All Episodes

November 16, 2023 70 mins

Lunchbox shares new ideas for selling items from the pallet, find out which one we agree to! Then, hear why Eddie is nervous about going to the Middle East for hair transplant, and how his wife feels about him possibly getting the surgery done! Then, we play another round of Elder vs. Millennial, hear who wins!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
What's up?

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Welcome to Thursday Show Morning Studio Morning. Hope everybody's feeling good.
Let's go around the room.

Speaker 1 (00:16):

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Up, he was just in Dallas for a Cowboys game
and producer Eddie is his name.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
Yeah, yeah, that's right, that's right. He's kind of weak ahead.
Hey guys.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
So I saw a meme that is going to change
my marriage and it said experience couples don't exchange gifts,
they saved their money instead and go on vacation together.
And I saw this, I'm like, I love this because
I hate buying gifts for like my wife, and my
wife's just like, what do you want for your birthday?

Speaker 1 (00:43):
What do you want for Christmas? It's like, let's get
that out of the way. And I've said this for years,
let's not get each other gifts. But I didn't think
of we can save that money and go on vacation together,
which is genius. So I showed my wife the meme.
She says, yes, she said, let's do this sounds like
a trap. I mean, if you don't buy her a
gift on her birthday, you're dead. We haven't really done
that for a few years. You don't get her anything,

we say like, hey, your birthday is coming up. What
do you want? She said, No, I really don't want anything.
Don't want she does want something.

Speaker 4 (01:09):
How expensive gifts are you getting her? You can afford
a vacation off of it?

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Well, say, like, you know, I buy her one hundred
dollars gifts, right, and then she buys me a hundred
dollars gift for a birthday, and then for Christmas you
spend maybe two hundred dollar gifts. Yeah, all gifts. Oh
Valentine's Day, I would spend one. Wouldn'tubscribe to that. I
would just say, dude, but.

Speaker 5 (01:26):
I mean experiences, they still need a gift memory.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
Don't ever not get someone to get for I don't
want anything. I realized that you're basing your marriage on
a meme. Let's not forget that. I that's true too,
It is a meme. But I mean sometimes memes. You
look at me like, that's so true.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
I think it just depends on the person in the relationship. Boom, Yeah,
gifts are great if the person that you're in a
relationship with, if your partner, if their love language is gifts,
or if that matters to them at all.

Speaker 1 (01:53):
What if my wife just said I like that. Let's
do it. Still, get her a gift. You're sucking in
this place.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
This next person's a father at three boys and playing
rec soccer is something he enjoys.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
It's lunchbox.

Speaker 4 (02:07):
Last week I came to Bobby and I asked him
for a favor. I said, hey, man, like the Challenge.
Some of the people from the Challenge and the old
Real World people are coming to town for a podcast.
And I was like, we need to book them on
the show. They're coming this weekend. And I got the
devastating news that they're not coming.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
In the studio because they're not getting here in time. Yeah,
they're not getting here in time.

Speaker 4 (02:27):
They're not going to be here till tomorrow night at
like seven pm.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
At seven pm, we are not here. We are not
in the studio. Lunch box, Yeah, you can be here.

Speaker 4 (02:35):
I mean I would do it. I would come up
here and interview them. But I'm just saying I was
very sad.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
To know why. But why? But I don't know.

Speaker 4 (02:43):
If that's on the table, If that's on the table,
bring them in. I will keep him here for two hours.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
That's an hour ago. For their sake, I might say,
never mind, I.

Speaker 4 (02:52):
Mean, I need someone here to like regulate, because I
mean I will not stop.

Speaker 1 (02:55):
So you need a crew. You can yourself. I need
a camera crew, I need everything. Yeah, so Eddie will
had to come into the for socials and you should
just do it and don't work and just record it. Man,
I would do it. I'll do it. He's gonna cry.

Speaker 6 (03:12):

Speaker 1 (03:12):
Man, I was just like when we won't take it
off the table yet, we'll talk about it, okay. Yeah,
I just got the news and I was like, oh man, nice,
all right, let's move on before he breaks down.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
Her Instagram stories will sometimes feature her cat and quoting
the pretty Woman is something she's good at.

Speaker 1 (03:25):
It's amy.

Speaker 5 (03:27):
So I like to celebrate the wins in life, the
big ones, the small ones. And I just offer encouragement
to anybody else that's in a co parenting situation because
figuring out the holidays can be a little bit tricky
because schedules changed, there might be travel involved for one
of the parents. And we successfully have our holiday schedule

done and we had to print out calendars. This is
our first holiday where we're figuring this out as co parents,
and I printed out November and December and then we
went through and made it happen. He originally was supposed
to have the kids for Thanksgiving. Ben was, but a
trip came up with my sister and her family that's
like a never going to happen again once in the

lifetime kind of thing, and they invited us, I mean
the kids. So he was nice and swamped with me.
So now he'll have them Christmas. But even still with
school schedules and getting out like nothing, our normal schedule
is just not going to work for the holiday season.
So we mapped it out and the months are still
even and the kids have equal time with each parent.
But it just looks really different than our contract I

guess are agreed upon.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
I like it that you guys were able to get through.

Speaker 5 (04:38):
This is new, this is new, and so I just
offer that as yeah, encouragement, and then it takes time
and planning and you sit down and it takes effective communication.
But I think now we're set till January and nobody's
going to be confused, nobody's second guessing where the kids
are in the loop. And we've got it on paper
and we agreed to the contract.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
She's like, and we've signed it. Yeah, I mean, question
next Christmas, you get him.

Speaker 5 (05:02):
Yeah, so it's supposed to be this year the way
we just picked it when the lawyer was designing it,
because the divorce was final this year. It is just
kind of he's like, i'll take Thanksgiving, you take Christmas.
And then this came up and I'm like, hey, can
we switch and I'll take that. Feel anxious as I did,
I was, really, but I approached it with no expectations
because I had to know that legally he has them.

And so if he says no, and maybe he's already
made once in a lifetime plans that he might say, sorry,
I have this planned a lifetime plan, I would have
to accept that.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
Well, look, well we're proud for you. A big deal,
a big job, all right. Thank you. Ray from Mountain
Pine in Arkansas. He has his months mapped out too,
and most days have a lot of blue Bobby bones.
Thank you very much. I just want to share a
new pet peeve that I have and I didn't realize
was pet peeve that I do.

Speaker 2 (05:44):
It's a big one and I have a few. Want
anybody that sings a karaoke song over three and a
half minutes, that's a pet peeve?

Speaker 1 (05:50):
Oh anybody. No Bohemian Rhapsody, stop it.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
We don't need Miss America Pie, we don't need Behaman Rhapsody.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
We don't have Very Bird. We're good and all that.
Another one that I yearly don't like is when people
will text me, but I'm sure they text you too,
and they go, hey, you around on Thursday evening because
I'm like, well, I am, but I don't want to
tell you I am. Why don't you just say exactly
what you want me for? Because if they go you around,
I'm like, yeah, I'm in town. Oh cool, can you

come over to this event? And I'm like, oh, well
I just told them I was around yeah, Or it's
like hey, are you free Saturday. I'm like yeah, yeah yeah,
and they're like, hey, we need you to come over
and let and move. I don't know you.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
So that's a pet peeve. When somebody generically asks hey,
you've at this point in time available and you blindly.

Speaker 3 (06:33):
Say yeah, yeah, it feels like a trap. Huh. How
do you respond? Can you respond to that in a
generic way where you.

Speaker 1 (06:39):
Don't Usually if they say hey, are you around on
Thursday or whatever, they're like, why, what's up? Okay, before
you tell them I don't do It depends but I do.
Why I do? I do? Why What's up?

Speaker 2 (06:50):
Because then they think maybe I am maybe I'm not.
Maybe I'll move something to get free. But it turns
out after why what's up? I'm never free.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
There you go, that's let's open up the mailbag.

Speaker 5 (07:03):
You send the.

Speaker 1 (07:04):
Game mail and me reading all the air to get something.
We call Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
Yeah, hello, Bobby Bones. I recently went out to dinner.
It was a nice birthday dinner. It was an upscale
restaurant that my wife and I go to for special occasions.
While at this dinner, I saw my boss walk in
and be seated. I'd planned on walking over to say
hello after our meal, but then noticed he was having
dinner with another woman that wasn't his wife. I thought
maybe he was work related or possibly a family member,

until I noticed at one point she went over and
sat on the very same side and it was a
corner boots. The kind of got closer. They even shared
a dessert. I got out of there without him seeing me.
I know it's normally a don't put your spoon in
someone else's chili situation, but I know my boss and
his wife really well, we've gone on vacation together. They

just invited us to their holiday party. It's not the
first time he's done this. They almost separated a couple
of years ago because of infidelity and it caused a
lot of issues between them.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
Is this a situation that I said get involved in?
Signed caught my boss slipping. First of all, if he's
out at a restaurant just openly with some woman sharing
a cheesecake, he's gonna get caught anyway, on the same
side of the booth. He's just gonna get caught. That's reckless.
You shouldn't do it.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
But that's as reckless if you're doing you know, hide
it better, but don't don't do that.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
Don't hide it. But I'm just saying he's gonna get caught.

Speaker 2 (08:23):
So it's drama you don't have to be involved in
because it's eventually going to come out.

Speaker 1 (08:27):

Speaker 2 (08:27):
The only way I would say you need to be
involved is if you are close and you're a one
friend of the group, is his wife, if that's your person,
If that's the connector and that's a close friend of
your wife or you more so than him, I think
you go to her. Oh, because that's your friend you're
looking out for. You always look out for your friend
getting cheated on period?

Speaker 5 (08:48):
Are you close? I mean, is the all straight work
dynamic there?

Speaker 1 (08:52):
If that's it, you say nothing.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
If you're just like a boss that you hang out
with sometimes and you kind of stay out of the chili.
But friendship comes before work because friendship lasts longer than
jobs for the most part. And if that is your friend,
his wife is your close friend, you have to tell her.
But if not, if it's like they're just a couple
you hang out with sometimes, stay out man, because the
job dynamic makes it even more difficult.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
Any chance that she was just a friend that came
into town and who love.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
Cheesecake, go ahead, no chili, Yeah, stay out of it,
unless like your die hard friend is his wife. You
always got to look out for your friends. You stay
out of it. You can always get a burner account,
but I'm not gonna say that. Stay out of it.
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
Close up the mail bag. We got your game mail
and read on your air. Now it's find the clothes
Bobby's mail bag. Yeam. We'll get an update from Eddie
a little later on how his wife feels if we
can send him to the Middle East to get a
hair transplant surgery, because the Middle East is where it's
at apparently, Yeah, that's the Middle East. But I like

saying the least. Yeah, it sounds Jerry sounds going to
fight a war or something, which I'm not like him
and Norman Schwartzkoff, We're going to go over and desert
storm it, you know, kind of a war in my
head on your hair. Yeah, I gets time. Lauren is
on in Dallas. Hey, Lauren, we're talking about sending Eddie
to Turkey, hilarious to get hair transplant surgery. What do
you know about this?

Speaker 7 (10:18):
I really hope he doesn't listen to the show. I
don't think he does, even though y'all are the best.
So I dated this guy recently and when we first
started dating, he's like, I have this upcoming trip. It
was like, awesome, where are you going? He was like Turkey,
and so obviously I was confused, and he's like, yeah,
I was a little embarrassing, but I'm going to get a
hair transplant. And I'm like super supportive, like, if you

can do it, do it whatever makes you feel better.
But anyways, yeah, he was like there's a cap on
how much you can get like through in the States,
and he wanted like way more than that.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
So he booked this whole.

Speaker 7 (10:51):
Trip and was gone for like five days. But the
recovery was like brutal, not like in like how he else,
but just in no offense like how he wooked.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
But but how did it end up?

Speaker 7 (11:07):
It ended up great, Like i mean three months out
like bull head of hair, like he looks awesome. You
would never know how long.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Imagine Eddie coming in with like a froybe. Also, how
long was that recovery? Three months?

Speaker 7 (11:18):
Yeah, because well so it was like a month that
he like couldn't work out. He couldn't put a hat
on top.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Of his head. That's okay, well that's my life. But again,
you're giving up a month to have a life. Yeah,
you were to cover the ball.

Speaker 5 (11:33):
You're saying here publicly, you're doing it so just and.

Speaker 1 (11:36):
I'm gonna look like crap you probably again. But it's
delayed gratification. It's the key to life, being able to
put something in. It's an investment, it's your health. Delayed
gratification is putting work it. That's what that would be.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
You'd be going through something and yeah it sucked for
a minute or a month, but for the for twenty years,
luscious locks of fabio looking Eddie, I would like that awesome.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
So Lauren, what would you sugg?

Speaker 2 (12:02):
Lets see if Eddie got it paid for completely, would
you recommend he do it?

Speaker 5 (12:07):

Speaker 1 (12:07):
Heck yeah.

Speaker 7 (12:08):
I mean, like, don't get me wrong, like expectation wise,
like they literally shave your whole head. They like it's
a long, strenuous process, and like when you first get back,
like it looks like a horror movie. No of sense,
because like you have all these bloody dots all over
your head.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
We love you regardless what you look like. MONI your
eye blue up? Yes, who loved you? You guys did?
But I wore sunglasses. I can't cover my bloody dots.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Yeah you can. How I don't know. So what we're doing,
We don't even know if Eddie's wife will let him. Look,
we didn't plan this bit till later on in the show.
But all in, if we can get him ten thousand dollars,
we can send him and his wife to Turkey. Or
maybe your wife doesn't want to go, because I would
send both of you, right, right, right, Maybe we send

like read and videos it.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
Okay, it's not a bad idea. You can't go because
you're you gotta do the show.

Speaker 5 (12:57):
This is all my things and we just my podcast.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
I know, but I'm saying you can't leave the show.

Speaker 5 (13:04):
I can call in.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
You're the most important person to stop. Hello, I'm over here.
I know you guys want us to hear that as
supposed to go through Amy's here.

Speaker 5 (13:11):
I heard it ever already did, but.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
We don't have a sponsor anything that wants to line
it up yet. But we don't know if you want
to do it.

Speaker 5 (13:17):
You if you you're the sponsor, dude. Originally you said
if I pay for it?

Speaker 1 (13:22):
Yeah, but if I pay for it, or let's say
I and some sponsors pay for it. Interesting, Yeah, regardless,
I can't wait to hear what his wife said about it.

Speaker 5 (13:30):
You just we just need to come up with six
thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
No ten, you're gonna send someone else else their food.
And I'm stop saying food. You got it, plenty of
food if five hundred bucks a staty budget for.

Speaker 5 (13:40):
Food Turkey, But I'm just saying, if we can at
least get the six thousand, anything.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
I'm looking at people bandage up right now? Stop? What
do you mean it's not that bad?

Speaker 2 (13:46):
Dolly Tomorrow, Dolly Parton, at this time tomorrow, Bobby Bone Show,
It's time for the good news.

Speaker 7 (13:51):

Speaker 2 (13:56):
There's a bar in Phoenix called McKenzie's Midtown Tavern, and
they started doing this while ago, but so it's like
eight years in.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
They have a bike. It's a custom made bike, and
they auctioned it off for five bucks a ticket. They've
been able.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
To provide five hundred scholarships in town over the last
eight years because of this bike. So really, I mean,
the bike's cool and all, but it's not even about
the bike. It's about people going, yeah, five here's five bucks.
Here's five bucks. We want to donate to this, and
then they do the bike. But mostly the bike is

just like a medal more than it is something that
people ride. I thought it was super cool that they
were able to do five hundred scholarships. The five dollars
raffle tickets are available to purchase and you get the
bike on January first, But most people don't even want
the bike.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
They just get in the fake auction.

Speaker 4 (14:45):
Hold on, are we talking like a bicycle or like
a motorcycle, bike bicycle, bike.

Speaker 1 (14:50):
Because you say bike and I'm like, oh, there's two
different types of bike. I was thinking hardy.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Oh, I was thinking bicycle. It just says bike raffle,
so I would just and they make it.

Speaker 5 (15:00):
I also pictured a Harley.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
Okay, well we don't know. He says no custom bicycle.
Oh wow, all right, training wheels, bro I got text here.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
I just thought it was cool if the talent gets
the joke, even though it's not a joke.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
It's for a good cost that they give. They auction
off a bike that really it's not even about to buy,
but so many people buy tickets that they've been able
to do five hundred scholarships.

Speaker 2 (15:22):
I don't know if it's training wheels. It is not
a motorcycle, it's not a unicycle.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Leave me alone. Okay, you're trying to spress some positivity here,
all right, that's what it's all about. That was telling
me something good, Morgan, if you win this, you're the champ.
I need to win it.

Speaker 2 (15:36):
Elder versus millennial. It's Eddie the oldest Morgan the youngest Eddie.
I'll ask you questions that Morgan should know.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Yep. Since you're the oldest, right the elder. Respect your
elders who.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
Famously, Eddie wore a low cut green Versace dress to
the two thousand Grammy Awards ceremony that led to the
creation of Google image Search. It was a low cut
green versace dress and so many people were searching for
the picture on Google that they had to create that
images button.

Speaker 3 (16:04):
Thank you, fun fact Friday. I think I ran into
this one somewhere on the internet. So give me j
Lo correct.

Speaker 1 (16:10):
Yeah, let's introduce Eddie our player. Here here I am
He's up four? Wait, data four? Data four? And what
am I up for? No, you're losing four to two? Okay,
he's up first. He's the data for. He's a Hispanic
who don't panic.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
He's cool, calm and collected, and when he plays games,
he demands to be respected.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
It's producer ready, Eddie.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
Bravo turned away from performing arts, drama and indie films
in the early two thousands to focus on pop culture
and reality shows. This makeover started in two thousand and
three with the launch of What Reality Series.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
Network makeover started with what Reality Series? That's for Housewives
and correct Morgan.

Speaker 5 (16:58):
Oh gosh, Okay, I'm confused a little conny, you got it.

Speaker 2 (17:02):
So Bravo used to be the indie films, art based
and then they switched and now it was all reality shows.
But the first big hit, the first big switch was
what show in two thousand and three?

Speaker 8 (17:12):
Gosh, there's a few of them, But I do think
you were close.

Speaker 5 (17:18):
I don't think it's Desperate Housewives. I think it's Real Housewives.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
Real Housewives are on Broad Vogue, Desperate Housewives are on ABC.
What are you talking about? That's not the same thing.
Real and desperate Desperate don't they go together? I mean,
so you're saying desperate, Real Housewives, Real house that's incorrect.
But that's the show there, it's Queer Eye.

Speaker 5 (17:36):
Oh, it's the Makeover.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
Oh but you didn't mean makeover. You meant makeover as
in they changed programming.

Speaker 5 (17:43):
That was.

Speaker 1 (17:45):
What. It's not double on times. I don't know what.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
Early twenty ten's collectible rubber bracelet eddie that formed into
shapes typically animals, became such a cultural phenomenon that national
news outlets were are the toys being.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
Banned in some schools?

Speaker 2 (18:02):
Yes, rubber bracelets that formed into shapes typically animals got
to be such a big deal that schools had to
ban them.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Goh, I remember these. Maybe my kids even have them.
I don't know the name. Give me slap bracelet incorrect,
Morgan to steal ah.

Speaker 5 (18:23):
Yeah, yeah, I.

Speaker 8 (18:26):
Think they were just called bands of the Z. They
were animal bands. I'm just going bands with the Z.

Speaker 1 (18:35):
They are bands of the Z, but it's silly bands.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
Did see it? Eddie with one that. Let's introduce Morgan
Y's opponent. She runs all of our digital when.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
It comes to millennial knowledge.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
She's the smartest, and she recently shot her shot with
a country artist. It's Morgan number two. Oregan to get
two of these and be the champion. Okay, question number one.
I'm gonna play you a song here. This song is
called wake Me Up Before You Go Go. The band

is Wham. Who's the lead singer?

Speaker 5 (19:14):
Dang it? I only knew Wam. I was really excited.

Speaker 8 (19:18):
Who is the lead singer of Wham? Somebody who went
so dang it?

Speaker 5 (19:29):
Wake me Up before you Elton John?

Speaker 1 (19:33):
Incorrect? He did perform with Elton John Navin did don't
let the song go down on me? It was George Michael. Hey,
I can steal that. Yeah, oh, he knew it. I
knew it, though he knew I knew it. Hey, thanks
for your confidence in me. Though I knew that.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
Get to the Choppa is a famous line from what
nineteen eighty seven sci fi film Morgan.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
And here's a clip.

Speaker 8 (20:01):
I mean context clues here the only thing I have.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
And I'm going with the terminator. That's a great guess.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
That is incorrect, get to the chopper. Wait, year eighty
seven commando incorrect? Here's predator?

Speaker 1 (20:23):
Is that Arnold? Though? That's on?

Speaker 2 (20:25):
It is Arnold Morgan, who played Johnny Castle in the
nineteen eighty seven movie Dirty Dancing.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
Oh, Patrick Spazy, Correct, that's correct, that's it, Eddie two
Morgan won. Okay, so I won? Okay, go ahead, you're
selling it by let's go. Let's go. I'm not just
known you knew, George Michael. I mean I feel like
some people would complain about that. Okay, I do knew that.

Let I know you knew it, And I don't know
why I haven't. I thought you'd already said it. You
knew it so well. But I do understand people will complain. Eddie.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
I'm going to ask you a Morgan question, and if
you get it right then you just get to you
get to win anyway. Okay, if you miss it though,
there's just no game. So I wanna play a say
you don't want to, you don't want to go with
I knew it.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
Because I do.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
I do, and I know you knew it, but I can't. Okay,
all right, come on this song here. Hey, they're Delilah
in two thousand and five.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
You may recognize this like in New York May Ball
Never Lies. Next shot Shock Morgan? How are you?

Speaker 6 (21:37):
I'm good?

Speaker 1 (21:39):
You've heard you look shocked? Have you heard anything from
Dustin Lynch?

Speaker 9 (21:41):

Speaker 1 (21:41):
I have, No, I didn't tell her we're gonna do
this segment till right now.

Speaker 5 (21:46):
What's happening?

Speaker 6 (21:46):

Speaker 1 (21:47):
Well, I just have a couple of.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
Kind of mid mid dates updates, but got all the
way up just mid So Morgan shot or shot with
Dustin Lynch. Then the label reached out and they're like,
we want to send him on a date. But they
we're like, do we want to do it? Is that scooba?

Speaker 1 (22:00):
What's the latest on the label saying they want to
send Dustin Lunch and Morgan on an airplane date? Nothing
news since we've last talked about it. So here we are,
So let me do a couple mid dates. Abby, you
go first.

Speaker 5 (22:11):
Okay, this was so weird.

Speaker 6 (22:12):
This happened last week, like during all of this, right
after you gave the bracelet to him. I went to
a CMA party and there were a whole bunch of
artists performing at it. And I walk in and guess
he's on stage, Dustin?

Speaker 1 (22:23):
Is he learned the bracelet her bracelet? Well, no he
was not. Oh huh oh I didn't know that. Yeah,
no he wasn't, but.

Speaker 6 (22:29):
He was seen starts like confetti and I was like, okay,
this is so weird, Like what are the odds of this?

Speaker 5 (22:34):
Yeah? And then guess what happens.

Speaker 6 (22:38):
The girl in the front row handsome something in it
is a friendship bracelet with her number on it, and
he was like, oh, a friendship bracelet with your number okay,
and then you just like changed the subject and I
was like, okay, so did like Morgan, is he getting
bombarded by bracelets?

Speaker 1 (22:54):
Now? Well maybe I don't know if if it's I mean,
Travis Keller seems yeah, but Taylor. But but yes, I
told you guys, it was unoriginal. This is what everyone's
gonna do now.

Speaker 2 (23:07):
But it doesn't matter if it's original or not. You
don't have to do something completely.

Speaker 3 (23:10):
Well, yeah, now Morgan's just like all the other girls
giving him fresh friendship bracelets.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
But does he like Morgan better? Because a lot of
people ask people out, You don't like everybody else. When
you ask somebody out, do they like you though to
want to go out with you? So what is your
What do you think about the whole situation there?

Speaker 5 (23:26):
Like what happened there?

Speaker 1 (23:28):
Yeah? And then well, I feel like.

Speaker 6 (23:30):
I mean, Morgan may have started something because she was
one of the first ones that did it, but I
don't know. I feel like he should have texted her,
That's all I'm going to say.

Speaker 1 (23:37):
Okay, that's all she wants to say at this point.

Speaker 6 (23:39):
I feel like he should it shouldn't go to anybody else, right,
Like he should have said anything.

Speaker 5 (23:44):
Like his thoughts are just like.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
Hey, the record label shouldn't reach out, But again they
made Dustin could also think it's a bit that we're
doing and not think it's real the same way we
think it's So I'm giving him that benefit of the doubt. Raymundo,
you have some news. Yeah, I mean I guess it's
really Morgan really us to hear it. It's just what ever?

Speaker 5 (24:03):
Okay, all right?

Speaker 1 (24:04):
What well?

Speaker 5 (24:06):
And when he prefaces it that way, does Morgan want
to ask on the radio? Want to hear in private?

Speaker 1 (24:11):
Well? I mean about what it's about is he has
a chick. I do have some sources on it, So
I'm not just totally just bringing this out here. I mean,
does Mark before you believe this? Morgan, don't believe it yet?
Go ahead, don't don't say who it is? All right?
She's from a TV show. Yeah, she's from a TV show,
from a popular show. And so if I tell it's

kind of gonna give away who it is. But Dustin
was supposed to play a wedding and and then that
wedding never happened, and so this relationship has started. He's
friends with this person. And then this person came to
CMA Awards week and didn't walk the red carpet with him.
But because she's a celebrity on the TV, she's a
reality star, she was able to walk the carpet and
it just looked like she was walking the carpet because

she's walking the carpet because she's famous, not because she's
with Dustin Lynch, and then she stayed in town the
whole time she was with with Dustin. I don't believe
they're necessarily sitting together at the award show. But I
mean the fact that he was supposed to play at
her wedding. They kept in touch for eight months, and
then at her wedding she was getting married. Yeah she was.

I picked it up on his clues. But here's the thing. Oh,
I don't know that. I don't say too much money.
I don't think you're right because I know something about
that person that says she alert Oh oh, I mean
she could be with multiple people. I have no idea,
got it. I don't think we're talking about the same person.

Oh hey, trust me, we are, no or not. You
don't know my people, Trust me, we are. What's going
on here? I don't know, But yeah, I just I
didn't want more Goan to get all hurt. But I
really do think he has a chick. If it's the
same person that you think it is, I mean, let me,
we're in have a secret button, we can talk privately, okay, person,

Yeah she's oh yeah, she'd make another dude. It's not Dustin. Yeah,
it just thought of the day.

Speaker 5 (26:05):
You saw it, like with your eyeballs.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
I didn't, but a friend did, so who do So
who's the better source? Oh?

Speaker 2 (26:11):
You tryta trust me because I don't have sort I don't.
I don't care about this stuff. And it wasn't even
about Morgan.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
Someone was like, hey, I don't.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
I can't give away too much, but trust me, I
do know that's not dust that's not Dustin's girl, all
right now, I don't know if it was ever.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
Can I guess who it is to you? Well, no,
I think I know who it is.

Speaker 2 (26:32):
I mean, that's not current. Okay, that's not current. I
don't know if it was past, but it's not current.
I'm telling you it's not current. So there we have.
That's all the information. Dustin has not reached out to Morgan's.
It's Morgan asked him out. The label has reached out
to us sand Dustin and Morgan on an airplane date.
But then we're like, why would the label reach out?
Is that just for promotion? But he doesn't really need
the promotion right now. But then also maybe he just
thinks it's a bit and doesn't think it's real, so

he's having them do that.

Speaker 5 (26:54):
I do.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
We don't know.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
That's where we are. Do not take too much of
what Ray's saying. I can tell you for a fact,
don't take too much of it.

Speaker 5 (27:00):
Okay, No, it's okay, listen. I'm just riding this way
right now. Like I did it. I'm still proud of myself.

Speaker 8 (27:05):
I told you guys, regardless of the outcome, I'm very
proud of myself.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
So good for you. I agree. Okay, everybody good?

Speaker 6 (27:10):
Yep, yeah, what I saw it. Like his last posts,
there were a whole bunch of people like posting or
commenting Morgan and they're.

Speaker 5 (27:18):
Like, take Morgan on a date.

Speaker 1 (27:19):
Yeah, I'm like, I don't know that. Help, let's go.
It does helps the tome forgot Okay, case you got.
We're encouraging them to Hey, you're doing that. We're not
encourage them to not do it. I like that all right.

Speaker 4 (27:34):
Here, Sean, Hey, Bobby, I originally from a Hot Springs, Darkansas.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
And I recently moved a few months to California, and
you know, down here, I can't hardly find your radio station.
So I downloaded the iHeartRadio app. You know, I've been
missing home and everything and listening to your podcast and
the radio station and just here we'll talk and joke
and everything. It makes me feel like home. And I

just want to say I appreciate y'all and to keep
up the good work you have been doing. I appreciate that. Sean.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
It'll get better too, for sure. And I Heart Country
Channel on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
You can hear us live or listen to the podcast
Pile of Stories.

Speaker 5 (28:15):
Picture it. You're on an airplane and you're taken off
and you realize that some of the windows aren't on there.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
What do you mean your whole Yeah.

Speaker 5 (28:24):
Like the windows started to slide off, and then air
and noise, like it gets really loud. Yeah, because that's
exactly what happened on this one flight that was going
to London.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
It can't be America. Oh yeah it was London, but
it can't be from America.

Speaker 5 (28:40):
So from London to Orlando, what Yeah.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
That was like Turkey no no.

Speaker 5 (28:46):
And they had a turnaround after they discovered that some
cabin windows were missing after the plane took off. They
were thirty minutes into the flight and they were like,
what is just keep.

Speaker 1 (28:55):
Going at that point you know they're already up there. Yeah,
I just keep going, you.

Speaker 5 (28:59):
Know, we'll risk it flying across the Atlantic.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
Yeah, we'll risk it. I don't watch on a round.

Speaker 5 (29:02):
So they were able to turn around land. But pastors
are like, it's a little cold back here, and it's
a little loud, and then they realized, like oh, because
it wasn't obvious to them at first. But I guess
this plane had been part of a movie scene the
day before. If you Bill got to.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
Be kidding me that they took this plane up without
checking to make sure that all the movie prop work.

Speaker 5 (29:23):
Was Investigators believe the windows were damaged by high powered
lights that were used for filming in a film set
the day before. I want to go around, but yeah,
the foam around the windows melted and it made the
That's crazy.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
That's crazy, that's stupid. I hate it. Glad it wasn't me.
All right? What else?

Speaker 5 (29:40):
Everyone is okay? And speaking of a travel Triple A
expects Thanksgiving this year to be nuts. Fifty five million
people traveling, and forty nine million those people are going
to be driving, so they're going to be on the road.
So I have suggestions of when you should actually travel.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
You should leave on Thanksgiving Day at noon when everyone
say roads are clean buddy, Why what do they say?

Speaker 5 (30:05):
Well, they say next Tuesday and Wednesday's are the worst
days overall, So if you can sneak out, maybe even
Monday night, that might help. And then Sunday is the
worst they have well knowe out, Probably not. Yeah, I
guess Wednesday night, maybe Sunday is the worst day to
head home. So if you can head home on Friday
or Saturday, you may want to do that instead.

Speaker 1 (30:23):
That's your excuse to get out of I'm going to
say with the family. Hey man, I heard the Bobybone Show.
It's very dangerous on Sundays.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
So I like Thanksgiving because you get to get in
see most that do most of that stuff, and then
get out quicker.

Speaker 5 (30:38):
Yeah, and then I think what you mentioned yesterday, gas
prices are going to be better.

Speaker 2 (30:40):
Yeah, gas prices are lower than they've ever been. That's good,
well in a long time, not forever.

Speaker 1 (30:44):

Speaker 5 (30:44):
People on the road, and if you're if you happen
to you traveling on Thanksgiving Day. I saw the restaurants
that are open on Thanksgiving Day, Applebee's, Cracker Barrel.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
Tip your people like crazy if you can, because they're working.
You can.

Speaker 5 (30:55):
Yes, Sonics open on Thanksgiving Wendy's and.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Those used to be my places where I find somewhere
my single and lonely. Oh places that were opening go eat. Yeah,
but not anymore happy as a client.

Speaker 5 (31:11):
Dirk Sminley, did you know he's in the running for
the Artist Country Artists has the most Grammy nominations. That's
never one. He's tied with another artist.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
How many nominations? Yeah? I knew this was like a
thing he calls himself. It's an old reference. But the
Susan Luci because she did finally win, but she was
from a soap opera and she was nominated every year,
never one. Oh man.

Speaker 5 (31:31):
Yeah, so I knew. We talked about the Dirks part before,
but I didn't realize he was tied with Martina McBride.
They both have fourteen Grammy nominations and not one.

Speaker 2 (31:38):
She's probably like, please be nominated and don't win. She's
not it anymore. Yeah, wow, oh, Dirks is able to
win one?

Speaker 5 (31:46):
All right? I'm Amy. That's my pile.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
That was Amy's pile of stories. All is in full effect.
I think almost all the leaves have fallen off my trees,
which means when tourists coming it always seems to swoop
in fast and it feels like it lasts and.

Speaker 5 (32:00):
Well, for me, that means it's time to refresh winter wardrobe.
And if you're like me, well, you love to maybe
shake things up bold, bright colors, and macy says everything
from royal blue coats to green handbags and so many
other cute things. And if you're feeling a little more
low key this season, you can check out their warm
winter neutrals like muta dresses and sweaters.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
For all the inspiration, all the mustas, hit up Macy's
dot com slash own your style, And if you're like me,
need a little help finding your style, you can pare
up with a personal stylist.

Speaker 5 (32:29):
It doesn't matter what type of event you're shopping for,
whether it's a fun company holiday party or a holiday
gift exchange with the family, a Macy's personal stylist will
help you put your look together, either in the store
or from the comfort of your own home.

Speaker 2 (32:41):
Best of all, totally free. That's right, so hit up
Macy's dot com slash personal stylist to book your appointment today.
Totally free Macy's dot com slash personal stylist.

Speaker 1 (32:52):
It's time for the good news.

Speaker 5 (32:58):
So Barbie's been all the rage this year, and so
a group of people in Mobile, Alabama got together to
use Barbie to help some girls that are in foster care.
The group is Health Connect America, and they decided, you
know what, let's go ahead gather these girls and give
them an experience. So they even put them on this
Princess Experience bus and took them to get a Barbie makeover.

They could choose from a manicure, makeup, hair treatment, or
they could opt for Barbie Deluxe, which was all three treatments.

Speaker 1 (33:28):
Yea, we'll take all three. Why would you just get one?
I'll take all three. I'd like all three today, right same.

Speaker 5 (33:33):
And the goal is just to show these girls some care,
but also bring their inner beauty out as well with
this makeover and make them feel confident. And I think
it's a good way to remind us that we can
reach out in our community to think about foster kids
and how we can get back to them.

Speaker 1 (33:48):
I wish my interview was brought out more.

Speaker 5 (33:50):
You want the Barbie Deluxe, just get it.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
I'm fishing for someone to give me the Deluxe. Got
a great story, That's what it's all about. That was
tell me something good. I saw a preview for the
Marvel movie. It's like Captain Marvel and two other Captain Marbles. Yeah,
Brie Larsen is Captain Marvel. But here's the other two ladies.

Speaker 9 (34:07):
Miss Marvel had a Disney Plus show and the other
one was.

Speaker 1 (34:10):
On one division.

Speaker 2 (34:11):
So they're all Marvels, all Marvels. It don't look pretty good.
I heard it was terrible.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
Have you seen it? Yeah, it's pretty bad. I think
Marvel's kind of losing their way right now. How do
you make a bad superhero movie? No action? Bad act?
No action? Yeah, you gotta have action with superhero movies. Yeah,
forty minutes. It is where you get to the action.
So what's the story of these three?

Speaker 9 (34:29):
They have all their powers entangled, so like one uses
their superpowers and they switch places with the other one.

Speaker 1 (34:35):
Okay, I don't mind that idea.

Speaker 2 (34:36):
Like if they use it, boom, all of a sudden,
they're switched into somebody else's box.

Speaker 9 (34:39):
Yeah, they have to figure out how to work together,
but they don't even use that that whole much.

Speaker 2 (34:44):
How do you mess up a movie? Is there not
enough people to make sure our script is good? If
you spending that kind of money on a movie that
Oh wait, aren't they striking? No, this is done before movie.

Speaker 9 (34:54):
They had to go back and reshoot things, so there's
just a lot of struggles. It was supposed to be
a much longer movie. It was only an hour and
a half, which is the shortest Marble movie ever.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
I love it.

Speaker 2 (35:01):
I'm in five stars, five stars if it's an hour
and a half.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
So what do you rate it? I give it two
point five out of five cats yikes, cats.

Speaker 9 (35:09):
Yeah, and Marvel movies typically get like three point five
to four from me.

Speaker 1 (35:13):
Rare that it goes under three. What's the number one
Marvel movie in your opinion ever? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (35:17):
Infinity War. I wouldn't watch that. I don't like two
good guys fighting each other. Isn't that Captain America?

Speaker 1 (35:22):
No? This is the one right before the final Avengers
and game. Oh yeah, that was really good. The Avengers
are good. Yeah, and that's all together? Yeah, that is
the best one, hands down. Yeah, that's good. Are there
other bad Marbles? Could you give me a bottom three
all time Marvel movies? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (35:34):

Speaker 1 (35:34):
How many are there? There are?

Speaker 9 (35:35):
Thirty three? This is the thirty third Marvel movie and
you've seen them all. I've seen them all.

Speaker 1 (35:40):
Wow, give me the absolute worst and number three worst
was the Marvels when I just watch Wow, Okay, it's
down there. It's not good. And number two would be
Thor The Dark World. I didn't like the first Thor.

Speaker 9 (35:52):
I thought the first one was good, the second one
was the villain was horrible, and I don't think they
knew what to do with the Thor character yet.

Speaker 1 (35:58):
The last two have been good. The latest one was awesome,
and then the other one the very worst marvel movie.
Worst one ever is The Eternals. They were trying to
do like a new Avengers supergroup. The entire movie was
so confusing. They there were another group of Avengers.

Speaker 9 (36:12):
They were trying to make another super kind of like
X Men, but they were like more like fantasy based
and the movie was really weird and boring and long.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
What characters were the day? They were all new characters? Like,
give me one character that was in that movie. They're
so unforgettable. I can't even tell you there's I don't
even remember the movie coming out. I heard of the.

Speaker 2 (36:30):
Cartoon, No it came out, like, I'm so surprised they
go through that many scripts that much money and the
movie still sucks.

Speaker 1 (36:36):
You think they just be like, yeah, whant I can
put it out and write it off? Well, I mean
that's they still have flops? Isn't that crazy? Like yeah,
but flops.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
Sometimes the movie can be good, it just doesn't and
hit right resonate for people to go to the theater.

Speaker 9 (36:46):
They get to a point where they don't believe in it.
That's why they didn't promote it as much. So if
you didn't even hear about it, that's why they didn't
want to spend a lot of money because I know,
we don't have anything good here.

Speaker 1 (36:53):
You wouldn't believe it either. It sucks.

Speaker 3 (36:54):
Yeah, whatever happened to that movie where they wrote it
and they shot it and then they pulled it?

Speaker 1 (36:58):
That girl? Yeah that girl they shelved it right? Yeah?
Is that just trash?

Speaker 9 (37:02):
It may come out eventually because there is a demand
for it because it's such a popular fan base with DC.
But yeah, they'll probably just write it off and we'll
never see it.

Speaker 1 (37:10):
That was it.

Speaker 2 (37:10):
They thought it was possibly so bad that they would
make more money by riding off our losses than what
they would have made from it.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
And still taking losses woo. All right, Mike, check out
movie Mike's Movie podcast, but don't check out the.

Speaker 2 (37:23):
Marvelst's skip it. All right, let's go to Amy Now Investigative,
Morning Corny. Let's get it.

Speaker 1 (37:32):
The morning Corny.

Speaker 2 (37:33):
Those what we're gonna do? We have ninety seconds? Guys,
what if we goet? How many jokes we can get
here in ninety seconds? We will start at the end
of the first joke?

Speaker 1 (37:40):
Team? Ready, Ready, go Amy?

Speaker 5 (37:42):
How did the Pilgrims bring their cows to America?

Speaker 1 (37:46):
Mayflower? Move? Flower flower?

Speaker 5 (37:49):
How does Thanksgiving always end?

Speaker 1 (37:53):
East end?

Speaker 2 (37:54):
Friday? Friday morning, midnight midnight twelve o one time runs out.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
You punched family in the face or having different local opinions?

Speaker 5 (38:05):
Giving always end?

Speaker 1 (38:07):
Oval over? Well, yeah, Thanksgiving? Has it always?

Speaker 5 (38:13):
Okay? Okay? What did the Pilgrims use to bake their
Thanksgiving desserts?

Speaker 1 (38:20):
Oven? Oh? A Dutch oven? Dutch oven? Nope, Pilgrim, I
don't read it again. Place.

Speaker 5 (38:26):
What are the Pilgrims used to bake their Thanksgiving desserts?

Speaker 1 (38:30):
What do you bake? Easy? Bake? I you bake? I
don't know about the Pilgrims. It could be a dessert.
Say again, Amy, what do they use?

Speaker 5 (38:39):
What did the pilgrims use to bake their Thanksgiving desserts?

Speaker 1 (38:42):
That should be someone with an oven or maria or bread, bread, yeast.

Speaker 5 (38:49):
Or biscuits.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
Oh boy, I'm doing flower.

Speaker 5 (38:55):
Okay. What's the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?

Speaker 1 (38:58):
Target dance? Oh that's a good one though. Chicken dance.
Turkey dance chicken. Uh mak arena. We are family. The
gobble gobble, the goggle electric, the gobbler electric slide, the
boots scooting, boots scooting.

Speaker 5 (39:16):
Turkey very close they trot.

Speaker 1 (39:22):
Turkey dance chicken. That's you're right, that's a good one.
How many we did? Okay? We get three? I think so,
but I feel pretty good about it. Go ahead, all right,
clear eyes fearts, Nice job everybody. Tomorrow night, I'll be
on Loisill if you guys want to come comedically inspirational
in Louisville. Tickets of Bobbybones dot com.

Speaker 2 (39:41):
A writer, our I d e R. A rider is
what somebody requests if they're coming there. If an artist
is touring and he's going to be in Tupelo, Mississippi,
well when he gets to the theater of the venue,
his rider would say he needs four blankets, he needs
turkey and dressing everything he wants.

Speaker 1 (39:57):
That's the writer.

Speaker 2 (39:58):
Amy's found this story about celebrities and and as of today,
what their riders include.

Speaker 1 (40:03):
And I love stories like this.

Speaker 5 (40:04):
Yeah, well, and then I'm very curious, Like you can
be thinking if you've ever asked for something super ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (40:10):
I don't. I have my whole just for fun.

Speaker 5 (40:13):
Have you ever been like I wonder if they'll put
this in there?

Speaker 1 (40:16):
M h no, because I don't people think I'm a
douche bag. You can enough people do already. I don't
need to for that to affect it. And people talk right, like,
so how do Amy get these these riders? Like people?

Speaker 5 (40:25):
Just I have my sources.

Speaker 1 (40:27):
Yeah, okay, I have. Let me.

Speaker 2 (40:30):
Let me read your mine here, because mine is nothing crazy.
But for example, I was showing Louisville tomorrow.

Speaker 5 (40:34):
Well we'll we'll determine if it's crazy.

Speaker 1 (40:36):
It's not crazy, no, no, Amy, it's Bobby, it's.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
It's the it's the opposite where people make fun of
me because I don't put anything fun on there. There's
no alcohol on it unless I know Eddie's gonna be there,
and I'll for sure ask for one thing, a craft beer. Correct, Okay,
I have two twelve ounce can of the sugar fy
Red Bull hot water and an Electrota kettle in case
my throat hurts.

Speaker 1 (40:56):
Fruit tea in the little bag, so you dip the
bag in there. That's it. Agave built think up a gave.
It's the sweetener. A case of bottle water, granola bars,
they can be there's like nine.

Speaker 2 (41:09):
This just says, no peanut butter. That's the crazy thing
is no peanut butter, Bananas, orange lime and lemons, a
toothbrush and a travel sized toothpaste. Most people have whiskey.

Speaker 1 (41:23):

Speaker 5 (41:24):

Speaker 1 (41:24):
Exotic dancers, Yeah, you don't have any of.

Speaker 2 (41:27):
That, none of that. So mine is pretty boring. So
I have no answer to the crazy one.

Speaker 1 (41:32):
Now give me some of these celebrities though, real life
celebrities who want crazy things.

Speaker 5 (41:36):
Beyonce wants the temperature at seventy seven degrees at fahrenheit
at all times.

Speaker 1 (41:41):
That's hot. Yeah, I think if somebody else is playing
the bill, you want it to be cold, and can't
she just set that when she gets there? Yeah, well
you can do anything. I can go pick up some
Red Bulls, but it does take a lot of cool
down okay, seventy seven okay, and then one of them.

Speaker 5 (41:54):
There's a whole buffet that she has with like different
items and things, but no Coca Cola products because she
can only be seen with pepsi products due to a
like contractual agreement. Got it, And so she's like, just
don't have it anywhere near me. Rihanna wants blue silk
curtains and a dozen candles.

Speaker 1 (42:11):
Wow. The blue silk curtains interesting though, because what maybe
what they do is take them down and take them
with them and just reput them back up. And if
they don't have them, then they need them to cover
Because why would you want to get silk curtains everywhere
you go? Maybe she does, but I would just think
I'll bet you get them new everywhere. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (42:29):
Maybe you can't find them. Red socks. I used to
get red sox everywhere. You don't do that anywhere. I
don't need them anymore. I have five hundred Yeah, yeah,
what else?

Speaker 5 (42:35):
Rihanna? She was the blue curtains girl. Paul McCartney plants everywhere?
And meat nowhere?

Speaker 1 (42:41):
Are humans? Meat? Oh? We are meat? Question?

Speaker 5 (42:45):
Madonna asks for the toilets anywhere she is to be
cleaned four times a day.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
I felt that some people last barking my toilet seat,
like a new toilet seat.

Speaker 5 (42:54):
Oh that's that's Mary J. Blige. She asks for a
new toilet seat at every place she goes to.

Speaker 2 (42:59):
That's awesome because it's not like a toilet seat's ten
thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (43:02):
You're gonna spend money on stuff.

Speaker 2 (43:03):
Yeah, so it's say, said thirty one dollars on a
new toilet seat that she's doesn't want to butt touch
and what other butts are touched?

Speaker 1 (43:07):
And the artist has to pay for this, right, it
comes out of their pay It does come out okay,
of oh of they have to go.

Speaker 2 (43:14):
People have to do it. But yes, there is a budget.
So mine is called a because I just asked for it.
It is called a Mine's twenty twenty three hospitality rider.
And there's a budget that that is used for that.
And if you go over it and then they take.

Speaker 1 (43:29):
It from your other money, oh okay.

Speaker 5 (43:31):
Yeah, okay, because yeah. Mariah Carey, she asks for like
someone to be on hand at all times to throw
away her chewing gum.

Speaker 1 (43:38):
Well, that's very dick. That can't be real. That can't
be real.

Speaker 5 (43:41):
And Barbara streisand she wants a police dog who checks
the premises before her arrival.

Speaker 1 (43:46):
You're super famous, that's security. That yeah, that's security. She's
not famous to me because I think she's older than us.
I don't really know what she's even famous for. Oh
oh moon, accue what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (43:58):
Yeah, she was in uh what's that movie with Lady Gaga?
And well not the original one of the remix?

Speaker 1 (44:07):
Oh really? Yeah? Any other ones?

Speaker 5 (44:09):
That's it?

Speaker 2 (44:10):
What about the George Clooney I saw he wants he wants?
He has like a basketball court built every where he goes.

Speaker 5 (44:14):
You're right, there is a Yeah. I did send that
one to you, but I didn't really understand like how
he can requests that.

Speaker 1 (44:20):
But that makes But it's a trailer, he's not touring. Yes,
that's a movie set. Like if he's there for three
that makes sense, and that'll be in his contract.

Speaker 5 (44:27):
Okay, So that's why he can also ask for a
beach cabin to be built right next to because because
he's there.

Speaker 1 (44:34):
For all, that's going to be in his contract that
he negotiates. Whenever he did the salary, gotcha? I like that. Yeah,
I like that.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
Here, build me a beach cabin next door. All right,
thank you guys. I'll be in Louisville tomorrow night if
you guys want to come. Thank you Bobby Bones dot
com to get tickets. I want to send Eddie to
the Middle East.

Speaker 1 (44:51):
I know Eddie at times can be self conscious because
he's been losing his hair. Amy had a guy on
a podcast.

Speaker 2 (44:57):
It was like, Hey, a lot of these soccer players
they go over the Middle EA and they get great
hair transplant surgery, like David Beckham, like he was balding
all of a sudden.

Speaker 1 (45:04):
I've never seen better hair.

Speaker 5 (45:06):
Luscious, luscious.

Speaker 1 (45:07):
I wan't run my hands to it himself. It's we're
like Eddie, you gotta go. We run a budget on
it all in for Eddie, the hair transplant service, the surgery,
the travel, the food, and an a company I guess
to accompany him. Correct ten thousand dollars and whatever I
don't spend, I keep. Oh that's a good deal. How
much money can you spend if you die? None? See

that's what See you're joking. But that's what I'm worried about.
So they're not gonna care about me in so many
callers that have called and said they've done it, many
done it ms.

Speaker 5 (45:39):
And then these footballers like they're not they I know,
but there's they're European soccer players, they are foot ballers,
and they are like like they have the money and
they're choosing to go to Turkey.

Speaker 1 (45:54):
So give me your thoughts.

Speaker 2 (45:55):
Were a few days from the me introducing this idea
of sending you to the Middle East, because if you
gotta get it done, get it done right.

Speaker 1 (46:02):
I have a lot of.

Speaker 3 (46:03):
Different thoughts on this because at first I'm like, no,
this is my head, like this is the way God
made me.

Speaker 1 (46:09):
I'm going to just leave it the way it is. Well,
then why would you brush your teeth? There's a lot
of things you need to throw. Cut your hair. We're
talking about my hand, you know, like even cut your hair.
And then I'm thinking at the same time, like you
see that. I saw those pictures of David Beckham, but
does look pretty good. And I've always wanted to do
hairstyles like you guys like, oh, I don't know, people
are doing fades. I want to do a fade. I
haven't been able. I'd love to see you in a fade.

Man that's what I'm saying. Man, so looks but here's
the deal, Like Turkey, like the Middle East. I've never
been to Paris. Man on my first trip overseas going
to be Turkey. I don't know. I'm scared. What did
your wife say? At first? She was like, no, you're
out of your mind, like what are you talking about? Right?
And then I talked and then I showed her some

of the pictures of the footballers and then she's like oh,
and she was like, well, that's kind of cool. And
then she had questions like what's the procedure, Like, well,
what are they doing? How much?

Speaker 3 (46:59):
How much cutting? Are are they taking it from your butt?
Am I gonna see your butt hair in the front
of your head? Like all that stuff? So she wants
to learn more about it. So she went from no,
to let me learn more about it. So is she
learning about it on her own?

Speaker 1 (47:11):
Well, ye, she's done. She's doing some research on her own.
Have you have you researched it at all?

Speaker 7 (47:14):

Speaker 1 (47:15):
Zero? But this is your head. You just went to
a whole thing about your head.

Speaker 3 (47:18):
But I feel like I have so many people on
my team, like you guys are on my team.

Speaker 1 (47:21):
You want what's best for me and my wife. I
want to send you to turkeyse that's hilarious. Yeah, so
this is something you really want to do, dude? Like, yes,
so why not get it done by the best?

Speaker 4 (47:29):
Right, I'm saying like I thought the balding didn't bother
any But if this is something deep down, this could
solve all your insecurities, well.

Speaker 2 (47:35):
Not all, and it'll band aid them, but it is
not going to fix them. But if it's something that
you're super you are hat every day? Why do you
wear heead every day? Because I'm balding?

Speaker 1 (47:44):
Right, I wear at you? Yeah, and it's part of
It's part of me, It's what I do every day. Right.
But wouldn't it be nice if you had a fade? Yeah, dude,
god a mullet, like I want to look like Morgan Wallan.
You don't have me here? Hey, well no, I know,
but put your hair in a bun A man would
make fun I've always wanted to have dreadlocks. Wouldn't you

love me? Made?

Speaker 2 (48:07):
Wouldn't do that one? Wouldn't you love me made fun of?
Because you picked a bad hairstyle? I'd be awesome?

Speaker 1 (48:12):
Sure, least you have hair that's fine to do that.
I mean, tell me she just shave it. Oh man,
you've got to do this, this is like, go ahead.

Speaker 5 (48:19):
Well, I sent him a DM from a listener who
said one of their good friends is literally in Turkey
at this very moment for the procedure, so I could
get updates from her cause.

Speaker 1 (48:30):
I would love to talk to him.

Speaker 5 (48:31):
Yeah. And then also we have another mutual friend that
works in hair like in La. She said, one of
her co workers at the salon went to Turkey for this, Like,
I think they might even be there right now too.

Speaker 1 (48:44):
Do we have anyone that went to Turkey and like
they died.

Speaker 5 (48:49):
From a hair trick?

Speaker 1 (48:50):
Well, they're not going to call in I don't know,
well a family member and I'm not going to know them.
We don't ask for that. Well, I want all sides.
I want the good and the bad YELP reviews before
I can make a decision.

Speaker 5 (48:59):
We did have a listener comment on our Facebook Live.

Speaker 1 (49:01):
Don't run it.

Speaker 5 (49:02):
Come on, there is a situation that happened. I don't
know the details of.

Speaker 1 (49:06):
The Well, there's a situation happens everywhere.

Speaker 5 (49:08):
Well, let somebody does. I don't know. I don't know
if it was a hair transplant, but they were in Turkey.

Speaker 1 (49:12):
Well that's just about.

Speaker 5 (49:16):
Every day and it was about the hair transfler.

Speaker 3 (49:18):
So where's what we need ten thousand dollars Okay, No,
for I need safety. I need to know this procedure.
I need to know if I'm gonna be okay.

Speaker 5 (49:24):
If I do this like you do, you have to
get sedated.

Speaker 1 (49:27):
You probably doesn't show up to get a massage. Was
just gonna cut my head with it a bullet, junk
some whiskey and let's go. Could you have a head?
Let's head hair? Baby? What is this like Robin Hood Day?
So here's what we're gonna do.

Speaker 2 (49:37):
I want you to take a few days, do some
research and if there I would love for someone to
sponsor Eddie's trip, Like if we have like a spot
the client ten thousand bucks both, you'll beat your logo
beyond stuff.

Speaker 1 (49:50):
Oh that's cool. I mean this could lead to other sponsors,
these Turkish hair trip provided by what if this turns
in to like a hair endorsement, like what if like
like a hair product of the products like shampoo, definitely,
Condisioners definitely or super Cuts has to get it.

Speaker 5 (50:10):
This is an investment in your future.

Speaker 2 (50:12):
Yes, so just think about it, do the research. We'll
check you back in next week. Okay, okay. We we
love you, we care about you, we want safety for you.
Mostly we want you to have a fate.

Speaker 1 (50:20):
See I see that. I'm not feeling like you're really
caring about me here, I do. I care about you
very much. So he really just cares about getting the target.
I know, for the bit. Let's do the news bodies stories.

Speaker 2 (50:34):
Any what do you think about those like Virgin Mary
crying if it's a statue or a painting, and then
people surrounded and leave candles.

Speaker 5 (50:41):
And I mean, if that's what makes them feel better
or closer?

Speaker 1 (50:46):
Do you feel like it could be?

Speaker 5 (50:48):
I mean, you know, can't can't prove it's not.

Speaker 1 (50:52):
You're right. I bring it up because there's another one
of these churchgoers in a Mexican town say they've witnessed
a statue of the Virgin Mary crying during the church service,
which I would figure out like where's the water, where's
the condition coming from? Not be too logical and be
like where's the league or where's this? Yeah? Something U

though a professor claims that this can happen when moisture
gets absorbed by porous statues. Hundreds of others say, nope,
this is really her crying. You know, I don't let
science run it for you. If it's making you feel
good and do good, don't dedicate a lot, don't don't
remove from other parts of your life for it. But
if it's only providing positive go for However, for sure,
it's just it's like, what's science trying to be practical?

It is, it is.

Speaker 2 (51:35):
But still sometimes they'll be like under a bridge, like
an accidental like smush and looks like virgin Mary.

Speaker 1 (51:43):
And they'll even in.

Speaker 3 (51:44):
The States, down in the valley, some somebody was making
a tortilla and the burn marks they look just like Jesus.

Speaker 1 (51:52):
But what do they do with that? They? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (51:53):
WHI Americans think that people drive worse now than before
the pandemic?

Speaker 1 (52:01):
Is that because of our practice?

Speaker 5 (52:02):
I mean either that or they have less patience?

Speaker 1 (52:06):

Speaker 5 (52:06):
Like I feel like the pandemic sort of put a
lot of people in survival.

Speaker 1 (52:11):
Mode literally and figuratively, yes, or or you know, the
pandemic people started working from home and now they're forced
to go back to the off. They forgot how to drive.
What's that road?

Speaker 7 (52:19):

Speaker 1 (52:20):
Do you think you're better after or before?

Speaker 5 (52:23):
I think I'm still driving and I'm a good driver.

Speaker 2 (52:27):
It's fine, you're still bad the See, the pandemic caused
many people to isolate and have fewer interactions, so patients
on US roadways seemed to disintegrate. On all the people
they survey, thirty two percent said they were less tolerant now.

Speaker 1 (52:44):
Most people said same. No, Almost nobody said more tolerant. Eddie,
Were you more ragy before after a pandemic?

Speaker 5 (52:50):

Speaker 1 (52:50):
I think what happens.

Speaker 3 (52:51):
We never worked from home, so like traffic was really
nice every day, right, so now that people are all
on the roads, it's a little frustrated.

Speaker 2 (52:58):
Yeah, but it's so it's pandecks oh forever, I know, man,
this point, it's just I'm not sure it's real at
this point.

Speaker 1 (53:04):
Yeah, it was so long ago. I don't even know
if it was real. Do I want to bring up
the scuba steep thing or no?

Speaker 10 (53:10):
I don't know. It's in your the balls in your court.
I do it to you to see what you wanted
to do. Oh, what you want to save it? Let
let it marinate a little bit.

Speaker 1 (53:23):
Well, scuba is a rageful driver too, although Eddie won't
kill you. Eddie will No, I'm a vigilante. No you're not.
But Scuba will kill you. Correct, I will not kill you.

Speaker 2 (53:32):
Scuba will rent it rum there's trucking to you, then
run you over and then wake up an hour later,
be like what happened?

Speaker 1 (53:38):
Would you agree with that? Scuba? I wouldn't go that far.

Speaker 11 (53:40):
No, okay, And if you ask for my opinion, I
think the decline has been happening for the last ten
years with cell phone usage because most people are seeing
the road that are not paying attention, swerving all over
the place or checking their Instagram.

Speaker 1 (53:50):
Yeah, checking the map. I'm not laying attention. But that's rage.
I mean that that's that's being a bad driver more
so than rage. Yeah, but it creates the rage. Did
you ask somebody to not put up a video about
you driving? Oh?

Speaker 11 (54:00):
I wanted to see it first, to see what was
in there. I wanted to preview it. As an executive producer,
I preview everything.

Speaker 1 (54:06):
Absolutely, have no problem with that whatsoever. Now, what are
you talking about? Man?

Speaker 2 (54:13):
He said that he was going to put up a
video and you were like, don't put that up?

Speaker 1 (54:17):
And maybe look bad. No, I didn't say that. Now
he's lying. I said, I want to see it first.

Speaker 11 (54:21):
And then I and then I then that Morgan came
to me and I was like, hey, let's do something else.
And then she's like, no, I like this and said, okay,
that's fine, we'll put it up. So I said, I
guess what. It's on the internet. So if it were
a huge problem, it wouldn't be there.

Speaker 1 (54:31):
That's true. Were you embarrassed at how you reacted? I
get embarrassed all the time. Stuff. By the way, who
had a video of him driving? This was here? You video?
I should have pulled out the camera. I'm constantly like, don't, don't,
don't put that up. I don't want that up. I
feel that. Yeah, and I cover you a lot of things. Yes,
absolutely cover me. Let's go to the next story. All right,

you got it? All right?

Speaker 2 (54:55):
Super fans actually do exist if you're one of the
people who live dye and breed sports. Seven percent of
Americans fall into this category. They had ten sporting events
regularly or watch a lot of sporting events, but they
let it actually affect their life, not just their day,
but their life.

Speaker 1 (55:10):
Pew Research not us we're just casual fans, just chilling, calm, collective,
and we have super fans having a good time. We
have super fans. Yeah, but we don't lose.

Speaker 5 (55:21):
It's just sports.

Speaker 1 (55:22):
Yeah, it's not sports. But they look like like, if
I lose a game, I becial. There's some of my
super fans that.

Speaker 5 (55:27):
Are like, you think you had a super fansone is
impacted by us losing a game.

Speaker 1 (55:33):
Yeah. Morning people are nicer.

Speaker 2 (55:34):
From psychology today, who would say they're a morning person.
I one of our whole crew. I am not a
morning the mornings, I fake it for the first ten hours,
ten hours before I go to bed. I'm starting to
feel good, baby. Researchers found that early rises are more
agreeable with those who prefer the PM hours. Typically, the
nicest people in your office are mourning people. I would

think that Eddie was a morning person.

Speaker 1 (55:58):
I'm not, though I know I'm not because I'm like you.

Speaker 3 (56:01):
If we had our own way to live, I would
go to bed at three in the morning and wake
up at noon every day.

Speaker 2 (56:05):
Amy, I would think it's a morning person because she
comes in pleasant, just naturally pleasant.

Speaker 1 (56:11):
Sure, and you'd say I'm an all day person. Amy,
comes in hot though, Like if you're walking in the
garage and her car's coming in, she'll run you over.

Speaker 2 (56:19):
Not because she's not a morning, afternoon, or night person.
It's because she's just a person that is.

Speaker 1 (56:23):
Like getting stuff done. I'm getting done. No, I know.

Speaker 2 (56:28):
You know why you're not behind because you're like, that's
why you're not behind.

Speaker 5 (56:34):
It's also like in the mornings is when I get
the most done, even on like a Saturday. It's not
just work wise, but things around the house. I love
doing everything in the morning.

Speaker 1 (56:43):
Amen, all right, thank you. Bobby's story if you're new
to the show.

Speaker 2 (56:53):
A couple of weeks ago, we put our money together,
like eighty bucks apiece. We bought this palette from a warehouse.
We didn't know what was in the palette. These are
things that have been returned from Amazon. So you're just
blindly buying this thing. Then you go through it, you
go can I sell this? Can I sell this? And
hopefully you can make more money by selling it all
individually than they could have selln the palette to you.
So spent the five hundred bucks in the pallette, we

went through it on the show.

Speaker 1 (57:16):
Now we have a room full of junk. Yeah, uk, no, no,
not junks, stop guys. Inventory inventory. I said that wrong,
Yeah yeah, I'm justs pronounced inventory.

Speaker 2 (57:27):
So your first idea was have a garage sell a Sonic.
Sonic's not gonna allow that.

Speaker 1 (57:32):
Shut down the restaurant for half a day with a
bunch of garbage and they don't want not garbage inventory? Right, Sorry,
I said Ryan again. Sorry, So do you have other
ideas on how to sell it? Yeah? I got it.
How many do you have? I have three or four? Okay,
give me your worst one.

Speaker 4 (57:47):
My worst one is we look for a listener to
volunteer their yard and we have a garage sale at
their house. Like maybe they're having a neighborhood garage sale,
so there's gonna be a lot of people in that neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (57:58):
And so a.

Speaker 4 (57:58):
Listener is like, you know what, I'm a huge fan
of the show. You can have it at my house. Okay,
you know, bad, but not terrible. No one's gonna want
to do that, I know, but not terrible.

Speaker 1 (58:08):
I kind of I like that. Okay, Okay, what's the
next to worst idea?

Speaker 4 (58:12):
Next to worst idea I think is a QBC cell
wall is we sit here and we talk about the product,
and people call in and they place.

Speaker 1 (58:21):
Their bids, but how do we get it to them?
They pay for shipping? I don't know. I don't mind that, Like, hey,
how long we get on Instagram live? Okay? But who's
going to organize the orders, the shipping all that?

Speaker 5 (58:33):
Bobby, you don't want to can pick it up?

Speaker 1 (58:35):
We have that anyway, the stream whatever, we can do that,
no big deal, right him do like, hey, here's a
vacuum cleaner whatever. That's fine, but all the like five
a day, right, it doesn't have to be all at
one time. How many?

Speaker 2 (58:48):
Oh my god, too many? You got to start getting
rid of stuff. Okay, so that how many more do
you have?

Speaker 1 (58:52):
I have two more? Okay, give me that not that
your favorite, but your second favorite.

Speaker 4 (58:56):
I mean it's a combination. Well, I've already had people
offer me through Instagram, like hey, will you sign that
thing and send it to us, which we could just
put on Instagram and people be like, all right, but
we can just have a garage sale here at the office,
and we have VIP packages that include, hey.

Speaker 2 (59:12):
We don't own this building anymore. Hold on, you haven't
let me finish my sentence. Oh, we don't own the building.
We can't.

Speaker 1 (59:17):
Oh okay, well, my boy, we used to own the building.
Our whole company has moved away and left us here. Yeah.
My VIP packages included.

Speaker 4 (59:26):
You want to feel like what road rage is, get
in the car with Eddie or take a trip around
the block with Amy.

Speaker 1 (59:31):
See if you live. Oh, buy something in our garage sale. Oh,
we can't have a sale because we don't own the
building anymore.

Speaker 4 (59:37):
Okay, and your favorite idea, my favorite idea, you guys say,
I am not a man of the people that I
don't care about, you know, giving back. All I do
is take right. So, guys, I'm in the giving mood.
It's the holiday season.

Speaker 1 (59:51):
Take it all the goodwill, No, give it all the
Saint Jude. Let them deal with it. I mean, hey,
here you goes Saint Jude. Here's a donation. They don't
take people's junk. They take money. No. No, we could sell
it all and give them the money. No, no, no no.
If I'm gonna sell it, I'm taking the money. But
you're not just gonna dump a bunch of crap at
them talking about Oh, you know you have a family

at Saint Jude and they need a new shower thing.
Here you go, we got one of those. Hey you
have a family of Saint Jude that needs a bedliner
for their truck. Guess what, here you go. We're just
a rope. We're just giving them junk and saying here,
do something like that. They can get.

Speaker 4 (01:00:27):
I bet you they give presents in the holidays to
their their patients.

Speaker 1 (01:00:30):
They can wrap them up, give them a day. A
rope man. They pay tugle War to have a hall.
It's a big rope. So I'm saying a lot of
kids by tugle War. This is what I think. It's
this huge rope. And know the hospital with kids? Yeah,
what on earth? Here's what I think.

Speaker 2 (01:00:46):
I think we should do an experimental, take five to
seven items and do a QBC type thing, a stream,
a live stream, because it's not gonna be hard to
mail them off five to seven of them, not seventy
of them.

Speaker 1 (01:00:59):
No doable.

Speaker 3 (01:01:00):
But lunch Box has to do the work mailing it off,
mailing it off, collecting the money, all that stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:01:05):
They do. Want to collect the money. But then who's
going we'll never get it. Who's going to collect the
will I never get it? We can figure that out.
I think. Right now, we commit to do in the
live stream and selling the stuff on the stream, all right,
I'll do it after Thanksgiving, after the whole deal. We're
gonna Home Shopping Network. Yes, absolutely, okay, Lunchbox, good job.

Speaker 4 (01:01:23):
You sure you don't want to read think about it?
You want to give it like twenty four hours to
think about the same.

Speaker 1 (01:01:27):
Jude, you just want to get rid of garbage. You
just want to use them as a dump site. Right,
So you're gonna be out your eighty bucks. Hey, eighty bucks.
You know what I mean. That's my donation of charity.
I'm here for saying. Then you will donate it after
we make it. I ain't doing that, all right? Okay,
you think about amy. Since you're single now and you
have what you have described to us as an abnormally

long tail bone.

Speaker 5 (01:01:50):
It's a yeah, y'all call it a tail.

Speaker 1 (01:01:53):
You called it a tail?

Speaker 5 (01:01:54):
What's a tail bone that sticks out?

Speaker 1 (01:01:56):
Are you pre content it? No?

Speaker 5 (01:02:02):
I've never really worried about it.

Speaker 1 (01:02:04):
Yeah, because you've been married for one hundred years, and
that's what I'm saying. You don't worry about that stuff.
It's like, let me see your butt. Oh my god,
what is that?

Speaker 5 (01:02:13):
It's not that bad?

Speaker 1 (01:02:14):
But right you act like it's that bad. Does it
hurt you still when you like sit?

Speaker 5 (01:02:18):
So here's the thing that you still only bother me
if I was doing boat pose like in yoga, which
is right on the tailbone, and I never really knew it. Yeah,
where you're holding your legs in your arm up like
you know, and so you're on that part and you're
like rocking. And I always just to look around the
yoga room and everybody did it with the ease, and
I was like, why is nobody else in pain right now?
And God couldn't do it? And that's when I started

to realize I was different. Nobody had it. Oh my god.
My husband about seventeen years never really said anything I had.
I've had boyfriends before, Like, nobody said anything about my tailbone,
and I was like okay. And then when I started
bring it up to people, they're like, oh, yeah, yeah,
you know, but nobody it's not to where they talk

talk about it to.

Speaker 1 (01:03:00):
Me, I have a huge mole on their face or neck.
You know it's there. They know it's there, but knows there,
so you don't really talk about it. You don't go,
what's up.

Speaker 5 (01:03:07):
Moment, there's my tail? So have my tail?

Speaker 1 (01:03:10):
Are you pre conscious of it for the future?

Speaker 5 (01:03:14):
Well, I had not thought about that.

Speaker 1 (01:03:16):
You just said first date. You got to let them
know what it's like. Do you have kids, do you
have a tail? There are certain things you got to
talk about exactly, or I hope they don't see it. Amy.

Speaker 5 (01:03:26):
Here's the thing. Every time, I don't know if one
of my friends that she could see it through.

Speaker 1 (01:03:33):
They're like yoga pants. Yeah, and okay.

Speaker 5 (01:03:36):
I know. I think. I don't know if it's growing
or I need to get adjusted or what. But it's
painful now just sitting I'm not getting adjustment. I don't know.
Your wife sent me a link on TikTok to some
woman getting her tailbone adjusted, and she said, maybe you
should look into this, and I thought, okay, the link. Well,

so she was laying down and they were, I guess,
adjusting her tailbone.

Speaker 1 (01:04:02):
But I'm saying, like, do they do going to the butt?

Speaker 5 (01:04:04):
Well, the tailbone, Yeah, they go in. It looks like that,
but it's not. It's the lowest part. Yeah there, it
looks like that, but that's not what happened. What's happening.

Speaker 2 (01:04:13):
Can somebody come up here and fix our tailbone. We'll
just trust your doctor. You have to prove it to us.

Speaker 5 (01:04:17):
No, No, I'm.

Speaker 1 (01:04:22):
Doctor Galli Wickets. I mean doctor Galakowitz. Yes there.

Speaker 5 (01:04:25):
So the point is it's it's irritated now more than
it used to be from just sitting and so I
don't know if it's moved or grown.

Speaker 1 (01:04:36):
Oh what if it's growing. What a terrible time for
it to grow.

Speaker 5 (01:04:39):
Yeah, Like right now I'm uncomfortable sitting here and my
chair is cushioned, like you get one of those doughnuts.

Speaker 1 (01:04:48):
When you break your tailbone.

Speaker 5 (01:04:50):
I don't know, it's fine, And now I'll.

Speaker 1 (01:04:53):
Buy you a chair that has to go to like
a cutout home depot and get a chair with a
cushions on those big cushiony chairs.

Speaker 5 (01:04:59):
Okay, yeah, I don't know, it's just the thing we need.
I don't know if anybody else has this. I know
people online have been like mind tailbone is like that,
but I don't know if they have pain that you
didn't used to be there that's suddenly now annoying.

Speaker 3 (01:05:12):
But amy you should tell the next person, like when
you go on a date, tell them because that couldn't
be a deal breaker.

Speaker 5 (01:05:16):
Yeah, yeah, like me because of my tailbone.

Speaker 4 (01:05:20):
You get a dating profile, you have to put a
picture of your face and the next paddress to your
tailphone at least top four picture.

Speaker 1 (01:05:25):
Yeah for sure.

Speaker 5 (01:05:26):
Yeah, mill are silly. Yeah yeah, I do have to
go to home depot anyway, what do you get? I'm
getting Christmas stuff decorations for my house, like all the things.
My kids want their their rooms to each have a
little plant in it that looks like a Christmas tree,
like they're real, because they want the responsibility of also
keeping it alive.

Speaker 1 (01:05:44):
They have those home Depot.

Speaker 5 (01:05:45):
Yes, and they're so pretty. And we're going to get
little We've already talked about it, little ornaments to put
on there and little bows. And I feel like them
having a plant to take care of in their room
that will be something good.

Speaker 1 (01:05:54):
Will they take care of it.

Speaker 5 (01:05:56):
That's what we're gonna find out.

Speaker 1 (01:05:59):
I can't at least it's a plant, not a fish.
Oh correct.

Speaker 5 (01:06:01):
Yeah, And Stevenson one's one of those huge like Santa
things for the front yard. But I don't think I can.
I don't know that our front yard can hold that,
because you know, my yard's small.

Speaker 2 (01:06:10):
The holidays just don't happen on their own, and Home
Depot has the right tools in the perfect decor to
transform your home for the holidays. Bring home joy with
Holiday decor. Home Depot has Black Friday savings all month long.
Find the perfect gifts for every doer on your list
or something for you. Tis the season for doing at
the Home Depot.

Speaker 1 (01:06:27):
Bobby Bone showad sorry up today. This story comes up
from Phoenix, Arizona.

Speaker 4 (01:06:34):
A thirty one year old man's out for a stroll
and he sees an ambulance sitting there and he's like, Oh,
that looks like fun.

Speaker 1 (01:06:41):
He jumps inside and starts to drive off.

Speaker 4 (01:06:43):
The only problem is there's firefighters and a patient in
the back.

Speaker 1 (01:06:47):
Oh he didn't look at the rear view. I don't
know if that's connected. Like, can you just see in
the back, Yeah, if it's open, and I would assume
it'd be open like a pickup truck with a window. Yeah,
but it's like a little door. Oh God, ever been there,
Like it's like a it's like a y. It's wider
than the door, but you can probably close it to
if you need to.

Speaker 4 (01:07:05):
I think they were working on the patient inside had
the back door closed, and when you get in the
driver's seat, I don't think you can see into the.

Speaker 1 (01:07:11):
Yeah, yeah, I don't know, man, I think it's like
a bus kind of.

Speaker 9 (01:07:16):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:07:17):
I feel like there's a wall.

Speaker 1 (01:07:18):
I think they can close. I don't know. Have you
ever been anywhere? Yes, a couple.

Speaker 2 (01:07:22):
But I'm not going to argue this because they're probably
different cars, different models.

Speaker 1 (01:07:26):
I don't want to get beat up online.

Speaker 5 (01:07:28):
There is yes.

Speaker 1 (01:07:29):
Regardless, I will say that it's still hilarious that he
tried to steal it with him in the back, so
he started driving and then they realized what was going on.

Speaker 4 (01:07:36):
And you know what, I'm about to start Bobby after
I read this, because they were able to push him
out of the vehicle after two hundred.

Speaker 1 (01:07:43):
So they got to him.

Speaker 2 (01:07:44):
Yeah, there's definitely a way to communicate and go back
and forth.

Speaker 1 (01:07:47):
Wait, so he had to be pushed out. He didn't
just get like, oh I'm out to get out. He
pushed out of the vehicle and police arrived to arrest.

Speaker 2 (01:07:56):
What about the person you obviously it wasn't an emergency
or they'd been having him to the hospital, But who
just like you busted a knee up and he's like, wait,
what's happening right now?

Speaker 1 (01:08:05):
All right, thank you, I'm lunchbox. That's your bonehead story
of the day.

Speaker 2 (01:08:10):
What a pretty fun day today. Kimberly Perry from the
band Perry. Now she saw She's coming over to.

Speaker 1 (01:08:17):
The studio at the house to do a Bobby cast,
which I think is pretty fun cool. So I'm gonna
do that this afternoon. I get a little little lift in.

Speaker 5 (01:08:23):
It'll work out, Yella. Always training.

Speaker 1 (01:08:25):
Eddie and I are working out together the other day
and all of a sudden, he was just gone in
the middle of the workout. He just disappeared. What happened,
I don't know, And all of a sudden, his face
because I have his face on my phone. I have
both of you guys, his face on my phone. You
go and Eddie's face like hello, He goes, hey, man,
I had to go. Sorry, Like, where'd you have to go?
Pick up my kids? Didn't even say, but I just left.
It was I was really really late, Like first, I

just I just faced. I didn't know what time it was,
and we were working.

Speaker 3 (01:08:48):
We were working with a clock, you know, so I
looked at the clock, like all right, I'm gonna do
my push ups or my jump ropes.

Speaker 1 (01:08:53):
And I'm like, it's four o'clock. Were they waiting outside
of school, like on the sidewalk? Yeah, they got out
of three dude three?

Speaker 5 (01:09:00):
Sorry kids, Dad's got a train. No.

Speaker 3 (01:09:02):
I literally I didn't even tell the guys by I
ran in my car and went straight to school.

Speaker 1 (01:09:06):
And they were playing basketball like they weren't like lonely. Oh,
they were like, thanks dad. It was great after school programs.
Also the free hour of basketball. Oh my god, you
know that's it was a crazy dude's been raining. They
woud have been terrible.

Speaker 3 (01:09:18):
They would have been sitting on the bench, got it,
it'd been terrible. So we dodged a bullet there, Yes
we did, and the boys are They weren't mad at me,
so it's okay. But I just spaced man, I thought
it was three o'clock. Now four o'clock. That is a
scary day. I'm telling you.

Speaker 1 (01:09:34):
That sucks. Parent fail, No, almost parent fell, but lesson learned.

Speaker 5 (01:09:39):
Hey we've all been there, have we? I don't know
if it's because we're training, but we've been there.

Speaker 2 (01:09:44):
I'll be in Louisville tomorrow night. If you guys want
to come to the show tomorrow night at Louisville. My
comedically inspirational show is my final show on the tour.
A few tickets left, not a whole bunch, but I'd
love to see you guys. There's a new episode of
twenty five Whistles, our sports show up today. You can
check that out as well, and we will see you tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (01:09:58):
Dolly Parton's on tomorrow by Everybody Bones Bobby Bone Show
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