Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Hi, everyone, It's Amanda Rigo Green. Welcome to Soul Sessions.
I'm a little bit under the weather. I've got some
stuff in my throat and in my chest. So if
my voice sounds deeper than usual, it's not because I've
become a baritone. It's because I think I'm just processing
some gunk. So I don't know if you feel the
same way, but a lot of people are sick right now.
And I will tell you something I've noticed over the
past decade. I used to get the flu at the
end of the year, and it would be it would
run through me in two or three days. So this
is before COVID. I started to look at it differently.
I would always think about it as, Oh, my gosh,
I have the spiritual flu. All the lessons, all the
experiences I've had in this past year. My physical body
is catching up with my spirit, with the mental work
I've done, the emotional work I've done, the evolution the
growth is it's like the dense physical matter in our body.
The toxins need to process in detox and for me specifically,
for this to be in my throat, I've done a
lot of work around my throat chakra my voice, my truth.
And it's really funny because last week and especially we're
going to go into the eight year, because I know
I'm getting feedback from all of you that you're feeling
the eight and it's like, come on, let's do this thing.
But we don't have all the information yet, we don't
have the clarity yet, we don't have the umph yet,
so go easy on yourself.
Speaker 2 (01:32):
It's funny.
Speaker 1 (01:32):
I saw somebody's Instagram post and they said, gosh, can't February.
Speaker 2 (01:36):
Be the new year?
Speaker 1 (01:37):
Well, hello, that's what I've been saying. That's what the
energy feels like. February is gonna feel more new, more expansive,
more clear and directed. January is reflective and sloshy. And
also if you're getting sick, it's probably your body just
shedding dense physical matter toxins. So for me, throat stuff.
Last week, I had to have an important meeting and
I had to speak. I didn't have to I spoke
my truth, and I mean, I called my sister after
and I called the woman who really guides me spiritually
and personally in my own growth and self care, and
I said, oh my gosh, I had a breakthrough. And
I used my courage and I used my voice. I
was closing out a contract, closing some things up, and
they offered me some solutions, and they didn't feel good.
They felt they felt stressful to me, and I was
able to say, you know, thank you for that. But
if I say yes to you, I'm going to continue
to be stressed the next three months. And I knew
in that moment I was speaking my truth where I
would normally people please with my voice, with my throat,
and so to me, this is like the whiplash, the
physical whiplash, this stuff that's going on in my throat,
whatever I have going on, it's like, oh girl, you
did it.
Speaker 2 (03:00):
You know.
Speaker 1 (03:00):
So, yes, I'm sick and it's not fun. I don't
feel great, but I think some stuff is clearing out
of my throat. So I always look at things that way,
and I know that can be challenging when you're sick,
but I'm always like, wait a minute, I'm shifting in vibration.
Something's happening here, and that's just me, but I know
that we are all experiencing great vibrational shifts. Thus is
the nature of twenty twenty four, and so many of
the people that I resonate with that are highly conscious
and evolved and intuitive. You know, we've been in these
changeover years energetically, and twenty twenty four is like this
big last push. We're shifting into a new level of
consciousness and paradigm, which means our physical dense matter, our
bodies are shifting up. Hence illness, hence feeling foggy mentally,
a little depressed, a little confused, or a lot confused,
a lot depressed. So whatever you're feeling, hold that space
for it and know the clarity will come.
Speaker 2 (04:01):
You matter, You're worth.
Speaker 1 (04:02):
It, So go easy on you. And also where can
you go easy on other people? You know? I always
like to turn it around because I'm not necessarily great
at giving myself grace or going easy on myself. So
if I start practicing that, I can sometimes better practice
it with patient's love and tolerance with other people or recognizing, man,
they're experiencing challenges too, they're frustrated too, and maybe they're
projecting that onto me or maybe that's their stuff, not mine,
So just be reflective about that. I encourage you certainly
to do that. So I got some great feedback and
amazing words that people shared regarding your words?
Speaker 2 (04:41):
What are your words for this year?
Speaker 1 (04:42):
And that was in the last podcast, And if you
haven't listened to the LATS podcast, I encourage you to
go back and spend some time because there's some good
information and this is definitely a part two of that.
Speaker 2 (04:54):
But some of the words I got.
Speaker 1 (04:55):
One of them was fluidity, and I think that's fabulous.
And the way that she came to that word is
she realized. And this is somebody I've known long term.
Speaker 2 (05:05):
I worked with her in my old life in healthcare.
Speaker 1 (05:08):
She's a nurse and is now becoming a nurse practitioner
and she's incredibly intelligent, but she is insanely intuitive.
Speaker 2 (05:16):
And she said, gosh, I.
Speaker 1 (05:18):
Just feel like I'm being so controlling and so nitpicky
with myself and other people. And she's very clinical, she's
very you know, she has that personality, but she recognizes
that it's limiting her and it's shutting down her intuition.
And she said, sure enough, in the podcast, you use
the word fluidity. And I had already written down that
word is potentially a word, and you used it. So
if you remember back to that podcast, I talked about
finding your words through some sort of sign or synchronicity.
So that was a great way of experiencing that. I
thought it was awesome. Plus it's a great word, especially
with the energy of the eight. Go in with the flow,
you know, finding that fluidity in life. And another one
that came up, which is funny nominal, is being easy breezy.
It's not bypassing, it's not just giving up on life.
It's where can I be easy? Where can I be
easy breezy? I want this year to be easy breezy,
and that denotes lightheartedness and fun, you know. To me,
it makes me think of like when leaves fall from
the trees, or it's a beautiful fall day and I'm
driving and I look up at the leaves and I
see the changing colors and there's a little bit of
a rustle in the air, of crispness and a breeze.
Speaker 2 (06:29):
I love the fall.
Speaker 1 (06:31):
And when I see that, that's what I think of
as easy breezy. It could also feel like spraying whatever
it feels like to you, but easy breezy also resonates
with the energy of the eight and going with that flow.
Another couple of words that someone shared, and I love
the way she shared it. So i'one to read this
to you all is my two words are confidence and faith.
The confidence is for me to push forward with the
things I think I should be able to do, but
little hesitant in terms of putting myself out there. The
faith is to have faith that the things outside of
my control will work out without my constant attention to them.
Speaker 2 (07:12):
Speaker 1 (07:12):
That's brilliant confidence which totally resonates with the energy of
the aid and then faith that is the interplay of
the thing. So why I'm sharing these with you is
because to me, they're not only incredible words for people,
they are very synergistically and synchronicity aligned with the energy
of the eight confidence in faith. Confidence is definitely an
attribute and energetic attribute of the eight energy in numerology empowerment, confidence, bravado.
And then the faith is how that manifest in the
highest form is I'm going to show up in my
fullest light, and then I have faith that I don't
have to humanly be in my self will to control everything.
I'm going to let the universe respond to me, and
I'm going to show up for what shows up for me.
That's really indicative of this year and of the energy.
So one of the things, as a tool, an opportunity,
or a resource I want to share with you is
we've already talked about picking a couple of words that
might represent your year or be intentions that you want
to experience in twenty twenty four, So picking a couple
of words. Another thing that I encourage you to do
is to ask for an animal totem, a spirit animal
to show up for you to guide and direct you
through their medicine. We've talked a little bit about spirit
animals and I don't think I've delved too deep into
them in the podcast, so we will definitely do a
follow up around spirit animals, spirit totems. Working with animal medicine,
it's been incredible for me over the past I don't know,
twelve or thirteen years. And I will share an experience
with you at another time about the very first time
that I started working with animal medicine, and it was
with a vulture and it was very profound, and vultures
show up for me all the time, and in indigenous cultures,
vultures represent the great purifier. They don't kill anything, they
clean up carcasses and is like you're like, ooh, a
vulture who wants to work with a vulture. They are
called the great Purifier. They purify the earth, they purify
the land. And when I had this experience, it was
all about cleaning myself, my soul, my heart, and purifying
is what has died, what has decayed, what no longer
serves me. And the vulture shows up as a totem
an animal medicine and wisdom for me often. But I
encourage you instead of just saying, Okay, this is my
animal card, or using an oracle deck to find your
animal card, put it out there in the universe. Hey, universe, hey,
spirit reveal to me which animals medicine and magic and
wisdom I am supposed to be incorporating and working in
tandem with this year. So I'm gonna I tell you
that's shown up for me already because I put it
out there and I played with it in the field.
And I don't know if you all are experiencing this yet,
but there's a lot of freaking synchronosity going on. I
don't know if you all are experiencing this yet, but
there's a lot of freaking synchronosity going on, almost more
so than I have seen in a very long time.
I mean it is nuanced and little, but it is
profound and enlivening. I mean I can think something and
it can be something miniscule or watch something on television
and something will replicate in the material world, and I
may not understand or know the meaning of it, but
I see it's like there's a blip in the system.
I mean, it's like it's like there's some kind of
blip in the energy field going on where, for lack
of better terms, like the veil is thin or there
is you know, there's something going on in the energy
field where signals are crossing. Look for those signals in
any way that that shows.
Speaker 2 (11:11):
Up for you.
Speaker 1 (11:13):
So I put out there I was like, Okay, what
animal am I working with this year? At first, I
thought it was something else because I had kind of
seen animals a couple of birds that I thought might
be it. But for some reason, I was like, no,
I don't think that's what I'm working with this year.
So I put it out there in the field and
I walked in. Last week I got a facial. I had,
like a facial that was like six months overdue, and
so I thought, Okay, this is this year.
Speaker 2 (11:39):
What can I do practically?
Speaker 1 (11:40):
How can I remember how I was talking about karma
and balancing the scales. While that may not sound like
karma to you, it's like tying up loose ends, finishing things.
I have this gift that has been given to me,
something that is paid for, and I haven't gotten the
freaking facial. So I made my appointment, got my facial.
But I walked in and the gal that owns the
spa is a friend of mine, and she's very cool
and she is pretty intuitive. I have a lot of
intuitive people that show up in my life and I
love seeing their intuition develop and it's so much fun.
And they also know there I'm a safe space to
play with that with and be vulnerable. And when I
walked in, my hair was kind of wild, and she goes, oh,
my gosh, you look like a lion And I said
really and she said, yeah, you look like a lion ass.
And I said, you know what my north noe of
the moon is in Leo and she said, I don't
know what that means. And I'm like, of course she
doesn't know what that means. And you ain't not know
what that means if you know astrology. You know what
it means, but I will give you a little roadmap
for that. In our astrology, in our natal astrology, there
is something called the nodes of the moon, and they
are astronomical points. So it's not like the north and
the south pole of the moon. There are these astronomical
points that migrate through the sky and they migrate through
various zodiac signs. So right now, the north node of
the moon is in Aries, which means the south node
is in its opposite sign of Libra. We're all experiencing
that as a collective. The north node always denotes the
evolution of where your soul is going in this direction
in this lifetime when it relates to your natal astrology.
But when it's like in the collective what we all
have going on, we are all learning aries like lessons
and not leaving behind the Libra attributes, using the Libra
attributes better, which Libra is about balance and relationship and harmony,
and Aries is about the firestarter, the individual speaking your
truth with courage, not being people pleasing. The stuff I
was telling you about about me working on using my
voice and my truth, that is aris north node and
me not being the Libra that I am. I am
a Libra, so that's our collective energy. But when I
was born, my north node of the moon is in Leo,
So that means my south noe of the moon is
in Aquarius. And essentially the premise in evolutionary astrology behind that,
the psychology behind it, the growth opportunities, the sole level
evolution behind it is that my south node are attributes
or lifetimes that I have miserably failed at or experienced
fully and succeeded at. So it's like I've been an
Aquarius in multiple lifetimes and I've had the high vibes
of aquarium energy and the low vibes, and that shows
in me, and it's familiar. The south node of the
moon is what is familiar to you. The north node
of the moon is where you are stretching yourself, where
you are growing and reaching in order to find greater alignment, fulfillment, happiness,
and this deeper sense of evolution and meaning. So I
love the nodes of the moon and we can certainly
do a whole episode on that, and maybe we will soon,
because it's something that when you figure those things out
and you reach for the attributes that are uncomfortable to you.
So Leo attributes can be uncomfortable to me. And I
have lots of Leos in my life. My mom was
a Leo. My sister Mimi, who's been on the podcast,
she's a Leo. And if you listen to that podcast
a while back, we talked about how she brings me
joy and delight, We laugh, we have fun, which is
such an attribute of Leo. But one of the things
with Leo is it's the lion. There's courage, there's generosity
of spirit, there's reality and royalty. There is this element
of being seen and being seen in all of your glory.
So when I walked into that spa and she said
to me, oh my gosh, you look like a lion,
I was like, that's the best compliment you.
Speaker 2 (15:39):
Could have given me. I'll take it. And I thought,
maybe that's.
Speaker 1 (15:44):
My spirit animal. So here's what I did, And here's
some homework for you on top of and this is
easy homework and fun homework, and I think you'll find
it very practical and fun and helpful and it will
help you with the eight energy and manifesting this year.
But what I did is I thought, Okay, I think
lion might be my totem my spirit animal. This year,
I've been working on cultivating more Leo aspects in my
life and embracing them as comfortable being seen. And there
are other attributes to that, but I'm going to embrace the.
Speaker 2 (16:17):
Energy of the lion.
Speaker 1 (16:19):
And so what I did was, I was like, I'm
going to make a Pinterest vision board. I don't have
time or feel like making a regular vision board right now.
Maybe I do have time, but I'm just saying that,
saying what's coming to me, and I will make a
vision board at some point.
Speaker 2 (16:33):
I love doing that.
Speaker 1 (16:34):
But I thought, let me just make a Pinterest vision
board because that's what I got in me for January.
Speaker 2 (16:39):
And I know you know what I'm talking about.
Speaker 1 (16:40):
That's all I got in me, but it's it's enough,
and it's probably more than enough. So I started a
twenty twenty four Pinterest vision board and I.
Speaker 2 (16:47):
Pulled pictures of lions.
Speaker 1 (16:49):
And I'm going to talk a little bit more about
the Pinterest board, but let me do the follow up
to the lion. So yesterday I was driving and driving
down a road I drive all the time, and there's
this like VFW hall. I guess they have a church
service there on Sunday mornings and I've passed this one
hundred times on Sunday morning, and they had a new
sign out. I've never seen this sign before, and it
was like a you know, a sandwich board, and it
was pointing to the parking lot for the parking for
the church service.
Speaker 2 (17:20):
And there was a.
Speaker 1 (17:21):
Lion, a big lion on the logo of this sign,
and it had this Maine and it was very cool
and I've never seen it before and I'm like, there's
the lion.
Speaker 2 (17:30):
There it is.
Speaker 1 (17:31):
And then last night my husband and I were watching
on something on TV and somebody was talking about lions.
And then I'm reading this audiobook and somebody is talking
about being in Madagascar and confronting a lioness and like,
you know, so the lion is showing up and I'm like, Okay,
I got it. And if you're new to working with
animal medicine, they show you positive attributes and challenging attributes.
So an easy way to do that is to you
can just search it. Whatever animal comes up for you,
whatever you put out there and whatever you see in
your world, and whether it's literally I mean, obviously I
live in Texas, I haven't seen a lion face to face,
but it's come up through dialogue's conversation and in my peripheral,
in my vision, you know. So see how what animal
repeats and shows up for you as your totem for
the year, your animal guide, your animal spirit guide. But
then you can search it and you can say blank
animal medicine or blank spirit animal, blank animal totem. You
don't have to stress about all the websites that have stuff.
Go to the one that immediately comes to you and
read the attributes. And when your animal shows up for you,
take a moment and call in that medicine, call in
that energy. Ask what you're learning, Ask what attributes that
you are learning to embody or heal that can help
you and guide you along the way, and have fun
with it, because then you'll see the synchronicities and it's
it's mind blowing. But that's also what opens up your
energy field to greater strengthening your point of attraction and
this greater connection with this field of energy where this
veil is thin and there are these blips and glitches,
you'll see synchronicity happening in your life and it will
enliven and enlighten you and point you in a direction
that feels organic and natural and more whole, more empowered,
more empowered. That's the energy of the eight and that's
really what we're being called to do, is find our
personal empowerment in all aspects of our life. This year,
the Pinterest vision board thing.
Speaker 2 (19:47):
And I've done this before.
Speaker 1 (19:48):
The first time I ever did it was when we
were moving from Belize back to the United States, and
we had to make a pretty quick move, and the
housing market was out of control, you know, with all
the fl and things, and there was limited stuff on
the market. So I made a very small Pinterest vision
board with maybe five or six images of things like
attributes or things that were important to me to have
in our home.
Speaker 2 (20:13):
We were moving our.
Speaker 1 (20:14):
Mom in with my mom in with us, so we
had to have space for her. I needed an office space,
but I wanted an open kitchen area. I wanted a
nice backyard or windows that you know, showed out to
the backyard. I wanted it to feel light and bright
and organic. There were a handful of attributes, so I
picked some images and I would reflect on them and
I would say, Okay, our house is going to appear
the house is going to have similar attributes. There'll be
this openness and spaciousness, and it will feel good, it
will feel right sized, it will be within our budget.
You know, I'm setting those intentions, but I would just
scroll through those few pictures in the mornings and kind
of meditate on them or gaze into them, and sure enough,
we looked at one house.
Speaker 2 (20:56):
That's the house we bought.
Speaker 1 (20:57):
It all came together synchronistically and very divinely aligned.
Speaker 2 (21:02):
It worked.
Speaker 1 (21:03):
It was organic, especially in a market that was not organic,
you know, in a real estate market, that was painful.
I mean, all of that stuff was already there, but
finding a home and it all happening with greater ease,
and it was a challenging time for me. So don't
get me wrong. All of it was challenging. My mom
was really sick work, moving from one country to another,
leaving my husband behind, with our dogs. I mean, all
the like the stuff of life was going on. But
finding the house just felt wise sized, right sized in
so many ways. So I've done that witht small Pinterest boards.
So what you can do is start with your spirit animal.
That might be a good place to start, but with Pinterest,
unlike a vision board that you might pull from magazine clippings.
Magazine clippings are going to be very organic because you're
just gonna see something that you're attracted to or that
looks beautiful to you or you resonate with and you
put it on your vision board. But on Pinterest you
have to search things. So don't get overwhelmed in this
and don't get.
Speaker 2 (22:07):
Too specific in it.
Speaker 1 (22:08):
Just think, gosh, what are some things or experiences that
I want to attract this year. If you're wanting to travel,
where do you want to travel? Do I want to
go on like, you know, to be like in the
Caribbean or somewhere tropical, or do I want to you know,
be in snow capped mountains. We'll pull some pictures that
resonate with you around that one or two, not ten
one or two, and then go on to the next thing.
What am I wanting to experience in my personal relationships?
And you can pull a quote or you can you know,
if it's love or romance, if it's health and well being.
Think about things that resonate with you around relationships, love, romance, health,
well being, your work, whatever is coming up for you
and work and what you're wanting to manifest, pull some images,
and then also your last piece of homework around that
is to pull a couple of images that feel totally
beyond your belief, you know, like for the go for
the gold. You know, if it is a vehicle that
is totally not in your budget and way out of reach,
just put it on your Pinterest board. It's not about
you getting it or not getting it. It's you stretching yourself,
you reaching beyond, and you dreaming, use your imagination and
just say you know and it. It may not materialize
in that physical vehicle because it may not be in
your budget. It may it may not be aligned, but
it might be interesting to see how something that seems
way beyond your scope or reach or budget manifest and
shows up as if by magic, like somebody gives something
to you. One of the things I put on there
where y'all are gonna laugh, but I'm just totally sharing
this with you. I thought, gosh, I have really fine hair,
and I always want it to look fuller, so I
use shampoos to help my hair growth and things like that,
and I always I'm like, gosh, what if I just
had extensions or and i just don't have the time
for that, and like I don't have the budget for
that right now.
Speaker 2 (24:15):
Or I don't know.
Speaker 1 (24:16):
So I thought, gosh, whose hair looks so beautiful to me?
So I picked a couple of images of people whose
hair I loved, which, by the way, their hair kind
of looks like a lioness. So I mean, I'm back
on that lion theme. So maybe part of it is
my main this year, you know, maybe my main. Maybe
it's gonna be organic, or maybe somebody's gonna be like, hey, Amanda,
would you like extensions?
Speaker 2 (24:37):
I want to gift these to you. I mean, I mean,
I'm just putting it out there.
Speaker 1 (24:41):
Who knows, and if it doesn't happen, it's not like
I'm gonna be heartbroken. But it's about beauty and it's
about esthetics. And so you can put things on your
vision board that are either out of your reach or
your budget or that are frivolous and superficial, and then
you can put those meaningful things too. So don't overload
the pinterest too much and then reflect on it, go
back to it, you know, when you're having a cup
of coffee in the morning, scroll through it, or when
you think about it on a Saturday afternoon cause you're,
you know, on Instagram and you're just doom scrolling and
all the things that we do.
Speaker 2 (25:16):
Quit the doom scrolling and go.
Speaker 1 (25:18):
Scroll your Pinterest board so you see it in your periphery.
That will really be helpful. And it's playful energy, yet
it's conscious energy. And again that is the beautiful balance
of the energy of the Eight. If you did not
listen to my bonus episode, it's a quick episode on neuroplasticity.
And I've talked about this before, but because we're working
with the energy of the Eight, which has a lot
to do with centripical force, it's like what goes up
must come down, you know, there's this ebb and flow.
Neuroplasticity on a practical level, on a biological and physical level,
is great for strengthening both the right and left hemispheres
of the brain. And it's so simple to do. If
you do it, and you do it over and over again,
and it will open up and expand your consciousness. It
will improve your neurology, the way that we think, the
way that we perceive things, the way that we process
and digest information. And right now, because the energy is
rapidly speeding up and at a rate that is extremely
challenging for the physical human body and the brain to process.
We've got a lot of illness and disease. Think about
Alzheimer's and dementia, Parkinson's, neurological conditions that are rampant. I'm
not saying that is the cause that the energy is
speeding up and that's what is causing it, but they're
interconnected in ways, like our minds are having a hard
time processing the comp information that is available to us.
The rapid speed up of technology. You all feel the
shifts and energy, and it is hard, it is challenging
to integrate. So neural patterning is a wonderful way to
do that. And I mentioned this on the podcast and
I'm the one that I'm referring to the Neuroplasticity podcast.
But what I've been doing and has been challenging for
me is I've been driving with the hand that is
not the most comfortable. I default into driving with one hand,
you know, I mean I can drive. I know we're
supposed to drive with two hands, but I default into
driving with my left hand. And I've noticed that just
like that's where I carry my purse, you know, I'll
carry it on my left shoulder. I am a dextrious
but I use I eat with.
Speaker 2 (27:47):
My left hand.
Speaker 1 (27:47):
I write with my left hand, and I'll do a
lot of things, but most everything else I do with
my right hand. And I can do those other things
with my right hand. But when I drive, I go
to my left hand. So I have been grasping steering
wheel with my right hand and it is uncomfortable and
it's weird when I take turns, and of course I'll
put my other hand on if I don't feel like
I'm in control.
Speaker 2 (28:08):
I mean, I'm totally in control, but.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
I've been practicing this conscious driving, and I can feel
this tightness or this discomfort in my right arm when
I use the right hand to drive, and it's kind
of like this game I'm playing. I'm like, no, I'm
strengthening my muscles. I am, you know, loosening tension in
my back and my shoulders. These muscles are getting stronger.
I can use the right hand or the left hand,
and I'm just as strong. So I'm doing this. And
also when I'm using my right hand, I'm tapping into
the left hemisphere of my body, you know, the left
hemisphere of the brain connects with the right side of
the body. Right hemisphere of the brain connects with the
left hemisphere of my body.
Speaker 2 (28:49):
And guess what that does.
Speaker 1 (28:50):
It interconnects both sides of the brain, the intuition with
the practical, pragmatic and linear thinking. It opens up greater
clarity and consciousness. So these practices are things that will
be helpful this year. They're helpful anytime, and they will
help you with your health and your well being and
your consciousness, your practical decision making, trusting your intuition. So
many things do it And guess what is free and
it's easy to do. So brush your teeth with the
opposite hand, get out of the bed on the opposite
side of the bed. So definitely listen to that podcast.
It's pretty quick and it gives you tools and recess
resources to harness that. Last, but not least, I am
working on this guidebook. I mentioned it last week. It
is almost finished. We're working on tweaking it now. And
it is a numerology guidebook where I really dive deep
into the energy of the eight and it's very practical
and it has insights in a roadmap and journal prompts
that sort of thing, intentions, crystal recommendations, and then I
go month over month from January through December, and I
basically give you the numerological forecast how to navigate the energy,
what it means, some journal prompts, blind spots and strategies
and crystal recommendations and intention So it's really simple to
navigate and it will help you month over month grow
become more aware and work more in tandem with the
energy from a numerological standpoint, but it is also very
intuitive in the way of the energy and the consciousness
and some of the astrology. So there's a lot more
that's factored into it that I created.
Speaker 2 (30:33):
So I'm excited for that. Be on the lookout.
Speaker 1 (30:36):
It'll be available soon, and if you're not on my newsletter,
that's a great way to see that it's released, or
following me on Instagram, or you can always reach out
with questions or any kind of support at podcast at
soul Sessions dot me. My sister did her last flow
yoga class of the year and they had a workshop
and she used the energy of the eight and it
is very cool, very inspired, extremely intuitive, and very intentional,
and she gave her students these amazing journal prompts, and
one of the questions she asked, I want to share
with you all because I thought it was fabulous and
so in tune with this year, the question is what
is the wildest, most unconventional thing you could do in
twenty twenty four to live with more passion? So thank
you Mimi for that, and I'm sending that message to
you all. What is the wildest, most unconventional thing that
you could do in twenty twenty four to live with
more passion? So much of this podcast, the work that
I do, is about you being astounded by your innate abilities,
being able to share your divine light generously and courageously,
getting curious and being amazed. That's what this year is about.
It's not going to be without its challenges, it struggles,
it's lessons. It's going to have those things, but it's
also going to have opportunity moments of being astounded by
your inate abilities, feeling your divine life, sharing it generously
when you get curious, and then allowing yourself to be amazed,
seeing the extraordinary and the word there.
Speaker 2 (32:21):
That's what this year is about. Take care of yourself
and be welco