All Episodes

August 3, 2017 81 mins

Bobby addresses the Willie Nelson death rumors, Eddie leaves his three year old in a locked car, listeners suggest fines for show members and chiropractors for babies

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I have a Sleep Number bed. I've got a couple
of them. Actually, I love them so much, and the
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find a store near you. And you're tell him you
hurt on the Bobby Bones Show. But if it's bedtime,
my time to get to bed right now, everybody transmitted

America is about ball Shore. Bobby Mornay, Welcome to Thursday Show, Monday.
I mean doesn't have ear lobes. Apparently I never noticed
as about No, I see your lobes. I know people
say step to you on Instagram and hurt your feelings.

What happened? Yeah, I don't have ear lobes. Why I
posted this one picture on Instagram and my hair was
pulled back which I rarely have my hair pulled back
behind my ears because of your ear lobes. Yeah, a
little bit. And then certain ear rings. I only have
one pair of earrings that aren't too heavy that I
can wear because otherwise I don't have the ear lobes
to support the ear ring. Guys, I see ear lobesbly, Okay,

some of the finer ones I've seen in a while too.
Oh thanks, No, that's nice. But someone pointed out my
weird ear lobes. Now I don't have them basically. I mean,
they really are small compared to other people's, but it
just makes me self conscious and and they're ripped. I
need to get them. Son. You know I'm talking about.
Do you guys have parts of your body that you're
subconscious about, like odd things? Oh well, I mean it's

just my big nose. I don't really see it. I
don't let me turn around the side. See now, now, Eddie,
your nose is not like that. I have big ears. Okay,
just me is this body? Yeah? This is what we
feel weird about. So I guess. Yeah, I'm just telling
you pretty fine looking ears and nose really should be
feeling better. Bobby is making me feel good about my

earloves Now, I got nothing wrong with me. I feel
good about everything on my body. I mean, I got
some ugly toes, but that doesn't bother me. Some people
that bothers me. I don't care. Look about your arms though,
Like that doesn't bother you. No, I can't touch my shoulders.
That doesn't bother me, bother me. That's just a different Yeah,
what about you, Bobby? I mean, I know there's a
few things. Oh man, I think there is. My chest

is a bird chest. That's one. I've heard that teeth
out because I fake ones put in the big big head,
but he grew into it. I hate this segment. There
was a few days. Yes, it doesn't work. It right

side side doesn't work. Interesting anything. I've said nothing except
chest and you guys decided to go down the water
slide of every part of my body. Thank you, There's
got to be more. I'm done. Thanks for being here.
I'm going home recognizing people doing cool things. Julie and

Will Rom of Cincinnati, they've been fostering children for nearly
ten years. They were never able to conceive a child,
so they decided to help children who are need to care.
Say fostered him well. This month, the couple finally got
a family of their own. They adopted five kids. Will twelve,
Truth nine, Marianna six, R three, and kJ two, who

have been played to them over the past three years.
Adopted all five of them. That's amazing, Julie and Will Rom.
I see you Show its producer Raymond at US passport
holders are not gonna be able to travel to North
Korea beginning September one. Officials say anyone in North Korea
with the US passport should leave before the restrictions take place.

In Minneapolis, there was a ghastly explosion at a private
Christian school preschool through twelfth grade. Witnesses said it sounded
like a sonic boom. Couzins were hospitalized, no children were injured,
and finally, Amazon held job fairs in twelve states across
the country. There were in long lines. Amazon said they
hope to hire fifty thousand people from those fairs. What

happened to your dog this morning? Well, she has found
a way to get out of the backyard. Um, there's
just like we have one of those gates. It's like
the chain link gate. I mean our gate is woulden,
but there's one side gate that's at the chain link.
And I think she like gets like a bull and
and just goes right through it because we put it
back together and then sometimes poom, it splits right open.

So I think she gets a headstart, she charges at it,
and she knows she can get out if she puts
her just hard enough. So she got out this morning. Yeah,
And then she goes and like hangs out, walks around
the neighbors and I'm like, Josie, I'm outside yelling and
it's dark in the morning, yes, in the morning, and
it's awful, and I just do my hair and it's
all human. I'm like, Josie, if you don't get back

here in five seconds, and I start counting, and then
here she goes doo doo doo. She comes on the count. Well, no,
she must hear me, but she just must be like,
I don't know how many houses away, and I kind
of have to walk around and figure out which direction
she went. Eventually she hears me. It makes her way.
I read the story about how dumb millennials are and
they don't know that you can get free TV about
putting an antanna on. I read this and I'm like,

I didn't know you can start get free TV. I
mean the whole articles like millennials are so dumb. All
you have to do is put her antenna on. Now,
back in the day, I knew that, but I didn't
know those still a thing. Did you guys know that
was still thing? No, yeah, you get the three like
channels to the basics. I didn't know if you just

put the wire hanging on the back of the TV,
you were getting channels. That's what they're saying, basically, like
back in the day and making fun of people like
our Morgan number two. Now every time they're like millennials
are stupid, I'm like, leave Morgan number two alone. She
was at Morgan number two, our new digital girl. She
was like skiing at nine pm last night? What is

posting a picture on in the story? It was like
nighttime skiing. That's in our message. Must be nice to
be able to live a life on a weeknight. That's
kind of like, yeah, what else do you ski on
the mountain? Snow skiings, water skiing? My brain? I mean
obviously I knew she wasn't snow skiing unless she like
just made it back here really quickly. I've never been
snow skiing in my life, Like, that's not even a

thing to me. You've been, No, I've never been in
the mountains where there's snow. I think I drove up
to the snow once. Have you ever really seen stops
a kid? I'd go there built snowman that are on
the tv in the evening the Bobby Bones time for

your positivity right now. The city of Long Beach, California,
setting a great example of how to reuse and recycle.
In May, they said, anybody who lives here, if you
have unwanted bicycles, we don't care how old, please give
them to us. So they got like forty bikes donated
to them they took parts and built them again and

they were able to make thirty bicycles and they've been
able to give them to at risk kids and families
who just need the bikes to Recycle your Bike program,
and now it's gonna be an annual event. Some other
cities are taking it to Oh that's such a good
idea because you think, because one part of your bike's broken,
maybe you can't use it, but they can make it
to use it to make a whole new button and
you can use that bike to all will get to

work for your kid adult every well, you know, when
you're on a fly and there's like children that are
behaving badly or crying or whatever, obviously it's annoying. And
there was this one single mom flying, she had three
kids with her. Her kids were just not doing that great.
Her baby was screaming, crying, but everyone was just really
annoyed by her and being rude and like rolling their
eyes and even making comments under their breath. And one

mom who didn't have her kids with her, she took
it upon herself to go help this mom that was
flying with the three kids alone and grab the baby
that was crying and just offered a hand like, and
that's what she wants other people to do. She says,
how can we ignore another human in distress? I get it,
and I like that. The problem is when someone goes, hey,
there my kids, I'll take care of it. When someone

jumps on you for doing that, Oh, yeah, you have
to handle I like this, she did that. We have
to handle that very gently. This mom accepted the help
with open arms and was super grateful. Like some parents
will feel like you're coming like, oh, you don't think
handle my kids? Yeah, well, I mean when you're thirty
thousand feet up in the air and everyone is like
staring at you, like, get your kids under control. I'm
sure you'll take a little help if you can get it. Also,

what about like four year old it won't stop kicking
my seat. Oh, that's mentioned in the story too. Apparently
one of her kids was doing your kids. I'm one
of the people. I'm trying digging that I can try
your kid story Lunchbox. Captain Davis of the Louisiana Sheriff's
Department was driving through the neighborhood with his kids when
there was this old grandpa mowing the lawn. It was
a hundred degrees outside. It was really long, and he said, man,

I feel bad for that. Grandpa pulls over the car.
Mo is the front and back yard and tells Grandpa
to take a seat. It's good news. You show you
guys when your soccer game lunchbox. Um no, we had
the playoffs last night, first round and we lost three
to one. It's like your tweets like we only will win,
that's the only option. Yeah. And then a couple of

hours later, I put and we lost. And I don't
know if age is catching up with me or what,
but my team had the worst season we've had since
I joined the co ed team. And there's the third
season in a row we've lost first round of the playoffs.
It's sad. Is your wife play No, No, she plays volleyball.
She's not on the soccer she's never played soccer, and

that'd be bad to put her out there. Co edreg
season over. It's over, and then we gotta go back
to the drawing board and figure something out. I don't
know if either's got younger pills or what, but these
young cats are taking it to us right now. More
than two glitter iPhone cases are recalled after they've caused
the burns Man. That's a lot of iPhone cases. You

see what Kimcardashians against suited for like a hundred million
dollars because that's selfie camera. She built a thing on
the phone and shows a light and it's like the
perfect selfie. And another company is like, yeah, we already
built that, and she's like, no you' So now they're
in a fight over that. What is it? I think
it is the world's oldest family says The key to

long life is you don't mill. The entire Donnelly family
et mill twice a day, and that's how they're the
world's oldest family. Yeah, yea fans. Yeah, I love oatmeal.
Ye me well, with lots of brown sugar and butter,
maybe a little milk, gummy bears, maybe some cinema tells

crunch in there. Yeah, some fruit loose mixed in chocolate.
Sarah like, that's my kind of oatmeal. I don't think
I live very long. From Nashville's thirty second Skinny, George
Strait is set to release the soundtrack to his movie
Pure Country for the first time on vinyl coming up September,

exactly twenty five years to the day of its initial release.
To celebrate, He's going to perform hits from the album
on his two night run September one and second at
the T Mobile Arena in Vegas and Faith Hill and
Timgal They had to cancel their show in North Little Rock,
Arkansas last night because well, Faith has some vocal issues

and her doctor is like, nope, you're on prescribed vocal rest.
They canceled it, didn't postpone it. But the next night
they're back on. They are yeah, oh okay, and as
I actually think they had to cancel tonight as well,
and so maybe tomorrow night they're back on. But either way,
I hope that Fate's voice gets better on Amy. That's
a thirty seconds skinny sorry. Today. This story comes up

from New Holland, Pennsylvania. Theodore Gunnerson was hungry. He's like, man,
I want some lunch. So he's like, got my head
up to Wendy's, get me a salad. He orders a
salad and goes and sits down, and he loves cucumbers.
The only problem is this salad only had two cucumbers
on it slices two slices, So he goes up to
the counter says, I ordered a salad, Why are there

only two cucumbers on it? So they said that's what
it comes with. He throws the salad at the employee
and says, if I had a gun or a knife,
you'd be the first one to go. So Theodore didn't
get another salad. He got some handcuffs around his wrists.
He got cuffed and stuff, facing numerous charges. Do you

stay at Wendy's after you make that thread? That's what
I wonder like, if I didn't have cucumbers, I'd get
you a gun. I would say that and then run.
I wouldn't hang around and eat a salad with no cucumbers. Well,
he tried to get in his car, but police arrived
and arrested it. That's quick. It must have been next door. Yeah,
the oh swip Port, Theodoret, the indoor Peter, the idiot.

Theodore was having a bad day. Alright, I'm lunch boxed
at your bone head. Story of the day, The poles
of the day yesterday, You should parents drink when their
kids around? People said, yes, it's fine, alright. Number two
did you like the cover of ham That don't impress

me much? Which was controversial yesterday the Shania Twains that
don't impress me pretty much split down the middle. Really yeah, yeah,
I thought was pretty good considering it was hey him
whatever her name. Do you like seeing mal cleavage? People

say yes. Seventy one say node to the mail cleavage.
All of us bred chested men appreciate that. Looking at
my notes, here a couple of things. One Mike Fisher
from the Nashville Predators carry Underwe's husband retired like piece out.

I know that. Yeah, I came across this morning like Fisher, Oh,
you know, do you have plenty of money? You were successful?
I mean, I'm sure he wants a championship, But he
said how many times you gonna get hit in the head? Hockey?
Same thing is football just about you're getting slammed. I

think when you have kids and you have a life,
you start to think, do I want to not be
all the way there when I get older? I mean,
you have everything, and I think the baby just adds
to it. Looking good for him, he feels like his
body can't do it. I just these sports where you're
slamming heads. I know they're the most fun. Listen. I

put football in my whole life and It's like we
play football, but they're dumb. It's a dumb sport. Like
it's the most fun, but it's the dumbest sport. Hockey, football,
anything with your head is slamming each other all the time.
Your your brain is slamming into your skull. Though I
love football, I have season tickets, thrives in by games.
I played football all the way the twelfth grade. I

love it, but man, it's a dumb sport and it's
not even with our feet soccer's football anyway. Mike Fisher,
good run, buddy. Nor Listeners get mad at me when
I say football is dube, But I say every someone
who loves it. I love it so much. It's dumb.
It's a dumb sport. I'll watch every game. I will

watch it like Chris, like I will be there Sunday
ready to go in noon Central time. I'm watching it
all the way untill it's over. Sunday night, it comes Monday,
here we go again. Then Thursday night I'm back at it.
But it is a dumb sport Saturday. Mostly, I love
college fo more than I love the NFL. I have
allergy problem. You can't tell it just probably can't because

I'm asking it so perfectly. It's so freshening because I
feel like a woman or a million bucks. No, no,
and get it. Yeah, So I feel great. I just
nothing I can do about it. So now we're going
tried everything, zyrteg mer tech. Yeah you tried. That didn't work. No,

Nettie potted it. I'm doing everything, taking medicine. Still nothing.
So I'm here, I'm grinding through it. I'll be fine.
Eddie left his kid locked in the car. I don't know.
You know people leave their kids in the cars. Oh
my gosh. Have you seen on our highways We have
signs to say where's your baby? Yeah? No, make sure

you know where your baby is at all times. Yeah.
I mean it was tough, It was scary. Was one
of the scariest things that could have It could have
been really, really bad. And hope and thankfully, um our
pest control guy was outside and he noticed that he
was in the car, and he got him out. Your
three year old, my three year old. I mean he
was just in the backseat. He had dropped his baseball
and I thought all the kids were out of the car,
so I closed the door and I guess my three

year old just doesn't know how to open the door.
But hey, guess what. Once we got him out, first
thing I did was like, come over here, I'm gonna
show you how to push this door open. How was
he hot? I mean it was hot outside, but he'd
been there for like two minutes. But I mean, really,
if crying, I'd go. He was just terrified. He was like,
my parents left me in my car, Like this is
the scariest moment ever. And he cried for about ten
minutes afterwards. So, yes, a reminder. Do you think that

you know where your kids are at all times? Just
make sure they're not in the car lunchboxes convinced that
everyone that leaves their kids in the car doesn't on purpose. Yes,
And when I read stories like that, I'm convinced that
it's easier than people think to forget that your car
is your kids are possible was still in the car
because it happened to me. Yeah, now my sister is
at the same thing, just got four kids. I imagine

that you do you order pizza, pizza get comes and
you don't tip them for whatever reason. I don't like
that that you don't tip them, but sometimes it happens.
Either you forget, or you just don't have the money,
or you just aren't cool. But then the pizza personally
the four page letter at your door talking about how
you suck and if you do it again, you may
come back here. She says. Their initial interaction was brief.

She didn't think anything was wrong, but days later, that
same pizza delivery guy allegedly went back to her home
and dropped off a four page letter. I delivered you
a pizza not long ago, and it was given and
was not given a tip, but Leadford tells us quickly
became threatening and if it turns out that the delivery
driver is me again and you do not tip yet again,

I'm gonna probably rob you. She filed a report with
Rudondo Beach Police, who are investigating this as a possible
criminal threat, which could potentially be a felony. I waited
tables for a long time. Lunch Box is a delivery
guy for a long time. Sometimes you don't get tipped now,
Sometimes they forget. Sometimes they're not good people. Those are
parts of the game. That's part of the service industry.

Sometimes people don't serve you when you serve them. It
stinks no one like that. Now, let's say left one
little notes and he didn't appreciate not getting tipped I
have kids, and just taped it on the door. I
would have been like, that's weird, don't do that. If
you left a one page letter that said I dropped
pizza off, I have a family, if you don't mind

tipping me that a few words, a few lines would
have been like, oh, that's kind of creepy. Then only
one page letters. He left a four page handwritten letter.
That's the kind of person who stabs animals. Yeah, and
he threaten her and I'm going to rob you. Maybe
not just kidding on that, kidding, I probably will. That
guy goes to jail, you throw them in for a day,

and then the desk communities he's not there. He first
he gets fired. The rule about the service and straight
as you do the best you can and hope they
give you the best. And when they don't, that just stinks.
But sometimes live stinks. I never wait at a table
and they gave me a tip and I was like, oh, well, well,
I gets up for you. Here's the one page letter
about why you didn't tip me that good? Like, just

keep them pre written in your pocket. This guy's nuts,
like nuts, And when you first tease it, I thought, Okay,
clearly had a bad day. He just wants to share
with someone why it's kind to tip or something. But
straight out I kind of got that straight off. Like
I said, I will rob you. I might rob you.

He said, I might rob you. Just kidding, but just kidding.
I'm not really that kidding. Okay, whatever. Either way, guys,
a four page letter about anything is excessive. If my
me Mas sends me a four page letter, I'm like
me you okay, what's happening to you? You have feeling good?
Like is this is the last letter you ever gonna send.
This guy is not good. You gotta go away. He

no more pizza delivery, community service. Sometimes you don't get
tipped in life, sometimes you don't get tipped. Here's a tip, tip,
here's a tip. This dude's nuts. I get him. Everybody
agree on that probable excessive. He needs some help. Well,

I don't think they're gonna commit him for that. They could,
they could do an evaluation, but it is a threat.
I'm not gonna rob you. I will rob you. Just kidding, No,
just kidding. I really did not just kidding. Never gonna
get a time about half men say this is their
number one fear. You're in the air, Eric in Alabama,

what's up, Buddy good Man? Wait, you think number one fear?
But half men, that's a lot of men. I'm gonna
say failure, it's not it. I appreciate that, though, Hey,
guy in Boston, I would say, lose your job, man,
big fear not it Amy, never gonna get it, snakes,

no tricks me. Let's box that the easiest, easiest ever ever.
And I feel bad for Eddie because it's happening to
him going bald. Folks, Wow, we don't and every building,
everybody hands go up and start there and they got it.

Look at that guy, what do we ye? What's that light?
Going bald? It's like it's like your head gets hotter quicker. Yeah,
you know what I'm saying. You feel the heat up there?
Him in the sunna make it in my I be real. Yeah,
it sucks. I'm not really. Yeah, that's why he was asking.
I worry about it too. I think guys really worry

about it. And when I see a guy going bolt,
I don't think in my head I'm making fun name
I think, oh it sucks, man, that guy really felt
bad for you know when it really hurts when like
you or anybody comes in not lunchbox because it didn't
really have a style, but when you guys have different
styles of hair, like that's kind of cool. Like I
was like, man, I can't do anything with my hair.
I feel the same way though about guys with picks,
like like just talking honestly, Like when I see got

some muscles, I'm like, man, I wish I genetically can
I work hard and I can't. I cannot build chest
muscles and I work hard, and I'm like, man, that
must be so cool to be able to do that. Yeah,
same feeling, I guess. Yeah. I used to wear a
hat every day in high school, and then they talked
about how if you wear a hat you'll go balt
I stop wearing hats. I think that's been debunked. Well,
I understand I was saying that. I'm yeah. It is

a thing though, where we see things that we're jet
Like I grew up, I would see somebody with money,
and at the time where I grew up, money isn't
money that I see. Now. I see Luke Bryant come
in and he's got a hundred million dollars. But when
I was somebody that was making forty grand a year,
their parents was like, they're rich. Are we so mad?
Because I didn't get to have money, Like sometimes I
didn't get three meals in a day, and I was like, man,

I'm so jealous of that. That's how I feel out
people with muscles now, yeah, and that's how I feel
like people were here and I'm not. I'm only kind
of joking about the muscles thing, but it's really I'm like, dang.
Or if I see something like natural abs, oh yeah,
like you know, they don't want you know, they don't
do crap. Yeah, Or if they don't have allergies and
I do, I'm like, dang d thank you. Yeah. Sarah

in Virginia, good mold morning, Good Mori, how are you?
What's going on? So? I guess I heard the segment
of the Now where Eddie said that he was involved,
and I worked in northern Virginia where you know, I
worked with twenty year old thirty year old Gorty And
I think, along with a lot of my colleagues, that
bald men are very sexy. We're also around a lot

of military, so you see a lot of short hair.
So I would tell him, don't sweat it. There's a
lot of women out there, and I'm sure his wife loves,
you know, the way he looks. But for men that
are out there that are worried about going involved, don't
go with it, shave it all. Cut it short because
there are women out there as I just find it
very very attractive. I think that's nice to me to say.

But what Eddie does, though, is he like covers it
up and like doesn't shave his head. He's got the ring,
and then the other party tries to cover up with
other hair. Yeah, no, I don't do that. Just Eddie,
just cut it short, and trust me, you will feel
much better. No, don't do that makes it worse. Yeah,

come over makes it worse. But you know, I say,
just cut it short and you don't have to do
it all the one time. Just keep cutting it short
and then try too when we get there. You'll feel
comfortable about it. And you know, if you just hold
yourself and you're saying, hey, I look good, trust me,
other women will thank you look good. Well. I appreciate that.
Thank you. That's that will keep me very positive, shave

your entire head. No, I'm not there yet. I'm not
there yet. And let me ask you this because my
wife says this. She says, I'm tall enough for people
not to see the top of my head. Is that true?
You're taller than her, so yes, but you can also.
I'm asking you guys because you guys are kind of
the same. Forehead goes back. I have a receding hairline

in the front. You know you're bald. Oh my good
don't don't do the tomb over, you know, because that
just makes it worse. And it's like people know you
that you're trying to hide it. You know, you don't
want to be that teacher that the kids always said,
Oh my gosh, look at them with the comb over.
And thank you for the car. Appreciate that I have

a great day. Appreciate thank you. Sarah. All right. Speaking
of Eddie, well, I just think that Eddie needs to
embrace it. We've heard time and time again, including from
this caller and studies, that if you shave it and
put off that confidence, women love it. I don't think
I look good with a shaved head. You don't know yet.
Let ask me to judge. Of that. Yeah, Ben, Judy

and Boston. Anybody having up Judy and Boston. Hey, I first,
we appreciate you in Boston. Appreciate you in Boston. Yeah,
I want I want to put my vote in. Amy
gets the Morning Corny all the time. She does the
best job. And it's not her jokes. Sorry, Amy, it's

not the jokes. It's you. It's because you get so
tickled at what you're saying. So wait, what are you saying.
Are you saying not to give it to Eddie? I'm
saying not to give it to anybody, but Amy, the
screen says, wants to say Eddie was not good. Judy,
I'm all ears listen, I'm listening. What do you have

to say about my Morning Corny? Come at him? Because
you don't. You don't give it the same way Amy does.
Amy gets so like, she giggles, and when she gig
there we go coming up in eight minutes. Amy's Morning Corny, Okay,
and Linen, it's never just gonna be Amy's if she bad.
When he goes over to the launch box, Yeah, yeah,

Judy just said Judy doesn't rule the world. Yeah, nawood.
Amy's thirty second Skinny there's a profile on Brett Eldridge
in USA Today and he talks about what it's like
to date when your country's most eligible bachelor. Did he
assign himself that title? No, they did. It's their words.

I don't even think he's country's most eligible bachelor. Well,
who the big ones are totally taken and married. I
mean think about it. Think Keith have been taken, Luke,
Brian taken to taking the Stars. Yeah, they're all taken, Bobby,
They're take and take and taken. Brett Eldridge, I mean
titles taken. Can't sit here, titles taken? And what did

he say? Well, he's talking about the pros and cons,
And for cons he says, you know, he likes to
keep his personal life private, and with all the attention,
it makes it a little bit difficult, especially if you're
trying to get to know someone beyond the surface. He
was to keep private even done that model, it was
all over not private. Yeah for a while. Remember when

you met her. He was like, wasn't he asking you
to kind of keep it private? But I was like,
you don't worry, Todd, I got you. I'll keep it private. Okay. Well,
the pros of being Brett and single and eligible. Is
it's not hard to meet women because they slip him
their phone number, they give him their business cards, or
older women try to set them up with their pretty daughter. Dang,

I mean a hater right now? Business cars. I feel
I'm not proud of it. Not I want you. I'm
not proud of you because I was like, not the
most allege boy probably is. I'm just being a hater.
I don't mean to. Sometimes the subconscious comes out, yeah,
like he's pretty, I'd say Brett. People know who he
is yet? Yeah, but people are definitely into him. If
I posted him on my Instagram a few times. If
I've been like interviewing for something and people I get

direct messages from like good friends that are like who
is that? That's what I'm saying, Like he has two songs,
but no one knows who he is here, right, so
maybe when he gets more known, they'll be like, Brett young,
hook it up. He's I guess pretty elder since thirties,
but Brett seven, you're talking about nineteen. I agree. When
I learned his age, I was like, what, yeah, you're

aging gracefully. So Vin Diesel George by Vin Diesel is
producing a reboot of Miami Vice for NBC. He's not
going to be one of the stars. That doesn't seem
But the original ran from ur to nineteen eighty nine,
so Miami Advice coming back. They've had bad movies in
Miami used to like that doesn't excign me very much,

Acual if he's not in it, like I want, Vindie, Solana,
Mariah and St. Louis. Hello, Hell, it's actually Maria Maria.
Good morning to you. Sorry U first time caller. I
was asking my we were going to see you tomorrow night.
The Raging Idiots and our husbands are not do would

listen to the show, So we're wondering what to tell
them about you guys. Yeah, like the Raging Idiots. We're
in St. Louis and Madison, Wisconsin and all over the
country later this year. But the Raging Idiots are a band.
Eddie myself and we bring all like Nashville's great players,
and we play all kinds of music. We have a
few of our own songs, but we're playing like all

the songs basic the Golden Girls sing song. Yeah, we'll
do that one. If you want to want you a
question right now? Yes, I'm just telling you it's a
lot of fun. We play a lot of covers. It's
just stupid. I promise you'll have fun. I promise. If
they don't have fun, I would give them the price
of their ticket back, um, minus all of it. They'll

have fun. It'll be good. It's a it's a fun show.
I promise. We don't take yourself seriously. We wear track
suits and we have really good players except for us. Cool. Well,
we are looking forward to all right. I can't wait
to see you tomorrow in St. Louis. Alright, bla blaa, Maria,
Sorry I met your name up? Should I start finding
Mike do when he puts the names up wrong? Yes?

Because he put up Mariah m that's not good. What
do you think about that? Might d one dollar every
time you do it? It's a fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
money jar, there's now a fine jar one dollar every
time I st up a name. Yeah, I feel about that.
Can now don't mess up? I say, yeah, raging idiots

tomorrow and Saturday night in St. Louis, Wisconsin. If you
were to find us for all the times we mess up,
watch James Brown movie. So I used to do find
all the players. Somebody start doing too huh what if
they were late? Anything late? Messed up? You get a fine?
Are you joking? I need to see that, but no,

you shouldn't do that. We'll go it all go broke.
And now the newest song from Bobby Bones and the
Raging Idiots Chick fil A. But it's Sunday. Someone asked
me earlier to play the Chick fil A song, so
it's for you guys. I won't shack filate, but it's Sunday.
I want the frozen wall, but now I'm feeling off.

I won't shack Flatenday. It's Sunday. Yeah, the one day
la over. It's the one day that I was long
to get chick flaate Yeah, yeah, to eat chick late. Yeah.

I yell hello through the drive through. Hello, Nobody answers
me back. I look around for all the other cars,
Where the heck is everyone that I won't ship fla

but it's Sunday. I long the friz and me a
while fool, but now I'm feel alwful. I won't shape
FLA but it's Sunday. Yeah, the one day you want over,
it's the one in ours to get shame La. Yeah, yeah,

to get the late Yeah yeah, go download Chick fil A.
But it's Sunday from Bobby Bones and the Raging Idiots
on iTunes. Now. Hey, by the way, the videos up too.
We just put it up. You'll see the video. Okay,
we'll see it. Let's watch it together. Okay, look there
he is there? See there? Yeah, like that Bobby Bones
dot Com Everybody Trend America show. That sounds like a

fun game. I think our listeners should call in and
tell us what we should get fined for, because I
think if Amy's computer goes off during the show while
we're on the air, that's fine. Same for a fe
years agoes off. Okay, Oh, mine rarely goes off though,
unless I'm listening previewing an audio clip for the show.
But you're admitting it has happened only one, so you

would get fined. Okay, Okay, hey listen, our phone numbers
eight seven, seven, seventy seven. Bobby. If you have a
recommendation on what we should get fined for, I'm totally
for it, and then we'll use the money for charity.
You cannot involve speech impediments, that's true. Whatever they say.
The morning, Corny, What is a kittens favorite dessert? What

is a kitten's favorite dessert? My scream, my scream that
morning Corny's cute? Yep, cute? Can I have it back?

That is good? Ask the question a lot, am Oh. Well,
I was just looking at some old school pictures of
Garth Brooks and it made me think, like back in
the day, the radio people were probably interviewing him and
hanging out with them and doing stuff, not really knowing
he was going to be the goat Garth Brooks. So
I'm like, who's going to be that of like our time,
Like these people that come in our studio and we

see them play for the first time, Like, who's going
to grow up to be the garth Ish? Eric Church?
Because he did it different, Sam Hunt, because he did
it way different and just sold And people would give
sam On credit, not even for his music, but for
just being like to heck with the system, Like you
want a rule breaker like that dude, just like I
don't care what people think and that that's a big

part of it. Uh. Those are the people that I
gravitate to, people that just don't care about rules because
there are none. You make your own rules. And it's
a good question. Who would you put on the list?
Who's who we like getting fifteen years and go wow.
I think Luke Bryan. I mean, he's just killed it.
He's killed it. I think he's the man right now

and will continue to be. I think Rascal Flats, they've
had a history and they're still going there spanning decades.
I think they kind of already are what they are.
They're a legendary band. They've done it and they're back
putting out hits again. Like Garth, I don't know if
they're ever Gartha. Just I just was using him because
I was looking at young, young pictures of him probably

and I was picturing and walking in some radio station
for the first time. I'm like, god, if people probably
didn't know what in the world he was going to
turn into when they first saw him playing and stuff.
But so I felt about you like people have no idea. Yeah, yeah,
Brandon and Tennessee, Hey Brandon, Hey mommy, how's it going good?
You're able to say fine, go first time caller? How

much of a voice or I'd screamed louder. So I
appreciate that. All right, um teasers, Moby uh you drive
me nuts with the teasers when you when you don't
get to them. Uh, perfect example, your best Humble Bragg
story ever, you tease it for almost an hour. I

missed it. Come on, maybe you missed it in the
middle man did it so quick he didn't catch it? No, no, no,
it was I drive almost an hour to work every
day or a little over. Dang it, you got me?
Oh yeah, yeah, okay. What's the world? Then? How if
I tease something? How long? I'd say not more than
two songs? Worse, my god, do more than that. Sometimes

it's longer. I say twenty minutes, okay, twenty minutes fair,
twenty minutes fair, one dollar I'll take that fine, Okay,
I'm in now, I listen. I want to listen to
the listeners. I was talking about James Brown earlier, and
James Brown would find the people on his band, people
who work for him, if they did something there was

enough standards, he'd be like, fifty dollar fine. I was like, man,
we should find ourselves. And so my dr phone's gonna
put up the wrong name. And I was like one
dollar fine. And then we have a jar of fines.
And then when it hits the point we donate that
to somebody that could use it. Sounds like plan I guess,
and I guess, and I said listeners should call in

and say what we should be fined for? Year up
Alexa and Maryland. What would you find us for? I
would say that I would find lunch. Sorrys love you.
But anytime he complains about his wife either having or
not having a job, what that's the moment? Then? What
do you want me to talk about that? Doopertoire? Yeah?

I talk about good things too, but sometimes we all
complain about our significant others, and so that's just one
of the things that bothers me. What have you? Just
talk about it and don't complain. I don't think it's complaining.
I think I just talked about I think you guys
make it sound like I'm complaining. I know your wife
is not employed now, yeah, she is a fun employed again.

So did she quit? She yeah, she quit. She decided
she wasn't enjoying it. Uh, didn't feel like it was
up her alley. So she wanted to go out and
explore and try to find something else. And so she
is out of a job. She's fun employed. How do
you feel about that? I'm not gonna complain. I am
so happy for her. I'm asking, really, no, man, I'm like,

why wouldn't you have a job lined up before you
piece out the other job. I mean, she had an
interview and I guess she thought it went well. I
thought it was gonna be good. Put in two weeks
job didn't come through. So now she's fun employed. So
more Law and Order Rescue and Wine Wednesday at the house. Yeah,
we're gonna be back to Wine Wednesday, Law and Order

SVU marathons, and I don't know, I mean hopefully she's
out there just you know, hitting the pavement, knocking on doors,
dropping off resumes because that's what she needs to be
doing that. I'm sorry, Hey, condolences, thank you, Yeah, mitsibo,
first time caller. Um, don't get my head, Bobby, this

is for you. You're so wonderful. I love when Senate
to start like that. Go ahead, but there's always a
butt coming. I think you should put a dollar in
the jar every time you say something negative about herself,
because you're wonderful, I mean broke, yeah, and I appreciate you.

I appreciate you. I think there's may be something to that.
Do you want you to love yourself. I said, it's Bieber.
But you know, let's go z and miss that. Yeah. Yeah,
you're on no A yeah Biber yeah a yeah, go ahead. Yeah,

mind's about lunch. It's not it's just to be negative
or I don't want to get down on lunch. You know,
he plays a vital role on the show, to believe that.
But when when he yelled in the microsoft, I mean
it's it's talk radio, you know, in the morning, so
we're gonna have it louder than you're playing your music anyway,

So find him when he yells. Yeah, when he yells,
all right, Okay, I'll just talk like this. By any
of this, Carrie's husband, Mike should retire from hockey, announced
today after seventeen years of playing in the NHL. He's
hanging up his old skates like he's brutal sport. They

gotta hang it up to seven, right, Yeah, and that
is that the normal age to quit the old NHL.
Anytime you get over thirty in these contact sports, yeah,
it starts to be a thing. So like he's captain
of the team, but like what's his role, like you know,
like compare it to quarterback, like his position like he
plays defense right, so he probably gets hit a lot.

I think you always get hit a lot. Talking like
this show, you hit a lot of words. You're always
slamming with stuff. Tomorrow Brandy Clarkson for Female Friday. Next Friday,
Lindsay l comes in Now. Will be awkward. Why I'm

not interviewing a listeners are Yeah, we'll take a lot
of questions for listeners. I have very little say during
that fine her problems next week that I'm just telling
you it's gonna be awkward for me because I know
where everybody's heads gonna go in naming an intervention? What what? Oh?

Is Bobby going to propose all those questions next Friday?
He's going to ask that that would be next Friday.
I feel about sending a baby to the carropractor. I
know people to do it a baby. Yeah, I know
people their babies are so little and they go see
like a holistic doctor that also pops there back from

which doctor? Craziness? What? No, I really don't think it's crazy.
Here's phone number eight seven seven seventy seven, Bobby, would
you let your baby go to a chiropractor? Here's a
four day old daughter days old don't be a judge now,
No not, I'm just saying I was, like a newborn daughter,

wasn't sleeping? Listen to this, he cracks her back. A
look more than that, because she's so flexible. I'm gonna
have to get some extension in as fine. I'm going
to take that contact there like that. I have to, unfortunately,
just extend her a little bit to get it in
the right place. That's why that's trying. It's okay. I

just brought all your spine. It's okay, and now she's sleeping.
I don't know. I haven't better be an update. Surely
you're cool with that. I'm totally cool with that. Yeah,
what what do you mean? God? What did you hear that? Baby? Yeah?
Do you know what happens when you pop your spine?
And baby's fine? When it was fine, So we all
have spines. When you pop your sine, it makes a
popping sound. I feel like it's obviously I hurt the

baby because it cried or it scared the baby. Yeah,
I mean you don't know that it was I think
he didn't baby poopy. Yeah, baby was hungry all of
a sudden, your baby with shots full of what he
natural way. Do not you think we in general like
why not embrace something more natural? Call us chiropractice for babies. Oh,

they take this baby into the chiropractor and they're like, okay, baby,
we'll crack your back again. This baby, it's four days
old here, because she's so flexible, I'm gonna have to
get some extension in as far I'm going to take
that contact there like that. I have to, unfortunately, just
to extend her a little bit to get it in
the right place. That's that's al to be clea. Think

of the nads on this chiropractor to break a baby
like that's risky big time. I don't care how good
you are. That's a baby. Hello Sam and Arkansas. When
you think about this baby it's chiropractor, I don't like
that idea. I've been to the chiropractor myself, ironically to
try to induce myself into labor because I was past two.

But they put your head in like this choke hold
wrestling moves kind of thing, and like crack your neck,
and I thought that this guy was gonna kill me
and I would not want them to do that to
my precious little fragile baby. Are you right there. Appreciate that.
Appreciate you all right, Amanda and Baton Rouge, thank you

for calling. Amanda. I actually my daughter when she was
four weeks old to his diagmentic list that um acid reflux,
and the doctor gave her a bunch of medicine and
didn't work. It didn't work. So I had a friend
suggesting me to take Cred to the chiropractor and she
didn't pop her like that. She used other little mass
but after about four weeks twice a week, she was

pretty much cure to ask reflux. Wow, I was stopping Amy, Amy,
none of them appreciate thank you. Let's go one. Hey,
Megan and Indiana. Hey, um so, my little brother, I'm thirty,
he's like six now. But my little brother when he

was like first born, he had a whole bunch of
stomach issues and then as he got older he would
like walk on his kiptoes and stuff. He's been going
to the chiropractor since he was like two months old,
and he's totally like all his symptoms have gone away.
Um So I'm like totally for it. You're a believer.
I'm a believer. It's it was amazing, Like he used

to cry consistently just through the whole day because of
his stomach issues and everything. And probably, like the other
girl said, like four to six weeks after they started
taking him, Uh, he just stopped like all. He didn't
have to change formula, nothing like it totally healed him. Alright, well,
I appreciate that. Appreciate you. Thanks. Did you hear that baby?

I did going to scare the baby? I didn't tell
Why don't you know the baby doesn't talk? Hey, who's
that baby's good? Point me to who hasn't? Okay, everybody
trans across America show do you hear this nonsense? Eddie

thinks I made a filter? It's true. We take a
picture at the gorge in Washington State. Our band, the
Raging Idiots is playing water Ship and we had our
shirts off hot and he thinks I made the filter
make them look fat. Listen, man, I know you, I
know your little tricks, and you made me look fatter
than you by using a black and white filter. I

wanted to look like, oh Western, Okay, you're right, I
see is that on Instagram? Go to Mr Bobby Bones.
I'm looking at him right now, Mr Bobby Bones. Go
down a little bit it's black and white. Tell me
if the filter makes it, Eddie look fat? It's the filter.
Go ahead, Eddie. How is that a filter? You're both

in the same filter, and you're both in the same
type of chair, and you're sitting like in more of
a way like you're like, no, I think you're like
blaming life on filters. Blake Shelton throw Back Thursday two

thou one our digital Morgan? What you were you born Morgan?
Or no I was born? I was wondering with some
of these songs if she even knows because like earlier
we played Tricia, she's in love with a boy she
wasn't even born yet. Oh my god, that's weird when
you say it like that, And I'm like, okay, I know.

We did a whole Bobby cast after the show and
we talked to our new Morgan. Number two. Did you
were like, yeah, when I was born Saved by the Bell,
I just started dang crazy crazy. Would you read to
get more vacation days or a raise? Amy, Um, I
guess I'll take more vacation days, lunchbox. You get the

option more vacation or more. That is a tough one, man,
because I love that money. But I like to be relaxing.
I like to be chilling. I like to be traveling.
Oh man, I'm gonna shock the world. Here. Give me
the more vacation days, more vacations. Want more vacation to

relax and chill. Yeah, I'm gonna take money because I
don't really like vacation. According to a new report, would
take the money. We're just registered more people would take
the money than the vacation. Okay, lunch Box were not

like the normal people. Well, my two favorite things in
the world now vacation, favorite things absolutely Bobby's like, I
don't want either. Yeah, I'm good. I can live just
find I don't want to work, and you don't have
to pay me. I would listen to the job forever
for no money. Lunch Box, let me ask you a question.
Is your wife pregnant? That's my wife pregnant? Yeah, no,

I don't know, okay, because I made a prediction that
around this time she'd be pregnant. Remember it was like
a lot, like five or six months ago. Was like,
I predict by August third, lunch Box's wife will be pregnant, right,
that's right. So you're saying that as far as you
knows right now, she's not pregnant. She's pregnant, she has
not revealed it to me sid of a gun. She
waiting for three months to let you know. Maybe maybe

that's how it works, Maybe she don't want to get
my hopes up, or you know, she needs to surprise me.
But yeah, so far, she has not come to me
with anything like a cake where I cut it and
there's a color and all that she hadn't any of that?
Did that happen first or just a pluff mind sign.
I think it's the test first. Later on he's making
any cakes. But you guys, when we when you gonna

have a baby? Like, what what do you think? When
do you think you have a baby? Lunch box? Yeah, yeah,
for real, I'm being for real, Like whenever she it's pregnant?
What have a baby? Are you trying? Like like we
must do it right now? Does she text you sometimes?
Like now is the time in the know of when
would be? I don't know what that means she's texting
me sometimes. I hope that if you get the option

to watch him this hacked HBO stuff that you just
don't do it. The story is getting worse and worse,
HBO hackers upload unseen Game of Thrones episodes and a
whole bunch of more online, and selfishly, I'd like to
just watch all the Game of Thrones and be like done,
but it just said such a bad president precedent. Excuse me.
So Nowtflix have been hacked, HBO has been hacked one

point five terabytes of data, including several upcoming episodes of
Game of Thrones. They've all been obtained. But this is
just millions and millions of dollars. It's it's stealing money.
And what you're doing is you're being involved in stealing
money as well. It's like if someone robbed the bank
and they walked out, and I'd like for you to
have some of this money. Now, it'd be nice to

take it, but it's not yours. It's not your money.
So yeah, I don't like that. I don't like the
these hackers are saying, hey, well we won't release if
you give his money. This is the new terrorists. These
people need to go to jail. Is wait, they start
hacking airplanes, but now they're going to They're gonna have cars, airplanes,
his computer systems. We're constantly having to be ahead a

step when we're constantly behind. But cars are gonna get hacked.
I'm gonna go back to old school airplanes, like when
they're also fast that the wings fla. Yeah you think
I'm messing with you about this. A man hit his
ex girlfriend's body and a freezer hit it. Yeah. Yeah,

his new girlfriend took over the life of the other girlfriend.
Story to like, no, he just replaced her role. It's
like if you were stealing an identity. I don't look
like no, no, no, I know. Ohio man and his
girlfriend have been charged with the abuse of a corpse
after the missing girlfriend remains were found in a freezer
and so he got a new girlfriend and she just

took oh my good man and had a weird charge
abuse of a corpse. It's a charge I feel needs
to exist, though it's a weird charge because I don't
think a lot of people do it, because like people
aren't up in ahead all right, right, I just really
had never heard that that charge before. Yeah, but you
go to a graveyard and dig somebody up and start
messing with the body, that's abuse of a corpse. Yes,

they're also gonna hunt you. People don't worry enough about
the hunt because there's something messages with my corpse. I'm
gonna hunt the crap out of you. I mean, that's
how I got caught. What she an't she came and
told somebody. No. He asked his neighbor to watch, to
like hold onto the freezer for him. There was a

big padlock on him, and they was like, that's kind
of weird. They open it up. This dude must love
his pork jobs. Why do you even involve your neighbors
pork jobs in there? Smart? This dude's got some hot
prize venison. They must already thought he was a total
weird something. Body asked me to watch a freezer with
a padlock. I'm not being anything. Here's why the freezers lock.

First of all, where I come from, people would steal meat.
Meat was very important. Really, Yeah, you ida hunting a
bunch of meat, you lock it up. Somebody steal the money,
especially if it's outside. Bobby's freezing his money. I mean
that could be. People don't freeze their money to documents
in my freezer. Yeah, why do you do that? Because
I feel like if my house burns down, that's going

to be one of the last places because it's gonna
be so cold to watch. Yeah, like my birth certificate,
my passport, my voter registration. The ice turns into water
sometimes back in the freezer. Don't ask me. Always done it,

it does, all right, Thanks for hanging out. I just
got a message from Lauren Petrowsky at Fox seven and
I just I mean, I just got a ten seconds ago.
It says Willie, question mark, is it true? Now? I'm
not here to spread anything. I just see the question.

There have been death rumbers a hundred times, so many
so and she's a reporter. I'm looking right now. I
see nothing right like that would be a thing. I mean,
where do you go first for news? Twitter? Oh? For sure,
And that's I'm just gonna call. Laura Patrowsky at Fox

seven said she'll answer, Oh boy, I've got nothing. Yeah. Hey,
so you're on the air. Oh okay, So wait, what
do you what do you mean, Willie? Is it true?
I'm just seeing on Twitter? What do you but you're seeing? What?
It's multiple sources within them, Zack industry sources in Nashville.
This is not confirmed. So but what's the what's the

website you're seeing? There's not a website. That's why it's
like just on Twitter, there's a bunch of tweets going
out from random people. There's a radio station I think
in Chicago that's saying that they've heard this. I mean,
we did it out, and then other people are like
retweeting it, and then I'm seeing other newspeople retweeting it
saying not confirmed that this is the rumor. The weird

thing is there have been in the past few months.
You have to get on TV or can you talk
for a second? No, no, I have a minute. Um.
The weird thing is, for the past few months, there
have been a lot of these weird Willing Nelson fake
debt stories. So I don't know what are you guys
seeing around the room, But I mean, this is nothing

that we have confirmed. So uh, we're just trying to
find out where they're getting this from. A lot of
the tweets are just like pretty vague, saying people in
the music industry or sources in Nashville are saying this. Yeah,
there are no sources at catched. Okay, cool, thank you,
we'll follow. Someone said, all right, hopefully not true. Hopefully

not true. Boy. Someone said I typed him willing Nous
and dead. August and got a Snopes article and the
music video for Still Not Dead. It's just been a thing.
It's on that Red Headset Child album right that some
of the tweets who are just saying hearing rumors coming
out of inner circles of Nash that's just too vague, man. Yeah,

TMZ has nothing. So if TMZ has nothing, you have
people sending things to TMZ saying news leak for you,
willingness and has passed away for real this time, for real,
this time. That means's terrible. I'm going with it's not
true right now? Man, who'd you from? A Willy song? Though?
Is a blue crime in the great song I mean

on the Road Again, Blue Wise crying and I'm rain
well weakest goodbye and far I knew he'd never we

eat again. Was like dying him. Nobody's seen anything. He's
got to take us right now. All them all remain

through the ages, all munt Blue Wise crying, Yeah Rain.
You know. My problem with on the Road Again as
the favorite Willy song is that it's hard to have
an artist and have their upbeat song is a favorite.

Mostly with an artist, there beat songs an't your favorite.
Just generally pick your favorite artist, pick your favorite song. Listen,
this is my new theory. I just come up with
my pick your favorite amy, what's your favorite song? Favorite artist?
George Straight? What George Straight? Amarilla that morning slow? It's
kind of slower? Yeah, Like if you said fine it,
I would be like the environment is on my favorite exactly?
Hold up yours favorite artists ever? Comes? Really? No friends

in low Place? No, John Mayer stopped his train one,
Tim mcgrass something like that. A jam be your favorite song? Like, know,
what's your favorite song ever for your favorite artist? Like
probably a pearl jam? Thing right? Best slow song of
people's favorite songs from artists are slow becaues. Slow songs

have meaning and passionate power. Wait, I got one, but
you can have one that's okay, lunchbox Tina Turner to
do with it? Simply the best You're slow? You know
they all don't have to be slow good. Generally, the
rule is your favorite artist there. It can't be a
radio song or a fast song. Judge is spoken? Was

Amarillo by Morning radio song? Ever? Yeah? Oh? I also
loved Baby Blue Yeah, like the Chair slow. The chair
is so good. But when they did the dance version,
I was like, this is very good. The dance version
of the chair and stop it. Calvin Harris did the

chair anything. I'm Willie, that's my friend, is pretty close
to him, and he said, no reason to believe it's true.
Right now, I felt like it was a lie. Don't
tell me. To My point is, if you have favorite artists,

favorite song, your favorite songs are usually slow because they're
more powerful and they mean more to you. Theory is
now out in the earth. I don't think Willie Nelson's dead. No,
I'm not. I know other shows are announcing it right now.
I'm not. There have been too many rumors. We know
too many people that are really close to Willie. Ray

just talked to someone who knows Willie Ray. What did
you hear? Um? Yeah, one of our friends in the industry,
Bob Pickett. He talked with Willie's sister and Willie was
on a plane coming back from Hawaii and that plane landed. Okay,
that's what we We're not the one saying it. It's
not us. We think it's it's a thing. I got

a message to from a ball It's like, what are
you gonna do? I'm like what I do? Like we
we've had Willie on the show. Yeah, well we do
is talk about William by Willie songs, but we're not
having to do that if you were dead right now.
Willy's alive, that Willy? Yeah, yeah. You know what the

funny story about that is is that they saw Jared
Neeman and a fake Willy Nelson restaurant and they decided
which one they wanted to go up to and make
a bit out of, and they picked fake Willie Nelson.
It was a group decision. It was a group vote
when we decided to go, so put me in your head, boy. Yeah,

it was me, lunch Box and Ray and we saw
Jared Neeman walking, we go, oh, man, we should probably
get some audio of Jared and maybe go interview him
or something. And then we saw fake Willie come in
and be like, dude, this could be way funnier than
just talking to Jared Nemon. Let's go talk to fake
will You picked fake Willie who lunch Box off was
real Willie? Jared Nemon? Yes, interesting, Well, I thought Willie
was a bigger star, but I didn't know it fake Willie.

Eddie encouraged me that it was Willie, so I'd look bad.
But yeah, we saw Jared even there too. You want
to know, I think Ray is going out, Ray going
out with Michael Ray this weekend. Yeah, well no, it's
not this weekend. It's next weekend. Go on the road
with Michael Micha I said. What happened was Michael Ray.
Michael has a couple of songs. That's one of them. Yeah,
I think a little kiss, a little more and think

a little less. Okay. So Ray said, hey, Michael Ray,
they saw him out. Michael said, haven't having a bus
party this location. Ray goes to the bus party and
there's no bus there. So Ray gets mad and blocks
them from the show. And then now there Michael Ray,
Gus is gonna make it up to them, and you're
gonna go on the road with them for a couple
of days. It's do I want to do the Midwest
leg or the East Coast swing, It doesn't matter. It

is all the same. So it's up to me. So
it's either in a week or two weeks, and you
are gonna go. Yeah, I'm thinking it's like Indiana, Illinois.
That's like the heart of America right there, heading on
the tour bus with the boys. But do you know
them they're not your boys. Really awkward. I don't know
him at all. Great, it's gonna be real awkward. Is
I don't think Michael Ray knows how hard Ray goes.

I'm sure that they do. Find they go probably go
hard to. Okay, let's get Willie on the show, one
of my bosses. I don't have Willie's cell phone number.
I don't either, Let me check think I have it?
Does anyone I have Willi's contact? Anyone ever? Willi's house once,
and Willie was not living in his house. He was
living in his bus because that's where he spent his life,

like touring on the bus. So I thought, bus is
parked right outside his house. And he says, he never
goes in the house. Did you smoke weed? Willy know?
He we have to talk about this. I know. I remember.
It's always been a thing. It's a it's a regret
in my life because I don't. I don't do drugs.
So and I had just started my shifting. I've never
done weed out of drugs illegal, Yeah, it's only illegal
some places where it was illegal where I was illegal.

And I just started my work shift, and and we
sat with Willie for about like twenty minutes and out
of nowhere here came his his thing, you know, the joint,
and he passed it over to us, and I had
a decline and it was the most it was like.
As soon as I said I'm good, Willie, thank you,
he was just like one of my thinking, this is
the only chance I have ever in my life. But yeah,

we had a friend. We smoked. We with Snoop Dogg
once up in his car like two days later. I
don't even remember blackout. That's not good. No, he thought
he was fine, and he's like, nope, I'm pulling his
parking lot and fall asleep. I can't tell you a
story about weed because I don't have any stories really
because I've never touched weed or I've never smoked a cigarette,
never drank a beer. I'm you know, I just haven't

because I don't feel like I could do it in moderation.
Not judging it. I personally think it should be legal
because it's a growth from the ground. What do I care?
As long as you're not doing it hurting people, what
do I care? Here's my problem with it, because I
do have a problem with it. First of all, I
think the alcohol is worse than weed. Okay, yeah, I
never had out of one of them. It's amazing to
me that one could be illegal and once legal. Yeah,

here's about problem. Whenever people smoke weed and I leave
because I'm I'm comfortable around it. I don't even like
being around drunks. They stick the same thing in their
mouth and gets passed around. That's disgusting. That's what bothers you.
Oh my goodness, I was like, what is this just
because they share it? Yeah, lunchbox. If we all took
like a piece of paper and we all put in
our mouth the path I put in my mouth, I'm

not scared. It's like sharing a straw. That's disgusting, no problem,
That's why I don't do we Yeah, okay, that's why
do you call it doing weed? Yeah? It's a very
I mean, listen, country music is very mari I wanta culture.
Like almost the most artists do it, most of them people.

It's so weird that ones it's it's illegal. It's starting
to not be that way. They did this thing. More
songs about country music? Have we did that? Need the
format really more than hip hop? Hip hop has moved on.
Reference to moving on, they're singing about hydrocodeine like things
like that. They're progressive, like the biggest songs like Al

Deane's Al Deane's song. It's like, look, I'm a little
more jack and my coke. Now a little more a cigarette. No,
And then we all did smoke in the same thing,
I know, Blake Sheldon's. It took me a minute, but
I finally the high, yes, yeah, hit me like a
Colorado high. One time. I was like, what like the altitude,

that's what I thought. No, no, but double double meaning
drink a little drink, smoke a little smoke. That's not cigarettes.
Cigarettes are disgusting to a lot of people, and they
still smoke weakness. Right. I have a friend who never
smoked weed ever, and again I would just like something
to chill me out, I guess, but first of all,
smoking anything heat and my lungs feels like crazy. But
he was like, guesse, I never tried it, And he said,

I like, took one of those vaporizing machines and put
a rag over my head to manage a picture of
all photographer going okay during three and he was like
it did it was like it felt amazing. It's like
you should do it. You could sleep, you could actually
rest and be healthy. And anyway, I have no drug.
I don't. I watch an argos that's not even about

it's it's cocaine, but gold comes through. They like that
stuff like lunch side coca yea, thanks, lunch was about, Um,
you're not coming back. I just got a message here,
go ahead. I'm not gonna say who it's from. Are
you generally around for the next few hours? X Big

Show may want to talk to you to speak on Willie,
but I'm not hearing it's confirmed yet. Again this there
are a lot of fake deaths to happen. If this
is fake, which right now we're leaning towards it is.
This is the biggest one we've ever had. M hm.
It's so big that I'm start to thinking, what if

there's something to it? So yeah, anyway, I guess with
with Willie, you talk weed, I mean, you talk about
a lot of life. That's like he's been trucking man.
He's just been so relevant in our life for years. Anything.

I feel like he's a dred and fifty. Yeah you
know why, because we've never seen him not old good point,
I've never I've seen pictures even when he was really young,
he looked old, but in our life he's never been
not old. Crazy angry customer went into a Chick fil
A in Jacksonville. They posted videos of the incident because

he went in ordered some nuggets. The nuggets were cold.
He was ticked off. He starts arguing with the workers.
They locked the doors. That's when start beating on the
glass door, broke the handle, went in through straws everywhere. Like,
what's up with people in their best food and get
so angry about it. I don't know. I think it's

other things in life. They're hungry too, That's what it is.
They're so hungry and they just lose control. Yeah, I
don't think angry. It makes me do that though, stress
in life and they want to use this food to help.
Then think it's that they're just freaking crazy. Okay, Like

your nuggets are cold, so you bust into a door
and break thing, it's not normal. There's a car, it's
the new Audi. So if you have the money to
buy an Audie will tell you exactly when your light
will change and go green. What I say, Audie is Audie,
you know what? Yeah, I'm tired of you making fun

of my accident. No, no, no, no, wait a minute,
Amy got me. Amy got me this morning hard. She
laughed in my face. We're talking about antenna. I said
it was cute. Said it was I said, your accident
comes out with the word antenna. That's cute. So say antenna. Start.
We're walking out because we were what we're talking about

this morning, we're talking about how millennials didn't know you
could stick in antenna. Thank you on top of the
TV and we're walking out. Andy goes, hey, I just
want you know, I think it's cute. And you say
antenna comes out and in front of you. I'm a
I grew up in the South. How do you say?
I say, just how you do antenna? He says, antonna? Antanna?

Oh yeah, it's fine. I wasn't making funny. Guy. If
someone says something's cute, I don't know. I'm wondering have
I been saying Audi wrong? Like is it not an Audie?
Is it an Audi? Because you say antenna? Oh, he
goes Antanna. Whatever the case says. The thing is in
the car. It tells you in the last canturn of Green,

there's a clock's genius. Well to tell you when you're
getting close to a light, so you know how much
time you have to make it to the light. What
kind of car? I don't know, he said, but I
think it's out. Okay, I don't know. Way everybody out
there that's like me and you grew up in the
South and you say Southern things. We have to stick
together because there are people in this world that don't

understand our culture. But this Southern thing, I think it's
just am I saying it wrong. But Antenna, hey being
told that's cute. There's a tweet out, but that says,
according to Willie Nelson's management, the rumors are not true. Okay, yeah,
for the record, we never thought they were true. Why

everybody else is reporting it running with stories. We're the
ones going we don't think it's true. And we know
people who knew Willie and he was on a plane
back from Hawaii. We have sources there. You go stop
it with all your death rumors. That's it. I'll tell
you what though, that's a good one, Like there's a
strong one. Those death rumors usually I don't believe, and
they go for a second whenever one of the major

news outlets it is contacting me on Hey, we need
to talk about that. You're thinking about it. That's a
pretty big fake news story. Who started that? Let's start
our own. What do you want to so much to
choose from? I know, right, mm hmm. Well there's so

many options, so many you're Samy's pile of stories. So
BuzzFeed asked people about like when they wash their hands
and stuff. And I'm bringing up this because last night
during cooking with Amy tons of the stuff on Facebook Live,
people were dissing me about touching stuff and then not
washing my hands. But I did wash my hands before

I started cooking, but I had to reach into my
spice door to get a spice and then maybe you
didn't wash your hands. Is it cute? Okay? Because I
told you the way you were saying Antana was cute.
I wasn't being rude. Now you're just being rude. No,
I'm not, you say Antanna, Joe Antanna? Okay, Yeah, what's

the question you're talking about? Okay? I read a story
from BuzzFeed saying that of people admit to washing their
hands before cooking. Okay, and that's a pretty high number.
I think that was higher than normal. They admit it. Yeah,
well they say they typically do, and then three percent
say they don't really worry about it. Yeah. I'm to

be with that number. It's never going to be a hundred,
but you give me nine people that wash their hands,
I'm in. Yeah. By the way, Cooking with Amy in
case you don't know, it's a Facebook show that Amy
did yesterday. If you only watch it, it's still up
there on a Facebook pitch. What else you got? Yeah, Okay,
So Larry King says that he would love to get
the first post prison O J. Simpson interview. I wonder

if O J. Call I was like, Hey, I want
to come on your show. What I talked to O J? Yeah?
I wonder though, because I think he's a murderer, right,
So why wouldn't you want to interview a murderer. I
don't know that I want to talk to somebody though.
I think and brutal, cold blood killed a woman and
another dude. I mean, it's not glorifying him to interview him.

You want to understand what this guy is. You think
that's going to happen on this radio interview. I feel
like you have the power to do it. Yes, your
interview skills are so good that you can open people
up to say stuff that they would never think they
could say. It lasts about five seconds and I would
get ticked off and he'd have to leave. I think
I ever do it. Yeah, I think again, I'd like

to know what it was like in prison, if they
treated him a certain way. But then I'm like, why
do I care? But I feel like he killed someone.
I feel like killed people, So why do I want
to talk to the douchebag? But I think murder people
like I think that would probably weigh in me a
little heavier. So you think it's glorifying him by giving
him these interviews. I think it would be tough for
me to do. I think other people could do it,
and I'm not judging them. Everybody's got their own personal

set of boundaries. And listen, I don't have my boundaries
far apart. Yeah'd be tough for me to do because
of that. Now, and listen, if Larry he wants to
great for him, I'm not judging. Who would you see?
O J. I mean, I guess Larry King, Howard Stern,
you would be the greatest. How many trophies do you
think you had when you were a kid, none terrible.

Everything had quiz Bowl trophies and that's about it. No
sports trophies. Okay, well this one NFL running back dude,
do you know Leonard Fortunate for fortunate Fortunate? He played?
Tell me how to say because I don't know how
to say how It's fine, It's cute. Okay. So he
had seven hundred trophies from his childhood. Clearly this guy

was a waller athlete. And you know what he decided
to do with them. He decided to melt his trophies
down and make them in to barbell so he could
work out with them. That's pretty cool. If I melted
all my trophies, I make it have a penny. Yeah. Favorite. Well,
in case you were into the whole FBI director James

Comey situation, he has evidently signed a two point five
million dollar book deal and I would read that, Yeah,
I mean into that. So they came to me because
I'm writing the second book, and they're like, hey, we'll
think of it a title for your book because someone
already named their book. What I was gonna name mime,
And I was like, because I was wanted to name
something funny. Yah, And this whole book is about screwing

up and it's okay to screw up. And I one
of the title accidental boners but like a mess up.
That's funny, I know, but it's like what I feel
comfortable saying it. And then when I feel comfortable going
to the bookstore looking for ye, I would I would
make that personal. I go to Bars and Noble and
be like, excuse me, I'm looking for accident, like honest guy.

Like That's the conversation I had yesterday was that can
we title the book accidental boners because a boners mess up?
I get it? Not just a direction that's funny because
you go up to the guy at Bars and Noble
like you're saying it's a guy working me on the count,
and be like, hey man, you've got accidental boners. But
but but it's also a title that pops out, like

my name Bobby going to stupid. I hate it, but
people hear it and go, what is a Bobby Bones?
What is it? Yeah? Like, what is a pirate? Is it?
Like my name stupid? But it sticks out? So anyway,
so is that the title that was already taken? No, no, no,
no one, no one to us accidental boners yet, So
now that one's on the table because the original one

is already used, Yes, are you out of one to ten?
How much are we considering this my favorite so far
as accidental boners? I don't know if I can use
it because it's like a bon boners. Yes, because it's
messed up life. Okay, you know what part of this
whole thing was when years the title pops out? Oh

my gosh. So let's see how people talk about it.
I get it. People spend their copy on their keyboard
right now, and they are that. Can I name my
book accidental boners? I mean, can you? Yeah? Everybody has
had an accidental boner? Have not? Yeah? You've had plenty

of that just today? Yeah? No, I do those on purpose?
How you do about propert boners? Purposeful? Whatever? I maybe
that's my pile. Get your bones on, that's it. Appreciate
your waking up with us. Thank you so much. We'll
see on Friday tomorrow a Female Friday, my friend Brandy

Clark will come by and perform her new song. Also
the Friday Morning dance party. Also, I hope you're here
and we'll get some rest today. I gotta shake this
big bullfrog living in my chest. What should I do?
Should I go run it out? I don't know. Cardio
it out tough, Yeah, just scream it out. Yeah. I

see you guys on Friday. Get your
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