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June 20, 2023 37 mins

Larsa and Marcus, for the first time ever, discuss having babies. Yes, the first time EVER, not just with you but with each other!

How's that conversation going to go?  Well, it's awkward and uncomfortable.  

And, Say my Name, Say my Name... Larsa and Marcus address the name game HEAD ON. Why did Larsa keep Pippen and how does Marcus feel about being a Jordan?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
Hey, guys.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
I'm Larstup Hippin and I'm Marcus Jordan, and we're back
with our second episode of Separation and Anxiety.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
We missed you, guys, definitely missed you guys.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Today we will discuss one aspect of our relationship that
people have strong opinions about, and that's our age gap.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Ben, I feel like people are really curious about the
age gap.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
I definitely feel like people are interested in want to
learn more, and so I guess, what are your thoughts about? Obviously,
I don't think it really matters a big deal to
either one of us, because, like I said, you're a
young soul. I feel like I'm an old soul. But
you know, talk through your experience with it, you know.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
I feel like I in my mind, I always think
of like, what I date a guy that was sixteen
years older than me, and I would and I was
with someone that was, you know, ten years older than me.
I've been with guys who were fifteen years older than me, right,
So I feel like for me, if I would date
someone older, I don't necessarily were prom dating someone younger.
And I feel like, you know, it really depends on
your level of maturity for sure that to me is

like the number one thing. I think it's like your
level of maturity where you are in your life. And
I feel like a lot of men, my personal opinion,
once they know who they are, feel good about themselves,
and then their level of maturity is way more than
someone that could be older and it's kind of lost
and doesn't have a sense of who they are.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
Yeah, I think it's very situational, you know. I think
it depends on kind of what the person goes through,
what their experiences are. I guess what their life goals are,
you know, and so you know, I definitely feel like
age is just a number and it's more about the
actual chemistry between you know one another, And so what
exactly is our age gap? We're sixteen years apart, I know,
sixteen years. It feels like we're the same age honestly when.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
We're hanging other game, I know, I feel like that.

Speaker 2 (01:41):
I think one of the misconceptions of things people think
about when they're talking to age gap is like can
one person keep up with the other?

Speaker 1 (01:49):
And I feel can you keep up with me?

Speaker 2 (01:51):
I feel like can you keep up with me? You know?
I feel like we both have motors that you know,
turn in different at different times, but I feel like
you keep up with me and I keep up with
you pretty well.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
I feel like we're at the same pace.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
I know, and we're both social. We both have a
lot going on in our independent lives, but I feel
like we do a good job of involving each other
on our day to day you know.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
I feel like we're a lot alike in so many
different ways.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
I think so too. I think obviously growing up in Chicago,
both of us, and having those that is our foundation
in our roots. I think there's a lot of similarities
in our personalities.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
I agree, no totally.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
And so, what have been some of the most hurtful
comments you've seen with regards to our age gap.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
I feel like people think that they're like I feel
like they've called me your auntie and I'm like, hello,
what are you talking about? Like, what are you talking about?
I didn't even know you. Yeah, yeah, I feel like
that's kind of hurtful.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
I feel like that's been the comment, not necessarily you
being my auntie, but I feel like, more so you
used to babysit me or you were at my birthday
parties growing up when I was a kid, and obviously
we didn't know each other, our families weren't so intertwined
as people think. Yeah, and so I wouldn't say it's
necessarily hurtful, but I feel like that the comment that
I feel that I have to restrain myself from, you know,

responding to, just because you know, I feel like a
lot of people have it wrong, and you know, sometimes
I want to correct them, but I just don't.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
I know, it's kind of crazy how people think they
know us when in reality they really don't know anything
about like who we are as a couple or even
like I feel like I never really defend myself one
of those I'm not one.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
Of those people like you defend yourself more than I do.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
I feel like, definitely don't defend yourself.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
I feel like every now and then you jump in
the comment section of an Instagram post and try to
set the record straight, you know.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
I feel like when I've had enough and then I
feel like, okay, fine, I have to like clear the
air with this or that. Then I'm more apt to
like go on social media and like say something. But overall,
I feel like, you know, I was talking to Yami
about this about how when you are with someone that's
a celebrity, whoever is like the celebrity that you're with.
When you leave, people automatically think you are the worst

person for leaving that person. Yeah, and just because someone
is like a great athlete, at doctor or whatever it is,
it's not make them a good partner, but doesn't necessarily
mean they're going to be a good partner for you
at home. And I feel like a lot of people
don't see it like that. They think that if you
are a superstar of an artist or whatever, like, oh
my god, why would they break up? When when you

live with someone, you forget that they're a celebrity. They
are just a regular person. They are just a regular person.
You don't view them as you know, this person is
you know, God, you don't see it like that anymore.
You really think they're normal.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
Yeah. I think it's really easy for people, you know,
sitting at home or behind a phone to throw stones.
And I feel like, yeah, you know, when you're involved
in the situation and it's your day to day, you know,
then there's a different perspective and there's a different, you know,
component to it. So you got to live in your truth.
You've got to be happy and makes that are best.

Speaker 1 (04:46):
For you, and that's you know what does Sophie always say.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
You got to protect your mental You.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
Got to protect your mental. She always says that. I
feel like, you've got to protect your mental You got
to do what's right for you. Everyone else to do
it's right for themselves.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
Exactly, exactly, And so moving on, I guess you know,
do you have any friends or know any people that
are dating and have a similar age gap to us?

Speaker 1 (05:08):
Like I feel like, yeah, I feel like we have
so many friends.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
But I would say that, like it is more common
that the age gap the man will be older than
the woman. Yeah, and I feel like this is a reverse.
You know, obviously you're older than me, and so do
you think that there's a double standard with you know
that times yet or you know, talk to me about it.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
Well, I feel like growing up, my uncle Abe was
twenty five years older than his wife, right, you know,
Lauren and Jr. They're you know, twenty years apart. Come
Mall and his girlfriend. We just have so many friends
where the guy is so much older than the woman.
I feel like I've seen that time and time again.
And when I was twenty one, I liked older men
right like, I feel like that was very normal. But

I feel like in today's you know, it's twenty twenty three,
I feel like age is really just a number and
it's basically how you feel because you know, I have
friends that are fifteen twenty years younger than me, and
I feel like I'm younger than them. Yeah, my energy
level is like more than they are. There. I'm like,
you're so old for being twenty, Like you're so old
for being thirty.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
Like, yeah, that's why I say it's situational, you know,
I feel like you're what you go through in your
life kind of you know, impacts your maturity level.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
I would say, sure, I agree to Marcus. What's the
best part of me being a little bit older?

Speaker 2 (06:18):
The best part about you being a little bit older,
I don't know. I think your tipperament. I feel like
you're more knowledgeable about things that go on. Obviously you're
very compassionate and loving and so, you know, having prior
to us dated younger women, I feel like that's something
that's missing. And you know, the dating scene today, I

feel like not everybody is so you know, loving and
giving as you are, and I feel like that comes
with you know, your experiences in life. And so I
think one of the things that I cherish about our
age gap is just how you know, delicate and loving
you are with me.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
Oh that's so cute when I think about like being
with you and our age differends, and like, what's the
best part about you being younger than me? Me? Yeah,
I feel like for me, I feel like it's You're
so much fun. I would say this boy, you you
have like such a great fun like personality, and it's
really hard because I feel like a lot of people

are really serious and you're not.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Well, I'm definitely serious.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
You're definitely fun.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
I like to have fun.

Speaker 3 (07:24):

Speaker 2 (07:24):
I think I'm a very optimistic person, and I feel
like you are like the energizer bunny, and you always
are looking for what's next, what you know type of
just you know event or something that's going on. And
so I definitely would say that being younger is a
benefit to me because I can keep up with you.
I'm not sure I feel like that to each other.

I'm not sure if any of these old dudes can
keep up with you.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
I don't think so either. To be honest with you,
I don't know. I just feel like it's you.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
I don't necessarily like I never really like when I
was single, I never really said, oh I want to
date a younger guy. That was never on my mind.
I never cared to date someone younger so old I
would have dated someone fifteen, sixteen, twenty years older than me,
or you know, fifteen sixteen years younger than me. I
don't ever in my mind when I would be, like,
you know what am I looking for? Age was not
one of those things that was on my list. It

was more about character a person, you know, just like
who they were, you know, as a human being, rather
than how old are they? Like that was the last
thing on my mind.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
Do you feel like that there's anything that I do
because I'm younger that maybe somebody that you dated in
the past wouldn't have done if they were a little
older than me.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
I really don't know. No, I don't think so that's funny.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
I mean, I don't think so.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
When I've dated guys younger than you, trust me. I know,
I don't mean it like that. I just mean I
have dated guys younger than you, and I don't I
don't really I just see you for like the things
you do.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
You know, Yeah, No, I think it's I think it's
very much situational and so LARSA, would you say you're
at your sexiest and most confident point in your life
when it comes to intimacy.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
I mean, I know what I'm doing. No, I'm just kidding.
I think so, I feel like I'm really confident. I
feel really good. I feel like I'm in a really
good place emotionally, like mentally, and I think that kind
of carries over into your like intimacy.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
Yeah, I mean, you're definitely a very confident person. I
feel like we both are. You know, we both really
could care less of what people think of us. Yeah,
we both work out a lot, so we're trying to
be in our best shape and feel good about our
bodies and health and wellness, and so, you know, I
feel like there's times when you might be even overly confident.
You throw on some outfits that.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
Extra small I get excited.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
I'm like sometimes I'm like, hey, okay, a too confident here.
But I know, I think it's a good trait to have.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
I think it's really important to be confident because I
feel like the world is so harsh. When I read
some of the comments, like the negative comments on Instagram, Twitter,
I'm like, these people are so mean. And if I
wasn't as confident as I am, if you weren't as
confident as you are, like it would really affect you,
It would really affect people's mental And I feel like
people don't think about that. They don't think about how
hurtful some of these things are. And you think, just

because the person is successful or you know they're in
the public eye, that they should sign up for scrutiny. Well, no,
it doesn't work like that. Sometimes you are you know,
you want to be out there doing X, Y and z,
but you're not like ready for all the scrutiny. And
I feel like we're both blessed because we do have
that confidence and where we have that like, I don't
care what people say because I'm going to live my

best life and I am going through separation anxiety with you,
and I don't care, like life is so good that
I'm sorry you feel bad, you feel so bad that
you want to talk bad about me, because honestly, I
don't feel bad about you. And even people that like
have said things about us like that are like in
the NBA, like people that I'm like, I feel bad
for you because look at you, Like I feel sorry

for you because I would never talk anything bad about you,
But like it's fine that you feel like you need
to comment and say some negative things about us, when
in reality, like, we don't really care about you.

Speaker 2 (10:49):
By the way, I think people you know, see our name,
our last names, and the fact that we're in the
public a lot, and so people feel like they can,
you know, have an opinion on certain things in our
personal life. But I feel like, you know, both of
us being from Chicago, yeah, we're getting growing up tough.
You know. We don't let words affect us.

Speaker 1 (11:06):
No, we're good. I feel like, you know what I mean.
I just I wish them. I wish they had a
quarter of the happiness that we have. That's all I
could say. I wish them a quarter.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
I just I think it's easy for people to throw
stones behind the user name, you know, on social media.
But I feel like when we're in public and when
we see people out in the world, we rarely get
any type of negative images.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
I feel like everyone loves.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
Us exactly, so I think it's easy to throw stones
on social media.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
No, I agree. Do we were discuss having kids?

Speaker 2 (11:32):
I think there's been conversations around it, right, I.

Speaker 1 (11:36):
Feel like other people ask we don't really exactly.

Speaker 2 (11:38):
I feel like when we go, when we meet people,
I'm introducing you to some of my friends, or you
introduce me to some of your friends. I feel like
it gets brought up. But I don't feel like we've
ever had a one on one private conversation about having children.

Speaker 1 (11:51):
Yeah, I don't think so.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
I don't think so, not a serious one at least.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
It's one of those things where like time will tell
you know for sure.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
I feel like we've been together how.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
Long, like almost eight years and not a year maybe.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
Closes like nine going on nine months.

Speaker 1 (12:07):
No, it's more than that, I think. So, I don't know.
We're just living our lives.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
You guys, almost do you feel I do feel like
I'm happy because I have four kids, and I feel
like you don't have kids, So basically would be like
a question for you because I'm really fulfilled with my
four children.

Speaker 2 (12:24):
I don't feel like well, and I think that's something
that goes unsaid with dating and you know, having an
age gap. Sometimes if the man is older, he might
have kids. If the woman's older, she might have kids.
And so for me, I don't know. I've always viewed
Trophy Room, my boutique, as my baby, you know, and
so I was always I was always of the mindset that,

you know, I wanted to establish my own name outside
of being Michael Jordan's son, and so for me, Trophy
Room gave me that opportunity as my business, and so
I've always nurtured it and treated it as my child.
And you know, obviously that's not the same as having
an actual baby, but it's occupied all of my time
and energy into exactly, and so having a child was

always so far out of my mind frame that you know,
I always like to joke and you've heard me say
it before. I've I've made it thirty two years. I'm
trying to keep the streak going. But you know, there's
definitely thoughts that I'm having around is it a possibility,
how soon? How you know much?

Speaker 1 (13:29):
Just so you know, like time is clicking, Oh, I know, it's.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
Ticking and clicking, ticking and clicking.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
I don't know. I feel like I have four kids,
but I love being a mom and I feel like
I would be open to having maybe like one more child. Yeah,
but you know, I don't know. I feel like I
would be open to it. I feel like i've my
sister having her little kids makes me feel like, oh
I wish our kids were closer in age.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
Yeah. Well, and my sister has a baby. Oh yeah,
you know, so my nephew, and so I'm always around,
you know, my nephew, and sometimes I get baby feeverround.
Gonna lie. It's something that I think we'll have to
discuss down the road at some point. And so when
when do you think that conversation needs to happen. Is
there a breakpoint where it's like, all right, we haven't
talked about kids, so it's scrapped that out the window.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
I mean, that's on you. I have a few, but
if you decide you want to have, you know, Marquiso,
then we can discuss. I think when you're with someone,
you kind of like from the beginning, you kind of
set like you know what you're looking for. And I
feel like you and I were always like from the
when we first started dating, I feel like we knew
that it was going to be like serious based on

like who we were and where we were in life.
I feel like maybe after like the year mark, then
you start, like, you know, questioning things.

Speaker 2 (14:38):
I feel like we both have different cultural backgrounds, right, yea,
And so I feel like in my background, being that
I played in sports and obviously coming from an a
fluent family, I never really put as much emphasis on
starting a family young as I thank god. Yeah, I
feel like in your culture it might be a little
bit different with your family history. I feel like my culture,

I had your first child at.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
Yeah, I got married at twenty one, but also I
had like four kids. I had three kids by the
time I was like thirty. I think I so feel
like thirty one or thirty two. Yeah, but I do
feel like culturally, like Middle Eastern women like we do
kind of like want to get married, have a family
like that to us is like the number one priority.
Like I don't I don't ever view like seeing someone

like dating someone just to date them and like wasting
my time. And I know it's not like wasting time,
but for me, culturally, like my mom taught us that
like if you were going to be with someone, you're
building a family with them, You're building a life with them,
and you put all your eggs in that one basket.
So I feel like for me, that's kind of like
how I grew up.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
Yeah, and I feel like I grew up the opposite.
I feel like my mom and my dad were always like,
you know, have fun, you're young, you know, go explore,
et cetera. And so, you know, I'm coming out of
that mind frame as I'm starting to mature and get
a little older. So you know, time will tell.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Yeah, I feel like we've got You've got a little
bit of time. I already know you'd be an amazing day.
But like, what kind of dad would you be? Would
you be like a strict dad?

Speaker 2 (16:03):
I feel like, you know, the apple doesn't fall far
from the tree, yeah, right, And I had very strict
parents and my upbringing was, you know, was unique, and
so I would definitely feel like I would be a
very hands on parent. You know. I'm overly involved in
whatever it is that I do, and you really are,
you know. I just think, I don't know, but I
do like the you know, relationship that you have with

your kids where I feel like you guys are each
other's best friends and you talk every day, and so
I feel like that, you know, would be a similar
parenting style that I would like to have.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
I love when you give me advice, like when I'm
trying to give Sophie advice and you chime in, because
I feel like I could never be with someone that
would give me bad advice for my kids. And I
feel like I really value the advice that you give
me when we're talking to like my kids or like, yeah,
if something happens, like Sophia has a problem with someone
at school or whatever, it is like little girl problems
that you have at fourteen. Yeah, and I feel like

your advice is always like on point.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
Well, obviously i'd try to let you, you know, put
your motherly spin on things first, and then I like
to chime in from a satellite.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
Now, you're gonna be like a great if you want
to have kids, you'd be like a great dad.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
I appreciate that.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
Baby, you're like a cutie.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
I feel like we have so much to talk about today.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
Yeah, I know we're just getting started.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
I know.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
So, Larsa, what did you do years ago as an
insurance policy just in case you met somebody that you
wanted to have kids with?

Speaker 1 (17:32):
So I think I was like thirty eight years old
and I was in a relationship where I was kind
of feeling like it was empty and I was kind
of thinking that I need an insurance policy.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Right, and what made you like, just in case, I
was in.

Speaker 1 (17:45):
LA and I was filming with the Kardashians and they
were doing this whole egg retrieval thing and so I
went to the doctor with them while we were filming,
and then I was like, maybe I should do it too,
because what happens if I end up with someone that
doesn't have kids and then they want kids and then
I'm done having kids. And I felt like I was
so fertile at that point that I should get a

little insurance policy and do the egg retrieval thing. And
so I did it. I did it once, and I
ended up with eleven eggs.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
Eleven eggs.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Yeah, so.

Speaker 2 (18:16):
You're telling me, yeah, there's eleven little larses, yes, and
a freezer in LA that are potentially okay, Yeah, that's
pretty strong. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
I just felt like, I, you know, I just felt like,
maybe one day I'm going to meet.

Speaker 2 (18:27):
A guide And are you happy that you did that?

Speaker 1 (18:30):
I'm super happy I did it. I do feel like
if I don't utilize my little Larses in the next
like two years, I'm going to be okay with not
ever using them. Yeah, I feel like there's like a
time for everything, you know, And it's like I started
really early my mom. It's funny because my brother and
I Sam were twenty years apart.

Speaker 2 (18:46):

Speaker 1 (18:46):
So my mom get married at seventeen, had me super early,
she had four kids, and then got pregnant with Sam
when she was like forty two, and had my brother
who's twenty years younger than me. Yeah, so for me,
like age is not like, you know, I have a
brother that's twenty from the same mom and dad.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
I think that's what's unique about it too, is that
it's from the same parents.

Speaker 1 (19:05):

Speaker 2 (19:05):
I feel like most often you'll see where somebody gets
remarried and then they have another child, and that's where
you'll see like a significant sibling age gap. But yeah,
I think it's admirable that your parents are still going strong,
going strong. And so what was the process like for
the egg retrieval? Was it like multiple sessions? Was it
just toop down all eleven?

Speaker 1 (19:24):
Like, no, do you so you basically shoot yourself with
all these like hormones. I don't know what is I
don't even remember it was so long ago. But then
then they put you under and they take out the eggs,
and then that's it, and it's basically your little insurance policy. Yeah,
I mean, I'm not suggesting we have e loving kids
or anything.

Speaker 2 (19:41):
I mean, so you're saying we could have a whole roster.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
Basketball roster, I mean possibly, Yes, I'm joking.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
I'm I'm teasing. How I felt when I found out
that you had eggs stored. I just feel like it's great,
you know, I feel like I'm.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
Talking about the little Larses, Little Larses.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Yeah, I feel like it's great that you had the
four sight to see that you might end up in
another situation and just in case, you know, to have
those there as an insurance polcy. I feel like that's
you know, that's awesome. And so one of these days,
I think we'll sit down and have a serious conversation
about it.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
I know. I mean, we're good, We're great right now.
I feel like I feel like too, Yeah, do your
siblings ever talk to you guys like you or your brother,
because I know your brother doesn't have any kids about
like having grandkids.

Speaker 2 (20:23):
So my sister has her son, so that's officially my parents'
first grandkid.

Speaker 1 (20:29):
He's so cute.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
He's so cute raccom which speaking of shout out to
my mom. Yeah, her birthday today, she turned twenty one,
so happy birthday. But yeah, I think you know, my
brother is married, he's happily married. He's you know, I
think they're working on, you know, having their first child.
And so again, you know, he's two years older than me.
My sister's two years younger than me, and so it's

just there was I guess not as much emphasis put
on having a family young in our in our family.
But I know my brother's trying. He'll probably have his
first before my sister has another one. But you know,
only time will tell, you know, I'm I'm bringing up
the rear. I guess in the no, it's good in
the American situation. You know, it's funny because I think

my dad, being the competitive soul that he is, never
really viewed himself as a grandfather, and so I know
he's up against you know, the inevitable father time. My
brother and I we like to rub it in his
face every chance we get, like we call him grandpa
and you know, all of that stuff. And so I
just think it's kind of funny that he's a grandfather.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
Now, that's so funny. Do you feel like there's anything
that we don't have in common because of our age difference?

Speaker 2 (21:38):
I don't think. I mean, I think we have a
lot in common. I think the only thing that we
wouldn't have in common would be the fact that you
have children, you know. And again, I think I view
that as like an age gap thing, maybe just because
of the difference in societal norms today versus you know,
when you had kids. But I know you think differently.
You think, yeah, exactly, I think I should have five kids.

But I do think that's one of the things that
makes my situation unique is that it's very rare that
you find the thirty two year old man that doesn't
have kids or no one.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
I don't know one. Actually you're the first. I don't
know very many men that are thirty two that don't
have kids. I feel like before you wouldn't trust them.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
Yeah, I would just.

Speaker 1 (22:20):
Like there's something wrong with them. He's never been married,
he doesn't have kids. What's to do?

Speaker 2 (22:24):
Yeah, I mean, look, I just like I said, I
was always focused on my business and establishing myself outside
of being Michael Jordan's son. And now you know, my
dad has blessed us with all these different tools that
you know, my siblings and I are starting to land
on our own feet. But I think I'm warming up
to the idea of slowing down because I do feel
like when you have young children, you have to slow
down to a degree. And I feel like, right now,

our life is so fast paced, and yeah, you know,
we're doing a lot of different things that you know,
little children kind of slow things down. And so I like,
you know, I like to drive fast. I like to
move fast.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
So could you get rid of your Lamborghini?

Speaker 2 (23:00):
No, so you're I definitely care and we could fit
a baby seat in the vaccinate. Okay, you know that's
not a hurt conor evo and nothing like that. So Larsa,
let me ask you this because we did talk about
it a little bit earlier about there being a double
standard with ye you know, older men having new relationships
and then having a child. Obviously, what's been in the
news lately is you know, men like Robert de Niro

and Al Pacino having kids in their eighties, and so
what do you think is that like a little too
far do you not care? What's your opinion?

Speaker 1 (23:29):
No, I feel I feel like as long as the
women understand that it's going to be their responsibility, Like
these guys are going to be their financial support. But
I don't know how much energy you have at eighty
years old to run around and chase a two year old.
I don't think that's possible. But I'm not hating on it.
I feel like, if they're happy and they have the
means to take care of these children, then why not.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
I feel like if you had a childidating, not saying,
not suggesting that you will, but I feel like if
you had one of eighty, you'd still be running around.

Speaker 1 (23:54):
Like, oh, no, I have you were twenty eight, No,
I have crazy energy. But that's like that's kind of
pushing it. At some point we kind of have to say,
that's like the time has passed. But I do feel like,
you know, most of these men were so busy with
their careers that they probably were not the most amazing parents.
So now it's like, as you get older, you make
more time for your kids, you make more you know,

more er, you have more time, more emphasis on family time.

Speaker 2 (24:18):
I think, yeah, I think you know again, I feel
like a lot of the stuff we talk about is
very situational.

Speaker 1 (24:23):
Yeah. I know so many guys that had kids when
they were like twenty five, like a lot of guys
in the NBA, and I feel like they were not
great parents, and then they end up getting married or
having kids as they're older in their thirties, and I
feel like when I see the difference of how they
were as a parent when they were younger and verse.

Speaker 2 (24:37):
Thirty, I think that's an over generalization because I feel
like if you look at like NBA players today, like
Jason Tatum or oh yeah, no, Jason Tatum's always having
his son with him. Steph Curry back in the day
always had his kid. Not back in the day, but
like two years ago. I always had his kids with him.
I mean even my dad when we were young, you know,
we went to all the Chicago Bouls home games. I
think when he retired both times he had us there

with him raising the banner. And so you know, I
feel like it varies, and you know, it's very situational.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
So no, we were talking about the age gap with
like the al Pacino Robert de Niro thing. Yeah, and
I feel like recently they had. Jana Jackson was seen
kissing her backup dancer. Oh yeah, I heard about that,
and I think there's like a thirty plus year age
gap with Jana Jackson, the backup dancer. And I don't listen.
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
She's fifty seven, he's twenty three.

Speaker 1 (25:23):

Speaker 2 (25:23):
I think that was a thirty four year age gap.
And I think the thing was people were giving her
praise like, oh, okay, go ahead, Janet. You know, we
see you live your best life type of vibe.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
I mean, thank god that they're like trying to you know,
people are not really looking at the age difference of
women versus men dating you know, younger people. I feel
like it's twenty twenty three. People want to be happy.
If a person makes them happy, who cares about their age?

Speaker 2 (25:45):
I don't care.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
I don't care. I feel like if people are happy,
be happy. Like I said, I grew up. When I
was a kid, my uncle had a wife that was
twenty five years younger than him and they were great.
My parents are ten years apart, they're great. You know.
Like I said, so many of our friends are dating
people that are like up or down, and I feel
like it's it's basically about who you are as a person.

Speaker 2 (26:02):
You know, Yeah, babe, if you were let's say we
were to tap into the little larso bang, Okay, if
you became a parent again, would you do anything differently? No.
I feel like I hate to cut you off, but
I do feel like your children are older now.

Speaker 1 (26:15):

Speaker 2 (26:15):
Like I said, you're confident about your you know body
and your where you are today, and so I do
feel like you're a little out there in terms of
you know, posting and doing your thing, which is a
great thing. I love it. I don't feel like, but
would you do anything differently as a parent. No.

Speaker 1 (26:31):
I feel like I'm really happy with the way like
my kids turned out. I feel like it's you know,
I'm all about the stats, right, and I feel like
my kids turned out pretty well. I feel like they're great.
They're super successful, super independent, loving kids, and I feel
like that was my job to make sure they were independent, loving, smart.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
What about it? I know you've essentially raised your children
in two different states Florida, I mean, Chicago, Florida, La.
Other cities also, But so which you know, if you
had to have kids today, which city would you pick
to raise them?

Speaker 1 (27:00):
I kind of feel like it's not based on the city.
I kind of feel like your kids learn the most
at home and they learn everything and they learn from you,
and they learn everything from you. So I feel like
it's schools at home really, that's really where that's really
where your kids are learning everything, good, bad, or whatever
it is. And you know what's funny, I feel like
I've had friends in the past that would be like, oh,
I don't want to wear that skimpy bikini all my kids,

and I never felt like that. I never viewed wearing
a skimpy bikini. You know, it doesn't determine what type
of pearance you are, Yeah, because I feel like for me,
I always wore skimpy bikinis and I have three boys,
and they don't even care about girls. They're not even
like girl crazy. Yeah, it's not like that. I think
one thing has nothing to do with the other. And
sometimes I feel like some of these women are like, oh,
you know, I feel like when I have my kids,

I should wear this, and from me, I don't. My
kids don't even look at it like that.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
Yeah, I can see that I get that. Anything to
not have tan lines, I guess.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
Yeah, exactly, I'm trying to get a good tan.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
And so, Babe, where do you see us or yourself
even individually with your business and career in the next
ten years.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
I think I'm going to be really happy.

Speaker 2 (28:05):
No, I like that.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
I feel like I'm going to be super successful financially.
I feel like my kids are going to be super
happy and independent.

Speaker 2 (28:14):

Speaker 1 (28:14):
I feel like we are going to be really happy
in our personal life. I feel like we're going to
be together.

Speaker 2 (28:20):
Howl is the Scotty junior Again.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
He's twenty two, so in the.

Speaker 2 (28:23):
Next ten years he'll be thirty two. You think you're
your grandparent?

Speaker 1 (28:26):
Hell no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
I love that. I love that.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
I said, I don't think that the city matters where
your kids are raised, because basically it's you know where
your home is and how you train your kids at
home that basically, you know, determines what type of kids
you're going to have. I feel like, or do you
think it's more about the city environment.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
I do think where you raise your children hasn't impact
on them. That's obviously I'm I'm speaking from no experience
in this. Obviously I don't have kids, but I do
feel like growing up as a kid. You know, if
I was in different environments than I kind of somewhat
you know, adapted to that environment. And I think we
would both agree that, like the La social scene, especially

for children is different than like the Florida social scene
in Chicago, And so I do feel like you are
somewhat a product of your environment, and especially being like
a young teenager, I didn't tell my parents everything I
was up to, you know, and so you know, it's
some there are moments where you learn by doing or
learn from experience, and so, you know, I think the

cities that you're in could play a factor in that.

Speaker 1 (29:34):
No, for sure. But I also feel like for my kids,
they were always like Sofia was a dancer and acting school,
the busy, so busy. My boys were like athletes seven
days a week.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
I was playing basketball too, but I still found some
trouble to get into.

Speaker 1 (29:48):
Well, I don't know, my boys don't have any time.
You you I could see you doing that, but my
kids literally had like no, they literally have no time.
They're so busy with their sports, training, rehabbing, like doing
all this stuff to their body that it's like they
don't real have time to like even go out, you know,
but I definitely feel like, you know, maybe maybe a
city does have a little bit, but I think the
moral of the stories. I mean, you can live in

LA and live in Calabasas and like you're away from everything,
You're in the middle of nowhere. You know. I do
feel like how you train your kids at home and
how you, you know, discipline your kids has a lot
to do with the way your kids turn out at
the end.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
Yeah, And I do feel like, look, this is probably
the first time we've had this conversation.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
I know, I feel like we never really talk about, like, yeah, kids, where.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
We would raise them. But I definitely I think I'm
on record saying that I would love if if I
had a son, if he played golf, you know, just
because I love golf and I'd love to spend time
with my kids on the golf course. And so I
do feel like, you know, Florida would be a great
spot for that. I love that, Okay, And now we

know a lot of people people feel some type of
way about us in our relationship, and so we wanted
to shine a light on the shade. And so we
both love Jimmy Kimmel in the mean tweet segment on
his show. So we want to read some of the
shadiest comments that we receive on our social media in
a segment that we're calling block party.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
Who's invited to our block party today?

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Let's find out this comment came from a user on Instagram.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
When you have money, you never have to look for
hawk girl. They'll find you. So does that mean I
found you? What does that mean?

Speaker 2 (31:30):
I think what he's trying to say is that, you
know there are times where you know, women gravitate towards
guys with money, and you know, you see that most prevalent.
I feel like these days and social media, and so
I don't think you've necessarily searched me out because of
our status. I feel like we casually ran into each
other at a party and it kind of happened over time,

you know, our relationship. And so I will say in
between that, you know, there were some girls I had
to like stiff arm and keep it at a distance,
you know, but it was off. It was off for
the greater, It was off for the.

Speaker 1 (32:03):
Great Okay, we need to talk more about that. I know,
I feel like I have my own money, so I
don't know where that comes from I feel like I
don't need, Like I feel like I'm I work, I
make you know, I make great money. I am super independent.
So I don't feel like that like whateverever come to question.
But I do feel like people write that all the time,
Like I feel like an Instagram they'll always pull like
the money bag under like some of more stuff, and

I'm like, I have my own money, by the way.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
So I don't know where I think people just assume
and yeah, put their own opinions on us.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
Yeah, it's kind of funny. Wait, what do you mean
by stiff arm?

Speaker 2 (32:34):
I mean, like, you know, obviously when we met, I
was dating, I was doing my thing, you know, and
so there were some girls that, oh yeah, there were
some girls that I felt like were opportunists, are looking
to get close to me only because of my you know,
family situation or status.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
And so can you tell when girls are about like
that stuff?

Speaker 2 (32:52):
I can, because you know, for me, it's always like
about chemistry and can we get along, can we have
a conversation, Like obviously there's beautiful women everywhere, but if
I can't hold a conversation with you or catch a
vibe or do something with you, then it's not going
to go anywhere, at least for me. And so, you know,
I just think that it's very easy to kind of
weed through, you know, the real in the fake.

Speaker 1 (33:12):
Let me ask you a question, did you like grow
up feeling like people wanted to be with you for
all the wrong reasons?

Speaker 2 (33:19):
Yes, to a degree. I mean, it's just kind of
inherently been how I'm maneuvered. You know. I feel like
I have a very tight knit group of friends and family,
and so that's kind of you know, who I kick
it with and anybody else, even friends like I do
feel like every now and then come along and are
always interested in, oh, can you get me this shoe
or that shoe? Or can you do this for me?

That for me, and I think the same is true
for relationships, you know, I feel like, and we've talked
about this before, I feel like in today's age, a
lot of relationships become transactional and what can you do
for me? Or what have you done for me? And
I feel like that might be partly why I've always
liked to date older than me, because I do feel
like sometimes people pressure on you to, you know, move

faster than you're willing to if you know you're around
the same age, and so I don't know. I just
feel like, WHOA, Okay, I feel like that's my experience
at least.

Speaker 1 (34:10):
Well, I do feel like I got you your first present.
Before you got me anything, I got you something. Do
you remember what I got you? This is years ago
when we were just friends.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
Yes, you got me a tonal. Yep, I remember, I remember,
and that's a great present. I still use that to
this day.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
I know it's a great present. Yeah, But I was like,
it's funny when people think I'm after you for your money.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
I'm like, no, but that was slick though. That was slick.
You send me a tone. You wanted me to get
in shape, so that by the time we started dating
exactly in shape.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
Right, because I was feeling you were going out a lot,
you were seeing up late, eating a lot of junk.
But I'm like, before we get together, I want to
send him a tonal to get him in the best
shape possible, and then I'm going.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
To be there.

Speaker 2 (34:43):
That is so funny, Big, I've picked up on what
you putting down there. Comment number two says Jordan and
Pip and may get a seventh ring after.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
All, I mean, I feel like that's.

Speaker 2 (34:55):
Not necessarily a mean tweet. I kind of like that tweet.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
I'm like, maybe, Okay, somebody on ig said, why do
I keep my same last name?

Speaker 2 (35:04):
Okay, Yeah, I feel like this.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
I feel like that comes up a lot, by the way,
I want people want to know why when I changed
my last name. Well, first of all, I've been Pippen
longer than I was Yoning, and I feel like my
kids are Pippen, And even if my last name was
like Smith or Jones, I would have just kept it.
It has nothing to do with the actual last name
that I have right now. I just feel like, why
would I change my last name when it's my kid's

last name. But if I was to get remarried, then
obviously I would change my last name. I wouldn't hyphen it.
I would just drop it and pick up my husband's name.
But I feel like for me, I don't know why
people think they think I'm holding on to this specific
last name. And it has nothing to do with the
name Pippen. It has everything to do with like, it's
my kid's name. I don't want to be under a

different last name right now while my kids are younger,
and I feel like I've done a good job. My
kids are doing great, they're getting older. Sophia's fourteen. So
if I was to change my last name, I feel
like I would feel okay with it.

Speaker 2 (35:58):
Yeah, I think that's fair, And I feel like, you know,
that's your own personal decision to make, you know, I.

Speaker 1 (36:04):
Feel like people people view things differently. I feel like
when I left my last situation, I never wanted to
have anything to do with that situation. I never put
myself in those situations to turn into anyone that I
spent time with. I avoid, you know, that whole situation.
If if I ever dated or was with someone, when
I leave that situation, like, I don't want to be
in the same situation, like the same room, same anything.

I'm kind of like, wherey to move on?

Speaker 2 (36:26):
Yeah? No, I feel that I feel that.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
We got this from a user on Instagram. Is the
gap too big to overcome? Is our gap too big
to overcome? What are we overcoming?

Speaker 2 (36:34):
Yeah? Exactly, I don't feel like there's anything to overcome.
I feel like, you know, we don't even pay attention
to the game.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
I know, I feel like it's not really a factor.
Maybe I'll be a factor when I'm like, when I'm
like eighty five and you're like sixty five or whatever,
when you're seventy and I'm eighty five.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
Yeah, I mean at that point, I feel.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
Like, are you leaving me that?

Speaker 2 (36:54):
No, we're to travel the world. I'm trying to see
some stuff.

Speaker 1 (36:57):
Yeah, at that point, you're not going anywhere.

Speaker 2 (36:59):
No. Well that was fun. You know, I appreciate talking
about the age gap and episode two of Separation Anxiety.
We'll be back next week with a new episode of
Separation Anxiety. Make sure you follow us on Instagram at
Separation Underscore Anxiety Underscore podcast And until then, Hie.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
We really enjoyed spending time with you.

Speaker 2 (37:18):
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