All Episodes

January 31, 2025 54 mins

With one Super Bowl ticket remaining, Kickoff Kevin and Reid battle it out in a game of Operation! But it is a best of 3 and someone will still have a shot on Monday for an epic comeback! Plus, Cowboys legend and 3x Super Bowl champion, Daryl Johnston joined Bobby to talk about the weeks leading up to the game as a player, his dominance in high school, why the UFL is so rewarding, and more! 


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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
They say, no little bitty ititdybitty teeny Bowl. This is
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Speaker 3 (01:20):
Is a podcast call twenty five whist stuck in fun
Ball and they are were a whistle. So yeah, it's
too bad, Bud, What did you expect?

Speaker 4 (01:29):
It's a podcast called twenty five.

Speaker 1 (01:31):
Whistles, twenty line blow Whistle. Thank you Darryl Johnston moose
oooz coming up?

Speaker 3 (01:41):
This a little bit. That's amazing.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
I only got them for you.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Is this dude? I mean, that's so cool. He was
so awesome back in the nineties.

Speaker 5 (01:47):
Every time I see a cowboy guest coming on the calendar,
I'm like, is this ready?

Speaker 1 (01:51):
It literally is. There are some guests offered up, and
I thought, if we're gonna talk, we want to talk
to somebody we're interested in. And some of them were
just like former players. That's all cool, But like Daryl
Johnson's been of the Super Bowl. He's also a cowboy.
He's also a commentator. You know, he's also an executive
at the UFL, which is starting right when the NFL's over.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
He was a great commentator.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
Yeah, super smart.

Speaker 3 (02:13):
Like weirdly because you think like football players, like, come on.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
You think big dumb pull back. Yeah, but he's yeah,
you're still good guy. That's coming up in just a
few minutes. All right around the room, Eddie, what do
you have?

Speaker 3 (02:24):
So you know, we're going to the super Bowl, And
obviously I told my kids and they're super excited. They're like, Dad,
we cannot believe you're going to the super Bowl. Then
I told him like, hey, you know, we're doing like
a bunch of interviews too, so we're gonna hang out
with Emmett and Dion and Nicocollins. And so the question
came up, Dad, like could you get a couple of
things signed for us? Like they have EMMITTT. Smith cards,

Dallas Cowboys football and stuff like that. And I was like,
you know, it's not really our thing. That's Read's thing, mostly.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
Is I said.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
I said, I'd ask, and I pretty much know the answer.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
I think, yeah, the answer is no, we can't be
the adults. They're working asking the players to sign stuff.
Mister Smith, we signed this. If you had a kid,
that's fine.

Speaker 3 (03:07):
Okay, so I take my kids with me.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
You don't want to be those people for the most part,
because then if we do it again next year, it's like,
who are they gonna avoid the autograph weirdos? Yeah, I
mean like if it's part of a bit, but yeah,
if you're just like bringing merch, just probably like like
fake signed some stuff.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
They were dead serious, like like I mean honestly, like
do you think I can just go up to em
and be like, hey man, this is for my kids?
Signed four of these.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
I think you could not where we're gonna be broadcasting,
But if you see them out somewhere else and you're
not with us, you could You're just a weird adult.
Oh you just can't as like part of this operation
unless you're read coach Musk, will you signed my hat?

Speaker 6 (03:43):
And we're like too much access is more intimate though,
you know, because we're like it's just it's just us
and them versus like being an NFL thing. You know,
what are you talking about, like asking for autographs like
when we do it with.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Too much, So you're saying you're giving an excuse for yours. Yeah,
oh no, it was till.

Speaker 3 (03:59):
Extremely that was so awkward. It was so awkward.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
It was like and coach Musselman's yeah office and read
like pulls the hat out of his bag, will you
sign this? And we weren't even like leaving, like that
should be the first of all, he was already signing something,
but if it should be the very very last thing,
so you don't have to like have them sign something.
Hang out, I haven't done it again, you know, I

learned my liston Yeah, a.

Speaker 5 (04:23):
Year later, you're still getting crapped for That's probably why.

Speaker 1 (04:25):
Yeah, so I would go no as part of this battery.
But if you see them at Chili's.

Speaker 3 (04:31):
Right, then I can have them sign all the cars.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
Daddy they walk out. But the whole thing, Kevin, what
do you have?

Speaker 5 (04:37):
Yeah, I got a question for you. At what point
do we just get rid of the Pro Bowl? Because listen,
love Drake May love my Patriots, but this week he
was named to.

Speaker 7 (04:46):
The Pro Bowl.

Speaker 5 (04:47):
And I'm like, really, Drake May to the Pro Bowl?
And Mac Jones did this couple of years ago, and
I'm like, really, Mac Jones and.

Speaker 1 (04:54):
I get it.

Speaker 5 (04:54):
All these quarterbacks opt out Josh Allen and Lamar They're like,
I don't need that. I'm not going to go, So
they got to plug somebody in. But it's like, at
what point do we to say, you know what, guys,
I'm good. I don't think we really need to do
the Pro Bowl anymore.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
They just need bodies for the Tug of War.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
That's a fun event.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
So now you know, they don't play the game anymore obviously,
so it's all just show up and do field day,
every field day back and once. Yeah, that's basically what
they're doing down there, and they just need warm bodies
and so it's next one up. And the players love
it because sometimes that's an incentive in their contract. So
if you're Drake Mayl, you're probably also going, you know what,

I probably don't deserve to go to the Pro Bowl
if it's like the first three quarterbacks, but in your
contract Pro Bowl instead of three hundred thousand dollars. Of
course you're not a Pro Bowl quarterback.

Speaker 5 (05:42):
I get that part of it. But it's like we
can always just say, hey, they made the Pro Bowl,
so you can put it on their resume or whatever.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
The Pro Bowl is just a weird thing. Anyway, it's
at a bad time because everything Look at basketball and
look at baseball midseason. You can't really do that with football.
Could you let people get hurt? If you're playing the game,
it's just a different animal. It just should be an
awards banquet.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
That's literally the only break NFL has, right because there's
no break in the middle of the season, and then
they just have this one week before the Super Bowl
and they're like, there you go.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
Yeah, it's kind of the end of the season. Yeah,
where again baseball and basketball, if you're an All Star,
you play and then you go back, right, we're NFL.
It's over. Everybody wants to go on their vacations. They're
out of the playoffs. Yeah, last thing they want to
go do is go do hopscotch competition.

Speaker 7 (06:25):

Speaker 5 (06:25):
I feel like unless you have like a sponsorship that
you're going there for and getting paid more, that's about it.
But I mean, he had fifteen touchdowns and ten interceptions
this year, and it's.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
Like, yeah, Pro Bowl.

Speaker 7 (06:35):
Pretty good.

Speaker 8 (06:36):

Speaker 5 (06:36):
I love Drake. He'll make plenty of Pro Bowls, don't
get me wrong, But this year I was like kind of,
all right.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
We're thinking about the super Bowl and we've had parties
at our house. We're not this year because we're gonna
be there. You guys like to have super Bowl parties
now or have you grown out of them? Would you
rather go have one or not at all? Eddie?

Speaker 3 (06:53):
I mean it's different for me right because like I
have four kids now. Now it's like an experience for them.
It's not for me. Back in the day. It's like
we're gonna go to a party, They're gonna have a
bunch of beer. We're gonna get drunk, and then next
thing into the game zone where it's nine o'clock and
you're like, dang, dude, it's like, I'm it's Sunday, I
got work in the morning. I feel terrible. That's not
my life anymore. Now it's like, all right, the kids
are there, we have all their we tell them to

invite their friends, and then their parents come over and
then we do bingo cars.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
The kids super Bowl party.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
It's totally just a family friendly super Bowl party, which
I love.

Speaker 7 (07:21):

Speaker 3 (07:21):
It's a lot of fun. We're not doing it this year,
not because I'm gonna be at the super Bowl. Baby,
that's amazing.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
What about you?

Speaker 5 (07:27):
No, kids yet, No kids yet. I'd rather go to
somebody's house, but nothing crazy. I don't need a crazy party.
I would almost even just rather sit at my place
with my fiance and watch it, just like any other
big Sunday football game, so I can focus, especially if
it's the team I really care about. So i'd rather
go somewhere.

Speaker 1 (07:44):
If I were to choose, I think i'd rather do nothing.
It's just what I've done the last couple of years. Yeah,
just watch it, order the food that I want. And
if you're gonna order food from a delivery service, you
have to order way ahead. It's almost like Valentine's Day.
If you're not already thinking about what you're gonna do
right now, that's coming up, yeah today, this will be
on the thirty first. If you're not already thinking about
it right now, you're not gonna get anything good.

Speaker 6 (08:05):
Kevin already forgot yeah two weeks.

Speaker 1 (08:09):
And not that it's the most important or not that
it you have to, but it's the same with food
on Super Bowl Night unless you're going to the grocery store,
Like if you try to order barbecue or something, they're
backed up forever, so you got to get ahead. Of
that game. Pizza.

Speaker 5 (08:20):
What's your favorite Super Bowl food?

Speaker 7 (08:22):
Then to order?

Speaker 5 (08:23):
If you could order one thing.

Speaker 1 (08:24):
Pizza is just easiest.

Speaker 3 (08:25):
Yeah, I mean that just goes with the territory. You
gotta have pizza that.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
I just try to talk myself out of eating anything
bad at the beginning of the game because if I
do that, I'm through it. It's like the movies. If
I get a bunch of crap, I eat it before
the movie even starts. It's like Goyet candy popcorn before
the movie's finally coming on. I'm I'm full and blows.

Speaker 7 (08:44):

Speaker 1 (08:45):
But yes, as of now, our crew, we are going
to the super Bowl, all of us, we're all going there.
I didn't say going in. But so far the person
who does not have a ticket, it's Kevin or read.
So I do have another game today that we're gonna play.
Let's go, and so this is just going to be

because the loser is out. You do not have a ticket,
you are going you have to work. It's gonna be
awesome because we're gonna have fun. Meaning it's a couple
of days of interviewing great players. And but the loser
is not going to have a ticket to get in
the game. And I looked at resale right now, they're
like six thousand dollars. So and I'm not I'm not
paying for that.

Speaker 6 (09:26):
You were leaning into that like guess what, guys.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
I wasn't gonna ask good because you won't like my answer.
So we're gonna do one game of the three today
and on Monday we'll we'll wrap it up.

Speaker 6 (09:41):
Wait, oh man, it's even prolonged.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
So it's not it's not based on one game, it's
based on three games.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
I don't want the person who loses today to be
out of it going into the weekend of Casey, would
you mind going to my office and grabbing that game?
Bring it in here? So in my office I have
the game Operation.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
Oh dude, that game is so hard.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
Do you drink coffee this morning? Yeah? I haven't had coffee,
so good or bad? Good?

Speaker 6 (10:08):
I'm not as shaky.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
That's good.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
So we're gonna put Operation down on the table.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
This is the one where you have to you're a
doctor and you have to pinch the little stuff out
of there, and if you touch the edge, it shots.

Speaker 7 (10:21):

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Yes, what just happened to you? Shock yourself? No?

Speaker 5 (10:25):
No, no, I'm like shaking my hands getting them ready, got it,
my wrists loose.

Speaker 1 (10:29):
So we will be playing Operation coming up in a
few minutes. This is awesome, and someone.

Speaker 5 (10:33):
Will go down a point, so it's best of three.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
Yes, and this is just game one. I got it.

Speaker 7 (10:39):

Speaker 1 (10:39):
Also, Mike, if you could turn that microphone on over here,
I want to hear because Operation has gotten a little quieter.
Oh really doesn't It does, but not near as loud?
Is that Mike on? Casey?

Speaker 7 (10:49):
It is?

Speaker 1 (10:49):
Okay, so it's more of a vibright now. Yeah. Yeah,
So as they play, they're also work have a judge
standing boy to make sure the nose doesn't light up,
so that youb running cameras. Casey, you'll probably be the
judge in reading, Kevin, I'm not even sure. Do you
get other cards?

Speaker 6 (11:07):
Do you draw a car and it tells you which
one you have to go for?

Speaker 1 (11:10):

Speaker 3 (11:11):
So Operation coming up, and there are some body parts
that are easier to get than others.

Speaker 6 (11:17):
I think, oh yeah, you don't want that wishbone, man,
I got to.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
Read the rules here, Okay for the most part. Okay,
do you have a commercial? We're good, We're goodod okay, yeah,
all right, let's take a break. We'll come back with
Daryl Johnston, and then we will play operation. All DraftKings
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Speaker 7 (11:45):
I was in.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
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let's go over to three times Super Bowl champion Darryl
Johnston aka Moose. He is now the executive VP of
Football Operations for the UFL. So we talk about that,
we talk about the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl,

a few other things. Obviously a bunch of Cowboys fans
on this show, so let's talk here. He is Darryl Johnston,
if I'm correct, If three rings, where do you keep
the rings? How often do you flex them for your friends?

Speaker 7 (13:00):
They're tucked away. I don't wear them a lot. I don't.

Speaker 8 (13:03):
I even forgot to have it on yesterday, which you know,
I'm halfway out to Arlington.

Speaker 7 (13:07):
And I'm like, oh my god.

Speaker 8 (13:08):
You know one of those occasions where you really like
to have that Super Bowl ring on your finger, and
I left it.

Speaker 7 (13:13):
I left it at home in the safe.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
So if like cousins are coming over, do you pull
them out because they know, you know, they're going to
want ask to see them, right.

Speaker 7 (13:20):
The Super Bowl ring. Believe it or not.

Speaker 8 (13:24):
One of the cool things that Jerry Jones did for
us was he gave us replica Super Bowl trophies, so
the one that everybody wants to see because those.

Speaker 7 (13:32):
Are out on display in my office.

Speaker 8 (13:35):
So when when people come over and they see that,
they always want a picture taken with the replica Lombardi trophies.
So that probably gets a little bit more attention than
the ring. Believe it or not. But yeah, once they
see the trophy, then they ask about the rings, So
get the picture with both of them.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
Before you played ball of Syracuse and you're in high school,
were you like the ultimate athlete? Did you play every position?

Speaker 7 (13:56):
Yeah? High school was fun.

Speaker 8 (13:58):
Small high school, Gosh, I was to think about our
total roster. We had twenty seven guys you know total
on our roster, and with that, you know, we had
you know, probably you know the significant amount of those
twenty seven were playing both ways offensively and defensively, So,
you know, being from a small town and and and
being on a you know, kind of that that small

stage of football. I was a running back I was
a outside linebacker. I punted, I kicked so but that
was all because of you know, growing up as a kid,
the punt passing kick competitions. You know, I competed in
those and I actually made it all the way down
uh to the AFC finals one year, so I was one.

I was one went away from going to the Super
Bowl and probably had the worst punt I have ever
done in my entire life.

Speaker 7 (14:46):
How long was it the beg the Almodome?

Speaker 8 (14:50):
When when they when they went all the way out
and then they started bringing it back along the straight line,
it was creeping closer and closer towards me.

Speaker 7 (14:57):
I think it probably netted about twenty five yards.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
Yeah, it's about max for me though. Yeah, that had
been my total. So in college, when did it start
to transition? Like your role because you ran the ball,
but then at some point obviously they knew you could
block and play the fullback position. When did that start
to fill for you?

Speaker 8 (15:15):
The big thing for me in Syracuse was we were
an option based offense. So you know, the fullback is
going to get the first read on everything. So we ran,
we ran, so we ran a number of different ways
to do the option and then part of that was
also some of the power game that you see in
today's NFL, you know, the pinn and polls and things
like that.

Speaker 7 (15:33):
So we were very versatile.

Speaker 8 (15:35):
So you know, for me as a full back, it
allowed me, you know, to show my ability as a
ball carrier, to show my ability as a blocker, even
as a pass receiver. Not a whole lot, but you know,
you know, a few opportunities there. So it was funny
when I came to Dallas and became the full back
in that offense and there's not really a lot of

opportunity to carry the football. And you know, people kind
of look back at some of my college stats and
they didn't realize, you know, that I had over one
hundred carries, you know, every season.

Speaker 7 (16:04):
You know, I was a starter at Syracuse.

Speaker 8 (16:06):
So when when I left Syracuse University, I was I
was in the top ten rushing of all time. And
I mean that's Jim Brown, Floyd Little, you know, Larry Zonka,
and you know I was kind of hanging in there
with them.

Speaker 7 (16:19):
I'm not in there anymore.

Speaker 8 (16:20):
But but when I graduated in nineteen eighty nine, I was,
I was in the top ten in.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Rushing these guys, now, before the Super Bowl they have
two weeks when you were playing, did they have the
two week gap or was it just a one week gap.

Speaker 7 (16:30):
We actually had both.

Speaker 8 (16:31):
We had a two week gap and then we also
had in our second Super Bowl in Atlanta, we had
a one week gap and that was actually the game,
the championship game, Troy got a concussion, so that was
that was very challenging.

Speaker 7 (16:43):
That was a quick turnaround.

Speaker 8 (16:46):
The two weeks would have been huge for us that year,
but we were on that one week schedule that season.
And if you go back and watch that game, that's
that's why you know, Emmon Smith was the MVP in
that game. We really leaned heavily, you know on the
run game, you know, to make sure that Troy was
okay in the pocket, was going to be able to
finish that game and didn't take any unnecessary hits.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
So then my assumption is you like the two week
better than the one to give ver Bad a chance
to rest and get healthy.

Speaker 7 (17:10):
Well, rest and get healthy, and then logistically how much
you have to do.

Speaker 8 (17:15):
You know, when you have the two weeks, you win
the championship game, you get your ticket allotment, you find
out what all that is.

Speaker 7 (17:21):
You can start to work on bringing family and friends
to the game.

Speaker 8 (17:24):
You know that that gives them the opportunity to coordinate flights, hotels.
There are so many things that go on besides the
game in that short week that that made it really
really challenging, and it was very different back then. You know,
Tuesday was media Day and both teams kind of alternated,
you know, during the course of Tuesday, so your arrival

day was Monday. You just played the game Sunday. I
think we were actually late that year, so we were
the second game on Championship Sunday, so you're you're getting
a late start, really no time to celebrate. I mean
you're going right into planning mode, and then you're on
a flight, you know, the next morning to head down
to the host city, you know, to get in, get settled,

and boom you hit the ground running on Tuesday. So
the one week was was really challenging and from virtually
every perspective you can think of, and I'm sure it
was challenging for the NFL as well, you know, kind
of getting all those assets you know, off of the
Championship locations down into the host city that was being prepped.

So yeah, I'm glad they've moved to that two week
window and really made that kind of the staple now
because having done them both ways, I would never wish
upon anybody, you know, that that one week timeframe, especially
as big as the game has gotten now, and how
many logistical things that they're going to have to deal with.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
My friend here in the studio who's wearing a slaying
broken arm, but he is a massive Cowboys fan Ben
his whole life, and so Eddie, i'd like you to
meet my friend Darryl.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
What's up, Daryl, Good to meet you.

Speaker 1 (18:55):

Speaker 7 (18:56):
Well, you do what you do with the army.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
It's not a good story. I went all are skating
with my kids. It was my youngest kid's birthday and
I fell. We were racing and I fell broke my
radius bone.

Speaker 7 (19:07):
Did you put the arm out to brace?

Speaker 3 (19:09):
I did. I tried to fall on my hands, but
I guess the force kind of made a little snap
right here. Anyway, that's not important, Daryl. Here's the important question.
One of my favorite things in the world when you
were playing was to yell moose every single time you
got the ball, Like did you like that?

Speaker 7 (19:27):

Speaker 3 (19:27):
What there was no social media then, so for me,
it was just I heard other people do it, so
I started doing it. But when did that like start?
And did you even like it now?

Speaker 8 (19:36):
It's funny because a lot of people think that the
nickname followed me from Syracuse, but it actually originated in Dallas.
Babel Offenberg was one of our backup quarterbacks, and when
we started practice, you go through team stretch and then
you go into individual period, and the running backs for
individual or all the way down to the opposite end
of the field in the corner, and we were used

the last group that came all the way back up
to the front end of the field to get ready
to work offensive group, which is everybody but the offensive line.
So as we were jogging down the field, you know,
everybody else was kind of waiting for us. So, you know,
Babe always said, when you guys head this way, you
look like a moose walking in a field of deer.
Because I was six foot two, two forty five. My

backup full back at that time, Broderick Sargent was was
a shorter, stockier build. He was he was probably you know,
five foot ten two forty ish, you know, and then
all the running backs, you know at that time were
under six foot as well, so I would it's six
foot two, you know, coming that way, you.

Speaker 7 (20:38):
Know, just looked a little bit larger than everybody else.

Speaker 8 (20:40):
So just this innocent comment like that, you know, became
the genesis of the nickname. And then UH it got
on to local radio. Brad Sham, who did the Cowboy
games on radio UH, started to use it during his broadcasts,
and then Troy I shared it with John Madden during

a production meeting before a game one time, and then
John used it on the broadcast.

Speaker 7 (21:09):
And that was the end of Daryl and Moose was
the moniker.

Speaker 8 (21:14):
And I kind of differentiate between people if they if
they call my name, if they called Darryl or DJ,
especially because DJ means it's a college connection. Somehow there's
a connection to college if somebody calls me DJ. But
if it's a Moose, then then it definitely comes to
the Dallas area. So just by being summoned, I know
kind of the time frame of when we should have met.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
Were the nineties just the best time of your life
because I mean you were winning, We were winning, and
like I feel like the Cowboys and anyone on the
Cowboys was just on top of the world in the
mid nineties.

Speaker 8 (21:47):
Yeah, I had a heck of a run, even going
back into the late eighties. You know, at Syracuse we
got on a roll. My junior and senior year. We
were eleven to zero. My junior year, got tied in
the Sugar Bowl by Auburn and finished eleven zho to one.
My senior year we ended up ten and two. Had
two horrible games during the course of this season. Played

terrible at Ohio State, played terrible at West Virginia. I
think we had eleven turnovers total in both of those games.

Speaker 7 (22:14):
But we ended up beating LSU in the Hall of
Fame game.

Speaker 8 (22:17):
So had two really good seasons Syracuse to wrap up
my college career, and then boom walk into one in fifteen.
So it was it was a big adjustment, and then
you started to see the talent that was on that
roster and then just the way that Jimmy was going
to build it. I'm a big culture guy. I still

think the football players need a lot of discipline. You know,
we're young boys and aig in a big body, you know,
playing a violent game, and we need a little bit
of that thumb on the top, So you could see
a lot of these pieces coming together, and North Turner
was really that final piece that we brought in getting
ready for the ninety one season. So yeah, once we

got on a roll there, it was just it was
it was a unique time when you really kind of
look at all those players and all those coaches coming
together at that one point in time and then being
able to max out that opportunity. I think that's one
of the things that you see that sometimes doesn't happen,
is all these different things are coming together and you

see a group not maximize that opportunity for one reason
or another. And I was I'll always be proud of
our guys for really kind of recognizing what was happening
and then and maximizing that opportunity and winning those three
Super Bowls in four years.

Speaker 1 (23:35):
The Chiefs going for a three peat something you guys
almost how hard is that to just repeat much less threepeat?

Speaker 7 (23:41):
Yeah, well, just getting to the game.

Speaker 8 (23:43):
You know, that was one of the things that I
hadn't really spent a whole lot of time like digging into.
But when you go back and you look at the
Packers and the Steelers twice in US, the Patriots the Broncos.
You know, all these teams that had that opportunity to
win three in a row, one of us made it back.

Speaker 7 (24:01):
To that third Super Bowl.

Speaker 8 (24:02):
They're the first team to actually make it back to
the Super Bowl, to have the opportunity to win three
in a row. So you know, that just by itself
is a tremendous feet because that's never been done before.
So there's a little bit of there's a little bit
of skill, there's a little bit of luck. Again, it's
it's Kansas City maximizing the opportunity that's been presented to them.

You know, with Andy Reid as the head coach and
Steve Spagnolo is the defensive coordinator and Patrick Mahomes as
your guy, and you've watched that team kind of shift
and change during Patrick's career, and you've watched that team
shift and adjust to what the changes are and still
be able to stay on top of the AFC, West

of the AFC Conference and really the NFL.

Speaker 7 (24:51):
So it's been very.

Speaker 8 (24:52):
Impressive because one of the things that generated the change
to free agency was the pro ensine of of THEAIC,
the dynastic teams.

Speaker 7 (25:03):
You know what we had in Dallas. We were We.

Speaker 8 (25:05):
Were half of my career the old business way, which
was draft and develop and not a lot of player
movement back and forth to the second half of my
career free agency, where you know you can get better quickly,
and you saw a lot of worse to first scenarios
and several divisions where teams you know, drafted well, but
then also signed free agents well, and all of a sudden,

you've got this really really good.

Speaker 7 (25:27):
Gen of gelling of talent.

Speaker 8 (25:30):
You know that that is something that that's really hard
to do in today's NFL, and for Kansas City to
be able to do that year after year, and you
go back and just watch the transformation when it's you know,
Patrick in the early days of his career with Tyreek
and all those guys on the offensive side of the ball,
it was the offense and they were explosive and.

Speaker 7 (25:47):
You're going to have to outscore them.

Speaker 8 (25:49):
Well, now it's the defense, and it's Patrick understanding if
I just don't make critical mistakes and turn the ball over,
this group has got a great opportunity to win the
game because we can lean on our defense now. And
Steve's Ignolo has has done a great job over the
last two three seasons as they've adjusted it kind of
gone through this change.

Speaker 7 (26:04):
So that's one of the most impressive.

Speaker 8 (26:06):
Things for me for Kansas City as they sit here,
you know, on the threshold of doing something that nobody's
ever done before in the Super Bowl era.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
What did you think of coach Schottenheimer getting the promotion
in Dallas.

Speaker 8 (26:17):
I like Brian as a man, you know, it's it's
I don't know him well as a coach. I do
know the history and the lineage of the name, especially
Marty Schtenheimer is one of my favorite guys.

Speaker 7 (26:29):
You know.

Speaker 8 (26:29):
I always enjoy playing against his teams that are always physical,
you go, coach very very well, very disciplined. So all
the things that I talked about with Jimmy, you know,
that's something that Brian's been around. I'm interested to see
what he does with this opportunity. You know, it's his
first time, you know, as a head coach in the NFL.

Speaker 7 (26:47):
You know, I don't think it's a risky hire.

Speaker 8 (26:49):
You know, when when Jerry talked about that, you know
a lot of these coaches, you know, go through that
similar process. You know, at some point you've got to
be a first time head coach. You know, Jacksonville is
doing it with Liam Cohen. There's risk there for them
to bring in you know, Liam Cohens. So this is
something that's kind of become you know, it's it's the process.
You know, when you get to the NFL at some
point you've got to go out and hire a first time,

you know, NFL head coach. You know, Jerry did it
with Jimmy in an unconventional way, bringing a guy from
the college ranks up and had tremendous success. And I
think that that's the point that he's trying to make.
You know, when I step outside of the box and
do something a little bit differently, you know, I have
reaped rewards when I've done that, So you know that'll
be something that he's going to be able to, you know,
talk to the media about.

Speaker 7 (27:30):
But I think it's been one of those things.

Speaker 8 (27:33):
I think what has happened with Dallas and for the
first time I really I saw Michael Irvin as critical
as I've seen Michael, who's been a great ambassador for
you know, the Dallas Cowboys, you know, in his in
his post career days, even him a little bit frustrated
and sure he wanted Deion Sanders, who's a good friend
of his to have that opportunity. But that's the first

time I've seen Michael, you know, that frustrated. So you
know that that's kind of the really the microcosm of
the entire fan base. And you know, I think the
perspective that everybody looks at it and not a knock
on Brian Schottenheimer. But if we're going to stay status quo,
why didn't we stay status quo with Mike McCarthy at
the top. So I think that that's the one thing

that everybody walks away after that announcement is the question
of if the real incentive was not to have a
lot of change so we could continue to move forward,
you know, with what we have in place now, why
wouldn't we have just stayed with Mike Mike McCarthy. I
do like the Matt Eberflus higher you know, I've always

been a fan of his. His defenses have always been very,
very productive, very very challenging. We had the Chicago Bears
several times this year, and we had him after Matt
was fired as head coach and there was a new
defensive coordinator that was kind of installing and doing the
game planning, and you know, part of this defense is
allowing the players to play fast, which means we're not

going to complicate things.

Speaker 7 (29:01):
I think Matt always adds enough.

Speaker 8 (29:03):
I think he straddles that line really really well where
it's it's a fundamental defense and it's got its strengths,
and we allow our players to play fast, but we
do have a couple of wrinkles that are going to
challenge you offensively. And I think really at the end there,
you know, Chicago kind of oversimplified that and maybe lost
a little bit of that creativity that Matt brings to it.

But I thought that that was a good hire by Brian,
and I think it's going to be interesting to see,
you know, how they pair it together. But you know,
I think the big question the fan base has is
if we're going to stay in house, you know, why
didn't we just stay with coach McCarthy.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
This UFL headquarter, it's one hundred thousand square feet. What
the heck is in this thing? Is this multiple like
locker rooms, facilities, everything.

Speaker 7 (29:45):
Over one hundred thousand square feet.

Speaker 8 (29:47):
We could actually use a little bit more if truth
was to be told, Really, what this one is going
to be is going to be where kind of.

Speaker 7 (29:53):
The day to day is for all of our players.

Speaker 8 (29:55):
So it's two floors and there's four pods on each floor.
So we've got all of our eight teams almost as
equitable as you could have, So kind of the shared
space is making sure everybody's kind of working off that
same that same format. So meeting rooms, we're going to
put some training rooms in there as well. Meals will

be delivered you know to HQs. So really everything that
we're doing there on a player day to day schedule
is going to be handled at HQ. We'll travel out
to our practice sites that are in the DFW area.
Our weight room is a chalk Taw our performance center
is it chalk Taw and and that's a.

Speaker 7 (30:35):
Short walk from from HQ.

Speaker 8 (30:38):
So we've really been able to consolidate everything where all
of our eight teams will be you know, kind of
in a in one location where last year we had
them kind of closer to their practice facilities. So if
you were a Dragon Stadium in South Lake, your meeting
spaces were out that way and then and that forced
you to kind of, uh, you know, look for your housing.

You know, during the course of the season out towards
the South Lake area. If you were in Mansfield, you
kind of set up your home base out in that direction.
So this is bringing everybody together into the Arlington area
and it really helps us because that allows us to
move back and forth from team to team, you know,
much easier than we had.

Speaker 7 (31:14):
To last year.

Speaker 1 (31:16):
What's the relationship with the NFL and is it positive
or talked about now where it wasn't in the past, Like,
what is that working relationship?

Speaker 7 (31:24):
They've been great, you know to the UFL.

Speaker 8 (31:27):
They were great to us in Legacy USFL, they were
great to Legacy XFL. You know, the NFL has always
been a good partner to all the spring leagues, you know,
going all the way back to the Alliance of American
Football with Bill Poleon and his connections back into the NFL.
So you know, there's always been a friend of the
relationship when you talk about the National Football League with
anybody that's kind of popped up on that spring landscape.

So we are sharing technology, we are working together with rules,
We work with them on player health and safety. You know,
Troy Vincent was at our open yesterday in the celebration
for UFL HQ He's one of our big points of contact,
you know, into the NFL when you talk about Park

Avenue and New York City.

Speaker 7 (32:10):
So it's been a really really good relationship.

Speaker 8 (32:13):
And when you look at the football side of who
we have in the UFL, when you talk about a
Russ brand and you talk about Russ Jillio and Doug
Whaley and all these guys that have spent years and
years working with in and around the NFL, you know,
we've all established really really good connections. And then we've
got Jim Popp who's got a lot of experience in
the CFL but also work back and forth, you know,

giving us a different perspective of the relationship with the NFL.
So we're very blessed to have a number of people
who've already had an established relationship working with the NFL.

Speaker 7 (32:45):
As we all come together and work in the UFL.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
When do people start reporting I think pitchers and catchers
in the spring, So when did the players come into
this new facility and you guys start what we can
start following.

Speaker 8 (32:56):
Yeah, the players are going to arrive on February twenty seventh.
We'll go through onboarding twenty eight, twenty nine, still trying
to figure out what we're gonna do with them. On Sunday,
we got a little bit of downtime, so we'll kind
of work through some different things, maybe get a lot
of the kind of that that busy work that we
can get knocked out at that time. Let the coaches

have their first opportunity to really sit down with their
teams in the new facility. I think that that's going
to be one of the more exciting things too, is
you know, being able to give them kind of a
blank canvas in these spaces and then watch what they
do as they kind of put their own spin on
on what the Michigan Panthers want to do, on what
the Arlington Renegades want to do. You know, what is
that space going to look like, you know when that

team is all done with it. So we're excited to
have that. And then the first day of practice is
going to be Monday, March third.

Speaker 1 (33:45):
Finally, what's been fulfilling by I mean an executive that
maybe you didn't think would be as fulfilling as it is.

Speaker 8 (33:51):
You start to find the joy in the game and
not what you do, but what and others do. And
this goes all the way back to you know, twenty
nineteen with my time in the Alliance of American Football
or twenty twenty with my time in the XFL. In
the first iteration, you know, there's a couple of guys

that are still in the NFL today, you know from
those teams that I was the general manager of. And
you take a lot of pride in the fact that
you've changed the trajectory of a young man's life now
that he's spent four years, five years with an NFL
salary as opposed to you know, a spring football salary.

That's a substantial difference. So that makes you feel good
and accounting for legacy USFL, legacy XFL.

Speaker 7 (34:43):
And then last season as the.

Speaker 8 (34:44):
UFL, we've got thirty eight guys that we've put back
into the NFL and fifty three man rosters. And as
we talked about that is that is life changing for
a young man when you talk about the financial impact
that that's going to.

Speaker 7 (34:58):
Have on him.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
Always excited to more football, but more high level football,
like that's that's what the real excitement is, I think
for US football fans, and congratulations on the growth and
the continued maturation, and we really appreciate the insight. You know,
big fans of you. Thank you, Daryl, and hopefully we'll
talk to you again soon. Congratulations and have a great
rest of the day.

Speaker 7 (35:17):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
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Speaker 3 (36:34):
Slash audio.

Speaker 1 (36:39):
We're now gonna play operation for Super Bowl tickets reading Kevin,
will both be playing trying to pull parts out of
the body. You'll have two minutes to get as many
pieces out as possible. What we're gonna do is the
person that's not going has to leave the room though
oh and not watch and not know this read don't
touch anything. Some of these are like, yeah, so I'm

gonna flip the coin here read call near heads of tails.
He says tails. It is tails. It's the back of
the buffalo. Do you want to go first or second? Okay, Kevin,
if you'll leave the room, you can pop it in
my office. You just can't watch the screen. Oh man,
So we're gonna put two minutes upon the clock. Mike,

do we have any music? Let's see and read. Once
you pull it out, please let us know what it is.
Casey will be sitting over there with you. And if
the nose lights up, you must drop it again.

Speaker 6 (37:34):
Okay, copy that.

Speaker 1 (37:36):
I think too. If it lights up, you have to
drop it. Wait three seconds until we say go back. Okay, yeah,
sit there. If it lights up, tell them to drop
it here that Casey read? Are you ready?

Speaker 5 (37:47):
I'm ready?

Speaker 1 (37:49):
Two minutes on the clock. Go read's going for the bottom.
What you got there? There's one.

Speaker 7 (38:01):
Naked o?

Speaker 1 (38:03):
Case you put that microphone near his face?

Speaker 8 (38:05):
Oh, I'm shaking.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
Read reads handed shaking. Wow, what'd you get there?

Speaker 4 (38:09):
Read? Another one that is a I don't even know
what kind of bone. It's a wrench or something.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
Okay, do you need Casey to move so you can
see Eddie? Do your other hand, Casey, so it's not
in the front of the camera. Thirty seconds down? What's that?
It's a humorous I don't know all this stuff. Oh no,

I dropped it, hey, let up, drop it? Let up?

Speaker 3 (38:39):
I saw it light out don't check it away?

Speaker 1 (38:42):
Two three back in, lit up again three seconds one
two three back in? What are you going forward?

Speaker 7 (38:51):
There? He's going for a rib.

Speaker 1 (38:54):
He's going for a rib. He got it. Success, he
got the rib. How many parts do you have right now?

Speaker 4 (38:59):
We got four parts?

Speaker 3 (39:00):
Wow, good job job.

Speaker 1 (39:01):
Oh I touched one, two three back in minute fifteen down.

Speaker 4 (39:11):
Oh, he dropped the piece. He got it.

Speaker 3 (39:15):
What is that?

Speaker 4 (39:16):
Looks like the funny bone?

Speaker 1 (39:20):
Thirty seconds left, one two three back in.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
I want read focus.

Speaker 1 (39:28):
These are impossible. He keeps putting in and pulling out.

Speaker 3 (39:34):
That's the trick.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
That's the trick. Yeah, go for the butterfly. He has
fifteen seconds lefts going for the butterfly. Six seconds okay,
you got that one good war three two time?

Speaker 3 (39:52):
What'd you give him? You gave up with two seconds left.

Speaker 1 (39:55):
I'm happy with that. I'm happy.

Speaker 6 (39:56):
Well, I hit it, so I was gonna wait three seconds?

Speaker 7 (39:58):
Got it?

Speaker 1 (39:58):
So it's to run off of the clock. Can't run
off ten seconds? Casey, What does he have down there?

Speaker 4 (40:03):
We got six pieces here? We got some tooth thing.

Speaker 7 (40:10):
What is this?

Speaker 4 (40:11):
A uh? A rib bone? Okay, like a rib bone?
We got a funny bone? What is the butterfly a
wrench of some sort here. I mean it's in the
stomach because you're a hamstring.

Speaker 1 (40:25):
So six total. Okay, put job guys, Casey, if you'll
put them back in, I will read you could.

Speaker 6 (40:32):
Because all those other ones are like tucked away, they're impossible.

Speaker 3 (40:35):
Hey, six is pretty good. I'd say you.

Speaker 1 (40:37):
Can retire to the other room.

Speaker 7 (40:38):

Speaker 1 (40:38):
My hand was so like, dude, you were shaken. Yeah,
I know.

Speaker 6 (40:41):
It was like I was not shaken beforehand, and then
when I go to this, I'm just.

Speaker 3 (40:44):
Like think, think about what a real surgeon has to
go through.

Speaker 1 (40:48):
No chance, man, did they drink coffee?

Speaker 4 (40:51):
They probably like do surgery.

Speaker 6 (40:52):
For Super Bowl tickets?

Speaker 1 (40:53):
Huh, they's just buy their own, Yeah, try to buy
their own. Okay, out of here, go, let's bring Kevin in.
He does not know the rules yet. This case. You
got to the camera as you find sitting there.

Speaker 3 (41:09):
It's good. We made it work, all right, Come on in, Kevin.
Can you move the game back where it was? Though?

Speaker 1 (41:15):
Don't tell him how many Reid got.

Speaker 3 (41:18):
I won't say word. Man, good thing Casey's there because
I didn't even hear the vibrating.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
I see the nose light out. Oh that's what I saw.
All right, Kevin, We're not gonna tell you how many
red got You're gonna have two minutes on the clock,
and you're gonna pull out as many as you possibly can.
And please describe it as you're going, like what you're
going for. If it lights up, you have to release
for three seconds before you can go back in.

Speaker 3 (41:44):
Okay, Kevin, have you ever played this game before?

Speaker 1 (41:47):

Speaker 5 (41:48):
Yes, in my lifetime, yet in the last twenty years.

Speaker 1 (41:51):
No, got it. Yeah, tell us when you're ready, and
I'll start the clock and on your queue. When you
grab the Tweezers we get you can put the mic
And here he goes and he's on blocket started. It's
going for something in the bilt light up one, two, three,
go back in. He's going into like the stomach always

he's moving on from the stomach.

Speaker 3 (42:17):
I mean his first dig was a red light. So
that's not good. Not a good story.

Speaker 1 (42:19):
He's in one of the easier ones now that maybe
like the.

Speaker 3 (42:21):
Oh ah, you're already the patient two three back in.

Speaker 1 (42:29):
This patient better be in a lot of anesthesia. He's in.

Speaker 4 (42:34):
He got it, he got it, he got the funny ball.

Speaker 3 (42:36):
That's a clean pit.

Speaker 1 (42:37):
The funny bone is out. Thirty eight seconds down. What's
he at now? He's going for the wrench, the wrench
down of the ankle. Why would they let up red
rad drop it?

Speaker 3 (42:52):
Why would the wrench have to have a wrench three?

Speaker 1 (42:54):
I don't know. Wrench in your ankle? I don't know.
I can't even see it. Okay, clear, got the wrench
out of the ankle.

Speaker 3 (43:02):
That's two.

Speaker 1 (43:02):
Yep, there's one minute left. What's the aim of four?

Speaker 4 (43:06):
Now over there, we're going for the hamstring.

Speaker 1 (43:08):
All the old rubber band down in the leg.

Speaker 3 (43:11):
That should be easy.

Speaker 4 (43:12):
Okay, hamstring secured, Good.

Speaker 1 (43:14):
Job, got it three down, forty five seconds left.

Speaker 3 (43:19):
I don't want to jinx it.

Speaker 1 (43:20):
But he hasn't buzzed, right, Thanks, Eddy, and time go
back in and you like to announce her. This is
the kicker. Hasn't missed.

Speaker 5 (43:30):

Speaker 1 (43:32):
Okay, butterfly, butterfly.

Speaker 3 (43:33):
That was clean.

Speaker 1 (43:35):
Twenty six seconds left right, one two three back in
oh on the red two three back in. Oh. He's
changing up. He's changing up.

Speaker 4 (43:49):
He went for the bread basket.

Speaker 1 (43:51):
There's ten seconds left. Stop going back, he's going back. Oh,
red one, Kevin, leave that one two three back in
red again one two time.

Speaker 3 (44:02):
I think his stubborn has got.

Speaker 4 (44:03):
Him on that way.

Speaker 1 (44:04):
These are all like underneath time and uh, before we
bring read back in, I'll let him know how many
did how many get there?

Speaker 4 (44:11):

Speaker 7 (44:11):

Speaker 4 (44:12):
We got five pieces here, all right? Got the butterfly,
the bread, the wrench, the funny bone, and the hamstring.

Speaker 1 (44:17):
All right, if you guys a't mind going back to
your seats, thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (44:21):
How was that Kevin sucked?

Speaker 1 (44:23):
Yeh? I was shaken because the game's harder because you're nervous.

Speaker 5 (44:26):
Uh, both, and some are obviously a little bit harder
than others. Then I learned that the hard way.

Speaker 1 (44:32):
Yeah, you knew that though from the history of the game, right.

Speaker 5 (44:35):
Like I honestly I have not thought about this game
in a long time.

Speaker 1 (44:38):
You didn't google anything while in my office waiting?

Speaker 5 (44:41):
Huh no, because I did that for Connect four and
they did nothing for me.

Speaker 3 (44:44):
Is that what you would do? Bones google about it?

Speaker 7 (44:45):

Speaker 1 (44:46):
What's the easiest the hardest one to do for? Come
on in read? All right? They don't know who's got what? Okay,
someone unlocked the door. I guess he's locked out. I
wonder why he's not coming in.

Speaker 7 (44:56):
It's the longest.

Speaker 1 (44:58):
Well we talked for a while, sold a lot of
your secrets. Oh man, Well, without saying how many each
of you have, I will say that it was a
very close race. It was not a tie.

Speaker 3 (45:11):
There was a winner and a loser.

Speaker 1 (45:12):
Yeah, because what would have sucked was it had been
a tie. We have to do it again. The winner
read do you feel like you want?

Speaker 6 (45:22):
I have no confidence. I'm going to be honest. I
don't think I won.

Speaker 1 (45:27):
So you think with your number, which we're not saying,
you don't think it was enough. I don't think it was. Kevin,
what about you?

Speaker 5 (45:33):
No, I don't feel good about it at all. It
took me a while to get going. I started getting going.

Speaker 1 (45:40):
Some of those are like just pushed away, it's possible.

Speaker 5 (45:42):
That's what I was struggling with. And then my ego
got in the way where I was like I can
get it, and I didn't.

Speaker 1 (45:48):
So I think, say you did?

Speaker 5 (45:49):
No, No, that's the hard part.

Speaker 1 (45:51):
The winner had a total love six.

Speaker 5 (45:57):
I knew it.

Speaker 1 (45:59):
You're up one.

Speaker 3 (46:02):
Where are you apologizing?

Speaker 1 (46:04):
I just I just feel bad?

Speaker 6 (46:06):

Speaker 1 (46:06):
Why because we all deserve it?

Speaker 7 (46:08):

Speaker 3 (46:09):
No, when I be Kevin but he deserves it.

Speaker 7 (46:11):
That's fair.

Speaker 1 (46:12):
Yeah, nobody deserves point. Yeah, yeah, he's best out.

Speaker 6 (46:15):
Of three though, So I mean I got a long
ways to.

Speaker 1 (46:17):
Go, well not near as far as he does to
hike up the full mountain. Kevin, your thoughts, Let's go
talk to the losing coach out of the locker rooms.

Speaker 3 (46:24):
It is terrible.

Speaker 5 (46:25):
Yeah, I didn't feel great playing it. I didn't feel
great afterwards, and I still don't feel great. But I
still have a chance. And until I'm completely out, I'm
coming for you. Read there you go okay, And I
still have the confidence and now I know I got
to come up with some type of strategy and uh,
looking forward to Monday. You don't know what the game
is in Operation Ago diferent game? Two more different games

are like because if I win, then we get another shot.

Speaker 1 (46:52):
That's correct.

Speaker 5 (46:52):
Sounds gonna be two different games.

Speaker 1 (46:54):
Do you think I'm gonna tell you that here?

Speaker 5 (46:56):
I mean, just like a little sprinkles, So.

Speaker 1 (46:58):
We'll play the other games on Monday.

Speaker 5 (47:00):

Speaker 3 (47:02):
Yeah, games what to be games?

Speaker 1 (47:05):
Even if it's the same game twice, that's plural. It
could be a version of real life operation and it's like.

Speaker 3 (47:12):
It's like the essay team man, Like, you can go
to the store and buy every single game you want practice.

Speaker 1 (47:18):
Yeah, yeah, do that, go buy some games.

Speaker 3 (47:20):
Let me do a bunch of games.

Speaker 1 (47:21):
How do you feel right now though, knowing that you're
one loss away from not getting in?

Speaker 5 (47:25):
Yeah, I feel pretty crappy. Yeah, I don't feel great
at all. I feel pretty disappointed. I feel like I'm
disappointing my family right now.

Speaker 1 (47:33):
So are they listening and rooting all yeah?

Speaker 5 (47:36):
Yeah? My mom even texted me this morning, good luck.

Speaker 3 (47:38):
Oh have you told have you told your dad about
all this?

Speaker 5 (47:40):
Yeah? He knows.

Speaker 1 (47:41):
Did you tell him you're already going to the super Bowl?

Speaker 5 (47:42):
And then no, no, no, no no. I I prefaced it with,
you know, we got to play for the tickets, so.

Speaker 1 (47:49):
Yeah, but you only had to not be the one worst.

Speaker 5 (47:52):
I know, and I don't like. I don't even know
if it's the super Bowl tickets that I hate the most.
I think it's the fact that I just keep losing
that I hate the most. That's not anything that's not true.
It's the super Bowl that you're not going to. Like,
that's a bigger deal than losing two little things. But like,
continue to lose and lose. And if I don't win
one game, if I don't beat read at least one time,

I'm gonna be pissed that myself. I'm letting that happen.

Speaker 1 (48:15):
Well, Monday, Well have it all ironed out. How many
did he get? Five? He just kept going for the
same one over and over again.

Speaker 6 (48:23):
He got stuff I had to learn, and I was like,
if I couldn't get it, I had to move on.

Speaker 1 (48:29):
Read Congratulations, thank you, You're one step closer to having
a Super Bowl ticket.

Speaker 3 (48:32):
Good job, Read, thank you.

Speaker 1 (48:34):
The eleven year old kid who landed the Paul Skins
one of one rookie patch card, which this was forever.
They were like, if anybody finds it, the Pirates had
offered if you found this card, a pair of Pirate
season tickets behind home plate for the next thirty years,
I meet and greet with Paul Skins, two signed Skians jerseys,
a Pirate's game with Libby Dunn and her suite, and
much more so. If you found the card, you could

turn it in for all that and you got to
play on the field like a softball game on the
Pirates field. And the kid was like, now we're.

Speaker 3 (49:01):
Good, because what's the card worth.

Speaker 1 (49:05):
They're going to auction it off. I would imagine at
least a few hundred thousand dollars. Okay, Like, would you
rather have a few hundred thousand dollars or but you
live in Pittsburgh, right, Yeah, a pair of Pirates season
tickets meet and greet jerseys sitting in her suite. I
would rather have the money.

Speaker 3 (49:25):
Yeah, I think I'm taking the money.

Speaker 1 (49:27):
And you could also just hold it, but then you
really need Paul Skeins to continue to play well, and
usually in the card market as a heavy pop first,
and even if they maintain, it's hard for them to
stay at that big highest market in the stock market,
which is where he's at right now after winning Rookie

of the Year.

Speaker 5 (49:48):

Speaker 1 (49:49):
So eleven year old found it in jes A pack. Wow,
And it was a redemption card, so it wasn't even
the card. It's hey, you got this, you won this?
Mail it off.

Speaker 3 (49:56):
Well that's cool.

Speaker 1 (49:58):
Yeah, that's pretty awesome. And if you're the kid's parents,
what are you gonna do? How much of it you
give him? Many your kid wins it.

Speaker 3 (50:05):
I would say let's sell it and then we're gonna
save half of it for your college funds or whatever,
your future.

Speaker 1 (50:14):
What's gonna be taxed. So let's say it's two hundred thousand. Yes,
we're saying it's three hundred. We're making up a number.
There's two hundred thousand dollars cash. Now that you have,
go ahead, what are you doing with you and your kid?
Your kids?

Speaker 7 (50:23):
If you like?

Speaker 3 (50:23):
How much do I have in my hand? Two thousand,
two hundred after taxes? We're saving it the one hundred thousand,
and then you're gonna give me and your mom fifty
thousand because they're just gonna give it because parent tax
that's not real, a real thing that they could see
you later on life. No, no, no, okay, no, no, no, there's
a parent tax. It's just our stuff. And then now
you have fifty grand to do whatever you want with.

Speaker 1 (50:43):
You're gonna give a kid fifty thousand dollars just say go.
You're not gonna like spread it out like you can
get one hundred bucks a week.

Speaker 3 (50:49):
No, because he's already got the one hundred thousand for
a future man, he can do it to college.

Speaker 1 (50:53):
You're gonna give an eleven year old kid just straight
up fifty k?

Speaker 3 (50:56):
What do you think he could do with fifty k
candy ice cream every day.

Speaker 5 (51:03):
Shoes. You don't have enough room in your house for
fifty caves. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3 (51:09):
I have to be like, no, we're not buying it.

Speaker 1 (51:10):
It's not like he's gonna buy a Bob Ross painting
and investing in one painting for forty thousand dollars.

Speaker 3 (51:14):
You might buy a drum set, you know, Like.

Speaker 1 (51:17):
Well, here we are. I hope everybody has a good weekend.
Thanks to Daryl Johns Still for coming on.

Speaker 3 (51:21):
That was awesome.

Speaker 1 (51:22):
Thank you to Read for letting us see a victor. Oh,
thank you guys, you Kevin for letting us see someone
lose again.

Speaker 3 (51:28):
That was cool.

Speaker 1 (51:29):
Luckily that wasn't the game that ended at all.

Speaker 5 (51:31):
I know, because very well there will be one. What
do you mean there will be one to end at all?

Speaker 1 (51:38):
Yes, yes, yes, there will Monday show, I guess unless
you die.

Speaker 3 (51:43):
So we played two on Monday. Yes, how if.

Speaker 1 (51:45):
If Kevin wins, we will play another. We'll play a
third tie record game. And is it going to be
a traditional game or can we go to like arm wrestling.
I don't want to mind where anyone has an advantage already,
But there's.

Speaker 3 (51:58):
No advantage to arm wrestling with these two. I mean,
sure there is. Read's been hitting the gym.

Speaker 1 (52:02):
It'd be like doing sprints or nothing physical because there
would be an advantage. You know, I don't want to
even do sports trivia. Read doesn't claim to know sports. True,
So we found games like this, how'd you wrong? By
the way?

Speaker 3 (52:16):
Oh better, dude, better, like a lot better. I don't
know if I'm just like superheeler over here, but I'm
able to move my arm like I would say, fifty
percent more than I did when I had when I fell,
and there's and there's no pain.

Speaker 1 (52:32):
What's up?

Speaker 5 (52:32):
It's convenient because because I think by this time next
week when we're in New Orleans, he might even be
out of that sleep.

Speaker 1 (52:40):
But how did that help him?

Speaker 3 (52:42):
He thinks I'm faking the whole thing to get out
of one hundred pound ball.

Speaker 1 (52:45):
Yeah, oh that was a challenge.

Speaker 3 (52:46):
Yeah, no, not the case. And that's the thing. I
don't even know, like when I'll be able to carry anything,
because I mean, dude, what.

Speaker 1 (52:52):
Did doctor say? Hello?

Speaker 3 (52:53):
He just said we'll talk about anything you can do,
like physically, like working out after his second visit, so
that and that's after we get back from.

Speaker 1 (53:01):
The super Bowl, Do you tell him you're going super Bowl?

Speaker 7 (53:03):

Speaker 3 (53:04):
No, I didn't tell no, because that's when I didn't
know if I was going. I really didn't want to
tell people I might go to the super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (53:08):
That's pretty cool. Okay, well then we will see you
guys next week. I got nothing else to say. Good
luck to everybody. Hope you have a good weekend. Kevin's
gonna stew he's already upset hanging there.

Speaker 3 (53:18):
Yeah, Kevin Red, thank you for the entertainment.

Speaker 5 (53:21):
Oh you're welcome. Was it entertaining for you?

Speaker 1 (53:22):
Yeah? Mostly just to see the joy and the sadness
on the face because other than the cameras that we
had set up, we can't really watch it back until
we watch you back on Instagram, you know, mm hmmm.

Speaker 5 (53:32):
We're gonna post this one too, of course. Oh we
not just making sure.

Speaker 1 (53:36):
Afraid to lose again. All right, that's it, Thank you guys.
Follow out Bobby Bones Sports on Instagram and YouTube, and
we will see you guys on Monday. And what a
day that will be. Somebody will not be going to
the super Way. Yes, that's it all right, Eddie, blow
us out. I see you Guys theme song written by
Bobby Bones That's Me and performed by Brandon Ray. Follow

Brandon on socials at Brandon Ray Music. You can follow
the show on Instagram at Bobby Bone Sports. Thanks to
our crew co host at Producer Ready, Segment producer at
Kickoff Kevin, Video producer at Redrbary, and executive producer at
Mike Diestro, but most importantly, thank you for listening. I'm
Bobby Bones. We'll talk to you next time here on

twenty five whistles
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