
Take a whole pan in the oven it's shaped as
a golf ball.

Speaker 5 (03:23):
Wait, yeah, you're right, because it would be liquid, which anyway,
no one ever, no one ever. I never claimed to
be smart, Okay, I never, I never said.

Speaker 2 (03:31):
That, so you're smart. You're smart, but just when it
comes to the circumference of a cake, ain't your thing.

Speaker 5 (03:38):
Yeah, that's fair, But then you were in La. I've
never been to LA somehow. What Yeah, I've been to
San Diego and like a couple other cities in California
when I was younger, But somehow I've managed to avoid
the LA traffic, which I feel like is best for
my mental health. Was it crazy around there, especially with

the US Open, which we'll get into here in a second.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Yeah, I mean LA is always busy, There's always something
going on. I went to school in San Diego, so
I would say I prefer San Diego over La. I've
always said that I hate LA, but this time, my
best friend, she was born and raised there.

Speaker 4 (04:19):
We actually had a little bit of time. I wasn't
born and raised there.

Speaker 5 (04:23):
The glare I'm giving her right now that you guys
can't see and can really.

Speaker 4 (04:28):
Be saying that right in front of my face, that's crazy.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
One of my best friends, one of my two best friends.
She drove me around and showed me a little bit
of LA and new.

Speaker 4 (04:41):
Appreciation for it. For sure.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
Definitely not a place that I would ever feel comfortable
calling home just because I prefer, like I said, like
a San Diego I grew up in Colorado. Just something
a little bit more slow paced is what I prefer.
But seeing it from her perspective and her lene and
gave me a new appreciation for La. I would say

that I've been there a bit and it wasn't any
busier because the US Open was there. And when you
go to certain places and there are golf tournaments, you
can just tell the foot traffic is up. It's just busier.

Speaker 4 (05:16):
Here. Could not tell that there was a golf tournament.
Nothing felt different, nothing changed.

Speaker 2 (05:22):
And I think that we'll lead into that with the
spectators and kind of the vibe around the US Open,
But there was no like air that there was a
golf tournament. I was even talking to Danny and I
was like, oh, yeah, you know, I'm here because of
the US Open.

Speaker 4 (05:35):
She goes, oh, what that's here this week? Like what?

Speaker 2 (05:40):
It just didn't feel like there was much excitement around
the US Open for people who just don't really like golf,
because there's so many other things that you could be
doing compared to going to a golf tournament. But I
didn't actually get to go to the golf tournament because
I was doing so much work that entire time, which
is a little disappointing. But I was talking to a
people who were at the event, and so I mean,

that's a perfect segue into US Open was at LACC
and there were mixed reviews. A lot of people were
upset that of how the USJ sold their tickets, so
it turned out to be more of a sponsor driven
event where they were giving hospitality out to sponsors and

also to a lot of the members, and so it
just seemed like there were not that many people there.
That's what I heard when I was talking to people
who were out at that tournament. They said that it
was packed. But because of the layout of the golf course,
you can't freely walk all eighteen holes, and so there
just are certain spots on the golf course where there
are just no people because you can't get there. It's

completely closed off.

Speaker 4 (06:47):
And so you had.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
Pockets where it was, you know, fifteen people deep, and
you'd go to another pocket and it was desolate. So
it just looked like that on camera, But for what
people were saying, it was like, yeah, the vibe was great,
you just couldn't it wasn't expanded.

Speaker 5 (07:01):
Well, I think it was interesting watching it on TV.
I mean huge TV ratings, like one of the best
years and several years I saw, and.

Speaker 4 (07:11):
It makes sense.

Speaker 5 (07:12):
I guess that the ratings were up obviously, especially with
the ticket situation, not not as many people were on site.
But what I think initially started that narrative was like
Thursday morning, when these big names are teeing off and
they're announcing their names and it's just crickets, like there's
no one in sight, there's no sound. Granted it is

six forty five in the morning in LA when they're
teeing off, so like I get that, but I think
that that's what set that narrative up that then people
just ran with for the whole week. I did see
some people talking about it on Twitter exactly like you said,
saying like this course is impossible to see anything like,
which you know, I don't believe in watching golf in
person anyway, So like, I was perfectly fine being behind

the TV, But.

Speaker 4 (07:57):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (07:58):
I think I think the first day was definitely the
most criticism with the scores, with the spectators, with the
ticket rumbling, But I.

Speaker 4 (08:07):
Will say, we got what I like to call bed golf.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
I got to watch golf until I fell asleep, and
that is just elite.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
Yeah, people were some people were complaining though about the
West coast East coast, and when you're watching on the
East Coast, you know, you're watching it when you're in bed,
and it starts so late that it's like, what do
I do for my entire day until they tee off
at you know, six o'clock Eastern. That's insane. But yeah,
you know, it was interesting because I felt like there

was so much hype for this tournament, especially because it's
the first time LAICC was hosting the US Open, and
there was so much talk about the course layout. And
I feel like from Monday till Wednesday, everyone on golf
Twitter is jerking them off, and then Thursday comes around
and we're seeing two sixty two's and then it's a
complete flip. And that's what we see constantly with golf Twitter.

They have these hot takes so excited all of a sudden,
and that it doesn't come out the way they're expecting,
and then they just completely flip around and shit on them,
like I just saw you tweet for three days straight
about how much you love this course layout you and
you love that par three, That par three is going
to be amazing, that eighty two yard par three. And
then come Saturday when they had that tea up, everyone's like,

this is so stupid. They're hitting wedges into that green
and they're stopping them. I can't believe they played the
hole that far up and it's like, what are you doing?
Like you can't make everyone happy. I will say that
when I think of the US Open, I think of
these guys grinding it out. You're trying to look at
anything around par We love to see that and to

see two sixty two's on the first day.

Speaker 4 (09:47):
It was a tough scene. It was tough.

Speaker 5 (09:49):
Yeah, it was definitely more like a regular PGA Tour event,
feeling with all the birdies and every time they switched
to a new person, it was somebody making a birdie
on the broadcast. I think the final round made up
for a lot of that. You know, Wyndam Clark making
two bogies down the stretch. We'll get into that, but
like that was more you know, grindy for the pars,

having to make ten fifteen footers for pars, and like
seeing these guys sweating, I think is what the US
Open and the USBA have branded themselves as. And it
was just kind of disappointing on the first day.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
But I don't know.

Speaker 5 (10:25):
I mean, I think overall, I think it ended up
being a good a good week.

Speaker 4 (10:29):
It ended on a high note. What were your thoughts
on the final round?

Speaker 2 (10:33):
In the winner When you look at all of the
names and the final round, there was drama, it was great,
but it just didn't feel like a US Open. And
you talk about the bogies coming down the stretch, that's pressure.

Speaker 4 (10:47):
I don't think that was the golf.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
Course, you know, And I think that all had to do.
They could have been playing any golf course. But if
Window Clark had the US Open in his grasp and
he's coming down the stretch, that's all pressure. And again
and you saw brooks Keka and John Rohm came out
and was talking about it, and Hovlin and Fitzpatrick and
the list goes on to people who were disappointed by

the course and by this US Open. And I feel
that the USGA did this on purpose to push their
agenda of rolling the ball back.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
That's my hot take. That is a hot take. I
said what I said.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
I mean, if you want to push your agenda of
rolling the ball back, you're gonna set up the golf
course in a way that's going to favor your opinion.
So some firm, fast fairways, wide fairways. Those fairways were
not narrow at LACC. So you have some wide, firm,

fast fairways and rough that was thick, but it was
also unpredictable rough, so you could get some really great lies.
You can make a golf course really difficult. And if
all of these players or majority of these players are
saying it just wasn't what we were expecting, hmmm, USGA,
are you, like, what is your feedback about this? Because

that's that's my hot take and I'm sticking to it. No.

Speaker 4 (12:13):
I think that's a good take.

Speaker 5 (12:14):
And I think the funny part is is we're never
gonna hear like them say anything about it. They're just
gonna move on and go to the next tournament and
focus on that.

Speaker 4 (12:21):
But I thought it was interesting too.

Speaker 5 (12:23):
I saw several quotes from players not only that they
were that it was not what they were expecting, but
they just didn't.

Speaker 4 (12:28):
Like the golf course. Like I saw several players.

Speaker 5 (12:30):
Quoted saying like, yeah, this I just don't Maybe it's
a fun course to play on the weekend with your friends,
but not for a major like I, This course does
nothing for me.

Speaker 4 (12:38):
And I'm like, damn, I haven't.

Speaker 5 (12:40):
Really seen players that outspoken about a golf course in
a while.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
The last time I remember that was when Phil was
chasing a golf ball at Shinnecock. But that is what
I want my US Open to be. If I want
the guys to complain during a US Open, I want
them to be complaining about the course condition, saying that
is unplayable and that is brutal, and like, that is
what I wanted.

Speaker 4 (13:05):
You don't want to see people shooting sixty twos. That's
just not what you want to see. And you just
want these.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
Crusty ass screens, these narrow fair aways, some thick ass
rough Like that is the US Open to me, And
it just did not look like that. But let's talk
about Wyndam Clark winning.

Speaker 4 (13:21):
I feel that I feel bad for.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
Windom because everyone majority of people were rooting for Ricky Fowler.
And I know that because I kept checking my DMS
and I was just getting absolutely annihilated every single day
because I talked about this previously, but it reared its
ugly head again because Ricky was playing quite well, was

in the lead the US Open, and there was this
fake tweet that said if Ricky Wind's a major, I
will expose the girls. And so no one knew that
that was a fake tweet. Round one sixty two, Ricky
in the lead. I check my dms, hundreds hundreds of them,

hundreds of them, and I'm thinking, do I address this?
Do I not address this? Like what do I do?
It was outrageous. I've never seen something like that, And
even after I came out and said it was fake,
people were still dming about it.

Speaker 4 (14:25):
It was insane.

Speaker 5 (14:27):
It's just the amount of people who think that anything
on the Internet is real is like, it's really embarrassing,
Like you guys should be embarrassed, Like I have secondhand
embarrassment for some of these tweets that I was seeing,
Like people were you tweeted that you tweeted like hey,
this is a big tweet, like nice try and people
underneath it were like, well, it's your same username with

the check mark. Yeah, it's somebody typed it in like
it's not heart Like a five year old could make
that on photoshop, like it's not, like, what do you mean?

Speaker 2 (14:56):
And you wonder why people still get catfished, and it's
like here you go, yeah, and if all those people
talking to your fake accounts and getting scammed, for sure,
I'm for sure of it one hundred percent.

Speaker 4 (15:08):
So I digress.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
But I feel like everyone was rooting for Ricky to
get it done, and then Wyndham is playing solid the
entire time, and it was really interesting to see the
conversation around wyndhom Clark kind of going into the final
round and then what people were saying after. And this
goes back to people flip flopping on golf Twitter where

they weren't sure if he was able to handle the pressure.
And then he wins and you see all these tweets
being like I knew he was going to do it.

Speaker 4 (15:39):
I knew he was something special.

Speaker 2 (15:41):
All this stuff and no one was talking about Windham
at all.

Speaker 4 (15:45):
This is another.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
Jason Day scenario where I was picking Jason Day for
a while because I was seeing his game trend. I
was picking Wyndom Clark, and you can go back and
look at my picks because I knew Wyndam has always
had this potential most people don't know, but we are
both from Call. We grew up playing junior golf together.
I've known Wyndham since he was eleven or twelve, a

very long time, and when he first came on the
junior golf scene, he was a superstar, a phenom, like
you could tell that there was something unique about him
and that he was going to be a really special player.
And so it's funny to watch all of these people
flip over and be like, I knew it.

Speaker 4 (16:26):
I knew it.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
He's a special player, and I'm like, that's not what
you were saying five months ago, six months ago when
I was picking him. So it's really interesting to see
that happened.

Speaker 4 (16:36):
But nerves of steel. I think he handled that.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
Entire situation extremely well. Played amazing down the stretch, even
though a couple bogies. But the amount of pressure that
you must be under, Like I said, playing for a
US Open, your first major and only his second win.
He had his first win just a couple weeks prior
at the Memorial, and to get that done has the confidence.
But still it's not like someone like a Scotti, Scheffler

or a John Rum who have been in the situation before,
and not just majors, but in just PGA Tour events.
He has never really played much with the league going
into the final round.

Speaker 5 (17:12):
Yeah, I mean, he's played in six majors before the
US Open, and he hasn't ever finished better than T.
Seventy five, which, if you do the math, is like
making the cut and then basically coming in last. I
think it was awesome to see. I like watching guys
who get excited, who fist pump when they make putts
for par and that's what I think he like. It
was really fun to watch him play and to play well.

I mean he bogey too coming down the stretch and
with Rory kind of like lurking behind him and hoping
that Wyndam would falter. I mean, you've got arguably v Or,
one of the best players in the world, right on
your ass, and.

Speaker 4 (17:48):
He just stayed so focused.

Speaker 5 (17:49):
He looked unfazed the entire time, and I think that
it was It's the beginning of a lot for him,
and I think with how he's been playing in the
last month, I mean, sky's the limit for the rest
of the season.

Speaker 2 (18:01):
But it was really cool to see someone that I've
watched grow up and know be successful. I think that's
like such a cool thing. Like has there been anyone
in your life where you've known them from a young
age and all of a sudden you're like, oh, they
didn't cool things.

Speaker 4 (18:15):

Speaker 5 (18:16):
I mean I think we grew up with a lot
about these people, Like, yeah, I think it's so it's really.

Speaker 4 (18:22):
Cool to watch.

Speaker 5 (18:23):
And you know, we both grew up with him when
he was going through that with his mom and his
mom was sick, and I think seeing him and you know,
seeing his post round interviews constantly mentioning his mom, I
think was really special, you know, seeing what Ricky said
to him, like, hey, if your mom was here, she'd
be really proud. I saw a tweet that was like
when they were coming down the stretch, somebody said, at

least Ricky has a lot of experience congratulating people on
the eighteenth.

Speaker 4 (18:50):
Green, and I was like, oh, that's that's tough. That's tough.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
Oh that you know what you hate to see that.
I feel really bad for Ricky.

Speaker 4 (19:00):
I did.

Speaker 5 (19:01):
Okay, I have a story that I don't think I
shared with you, but I was on TikTok on Wednesday
and this girl who I know, she's a friend of
my boyfriend's family is a tarot card reader. Okay, you
might be listening to this and going, what the fuck
is that?

Speaker 4 (19:18):
Yeah? Same. It's basically like a deck.

Speaker 5 (19:20):
Of cards that these like psychics look at and it
tells them something. That's pretty much the extent of my
knowledge of what this is. And I follow her on
TikTok because she has this business, and I'm like, okay, I'll,
you know, follow you whatever. I've never actually watched a
video for some reason. On Wednesday, I watch this video
and you know what, I'm gonna play it. I'm gonna

play it because this was crazy. I watched this video
and I'm like, holy shit, we have to bet on
Ricky Fowler, like we have to Okay, here it is.

Speaker 4 (19:51):
This is just the beginning.

Speaker 5 (19:52):
Meanwhile, I have no idea what she's talking about, and
she knows nothing about golf. And I'm thinking I'm sitting
there on Wednesday going like, okay, who am I going
to bet on? Like people are saying, you know, Brooks.
I think I want Brooks to win.

Speaker 4 (20:03):
This is the video someone's name could start with f
I'm hearing like Fowler.

Speaker 6 (20:09):
I immediately go what And I texted all my friends who
bet on golf, and I'm like, I sent them this
video and I'm like bet On Fowler, bet On Fowler,
and They're all like good enough research for me. I mean,
you know betting degenerates literally could see like an f
in the.

Speaker 5 (20:24):
Sky and bet On Fowler. But this I was like,
what is this? And I was gonna tweet it, but
I felt like, I don't know. I didn't want her
to feel like I was making fun of her or
something when I'm not.

Speaker 4 (20:35):
Like this is and then he was leading. I was like,
this is crazy, that's insane.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
I mean, did later on did she say pull a
card and be like till Sunday?

Speaker 5 (20:46):
She sent me a snapchat on Sunday and it was
she like zoomed in on the on the TV and
she was like rooting for our boy Fowler. And I
was like, oh my god, because I don't know what
she was talking about. It was like a video in
a series of five videos, and I had no clue
what she was talking about. Anyway, long story short, I
put five dollars on Ricky and his odds were so bad.
I was going to win two hundred and fifty dollars
if you.

Speaker 4 (21:05):
Won that insane.

Speaker 5 (21:08):
When it came down to Sunday, I didn't truly think
he was going to win, Like I didn't think there
was really any way he was going to be able
to not only play well but also withhold the people who.

Speaker 4 (21:18):
Were going to make a charge, and I mean ultimately
he didn't. That's what happened.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
When you look at the success that I would still
even though he didn't win, I would say that this
was a very successful tournament for him to be back
in the mix and to feel that type of pressure again.
Do you think this will set Ricky up for more
success in the future or do you think that he
was just having a really great week and this is
just something that we're not going to see much more
of with Ricky moving forward. He did again makeswing changes,

he went back to butch Harmon, and he seems to
be in a really great place again. So I believe
that this is a kickstart to get his confidence back
to be in that position. But he has never been
known as a closer, and that's something that he has
always with throughout his entire career, where he has one
bad round that takes him out of winning the tournament,
and again that's That's what we saw. And it was

that Sunday round that he couldn't get it done, and
he couldn't you know, the pressure or guys were just
out playing him, but all of the above, Ricky just
could not get it done on Sunday.

Speaker 5 (22:17):
I would like to think that this is going to
be like the start of the resurgence. I think he
he looked different. He you know, his aura was kind
of different with how you know, he looked so much
more mature than than the last time I saw him
in contention, you know, like with the prescription sunglasses and
the and the buttoned up shirt all the way to
the top. Like he just kind of has this different
vibe about him now. And I think it's hard because

when he was winning a lot a lot is a
relative term, but when he was winning, he was, you know,
that young kid with the with the crazy flow hair
and the all orange outfit like he you know, we
talk about who are five guys who any non golfer
would know, Ricky Fowler's probably one of them. When you
think about his image in the past ten to fifteen years,

and I just think his aura was so much different
and his composure was so much different. And I really
hope that he I think I do think he needs
to go and win like a regular PGA Tour weekend
first kind of get that Sunday situation under control. But
then I think once he does that, I think he
could be in contention a lot more.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
Again, I don't think Ricky Feller gets enough credit for
growing the game of golf. Obviously, we talk about the
people like a Tiger Woods who has had a massive,
massive impact on the game, even someone like a Jordan Spieth.
But like you said, if you go up to a
random person on the street to name five golfers, and
we've talked about this, I'm confident Ricky Fowler would be

one of them. You see all of the kids, not
only kids, grown men dressing up in all orange, dressing
up like Ricky. He has had a massive impact on
the game, such a good person, such a supporter of
his friends and of other players. And I think you
root for the good guy, and Ricky is the good guy.

And I hope that we see a ton of success
for him because he is so good for the game.
And I think having Ricky back on top or just
as one of the top players would be amazing for
bringing people into the game, and that's ultimately what we
all want.

Speaker 5 (24:19):
I like that, and I think something else I want
to talk about from the open, and then we can
move on. But I don't know what's wrong with JT.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
I was just going to lead into that. I was
going to say that golf is such a fickle game,
and we've seen that with Ricky and we're talking about
him struggling and coming back and now JT being.

Speaker 4 (24:39):
Lost on the golf course. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (24:41):
I was reading just before this and quote that he said.
You know, he said, I was playing some of the
best golf of my life right before this week, and
you know, maybe that was at home or whatever. But
if you're feeling good, if you're feeling really good, it's
crazy that you can go out there and just feel
like you have no fucking idea where the ball is going.

Speaker 4 (25:00):
That's a really.

Speaker 5 (25:00):
Scary feeling if you've ever played competitive golf. And to
shoot a second round eighty one is like insane for him,
Like that's insane. You have to be so lost in
your head and really not even be able to find
anything for a guy like him to shoot in eighty one.
And I think it's just it's just weird to me
because I feel like in the last I would say

two years, he's either at the top or like shooting
eighty one, and I don't. I feel like there's no
in between there, and it's it's so so odd.

Speaker 4 (25:31):
It's mental. It's all mental.

Speaker 2 (25:33):
And I know because I have been there. When I
was playing, I could shoot so incredibly low during practice rounds,
hit the ball amazing on the range. Under pressure, I
turned into a completely different players like Juckle and Hyde,
like I had no idea what would happen on the
first teet, and it is a terrifying feeling. You are

out of control. You don't know which way your missus going,
and you have anxiety that builds and builds and builds,
and it happens once and then all of a sudden
you're like, oh, is that going to happen again? And
every time you're stepping on the first team, you don't
know what's going to happen. And you see it with
Wyndham winning and then winning again. It's all about confidence.

It's all about your mental state. And I've been reading
a lot of pieces around Justin and he has now
changed his entire diet. He's been working harder than ever.
And I feel when you get to that point when
you're changing your entire way of life to be a
better golfer, that puts almost even more pressure on you.

Speaker 4 (26:38):
And I've said this before.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
You have to be either really really really smart at
golf or really really really dumb. Because you have the
players who just don't care, they have nothing in their head.
They go out, they feel it and they play really well.
Then you have a player who is so into the
technical side of it and their clubs, and if they miss,
it's still not their fault because maybe they're clubs aren't

perfectly in tune and they think their way around the
golf course in a very unique different way, which also
kind of pushes them through that hump. And I just
feel like he's lost now, and he says that he's lost,
and I feel like he's putting so much pressure on himself,
and you just have to go back to what was
working before and just swinging free and trusting yourself. We
have seen this time and time again, and this is

just golf with Jordan Spif played well down playing well again, JT.
Right now, Ricky, you can go Billy Horsechel and memorially
Sean eighty five and he was crying over it.

Speaker 4 (27:34):
This is just what golf is.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
And I think that we don't truly appreciate that enough
because of Tiger Woods, who was at the top of
the game for such a long time, which is just
an anomaly in golf that does not happen. And this
is what happens. You have a couple good weeks that
you play well and then majority of the time you're fucked.

Speaker 5 (27:52):
Yeah, And I think whenever I felt like that, And
maybe this is obviously more to the weekend golfer, but
it goes back. This is such a simplistic way to
put it, so please don't quote me and say that
I'm like simplifying the mental game of golf because it
is so complex. But it goes back to the number
one thing you can do to gain confidence is to

find a swing that you trust. Because when you trust
your swing and you trust a shot that you're going
to hit, you can't stand over it and be like,
where the fuck is this going to go? And I
think it goes back to what we've talked to fifty
times on this podcast, like if you have one swing
thought that works for you, one stick with it the
whole round, or I'm going to beat you up. And
two like figure out what that is and figure out

how to shorten and simplify your swing. A lot of
people get really long at the top when they don't
know where it's going, and it gets like they're too
much movement, and I think, I don't know. It seems
like whenever people say that they feel lost in their
golf swing, that's what cues to me, is like they're
not trusting their swing, They're not trusting their game and
their maybe their game plan. Something about that. Does that

make sense to you hundred percent? It's when those rounds
of golf were your law. You're thinking about a million
different things.

Speaker 4 (29:02):
What if I do this? What if I do that?

Speaker 2 (29:04):
You're thinking about like the bird chirping in the background.
You are just so high strung and focused on every detail.
The rounds of golf that I've played my best, I
think of nothing. I am calm, I'm confident, and there's
no negativity in my mind.

Speaker 4 (29:23):
And it's such a weird feeling. It's like, how do.

Speaker 2 (29:25):
You capture that feeling, that calmness, that serenity. Nothing in
your mind compared to the bad rounds where it's just
like a sea of negativity constantly flowing at you. It's draining,
it's exhausting. You finish the round, you're emotionally and physically done,
absolutely done. And the interesting about JT though, is that

his short game is one of the best on tour,
and so for him to shoot in eighty one. He's
always been a little bit of an erratic ball striker.
We've seen him blow drivers off the map, but his
short game always brings him back. So what's happening for
him to shoot eighty one? Because with someone who hits
the wedges and puts as well as he does and

chips as well as he does, that's a shocking number
to me.

Speaker 5 (30:11):
It's hard because the ability is there, and that's what
I think is making him go insane, right, Like he
doesn't have to prove himself.

Speaker 4 (30:19):
He's a proven good player.

Speaker 5 (30:21):
The ability is there, the swing is there, something is
disconnecting there and yeah.

Speaker 4 (30:27):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (30:28):
It's it's tough and it's tough to watch because JT
is one of my favorite players to watch when he's
playing well, because, like Wyndham does, he fist pumps after putts.
He gets excited, like his scenes that the Ryder Cups
with and the President's Cups with Tiger, Like, that's the
stuff that I think is great for golf and that
I love watching.

Speaker 4 (30:44):
And so to see him shoot eighty one was tough,
but bad.

Speaker 2 (30:49):
For him to miss the cut, great for the viewers
who got a live look into Max Homa and JT
at a bar talking about golf. And I really hope
that brands and sponsors and companies look at that moment
of JT and Max being drunk talking about golf and.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
The reaction that golf from people.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
We need more of that, We need less of Azinger,
We need less of these old guys talking about the
same stuff in a monotone voice. There needs to be changed,
and people are craving that type of content. And I'm
so sick of brands across the board, not even in golf,
doing the same thing over and over and over again

and trying to play it so incredibly safe. When no
one wants that type of content. You need to push
the boundaries.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
You need to.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
Have what TNT is doing with Shaq and Berkley and
that crew, like no one does it better than them.
That is what golf needs. That's what everyone needs right now.
You need brands to stop taking themselves so seriously have
some fun with it and enjoy the content that they're creating,
because right now it's a snooze fast and it needs

to change.

Speaker 5 (32:03):
I didn't realize how bad Azinger was until my mom.

Speaker 4 (32:08):
Texted me like halfway through Saturday's.

Speaker 5 (32:10):
Final round and she's like, I just had to turn
the TV on mute, and I'm like, wait, and I guess,
I guess. I'm just so used to watching the shot
I don't even really listen to what is said anymore.
I find myself more like refreshing Twitter when I'm watching golf, because,
like you said, that's the content that we want, that
we are always looking for, like oh this stat from

Jason Sobol or like that. You know, I like to
see stuff like that, And I don't even feel like
I really listened when I started listening, Oh my god,
Like it is not only do they never shut the
fuck up, but it's the same comments every single shot.
If I heard the term, oh, that's a fair way
finder right there? What every shot is said that every

single time somebody hits hits like a low lower than
average drive Okay, maybe just say yep, that one's in
the fairway and then shut up for thirty seconds.

Speaker 2 (32:59):
It's not like I'm saying that they need to have
fuck flying left in the right and they don't need
to be you know, outrageous, but add some personality into
the coverage something. And I know they're so concerned about
having you know, past major champions and past winners do
the commentating. No one gives a fun, no one goes,

No one.

Speaker 4 (33:21):
Cares, that's for sure. Recognizable golfers don't care.

Speaker 2 (33:27):
So like, let's get people in there who can add
a little bit of entertainment because it was it's it's
just bad. It's just bad across the board. Traditional media
has to change or it's going to it's going to die.

Speaker 4 (33:42):
And I know this is the this is the problem.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
This is the problem right here, is that they look
at the viewership and they see that there was an increase,
and it's an increase because of all of the guys
who are doing the work on social media. People want
to see Ricky in the act and they want to
see Ricky because he is a global brand, because he's

doing work on social media. You want to see guys
do well, it's about the golf. It is about the players,
but they don't want to change anything up because they're
so worried about mixing it up because they don't want
to lose the viewership. But imagine how much more people
would tune in if the coverage was good. They are
so scared. Everyone is just so scared to make a

change because they don't want to mess up the viewers.
And it's increasing, it's increasing, so they're like, we must
be doing something right for us to keep doing this.
And it's like, it makes my blood boil.

Speaker 4 (34:37):
It just drives me insane.

Speaker 2 (34:39):
And when I see the numbers increasing, I'm like, that
has nothing to do with people listening to asinger.

Speaker 4 (34:44):
They're right.

Speaker 5 (34:45):
I mean, think five years ago when the numbers were
half of what they were this weekend in viewership. The
USGA also hadn't started hiring content creators to come out
and run their social media pages, which they do now.
Every brand does that for every tournament, like the USGA,
the p the PGA Tour, they all do it. I
think where where I'm liking where things are going is

things like the Master's broadcast. I know we've talked about it,
but on masters dot Com with Shane Bacon and Colt Nohost.
That was like, I was loving that I turned the
volume all the way up. That gay had personality, they
were cracking jokes. They both have relationships with players that
they're saying stuff that we've never heard before. That's the
kind of stuff that I like. And then you look
at like different ways that people are writing articles nowadays,

which is even more in tune to the millennial younger
age like us. Like Claire Rogers, one of our friends,
does the Rogers Report and it's like five like more
fun things that she liked from this week rather than
just here's a recap of the US Open. Like, that's
not the kind of stuff. That's the kind of stuff
that's going to keep people in the game. Maybe the
sixty year olds who are golf fans and play on
the weekends but not grow the game. If that's really

what we're talking about.

Speaker 2 (35:50):
Do you want to improve your game faster and hit
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help you achieve your goals. Shot Scope has products for
every golfer, such as GPS watches, laser rangefinders, and shot
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lx Plus rangefinder on the course to get my distances.
What I love most about shot Scope is tracking my
game and reviewing my stats. The great news is your
personalized stats are completely free with no yearly subscription.

Speaker 4 (36:24):
If I can use.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
It, anyone can jump over to shotscope dot com today
and find the perfect product for you. And remember to
use my code page at checkout. You have all of
these content creators and they're working day in and day
out to talk about these events, to build up height

for these events. People tune in because of listening to
four play and no laying up and what we do,
and the list goes on and on and on Shane
and Cole and all of these people who work so
hard to build this and that is why a lot
of the reason why they're tuning in. You see a
clip on social media, you want to tune in. Get
those people like a shame a cool Get them on

the broadcast because they're seeing their stuff on social as
a reason to tune into the tournament. It would be
such a welcoming feeling to see those guys that you
know and you love their content on the broadcast. I
got so many questions like why am I not doing
anything with the broadcast? Why am I not there? Why
don't they want me to be there? And it's like,

I don't know. I truly don't know. They say I'm
a risk and they don't know what I'm going to say.

Speaker 4 (37:33):
But it's like I.

Speaker 2 (37:34):
Fucking know how to be professional and I can tone
it down for a TV broadcast, but it's like, you
need to give other people these shots. You need to
do things, alternative broadcasts, You need to do things to
keep continuing to grow. Because those numbers are good, but
what are they compared to other sports when.

Speaker 4 (37:50):
You look at other sports.

Speaker 2 (37:52):
So I just looked up TV numbers for NBA Finals
and it said ABC brought in an average of eleven
point six four million viewers, which was decrease from two
thousand and twenty two, but I think they had to
do with the Warriors playing the Celtics, and that average
twelve point four million people. Twelve point four that is
almost double than what pulled in for the US Open,

which was six million viewers, and that was over a
million increase from the year prior. So even though it's good,
it's not matching up to some of these other sports,
the super Bowl to the NBA Finals. It's because of
those I think, because of those things, should.

Speaker 4 (38:29):
We start having halfway house halftime shows? Is that what
you're suggesting.

Speaker 2 (38:34):
I'm just suggesting that they pull their heads out of
their asses and see what is happening in media and
you have to adjust and you have to evolve or
you're going to be left behind. And golf is in
a place right now where it is growing and it's thriving.
We have so many personalities and so many amazing people
in media, and I'm not just saying this to push

myself into the spotlight. I'm saying give it to other
people who want to do it, and who would do
it so incredibly well. Makee I wanted to do something different.

Speaker 4 (39:05):
I agree.

Speaker 5 (39:06):
One of my theories here is you look at the
Master's Dock com broadcast and then you look at the
broadcast on TV.

Speaker 4 (39:14):
Do you think that because the.

Speaker 5 (39:17):
Way that I've seen it is I feel like PGA
Tour Live dot Com broadcasts for things such as the
Master's Peacock, like for the US Open, I think that
they these entities do get a little younger and more
free on the streaming platforms. Do you think that That's
My theory is that that's because they know that people

our age one for those streaming platforms, two know how
to do it, and three then we'll go there because
they know those people. That's kind of been my theory.
It's obviously not what we want, but that's the only
thing I can.

Speaker 4 (39:50):
Think of that makes sense.

Speaker 2 (39:51):
Yeah, I mean, it's definitely like a step in the
right direction, but I want full on change.

Speaker 4 (39:57):
Yeah, it's kind of like one of those things.

Speaker 5 (40:00):
I was talking to my dad about the country club
and the membership and how many members we have at
our country club here, and he was literally saying that
you do not get off the list to join the
country club unless someone dies.

Speaker 4 (40:10):
That's how I feel like golf media is.

Speaker 5 (40:13):
Like someone will have to retire or like quit for
anybody new to be brought in.

Speaker 2 (40:18):
Just golf in general, it's just always been like that.
It's probably going to continue to be like that. But well,
I don't know. I mean, golf is really being shook,
shook it shook it shook a shake it up right
now with obviously the news of the Live PGA merger

and so much more like that. So who knows what
could happen if there there wants to be changed that
you just need a couple people in power to see
the impact and to make a change. And I think
a lot of people will greatly appreciate it. But I
need to cal him down. So let's get into some
easy TNA questions.

Speaker 5 (40:58):
The people literally we always are asking how's Nico? And
if my memory serves me correct, he is with you
right now, Nico.

Speaker 2 (41:07):
Not currently next to me. We are in the same
house right now. I'm so excited to see Nico. He
is the greatest dog, one of the greatest dogs of
all time. Sam's dog Bailey. They're tied for first right now.
But yeah, I don't get to see him often, but
he is well looked after. My parents adore Nego more

than they like me, so they treat him great.

Speaker 4 (41:33):
He's always with someone.

Speaker 2 (41:34):
He has never left with anyone else, so it's always
great to.

Speaker 4 (41:37):
See him though. Go for a little walking. Oh, I
love that.

Speaker 5 (41:41):
I just love And when I brought I went to
dinner with your parents and brought an ego a ball
and he was the cutest thing ever.

Speaker 4 (41:47):
I'm obsessed.

Speaker 2 (41:48):
He's still playing it. He had it like in his
mouth yesterday. Yeah he knew that came from his auntie.
How are your same changes going? I know you haven't
played in a few days or in a week or
oh my gosh. So I played the match and that
was beginning of June. I did not touch my clubs
until Monday. I did a really fun collaboration with Bob

does Sports. I'm really excited for you guys to see
that video.

Speaker 4 (42:15):

Speaker 2 (42:15):
I gotta tell you, the comments on that video are
not gonna be too kind towards my playing ability. I
was top and shots like I just I didn't really
warm up, hadn't touch a club in a couple of weeks.

Speaker 4 (42:28):
It was.

Speaker 2 (42:29):
It was an interesting one, for sure. We played eighteen
so I got it back a little bit more on
the back nine. But that first first nine holes, I
was in a fairway bunker dead topped it.

Speaker 4 (42:39):
I don't remember the last time I've done that. Dead
topped it. That's pretty impressive. Yeah, it was. It was rough.

Speaker 2 (42:44):
We got we got through it, but it took me
a couple holes to be like, how do I hold
this thing?

Speaker 4 (42:49):
What swing changes?

Speaker 2 (42:50):

Speaker 4 (42:50):
I forgot what swing changes?

Speaker 2 (42:52):
I was doing poor Jonathan' gonna have to go back
and he's gonna have to reteach me everything again.

Speaker 4 (42:57):
But yeah, it was, it was. It was a brutal start.

Speaker 2 (42:59):
But I'm really excited to play a lot of golf
this summer and to keep working on my swing, because
it is nice when you do make those changes. I
just need to remember what I was actually working on.

Speaker 4 (43:09):
I love that.

Speaker 5 (43:09):
One of the things that I wanted to call out
because we'd love your comments on the Playing Round podcast.
I'm going to put a graphic up about this actually,
but we, as you guys know, if you're members of
only Page, which if you aren't, you should be, do
a bucket list courses series. We've only done like three
courses because that's the only times we've.

Speaker 4 (43:27):
Played together on a golf course.

Speaker 5 (43:29):
But we want to know what you guys's bucket list
courses are and maybe we'll go to them and do
a video there. I think that would be cool, great
calling out.

Speaker 4 (43:38):
Thanks for that. Didn't even plan that.

Speaker 5 (43:40):
Speaking of that, I'm going to skip down a few questions.
What is a golf course that you really want to
play but haven't yet?

Speaker 2 (43:46):
I mean, all the typical ones on the list, you know,
like a Pine Valley Augusta one that I could probably
actually get on. I've always wanted to play Oakland. That's
a golf course that I haven't played.

Speaker 4 (43:59):
I really want to play.

Speaker 2 (44:00):
My parents are from Pittsburgh, and you know, it's just
a course that I've looked at and it's been on
the bucket list for a very long time. And I
think I can actually get on that one.

Speaker 4 (44:09):
I love that Mine is definitely abandoned.

Speaker 2 (44:12):
It's shocking you haven't done the bandon trip yet.

Speaker 5 (44:15):
Yeah, I think I like to plan, but I like
to plan like a month out, not like a year out.
And so the fact that you have to book it
so far in advance, that kind of gives me anxiety.

Speaker 2 (44:24):
And so well, the weather there is really unpredictable too,
so you could go and it's when I was there,
it was like forty five degrees sideways rained forty mile
an hour.

Speaker 4 (44:36):
Gus and I'm like, and you got a walk.

Speaker 2 (44:38):
So I'm just like, yeah, beautiful golf courses, but I
was not in like the golf mindset to grind through that.

Speaker 5 (44:45):
Yeah, it's definitely a grind, definitely like an all golf week.
Someone asked, what do you sleep in lingerie or old
T shirt.

Speaker 4 (44:52):
I do feel like there are two types.

Speaker 5 (44:54):
Of people in the world, people who wear matching things
to bed and people who wear super old T shirts
with holes in them.

Speaker 2 (45:00):
You know, it really just depends on my mood. I
can do an old T shirt I like. I love jammis.
That's like one of my guilty pleasures. I love matching
pajama sets and not like the fun little sexy like
silk ones. I'm talking like full sleeves, all unplaid, long,
you know, down to my like past my toes, like

I like to just be completely immersed in some jammy.

Speaker 4 (45:25):
It's very Christmas morning of you. How adorable? Yeah, how adorable.
Tips on getting consistent with alignment.

Speaker 2 (45:33):
I've always struggled with alignment, and alignment is really difficult.
It's something you need to practice, and most people don't
realize that. So one of my best tips is to
practice your alignment on the driving range, and so pick
a target, set up to your target, put your club
down to see where your feet are and see if
you're aligned on where you need to go, and continue

to do that until you get really comfortable and confident
with your alignment. Again, most people will never practice alignment
on the driving range, and then they get out to
the golf course and they don't have a plan on
what to do. I also like to pick targets that
are closer. I always struggled with looking at a target
in the distance and I just couldn't figure it out.
So I then put my club up, draw a line back,

and find a spot two feet in front of me,
and so I line up to the spot instead of
lining up into a target that's you know, a thousand
yards in the distance. And that's another one of my tips.
But you have great alignment, what do you do?

Speaker 4 (46:27):
I mean, I definitely think it's practicing it.

Speaker 5 (46:29):
It drives me insane when people go on the range
and they're just beating balls into the middle of the
into the middle of the grass with no no alignment.
For me, when i'm when I have when I struggle
with my alignment, my left foot like creeps up a
couple inches. So my whole body isn't necessarily misaligned that much.
But for some reason, and I swear I get it
for my dad because his left foot be like a

foot in front of where it's supposed to be. But
it's just kind of always checking that left foot. And
then one thing that I will say, which is kind
of hard to explain on a podcast, but when you're
looking done at the ball, make sure that you're swiveling
your head. For me, I'm already, so make sure you're
swiveling your head to the left rather than picking your
entire head up and looking like over your shoulder. That's
something that I feel like a lot of amateurs don't

even think about, but it's something that really can kind
of fuck with your whole like being square.

Speaker 2 (47:19):
I never even thought about that, but now that you've
mentioned that, I see people all the time lift their
entire body up to look at where their target is,
and then when you step back down, your shoulders are misaligned.
Sometimes even your feet might move a little bit, your
hips are open. So yeah, swivel your head, don't.

Speaker 5 (47:36):
Look up, you go look at us. It's almost like
we played this game. What has been your favorite meal
from the past month.

Speaker 2 (47:43):
So when I was in Wisconsin for the Brewers game,
they have this new restaurant called Barrel Yard, and I've
been doing these food reviews because for some weird reason,
people love watching me eat food, especially sausages and hot
dogs and brought worth. Really can't put my finger on why,
but they love it. They just eat it up, no

pun intended. So I went to Barrel Yard and I
wanted to do a food review, and so the chef
made this incredible spread and it was some of the
best food I have ever had. Sam the biscuits, he
did biscuits with honey, hot honey, and butter that was
out of this world. Chocolate cake the size of my head.

He did this fish fry again, which was with it
was like literally the size of my entire body. This
mac and cheese, but the sauce was beer cheese soup instead,
and he like thickened it up and.

Speaker 4 (48:40):
Then sounds like a lot of things brought worse.

Speaker 2 (48:44):
It was a lot of things. But the best thing
I had there and the best thing I've had in
a long time, was hanging bacon. So they hanged pieces
of bacon. It would had like maple like all of
these different seasonings.

Speaker 4 (48:59):
He torched.

Speaker 2 (49:00):
Wi is it all the fat and all this stuff
like dip like drips into this potato salad that was
underneath it. This bacon was out of this world, out
of this world, and it's cool, like it literally comes
like hanging because a whole new meaning to beef curtains.

Speaker 4 (49:17):
But it was.

Speaker 2 (49:20):
Outrageous, Sam outrighty that how long have you been sitting
on that one?

Speaker 4 (49:25):
How long have you been sitting on that joke?

Speaker 2 (49:27):
I can't take credit for this one. I posted that,
and that is one of the dms I got someone
said that, so can't take full credit for that one.
It was one of the best dms I've ever read,
and I'm like, I'm going to use that.

Speaker 4 (49:38):
Thy She's honest too. Love to see it, love to
see it.

Speaker 5 (49:41):
If you weren't in golf slash golf media, what would
you be doing or what's like your dream normal person
job golf?

Speaker 4 (49:47):
I would still be in golf, I.

Speaker 5 (49:49):
Think, no, No, I want a different answer, like if
you never played golf, like you would have to go
be like an accountant or something. What would be what
would you be doing? Definitely not accountant because number or
that would be.

Speaker 2 (50:02):
Just can you imagine me being an account I would
probably be some TI. I feel like I have actually
pretty decent people skills for being so incredibly introverted, So
something where I can help people. I don't know if
that would be a teacher or the thing I would
do golf instruction, Like that is what I would do.
That's something I've always wanted to do. It's what i'm

like best at built for doing. But if I never
got into golf, I don't know, it'd still be surrounding
sports in some way, maybe working for a sports team,
or it would be in the sports industry one way
or another.

Speaker 4 (50:36):
How about you?

Speaker 5 (50:38):
If I would have never like played any sports or
anything like that, I probably would have tried to be
a therapist. Oh yeah, I feel like I'm a really
good listener and I love that, which also, I mean,
I feel like you have to like go through your
own shit to ever want to be a therapist.

Speaker 4 (50:55):
So there's that too.

Speaker 5 (50:56):
But I think that yeah, not I wouldn't necessarily say
on the helping people's side, but just like making people
feel like heard, like I'm listening. I feel like that's
a lot of reason why people go to therapy, and
so that's probably what I would have done.

Speaker 4 (51:10):
Lots of school though, which.

Speaker 5 (51:11):
You would be a good therapist. Okay, will you be
at the Ryder Cup in Rome? This is also just
me asking this so I can ask you if we
can go to the Ryder Cup in Rome just.

Speaker 2 (51:21):
So clear, tbd, TBD. So I was supposed to go
to the Ryder Cup. The last Ryder Cup, which was
just so happens to be in my favorite state. The
state that I've been in the most is Wisconsin. So TBD,
but I really hope so because last Ryder Cup, which
was in Wisconsin, which people now think is my homestake

because I'm there all the time.

Speaker 4 (51:45):
So we're they're like kind of close together.

Speaker 2 (51:47):
I go there all the time now and people are like,
you from Wisconsin. I'm like, yeah, they've adopted me. I'm
now from Wisconsin. It was at Whistling Straits and I
was invited to do their celebrity Ryder Cup events.

Speaker 4 (52:00):
You go in.

Speaker 2 (52:00):
They were going to outfit you team event, play in
front of everyone, play Whistling Straights. I was so excited.
And this was still when COVID was a thing. You know,
it's still kind of going on. Events were just starting
and I hadn't done an event for a very very
long time. I did one event right before this one.

I got COVID. The first time I got COVID, it
was four days before I was supposed to be in Wisconsin.

Speaker 6 (52:28):

Speaker 4 (52:30):
Oh that sucked. It sucked. Sucked.

Speaker 2 (52:34):
I was like inside so safe this entire time. I
do one event right before this one and I get COVID.
I was so pissed, and they said, we'll keep you
in mind for the next one. But you know, the
clock is ticket and I haven't heard from anyone yet.

Speaker 5 (52:48):
So I was just about to say, let's I'm gonna
ask Jeremy, let's dig up those emails, let's reach back
out hey me again.

Speaker 4 (52:56):
Remember me so funny? Yeah.

Speaker 2 (52:59):
So that was one of the most disappointing things in
my career of doing this because I was so excited
for it.

Speaker 4 (53:06):
I love the Ryder Cup.

Speaker 2 (53:08):
I was going to get like all Ralph Lurendau, I mean,
actually get real golf clothes for the first time ever.

Speaker 4 (53:15):
It was a big moment for me, and I couldn't.

Speaker 5 (53:17):
Go dang, all right, Well, I'll put a note to
start working on that. What's your guilty pleasure and something
that's not like chocolate or whatever I'm talking like, do
you have a stupid game on your phone that you
play all the time, or like anything that no one
knows or no one would think of.

Speaker 4 (53:34):
What's yours?

Speaker 5 (53:35):
Let me think I would say currently, I'm just getting
into fantasy novels, which is interesting and interesting.

Speaker 4 (53:44):
Segue for this podcast.

Speaker 5 (53:45):
But I'm reading this one called Fourth Wing right now
and it might be my new thing.

Speaker 4 (53:50):
That's a good one I'm thinking.

Speaker 5 (53:54):
I would say reading in general for me right now,
it just gets me out of my head and wind down.

Speaker 2 (54:00):
I was reading a lot, and it's it's slowed down.

Speaker 4 (54:02):
I haven't read much.

Speaker 2 (54:04):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (54:05):
Okay, So if I'm like on.

Speaker 2 (54:08):
When I'm flying, I'll watch like a Disney movie, Like
I'll watch like an animate Okay, yeah, I'll watch like
an animated.

Speaker 4 (54:16):
Movie, or I'll watch.

Speaker 2 (54:19):
Just like stuff that like people just don't think I
would like consider watching like I'll never I don't know.

Speaker 4 (54:24):
I guess that's probably.

Speaker 2 (54:25):
So being a child is your is your guilty Fletcher
like kind of like that just like make me happy,
and especially since work is so stressful sometimes, Like I
don't want to sit down and watch like a horror
movie on my way to like go and do another
stressful event. So I like to like watch things that
make me happy, so like really funny rom coms, like
I'll watch like How to Lose a Guy in ten days.

If it's like I'll continuously watch the same movie over
and over and over again, crazy rich Asians. If that
is an option on a flight, I will watch it.
I've seen it so many times and I will always
rewatch it.

Speaker 1 (54:59):
You know.

Speaker 5 (55:00):
Fun fact something I learned on instagram dot com is
that if you watch movies all the time that are
the same, or you watch the same TV show a lot,
it's we knew this already, but it's because you have
anxiety because you don't you already know what's gonna happen.
So it's not like it's it's a predictable.

Speaker 4 (55:19):
Kind of thing. So there you go. Not not that
you didn't already know that you had anxiety, but.

Speaker 2 (55:24):
Yeah, I mean that completely checks out. And I just
literally said that. Its like, when I'm going to stressful events,
I need to watch something that I've already watched. Therapist, Therapist,
you said that at the same time, Oh my god.

Speaker 5 (55:38):
Okay, Well, would you guys believe if I told you
we didn't even get to half of the rundown.

Speaker 4 (55:43):
We're prepared.

Speaker 2 (55:45):
I mean, they come here for the best of the best,
and we provide.

Speaker 4 (55:49):
We we do just be talking though.

Speaker 2 (55:52):
With valuable information that they can take wherever they go.

Speaker 4 (55:56):
Golf knowledge. We got it.

Speaker 2 (55:58):
Two therapists here, one and a half.

Speaker 4 (56:00):
They got it. I'm dead, all right, guys. I hope
you enjoyed this episode. I know that we did.

Speaker 2 (56:08):
We always do, so don't forget to leave us a
message on the Playing Around Instagram account. Leave us a
nice review some five stars. Share with your friends and
we will catch you here next time.

Speaker 4 (56:18):
Love you bye, love you bye.

Speaker 3 (56:22):
Follow Playing Around with Paige Renee on IHR Radio, or
subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

Speaker 2 (56:30):
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