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September 26, 2023 28 mins

Mirrorball Trophy winner Sharna Burgess joins Cheryl for a candid DWTS chat, but first, grab some napkins because a lot of tea is about to be spilled! 

Sharna made headlines for calling out the show's controversial casting of NFL star Adrian Peterson, saying she would have walked out if that was her dance partner. . . but Cheryl feels differently. The ladies go in on the topic, including advice for his dance partner, Britt Stewart. 

Plus, Sharna opens up about the two partners that made her uncomfortable, the one with whom she had the best chemistry (she doesn't name Brian), and her honest reaction to no longer being on the show. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is sex Lies and Spray Tans with me, Cheryl
Burke and iHeartRadio podcast. I'm talking to Sharna or just
from the down under. We're gonna just go straight into
it because you my friend. I have a lot of questions, yes'
because first of all, I haven't seen you in so long,
but we'd caught up last night. So I don't want
people to be like, God, Cheryl, like get straight into it.

Why don't you?

Speaker 2 (00:23):
No, we did. We caught up a little bit last night,
and we have so much more to catch up.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Yeah, but like on a personal level, like I don't
want to be like you know, We're not going to
manicure this conversation. We're gonna just this is called sex
Lies and spray Tans for a reason.

Speaker 2 (00:36):

Speaker 1 (00:37):
We both have a lot of history on Dancing with
the Stars, would you agree, Oh?

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Yeah, a lot of history. I would say we both
grew up on Dancing with the Stars. I think we
both had pretty much every experience you can have on
dancing with the star. I mean really yeah, I mean
think about in the grand scheme of things, like from
the beginning to the end, all of the stuff that
you went through as you were growing up on that
show from the good, the bad, and the ugly, like

because naturally, growing up you go through those things all
heightened by media attention and on a public platform, and
normal just yeah, you know, just your average everyday stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
Different types of fields, different types of fields. Yeah, and actually,
like within that though, what makes it so fascinating is
that we go through huge chapters of our lives. Huge
whether that is when I started, I drank a lot
and then that became a thing for a decade. Now
I'm sober, But this was all happening through there was

one common denominator, and it was Dancing with the Stars.
Same thing with a lot of my friendships, right, Like,
there was that And I remember you first, really, I think,
talking to you for the first time. You know, you
came on as Troop yep was it season thirteen, season two, twelwelve. Yeah,
and I remember me and you talking for the first time,

like really chatting at David Arkatt's house. Yeah, when we
were remember we were going to go to Universe Hollywood
Horror Nights, like and I had I was so scared.
I don't miss the music that scares me.

Speaker 2 (02:05):

Speaker 1 (02:05):
Anyway, me and you had a really great conversation and
you were in another relationship at that time.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
I was.

Speaker 1 (02:14):
Wow, how things have changed?

Speaker 2 (02:16):

Speaker 1 (02:17):
Yeah, okay, so I guess just tell my listeners, like how,
first of all, you were troop. Did you know you
were auditioning to be troop? And did you go from
troop to pro like how or was this something that
you expected to be pro right away? Like what was
the process for you joining a like a show like
Dancing with the Stars that's already been going for so

long so.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
It was gosh to go back and remember that it
feels like so long ago. So it was Dancing with
the Stars found me because of uh, we came and
performed on the show, Burned the Floor, came and performed
on the show. We were promoting that we were going
to be on Broadway, and they like cheekily pulled a
couple of us in for interviews into what used to
be the confessional room. Remember that loved the confessional and

it was I believe it was Sash show, it was Peter,
it was myself. There was a couple of us Jimmy
l I think pulled us in for these interviews. And
then as we were workshopping the show for Broadway. I
was in Perth. I was reached out to to join
as a professional dancer as a pro on the show.
But because I was at that point under contract with

Dance with So Burned the Floor and we were about
to do Broadway, I just and these people were my family.
There was no way I could have done that. I
had this interviews. No, I don't think Burn the Floor
knew that it was going to happen. It was again
it was a bit cheeky, but so they asked me,
but I stayed loyal to my family have Burned the
Floor and did Broadway. So the next time that but

I said, I really want to do it. It was
like I was so scared I was going to miss
out on this opportunity. So I kept saying I absolutely
want to be a part of it, and I just
can't do it my contract. And then it came to
the end. That was in two thousand and nine. Then
it came to the end of twenty ten. I was
finishing up on the West End run with burn the
Floor and I was reached out to again about Dancing

with the Stars in twenty eleven, but this time they
had the troop and it was like we would love
you to be a part of the Troop. It's this
amazing way to introduce new dances to our fans and
to really get let them get to know because our
fans fall in love with the dancers. And at the time,
I thought, at least the way the conversation felt was like,

you'll do one season as Troop and then we'll make
you a pro and then all these things. So that's
what I sort of went in expecting. I ended up
having three seasons of Troop, which I wouldn't change for
the world because I had such an amazing growing experience
helping out with other pros, stepping into the room, really
learning how to do the job, learning how to choreograph

a television, you know, everything that was just so different.
I think if I had stepped in completely green the
first time they'd offered me a con, I wouldn't have
been great at the job. I would have I would
have been so outside of my element element and had
to learn on the job, and I don't know if
there would have been time for that. So I'm really
grateful that I got to have those three seasons on

True and I got to choreograph and dance in pieces
for amazing musical artists and be a part of really
cool things and learn how you guys were doing it
and be like after those three seasons, okay, yeah, I
want to give this. Well, they offered it to me
and I was like, heck, yes, I'm ready. And then
I got Andy.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
Dick, so speaking of I mean, this is all like,
this is taking me back Andy Dick. Did you even
know who Andy Dick was?

Speaker 2 (05:41):
So not by name and this was I remember the
phone call not a phone call. Actually, I think I
was sitting in the office with them, Andy Dick, do
you know who that was? And I was like no,
But at this point I'm so excited it didn't matter
who you offered to me. I was like, I will
do it. I googled and then I knew him from
that one scene in the movie Old School with the
is it a cucumber or in a blowjob? I was
like that, of course, I know, yeah, But I didn't

know about his deep history with abuse drug abuse, and
I think he also, which I didn't even know at
the time, had some uh sexual harassment cases.

Speaker 1 (06:16):
Against with him with underage girls, which.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
I had no idea about at the time. I didn't
even know Duram, but even as you did, now, what
can you do? What are you going to do? Yes? Right,
It's absolutely true when you're under contract. It's all good
and well for me to say now, which I have
said and was in the media, like if I had
walked into the room with this person, I would as
a mother, I could and I'd walk out.

Speaker 1 (06:37):
You still feel like that to this day, even if
you're under contract about Adrian Peterson.

Speaker 3 (06:42):
You're under I can say that sitting here right under contract,
not under contract, you know, and I now, being a
mother and haven't been on the show since being a mother,
have a very visceral reaction to anything to do with kids.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
It's an emotional response. When you're under contract, you have
absolutely no choice. You will be in breach of contrac
you could be sued. Correct, no one has that choice
unless you are truly unsafe, and then you have to
go through the proper channels and speak to people about that.
So no, it was not to sidetrack our conversation. It
wasn't to say that anyone else should have done that.

That was my emotional response to something I'd found out
that day. Course, But contracts or contracts go we both
know that.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
And so like I because you know of everything too.
I just wanted to see because this is the first
time I'm kind of sitting out and I'm like observing
what's happening, right, Like everyone has their own opinions, yes,
and they have the right to their own opinions, of course.
So I am now reading how people are worried about
Britt and her safety, like it's all over right, Yeah,

what advice do you have for brit Knowing that you've
been through controversial as well times on the show where
it wasn't so fun, I'm sure you received a lot
of hate and maybe threats even, you know, So with Britt,
I would say, she's still kind of neal ish. Yeah, right,
but this can't be easy for her either.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
It cannot be easy for her, and I think, oh
my gosh, I cannot imagine the pressure and the stress
that she would go through with receiving some of the
feedback from fans that think that she has a choice. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Make it clear though, like tell our listeners what we
don't have.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
You don't have a choice. Yeah, And I'm deeply sorry
if I if my comments made people believe that she
did have a choice because you don't when you're under contract.
It's like any job, you're under contract. But my advice
if I was to give any to a person that
could be in that situation like brit is to film everything,
to constantly have your phone running, to film everything, because

that is the only proof that you have if you
do find yourself in a situation that makes you uncomfortable.
And I'm not saying she is in one, I'm not.
I don't know what their dynamic is like. I don't
know what he is like as a person. I've never
met him. But you're only saving grace in a situation
like this is though, even though they are a camera
in the room, they're not always rolling. To protect yourself,
to have your phone rolling, to have something recording the moment.

So if you do have something a rise that makes
you uncomfortable, you can take it to your superiors. You
can take it to the producers and executives and say
this is what's going on. I'm uncomfortable and I need
help in handling This. Doesn't mean you're saying eliminate me
off the show. It means let's find a better way
to work with this situation that we're all.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
In right and like you would help and they do.
I mean they'll protect you.

Speaker 2 (09:28):
Of course, they will exactly protect you want anyone to
be unsafe or in an uncomfortable situation, but they do
need a proof right to take measures and steps to
move forward.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
It's the standards and practices and all of that. Absolutely
with dancing. I guess what people don't understand. It's not
just a jazz hands. Put on a freaking vnack and
shake the butt and don't stress, Like why are you stressing?
Like it's stressful. Stress The show is stressful, super stressful,

Like in order for us to make it not look stressful,
we have to stress out because like in order for
us to put a smile on our face with glitter on,
like we have to know what we're doing, oh out
backwards and forwards, both versions of it, like and we're
guiding our partners, but then imagine their vulnerability of course,
Like there's no how stressful is it to watch someone

stressed on television? So stressful?

Speaker 2 (10:26):
It's so stressed, so stressful, Like you literally feel it
through the screen when you say change.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
The channel, Like I couldn't watch America's Funny his own
videos because I'm stressed, sweating.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
I have a physical reaction to paterful stress. When I
watch it on television.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Some people laugh like when someone falls, and I'm like,
I'm crying.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
I feel so bad, so uncomfortable. I'm so uncomfortable watching this.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
So okay. So when you said on your podcast, which
I love, everyone listened to Oldish, I've listened to every episode,
as you know, I love how candid you are because
it's important because by the way, we have the right
to be right, like this is our own experiences, our
own feelings, and our own just experience in life. And
how an amazing show like Dancing with the Star shaped

us because it was our life. It consumed our lives.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
God, yes, and that was a choice and shape yes,
and a beautiful choice. Wouldn't change it, wouldn't want it
to be any different. But it is a massive chunk
of our life. Seventeen years for you, babe, right, and
very formative years of your life too.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
And I feel like every partner. Though it may have
not all been like bells and whistles and flowers and peaches,
there was a learning lesson of life for me to
learn at that time. Absolutely, whether it brought me more
strength or confidence, or whether I just didn't like that
version of me right totally. Now, when you talked about

on your podcast that there was a time when after
Bobby you you weren't asked back, right, and then you
came back, and then there was would you like to
just say it because I don't feel comfortable quoting you
when you're sitting here.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
Next time, I had a situation with a partner where
it got to the point where we couldn't be alone
in our room without people watching and unmonitored. Because this
was also at a time when it was COVID and
we didn't have everyone watching all the cameras all the time.
It was we were scaled back on our crew, so
some rehearsals weren't watched and weren't recorded.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
Producers were in a booth because of COVID.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
Yes, I was in the room with us. Yeah, now
watching cameras with like little controllers to make them follow
us around the room, and they would switch in and
out of rooms, right, so they could try and catch
pieces of everyone. Not like it used to be when
we'd have a producer in there the whole time.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
That's not like now because we have Conrad back, Yes,
Rusher Runner exactly.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
He's amazing. Yeah, but yeah, that was a difficult situation
for me. But I went through the proper channels and
I did. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to record everything, but
I was able to record some things, and I did
go to the proper peace and there was reports made
and I was taking care of you know, and I'd
learned my lesson because I have in the past had

two partners that made me feel very, very uncomfortable. And
it was at a time I was much younger, and
I would laugh it off and I would suck it
up and I would make it okay. And I even
told I told one person at the time, and this
has gone back years and years. This is pre me too.

And it was a partner of mine that was making
me feel very uncomfortable and was hitting on me and
getting nothing back from me. Right, And then he got
a little pissed about that. And my producer or coordinator
at the time was like, oh, just let him think
he can have it. You know what men are like.
It was like, oh, okay, and that was sort of

like you go, okay, So I'm on an island of
one here, like I feel like I'm on my own
doing this. But what I didn't go to the people
that I was supposed to go to. I told one person,
you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (14:00):
And I learned years ago, years years years.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
Yeah before guys, there's like I've grown and learned my
lesson and I am I'm not alone in this experience.
When you get on a show like Dancing with the
Stars and it's men and women dancing together, and you
have close contact, and you're creating all these stories and intentions,
why is can get crossed? You know what I mean?
It's I am again not alone. But I learned over

the years how to squash that and how to set
up boundaries and how to make sure that wasn't going
to happen again. And I understood, especially after, you know,
during and after me too, of these examples of women
coming forward and saying from the big to the little things,
and I was like, holy shit, that happened to me.
I didn't even realize that I could speak up about that.

And so I learned. And so when I had a
situation which was not sexual in any nature, why it
was uncomfortable in that room. I would like to say that.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
At the end of the day, no need to experience
right uncomfortable period. That's a complete sentence.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
Exactly, it is a complete sentence. Thank you, Cheryl. But
I did the right thing and I went to the
right people, and I spoke up and I was taken
care of and I was able to do my job,
you know, and not live in shame and not live
in shame with it. And I was really proud of that. Yeah, yes,
or fear.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
And that's this is why I just wanted to make
this time for this, because like it's every time someone
does speak up. And by the way, it is so
important because no matter what anyone says, everyone is in
fear of losing their jobs. Absolutely and in general. I
don't believe I'm not saying this by about Dancing on
the Stars. I'm just saying in the workplace as a woman, yes,

I'm so sorry. People are like get over it, like no, no, no,
because it's it's a real, actual problem. Yes that when
you speak up, you're the problem. You know, the problem,
whether that's because you feel uncomfortable or you have an opinion,
or you're just putting in your two cents because you
know why, Because I'm a human being and I have
this freedom of speech right, like I can say what
I want to say mm hmm with all due respect.

Anytime somebody decides to, I guess, not open up and
not vocalize how uncomfortable they might feel. It's like that's
what we're trying to at least we're not trying to
move away from that boom, trying to move away from
that and not live in fear or be silenced. Absolutely

the thing it is. So it's heartbreaking because we're all
in fear of losing jobs.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
We are, absolutely and it's it's a horrible feeling to have.
But I think it's for us, It's it's for women
very specifically. It's a muscle that we have to work
out and practice that advocating for ourselves, that speaking up
and saying this makes me uncomfortable. From the small things
to the big things. Start with the small things, get

practice that muscle of again advocating for you. So if
we have to teach and trust.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
How to treat us, yes, you boundaries.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
Boundaries teach people how to treat you. And you know,
if you step into a space, a workspace and you
you are able to find that that way of communicating
your boundaries then you can move forward like that. I
think when you go in and you go in scatee
already and then you go to backtrack and change it,
it feels really really hard to do.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
Yeah, but you have to speak up for yourself. You
have to like respect yourself before you set boundaries, because
there's no such thing, right, Like, what are you setting
if you hate yourself?

Speaker 2 (17:25):

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Yeah, how are you feeling today with you know, not
being a part of Dancing with the Stars and getting
a call obviously saying you know you're not going to

be a part this season, but yet there's so much,
so many feelings must be going through your body, you know,
because whether or not it was your decision or their
decision is irrelevant totally. There was an experience there, Yeah,
that really put a stamp on all of us. Yeah,
it did, because I can say from experience, I, even
though it was my choice, I am grieving hardcore.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
Yeah, it's hard.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
I get that.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
Listen, two things can be true. This is what I
keep saying. I can be about that experience of not
being called back really like sad or heartbroken or hurt.
All these feelings that came up, like why don't they
want me? I can feel all those things, and I
can at the same time still have love for the
show and be so excited for everyone on it. But
right now, like I've had, not had, I think I

will go through it for more time. But I'm within
that healing journey of not being there. I'm so good
with it. I love where I am in my life.
I am deep in motherhood, and I love that I
have other opportunities that are coming up. I am in
I cannot to button up that last one. I am
in a place of gratitude, love, and I am so

excited for wherever life takes me, whether that is back
to the show or not. Now with this ring, let
me just say that this was the most beautiful experience
Brie proposed to me. And we're going to tell the
story on oldish, yes, but to give you a little
bit bit like we had to. I wanted to change
the band because I wanted to have like the diamonds

on the band, because you know me extra I must
have all the sparkle. So we went into a cartier
because she is a cartier ring uh huh. And I
was had this like dream experience sitting in a room
being showered with gifts and cakes and champagne like pretty woman.

They bring out all these rings and it was like
that Will and with Brie's like, well, baby, do you
want to just you know, you've never tried on engagement
rings before? Do you want to see what some of
the other ones look like and make sure this is
exactly what you love? No, he'd already proposed to me.
And then I was like I had this loving conversation
of like, hey, so you know how extra I am
and I love sparkle. I would want to take out

out like dip me in glue and roll me around
in diamonds shoes.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
She's got a shoes full of sores.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
Yeah, yeah, you know this is me. This is my life.
And so I he totally was like maybe I want
you to have your absolute dream. So we went back
into Katier and they sat me there and brought out
all of these rings, and I was just like, what
is life? This? This does not feel real for me
at all, sitting on trying on different shapes and different

cuts and different bands, and it was like sitting there
with the life like yay five six, seven, eight, betch,
let's go, like no, thank you, I am really deeply
in love with my life, and I have no regrets
and no nothing that I'm even wanting right now other
than to be in this space continuing what I'm doing
and growing with the people that I love. I wouldn't

miss out on a single moment that I'm experiencing for
the world, and I'm really excited to now have this
open space that I can allow other opportunities to come
in because I think I've been so obsessed with being
on Dancing with the Stars for thirteen years of my life.
It's been my identity. It's been everything, clawing my way
back to it when I wasn't on it, all these things.

But I truly am in a space of, oh my god,
I actually feel free of the need, this deep need
to be on the show. I would love to go
back and dance my ass off again, but I'm also
really excited now about what is to come and.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
So much Shorina though, but like, if you really take
a step back and observe your life, yeah, so much
has come, so much because I believe in direct reaction
to you not being on the shew.

Speaker 2 (21:41):
Yeah, probably that you know the universe, you know, one
door closes, another door opens, or again seeing this space
that I'm allowing now new things to come and fill it.
And I actually shared this with you last night. But
when I was meditating and manifesting before this current season
of Dancing with the Stars and sending out to the
universe that they that I want to call in, every

time I got to saying the words Dancing with the
Stars the next season of it, it stopped, and I
continued to say to the universe, I am so ready
and excited for the best opportunity for me for this
next thing, and whatever that may be, I will welcome.
And in my mind, I'm still thinking that could be
Dancing with the Stars, but I was leaving it open.

But there is a very specific reason that I didn't
feel called to say specifically that show for this moment
in time, it just was not supposed to happen. And
again that's where I don't believe it was personal. The
universe just guided both the people on that show that
make decisions and me to go a different direction for
maybe a moment in time, maybe forever.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
Who knows, you're single for s like you were single
for as long as five years.

Speaker 2 (22:49):
Oh yeah, from thirty to when I met Bryce. I
what like thirty thirty.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
Five, and you know, at the end of the day,
you know, after now being divorced, it's like, yes, I
love of being alone, and yes, I'm learning to love
myself and all this, but there is a beautiful like
feeling when you have I'm sure when you go home
to a family, right, your own family that you've made together.

So with all of this being said, like I believe
until your home and your foundation is is strong as
far as a unit and love goes, that will be
a direct reflection off of your next career, right because
if that's an empty nest, what what are you going
to give out? You know, an emptiness?

Speaker 2 (23:31):

Speaker 1 (23:32):
So I don't know. I think you're on the right path, honestly,
and I'm so happy for you. Let's play rapid fire, Okay, done,
I need not rabid, said, get your freaking hose out.
We're gonna have this is gonna be a doozy.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
Let's do it.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
We're going to do this, and we're going to talk
about only your dance partners. You can't name one twice,
most fun James Hgecliff, Oh, you're not gonna want to
waste that, but okay, you did on your last nerve?

Speaker 2 (24:06):
You mean I can't say him.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
More erect because I did this with Max and he
just said the same freaking person four times in a row,
so he was fired.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Okay, wait the most fun Yeah? No, no, are you
already answered? Fuck?

Speaker 1 (24:18):
Who got on your last nerve?

Speaker 2 (24:20):
On my last nerve? No comment?

Speaker 1 (24:26):
That's a really he was cute, wasn't anything partner of yours?
No comment impacted your life?

Speaker 2 (24:31):
Impacted my life?

Speaker 1 (24:32):
Noah Galloway, Who did you have the best chemistry with
other than Brian?

Speaker 2 (24:36):
Other than Brian? And I can't say anyone twice? Yes,
I know that's bullshit.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
You need to do You need to like google yourself
so we can be whoever on my popet. I mean
I have to google myself for my birthday. Sometimes I forgot,
you know, at.

Speaker 2 (24:53):
The end of the day, I was like, am I
thirty eight or thirty nine? This rapid fight is really rapid.
Who would I have the most chemistry with?

Speaker 1 (25:02):
Just say, just come on, PG, it's a good old
tongue in cheek.

Speaker 2 (25:08):
Oh you know what, Josh Norman and I got along
really well. We had a really good time.

Speaker 1 (25:12):
Biggest gentleman, biggest biggest gentleman, not like the biggest, but
like the you you know, Oh there you go, thanks
you said yes. I mean that's a lot of partners.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
Gentleman. Oh, Charlie White. He was such a respectful, wonderful
leg easiest.

Speaker 1 (25:31):
To get along with. Now you're screwed. Okay, then Nick Carter.
Most trustworthy?

Speaker 2 (25:38):
God damn it, I don't have enough partners for this.
Well I do, but like not ones that I can answer.

Speaker 1 (25:44):
I mean, it's pretty obvious with this one.

Speaker 2 (25:46):
Most trustworthy, Well.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
The person who put the ring on your finger eye. Okay,
so I can say Brian, yeah, because I didn't say,
don't say Brian.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
Okay, okay, Brian most flirty.

Speaker 1 (25:58):
Brian would say he's the most flirty, but that was
for another show.

Speaker 2 (26:02):
Yeah he did. I heard that, bless him, most flirty?

Speaker 1 (26:08):
You have a lot more. This is rap.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
I'm just like, okay, can I say I'm no that
no one was really flirty like that? Come on?

Speaker 1 (26:19):
Huh yes, oh come on, I.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
Know they were, but like, okay, fine.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
Correct, Okay, that wasn't that hard, was it. Let's go
who did you argue with the most shit?

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Yep? Well he's from season twenty.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
Nine okay, most intimidating.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
Probably, I know I can't say once twice, but Nick
Carter like I had a full fan girl, really yeah, full?

Speaker 1 (26:42):
I deal with your fiance you did? You don't understand
I only watched one hour of TV a week and
it was his Nick Carter for Shore Sweatiest.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
Oh wait, there was someone that was that.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
He would go ahead, we can change Bobby.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
I think Bobby Bones. I think he would go through
like twenty yeah, because he would work really hard and
also stress really hard.

Speaker 1 (27:04):
Who would you like to apologize to if you could
go back in time?

Speaker 2 (27:08):
Who would I like to apologize to? Probably not because
I was a dick, But I actually think because with
because I was so new to it, yes, myself so
new to it. I think, Charlie White, how do you
have had the more experienced version of me that understood

the show and understood the assignment better? I could have
taken him all the way to the final He deserves it.
You would apologize him because of the results, because because
I couldn't.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
I really think for the no no, no, no no,
you were going to pretend we didn't hear this guy
is all the self work you've been doing let's rephrase this.
It's not your fault, not.

Speaker 2 (27:52):
My fault at all. We did amazing work. But at
the time I was still very much about this as
a dancer. You were like trying to like test is
what you're saying. It wasn't mean to him. I just
mean I didn't understand the assignment of like we have
to create great packages and do all these things. I
was just about creating great dance to nice to.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
Yourself, laziest. That's the last one, girl, rapid fire. Okay, yay,
that wasn't really sweating for you. That's amazing, but when
you've had seventy five partners, but yeah, I mean what
if I had twelve fourteen? I counted last night cross eyed,
but literally cross eye. Thank you. I am happy for you,

and I expect to be there at your wedding. Kay,
thank you shall be.

Speaker 2 (28:41):
At my wedding? You absolutely not, but I need to
be there.

Speaker 1 (28:45):
Okay, thank you very much. Everyone. Please follow us at
sex License, spray Tands, or else anywhere you listen to podcasts.
That's a threat. Goodbye.
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