All Episodes

June 16, 2023 36 mins

Episode 251 - "The Baller Alert Show" Feat: Ferrari Simmons, Su Solo & You Know BT Produced by: Octavia March

Special Guest: Finesse2tymes

Topics include: ICYM, Sukihana, YK Osiris; Our exclusive interview with Finesse2tymes: Surviving prison, using his brother to perform, his three girlfriends & more.

The Baller Alert Show

Featuring @FerrariSimmons @_SuSolo  @Youknowbt @iHandlebars 

":The Culture Deserves It"

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
When you was performing? Was that really you? Or that
was somebody else? Hey, listen, this was wild. Ooh, this
was wild.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
I'm just now getting the feel of having artists like
I got King, I got my little brother, you know
what I'm saying. I was pushing him and like we
got used to letting the artists go in first to perform.
So my little brother was only performing like two or
three of my songs. I was gonna perform the remaining

you see what I'm saying. So, but what happened was
they in front of us. They actually was behind us.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
They folks.

Speaker 4 (00:35):
So you was there?

Speaker 3 (00:36):
Yes, I was done. I was listening. I tried. I
was there. I was actually there.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Like I'm putting in, like it's people leaving it all
out here?

Speaker 3 (00:47):
Is that? Ain't for that? Ain't feeling like the people
drunk her head.

Speaker 4 (00:54):
Work with me here?

Speaker 5 (00:55):
You know?

Speaker 4 (00:55):
Bt, she was so low shot of.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
What we see game Wait something, Oh you can't stand
on the homeste.

Speaker 6 (01:03):
I already know you came with me because with the
squad of me they get in they called.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
Me learn.

Speaker 6 (01:13):
Hello ball Alert Welcome to The ball Alert Show.

Speaker 7 (01:16):
Podcasts available everywhere you get your podcast. Please continue to
like comment, subscribe and share our YouTube page at Baller
Alert TV.

Speaker 6 (01:25):
I go by the name of Ferrari Simmons.

Speaker 4 (01:27):
I go by the name you know, B.

Speaker 7 (01:28):
Table to see with that special guests in the building
for next two times.

Speaker 6 (01:32):
B what's up, sir? Go on, Well, welcome back to
the city.

Speaker 4 (01:38):
I gotta command him. He was on time.

Speaker 6 (01:41):

Speaker 7 (01:42):
Now, we didn't have every damn celebrity I can think of,
but you might be the most icy.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
One that came on this.

Speaker 6 (01:49):
You brought all your ship out. Now I'm pretty sure
you have more.

Speaker 7 (01:54):
Yeah, but this might be the most ice ice scene
on our on our interviews.

Speaker 8 (01:59):
Greg, Harry Clean, you came in here icy.

Speaker 6 (02:02):
Okay, we're gonna talk. We're gonna talk a little shit.
Is that cool, sir?

Speaker 5 (02:08):
We'll be right back with more of the Bailer Alert Show.
You're listening to a special edition of the Bawler Alert Show.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Boy from this two times and you now tuned into
the ball of Alert Show.

Speaker 7 (02:29):
Did you gotta see y Ko Cyrus aggressively kissed Suki
on it? You gotta see that, man, man, man man. Now,
I'm looking at the videos. She looked like she was cool,
but like what.

Speaker 6 (02:42):
You doing was like, what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (02:43):
It was not she was not cool, bro get a
differ energy. She was cool. I don't.

Speaker 6 (02:50):
I don't know, like tell you she was like, oh
my god, like let's watch it again.

Speaker 4 (02:55):
You gotta you gotta think about it.

Speaker 1 (02:56):
If the woman wanted to kiss him back, she would
have turned her body around to indulging the kiss.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
I've got to understand that this is what she put
into the universe. So she got the oh.

Speaker 8 (03:09):
You're saying, like, by her record, she put that energy out.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
So I don't think she I think it caught off God.
I think I think he put it in a situation
where you talking about mm.

Speaker 7 (03:20):
Oh okay, well, Sukian is a friend of the show.
High at us. Let us know if what happened. You
know what I'm saying. Now, Why the why nw Melly
is praying and blowing the kiss while his while in
court goes viral?

Speaker 6 (03:34):
Did you guys see that clip?

Speaker 1 (03:36):
I've seen Boosy is is going to a lot of
Boozy is going because he wants to learn, That's what
he said.

Speaker 7 (03:43):
He he said he wanted to learn how the law.
That's the reason why he said he was attending the trial.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
But a lot of people are mad that Boosy is
going there because a lot of people think that this
dude he did it. So they feel like, you know,
why's Boosy going there to support somebody that you know.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
Because like, at the end of the day, if he
if he did do it, if he is guilted, like
he don't deserve to just be feeding to the wool seat.
There's one thing wrong with black people, you know what
I'm saying, Like I'd have been incarcerated, you know what
I'm saying. One thing I know about Caucasian people, miskins.

Speaker 3 (04:19):
I mean, it's crazy, but they can.

Speaker 2 (04:20):
They can rape they sister and they mama still gonna
beat there for him. They gonna go visitation every weekend,
they gonna get comings here. But you do that to
a black person, the whole family outcare you done, like
you go to jail. Nobody see by. You know, they
hold lord to it. But I can understand it.

Speaker 6 (04:38):

Speaker 7 (04:39):
Now are you a sports guy? Said, I know you
got the Memphis Grizzly games here and.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
There, Kanda kinda okay?

Speaker 7 (04:44):
Now, are you familiar with Shannon Sharp and Skip Baylors,
the black guy and the white guy on the talk show.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
I don't want feel no bad, but no.

Speaker 7 (04:53):
Okay, Shannon Sharp is leaving or he has left episode thoughts.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
You know, I'm excited to see what Shannon Sharper is
going to take it, you know, because I feel like
he ended up becoming like a huge star on the show.

Speaker 4 (05:09):
And I think, you know, Skip was a little jealous. Okay,
and you.

Speaker 8 (05:14):
Know, well, ownership looks good in his court because his show.

Speaker 6 (05:18):
An old Laquor.

Speaker 8 (05:24):
Yeah, yeah, he got some.

Speaker 6 (05:25):
He has a big viral moments too on the f
S one.

Speaker 8 (05:27):
What do you think, right?

Speaker 7 (05:28):
I think I think he he did what he needed
to do for seven years and it's time for him
to move on.

Speaker 6 (05:33):
I think he outgrowed it. But I want to talk
to you, sir.

Speaker 7 (05:37):

Speaker 6 (05:37):
What happened with the Lakers in the Memphis Grizzlies.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
What happened? Y'all?

Speaker 2 (05:40):
Was supposed to see the memes, you know, Like I said,
I ain't the big sports guy, but I've seen the memes.
Like I said it though, like, okay.

Speaker 5 (05:53):
I'm still supported. Could We'll be right back with more
of The ball Or Alert Show. You're listening to a
special edition of The Baller Alert Show.

Speaker 3 (06:10):
For this two times and you now tuned into the
ball Alert show and.

Speaker 7 (06:14):
There's two times that's in the building Memphis. Correct, Uh,
what part of Memphis? Because I know there are different
parts of Memphis.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
Well, I was born and raised all the Simmons. That's
on the east side of Memphis. Mama always been like
norther Memphis. So it always been kind of like all
over I had got anti stay out here, Mama, stay
out here, Grandma. You know you'd be a house to
house growing up. So you know I claim, but I

claimed East Memphis.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
He's on the side east side.

Speaker 6 (06:48):
Okay, Now, when did music start for you?

Speaker 2 (06:52):
It wasn't never something that we thought, like growing up
at the age that we thought we could make money
off of because back then won those social medi you
know what I'm saying. And like you saw rappers, so
it was like it w wasn't nothing to go somewhere
and see a rappers.

Speaker 6 (07:07):
So you saw got it.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
Right, Like I seen Project Pet, Like I seen these
guys like in the streets.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
You see what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
I seen him in the streets so young, you know,
I seen him giving back or just in the streets.

Speaker 8 (07:21):
Just were you in the streets at the time as
a young like.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
Like I was, I was, I couldn't be in the streets,
but I was in the street.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 9 (07:31):
Where age were you when you started to go towards
the street, like twelve twelve?

Speaker 3 (07:35):
But I've already seen the street ship growing up.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
I had already seen it, So it warn't nothing to
you know, get in it, get with it.

Speaker 6 (07:44):
But why, like, is it something that it was? Was
it something to do?

Speaker 2 (07:51):
I mean, now that I'm a little older, I sit
back and think, like it's just trauma. You just being
a product of your environment. Very few people make it
out of poverty, saying you know what I'm saying, so
or like now I'm working on myself now I'm thirty one,
that's three days ago, so I'm just not appreciating.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
I'm just not working on things that I.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
Supposed to work on it twenty and twenty one at
thirty one, because I'm so far behind, you know what
I'm saying, And I don't got no problem admitting it.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
Because I come up in poverty, I come up fucked up.
So to answer your question, you know what I'm saying,
This is how you know what I'm saying, like.

Speaker 7 (08:37):
I appreciate you now. Street Life had you in prison?
How long were you locked down?

Speaker 3 (08:44):
And what? What like?

Speaker 6 (08:45):
How did you what happened for you to get locked up?

Speaker 3 (08:50):
Which wanted? Which time?

Speaker 6 (08:51):
When was your first time getting Can you talk about
the first time?

Speaker 3 (08:54):
The first time?

Speaker 2 (08:55):
I never forget it, real funny, I never forget the
first time I got locked up.

Speaker 3 (09:00):
I want locked up? Nothing about a couple hour? Though?
What you do about two three days? One? They want,
they want to That's what I called a coup hour,
about two three.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Days Okay, yeah, yeah, it.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
Was like this just because uh, they couldn't find my mama.
They couldn't find my grandmama because I wouldn't give them
the number.

Speaker 4 (09:18):
Oh so young?

Speaker 2 (09:20):
Yeah, I was young, young, like twelve thirteen and my
uncle car. They went to the club.

Speaker 4 (09:25):
You stole your uncle.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
They went to the club, man and I got on
a chair line man.

Speaker 3 (09:30):

Speaker 2 (09:30):
I got on a chair line man, and man found
and thought I had some action here and gotten a car.

Speaker 3 (09:37):
I'm finna go do my thing because it's right up
the street.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
So boom, I getting the car. Like I said, I'm
still a kid.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
I'm young.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
I get in the car and pull out and I
get almost all the way to the spot and the police.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
Put their light on me.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
I ain't had my my head lights on, so the
police put their lights on.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
My panic.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
We ran into the curve. Yeah, yeah, ran into the
curve and they thought I was the run. They drew down.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
Youre gun and everything.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
So I was like thirteen twelve and uh yeah, I
went to jail for this ship.

Speaker 4 (10:07):
They didn't know it was a kid driving.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
They had.

Speaker 4 (10:11):
Well he said they pulled guns out on.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
Him because like like I would finish, like try to
like try to get away. Oh you knowe what I'm saying, Like,
you know, they gonna panic anything you wrinkle anything, They
panicking now, so they gonna But once they seen I
was a kid, they kund of eased up a little bit.
But that was my first time, yo, going to jail.

Speaker 8 (10:32):
So that was jail.

Speaker 9 (10:33):
Like and you said you've been to prison, correct, right?
Like what led you there? Like was the police after
you were on their radar the first time? They just
kept messing with you.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
I caught some charges when I was younger, and you know,
did some ship and got tried as an adult.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
I was everybody else with me was older than me.

Speaker 3 (10:52):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
I got tried as an adult and bound over, meaning deck.
I wasn't a juvenile no more. Like like in my city,
if you fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, you commit a certain type
of crime, they'll try you as an adult.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
But it's up to the judge to try you as
an adult.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
So here I am like fourteen, maybe going on fifteen,
don't know no better, don't even know what life is
for real, Like you know what I'm saying. And you know,
but I caught to you charges and I got bound over,
I got bound over and I went.

Speaker 3 (11:27):
Grown man jail. And you was fourteen. I was fourteen.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
But what they do is they sit you in somewhere
where it's like teenagers up to like nineteen. Yeah, but
it's it's all the advanced teenagers who in the streets
and robbing and got murdered. Charges and then cute folks
and shit like that. Like that's what So growing up

in that type of environment whereas you know, survive of
the fities, you.

Speaker 6 (11:57):
Know, so, and how long were you.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
I went through that like from fourteen to sixteen. Then
I went back, like I be on and off in
and out of jail, you know. But when I turned eighteen,
that's when they finally they had the way ti I
turn eighteen to sentence me as an adult. So when
I turned eighteen, they gave me an eight year sentence.

So I had to go to TDOC Tennessee Department of
Creation for some shit I did when I was fourteen,
damn like, and usually they give kid and I want
to be like an advocate for this later on in
my career, like for the kids who who getting bound
over for you know, even just murders and shit like that.

They don't know no better, you know what I'm saying,
But they bound them over. And I feel like the
percentage on doing it the black people is high and white,
you know. I feel like you should wait because I
don't I mean you right like I might. I might shoot.
I just I just feel like right now, like it's
so much going on in my life, life like happening
so fast. You gotta understand, I ain't even been out.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
Of yu year like this, hain't been out of prison
a year year almost, okay, And it's the longest I'd
ever been out of jail.

Speaker 9 (13:08):
From fourteen to sixteen to eighteen. And you know, like
the eight year sentence. That's an important time, you know,
shaping a young person.

Speaker 8 (13:18):
What was that like? You know that experience and how
did you? How are you able to grow from that?

Speaker 2 (13:24):
I learned, I learned survival skills before I learned anything.
I learned. I learned how to survive. I learned how
to eat on my own. I learned how to I
learned how to self therapy myself. I learned how to
talk to myself. You know what I'm saying this or
a lot of my traum wall come from, like from
just sitting in a box as a teenager and see

people don't understand it. Like I try to make people understand,
like and they can't. They just never will because if
you ain't been in that situation, you put a fourteen
fifteen year old, you know, fucking box. You know what
I'm saying, in a box? You know what I'm saying,
Like I'm thinking I'm thirty one now, I'm thinking I'm thinking.

Speaker 3 (14:05):
About a fifteen year old.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
Every fourteen fifteen year old that I see today, Like damn,
it's unjust for real, Like they don't understand, they don't know,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (14:15):
So they try to teach me, and shit, this is
what happened.

Speaker 6 (14:20):
So did you ever like graduate?

Speaker 1 (14:22):

Speaker 6 (14:22):
High school?

Speaker 3 (14:23):

Speaker 7 (14:23):

Speaker 2 (14:23):
No, No, you didn't even have I never had an
ID until I was twenty three years old.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
Damn never. I still don't got a driver license.

Speaker 6 (14:32):
Bro, you still have a driver now?

Speaker 8 (14:34):
You can't vote, you can't, so you can't.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
Get a driver's license.

Speaker 6 (14:38):
Yeah, you can get one now, but I'm apprecire. You
don't need one. Now do you get out? You twenty six?

Speaker 3 (14:47):

Speaker 6 (14:48):
Are we saying?

Speaker 3 (14:49):
All right?

Speaker 6 (14:50):
Fuck that?

Speaker 3 (14:50):

Speaker 6 (14:50):
I'm twenty five, twenty five.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
See, the eight year centers was like thirty percent, so
many that I can make for roles. So I went
from eighteen to twenty one. So I got out on probation,
went back in twenty two. A damn get out at
twenty five.

Speaker 3 (15:11):
I'm thirty one today.

Speaker 7 (15:13):
You're doing all You're going in and out of jail music?
What's going on with music doing?

Speaker 2 (15:16):
I'm doing it because it's easy. Like every time I
get out of jay it's nothing you gotta understand. Like
when I ain't doing nothing on board in the streets. Shit,
why not go pay for you know what I'm saying,
three four us, go pay for up studio time. Yeah,
let's put let's put eight dollars together to go get
four hours, three hours studio time just to sit in
there and just smoke and kick shitting.

Speaker 6 (15:38):
You know what I'm saying with your stock is going up?
So how do you say I.

Speaker 3 (15:42):
Don't know nothing about it? Yeah, I'm not.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
I'm just freestyling. I'm just I'm just living. I'm not
knowing what's going on now. I'm doing it because it's
something to do, but I'm not knowing that it's actually
getting a nigga somewhere.

Speaker 7 (15:55):
All right, Music is my main thing I'm doing. Does
where does money bag come into this? When does when
does the money.

Speaker 3 (16:03):
Bag your situation?

Speaker 2 (16:04):
Like me and him Black Youngster or yp hood Rich
even bag artist's cousin Big Homie g Tabo, the Ones,
like all of us had a music group. Wow, a
lot of this was transpiring on him, like.

Speaker 6 (16:19):
Oh this before y'all blew up right like this, I'm.

Speaker 3 (16:22):
Like twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, and like we just.

Speaker 2 (16:28):
He he bumping, he bumping he bumping, and you know,
we all know the similar same people, so we like, hey,
you know, let's just get together. And you know, at
this time or you know, you had Blue Dirty, you
know what I'm saying, he was banging out of Memphis.
He he was hot. You know, you had a lot
of few other rappers who was hot. And we were
just up and coming, you know what I'm saying. And

I went to jail again. But even then I wasn't
taking music series.

Speaker 6 (16:55):
When did you take it serious?

Speaker 2 (16:56):
Like I started taking music series at this a moment,
probably about.

Speaker 6 (17:03):
Thirty thirty thirty.

Speaker 4 (17:05):
Okay, wait, so you just started taking me to see
last year?

Speaker 2 (17:07):
Last year when I when I really realized like it
was a real job, Like when I feel like when
I started noticing that.

Speaker 3 (17:16):
It was deeper than music.

Speaker 2 (17:18):
Yeah, Like it was like when I started noticing what
I can actually accomplish with the stipping Stone.

Speaker 7 (17:26):
And Bay and people that touched too, because people fuck
with you exactly, you got real things exactly exactly.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
So I started really realizing and recognizing what I was doing,
like the influence that I had, Like I never because
I'm so down to earth and humble, like because like
niggas to my dad, ain't never had shit. I literally
come from shit like a box. Like when I came
out of jail, I came off of twenty three and one.

You see what I'm saying. I came off of eating
three trades. So when I came home, it was like boom.

Speaker 7 (18:00):
But you came out and you came out smoking though,
like you came out with you was already was this.

Speaker 6 (18:05):
Plan, like did you plan this? So you just like
you know I'm gonna get out.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
I planned it.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
I had to because there was every every time, and
you know what I know, you know, I hate to
speak on jail, but it was my upbringing, Like that's
what made me who I am.

Speaker 3 (18:20):
It is what it is. So so.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
Every time I been I always got out with the
same mentality. I always I always did the same exact
thing to go back like rather it's rather it's mentally
or whatever. I always go back into that fuck this
ship stage. That's what I had to break the last time,

Like you can't say fuck this ship, you know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 8 (18:47):
The moment that broke for you, did you see something.

Speaker 3 (18:50):
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
When when you when you when you like I seen
everybody leave you. Gotta understand before I before I went in.
Before I went in, I had a buzz I had
made you like.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
Teen twelve five or show.

Speaker 2 (19:05):
So it was love, everybody loved me, partner's family this
day and the third money female go to jail everybody.
So I had to kind of take a step back,
like damn. Like growing up, I always thought money made
motherfucker love you. So now I'm going through this transition

and not having nothing again and nobody again. I'm like, damn,
like it's real, like a motherfucker actually leave you for dead,
Like you know what I'm saying. So time went on,
like a year went past, and like I said, survival skills.
So I had to do what I had to do
in prison, say got raided, I go to the whole.

I go to the whole. When I go to the whole,
I'm on twenty four hour lockdown. Now I'm under investigation.
Long story short, I end up doing like fourteen fifteen
months on twenty three and one.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
You saying, but you don't understand that was.

Speaker 2 (20:07):
The transition when she actually when she asked me that
that's the point I was getting to. So just imagine
being in a like it like it broke me, n
it made me. It broke me and built me back up.
I started to read. I lost one hundred pounds, like
I started working out. I found myself. I found like

who I found. I found what a man was?

Speaker 4 (20:32):
When did you get signed?

Speaker 3 (20:34):
When I came home?

Speaker 4 (20:35):
So the day that you came home, you had a
record deal?

Speaker 2 (20:38):
Yeah, no, not a record deal, but me and Junior
had the partnership right right, So it was I had
a situation.

Speaker 6 (20:44):
So how did your song blow?

Speaker 1 (20:45):
Because I felt like as soon as you touched off
that jet, it was.

Speaker 6 (20:49):
Like it was like, first I know that shit blew
up on fucking TikTok.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
I was like, as soon as you as soon as
I see the video you getting off of jet, I
hear your song in every club all over the radio,
I'm like, how did how.

Speaker 3 (21:03):
Did that happen?

Speaker 2 (21:04):
It was like I feel like they was already waiting,
Like I get that a lot like and I ain't
think they was so, but I get that a lot
like people like people, you know you, people was waiting.
So I got out, I did the song, you know,
and I knew what was gonna happen though, because.

Speaker 7 (21:20):
I was the first song you did even get it?

Speaker 2 (21:24):
Get even with the first even I'm listening to music
and the joint and I'm like, I'm listening to what's
what was popping?

Speaker 4 (21:36):
Are you? Are you thinking like, man, it's trash.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Or like I'm like, if it ain't, if it ain't,
like you know, you got your grates and you got
your lyrics and you got it.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
But I'm like, hey, if it ain't a little baby, head.

Speaker 6 (21:48):
Back, get back in? When when did you do back in?

Speaker 3 (21:52):
Right after that?

Speaker 7 (21:52):
So you did it right after that? That's the one
that went for real? How did how did that moment
make you feel?

Speaker 3 (21:59):

Speaker 10 (22:00):

Speaker 2 (22:00):
It just hit me like we just that we win gold,
Oh congrats on that. We won't go and we'll be
platinum short list, Like like rever.

Speaker 7 (22:13):
Your team is doing a great job with you. Brother,
You got hands around, which is why I know you
don't drive, so that's.

Speaker 4 (22:20):
Why, but which is probably why you showed up on
time to.

Speaker 6 (22:23):
Nah like I drive.

Speaker 3 (22:25):
I gotta feel like it.

Speaker 4 (22:26):
We ain't gonna say you drive.

Speaker 6 (22:29):
Funny question we make you cut your hair off?

Speaker 2 (22:34):
I want to It's something I don't want to put
out there. Okay, Okay, okay, but I'm growing it back.

Speaker 3 (22:40):
You know that you're.

Speaker 6 (22:40):
Growing your back. But man, what's what the hell is
going on with you? Online? People help you put your
clothes on.

Speaker 4 (22:48):
All ship.

Speaker 7 (22:49):
I mean my wife, though I'm happily marriage, she don't
help me put my ship on first.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
Of all, Like you got to carry yourself in that
on first.

Speaker 2 (22:58):
Okay, okay, I can't show you how to like this.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
This is right here. Can't be taught.

Speaker 4 (23:04):
Like see he talking at that Memphis.

Speaker 6 (23:08):
I know when people start talking at Memphis, pitting my dogs,
getting the socks put on his shoes. I'm over here, like,
dam I'm showing wife.

Speaker 3 (23:15):
He like, babe, we're going out.

Speaker 4 (23:16):
That's how you get a divorce.

Speaker 2 (23:17):
Yeah, you work hard, right, Yeah, I get the meals
and everything, but you got to make her understand that
there's a little more come with it with a man
working hard, like.

Speaker 3 (23:28):
A man be a little more tired than a woman do.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying. We gotta
put a little bit more thought and click this up.
We got you know what I'm saying. You know up,
we got to work a little harder. Though you know,
they they they kind and can't breathe through like this.

Speaker 8 (23:46):
This this is normal because women gotta work and raise kids.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
Yeah, but that's easy to y'all that as far as
I can see, we.

Speaker 8 (23:56):
Can agree to disagree.

Speaker 2 (23:58):
Okay, but is that some thing that you grew up
feeling like that? It went through stages. It went it
went from oh, I feel like I ain't you know
what I'm saying. Then it went to it is some
women at her it is some you know what I'm saying. So,
you know, it kind of went through stages.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
First. I ain't had no respect for women, though, but
now I do.

Speaker 6 (24:19):
What enlightened you to have respect?

Speaker 2 (24:23):
Realizing that some of the women that I have dealt
with in the past, what's good women? And I damaged them?

Speaker 6 (24:33):
Okay, so I had a lot to say that.

Speaker 9 (24:35):
Yeah, I mean, but you're still learning life too, because,
like you said, you have been in and out of jail,
so you know, you're kind of learning life.

Speaker 8 (24:43):
You know, in real time?

Speaker 6 (24:44):
What's a turn off?

Speaker 3 (24:47):
Oh oh, getting up, getting in your phone.

Speaker 10 (24:50):
I knew he was about to say that, about to
say sometimes I don't even say nothing, but I be
sweating on the inside, Like, man, what you be wanting
to say? Gonna get up and get straight in man,
Like I'm gonna get up, Like if I got you
the bathroom, I'm gonna get in it. But like if
I ain't got to use the bathroom, I'm getting straight
up on the bed and you know, brushing my teeth,
cleaning the shower. I'm strictly starting my day like all

they getting at the business, ain't in the phone?

Speaker 3 (25:15):
Then you jumped straight up and hit Instagram?

Speaker 6 (25:18):
What's it turned on?

Speaker 3 (25:20):
Turn on? Man?

Speaker 2 (25:22):
Like me getting up smelling breakfast in the earth, my
clothes by the shower or my towel, my you know
what I'm saying?

Speaker 3 (25:30):
That makes me want to Yeah, what type of women
do you like? Submissive?

Speaker 9 (25:37):

Speaker 4 (25:37):
I mean the girlfriends you got?

Speaker 7 (25:38):

Speaker 3 (25:38):
Three? What is one right here? The other two at homes?

Speaker 4 (25:42):

Speaker 6 (25:43):
Who do you have a celebrity crush on?

Speaker 3 (25:45):
Other day? Your crushes? I'm straight on celebrity Okay, Yeah cool?
That ain't nah? I like I like down to earth
women celeritus not down to earth.

Speaker 4 (25:55):
You don't think so?

Speaker 3 (25:55):
Nah? They real cocky.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
You never seen a woman where you were just like.

Speaker 2 (25:59):
You know what, maybe about a month or two ago
I would have had one, But like I really been
quickly worried about the paper.

Speaker 6 (26:07):
Like I feel that all right? So what's this new
record we got coming out? Is the next week? Feisty, shisty,
beating anybody?

Speaker 3 (26:14):
We got six your red on that.

Speaker 6 (26:16):
Okay, I'm talk of Sexy Red. She out here doing
her thing? How'd that start?

Speaker 3 (26:20):
We just felt like it needed her energy on it,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
Then they let the label. I went to New York,
I sat down, and then they let me here carrying on.
I was like, oh yeah, yeah, this is ahead Sexy
Red doing her thing. So what's next for this two
times man? First of all, before you answer that, I
do want to say I respect you growth man. You
didn't him do it a lot, take a lot to

even talk about it too in front of the camera.

Speaker 3 (26:47):
But what's next for you?

Speaker 2 (26:50):
We got, like I said, we got the Shysty records.
Then we finished start to roll out to my next album.

Speaker 6 (26:54):
What's the name of the album?

Speaker 3 (26:56):
I'm gonna let you know soon. I can't.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
I can't because it's already you already know what you're
gonna name it. Yeah, Okay, everything that's going on now
is pre meditated. Things that go on for the next
three years. I came home with three hundred, four hundred
songs like things they go on for the next two
three years. It's gonna be already premeditated. I'm playing for
after then.

Speaker 8 (27:15):
Now any albums or records coming out with money Bag.

Speaker 3 (27:18):
Yo, oh yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, we got we got,
we got a joint album that.

Speaker 6 (27:23):
Okay, we're getting that.

Speaker 3 (27:24):
Yeah, just be cool?

Speaker 6 (27:26):
Isna is it gonna be cold hot?

Speaker 3 (27:28):
Like it gonna be their thing.

Speaker 6 (27:34):
I always want to ask you this too. When I
saw you, where'd your name come from?

Speaker 3 (27:38):

Speaker 6 (27:39):
The next two times you a PG version?

Speaker 3 (27:42):
Personally? How I put you on game?

Speaker 6 (27:45):
Okay, say that, say that?

Speaker 3 (27:46):
Say that? All right?

Speaker 1 (27:47):
I got another question too. Now, when you was performing,
was that really you? Or that was somebody else?

Speaker 3 (27:55):
Hey, listen, this was wild? Oh this was wild.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
Like hey, I'm gonna tell you it was wild, and
I'm glad you spoke on it so the world can here.

Speaker 8 (28:02):
And now.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
I'm just now getting the feel of heaving artists like
I got King, I got my little brother, you know
what I'm saying. I was pushing him and like we
got used to letting the artists go in first and perform.
So what happened was he went in like King King

gonna perform. If you're familiar with FTO, SI, he'll perform
his song because this is what you know, so he'll
perform his songs. So my little brother was only performing
like two or three of my songs. I was gonna
perform the remaining you see what I'm saying. So, but
what happened was they in front of us. They actually
was behind us.

Speaker 3 (28:44):
They folks. So yes, I was done. I was listening.
But see but they may go they let go viral
what they want to go viral. They didn't.

Speaker 2 (28:57):
They didn't show me going viral outside of the tell
that he bought for me, Like, hey, I'm here, like
listen the guy. I even got his number, Like we
was gonna put another party together, you know what I'm saying,
until some some stuff, crazy stuff happened.

Speaker 3 (29:13):
But like I tried, I was there. I was actually there,
like I'm pulling in like it's people leaving it all
out here? Is that? Ain't for that? Ain't feeling like
people drunk?

Speaker 1 (29:24):
Ahad They thought you pulled the a cun you know
they said a cup used to have his brother booing.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
But on some real on some real talk, Like I'm
trying to go back down there and re you know
what I'm saying, because like it's a fan of them, fans,
them supporters, you know.

Speaker 3 (29:39):
What I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (29:39):
Who helped me get the where I met today? That
Oh where was it? Hunts Ville, Alabama? I mean, I
got a lot of Alabama love. And I ain't trying
to make some small like that make me. You know
what I'm saying, Like even though it is what it is.
You know, some rappers might look over it, but I ain't.
You know what I'm saying, because you know it was
a misunderstanding.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
Before you get up out of here, I know, we
got a couple of questions to ask you. So who
is the little boy that that's been rapping? Because I
was just HEARDing him rapping. I was King, That's the
one I spoke on.

Speaker 3 (30:08):

Speaker 2 (30:09):
King, just a real special kid. It's all, you know,
just a product of his environment. And I just see
uh me and him, you know, just being misguided. It's
just all over again, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (30:25):
So you know I ain't the best you know what
I'm saying, uh.

Speaker 4 (30:32):
Man in the world.

Speaker 3 (30:33):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (30:34):
But Uh, I feel like I could put him in
a better situation far as safety, and I felt like
I don't be in the streets. So I feel like
if I got around me, he won't be in the streets,
you know, And uh, whatever come out of it happens.

Speaker 3 (30:52):
I ain't. I ain't.

Speaker 2 (30:54):
I ain't really reaching for if you be a rapper,
actor or whatever. I just want to you know what
I'm saying, and get him out of the streets, because
you know he's ten. So you know, he's only ten
going on thirty, you know what I'm saying. So it's
like like he know everything we know.

Speaker 1 (31:10):
Like so.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
I just feel like if I can prevent it. I mean,
I can't save here batter, but I can prevent it,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (31:19):
Does he have a supportive family that you know is
supporting you, helping him and mentor him.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
He has a family for some family members, but I
don't think they just is fortunate to be able to
give him a life like you or not just a life.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
The attention anything, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (31:37):
Like me and my guys, like my brothers, we actually
give them attention, We teach them, you know what I'm saying,
you know, he ain't gonna be easy, but you know,
we're trying.

Speaker 4 (31:47):
With him, and he's like, you'll new little brother.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
Right, Like it's like and then what's crazy is I
ain't even know they taking them on what's gonna be
a big responsibility like it, but like now I'm so
deep in it, it's like I can't even Yeah, I
got three okay, yeah, so so you know, but I

got him though, you know, long as he you know,
I feel like I'm be able to mold him into
being a young young man by the age of thirteen fourteen,
you know, just he.

Speaker 4 (32:19):
Can rap him.

Speaker 3 (32:20):

Speaker 7 (32:20):
Do you guys speak about like, you know, if things happen,
because I know, being from the streets, there are rules.
Are there rules? Unspeaking rules about like talking to police
and stuff like that. Do you guys ever speak about
stuff like that?

Speaker 2 (32:39):
Well, being in CONSTA waded nigga got different outlooks on it,
Like you know what I'm saying, Like I haven't seen
dudes that they let get a wave.

Speaker 3 (32:47):
They was like young and told on a nigga, Like
you know what I'm saying, I have seen it, and
I have seen.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
Like it's some bad standers, old people, women, They don't
look at them like snitches, like okay, we don't. We
don't look at them like the police like in it
some badstanders. Like a snitch is a nigga who in
the streets doing everything that a street nigga do, robbing, killing, shooting, whatever, whatever, whatever,

and then get caught up and telling the niggas man
to get a time cult or you know what I'm saying,
to make his situation better.

Speaker 3 (33:29):
You know what I'm saying, it's my outlook on what
I learned.

Speaker 6 (33:32):
What about like like the rappers who get jammed.

Speaker 8 (33:36):
Up, like Gunner, would he be like a is he
considered a snitch in your eyes?

Speaker 2 (33:40):
In the Fizz he would be considered a snitch, But
in the USP he would like like the Fizz rock
like you gotta have five K one or a certain
type of rule or you know what I'm saying. But
like what he did in quit in Me even well

he admitted that's kind of like I learned that there
was snitching. It's so weird though, because like all he
was doing was trying to say that he guilty for
what he done, but in order for him to plead guilty,
and get the you know, the flee did to make

it's part of the plea. So he got to say
that this is a game. But when he did that,
what he did was he basically said that everything that
y'all got against them is true too. So basically, like
when you and a rico like John got it, I
mean al capone one of them, nobody testified and they

beat they Rico.

Speaker 3 (34:48):
You see what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (34:49):
But like if I could be like it's one, it
could be thirty people on the RICO, I could be
number twenty eight if I if I take a plee deal,
even if it don't get me number three years.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
I basically just said that everything y'all saying true. So
now when you try to go to we all on
the rico together, if you try to go to trial,
all they gonna say is, hey, well but there's two
times I already said.

Speaker 1 (35:15):
That damn, which that's not You know, it makes sense
why a lot of people are upset about, you know,
that situation, because they look at it as you know,
he kind of throwing other people under the bus when
you agreeing to certain things.

Speaker 8 (35:28):
Yeah, so so would you do a song with them
with Gunna nah, okay, you just stay away from that
whole thing.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
Yeah, I don't.

Speaker 2 (35:37):
I want to work with whoever I want to work
with me, but like if with good intentions, I feel
like if he wanted to work with me, it wouldn't
be with good intentions. I don't feel like it'll be
like him. I'm saying, like, hey, I really want to
work with you, Like it'll be kind of like to
you know, like a co saying like I'm.

Speaker 3 (35:54):
Trying like I'm co saying yeah.

Speaker 9 (35:57):
So nah, all right, Well, before we get out of here,
we gotta pay talk with the next two times mister.

Speaker 2 (36:03):
Graham wizard for this two times man and the word
for the day is man always say less than this
is it.

Speaker 6 (36:11):
Can't get enough of baller Alert.

Speaker 5 (36:13):
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