All Episodes

March 26, 2024 91 mins

We do an anonymous vote to determine if Lunchbox passed his 2 Weeks of Kindness Challenge after he was challenged over a recent incident. Then, find out the big opportunity Abby has for her music career! Plus, we share a new round of stories in 'What's Wrong With People?!'

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Transmitting, Hey, welcome to Tuesday's show.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Good to see everybody, morning studio.

Speaker 3 (00:15):
Let's go around the room and check in with all
you lovely folks. You'd never guess his favorite collegiate team
from the variety of clothes he wears, but rooting for
the Cowboys is something he gladly declares.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
It's prettuce ready.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
Yeah, I do have a Cowboys had in the Florida
state shirt.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
So all the free stuff we get from doing too
much access Yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 4 (00:32):
Okay, So recently, Bones, you said that you've been getting
some sleep for the first time in your life and
you're actually dreaming, which is really really cool. Uh So
I want to know, like, are you having the dreams
that we've had our whole life, Like the ones you
know where you show up the class and you're like
naked and everyone laughs at you.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
Everyone cliche dreams of it could be like teeth falling out,
show up the class naked, that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Direct Are you flying? Have you flown yet?

Speaker 5 (00:57):

Speaker 3 (00:58):
I and mentioned yesterday's show. I think I was having
a dream. I'm having so many dreams now that I
have a seapat that I don't even remember them all wow,
because my wife woke me up because I was shaking
my legs so hard and apparently like crying in my sleep. Like, eh,
I don't remember that dream.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
And I think and maybe you guys will know this
because you've.

Speaker 3 (01:20):
Been able to dream that you only remember maybe your
last dream.

Speaker 2 (01:23):

Speaker 4 (01:25):
Look, there's been some nights though where you have that
long dream that lasts the entire night.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
So what's funny is Jaco and one of my good friends, singer,
He sent me this voice memo. I've not listened to it,
but it's about that because he was having sleepishes too.
Hold on, let me play it, yo, yo, checking in.

Speaker 6 (01:40):
Uh got to know how this sleep is going. How's
this machine working for you? I did notice in one
of your posts that you switched over to a over
the nose mask, and I'll feel I'm wondering.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
There you go, He keeps going with that.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
I do have that this seal wasn't exactly right in
my mouth, so I'm back to just the nose for now.
But I am dreaming, and the dreams that I have
most are often dreams about work.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
Oh no, like good things about worker, mostly stuff I
needed to do. And I wake up and I'm like, oh,
those are.

Speaker 3 (02:12):
Other things I needed to do, but I never slept
while I've slept well in like ten years.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
But I'm finally getting those consistent dreams. That machine works
pretty good.

Speaker 4 (02:19):
That's really cool, dude, because in the past you've always
been like, we don't talking about aybody's dream who cares
about you?

Speaker 2 (02:23):
And I don't bring my dreams in.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
Still, well you should. I don't talk about my fantasy
football team. I don't talk about my dreams. Nobody cares
about either. Want to go get you know, unless we're
doing like a topic about what specific dreams mean. I'm good,
but thank you for asking. Yeah, I need to respond
to Jake too. I forgot about that until you brought
that up.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
All right, moving on, here's the guy.

Speaker 3 (02:41):
This next person was challenged to be kind for two
weeks and he's good at getting people upset when he speaks.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
It's lunch bug.

Speaker 7 (02:49):
I'm just wondering if I get this next gig am.
I allowed to take time off the show, and I'm
asking performission before I APPLA what gig though? I got
an email setting saying present are you smarter than a celebrity?
And exciting reimagining of the popular game show. Are you
smarter than the fifth grader?

Speaker 3 (03:08):
That's fun. Yes, you can play that game. It's a
game show. You've got two days. But where who cares?
I don't know, says a celebrity. Probably not. You're the
person they want to Yeah, you're just playing the game,
says go ahead.

Speaker 7 (03:19):
Been reinvented with a class of celebrities instead of kids.
I think you want the name coming soon for more
invo to apply click the button below.

Speaker 3 (03:30):
That means I'm Celebrities don't apply to be a celebrity.
They get approached because they're a celebrity. I think they
want people to apply to be the game against the celebrity,
and you can't do that because they're looking for kids. No, no,
they're looking for non celebrities to play against celebrities. But
he thinks it's because he's a celebrity. Yeah, it's a celebrity.

Speaker 7 (03:46):
So I'm assuming they're wanting me on the celebrity panel.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
It could be no, no, it would never send a
blank email and go click here to apply and see
if you're a celebrity. Right, but I think you should
apply to be on the show. I think it'd be
a great game show contestant, and you for sure it
could have a couple of days off to go and
do that, no doubt.

Speaker 4 (04:04):
But that's tough though, bones, because he's a celebrity and
he's gonna go play against another celebrity.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
Maybe I'm talking a hard place, man, Like, I'm very confused.
Do you know what you guy?

Speaker 3 (04:13):
Are you looking? We're looking for a studio. It was
a studio audience to play the game for the most.

Speaker 4 (04:19):
Part, audience email to read the emails, read Eddie, what
does this say? It says presenting are you Smarter than
a celebrity?

Speaker 3 (04:28):
And excited?

Speaker 8 (04:28):
Man, I just read that.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
This is This is for a non union studio audience
taping gives one hundred bucks for five to six hours.

Speaker 2 (04:35):
They want you to be in the audience, not even a.

Speaker 9 (04:38):
To be in the audience.

Speaker 8 (04:39):
Extra in the world.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
Why do they say celebrities because the name of the
show is are you Smarter than a celebrity? Yeah?

Speaker 7 (04:47):
So I thought they wanted me to be the celebrity.
I thought they heard easy trivia.

Speaker 3 (04:51):
We've even offered lunch box, like a week off to
go and try to be on game shows, and he
hasn't even taken f s. I said let's go, but
you just say let's go. Supposed to line it up
up amy. She likes to drink iced coffee on the
daily and she has two adopted children from Haiti. It's amen.

Speaker 9 (05:09):
So I follow Anna Vas on Instagram.

Speaker 3 (05:12):
By the way, she's a new artist. She's been on
this show. She did the cover Everybody Wants to Rule
the World.

Speaker 2 (05:18):

Speaker 9 (05:18):

Speaker 10 (05:19):
So she posted this story about how at her show
she plays a song called Didn't Even Date, and it's
a personal story to her about getting ghosted by the sky.
And afterwards she's selling merch and doing whatever. After the show,
people come up and tell her like but it's mostly
women or girls. They come up and they're like, oh
my gosh, that song resonates with me.

Speaker 9 (05:38):
Blah blah blah.

Speaker 10 (05:39):
Well, one night she had this man come up to
her and he was seventy eight years old, and he said, Hey,
I got to tell you your song didn't Even Date
really resonated with me. My wife of fifty years passed away,
so I reconnected with my high school girlfriend and we
were writing letters, like actual handwritten letters in the middle

and forth to each other for a year and then
they made a plan to meet up with each other,
so he went I don't know what town, but he
had to travel. He got a hotel, got flowers, and
then went to the destination where he's supposed to meet her,
and she didn't show up.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
People are ghosting in the seventies. Maybe it's like dead
ghosts who.

Speaker 9 (06:19):
Like, right, what about that?

Speaker 10 (06:25):
And she was just like, I don't know that I'll
ever be able. She's like, I you know, I can't.
She's like, I got ghosted six years ago and I'm
still singing.

Speaker 9 (06:31):
And writing about it. This guy seventy eight and like.

Speaker 10 (06:34):
Just got ghosted for the first time, and what do
you do with that?

Speaker 2 (06:39):
I just thought, try to see if she's dead.

Speaker 3 (06:43):
Because got cold feet, right, something happened.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
Look at your dead that's what is your body? Your
body gets cold? That sucks.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
I doubt you would think someone wouldn't do that unless
she got secker. That's got to be that she broke
as the end of the store. Did she ever contact
him back or she just completely gone?

Speaker 9 (07:02):
I don't know.

Speaker 10 (07:03):
The update is just something Anna was sharing about that song.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
Yeah, I mean I got catfish a couple times in
my life, but never ghosted. I'd rather been ghosting the catfish.
I'm being honest with you.

Speaker 11 (07:13):
Raymond go Ahead from Mountain Pine, Arkansas. He's the man
of a million dreams and he's well rested. It seems
Bobby bones you pretty much. So I would like to
say this, I.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
Am not able to let my dogs out in the
backyard and will not be able to for the next
couple of months.

Speaker 2 (07:27):
We have a little side yard they can go to.

Speaker 3 (07:28):
It's fine, but we are finally getting our pickleball court built.
It's taken forever and as long as the weather's good,
they can continue building it. But I would like to
let our audience in a little joke that we're gonna play.
So before I could get someone to do the pickle
walk court, I thought, why don't I get it started
by getting on YouTube and learning how to build a
picklewalll court, and I'll just build it myself, which would
have been a disaster, yeah, but it would have been hilarious.

So I finally we've hired this company to come out
and they're building it. But Eddie will come over and
and our friend Ben Rector will come over, will work
out three times a week or so at the house.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
We're gonna start taking pictures back there like.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
We're building it in just the scene like the and
so just play along if you're a listener, and be like,
you guys are doing a great job.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
I love it.

Speaker 3 (08:11):
So we're gonna go. We'll have like a shovel on
our shoulder the other day building the pickleball court. So
I just want our listeners that are listening to this
segment only or on the podcast to play along with it,
much like and I'll say it again, the Otown bit
that's gone on for years. I was never really in Otown.
I said it one time as a joke, and listeners
jumped in and we're like, man, we used to love
you in Otown. So now what we're gonna do is

be professional pickle ball court builders. Okay, and it's gonna
be perfect. It's gonna be the best pickleball court you've
ever seen, Like the bit is going to be. We're
watching it on YouTube and we're building this pickleball court.

Speaker 9 (08:41):
No other average men are going to try to build bill.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
We want to see all the lumpy courts they get made. Again,
we're inspiring people.

Speaker 3 (08:51):
Play along if you see us, don't be like dude,
there's no way you did that. Play along, and for
people that do do that, check them be like, no,
there is I remember when we posted this story.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
About when they were pouring the concrete. Okay, it's all joke.
We're on together. Okay, all right, let's go.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
Let's open up.

Speaker 12 (09:06):
The mail mag you friendly gen mail, and we read
it all the air to something we call body's mail bag.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
Yeah, hello, Bobby Bones.

Speaker 3 (09:15):
I work in the office at a family business and
my boss just hired his teenage nephew to work with me.
This kid is the worst. He's entitled, he's lazy, and
it seems like he doesn't want to be there. My
boss is expecting me to help get this kid started,
teach him the ropes, but the kid has no interest.
I'm having a walk a narrow path here being nice
to this kid and doing right by my boss. I

feel like it might be me who ends up losing
out in the situation. What should I do? Signed office drama,
here's the answer. You should treat the kid like stupid
royalty for a while. He's gonna end up getting out
anyway if he doesn't want to do it. Eventually, he's
gonna back himself out. He's by this socks. You don't
want to be the person in a family business that

isn't support super supportive of the other family, even though
it sucks. It's unfortunate, and it's like that you have
to even train the kid.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
I bet so many people do it.

Speaker 3 (10:07):
I know you can stand up for yourself, be like,
I don't want to train this little idiot, but if
you do, that's the family member of the boss.

Speaker 10 (10:15):
I mean, see it as a challenge to maybe train
him and train him well, and then you can be
proud of yourself and then I'm sure your boss would
be proud of you too.

Speaker 3 (10:24):
The kid's not going to last, so just know that
do your best job. Sometimes in life we have to
do things that we don't like and that aren't comfortable,
and if they get so uncomfortable, we don't do them,
but hopefully we back away. But I don't think this
is going to be so uncomfortable that you need to
back away from it. He's going to flame himself out
if he's as idiot as you say is. Idiots usually
do idiot things. Eventually that sucks, and I hate that

that's happening, but it's hilarious. You see the office where
Michael Scott's nephew comes in and he's like terrible like that,
like that, Yeah, I would train the nephew. With every
every morsel in your body, I would train that nephew.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
So he goes back to his uncle. Jim's like, yeah,
she's really great.

Speaker 4 (11:00):
I mean when I worked in my dad's place, like,
they treated me really not all the other cow coworkers out,
but I was.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
I was terrible. I didn't know what I was doing exactly.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
She's trying to Eddie right now, good luck, close the
mail back.

Speaker 13 (11:10):
We got your game, man.

Speaker 5 (11:12):
We read in on the air.

Speaker 14 (11:14):
Now found the clothes Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 3 (11:17):
Yeah, on the phone right now, mister romance. Mister, I'm
just showing love and every way possible. Mister Trucker Joe
is on the phone.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
Trucker Joe, who.

Speaker 3 (11:29):
Sent flowers to Amy for a birthday. Very sweet. Mister
Trucker Joe called and said, what up to Abby? Very sweet?
I thought, probably trying to both in the same room.
I hear you, Trucker Joe. Welcome to the show.

Speaker 15 (11:39):
Morning Bobby, Morning Video Morning.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
What would you like to say?

Speaker 15 (11:42):
Trucker Joe well, I wanted to say some stuff today
with Abby. I just called to say she was sexy
in a video the l words back then, and you
try to hook us up?

Speaker 3 (11:56):
Yeah, yeah, you called it till Abby that you thought
she was sexy in a video, a video that she
secretly sent you. Our video was on the internet, Raymundo's video.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
Raymondo being sexy one vacation. Got it, okay? And so
then I was like, you should go on to date. Okay,
got it?

Speaker 3 (12:12):
Well, then Amy got flowers from you for her birthday,
which we thought was super kind.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
What inspired you.

Speaker 15 (12:18):
To do that birthday?

Speaker 2 (12:21):
That's all I need to know? All right, man, what
else do you want? I mean, are you shooting your
shot with Amy?

Speaker 15 (12:25):
No? I don't shoot my shot with flowers on What.

Speaker 2 (12:29):
Do you shoot your shot with?

Speaker 15 (12:30):
Shot in person?

Speaker 3 (12:32):

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Well, well you know where we are.

Speaker 8 (12:34):
You're gonna be in town.

Speaker 15 (12:36):
No, I'm not in town right now, Maryland.

Speaker 10 (12:40):
Okay, Well, thank you for the flowers, truck or Joe.

Speaker 9 (12:43):
I appreciate it.

Speaker 15 (12:45):
Yes, ma'am.

Speaker 3 (12:46):
She's been bragging about you everybody. Well, listen, I owe
you one date with Amy.

Speaker 15 (12:51):
So yeah, one day with Amy.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
Oh, he didn't accept it.

Speaker 3 (12:56):
Okay, off the table, Now off the table.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
He missed it. No, he just missed it. Uh deal, got.

Speaker 10 (13:03):

Speaker 15 (13:03):
My My problem is I would like to get to
know somebody and be friends before I started a relationship.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
Deal one week with Amy of being friends.

Speaker 15 (13:14):
That's why I've been single for nine years. It's having
you trust me. I've had my ex wife, my girlfriend,
my ex girlfriend, and my ex.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
Cheated on me at the same time. Get all three
of those going at the same time.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
No, no, because that'd have been cool.

Speaker 9 (13:32):
That makes sense.

Speaker 3 (13:32):
That's we appreciate your kindness. Truck of Joe, I wouldn't
do that. No, Amy wouldn't. There's one thing Amy wouldn't
do is Truck and Joe. You wouldn't write that down
in your journal.

Speaker 9 (13:42):
And blood tar Joe there you know there. Don't listen
to them.

Speaker 10 (13:46):
I appreciate the flowers, but obviously there's not room for
a relationship here.

Speaker 9 (13:52):
What do you mean why he's okay.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
I'm not Truck of California that you called, you thought
was hot and you were like, come to town.

Speaker 10 (13:59):
Said in that I think the Trucker show.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
Yeah, yeah, good dude, Truck or Joe, please call us
anytime you know we like you and thanks for being
you know, a part of the group and send a flowers.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
Damy, that was super kind.

Speaker 15 (14:11):
Oh yeah, Oh, and I want to let you know
I will not be at the show this year because
I will be in Oklahoma.

Speaker 3 (14:19):
And what show are we talking?

Speaker 2 (14:20):
What show we talking about?

Speaker 9 (14:21):
A million dollars show?

Speaker 15 (14:23):
But I will be at your million dollars show next year.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
Okay, got it?

Speaker 8 (14:27):
All right?

Speaker 2 (14:28):
Truck or Joe tj.

Speaker 15 (14:29):
And I'm gonna try to get back stake.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
Oh well, don't do that. Well no, no, no, no, you
should walk uh, Truck Joe, will you give us little
Hong Kong little too too?

Speaker 15 (14:39):
Only if you get backstage up.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Then there's no two too for us. I can't promise
something a year out there. You go, all right anyway anyway,
Truck or Shoe, you're the man.

Speaker 8 (14:48):
You're the man.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
Truck or Joe will talk to you soon.

Speaker 15 (14:50):
I give you anyways.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
And I'll give you the whistle. A great day you
to see a truck or Joe. We'd like you a lie.
Call us anytime, all right, br.

Speaker 3 (15:00):
For the good news.

Speaker 2 (15:06):

Speaker 3 (15:06):
This guy he's older, but he kept falling and so
one of his friends like you should get a big
dog and like if it's chill and it's with you
like a cane, but the dog will always be there
for support and balance. And so he's like all right.
So he goes to shelter and he meets Peanut. Peanuts
a two year old Great Dane. Holy crap, great days
are big. We were having lunch the other day and

a great day came up to the table. Let's kind
of walk by. The head was above the table looking
down at a awesome.

Speaker 2 (15:36):
I wouldn't name my great name Peanut, what if it.

Speaker 3 (15:39):
Was ironic, like a small person named bean Pole. So
Peanut had been at the shelter since November, and he
was like, I think I'll go with Peanut. And so
here's what happened. He fell. Peanut wasn't with him when
he got home. He fell, and so Peanut was like, well, crap,
what do I do? Peanut goes and takes the guy's

head and kind of lifts it up and then pushes
him into a sitting position, like pushes them up, like
the dog pushes the guy up. Kind of even know
that a pee. Yeah, So Andrew's positive Peanut saved his
life and he's extremely grateful for his companion, becase, once
you get to set up, he could actually grab stuff,
which he pulled the phone over and got help. So

the dog and the human are now inseparable. And here
we go.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
Here's a clip.

Speaker 3 (16:26):
I mean, I love the dog with all my heart.

Speaker 8 (16:28):
I mean, he saved my life.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for him.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
At this point.

Speaker 8 (16:34):
I probably wouldn't buy him or Ferrari because I don't
think you could drive one.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
That's a good one. Peanuts shout out, Andrew shoutout.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
That's what it's all about.

Speaker 3 (16:45):
That was telling me something good. This is Lunchbox's segment idea.
I own apology to Blank. Why what happened?

Speaker 7 (16:54):
I own apology to my five year old son because
late last week he had a fever for a couple
of days, and you know, I'm like, okay, so you're sick,
and he's like, oh, I don't feel good. Great, Well
the fever goes away, and he's still like moaning and whining,
and I'm like, dude, you're not sick anymore.

Speaker 8 (17:10):
You don't have a fever.

Speaker 7 (17:12):
So we finally took him to the doctor yesterday because
he was still whining and moaning he has pneumonia.

Speaker 3 (17:19):
Oh and you were challenging that.

Speaker 8 (17:21):
Yeah. I was like, dude, like you can quit acting sick,
you know what I mean, it's the weekend. Let's go
out and play like quit Like, how old is he?
He's five?

Speaker 3 (17:30):
Five year olds don't really play that game.

Speaker 8 (17:33):
I mean, it's my first time with a five year old.
Don't know that.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
Like they'd rather play, you know, than like be like
I'm sick.

Speaker 8 (17:38):
I mean he just.

Speaker 3 (17:39):
Sat there on the couch like is he okay? Though,
aside from you not believing him?

Speaker 2 (17:44):
Is he okay?

Speaker 8 (17:44):
Yeah, he's okay.

Speaker 7 (17:45):
They they said it's just it probably started out as
a normal cold, some bacteria got stuck develops into pneumonia.

Speaker 8 (17:54):
I mean because when you went to the doctor.

Speaker 7 (17:55):
I went to the doctor, and you know, usually they
do the little thing on the chest like boo, and
he lingered and lingered.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
You started to feel bad and lingered.

Speaker 7 (18:05):
And I'm like, what is it normal? He goes, are
you ready for it? And I'm like what, he goes pneumonia?

Speaker 3 (18:12):
Like, oh my gosh, did you apologize to your kid immediately?

Speaker 7 (18:16):
I mean, I am so sorry, but I'm so sorry
you said you weren't feeling good, but you didn't have
a fever.

Speaker 8 (18:22):
So I he's like, I just don't feel good that.
I'm like, yeah, my bad, my apologies.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
So there we go.

Speaker 7 (18:30):
I apologize my five year old son. Pneumonia is a
silent sickness.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
I own apology to blank Eddie. Yeah, it's funny.

Speaker 4 (18:38):
Lunchbox brought this up because i'd like to apologize in lunchbox.

Speaker 3 (18:42):

Speaker 2 (18:42):
Okay, Yeah, I really didn't mean for this to happen.

Speaker 4 (18:45):
But remember when he came on the show and said
he stole somebody's mail and they hadn't picked it up,
they hadn't claimed their mail, and forever it was a
bottle of wine. The general manager of the local correct. Yeah,
so I thought about paying it back and like stealing
one of his packages box package. Yes, And I held
it under my desk for like months. You know this
is what he's gonna say. No, I have no idea,

He has no idea. And I held it for and
I was just like, oh, I want I'll submit it
in the show to be funny.

Speaker 15 (19:10):

Speaker 4 (19:10):
I held this package for a month. Somebody cleaned our area.
It's gone. I don't know where your mail is Lunchbox.
I'm so sorry.

Speaker 8 (19:18):
I have no idea.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
It was just grabbed one. It said two.

Speaker 4 (19:20):
Lunchbox, and I was like, oh, I just hold this
and he'll never know he had it, and they'll be.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
Like, I got you back.

Speaker 3 (19:26):
Surely somebody. So maybe that's where my credit card went.
I never received it. I had to tell im. Asked
to Lunchbox your credit card. No, this is a package.
Surely someone will just throw out a package a Lunchbox's
name on it.

Speaker 4 (19:37):
It might have been because I remember he did another
bit where he got mad at an artist for not
sending him something. Yeah, the artist multiple anyway, I'm sorry, Lunchbox,
accept it.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
No, okay, Amy, Well.

Speaker 9 (19:49):
Mine's also an apology to Lunchbox.

Speaker 7 (19:51):
Oh yeah, you guys realize how rude you are to me.

Speaker 8 (19:54):
This is a great segment. We should do this once
a week.

Speaker 10 (19:56):
Well no, I mean I think that there's room for
repair repair ahead.

Speaker 9 (20:00):

Speaker 10 (20:01):
So I was approached about doing an event and then
they asked me to talk to you about it, like
to like do it together maybe, and then I didn't.

Speaker 9 (20:10):
I forgot that part and then I didn't reach out.
But you can now I feel like you might be booked.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
Oh so they booked him anyway. Oh that's good.

Speaker 9 (20:18):
No, No, he might. He might not be available to
go because we are.

Speaker 10 (20:22):
He needs to probably schedule this out with his family
and it is a pay thing.

Speaker 9 (20:26):
I'm hoping we can still figure it out.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
But was it because you didn't want to do it
with him?

Speaker 10 (20:30):
No, not at all. I literally just forgot So I'm sorry.
Of course, I want him to get paid.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
Person still in your package, one person out your money.
I apologize.

Speaker 10 (20:38):
I still want this to work out, but I think
that you may have to switch around your schedule.

Speaker 9 (20:42):
But I don't work out well.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
I like to apologize to lunchblog.

Speaker 3 (20:46):
Oh you too, Yeah, that the kit he was talking
about earlier.

Speaker 2 (20:50):
My son Oh man, oh man, I'm kidding.

Speaker 8 (20:54):
Hey, I mean I'm kidding.

Speaker 3 (20:55):

Speaker 7 (20:57):
It could be true because another day in the car
he said, Dad, we thrown the music, and I mean, that's.

Speaker 3 (21:02):
Weird because you don't like music.

Speaker 8 (21:04):
Yeah. I was like, that's not that's not my DNA.

Speaker 2 (21:07):
I'd like to apologize to the FedEx guy.

Speaker 9 (21:09):
Oh what happened?

Speaker 2 (21:09):
He shows up to the house and he's got unpacked
thirty boxes.

Speaker 3 (21:11):
Every single time of all this memorabilia and it's.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
Stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks. That's that's on you.

Speaker 7 (21:17):
No, I think that's better for him because he doesn't
have as many stops. I think a FedEx guy would
rather have one house with thirty packages than thirty houses
with one package each.

Speaker 3 (21:27):
Okay, so I think you're with my wife, then yeah,
there you go for all the stacks and stacks and
stacks and stacks, because I just leave them and I'll
slowly get to them. And there are boxes everywhere and
I'm trying to get through them. And there are baseball
cards and football cards all over the kitchen table and
I'm just organizing them right now.

Speaker 10 (21:40):
And also who breaks down the cardboard boxes and holds
them neatly for the recycle to take them away?

Speaker 2 (21:44):

Speaker 3 (21:45):
And here's why I'm stacking them because when I sell
all this stuff back on eBay, I'm putting them back
in the boxes. So there's just like a there's mount
box more in our garage. So I'm sorry for that
too to my wife. Okay, yeah, so we're getting there,
getting there, that's all anybody else on an apology Morgan.

Speaker 9 (22:01):
Yeah, I do.

Speaker 16 (22:02):
I need to apologize to my soon to be brother
in law.

Speaker 17 (22:04):
Okay, So I was hosting a bridal shower for my
sister this weekend, and I had played the Newlywed game
and he was going to be on the TV in
a video he did and she was answering the questions
in person. Well, the video of him wasn't working, so
I was like, well, I'll just FaceTime when we'll live
streaming on the TV. He didn't realize he was being
broadcast to all twenty two women there and he was
in his boxers.

Speaker 9 (22:25):
He was changing on the TV.

Speaker 17 (22:27):
Like in front of my mom, his mom, and like
everybody was mortified, but there was lots of laughter.

Speaker 16 (22:33):
So he was just chilling in his boxers.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
But he answered his boxers when you called him.

Speaker 8 (22:36):
That's weird.

Speaker 9 (22:37):
No, So like he was moving around.

Speaker 17 (22:39):
No, I had FaceTime and he was like showing his face.
But then he was like, hey, I got I got
a lot of things to do, Like I'm busy right now.

Speaker 3 (22:45):
It sounds like there's another apology.

Speaker 2 (22:47):
Oh all right, RAYMONDO anything.

Speaker 11 (22:52):
Yeah, the building owners here, I had some bigger boxes,
speaking of boxes, and I threw him in the dumpster,
and I guess they got mad that they were in
the dumb certain they had my name on them, so
they took them and threw them on the doorstep. So
sorry to the building owners, I was illegally dumping.

Speaker 5 (23:08):

Speaker 3 (23:08):

Speaker 2 (23:08):
Yeah, I just took them out of the garbage and
fill them on the door here.

Speaker 8 (23:10):

Speaker 11 (23:11):
And then the engineers said they handled it for me,
So sorry to the engineers too.

Speaker 3 (23:14):
Got him, Yeah, I do you know my name was
on his boxes. But look at us all apologize and
we're all growing.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
Yeah, man's sorry. A big loser here though I lost.

Speaker 8 (23:21):
I lost bag to the mill and lost the paid good.

Speaker 10 (23:24):
I mean, I'm thankful for this segment because I feel
better now that.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
I and you did it under the guys of a bit.

Speaker 10 (23:29):
So it's because I was feeling really bad and now
I've got to apologize.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
And now you get to like talk about it without
randomly bringing it up and it being.

Speaker 9 (23:37):
Awkward, right, because I could have just ignored it.

Speaker 3 (23:39):
For sure, we're gonna play name the celebrity voice actor.
So if I were to play you Woody and Toy story,
hit it.

Speaker 4 (23:50):
Toy, you weren't the real buzz light.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
You your dog yard, that celebrity voice actor would be
Tom Hanks, very good, no points given.

Speaker 2 (23:58):
We have seven of these. Write your answer down. Here
we go the first one.

Speaker 8 (24:02):
Oh, it's gonna be pun.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
We can see him late swapping manless stars in the morning.
I'm making waffles. The donkey from Shrek. Who's the voice
of the donkey from Shrek.

Speaker 8 (24:13):
Oh, it's gonna be pun. We can see him late
swapping manless stars in the morning. I'm making waffles.

Speaker 2 (24:20):
I'm in.

Speaker 8 (24:21):
I'm in for the world.

Speaker 3 (24:21):
Amy looks confused.

Speaker 9 (24:22):
I am really.

Speaker 3 (24:25):
You don't know?

Speaker 2 (24:25):
Donkey good?

Speaker 3 (24:28):
What do you have? That's rock lunchbokes, Eddie Murphy, Eddie,
that's Eddie mur Eddie Murphy. Yeah, yeah, next up go
Hey Moves, Joe grumpy Gills.

Speaker 9 (24:41):
When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do.
Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming.

Speaker 6 (24:46):
Swimming, swimming.

Speaker 18 (24:48):
What do we do?

Speaker 9 (24:49):
We swim to swim?

Speaker 3 (24:53):
That is Dory from Finding Nemo. To give you just
a few more seconds of that. Here you go, Hey.

Speaker 9 (24:59):
Move girl, grown big gulls. When life gets you down,
you know what you gotta do. Just keep swimming, Just
keep swimming, Just keep swimming.

Speaker 2 (25:07):
Name that celebrity voice actor, I'm in man.

Speaker 7 (25:12):
Did you guys know though, Yeah, alright, just from down there.

Speaker 8 (25:17):
That's right, Luschboks Ellen DeGeneres.

Speaker 3 (25:20):
You nailed it, seriously, set Ellen, Amy Ellen.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
Good job, good job.

Speaker 3 (25:27):
This next one is Marty from Matic Gascar.

Speaker 19 (25:33):
Circus Afrol, Circus Afrol, Circus Afro.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
That's funny. This is Marty the Zebra from Matic Gascar.

Speaker 19 (25:46):
Circus Afrol, Circus Afrocus Afro.

Speaker 2 (25:55):
I don't even know the movie, and I know from
the preview that's funny.

Speaker 3 (25:59):

Speaker 2 (25:59):
Chris Rock Lunch, Chris Rock Eddie, that's Chris Rock.

Speaker 8 (26:02):

Speaker 2 (26:04):
The next one the Genie from Aladdin.

Speaker 18 (26:07):
A few millennial give me some tash how yoah, y'all,
you're a lot smaller than my last master.

Speaker 8 (26:14):
Either that or I'm getting bigger. Look at me.

Speaker 3 (26:18):
Yeah, man, well one.

Speaker 18 (26:20):
More time, a few millennial give me some tastew yo, yo,
you're a lot smaller than my last master.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
Either that or I'm getting bigger.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Look at me.

Speaker 3 (26:31):
Funny name that celebrity voice actor? Is he possuming I
have his first name?

Speaker 15 (26:40):

Speaker 3 (26:41):
You can get Bob his last name, but not his
first name. Oh, I need to answer, Uh, what do
you have for first name? It's Kim incorrect, Doctor Kim incorrect. Interesting,
I don't know doctor.

Speaker 4 (26:56):
Yeah, he's a guy from the Hango h he's got
the jumps, he's in masked singer.

Speaker 2 (26:59):
He's like one the judge.

Speaker 3 (27:00):
Oh Ken John, Yeah that's his name. No, that's not
who it is, Eddie.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
I have Robin Williams. Correct, No, remember him.

Speaker 8 (27:10):
I didn't sound like him at all.

Speaker 9 (27:12):
Robin Williams again.

Speaker 18 (27:14):
Yeah, yeah, if you Millennia, give me some task. Yeah, y'all,
you're a lot smaller than my last master.

Speaker 7 (27:23):
Oh so he's the second guy talking both Version one
sounds like Dr King's next.

Speaker 2 (27:29):
Up here we go.

Speaker 10 (27:30):
I am awaiting a night so bold as to rescue me.

Speaker 9 (27:34):
But wait, Sir Knight, this be at our first meeting.
Should it not be a wonderful romantic moment? What are
you doing?

Speaker 3 (27:45):
You know that's Princess Fiona and Shrek. I'm gonna play
the first ten seconds again.

Speaker 9 (27:51):
I am awaiting a night so bold as to rescue me.

Speaker 3 (27:55):
But wait, Sir Knight, got the okay in not Eddie? No, No,
I got something. Since you've seen the most confused, I
do like to go to the most confused first.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
Eddie Cameron Diaz.

Speaker 7 (28:06):
All right, Cameron, you played possible what it feels like?

Speaker 20 (28:11):

Speaker 9 (28:11):
Amy, Karen did.

Speaker 3 (28:14):
I really didn't play possum though, Yeah, I swear you've
never played possum on the show.

Speaker 8 (28:20):
I had before, but I swear on my mother I
did not.

Speaker 2 (28:23):
Know all them as you do it so much, we
think you're doing it all right.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
Next up, this is a frozone in The Incredibles.

Speaker 1 (28:29):
I mean, you tell me you were a super mega
ultra lightning babe.

Speaker 2 (28:34):
That's all right with me.

Speaker 21 (28:36):
I'm good.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
Danger. You tell me.

Speaker 8 (28:41):
Which one are we doing?

Speaker 3 (28:42):
That's both that same person down, both of us, two
different parts, I believe. Can we hear frozone from the Incredibles?

Speaker 1 (28:48):
I mean, you tell me you were super mega ultra
lightning babe.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
That's all right with me.

Speaker 21 (28:55):
I'm good.

Speaker 2 (28:56):
Is in Danger?

Speaker 8 (28:57):
You tell me what is a woman?

Speaker 3 (29:00):
Different parts there? Same person?

Speaker 2 (29:01):
Oh my gosh, you get five seconds?

Speaker 3 (29:03):
No, thank you?

Speaker 8 (29:04):
Oh I heard the second one.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
I score Amy five, Eddie five, Lunchbox four.

Speaker 3 (29:09):
Oh man, that's tough, that second one.

Speaker 8 (29:11):
I felt like I heard it.

Speaker 3 (29:12):
You could play it one more time time.

Speaker 2 (29:13):
Lunchbox need a guess?

Speaker 8 (29:14):
I got a ghost?

Speaker 2 (29:15):
Go ahead, don cheatle incorrect Eddie, Samuel L.

Speaker 9 (29:19):
Jackson, Amy, Samuel Jackson.

Speaker 3 (29:21):
Correct, Noel and yours so just Samuel Jackson, Oh Sam Jackson, Okay,
it's fine, Jackson, mister Jackson, Oh Sam Jay. The only
time I won't accept the last name only is if
they're specific, for like a Roosevelt. You go Roosevelt. I'm like,
are you talking about Theodore? Yeah, talking about eleanor you're
talking about named not.

Speaker 4 (29:42):
Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt Alvin, but that'd be Theodore.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
Okay, night, good chip monkeys, Okay, next up.

Speaker 8 (29:50):
You know, because thunder always comes after.

Speaker 20 (29:52):
Lightning crown, that is lightning McQueen and cars celebrity, it's
voicing that I'm in.

Speaker 3 (30:05):
Again one more time?

Speaker 2 (30:07):
Do you know?

Speaker 8 (30:07):
Because thunder always comes after.

Speaker 3 (30:09):
Lightning crown, I'm in lightning McQueen.

Speaker 2 (30:17):
You actually can't win, I know, but i'd still have
to guess. And we are gonna let you go. I'm
not gonna hold. I'm not going to hold the whole
games for you.

Speaker 3 (30:23):
We're not to answer, So come on, man, goodness, man
answer LaunchBox.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
Yeah, I'm man.

Speaker 3 (30:28):
Yeah, your answer please incorrect. Eddie Owen Wilson, Amy Owen
Wilson Correct, how would you.

Speaker 7 (30:36):
Guys know Owen Wilson's voice, because he's in a lot
of movies sudden death talks like this, No, not sudden death.

Speaker 3 (30:43):
We have a three tiebreaker challenge between Amy and Eddie
Ready actually an yeah, seven seven, I have not missed
any Yeah, well.

Speaker 9 (30:51):
I missed one, so he should have won. He should win.

Speaker 3 (30:53):
You know what, there's a commercial where the kids like,
no coach, it was out on me. If that where
it's like, be honest integrity. Amy's doing Yeah, she's doing
that right now because on my scoreboard I have Amy
seven Eddie seven.

Speaker 9 (31:03):
Yeah. Remember I missed If you missed one, then.

Speaker 4 (31:06):
You're just being honest right here, Eddie Eddie Murphy. Wait,
if you're being honest, though, you deserve to stay in
the game.

Speaker 8 (31:11):
And I'm being honest.

Speaker 2 (31:12):
I missed too too late, too late. So Eddie didn't
miss a single one. No, man, I'm undefeated, and.

Speaker 3 (31:19):
I guess you are the winner, and Amie, you're the
winner at life.

Speaker 2 (31:22):
But let her play, let her play. Let's finish this up?

Speaker 8 (31:25):
Are you?

Speaker 2 (31:25):
But are you putting like Ana?

Speaker 3 (31:27):
Let her play? Unless you're saying it's even it's a
scoring mess up and you'll continue.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
Oh, I think Gamey is wrong.

Speaker 4 (31:32):
It's even Let's go on to Eddie and Amy.

Speaker 2 (31:37):
Here we go, well, there will be three of them.
Write it down.

Speaker 3 (31:40):
Yeah, all right, go ahead.

Speaker 16 (31:42):
This is so exciting.

Speaker 9 (31:44):
Look at all of this, so cool. Wow. I can't
believe I'm actually here.

Speaker 3 (31:51):
That's Mavis and Hotel Transylvania. One other care it is again.

Speaker 9 (31:55):
This is so exciting. Look at all of this, so cool. Wow,
I can't believe I'm actually here.

Speaker 2 (32:04):
I should just want Yeah, you should just taken they
just take it away.

Speaker 9 (32:09):
I don't know what it is.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
Answer Eddie Selena Gomez, Amy Selena Gomez.

Speaker 2 (32:13):
That's so, it is all right to last, go ahead,
next one. Just get down here, see yourself. I gotta go.

Speaker 12 (32:21):
That car Get your Scalely deal downstairs and throw those doors.

Speaker 3 (32:27):
That's Buster Moon and the Moon and sing the cartoons sing,
go ahead one more time.

Speaker 18 (32:31):
Just get down here, see yourself.

Speaker 3 (32:33):
I gotta go.

Speaker 12 (32:35):
Is that this Carley, Get your Scalely deal downstairs and
throw those doors.

Speaker 9 (32:41):
Guys, I'm in Amy Emen, Matthew McConaughey, Eddie.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
Think Matthew McConaughey. This is crazy. We're still time. There's
one left. Speed around buzz in your name. Oh no,
I'm gonna lose this thing.

Speaker 13 (32:52):
Here we go, bloop yoump forty school busters and lend
it back into my life. Who's the cowboy d Kaboom,
Canada's greatest stump man? Oh yeah, huh yes, oh yeah?

Speaker 8 (33:04):
What brings your back?

Speaker 3 (33:05):

Speaker 2 (33:06):
That's Duke Kaboom from Toy Story four One more time.

Speaker 13 (33:09):
Blue Coop jumped forty school buses and lend it back
into my life. Who's the cowboy Duke Kaboom, Canada's greatest
stunt man? Oh yeah, huh yes, oh yeah, Amy?

Speaker 3 (33:22):
What brings you back?

Speaker 2 (33:22):

Speaker 8 (33:24):

Speaker 2 (33:24):
What she wants? A voice smailed number one from last night?

Speaker 21 (33:34):
How come there's so many bananas?

Speaker 12 (33:37):
Because one banana bread?

Speaker 21 (33:39):
Love you all?

Speaker 3 (33:40):
Keep it going, keep it going?

Speaker 2 (33:42):
Yeah, banana bread, got it all right?

Speaker 3 (33:45):
Here's Rachel.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
I was just calling now.

Speaker 5 (33:47):
Since Seamy birthdays past, I feel like I can call
them bring this up.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
I don't know if I missed it.

Speaker 5 (33:52):
Maybe, But wasn't she supposed to watch all the Saw movies.

Speaker 21 (33:56):
On a certain timeline?

Speaker 8 (33:57):
Did I miss that?

Speaker 9 (33:58):
Did we pass it?

Speaker 15 (33:59):
They love the show?

Speaker 3 (34:01):
Have you finished them?

Speaker 5 (34:02):

Speaker 10 (34:02):
I'm working on it. I don't I think the timeline
went out the window when Eddie took forever to do.

Speaker 3 (34:06):
His I don't think we've ever thrown a timeline out
the window officially.

Speaker 9 (34:09):
Okay, let's throw it out the window.

Speaker 2 (34:12):
There are ten of them, Mike, how many of you seen?

Speaker 9 (34:15):
I need to see six, seven, eight, nine, four.

Speaker 3 (34:18):
So I've seen six, you've watched ten.

Speaker 9 (34:21):
I've watched ten accidentally.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
Okay, so today is the twenty six.

Speaker 3 (34:26):
Watch it out of order by April tenth, I need
you to watch the final four Saw movies. Okay, cool,
plenty of times.

Speaker 9 (34:31):
It's plenty.

Speaker 2 (34:32):
We're not throwing the timeline out the window.

Speaker 3 (34:34):
We're giving our.

Speaker 10 (34:34):
Extension, which I appreciate because ten.

Speaker 9 (34:38):
SAUW movies, it's a lot. One is enough.

Speaker 2 (34:43):
Some people really like the show, the movie.

Speaker 9 (34:45):
I don't like. I'm not into horror films.

Speaker 2 (34:48):
Let us know so much.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
Okay, thanks, Next up?

Speaker 5 (34:51):
All right, listen to you guys every day at worked.
But my boss came in today and said that you
guys screamed too much. So I can't play this no
more because everybody else here's it. Can we just tone
down the screaming a little bit? Thank you?

Speaker 3 (35:09):
Probably it's games. Yeah, probably winning games. We get intents
and games. We will not be able to tone it down.
Oh man, that's tough, but we're very sorry, and we
hope that you can just lower your volume.

Speaker 2 (35:20):
Oh that's right, she has a volume she can control.

Speaker 3 (35:22):
Or if you need some earbuds, call up, leave your message.
I'll send you some earbuds if you can listen at work.
This is a gift for me to you. I appreciate that.
And maybe you did a new boss, how about that? Yeah, yeah,
a new job, pile of stories.

Speaker 10 (35:41):
So a lot of people think that OnlyFans is just
you know, people make a bunch of money if they
show them things.

Speaker 9 (35:47):
Yeah, stuff like that.

Speaker 10 (35:48):
But this one woman made a million dollars last year
just calling men stupid.

Speaker 2 (35:54):
Yeah, but was she showing her belt while she did it?

Speaker 9 (35:56):
No, I don't think so.

Speaker 3 (35:58):
I don't know. I checked that.

Speaker 2 (35:59):
So she would just like you're stupid. So she's like
a dominate Like, yeah.

Speaker 9 (36:02):
She's demeaning to men online.

Speaker 10 (36:04):
But I just saw it as like she'll say you're
an idiot, like stop being so stupid.

Speaker 3 (36:09):
You're imagine she's wearing something you look her up. I
don't know image you sent him videos and she's not
in like a turtleneck.

Speaker 8 (36:16):
That's true.

Speaker 9 (36:16):
Oh well, I don't know.

Speaker 10 (36:17):
I don't have only Fans, so I can't look her up.
But yeah, a guy send her a list of names to.

Speaker 3 (36:22):
Call him, and some guys are into that. Mostly it's
like really powerful guys who like heads of company CEOs,
who always boss people around, and all of a sudden,
they're like, I want to be bossed around.

Speaker 2 (36:33):
That's always who it is.

Speaker 10 (36:34):
So only Fans is it always ties back to non things,
not always, but and they tried to change the branding
a bit and go to kind of what Patreon's doing,
and then they thought, then they're not gonna make any
money doing that because Only Fans is a business.

Speaker 3 (36:50):
And so now they're like, we know we are, let's go.
I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking she's not
wearing Mickey Mouse costume telling guys are idiots making money?

Speaker 9 (36:58):
Sharnette Beckmann.

Speaker 10 (37:00):
Sure, she was a dental assistant and she quit that
job because she was making pay more money doing.

Speaker 3 (37:07):
This is Google here, logged in, logged in, it's at.

Speaker 4 (37:14):
Okay, Yeah, she's not okay, ready, she's not wearing that.

Speaker 3 (37:19):
Oh yeah, guys, I'm telling yeah, yeah, oh.

Speaker 9 (37:22):
Yeah, okay, well now you know I thought something.

Speaker 3 (37:25):
Probably telling you guys anything and don't be high. Yeah,
go ahead.

Speaker 10 (37:29):
So restaurants are now adding non refundable deposits for reservations.
Fancier restaurants have been doing this for quite some time,
but now, according to CBS News, a lot of just
average restaurants are going to start doing this.

Speaker 9 (37:43):
You may have to put fifty.

Speaker 10 (37:44):
Dollars down to hold your spot, but when you show up,
it'll be taken out of your bill.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
Which makes sense because if you make a reservation you
don't show up, it cost him money because they hold
that table.

Speaker 9 (37:52):
So just be prepared that this is likely the future.

Speaker 3 (37:54):
Go ahead.

Speaker 10 (37:55):
And then George Jones's wife, she wrote a book, Nancy,
It's called Playing a Possum, and in it she revealed,
and y'all may know this because y'all are big, George jungstands,
but I had no idea that the reason why he
didn't get on the plane with Patsy Klein when it crashed.
You'll know, no, okay, Well, apparently Patsy, after she performs,
she had fried chicken waiting for her and George that

was the time where he is drinking and didn't really
pay attention or care. So he went and ate the
fried chicken, and Patsy got mad at him, and come
time for them to get on the plane, she was
like take off, leave him. She was mad because he
ate her fried chicken.

Speaker 3 (38:30):
And so the friend before just a little different New Orleans.
Not fried chicken, not fried chicken. He just wasn't there
on time to leave him.

Speaker 2 (38:36):
Leave the guy.

Speaker 10 (38:37):
Yeah, yeah, well that and that's why it wasn't he
saved his life, all right, crazy Amy, that's my pile.

Speaker 3 (38:44):
That was Amy's pile of story.

Speaker 9 (38:46):
It's time for the good news.

Speaker 10 (38:53):
So a dad is in the hospital. I mean he's
you know, near death. Okay, that's a good part.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
Or just like he was injured or something.

Speaker 10 (39:01):
He's in the hospital. I mean, yeah, he's nearest end
of life. But he wanted to see his daughter get married.
So with the ICU staff, a wedding planning company, they
put together a wedding for his daughter and her you know,
soon to be husband, and.

Speaker 9 (39:17):
The dad got to witness it.

Speaker 13 (39:19):

Speaker 9 (39:19):
Cool, that's really something special because bittersweet. Yeah, and I
think that after.

Speaker 10 (39:24):
He saw that, it's like this huh, and his body
it's like, okay, you can let go now. So a
few days later he passed away. But it's such a
beautiful memory for their family.

Speaker 2 (39:33):
I agree with that.

Speaker 3 (39:34):
Again, this story kind of makes me sad. But but
but I think it's forty nine fifty one, tell me
something good.

Speaker 9 (39:40):
I agree, Like, that's harder.

Speaker 10 (39:42):
That's the hard part because he did pass away, and
I can give that out.

Speaker 9 (39:45):
But it's a big part of the story because.

Speaker 10 (39:47):
I think it's beautiful how sometimes your body, your body
knows it's like, Okay, I got what I needed and
I'm ready to go.

Speaker 2 (39:55):
I was gonnay. I think its beautiful that a wedding
planner was like, oh I help out that.

Speaker 9 (39:57):
Yeah, that happens, and I see.

Speaker 3 (39:59):
You going on death and I'm like, I like the
nurses in the hospital.

Speaker 9 (40:02):
That's just the obvious part.

Speaker 3 (40:03):
Yeah, obvious, obvious, all right, that's what it's all about.

Speaker 2 (40:08):
That was telling me something good.

Speaker 3 (40:11):
It's time for Amy's Morning Corny, the mourning corny.

Speaker 9 (40:18):
How do moths swim?

Speaker 2 (40:20):
Do moths swim?

Speaker 9 (40:22):
Butterfly stroke?

Speaker 2 (40:28):
That was the morning corny? A little too hard of
the laugh.

Speaker 10 (40:31):
Huh, Okay, maybe it would be better if I said
a caterpillar, I.

Speaker 2 (40:34):
Would have gone with that. But they both work. Caterpillar
probably better. What's a caterpillar? Butter swim? Caterpillar? But how
do caterpillars swim?

Speaker 3 (40:41):
They aren't you the guy that I'm the butter speaking of.

Speaker 4 (40:45):
I just planted some milk weed seeds. That means they're
butterfly plants. So like in four weeks, I don't have
butterflies all over my backyard. Are all the butterflies that
you raised? If they all grown up and left the house?

Speaker 21 (40:55):

Speaker 2 (40:55):
Did they left me? They never looked back.

Speaker 3 (40:57):
So what do they call when your kids leap empty?

Speaker 2 (41:01):

Speaker 8 (41:01):
I need more?

Speaker 3 (41:02):
Did you you bought it like a package of butterflies
in the mail?

Speaker 2 (41:05):
I did, and then I raised them.

Speaker 4 (41:07):
They turned into larva and then they hatched, and then
I let him out and they were hung around the
yard for about like I don't know, four hours, and
then they just left.

Speaker 3 (41:14):
Man. That was to them living with their parents through
college the young twenties.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
Did your kids cared all about them? Nah? Not at all,
just a little bit. But I were really teach children.

Speaker 3 (41:25):
Well that's sweet, buddy, Rais. I do have to commend
the secret keepers that know this secret because it's about
to be revealed.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
It's big news.

Speaker 3 (41:35):
And I had mentioned it before the last break, and
Amy's like, I wonder where everybody's brain goes when I
says it, when I say this, If you think it's
about you, what do you think it is about you? Oh?

Speaker 10 (41:42):
If it is about me, then I am getting like
someone on one experience with George Strait because he's doing
some exclusive oh okay, like an interview and they came
to you and they're like, Bobby, let's do it. And
you were like, you know what, I think I want
to pass this on to Amy because this would be.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
I would do that.

Speaker 9 (41:58):
I know you would.

Speaker 3 (41:59):
Yeah, Okay, it's a good one, Eddie. I don't think
it's about me, ok Man.

Speaker 7 (42:04):
There's so many things. I'm just like, I don't know,
but I'm excited it's about me. That's all I care about.
Your mind goes nowhere, nowhere. I mean, it could be lottery,
it could be excursions, it could be vacations, cruises, I mean,
I don't know, new car oh, a cruise, it could
be anything. That's what I'm saying. There are endless possibilities
with me. Well, I'm not narrow minded like I have

a wide variety. You're those two aren't exactly the same thing.
You are narrow minded.

Speaker 3 (42:29):
But also now.

Speaker 7 (42:31):
Amy pision hold herself into one little avenue.

Speaker 9 (42:34):
That's where.

Speaker 3 (42:35):
Okay, regardless, I'm just gonna move to what's happened here?
You big news for a specific person on this show.
It's something we've been talking about for a long time,
something that this person probably didn't think.

Speaker 8 (42:47):
Oh my god's engaged.

Speaker 2 (42:50):
No, it is Abby though, isn't it? It is Abby.
So there is a small record label that's having a
showcase for.

Speaker 3 (42:56):
Abby to uh and I don't want to say what
day specifically, and they want Abby's going to perform some
songs to where possibly she could get a record deal.
If that's what it's not a joke. I mean you're
saying the bit's a joke because it it's not a joke.
But it's not a major label, it's small label.

Speaker 2 (43:17):
Now he's saying that she's getting a chance is a joke?

Speaker 3 (43:19):
Who I would say, to Abby's credit, she's gotten a
lot better as a singer. And secondly, there are influencers
who get deals because of their platform. Wouldn't you agree
with that?

Speaker 8 (43:30):

Speaker 7 (43:32):
So so you're saying they're not getting it off talent.
Who Abby, No, I'm saying people sometimes don't get off talent.

Speaker 3 (43:38):
No, I'm saying there are multiple reasons for someone to
get a deal, and I don't know that she's gonna
get a deal. But what we thought she would do
is perform, and then if she it's just to shake
the nerves. She just wanted to perform, to shake the nerves. Okay,
everybody go with that. Yeah, everybody excited for her. Yeah,
it's the deal of a lifetime. When you said that,
that's a joke. What did you mean.

Speaker 7 (43:58):
I thought you were about you were testing me In
my reaction, You're like, oh, you're unpunked.

Speaker 3 (44:02):
Oh no, it was a reaction. I'd have been like
major record. It's a very small label. But they've approached
Abby about possibly, like how big a label they got?
No artists?

Speaker 9 (44:12):
Did they come to you or Abby?

Speaker 2 (44:14):
They came to Abbey.

Speaker 3 (44:15):
But Abbey let me know what was going on, and
she asked how she could not be so nervous, into
which I said, want you to just perform in front
of us, because it's awful porning front of eight people.

Speaker 2 (44:23):
So is that how they do it like the labels say, hey,
we want to see you perform the showcase.

Speaker 4 (44:27):
It's called a showcase, and then you play and then
they all watch you and they decided they want to.

Speaker 2 (44:30):
Sign you or not. I think hers is a bit different.

Speaker 3 (44:33):
So does she need us to show up? And so
when no, it's not like a live show. Hey, Abbey,
can you come to the studio place? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (44:39):
Okay, thank you, Abby? Do you want there?

Speaker 3 (44:41):
She is? Yeah, Abby was already walking in. So yes,
you're gonna do Hey, their hometown be on stage. Remember,
you have to be confident, right, Yes, At times your
confidence is not there.

Speaker 6 (44:56):
I know.

Speaker 2 (44:57):
Or if you forget a word, you're like, I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (44:58):
You just keep going to keep going, okay, And if
you can perform in front of us, like eight people,
it's terrible to performance in front of a small group
it is then you can nail that.

Speaker 22 (45:09):
That's what I struggle with is like the very few people, Hey,
I won't even whirdle it.

Speaker 3 (45:14):
I'll look at you the whole time, the whole time. Okay, Abby,
you're doing hay their hometown You're hit.

Speaker 9 (45:19):

Speaker 4 (45:21):
But so like these labels there, they're not one label,
one lab it's only one.

Speaker 2 (45:24):
You know.

Speaker 4 (45:24):
What I'm saying is they're not friendly people. They're probably
like sitting there.

Speaker 3 (45:27):
No, they're not. They're like, hey, we just want to
make sure that you sing in person. If they're going
to like send her, she may actually who knows. I
don't know.

Speaker 2 (45:33):
I don't want to put words in her mouth. Are
we ready to go?

Speaker 8 (45:36):

Speaker 2 (45:37):
Alright, here she is?

Speaker 3 (45:38):
What's up, lunch Rocks?

Speaker 8 (45:39):
How do they reach out to you? Abby?

Speaker 16 (45:41):
Why? Why do you want to know?

Speaker 8 (45:44):
Is it?

Speaker 15 (45:45):

Speaker 2 (45:45):
You do have a history of being rude to her,
so I think she's.

Speaker 16 (45:47):
Just want to cut down everyone.

Speaker 8 (45:49):
I just wanted to know how they reached out.

Speaker 2 (45:51):
I mean, goodness, you ask me after the song?

Speaker 3 (45:56):
Ray, are you ready? All right? Here's the track? This
is Abby Leanderson. Hey, their hometown. Go ahead, it's live
in the studio.

Speaker 22 (46:09):
Hey, their hometown. Have you been since I've rolled out?
I still remember it all, from the playground to every
Friday night light touched him. I always had a dream scene. Mom,
that's it ack me anything. So I left, pretend to

see but you still ride here with me with your town.
You'll always be home in me, I hope you know,
no matter where I go these kansas who's running me?

Speaker 16 (46:53):
Pour the crowd of who I turned into?

Speaker 22 (46:57):
Nowhere else can hold a candle to.

Speaker 16 (47:03):
Wich I oh it on to you.

Speaker 3 (47:08):
Zavvy performing live this morning on the show Give a
little more.

Speaker 22 (47:10):
Abby, Okay, got a child I love Now I'm all
settling into this crazy town. I was looking for someone,
find a found good one back and myself around wich tone,

You'll always be home on me, I hollo. You know,
no matter where I go, these kansas who's run deep,
We'll be around.

Speaker 16 (47:45):
Of who I turn into.

Speaker 22 (47:48):
Nowhere else can hold a candle to wich tom out
oid on you.

Speaker 2 (47:57):
I shall have you?

Speaker 3 (48:02):
Thank you?

Speaker 2 (48:04):
Uh so, how do you feel?

Speaker 16 (48:06):
I feel better?

Speaker 2 (48:06):
Yeah? You sound the best you've ever sounded, ever sounded.

Speaker 10 (48:10):
Amy know, yeah, I think you should walk in there
with confidence and knowing now that you've done this, you
will walk in there with more confidence and therefore you're
gonna sound even better.

Speaker 2 (48:18):
The best you've ever sounded.

Speaker 16 (48:19):
Right now, Wow, I close my eyes.

Speaker 3 (48:21):
That's okay to do sometimes, you know, it's okay to
do sometimes during the Showcass, just don't keep them closing time.

Speaker 23 (48:27):
I was looking at her, looking at me, I saw
her eyeb also you can close them like during moments,
but keep them open some Okay, I think.

Speaker 2 (48:37):
It's the best you've ever done, Eddie. I thought it
was really good. Abby.

Speaker 4 (48:40):
I feel though that you need something big at some
point in that song where we're like, that's.

Speaker 2 (48:47):
Terrible, you know, I mean that is terrible, terrible because
I feel like you're being conservative with the song. She's
singing the song like you're not going for it, you know.

Speaker 4 (48:54):
I think you got to go for it, and just
so you're different, you stand out amongst.

Speaker 3 (48:58):
Its American there's nobody up against her. Oh well yeah,
the whole world's up against her. Dude, you're giving her
terrible of ice. Really yeah, okay, then be he.

Speaker 9 (49:08):
You're good Eddie on the fold, just because Bobby.

Speaker 3 (49:11):
That's the worst device you could give it to somebody.
It's like, make the moment bigger than it actually is.
That's when you've been up cracking and breaking and you
sing the song like it is and there are bigger
parts of that song. Later on said it like it's
supposed to be right. Okay, if you start to do it,
I will always love you. Run and go.

Speaker 2 (49:28):
Well, you lose more than you.

Speaker 4 (49:29):
Because I was just listening and being like it sounds great,
it's good, but where is where's the Oh my gosh,
we need to get this girl in the way.

Speaker 3 (49:36):
Song already knows the song? Okay, lunchbox, Uh, don't dance.

Speaker 8 (49:41):
You have an awkward dance that you do like you
do a weird shimmy she.

Speaker 9 (49:45):
Was she stepped side, what casual?

Speaker 16 (49:50):
How my voice?

Speaker 2 (49:51):
She does shake her shoulders a little bit.

Speaker 3 (49:53):
It's a kind of weird. It was a little weird.

Speaker 8 (49:55):
It was just it was awkward. It was weird.

Speaker 3 (49:57):
I didn't notice it awkward.

Speaker 4 (49:59):
That was a little That's what I mean.

Speaker 2 (50:03):
Like, I don't what would you tell her to do then?

Speaker 8 (50:06):
I don't know, or practice, practice a routine or something
like Brittany has a great routine.

Speaker 2 (50:11):
So you wanted to be a dancer, full dancer?

Speaker 8 (50:14):
That's little. Whatever she was doing the it wasn't working,
I know.

Speaker 16 (50:19):
But my voice it sound better.

Speaker 8 (50:21):
I mean it sounds like, no, it's not for me?

Speaker 2 (50:27):
Is it not for you?

Speaker 8 (50:27):
I just don't think her voice is good enough, so
strong enough in what way? A lot of ways like
maybe I mean you're still nasally it Willie Nelson, Okay,
but you're so Billie Nelson.

Speaker 7 (50:43):
Okay, well, then be the next Willia Nelson. I wish
you the best of luck, thank you, But I mean,
I mean.

Speaker 2 (50:49):
It's not wily Nelson's song because she.

Speaker 16 (50:59):
You always say, is there anything else you have to
say about?

Speaker 2 (51:03):
What is zally?

Speaker 3 (51:04):

Speaker 8 (51:05):
What do you mean how?

Speaker 3 (51:06):

Speaker 2 (51:06):
Like I don't I don't hear the nasal? Like what
does she sound like to you?

Speaker 3 (51:09):
You dude?

Speaker 2 (51:11):
What does she sound to hear the nasl? What does
she sound like to you?

Speaker 8 (51:14):
She might to be good she I mean.

Speaker 4 (51:18):
Mandy Travis was nasally exactly, but.

Speaker 8 (51:23):
What Eddie seems you don't hear the nasal?

Speaker 9 (51:27):
He don't?

Speaker 2 (51:30):
Do you think her? She's so naisalttle keep her from
a record deal?

Speaker 8 (51:32):
She's like ninety percents?

Speaker 9 (51:37):
What is happening?

Speaker 3 (51:38):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (51:39):
Do we feel like that? Wasn't kind of him.

Speaker 16 (51:41):
To say I don't think that's right opinion on something.

Speaker 8 (51:45):
And I said good luck?

Speaker 3 (51:46):
You said, ask him, No, I didn't say ninety He's.

Speaker 16 (51:49):
Saying good luck in a bad way.

Speaker 8 (51:52):
Like you said, would you sign her? And you want
me to lie to her and say, yeah, I.

Speaker 9 (51:55):
Sign her, because like that is technically my opinion.

Speaker 3 (52:00):
And I said, I just know how overboard you went
with it.

Speaker 2 (52:04):
And Eddie was also not kind.

Speaker 3 (52:05):
What do you mean?

Speaker 2 (52:05):
I just said, you got that.

Speaker 4 (52:06):
We need a big moment and then maybe cover a
Willie saw if you're a nasal.

Speaker 2 (52:11):
So Eddie's the one, the one that kind of.

Speaker 7 (52:13):
Yeah, okay, and Eddie just you asked for my feedback
and I said the dancing maybe in the shoulders a
little weird?

Speaker 9 (52:20):
Yeah, I did shoulders she did.

Speaker 2 (52:23):
It was like the video we got it. What did
it look like, you know, like like like keep your
head still?

Speaker 9 (52:35):
Was It was like maybe she's.

Speaker 16 (52:39):
I kind of do do that, but I don't remember.

Speaker 8 (52:42):
She does it. It's just it was weird.

Speaker 4 (52:44):
Okay, we're trying to help her too, man like she's
got a big showcase coming up.

Speaker 2 (52:48):
I hear you, Actually she doesn't.

Speaker 3 (52:50):
We're just trying to get lunchboks and not be kind
Eddie jumping in like cutting them off everywhere, and yeah,
and Eddie just kept jumping in being sorry.

Speaker 16 (53:00):
I mean, he was more mean than lunch boy.

Speaker 2 (53:03):
Give lunchbucks the runway to be. Eddie was so not
trying to help you. I thought this was a big moment.
It's like Cobra Willie saw well we were.

Speaker 3 (53:13):
Setting him up.

Speaker 8 (53:14):
Oh man, you guys trying to take that Lambeau right out.

Speaker 3 (53:16):
For't because Eddie kept jumping in being meaner than lunchbox.

Speaker 2 (53:20):
Well, how about fill me in on the joke. Nobody knew?

Speaker 16 (53:24):
Is always so critical?

Speaker 4 (53:25):
Nobody knew because I want you to do your best.

Speaker 3 (53:28):
Abby, thank you, thank you for playing along. The only
person that need the joke was Abby. Amy didn't know.
Nobody knew.

Speaker 2 (53:34):
Well, I was trying to help. You were being unkind Dan.

Speaker 3 (53:40):
Coming up the news, we'll talk about the boat in Baltimore.

Speaker 2 (53:44):
They hit the bridge. You can see it. No, I
didn't see that.

Speaker 3 (53:47):
There's a whole bridge down. Oh no, yeah. But and
we'll get into it in the news. But just to
get online and when you because it destroyed the bridge,
it's like a two mile bridge and it just completely
took it down. There are there's so much crap on
social media where people are like the boat was hacked,

the boat power went out, the boat's driver. That people
just say stuff and then it becomes somewhat of reality
because people run with it. It's crazy how just because
we don't really know, but how many versions of lies
there are about big news stories when they happen. That's
terrible and it's a terrible news story. But we'll get

the update coming up in just a little bit. Okay.
Sometimes in the news you read a story and you
just go, what's wrong with people? People? Let's go around
the room. Police in California, you have arrested a man
on suspicion of attempted murder, accusing him of paying nearly
forty thousand dollars dollars to have his daughter's boyfriend shot.

He's a California pastor. I'm just stumbling all over. I
bit my lip and it's swollen. Words. Well, yeah, so
what happened is I bet my lip and you know how,
it gets a little swollen, so you keep biting it
because like in the way.

Speaker 2 (55:03):
Yeah, and it gets bigger and bigger. He like to
apologize everybody.

Speaker 3 (55:05):
My lip hurts. I was gonna just ignore it.

Speaker 2 (55:10):
Go Ali.

Speaker 3 (55:11):
Police in California have arrested a man on suspicion of
attempted murder, accusing him of paying nearly forty thousand dollars
to have his daughter's boyfriend shot.

Speaker 2 (55:19):
It's a California pastor.

Speaker 3 (55:21):
Dang man, how bad is his boyfriend?

Speaker 2 (55:24):
That's the question. Oh yeah, it comes to your mind.

Speaker 4 (55:27):
Yeah, Like I get a dad being like I don't
like who my daughter's dating.

Speaker 2 (55:30):
Well, I are two men to kill her boyfriend.

Speaker 3 (55:32):
Oh. The boyfriend drove himself to the hospital after he
was shot in his car.

Speaker 2 (55:37):
They pulled up on him.

Speaker 8 (55:38):
Oh, they went up, They went for it.

Speaker 3 (55:40):
Yep. Police won't say if other arrests might be coming,
although they've revealed that several people kept surveillance and the
boyfriend in the weeks leading up to the attack.

Speaker 2 (55:47):
That's from MSN. It's never the way to go, the
hitman way. No, just do yourself.

Speaker 3 (55:53):
And also if you're paying forty thousand dollars, my question
is is that a high end hit man?

Speaker 2 (55:57):
Is that a low end hitman? How did you?

Speaker 3 (55:58):
And if you're a pastor, well, when someone's confessing, well,
but that's I don't know if he's Catholic. I guess
that'd be a presious Catholic a pastor, because you could
hear like a confession and be like, oh maybe I
could use that.

Speaker 9 (56:11):
You mean, like someone's confessing.

Speaker 3 (56:12):
Yeah, man, yeah, like I'm hitman and you're like, how
much you charge my son?

Speaker 2 (56:20):
Yeah, that's tough.

Speaker 3 (56:21):
What's wrong with people? Thank you, Amy Uh.

Speaker 9 (56:25):
A survey was done.

Speaker 10 (56:26):
Two thousand Americans were studied, and pretty much, Americans are
forgetting to brush their teeth five times.

Speaker 3 (56:31):
A week, five times a week, five times a week overall.

Speaker 2 (56:35):
Like they're not doing it five times a week overall.

Speaker 10 (56:38):
Yeah, Like at some point, like let's say you want
to brush when you wake up and when you go
to bed two somewhere in the mix of the week.

Speaker 2 (56:45):
Of all of those, you don't even do five.

Speaker 9 (56:47):
Five of them you're forgetting. Like maybe it's I'm.

Speaker 3 (56:49):
Confused, is it five you're forgetting or you're not doing five?

Speaker 10 (56:52):
Well, you're not doing it because you're forgetting. The thing
is forget?

Speaker 2 (56:56):
Is my lip affect on my brain?

Speaker 3 (56:57):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (56:58):
I don't understand what you're saying.

Speaker 3 (56:59):
We don't they don't brush their teeth five times a
week or of the two times times seven, fourteen, they're
only doing it nine times, Okay, only doing it nine times?

Speaker 9 (57:07):
Yeah, there you go. Okay, if that's how you want
to hear.

Speaker 2 (57:09):
It, because everyone's different.

Speaker 10 (57:11):
I literally said, Americans are forgetting to brush their teeth
five times a week, right, but.

Speaker 4 (57:15):
That the so if you only brush your teeth once
a day, you forgot all week, okay?

Speaker 3 (57:22):
Or I hear they're only doing it. They're frigging to
brush their teeth. They're only brushing them five times a week. Yeah,
it depends where you put the comma.

Speaker 8 (57:29):

Speaker 2 (57:30):
And I can't see the comment.

Speaker 3 (57:31):
I can't see the comments.

Speaker 8 (57:33):
Where the pause.

Speaker 9 (57:35):
Sorry, I should have paused, I think No.

Speaker 3 (57:37):
No, no, my lip man, So it got me thrown on.

Speaker 10 (57:39):
Any Way, let's just remember the shocks that were forgetting
that much.

Speaker 2 (57:43):
What's wrong with people?

Speaker 3 (57:44):
Yes, what's wrong with people?

Speaker 2 (57:47):
What's wrong with people?

Speaker 3 (57:48):
What's wrong with people?

Speaker 2 (57:49):
Struggling man, luft box man.

Speaker 7 (57:51):
There was a guy in California on Friday got hit
by a train unfortunately died, but no, no, no, this.

Speaker 2 (57:59):
Would deaths ever, what's wrong with people?

Speaker 3 (58:02):

Speaker 8 (58:03):
This word gets crazy. So his body was, you know,
kind of Oh I saw this one and twenty seven
year old man's walking by. It's like, oh, here's a leg.
I'm gonna ahead and take that home with me.

Speaker 2 (58:12):
He was a homeless dude. And U okay, but here's
somebody dilling. Here's already that's like mentally ill.

Speaker 8 (58:17):
Right, I no, no, it doesn't say anything about I.

Speaker 2 (58:22):
Have to have a story going mentally ill man takes
home a leg?

Speaker 9 (58:24):
Can we go back to the teeth?

Speaker 3 (58:26):
USh? What's wrong with took the leg?

Speaker 8 (58:32):

Speaker 4 (58:33):
The mine's a personal one that I witnessed in personal
still like we're over three so far, I got a
good one, like I couldn't speak mine.

Speaker 8 (58:41):
I'll pivot, I'll do it different to late.

Speaker 3 (58:44):
All right.

Speaker 4 (58:45):
So I was at one of my kids basketball games, right,
and my kids they weren't playing at the time, so
I went to another game to watch it.

Speaker 2 (58:50):
Intense game.

Speaker 4 (58:52):
One of the parents he's right there recording on his phone,
watching the game close up.

Speaker 2 (58:55):
The ref misses a call and and then he goes.

Speaker 8 (58:58):
Hey, Rah, what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (59:00):
That was so obvious?

Speaker 2 (59:01):
What are you thinking if you're gonna call it?

Speaker 8 (59:03):
Call it both ways? God, you idiot?

Speaker 4 (59:06):
And the ref, the ref was probably three feet away
from me. He's like, you do that again. That's how
people get hurt. That's how people get hurt in this game.
Watch your back. He kept talking, due, he kept talking
to the ref over, and I was so who said
to watch your back?

Speaker 3 (59:20):
The parent did, Okay, you forgot to change characters over, No, No,
you gotta do two different voices, Ddie, you're gonna do
two characters?

Speaker 2 (59:29):

Speaker 4 (59:30):
Well the ref didn't even respond. The guy said watch
your back. That's how people get hurt.

Speaker 3 (59:35):

Speaker 4 (59:35):
And the whole game he kept saying like, uh huh, Yeah,
you're not looking at me, are you? Nope? I bet
you're not looking at me. Don't even turn around.

Speaker 3 (59:43):
What happens at the end?

Speaker 2 (59:44):

Speaker 4 (59:44):
Well, his team lost and he was upset. But I mean, dude,
why are you talking to the refs like that?

Speaker 8 (59:48):
You didn't you almost get hited out of the game
were talking to I was a coach.

Speaker 2 (59:51):
I like apologize all of our listeners for this segment
that I'll maybe it's so we.

Speaker 9 (59:55):
Go what's wrong with us? Collectively? Oh? What's wrong?

Speaker 8 (59:59):

Speaker 2 (01:00:00):
What's wrong with us? With no pivot? All right, I'm
gonna go over talk to Denise in Boston. Who's on
the phone.

Speaker 3 (01:00:09):

Speaker 2 (01:00:10):
What's up?

Speaker 10 (01:00:12):

Speaker 2 (01:00:13):
Appreciate you Colling? What do you want to say?

Speaker 21 (01:00:17):
I think you and Amy are just kind of being
too lean and on lantart.

Speaker 3 (01:00:25):
This is a kind of challenge, you know. I'm getting
beat up in my DMS. Yeah, for the same reason
that I'm trying to be kindness and hopefully trying to
be kindness. I'm trying to be kind, to meet him
with kindness. Oh, but you're not being challenged.

Speaker 15 (01:00:37):
He is.

Speaker 2 (01:00:38):
But listeners are like, you're he's been rude. Well I
haven't been rude.

Speaker 10 (01:00:42):
Kindness is contagious, so I see your point, Like, if
you're kind to him, you'll think he'll extend the kindness.

Speaker 3 (01:00:46):
He's on a kindness challenge of two weeks. If he
finishes today kind he gets his reward. We're going to
do a secret ballot coming up later on this hour,
because there are a couple instances that we need to
evaluate before we declare him kind for two weeks. But
I will tell you listeners are all on me for
being too kind to him. Okay, for a good reason.

Speaker 10 (01:01:06):
I have mixed feelings on this because I sort of miss,
you know, the lunch box that we are used to.

Speaker 2 (01:01:15):
What is that the mean one?

Speaker 9 (01:01:17):
Well, I don't know, just kind of the funny one.

Speaker 2 (01:01:19):
He's not funny.

Speaker 8 (01:01:21):
Why is that he such a hater?

Speaker 3 (01:01:22):
What do you mean?

Speaker 24 (01:01:24):

Speaker 8 (01:01:24):
Just ask him why?

Speaker 2 (01:01:25):
But generally he is? Why not anymore?

Speaker 3 (01:01:27):

Speaker 8 (01:01:28):
Just why?

Speaker 3 (01:01:29):
I don't know?

Speaker 2 (01:01:30):
What's not really a hater?

Speaker 14 (01:01:31):
Play three Ray, I just want to say I missed
the real launch box. Nice launch box, pretty lunch, pret lunch,
pretty lunch.

Speaker 3 (01:01:43):
We'll do secret ballot coming up in a few minutes
after we evaluate a couple of things that have been
brought to my attention that may not have been kind.

Speaker 9 (01:01:49):
Okay, okay, that's all.

Speaker 2 (01:01:51):
We gotta get to the news.

Speaker 9 (01:01:52):
The bar is low, so he is being kind, but that's.

Speaker 2 (01:01:55):
Not the case. We're not judging him on him bar.

Speaker 8 (01:01:58):
Okay, well what bar?

Speaker 2 (01:01:59):
We I mean kind in this bar regardless it's a
real protein bar. Yeah, kind bar.

Speaker 3 (01:02:04):
Oh, a kind bar that would have made sense. That's
made a good joke, But you missed that one.

Speaker 2 (01:02:09):
All right, news Bobby's nice.

Speaker 3 (01:02:13):
Yeah. I do want to start with the story about
the boat in Baltimore. It was a cargo ship and
I was away when this happened. It was like two
am or something wasn't sleeping very well last night, and
I saw it and I thought it was like a
computer generated thing. But it's a huge cargo ship crashes
right into this bridge, knocks down like a mile bridge.

Speaker 2 (01:02:34):
Lunchbox has the actual facts here.

Speaker 7 (01:02:36):
Yeah, it was called the Dolly and it was headed
to Singapore, and twenty minutes into the journey, they had
power problems. They lost I'm gonna say this word and propulsion. Okay, yeah,
you're right, that's what it says. They said, hey, we
don't have propulsion. We're losing control of the ship. We
may crash into the bridge, and then the whole ship

goes dark. There's a lot of smoke coming out. But
they were already calling saying we've lost power.

Speaker 3 (01:03:03):
Yes, and so with no propulsion, which, let me see
if I can describe propulsion in an incorrect way, it's
basically just how about would go forward with the propeller? Yeah,
just going forward? It's just the action of going forward,
got it? So they lost that, which means they lost it.
Things huge. Yeah, it's not like even a barge. It's

I mean, it is a massive cargo ship that's going internationally.

Speaker 8 (01:03:27):

Speaker 7 (01:03:27):
And so then they lose power and smoke comes out
of the back and they crash right into a support
like pillar, and there was construction crew on the bridge
pouring concrete. So they are searching for them. It was
like a twenty member crew. And then they believe about
twelve cars drove off, drove off into the forty seven

degree water. They rescued two people, one was uninjured, one
had to be rushed to the hospital.

Speaker 2 (01:03:55):
This sucks really bad.

Speaker 3 (01:03:57):
Yeah, well, I just there are ten thousand conspiracy theories
online now, but.

Speaker 8 (01:04:03):
They all say it is not terrorism, is nothing, it's
just the ship malfunction.

Speaker 3 (01:04:09):
I think I would feel like there was a possibility
for something that shady happening had they not called away
ahead of time and been like, hey, we're experiencing this issue,
and that boat is so big that it's not like
you can just correct it right without any sort of Listen,
I worked at a marina for a long time. Even
a barge, a small party barge, it's hard to get
that thing to do what you want it to do

without any sort without your engine, like your motor. Right,
So a boat this big without with nothing except a
steering well, you're not going to fix anything.

Speaker 10 (01:04:40):
Well, this is complete ignorance because I realized it's a
heavy ship, probably weighs a lot. But is there a
way in which like anchors can just be dropped at
one point that'll just stop the boat?

Speaker 2 (01:04:51):
And it's I don't know the answer to that.

Speaker 3 (01:04:54):
It's so big that I think that would have been
an extremely long process train.

Speaker 8 (01:05:00):
I mean, it takes a long term train to stop.

Speaker 3 (01:05:02):
Maybe two and again we're just thinking to maybe this
so we should Probably it's not, but I would imagine
that if you are trying everything possible to get it
back and running, you're probably not putting all your effort
into Yeah, and you don't know how deep it is
right there. The anchor may not reach the bottom. That's
a good point too. Yeah, that that really really stinks.

I mean it's the boat's massive. And then people because
it was dark, if this happened in the daytime, yeah,
people may have seen it.

Speaker 8 (01:05:34):
Yeah, it's sort of like back in the day.

Speaker 7 (01:05:35):
Uh, South Padre Island, the connecting the bridge connecting the mainland.
Someone hit the bridge in the middle of the night
and there was no and it was like right at
the very top of the bridge and there's no lights
on the bridge, and so cars just kept driving off
into the water.

Speaker 2 (01:05:48):
They didn't realize it broke it. Yeah, it happened in
Minneapolis to a few years ago. We were doing the
show A bridge that collapsed.

Speaker 3 (01:05:54):
It's just terrible.

Speaker 2 (01:05:55):

Speaker 3 (01:05:57):
See Franciscot Key Bridge hit by cargo ship in Maryland,
it's all up. We just wanted to mention it. It sucks,
and we hope everybody, well everybody's not gonna be okay
because some people have they can't find. But we hope
that they're able to do the best job they can
possibly do considering what's happened.

Speaker 2 (01:06:14):
Yeah, and stop retweeting conspiracy theories. It's crazy, all right.

Speaker 3 (01:06:20):
Next up, a woman attempted to drive a record five
hundred miles on a toy car.

Speaker 8 (01:06:25):
Like yeah, like one of those power wheels.

Speaker 3 (01:06:28):
They are attempting to drive toy cars from Jacksonville to
key West five hundred miles. That is hilarious. They estimate
that one fresh set of batteries will take them eleven miles,
so a battery change will have to be done at
the hotel each day after driving. Then I have jobs.
I know they're trying to raise money to do this,
but I can we can never. I couldn't do this
because I gotta be here and do the show, like
Lunchbox code. BET's only because it'd be part of.

Speaker 8 (01:06:50):
His job, right, Yeah, I mean so if they're doing
eleven miles.

Speaker 2 (01:06:54):
A day, five that's hilarious though, Like I'm jealous. I'd
be And where do they drive.

Speaker 8 (01:06:58):
They can't drive in the highway.

Speaker 2 (01:06:59):
They out sidewalks.

Speaker 8 (01:07:01):

Speaker 2 (01:07:02):
Yeah, they're on sidewalks. And the ones in a red
one ones and I'm blue one.

Speaker 3 (01:07:04):
And they're not like cool like uh sports car ones,
not like Barbie cars but sports car small ones but.

Speaker 2 (01:07:10):
Other needs cramped up and stuff. And you can't see
them from there, like hips up out of the cars.

Speaker 9 (01:07:15):
Are they wearing a helmet?

Speaker 3 (01:07:17):
They're not.

Speaker 2 (01:07:17):
They it was like one mile out and they're not
going fast. Very uncomfortable.

Speaker 9 (01:07:20):
Oh, I'm just worried about oncoming traffic.

Speaker 3 (01:07:23):
They're not on sidewalks, but other people mate, women and
women and men on they have to cross a street
at some point. Anyway, good luck to them. They're raising money,
that's awesome. It's for animal rescue, Okay, it's I wonder
what their job is. That's what I did first.

Speaker 2 (01:07:38):
I'm like, what the job that they have?

Speaker 3 (01:07:40):
A man in a Philadelphia tow truck, I was like
a guys stop because he.

Speaker 2 (01:07:45):
Was stealing cars with it. See, I mean, I've always
thought like that's so easy. Why do almost more people
do that? That's what you thought?

Speaker 3 (01:07:52):
Why people?

Speaker 4 (01:07:53):
For years I've been like tow truck drivers could easily
just steal cars at.

Speaker 3 (01:07:57):
Last, the rest of A man accused of using a
tow truck to steal at least seven vehicles throughout Philadelphia
and selling them to a scrapyard Lamar Miller forty four
seven counts of auto theft dang from NBC Philadelphia just
toe truck them.

Speaker 10 (01:08:10):

Speaker 2 (01:08:11):
I mean that's the easiest way to steal a.

Speaker 3 (01:08:12):
Car because nobody would think anything about it. And if
someone comes up to you like can take in my car,
looks like you need to pay your bill, that's right,
and they're like, well, I don't know why bill.

Speaker 2 (01:08:18):
We need to take it up with the towyard. You
don't even take it to that towyard, you just take
it somewhere else.

Speaker 3 (01:08:23):
True. A thirty six year old woman saying Taylor Swift
songs during a surgery as they removed a brain tumor.
She was the surgeon.

Speaker 2 (01:08:30):
No, they have sometimes they'll have them play music or sing.

Speaker 9 (01:08:34):
Or got it keeps her brain going wild.

Speaker 3 (01:08:37):
A thirty six year old mom named Selena Campione underwent
awake crany otomy to remove a brain tumor, and so
they wanted to preserve her speech. So they wanted to
monitor the sectors of her brain that are in charge
of her speaking. And so while they're taking out the tumor,

they had her sing Taylor Swift. Wow, Well, what's the
first song on saying a love story? As I just
asked myself, you go chronological? What go chronological?

Speaker 2 (01:09:09):
Era? Is my instinct?

Speaker 3 (01:09:10):
Okay? First? And I would be like, so here the
timmgra you would They'd be like, oh, he's messed up.

Speaker 2 (01:09:15):
Like no, I just don't know the words. Man, I'm
a melody guy.

Speaker 10 (01:09:18):
I assume maybe they were playing Taylor and she sang along,
because that would be difficult to just be also in
charge of thinking of all the Taylor songs and thinking
of the words. Like if you were to just sing along,
that seems easier.

Speaker 3 (01:09:29):
It's like karaokee brain surgery. Maybe all right, I got me.
It's as big as I will.

Speaker 2 (01:09:34):
Everybody sits sell nurse, you're up.

Speaker 3 (01:09:39):
TMZ. It could be just as sang the songs. I
would think it would just be from memory. She had
to know them. Stop going into fitting rooms at them all.
If you want to save money on clothing, stay away
from the fitting room. Retail consultants found the shoppers who
entered the fifth fitting room are fifty seven percent more
likely to buy something.

Speaker 2 (01:09:56):
This is from Money Rules by Jeane Chatsky.

Speaker 3 (01:09:59):
Why because when you put something on and see yourself
in it, your mind actually takes possession of it.

Speaker 2 (01:10:04):
Oh, at that point, not buying it feels like you
lost something.

Speaker 3 (01:10:08):
Unless it doesn't there, right, dude, those lights, I don't
understand lights in those rooms.

Speaker 2 (01:10:13):
They're so bad. I already feel bad about myself. It
makes me feel worse. So fluorescent light.

Speaker 3 (01:10:19):
Yeah, they need to like do funhouse mirrors or something
to make you look better. I think they have the
wrong idea.

Speaker 10 (01:10:23):
Well, isn't that a little psychological, Like if you start
to feel bad about yourself and then you give yourself
a dopamine hit by buying something?

Speaker 2 (01:10:30):
Nope, I look at it and go can't fix ugly.

Speaker 9 (01:10:33):
Oh you're ahead of it.

Speaker 2 (01:10:36):
Yeah yeah, all right, that's your news.

Speaker 8 (01:10:39):
Bobby's story.

Speaker 3 (01:10:44):
There's a UFC fighter named Michael Chandler. He brought us
these hats yesterday in the shooting here at the school.
Oh yeah, selling hats like the year anniversary of it,
still raising money for the people that have gone through that.
But he came up when we sat with them for
an hour, and so we were talking about this because
again putting a lot of his effort into give him back.
And so we started talking about UFC. He's fighting Connor

McGregor coming up.

Speaker 9 (01:11:06):
You know him, maybe I know, Yeah, he's Irish.

Speaker 3 (01:11:09):
Yeah, yeah. So Eddie had the ultimate question, because the
dumbest question ever. I think I wondered this, I just
never thought to ask it. Here you go, I got
a stupid question. I just always thought this though. Whenever
you're grappling, could you tickle the dude? You could? You
definitely could.

Speaker 24 (01:11:28):
I mean, it's definitely within the unified rules of miss
Martial Arts.

Speaker 3 (01:11:31):
I think you can't.

Speaker 24 (01:11:32):
You can't eye goud, you can't fish hook, you can't
poke him in the eyes. But I think tickling is legal,
especially if you make the noise that probably make Sports
Center top ten. But also I don't think it would
have much effect because just like getting punched in the face,
you probably don't feel tickling, or if you're adrenaline being
that high either.

Speaker 8 (01:11:49):
But maybe I'll try. I'll come on, come back on
the show. Like I just check out this.

Speaker 3 (01:11:54):
Lineup right there.

Speaker 9 (01:11:56):
Now, I have a stupid question.

Speaker 2 (01:11:58):
Well he's not here though, y'all know it.

Speaker 3 (01:12:00):
Go ahead?

Speaker 9 (01:12:01):
Is the private area off limits?

Speaker 3 (01:12:03):
Ye have a cup, there's only five seconds and to
be trying grab pool it's called the grab and pool
five you can't.

Speaker 2 (01:12:10):
Hey, what do he fights?

Speaker 8 (01:12:11):

Speaker 2 (01:12:11):
Hugh wins By tickle the first time ever? Hilarious.

Speaker 3 (01:12:15):
I asked him too about getting punched in the face.
I was like, when does it stop hurting? Like do
you ever get punched so many times that it's just
another day?

Speaker 2 (01:12:21):
And he's like, well, never here.

Speaker 24 (01:12:23):
Honestly, unfortunately, it never hurts. I've only felt pain once
or twice in the actual octagon. Unfortunately, Adrenaline is a
heck of a drug.

Speaker 12 (01:12:32):

Speaker 24 (01:12:32):
You know, you're out there and as soon as that
adrenaline starts flowing, you feel the impact, but you don't
feel any pain. You know, you might even hear the
kind of it makes like a it makes a little
noise when when when your skin breaks open and you
can and you feel okay, that's not sweat, that's obviously,
but or you you know, start.

Speaker 2 (01:12:47):
Getting blood in your eye. But yeah, Unfortunately, I wish
it did hurt a little bit because.

Speaker 24 (01:12:51):
Then maybe I would be a little bit more apprehensive
and not have my foot on the gas at all times,
leading with my face.

Speaker 2 (01:12:56):
But I do, and yeah, I don't. I enjoy it,
he was talking about it.

Speaker 3 (01:13:00):
You can hear the whole interview just go search for
twenty five whistles or sports podcast. The couple of things
that I took from it, he said, before he goes out,
right before he fights, because do you want to be like,
let's go, or do you want to be super calm
so your heart rate is down? He said he wants
to be almost in tears because he's just being so
grateful that he gets to be there. Like that's where
he tries to work himself too, like he works out breaks,

but then right before he goes out, he wants to
be like emotional, just almost to the brink of tears
because he's so grateful for what's going on. Wow, he's
the number six. You have s lightweight in the world
right now. The other thing was I feel like I
got another thing I was gonna bring up, but I
wouldn't want to. I mean, I just I just can't
imagine being somewhere and somebody like, hey man, let's see

if it hurts punching me or somebody trying to fight
him because oh you'r UFC fighter, he would kill him.

Speaker 2 (01:13:49):
I'm just shocked at how peaceful he was.

Speaker 4 (01:13:50):
Oh he's the nicest guy, so nice, peaceful, smart, like
just you know, you wouldn't think that for a UFC
fighter that just fights for a living, wouldn't be like that.
And he was thirty five thirty do they have a limit?

Speaker 3 (01:14:01):
Like, well, much like the last five seconds have the
old pull and twist round. Yeah, at thirty seven it's
all pulling twist, serious question. No, you can fight until
you get to decide that.

Speaker 10 (01:14:12):
Okay, because I didn't know if because that seems like.

Speaker 9 (01:14:13):
A lot of injury to the body.

Speaker 3 (01:14:16):
Older you get that, you'd probably.

Speaker 9 (01:14:18):
Want to, you know, have a limit.

Speaker 2 (01:14:21):
He talked about that too. Yeah, check out twenty five whistles.

Speaker 3 (01:14:23):
But he came in because he attagged me and he
was like, hey, if something these has to raise money
for the victims of a year later and I thought, hey,
come up, talk about that, And then he sat with
us and talked about getting tickled in the octagon is awesome. Yeah,
it's super cool. Let me put Becky on in Mississippi,
who's on right now. Hey, Becky, welcome to the Bobby
Bone Show. Hello, what's up, Becky?

Speaker 21 (01:14:45):
How were you good?

Speaker 2 (01:14:46):
Doing pretty good? What do you want to say?

Speaker 21 (01:14:49):
Well, I'll listen to y'all every morning, and I had
been following this contest, and I have to say, if
you give him wo or you're just reinforcing his bad behavior. Unfortunately,
he's not a nice person.

Speaker 3 (01:15:09):
Michael challenge, that's not Yeah, good clarification. I would like
to know why you think that lunchbox is a two
week challenge to be kind. A lot of people say
we've given him multiple chances and free passes. So what
she's saying is parenting one on one. So Becky, will
can you be a bit more specific or do you
even have something specific?

Speaker 21 (01:15:27):
Well, well, he reminds me of the bad girl on
the Bachelor. He's contradictory to everybody. He's not a lie,
he doesn't honestly compliment people. He is aggressive and combative.

Speaker 15 (01:15:46):
Yeah, it's just his personality generally speaking.

Speaker 3 (01:15:49):
Okay, well, Becky, I appreciate that call. Thank you for
listening and sharing your thoughts with us, and we're definitely
going to debate it. Here have another clip to play,
but I hope you have an awesome day.

Speaker 21 (01:15:58):
Thank Chelsea.

Speaker 3 (01:15:59):
I see later.

Speaker 2 (01:16:00):
So this is one of the things that I've been
hit and I got two number one.

Speaker 3 (01:16:05):
A bunch of listeners said that Lunchbox could have his
opinion on Abby's singing, but him doing an impression of
her singing was unkind because he did the nasal impression.

Speaker 8 (01:16:16):
No, you said how does she sound?

Speaker 2 (01:16:18):
But I didn't say to an impression anyway. Here's the clip?
What does she sound like to you?

Speaker 8 (01:16:22):
She might be good?

Speaker 2 (01:16:24):
I mean Randy Travis was nasally. Do you think her
she's so nasal? Little to keep her from record?

Speaker 3 (01:16:29):

Speaker 8 (01:16:30):
Yeah, she's likens.

Speaker 3 (01:16:35):
Okay the first one?

Speaker 8 (01:16:37):
Hold on, but you said what does she sound like?

Speaker 3 (01:16:39):
You? And I you had that.

Speaker 8 (01:16:40):
How else do you show with that imitation?

Speaker 2 (01:16:42):
You can say she sounds nasally?

Speaker 8 (01:16:44):
I said that.

Speaker 2 (01:16:45):
No, hold on, I have another one here, thank you.
I thought I had another. Is there what is it
clip during the Bonehead? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (01:16:53):
Play that?

Speaker 2 (01:16:53):
What is that one?

Speaker 3 (01:16:55):

Speaker 7 (01:16:55):
That's it?

Speaker 2 (01:16:55):
Yeah, play that one.

Speaker 3 (01:16:57):
The voicemail was yeah, I think it may be added
on the sheet yesterday, and it was them. Also, everybody
has left all these things about Lunchbox doing all these
mean things that maybe we haven't thought of, is mean
because it's so normal.

Speaker 2 (01:17:09):
Yeah, let me know when you find it.

Speaker 23 (01:17:10):

Speaker 2 (01:17:10):
Here's the voicemailing in the Bonehead.

Speaker 3 (01:17:12):
Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 12 (01:17:12):
I was just listening to the podcast when Lunchbox was
talking about his bone Head story of the day. It
was about a female who took her shirt off. Then
he makes the comments super unkind. I wouldn't want to
see her anyway.

Speaker 15 (01:17:28):
I don't know, but I think the lambeau should go.

Speaker 3 (01:17:32):
Okay, I wouldn't want to see her anyway. Let's see
if we feel like this is unkind hit it.

Speaker 8 (01:17:37):
A twenty seven year old woman wanted to get some
exercise in, so she went out in the front yard
did some jumping jacks. Says man, this doesn't feel right.
Let me take off my top. Just looking at her pictures,
not one I want to see you doing jumping jacks.

Speaker 2 (01:17:50):
Well, we didn't need that. We didn't need to add that.
I mean I remember that.

Speaker 3 (01:17:56):

Speaker 8 (01:17:56):
No, No, here's the thing.

Speaker 9 (01:17:57):
Edy relative Eddie.

Speaker 8 (01:17:58):
Asked, what does you look like?

Speaker 3 (01:18:00):

Speaker 2 (01:18:01):
What's wrong with that? You say, brown hair?

Speaker 3 (01:18:03):
What's okay? Fine?

Speaker 8 (01:18:04):
And so I just gave my opinion that there was no.

Speaker 2 (01:18:08):
Description on what you look like other than what you
would do. We wouldn't look at that.

Speaker 3 (01:18:13):
So hold on, do not make up of your mind.
What we're going to do is we're going to come
back because you can have your piece in a second.
Hold on, everybody, relax, We're going to come back on
a ballot. There's going to be ray Me, Mike d Amy,
Eddie Morgan, number two in Scuba, seven people.

Speaker 2 (01:18:35):

Speaker 3 (01:18:36):
I mean, if it's either kind or unkind. If he
gets more unkind votes, it starts over. If he gets
more kind votes, he wins the Lamborghini trip.

Speaker 2 (01:18:46):
What do you mean, it starts over. He's on another
time trial. If he wants to keep going, the two
weeks starts over. We can do this for months.

Speaker 3 (01:18:54):
We will do the secret ballot next. I spent two
hours this eBay page last night. I only put up
four items. I got in all this stuff to buy
and win the sports memorabilia, and so I put it
back on eBay to sell it back, and so I'm
just trying to make my money back in any profit,
I'm gonna split between my crew that is running this

and Saint Jude. But the stuff's like really nice but
I don't even know what I'm doing. I might have
listened them for like a dollar.

Speaker 2 (01:19:22):
Oh no, I know. Oh man, I think I'm just
gonna buy.

Speaker 3 (01:19:25):
You know what I think of what I'm doing is
I'm just gonna buy a bingo, one of those bingo
things and then just have a lottery on Instagram or
something and just be like, I don't know. But the
eBay it's hard. It's a lot. But I got four
things up. And I know we've been waiting on lunchbox
to do that, that thing with r palette of style. Yeah,
I've been waiting a long time for that, but.

Speaker 9 (01:19:46):
Now you get it.

Speaker 3 (01:19:46):
It's hard, but I did, But I also did it.
I also got it up and got four things up,
you know, way quicker than ye. So if anything that
shows me it's but we're not doing But we're not doing. No,
I hear you.

Speaker 2 (01:19:56):
But I was just saying, shows me it's able to
be done.

Speaker 8 (01:19:59):
Yeah, eBay is hard.

Speaker 3 (01:20:01):
You gotta commit, you know, it's gotta do it.

Speaker 8 (01:20:04):
Trying to figure out how to ship two thousand pounds.

Speaker 2 (01:20:06):
Of rope, we need to take a loss on the road.
That one's tough.

Speaker 3 (01:20:09):
No, No, it's worth like three hundred dollars, sell the
rope locally and deliver it.

Speaker 2 (01:20:13):
Yeah, Facebook Marketplace. Okay, we have to vote if Lunchbox
is kind or not. There were two.

Speaker 3 (01:20:21):
Recent instances and if he passes this vote two weeks
he went the Lamborghini trip. It's around a racetrack. It's
like five hundred bucks.

Speaker 8 (01:20:29):
Yeah, Bobby, I've just been on all four of your items.

Speaker 3 (01:20:33):
Did he were any of a dollar? There's like a
signed Barry Sanders the running back, it's like three hundred
and fifty bucks, like a figure in He signed it,
but I think I might have put it for a dollar.

Speaker 9 (01:20:44):
How much is it?

Speaker 3 (01:20:45):
Does he a dollar on there?

Speaker 2 (01:20:46):
He's not on it?

Speaker 15 (01:20:46):

Speaker 3 (01:20:46):
Oh, never mind?

Speaker 8 (01:20:47):
He lied?

Speaker 11 (01:20:48):
Is lying kind?

Speaker 3 (01:20:49):
No? Because he just lied? Now my vote.

Speaker 9 (01:20:53):
Maybe there's a fine line between lying and playing a
trick on you.

Speaker 3 (01:20:57):
It's called anyway my joke that he bay pages on
my Instagram story. Mister Bobby Bones, there's there's only four
things up with Amy Brown, my favorite podcast things up?

Speaker 2 (01:21:08):
Okay, so let's go. We'll vote. Is Lunchbox kind or unkind?

Speaker 3 (01:21:16):
The bonehead story of the day is the one that's
really making me feel sideways?

Speaker 2 (01:21:22):
Oh, because I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Speaker 8 (01:21:24):
I can send you her picture. Why would you send
me her picture if you want to know what you
if you want to know if I was being honest
or not?

Speaker 2 (01:21:34):
So we just write unkind or kind? Why did you
lead with unkind? When I said kind? I mean, do
we just write kind?

Speaker 3 (01:21:39):
There are seven of us vote, and if we vote unkind,
he doesn't lose. It just gets postponed. He can decide
to go two more weeks.

Speaker 2 (01:21:52):
Amy, are you voting?

Speaker 10 (01:21:53):

Speaker 3 (01:21:54):
Okay, I'm in.

Speaker 2 (01:21:56):
I feel like I'm a little too kind, but I'm in.
I spoke crime.

Speaker 8 (01:22:01):
Okay, yeah, Patty, you don't even know. Have to crumplegers.
We already know what you wrote.

Speaker 3 (01:22:08):
Well, Eddie filled his out assision went to commercial, was
like I have mine. We're like, hold on, He goes, well,
already know what he is.

Speaker 2 (01:22:12):
It's like you're gonna change my mind or something. Lunch
watch what do you have to say for yourself?

Speaker 3 (01:22:16):

Speaker 8 (01:22:17):
I mean, it's just it's interesting being kind and being
nice all the time. I'm just good at it.

Speaker 2 (01:22:22):
Hey, would you play the bonehead back?

Speaker 8 (01:22:24):
A twenty seven year old woman wanted to get some
exercise in. So she went out in the front yard
did some jumping jacks. Says man, this doesn't feel right.

Speaker 7 (01:22:32):
Let me take off my top just looking at her pictures,
not one I want to see doing jumping jacks.

Speaker 8 (01:22:37):
Well we didn't need that.

Speaker 2 (01:22:38):
You didn't need to add that, okay.

Speaker 8 (01:22:42):
Filled, But Eddie asked me an opinion, and what does
she look like?

Speaker 2 (01:22:46):
And then maybe you could say not not? Is she
ugly or hot?

Speaker 3 (01:22:50):
I didn't say. Moving on.

Speaker 8 (01:22:53):
Seven votes, I didn't want to look at her because
I'm a married man.

Speaker 3 (01:22:58):
Sorry, all he does is looking girls.

Speaker 8 (01:23:00):
I'm sorry, were being dedicated to my wife.

Speaker 3 (01:23:02):
I have a hat. Let's pull it out kind or unkind.
The first vote is, well, somebody went hard m four
unkind one?

Speaker 2 (01:23:14):
Does that count for four?

Speaker 3 (01:23:15):
No accounts as one. But they also underline unkind wanted
to clarify unkind of one. Okay, next one.

Speaker 2 (01:23:31):
Unkind? Oh my, oh my goodness, that's five unkinds.

Speaker 3 (01:23:37):
Two from the first one, next one. Oh no, unkind.

Speaker 2 (01:23:47):
No, then you hear that that's the lambo going that way.

Speaker 9 (01:23:53):
No, that's okay.

Speaker 2 (01:23:54):
You can just extend three votes unkind.

Speaker 8 (01:23:57):
How many people are voting?

Speaker 3 (01:24:00):

Speaker 8 (01:24:00):
Oh, so we got is what they do on Survivor.
They can see you three names and then it's all
of a sudden, why did.

Speaker 3 (01:24:07):
Someone draw on this one? And Scuba put his name
on the back of it like he was Oh he
did that his logo, Yeah, Scuba wrote kind he was
kind enough.

Speaker 8 (01:24:18):
That's right. Yeah, there's where Survivor it starts turning the
people in the the.

Speaker 21 (01:24:24):
Oh why not?

Speaker 8 (01:24:25):
I didn't see this coming. Here we go, what appropes?

Speaker 3 (01:24:30):
The next one is s.

Speaker 2 (01:24:33):
Kind Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear that. That's a how
many many times an Amy vote?

Speaker 8 (01:24:41):
What I voted once Stambo pulling up.

Speaker 3 (01:24:45):
The next one is.

Speaker 2 (01:24:49):
Come on, lambine Yeah yeah, three to three.

Speaker 4 (01:24:57):
So someone online said that the By the way, I
think Amy has a crush on Lunchbox.

Speaker 2 (01:25:03):
By the way, the only persons to crush your final vote.

Speaker 8 (01:25:10):
Is Lambo.

Speaker 15 (01:25:19):
Was pa.

Speaker 2 (01:25:20):
I got it, Mom's an.

Speaker 3 (01:25:23):
There goes. That was fun.

Speaker 2 (01:25:25):
Do you want to try to be kind for two
more weeks?

Speaker 24 (01:25:28):

Speaker 19 (01:25:29):
Do it?

Speaker 2 (01:25:30):
You can do it, lunch I.

Speaker 10 (01:25:31):
Believe you can't do Also, just because I think Lunchbox
is funny.

Speaker 9 (01:25:34):
I have a crush on him.

Speaker 2 (01:25:36):
It can kind of sound like you're a sweet honest,
I'm just telling you what I said online? Now, okay, idiots,
I know, I know.

Speaker 4 (01:25:43):
It's also funny that that lunch box is only funny
when he's mean though.

Speaker 3 (01:25:47):
Like that, like that's his angle.

Speaker 9 (01:25:48):
No, he's got quick humor, that is.

Speaker 2 (01:25:51):
Let's use that one then. Yeah, where is that muscle?

Speaker 9 (01:25:54):
See, we just have to exercise it.

Speaker 3 (01:25:56):
Yeah, I think the kind of voters, it doesn't matter.
I'm not going to break it down.

Speaker 2 (01:26:02):
Well, what do you think? Just opinion?

Speaker 3 (01:26:04):
This is your opinion me Amy scoopa bota kind.

Speaker 8 (01:26:09):
Yeah, and then the rest about it?

Speaker 3 (01:26:10):
Unkind I wonder why hmm that sucks?

Speaker 2 (01:26:15):
Yeah, okay, well we have this.

Speaker 9 (01:26:17):
We'll never know it was anonymous us.

Speaker 2 (01:26:18):
You are welcome to start again.

Speaker 8 (01:26:20):
No, it's over.

Speaker 2 (01:26:22):
You can do it, man, No, it's over because it's
what's good.

Speaker 8 (01:26:25):
Next week you won't have time to do to Yeah that's.

Speaker 3 (01:26:27):
Over half my dude. Maybe can we give him one week? Maybe?

Speaker 2 (01:26:30):

Speaker 3 (01:26:30):
Yeah, yeah, one week. He was pretty good for a while.
About one week though, of not just passing the bar.
One week of extreme kindness.

Speaker 7 (01:26:36):
I mean I did no, no, no, I would not
get compliments people randomly at stores.

Speaker 3 (01:26:40):
And I hear you, but I'm talking about how weird
was that? You were like, that wasn't und We had
to like debate if it was unkind. But it has
to be like so kind, Like every day you bring
a kind gesture. Gosh.

Speaker 10 (01:26:50):
An example would be like if you had that jumping
jack store, you'd be like, man.

Speaker 9 (01:26:53):
She sure does do drumming jacks really well?

Speaker 3 (01:26:56):
Do you know you have a crush on Amy? Why
look at him like that?

Speaker 10 (01:27:01):

Speaker 2 (01:27:02):
Alright, alright, go Bobby Bone show sorry up today.

Speaker 7 (01:27:07):
This story comes us from Kent, Washington. A forty five
year old man walked into a store. He's like, man,
I'm kind of thirsty. Let me get that bottle of booze.
My stomach is grumbling.

Speaker 8 (01:27:19):
I'll take one burrito, two burritos.

Speaker 7 (01:27:22):
Oh wait, I forgot my wallet. Hm, you know what
they won't care about walk out. He starts to walk
out of the store and the guy's like, hey, you
need to pay for those. He goes, no, I don't
keeps on walking. Only problem behind him two cops shopping
looking for.

Speaker 4 (01:27:36):
Booze burritos too, and song the cop Yeah, who boots
burritos sounds great?

Speaker 2 (01:27:41):
Who also calls a booze now lunchbox?

Speaker 8 (01:27:44):
It says, bottle of alcohol.

Speaker 3 (01:27:46):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, boo you call the boo yeah yeah,
prohibition man, I hear you, all right, thank you, I'm lunchbox.

Speaker 8 (01:27:52):
That's your bonehead story of the day.

Speaker 3 (01:27:56):
Two pays are cool. Now even if you talk about
him openly Eddie, that's another d.

Speaker 2 (01:28:00):
No, why not because they never look real?

Speaker 3 (01:28:03):
It doesn't matter, And yes they do. You're just associating
that with like the eighties.

Speaker 2 (01:28:06):
Yeah yeah, like you play tennis or something, and like
the wh do you play tennis?

Speaker 8 (01:28:10):

Speaker 2 (01:28:10):
Anything? Okay, pickleball? And then to pay starts slipping.

Speaker 3 (01:28:13):
First of all, to pay is not what you call it.
I would say that they've come a long way.

Speaker 2 (01:28:21):
So do you know anyone that uses that? Say?

Speaker 9 (01:28:24):
That's the thing. We don't know.

Speaker 8 (01:28:26):
We can't tell you do they all look real?

Speaker 20 (01:28:28):

Speaker 3 (01:28:28):
I think before you have your surgery, which Scuba where
we at on the on the surgery because I gave
Scuba the guy's contact.

Speaker 2 (01:28:35):
Let's go.

Speaker 3 (01:28:36):
We talked to the surgeon. Yes, we should be talking
to him later this week or next week.

Speaker 2 (01:28:39):
Okay, so on the show, we're gonna talk to him
about Eddie surgery.

Speaker 3 (01:28:42):
Yes, about his hair transplant.

Speaker 2 (01:28:43):
Okay, you do you want to try a two pay
before it?

Speaker 3 (01:28:47):
Like, dude, I think it'll look great because.

Speaker 2 (01:28:50):
Do I pick the style. I've always wanted a fauxac.

Speaker 3 (01:28:54):
I don't think you go hard first, okay, you know,
I think you just drumble down court. You don't go
hard and pay immedia.

Speaker 2 (01:28:59):
Okay, just hair.

Speaker 3 (01:29:00):
Yeah, let's see if we can find them a place
even in town that because what they do it's just
a little glue. It's not and then they glue on
hair that looks like your hair.

Speaker 2 (01:29:08):
I to wake up an hour earlier. No, you don't
have to put it on every day. It days on
for how long it's days on?

Speaker 3 (01:29:14):

Speaker 2 (01:29:14):
I sleep with it.

Speaker 5 (01:29:15):

Speaker 9 (01:29:15):
I thought it was like a you go to bed,
you take it off. Yeah, you wake up in the morning.

Speaker 8 (01:29:19):
It's not a hat.

Speaker 2 (01:29:20):
In the movies, they have like little mannequins.

Speaker 3 (01:29:21):
You put them on the I think you're a Lincoln
putting the top pat on it every morning.

Speaker 10 (01:29:25):
Wait, so you're like similar, Like I get lash extensions, right,
and she takes a tiny rid of glue every all
my eyes.

Speaker 9 (01:29:31):
So this is what they would do to Eddie's hair.
Is just hair, but hair glued on.

Speaker 3 (01:29:35):
It's kind of what I've seen with the new ones
is kind of like a sticky like a gel, like
a sticky gel, and.

Speaker 8 (01:29:42):
They stay on for three to six weeks and then
you got to read glue.

Speaker 3 (01:29:45):
Like a tattoo, like one of those permanent tattoos.

Speaker 9 (01:29:48):
Oh yeah, people are definitely I think you.

Speaker 3 (01:29:50):
Should try to do this. We'll see if we can
find one. Because they're also back in style. And so
the New York posted this whole story on how hyper
realistic they are and they're called Flex. This new brand
is called Flex.

Speaker 2 (01:30:02):
So now I'm down, I'll try.

Speaker 9 (01:30:04):
I'm trying to understand that they're back in style, like.

Speaker 3 (01:30:08):
In general, well, I think anything now honest about it,
like who cares, don't be ashamed of it?

Speaker 2 (01:30:14):
Open and honest. So I have to tell people like,
do you like my twopen? I do wear a sign
to the arrow up look at this meaning don't be
ashamed of it.

Speaker 4 (01:30:23):
Yeah, I'm not ashamed. I wouldn't be ashamed of it.
It's just it's gonna look weird. Like all of a sudden,
I got.

Speaker 3 (01:30:29):
Like a nobody's gonna notice except for the people that
know you really well, and we all know about it,
and it'll be like, well.

Speaker 2 (01:30:34):
Check that out, but really we don't care. Laugh at
me the whole thing.

Speaker 3 (01:30:38):
That's okay.

Speaker 2 (01:30:38):
You make fun of him all the time. And his
hair cut, that's true.

Speaker 3 (01:30:41):
Yeah, my hair what your haircut? You have bangs, you
have like a look at a like a tongue band.
It's great.

Speaker 8 (01:30:47):
They're hanging on trying to go like that, but then
they fall back down.

Speaker 3 (01:30:51):
I don't know. We'll see if we can find you
a place in town down then we'll get the surgeon
on this week or next week. Uh. Cody Allen had
put one on.

Speaker 2 (01:30:59):
Look really good.

Speaker 3 (01:31:00):
Really, it looked really natural, and he's like he's usually right, yeah, okay,
I can ask Cody.

Speaker 2 (01:31:09):
Okay, ask him, but look at Mike.

Speaker 3 (01:31:11):
We show edit the instagram with Cody Allen. Oh wow,
that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (01:31:16):
That looks normal and that's a two pig. Yeah wow, okay,
all right, all right, let's try it.

Speaker 3 (01:31:21):
That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (01:31:22):
I'm just destined to get you some good hair, dude.

Speaker 3 (01:31:25):
I want good hair so you can just feel and
love it and then you're like, well there's really no difference.
I'm awesome as I am, and then you can just
take it off and be you not worry about it,
Like you grow.

Speaker 4 (01:31:34):
Your hair out and people are like, man, what's Bobby
doing with his hair? I'm like, I wish people would
say it to me, like, what's Eddie doing with it?

Speaker 8 (01:31:39):
Look at that hair?

Speaker 5 (01:31:40):
Will say that.

Speaker 3 (01:31:41):
When you do the two page, that's it. Thank you,
We'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, everybody,
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