Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Transmitting Liza, Welcome to Tuesday Show Morning Studio Morning. I
don't think people know this about Amy and I, but
we're too tatted at bikers basically.
Speaker 2 (00:17):
Mm hmmm, that's right.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
Remember the time Eddie, someone was like, are you with
the guy with all the tats?
Speaker 3 (00:22):
Speaker 1 (00:23):
Speaker 4 (00:24):
Someone literally referred to yes, it is, and I was like, wow,
that's cool.
Speaker 1 (00:28):
We were at like a golf course and I was
like out on the green and Eddie went in. I
was like, I'm waiting for somebody goes to the gay
with all the tats.
Speaker 3 (00:34):
Yeah, he's over there.
Speaker 1 (00:35):
I was like, I've never been referred to like that.
I have like some only on one side of one arm.
It's not even that many, but none. I felt like
I was on a Harley that day.
Speaker 5 (00:44):
I mean together, you guys probably have like, what seven tattoos?
Speaker 2 (00:47):
I two?
Speaker 1 (00:48):
I have five?
Speaker 3 (00:50):
Nailed it?
Speaker 6 (00:50):
Speaker 7 (00:51):
Speaker 1 (00:51):
Yeah? Okay, oh yeah, okay, you know you guys are bad.
So mind the state of Arkansas. I have my mom
and my grandma's an sholes. I have my wife a
sea that she drew, have the word mirror ball from
when he Dancing with the Stars. Like, I've got stuff
and it's and they're all on the right side and
pretty ocd about what side of my body. I don't
want on my left arm because I end up, you know,
playing quarterbacker, pitching the majors, and I don't want to
ink affecting Oh my throwing motion.
Speaker 3 (01:21):
That's smart. Thank you is.
Speaker 1 (01:24):
Where Amy's.
Speaker 4 (01:25):
You have two on my left wrist, and one is
Joy in my mom's handwriting that she did and my
sister and I went and got the Joy together while
our mom was had cancer and was before she passed away,
so it's very special. And then under that I got espoi,
which means hope in Haitian creole. As we were waiting
to get our two kids from Haiti because it took
five years, so just had to keep the hope that
they were gonna make it here.
Speaker 1 (01:50):
So what's the update on the tattoos.
Speaker 2 (01:52):
Well, they've bled, like you know, just like.
Speaker 1 (01:55):
Not blood from your body, like the tattoos.
Speaker 2 (01:57):
Of like ink is bleeding, and so it looks more like.
Speaker 1 (02:01):
It's like your uncle got one back in nom.
Speaker 4 (02:03):
With a.
Speaker 2 (02:06):
Spread, So Joy looks like jog.
Speaker 1 (02:09):
Oh that's funny. Yeah, you can just make that your brand.
Speaker 4 (02:12):
That'll be a jogger and then Espua looks like oh spa.
So I don't know, I just feel like it's time
to get them lasered off. So I went and had
an appointment. But then I felt as though I needed
to call my sister because we got the joy together
and it's my mom's handwriting, and how would she feel?
And she said, oh mine is My ink is bleeding too,
So she fully supported my decision to get it lasered off.
And then I can somehow we need to find my
mom's joy wherever we put it somewhere, and then I
can get it done in a single needle somewhere else.
Speaker 1 (02:43):
Under your eye like jelly. That's right, post post malone,
post I'm alone, Amy alone. Yeah, so you are going
to get a redone.
Speaker 2 (02:52):
I would like to. I don't want it to be gone.
Speaker 4 (02:54):
It's just no longer looking the way it did when
I first got it done, and single needle wasn't a
popular thing back then.
Speaker 2 (03:02):
Just sure, what shit happened? Because that just looks so pretty.
Speaker 1 (03:05):
So you've had your appointment, and did they do anything
or was this a consultation?
Speaker 3 (03:09):
It was a.
Speaker 4 (03:09):
Consultation because I wanted to see the process and if
I go with the place I went, I want to
maybe seek out a few other opinions.
Speaker 2 (03:17):
This place is going to take a year again.
Speaker 1 (03:20):
You said that because it looks on TikTok. Whenever I'm
watching videos that people get tattoo removal, it looks so easy.
Now they're like, I got all this test is right,
Like they're using an erace around a pencil, and it
can't be that easy.
Speaker 2 (03:32):
She said.
Speaker 4 (03:32):
If I wanted my skin to look like it did
before I got the tattoo normal, then I should be
patient and do it their way and with their lasers
and come in every you know, eight weeks or something
to get it done. And she said she thinks, based
on how it's looking, it will take me a full
year to accomplish that.
Speaker 1 (03:51):
Crazy it's so thin and light.
Speaker 2 (03:53):
Well, right now it's looking pretty thick, and so.
Speaker 1 (03:58):
It does like pretty gross.
Speaker 3 (03:59):
It did believe.
Speaker 1 (04:00):
I looked at it and almost drying.
Speaker 4 (04:02):
I know, so, but on her head somewhere else, and
the integrity of my skin may not look the same.
Speaker 1 (04:09):
Yeah, that's why you should get a second opinion.
Speaker 2 (04:12):
Yeah, my faster.
Speaker 1 (04:14):
I don't know. I don't know, but I'm glad you
said that. Because I thought, now the technology was you
just go in and there are like three sessions in
a week and you're done. Uh So I have tattoos,
Amys tattoos, Morgan, you have a tattoo.
Speaker 8 (04:25):
I don't have tattoos, but I actually sat in on
my ex getting one of his tattoos removed. So this
process it actually takes depending on how big, how thick,
it can take years. And you have to spread out
the time to allow your heel like your skin to
heal in between each session, So that's why it takes longer.
Speaker 1 (04:41):
I've been influenced.
Speaker 3 (04:43):
Yeah, you want to raise something.
Speaker 1 (04:45):
No, I've been influenced by thinking that it was so
much quicker. Oh yeah, and it's very painful really see.
And again the people look like they're having a gret
time while it's being done. Yeah. This TikTok videos make
it look easy.
Speaker 9 (04:55):
Speaker 1 (04:55):
They look like dude goes in as skeletons all over
his face and are like watch it go away, and
it's like wow. They also make it look like it
doesn't hurt at all. I think it does hurt a
little bit.
Speaker 4 (05:02):
Yeah, No, I've heard it's painful. She was pretty honest
with me. Of like, this is what it's gonna be,
this is what it's gonna cost, this is how long
it's gonna take you. She's like, again, you could go
somewhere that Mike claim to do it faster, but she's like,
I don't think your skin will look.
Speaker 1 (05:14):
That's all I go.
Speaker 2 (05:15):
You know normal who.
Speaker 1 (05:16):
Can do his fastest. It's like world's best cup of
coffee on elf congratulate. I just want to sign we
can do it fastest. And I'm like, yeah, I'm here,
Well you do it. I let us know how it goes.
Are you for sure going to get it taken off though?
Speaker 4 (05:28):
Now that I have my sister's blessing because it just
felt like something really special we did together, and as
long as she's cool with it, I'm cool with it.
Speaker 1 (05:36):
Mike, you want to get any of yours taken off? No,
not at all. I'm gonna get more. I mean, does
Mike have have two?
Speaker 2 (05:41):
Have they bled?
Speaker 3 (05:42):
No? He has.
Speaker 1 (05:44):
I think we're just like cool and tough, wait.
Speaker 2 (05:47):
Til you hit your forties.
Speaker 4 (05:48):
Maybe maybe it's my skin elasticity too, Maybe my skin's an't.
Speaker 1 (05:52):
Well, they're gonna make it like you're twenty again. Apparently
they're like, we'll give you the integrity. It could be
the placement where you have it right there. I think
like the movement over time. You like how much a
movie you rest? Yeah, mine are not in movable areas
like muscles get bigger. But you know that's up. I
got yeah, back of my tricep my forearm, and yeah,
trust me, I'm like Popey. Basically they've gotten a lot bigger.
But then, by the way, did you know Popeye's public
domain now, so you can make any movie with pop
Eye in it don't have to pay for it. The
animation is public domain pop by the character.
Speaker 3 (06:21):
Well that's yeah. They're making a horror movie with Popeye.
Speaker 1 (06:23):
Yeah, so anything you want to do with horror movie
a horror horror? What I say a horror movie, okay.
Speaker 2 (06:29):
A horror movie.
Speaker 1 (06:30):
Amy you're saying horror.
Speaker 2 (06:32):
No, we just say things differently, like I say.
Speaker 1 (06:33):
Dwar, but but when you say it sounds like horror
dwar horror, that's horror. Yeah, although I mean maybe a
horror movie Popy would be good too. Already made that
olive oil.
Speaker 4 (06:45):
It's no good because like my I hear when I
hear it back, I'm it sounds to me like I'm
saying horror.
Speaker 2 (06:52):
What horror movie?
Speaker 3 (06:55):
That's better? That's better what she said that?
Speaker 1 (06:57):
Maybe what kind of movie is it?
Speaker 2 (06:58):
Speaker 9 (07:00):
Speaker 1 (07:01):
Yes, no no, but I can put a hard R
on the back of horror.
Speaker 4 (07:06):
Horror, So I need to put a space between, like
I took your mind.
Speaker 2 (07:12):
Yes, Like it's almost like I went horror.
Speaker 1 (07:15):
Yes, But how you're saying it is Popeye's in a
horror movie.
Speaker 2 (07:19):
That sounds fine to me.
Speaker 1 (07:21):
Horror movie, different movie. You want me to say, the
plot's way different in that one, right, So.
Speaker 2 (07:26):
You want me to say horror, but that's what the
word is. That's how I have to say, Like, that
doesn't sound weird? Do you horror?
Speaker 1 (07:33):
But when you do it like that, it sounds like
a horror or slut movie. Okay, so say the word
not say the word go horror.
Speaker 2 (07:43):
What are you saying a horror movie? What a horror movie?
Horror film?
Speaker 1 (07:50):
You should not just I know how to go it's scary?
Speaker 3 (07:54):
Should go?
Speaker 1 (07:54):
Should go to thesaurus and just go scary man.
Speaker 2 (07:56):
Whatever, This isn't a thing the entire time we work together.
Speaker 1 (07:59):
That's a one though, That one you really can't slip
up on I'm not slipping up. No, No, I'm saying
that's one that There's some things you can mispronounce. It's
not a big deal. Like lunch. Fox can't say ambulance,
he goes amblance drawer. Who cares. We know what that
means for sure. But if you say horror, it sounds
like horror.
Speaker 2 (08:15):
But I'm saying horror, Guys.
Speaker 1 (08:18):
I'm about to go crazy.
Speaker 7 (08:19):
Yeah, that's exactly what.
Speaker 1 (08:23):
Say it faster, go, I'm trying.
Speaker 4 (08:27):
Okay, horror, horror, horror. Now I just have to break
it up.
Speaker 1 (08:32):
My brain hurts. Okay, we're here, let's go. Let's start
the show.
Speaker 7 (08:35):
Speaker 3 (08:36):
We got a whole horror show coming.
Speaker 1 (08:37):
Up for you.
Speaker 2 (08:38):
And when you say it that way, that sounds fine.
Speaker 1 (08:40):
No it doesn't, Yes it does. It's horror.
Speaker 2 (08:45):
We're just going to have to agree to disagree.
Speaker 1 (08:47):
No, there's no agreeing or disagreeing. What's to disagree on?
What are we disagreeing about?
Speaker 2 (08:53):
We just hear? You can't you you can't hear what
I hear is? Do you have no idea what I'm hearing?
Speaker 1 (08:58):
Everybody? What is she saying?
Speaker 7 (09:00):
What was carved into her car back in the day?
Speaker 1 (09:02):
What is she saying or or yeah like the bat.
Speaker 2 (09:06):
But I'm okay.
Speaker 1 (09:07):
We're just gonna say if I was listen, if I
said I'm gonna get a spoon and a fork, but
I mispronounced fork with the F word because because I
didn't couldn't say it right, I'm not. I would say,
I know, but you would say stop saying that word
fork because you can't say it right because it sounds
like the F word, right, Yes, yeah, that's where we
are on a junior varsity version. Then I'll say scary boom,
nailed it.
Speaker 2 (09:26):
Fixed, No problem.
Speaker 3 (09:28):
All right, let's go. What disease do you have? You
want to tea?
Speaker 7 (09:33):
You have a why?
Speaker 3 (09:34):
Bird flu? Why mean here though? If you have bird flu?
Speaker 5 (09:37):
Because I don't think I have it, she thinks I
have it, go ahead, so she sent me a screenshot.
I just haven't been feeling good, like not sick or
coffee or anything.
Speaker 1 (09:44):
I don't have fever or anything. I just don't feel
like myself. That's aid quademic. Everybody's sick with something. Well,
I don't think everyone is, but I have like shortness
of breath.
Speaker 3 (09:53):
A pandemic would be that.
Speaker 1 (09:55):
If If that's yeah, gosh, go ahead, go through your symptoms.
Speaker 5 (10:00):
So I just have shortness of breath, I feel weak,
I feel kind of tired at the end of the day,
like more than normally. And so my wife's like, maybe
you have the bird flu, because if you look at
the description of bird flu, it says that it can
be trans transferred by kissing cattle.
Speaker 3 (10:16):
And I did that over the break.
Speaker 5 (10:18):
I fed cattle and I even posted on my Instagram
and me kissing the nose.
Speaker 3 (10:21):
Of a cow.
Speaker 5 (10:23):
And she's now saying, like, you, I think you could
have bird flu if you don't feel good.
Speaker 1 (10:27):
How much is this convincing you you might have bird flu?
I mean now percentage fifty, No, not that high.
Speaker 4 (10:33):
Note with this was how many days ago did you
kiss the cow? And then how long does it take.
Speaker 1 (10:37):
To it'd probably be about what two weeks? And the
picture looks like you're almost kissing the cow. I eventually
kissed it. I eventually kissed kissed its nose. Bird slimy,
gross bird flu symptoms, feeling see if you have these
good bird flu symptoms. It is also called H five
and one.
Speaker 3 (10:58):
Oh, that sounds worse. Drake off, drake off, Yes, sore
throat a little bit. When I wake up. This is
all stuff though, that you'd have for these other ones.
Speaker 1 (11:05):
Oh, fatigue, tired, sureness of breath, That's what I'm telling you,
running nose a little bit, sneezing, No, sneezing.
Speaker 2 (11:17):
Symptoms usually appear within ten days of exposure.
Speaker 3 (11:20):
It's two weeks. I told you guys, about two weeks off.
I kissed that cout could take longer.
Speaker 1 (11:24):
That's diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, rash, seizures, altered consciousness.
Speaker 3 (11:28):
None of that, Okay, none, thank god.
Speaker 1 (11:31):
I'm gonna say you don't have it, but I think
if it's fifty percent, you need to go get checked
for bird flu.
Speaker 3 (11:37):
So my wife wants you thought you had cancer at
one point? Yeah, and you did it? Yeah, because my
apparently I ate too much popcorn. The side of my
stomach was hurting.
Speaker 1 (11:45):
He thought this cramp was He thought he had cancer,
and he was afraid to go to the doctor.
Speaker 5 (11:49):
I realized that we have the VIP pass of the
movie theater and you can get unlimited popcorn.
Speaker 3 (11:53):
And the day before I ate a lot of popcorn.
It got stuck in there.
Speaker 1 (11:56):
Yeah. Are you going to get checked for bird flu?
Because if you don't, you we're not allowing you to
bring it up anymore because you can't. We can't do
bits and bits on this if it's just like you're
not getting checked.
Speaker 3 (12:07):
So I need to go to the doctor and tell him, like,
all right, I kissed the cow. Test me first. I
don't think you have kids the cow and I liked it.
Speaker 2 (12:14):
Cows were they were they random.
Speaker 3 (12:16):
Or kind of random? I don't know the owners?
Speaker 4 (12:18):
Oh well, because I thought you could check with the
owner and see if their cows are infected.
Speaker 1 (12:21):
And the rule is if you have a disease, you
have to share what the person you Yes, I had
a relationship with cow.
Speaker 4 (12:26):
Yeah, you basically had a cow std Yeah.
Speaker 3 (12:30):
How do you get checked for birthday?
Speaker 7 (12:32):
Speaker 3 (12:32):
That's my question. To go to the doctor and call
the doctor. Just call.
Speaker 1 (12:35):
Okay, I don't think you have it, but if you
think it's fifty percent, you don't need to be here
till you get checked. Now, now what's the percentage? I
mean now it's going lower. Okay, because he got.
Speaker 3 (12:43):
To go to the doctor.
Speaker 10 (12:46):
It's the here's a question to be.
Speaker 1 (12:59):
Well, Hello, Bobby Bones, I heard you guys talking about
earning less or more than your spouse and that dynamic
that is very close to home.
Speaker 3 (13:11):
My wife has always earned more than me.
Speaker 1 (13:13):
I've been fine with it, but in the past five years,
her career has taken off and now she runs over
ten times what I do. I still make a good living.
My job allows me to balance work and family time,
which her demanding job doesn't. While I'm happy being dynamic
with the ability to be there for the family and work,
I feel judged by her family. Over the holidays, I
dealt with more than a couple off hand comments from
her brothers and dad.
Speaker 7 (13:40):
Speaker 1 (13:42):
I laughed off their jabs, but it hurts. How can
I feel more confident about our financial roles and stop
letting these comments bother me? Signed husband to a successful woman,
I'm going to say first, nothing from the exterior is
going to help you get through this. So there's nothing
that can happen that somebody does or doesn't do to
you that's gonna make you better with it. This is
gonna be a completely internal understanding and realization of your
value and.
Speaker 3 (14:13):
How it's probably different than your wife's.
Speaker 1 (14:16):
Right now, a lot of her value is financially, but
like you said, you're able to do things with the
family that she's not able to because she's at work.
Speaker 3 (14:24):
There is significant value there.
Speaker 1 (14:28):
They're probably not gonna stop making those jabs and you
don't even want to go to them and be like,
that hurts my feelings because that's not having your family.
Your own brothers will make fun of you.
Speaker 3 (14:37):
You go to her.
Speaker 1 (14:37):
Family, and yet here's my feet that just let them
do their thing with the understanding of they don't know
you or your life or the value that you bring.
And that's okay, so completely internal because nothing externally is
gonna help you get through this. But I think it's
understanding what your value is and not going a all
value is based on money, because that's obviously not true.
I understand how that would hurt. Oh, that would hurt.
I would Oh, that's a gut punch. I don't not
that he doesn't make the money she makes, that they
would make fun of him. Yeah, like other guys that
aren't like his own brothers, Well.
Speaker 2 (15:19):
What's up with them?
Speaker 4 (15:20):
Like why do they feel they need to do that?
Is this their own insecurity? Are they jealous or are
they jealous?
Speaker 1 (15:24):
I don't think it's a jealousy thing unless they're jealous
of something other than like he's younger than them or
better looking or right, yea something that's not what they're
making fun of him for.
Speaker 3 (15:37):
That. That's not cool. Nothing you can change a fix
you had, just got to be good with yourself.
Speaker 2 (15:42):
I would just embrace it, own it.
Speaker 3 (15:45):
I don't think outwardly though, you don't make it.
Speaker 4 (15:47):
No, you don't have to, but in your mind, like
this is around your family, and like really be proud
of the dynamic y'all have, and that it doesn't disrupt
your relationship because they're clearly guys that that probably wouldn't
flow in their home and that's just so backwards.
Speaker 1 (16:03):
It's And if you really wanted to get at them,
I mean, this is what you really could do. And
I don't know your personality, but if I were somewhere
and let's say Caitlin had a bunch of brothers, which
she doesn't have a bunch of brothers, and they were
doing this to me, man, I'd hit them with a oh, man,
I hear what you're saying, but a lot of my.
Speaker 3 (16:21):
Value is based on family.
Speaker 1 (16:22):
I'd get real serious and make them feel small as
a freaking aunt and go Yeah. It was a bit
hard at first because of traditional standards, and what our
culture has taught us. And she does make more money
than me, and I'm so proud of her for doing that.
But what I'm proud up for myself is being there
for my family because I feel like there's tremendous value
in that.
Speaker 3 (16:39):
And at times that gets like.
Speaker 1 (16:41):
You can hit them with that, hit them with a
little ted talk, dude, they will never do that again.
Speaker 3 (16:45):
But you don't have to do that.
Speaker 1 (16:46):
It's got to be found first within yourself before you
can put it out.
Speaker 2 (16:49):
I don't hate that.
Speaker 1 (16:50):
Yeah, I think that's that's level too. Once you get
it figured it out.
Speaker 4 (16:53):
Yeah, I can actually think, Yeah, if you can do
that in a calm way and really mean what you're saying, wait.
Speaker 3 (16:58):
Till Christmas, till next year is the problem? Get that ready?
Speaker 4 (17:02):
Okay, okay, okay, And just remember people's opinion of you
is none of your business.
Speaker 1 (17:07):
You are valuable, You matter. Yes, all mattering and all
value isn't the same. So I wanted to be proud
of what you're doing. You have made decisions that have
allowed you to do this with your family and allowed
your wife the freedom to do that, because had you not,
she wouldn't be able to.
Speaker 3 (17:27):
That's all imost say. I feel good about it.
Speaker 1 (17:29):
Good luck buddy, you're you're out in the deep blue wander.
Speaker 3 (17:34):
That's pretty awesome. I'm jealous of him. You just don't
want to work as much.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
That's all.
Speaker 3 (17:39):
That's it, Yes, all right, close it up. There's a
voicemailing last night Morning Bobby Morning Studios.
Speaker 8 (17:46):
Just wanted to know if there was an update on
the whole.
Speaker 2 (17:50):
Eddie trying to find a friend.
Speaker 10 (17:52):
And she feels he got posted by that guy from
the basketball court.
Speaker 2 (17:57):
Thank you love the show.
Speaker 1 (17:59):
Eddie met a dad and then they tried to hang
out and then the dad ghosted him.
Speaker 3 (18:03):
What's up?
Speaker 5 (18:03):
I'm double checking, but I don't think I ever got
a response from the text that I sent him.
Speaker 1 (18:07):
Then you must have done something because I encouraged that
he hey, text him again even though he ghosted you.
Sometimes people get busy and if you text him again,
he didn't respond again. Dude, either your breath stunk or
maybe I got the wrong number.
Speaker 3 (18:22):
Oh that's what losers think.
Speaker 1 (18:23):
Think if I think that, or like maybe maybe because
I'll do that too, I go, maybe the text.
Speaker 3 (18:27):
Didn't go through. Now that's a loser think by me. Yeah,
I didn't get a response, and what did.
Speaker 1 (18:34):
You write the last time? Because it was it was like,
hey man, sorry, let me know it missed you.
Speaker 3 (18:42):
Last time you gave me a whole script, like I
can't even find the text. Do you think that maybe
you're not as cool as you think you are? No?
Speaker 5 (18:49):
No, because in person do we hit it off. We
were talking about.
Speaker 1 (18:53):
A lot of every dude that meets anyger No I
square the Hooters waitress man, she would choose into me.
Speaker 3 (18:59):
No bro, she's trying to get a tip. There's nothing.
Good luck dude, dang it. You always have us well,
I can always depend on you, guys. Thank you.
Speaker 7 (19:08):
Pile of stories.
Speaker 4 (19:09):
My daughter wants a nose ring, so I feel like
I'm going to take her This story that just went
viral about a woman who got her nose ring caught
in the mesh on the back of an office chair
and she had to be taken to the local fire
department where they were able to cut her free.
Speaker 1 (19:21):
Hilarious, awkward, kind of felt bad, hilarious. Number one, hilarious
when I'm ranking because she didn't get hurt long term,
and also when she's sniffing the chair.
Speaker 4 (19:32):
Got well, she was sticking her nose in the holes
in the back like she was joking around, and then
you're caught in the mesh and no one could free it,
and obviously it's her nose, like you don't want to
rip it.
Speaker 3 (19:45):
And that's so funny.
Speaker 1 (19:47):
So if I'm ranking them, I'm going to go nose
stud at one, nose ring at two, and at three,
I'm gonna put septum.
Speaker 11 (19:58):
The ring.
Speaker 2 (20:00):
You're just talking about the hoop like a hoop.
Speaker 1 (20:02):
Yeah, I'm going stud at one in the power rankings,
Like that's ringing it to septim at three. Not really
a septum guy, I look like I need a red
cape and to oly.
Speaker 3 (20:14):
But some people can.
Speaker 1 (20:15):
Pull it off, like alt chicks can pull it off
pretty good, or the exact opposite of all chicks.
Speaker 3 (20:22):
And it's kind of the juxtaposition of the like it's unexpected.
Speaker 1 (20:26):
Yeah, like everything is like a beauty of beauty in
the beast and then there's a septum ring there.
Speaker 2 (20:31):
Girl next door with a septum girl.
Speaker 3 (20:33):
Next door not really so much, but like girl at
a much. Yeah, all right, what else?
Speaker 4 (20:38):
I have some modern trends that people may regret in
ten years. I'll give you the top top five on
the list. One is getting advice from TikTok influencers instead
of actual experts.
Speaker 1 (20:49):
Okay, but to be fair, there are actual experts on
TikTok that do influence me. So I would say getting yes,
advice from idiots that aren't credentialed in the area you're
looking for advice, and.
Speaker 2 (21:00):
Yes, devaluing craftsmanship.
Speaker 4 (21:03):
So sometimes we're just like, oh, I want to quick
fix or we'll just build this because it's quickly, and
we kind of, oh, well that works.
Speaker 1 (21:10):
I just hire somebody and I asked them not to
devalue craftsmanship. But I will not do it because I.
Speaker 2 (21:14):
Suck bullying teachers out of the profession. Like in ten
years we may have less and less teachers.
Speaker 1 (21:20):
Teachers and parents get a raw deal generally speaking, because
everybody wants to judge everything that they're doing, and I
think stylistically everybody's different.
Speaker 3 (21:31):
Are you okay, go ahead?
Speaker 2 (21:32):
Filming kids worst moments for Internet clout.
Speaker 1 (21:35):
Nah, that's pretty funny though, when they fall down and stuff,
but they say like bad words. I will watch a
five minute reel of toddlers saying the worst bad words
and laugh out loud like someone's in the backseat and
you're like, what'd you say? Dad said the bidden Eagles
lost the game last night, and the kids like two
and a half.
Speaker 3 (21:53):
Dude, I will laugh every time. That's the funniest thing
to me.
Speaker 4 (21:56):
Okay, And the number one thing we may regret in
ten years is putting our entire lives on the internet.
Speaker 3 (22:01):
I feel like we're a little better about that though.
Speaker 10 (22:03):
I think.
Speaker 1 (22:05):
Maybe in a couple will regret what we did like
seven eight years ago, more than ten years from now,
because I think we kind of understand yeah, because it
used to used to be like and the joke would
be like I don't want to follow you and take
a want you to take a picture of your food,
And people don't do that that much anymore, like I
do if it's like rocking, but people don't just update
everything for the most part. But yeah, I know, I
think there are personal things that you were telling us
over a day, like you know, don't put like if
your house.
Speaker 2 (22:31):
Is for sale, the sign of yeah, it'd be like,
oh yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3 (22:34):
Just find your personal information in weird ways now.
Speaker 4 (22:36):
Bought this house and if the real its on there
and they know the city you're in, they can easily
find relive.
Speaker 1 (22:40):
I regret putting my birth certificate online. Yes, I really
regret that I shouldn't have done that. So anyway, what
else you got?
Speaker 2 (22:46):
One in five gen z ers can't change a light bulb.
Speaker 3 (22:49):
Okay, there's two. Now that's not about gen Z. That's
about that just being stupid.
Speaker 1 (22:53):
Well, the light bulbs are a little more complicated now,
they're not you put it in atturney.
Speaker 4 (22:56):
I kind of want to go home and just with
my kids again, my daughter being seventeen almost eighteen, I'm.
Speaker 2 (23:03):
Gonna be like, do you know if you could change
the light bulb right here?
Speaker 1 (23:06):
Even if they've never changed a light bulb, you should
be able to get the feel and just turn it.
Because I never remember in my life at any point
me not being able to change a light bulb. We
even like seven years old, I know.
Speaker 2 (23:16):
But something about them did they just fear it? Even
the latter part.
Speaker 4 (23:20):
It says like in the whole survey they talked about
like getting out a ladder and.
Speaker 2 (23:23):
Climbing up it and having to figure the light bulb.
Speaker 1 (23:26):
If they're like they don't know how to use a ladder,
oh my god, they say the latter eliminate the generation
which had to start over.
Speaker 2 (23:34):
The latter's too dangerous. I'm Amy. That's my file.
Speaker 3 (23:39):
That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the
good news.
Speaker 4 (23:47):
So shout out to Spencer Bosley from Wichita, Kansas. Maybe
you've seen him on TikTok or Instagram. He has millions
of followers, but he recently came to the rescue of
an elderly woman named Beth. She was struggling to maintain
her yard, and the city reached out to her and said, hey,
we're about to charge you two hundred and fifty dollars
to take care of your yard for you. He heard
about it, showed up, and he realized there was actually
a lot of issues at our house in addition to
just the yard, and she had accessibility issues like she
needed a ramp and all these other things that would
just make her house easier for her to live in.
So we put up one hundred thousand dollars gold and
he has millions of followers, so I thought, okay.
Speaker 2 (24:24):
Cool, we'll get there.
Speaker 4 (24:25):
Guess what, he now has eight hundred thousand dollars and
he's be able to do so much work at Beth's house.
Speaker 3 (24:30):
It's really that's a lot more, a lot more. Does
he give her all that? I mean he should, right, Well,
he's organ really.
Speaker 4 (24:37):
Good for He's gonna do like a ramp, a new driveway,
a chair lit from her basement with all the broken windows.
He's gonna hire a yard company to maintain her yard indefinitely.
Speaker 6 (24:50):
To her.
Speaker 4 (24:50):
No, No, I'm sure he'll diversify the funds elsewhere if
he needs to.
Speaker 2 (24:53):
He seems like just a really cool, very giving But
I say, just for her, that's that's all her true.
I don't know how they have to do, but maybe
Beth would be like, you know what.
Speaker 3 (25:04):
You know if that's good?
Speaker 2 (25:07):
Tina down the road.
Speaker 1 (25:10):
House. Have you seen this guy on TikTok? I saw
him last night. Maybe I would recognize him, like he's
come through my timeline.
Speaker 3 (25:15):
I'm not for you page. Yeah.
Speaker 5 (25:16):
I literally saw his video last night, and now that
Amy's talking about that's crazy.
Speaker 2 (25:20):
I saw one video.
Speaker 4 (25:21):
It's got I just looked it up to make sure
it was the same guy, and it is. It's got
almost twenty million views at this point. But he showed
up at one girl's house just saying, hey, in your
yard's a little overgrown. I want to take care of
it for free, and she literally like what, and then
she goes, wait, I've seen you on TikTok and you
don't recognize all.
Speaker 3 (25:37):
That's awesome. I'm looking at him now in his story,
but I don't recognize him. Well, now that we're talking
about your phones listening, it'll be on today.
Speaker 4 (25:43):
The cool thing about him is he started mowing yards
I think when he was like eleven years old or something,
and then just started to see overgone yards and then
went to go most some of them for free at
night in his spare time. And then he started making
videos and uploaded them and then there's been such a
response and that's how he has millions of followers.
Speaker 1 (25:59):
Speaker 3 (26:00):
Mowing is his name.
Speaker 1 (26:00):
I would recognize the guy that goes around and people
like pull into a parking spot in an expensive car
and it goes can ask your question, what do you
do for a living?
Speaker 3 (26:07):
Speaker 1 (26:07):
And then sometimes people recognize him and they're like, oh,
I've seen that guy. Would recognize a great story. That
is what it's all about. That was telling me something good.
They ask people what their dream job would be, just
generally it will be a dream to do this job,
even if you have no experience, no background in it. First,
I'm gonna ask you, what do you think the number
one dream job of people teens to older adults would
be a number one dream job anybody walking down the.
Speaker 2 (26:37):
Street teens to older adults.
Speaker 3 (26:39):
That that's your sample size there.
Speaker 2 (26:41):
Okay, when you say older adult, what.
Speaker 3 (26:43):
Does that mean? People aren't dead?
Speaker 2 (26:44):
Oh gosh.
Speaker 4 (26:45):
So like if I ask my teenager her dream jobs,
you can be like influencer, YouTube but.
Speaker 3 (26:50):
That's a good one, and that, but that would be
the younger.
Speaker 2 (26:52):
And then I feel like older adults might be like, uh,
a pilot.
Speaker 3 (26:57):
Number one answer, pilot.
Speaker 1 (27:01):
The number one answer overall over the whole wide nest
is pilot.
Speaker 2 (27:08):
You got there, I got there, you.
Speaker 3 (27:09):
Worked through it and you got there.
Speaker 2 (27:11):
That's crazy, I'm stressful.
Speaker 3 (27:14):
Why so it doesn't go into their specific reasons. Do
you guys want to be pilots? I don't want to
be a passenger.
Speaker 1 (27:21):
I don't want to fly, So no, So number I'm
gonna read you the list here, I'm gonna give you
top ten, and then what is your what would your
dream job be? Now? You specifically number one pilot, number two, attorney,
number three, police, officer number four, pharmacist number five, nurse
number six, physical therapist number seven, midwife number eight, prosecutor
a little overlap there with attorney, but okay, number nine,
actor a number ten. Judge Now, doctor did come in
at eleven and YouTuber came in at thirteen, and like paramedic,
was it twenty?
Speaker 3 (28:04):
No rock star or anything. No, I don't think people
really feel like.
Speaker 1 (28:06):
That's a real job that you can get because rock
star you've got to go and actually do all the
work as like a poor musician these if you just
get thrown into that you I mean, you can start
being a YouTuber right now.
Speaker 3 (28:17):
I can't just be a rock star.
Speaker 2 (28:19):
Yeah, I feel like judge, no way to ever want
to do that.
Speaker 3 (28:21):
I do that tomorrow. I'd be a judge tomorrow.
Speaker 1 (28:25):
No, no, I tell my wife there are two things
I could do, a CIA agent and a judge tomorrow.
Speaker 3 (28:29):
Doesn't that mean to go with you everywhere? That bailiff, No,
bailiff does not go with you, bro.
Speaker 2 (28:33):
I feel like you just constantly think your life was
in danger if you were Judge.
Speaker 3 (28:37):
I feel right now, okay, I live in danger. Dangers.
My middle name that or William. I forget. I think
it's William Oh kid me too. Now that you say that,
I think it is William Amy dream.
Speaker 2 (28:45):
Job heart surgeon?
Speaker 3 (28:47):
What on earth?
Speaker 2 (28:50):
Let's go, I respect I would know how to do it.
I'd be a respected cardiologist. I'd go speak at convention.
Speaker 3 (29:00):
So now you want to be a speaker.
Speaker 4 (29:01):
No, because I'd be really sought after and I would go.
My friend is a hear her husband's a heart surgeon,
and it's really he goes and speaks all over the world.
Speaker 3 (29:08):
Dang okay, I like it.
Speaker 2 (29:11):
I'm like, that's you get to travel.
Speaker 1 (29:13):
Big big eyes and big goals. And she nailed at
heart surgeon is her dream job. I'm gonna go. I
don't want to be lame. I'm gonna be so lame.
Can we can I be lame?
Speaker 6 (29:25):
Speaker 3 (29:25):
Permission to be what I'm doing I'm doing.
Speaker 2 (29:28):
No, you can't do that.
Speaker 3 (29:30):
I know it's lame. Okay, baseball player, there we go,
there we go. I use I build legs. IT'SUND twelve.
Speaker 5 (29:36):
You don't think the baseball player thing that would get tiring, tiring,
wake me waking up at three fifteen in the morning,
gets hung every day.
Speaker 2 (29:42):
I hate it out of all the professional sports.
Speaker 1 (29:44):
You choose baseball, Football, shorter shelf, live, get injured more.
Baseball is guaranteed money. Basketball is too. Baseball careers baseball,
you would probably make more money if you're good. I
gotta get good.
Speaker 2 (29:58):
The game is slow, iron man.
Speaker 7 (30:00):
It's a lot of days, a lot of there's a.
Speaker 2 (30:02):
Lot of games. Yeah, basketball nineties, high energy, but you just.
Speaker 3 (30:07):
Like basketball better. I like baseball. I'm judging, you know
what I do. I want to do hard. I do
brain Amy brain thinks that would be really cool.
Speaker 2 (30:15):
Brain would be cool.
Speaker 4 (30:15):
I just feel like it just be so cool that
you knew how all these things work and you're saving
lives in this way, and people just be like, it's
got to be weird for those people.
Speaker 3 (30:24):
So I'll be baseball player. Except really it's this.
Speaker 1 (30:26):
I'm Eddie.
Speaker 3 (30:28):
Well, I'm not going to make any money doing this,
but I want to be a fishing boat captain. It's
just not about money. That's what you enjoyed. Your You
guys are gonna be rich your baseball.
Speaker 2 (30:37):
I may have a lot of medical debt, that's true.
Speaker 1 (30:39):
Yeah, Amy's in debt, not breaking playing and maybe the
Rochester Onions.
Speaker 2 (30:45):
Maybe I do volunteer.
Speaker 3 (30:47):
Hearts terrible. You can do that behind wall files right now.
So you'll be fishing boat captain. Nice God to be
on the ocean every day.
Speaker 1 (30:57):
You're like, oh, yeah, not not the lake because Arkansas
keeps a striper guide for a long time.
Speaker 3 (31:02):
That you don't want to do that.
Speaker 5 (31:03):
No, No, I want to go out to the ocean,
deep sea fishing every single day, pull out some big
monsters out of the ocean.
Speaker 3 (31:07):
Got it, Morgan, Oh, I.
Speaker 2 (31:09):
Want to be an astronaut. I'm so fascinated by space.
Like I wish that I could work for NASA right now.
I wish that I was so smart that I.
Speaker 8 (31:17):
Could understand and just discover aliens, life, everything, aliens.
Speaker 2 (31:24):
Yeah, it doesn't.
Speaker 4 (31:27):
Scare you to gopee surgery.
Speaker 3 (31:31):
You can find aliens.
Speaker 4 (31:32):
You can, I guess I'm saying, is there Do you
have fear about going to space though? Like if you
got an offer to go to space tomorrow your show.
Speaker 2 (31:39):
Yes, I would never go. So fascinating.
Speaker 6 (31:44):
If Jeff Bezos called it was like, Muggan, it's Jeff Bezos.
I like to come out of the flat. When you
got to go up to come back down. Would you
like to go Yes, I fascinating picture of Doctor Evil
kind of looks like him.
Speaker 2 (31:59):
I love I was I had a telescope so I
could just see everything.
Speaker 3 (32:04):
A telescope. I'll make that happen.
Speaker 11 (32:06):
Amazon dot Com they sold the Lush Bark Easy Reality Star,
Reality TV star, jump from show to show, win one,
you work what two three months a year? I mean,
oh my goodsh it would be so amazing, and go
to these cool locations where they.
Speaker 7 (32:20):
Film these shows. You battle it out for millions of dollars.
Give it to me.
Speaker 3 (32:26):
I don't think there are many shows that battle it
out for millions anymore.
Speaker 7 (32:29):
Yeah, Survivor, Amazing Race, it's de.
Speaker 3 (32:33):
Million if you win the Survivor R a million.
Speaker 11 (32:36):
Dollars dealers dealer, That's what I'm saying. But you got
your appearance fee that you're going to win all those
You don't win them all, but you're gonna win some
of them.
Speaker 3 (32:44):
But who gets to do all the reality shows? So
I guess it's like a lot of them.
Speaker 7 (32:47):
He does a lot of people do.
Speaker 6 (32:48):
Speaker 7 (32:48):
They bounce from one to one to one to one
to one.
Speaker 3 (32:51):
They go from Survivor games make mister visus five million.
Speaker 1 (32:55):
That's the most ever Netflix, No, Amazon, Amazon, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay,
thank you.
Speaker 7 (33:02):
You guys crap on mine. It's awesome.
Speaker 3 (33:04):
You're good dude. Good luck. Everybody got made fun of.
You're just the one that got sensitive over.
Speaker 2 (33:08):
I think I crapped on Bobby's more.
Speaker 3 (33:10):
Am was like, how about basketball?
Speaker 7 (33:13):
Speaker 3 (33:13):
Gosh, yeah, I support you. I'll be your speech though.
Speaker 1 (33:17):
Thank you.
Speaker 3 (33:18):
Don't forget though, Morgan's gonna find.
Speaker 2 (33:21):
Speaker 3 (33:24):
It just just depends on nice they are back. Have
you seen a rival?
Speaker 2 (33:28):
Yeah, I've seen a rival.
Speaker 10 (33:30):
That's what.
Speaker 2 (33:30):
I also love sci fi movies, documentary.
Speaker 3 (33:32):
I think it's real. Just learn how to speak. Today,
we're drafting best candy bars. Amy got the first pick.
Speaker 1 (33:40):
We rolled the dice.
Speaker 3 (33:41):
What's the greatest candy bar?
Speaker 7 (33:42):
Speaker 2 (33:44):
Does that count?
Speaker 3 (33:46):
You can pick anything you want, so you pick well.
Speaker 4 (33:48):
By the look on your face, I'm not sure that
you think that Reese's cups count well.
Speaker 7 (33:51):
He didn't like it because he as peanut butter.
Speaker 10 (33:53):
Speaker 1 (33:53):
I have a list and that's done it. But it's
really it's not a candy bar. But I think you're
it's on the it's a candy bar aisle. Like I
don't care and fight you over it. I think people
would agree with you. Right cups but cut right cups.
Cups Yep, yeah, I like it, stand by it.
Speaker 2 (34:08):
They look like a bar in the package looks at
a bar.
Speaker 3 (34:11):
Hey, couldn't said it better myself, sister. All right, Ray,
my turn, mm hmm.
Speaker 7 (34:18):
This is for Boomer.
Speaker 3 (34:19):
He told me every kid at his school loves Twigs.
Twigs is awesome, and Boomers his nephew.
Speaker 1 (34:26):
Yah, Boomer's how old seventeen? That's our demo. Baby Ray
goes with Twigs as the best candy bar lunchbox.
Speaker 7 (34:35):
You're not yourself when you're hungry.
Speaker 3 (34:37):
Snickers, Yeah, that's made out of it number one.
Speaker 7 (34:41):
I'm shocked it made it the three.
Speaker 1 (34:42):
But I don't like peanut butter, to be honest, so
I wouldn't have jumped out on that one.
Speaker 2 (34:45):
I don't like Snickers.
Speaker 3 (34:47):
You don't.
Speaker 7 (34:48):
Speaker 1 (34:49):
Usually, if I'm like feeling like somebody else and I
have Snickers, I myself again, of course, yes Moregan.
Speaker 2 (34:54):
Oh, I'm gonna go with kit Cats.
Speaker 3 (34:57):
That was the one I was just hoping would last
great pick.
Speaker 1 (35:03):
I have nothing like I have. I have nine candy bars,
but none of them are in the category of.
Speaker 3 (35:09):
The top tier. Like you guys as are I have nothing.
Speaker 1 (35:11):
I understand all mine are garbage, and I'm gonna finish
last because mine suck.
Speaker 3 (35:18):
I got the bad dice roll and I hate.
Speaker 1 (35:20):
Peanut butter but I guess I'm gonna go with a
butterfinger because it's like the biggest brand.
Speaker 7 (35:25):
I mean, yeah, what else are you gonna do?
Speaker 3 (35:28):
I right, maybe it's right. People like it. I hate.
Speaker 11 (35:31):
I'm struggling on what the big next butterfingers mine good pick.
Speaker 1 (35:36):
That's the first round, So now we're gonna go backward
and I'll get the first pick of.
Speaker 12 (35:39):
The second round. Oh this just in still a bunch
of suck ones. You know, I'm tempted. There are no rules,
Oh I know, hence Reese's cups. Like what if I
want like turkey and dressing and just do the whole
thing off?
Speaker 3 (35:52):
Its weird, yeah, or like charity to orphans and like
just put like something in there to get votes.
Speaker 1 (35:59):
I won't do that. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go
pay day good. It's my second round pick best candy bars.
I used to work a hobby lobby and I didn't
have dinner one night and I had like eight of
them because it's all there was to eat and I
haven't had one since I felt so bad for weeks.
Speaker 3 (36:18):
So but pay Day I did like them back in
the day.
Speaker 2 (36:22):
Morgan, This could go either way, but I'm gonna go
with watching McCall it.
Speaker 3 (36:29):
I'm sure it's great.
Speaker 2 (36:31):
Oh gosh, I think it has everything from every little bar.
Speaker 8 (36:34):
It's crispy, it has caramel, it has like the top
stretch like if.
Speaker 3 (36:39):
You open it, they're delicious.
Speaker 7 (36:44):
Yeah, it was so good.
Speaker 6 (36:45):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (36:46):
I don't know what that one is.
Speaker 7 (36:47):
They renamed it though it's not even watch are.
Speaker 3 (36:50):
No they still have.
Speaker 1 (36:53):
I just thought it was the one that were in
little Squares. When you break there's caramel that comes out
of it.
Speaker 3 (36:56):
Yeacial, I don't know.
Speaker 11 (37:00):
Uh lunchbox, Yeah, you're gonna have to give me the
milky Way.
Speaker 2 (37:07):
Mmmm, actually the worst one.
Speaker 3 (37:10):
Well, I need to be explained to what a milky
way is. Yeah, that's a weird one.
Speaker 7 (37:13):
Speaker 4 (37:14):
It's like a Three Musketeers, but with caramel kind of
it's like a nugget.
Speaker 3 (37:19):
What I know is just it's just like you said
this from Halloween.
Speaker 1 (37:23):
The Mini's like what, there's the coconut one, almond Joy
like Almond Joy has nuts, mounds nuts whatever that song.
Speaker 3 (37:31):
Is, Guys, I don't know the many candy bars I
think about it. Milky Way is almost like a Snickers without.
Speaker 1 (37:36):
The nuts, like JB Snickers, Like I couldn't quite make it.
Speaker 3 (37:38):
Take all the good stuff out of a Snickers, and it's.
Speaker 4 (37:40):
A milky And then Three Musketeers just has the nugget.
Speaker 3 (37:43):
That's funny.
Speaker 1 (37:44):
You call it?
Speaker 3 (37:44):
What do you call it?
Speaker 2 (37:46):
Speaker 3 (37:46):
Speaker 2 (37:46):
I thought it was like a chocolate moose.
Speaker 4 (37:48):
Is it not?
Speaker 2 (37:49):
It's a nugat?
Speaker 1 (37:51):
Okay, let's go over to I think it's rat Oh
Ray going backward, go ahead?
Speaker 10 (37:57):
Ray bones favorite and he didn't pick a Rollos That
was my dude.
Speaker 1 (38:02):
Yes, it's my favorite, but I didn't want to go
non traditional because.
Speaker 3 (38:05):
I have terrible choices. Yeah, rollers are awesome. It is
the best. Okay, best candy bars.
Speaker 2 (38:13):
Were drafting Amy's take five?
Speaker 3 (38:15):
Please explain?
Speaker 4 (38:16):
Oh, take five is got the pretzel in the middle
with the peanut butter around.
Speaker 3 (38:20):
You're going full rees's.
Speaker 9 (38:22):
I like it.
Speaker 3 (38:23):
You're committed, You're dedicated.
Speaker 7 (38:24):
Speaker 3 (38:25):
Did you know you did that?
Speaker 4 (38:26):
Speaker 3 (38:27):
I did good.
Speaker 2 (38:28):
Take five is so good.
Speaker 3 (38:32):
Not hating on it, but I like to take five.
Speaker 1 (38:34):
I'm with you.
Speaker 2 (38:35):
Yeah, underrated a peanut butter.
Speaker 1 (38:38):
Yeah, that's why I wouldn't. I wouldn't wade in that
water peanut butter for me?
Speaker 9 (38:42):
Speaker 1 (38:43):
Okay, Amy, so far you have Reese's Cups and Take
five as your best candy bars?
Speaker 3 (38:47):
Take five a candy bar?
Speaker 2 (38:48):
Though, Yeah?
Speaker 3 (38:49):
Okay, what is your last pick? That's delicious?
Speaker 1 (38:54):
Is it really only Halloween in a little back because
it's like the toffee or have.
Speaker 2 (38:59):
You ever gotten a blizzard with heat?
Speaker 3 (39:03):
Where that's good?
Speaker 1 (39:05):
Okay, Amy's got Reese's Cups, Take five and Heath bar
Amy's grandma.
Speaker 3 (39:12):
I know your grandma there, and I like them.
Speaker 2 (39:14):
Take five is young in him?
Speaker 3 (39:16):
M if you have to say that about it, a
good choices, right, you're up.
Speaker 10 (39:21):
My other nephew Asher, at his school, they eat feastables
that mister beasts candy bar.
Speaker 3 (39:28):
That's not a candy bar, isn't Is it feastable? A
candy bar? Or like a Okay, no clue.
Speaker 10 (39:35):
And the cool thing about him is there're snap and
e BT, So if you're low income, you can go
to the store and.
Speaker 1 (39:40):
Use that and get them raise. Right, I'm thinking of uncrustables,
which are have peanut butter in them. So I don't
even know what that is. What feastables, it's for sure
a candy bar. I don't know what you said after that.
I was looking it up, but I'll but good good pick. Wait,
so poor people eat beasta boaster free. You don't have
to get And when I was a kid, I had
one hundred of these. I mean awesome.
Speaker 10 (40:05):
The government cheese, man, now you can get the feasts
that's awesome.
Speaker 3 (40:08):
Government cheese is now a candy bar.
Speaker 11 (40:11):
All right, lunchbox, Yeah, guys, it is plain and it
is delicious. Give me the Hershey's Milk chocolate bar.
Speaker 3 (40:19):
Plain Hershey's bar. It's pretty good. Morgan, I don't know.
Speaker 2 (40:26):
I feel like I'm struggling.
Speaker 8 (40:28):
Okay, I'm between two, and I guess Bobby could have
the other one.
Speaker 3 (40:37):
I've got like nine.
Speaker 1 (40:38):
That sucks. I have a lot of options.
Speaker 2 (40:40):
Yeah, like they both are not my favorite, but okay,
I'll go with the Three Musketeers.
Speaker 3 (40:48):
Can you I've had one? Don't really remember it? Are
you going through memory? Because explain to me what's in that?
Speaker 8 (40:53):
Yeah, it's just like it to me, it's chocolate moose
on the inside and then the outside is like hard chocolate.
Speaker 3 (40:58):
That's the that chocolate news. I know what that is
in a candy bar.
Speaker 2 (41:02):
Wellky really good. I just am never gonna like purposely
choose it.
Speaker 1 (41:05):
Okay, So I'm the last to go, so I can
just tell you guys what I have on my list here.
I do have something like Hershey's with almonds.
Speaker 3 (41:15):
That's the best. I do have a baby Ruth.
Speaker 7 (41:18):
That's good.
Speaker 2 (41:19):
Could you pick that world's famous chocolate with almonds?
Speaker 7 (41:22):
Speaker 3 (41:22):
I can pick whatever the crap I want.
Speaker 1 (41:24):
What's called candy sold on the street and the box
for charity charity candy bars, let's sold them.
Speaker 2 (41:30):
I all sold them, I'm sure at one point. But
those are good.
Speaker 1 (41:33):
One that I really like that I don't know that
the public likes that I love is Nestley crunch bars.
Speaker 3 (41:38):
I love them, uh in that foil paper and they
got the rice Christines in them.
Speaker 1 (41:44):
The Hershey's cookies and cream is another Hirshey's, which is
more of a niche version of the that I have
on my list. I haven't put Cadbury eggs now. I know,
not the most popular, but I just was writing stuff down.
Speaker 2 (41:53):
Okay, you me a grandma.
Speaker 3 (41:55):
I didn't see. I'm not picking it. I had yours
on my list.
Speaker 4 (41:58):
Too, but I didn't pick them, saying if you go
with Cadbury, I'm not going to you're the old one.
Speaker 3 (42:05):
Mounds. Because I was talking earlier, I know, I know,
I know.
Speaker 1 (42:09):
I think I'm gonna go with this and it could
get me eliminated, but it also could be a home run.
I have a puncher's chance with this one, and I'm
gonna follow the lead. If people like Amy and Ray,
I know he's doing this, I'm taking and I'm taking
M and MS.
Speaker 7 (42:23):
Yeah, yeah, I thought about it.
Speaker 1 (42:26):
I'm gonna go M and MS because it's not a
it's not a candy bar.
Speaker 3 (42:28):
I'm a fraud. But I hate the rest of them,
just plain or Peanut.
Speaker 1 (42:33):
I'm just I'm just gonna go with emin M's in
general and let people assign whichever one they want because
there are.
Speaker 3 (42:39):
A lot of varieties. Now, yeah, I'm just gonna go Eminem's.
Speaker 2 (42:42):
Do you like peanut Eminem's, you don't like peanut butter?
Speaker 1 (42:44):
I love peanuts. I love peanuts, and I love butter,
and I love almond. Butter will never make sense to me,
but people hate peanut butter.
Speaker 4 (42:52):
The smell of consistency of peanut butter and almond butter
is very different.
Speaker 3 (42:55):
It's not even a consistency. I don't want it mouth
to get the consistency smells.
Speaker 2 (43:00):
So bad you don't smell it when you're eating the peanut.
Speaker 3 (43:03):
My nose is in my nose, hole, in my mouth.
Speaker 2 (43:05):
It is my mouth. It's all part, it's all connected.
Speaker 3 (43:08):
No, I can eat peanuts all day long. I hate
peanut butter.
Speaker 2 (43:11):
You have to swallow it real quick before I can enjoy.
Speaker 1 (43:14):
Sometimes I'll take butter and put peanuts in it. Oh,
I eat that your own peanut. Yeah, lot concoction. Okay,
So we all have our teams. You can go to
Bobby Balones dot com and vote on the team you
like the best. Don't vote on just the first pick, obviously,
because not everybody got the first pick. But Amy has
Reese's Cups, Take five in Heaths, bar Ray has Twigs,
rollers and feastables. It's hilarious. It's like grandma and grandson,
like a twelve year old is Ray. Lunchbox has Snickers,
Milky Way and Hershey's. Morgan has Kitcat Watch, McCall a
and three Musketeers and have Butterfinger, hate Payday and Eminem's
vote and we'll have a new champion. Go to Bobby
Balones dot com. Amy, I want you to explain this
to me. I don't have a theory. Researchers have found
that you might want to watch your waiters wait when
you're eating out because it can affect the bill. And
the latest study of environmental cues to overeating researchers, I've
identified a new indulgence trigger, a pleasingly server who is overweight.
And a study of about five hundred diners at over
sixty restaurants in America of all different kinds of restaurants
as far as price and kind of food, and they
said most of them are casual like an Applebee's or
a Chili's. Customers who were served by waiters who were
heavier ordered more food, ordered more drinks. They were also
four times more likely to order dessert than those served
by skinnier waiters. They also drank twenty percent more alcoholic beverages.
It's from Cornell's Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University.
Speaker 3 (44:46):
I mean, what is your theory? Why do we order
more food when the waiter weighs more.
Speaker 4 (44:51):
Well, the first theory that comes to mind is maybe
they eat more and they recommend more, or what they're
recommending is necessarily like, you know, the friendliest when it
comes to your health. So they might be like, oh,
you got to get this appetizer and you got to
get this fried thing and get this that.
Speaker 3 (45:08):
They're more passionate about the Calamara.
Speaker 2 (45:10):
Maybe okay, maybe.
Speaker 4 (45:11):
I mean my dad always carried a luxury and he
loved food, was very passionate. I feel like he would
have recommended so much on the menu. So that's just
I mean, that's where my brain goes.
Speaker 1 (45:22):
I would believe somebody fatter when they're talking about eating.
Speaker 3 (45:25):
And they know what they're talking about, yeah, I'd be like,
that's an expert.
Speaker 7 (45:27):
Yeah yeah.
Speaker 1 (45:28):
Like if somebody comes and they're all ripped up on
their tight shirt and they're like, hey, the cheesecake to
die for, I'll be like.
Speaker 3 (45:32):
You're full of crap.
Speaker 2 (45:33):
Yeah you lie.
Speaker 3 (45:33):
You've never tried to think you may be onto something here.
Speaker 1 (45:36):
What a weird study though, to go like, let's just
see about fat waiters versus skinny waiters.
Speaker 7 (45:39):
It's weird.
Speaker 1 (45:41):
But when I see an influencer, I want to know
that they're an expert in the area they influence and
maybe they're just our table influencers.
Speaker 4 (45:50):
Yeah, yeah, and maybe it's good for them because the
more people spend, the bigger their tip.
Speaker 3 (45:56):
What if you think that, like they eat the food
they're so much, that they're fat and that it must
be good. That's kind that's that's that's a child of
what Amy's saying.
Speaker 4 (46:05):
Yes, No, I just I think we trust them. Yeah,
they probably saying yeah we tried. It may not even
be that they know everything from that restaurant.
Speaker 3 (46:13):
I think they'd never thin get it on the menu
for sure, right right.
Speaker 9 (46:15):
Right in general they know also that I would also
think somebody that's in shape at it, let's just say
an Applebee's and as like recommending all the that I'd
be like, you just you're lying, you're passing the company
line here that.
Speaker 3 (46:28):
You didn't eat that.
Speaker 2 (46:29):
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (46:29):
I'm just thinking like of times that I've been out
to eat and I've asked the server and when they
don't answer directly with confidence, I don't believe what they're saying.
Like there was one time where we were asking and
he was like, oh, yeah, this is my favorite, and
then he had to look down at his piece of
paper and he's like, there's.
Speaker 2 (46:46):
Mushrooms and there's cheese.
Speaker 4 (46:48):
Like he was trying to explain it, but he acted
like it was his favorite dish ever.
Speaker 2 (46:52):
And I was like instantly, I don't believe you.
Speaker 1 (46:54):
So unfair to go skinny waiter doesn't know, but I
can understand why. It'd be like, if you go and
you want to become a bodybuilder or learn how to
get in real big shape, you'd probably want to go
to somebody that is in shape. Whenever you eat, you
probably want to go to someone that does eat. Whenever
you want to learn how to fly, you go to pilot. Sure,
maybe that's what it is. I thought that was so interesting,
And also who thought to do that study? Let's go
and see if the fat waiters no more.
Speaker 4 (47:21):
Sometimes when we go over certain studies, I'm like, we
really invested time and money into this research.
Speaker 3 (47:26):
Cornell did, dude.
Speaker 5 (47:28):
But it makes me think too, like, wow, that's what
everyone else is doing in the world, Like somebody's doing
that right now.
Speaker 3 (47:32):
That's when they say I want to study. That's going
to work. It's time for the good news.
Speaker 1 (47:38):
Bobby a dad and a son in North Carolina heroically
saved a cop and the dog cop had from a
burning car after a high speed chase. So Curtis and
his seventeen year old son Pete, they heard about the
crash on a police scanner and so like, we got
to go to this. So the deputy Robert Taylor's vehicle
had collided with a tree during a pursuit of a
suspected stolen car.
Speaker 3 (48:05):
When it hit the tree, the car caught on fire.
Speaker 1 (48:07):
Bad collision, Like the entire front is smushed in, big
fire coming out of the front of it. They hear
about it on the radio. They happen to be close.
They're like, that's near it.
Speaker 3 (48:18):
They go over to it and that they literally climbed
in the car and got the dog and the guy out.
Speaker 1 (48:25):
I mean, it's a bad crash. I'm surprised that anybody
lived from this crash. The father and the son's bravery
insured the officer and the dog lived. They said, right place,
right time. But I'm telling you it's got to be
more than just that. It's got to be right place,
right time, right person, right decision. And the man heroic brain. Yeah,
all that man upstairs. Man deputies upstairs, everybody. Deputy Tailor's
recovering well after surgery, and they're going to honor the
father and son. They don't say if they caught the
guy that stole the car, though I would imagine they didn't.
Speaker 3 (48:54):
If they didn't put in the story and he crashed,
maybe he lost them. Oh, he for sure lost him.
I mean, well yeah, but if he was the only one,
for sure he's gone.
Speaker 1 (49:03):
He's out there, because then you take your resources and
you go help the guy rather than chase the guy. Right, Yeah,
shout out to the dam the Sun, Pete and Curtis
heroes Man.
Speaker 3 (49:11):
That's from the New York Post. That's what it's all about.
Speaker 7 (49:14):
That was telling me something good.
Speaker 1 (49:17):
And that is the end of the first half of
the podcast.
Speaker 3 (49:22):
The end of the first half of the podcast. The
podcast the first time of the podcast.
Speaker 1 (49:29):
You can go to the podcast to or you can
wait till podcast to come out.