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October 11, 2023 37 mins

Pete and Jay continue cooperating from prison. With a few special privileges they are allowed to see their families. Pete takes advantage of some downtime in the bathroom. This is the start of the infamous three B’s: The Baby, the Bentley and the Billboards.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
There was no book on how to escape with crits alive.
You know, there's no book. You know when it comes
to even like when they say, why do you even
stay in there? Because we don't know no other way
like leaving it and feels like you're dying, they seemed
to keep themselves alive, you know, especially the chapel mind.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
They make out really so many enemies.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
And status and but you know, I wish I had
like surrounded by friends that weren't drug dealers and weren't
on the street, and that they were all like stockbrokers
and were estay investors. I just wish my dad was
just worked at a factor.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
I didn't think that we were organized escape like out
of this kind of unharmed.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
But trying to imagine myself like, you know, spending the
rest of my life in prison, I felt like I
couldn't like bring I could. I was so fucked like
so like I can't say it's secured. It was just
like this ugly overwhelming family of touching the walls like

and holding.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
On till iget, Like what what did I do? Like
what did I just do to myself?

Speaker 1 (01:26):
Hey, it's fifty.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
Cents and I'm Charlie Webster.

Speaker 4 (01:29):
This is surviv and Ol Chapeau, the twins who brought
down a drug Ward Season two.

Speaker 5 (01:46):
When you've been raised in a life like this, prison
vibes are something you know well. The twins father was
in there when they were born and stayed there for
the first seven years of their lives. Their drug career
only started because their older brother of my and was
sent to prison when Jay and Pep was seventeen. They
did anything to avoid prison life. Only a year before

turning themselves in, he said he'd rather die than end
up locked.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
Up a real riskt bullying in my head.

Speaker 2 (02:16):
Than to go to prison.

Speaker 4 (02:19):
Breaking the cycle and giving their own kids a choice
that they never had a chance at a normal life
meant choosing to go to prison, the one place they
spent their lives running from, and came at the cost
of their own father's life, who was murdered by the
cartel because of what they did. The consequences of their

decision were slowly starting to sink in huddled together in
a tiny cell in the special housing unit the shoe
of mcc Chicago, with no idea when or if they
would be free again.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
I haven't made been so called that the war would
literally have ice on them. And I remember my brother
and I were so cold that we slept on the
same bed next to each other to keep each other
one And I remember the card saying, hey, you guys
can't do that, and I was like, he's my brother,
you know.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
Now one of you guys that get up on another bed,
I'm gonna give you gets a shot. And I got
right up.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
A shot is prison slang for a disciplinary infraction, also
known as a ticket.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
And I was like, they're gonna gets a right up. Like,
what's the worst thing? I haven't wearing the shoe. You know,
it's already hard to be living in this in the
shoe in the hole.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
Now we gotta deal with the cold.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
And I'm thinking, damn, imagine dealing with the hot, like
you're just never gonna be you know, it's not made
to be comfortable, or like the lights are on all night.
You know, you gotta make yourself an eye cover and
it's just weird thing. I don't understand how that helps.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
Because of what they were doing and the reach of
the cartel, Pete and j were huge targets. They were
put in the WHITSEC program witness protection inside prison.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
Sometime we call it phase one, phase two or like,
but it's not that.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
It's just like witness.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
Protection where you're incurcerated while you're in prison, and there's
witness protection for you know, when you're free.

Speaker 6 (04:33):
So what's witness protection mean in prison?

Speaker 1 (04:36):
It means that it's just it means that you're gonna
be safe, but they're gonna add a series of rules
and you don't get all the privileges that normally like
normal prisoners get. It's the cost of like being safe.

They have rules that could be like punishing with like
disciplinary action, so you c you can't use your name,
and you can't say certain things. Just you don't get emails,
you don't get like certain things that could come back
and people could kind of get a hold of me

they kind of mind it. Or who you would talk
to or who you can't.

Speaker 6 (05:20):
Did you feel like you needed witness protection in prison?
Did you feel like there would have been you know,
like hits on you in prison?

Speaker 2 (05:26):
I need, oh for sure.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
And one thing like it doesn't matter who you're telling
if you're a snitch, which is kind of like gronded
because there's the majority of those people in some way
somehow cooperating, so I remember it. I would be bored
sometimes and they'll be like, all you snitches, all you

wanna die? And I would just sometime I'll argue with them,
be like, why are you mad?

Speaker 2 (06:00):
Mind your business? I'm I'll be like, why are you here?

Speaker 1 (06:03):
You know?

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Eventually I won the whole shoe over.

Speaker 1 (06:06):
They got tired of what could they do? It's just
us arguing back and forth, and I just me and
my brother would make everyone laugh and like if we
had to do something with our time, like just cause
you're stuck there sitting there. And then what happened was
that next you know, some people, some associations start coming
up to the show, and now they know.

Speaker 6 (06:29):
That we're there, Associates that you'd again like in corporated
on ended up getting put.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
In this show with you under showing.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
People started kind of finding out like who we were.
They'll be like, yo, I it is the Twins here,
Like here's the Twins. I know that I wouldn't have
survived if I didn't have wines protection.

Speaker 4 (06:56):
With the Twins on the inside setting up their customers
was going to get suspicious.

Speaker 3 (07:01):
If they weren't there in person.

Speaker 4 (07:03):
Someone needed to do the dirty work on the outside,
and it couldn't be just anyone, It had to be
another floorers.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
The FEDS pulled in Jay's wife, Val.

Speaker 7 (07:14):
They asked for my help, and because Jay and Peter
were no longer on the streets anymore, I assisted them.
There were certain missing pieces that they needed. They needed
me to turn in the ledgers. I went to the
US Attorney's office and took two computer towers full of

Jay and peters. You know they're drug ledgers.

Speaker 4 (07:38):
VAL's job wasn't just a turn in ledgers and find
missing pieces. She also had to essentially go under cover
for the FEDS at the direction of the lead prosecutor,
Thomas Shakeshaft, even going as far as wearing a wire
to help convict the twins.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
Customers the customer friend of mine. His name was Kylie Murray.
He went by the nickname like c Ali. He was
one of my closest customers we had. He was one
of my first customers. Kylie was like a big target
for the DA in Chicago prior to me and my
brother training ourselves in and they they insisted they wanted

us to cooperate against them. We had a Lamborghini parked
in Atlanta, and he went and he stole the Lamborghini,
even though he owed me like five million dollars. The
fifth came and asked about the car, and they knew
he had it because I would see the re surveillance
him and you know, it was our car. And you know,

once we started talking about that, they you know, they
wanted us to cooperate against him, and he had owed
us all this money, and they had asked Val if
she could reach out to him and give him like
a face story that my older brother was and continue
to sell drugs if he would be willing to buy

on purchason. And Val met up with him and he
gave her two hundred thousand and she gave him the
title for the car.

Speaker 4 (09:18):
Kylie Murray, also known as Hollywood, was one of the Twins'
biggest customers because of the cooperation the Flores family were providing.
Kylie Murray was one of the many people arrested in
Kylie's case.

Speaker 3 (09:31):
It was for his part in a cocaine trafficking ring
worth one point eight billion dollars.

Speaker 4 (09:37):
One night, whilst Kylie was out on bail, he was
walking home and two men pulled up in a white van.
They got out, shot him dead, and then sped off.
Val kept the two hundred thousand dollars that Kylie Murray
gave her before he was arrested. According to Val, prosecutors
told her she.

Speaker 3 (09:56):
Could keep it.

Speaker 4 (09:57):
VAL's cooperation with the Feds included a number of sessions
where she would sit and profit giving the government as
much information as.

Speaker 3 (10:06):
They wanted in order to help the brother's case.

Speaker 7 (10:09):
I had to sit down with the government, and there
was different prosecutors there. There were supervisors there, there was
agents there, and so you have all these different departments
that are sitting in one room, and everybody is asking
me questions. And I noticed that when I would bring

up certain things, it's like they would hush me because
they only wanted to speak about certain subjects. They didn't
want me to get into properties that we owned in Mexico.
They didn't want to know any of that. They basically
said that they had no jurisdiction over that. And I
did disclose to them though that you know, I had

my house in Plainfield.

Speaker 4 (10:55):
Plainfield is a small wealthy town about an hour west
of Chicago.

Speaker 7 (11:00):
I paid for it with drug proceeds we you know,
our husband's bought us several high end luxury vehicles that
we brought over from Mexico, several of them, and I
disclosed that, you know, we had purchase houses. I disclosed
everything to them.

Speaker 4 (11:19):
The two hundred thousand wasn't the only money that Vile
collected from the brother's drip debts.

Speaker 3 (11:25):
There was plenty more.

Speaker 7 (11:27):
There was some money that was collected and we put
the money away in the house in Plainfield. We didn't
know where to put it, so we put it in
the theater room where we had this like built up floor,
and we kind of just removed the face of the
facial boards of the floor and we put the money
in there. Jay's attorney wanted to see me in person.

He told me that the government wanted some money that
was picked up in DC and that it was in
j and Peter's best interest to turn in that money
because they wanted it and they wanted handed over and
that that person whoever it was that turned in the

money would be given immunity. Me and went back to
the house in Plainfield and we bought these big tupware
like bins that you would kind of keep in your
garage if you were keeping like sporting goods or things
like that that you want.

Speaker 6 (12:32):
To store away.

Speaker 7 (12:33):
So we put all the bulk currency inside those bins,
which was about I don't know, maybe eight to ten bins,
and we put those in the suv. And when we
loaded them in the suv, like the truck was completely
fool I couldn't even see out of the rear view mirror,
the side mirrorge just because we had all the seats down.

And I drove it to the attorney's office, which was
on the north side of Chicago. When we got there,
the attorney was in complete like shock, like he didn't
know what to do. He had no idea that what
he was supposed to do with all this bulk cash,
Like he didn't want to be responsible for it because

it was the middle of the night. So he then
called the government and let them know that he had
the money in his possession. At that point, he was
just saying that they did not want to come pick
up the money. They didn't want to seize the money.
So the next day we went to the bank and

we actually deposited that money at the bank. So it
kind of looked like a scene from like Scarface, where
We're walking in with these bns of money and they're
just counting and going through the money counters and counting it,
and it ended up being like the four point something
million dollars.

Speaker 4 (13:56):
The four million dollars was only a portion of the
full amounts of drug proceeds that was collected by Val
and other family members.

Speaker 3 (14:04):
Val handed it in.

Speaker 4 (14:05):
To Jay's attorney with the expectation that she would get immunity.

Speaker 7 (14:11):
He let me know that he wasn't going to disclose
to the government who actually turned in the money until
he got the immunity in writing, because that they were
playing games. So at that point I know that he
was trying to protect me and he thought he was
doing the right thing by having me turned in that money,

because that's exactly what they wanted.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
Remember, Val didn't have any protection.

Speaker 4 (14:38):
She was not a part of the witness protection program
like the twins were. The government made a lot of

special commodations for Jay and Pete. Not only were they
allowed to be together in the shoe, they eventually got
to see their families, something that's highly unusual in WHITSEC.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
So they kind of agreed to allow us to see
our family and on Fridays for a little while at
the same place where they're briefing it their headquarters or whatever.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
In the DA office, they had like a.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
Room where they process you know, inmates or or you know,
people they arrested, and it's like a pretty simple room.
They probably just take your pictures and fingerprints you in.
They have like all these little like holding closets, like
with a little bench, and the door has a little
people and then they are like in the corner of them,

there's two bedrooms right next to each other, you know,
and there's only one entrance to this room. And my
wife would come and bring the kids, and my mom
came and my my older brother and val and Jay
and the boys. And on one of those occasions it

was around like that Valentine's was like, I'm that during
the m during that visit somehow like the wake up. Yeah,
And I remember that because I remember she word like
something red or something and I'm carrying my baby. It
was kind of crowding out whenever my brother and I
were out of us cell, Like there was a lot

of agings, you know, so they would like crowded and
they would like stand by the doorway, you know, and
I just kind of like they'll be conversaying among themselves,
and there's like cameras up there too, like in that room.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
So I remember.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
Like she gets up to go make the baby a bottle,
and the baby like fell asleep in mar on side.
Put the baby down, so right away she's like making
the baby the bottle. She's like, we're seeing the bottle
in the bathroom and I just walked her towards the
door with it, and I'm watching her like clean the
baby's bottle and there's no one, like I mean, they

can't see me from that when they're distracted by talking
to amongst each other. And I remember just.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
Just walking into the bathroom.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
It's embarrassing because there's my mom's there, and.

Speaker 8 (17:33):
You know, I told Peter, I'm like come in.

Speaker 1 (17:40):
Yeah, she was like then I remember just like and then.

Speaker 8 (17:43):
He had the baby, I have the bottles.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
Then just like.

Speaker 1 (17:51):
Just going into the bathroom and means so nervous. So
like I was like nervous, but I just missed her
so much. And I remember just like at that point,
like so what whatever happens happened. And I remember her
telling me like come on, Pete, like I want to
have your baby. And I was like, you out your mind.

She's like, yeah, I want to have your baby boy,
And I don't worry. You know, by the time you're
coming home, you'll be perfect at that age and you
could play with them. And I was like, you don't
know what you're asking for. But I was like, okay,
you know, just in the heat.

Speaker 8 (18:31):
Of the moment, it was like, yeah, I think at
that point, we're just conversation. We're just conversating at that
point right there. But I didn't say play with him.
I said, I'll you know, I'll have another baby, We'll
have our kids by that time, they'll be grown and
you know, you'll have you know, a whole weather, you
have a whole family by the time you come home. Yes,

And but mind you, you know we're still living on
that Oh you're gonna get only eight years. We're getting
in the best situation where you know, he's the biggest cooperator.

Speaker 6 (19:07):
And see's eight years. I thought, I.

Speaker 8 (19:11):
Mean I thought maybe eight eight years maximum. At that point.
I was like, you'll probably be home in like three,
four or five years. Like I didn't think it was
going to even be eight years.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
I mean, you know, we're just I guess we were
hoping for the best. Anyways, that moment just was so
intense and we got away.

Speaker 8 (19:34):
And I was yeah, and then it was super fertile
at that time because I just had I just had.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
Went for it, so you yeah, so we got.

Speaker 8 (19:48):
Busy, yeah, in in the bathroom.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
Yeah. I believe we got away twice, so there's like
one more time.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
And I just afterwards, I was feeling, like, what the wages.

Speaker 2 (20:05):
I hope she's not pregnant, you know, And then of
course she was pregnant.

Speaker 4 (20:09):
It was the neircomers in there, the like remember there's
a lot of agents.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
It was in like and I remember we didn't talk
about she was just told me one day, like she
said something like, are you ready to play with your
I know.

Speaker 8 (20:24):
It was like I was. I was already feeling sick,
and I was like, something's some I'm pregnant. One hundred
percent I'm pregnant. So I took a pregnancy test and
then he called and I'm like, I'm pregnant, and it
was it was a lot of different feelings.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
It was just so like such a shocker, I'm pregnant.

Speaker 2 (20:51):
Yeah, and we were both afraid, like.

Speaker 1 (20:54):
Yeah, and I remember just like thinking, Oh, what are
the that's gonna say?

Speaker 6 (21:01):
Were you allowed to have sex?

Speaker 1 (21:03):
And of course now it became such a big issue.

Speaker 2 (21:09):
I just didn't see I was jeopardizing like so much.

Speaker 6 (21:14):
So when did they find out?

Speaker 1 (21:17):
Show the staff at the prison, no, I have a baby,
like she knows she was pregnant. They see her, but
I guess they assumed, like, wait, how long he's been
in custody something. But I guess they just figured that's
the way she came, that's the way they met me.

Speaker 2 (21:31):
She's pregnant.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
So I have a legal visit about two thousand and ten.
I'm signing some papers and they're doing an interview.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
And all right, I see you later. The next morning,
like at.

Speaker 1 (21:54):
Seven in the morning, they come knock on my door
like you know, PF give up legal visit. I'm like
they what are you talking about? Yeah, get dressed and
I going to see the agent and the prosecutor in
their same clothes room day before.

Speaker 2 (22:11):
I was like, what the hell's going on? And they
let me have it. I might ask you a question,
don't balk your live with me? You have a something?

Speaker 9 (22:25):
I was like, yes, is it yours? I hope so
what the fuck they let me have it?

Speaker 6 (22:38):
They were so pissed off, say figured it out? Yeah,
what did they say?

Speaker 1 (22:44):
They made me like be thorough about exactly what happened,
and and they're like, this is gonna be the most
embarrassing because you fucking deservera in yourself. And I ain't
look back, and I'm like I understand how that was.
You know, I can't say I regret it. I have
my beautiful son. I can't see like probably who wouldn't

take the chance that they had it, you know, but
they were very pissed off, and it just became a
humongous issue that had people from DC come interview me
and they're doing a big investigation about it. I like
to see you I had like somehow bribe someone or
were they letting me as as a benefit, And you know,

it was like a big issue, you know, because it
was against like I broke the rules and stuff and
all night.

Speaker 2 (23:33):
No I'm like, I'm a man, that's my wife.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
Like, if someone gets the opportunity, I'm sure it's not
the first time it's happened, it won't be alive. I
had other issues, you know, like they would call it
the three Bees, The Bentley, the Baby, and the Billboards.

Speaker 4 (23:55):
The twins became infamous for the three Bees. The Baby
was just the start next the Bentley.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
It was a birthday, so I would have the car.
Buying her a cardact that was like buying her buick
At that time. I had my sister in my battery
helped me, you know, not at that time. She was
like trying to help me, and she understood what I
wanted to do for her, so like, don't worry, I'll
take care of me, you know. To be honest, it

was stupid because my wife didn't need a better you.

Speaker 6 (24:29):
Know, why did you want to buy hervetment?

Speaker 2 (24:32):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
I just thought like what could I get at her birthday?
You know it's coming up. I mean we had ten cars.
I mean you know we had every car you could
think of it.

Speaker 6 (24:41):
You got ten cars at that time.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
Still, yeah, did the government not take any of them
at that point?

Speaker 2 (24:49):
I think no, not yet?

Speaker 6 (24:54):
So what cause did you have?

Speaker 1 (24:56):
We had every issue but you could think of We
had multiple same rain drawers, like we would buy him,
you know, two.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
Three at a time.

Speaker 8 (25:06):
I had a little party for my birthday and then
they were like go outside go outside. And I went
outside and there's a big red bull on a car,
and I.

Speaker 10 (25:19):
Was like.

Speaker 8 (25:22):
Shocked and surprised, and and yeah, I was truly missing him, Yeah,
truly missing him at that At that point, I was pregnant, emotional.

Speaker 1 (25:37):
I mean, the car didn't make no difference to me, honest,
I was just it wasn't like what you think it
was at that point.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
You know, like we're more in need of each other
than a supercar, you know. And I didn't, you know,
considering the trouble it caused me. And it goes stupid.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
When the government discovered, like that what we did to
acquire that money, you know, that was going to turn
over to them.

Speaker 6 (26:06):
All right, So that's why it was a problem.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
No, that was just part of it.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
Like we you know, we spent the money on stuff
like that, just anything that could hinder you know, you
as a credible witness.

Speaker 10 (26:18):
You know.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
It's a bad decision.

Speaker 6 (26:20):
Yeah, that was a bad decision.

Speaker 4 (26:23):
The twins were moved from mcc Chicago to a different
prison in order to help protect their identity.

Speaker 3 (26:30):
They often moved prisons.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
And we can't always name where they were due to
witset confidentiality.

Speaker 3 (26:37):
The first two bees had caused a lot of trouble
for the.

Speaker 4 (26:39):
Twins, but it was the third b the billboards, which
happened after they moved prisons.

Speaker 3 (26:45):
That was the final straw.

Speaker 8 (26:48):
One bad decision after another.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
I got the billboards, and the billboards was just a
violation of my security at the time, and yeah, they were.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
Not happy about that. We all paid the price for
that one.

Speaker 7 (27:06):
Peter I remember for Valentine's state, he wanted to put
up things to billboards, two huge billboards on the interstate,
like when you.

Speaker 6 (27:17):
Roll up to the visit.

Speaker 1 (27:19):
That's so my intention was just a surprise and her
way home that she sees like a little token of
my love and appreciation for her.

Speaker 8 (27:25):
And it was a It was the next exit where
the prison, where the facility was, so.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
They were not small, I guess they were like like
they had like three hundred feet across like to me,
like the huge.

Speaker 7 (27:41):
Told them and it said, Philo, marrying you.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
Was the best thing that ever happened.

Speaker 11 (27:45):
And it was black.

Speaker 8 (27:46):
The sign was black with like big red hearts and
white bright letters, so you kind of it was simple words.

Speaker 10 (27:52):
It was like Mary, you was the best I love you. Yeah,
you're grateful I.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
Can't wait to spend for everyone.

Speaker 6 (28:00):
With the second one, yeah, it was.

Speaker 8 (28:02):
They were absolutely beautiful, Like I couldn't believe. Like I
I parked, I parked on the side of the highway,
and I just like was just staring at them, like
in tears with my baby, and I was just staring
at them. And it was we were alone, it was
we're leaving the visit and we were just there and
I was just like, look back at my babies and
I was just looking at the sign, and you know,

it just.

Speaker 6 (28:25):
I couldn't believe it.

Speaker 8 (28:26):
Like Peter's always been romantic, but I feel like this
gesture was like just like really over over over at
the top. Oh yeah, I was in tears. And then
I felt like I felt happy and then lonely, and
then I looked at my babies and I just felt
like I wanted him so, I wanted him home so bad,

and it reminded me of what I felt for him
as well. And not only did he show me what
he felt for me, I mean putting these big, two
huge signs on the side of the highway six months
for six months, yes, so, and I looked at them
every time, and I stared at them every time, and
it just it really made my heart.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
And I think that to be able to show her
like a beware or to do something because not because
you can't, because you wanted.

Speaker 11 (29:17):
To, Like it's you know.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
It was one of those moments that I felt like,
you want to make her feel how special she was
to me? Well got me in trouble was that that
they made a big news.

Speaker 10 (29:27):
It was on the news.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
They like a journal I seen them, or they talked
about them, and they went out to make a story.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
I look what a husband did for his wife.

Speaker 1 (29:35):
Never imagine that the guy with dinner was in prison.
But later on I knew if the trouble was coming
when the Seals would come over to our unit and
be like.

Speaker 2 (29:46):
Who's the guy that put up the billboards?

Speaker 1 (29:49):
Don't forget where they were not they're.

Speaker 2 (29:50):
Not supposed to know you, you know.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
And I didn't put her name out there. I just
put it, you know. I looked like the man and
I'm like, oh, there's going to be trouble.

Speaker 9 (29:58):
You know.

Speaker 10 (29:59):
It was, it was It was just not for Peter.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
I didn't say that what I thought he would have
said because of the billboards. My best friend, my brother
who had spent my whole life got transferred.

Speaker 10 (30:14):
Wow, that's a little bit bigger.

Speaker 11 (30:15):

Speaker 4 (30:33):
Pete's very public declaration of love for his wife, Velo
viv Lopez changed everything. It brought along a fourth b breakup.
The twins were separated for the first time in their lives, and.

Speaker 8 (30:49):
You know, we all suffered the repercussions.

Speaker 10 (30:52):
We had the privilege.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
It was a privilege granted to it by a special
privilege because of our cooperation. The department just allowed us
a lot of identical twins which were now was not
it was against policy to be together.

Speaker 2 (31:06):
Should we say to give you a special approach? Sure, yeah,
I guess it was.

Speaker 10 (31:09):
We were together.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
They made an exception for us.

Speaker 10 (31:12):
They made an expect exception for us and put us together.

Speaker 12 (31:15):
We're not supposed to be together, and we're identical twins,
and they basically told us, don't fuck it out. We
were punkies, we were salies in the same job in prison,
and we took it for barn there. But the billboards,
where's the beginning of like something solid they had? I

guess he decaid to the bill words and they found
out and they started investigation. The whole time, they think
that because who Val is and because who I am
person I was, they kind of just said it's Ja
because there was a B on it. And I think
they're thinking be Low, because they're thinking that Jay Low vow.

One day in March of that year, March April, they
come get me to the south four in the morning, okay.

Speaker 10 (32:12):
In wash out them out to you and you come
down to r D. And I'm like to put on sweater.
I see that. I look at it.

Speaker 2 (32:21):
When I see that, there's lieutenants.

Speaker 10 (32:22):
There's a couple of guards, and I'm like, man, what
could he want? And now with my brother, I don't know.
I'm just like, oh, all right, I go and.

Speaker 1 (32:36):
There's doors right, so as soon as I step down
in the door, they lock it and I go into our.

Speaker 4 (32:41):
Indeed, R and D stands for Receiving and discharging. It's
where prisoners a process and identities checked to make sure
the right person is going to the right place.

Speaker 3 (32:53):
It's the first stop when you arrive and the last
before you leave.

Speaker 10 (32:59):
He's like, he has my back that actually came with,
you know, from Mexico. On the table.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
He said, strip start taking my clothes and you know,
regular check. But he's like, hold on, I need to
make sure. Let me see your tattoos. I said, I
don't have tattoos.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
Are you.

Speaker 10 (33:20):
Let me look at your body, like making sure.

Speaker 1 (33:22):
And he has both of our files and he's like
making sure I don't have my tattoo my neck and
my chest. Okay, we got the right one. Put in
your clothes and you have the same. Marshals come get you,
and you know they roll up with it from cars.
It's like five in the morning, six in the morning,

big out rot. I mean, hear what's going on. They're like, oh,
you'll find out, don't worry about it. Man, where are
we going?

Speaker 10 (33:52):
I can't tell you.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
If I could see forward the truck.

Speaker 1 (34:00):
It's a boutpool truck. And I'm noticing they're talking like
a little bit whispering, like yeah, soll he's not gonna
be with his brother nomore.

Speaker 10 (34:09):
And I'm hearing them talk and I'm like, that's weird.
I can hear him saying it's coming up.

Speaker 2 (34:16):
As soon as he said that.

Speaker 10 (34:19):
It's coming up. I know what they're talking about, the billboard. Yeah,
because I know that it's there.

Speaker 1 (34:24):
I know it's closed by we just left.

Speaker 10 (34:26):
It's coming up.

Speaker 1 (34:27):
Yeah, and there he's like, yeah.

Speaker 10 (34:31):
What you've been doing lately?

Speaker 1 (34:33):
I kind of look at him like nothing, but I'm
actually stupid, Like and as we're driving, I can see
the huge billboards.

Speaker 2 (34:41):
I could see that they're black.

Speaker 10 (34:42):
I could see him in the corner mine because I
really looked part before he turned, and I'm like, oh shit,
I'm thinking about that. They look nice.

Speaker 1 (34:51):
But when he said yeah, so what you've been doing,
he kind of looked at me. He wanted to see
my reaction, and I stirred at him. I didn't even
look at the blue words. I'm looking from the corners.
I'm like, oh, not much or other kids said. But
as soon as he did that, I'm like, shit, they know.
I didn't think that I was still gonna get in trouble.

Speaker 10 (35:10):
I'm just like, okay, they don't.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
And uh, they drove me to the airport and they
didn't wanna talk to me about where I was going.
And it was actually a big jet and uh, they
kind of waved my way up.

Speaker 10 (35:26):
You know, your chap shop order.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
I kind of waved my way up to the airplane
and the pilots said, I said, hey, where we're playing?

Speaker 2 (35:32):
Where we're going to?

Speaker 10 (35:33):
He said New York. I'm like, hey, like, why the
fuck are we going to New York?

Speaker 2 (35:39):
And he like, just just get in. We can't tell
you anything. Just sit down.

Speaker 10 (35:46):
It was a plane ride to New York to the
MCC New.

Speaker 4 (35:49):
York, Jay London. At New Accompold, he was greeted by
a sea of thirty squad cars and a whole bunch
of marshals. They accompanied him on the forty minute drive
from the airport to mcc New York, right in the

middle of downtown Manhattan.

Speaker 1 (36:16):
You know, I'm thinking, I'm going just for a week,
a couple of days, and I'm going to go back
to my brother. No, I go to a process. When
I get there and meet the union managery, I'm like,
excuse me, man, for how long they're here for?

Speaker 9 (36:30):
For good?

Speaker 10 (36:35):
That hurt me?

Speaker 1 (36:37):
And I was like, but why shakes oh, And I'm like,
I don't know what you're talking about, man, I said, yeah, sure,
you just got the wrong one.

Speaker 2 (36:56):
That was my brother.

Speaker 4 (37:08):
Surviving l Chapo. The Twins Who Brought Down a Drug Lord.
Season two is hosted by Curtis fifty cent Jackson and
me Charlie Webster, produced by myself and Jackson McLennan, Assistant
producer and research support by Katie Hurtz. Edit and sound
designed by Nico Polella. Theme music and original score by

Ryan Sorenson. It's executive produced by Curtis fifty cent Jackson
and me Charlie Webster. Curtis fifty cent Jackson presents a
Lionsgate Sound and G Unit audio production exclusively for iHeart
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Hosts And Creators

Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson

Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson

Charlie Webster

Charlie Webster

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