All Episodes

May 21, 2024 56 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • FBI authorized the use of deadly force against Trump

  • A silent lawfare campaign is being waged against Republican lawyers

  • RFK to take Biden’s place?!

  • What does it mean to be a leader?

  • The international community targets Israeli leaders

  • Buy votes with lower gas prices

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Warning you're about to enter the arena and join the
battle to.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Save America with your host Sean Parnell.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
Good evening, America. It is Tuesday, and it's a beautiful
Tuesday at that. I am in Western Pennsylvania and the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as many of you all know, and
I have to tell you that even though this place
has been run by Democrats for a long time, this
truly is indeed God's country. It's also the lynchpin for

the twenty twenty four election. You know, I look, I
I'm from one of many swing states. But I argue,
and I've said this before and I'll say it again,
that if Republicans managed to win statewide in Pennsylvania, it's
very very likely that they also win Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, definitely, Nevada, Arizona,

North Carolina, Jorge j. Republicans win in Pennsylvania, they likely
win everywhere else. And so this place though beautiful day
in Western Pennsylvania, it's a beautiful day to be an American.
And from sea to shining Sea and everybody in between,
welcome Patriots, folks. Listen. I do everything that I can

not to b s U I tell it like it is. Yes,
sometimes I use swear words, and I know that there
are people out there that probably don't like that. That
probably wins a little bit when I swear. I can't
help it. You can take the man out of the infantry,
but you can't take the infantry out of the man.
This is how we talk. We're knuckle draggers. We are

America's frontline warriors. Sometimes we say words that are not
so nice. I can't help it. But I think all
of you know by now that with me, what you
see is what you get. Never forget talking to my
father about running for office. And my father was and
my mother were very supportive of me running. But my

dad was like, Sean, you're gonna be a terrible politician
because you can't lie. You just tell it like it is.
That is true. That is true. But something happened today,
and I think most of you all know what that is.
A deadly, a very very deadly, and a graveyard serious

rubicon was crossed today in America, made possible by Judge Cannon.
And Judge Cannon is down in Florida. She is presiding
over the classified documents case where a bed eyed little
freak prosecutor Jack Smith, deranged. Biden's special prosecutor is going

after Trump for nothing. It was a non crime fabricated
from the very beginning. But she unsealed a bunch of
court documents, and what we found in those documents should
scare the living hell out of you. And no, I
don't care if you are a Democrat or Republican. This

should be a wake up call for everyone in this country.
And that is prior to authorizing the raid on mar Lago,
right there in black and white. Now, I'm going to
show you the documents here in a second when we
get into the nuts and bolts of the show. But
the FBI authorized the use of deadly force on President Trump,

his family, staff members at mar Lago the United States
Secret Service unprecedented obviously, or Trump is a former United
States president. This has never happened before in the history

of our country. It should never happen. And again we're
going to talk about that. We're going to talk about
right on the heels of that, the silent lawfair campaign
that's being waged against Republican lawyers and you guessed it,
Swing States. Will there be any Republican lawyers left to
fight for election integrity in November. We're going to talk

very quickly about RFK potentially taking Biden's place. I've talked
about My position is the Democrats don't have time to
replace Biden. They are stuck with that animated corpse at
the top of the ticket, and they are panicking. However,
I heard my buddy Bongino say, I don't remember when
he said it his show a couple days ago yesterday,

I don't remember which show it was, but he said
the Democrats might replace Biden with RFK, who was a
lock stock and barrel, hardcore liberal. That's possible. That's possible
because the main hurdle to replacing Biden is obviously sedral
hurdles and legal hurdles. RFK doesn't have to face anything.

We're going to talk about that and is it possible
or not. We're also going to talk about what does
it actually mean to be a leader? To follow up
in some of the things that we talked about yesterday,
we're going to talk about the international community actually targeting
Israeli leaders and issuing arrest warrants for them. Absolutely crazy.
And of course Biden's at it again, wants to buy

votes with lower gas prices, all that and so much
more ahead on Battleground Live tonight. I'm your host, Sean Parnell,
combat veteran, best selling author, humble servant of this country.
I just love America. I don't want to make sure
that our children, your grandchildren inherit a country that's rich
with opportunity. That's it. That's why I started this show.

FBI authorized to use lethal force against President Trump his
family members at mar Lago, United States Secret Service Absolutely unbelievable.
And I want to show you this from our friend

Julie Kelly, who has just done a brilliant job at
combing through these unsealed documents that Judge Cannon, thank you
for your courage made public and so look right there
highlighted for you and I will read for our friends
who are listening. Law enforcement officers of the Department of

Justice may use deadly force when necessary. Folks, I am sorry,
but this is certifiably insane. And here's Julie Kelly. For
our friends who are listening, I will read it. She said,
Oh my god, armed FBI agents were preparing to confront

Trump and even engage Secret Service if necessary. They were
going door to door to terrorize mar Lago guests and
even pick the locks you can see here. Should f
Potis arrive at Marlago, former President of the United States
arrive at Marlago, FBI M M E, M O, S

c S will be prepared to engage with former POTUS
and United States Secret Service security team. Folks. The FBI
even had a medic unseen. They even had trauma centers
planned in their NAVS system in case somebody got shot
or wounded. But my god, folks, to me, if we

understand that everything that happened in all of these lawfare cases,
whether it's you know, Big Fanny down in Georgia, fat Tish, sloppy,
Alvin Bragg bdied little freak prosecutor in Washington, d C.
For the J six stuff, and in Florida for the
classified documents case, all of this stuff were deep state fabrications,

novel legal theories never used against anybody else in American history,
let alone an American president for the express sole purpose
of getting Donald Trump of throwing the Republican front runner
in prison. And the reason for that is Donald Trump
is not beholden to the Republican Party or the Democrat Party,

and one of the things that I appreciated about him
that I agree with him all the time while he
was in the Oval, of course not and on those
times I spoke out about that. But what I appreciated
about Donald Trump's tenure in the White House was his
ability to piss Republicans and Democrats off every single day.

That's why I voted for him in sixteen and in
twenty I voted for him to be a big f
you to the system. I'm tired of Republicans and Democrats
in the system, the deep state screwing over we the people.
I watched communities that I grew up in, people that

I loved lose everything because of the terrible decisions made
by politicians in Washington. And Trump was a solution to this,
and in four years he accomplished more than anybody else.
But he pissed off a lot of people too. He
pissed off Republicans in power, who are no different than Democrats.

He pissed off Democrats, He definitely pissed off the deep state.
He made everybody mad. He was a leader and the
job of being a leader, and I've said this to
my troops, I've said this to young aspiring leaders I've
said this to cadets at military academies who want to

be good officers. Someday, I said, your job. You are
not doing your job as a leader if you're not
pissing somebody off every now and again. In other words,
you have to make tough decisions. And that's what Trump
did in the Oval office. That's what the media just
wasn't used to. That's what Republicans and Democrats who just

hem and hall and test the political wins on every
single issue were not used to. The Deep state especially
did not like outside the box thinking, especially as it
pertained to American foreign policy, the idea of stopping forever
wars and using American strength to pursue peace which he

did with the Abraham Accords in the Middle East. Think
about that, folks. We were this close to peace in
the Middle East. As someone who has fought there, believe me,
did I expect that in my lifetime we would have
peace in the Middle East. But Trump came this close.
And so he became a threat to Republicans, Democrats, the

deep state precisely because he couldn't be controlled by them.
And so how does that manifest itself in talking points? Oh,
Donald Trump is crazy. He's a loose cannon. Oh my gosh,
this crazy person that can't be predicted because he's not predictable.
His finger is hovering over the nuclear button all the time.

So you see my point, right, The deep state Democrats
Republicans cannot afford to have this guy back in the
White House. And what I see here FBI authorizing deadly
force legal force on the president of his family, United
States Secret Service, otherwise American patriots who just loved this country.

To me, the FBI, the Department of Justice, Joe Biden,
all his disgusting communist hacks who were in the White House,
they wanted something to go wrong on that raid. They
wanted a Secret Service agent to say, halt stop because
they're not going to let somebody who's armed on the

premises around the American President. They wanted confrontation. To me,
this was almost like an attempt. Thank god Trump wasn't there,
but this was almost like an attempt to assassinate President Trump.
I'm sorry, I know that might sound extreme, but it's
what I believe, and I don't bs any of you.

They wanted something to go sideways on that mission. Think
about it, how many times has the FBI done something
like this with Biden in the White House. There was
that story of that man, that eighty year old overweight man.
I think it was out in Colorado or Utah, I
don't know. It is saying crazy stuff on social media.
Guess I'm not going to excuse the stuff that he

was saying. It's inexcusable. But he wasn't a danger to
the country. He wasn't a terrorist. He was just an old,
crazy guy and in fact, people in his community loved him.
You could look it up. The Daily Wire has a
nice long story on this guy. I don't have the
headline in front of you, in front of me, but
I covered it when I hosted Wendy Bell's show several
months ago. But rather than do a soft knock on

this guy's door and just talk to him, hey, buddy, like,
what are you actually posting on social media? Maybe you
should stop, you know, because I don't want to have
to get the Secret Service involved. The FBI does a
pre dawn raid on an eighty year old man who's
overweight that happens to have guns. The FBI wanted a
groggy eighty year old man answering the door with a

shotgun to justify lethal force against him, just so that
they could send a message to Republicans who might just
step out of line, folks, mark my words. This is
what they're trying to do. It's almost like the court

case was just plan B for the corrupt Department of
Justice and the FBI. You know, for a very long time, folks,
and if you've been watching this show, you know that
I'm hesitant to say stuff like this, But for a
very long time I've said, and I know this piss

of some of you off because I see you in
the live chat, Sean, what are you thinking. You gotta
stop saying this person's a nice guy? I know, I
get it. I try to give people grace, organizations grace,
and I've always tried to give the FBI grace because
I know rank and file patriots who are conservative. These people,

they love America. They're just agents they joined because they
wanted to protect their country. I know them. I know
people on the the hostage rescue team, folks. I used
to know people on the hostage rescue I don't know
if they're still there, but these are patriots. But what's
happening at the FBI today authorizing lethal force against the

former American president, his family and staff at mar Lago
and Secret Service. It's a bridge too far from me,
battle crew, my fellow Americans. I do not see a
way forward in this country that keeps America free while

the FBI remains intact. I don't believe it's possible. I
think that we had to. I think that what we
have to do is start over, tear it down and
start over, create an entirely new organization with similar capabilities,

and in the meantime, divide up what they cover down
the threats that they cover down on into other agencies.
But it seems to me that the FBI is using young,
impressionable agents to do the bidding that are just following orders.
And in America, a free America, having a real life
Stossi or Gestapo is not consonant with American freedom in liberty,

It's just not. What's even more offensive, or is how
often the media and Democrats call President Trump a threat
to democracy? Are you kidding me? Biden and Garland in

the Department of Justice signed off on this. They wanted
to create a situation where they could assassinate Trump. I'm
sorry again, I know That sounds harsh, but that's true.
If you don't believe me, do you remember when Garland

talked about personally approving the raid on Marlago? He knew
exactly what was going down. He's the guy that gave
it its stamp of approval. Who does Garland work for?
Joe Biden? Listen to this.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
There are, however, certain points I want you to know. First,
I personally approve the decision to seek a search warrant
in this matter. Second, the Department does not take such
a decision lately.

Speaker 1 (17:39):
So if you are an honest member of the media,
and I know that there are not many of you left,
The question I think then becomes, did Biden's corrupt Department
of Justice authorize the exact same use of deadly force

when it retrieved classified documents from Joe Biden or Mike Pence?
Was deadly force authorized? The use of deadly force authorized
against Joe Biden? I know the answer to the question.
It's rhetorical. I think it probably wasn't. I think that

they authorized deadly force only against President Trump, and folks,
I am here to tell you tonight that I do
not believe that that you can put the Genie back
in the bottle here. Ultimately, it will be up to

the American people to decide how what kind of country
that we want to live in. And yes, for my
friends who are listening, yes I am giving a knife
hand to the camera. It doesn't seem very intimidated by me.
But it's up to us to decide what kind of
cunt tree we want. We've definitely crossed a line. And

if the GOP, you know, one of my friends in
the live chat here was asking, you know, hey, why
doesn't the GOP fight back? Essentially, why aren't Republican attorneys
general going going after Mark Elias, George Soros, people that
are outright destroying the country. It's a great question. In fact,
that's the million dollar question, because if we don't start

fighting fire with fire as Republicans, we are done. Our
country is done. Trust me when I tell you that
they will if we do not win in twenty twenty four.
And I am not saying this at all to stress
you out, but they will start hunting Republicans again. It

sounds extreme, but trust me, they will. When you look
at what the Democrats are doing right now to Republican lawyers.
In fact, one of the Department of Justice's lackeys and inquisitors.
As Julie Kelly calls, I'm adding to the screen here
for people who are watching. I will read it for

the people who are listening. Julie Kelly says, one of
Jack's Smith's inquisitors, Julie Edelstein, tried to pressure former Trump
attorney Tim Parlatore into disclosing conversations with the President. This
exchange happened in front of a d C Grand jury. Folks,

this is unprecedented. Attorney privilege in America is sacro Saint.
If we don't have that, we don't have justice, period,
full stop. And I happen to know Tim Parlatore. I
know him actually pretty well. He's a Navy guy, he's
a patriot. He is just one of the best attorney around.

Listen to how these thugs from the Department of Justice
treated him. Question, do Jay lackey? Is there a limitation
that for the communication to be attorney client privileged? At
the purpose of asking legal advice? Tim Parlatorre says, any
information obtained from a client is part of you know,

legal advice or representation. Yes, question, are you aware that
a client can wave that Tim Parla, I'm aware that
a client can wave that. The next question, if the
former president so cooperative, why hasn't he allowed you to
share his conversations with the grand jury today? Tim Parlatore,

are you are we really doing this? Good job? Tim,
She says, I'm I asked you a question, I would
tell that person go to hell, and that's exactly what
Tim did. I told you Tim is one of the best,
and that's exactly why Tim's actually a CNN contributor now,

so say a quick prayer form. But he is a
hell of a good attorney, and kudos to him for
standing up to these Department of Justice thugs who are
trying to pressure him to divulge private conversations that he
had with President Trump when he was Trump's lawyer. It's crazy.

So this leads me to a question which I saw
from the Great Amuse on X and that question is
will there be any Republican lawyers left to ensure election integrity?
In November? And Amuse Rights Democrats have aggressively targeted over
four hundred Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal proceedings, criminal charges,

civil lawsuits, and disbardment proceedings ahead of the up and
coming presidential election. They've successfully jailed, of course, Peter Navarro.
They're trying to put Steve ban and in jail. In
multiple states, Democrats have pursued criminal charges against dozens of
Republican lawyers and politicians, including listen to this, folks, listen

to these numbers. Georgia nineteen Republicans arrested and charged, Arizona,
eighteen Republicans arrested and charged, Michigan sixteen Republicans arrested in charged,
Nevada six Republicans arrested in charge. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin my
hope state of Pennsylvania. Melanie and I were joking about this, like,

am I going to come down on one of these
lists in Pennsylvania? I don't know. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are
still conducting criminal investigation into as many thirty Republicans who
have yet to be charged charged with what assholes? Give
me a break. Democrats have questioned every single election since

my god, since at least nineteen sixty They been actively
cheating on elections since eighteen sixty four. But in addition
to these criminal triers trials, Democrats are pursuing numerous efforts
to have Republican lawyers disbarred the Soros backed sixty five Project.
Have you heard of the sixty five Project. You probably haven't,

because again, we all know that they're trying to throw
Republican lawyers in jail. We've heard of Christina Bob and
John Eastman, and we talked a little bit about that
on the show. But this is an actual This is
a well funded, organized, Soros backed campaign by Project or
sixty five Project, and they filed disbarment proceedings against more

than one hundred Republican lawyers, all of whom, interestingly enough,
are are in swing states, are licensed to practice in
swing states, and when these disbarment proceedings take place, it
prevents these lawyers from working until the proceedings are concluded.

So essentially they're tied up. They can't practice, they can't fight.
So in almost every case, the charges lack merit, but
they have three primary impacts. One is a chilling effect
that discourages other Republican lawyers and politicians from helping Trump.
Of course, a financial drain on the resources of Republicans
who might otherwise use their funds to help elect Trump.

And a time drain that physically keeps them busy during
the campaign. In other words, they can't file lawsuits to
stop the Democrats from trying to steal the twenty twenty
four election, because, make no mistake, that's exactly what they're
going to try to do. And Democrats recently started parading

around a new tranch of mugshots, this time from Arizona.
And this is Christina bob who, by the way, she's
the new RNC Senior counsel for Election Integrity, just hired
under Laura Trump. She's pleaded not guilty in the Arizona
fake elector's case. But look at her mugshot obtained by
ABC News linked to ABC News, and his course, being

paraded around by leftist outlets all over the country. Why
do you think they're doing this. They are doing this
to send a message to Republicans. Send a message to
Republican lawyers. Step out a line and we will come
for you. Believe me. Look, it's Trump, It's also Republican politicians.

Up next, Republican lawyers who would defend Republican politicians like
members of Congress and President Trump himself. Next, it's for
me and for you. It's happening. It's gonna happen. There
are two tiers of justices justice in this country. And

of course I don't know if you all saw the
story of the leftist rioter who assaulted a Capitol police
officer at a pro Hamas riot. This was a dude
that punched a woman police officer in the face. You remember,
they accused January six ers, people who were involved in

a mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol on January sixth.
They wrongfully and I think illegally enhanced their sentences with
fifteen twelve C to give him felony charges, throw him
in jail for two decades. Many of these charges were
assault on a police officer. Put these people, these peaceful

protesters on January sixth, in prison for decade, two decades
in some cases. Well, the leftist rioter who's at a
pro Hamas riot punched a woman cop in the face,
all he has to do is community service and soon
after that his conviction will be expunged. Like, are you
kidding me? It's absolutely crazy, right, It's absolutely crazy. Okay,

I gotta tell you this RFK stuff. I listen to
my buddy Dan Bongino talk about RFK and how the
Democrats and It wasn't just Dan saying this. He cited
a bunch of sources from people like Nate Silver and
other liberals talking about perhaps are Kasik, a Democrat from Ohio.
I think it was Kasik talking about, along with Nate Silver,

replacing Biden with RFK and that there's a plan in
place for that. I personally, my intuition, my gut tells
me that I think they're still going to stick with Biden.
Biden thinks he's doing a damn good job. You got
to pride the Oval Office out of Jill's hands, out
of her kung fu grip, because she ain't going anywhere.

Kamala ain't going anywhere. All these people are, of course,
a disaster, and they're causing a panic within the Democrat
of course we understand this. But even though Biden is
a vegetable brain and animated corpse, he is an animated
corpse who wields the power of the presidency and he
doesn't want to go anywhere. Yeah, they might try to
threaten him, they might try to blackmail him. They might

try to say we're gonna go after Hunter, or we've
got evidence on you. Maybe who knows Biden's also like
one hundred years old, doesn't really care about I don't
think he cares about the threats that he would get
as president. Again, he's the president, wields an enormous amount
of power. So I still think that they're stuck with Biden.

But I will tell you this, there is something to
that theory because many of the legal and procedural hurdles
that a candidate would have who wants to run for president,
and that is infrastructure in every state. Fundraiser packs signatures
in each state that you legally have to have to
actually get on the ballot. I mean, there are a

ton of things you just can't. You can't say in
July snap my fingers and say you know, I'm gonna
run for president. It doesn't work like that. You got
a lot of legal hoops to jump through. Well, Rfk's
jumped through him. He's been a candidate, he's got national name.
I d now, he's a traditional Democrat, he's got the
name Kennedy. I will tell you this, I still think

they're stuck with Biden. But it's possible. Nothing is impossible.
I'll tell you that. Okay, Also, let me pivot real
quickly to something also that's pretty lighthearted. Remember when I
told you about the Biden video with his eyes like
wide open, and I'm like, he clearly like hopped up
on something. And the Democrats came out and said, oh,

that's Ai, that's not really Biden. You terrible Republicans, You
evil Republicans. How could you say that about Bid? Biden
doesn't use drugs. He's sharp as a tack. I tell you, well,
listen to this a uh I think Face the Nation
reporter was asked about this video that I showed you
yesterday about whether or not it was Ai, and listen

to this. This is so funny. Listen to what she says.
All Right, that's what I'm gonna ask you about.

Speaker 4 (31:06):
You can't be pro insurrection and pro cop You can't
be pro insurrection and pro democracy. You can't be pro
insurrection and pro American. Donald Trump lacked the courage to act.

Speaker 5 (31:17):
So what did you think of this one?

Speaker 3 (31:19):
He didn't blink, not at all.

Speaker 6 (31:21):
Right, so that suggests it's fake.

Speaker 3 (31:24):
This one's actually real.

Speaker 1 (31:27):
And yes, he didn't blink for the whole seventeen second clip.
And when this actually surfaced about a year ago, there
were conspiracy theories and people thinking that this had to
have been a deep fake. The reason that we can
tell that this one is not a deep I told
you the anchor, Wait a second, he didn't blink. That's right,

didn't blink for seventeen seconds. People that are on meth,
it happens, I told you. And listen, the Democrats are
freaking out about this drug testing thing because they know
Biden's on drugs. They just know it. And remember how
often they accused Don Junior and Trump of being on drugs. Like,

keep asking that question, I mean, honest to god, like,
the Democrats hate it, so you need to keep asking it. Okay,
let me pivot to leadership. Do you remember well, of
course you do if you watched the show yesterday, of
course you do. Biden's horribly divisive comments at the historically

black college, where he was basically convincing brand new college graduates,
bright eyed, bushy tailed college grads that they should be victims,
that their country hates them. Absolute horrible garbage. Worse so
because it came from an American president. If you don't remember,
I don't usually like playing sound two days in a row,

like the same sound two days in a row. But
we'll do it in this case to make my point.
If you don't remember the show yesterday or this SoundBite here,
it is today.

Speaker 7 (33:06):
You missed your high school graduation, you start a college
just as George Floyd was murdered, and there was a
reckoning on race. It's natural to wonder the democracy you
hear about actually works for you. What is democracy? The

black mat are being killed in the street? What is democracy?
Portrayal of broken promises, slow leave black communities behind? What
is democracy if you have to be ten times better
than anyone else to get a fair shot. Most of all,
what does it mean, as you've heard before, to be

a black man who loves his country even if it
doesn't love him back in equal measure?

Speaker 1 (34:01):
Again, there are like three people clapping in the background.
I mean, honestly, those remarks are so disgusting, I don't
just so terrible, so disgusting. What a downer. If you're
a parent going to see your son or daughter graduate
from college and you have an old president who likely
crapped his pants in the middle of giving a speech,

and he's railing on about how America is horrible and
racist and how you're not gonna be able to get
a job and about how their country hates him. That
wasn't that stuff from an American president is just horrific.
Never mind the fact that Joe Biden is like an
og racist straight up, But I digress. That's not even
my point. The point is what's a leader? Compare that

to Clarence Thomas speaking to graduates at Hillsdale College during
his twenty sixteen commencement address. See if you can hear
a little bit of a difference in tone, tenor, and substance.

Speaker 6 (35:04):
As you go through life, try to be that person
whose actions teach others how to be better people and
better citizens. Reach out to that shy person who's not
so popular. Stand up for others when they're being treated
unfairly in small things and large. Take the time to

listen to that friend who's having a difficult time.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Do not hide your.

Speaker 6 (35:36):
Faith and your beliefs under a bushel basket, especially in
this world that seems to have gone mad with political correctness.
Treat others the way you would like to be treated
if you stood in their shoes. These small lessons become

the unplanned syllabus for becoming a good citizen, and your
efforts to live them will help to form the fabric
of a civil society and a free and prosperous nation
where inherent equality and liberty are inviolable.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
That's inspirational. That is leadership. That is a man that
has experienced real oppression. If you don't believe me, go
back and watch his confirmation in the Senate with dipshit
Biden up there with a shitting and grin like smiling
like he knows what the hell he's talking about, and
Clarence Thomas is just rolling his eyes because Biden is
such an intergalactic level moron mouth breaer, yet somehow he's

in the United States Senate. I don't know. But what
Clarence Thomas set up there was timeless wisdom and those
graduates were so lucky to have him speak there. And
therein lies the definition of what it means to be
a leader. And that doesn't being a leader is. And
I'm telling you, I can't tell you how many politicians,

how many soldiers, how many young officers, just don't understand this.
Leadership is not about, in any way, shape or form,
being in charge of people. Of course, that's part of it,
Like you are in you are in charge, Like yes,
you're responsible for everything that happens or fails to happen

in your unit, in your workplace, in your office. If
you're a manager or a leader, of course it's part
of it, but you're not. Actually, it's not about being
in charge of people. It's about taking the power that
you have and you investing it in other people, in
creating other leaders. And the way that you do it
is to teach them about being good and decent to others.

The pathway to happiness in life is through acts of
service to our fellow Americans, and so teaching kids and
what try to do with all of our kids about
being good to one another. But you see somebody in
the hallway getting bullied and you don't like it, and
they look like they can't defend themselves, stand up for them.
That's what it means to be a leader. Can't just

remain silent when times are tough. Yesterday I spoke to
you all about moral clarity and about how it sickened
me to my core that we had our own state
department praying and offering condolences to the Iranian president who

was killed in a helicopter Christ who cares the guy's
evil who's been killing Americans for twenty years? Are plotting
to kill Americans involved terrorist organizations that have killed Americans
and attacked Americans. Hell, he vowed just a couple of
years ago when Trump was president, that he was going
to go after Trump and officials of the Trump administration.
Listen to this.

Speaker 5 (38:58):
You have vowed revenge on the US government for the
killing of General Solmani. More than two years ago, the
US killed General Kossam Solomoni in a drone strike. The
Supreme Leader has called for retaliation. Are you intending to
retaliate by assassinating officials from the Trump administration?

Speaker 1 (39:22):
Any kodiki do what.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
The then American government did by the direct order of
Trump himself to assassinate mister Cossum Solemoni. This was a
heinous crime on Kade. We want justice to be served.
We are not going to forget about this.

Speaker 1 (39:42):
Who cares that this guy is dead? I don't. In fact,
I cheered President Trump on when he killed Solomoni, when
he ordered the killing of Solomon Solomoni killed developed the EFP,
the the deadly EFP i AM explosive devices in Iraq
that sent so many of our service members home and

boxes dead or with horrific amputations. I don't care. And
the fact that our State Department and our Senate chaplain
are praying for this guy tells you something about where
we are and the reason I told you about leadership
and what it means to be a leader. This is
what being a leader means, seeing with moral clarity and

not dividing people like the Democrats so often do part
of our job as Republicans because we're all leaders, and
if we're going to get out of this mess, we
have to see ourselves as leaders in our community. That
you don't need to have power or authority to be
a leader. You don't need to have the rank of captain.

You don't need to have the title of manager or president.
You don't need to be on some sexy executive team.
Leadership is demonstrated by action, by taking action. Half the
people that we have in Congress aren't leaders. They don't
get it. There're some good ones, but most do not
get it. They get consumed with power. Leadership is not

about power. Leadership is actually about bestowing, taking the power
that you have in giving it to the people. George Washington,
somebody that one of the greatest American leaders somebody that
I admire had an opportunity to bestow upon himself the kingship,
and he said, no, I don't want it. I'm a president,

and then he gave up his power. That's not what
America was ever intended to be. That is leadership. You
all are leaders in your community and your households and
your homes and your families. Never forget that. Don't end
up these sniveling losers like Blincoln when he's on Capitol

Hill asked about, Hey, why are you praying for somebody
who shouts death to America and would love to kill you.
Listen to what this idiot said.

Speaker 8 (42:06):
You know, yesterday the State Department issued a statement mourning
the death of the Iranian president. Now I assume, as
secretary you share that sentiment.

Speaker 9 (42:16):
We expressed official condolences, as we've done when countries, adversaries,
enemies or not, have lost leaders. It changes nothing about
the fact that mister Raisi was engaged in reprehensible conduct,
including repressing his own people for many years as a judge,
and that as president. It changes not a whit about

our policy. But it's something that we've done many times
in the past, going back many administrations. In many decades,
and we do as a normal course of business.

Speaker 8 (42:46):
Well, I don't think it should be a normal course
of business. I think it's shocking that this administration would
mourn the death of the butcher of Tehran.

Speaker 1 (42:53):
I don't.

Speaker 8 (42:54):
He's responsible for death, rape, torture, the sworn enemy of.

Speaker 1 (42:58):
The free world.

Speaker 8 (42:58):
So I think it's a terrible mistake, mister secretarial.

Speaker 1 (43:01):
I mean kudos to Senator Barasso for saying that, he's,
of course right. But when we have people who are
in position of power who are not leaders, bad things happen.
People follow courage, people follow action. They follow people who

are they follow. They follow people who have a vision.
Remember before there was email or cell phones. Martin Luther
King got five hundred thousand people on the Washington Mall
not because he had some bullshit ten point planned, because
he had a dream and he inspired people to follow

that dream. That's what leadership is about. Martin Luther King
didn't have he people followed him and he created a
following because he was an inspiring figure that took action.
Make no mistake about it. You all can be that too.

Every single day I hear from people, what can I do? Yeah,
I'm just one single person, Well, that's enough. And when
you don't have strong leadership and powers, so I say
that we live at extraordinarily dangerous times. And when you
think that, now you have the FBI with an authorization
to use deadly force against President Trump is family in

the US Secret Service. It takes what I said yesterday
to a whole new level, does it not? And so
when there's no clear leadership and no clear moral clarity,
people who just don't understand what service is about at
the world's loan superpower here in America, bad things happen

all around the world. Now you have France and Belgium
supposed American allies they support arrest warrants issued to Israeli
leaders by the international community absolutely ridiculous. And you have
Biden in the White House who's speaking about Israel and

Americans still held hostage. Which, by the way, I feel
like we're one of the only shows out there that
talks and talks regularly about the fact that Hamas still
had Americans held hostage. Where the hell's the media been
on that? But here you have Biden. Listen to Biden
out there today talking and just try to understand one

damn thing he's saying.

Speaker 7 (45:39):
Miners, as you're working around the clock to free their
main hostages, just as we have freed hostages already. And
here with this today is hersh Goldberg Poland and is
still he is not here with us, but he's still
being held by Amas and Rachel and John are here
with his stand up.

Speaker 1 (45:56):
Guys, what the hell was that? That's the leader of
the free world. That's the guy that we hope can
lead the country with moral clarity as he he gives
the approval to the Department of Justice to what is

essentially hope for an assassination attempt against his leading political candidate. No,
he didn't stop there. Listen to this, and.

Speaker 7 (46:26):
The department has to investigate it discriminately and aggressively, discrimination, aggressively.
That's my special envoy to monarch cabinet antas Semitism.

Speaker 4 (46:36):
Deborah, Deborah you all where is it?

Speaker 7 (46:39):
Debora here? Deborah, thank you Lipstad for further in our
effortshow all around the world. It matters, this matters.

Speaker 1 (46:53):
Is there anybody in the live chat that knows what
the hell this man said? Telling you folks, You've got
somebody in the Oval office who doesn't know what the
hell his name is has never been able to see
with moral clarity. In fact, Biden is not He's it's

It would be an insult to shells to say that
he's a shell of his former self. The man is
gone and all that's left is this black heart. And
so the task is left to us. If Republicans aren't
going to stand up and fight, our elected officials aren't
going to stand up and fight for us, we have

got to be leaders in our own community. And there's
something else that Biden said today too, that was just
so so creepy. And I know, I'm sort of all
over the place with these Biden videos becus just I mean,
he's just totally lost in the sauce and everything he says.
And it's important to highlight this stuff because we got

to beat this guy in November. Listen.

Speaker 7 (48:02):
And by the way, I said, every young man, think
you getting married marrying a family of five or more daughters.
I did. My wife's sold us the five sisters. You
know why one of them was always loved you, not
the same one. One of them has always been on
your side. That's the biggest advantage married in the five daughters.

Speaker 1 (48:24):
How is that not insanely creepy. This is a man
that his own daughter wrote about him showering with her
and what was a very inappropriate way, and her son
or I'm sorry, Biden's own son banged his dead brother's wife.

I mean, I'm sorry. This is some seriously depraved stuff, folks.
So I'm telling you, folks, it's more incumbent upon you
now than ever before to see things with moral clarity
to be a leader, especially when times are as dark

as they are. You have got to be the light.
There is no cavalry coming for you or for me.
The task is on us. So I'm showing you all
of these videos of Biden being a moron and all
this other stuff like no one's coming to save us.

We've got to save ourselves. Okay. Do you remember in
two thousand and twenty two when Joe Biden drained our
strategic petroleum reserve to historic loothes and put this country
in danger. And he did it to give himself a

boost at the polls in the twenty twenty two election cycle.
He did it to alleviate Americans pain at the pump,
which he believed would help the Democrats at the ballot box.
During an off cycle election, and it was a shrewd
move because it worked. Unfortunately, it put Biden or put

our country in a very, very dangerous situation. Biden was
asked about it a couple of times back then. This
is how he responded about it. By the way, he
was asked about draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and about
whether or not this was a political thing.

Speaker 7 (50:31):
Listen, what is your response to Republicans who say you
are only doing this SPR release to help democrite in.

Speaker 6 (50:37):
The mid terms.

Speaker 10 (50:39):
Where have they been the last four months?

Speaker 1 (50:43):
That's my response. Motivated ser.

Speaker 9 (50:47):

Speaker 10 (50:48):
Look, it makes sense. I've been doing this for how
long now. It's not politically motivated at all. It's motivated
to make sure that I continue to push on what
I've been pushing on, and that is making sure there's
enough oil that's being pumped by the companies so that
we have the ability to be able to produce enough

gas that we need here at home, oil we need
here at home, and at the same time keep moving
in the direction of providing for alternative energy. That's what I've.

Speaker 1 (51:18):
Been doing, and there you have it. So that was
what he said back in twenty twenty two. Newsflash. It
one hundred percent was political, so Biden didn't care that
he put our nation at risk. And by the way,
much of our strategic petroleum reserve. Do you know who
he sold it to? That's right, China, who is doing

everything that they can to grab oil from all around
the world, including our neighbor neighboring Mexico. China sees something coming.
China knows that they're going to need a robust strategic
petroleum reserve. Joe Biden sold a lot of our strategic

petroleum reserve to China. Man's a trader. There need to
be consequences for this, but he's not done. Associated Press headline,
President Biden is releasing one million barrels of gasoline from
a Northeast reserve in a bid to lower prices at

the pump. You know, isn't it amazing how every single
time he releases barrels of oils from our strategic reserved.
Are our strategic petroleum reserve, which is meant for emergencies
like I e America undergoes a terrible, horrible natural disaster,

or god forbid, we're in the midst of a war,
or there's a gasoline short of it's because of that war.
It's for emergencies. But isn't it amazing how every time
an election year comes around, Biden's just dropping it like
it's hot from our strategic petroleum reserve. Consequences be damned
all about you guessed it, folks, Keeping and retaining power.

That's the only thing that Democrats care about. I'm telling you, folks,
Joe Biden is a trader. His administration, the people that
work in this Department of Justice, they are traders of
the highest order. This stuff, the use of lethal force
on a former American president, and by the way, on

a case that was all completely fabricated, hoping that they
would that it would go sideways, hoping that they would
be able to use that in a way to make
Trump look dangerous and hopefully take Trump out at the
same time. No going back from that, folks. We are
a fundamentally different country today, different from the country that
we were yesterday, with the knowledge of this information out there.

That much is sure. Buckle up, folks. Twenty twenty four
are going to be a bumpy ride, but I'm here
for it. Being a means standing up during times like this.
Being a leader means not being intimidated during times like this.

Being a leader means being unafraid, fighting for the greatest
country in the history of the world to make sure
that your kids inherit the same one that we all
grew up in love. So that's it, folks. Tomorrow, I'm
working very hard on getting Savage Rich Barrass in the

studio with me because it's tomorrow's Savage Wednesdays. And also, folks,
I'm looking at the live chat now and yes, whiskey,
you can't wait for Sean to be able to read
the chat at the same time while he's talking. Yes,
that would be a great day. First of all, to
the Battle crew, thank you all for watching for this
full hour. It's been amazing to watch this audience grow.
Oh quick update, Fort Parnell update before we pop snoke

smoke for the evening. We got two baby goats today.
Did you know that? I said that it was a
foregone conclusion yesterday, but we got them today. So make
your way over to my locals page, make sure you
follow me on locals. Jump into the Battleground live chat
where we talk after the show. It's an awesome community.

It's similar to the live chat, but talk about all
sorts of things post all sorts of things. Fort Parnell
on there as well, behind the scenes stuff that I
think you will like. But baby goats are in Fort
Parnell and the kids are going ballistics, so that's cool.
But Savage Rich Barris in the show. I'm hoping to
have him here tomorrow evening, so make sure that you

are here. Smash that like button, that little green thumb
beneath this video, smash it. Smash it helps a lot.
And in the meantime, folks, I'll see you tomorrow night. Seriously,
I love having you, I love spending this time with you.
And as always, folks, keep the faith, take action, be
a leader. God bless you all, and God bless this

exceptional country that we live in. Take care, good night,
and I will see you tomorrow

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