All Episodes

November 15, 2023 90 mins

Find out if Eddie is going to travel to Turkey to get a hair transplant after Amy gives him the full breakdown of how much it'll cost! Then, Abby once had a teacher tell her something, which inspired her to move to Nashville. Now she has a new dream she's hoping to accomplish soon, hear what it is! Then, we play a new round of 'Riddle Me This!' 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good transmitting.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Welcome to Wednesday's show Morning Studio Morning. So we're gonna
go around the room here a little different. But Amy
was telling me about, uh, your son, Stevenson. They were like,
what is your dream? It was like a question for
like an activity in school.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Yeah, he just said, hey, mom, my dream is to
swim with whales?

Speaker 4 (00:26):
Can you make that happen?

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Like, I mean, dolphins would be probably a little easier.

Speaker 4 (00:30):
Dolph's not.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
No, it's a whale specifically, you confused, Welford dolphinspe whales
are scary, big whale.

Speaker 5 (00:37):
Well, we'll eat you. They'll swallow you.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
If they decided they don't like it anymore, you will die. Yes,
so you probably you can the same body of water.

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Make that happen, unless, like I don't know, if he
wants to grow up and work at you know, a
whale rescue place.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
That's okay. So but we're gonna use this what's your dream?
Oh that's the question. We're gonna go around the But
see his is not You could be whatever cause.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
I got so could it be things that will just
are likely never gonna happen, But.

Speaker 4 (01:02):
It's still a dream.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Well, min Arkansas win National championship in football, so you
can say that's that could happen though, but he could
also get with so I losted a few of these
Arkansas win national championship football. Yeah, man break eighty and golf,
which I haven't been able.

Speaker 5 (01:16):
To have never done that.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
You've gotten close though, You've probably hit eighty maybe once.
You're acting like you break eighty all the time. My
best eighty one. You made me feel like you were
like you haven't done that yet, Like, well you play
so I thought you have at least once or twice
over there. Never host the CMAS. Stanley who lived to
twelve years old? All that would be those are my dreams.

Why twelve is that an age for bulldogs? I don't
they die like nine? So I just picked a number
a few years older? Yeah, bulldogs not the best help dogs.
That's my dream Amie.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
Oh yeah, So I want to wake up.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
There's been lots of things that could happen when I
wake up, you know, come out of a coma or
sleep or whatever, and suddenly you can speak another language,
play piano and.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
Learn that though by just doing spending time practicing.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
But the dream would be to go into a COVID
what don't. I could just get locked out for a
little bit or something.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
But whatever happens, like that, dance maybe dance. You can't
teach yourself that, Okay, piano and a language.

Speaker 4 (02:19):
I'll work.

Speaker 5 (02:22):

Speaker 4 (02:22):
I don't have the right.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
Yours is weird because yours is like an unfortunate circumstance
that then turns into something that probably won't where I
feel like mine is. Everybody can kind of work toward
that goal. Yeah, you have to get knocked out and
almost die first if.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
I whatever, that's if like, I'd like for it to
magically happen. But fine, I'll work towards dancing, I guess,
but I will never.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
Be that goodt me angry, angry Eddie my dream never
work again?

Speaker 5 (02:51):
Oh gosh, Like how amazing would that be? Where like
Amy's that you wake up? What did I do today?
Whenever you want?

Speaker 2 (02:56):
Dude, you have to be anywhere, so never work again,
or to not have to work, and you've already made
enough money to be well that.

Speaker 5 (03:03):
That stresses me out. I just want to wake up
one day and be like, hey, you don't have to work.
You're good.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
You can because you have enough money.

Speaker 5 (03:08):
Correct. Oh yeah, you're financially set. You're correct, like retire.

Speaker 2 (03:13):
Well yeah, but but I don't want to do the
work to retire, you know what I mean?

Speaker 6 (03:16):
I just wanted to wake up, buddy. Guys, buddy, that's what.
It's a dream that's probably never gonna let box survivor.

Speaker 5 (03:22):
I want to be on that island. I want to
look for idols. I want to participate in those immunity challenges,
and I want to win a million dollars on You
can do that.

Speaker 4 (03:30):
You should. You would be so good at it.

Speaker 5 (03:31):
I want to be the sole survivor. What about the
physical part though, But it's a social game. The physical
physical is important, but it's more of a social game.
But why don't you just apply and like, actually, if
he got it, take off?

Speaker 2 (03:44):
Well that's a question that if he got it, he'd
have to ask. But he hasn't even got to that point.

Speaker 5 (03:47):
I was just start, You should apply, I really should?
You should, I really should.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
But he's a lot of really should Just do it. Dude,
you should really graduate college too.

Speaker 5 (03:58):
I don't really care about that. Okay, you guys worry
about that more than I do.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
I thank you for sharing your dreams. Way, what's your dream.

Speaker 7 (04:04):
Yeah, mine would be to go on Survivor the same
season as Lunch and beat him.

Speaker 5 (04:09):
That's funny.

Speaker 7 (04:14):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
That would I would vote him out so fast.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
I don't. They're both like really good in their own way.
I don't know how have to think about it. But
that's a funny dream. Morgan, you have a dream.

Speaker 8 (04:25):
Yeah, I want to go on an African safari, Like
I want to go see animals in the wild.

Speaker 9 (04:30):
It's really expensive.

Speaker 5 (04:31):
Just the right. Do you want to see them eat
each other in the world.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
I just want to go experience each.

Speaker 5 (04:35):
Other on the sari. That's what happens right there.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
Now, that's maybe, but not but eat each other. No,
if there's like a one kills one and you watch it,
usually that don't happen in front of you. But they
don't eat each other.

Speaker 5 (04:47):
Well like in the Lion King.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
Sometimes they do, but eat you other at the same time.
That'd be like if you get a chocolate barny and
eat you back.

Speaker 10 (04:53):

Speaker 5 (04:53):
I meant like, okay, one animal eat another.

Speaker 6 (04:56):
Right, like a lion eats a gazelle. Oh man, they
chase him down. Did you ever see that?

Speaker 2 (05:01):
Yeah, but you're not gonna be there to see the
whole chase. The chase is going to be around early
in the morning for this crap. Let's open up the
mail bag.

Speaker 5 (05:10):
Are you friends in game mail and he's breathing all
the air? Get something we call Bobby's mail bag?

Speaker 2 (05:16):
Yeah, hello, Bobby Bones. I wrote recently about how I
found weird, unexplained charges on my husband's credit card and
thought maybe it meant he was cheating. I took your advice,
remember this, I remember, and I brought up the charges
to him without making it seem like I was accusing
him of anything. I asked him about foods and drinks
and how I thought maybe our card had been stolen.
But he owned up to it. He showed me the

text to prove it. Turns out he's not cheating, but
he's going for drinks with friends who I don't like him.
Hanging out with these friends get out of control. One
of them ended up in jail last year after getting
a fight in a bar. We had them over to
the house. It ended with the police being called because
they got into a fight with our neighbors across the street.
I don't know why I like's hanging out with them.
They are bad news. What advice do you have on

my husban been going behind my back to hang out
with his degenerate friends. Signed wife who's happy her husband
isn't cheating. But first of all, he's not cheating on you.
That's good news, absolutely, well, it's normal news.

Speaker 5 (06:13):
Yeah, but she thought he was, so that's great.

Speaker 3 (06:15):

Speaker 5 (06:15):
I know. It's hard to tell your husband who to
hang out with.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
And if he wasn't in doing if his actions haven't
changed and you didn't notice anything he changed about him,
and he was hanging out with these friends for a while,
it's gonna be worse for you, guys if you tell
him to stop doing something, because obviously he's hanging out
with these friends and it's not changing him. You didn't
know something about it except some weird charges on your
car that were food and drink.

Speaker 3 (06:38):
Yeah, like his behaviors that way, or he's at risk
of you know, going to jail.

Speaker 2 (06:44):
Or you can just have him hang out with them there, Okay,
I doesn't want them over, right, you don't have to
have them over And maybe that's the compromise because maybe
you want them over play polk or watch a game,
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (06:57):
But then they get in fight with neighbors they robbed.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
Well, no, no, no, that's that you guys want to there's
nothing for you to do. You don't want to create
conflict now with him about these friends because these friends
have not influenced him in a way that's been negative.
He's probably still the same good guy, just likes his buddies.
And they're not at the house man you went twice.
They're not coming over anymore, and he's still hanging out

with them, and he hadn't changed. He's still good, So
leave alone. That's why I would just say, leaveing mam alone.
If they start to affect his behavior, then that's another talk.
But it's just hard to tell another adult who he
can and can't hang out with, especially when it's not
a romantic thing, right, because you can you can't have
his romantic thing, of course. Yeah, yeah, any problem with that?

Speaker 4 (07:42):
I I mean, I think it's okay.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
If you're curious, you could say, so tell me what
it is that you like about these friends, so that
way you can have a better understanding of what he
sees in them, because he may see a different side
that you don't see, or he's maybe wanting to hang
out with them because he is a good influence for them.
It's like, hey, I really care about these people, like
when they're with me.

Speaker 4 (08:04):
There I help.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
No, let's find out the case. But not like way
your mind goes very positive up a thing like that.

Speaker 4 (08:10):
Maybe she can understand.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
I know, and I think it's great. Probably gonna end
in a fight. Nothing, no harm, no foul. Okay, let
him do a thing until he doesn't do his thing anymore.
All right, thank you, close it up.

Speaker 5 (08:21):
We've got your game mail and we read it on
the air. Now let's find the clothes Bobby mail bag year.

Speaker 7 (08:29):
Here are the top five rejected segments from the last
thirty days.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
These are all rejected. I got him, I got him.
We looked at him. We were like, we can't do these,
but we're gonna hold them because we would. We just
won't do them, and we need to highlight why we
won't do them. Number five. Number five Spill the t
Celebrity Edition. We always spill the tea on each other,
but since we have the voice changer, now let's spill
the tea on celebrities. We share stories anonymously about bad

interactions we have with famous people or rumors that we
heard about them.

Speaker 5 (08:58):
This is that's strong it is?

Speaker 2 (09:01):
That was from Mike d Oh, and now you're gonna
do it cause it's not worth the drama. But it's
voice changer and who knows if it's even true? Yeah,
but on the voice changer. My name's on the show
that the voice changers. Yeah, and be it hilarious. I
love to hear it. I say, I'm i'ma do it
for legal reason, so not wortho drama. Here we go.

Speaker 5 (09:20):
Number four.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
Uh, this one is.

Speaker 7 (09:22):
In a category I call scraping for show material.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
Did everybody feel like it might be them?

Speaker 3 (09:28):

Speaker 2 (09:31):
Yeah? The days of expired milk are over is the headline.

Speaker 5 (09:35):
That sounds what's that about?

Speaker 2 (09:37):
Are you excited? Whomember this mystery person was? I said,
I bought milk from the store the other day and
the expiration date was two months away. It was organic milk.
How on earth can milk last that long?

Speaker 5 (09:48):
I was just gonna say that, How on Earth?

Speaker 2 (09:50):
I swear it was just yesterday. We could have milk
and it would go bad. Also, how does milk last
so long? Why does organic last longer than regular? Question
for the room? Do you eat things after the ex
spiration date? Or do you throw it out? Let's talk
more about it.

Speaker 5 (10:02):
Why do you read it like that?

Speaker 2 (10:03):
Why you read it like, oh, there's milk that expires.

Speaker 5 (10:07):
That's it's a legit question. So you like this segment?
Would you have done it?

Speaker 2 (10:11):
I'm so interested in what this is about organic milk?

Speaker 3 (10:15):

Speaker 5 (10:15):
Yeah, that was Eddie who wanted to talk about expired milk.
Isn't it crazy?

Speaker 2 (10:18):

Speaker 6 (10:18):
Do you remember the days where you have to be like, here,
it taste the milk because it's still good.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
Smell it.

Speaker 5 (10:22):
Smell it, dude, it's two months away. That's crazy. Just
some chemical that's.

Speaker 3 (10:27):
Not surely not after you open it. I think it's
if as long.

Speaker 4 (10:30):
As it stays sealed.

Speaker 5 (10:32):
I don't think so.

Speaker 4 (10:33):
No, if you open it, it's seven to ten days.

Speaker 5 (10:35):
What about that question around the room? Though? You want
to ask that one?

Speaker 2 (10:38):
I don't actually.

Speaker 5 (10:41):
Thank you though.

Speaker 7 (10:41):
All right, let's go to the next one. Number three
rejected segments.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
This is going to make me sound old, but I
find a really cool app that you can use at
the bar to hear the TV's better. Now I classify
this as boring, so it's called the Tunity app.

Speaker 7 (10:56):
Ray would Jake tells more. Yeah, this is pretty bad.
I was at a sports bar and you can never
hear the TVs. It annoys me so bad. So I
just got to googling and they actually make an app
and I have it. You just pointed at a TV,
it'll give you the volume from that TV. So we
placed it on our table and we were just playing
it in the bar, and even the waitress came by
and she goes, where is that volume coming from?

Speaker 2 (11:17):
So you aren't turning the volume up on the TV.
Just your phone.

Speaker 7 (11:19):
Just on your phone, you can do any channel, any
TV in the bar.

Speaker 5 (11:22):
You just go scan it. That's amazing. And I don't
think that's an old person. I think that's a genius. Genius.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
I don't go to enough bars or I want to
watch TV. I guess we like say we goes to
a bar to watch TV. No mean, yeah, I don't.
That's what that was the point. But say you go
to a sports bar right bones on Saturday, Saturday afternoon
and razorbacks playing. I'm not gonna ever do that. What's
say we're there and there are a bunch of games,
but you want to hear they wings come out of
my button. I'm not gonna be there all right. Number two,

This one was just not that it was a bad segment.
I wasn't gonna be compelling. I just wasn't in the
mood for the drama. But now I kind of am.
And so here's what they wrote. I remember how Lunchbox
said he wasn't going to show up to record the
Best Bits with me.

Speaker 7 (12:05):
This is from Morgan. Well he did just that, but
in the rudest way possible.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
I asked him if you'd be on The Best Bits,
which is a podcast Morgan does every week about this show,
and he said yes. We set up a time and
then he just didn't show up. He just didn't show
up to prove a point.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
Wow, he straight up like stood me up, just did.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
Not come to work, ghosted you because you didn't you
kicked him out of a bit on the show.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
Yeah, And I was like, listen, that's fine.

Speaker 8 (12:26):
If you want to skip this month because you're mad
at me, then you just don't come on and we
don't do it, but you schedule the time.

Speaker 5 (12:32):
That is kind of jerk. Well, you banned me from
employee the Bits, right, and you know what you know?
One else is a bit teaching people life lessons. You
messed with me, that's I messed with you. That's not
a lifeless And so she got up here at three
in the morning, and guess who wasn't here. This guy?

Speaker 2 (12:45):
Oh my god, it was that time show. I would
kill him. I'd hold that and remember that and hold
it and get it back some time.

Speaker 8 (12:53):
It's still being held, like the grudge is still in
my heart.

Speaker 5 (12:55):
I was fine, it's still being held that I was
banned from employee the months. I help you, Mark, you
play with the ball, you get the horns.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Hey, this bull's got a few horns too.

Speaker 5 (13:03):
I can help you.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
All right, two balls now, and let's do number one.

Speaker 5 (13:06):
Here we go number one. I don't know what's excited
about that.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
This one was. I put this in the category we
can't do it because we would raise too much money
for charity.

Speaker 5 (13:18):
Oh is that a thing? Yeah, yeah, I definitely didn't.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
It would just explode because we all charities would be fixed. Uh,
there'd be no more hunger, no more sickness, and we'd
raise too much money for charity.

Speaker 5 (13:29):
Definitely not my suggestions.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
So we didn't do this bit. So the bit was
called win a chance to punch lunchbox in the face.
We had a listener call in recently. You said he'd
loved to win a chance to punch lunchbox in the face.
So why not make it a reality. Listeners can donate
to a charity and get entered in the lottery and
we draw a winter that punches them in the face
with a boxing glove.

Speaker 5 (13:45):
But we'd have so many people bucks.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
No, no, no, hold on hundred.

Speaker 5 (13:49):
Bucks right now.

Speaker 2 (13:49):
See see we're already solving all the world's problems. Too
much money for charity for lottery tickets to munch on
the face.

Speaker 6 (13:57):
Yes, skuwa punch them in the face.

Speaker 7 (14:04):
No, I don't want.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
To fix said, there'll be too much money given, and
we want to fix all the shi.

Speaker 5 (14:10):
Three hundred people do it for three hundred.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
That was rejected.

Speaker 7 (14:13):
Segments that was rejected, segments.

Speaker 5 (14:17):
It's time for the good news. The small town of Sartel,
Minnesota was struck by a vandal. Some would say the
grinch that tried to steal Christmas. Yeah, they had the
Christmas display up and downtown Christmas lights, all this stuff,
and a vandal came through and wrecked it. Broke the lights,

broke all the displays, and they were supposed to have
a big old like town ceremony to like kick off
the holidays, and like all the lights were broken, what
are you gonna do. Well, people from surrounding communities said, hey,
we got Christmas lights, we got decorations, and they went
and they resurrected Christmas.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
Wow. He went hard.

Speaker 5 (14:57):
Yeah that's cool.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
Yeah, it was very much in the spirit.

Speaker 5 (15:00):
Huh See, here's the thing.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
I wanted to get him too. So first of all,
I want to shout out to all those people from
the other towns. That's awesome. Now, if he was gonna
play holly jolly Christmas, I was gonnall him out because
hes upset at his neighbor. Yeah, when his neighbors started
to put his decorations up here, Yeah, my neighbor, it's.

Speaker 5 (15:16):
The time though. No, no, no, you don't put up Christmas
decorations before Thanksgiving. That's what I'm saying. So many I
have this over zealous neighbor that did this with Halloween,
Like it was like September and he had the decorations
up and then I mean the day after Halloween they
were down and Christmas were up. And so my kids,
once again, data Halloween's over. Should we get ready for Christmas.

I still got Halloween decorations up. That's on you, though,
I understand that's on me, but I'm not ready to
put Christmas lights up. I don't.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
It's no.

Speaker 5 (15:49):
The neighbor has been there for maybe I mean they're new,
so they've been there maybe six months. So I feel
like they're trying to show off, like saying, hey, we're
a neighbor, like we we have spirit, you know, Like
how about you? No, no, we own a spirit. You're
way too soon. And I don't want to be friends
with you because you're getting me in trouble at my house.
It's annoying and Ryan but liked it, like the spirit
in it. Yeah, Like you go to these shopping centers

and they got Christmas eights all up. It's like, guys,
can we put.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
These a vandal that tore this neighborhood down before? Listen
to the to the towns that came over and stepped
in for this town. You're awesome to the vandal. You'll
be forgiven. That's it.

Speaker 5 (16:25):
That's what it's all about. That's what it's all about.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
Thank you, that's what it's all about.

Speaker 5 (16:30):
That was telling me something good. It's time for.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
Riddle me this, all kids are red als for the
adults in the room. Example question what goes up but
never comes down?

Speaker 5 (16:45):
Your age?

Speaker 2 (16:46):
Correct? Example questions, Oh, I always get that wrong.

Speaker 5 (16:49):
You were gonna say a hot air balloon or something
like that rock.

Speaker 4 (16:51):
I was like precipitation.

Speaker 5 (16:53):
Oh no, that comes down.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
That only comes down comes down. Okay, here we go.
We'll go around the room. You'll have fifteen seconds after
I finished reading it the second time.

Speaker 5 (17:04):
Amy, Riddle me this.

Speaker 2 (17:07):
What has many rings but no fingers? What has many
rings but no fingers?

Speaker 4 (17:15):
Riddle me this many rings? I mean I have several
things in my head. So a phone?

Speaker 2 (17:27):
Correct? I mean you're thinking about Saturn too. Maybe I
would accepted that ya fingers like a notebook, lunch box? Yep.
If you drop a yellow hat into the red sea,
what does it become? If he has trouble with the

color thing that I'm color blick. If you drop a
yellow hat in the red sea, what does it become?
Riddle me this.

Speaker 5 (17:58):
You drop a little hat.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
In the red sea, what does it become?

Speaker 1 (18:09):

Speaker 2 (18:10):
M M incorrect? The answer is wet it falls in
the sea. Because you can also grab you can drop
it it's wet, but you still pick it up.

Speaker 4 (18:20):
The trick is that you want People might say.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
Orange yeah, and they're they're tricking you with red sea
yellow hat and lunchboxes eliminated, Eddie, Come on, I'm always
on the dinner table, but you don't get to eat me.
What am I?

Speaker 5 (18:38):
There's a lot of things.

Speaker 2 (18:39):
I'm always on the dinner table, but you don't get
to eat me. What am I?

Speaker 5 (18:46):
This man? This one came fast. I'm gonna go with
the plate. Correct.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
Hand me back over to you. What can you break
even if you never pick it up or touch it?
What can you break even if you never pick it
up or touch it? Riddle me this? Correct, Eddie?

Speaker 5 (19:15):
Come on?

Speaker 2 (19:17):
What nighttime question can you never answer yes to? What
nighttime question? Can you never answer yes to? Riddle me this.

Speaker 5 (19:33):
Nighttime question?

Speaker 2 (19:35):
What nighttime question can you never answer yes to?

Speaker 5 (19:39):
Got it? Are you sleeping? Correct?

Speaker 2 (19:44):

Speaker 5 (19:45):
That one? Just game me.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
That's a good one. Good job. Amy. Nobody empties me,
but I never stay full for long? What am I?
Nobody empties me but I never stay full for long?
What am I?

Speaker 4 (20:04):
Nobody empties me.

Speaker 2 (20:07):
But I never stay full for long? What am I?

Speaker 3 (20:11):
Nobody empties me, but I never stay full for long?

Speaker 4 (20:17):
What am I stomach?

Speaker 5 (20:22):
And correct?

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Because you do it?

Speaker 5 (20:22):
If your stomach where in the bathroom? The moon huh huh,
I'll think about that. Didn't stay full moon for long?

Speaker 2 (20:31):

Speaker 11 (20:31):

Speaker 4 (20:32):

Speaker 2 (20:32):
Eddie for the wind? Oh man, come on, stomach, No,
your stomach gets emptied.

Speaker 5 (20:37):
Do you empty? Hear?

Speaker 2 (20:37):
You're gonna yellow car?

Speaker 5 (20:38):

Speaker 2 (20:38):
She's got a yellow car fatal expressions.

Speaker 7 (20:40):

Speaker 2 (20:40):
She kept giving me the face over and over again,
and I know our audience couldn't hear it. Let me
tell you it's a pretty intense face. She gave me
three faces in a row.

Speaker 5 (20:46):
Amy too.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
Okay, okay, I have to close my eyes so they
don't roll.

Speaker 2 (20:51):
They're rolling under there, Eddie, come on for the wind
when things go wrong? What can you always count on
for the wind when things go wrong? What can you
always count on? Riddle me this.

Speaker 5 (21:07):
When things go wrong, you can always count on? That's filiar.

Speaker 2 (21:18):
Let's say your fingers one, two, three, four, five winner.

Speaker 5 (21:23):
Yea, let's.

Speaker 10 (21:26):

Speaker 5 (21:27):
That's good one. I don't think I've ever won. Riddle
me this don't terrible, that's amazing.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
Well, as a.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
Victor, you get to do riddle me this if you want.

Speaker 5 (21:38):
Oh, come on, come on, let's take the music down.
Here we go. I've never practiced this. Here we go.

Speaker 2 (21:42):
Don't blow your voice out, ye, riddle me. I I
mean define poser for our listeners.

Speaker 3 (21:55):
Well, someone that's pretending to be something that they're not
so that they feel better. They might be a little
insecure about something, but if they pose, they feel better.

Speaker 4 (22:06):

Speaker 2 (22:07):
Who do we think is calling somebody a poser? Who
do we think is calling somebody out? Just I don't know, instinct,
says Lunchbox. Well that's true somebody else correct, So Lunchbox,
who are you calling a poser?

Speaker 5 (22:18):
Morgan? Morgan's an absolute poser? Because do you know this? Morgan?

Speaker 12 (22:21):
No, I have no idea.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
What Okay?

Speaker 5 (22:23):
Do you hear Morgan talk? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
Let me say again, Morgan. How's your day going?

Speaker 1 (22:26):
My day's going great?

Speaker 2 (22:27):
Yeah? Anything interesting happened in the last couple of days?

Speaker 8 (22:31):
No, I just hung out with my dog, hung up
some Christmas trees, lived a good life.

Speaker 2 (22:35):
All right, love it? I did hear talk? Then?

Speaker 5 (22:37):
Yeah? Did you hear a real deep southern accent? Like
she's from Alabama or Mississippi or something.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Kansas. He has almost no accent.

Speaker 5 (22:45):
It's weird because when she's interviewing Landy Wilson last week,
all of a sudden, she's from the deep style so
she can sail on Mike Laney Wilson. Maybe Landy Wilson
will be impressed and be friends with her. I mean,
it's unbelievable, all of a sudden, Oh, I'm from there too. Well,
it's crazy.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
I've not heard this.

Speaker 5 (23:00):
This is not good.

Speaker 2 (23:01):
If it's true, it's like, so, oh, just listen, it's true. Okay,
before we haven't heard it either. Sometimes he makes a
big deal about something and that's not Morgan. What do
you know, say anything before I play it.

Speaker 8 (23:11):
I am like, I have a very country family, so
there is a side of me that is very country.

Speaker 5 (23:17):
How many times you guys heard that hold on in
all the years you've known her?

Speaker 2 (23:19):
Hold On?

Speaker 8 (23:20):
When I went to college, I took classes to make
sure that if I was going into journalism that I
spoke very clearly. So I do have some slang that
comes out like country.

Speaker 10 (23:31):
It's not a lot.

Speaker 5 (23:34):
This is fun.

Speaker 2 (23:35):
Lunch botch is one.

Speaker 4 (23:37):
You're around someone.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
That I'm tired, or if I'm just tired now it
comes out huh, thicker than it already is. Okay, here's
Morgan talking to Landy Wilson. Apparently my note here from lunchboxes.
You can hear a voice normal at the top. Is
she fades into country accident as it goes? Okay, go ahead,
I'm rooting.

Speaker 1 (23:54):
For you in every aspect? Does it feel weird too?

Speaker 8 (23:57):
Because you have listen, you have women want to be
you and men who want to date you, like.

Speaker 1 (24:03):
There is no in between?

Speaker 4 (24:04):
Hey, are you like dang?

Speaker 1 (24:06):
I kind of got my.

Speaker 8 (24:07):
Pick right now, but I mean you're in a relationship obviously,
feel crazy?

Speaker 2 (24:14):
I thought that was lady talking.

Speaker 5 (24:18):
That's definitely not intentional.

Speaker 8 (24:22):
I really promise you it wasn't like I did not
know this happened.

Speaker 4 (24:26):
Do you hear that?

Speaker 12 (24:26):
Though I'm here?

Speaker 1 (24:28):
I really like, that's just my voice. My daddy hold on.
My dad even.

Speaker 8 (24:32):
Listened to this interview and did not pick up on anything.
He just like, that's how he knows me.

Speaker 2 (24:36):
So that tells you, isn't is?

Speaker 7 (24:42):
Because I couldn't tell the difference. A yeah, it's a
oh man, Okay, here we go.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
I'm murting for you in every aspect? Does it feel weird?

Speaker 8 (24:51):
Too, because you have listen, you have women who want
to be you and men who want to date you,
like there.

Speaker 1 (24:57):
Is no in between.

Speaker 4 (24:58):
Hey, are you like?

Speaker 8 (25:00):
I kind of got my pick right now, but I
mean you're in a relationship obviously, but you know what
I mean?

Speaker 1 (25:04):
Does that feel crazy?

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Yeah? Lanny only said one thing. Hey, the rest of
that was Morgan.

Speaker 1 (25:11):
That just sounds like my voice.

Speaker 5 (25:12):
No, she goes, doesn't it feel normal? She goes, doesn't it?
And then crazy? Like like it was all normal then.

Speaker 1 (25:18):
I mean, like if you thought I was doing that intentionally,
it was not like that was really just my voice.

Speaker 4 (25:25):
I don't know what you think here.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
It's funny though, that is funny. Yeah, Mike, you what'd
you say?

Speaker 5 (25:30):
You said.

Speaker 7 (25:32):

Speaker 2 (25:32):
That's when I heard the.

Speaker 8 (25:33):
First one too, Like I could not do that again
if I tried.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
That's just like.

Speaker 8 (25:38):
It's also sometimes when you're around people that it picks
up on things.

Speaker 5 (25:41):
Yeah, for like thirty seconds when you're around So when
I was on, your voice changes.

Speaker 8 (25:44):
No, if I go back home and I'm around my family,
that does come out.

Speaker 5 (25:48):
It's like you can go to Hawaii for two days,
you come back.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
No, it's because that's already in me.

Speaker 5 (25:52):
I can't help you, Guys, I was around people.

Speaker 1 (25:54):
No, it's because that's already in me. The country is
already in me.

Speaker 2 (25:57):
How long were you sitting on that bet to bring
us bound?

Speaker 5 (26:00):
Sitting on her for a few days. I was like, man,
this is great. I just want to hold it till
everybody thinks it has died down.

Speaker 3 (26:04):
No one.

Speaker 5 (26:05):
She thinks no one noticed, like I got away with it,
and you don't notice anything more.

Speaker 2 (26:08):

Speaker 8 (26:08):
I generally that just sounds like my voice. You know,
sometimes when I get excited and talk to people, my
slang does come out more when I'm excited, casual, having
a fun conversation.

Speaker 5 (26:19):
Guys, has she ever had a fun conversation on the showparently?

Speaker 3 (26:22):

Speaker 5 (26:22):
Apparently not because that slang has never come out? How
many years you worked here? Six? Seven? Right?

Speaker 1 (26:27):
Almost seven?

Speaker 7 (26:27):

Speaker 5 (26:28):
Has never come out.

Speaker 2 (26:33):
We'll retire it, Okay, it's cute.

Speaker 4 (26:36):
It's a cute accident.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
Elaine never talks except for here we go.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
I'm rooting for you in every aspect. Does it feel
weird too?

Speaker 8 (26:45):
Because you have listen, you have women who want to
be you and men who want to date you, like there.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
Is no in between.

Speaker 8 (26:53):
Are you like, dang, I kind of got my pick
right now.

Speaker 4 (26:55):

Speaker 3 (26:58):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (26:58):
Does that feel the moon's full? And the wear? WoT
you nice?

Speaker 3 (27:05):
This is my boy?

Speaker 4 (27:06):
You guys that want to date?

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Yeah, it's funny.

Speaker 1 (27:09):
Like can we call my dad and he can testify?
I swear to like we heard it, we heard it.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
Yeah, we'll retire the clips.

Speaker 9 (27:17):
I couldn't make it up.

Speaker 10 (27:18):
I try.

Speaker 3 (27:19):
You interviewed Luke Bryan that same day, right, and has
like a you know, Southern draw, Like did you.

Speaker 12 (27:27):
Do it with him?

Speaker 1 (27:27):
I don't know if I would, because I do know
Laney a little bit better.

Speaker 8 (27:30):
Like Laney and I kind of know each other, so like, oh,
it's like fair monks. Yeah, you it's like I think,
But like, do you guys think I was faking it?

Speaker 5 (27:41):

Speaker 2 (27:41):
No, no, no, I think you were just in a moment. Yeah,
And you're having fun with hers.

Speaker 5 (27:46):
Living your life.

Speaker 7 (27:48):

Speaker 2 (27:48):
Top Songs and Country Music at number three, Dylan Scott
can't have Mine, Find you a Girl? Number two Morgan
Wall and think about me. He's drinking danking that number
one Dustin Lynch Stars Confetti.

Speaker 3 (28:06):

Speaker 1 (28:08):
I'll say.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
Congrats to Dustin Lynch. Number one dance song. Now, I
want to play an old song here. This is from
Back in the Day. This is from twenty twelve from Iconopop.

Speaker 5 (28:19):
This is I Love It.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
Yeah a jam right, I love it fun song. They
have a number one here. This is called fall in Love.

Speaker 5 (28:28):
This is house seems like when you fall, let's go.

Speaker 7 (28:34):
I don't even like him, gonna pick that.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
Generally, I'm not drawing to dance music.

Speaker 5 (28:38):
I like this though.

Speaker 2 (28:39):
I like them a lot of words and catchy beats.
So when I raise yeah, yeah, which is often, which
is yeah every week? That's icon of Pomp. They have
a number one song, and Travis Scott has melt Down
number one hip hop.

Speaker 5 (28:55):
He Amy's Pile of Stories.

Speaker 4 (28:57):
So if you want to know if your relationship will last,
it the bird test.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
Okay, if I flip her off, she's gonna punch me
and that's not gonna be good.

Speaker 3 (29:05):
Hey well, the bird test is explained in this viral video,
and it's really simple. All you do is say to
your partner or friend or family or whatever, there's a
woodpecker on that tree with like excitement, and if the
person asks.

Speaker 4 (29:19):
You about it or gets up to check it out,
they have passed the test.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
If there's the dumbest thing ever heard, I'll tell my
wife would be how do you see a woodpecker? You
can't see anything? It's something up? Who's watching me? This
a bit? Are you on the air? That's where that
would go.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
Immediately, she's still asking questions. That's being engaged, because the
point is if the person does nothing or says something,
who cares or it's just a bird, that's a sign
that the relationship won't last.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
It has nothing to do with well old made this
up on TikTok right now. My kids do this to
me all the time, like Dad, look at this, and
I'm like mm hm oh ki, you didn't see me.
That means you'll never last as their dad.

Speaker 3 (29:51):
Well, you might need to work on it a little bit,
because it's really about the person showing interest in what
you're talking about.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
Morgan, do you understand that beavs and bud no more time? Wow,
Well this is a difference here in ages. Listen closely.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yes, well we
were just talking about it. No, No, what wood packer?

Speaker 3 (30:22):

Speaker 5 (30:22):
Do you know who wood packer is?

Speaker 7 (30:24):

Speaker 2 (30:24):
Is a cartoon, it's old. It's but way before us too.
But they used to show it a lot more.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
And he was just like and the woodpecker made that sound.

Speaker 5 (30:33):
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Speaker 4 (30:36):
No, but what Beavis and is like, huhuh.

Speaker 5 (30:42):
What else?

Speaker 3 (30:43):
Arnold Schwarzenegger says, the first thing that we should be
doing in the morning as well.

Speaker 5 (30:48):
Carls working out. No, it's pretty we're all eggs.

Speaker 4 (30:52):
He says, it's the most important thing that you can do.
Not think.

Speaker 5 (30:58):
I can do that. Yeah, he's pretty much every morning.

Speaker 3 (31:01):
Man, if you get up and you start thinking, and
stupid stuff comes to your mind, and then some negative things.
So what you gotta do is just roll out of bed,
get on your bike, or do some sort of physical
activity so that your brain isn't thinking about all the
other things. And then afterwards you're gonna feel so much
better about yourself in the world and the way you
look at the world and everything like that.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
Then I would freak out because I hadn't been thinking enough.
I'm behind on thinking.

Speaker 3 (31:22):
Oh that was a direct quote from Arnold, So don't
think Luke Combs, obviously I love that song.

Speaker 5 (31:30):
Don't think I thought the same.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
Arnold said, you go crazy when you wake up don't
think about the day. That's okay because every day combs
at you.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
Don't think that's good. Yeah, Jordan Davis, oh hemmy, don't blink. Dang,
that sounded like George.

Speaker 3 (31:49):
I get it.

Speaker 4 (31:49):
I get that part now.

Speaker 3 (31:50):
But there's something else that Jordan's that had Jordan Davis vibes.

Speaker 5 (31:54):
No, next thing you know, next thing you know.

Speaker 2 (31:56):
Arnold Schwarzenegga's at your bed.

Speaker 5 (31:58):
He's shaking you. This is what he said. I do
not think.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
And then you call the cops. Why is he there?
I don't know. I'm in my underwear.

Speaker 4 (32:06):

Speaker 5 (32:07):

Speaker 4 (32:07):
So Luke comes covered fast car. Obviously it's been.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
A huge success, and I was shocked to see that
he still hasn't even met Tracy Chapman yet.

Speaker 2 (32:16):
I don't think she wants to be in mehat. Oh,
she wasn't happy the song was recorded to begin with.

Speaker 5 (32:20):
I think they did all right, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (32:21):
I think they did something where she's like, I'm just
happy just so people would get off, because people were
on Luke pretty good, like, well, she doesn't want her
songs covered. And then I think she released a statement
that was like I'm just happy somebody love people love
the song this many years later, but she doesn't want
to be seeing or eventually they may do something together.

Speaker 5 (32:41):
But from what I know, so that's why she could
go to the CMA is to accept their word. Yeah,
she's not a big fan of that guy.

Speaker 4 (32:48):
Well, Luke is obviously a huge fan.

Speaker 3 (32:49):
It's the first song he learned on guitar, and it's
something that's a special song he shares.

Speaker 2 (32:53):
With his dad. So this is what she said. I
never expected to find myself on the country charts, but
I'm honored to be there. I'm happy for Luke in
a success and grateful the new fans have found in
a brace fast car.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
Yeah, because she's happy.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
No, that's a statement. Okay, guess but I'm glad people
are leaving local on.

Speaker 5 (33:09):
Me happy. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
She never she doesn't want a song sample.

Speaker 5 (33:11):
She's not.

Speaker 2 (33:11):
She told people, don't use my songs for stuff. She
doesn't like her songs covered. She's been very vocal about that. Wow,
she got in a lawsuit with somebody about it, maybe
like Nicki Minaj, Wow for using a piece of for song.
I'm not sure which which That's crazy that you can
feel that way, but you have no choice. Like, if
somebody wants to take accept that money, Oh, man, that's crazy.
I don't want to.

Speaker 5 (33:31):
Yes, I do.

Speaker 4 (33:33):
What if she was like, okay, I'm good.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
Tracy Chapman want a lawsuit against Nicki Minaj because she
used some of her Baby Cannot Hold You vocals without permission?

Speaker 5 (33:43):
She was like, I don't want to use my song. Yeah,
there you go.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
Maybe that's my file.

Speaker 5 (33:48):
That was Amy's Kyle of Stories. It's time for the
good news.

Speaker 10 (33:52):

Speaker 2 (33:57):
Melissa Burrow Paget from Sulfur, Louisiana wanted to be on
family feud. Well, they finally got to do it. She
invited her two daughters, her ex husband, her mom. They
all went and they won the whole dang thing. Ex
husband many for them for having a healthy relationship. Are
still a family, right, So they win the whole thing.
They get a twenty thousand dollars check. Man, it's got

to be complicated, right, all these family members. How do
we split this course?

Speaker 3 (34:22):
Right? Not?

Speaker 5 (34:23):
Don't worry about all that because they donated at all
to charity. Wow.

Speaker 2 (34:27):
Yeah, they they started a charity and it was all
for kids that you know, can't afford entrance fees to tournaments.

Speaker 5 (34:33):
Or sports equipments, and so all that money went to that.

Speaker 4 (34:36):
That's awesome.

Speaker 2 (34:37):
And they didn't go on the show going we're playing
for a charity. They just won it and then gave
it to a chair man. They could have kept all
the money. We went on to show once playing for
a charity saying Jude, no, we didn't know we were
able to do it, like five bucks because we got crushed.

Speaker 5 (34:50):
To be fair, you didn't take any that's crazy. It's
sort of like there was a guy a couple of
seasons ago, Gabler. He won Survivor Gabler and he donated
all to charity. What are you thinking?

Speaker 2 (34:59):
But why is that crazy?

Speaker 5 (35:00):
He won a million dollars, he suffered out there for
however many days?

Speaker 2 (35:04):
Is that what you want on that show? Still a
million bucks?

Speaker 5 (35:05):
Yeah? And he like in the Live banale he got
voted the winner and they're like, well, how do you feel.
He's like, I'm donating all the charity?

Speaker 2 (35:11):
What excuse Me's a lot of money? But yeah, yeah,
for sure, that's a lot if they were rich or
I don't know. What I would say is that if
he is rich, it makes a lot of sense. If
he has a big tax bill, because when you get
the money taxing be taken out, right, it's gonna be
like six hundred and thirty thousand dollars. If you donate
it all, you basically get half a million taken off

your taxes that you have to pay, right, So it
depends on his financial situation. But yes, it's still awesome.
And who knows. He may have just done out of
the kindness his heart, or he could have done it
out of the kindness of his heart and him being
responsible and going, well, I got this big tax bill,
I gotta pay so I can use this up again.

Speaker 5 (35:47):
Or he's delusional because he's been out there for thirty days.
I don't think that he hasn't realized he hasn't eaten,
he hasn't been you know, properly.

Speaker 2 (35:54):
They make him commit to what he's doing, right then,
I mean you won't commit to your money.

Speaker 3 (35:58):
Right. Maybe he realized how all he can live with,
so he's like, huh, I don't need a million dollars.

Speaker 4 (36:03):
I just survived.

Speaker 2 (36:04):
Yeah, he would do it one million dollar prize to
veterans causes if he's so. It was prior to the taping,
and he said that he.

Speaker 5 (36:10):
Would do it.

Speaker 7 (36:10):
Oh, so he's Tudor's word, which some people they could lie. Oh,
I was that's part of the game. I didn't that's
part of the game.

Speaker 2 (36:16):
It's not even that. But like, why'd you get part
of the game.

Speaker 5 (36:19):
Because one of the guys on there years ago, like
they used to have family members come visit and they
said that like their mom died or something. Didn't really die.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
Oh did he had winning?

Speaker 5 (36:28):
I don't remember if he want or not.

Speaker 3 (36:30):
I don't.

Speaker 7 (36:31):
My lunchbox turned my story into a weird you know,
it's just like his fantasy. Don't try to light to
it on Oprah and say that he was sick.

Speaker 5 (36:38):
Did She was best friends with Tina Turner and so
she would have Tina Turner on the show all the time.
And I was like, man, I'm just going to write
to Oprah and say I'm a twelve year old kid
dying of something and that I need Are you dying something? Cancer?

Speaker 4 (36:55):
The letter?

Speaker 5 (36:55):
That's what I'm saying. I said cancer, but I didn't
want to you want to say here? Yeah, he said it,
and I was like, and then all they'll put me
on the show and I'll get to meet Tina Turner
and I showed it.

Speaker 10 (37:04):
To my mom.

Speaker 5 (37:05):
My mom goes, you don't think they'll do some investigating
And I was like, I've really just stated my word.

Speaker 2 (37:10):
Amen, Johnny fairplay him and Dan scheme to have his
grandmother died.

Speaker 5 (37:16):
Grandmother, that's a good story we're getting. Come on, this
is a good story. We like that. That is what
it's all about.

Speaker 2 (37:22):
That was telling me something good. A new study found
that social media is not addictive. Oh, I feel like
the study is done by like meta. Yeah, sucker Berg
week have reduced social media usage, neither increased nor decreased
people's desire to get back online.

Speaker 7 (37:40):

Speaker 2 (37:40):
I don't think that the social media itself is the addiction.
I think it's what people are searching for by being
on it a lot, and if they didn't search for
it here, they probably that would manifest itself in other ways.
PS signed guys on his phone a lot, right, that's
you The lack of craving says, you know, maybe that
addiction is not the social media, Like I think it's

probably what they're getting from it, or what they're not
getting from their real life. It's what they're getting from
it there, but still shouldn't be on it over like
fourteen hours a day.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
That's tough.

Speaker 7 (38:14):
Well, that's that's the goal I've put for myself. Favorite
social media at place.

Speaker 3 (38:19):
Amy Gosh, it's Instagram or TikTok, but I probably spend
more time on Instagram because I feel like some of
the TikTok reels can end up or they end up
over on Instagram, so they get the best of both.

Speaker 2 (38:32):
Yeah, that's like the Dollar Movie Theater the reels. Yeah,
because the Dollar Movie Theater, which so old movies that
everybody else had already paid to see, the classic yeah,
or ones that had been out for like ten months.
They get home, it's you pay a dollar and go
reels like everything that TikTok's already seen.

Speaker 4 (38:48):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's fine. Hey, at least it got
to me.

Speaker 2 (38:50):
Yeah, I got youa. It used to be Twitter for me.
It just isn't anymore. It hurts for me to say that,
and it's not even Twitter anymore. Yeah, it's just lame.
And I'm still there and I still post and read
news a little bit, but it's like every third post
there are like bots being like do you like my picture?

Speaker 5 (39:07):
And some somebody halfway naked.

Speaker 2 (39:09):
It's like, uh, probably TikTok for me Instagram second Morgan, Yeah, I.

Speaker 8 (39:15):
Would say mine's TikTok because the comment section is more
fun than it is, like hurting you because it's younger. Yeah,
like everybody's just having fun. It's a good time.

Speaker 2 (39:23):
I think gen Z's actually a little more self aware
and a little nicer than millennials and gen X and
then get more jaded peers, get to baby boomers Facebook,
it isn't all right. Let's go over to Amy with
the Morning Corny, the Mourning Corny.

Speaker 4 (39:44):
What are turkeys thankful for on Thanksgiving? Vegans?

Speaker 5 (39:49):
No, that's true, but that was the Morning Corny.

Speaker 2 (39:57):
Let's talk about Taylor Swift and we have our Swifty Lauren,
who is in studio Lauren. I don't know any initial
thoughts on Taylor in the last few days, just before
I get into the drama here, I mean her this.

Speaker 9 (40:11):
Past weekend with Travis find out to Argentina.

Speaker 2 (40:13):
So it's just Travis. Now he's not even Travis Kelce anymore.

Speaker 9 (40:15):
That's just Taylor's boyfriend Travis.

Speaker 5 (40:18):
That's crazy.

Speaker 2 (40:19):
And then did you think that when she like jumped
up and hugg kissed him that was kind of unlike
other times that's happened, and it was a little purposefully
out there. Did that pop into your mind at all?

Speaker 13 (40:32):
Not really, because like I was thinking about it up
until like her most recent relationship, that one that was
like six years long. Like she has been pretty public
with her relation her past other relationships, so.

Speaker 2 (40:43):
Like Joe Owen, yeah that was that one was so private. No,
but did you ever see her like run off stage
and kiss a boyfriend. No, but she's had PDA with
other boyfriends before. And I think these who are just
like really in love.

Speaker 13 (40:54):
I mean, he traveled all the way to Argentina for her,
Like why not run off stage and kiss him?

Speaker 5 (40:58):
How do we feel we still think it's real? Yes, yeah,
I'm there.

Speaker 2 (41:02):
I'm starting to fall less into that. I don't know,
it just seems too forced, still so forced everything.

Speaker 5 (41:09):
I mean, he is flying to Argentina on his off week.
They've got to make sure they get a video of
them running off stage to get a kiss. Like he
stood perfectly where the camera could catch him. What's the camera?
There were the cameras camera. Usually he could stand right
back there behind the stage and no one would see
him kiss. But they wanted to be seen kissing, so
they said, here, move up right here. That's a great angle.
People will see you.

Speaker 2 (41:29):
And I don't want to feel this way cause I
love love.

Speaker 4 (41:31):
When she changed the lyric in the song.

Speaker 5 (41:33):
Yes, what did you say there?

Speaker 13 (41:36):
She said, Karma Karma is the guy on the chiefs
instead of Karma is the guy on the screen.

Speaker 9 (41:41):
And now that's the only way I'll ever sing it.

Speaker 5 (41:42):
That's so good.

Speaker 4 (41:45):
If they break up, yeah, I guess if they.

Speaker 5 (41:46):
Break up, then I'll change it.

Speaker 7 (41:49):
So that.

Speaker 2 (41:51):
I'm still I'm still. My needle is slightly real, but
instead of fifty one forty nine, it's fifty point five
forty nine point five.

Speaker 5 (42:00):
And then she now has secret handshakes with Patrick Mahomes's wife.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
It's like, so stupid, Morgan, what do you think on this?

Speaker 10 (42:06):

Speaker 4 (42:06):
I think it's totally real.

Speaker 1 (42:07):
I just think she's madly in love and like wants
to show it.

Speaker 2 (42:10):
But what about He's nothing like any other dude she's
ever dated in any.

Speaker 1 (42:14):
Way, That's why she's so excited about it.

Speaker 2 (42:18):
I don't know, he just doesn't seem like somebody that
would be exciting to Taylor because of like, that's what
she thought.

Speaker 5 (42:24):
That's what we all and she is the opposite of
every girl he's ever dated.

Speaker 7 (42:28):
Yeah, but guys, that's what you need sometimes he saw.
I agree, it's what you need, but you never It
doesn't matter. I'm gonna move on from this part to
the part I've brot Lauren in for.

Speaker 4 (42:35):
He he's a vibe.

Speaker 2 (42:37):
He never thought he was until Taylor planted his flag.
He's been out there existing forever. He's had his own
dating show. He's done all this, it doesn't matter. But
he's always been like mister thirsty, he's always been trying
to get the always always to that point, what's the
what is the people who get in the spotlight? You
guys sound jealousy?

Speaker 4 (42:57):
What's the game?

Speaker 3 (42:58):

Speaker 4 (42:58):
Why would they do it?

Speaker 13 (43:00):
Yeah, That's what I'm thinking to now at this point, Like,
especially after this this weekend of him in Argentina, Like
her movie's done. I think it's already might be out
of theaters are close to you, you know, her tours
already all sold out?

Speaker 9 (43:09):
Like what what if this was fake? Like the goal
is already accomplished.

Speaker 2 (43:14):
It's a game of relevancy straight up, and the only
way to lose it is to not be on top
of it and she doesn't need it. You know why
she doesn't need it because she's always on it. She's
the smartest entertainer probably in our lifetime.

Speaker 5 (43:27):
Yeah, and it might be the most unwatchable Monday night
football game coming up next week because it's Kelsey.

Speaker 2 (43:33):
His team, and then, you know what, it's real. I
love him.

Speaker 5 (43:35):
There we go.

Speaker 2 (43:36):
No, I'm not bitter like that like him, and you're
you're putting me in his category.

Speaker 5 (43:41):
Monday Night football is gonna be all about the Kelsey
brothers and Taylor Swift being there.

Speaker 3 (43:45):
It's gonna be amazing watchable, usually probably more watchable.

Speaker 2 (43:49):
I do think. I do think it's real, but barely
because it's just so over the top and it's so
unlike anything, and who cares what I think anyway.

Speaker 5 (43:56):
I'll be honest with you.

Speaker 7 (43:57):

Speaker 5 (43:57):
That video is so cute though, man, I love yeah.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
So here's the story though, Brittany mahomes kind of in
Taylor squad? Now, Yeah, how do you feel about that?
It seems fake? Forced?

Speaker 9 (44:07):
I don't think it seems forced.

Speaker 13 (44:08):
I think I mean just when most people get into relationships,
you become friends with your boyfriend's friends, like girlfriends, wives,
whatever they are. You know, because like you're always just
like hanging out, you're together at the same events, you
kind of just like link up with the girls.

Speaker 2 (44:21):
So it's been about about ten years or so ago.
Brittany Mahomes tweeted this, I want to know when you're
gonna find something different to write about besides boys and relationships.

Speaker 9 (44:31):

Speaker 13 (44:32):
See, those tweets don't bother me because they were so
long ago, and like people can change, and that's always
been a Tailor talking point. There was like a time
ten years ago it was like kind of cool to
make fun of Taylor Swift and but who also, like
every I feel like every artist thinks about love and relationships,
So like, why does Taylor get so much heat for it?

Speaker 10 (44:49):

Speaker 2 (44:49):
Because she does it at a massive level and she's
the most famous and best at it. Yeah, but that's
anybody who does something so great, people start to go
that's all they do, and because they do it so great,
they're better than.

Speaker 5 (45:00):
Everybody else that does it.

Speaker 3 (45:02):
That me makes me laugh of Taylor walking and Travis
holding his hand and the meme is Taylor walking with
her next album.

Speaker 5 (45:09):
It is fun.

Speaker 2 (45:10):
That's happened a bunch of times.

Speaker 13 (45:11):
I do like those those tweets, those memes, and I
like get why people think that, but I think they're real.
And those tweets from Brittany Mahomes don't bother.

Speaker 2 (45:18):
Me or make me because they were so long ago.

Speaker 13 (45:20):
So long ago, people change, Like I used to think
Brittany Mahomes was really annoying, but like, I don't find
her as annoying anymore Taylor.

Speaker 2 (45:27):
So now, so let's say Taylor has had a pull
of dog poop when she was eating, and she's like,
you probably have a little dog food for dinner.

Speaker 5 (45:35):
Yeah, Like all of a sudden, Taylor likes Brittany and Mahomes,
so she thinks Brittany Mahomes is okay, It's no.

Speaker 13 (45:40):
It just made me realize that, like, why do you
guys are Brittany Mahomes was annoying because she cheered for
her husband a little too much?

Speaker 2 (45:47):
Like I would too grainwashed by somebody. Taylor's pretty good
parson to get. We're all brainwashed by different people.

Speaker 5 (45:53):
For sure.

Speaker 2 (45:55):
I think that tweet right there is proof that it
is real because Brittany did not like Taylor because of
what she did, but now that she got to know Travis, like, hey,
this is real, like this the world.

Speaker 5 (46:05):
The first tweet was what what did she say?

Speaker 4 (46:07):
Her first tweets long ago?

Speaker 2 (46:10):
I know, and it's about her just dating people to
write songs, right, but it's ten years ago?

Speaker 5 (46:13):
Correct? But now she sees her the real Taylor with
Travis in real.

Speaker 2 (46:17):
Love and she loves Taylor, wants to be a friend,
she wants to Taylor's feah Morgan, uh, Morgan, your thoughts.

Speaker 5 (46:26):
On this all love?

Speaker 1 (46:28):
I still believe it's real.

Speaker 8 (46:29):
I'm totally cool with her being friends with Brittany. I
do think people change. Everybody's tweeted dumb stuff before.

Speaker 1 (46:34):
I don't think it was anything super vile.

Speaker 2 (46:36):
I will agree. Yeah, we've all tweeted dumb said dumb stuff,
and I do think people can change. And also, she
was a kid when she said that. Ye say a
bunch of dumb stuff when you're a kid.

Speaker 3 (46:44):
If it also wasn't like this cruel statement, It was
just a statement about her music, Yeah, exactly an attack.

Speaker 2 (46:50):
Yeah. Well, we're still a pro Taylor show, except for Lunchbox.

Speaker 5 (46:54):
I don't mind, but they called her that woman.

Speaker 8 (46:58):
I didn't Lunchbox come on and say Taylor is the
hottest thing ever after she can be hot.

Speaker 5 (47:03):
She's hot, and she's very like. Her concert was awesome,
it was amazing. She's very entertaining. But this is oh
my gosh, shove it down my throat over and over again.
But it's fake.

Speaker 2 (47:12):
Okay, it's still going with real, but it is so different.
It makes me go, oh, this is very different. It's
anything that's ever been done in every way.

Speaker 5 (47:21):
Yeah, every used to she sneaks guys in the apartment
and you don't see him, you never see him leaving
the apartment. This one it's like, here, we're in a convertible.
Look at us, like, get out of here.

Speaker 2 (47:30):
Let's that sound again, Let's play Tim McGraw Bobby Bone Show.
Thank you guys, thank you. Lying. So why do people
go to Turkey to get hair transplants?

Speaker 3 (47:41):
All I know is I'm watching the David Beckham documentary
and his hair goes from you know, thinner, more receding
hairline to thick and less rush because they're going back
to old footage and old photos and you can just.

Speaker 4 (47:53):
Tell there's a difference.

Speaker 3 (47:54):
So my friend that's in the soccer world was telling me, oh, yeah,
you got a hair transplant, and yeah, this article of
all these other soccer players no hair in one photo
and then luscious hair in the next are all on
the soccer field if their hair.

Speaker 2 (48:08):
Blown in the wind turkis technology we don't have here.

Speaker 3 (48:10):
Yeah, so you're there already over there, you know, traveling
the Turkey is probably not the big of a deal
for them. And apparently whatever they do there is not
legal in America or something, or we don't have the technology.

Speaker 5 (48:22):
Oh come on, I don't here.

Speaker 2 (48:24):
We do. Maybe it's just not.

Speaker 5 (48:27):

Speaker 2 (48:27):
Yeah, it's not approved by the ATA. So Eddie, we've
done some research here and it turns out there are
a lot of people to go to Turkey for her
transplants and most are fine. And so what we have
is the budget. I'd like to propose to you, Amy,
how much is the flight to Turkey.

Speaker 4 (48:42):
Flight's going to be about two thousand dollars.

Speaker 2 (48:45):
You don't have to pay for any of this, Eddy, Okay, good,
because that's a lot of money.

Speaker 3 (48:49):

Speaker 2 (48:49):
So okay, two thousand dollars for the flight, all right,
what other expenses we have?

Speaker 4 (48:52):
Well, I found a package.

Speaker 3 (48:55):
So apparently there's this hair transpoit place that offers all
inclusive sort of like when you go on vacation with
a family, stand all inclusive hotel.

Speaker 4 (49:04):
Everything's included.

Speaker 5 (49:05):
What's all included?

Speaker 4 (49:07):

Speaker 3 (49:08):
Five star hotel, bulletproof vest, VIP transportation from the airport
to the hotel, your hair transplant, which is all kinds
of things like I don't even know what some of
this stuff stands for, but it's the ice new hair
transplant method, and you got to one hundred percent result
guarantee in the package up to five thousand graphs. You

get multi lingual medical advisors so you'll be able to
communicate English. Get that includes post operative checkup and washing
because you've got to be careful with that. And then
again that that VIP transport's probably helpful after care products
and consult consultation and treatment planning.

Speaker 2 (49:51):
So all, then, if I were to pay for Eddie
to go to Turkey, all the travel, all the hotel,
all the transplant.

Speaker 3 (50:00):
Well I don't see food included in here, so let's
just go ahead and make it five hundred bucks five
hundred Turkey.

Speaker 4 (50:08):
Yeah, So let's make it six thousand total dollars.

Speaker 2 (50:10):
We didn't say five thousand, five hundred.

Speaker 3 (50:12):
Yeah, So the all inclusive package is thirty five hundred, Okay,
and then two thousand for the flight, so it's fifty
five hundred and then throwing food, you.

Speaker 2 (50:20):
Like gave us the total before you've ruined that hudled
up like six thousand dollars. Yeah, so, Eddie, let's say
I paid six thousand dollars. Would you go to Turkey
if I all paid for six thousand bucks and get
a hair transplant?

Speaker 5 (50:35):
Do you like that number?

Speaker 2 (50:37):
I definitely think it's it's something that dual that would
be open to We know how Eddie.

Speaker 4 (50:44):
Eddie went to that dentist and I was like, hey,
my tooth and then got down the road.

Speaker 3 (50:48):
What if you reach out to Turkey and say, hey,
we'll do this whole thing, or like the.

Speaker 2 (50:53):
Butter Ball company, and they pay for it and then
and we promote buying their turkeys, Freddy going to Turkey?

Speaker 5 (51:01):
Are they affiliated?

Speaker 2 (51:04):
There's no. I have no idea how we'll get the money.
But if let's say I could get six thousand dollars, okay,
would you go to Turkey and get a hair transplant?
And so you're telling me that my hair will go
from this to luscious hair like I can have Bobby hair. Yeah,
basically you've seen Beckham you may be you've seen to
be a better soccer player too.

Speaker 5 (51:20):
I don't know about all that.

Speaker 2 (51:22):
Is this something you would at least talk your wife about.

Speaker 5 (51:23):

Speaker 2 (51:24):
Okay, then don't commit now, because you do have to
talk to your wife of course. And then that's another
question I have. I'm gonna have to go alone, like
they put me under the knife. Who's gonna drive me home? Like?
Who's gonna take care of me? D mister Turkey? I
mean I might need somebody to go with me. Okay,
so that would be another flight.

Speaker 5 (51:42):

Speaker 2 (51:46):
Well, no, you're already getting a high mill stipend there
my guest or whoever they're gonna have to eat. To
look at his hair, Oh my goodness, fred In Turkey.
There they were getting the hair from some else. They
just chop their head off. Hey, bones, they got man buns. Dude,
would you like to have a man bund? I would
let me tell you something. No, that's awesome, that's awesome.

If I had hair bones, I would have all kinds
of hairstyles. Well, I would do a mullet as soon
as I got back, and as soon as you go
the quicker you get back. Yeah, okay, okay, whoa this
guy's got a full head of hair. Dude, maybe dreadlocks.
I've always wanted dreadlocks. Wow, that guy went from balding
to like you kidden play. I know that's crazy, Okay,

so think about it. Talk to your wife, let me talk.
Let's say we get eight thousand dollars eight thousand, man,
and that would send me with somebody to go to
Turkey to get.

Speaker 5 (52:38):
My hair done.

Speaker 2 (52:38):
Yeah, just think about it. Check back in in a
day or so.

Speaker 5 (52:42):
Question what airline flies to Turkey? Turkey? A Turkey's air Yeah,
that's okay. I'll maybe we get a sponsor Southwest.

Speaker 2 (52:48):
I don't know. I don't think so not direct at least. Well,
if you really want to get away, I.

Speaker 4 (52:53):
Mean i'd go to Turkey.

Speaker 5 (52:55):
And where is Turkey? No idea? Oh man, it's like
right next to area, dude. Israel's not far from there.

Speaker 2 (53:02):
It's serious, greatst.

Speaker 5 (53:03):
Time of year.

Speaker 4 (53:04):
But maybe we could. I've always wanted to go to
Israel and pop on down.

Speaker 2 (53:08):
Bulgaria is right there. Uh, and you've always wanted to
go to Armenia. No, no, never said that. Iraq's not
far away from there.

Speaker 5 (53:16):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (53:16):
Bones talk about it. I will thank you. Let's play
a song. We're rooting for him. Tho, right, everybody, we
wanted to do this the greatest bit in history. So
everybody call us if you want. Eight seven, seven seventy seven.
Bobby will be in Austin tonight doing some comedy for
the Andy Roddy Foundation charity event. You can get tickets

at Bobby Bones dot com and in Louisville Friday Night
Comedically Inspirational Tour, the last show of the tour. Go
to Bobby Bones dot com. So tonight, Austin, Friday, Louisville.
We're here in Nashville right now. Where in the world
is Bobby san Diego?

Speaker 4 (53:50):
Carl, Yeah, I get it, is that show?

Speaker 5 (53:54):
Yeah, Carl, I never I don't know what you guys
are talking about.

Speaker 2 (54:00):
And your dad, Yeah, where in the world. I hear
you guys didn't play the game on the computer? No,
holy mold.

Speaker 5 (54:09):
See you don't remember he's a lot on the elder. No,
but I still don't. I don't think.

Speaker 2 (54:13):
Maybe they didn't have that done because you're Mexico. Yeah.
Maybe it was a few hours south of me, yes, yeah,
like five hours guys. Yeah, I was down there, dude,
I'm sorry, do you have Oregon Trail? We did have
that late lately, like you got it like your senior
year when I was a graduating. All right, news time.

Speaker 4 (54:34):

Speaker 2 (54:36):
New research from gas Buddy reveals that the national average
of gas is the lowest it has been in a
long time. It is the lowest months and months and months.
That's great, which is great. Usually it does not fall
before traveling. I guess, thanks, guving's not a weekend, but
it does roll into a weekend. Usually they know they
can kill it and keep it up. So but yes,
gas is at a not an all time ever low,

because that would be a one cent Yeah, I remember
those the first time they charged for gas will be
the all time level.

Speaker 5 (55:02):
That's the first time.

Speaker 2 (55:03):
But it's it's lower than it has been written a
long long time. I remember ninety nine cents. Not kidding,
My guys are the day. That's great, right, He's like,
I'm old and he just in case you didn't think
he was old. I remember when gas was a nickel.
That's crazy, dude. It was just two numbers on there.
Me and my best girl split a mault at the
malt shop with two straws and then go to the

sokhat I don't remember that.

Speaker 5 (55:29):
You don't remember ninety nine cent gas we were in
college because my roommate in college was like, I will
buy the most expensive gas as long as it's under
nine niner cents, So he would buy premium even though
he stupid truck didn't need it because it was under
ninety nine cents. I don't remember. I wish you wouldn't
judge me for not remembering. That's okay. He judged me
on Carmen, saying you're embarrassing from my friends.

Speaker 2 (55:51):
I like that eating only between nine am and seven
pm will make you happier, less hungry, and more energetic.
Experts held the health benefits a fasting for fourteen hours
a day. Now, don't get twisted on fasting meaning you're
not going full Gandhi. It's not hunger strike, not eating never. Yeah,
you're literally just choosing when you eat, and you're letting
your body digest and amy. I'll come to you because

you're definitely someone who's a proponent of eating. I don't
know properly healthy. I don't understand what I say.

Speaker 3 (56:18):
Is I mean, I think that what's healthy for one
person may not be healthy for you. So that's a
healthy way to look at it.

Speaker 5 (56:24):

Speaker 3 (56:25):
So intermittent fasting is a thing where, yeah, you can
mostly fast while you're sleeping. But that's why it's called breakfast.
Is your breaking fust like that breakfast fast? I don't
say breakfast.

Speaker 2 (56:36):
It's called breakfast. Oh my god, you break a fast.
I've never known that.

Speaker 5 (56:42):
Think about that. It's called breakfast, breakfast, breakfast, No, I know.

Speaker 2 (56:46):
But it's still breakfast.

Speaker 3 (56:48):
You know.

Speaker 2 (56:48):
I was this year's old, this many days old, whatever
they come it is.

Speaker 5 (56:52):
Are you sure it's not like I'm taking a fast.

Speaker 7 (56:54):
Break Hold on a minute, if breakfast, that word is
from breaking a fast breakfast, Hey, I'm shure.

Speaker 2 (57:01):
Okay, well I've never heard Did you hear that? Or
did you happen to stumble into that?

Speaker 7 (57:06):

Speaker 4 (57:06):
No, I somewhere a long time ago.

Speaker 2 (57:08):
This is crazy.

Speaker 5 (57:09):
The origins of breakfast are thought to date back to
the ancient world go when people would break their fast.
Oh my god, the winds are fast, like when we sleep.

Speaker 2 (57:26):
So fast is any time where you're just choosing not
to eat. So when we're sleeping, or I would, depending
on what I was doing.

Speaker 7 (57:32):
I found fasting to the healthiest thing for me, because
what I would do is I really would change nothing
except not eat junk in the odd hours.

Speaker 2 (57:40):
So I'd be like, I'm fasting, but I would still
eat break fast, lunch and dinah. But then since I
was supposedly fasting, I would not eat any crap at night,
and all I was doing is eliminading and eating any
of the junk. It was awesome for me. But I'll
like junk, right yeah.

Speaker 5 (57:58):
The first dome reference to breakfast in English dates back
to the fifteenth century, when it was mentioned in the
work by author Thomas Nashe You.

Speaker 4 (58:06):
Big Machi fan, Yeah, big, yep. I read all about it.

Speaker 5 (58:09):
Is crazy.

Speaker 2 (58:09):
That's crazy. My mind's blinds. It's called breakfast. Okay, I'll
never call it breakfast again. I'm gonna have breakfast, okay,
So let me read this story here. A lot of
like international soccer teams are big time into fasting when
they're training. But it's not keeping yourself, it's not making ear.
It's not you're not hungry as then you're not keeping
some food from you're restricting. You're not at a you are.

Speaker 4 (58:32):
It depends again a lot on my last meal.

Speaker 2 (58:34):
Like, okay, dine honor. I would go hard and eat
like to at breakfast, I eat like two as well.

Speaker 3 (58:39):
Like professional athletes, I can see how that helps line
up with their career and what they do. But for
some people, fasting or internet fasting is not ideal. So
you just have to know your own body.

Speaker 2 (58:48):
But think about when you eat anyway, walk me through.
It's going to Morgan randomly, Morgan, what time to eat breakfast?

Speaker 1 (58:54):
Like ten am?

Speaker 2 (58:56):
Maybe like after that's when I eat lunch.

Speaker 8 (59:00):
I mean I'm thinking like here, I'll have like a
snack about ten am and then or if I'm home.

Speaker 7 (59:05):
Before work early than the work, you don't eat anything
nop Okay, So so breakfast at ten am?

Speaker 2 (59:09):
What time you eat dinner?

Speaker 9 (59:11):
Probably like eight o'clock?

Speaker 2 (59:12):
And do you so ten to eight? That's ten hours.
So the other fourteen is the fasting. If you don't
need anything else other than your three regular mills, that's
the fasting. You just stay out of crap. Yeah see,
so it's nothing, it's nothing like crazy. You just have
to commit to it anyway. You don't even have to
commit to it.

Speaker 5 (59:28):
I don't care.

Speaker 2 (59:28):
Wow, I'm blown away about breakfasting.

Speaker 5 (59:30):
But the story is Yeah.

Speaker 2 (59:31):
Results from a trial reveal that restricting your food consumption
to a ten hour set window, for example, between nine
am and seven pm, can have extreme positive health benefits
and then it goes to all of it.

Speaker 3 (59:40):
But okay, so I guess the word you're probably looking
forward because you are restricting in those hours. But if
it's like an intentional like if you're not no deprivation
depriving yourself.

Speaker 4 (59:49):
Yeah, I just don't know.

Speaker 2 (59:50):
How to talk about stuffcause I know you're your whole
shows on that. And sometimes I'm like, I reward myself
with a cupcake because I'm being a good boy, and
then I'm like, you don't have to recye food and
I'm like, oh, just kind of doing material. No, I
think that, like life's not material.

Speaker 3 (01:00:04):
I think that there's time the pendulum swung for me
for sure, Like when I was getting healthier with it,
I went to an extreme of like, oh, don't do
stories like that because it might be harmful for someone
else listening, and then they're gonna hear you say it,
and then they're gonna have fast and then they're gonna.

Speaker 2 (01:00:17):
Get And then I didn't for a long time. I
respected that, thank you, and I but.

Speaker 3 (01:00:20):
I the pendulum is evened out to where I think
you can have you can share new stories and you
can just have both sides and break fast, have a you.

Speaker 4 (01:00:29):
Know, make people can it's their own bodies.

Speaker 3 (01:00:31):
You can make their decisions. But as long as you
have the other side, which thank you for coming.

Speaker 2 (01:00:34):
To me for that, enjoy or breakfast everybody. A plane
has had to return to New York because a horse
got loose on board.

Speaker 5 (01:00:41):
Also on the plane. Yeah, they can fit a horse.

Speaker 2 (01:00:45):
Like a plane, like an of course, you can put
it in like a horse trailer, or you can put
it in the main part like the cabin where you sit.
But can you put a horse underneath?

Speaker 5 (01:00:54):
I don't do so, how would you know it got
out underneath?

Speaker 2 (01:00:57):
And also what if it's just a Shetland pony? Then yes, yes,
a plane that departed New York John F. Kennedy National
Airport had to turn around shortly after when a horse
got loose on board. A recording of air traffic control
communication features the pilots of the Air Atlanta Icelandic plane
explaining that they had to return to the airport because
the horse was.

Speaker 4 (01:01:17):
Loose like a miniature one.

Speaker 2 (01:01:19):
Apparently this is an airplane that has horse stalls and
a part of it that they wow, there are enough horses.
They go to this place, they could put this horse
and a stall in one little section of the plane,
like down with passengers. It's basically a horseplane. Okay, okay,
like a horse trailer, but a plane. Who knew equine
air travel?

Speaker 5 (01:01:40):

Speaker 2 (01:01:42):
That's from UPI Cobra Kai's final season. They have resumed
riding it. I like Cobra Kai for about a season
and a half. I didn't I never disliked it. I
just stopped watching it because I kind of like Karate
Kid back in the day. It's pretty good on Netflix
with the show just crushes and now they're riding the
final season. But I'm telling you, if I were a
striking rider and you could couldn't write, you couldn't work,
as they had this big strike and they're finally back,

you know, back, I would have still secretly quietly been
writing and not told anybody. So therefore it had been like, well,
I wrote all this in one day. After the strike's over.
You get ahead of it.

Speaker 5 (01:02:12):

Speaker 2 (01:02:13):
I'm not saying people should do that at all, but
that's probably what I would have done. That's from movie Web.
A woman buys a claw machine, like at the arcade,
and then she's like, I want to see what's up.
Why can some claw machines produce winners? And why can
some not? Here's the deal. There's a button, she says.
It's a little washer and it will increase or remove

the strength of the claw depending on if you want people.
You can modify the strength of the claw machine. She says,
it's documented, it's printed, it's more legitus, it's in the note,
it's in the like the directions New York Post. You
really can't be that mad at that though you're playing
a claw machine. Okay, so so what the answers? Just
don't play it. We do have class action lawsuit.

Speaker 5 (01:02:55):
It's my fair man.

Speaker 2 (01:02:56):
I wanted the bunny. There's a Joe ker biopick in
the works, so let's play a few songs here. You
would know him. It's a Beatles song. But then he
did it for uh wonder years, Thank you there you
go help, or you are so beautiful? Or up where

we belong? This guy would sweat. Dude, he put it all.
I did not know he was British. What I had
no idea me that's crazy. It says it confirmed a
biopic about the beloved British blues rock singer's life. Maybe
I've never heard him sing talk. It was like the

dude from Walking Dead. The cop when he started talking too,
was like, because Blake, what from Atlanta?

Speaker 5 (01:03:50):

Speaker 2 (01:03:51):
That's crazy. I think that's going to be it for
the News. Thank you. I can't wait for Ady to
go home and talk to his wife about going to
Turkey to get his hair done.

Speaker 5 (01:04:04):
It's gonna be an interesting conversation.

Speaker 2 (01:04:07):
And I don't know if there are any sponsors out there,
Like I'd love to sponsor the show for Eddie. You
get we talk. We just need ten thousand dollars. We
don't even know if he'll be able to do it,
but we want to send Eddie to Turkey to have Turkey.

Speaker 5 (01:04:19):
As in like across the pond, Middle East, like over there.

Speaker 4 (01:04:23):
It's a Turkish trans the one.

Speaker 5 (01:04:26):
You read the news. I do it all the time.

Speaker 6 (01:04:27):
It's like who, you don't even know a single person
is actually idally?

Speaker 2 (01:04:33):
I do.

Speaker 7 (01:04:34):
We do?

Speaker 2 (01:04:35):
If Mami knows them, I probably know we do we
know them, like personally, you know that person? Absolutely not
David Beckham through through friend a friend. Regardless, I have
so many people that have messaged me about they know
people going to Turkey to do this. Talk to your
wife today. I will talked about it in the show earlier.

We just need to make ten thousand dollars so Eddie
can go, and whatever we don't make, I'll cover the
rest of it. But if I were our sponsor, I'd
be like yeah, And then they get featured all the
time during Eddie's head segment, Eddie's Middle Eastern head. Yeah,
Turkish head, Eddie's Turkish head. How do we come up
with a funding?

Speaker 5 (01:05:10):
I come back with an accent.

Speaker 3 (01:05:12):
But on coming back up for whatever reason, Eddie's wife
is like, no way, not happening.

Speaker 2 (01:05:18):
That can we sneak them out in the middle of
the night like the like the Cleveland Browns did the
Baltimore Ravens and they just moved all the trucks in
the middle of night.

Speaker 4 (01:05:24):
But we have other contenders on the show that could go.

Speaker 3 (01:05:27):

Speaker 2 (01:05:27):
I needed to be Edie. I don't want to pay
ten thousand bucks.

Speaker 5 (01:05:29):
For anybody else. Okay, I mean I'm not Oh Scuba.
These guys go together two for one deal.

Speaker 2 (01:05:39):
Let me check, do they do Bogo and Turkey. Nope,
my one going free. I was watching this thing on
TikTok because they talked pretty good for news, and I
was watching the senator try to fight the guy that
was like thee the team leader or whatever they call
it was awesome.

Speaker 5 (01:05:55):
Is crazy, like I'd never seen them.

Speaker 2 (01:05:57):
Our politician should be less idiotic than this show, and
they're not most of the time. So I'll read just
some of the story here. Tensions erupted on a Capitol
hill on Tuesday after a fist fight nearly broke out.
This is like stuff you think you've seen a foreign
country when they fight down on the floor. So in
a Senate hearing, there's a Republican congressman he accused former
House Speaker Kevin Mcarthy of assaulting him. There's a the

guy what's a teamster?

Speaker 5 (01:06:20):
Is that what I'm talking? I mean gangster?

Speaker 2 (01:06:22):
Now, no, they're both senators, but Geo Peater was like
the president of the Teamsters or something. I don't know
that sounds like something. All I know is I'm watching
it and I'm like, and Bernie Sanders has to jump
in that oldud ain't stop me for doing anything. If
I'm about to beat somebody's butt. That eighty year old
ain't stopped me from crap, but he did, though he
did stop him. The exchanged occurred when Mullen, a former
MMA fighter, recalled an interaction he had with O'Brien in June.

I don't know, man, Let me just play this because
I don't know what these people's jobs are. They stood
up here.

Speaker 3 (01:06:53):
You go.

Speaker 5 (01:06:54):
Rtun's like he's self made.

Speaker 14 (01:06:56):
What a clown, always has been, Always be quit the
tough guy act in these senate hearings. You know where
to find me any place, any time, cowboy. Sorry, this
is a time. This is a place if you want
to run your mouth. We can be too consenting adults,
so we can finish it here.

Speaker 5 (01:07:13):
Okay, that's fine, perfect, you want to do it now.
I'd love to do it right now.

Speaker 14 (01:07:16):
Let's shang your butt up.

Speaker 5 (01:07:17):
Then you stand up up old stop it? Oh no,
sit down.

Speaker 2 (01:07:23):
It is a Teamsters union. I thought maybe, yeah, it's legit.
I thought I was real, man. I thought I was
watching that show about the guy that got don't know
where his body is. Okay, the movie about the guy
was the president of the Teamsters and they don't know
where his body is still and they're always looking for it,
and they're like, where do they bury the guy was
a Netflix movie? Maybe what was that about Jimmy Hoffa,
Oh okay, like I think he was like president of

this union at one point.

Speaker 4 (01:07:45):
It's crazy, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Speaker 2 (01:07:49):
That sounds like there's some secrecy happening there, like they're
doing some stuff under aggretiation. Yeah, so okay, here we go.
I got down to the center this because I don't
know what these terms are. So they read the original tweet,
which is what he heard, what we heard, and then
they did a hashtag little man syndrome.

Speaker 5 (01:08:09):
Be called him cowboy dude.

Speaker 2 (01:08:10):
This is crazy because it's actually happening on the floor.
An argument turned into a almost fistfight GOP Senator Mark
Wayne Mullen of Oklahoma, who was a former MMA fighter
and the president of the Teamsters union. Sean O'Brien, so,
let's listen to it again, because Teamsters is a real thing.

Speaker 6 (01:08:29):
So who's the MMA fighter is? He say he's the senator,
but they're both senators.

Speaker 7 (01:08:34):

Speaker 2 (01:08:34):
The president of the Teamsters was confused. I didn't know
what a teamster was. I feel like we're all teamsters
here on this show's not apparently not the same.

Speaker 5 (01:08:41):
Okay, here we go.

Speaker 14 (01:08:42):
R TUN's like he's self made. What a clown, always
has been, always will be. Quit the tough guy act
in the Senate hearings. You know where to find me,
any place, any time, cowboy. Sorry, this is a time.

Speaker 3 (01:08:56):
This is a place.

Speaker 14 (01:08:57):
You want to run your mouth. We can be too consentient. Also,
we can finish it here. Okay, that's fine, perfect, you
want to do it now. I'd love to do it
right now.

Speaker 5 (01:09:04):
Let's stain your foot up, then you stand.

Speaker 2 (01:09:06):
Up, but up? Hold on, stop it?

Speaker 5 (01:09:08):
Oh no, sit down? Okay, you know your United States? Okay,
I'll sit down.

Speaker 2 (01:09:14):
Please, all right?

Speaker 5 (01:09:15):
Can I respond?

Speaker 2 (01:09:16):
Hold it?

Speaker 5 (01:09:17):
I have I'm sorry, this is hold he said, you'll
have your time. Okay, Can I respond?

Speaker 10 (01:09:22):

Speaker 5 (01:09:22):
You can't.

Speaker 2 (01:09:23):
Hilarious, stupid. You can't act like this. If you do,
you have to act like like a behind closed doors.
You can't let us see it. I'm sure there's lots
of childish you have no behavior going, but you can't
represent people. And you're supposed to be mature and make
rational decisions. You're trying to fist fight somebody okay's fine,
fist fight them, but doing the room behind.

Speaker 4 (01:09:41):
Doors, because both of those positions are for people.

Speaker 2 (01:09:47):
Yes, and even our leaders are idiots. Sometimes we just
don't want to see it. I think that's everyone everyone.
I agree, but we don't want to see it. It's
a bad example, and then we lose trust in the him.
I already don't have trust in not politicians, and now
they're trying to fist fight each other. Bernie Sanders ain't
stopping me though, he stop it, Bernie, I knock you out. Hey,

the guts though we had to like sit down.

Speaker 5 (01:10:12):
Oh my gosh, this guy, the oh sinner Mullen, he'll
take him. He would have whooped the other.

Speaker 2 (01:10:20):
Yeah, his ears are how he won the election. He's
thrown to me up. Everybody didn' vote for him? Ball dude,
stand up? Yeah oh yeah. But the guy he didn't
back down. He's like, YO want them, Oh, Adrian, I.

Speaker 6 (01:10:33):
Do like like to try to still stay professional where
like this is a time in place.

Speaker 5 (01:10:37):
So if you would like to fight now, get your
butt up, then get your butt up. My god. This
makes me like them more because they're more relatable human.

Speaker 2 (01:10:46):
Yeah, you'd be the guy.

Speaker 5 (01:10:48):
I would more likely vote for them.

Speaker 7 (01:10:50):
Now, I.

Speaker 2 (01:10:54):
Would be okay if I heard about it happening behind
the scenes, like oh wow, they got into it. Okay,
that's definitely a human thing, but not here in this spot.
You have to act like you're better than you are
in places that are supposedly for the better people. I mean,
he elected you to be our leaders, not trying to
fist fight somebody whorote a tweet about you, cowboy cowboy,
But I'd have been mad too. I'd probably challenge him

to fight too. But that's why they're not lead. That's
why they're not voting for me and the guy's.

Speaker 3 (01:11:21):
For sure.

Speaker 2 (01:11:21):
I've been going our Samuel if we were there.

Speaker 5 (01:11:22):
Yeah, mister O'Brien, maybe he's bigger than he looks, but
I think he'd get whooped.

Speaker 2 (01:11:28):
Mister O'Brien's got the accent though that I feel like
I've been in a few because he quickly is like, yeah,
let's go.

Speaker 4 (01:11:35):
Then yeah scared?

Speaker 5 (01:11:36):
He ain't scared. Maybe it's the bald glasses look makes
him kind of look bud.

Speaker 2 (01:11:40):
But you saw what happened with Rachel Lee Cook, and
she's all that. As soon as she lost the glasses,
let her hair down. She's very pretty, and I feel
like if he took us glasses off and like I'm
button a shure, he'd be like rough and tough. I
just watched that the other day and then he walks
out in the center floor and it's the she goosh.
Bernie Sanders is eighty two years old.

Speaker 3 (01:12:00):

Speaker 2 (01:12:00):
I like that. Sit down, You sit down, You're no
longer to take the mic. Let's just play a song,
or let's what are you gonna do?

Speaker 7 (01:12:10):

Speaker 2 (01:12:10):
You wanna jump? Okay, we'll come back to get two
things I want to do. One that I want to
do is we got people calling about going to Turkey
for It's wild how common this is for hair transplant
injury to Somebody on the show wants to share their dream.
We talked about dreams. They have a dream that they
feel like they'd like to share on the microphone. It's
pretty vulnerable of them to share this dream. I applaud

their vulnerability because I know they're gonna have people go
that's awesome. I would like to help you and hug you,
or people go like, that's the stupidest.

Speaker 5 (01:12:40):
Thing I ever heard. Okay, interesting.

Speaker 2 (01:12:43):
I applod vulnerability. Okay, back next a couple things on Friday.
At this time, Dolly Parton will be on with us
very exciting Friday night. I'll be in Louisville if you
guys want to come to that show. Bobby Bones dot
Com Austin tonight. By the way, I want to go
talk to Tricia in Austin because what started as it
wasn't a joke. It was us just going Eddie. We

hear that if you go to Turkey the country, you
can get awesome hair transplant surgery. And so now it's
turned into a real kind of bit. But listeners are
calling out, here's Tricia and Austin. Hey, Tricia, Hey, what
do you think?

Speaker 10 (01:13:20):
Okay, So I heard you guys talking, and my husband
back in April went to Cancun and was picked up
at the airport by a Turkish clinic in Cancun. They
drove him to the clinic, did the transplant. He stayed
for like a day, went back to the clinic, they

like prepared him to leave, and like literally within three
days he flew back home. It was about six months
ago and he's had crazy hair growth and it cost
like a third of what you guys are talking about.

Speaker 2 (01:13:53):

Speaker 4 (01:13:56):
That's it's a Turkish clinic.

Speaker 2 (01:13:59):
Yeah, but rules.

Speaker 10 (01:14:03):
And all the nurses, everybody's Turkish.

Speaker 4 (01:14:06):
And okay, that's a lot easier to get to.

Speaker 2 (01:14:10):
I agree. And Eddie loves the beach.

Speaker 5 (01:14:12):
I do love the beach.

Speaker 2 (01:14:13):
But I mean if I put her, hey, can we
put you on whold trush and we get the information?

Speaker 5 (01:14:18):
How does it work now?

Speaker 7 (01:14:19):

Speaker 4 (01:14:19):
Yeah, she said, it's awesome, going like crazy crazy hairs.

Speaker 5 (01:14:22):
How he gets haircuts?

Speaker 2 (01:14:23):
Trishia, Does he get haircuts? It's a great question.

Speaker 10 (01:14:26):
He absolutely does. So he went about six months ago
and he's gotten all this had all this growth, and
he's going back probably in January for a second transplant.

Speaker 5 (01:14:35):
What's the second? The first one not good enough? More
is back?

Speaker 10 (01:14:39):
No, no, it was, but he just wants it thicker.

Speaker 4 (01:14:42):
Okay, yeah, to be committed.

Speaker 2 (01:14:43):
Can you we're not going to post them, We would
never post them, would you? Could you send a couple
of pictures like before and after? We'd never post them
of your husband. We could just see see what's up totally.

Speaker 5 (01:14:55):

Speaker 10 (01:14:55):
Yeah, let me know where to send it to or whatever,
and I'll send it to.

Speaker 11 (01:14:58):
You for sure.

Speaker 2 (01:14:58):
Okay, we're gonna put you on hold. Ray, did you
communicate that he's going to cant coon This would be awesome.

Speaker 5 (01:15:03):
Let me find out can coon flies?

Speaker 3 (01:15:05):
I mean, Turkey's funnier, but yeah, Turkey's far but cannier funny.
It makes me wonder if there's any other, you know,
pop up Turkish shops.

Speaker 2 (01:15:14):
Oh, let's just find the most dangerous place in the
whole world to send him.

Speaker 5 (01:15:18):
Now, you guys are having fun with.

Speaker 2 (01:15:19):
This this Afghanistans got a hair removal plant. That's five stars.

Speaker 6 (01:15:24):
There's a reason why it's legal other places and not here.
There's like what if something goes wrong, They're just gonna
be like oopsie, Like all right, I could go wrong, dude,
cutting we.

Speaker 5 (01:15:35):
Could go there.

Speaker 2 (01:15:36):
I still think we think about Turkey, but I appreciate
the heads up. But let's let's let's evaluate it. It
is kind of cool that a lot of people are
calling in. Yeah, very common. It's your dream.

Speaker 5 (01:15:46):
I want to make your dream.

Speaker 7 (01:15:48):
I do want hair now speaking to dreams, Hey, Abby,
would you mind come into the microphone?

Speaker 5 (01:15:52):
What he wants to sing on the opery stage?

Speaker 2 (01:15:55):
That's our dream? Oh my god, Well, why would why
would you say that?

Speaker 5 (01:16:01):
I just she's gonna have some unrealistic dream that we
need to tell her.

Speaker 2 (01:16:04):
You think her singing on the operator will beun realistic.

Speaker 5 (01:16:06):
Though she doesn't deserve it. No, she's not good though.

Speaker 2 (01:16:12):
That's kind of mean. Okay, truth, Abby, thank you for
being vulnerable with us. You knew this was gonna happen
when you shared something like Box is gonna be a hater?
Please block that out. Okay, Okay, we talked about our dreams.
What is your dream?

Speaker 3 (01:16:25):

Speaker 1 (01:16:25):
So this, I'll do the backstory just a little bit.

Speaker 11 (01:16:27):
So I was in like second or third grade, and
I remember one of my teachers signed my yearbook and
she was like, someday you're gonna be singing on the
grand Ole Operation.

Speaker 5 (01:16:35):
Oh my god, Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (01:16:37):
Did you know this?

Speaker 7 (01:16:37):

Speaker 5 (01:16:38):
I had no idea.

Speaker 4 (01:16:39):
You had no idea.

Speaker 2 (01:16:41):
No, he had no idea. He didn't know.

Speaker 7 (01:16:43):
Did you what?

Speaker 5 (01:16:45):
Because right when you said, Abby, and I was like,
this is so unrealistic and undeserving. Now worked their whole lives. No,
Oh my god. So I was like, teacher lied to you. Okay,
hold on, let her talk.

Speaker 12 (01:17:00):
So I didn't know really what that was when I
was at that age.

Speaker 11 (01:17:02):
I was like, what's opera. I don't sing opera. And
then my mom was like, no, that's in Nashville. So
that's kind of what like I kind of got me
thinking Nashville is some magical place or whatever it is.

Speaker 12 (01:17:11):
So here I am, and I'm like, wait a minute,
Now I have a song, Like do you have to
have your own song?

Speaker 3 (01:17:16):

Speaker 4 (01:17:17):
You don't just do covers at the Opry.

Speaker 12 (01:17:18):
Now I have my own song. So that's my new dream.

Speaker 5 (01:17:22):
Her dream.

Speaker 2 (01:17:24):
Sounds like a goal. Well she could make that happen. Yeah,
dreaming a goal I guess could be similar.

Speaker 5 (01:17:31):
Yeah, mine won't happen never.

Speaker 2 (01:17:34):
So you're saying hers is so attainable, she should make
it a goal dream, not just to like blind dream
she'll never get like, let's work on this like it.

Speaker 11 (01:17:42):
Because I was at a writer's round and a girl
I had never heard of she was like I just
made my Opry debut boom like she It was across
from the Opry and she had just come from the
Opry and then she did a round. I was like, okay, well,
so Bobby, how do people typically get invited to play?

Speaker 5 (01:17:56):
That's a good question.

Speaker 2 (01:17:58):
I like to give a big got out to Sally
who invited me to play the Opry for the first
time six seven years ago. I think I've played it
probably twenty times now. And I actually she was like,
we're bringing comedy back to the Opery. They hadn't done
comedy in a while. She goes, would you want to
do some stand up?

Speaker 5 (01:18:14):
And I said, wow, that's crazy. DoD they ever say
they're doing makeup wishes?

Speaker 2 (01:18:20):
No, not that I heard of. Okay a lot, And
so I got invited and then I performed and they said, hey,
that wasn't terrible, You'd come again. And then Eddie and
I played as the raging Idiots. And so I don't
have a good story as to how or why I
got invited the first time.

Speaker 4 (01:18:36):
But it's someone from me.

Speaker 2 (01:18:37):
Somebody's making somebody. It's like being invited to be a
member of the Opry Durre. It's like Entertainer of the Year.
You don't really know what the rule is. Anybody can.
But there's like a group, like a secret board or
a secret person.

Speaker 5 (01:18:50):
We don't know who it is.

Speaker 9 (01:18:50):
It votes Sally.

Speaker 2 (01:18:53):
Sally doesn't worked anymore.

Speaker 5 (01:18:57):
It's Dan.

Speaker 2 (01:18:57):
Now. Dan's awesome too, though, Dan, So you know, I
don't know that this is something that I think it's
a great goal and great dream. I don't think it's
something that I want to go pulling strings on. I
was just say, if you do this, you are I mean, yeah,
I don't because I respect it so much that I
want your dream to happen because you worked for it,

not because I pulled strings.

Speaker 5 (01:19:20):

Speaker 12 (01:19:21):
Yeah, I don't want it that way, Like I do
want to get it.

Speaker 2 (01:19:23):
Myself so well.

Speaker 5 (01:19:24):
I mean, how are you gonna do that? You don't
sing places? She was in a writer's round.

Speaker 4 (01:19:29):
She literally was singing, watching.

Speaker 2 (01:19:35):
Shows us.

Speaker 12 (01:19:38):
Learning guitar like.

Speaker 2 (01:19:41):
She opened up for Taylor Swift. That the that you
did open up for Taylor Swift?

Speaker 5 (01:19:45):
I did?

Speaker 7 (01:19:46):
You were the bar?

Speaker 2 (01:19:47):
She was at the stadium.

Speaker 12 (01:19:48):
Yeah, different places.

Speaker 4 (01:19:50):
It's fun, but definitely pre gaming there for Taylor.

Speaker 2 (01:19:53):
Abby. I'm proud of you for sharing that with us.

Speaker 12 (01:19:56):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:19:56):
Now, work manifested, but manifested and do crap except just
remind you to keep working hard. That's what manifesting is.

Speaker 12 (01:20:02):
I'm going to keep going.

Speaker 2 (01:20:03):
In my opinion, manifestation of your dreams is just you
keeping it and thinking about it and reminding you to
work hard. Because manifesting putting the effort into it. You're
just throwing money in a wishing will.

Speaker 5 (01:20:15):
I mean the fact what the fact that what you
have to say?

Speaker 12 (01:20:20):
What was your dream again?

Speaker 5 (01:20:22):

Speaker 4 (01:20:23):
Oh, I mean you could actually do that to Lunchbox?

Speaker 2 (01:20:25):
I agree, so, but hers is unreal. Which one do
you think if they both tried hard would happen first?

Speaker 4 (01:20:34):
That's good, that's a good Questionably.

Speaker 2 (01:20:36):
Not Survivor or Abbey on the operation.

Speaker 3 (01:20:38):
On the opera, because Lunchbox won't ever he does, He's
had years to apply espy do anything.

Speaker 5 (01:20:43):
Here's the thing. I have to be guaranteed that I
could get off work because I'm not going to life.

Speaker 2 (01:20:46):
It's not a guarantee. Sometimes you got to take a risk.

Speaker 6 (01:20:49):
Why don't you try first and then ask them I'm
taking a bunch of risks if you go through the whole.

Speaker 2 (01:20:53):
It's not a gamble. It's a risk if there is
something positive that can come, like a fundamental positive thing
that can come from it for the rest of your life.

Speaker 3 (01:21:00):
Okay, Lunchbox, Bobby can't say this. I can't speak for anybody. Actually,
I have no.

Speaker 12 (01:21:06):
I get what do you mean, rude?

Speaker 4 (01:21:09):
I'm trying to help you, to help you literally trying.
What I'm saying is, Bobby may not want to say this,
so I'll say it. Okay. I think here's what I think.
If you were to fly and get on, I think
you would for sure get the time off because it'd
be so cool.

Speaker 3 (01:21:25):
It'd be good promotion for the show, lunch for some
Bobby bonjew on Survivor. You'd be reaching a whole new
audience out there. You'd have good stories when you came back.

Speaker 5 (01:21:33):
So you're like I like Taylor Swift reaching a football audience.

Speaker 3 (01:21:36):
Sure whatever, I feel like you would totally you should
go for it, get on, and I feel like your
job will be here for you when you get back.

Speaker 4 (01:21:45):
He can't say no, but let.

Speaker 5 (01:21:47):
Me just say exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:21:49):
Let me just say this that sometimes in life you
have to commit to things that you'll regret you didn't
do later, even if it feels uncomfortable now doing it.

Speaker 10 (01:22:00):
Do it for me.

Speaker 2 (01:22:01):
I don't have regrets for anything in my life except
for things that I was too chicken to do. I
don't regret failing at anything. I don't regret losing out
on anything because I tried. I don't regret looking like
an idiot. What I regret if I have those regrets
is things that I just was like, I don't have
time to do it. I regret I just too risky.
Those are my only regrets and that's going to be

all of our regrets when we get older. Not the
things we screwed up on, not the things we failed at,
because we tried and it takes balls to try, but
it's the things that we just were like, I don't
I can't do it. This could be one of those things.
And if you did it and then I was like,
hey man, we filled your spot risk, right, that's a
risk risk man, exactly. No, no, no, no, you don't

know that that may not happen. And we're like, you
know what, we have set up a microphone, Todd. Chris
Lee is not doing it from jail, and he's going
to be our full time.

Speaker 6 (01:22:55):
He's doing your bone heads doing all that and his
bone the bonehead is him every day, Chrisly And it's
me all right, thanks to you, guys, That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (01:23:04):
And not just you.

Speaker 2 (01:23:05):
Everybody listening right now. You're gonna regard to the things
you didn't try, not things you failed that what are
you writing down? Go for it good for you.

Speaker 5 (01:23:12):
There we go, manifest Is.

Speaker 2 (01:23:14):
That really what you wrote down? You write down? What
do you write down?

Speaker 5 (01:23:18):
Right down?

Speaker 2 (01:23:20):
Wrote because he took his pen out and wrote something,
What is it?

Speaker 5 (01:23:24):
I wrote, No, that's old stuff. You want to show me?
He covered it up. It's on the other side.

Speaker 2 (01:23:30):
What is it?

Speaker 5 (01:23:31):
He wrote? You can do it?

Speaker 2 (01:23:33):
Talk Chrisly He wrote, you gonna jump for advice?

Speaker 5 (01:23:36):
Yeah? About how don't get on reality TV? Go down
and visit him. I'm gonna get on this list first.

Speaker 2 (01:23:43):
Abby, Thank you for sharing to operate lunchbox. Sometimes you
just gotta go. Yeah, I understand. But you say that,
but you would have never left this show. Did you
have any things I've done? But you never left the
show for it? You never give it up your job.
I don't have to write on my job exactly figured
out ways.

Speaker 5 (01:23:58):
To do it diffent. You're not gonna let me do that,
So I can't, like, I can't go through the whole
process and then tell producers.

Speaker 2 (01:24:05):
I like moved across the country without even knowing what
job I was going to. I'd never once been to Austin,
Texas in my whole life, never, And they were like,
do you want this job. I just got a bunch
of trouble or broke into a radio station, took over
the airwaves as stupid, almost got arrested. And then Austin
was like, hey, you're about to get fired there. You
should just move here and take this job real quick.
And I'm like, I'm not, but okay, I'll do it.

Packed up my crap, moved beverly, moved across the country.
Didn't know anybody to know anything, had been know anybody.
It's job. When I came to Nashville before you guys
were even like allowed in. I built up my syndication
company with my own money, figured out a technology myself
to get affiliates, gave it all up to move over,
like sold the whole thing to come over here and

start over. Like that's giving things.

Speaker 5 (01:24:48):
Up to try. Yeah, and we came with you. So
what is your point?

Speaker 2 (01:24:52):
Why is your eye swollen? Your right eye?

Speaker 5 (01:24:55):
A mean, look at this.

Speaker 2 (01:24:56):
I mine's not swollen as I swown up it is
your You get a haircut to look good, got wall coat,
but what.

Speaker 4 (01:25:08):
He got all hair?

Speaker 5 (01:25:09):
I got all my hairs cut and we have to go.

Speaker 2 (01:25:11):
But think about it, Abby, think about it. Let's make
some plans. You want things to happen. You can't just
wish it, you know what, you know it's a bad
plan wishing.

Speaker 12 (01:25:19):
Uh huh, that's yeah. You say this is a dream
and a goal.

Speaker 2 (01:25:23):
Like I said, make a plan, We'll make it happen,
both of you.

Speaker 4 (01:25:28):
I forgot com lunch bugs.

Speaker 2 (01:25:29):
Thank you, Bobby Bone showy up today.

Speaker 5 (01:25:33):
This story comes up from New York City, New York.
A man was upset because he has a rental property
and the people weren't paying rent two months in a row.
Oh sorry, we can't pay the rent and we're not
going to move out. He's like, how can I get
these people to move out? Lit the house on fire?
What about it? Get him to at least get out?
These are people, not ants, Like what's going on here?

Speaker 7 (01:25:56):
I didn't say it was a good decision. I'd said
he's right though, Like I bet they got out, But
I bet he's also going into jail. Yeah, yeah, he
got charged with arson. And then you have to pay
to repair your own house.

Speaker 2 (01:26:07):
Because I bet insurance isn't covering it, not even a little.
I don't think you can buy insurance for you burning
down your own place.

Speaker 5 (01:26:14):
Yeah, I'm lunchboxed at your Bonehead Story of the Day.

Speaker 2 (01:26:18):
Okay, so we did a draft of best Bobby bone
Show guests, and I will tell you more. Friends, buddies,
people I kind of know reached out and they were like,
I'm not on the list. Oh, come on, man, because
we could only pick twelve. I didn't get to do this.
I guess there are five people drafting three to fifteen,

so I gotta pick fifteen people. We got a lot
of guests. Well, that's what you should have said, too.
I didn't get to play man. I would have picked too.
I did say that, Okay, guess sure, like Matt Stell,
who I'm friends with, I would have picked you, man.
And Matt's going with us to Austin night to do
the charity show. He was like, dang, I need to
make it. I said, well, if I'd have been there.

Speaker 5 (01:26:53):
You'd for sure been on or tell him be a
better guest, suck.

Speaker 2 (01:26:56):
But if I would, for sure, you can keep saying, so, oh,
in first place, I'll give me the belt, the new champion,
give me the belt. So it's not Morgan anymore. You're
not in the last place though, Okay, champion, the new
champion come on with thirty percent of the vote.

Speaker 5 (01:27:15):
Wow, that's a runaway, is it.

Speaker 2 (01:27:17):
Do you feel like it's you? Yeah, because you had
Dolly Parton, because you're gonna be on the show Friday.

Speaker 5 (01:27:23):
Yep. Bret Eldridge, people love him and it's Christmas.

Speaker 2 (01:27:26):
And Darius Rutger people like that.

Speaker 10 (01:27:27):

Speaker 5 (01:27:28):
He always got good stories. Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 7 (01:27:30):
You have sixteen percent, Lunchbox. You're not in first place.
We'll see where you end up on the list.

Speaker 2 (01:27:34):
That's not good in first place with thirty percent. Luke, Bryan,
George Strait, Reevea McIntyre, Amy, give it the belt, Give
me the belt. She's a new champ.

Speaker 5 (01:27:45):
I'm shocked.

Speaker 1 (01:27:46):
Yeah, I know.

Speaker 3 (01:27:47):
I know you're shocked because I feel as though when
I read my list you are like.

Speaker 12 (01:27:50):
Eh, that's fine, and I'm like, oh no, it was really.

Speaker 5 (01:27:52):
I mean literally, George Strake was on the show for
three minutes, a very special time.

Speaker 7 (01:27:57):

Speaker 2 (01:27:58):
Yeah, but I'm saying I think people just vote it
with who the artists they.

Speaker 7 (01:28:00):
Like the most.

Speaker 5 (01:28:01):
Really, Yeah, that's why I'm in trouble.

Speaker 2 (01:28:03):
Yours were awesome. Yeah, just this cames all panderin who cares?

Speaker 5 (01:28:07):
Yeah, you're right.

Speaker 4 (01:28:07):
I mean I don't really care.

Speaker 5 (01:28:08):

Speaker 2 (01:28:10):
In second place, who cares? It's twenty seven percent? Raymundo,
what Garth Brooks, Jacoen and my wife Caitlin. You solid list?

Speaker 4 (01:28:21):
Oh? No?

Speaker 2 (01:28:22):
In third place, it comes down to this Morgan, John Mayer,
Jelly Roll, Tim McGraw on faith Hill.

Speaker 5 (01:28:29):
So she's still in how many percent? No Ah, we're
the Swift.

Speaker 2 (01:28:34):
So the bottom two are us too, our Lunchbox and Eddie.

Speaker 5 (01:28:38):
This is so dumb. Yeah, I didn't like my list,
but you just talked about your listen. I said, I
don't think it was last place worthy.

Speaker 2 (01:28:45):
So Lunchbox was Dolly Brett and Darius, and Eddie's list
was Taylor Swift, Kenny Rodgers and Amy psychic cousin amazing close.
Who do you think is in last place?

Speaker 10 (01:28:56):

Speaker 4 (01:28:57):
I mean I don't know. At Lunchbox are trying to
support my cousin.

Speaker 5 (01:29:01):
Yeah, a good idea.

Speaker 2 (01:29:02):
And last place was Eddie.

Speaker 5 (01:29:06):
I don't understand America.

Speaker 2 (01:29:09):
Henny Rogers, Yeah, the gambler.

Speaker 5 (01:29:11):
I know, I honestly don't remember him being on the show.
He was here and it was awesome.

Speaker 7 (01:29:17):

Speaker 2 (01:29:17):
Next draft, you're out and we no longer have Kenny
Rogers so we went for that angle and it didn't
quite work.

Speaker 5 (01:29:23):
And then Amy's like a cousin and then all the swift.

Speaker 2 (01:29:27):
And ask her if you to one, if you picked her,
and then you would.

Speaker 5 (01:29:30):
Have I should have done that. Well, do you think
George will come le me get annoyed when I do
that with.

Speaker 4 (01:29:34):
Back on it, knowing that he's part of this title?

Speaker 5 (01:29:37):
Oh reach out.

Speaker 2 (01:29:38):
There was a story about him taking Katie off from
and putt him on his tour because of us having
her on the show.

Speaker 5 (01:29:44):
Oh really, so you mean he's listening, right? He heard
about her from us. That's amazing.

Speaker 2 (01:29:50):
Somebody told him. Also, Hey, that she's been on the
Bybone Show.

Speaker 5 (01:29:52):
It's a whole thing.

Speaker 2 (01:29:53):
It's so cool.

Speaker 4 (01:29:53):
Though open for him.

Speaker 2 (01:29:56):
George could be in his car right now, listen it No,
probably not fine, not truck though maybe no, he has.

Speaker 3 (01:30:02):
A Remember we had that story about the Uber Eats
person was delivering food and George pulled up in the
sports car and you.

Speaker 4 (01:30:08):
Know it was going to be George.

Speaker 2 (01:30:09):
I remember that. I didn't know it was George on
the sports car. I thought in my mind, I like,
I want it was the truck.

Speaker 3 (01:30:14):
No, he whipped in and then he gave the guy
like whipped in one hundred bucks.

Speaker 5 (01:30:17):
So you're making stuff up too, but when whipping in.

Speaker 2 (01:30:20):
So a couple things. One, I'll be in Austin tonight
if you want to get tickets to that, to the
Anti Roddick Foundation event. I'm doing comedy Eddie and Iridy
and Regging Idiots, Matt Stelle, Riley Green, We're all performing.
Just go to Bobbybones dot com. That'd be pretty cool.
And then Friday night, will be in Louisville doing my
comedically inspirational show.

Speaker 5 (01:30:37):
That's it.

Speaker 2 (01:30:37):
I hope you guys have an awesome day. We will
see you tomorrow. Dolly's on Friday. Dolly Parton on the
show Friday. All right by everybody,
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