All Episodes

May 6, 2024 51 mins

In this episode, Gizelle and Robyn discuss bugs, shady kids, Ne-Yo’s girlfriends, rekindling romance, Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, “The New Look”, TV updates, Beyonce, Amanda Seales, rap beefs, left-brain, A.I. and more!



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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Reasonably Shady, a production of the Black Effect
Podcast Network and iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Welcome to another episode of Reasonably Shady. I am Giselle
Bryant's what's up?

Speaker 1 (00:19):
What's up?

Speaker 3 (00:20):
Everyone? I'm right?

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Excuse me, I'm Robin Dixon, all right for Grete my name?

Speaker 3 (00:24):
Are you sure? Yeah? I wasn't sure yet for a minute.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
This is Robin Dixon. Thank you for being with us
once again.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Okay, that was too many? That was that? Too many?

Speaker 1 (00:36):
Sounded right? I mean?

Speaker 3 (00:37):
Are you excited? I am a palms.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
You're always excited. I know, I stay on excited street.
I feel like I'm I've been doing the most, like
you know, when the kids have their birthdays.

Speaker 3 (00:46):
Just it's just too much.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
And you're so a When is prom?

Speaker 3 (00:51):
Prom is coming up this weekend? Okay? Oh okay, so
I have that to deal with?

Speaker 1 (00:55):
The birthdays?

Speaker 3 (00:56):
Prom all squeezed in one week, okay, and then graduation.
Graduation won't be for another month or so.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
But yeah, still you gotta like plan for it and
think about it.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Yes, I do. I do, anyway, enough about us or
enough about me? Rather, Robin?

Speaker 2 (01:12):
How you feeling, I'm good, You're good.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
I'm late and stress free, like.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
I hate when Robin says she's stress free. By the way,
speaking of your stress free, this is actually funny. So
I told you how uh Jamal Bryant was highly offended
by you not being on the Real Housewives. But tell me,
he says, because you travels a lot, right, so he said,
every time he's in the airport now, people are like,
it's just all go be okay, It's just say right.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
It's just all go be okay? Oh my god, what
is that? My god? Why ain't doing this? We love Robin.
I mean, people are like, right, ye mind you.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
Jamal is like, I'm so far removed from this nonsense, like, right,
why am I in it?

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Right? Right? Exactly exactly? That's so funny.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
Yeah, But he's he said, the people are very concerned
as to whether or not I'm gonna be okay?

Speaker 1 (02:05):

Speaker 3 (02:05):
Why would they do that to right?

Speaker 2 (02:07):
Those are two questions he gets across the board at
every airport.

Speaker 1 (02:10):
And why would they do that to their show that
they've watched from season one and they've you know, grown
with us and loved us.

Speaker 3 (02:17):
But whatever, you know, change change happened.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
Change, change is changed. Sometimes people like, oh, change is
good changes.

Speaker 1 (02:22):
Change, Yeah, exactly. The change can be good and it
also can be bad, right, or it can just be whatever.
So you know, I don't know, but like I said,
I wish I wish you guys all the best.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
Okay, moving on, Do you have a shady moment? Because
that was not my shady moment, but I have several.
But what is your shady moment?

Speaker 3 (02:46):
I do have a shady moment? Okay?

Speaker 1 (02:49):
So the other Okay, last week Thursday, Thursday night, I
noticed like some I don't look like little like leaves
from outside in my kitchen, like in my like breakfast room. Right,
So I thought maybe like the kids tracked some dirt
in or whatever. Yeah, so I swept it all up

and then we went out of town the next morning.
So I was gone Friday to Sunday Sunday night. So Monday,
I come back in my kitchen and the stuff is
back leaves, well what I thought were leaves. Oh okay,
So I go and look at them closer. Yeah, and
they're little white worms.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
What. So I call my past control people.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
Yeah, they scheduled to come out the next day, right,
They came out the next day.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
They're like, yeah, these are maggots.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
What maggots?

Speaker 3 (03:45):
So a maggot is like that eats things, right, So.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
A maggot is our eggs from flies pretty much. So
typically you'll see a maggot in like a dumpster or
a garbage can that has like all like the you know,
maybe like meat juices in it, and so you might
open your.

Speaker 3 (04:04):
Trus yea, and they're like worming around disgust us. Okay,
So that's.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
Not what they looked like on my on my floor.
They were they were dead. They weren't all like bunched
up together, you know. It wasn't like a bunch of
them in one place. They were like scattered. So I
didn't think maggots when I first saw them. I thought
they were just like some sort of debris or you
know what I mean, like from outside. So we found
out the source of the maggots. Yes, I have a

live plant that was like in the corner of my
breakfast room, and somehow the maggots were all they all came,
they all grew in that plant. And it's so weird
because I've had this plant in my house for a
long time.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
So I'm like, I don't know how that happened.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
I don't know if maybe like a fly just ended
up in the in the soil and planted eggs. But
it was just it was it was scar disturbing and
disgusting and so they're crazy.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Part was so on Monday, wait, wit, did you throw
that plane away?

Speaker 3 (05:03):

Speaker 1 (05:03):
Yeah, okay, so so so on Monday when I realized like, okay, wait,
I see these are little white worms. Huh like these
might and I thought my head, okay, they might be maggots,
but I didn't know where they were coming from.

Speaker 3 (05:15):
I was like, I cannot tell the people in my house.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
No, you cannot because because them people don't know how to,
they won't burn the house down.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
They won't burn the house down and run as far
as they can, right, right, So I kept it to myself,
right So I So I scheduled the pest control people
and they were coming the next morning. They gave me
a window, a rival window between eight and twelve. Okay,
And I didn't tell anybody, did you.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
Send one away? You have to send one away? This
is what happened.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
So I took Corey to school. Corey gets to school
like right before eight o'clock.

Speaker 3 (05:45):
Huh do you know them? These damn pest control people
were at my house like.

Speaker 2 (05:50):
Lickety split at like eight twelve, So what cost me?

Speaker 1 (05:56):
And he's like, robbing is somebody at the door. He
said something about little white worms and he was like
he was like, yeah.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
It got the wrong house, he.

Speaker 1 (06:08):

Speaker 3 (06:08):
She she said, yeah, I'm here for little white worms.

Speaker 1 (06:10):
He's like, you got the wrong house?

Speaker 3 (06:11):
What? And then she said Robin Dixon. He was like,
he said all al a l So he called me.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
I was like, yes, they're in the kitchen. So, I mean,
he just started. He just so dramatic, and the lady
was cracking.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
Up because she was like, why is he acting like
a four year old right about the white worms?

Speaker 3 (06:36):

Speaker 1 (06:36):
And I was like, I couldn't tell you because I
knew that you would be dramatic. Yeah, he was like, yeah,
it's good you didn't tell me yesterday.

Speaker 3 (06:42):
Okay, good, Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
So anyway, so then of course now it's like, well,
what who's gonna get this plant out of our house?

Speaker 2 (06:51):
You couldn't ask them the past control people.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
Well, no, it's because I mean, really they don't even
treat maggots like oh so but she came and she like,
you know, sprayed. She's put the spray in the plant
and all that type of stuff. But I mean the
plant is really heavy because my landscaper potted it and
he put like rocks at the bottom so the water
could drain, and I means super heavy, so I couldn't

even ask her to move it. So coincidentally, my landscaper
was coming that same dome.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
The guy that doesn't wash, yes, okay, that you want
to set up with me?

Speaker 1 (07:22):

Speaker 2 (07:22):
And when he's outside, did you say, wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait a minute, I say that old man.

Speaker 3 (07:28):
Yes, I am so mad at Robert. Okay, first you
said he.

Speaker 2 (07:34):
Didn't wash for weeks and he spends all day outside. Yes,
and then now you show now I'm actually looking at him. Yes,
I saw him. Yes, he's like eighty two years old,
and you want to hook.

Speaker 3 (07:47):
Him up with me. I'm not with friends. I'm tired,
he says. Worn.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
There he is.

Speaker 3 (07:53):
He's old looking, very much old looking.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
He got he has aged, Yes, so he ate because
like all his workers quit so now he like almost
does his job by himself. Oh no, he's really it's
really aged.

Speaker 2 (08:07):
He might need to quit too, Yeah, he might need so,
so he took the plan out.

Speaker 3 (08:11):
So yes, so luckily he was coming that same day,
so you ain't tell why man up and take this plane.

Speaker 1 (08:16):
I know that he's not capable. I know that he's
not capable. When we used to have we used to
have field mice in our old house and I would
catch him on the on the glue trap. Yeah, I'm
the one that had to know, Yes, get the glue trap,
picked one, put this, put it in the in the
trash bag and get it out. Oh yeah, he cannot
handle it, which is so crazy to me because if
you knew how he grew up, why from the hood, right.

But I think he's so scarred from that experience. Okay,
you know what I'm saying, Like he's.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
Like, you know, they would be.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
You know, twelve people in the house and mice crawling
on your head and stuff when you're sleeping like stuff
like that. So he's like traumatized, so scarred, so traumatized.
So anyway, Yes, my shady moment is that my plan
had maggots in it and they were all throughout my kitchen.
It wasn't like it didn't feel like an infestation, but

they were like you know, it's like you see one
thing and then and then you just start looking for
him everywhere and then so then I could just see
them like all around, like the perimeter of the kitchen,
but they weren't like in like the food sources or
like you know, a food area.

Speaker 3 (09:21):
Thank god, thank God.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
Well, my shady moment is a little shorter than that,
a little bit of a short story. So the twins,
you know, they're finishing up their senior.

Speaker 3 (09:31):
Year, and.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
I don't really know what this forum was for. Like
Angel handed me something to sign, like for school, but
it was something that her and a door were doing,
so I think it was for a field trip. I'm
not quite sure. I signed it and gave it back
to her, and now they're off to the army, probably
for the army. Actually, I just relinquished all responsibility. So

then I said to a door, I was like, hey,
where's your permission slips? I signed for Angel. She was like, oh,
I turn mine in.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
I said, I said, what do you mean? She was like, oh,
I signed your name. I turned it in.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
What I said, A door like, what are you talking about?
What she was like, MI, be signed your name is
in seventh grade?

Speaker 3 (10:16):
What do you mean?

Speaker 2 (10:16):
And she winked at me, like, yeah, I got this,
I said. I was like, what, Oh my gosh, she said,
you ain't.

Speaker 3 (10:23):
No, no, I did not know. You've been signing my name.
Oh my gosh. Okay, at your leisure. This is your
rebellious child, this is my I'm just gonna do it.
I want it. Yeah, I guess so. I guess so.

Speaker 2 (10:35):
And I would expect this out of like she said,
out of grace, right, she said, I've been practicing.

Speaker 3 (10:39):
I got it down real good, looks great. It's just
like yours.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
She was like, nobody said, nobody said it didn't look
like yours.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
What was it? I said? They asked parents to sign
the permission slip. So I know what the hell is
going on? Right?

Speaker 2 (10:51):
And you're not eighteen? Oh my god, you and in
seventh grade. I don't even know what were you for
in the seventh grade?

Speaker 1 (10:57):
Are you just catching on that, yes, you would sign
angels and not adore? Well, I guess she would get me.
She would sign angels too. Have you did you ask
to see her signature?

Speaker 3 (11:09):
I think no, I did not.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
I'm going to though, because she might be like taking
all my money out my bank account.

Speaker 3 (11:17):
But I felt like.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
That was very shady. I said, again, right, do not.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Adore Bryant eight million dollars? Right? So then she said
paid to the order.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
What was really funny was like a couple of days
after that, something was going on and and she was like, my,
you know, I think you need to sign for it,
and I and I wasn't around.

Speaker 3 (11:40):
I was like, oh, door, just go ahead on sign
She just signed my name.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
You obviously know how to do that, and just go
ahead on to do it. So yeah, that was a mess.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
Okay, So they learned cursive. Yeah, okay, it ain't no curse.
You know, they don't teach teach it.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Anymore, I know, but they in their school they did,
like their first grade or fourth grade whatever grade that is.
Teacher was like an old school teacher.

Speaker 3 (12:03):
It was adamant. Okay. Yeah, so how do how do
little kids sign it? Write a check? They're never going
to write a check?

Speaker 1 (12:10):
Well, they like either print their name or they just scribble,
like it's literally scribble. So okay, So when Corey and
Carter see people's signatures, yeah, sometimes they look like just
little scribbles.

Speaker 3 (12:23):

Speaker 1 (12:24):
So it's so now they think their signature can just
be a scribble because now you know, now that you know,
especially Corey now he's in high school, that forms usk
for a signature.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
Yes, for like that he has to sign for him
to sign right, and it's and then he'll just do
a scribble like.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
A little doodle wow. Yeah, okay, and it's there is
no C O R E or why in it.

Speaker 2 (12:49):
It's just a scribble. You might want to send him
down and ask tell him like, let's sign your name, right, yes, at.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
Least be able to sign their name.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Yeah. So we So that was like, that was my
project for last year summer. Like, okay, guys, y'all gonna
watch some YouTube videos and you're gonna learn how to
write person.

Speaker 3 (13:07):
Learn that's how your name?

Speaker 1 (13:08):
Do you think they did it?

Speaker 2 (13:09):

Speaker 3 (13:09):
So you get to sit with them? Who got time
for that?

Speaker 2 (13:12):

Speaker 3 (13:12):
You don't? I got time?

Speaker 2 (13:14):
Well you know what, I got a little more time,
So rob moving on? You know who has a who
doesn't have any time?

Speaker 3 (13:20):
Neo? So neo?

Speaker 2 (13:22):
Yeah, is walking around with two to three women yes
as his girlfriend?

Speaker 3 (13:27):
Yes? Out in broad daylight?

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Yes cool, that's what you want to do. And if
the girls are with it, I'm cool with it, right.

Speaker 3 (13:33):
Yeah, whatever floats their boats.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
Right, but now he says they should he should have
the right to get married to these multiple women.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
Oh really, he wants to marry both of them?

Speaker 2 (13:41):
Yes, okay, And he said, why shouldn't I be able
to do that? We ain't hurting nobody, it's just the law,
which he needs to make a song that says, we
ain't nobody nobody?

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Can you move to Utah?

Speaker 3 (13:55):
Isn't it? It's legal in Utah? It's I think it's
legal ish in Utah. Polygamy right, No, well, I think.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
They do it, and it's everybody looks the other way
necessarily think it's legal.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
Okay, Well, he just needs to move to Utah. He
just needs to continue to do what he's doing. Why
do you need to make it legal? Why does he
have to marry them? Right? I don't. I don't get that.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
Because and I don't even understand that, because then, like
what happens to Okay, if he married both of them,
I guess he's just gonna split all his assets in the.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
Half, right, it's advantageous for him not to get married, right,
and then.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
And then he has kids. How many kids does he have?
I don't know. I know that he has children yes.

Speaker 1 (14:33):
So now you're splitting your whatever, your assets with two
women and your multiple children.

Speaker 3 (14:39):
Right because he's splitting his ass. Yeah, why do you
need to get married? Why?

Speaker 2 (14:43):
It doesn't make any sense. So this is our recommendation
for Neo.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
Yeah, stay single and just keep doing what you're doing.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
Stay single because we know in three weeks and four
days he's going to have a different woman.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
Well he's gonna he's gonna interchange, like one's gonna leave
and another one's gonna So why give yourself the headache
of going through divorce.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
He's been through that.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
He's been through what two divorces or maybe two?

Speaker 3 (15:06):
Maybe three? He was Was he married to Manetta? Was
he married? No, they were not married. They were engaged
and then he married and that.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
Was the problem because okay, let's not talk about that
because that's the whole story.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
And then Crystal.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
Crystal, they were married, right, yes, and they got married
again or something re upped something like that.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
They did a robin and wand But speaking of robbing ewan,
Oh my goodness, I went out with my high school
friends the other day.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
Oh I got a robbin wan too.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
Okay, when I'm in high school friends, we don't see
each other that often, but you know, we try to
get it in, so it might be like once every
ten months. So we're sitting there talking or whatever, and
one of my girlfriends had gotten divorced from her husband
four years ago. Divorce.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
I hate him, he hates me, he's I hope he dies.
She wanted to have a look. They have children.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Really, Yes, it's life insurance, true, church is true.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
But she wanted.

Speaker 2 (16:12):
So anyway, long story short, She's sitting there with a
ring on and I didn't notice it at first, and
I always like, well catch a ring.

Speaker 3 (16:19):
Yes, right.

Speaker 2 (16:21):
So another girlfriend who's actually always more inquisitive than me,
was like, wait a minute.

Speaker 3 (16:26):
Hey, you have a ring on your finger. What's going on?

Speaker 2 (16:29):
She was like, well, I was happy we're all together,
so now I can tell you I remarried her husband.

Speaker 3 (16:36):
They got remarried.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Oh so, y'all didn't even know that. They were like rekindling.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
No, here's the kicker.

Speaker 2 (16:42):
Okay, So your question to me is how did they rekindle?

Speaker 3 (16:46):
About to tell you? She got a dog.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
She got a dog for her daughter who's like in
high school, and she didn't want to get the dog.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
Mind you.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
This my girlfriend's like going by the school to get
her PhD all these things. So she gets the dog,
but she also has so much going on that she
asked her daughter, ask your father to walk the dog. Okay, okay,
So the father starts walking the dog, so he's like
in and out the house. The dog gets sick, and

my girlfriend said, I can't do this.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
The dog about to die. Dog throwing up and shaking
and all kinds stuff. She was like, I don't know
what to do.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
So she called her ex husband and said, can you
come help me with this dog?

Speaker 3 (17:29):
I don't know what to do? And he was familiar
with the dog because he would walk the dog. Right,
he comes over.

Speaker 1 (17:34):
So they lived nearby.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
I guess, yes, he lives.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
He came over to help nurse the dog back to health.
They got remarried.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
Love story short. They got remarried. Yes, he they they're
my age, your age, and their children are there are grown.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
Well, her last one is about to go to college. Yeah,
or maybe she's first year of college. Okay, yeah, her her.

Speaker 3 (17:59):
Kids a little. I don't know if I would have
gotten remarried if my kids were older.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
Yes, Oh no, are you telling the world so no,
I'm just I think I can't say that for sure, yes,
but I just think the relationship, well, I guess the
dog is what brought them together.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
The dog.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
Literally she said, if it wasn't for the dog, we
would not be remarried.

Speaker 3 (18:16):

Speaker 1 (18:16):
Yeah, so it's just weird. Yeah, that's really weird. And
the dog survived.

Speaker 3 (18:21):
The dog survived.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
Not only did the dog survive, So he stayed overnight
for like a week helping the dog back.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
To life, maybe four days okay.

Speaker 2 (18:32):
So then after that he goes home and then like
a week later he called her up and he was like,
she was at work, and he was like, you know,
I know, you get ready call him home for work?
Can I cook you dinner? So he thought about that thing.
He was like, he's like I'm in there. She was like,
well I am hungry. So he came over and he
made dinner and then they back they are married.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
Wow Okay. I was like wow, wow, okay, So how
long how long did that? How long? Six months?

Speaker 1 (19:02):
Six months?

Speaker 3 (19:03):

Speaker 2 (19:04):
They went to counseling at her church, like premarital counseling.
I'm sorry, it's they were dating for six months, so
maybe like not a year, maybe like eleven ten eleven months.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
Yeah, the whole thing.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
Okay, yeah, good stuff, Like, yes, sir, that was that
was good. So what's your Robin one? So, I mean
it's it's not said we have Robin wants, right.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
And I can't. I'm just like robbing and Wan is
just like a Robbin and want story is just an
unconventional yes, some ridiculous Yeah, some ridiculous unconventional relationship or story.
And it's really not the exact same thing. So I
learned there's a So Corey, one of Cory's new teammates,
has his mother, Okay, his father and his stepfather hmm

all live in the same house.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
What stepfather? Okay, so we have the stepfather Rema and
married the mom, yes, and the ex husband yes, is
in the house.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
Yes? Why now that I don't know like I want to.
I'm just meeting these people.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Right, But Robin, you're real good about getting it yet,
Robin roll to the bottom.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
So I need a little more, like we need to
get a little more comfortable. I need to interact a
little more and get some more information. But yeah, I
found out these three grown.

Speaker 3 (20:22):
People live together. Well, somebody broke. Somebody's broke. That's my thoughts,
because you don't live.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
With your ex wife and her new man, right unless
you're broke.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
Right, And they all and they were all we all
traveled to Memphis for for basketball, and they were all
on the trip together and and everybody was good. They
weren't in the same hotel room though, actually they better
not be. Actually I don't think they were.

Speaker 2 (20:46):
But that's because that's now, that's a whole nother conversation, right.

Speaker 3 (20:50):
But I'm like, I have so many questions.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
Okay, So so next time, give us feedback, I mean,
give us update.

Speaker 3 (20:57):
Yeah, I'm gonna have to get close with the wife,
I think.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
I got to ask.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
Yeah, yeah, yes, speaking of trying to get the old
thing back, So did you have you seen those new
pictures of Kim Kardashian with the pink.

Speaker 3 (21:09):
Hair, with the pink hair, uh huh.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
When the first time I saw that picture, she looked
like Kanye's wife? No wife, right, I said, Is Kim
trying to get Kanye back subliminally, right by looking just
like his new wife?

Speaker 1 (21:22):
Right, She's like, your wife tried to look like me,
so now I want to look like her.

Speaker 2 (21:26):
Well, I never thought they looked that much alike until
that picture.

Speaker 3 (21:32):
That picture.

Speaker 1 (21:32):
Yeah, when I saw the picture, I instantly thought it
was Kanye's current wife.

Speaker 3 (21:37):
Me too, I say, look at look at the yaka
doing something.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
Oh yeah yeah, And then I was like, oh God,
that's Kim. And I felt like saying, nobody tapped you
on your shoulder to be like this is not a
good matter of fact, why did you post it?

Speaker 3 (21:50):
You know you look just like Biyanka Kim in this picture.
Why did you post it? You try to get Kanye back? Right?

Speaker 1 (21:56):
It wasn't. Uh, it wasn't.

Speaker 3 (21:58):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (21:59):
It didn't really look good for her, And I'm wondering,
like what was the purpose?

Speaker 3 (22:04):
What was the purpose? But maybe she was Maybe she
was promoting something.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
Yeah, it has to be some you know, it's always
some purpose behind everything.

Speaker 3 (22:12):
Kim gonna have a reason.

Speaker 1 (22:13):

Speaker 3 (22:14):
Can I just say so I was in Memphis. Can
I just say the people in Memphis watched the show?

Speaker 1 (22:21):
Do they big time?

Speaker 3 (22:22):
Really? Everywhere I went?

Speaker 1 (22:25):
I mean, we went to a carry out barbecue spot
on a street, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (22:34):
And it was crazy. It was like as soon as
we walked in the door, they knew who we were.
And it was crazy.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
I was like, you know, usually you see someone that's
like out of context and you're like.

Speaker 3 (22:44):
Why does that person look familiar? Where are you from? No,
it was like, oh my god.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
And it was like everywhere, like wow, in Memphis, Tennessee.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
In Memphis, Tennessee. So shout out to Memphis.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
You guys were awesome and sweet and yeah, you know,
loving and kind to me.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
So I appreciate you guys. I love all that. So
did Corey win?

Speaker 1 (23:09):
Oh yeah, yeah, So they went they played five games.
They went four and one over the weekend, and Corey
played that's awesome. Yeah, it was really awesome because it's
like high level basketball. Yeah, so, very good experience for him.
He had two games where offensively he didn't play great,
but for the rest of the you know, other three
games he really really played really well.

Speaker 3 (23:26):
Okay, Cory, I see you.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
Yeah, so we were excited.

Speaker 3 (23:30):
Okay, I'm loving all that.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
Yes. And then of course everyone in the gym, same
thing that you said. Jamal is hearing, like they come
up and want to talk.

Speaker 3 (23:38):
About and I can't believe you now on the show and.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
Like Wan is with me and they're like talking to
him about the show. He's like, I don't know what
you're talking about.

Speaker 3 (23:44):
He's like, I don't. He's like, can you believe did
she said that?

Speaker 1 (23:47):
And blah blah blah, And he's like huh. And so
it's crazy. He's like finding stuff out as.

Speaker 2 (23:53):
Because he's sitting next to you and people are coming.
You're telling him about the show. Yeah, he's on, he's
finding stuff.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
He's finding stuff out about the show from these people
who are just talking about the show. And he's like huh.
And then so then I have to go back and
like explain to him.

Speaker 3 (24:06):
He's like, what huh she said that? Huh?

Speaker 2 (24:11):
Okay, Wan, I'm gonna need for you to keep up. Okay, anyway,
moving on, Okay, So Rihanna speaking of the show, Oh yeah,
did you hear? She was like, Okay, if you're not
watching first of all, if you're not watching Bravo, Bravo,
what is wrong with you?

Speaker 1 (24:24):
She watches like all the Bravo.

Speaker 2 (24:25):
Shows, all the Bravo shows. Love that, she shouted shouted
out Potomac.

Speaker 3 (24:30):
Oh did she? Oh? Did she did?

Speaker 1 (24:31):

Speaker 2 (24:31):
I didn't know that, she said, you know first, I
mean I watched My Housewives.

Speaker 3 (24:36):
Yeah, he was like, what's your favorite one? She was like, well,
you know, I love Beverly Hills. Yes, yes, those are
my girls.

Speaker 2 (24:43):
Patomac. I love Potomac. And then she said, you know Atlanta.
You know they've been gone for a while. Hopefully they'll
get it together. And then she said Phanta pump Rules,
speaking of Vanda Pump Rules, they didn't cancel.

Speaker 1 (24:56):
Well, I don't know, but I heard there on pause.

Speaker 3 (24:58):
So somebody need to call Rihanna make sure she's okay.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
Okay, Rihanna might not take it very well, but I
think that it was time right.

Speaker 1 (25:07):
It's a pause, and I guess the speculation is that
Arianna is hosting Love Island, so maybe it's like they're
waiting for her to be done. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
Okay, Love Island is like a dating show, I.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
Think, so okay.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
On No Clue Netflix, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
Speaking of seeking up things we watch, I know we
all over the place right now seeing things we watch
because I was thinking about this morning. Have I talked
about the new Look?

Speaker 1 (25:33):

Speaker 2 (25:33):
I never talked about the New Look. So it's on
Apple TV. I've watched the whole It was only one
one season, and it's about Coco Chanel and Christian di
Yor and like Ballmain and all those designers back when
they first started. Parisian couture could influenced how thousands of

ordinary women dream and live. But fashion needs new leader.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
Should you what do you desire to.

Speaker 1 (26:10):
Design the most beautiful women's club that exist?

Speaker 3 (26:14):
I look ruined French couture and I'm coming back to
save it.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
So at that time, Germany had invaded Paris and taken over,
like the Nazis had taken.

Speaker 3 (26:25):
Over Paris for four years.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
Okay, so Coco Chanel had us had a shop and
she shut it down because she said, I was not
selling to the Nazis. But she ended up working with
the Nazis. And once I like, you gotta watch it.
But once you see it all play out, I was like,
I'll never buy you now back again. Really like I
felt that strongly about it. I was like, girl, you

out here doing the most.

Speaker 1 (26:49):
Oh really, I.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
Can give her credit because she fought to make sure
that she had because.

Speaker 3 (26:54):
So similar to like blood diamonds kind of kind of well,
I didn't watch Blood Diamonds.

Speaker 1 (26:58):
Well, I'm just saying, like the the what blood diamonds
kind of originate?

Speaker 3 (27:03):
Yes? How they originated?

Speaker 2 (27:04):
Yes, but you know, there was a bunch of men
that were kind of like trying to take the ownership
of her name and likeness and all that and like
take over her company, and she fought to get that back,
which she did. And you know, Coco Chanel was what
she was and Chanelle is what it.

Speaker 3 (27:19):
Is to this day.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
But they all kind of knew each other back then.
And Christian Dior, which right now, I'm just only buying
Dior because I fell in love with him based off
of the show.

Speaker 3 (27:32):
Yes, his sister.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
They put her in a concentration camp. He fought to
get her out. She got out and he kind of
like nursed her back to health. And you know the
perfume Miss Dire, it's named that because of her, his sister.
So it was like fascinating to see the history.

Speaker 3 (27:50):
That's interesting. New Look the new Look TV.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
So check that out, people, and you're thinking of and
let me let me know whether you decide not to
buy any more Chanel bags, let me now hit me up.

Speaker 1 (28:01):
Right after you watch the show. Yes, okay, So speaking
of shows that we watch, I want to circle back
because I got a message from someone. I got a
message from Meeka Fierce on Instagram. Yep, she was responding
to you trying to pronounce the word of the inmates,
the released inmates on the show Unlocked. Yeah, the released

Inbate inmates coming back in right. Recidive recidivism, recidi recidivism. Yes, yes,
so she said, she said, LMAO, left my ass off recidivism. Lord,
tell my sore war. I guess she's a sor. It
tricks a lot of us up recid of vism, recidivism.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
I got it. I got it. Thank you so much
hard for get me together.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
Yes, So that is the tendency for released criminals or
released prisoners to return back to.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
The Yes, and they have a high when they're in
a high max situation and they get out, it's a
high recidivism, got it, They come back faster. Okay, Yes,
but I haven't finished that that series yet.

Speaker 3 (29:05):

Speaker 1 (29:06):
I saw, Oh my god, it's so crazy that like
it was like the day after you talked about it.
I saw a report that like the sheriff was like
under investigation by the county because apparently he may not
have gotten permission to film the show.

Speaker 2 (29:19):
Probably not right, But Yflick said, yeah, we're coming in right,
So he didn't get permission from the county to film
the show, and so they're trying to look at and.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
See if he was paid, if he was paid directly
or who you know who was being paid in this situation.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
The sheriff needs to be paid because it's actually I
haven't finished it yet, but from what I've seen, it's working.

Speaker 1 (29:39):

Speaker 2 (29:40):
And those guys are like taking ownership for themselves and
they're holding each other accountable.

Speaker 3 (29:46):
So it's really working.

Speaker 1 (29:47):

Speaker 3 (29:47):
Now, well, yeah, he didn't get permission. Listen.

Speaker 2 (29:51):
Listen. My thing is, if you put a mic on
your back and you're in front of a camera, you
should get paid.

Speaker 1 (29:55):

Speaker 3 (29:56):
Period. Yeah. So do the prisonmates get paid? Yeah? Probably
not right, I'm sure not exactly.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
But the sheriff whose idea was you need to get paid?

Speaker 1 (30:06):
Yeah, so they're looking at so I I just saw
there was like an investigation on that. And then one
more thing before you get to your next topic about
the shows that we talked about. So I mentioned The
Resident as a show you've been watching it. I've gotten
so many messages from people that are like, I started
watching The Residend and I'm stuck.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
I am being watching I am so good stuck on
the Residence.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
I've been told I think I told to watch it,
and she called me yesterday and was like, I've been
been watching.

Speaker 2 (30:34):
I'm on season three. I'm not on season three. I'm
on still on season two. You know.

Speaker 3 (30:39):
I made my way.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
Malcolm Jamal Warner is everything in it. He is like
such the biggest, the best asshole ever.

Speaker 1 (30:47):
Like, really, you're really talking like that.

Speaker 3 (30:49):
But I believe that's what we're doing.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
But I believe that's how.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
The surgeons act like that, right, cocky, Yeah, beyond cocky.
And you have all the right to be cocky. You
over here saving lives, right. But yeah, I'm loving all
of it.

Speaker 3 (31:01):
I got a lot of messages from people saying they're
watching it.

Speaker 2 (31:04):
Yeah, it's a resident. What about the Gentleman? Do we
talk about the Gentleman? You gotta watch the Gentleman?

Speaker 3 (31:07):
Okay, you would like it Netflix, Okay, yeah, and it
is a guy Richie did it?

Speaker 1 (31:14):

Speaker 3 (31:14):
Okay? Actually, why I would really like it too.

Speaker 1 (31:16):
Okay, let me let him know. Yes, Oh my god,
because now he is watching it was so annoying to me.
Now he watches all of these foreign language movies with
subtitles with like the subtitles over time yea or or
where they like dub English, you know you their words
of their mouth is saying something different, and it's.

Speaker 3 (31:37):
I cannot I can't take it makes my skin crawl.
I can't watch it. And he's sitting there watching these
random foreign watching loopin' let me lupkins. No, it's not that.
It's like it's he's on like us.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
I don't know. I don't know what it is, but
I refuse to just I refuse to to watch. Yeah,
so I need to tell him to watch something. Yeah,
the gentlemen, gentlemen, he'll definitely like that. Sorry, so you're
about to say something, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (32:06):
I'm about to say your people are the worst. So
everybody's like, and this is for you, Oh my gosh.
I mean, Beyonce never wears her real hair.

Speaker 3 (32:18):
She always wears wigs.

Speaker 2 (32:19):
So like, I don't understand why she would come out
with Sacred because like you know, she doesn't wear her
real hair.

Speaker 3 (32:25):
So Beyonce went ahead and washed her own hairsh day.

Speaker 2 (32:29):
She put all the moisturizes and all that and it
she combed it out hearted through everybody could see she
got some hair.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
Yes, that was for you Robin. I knew that she
had hair. I never doubted that she had hair.

Speaker 2 (32:43):
That went crazy, oh right, Oh yeah, they lost their
damn minds talking about Oh no, she got a couple
of clips in there. Oh no, she sewed something and
she didn't party on the left side to the right
because she didn't want us to see y'all are haters.

Speaker 3 (32:56):
I know. I couldn't that part. I couldn't believe.

Speaker 1 (32:58):
I couldn't believe that people were still trying to question
that video, which to me, I mean, you know, I
know what a head full of hair looks like, and
she has a beautiful head full of hair. I never
doubted that. I knew that, and so that was my thing.
It's like, Okay, you are putting these products out, which
you know, maybe you've used the ingredients to really keep

your hair healthy. But let's see your healthy hair. Well
we saw dad day, Yes, yes, And I think people
actually also love it, like you know, whenever like Beyonce
does something to make her feel more human, you know,
it's like oh.

Speaker 3 (33:33):
You, oh you wash, you get your hair washed, Oh
you blow draw your own hair.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
Oh my god, you're doing a voiceover on Instagram like
you actually did a void.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
She was like, I'm sick of y'all like that's what
that was.

Speaker 1 (33:44):
I'm sick of it's necessary for the products I just
if we have. If you've never ever ever seen Beyonce's
natural hair, what would make you think that you want
any product that she's selling for hair care?

Speaker 2 (33:57):
But but we all know Tina, and we all know
Tina was a hairstyleist, So Tina knows like.

Speaker 3 (34:02):
The good products for your hair. I know.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
But I'm just saying just in a in a grand
scheme of things, like if you just show me your hair, okay.

Speaker 2 (34:13):
Well she showed everybody and then people still was they
were not satisfied.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
Of course, will y'all be satisfied with her hair? Her
hair is freaking gorgeous.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
I know, No, I actually kind of want something. So
I actually have been using this sacred and you did
say you were going to try it.

Speaker 3 (34:30):
No, I've been and I love it.

Speaker 2 (34:31):
She talked about the it's in a tub, but the
mask I think love that really, And so I typically
wash my hair in the shower and so I'm like
standing up, I'm doing it myself, so I'm not really
like I'm kind of rushing a bit so I don't
really allow the mask to like sit in my hair

like I should, but I'm going to I'm just gonna
put it in and then come out the shower and
just like let it sit.

Speaker 3 (34:56):
In my hair for a while.

Speaker 2 (34:57):
But I love all of her stuff, like I'm nothing
thing bad to say, oh good thing, and people a
lot of people have come out with hair stuff. Yes,
and it ain't right. I agree, it's basic.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
I agree.

Speaker 3 (35:07):
And I know someone in particular, and I'm looking you
in your eyeballs and you know who that is. I agree.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
I'm actually in a couple.

Speaker 3 (35:14):
Yeah, and it's basic. Yeah, is not basic?

Speaker 1 (35:18):
Okay, that's good to know. And I mean, and that's
because I have tried a lot of different products, whether
you're getting at the drug store wherever, and I'm like, yeah, no,
this is like my hair feels crunchy or you know, dry,
or yeah, it's not it and you have to stick
to my expensive or eBay or or how do you
spell how do you pronounce orbe or or or.

Speaker 3 (35:41):
Or ob uh huh. I think that was right. You
said it right the first time.

Speaker 2 (35:44):
I think orbit yeah, or eBay or eBay no, yes,
So yes, I agree, Yeah, Okay, so maybe I'll try it. Yeah, no,
definitely try it. If anything, get the mask.

Speaker 1 (35:57):

Speaker 2 (35:58):
But speaking of the internet going crazy, see Amanda Seals y'all.
Y'all had so much to say about her little interview.
What wasn't little three hours interview is another three hour interview.

Speaker 3 (36:10):
And guess what I had time? I had time. You
watched it all.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Listen what someone called me and said. I think it
was cal called me and said something that she had said,
and I was like, you know what, that actually doesn't
sound right.

Speaker 3 (36:22):
And I have time.

Speaker 2 (36:23):
Today, so I'm going to make sure that what you're
saying is not true because it wasn't like it. Got
something confused, listened to somebody like their interpretation, Okay, got it.

Speaker 3 (36:33):

Speaker 2 (36:34):
I was very happy that Amanda Seals who has because
she said, basically to the world, y'all forgot I've been
around for thirty years in this industry.

Speaker 3 (36:48):
She was on Disney at eight years old. Oh wow, Yes,
I didn't forget. I didn't know.

Speaker 2 (36:54):
Oh okay, she said, let me remind you. Let me
reach never myself. She said, She's been around forever, moving
in and out of the industry in all kinds of
different ways. You know, she's been faced with hate. Yeah,
and this is my interpretation of the interview, and she
could never figure out why, and I'm like, girl, call

me I could right, wow, okay, okay, but now she's
got to a place in her life if she don't
give it damn right Okay.

Speaker 3 (37:25):
Yeah, she should have got there like fifteen. Yeah, that
would have helped her mental Yes, and that's what she said.
She had nurse breakdown.

Speaker 2 (37:31):
Oh wow, okay, and everybody's trying to cancel her and
blah blah blah, and everybody needs to stop, like with
this whole cancel shit.

Speaker 1 (37:37):

Speaker 3 (37:37):
If you don't like something or someone turn just keep
keep skip keep. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (37:43):
But it caused her to have a nurse breakdown, and
she was able to articulate it and talk about it
after she got shanned all the way together.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
She had to come together in the beginning of an
interview because I listen, I can't handle I.

Speaker 1 (37:53):
Saw clips and he was pushing back on like everything
that she said.

Speaker 3 (37:57):
Yes, and so she got him together.

Speaker 1 (37:58):
Yeah, And it was weird because I'm like, I know
he's now this is a thing that he's been doing.

Speaker 3 (38:03):
I don't remember him doing that to to everyone.

Speaker 2 (38:06):
Else and George kat Williams, Right, he didn't do it too.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
Did you do it? Maybe he took the to Monique
a little bit, a little bit. Yeah, it could be
a woman woman thing. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
Shannon still wears tight shirts and yeah, okay, that was terrible.
But like, allow women to space if they're gonna come
on your show, allow them the space to feel comfortable
to tell their story.

Speaker 1 (38:29):
Right, yeah, that's it because when you push back on them,
then they think, okay, let me shut up.

Speaker 3 (38:34):
Yes, yes, So so.

Speaker 1 (38:36):
What okay, what was her So her purpose was just
to get on there and just talk about her.

Speaker 3 (38:42):
I don't understand.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
I don't know what. I don't know what her purpose was.
But well she said that she hasn't she's been kind
of like black ball, not black ball, but she hasn't
been invited to a lot of black spaces to kind
of like just talk. Right.

Speaker 3 (38:58):
I'm trying. I'm trying to think it was she promoting something.
She might Oh, she's promoting her book. I think.

Speaker 2 (39:04):
Okay, she has I think, so okay, maybe I'm making
that up anyway, So.

Speaker 3 (39:09):
So interesting story.

Speaker 2 (39:10):
She was booted out of its ray and her had
a huge problem. Right. Well, it was Ray's publicist assistant
or whatever, which basically is kind of like Ray. Right, So,
long story short, Amanda was invited to a party and
the publicist kicked her out, had her removed from the part.

Like why, right, right, Why that's just like hate?

Speaker 3 (39:36):
Yeah, yeah, you know, I mean, it's it's mind you.

Speaker 2 (39:40):
Amanda Seels is brilliant, highly intelligent, and that is hard.

Speaker 3 (39:46):
For people to stomach, exactly. And she's beautiful. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (39:49):
And it's not only is she highly intelligent, she's she's
very vocal. Yes, that's the problem. Like people can't handle
how vocal she is, right, And you know, I mean,
and I'm sure there's other things that go on, but
they can't handle that. She speaks up whenever, yes, whenever
she she wants to. Whenever she sees something that's not right.

She points things out, and she she makes she has
uncomfortable conversations.

Speaker 2 (40:15):
She don't mind it. And she right, she don't mind
an uncomfortable conversation.

Speaker 3 (40:18):
She's cool with it. Right, But don't be intelligent, black
and beautiful.

Speaker 2 (40:23):
Right, it's a issue, right, And I'm speaking for myself.

Speaker 3 (40:30):
For me, damn.

Speaker 1 (40:32):
Yeah, but you know, it's sad one. He gets like
sucked into these like YouTube videos where people have been
talking about Diddy and all this stuff, right, and and
it just turned into a whole bunch of just people
just talking shit back and forth about each other. And
he goes, why do we always have to tear each
other down?

Speaker 3 (40:52):
Why? Why?

Speaker 1 (40:54):
It's just it's like you.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
Why I don't get it, Like, respect people for who
and what they are, right, be happy for them, right,
and keep it pushing bike and gone straight on you.

Speaker 1 (41:05):
Right, by the way, speaking and tearing each other down?
Have you been keeping up with the rat battles, the
Drake versus Kendrick Lamar and Rick Rosh.

Speaker 2 (41:14):
Okay, so after after so Rick and Rick, this is
when I checked out.

Speaker 3 (41:19):
Yeah, when it was first it was Rick Ross and Drake, right,
it was nonsense to me.

Speaker 2 (41:25):
I checked out, right, So now it's continuing on, I
have to check.

Speaker 1 (41:28):
I don't.

Speaker 3 (41:28):
I don't know what the hell's happening.

Speaker 1 (41:30):
Okay. So yesterday, okay, April thirtieth, Kendrick Lamar released his
rebuttal to Drake's disc. Okay, it was like two weeks
so Drake leave something like two weeks ago.

Speaker 2 (41:41):
Okay, but pause right there. I do I know everything
about Chris Brown and Quavo.

Speaker 1 (41:45):
Do you Okay?

Speaker 3 (41:46):
I don't know that one I know ever, and Chris
Brown won okay, go ahead, okay.

Speaker 1 (41:51):
So so Drake put out a disc a couple of
weeks ago going at Kendrick Lamar and it was like, okay,
fire yesterday. Yeah, And Corey is a huge, huge Drake fan,
like loves Drake. We listened to Drake all throughout the
car or whatever. Yesterday I had to text Corey when
he was in school. I said, Kendrick Lamar just murdered Drake.

Speaker 3 (42:13):
Murdered him dead, like murdered him.

Speaker 2 (42:16):
Rake is dying in the streets. I was like, what
blading out?

Speaker 3 (42:21):
Yes, Okay.

Speaker 1 (42:21):
Now, as far as like song catalog, I prefer Drake.
I loves music all that. But as far as that
song that Kendrick Lamar put out yesterday, I think it's
called Euphoria. I don't know what the hell is called.

Speaker 3 (42:30):
Okay, but can we where can we listen to this?
Just pull it up.

Speaker 1 (42:33):
Somewheah, just I just don't cross it on social media.
And I was just like listen. I was like, oh,
he murdered him. He is like this is dead, like
come on, like Drake, just let it go.

Speaker 2 (42:43):
Right, just let it go, just let it go, and
like and I feel like they're kind of doing this
to promote themselves, right, but.

Speaker 1 (42:48):
It's like, but at this point, it's like, you know,
some of these rap beefs, they start off as just
like little simple beef, and so I hope that's what
it is. I really hope it doesn't get physical, Bigie.

Speaker 3 (43:00):
Yeah, no, we don't want that. Come on that.

Speaker 2 (43:01):
We we have matured. Hip hop has matured past that. Yes,
I would think.

Speaker 1 (43:06):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't have these guys like getting
that deep. I think they're just like having fun, jabbing
back and forth with the words, oh.

Speaker 3 (43:12):
No, no, no.

Speaker 2 (43:13):
Chris Brown meant everything he said to Quava, which was.

Speaker 3 (43:18):
And please, how did they need?

Speaker 1 (43:21):
Chris Brown is an R and B singer.

Speaker 2 (43:23):
It was over I found out Sweety or something.

Speaker 3 (43:25):
It was over Carucci.

Speaker 2 (43:29):
That's actually a pretty name, Carucci.

Speaker 1 (43:31):
That sounds like Cuci. I don't know about that. Just
take the root out and it's Kucie. That's pretty Coucci. Anyway,
it was over her, yeah Coucci.

Speaker 2 (43:42):
And Chris Brown said, and then I think Sweety got
into it too that way.

Speaker 3 (43:46):
Yeah, Chris Brown said, don't play with me.

Speaker 2 (43:47):
I think I think Chris was saying I fd sweetie,
because you were out here saying that you screw so
I don't know anyway, Chris Brown won that way.

Speaker 3 (43:56):
Now. I also saw on.

Speaker 2 (43:58):
The Instagram that you're gonna be a better person, live
a longer life, be more successful if you brush your
teeth with your left hand.

Speaker 3 (44:07):
What I've been trying it.

Speaker 1 (44:10):
That and how well has that worked out?

Speaker 3 (44:12):
What? So? But like and why is that?

Speaker 1 (44:15):
You mean?

Speaker 3 (44:15):

Speaker 1 (44:16):
So is it your non dominant hand.

Speaker 2 (44:18):
Yes, you're non dominant, so most people right hand and
I'm right handed, Like, brush your teeth with your with
your left hand. Okay, I think I'm supposed to do
it for twenty one days.

Speaker 3 (44:26):
I don't know yet. I'm probably day six.

Speaker 1 (44:29):
Do you have an electric toothbrush? I do that does
all the work, so you just but no, but that's still.

Speaker 2 (44:35):
I mean, you know, try it and see how hard
it is that I guess day I was struggling.

Speaker 3 (44:39):
I guess it.

Speaker 1 (44:39):
I could see maybe where it just helps contribute to
like your fine motor skills that maybe you know, affect
your brain.

Speaker 2 (44:47):
Yeah, you know what I like the other side of
the brain. So I'm doing it with my left hand.
It's my right side of the brain, which probably is
dead because I do everything.

Speaker 3 (44:55):
I'm so right dominating right.

Speaker 2 (44:57):
So I the first today I tried it, Robin, I
promise you, I felt like I was eighteen months you
know how, Yeah, toddler, they're holding something.

Speaker 1 (45:08):
They're learning how to use their hands.

Speaker 2 (45:09):
Yes, And I was like, I can't. I'm better than this.
I'm better than it being crippled on one side of
my body with my teeth brushing.

Speaker 1 (45:18):
So how many days have you done it?

Speaker 2 (45:20):
It's probably like six seven days, okay, And I'm getting
better every day. I'm getting really so it has to
mean at the right side of my brain is getting,
it's activating.

Speaker 3 (45:28):
Getting, it's getting exercised.

Speaker 2 (45:30):
It worked, And yeah, can you imagine a gazelle who's
both right side and that side at all selves.

Speaker 3 (45:39):
Jazell is out of control. Okay, she is doing card
with you. She's cutting people out on both sides.

Speaker 1 (45:46):
Oh my gosh, Okay, I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna
try it, aren't you? But aren't you intrigued? I am?
And it makes sense. It makes sense.

Speaker 3 (45:53):
I just feel like just.

Speaker 1 (45:56):
Trying to. It's almost like reading helps your brain. Doing
like puzzles, word puzzles, sudoco puzzle, everything works your brain.

Speaker 3 (46:08):
I feel like doing that.

Speaker 1 (46:09):
You know, working your left side or your non dominant side,
that works your brain as well.

Speaker 2 (46:13):
Yes, yeah, Now I wanted to circle back with you
about OnlyFans. Oh yeah, yeah, you're supposed to do some
research robbing, and to find out I haven't yet robbing.
I know, I'm sorry I haven't.

Speaker 3 (46:24):
I was waiting for you to be an AI girlfriend.

Speaker 2 (46:26):
Did you do your you were supposed to do the
research you telling me about it? Oh, ship, make this
happen on homework okay. And then and then if you're
using going back to you using the other side, the
left side sex might be better, Like if you're giving
a hand job, oh then your you know.

Speaker 3 (46:43):
Your hand is right is more able? Right? Or you
have two hands that you could work with, yeah that
are equal?

Speaker 1 (46:50):
Yes? Yes, yes, so because I definitely don't use my
left hand.

Speaker 2 (46:53):
You just yeah, yes, well we'll circle back to one
in two weeks, okay, And asking whether or not the
left handed hand job is just as good as the right.

Speaker 1 (47:03):
Okay, it probably Okay that Yeah, that's that. That would
be a good experiment.

Speaker 3 (47:08):
Yeah, so start brushing your teeth first and then go
to hand jobs. Okay yeah, wait, were we getting into
AI or no? I was done. I have a when
AI goes bad. Okay.

Speaker 1 (47:20):
So I saw the story like months ago. I saw
the story about a recording was released of the principle
of Pikesville High School. And I grew up in Pikesville, Maryland.
So this is the Principle of Pikesville High School was
secretly recorded saying all these racially horrible things.

Speaker 3 (47:38):
What you're talking about?

Speaker 1 (47:39):
Yes, yes, so he's in there talking about, you know,
in these blacks they can't test well and yeah, you
know this guy should have fired him, Like I mean,
he was just saying.

Speaker 3 (47:46):
All these why do I have to work with these blacks?
They're just stupid?

Speaker 1 (47:48):
Yeah, all these racial things and it's so funny. When
I heard it, I was like that don't sound right.
Don't sound right. And the news channel went to the
guy's house and he didn't answer the door, but maybe
someone else in the house answered that, and they were like,
this is wrong, this did not happen. Like so they
were really adamant that this didn't happen.

Speaker 3 (48:08):
I saw a report the.

Speaker 1 (48:09):
Other day the athletic director of the school made a
in a I generated conversation that this man did not
have it.

Speaker 3 (48:19):
Did not have it.

Speaker 1 (48:21):
How insane is that?

Speaker 3 (48:23):
And because he was trying to get him fired, right,
and it made me think you no, no, no, no,
what happened was I've read?

Speaker 1 (48:31):
So the athletic director was being investigated for misusing money
at the school in the athletic department, so he was
it was misuse of funds, so he was being investigated.
So then he was trying to get the principal fired.

Speaker 3 (48:47):
You know what that is horrid?

Speaker 1 (48:49):
Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.

Speaker 3 (48:51):
Hey what but I feel like people have done that
to me. Oh, I'm sure, but it's kind of scary.
It's beyond scary. He's that can be done, yes, so.

Speaker 2 (49:02):
Scary and create you can create an entire conversation that
that person never had, never happened.

Speaker 3 (49:08):
So what did so that they.

Speaker 2 (49:10):
Fire the athletic director, because because you should not only
get fired, that should be like jail time.

Speaker 1 (49:13):
Oh no, he was arrested. Okay, good, Yeah, he was arrested.
So I mean, I'm sure he's definitely fired. Yeah, he
was arrested, so he's going to be, you know, prosecuted
for that.

Speaker 3 (49:22):
Right, But I mean, how insane is that that? That's
just crazy.

Speaker 2 (49:26):
Listen, I'm gonna come out here and get some people
arrested because y'all doing this shit to me too, And
I don't like it.

Speaker 1 (49:31):
I mean, but even as simple, even without the AI,
people can just make ship up, yes, and it's just yeah.

Speaker 2 (49:37):
The the what's crazy to me, Robin is the quickness
to which people believe it, or to which people lie well,
right and then and they lie so direct, easily, right
and easily.

Speaker 3 (49:49):
It's like you have people believe in a lie, right.

Speaker 1 (49:51):
Yeah, I know that's scary. Part, Like I don't get
me worked up. Oh, we gotta talk offline about a
lie that somebody was on the new pushing about you.

Speaker 2 (50:02):
Okay, well we'll talk offline about that. Let's hurry up,
and we're still pushing this lie. Oh, I remember, I
know what I'm talking about talking about.

Speaker 1 (50:10):
I mean, I'll just say it because I don't have
no freaking job. Does that do not cry at season
five reunion? Okay?

Speaker 3 (50:19):
Sure? Not one tier, not.

Speaker 1 (50:20):
One flinch, not one oh my god, stop, Oh my god.
I can't believe you're doing this. No, not one, and
I cannot believe. I saw a clip and there's people
are still pushing this lie that never happened, and ever
so crazy that people can do this and then people
believe it.

Speaker 2 (50:39):
And people run with it. Yes, yes, it's so crazy
to me. Whoo, story of our lives. All right, we
are out of here.

Speaker 3 (50:45):
People. We love y'all so much.

Speaker 2 (50:46):
Don't ever forget to live your life, either reasonable or
shady or both. Bye. Reasonably Shady is a production of
the Black Affect podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (51:02):
For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you listen to your

Speaker 2 (51:08):
Favorite shows, and you can connect with us on social
media at Robin Dixon, ten, Giselle Bryant, and Reasonably Shady
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