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May 2, 2024 67 mins

Is Eric ready to be a dad? It’s time to find out with the introduction of Ryan, a pre-Tommy played by one of the stars of “Liar Liar” (and no, it’s not Jim Carrey).
Will might be critical of his acting choices in this one, but he didn’t miss when it came to mini basketball.

Rusty and Betsy endure some strange wardrobe decisions, but are still able to teach Cory a lesson about leaving the car on E (all while confusing the hosts about what he did with Topanga during the stall out).

Take a ride on the good ship S.S.S.A.T., and see the return of the Good Looking Guy tux - on an all-new Pod Meets World!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:18):
All right, So I'm I'm I'm going to point out
something that's either going to blow your mind or totally
hohm and you have you've all known this?

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Oh, I love it. I love the fifty to fifty chance.

Speaker 1 (00:30):
Yeah, and I think I don't hear home a lot
anymore now like that. Okay, So when Indy was a baby,
we you know, we would sing to him. And I
had this moment where I was singing Twinkle Twinkle, Little
Star and then went into aby Seed and I realized,

oh my god, it's the same melody, right, and then
Bob Bob Black Sheep, and I was like, we're all
children's songs to the same melody. So have this realization,
you know, and I will. Did you ever think about this?

Speaker 3 (01:09):
No, I don't have.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
Yeah, exactly, if you don't have kids, you don't think
about it. They're all they use the same two or
three melodies over and over. Okay, So have that experience
by then. I play this game with Indy when we're
in the car. I have a like, I put on
a playlist of movie soundtracks and some of them he knows,

you know, And and the game is, can you guess
what movie it's from? That you've seen Harry Potter mostly
John Williams stuff he recognizes right away. Oh my god,
he's obsessed and it's so fun. But then I also
put in some that he has never seen the movie
and doesn't know it. And what I do then is
I'm like, what does this make you feel? What does

it make you think about? And it's really fun because
often you kind of land where the movie is without
knowing what movie it's from. So it'll be like, you know,
I feel like we're stressed out and we're in space,
but there's something magical going on, you know, And then
it's like it's Interstellar, you know, or whatever, and you
just keep playing with that. And I do it too,
like I don't look at what it is, it just
comes on. But anyway, Chariots a Fire came on the

classic movie, right, So it starts and it's like, you know,
and India, I'm like, what does this make you think?
And we're listening to it and the melody comes in
and goes, I can't sing it all, but you know,
it starts going and and I'm like, what does it
make you think? And he goes on top of spagety

Oh my god, and it literally is the same melody,
and I'm like Chariots a Fire, it's ruined and like
and then I remember in college, like I had this
friend who when that song Iris by the Google Dolls
came on where it was like you know, in the
don nd the world and my friends just started singing

singer a song, you're the piano man. I'm like, oh
my god, Like, there's so many examples of this. The
other one is, uh, Lady Madonna. I guess it's just
like the Beatle song is done over to. It's like
the Sublime song Early in the Morning, right ras it
it's the same melody.

Speaker 3 (03:14):
Have you ever found Have you ever listened to Access
of Awesome?

Speaker 2 (03:18):

Speaker 4 (03:19):

Speaker 3 (03:19):
Access of Awesome is a three person group from England,
either England or Australia. I think, oh, yes, you play
just play the four chord songs and they play the
same four chords over and over again and sing like
sixty songs.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
The chords. Yes, the chords is one thing, right, because
there's but the actual melody, like note for note is
like the next level. And I actually don't think it's
really a gotcha moment, you know, Like I don't I
think it's more just speaks to the universality of these
good melodies, like they're hook they have a hook to them,
they're they're catchy, they're fun. Because yeah, if you look

at just like chord progression, something like like Pocable Canon,
which you and I both used to love when we
were teenagers, that like those chords are just sort of
like mathematically perfect, that that so many songs just riff
on that same chord progression because it's so satisfying to hear.
It's like that you build the tension and you come
back to a sense of release and repetitive. It's so great.

But yeah, when it's the actual melody, I love it.
I find it so fun. I actually think it's inspiring
in a way because it's like there's nothing new under
the sun, you know, like.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
Tables actually hire music experts now to make sure this
doesn't happen because there have been so many lawsuits and.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
Rip plangierism, right, it's just essential.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
Well, but I don't think it's conscious most of the time,
you know, Like I think that you know, yeah, I'm
fascinated by this too, Like I'm reading all about the
what was that the song that lost the lawsuit a
couple of years ago. Oh my god, what's his name?
He was the son of a sick comm actor Rob

and they lost that.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
But you Gay's estate, right, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (05:06):
And now when you can hear it's like, oh that
you stole the whole vibe, like you still like all
the instrumentation and the melody. You know, it's like, wow, okay,
that's you know, whereas what's his name? The English singer
who got sued recently and got out of it again,
I'm horrible with sharing, you know, that is like a

much more Yeah, that's just like like you're saying, well,
those are like just the same chords and a similar melody.
But you and you can see that that there's a
an unconsciousness to the absorption of, you know, a good
song and then sort of writing your own song and
not realizing, oh, I'm I'm actually quoting something without even
knowing it.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
Very interesting. Well, writer, we'll have to have you come
up with your own individual song that just steals another
melody and then I want to hear your lyrics totally.
Next next pre show chatter, I want to hear your song.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
I'm going to have on tap a spaghetti in my
head for months now.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Thank you for that great song. We love it in
this house. Welcome to Pond Meets World. I'm Daniel Fischel,
I'm Rider Strong, and I'm Wilfordell. Welcome to this episode.
Recap of season four, episode eighteen, Uncle Daddy. It originally
aired February fourteenth, Valentine's Day, Yeah, nineteen ninety seven. The synopsis.

When Eric discovers his girlfriend Kelly has a son, he
decides he's ready to have an adult relationship. However, he's
not as prepared for adult responsibility as he thought. Meanwhile,
Corey Tapanga and Sean study for the SATs. It was
directed by Jeff McCracken. It was written by Steve Young.
And before I jump into our guest stars, do you

guys have any overall thoughts?

Speaker 1 (06:52):
I completely forgot this episode existed. Me too, really, ifoundly
didn't remember anything. Yeah, I assumed you you had some
memories of it, but I was sort of like, oh,
is this Tommy? Is this a Tommy? Like I remember
Tommy storyline, but of course we brought him back for
Girl Meets World and all that. And then I remembered

that we that the kid who had guest starred on
our show, went on to do Liar Liar. I remember
think he did.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
Liar Liar first.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Okay, yeah, I remember, okay, But for some reason I
made the connection later. So in my mind it was like, oh,
he's doing Liar and Liar and that was a big movie.
But no, didn't remember anything about this. I remember the.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
Story Justin Justin Cooper the actor were talking about. I
remembered the same thing. When the episode started, I was like, oh,
are we all ready to Tommy? And then when I
saw Justin, I was like, oh, I remember Justin. I
was a teenager who loved kids, like loved kids, and
so anytime we had small kids on set for me,

it was like very fun. So I remember Justin. I
remembered enjoying like hanging out with him and thinking he
was the sweet But I did not remember anything about
the storyline, the A storyline or the B storyline. But
will you said you do, so.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
I just remembered.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
I remembered working with Justin, who was very very cool
little kid, and he and I got along really well.
And I remember working with Britney who.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
Was great, such a good actress.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
Yeah, and she and I got along very very well,
I actually saw her years later. She and I hung
out a little bit, so yeah, no, I mean I
knew Brittany as well, but the actual storyline I didn't
remember much of. I didn't remember the sat part of
the storyline at all, and it wasn't my favorite episode.
But because of me, I thought the writing was fine.

I thought my acting wasn't great in this episode. I
felt it felt kind of I don't know, like at
least I looked at it. When I finished, I was like, well,
I was definitely trying to make choices, so I gave
myself that kind of pat on the back. But I
didn't think a lot of the choices were that good.
But at least I was attempting something. And I thought
my scenes with the little kid were better than my

scenes with Britney. That makes sense. I thought I was
more natural with Justin than I was with Brittany.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
Yeah, I agree with you. You were you were more
natural with Justin, and yet I still loved your scenes
with Brittany. For me, I loved the episode. I think
it's a great I think it's a great episode idea.
I think the storyline of dating somebody with a kid
and how that changes your relationship and how that you
know what it means to truly take on that kind
of responsibility. I love all of it. I did not

think she looked any older than you, and I also
didn't think she needed to be any older than you. No,
I felt like they could have and I guess the
only reason they're doing that is because I guess, what
is Eric at this point? Nineteen and so if she
had a six year old, I guess she would have
had a kid at thirteen. So they had to make
her a little older.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
They didn't say how.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
Much older though, right, I mean they never really got
to You said a few years.

Speaker 2 (09:49):
Yeah, you said, you know, you're a few years older,
like right at the beginning.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
So figure she's what twenty five maybe twenty four?

Speaker 2 (09:56):
Maybe twenty four. The other thing, I'll say that because
I loved the episode. I was shocked by the clapping
at the end over the SATs really weird.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
It's also I didn't understand. I thought they could have
done and I know we'll get into it, but I
thought they could have attached what Eric learns more to
then I've got to go take my SATs. Yeah, than
just one line at the end, like well gonna go
take my sat And it was like, oh, that was
a weird transition. It wasn't earned at all.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
But you know what's funny about this episode for me,
and I'm curious what you think about it. Will Like
we've talked about how Eric never had a partner or never,
but we actually investigated his dating life pretty I know,
you know, this is now, I would say, the third
time where Eric has fallen for sort of the wrong
girl or a girl that he doesn't expect to fall

for and grows from it. And because you know, is
a good date, is a good guy? Is? Like you know,
and I was like, wow, we I think in our
minds we've all absorbed season five and forward Eric, which
is just sort of wacky Eric. Yeah, he's not He's
not a romantic. I mean, I can't wait to see

those episodes because I know you were pursuing Rachel and
a lot of that, but like, yeah, but this is now.
This is you know, first of all, Eric and the
older women like multiple episodes, but we.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
Talk about taking from our lives and I always dated
older women and they took stuff from your life, and
I bet you they took that from my life.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
The way already at this point in real life, you
were dating older women.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
Oh yeah, well remember I mean season two, when I
was eighteen, I was already with Jill, who was ten
eleven years older than me. And I mean that was two.
That was just my I mean that's I've always my
entire life dated older women. Always. I think once or
twice in my life I dated somebody my age or younger.
It was always older women. I just have always been
attracted older women.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
You know, they probably did from your life and it
just made sense they took it.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
But you know, the funny thing is exactly what you're
talking about is where remembering it the same way. You
and I remember never having worked together, and then when
we watched the show, we were like, we work together all.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
The time, all the time.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
So it's did in the beginning, but in the beginning
we were now season four when of Eric and now
we're done. Oh wait, we got in a fight. Yeah,
you pushed me again.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
But for the most part, but I remembered it was
like writer and I did two scenes together and couldn't
stop laughing. And that's why. But when we watched it,
it was we worked together a lot. I think it's
the same thing where I'm like, Eric never had a girlfriend.
It's kind of like, oh no, he actually dated a
specific type of woman that wasn't always right for him.
But they were always good women. They never had they
were never awful older women. They were just it was

wrong timing or they had other things going on in
their life that Eric wasn't prepared to deal with. But
they always had him with good people that weren't right
for him, and then he took from that to grow
better as a person, which is great and go take
your SATs. But yeah, so I liked it. It was just
my performance wasn't my favorite.

Speaker 1 (12:56):
It is really intense in the cosmog a boy mets world.
How important sat is in college. I know, like it's
just you either are a towny with no job prospects
and a child out of wedlock, or you are You
go to college and you uh and you get and
it's so interesting to consider. You know, something that Jeff

Sherman pointed out when he came back on our show
that Michael didn't go to college. You know, our sort
of leading creative voice was not a college graduate. Had
actually I think started and dropped out and and yeah,
but it's just it's that the world of Boy meets
World just pushes towards that as like the ticket to

a better life.

Speaker 3 (13:40):
And I think that was also very much an eighties
and nineties thing. Was absolutely to a better life. It
was you know, nowadays, I you keep hearing about people
and if I had a kid that was college age,
I'd be like, maybe go to two year school. Maybe right,
But you can hear it.

Speaker 1 (13:53):
I mean, I think, like what we hear in that
applause at the end at Eric's line is that it's
so tethered to like he has learned this lesson and
therefore he's going to do the right thing. Whereas nowadays
we kind of hear that and we go, is that
what what?

Speaker 3 (14:08):

Speaker 1 (14:08):
This doesn't equal this?

Speaker 4 (14:10):

Speaker 1 (14:10):
This plus this does not equal that? And yet the
audience and I don't know it. Part of the reason
it felt awkward, I think is because the audience applause
was inserted or at least bumped up. It sounded like
they started a little earlier than what actually naturally happened.
And again that was a choice in the editing, a
choice to make sure the end on a triumphant note

of SATs and that just felt forced. Yeah nowadays, you know,
at the time, I don't know if it did, but
it felt very forced watching I.

Speaker 3 (14:39):
Remember I remember Michael and Jeff Sherman both telling me
at the time when they said Eric was going to college, like,
do you realize how many people will go to college
because they see you go to college on the show?
When I remember getting letters and from people saying like
I didn't think I could do it, and because of you,
I went to college and bought and it was so
I mean, it made it so it is that was
something that they were cognizant of.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Is there. It's an instructional element moralizing, an element of
in a way, and it does make sense. You think
about Feenie as like the figure of values. You know,
he's a teacher. It's about education. You are supposed to
get an education according to the laws of boys.

Speaker 3 (15:12):
They mentioned so they mentioned Alan goes into the Navy,
but they say he and Amy medic college.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
No, because they would have met before college.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
Did they traveled there?

Speaker 1 (15:24):
They're they're steamy Europe a wild time in Reginal.

Speaker 3 (15:29):
Reginal Fairfield over there they had a two and a half,
a two and a half way.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
This episode guest starring Britney Powell as Kelly, a former
playboy model who was seen on TV shows like Friends,
California Dreams, and Pacific Palisades. Also, she dated Vern Troyer,
the actor behind the iconic role of Mini Me in
the Austin Powers movie, from two thousand and seven until
his death in twenty eighteen.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
Yeah's are together for a long time. She was also
an Airborne just like like you know, the huge teen
movie back in the day with Shane West, the rollerblading
movie with Jack Black, And.

Speaker 1 (16:10):
There's a rollerblading movie, Yes, Shane West to Jack Black.

Speaker 3 (16:13):
Hell, yeah, it's I'm not pretty sure Shane Am I wrong?
It might not be Shane West. But this was like,
this was before the deca Shane West. Yeah, yeah, this
was before Brink became big on on Disney Channel original movies.
Airborne was like the it was the North Shore or
rad of rollerblading movies. Was it was great?

Speaker 2 (16:32):

Speaker 1 (16:32):
Didn't know this exists?

Speaker 4 (16:33):

Speaker 2 (16:33):
Great? Also guest starring Justin Cooper as Ryan, the adorable
child actor best known for his role Little Max, the
son of Jim Carrey's son and Liar Liar. He was
also seen on Full House, and starred in two different
sitcoms that each only went one season, The Boys Are
Back and Brothers Keeper.

Speaker 3 (16:50):
He was Ja McDermott, by the way, Shane Shane McDermott,
not Shane West got it.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
He was also Dennis the Menace in the straight to
video sequel Dennis the Menace Strikes Again. And he is
now a radio producer and on air personality on Fox
Sports Radio, and we are going to be having him
as a guest next week.

Speaker 3 (17:09):
Oh, I can't wait to see him. I think he
was five the last time I saw him exactly.

Speaker 1 (17:13):
I wonder how old he actually was when we filmed this.

Speaker 3 (17:16):
I think he was like five or six.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
Yeah, No, really, yeah, I think he was. Usually was
an older playing young kid actor, so I assumed he
was probably seven. But wow.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
Jumping into our recap, we are in Chubby's. Eric and
a new mystery girl are heavily making out in a booth.
He pulls away to ask, I hope I'm not getting
mixed signals here, and then they kiss again because I'd
hate to think the fact that you're a few years
older than me is putting you off. They continue to
kiss again, but Eric keeps interrupting, I mean, what is
age really? The woman finally responds, just shut up, you're winning.

Eric is stoked.

Speaker 1 (17:57):
Did you guys notice the swing wall for the first time?

Speaker 3 (18:00):
Of course, there's a couple of different angles of Chubbies
this time.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
But yeah, we never see that other we've never seen,
you know, looking downstage at the booth when she kisses
you back. That her angle is a new wall that
we've never seen. It's right there by the way.

Speaker 3 (18:15):
Really, it's tight.

Speaker 2 (18:17):
I know you had no idea that Chubby's was just
right there.

Speaker 3 (18:20):
It's a small place. It's a small place for the
entire town to go to.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
And then also that other angle where we see from
behind you, where we actually get the real view that
that pill table's back from there. Yeah, so Eric wants
to know what she's doing tomorrow. She's apprehensive. Three days
in a row. I don't know, that's starting to sound
kind of serious. I mean, how well do they know
each other really? Eric offers, well, let's start with me.

He gives her a sly smile and concludes that's pretty
much it. He asks her to tell him everything. She
gets nervous everything. The woman stutters, thinking over the question.
Eventually she gives up, why don't we go back to
my place? Eric gives out a little yeah yeah, such.

Speaker 3 (19:02):
A Michael, that's such a Michael line and reading absolutely.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
And then we're in the mystery woman's apartment. She warns
Eric in the hallway if he wants to pursue a
relationship with her, he's going to need to commit to
someone else as well. She opens the door to reveal
another pretty woman.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
Well in the second you see that basketball above the door,
you know what's comed.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
Of course, it's actually a pretty it's a very adult
but very funny joke that she's a very funny into
a three way, which is what's what's happening. I mean,
just yeah, crazy, it is.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
It is funny.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
It keeps going for like, I know, page and a
half of jokes. The babysitter, the you know, it's like okay.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
Eric looks at them both. Oh no, this is too
good to be true. Your vampires, aren't you? He pulls
down his shirt collar. Go ahead. She explains that this
is Diana the babysitter. Oh. Eric loves this. He thinks
they're role playing. I want to be the commander in
chief of the Allied armies. The woman explains, no, no,
Diana is my babysitter. And then a little boy runs

into the room. Hi, mommy. He gives Eric's date a
big hug, and then Eric puts two and two together, Mommy,
that would be like, she cuts him off, I'd like
you to meet my son Ryan.

Speaker 1 (20:17):
And then, which is a little intense. Yeah, not to
not tell a guy that you have a kid until
the kid is there, and to not tell the kid
that you're bringing a guy. All of it seems a.

Speaker 3 (20:29):
Little what what whendy? Is it the first date where
you would say I have a kid? I mean, do
you think that's the right time to say it? Do
you tell him right on the first date? Or is
it just now, I'm gonna go have some fun. I'm
gonna kind of forget that I'm a mom tonight and
I'm just going to go on a date. Like, when's
the proper time to say, By the way, I have
a child.

Speaker 1 (20:48):
Nowadays, you would know right away ahead of time, because well,
because you would meet on the line right and you
would have like a profile, and you'd probably know these
things about each other. But yeah, I assume it's the
first It's big part of your life. You can't go
on a date without somebody watching the kids, so it
seems like it would be By the way, this is
part of who I am.

Speaker 2 (21:08):
Yeah, I mean, being a mom is so much now
a part of who I am, for better or worse.
I couldn't imagine sitting through an entire meal with someone
under the auspices of getting to know each other and
not mentioning the biggest, most time consuming, most important aspect
of my entire life.

Speaker 1 (21:29):
I know she says three dates or three days.

Speaker 2 (21:32):
Well, she says it three days in a row, but
it doesn't mean this is only your third date. It
could be that this is just the first time you
guys are now going to see each other three days
in a row, negatively.

Speaker 1 (21:46):
Right, because you could have met You could have met
out and said hi and gotten each other's number and
then met the next day, and I guess just had
more of a casual situation meeting with other people, something
with other people involved, and then now it's their actual date.

Speaker 3 (22:00):
Yeah, because Eric has so many friends, He's out with
all of his friends and.

Speaker 2 (22:03):
They had a falling out exactly. Yes, yeah, so yeah,
I agree with you, writer obviously for a TV show.
It makes sense that this is the way they're going
to show it telling them obviously, But I think in
real life this would have been a real conversation. I
have a child, Are you interested in meeting my child?

Like it's a conversation you have with that other person
because that's a big responsibility. And then there's probably some
prep you do to your child as well.

Speaker 1 (22:34):
Absolutely. I mean I feel like most people I know
single parents keep it keep very separated for like months,
do you know what I mean? Like they maybe that
everybody knows about the other person, but they don't bring
him into the house and into the life for a while,
because you know, it is really risky, like with a
kid's heart, for you know, to get attached to you know,

somebody like Eric in this situation, and then the by
Eric never see you again. Yeah that's gone, I can devastating.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
Well, then we're in Corey's room. Corey is focused on
homework as leather Jacket Sean strolls around the room. I
think I'm developing quite a knack for these Scholastic aptitude tests,
or as I prefer to call them, SATs. Corey ignores him. Okay,
here's another one. Verbal Sean confidently answers, it's how you
talk and stuff keep them coming. Corey explains, no, listen

to the question. Perreghee is to apagee as Zenith is
to a niter B cortex or c sulfur. Sean grabs
his head in agony and makes disgruntled noises, and is
this the first episode where you do that? And don't
you continue? Isn't this a running just as before?

Speaker 3 (23:46):
So they set it up originally where both Sean and
Eric in season two it was thinking cramps. That's right, Okay, yes,
we had a thinking cramp and that's what I thought.
I was like, oh, they're going to do that again.
He's going to say thinking cramp and Eric's going to
acknowledge that, right, And then no, they didn't do any

of that. They just they went a whole different route
with it, but it was the same. It's based on
the thinking.

Speaker 1 (24:12):
It's almost like that they wrote the same joke over
forget that they had already done it.

Speaker 3 (24:16):
And yes, they wrote drink a Little Star, right, that's amazing.
They plagiarize themselves.

Speaker 4 (24:23):

Speaker 3 (24:24):

Speaker 2 (24:24):
Corey opens the window and Sean slowly crawls out, still
groaning in pain. Eric enters the room and heard the
whole conversation. Hey, Nater, I'm right al and I. Corey nods. Wow.
Eric explains, first two times I took the SATs, I
put down sulfur and cortex, and we saw how all
that worked out for me.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
Boys back in the Corey and Eric back in the bedroom.
I know, it's kind of nice to be back in
that set and back just for his comfort again. Yeah,
there's something just kind of nice about that. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (24:50):
Yeah, and especially since the last time we really saw
you guys in the bedroom there was a lot of tension,
and now there's none of that brother tension. It's really
it is a comforting it's a comforting feel. Corey asks
how his third date with Kelly went, and Eric says
she took him back to her apartment. Corey's impressed. Wow details.
Eric breaks it down. Nice apartment, hardwood floor's little kid
overlooking the park. Corey stops him, whoa, whoa? How did

she get an apartment overlooking the park?

Speaker 1 (25:15):

Speaker 2 (25:15):
Eric repeats, funny, I love I love so funny, Corey.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
We go back to Corey the real estate when he
was trying to help turn her find a place. I
love it.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
I thought location Location.

Speaker 3 (25:27):
Incredible, this episode great. In this episode, he's so good
at this. I mean he's good at everything. He really is.
If the episode's about him, he can can't he can
handle the load. But when he's just this kind of
Corey who's coming in joke machine has the b storyline.
Oh god, he.

Speaker 1 (25:41):
Has a face that he gives Alan later. That is
one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life.
I have never seen it because I never watched the episode.
I'm not in the seats. I was like, what is
he doing?

Speaker 3 (25:50):
He's great? Yeah, he's great.

Speaker 2 (25:52):
Eric repeats, I said she has a kid. Corey's listening
skills or subpar? Now does she get the afternoon sun
and everything? Eric responds, If I'm going to involve you
in these adult conversations, you're gonna have to pick up
on little key phrases like she has a kid. Corey
is surprised. Well, that kind of complicates things, doesn't it.
Eric looks at the positives. They really like each other

and that's all that matters, right. Eric evaluates his life.
They're both out in the real world. He's got a
good job, got me a nice house, frankly, I think
I'm ready for an adult relationship. I love got me
a nice.

Speaker 3 (26:25):
House bedroom share with his brother.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
The door, like, it's just perfect.

Speaker 2 (26:34):
Yep, so great, Corey is happy for him. That's great?
What ad mom and dad think? Eric whimpers, I'm too
scared to tell him. And then we're in Kelly's apartment
and now I'm wondering, are we in Ben Finals week?

Speaker 4 (26:49):

Speaker 2 (26:49):
This feels like too big of an episode. This feels
like too and even for this, he's in too much
of it to be a Ben Finals week.

Speaker 3 (26:56):
Right, Yeah, it's It's normally like a scene at the
end in a Ben Finals week or two scenes at
the end. It seemed like this was just a B storyline.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
Yeah. Also, I've noticed, and Ben has Finals, his scenes
are usually in like the same set so they can be.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
Shot sitting down somewhere so he doesn't have to rehearse.

Speaker 3 (27:14):

Speaker 2 (27:14):
Yeah. So Kelly is cleaning up toys when she hears
a knock at her front door. It's Eric with a
bouquet of flowers. She admits, I didn't expect to see
you again, so you didn't expect to see him again,
But your feels a little weird.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
I think it's the final test.

Speaker 2 (27:30):
Yeah, I guess, I guess, I guess worst case scenario.
She just introduced Ryan. She didn't say this is a
guy I'm dating. So for all Ryan knows, he could
have been there to fix the TV. Like, no, I
know you were not fix the TV.

Speaker 4 (27:44):

Speaker 3 (27:49):
Way to make that for something? Just making of anything,
as long as you say it weird.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
As long as I make you, you're onto something. There
when most guys find out about and Eric stops her,
I'm not most guys. Eric tells her he has a
little brother and a little sister, so he's used to
being around kids. In fact, he loves kids. He shoots
a mini basketball into a kid's basketball hoop and makes it.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
No, wait, isn't it a mini football.

Speaker 3 (28:20):

Speaker 1 (28:21):
It is a basketball, wasn't it. I thought he picked
up a football and threw in the basketball. Was like, yeah,
it's my kind of sports.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
No, rider, the round ones, the round ones are basketball.
The oblong shape is for football.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
So he scored a goal. He scored a goal?

Speaker 3 (28:39):
He why is yeah? I also thought be a joke.
I thought they were going to build it up for
a joke. He was gonna miss something was gonna happen.
I was like, oh no, you just shot from a foot.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
Away, and it really like to add that in, really
like could have ruined some takes. If you don't make
it every time.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
It's will. He did not miss anything, even if he.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
Just made it the first one. Then you have it.
You don't need to worry about it the rest of them. So, uh,
that's true. So Kelly breaks it to him, having a kid,
brother and sister of your own is a little different
than being around someone else's kid. This doesn't scare Eric.
He's excited to get to know Ryan. Kelly gushes and
embraces him. I'm so glad I met you, Eric Matthews.
Then Ryan runs into the room. Mommy, he cowers as

he passes Eric. Hello, Sir. Eric playfully responds, sir, No, buddy,
it's Eric. I met you the other night. Kelly tells
him he gets a little shy around new people, and
Eric sits down next to Ryan and asks if he
can go out for a burger. They'll even bring his mom.
Ryan asks, you want to come with us? Kelly shrugs,
I suppose, but you got to put your sweater on first.
Ryan wins. He doesn't want to. Eric steps in and

grabs the sweater. I know something about this sweater, and
I bet that I bet you you don't. This sweater
was made by a magic genie. He whispers to Kelly,
our genie's still hot. She encourages him to keep going,
so Eric tells Ryan anyone who wears this sweater can fly.
Ryan isn't buying it. Give me a break. Eric shrugs, fine,

don't fly. Take the bus, and as the adults get
ready to leave, Ryan puts on the sweater. See this
sweater can't. Then Eric swoops in to pick up Ryan
and fly him around the room.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
It makes such perfect sense that eron, I know, wonderful
with kids, right, Yes, I love this as a development
of his character. It's like, yes, that makes.

Speaker 3 (30:28):
Well, that's where Tommy came from. I mean, this is
clearly it's so bonned the whole Tommy, because again, when
I was watching the episode, I'm way more comfortable working
with Justin than I was with Britney, and so I
was just more relaxed.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
I don't know if that's all your fault, man, I
feel like the whole first half of this scene is
just a little conflict free in a way that like
I think, I don't know, there's just something about the
fact that you're like, I'm not most guys, and she's like,
I'm so glad I met you. Eric Matthews. It's like
all just sort of like everything's working out, and then

it also works out that you get along with the kid.
I was kind of like we could have had some
layers here of like Eric being nervous in the kid,
she being nervous about Eric and the kid. Then Eric
and the kid get along great. It could have been
like one more turn if because the beginning was so
conflict free, and I felt that for a couple of
these these scenes with her, it's it's just a little
like you know that people presenting their their ideas and

their state of life as opposed to being in conflict
with one another.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
I think it's an overall conflict for Eric because this
is the yogurt cup, this is I found my level,
this is where I'm going to be, and this is
what I'm this is and I'm fine with it. I
love it. I'm embracing it. And I think they've done
that with Eric a bunch of times, where it's like,
you know, this is okay, here's I'm going.

Speaker 1 (31:45):
To live in this time. He's fine, and then the
audience is supposed to know it's not sad for him, right,
But actually, as an actor, that's really hard to play
because it's a conflict, which is, right, yeah, you're just
like cool, everything's great.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
He said, that's why I don't do it well. But
it's it's true because the same thing I felt in
that yogurt Cup episode, which is like I actually kind
of at the end of that I kind of thought,
maybe it would have been good for you to do it.
And at the end of this episode, I was a
little like everyone every parent has lost their kid for

one second and had this experience where they freaked out.
And I understand that what they're saying is parents have
made that choice. You don't get the opportunity to back
out of it after you've already become a parent. But
like Eric is really good at it, and Eric does
realize that he's freaked out and he made a mistake
and that it is really hard. I don't know. I
felt the same way at the end of this one too,

which is like, man, this guy's let him look at
these things. He's good at yeah, it feels like a
real relationship. But I will also say, the reason we
know and the reason it hurts us that Eric had
ever ended up then in a long term serious relationship,
is because these episodes showed us how much love he
has to give and showed us how great he is

in relationship. So it's extra bitter that we never actually
got to see it be carried out.

Speaker 1 (33:05):
Yeah, and she goes from I'm so lucky to have
met you, Eric Matthews to breaking up with him because
he lost his kid.

Speaker 3 (33:14):
I guess, well, no, I think it's because she's letting
him go because she not what's best for him.

Speaker 2 (33:21):
Yeah, even if he decides, even if he's really fighting
for it, and I do like that. She at the
end says, well, you know where we live, and then
we don't know if maybe he's going to show back
up the next day. But by the time he comes home,
he has also agreed that what would be best for
him is taking the SATs. But I was a little

sad by it.

Speaker 3 (33:44):
I'd be the mayor of yogurt toown right now with
a kid.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
But no, nope, look at that, Eric yells, we have
engine failure, and together they land on the couch with
a big boom. Ryan loves it. He wants to do
it again. Kelly interrupts, mommy's hungry, let's go. Eric tells
her there's this really nice restaurant he knows of, but
Kelly says, kids in nice restaurants don't really work together.
Eric admits some might think it's elegant and romantic, but

and we optical flip to where else?

Speaker 1 (34:10):
Chubby like this joke was undercup by the fact that
they already they were there. The data chokes.

Speaker 3 (34:15):
I thought the same thing. I was like, it was
a little we were just.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
I know where we're going. I'm getting the tea up
and the reveal. But oh, we already.

Speaker 3 (34:23):
I felt the same thing.

Speaker 2 (34:24):
So this new little family is sitting at a booth
and Ryan asks if he can play pinball. Eric pulls
some quarters out of his pocket and sends him on
his way. I think the O J Jersey is gone,
by the way, I saw no remnants.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
You think somebody finally went, hey, wait a second, we
should take that down. This might not be the best.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
So now alone, Eric and Kelly snuggle. Kelly asks, Okay,
what's wrong with you? Eric's confused? What the quarters. I
do my own laundry. Do they not have a washer
and dryer at the Matthews home?

Speaker 3 (34:54):
Apparently they don't have a washer or a dryer at
the Matthew's house.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
That seems really unlikely.

Speaker 2 (35:00):
Or they make you do your laundry. It's very strange
at a laundromat, so Kelly explains, you say all the
right things. You're good with Ryan, you're cute as heck,
and you're not running away. Eric says the right thing
to her, yet again, what could be better than this?
He admits that all the other girls he's dated, if
seems so young, Kelly is well grounded and responsible for
a whole other life. Kelly nods Ryan has been a

blessing in her life, but at this point in Eric's life,
is that something he wants. They both look at Ryan,
who's playing pinball, and he gives them a cute little
wave and a grin. Eric admits, this is where my
life is going. Kelly smiles and asks Eric about his.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Family moving so fast, very quick.

Speaker 2 (35:38):
I know this is where my life is going. Eric
tells her about Corey. He likes the guy he's turning
into and actually enjoys hanging out with him now and
on cue. Corey and Sean walk into Chubbies and Eric
says not now, get out of here. Sean asks, oh,
and this is hilarious.

Speaker 1 (35:59):
It's really. I mean, I've definitely had this moment with
friends where like Indy was two years old and people
are like, how's your baby? I'm like my baby, Okay,
well it's been a while since we've seen each other.
Then you have no idea what children are like.

Speaker 2 (36:14):
They baby.

Speaker 3 (36:18):

Speaker 2 (36:18):
Sean asks, where's the baby? Eric repeats himself, get out
of here now. They don't listen. Corey introduces himself and
Sean and Sean asks again, no, really, where's the baby?
He looks under the table. Kelly points to the pinball
game and Sean responds, Oh, do you mind if I
go over there and play with the baby? Eric vouches
for him, so Sean walks over to play Cory.

Speaker 1 (36:36):
The better joke would have been less awe and more
if I had gone like, oh, like, and you think
Sean's going to recognize, oh, he's not a baby, and
it said he's like, then turns oh, can I go
play with the baby?

Speaker 2 (36:48):

Speaker 1 (36:51):
Go back righter? And then I do the worst background
acting in the history of Hysterically. I walk over and
don't talk to the kid. I don't even like play
with him. I just stand there and you can see
my face in the so bad I was not on
this week, guys.

Speaker 3 (37:11):
He disengaged. I'm out.

Speaker 1 (37:13):
I'm going to have a small part.

Speaker 2 (37:14):
Okay, oh man. Corey says they're going to a movie
and was wondering if they'd like to come along. Eric
loves the idea, but Kelly admits I have to get
Ryan to bed. But you guys go ahead. Corey urges Eric,
you do not want to miss this one. It's Jim
Carrey and Steven Seagal starring, and what are you doing
in my movie?

Speaker 4 (37:34):
I'd watch that, but it's such a random joke that
it seems like a placeholder joke, like a two am joke.

Speaker 3 (37:41):
And they're like, we're not going to beat that.

Speaker 1 (37:42):
Oh yes, you know. They kept going.

Speaker 4 (37:48):
Keep it.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
It's great.

Speaker 2 (37:49):
Eric thinks about it, but tells Corey it's all about
priorities and his are changing. He turns to Kelly and
asks if he can come home with her and read
Ryan a story. Kelly's more than happy to hear that,
and Corey look a little let down, and then we're
in the Matthew's living room.

Speaker 1 (38:02):
I think this is where I was kind of like,
wouldn't she be worried about this at all? I mean,
especially considering where she ends up, which is that she's
very aware of like him moving too fast and not
being ready, and so I don't know, I just want.

Speaker 3 (38:19):
To I think maybe she's falling into the fantasy a
little bit too, where it's like, how did I meet
somebody that could this actually work? You know, I had
a kid so early in my life, is so different
than everybody around my age, Like, did I actually meet
somebody that this kid? So that's how I chalked it up.
Was kind of like she wants it to be yeah.

Speaker 2 (38:36):
And she obviously hasn't experienced that before because she is
what she has experienced, does everyone running the minute they
hear about him? So she doesn't really know how does
this go when it goes? Well?

Speaker 3 (38:47):
Playing into the fantasy at this.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Point, right exactly. So, Topanga and Corey are studying for
the SATs while Sean sets his feet on the coffee
table and leans back in a chair. Tapega reads a
question aloud and Sean can't handle it. He grabs his

head in agony again, and to Panga opens the front
door so he can stumble out. And you're not wearing
the leather jacket here. You're wearing a different jacket, and
I don't know why.

Speaker 3 (39:22):
Are you wearing Is this the scene, Danielle where you're
wearing a sweater crop top.

Speaker 2 (39:26):
A crop top sweater?

Speaker 3 (39:27):
Yeah, you're now officially in that.

Speaker 2 (39:29):
No. No, because my tummy's not showing. I have hot,
so my belly button still needs to be warm. I'm
like Lonnie who wants a coold belly button?

Speaker 3 (39:39):

Speaker 1 (39:40):
I was wondering again, it was like warm about wardrobe
so much because I was really bothered by how color
clashing Eric and Corey's wardrobe was in this scene, because
it's like they're both you guys are both wearing like
reddish sweaters. I was just like, wait, it's like they're
just close enough to bug me, right, that's funny. Something

was off this this scene.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
Something was off with the wardrobe this this scene. Maybe so,
Corey smiles, you did that just so we could be alone.
To Pega walks over and bites his ear while rubbing
his shoulders. Corey sighs, the ear nice.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
From the audience too.

Speaker 2 (40:18):
Oh yeah, Eric makes his way downstairs. You take those
SATs six or seven times, you start losing that loving feeling.
Corey tries to encourage him. Maybe the eighth times the
charm for you. Why don't you take the SATs again?
You could go to college, Corey asks if Eric's still
thinking about college, and Eric shrugs, maybe I'll get around
to it. But right now I'm happy with my life.

He's got a good job, a good girl, good kid.
His life is really coming together.

Speaker 3 (40:43):
Yeah, at Wilderness Store plays it pays well at Wilderness Store.
That doubt still still living with mom and dad.

Speaker 2 (40:49):
But well, that's one of the reasons that exactly, it's
one of the reasons the Wilderness Store pays so well. Yeah,
you don't have to pay for anything else. Then Amy
and Allen walk in looking less than happy. Corey into
Pega greet them, but they don't say anything. Penga gets nervous,
I'm gonna go now, your dad is scaring me. Cory
assures her everything is just fine. Alan butts in good
night to Panga. Pega says by and rushes out. Corey

tries to say he's leaving with her too, but Alan
points at him. You stay. Corey's confused. I thought you
guys were going out. Alan scoffs. We did. We got
about three blocks and the funniest thing happened. We ran
out of gas. Amy asks, now, who had that car last?
Alan shouts, good question. I think I know the answer.
Could it be Corey? Alan explains the rule he who

has the car last fills the tank with gas. Corey
apologizes and says he forgot, but Alan interrupts, you're about
three blocks too late for Sorry, no car for a week.
Corey's jaw drops and his parents walk out of the room.

Speaker 1 (41:46):
Oh going back. This was where Ben made the face
when he was when Alan's teeing him up about who
you know, and I've telling the story and Corey knows
what's coming. Ben just makes the perfect light. I don't
I'm gonna pretend I don't know what you're talking about,
but I'm so worried. It was hysterical.

Speaker 3 (42:05):
Oh my moments that.

Speaker 1 (42:09):
It was perfect, so funny.

Speaker 2 (42:11):
So Corey complains to Eric he could have at least
let me explain. Eric asks what he had and Corey
admits nothing. I had nothing. Eric is sympathetic. I was
once a son myself. I'll go in there and try
to straighten it out for you. Okay. Corey thanks him,
and Eric shows off a very proud strut on the
head of the kitchen.

Speaker 3 (42:28):

Speaker 2 (42:29):
And then we're in the Matthew's kitchen. Eric tells Alan,
who's dressed like he's delivering packages for you. Ps. I
can't believe.

Speaker 3 (42:35):
It's like seventies brown the whole and what something's off?
Something weird because I noticed that as well. It's like
it's like, are we doing a time travel episode again?

Speaker 1 (42:46):
What are they wearing?

Speaker 2 (42:47):
Yeah, I can't believe the way Corey was laughing at
you behind your back. Alan. I know it is funny
because then it doesn't really go anywhere, but it's just like.

Speaker 3 (42:57):
I'll take care of it. Then it's he was really
saying bad things about you.

Speaker 2 (43:01):
Alan gives a confused look. Just as we hear a
car honk outside. Eric says that's Kelly and he begins
to leave, but Amy stops him. You guys have been
going out for a while, we still haven't met her.
You should invite her to come in. Eric says they're
in a hurry, but Amy yells to Kelly come on in.
Eric's obviously not into the idea, and Alan asks, afraid
I'll say something to embarrass you. Kelly walks through the
door and meets the Matthews, introducing herself. Alan child's at

a boy as he looks her up and down like
a total creep, Oh weird thing.

Speaker 1 (43:28):
To do, boy, and.

Speaker 2 (43:31):
Looks her up and down. Amy is rightfully embarrassed.

Speaker 1 (43:36):
So many beautiful women. Every every time a door opens
and a woman walks in on the show, she's gorgeous.
It's like the.

Speaker 3 (43:44):
Question I had was is and I might be just
reading too much into this or hopefully this is what
it was, is that Alan is doing that specifically to
embarrass Eric. No, because he says, you don't want you
don't want me to say anything embarrassing, do you like?
And then he comes in and so he specifically says something, yeah,
that he knows will be embarrassed.

Speaker 1 (44:05):
It's a charitable to jay. I think if you inserted
a little more irony in the performance, I might have
seen that. I think actually the the the joke that
the writers were going for is that she's older.

Speaker 2 (44:18):
Right, so more like right, it's somebody he would even
be attracted to like because.

Speaker 1 (44:24):
Because remember when you dated the older woman that Amy
worked with, Alan was like stoked for you, Like that
was part of it. And so I think you're playing
back on that idea of like Alan being like, oh,
you've got a real woman this time. Unfortunately she you, guys,
you look older if you look like you're in your
early twenties, and she looks like she's in early twenties.
So it doesn't seem like that storyline doesn't visually read.

Speaker 3 (44:43):
Agreed, I was trying to be charitable, Yeah, but unfortunately
I think you're both right, but I'm trying to be charitrible.

Speaker 2 (44:49):
Amy is rightfully embarrassed, and she introduces herself and Alan.
Alan shyly smiles, Hello, Kelly, Zippit, Alan Zippit. Then Ryan
walks in and lodge himself between Eric and Kelly. Kelly
introduces Ryan to Alan and Amy, who stare at the
kid in shock. Alan stutters, trying to act normal. Did
you hear that? Amy? They've got a son? And then

we go to the commercial break. We're in the Matthew's kitchen.
Amy gets it together to tell Ryan and Kelly that
it's nice to meet them both. Alan offers to get
everyone a drink a juice box. Maybe. Kelly quietly asks
Eric why he didn't tell them, and he bluffs it's easy,
then proceeds to quickly introduce his parents to Ryan. Kelly
gives a full introduction of Ryan to the Matthew saying
he's six years old and the love of her life.

Then Morgan peeps her head into the kitchen. Did someone
mention laser tag? She wants to come too. Alan tells
her they're on a date and Morgan doesn't understand, so
she's bringing her brother. Ryan corrects her. I know they
acted like this was such a burn, like it.

Speaker 3 (45:46):
Was such a huge thing.

Speaker 1 (45:47):
Oh, I know, I do like this, you know, inserting
Morgan into this situation makes it a lot of sense,
and it's a cool way to highlight Oh this is awkward,
And I actually thought maybe they would play that out
throughout the episode, like Morgan does come along and then
Eric has to navigate having a father relationship with one
kid and a brother relationship with another. I thought that

was actually rich territory for a cool yeah, like conflict
as it is like right now, I guess the act
break conflict is that Alan and Amy are discovering that.
But then that's like, what are they going to do, Like,
it's not like they're going to say, don't date somebody
who as a kid. That's not a problem really, it's
just okay. So the conflict is kind of immediately evaporated. Yeah,

I was waiting for something more to kind of develop here,
and it, Yeah, doesn't it just happens.

Speaker 2 (46:37):
Ryan corrects her, she's my mom. Morgan says, then she'll
just bring her mom too. Eric's had enough. Whoever wants
to come can come, but for the love of God,
no more talking. Kelly tells the Matthews it was nice
meeting them, and she hopes to see them again. Amy
says she's welcome anytime. Morgan apologizes to Ryan for thinking
his mom was his sister, and Ryan shrugs, it's okay.
It happens all the time. Kelly and Ryan walk out,

with Morgan and following behind them, Morgan, no, goodbye, she
just leaves. I was a little like, oh, I guess
she is going.

Speaker 3 (47:06):
I didn't realize she's leaving now apparently.

Speaker 2 (47:09):
Yeah, And then we're in Corey's room. Corey complains to
Eric about how nuts their dad is going about the
whole car thing. Eric asks you, he's been all over
me about Kelly and it's only been five dates. It's
not like I'm planning my big June wedding. And then
on cue, Eric walks out of the closet wearing a
good looking guy tucks. As he checks himself out, Corey
brings up the SATs again. They can even take them

together and help each other out.

Speaker 1 (47:32):
This is my favorite see it of the episode, by
the way, just you two in the bedroom. Yeah, I
don't know. Something about this too felt comfortable and it
was all like, this is really fun. This felt old
family sitcom dynamics, everyone sort of talking through where they're at.
It's it's just good. It's good, and you guys are
all so good in it.

Speaker 2 (47:49):
Yeah, Eric responds on my little Corey with your get
smart quick schemes. The good old sessat ship sound.

Speaker 1 (48:00):
I mean, this is one of those lines that's just
so so funny, I know, and yet so clever. It's
just so stink and clever. I'm just like, yeah, that's
the kind of thing that people like lodges into people's
brains and they don't remember what episode of Boy thet
World it is. But the good ship ss S s AT
and your delivery. It's just so witty. I love it.

I love it.

Speaker 3 (48:22):
It was fun dialogue.

Speaker 2 (48:35):
Corey clarifies, So that's it. No college. Eric shrugs. It's
not like I'm ruining my life or anything. I'll just
move on to what I would have done after college.
Corey raises an eyebrow. Secret service guy. Eric gets serious,
you read my secret dossier. Alan walks into say good night.
He points to Corey. I hope you understand why I
took away your driving privileges. Corey nods, I completely understand.

So can I have the car tomorrow night? Alan scoffs.
Cory must be kidding. Corey says, it's been a couple
of days already. Why wouldn't he be able to Alan clarifies,
I said a week. Alan then points to Eric. Take
off my tuxedo. Eric groans fits Eric pretty perfectly right.

Speaker 3 (49:11):
We never ever get into why he's in the tuxio right,
No idea? What I think we could be going to
the prom somebody?

Speaker 1 (49:17):
No idea? Why never?

Speaker 3 (49:18):
It's never mentioned?

Speaker 1 (49:19):
Are you just trying to be more grown up? Is
the idea? Like you're trying to dress up.

Speaker 2 (49:23):
I do think the the implication is that you were
planning your June wedding and you are so invested in
this relationship with her and imagining your future that you
were like, I'm going to go try on my dad's top,
I'm going to get a picture of this. That you
really are lost in the fantasy of your future as
a family man. So I think that's the implication, which

is why it never really needs to be addressed. But
it is odd. It's a little like Morgan getting into
the tutu and then there'll be like no reason for
that either.

Speaker 1 (49:54):
I mean maybe even just Alan being a little more confused,
like take off my talks, what do you do? And
then a response that kind of gives him.

Speaker 3 (50:02):
Anybody remember the last time Eric was in that same.

Speaker 2 (50:05):
Tux good look the good looking guy.

Speaker 1 (50:07):
Good looking guy, Yeah, which was an episode where you
went on a date with a girl who does she
have a kid? In that one too? Didn't at the
end of the episode.

Speaker 2 (50:15):
You end up in it was the real episode?

Speaker 1 (50:17):
Yeah, yeah, and I think she also has a kid.

Speaker 3 (50:20):
She did? Yeah, I remember the kids making put on texes,
that's what it is.

Speaker 1 (50:24):
Yeah, kids equals kids make him get a job. The
fear of dating a woman.

Speaker 2 (50:28):
With a kid spurs fantasy.

Speaker 1 (50:32):
Go on to the SATs and focus on college, because god,
you could.

Speaker 2 (50:35):
Be a dad right now, Alan hoofs between the two
of you, guys, I've got nothing. He walks out, and
Corey is defeated. He's taking this dad stuff way too seriously.
Eric tries to be the voice of reason. I've learned
something and all the time I've spent with Ryan, the
key to a successful father son relationship is friendship, communication
and trust. And occasionally you throw in a Tootsie roll.

Not bad advice.

Speaker 3 (51:00):
Tutsi rolls are great.

Speaker 2 (51:03):
And then we get a variation on the optical flip
to Chubby's. We focus on a huge pile of Tutsi
rolls on the pool room table where Eric and Ryan
are sitting. It's not the pool room table, right right, right, Yeah,
there's a bunch of toys and stuffed animals scattered around them.
Ryan asks his new dad, what do we do now?
Eric replies, we sit now, buddy, If that's okay, I

think sitting's the only thing we haven't done all day.
Ryan excitedly asks can we go to the zoo? Eric
tells him they already went to the zoo. He reminds
him how he had to jump into the ocelot cage
to get Ryan's sixers hat from the game they went to.
It is worth noting. Eric holds up the Classic Sports
Specialties Sixers snapback, which currently averages around two hundred dollars

on eBay.

Speaker 3 (51:48):
Who says, I didn't, I didn't.

Speaker 2 (51:50):
It's got mothballs in it. Ryan remembers, yes, right, Ryan remembers,
you were scared. You ran fast. Eric thought the a
lot was part of the Gerbil organization.

Speaker 1 (52:02):
Laughs, falling asleep because we are just doing backstory conversation
for a page and a half. That is not funny,
but you get to say what's happening, just kind of
why are we talking about what happened? And two characters
regurgitating their.

Speaker 2 (52:16):
Daily They needed to set up why. Eric was ready
to take it with yeah and why yes.

Speaker 1 (52:23):
They having a page and a half of it, and
then you did this, and then you did that, and
then you.

Speaker 2 (52:29):
Did Ryan laughs. So they were Leopards, Eric shoots back,
but you told me they were Gerbils. They share a
laugh and Ryan tells them he doesn't mind sitting just
as long as Eric sits with him. Eric says he'll
be sitting with him, no worries, and then Corey to
Pega and Sean walk in and Sean's shouts it's the
baby to Pengaleen's down and gushas, aren't you adorable? Ryan

hans are a Tootsie roll. In return, Sean announces, all
right to Penga, me and Corey against you and you're
going down to thank doesn't think that's fair? You didn't
like that?

Speaker 1 (53:02):
No, what is happening to me that? I feel like
I just showed up on tape night, read the script
and was like what am I saying? Okay, and make
it so false and so like forced.

Speaker 2 (53:17):
It's so Bega doesn't think that's fair, so she asks
Eric to be on her team. Eric can't. He takes
his babysitting responsibilities pretty seriously. As the gang gets the
game ready, Eric turns to Ryan and pleads one quick game?
Can I? Ryan wines, you said you were going to
be with me. Eric assures him he'll still be with him,
He just wants to play a quick game with his friends.

Ryan asks if he can be on Eric's team, and
Eric jokes, well, you're still too short to see over
the table. Ryan sadly asks, you'd rather be with them?
Eric says no, it's just that he's been with Ryan
all day. Ryan siys, it's okay, you can go play
with them. Eric tells him he's the coolest and hands
him a Tootsie roll before tousling his hair and endearment.
Ryan looks at the Tutsi roll and then back at

Eric as he walks away. He's bummed. Eric grabs a
pool stick and Sean asks what he and his baby
have been up. To Eric's s eyes, they did everything
there is to do in the world. Eric tells Corey,
you have no idea how adult you look to me
right now.

Speaker 1 (54:13):
I just want to there is nothing more devastating than
you are kid, or a kid being more mature than you,
or or like having sympathy for you as a as
like I had this moment with Indy. We were on
vacation with some friends and they had a daughter who
was like two years younger than Indy, and he had
spent all day with this four year old and he

was six, and you know, four year old to a
six year old seem like they're annoying or right, and
so at the end of the night, you know, he
and I were swimming in the pool at this hotel
and he's like, Dad, let's say this girl's name was Sarah.
He's like, Dad, when you hang out with me, is
it like Sarah? Do I annoy you? Like Sarah annoys me?

And I was like, oh, yes, they are so insightful.
That's exactly what it feels like. Oh, but it broke
my heart because I was like, oh, I cannot let
him feel that, you know, But of course I had
because I'm a parent and I'm harried and doing other
things and letting it, you know, and I just it
was like such it was the most heartbreaking thing because
if he had said to me, like, Dad, hang out

with me, play with me, I would have, you know,
found a way to like rebuff him and talk to
him or try and do it. But for him to
like have the next level of like putting he knew
my mental state and was able to see it, and
that was just so devastated. I was like, yeah, sometimes
sometimes you are you know, you're young.

Speaker 2 (55:35):
It's okay, it's okay, I still love you.

Speaker 1 (55:38):
Oh. Anyway, just reminded me of that a lot.

Speaker 2 (55:40):
That's so funny. That is very insightful of him. Though
I appreciate that I don't want children.

Speaker 3 (55:46):
The more you guys talk, let's be honest.

Speaker 1 (55:49):
No, it's great, man, Now, anyone like this moment, even
though it was devastating, was really beautiful in a way.
You know, it actually brought Andy and I closer together
because you know that I could say to him like, yea,
you are kid, you are different than me, and that's great. Like,
that's what's fun about our engagement is that we're not
just friends. We're not the same, We're not equals in
all of our development. It's it's a constant conversation.

Speaker 2 (56:12):
Ryan hears this and looks crushed. He walks over to
Eric and tugs on his sweater. He asks if he
can get some ice cream. Eric hands him some money
and Ryan thanks him for everything. He runs off and
Eric takes his first pool shot. Eric asks the group
when they're actually taking the SATs into Panga tells him
it's a week from Saturday. Sean gets a burst of
pain again. A Corey reveals he told Sean that Saturday

is just cake day at school and perhaps some crem
brew let. He and Sean both grin.

Speaker 1 (56:41):
It's a cake face.

Speaker 3 (56:43):
Yea, The Simpsons.

Speaker 2 (56:47):
Eric calls his next shot and tells Ryan to come
watch it, but it gets no response. They all turn
to look for him, but he's gone. Sean gasps, the
baby's gone.

Speaker 3 (56:56):
That's the new Chubby's angle, isn't it. Have we seen
an angle before? No, whole table room straight through.

Speaker 2 (57:02):
We haven't seen that. Yeah, we've never seen all the
way from the pool table room to the bar line
the counter. Yeah. And then we're in Kelly's apartment. Eric's pacing.
He yelled at Ryan. He can't believe he yelled at Ryan.
Kelly assures him it's fine. Ryan's in bed, he's sleeping.
It's over. Eric admits, I flipped out. I saw him
sitting outside on the curb, and I started screaming at him.

Even there, Even though Eric only took his eye off
of him for one minute, anything could have happened. Eric
asks how she does this every day. She says she
does it because she loves him. Eric explains, I was
with him all day. I just wanted a minute to myself,
and he got so upset. Kelly tells him, he's not
upset at you, he's upset at not having a full
time father every minute of every day to make up

for what he's lost. Eric says he needs so much.
Kelly agrees and tells Eric he's going to be such
a great dad when he's ready. Just because she's a
mom doesn't mean he has to be a dad. Eric
grabs her hand. He's not looking to get out of this,
She shakes her head. I know that, but listen to me.

You still have so many options available to you in
your life. Take advantage of them, she nervously. She nervously laughs,
you know I'm right. Eric musters out, you're dumping me.
She says, no, I just think that the fair thing
would be to get out of this before anybody gets
too attached. Eric thinks he let her down, and she
tells him no, the only way he could have let

her down is if he stuck around just to be
a nice guy.

Speaker 3 (58:28):
When I am acting in this scene, ooh, I'm I'm
trying swinging for the fences in the scene, I'm really trying.
This is a scene where I was like, man, it's
I'm I liked set. I'm making choices, but I didn't
like the choices I was making, So yeah.

Speaker 2 (58:41):
I thought it was good. I thought I thought it
was a good scene between the two of you. She
was great, She's yeah, she's really good in this whole episode.
I actually, I really thought she did a nice job.
She did a nice job of.

Speaker 1 (58:54):

Speaker 2 (58:54):
It's a it's a tough balance to play a mom
who is also a totally kind of well developed character
outside of being a mom. And even though they don't
give her like we don't know what she does for
a living, we don't know any of her like, what
she even likes. But I felt like, I, I don't know.
I felt like I liked her as a woman, even

though all I really knew about her was that she
was a mom. But I didn't feel like that's one
of the three types.

Speaker 1 (59:20):
Not a fast girl. She's a mom.

Speaker 2 (59:22):
She's a good girl. She's a mom, good girl, a
good girl mom. Even though to be a out of
wedlock mom means she used to be a fast a
reformed fast.

Speaker 1 (59:32):
Girl or jacket. It's in the closet.

Speaker 3 (59:36):
Corey. She had her own Corey. They were married at eighteen,
and he passed away in a fiery car crash. Right,
you don't know, you don't know. She could have been
a girl, girl, the entire way.

Speaker 2 (59:45):
You have no idea right. Yeah, she could have been
married at eighteen and married for five days tbanga was
Eric tells her again, I'm not looking to get out
of this. She shrugs, well, you know where we live.
They both look at each other endearingly, and then Ryan
calls out for his mom. He needs her.

Speaker 1 (01:00:02):
She smiles, she's okay with caddily dating.

Speaker 2 (01:00:07):
No, I do think you know where we live is.

Speaker 3 (01:00:12):
You can come back if you grow up. No, you're
ready for this.

Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
I really think. She's saying, you are too nice to
tell me that you're in over your head. But I
see that you're in over your head and that's make
and so I'm going to end it. But you're also
telling me that you're not willing. I don't want this
to be put on me. I'm not willing to say yes,

I'm breaking up with you because I don't like you.
But I do think if I just if I give
you an easy out and you really think about it,
you won't be back because you do know that I'm right,
And that is then kind of what happens. He leaves
her house, and his drive home is him thinking about
do I take the SATs? Do I go to college?

Is that really what I want?

Speaker 4 (01:01:00):

Speaker 2 (01:01:00):
I want to be a dad now? And he ends
up making the decision by the time he gets home,
I'm going to take the SATs. So I did like
that that that they didn't put him in as they
didn't put Eric in a situation where she made the
choice for.

Speaker 3 (01:01:19):
She opened the door and he's got to decide what
he wants.

Speaker 2 (01:01:21):
To do exactly. And she said, you know, listen, I
think I think if you really are honest with yourself
and with me, you would realize that you're not ready
for this. And and what would make me would what
would be worse for me is for you sticking around
just to be a nice guy. And and so I
think they did a pretty good job there. I did
like that that it was on him. It wasn't that she,
she took made the choice for him. So Eric holds

one of the stuffed animals that he got for Ryan
today and he looks down at it in distress. He
places it on the table by the doorway and he
lets himself out, And then we're in the Matthews living room.
Amy and Allen are cuddling on the couch watching the news.
Corey tries to quietly sneak in the front door before
realizing his parents are right there.

Speaker 3 (01:02:03):
They had to be howling, just the idea. It's he's
they're staring at him.

Speaker 4 (01:02:08):
He's staring at them, but he still tiptoes up and
so good, it's so so funny.

Speaker 2 (01:02:13):
He's like, commit, just commit.

Speaker 3 (01:02:16):
It was so funny.

Speaker 2 (01:02:19):
They stare at him as he tiptoes past them. Once
he gets to the stairs, he whispers yes, then walks
to the middle of the stairs, turns around and pretends
like he's walking down for the first time. Hey, mommy, daddy,
how you doing. Look at you two? Watching tv? He
dramatically complains about his eyes. It'd be nice to look
at something other than a book. Amy deadpans, we know
you took the car. Corey responds, Sorry, guys, my friends

needed a ride. You weren't around. It was late. Alan
angrily responds, I don't care. Eric walks in as the
argument begins, and Alan continues, you just bought yourself two weeks.
Corey shocked, and he's acting very entitled. My friends needed
a ride, Okay, it was late. Why are you treating
me like a kid? Eric jumps in because you are

a kid. Corey scoffs, this is none of your business. Okay.
Eric admits, you're right, it's not because I'm not a dad.
I do know that he's got a tough time raising us,
and I know that we don't make it any easier.
Eric points to Alan. You think he likes yelling at us.
He doesn't. He hates it, and he can't keep his
eyes on us every second. Now, go to your room.
Corey's flabbergasted. He turns to Alan. Are you gonna let

him just? Alan cuts him off, Go to your room.
Alan turns to Eric pleasantly surprised. Maybe you are ready
to be a dad. Eric reveals she dumped me. I'm
gonna go upstairs and study for my SATs. And then
the crown ooo round of applause. Apparently everyone was secretly
really rooting for you to take the SATs. Yeah, I

guess so, I was not aware of that.

Speaker 3 (01:03:50):
I wasn't either, but I guess it's I mean, the
audience doesn't lie.

Speaker 2 (01:03:53):
Yeah, that's true, those inmates.

Speaker 4 (01:03:55):

Speaker 2 (01:03:56):
And then we're in the tag. We're in the Matthews
living room. Alan and Amy are watching TV popcorn to
Panga and Corey barge through the door. Corey greets them,
how are you too this evening? Amy responds, you're home
a little late. Corey nods, yes, we are. Isn't that interesting?
Tapeka urges him not to make a big deal of it,
but Corey dismisses it. He wants to know who had
the car last. Amy points to Alan. Corey sarcastically asks,

I just want to know what happened to that house
rule the one that goes whoever had the car? Last
puts gas in the tank. Alan mocks him, Sorry, core
I forgot. Corey breaks into something very familiar. You're about
seven blocks late for sorry. Alan needs some clarity. Let
me get this straight. You're out with your girlfriend, you
legitimately run out of gas. You push the car back

seven blocks just to yell at me. Corey responds, no,
I just wanted to explain why we were home so late,
and to say thank you to Penga shouts Corey, and
Corey tells her thank you too.

Speaker 1 (01:04:49):
I don't get it. What's the joke?

Speaker 2 (01:04:51):
Did you he made out in the car.

Speaker 3 (01:04:53):
That's something happened in the car, because the old joke is, Hey, babe, sorry,
I ran out of her. Now we're trapped in the
car with nothing dwe And so essentially what they were
saying was the pango was due to your right while
they were down there.

Speaker 2 (01:05:06):
Yeah, but we also pushed against everything. So I guess
we were like making out while pushing a car back.

Speaker 1 (01:05:14):
No, because because you would have pushed the car back
seven blocks relatively quickly and then you just outside.

Speaker 2 (01:05:19):
We were gone all night making out or you were.

Speaker 3 (01:05:22):
Making out seven blocks away and then.

Speaker 5 (01:05:24):
Pushed then pushed the car right, it's yeah, right, I really,
I honestly just didn't understand what's happened.

Speaker 1 (01:05:34):
I was like, is the joke that they just came
home and they didn't get to go on their day
and then okay, now I get it.

Speaker 2 (01:05:38):
We to Panga.

Speaker 1 (01:05:41):
But against everything that Corey, Corey.

Speaker 2 (01:05:45):
Just kisses, just kisses, just kisses making out.

Speaker 1 (01:05:50):
It's you just called me, genuinely called me Sean. Did
she did play back the tape? He just kisses show
on My name is writer?

Speaker 2 (01:06:04):
God, you could tell me that as many times as
you want. I don't believe it.

Speaker 1 (01:06:08):
You gotta hangro.

Speaker 2 (01:06:15):
Why is Seans away?

Speaker 1 (01:06:17):

Speaker 3 (01:06:18):
My god?

Speaker 1 (01:06:18):
Why does Sean have so many books behind him Sean.

Speaker 2 (01:06:22):
Did Sean take the s A T S o.

Speaker 1 (01:06:25):
Oh, guys, I gotta go, I gotta go. Oh.

Speaker 2 (01:06:30):
Thank you all for joining us for this episode of
Pod Meets World. As always, you can follow us on
Instagram pod Meets World Show. You can send us your
emails pod Meets World Show at gmail dot com and
we have merch.

Speaker 3 (01:06:41):
Merch is to appage what apoplectic is to email us
your answers.

Speaker 2 (01:06:50):
Pod Meets Worldshow dot com for that merch.

Speaker 6 (01:06:53):
Oh yeah, join us for our next episode recap Season
four episode nineteen Quiz Show, which originally aired March twenty first,
nineteen ninety seven, will send us out.

Speaker 3 (01:07:04):
We love you all, pod dismissed. Podmets World is niheart
podcast producer and hosted by Danielle Fischel, Wilfredell and Ryder
Strong executive producers Jensen Carp and Amy Sugarman, Executive in
charge of production, Danielle Romo, producer and editor, Tara Sudbaksch, producer,
Maddy Moore, engineer and Boy Meets World superfan Easton Allen.
Our theme song is by Kyle Morton of Typhoon and

you can follow us on Instagram at Podmeats World Show,
or email us at Podmeats Worldshow at gmail dot com.
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