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May 22, 2024 50 mins
Biden authorized deadly force for Trump raid. Julie Kelly from outside the FL courthouse. Let's play lib. OH Congressman Jim Jordan on the big issues. Clay plays tribute to his stepfather-in-law.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in Wednesday edition Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. We
appreciate all of you hanging out with us. We have
got a loaded program for you. We're going to talk
with our friend Julie Kelly in the next hour. She
is down in South Florida, I believe, following the latest
on the Eileen Cannon, sorry, the Eileen Cannon the case

that has to do with with the class line documents. Yes,
mar A Lago documents that is proceeding there. We're going
to talk about that shortly. Jim Jordan, you might have
mentioned heard us mentioning yesterday that we were going to
be talking with him. We taped with him in Washington,
d C. Yesterday, shared a couple of those clips on
social media already. But he will be with us in

the third hour. But I want to dive right in
to what Julie Kelly reported yesterday in the mar A
Lago classified documents case.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
I think this is a.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
Huge dealericularly because Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the United States,
took complete responsibility for this raid and said he directly
signed off on it the FBI. And I'm reading from
Julie Kelly's tweet as well as the attachment for that filing,

the FBI authorized the use of deadly force at mar Lago,
and the particular pertinent part says law enforcement officers of
the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary.
Now some are saying, well, this is how all FBI

raids are typically handled from a order perspective. Sorry, I'm
not accepting that as a valid reason why this should
have happened. If Merrick Garland had been applying any reasonable
intelligence here, he would have recognized that this is a
raid on like any other that has ever been conducted

in the history of the United States. Former sitting president,
you are raiding a Secret Service protected location. You and
I Buck have been through mar A Lago many times.

Speaker 2 (02:15):

Speaker 1 (02:16):
You are in a secure location. You can't just walk
in with a gun. The only people that are armed
at mar A Lago are Secret Service agents. So when
you tell the FBI as a part of their raid
you can use deadly force if necessary, you are permitting
them to be able to kill someone during the course

of this classified document raid. And what I would say
in general is here, if Merrick Garland was truly trying
to be as safe as he possibly could, you tell me, Buck,
why do any of these FBI agents need to be
armed when they are conducting a search inside of a
Secret Service protected location, when they are notifying the Secret

Service that they are coming. The idea that you would
advise or allow or permit this in any way is crazy,
And it just feels like the FBI is actually super
fortunate that there wasn't some sort of violent act that
actually occurred.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
Well a few things here. One is that cops generally
don't feel like cops if they're not carrying guns. So
you're not going to get police or FBI or whatever
to usually walk around and do their jobs if they're
not armed. The armed part of it, I don't find.
I would assume that FBI guys are armed. The inclusion
of the lethal force component in this seems strange, and

I can tell you this much. It certainly seems strange
to Donald Trump himself. He put this out on truth
Social Wow. I just came out of the Biden witch
on trial in Manhattan the Ice Box and was showing
reports that Crooked Joe Biden's DOJ and their illegal and
unconstitutional rate of mar A Lago authorized the FBI to

use deadly lethal force. Now we know for sure that
Joe Biden is a serious threat to democracy. He is
mentally unfit to hold off his twenty fifth Amendment. He's
straight up calling for the twenty fifth Amendment right now,
which is a very you know, that's a flourish at
the bottom of the truth post here. Look the fact
that they allowed this to happen at all, and the

way that they conducted themselves during the raid splaying out
the papers in a way that was meant to make
it seem like ominous classified stuff was being found. I mean, Clay,
the abuse of the Department of Justice that has occurred
as part of the election interference from Democrats, it's not
just unprecedented, it's game changing. Unfortunately, I think that we've

entered into a new era in this country, and the
precedent that this has said, even if Trump wins, is
a very dangerous one for the next fifty years. And
I'm sure that they will have their explanations for why.
They'll say it was just procedure, or they'll say it's,
you know, standard or something. This wasn't a standard rate though,

Like to anybody who was involved in preparing any documents
around this, you would think that that would be very,
very bizarre for there to be this inclusion. And it's
just no matter what I think, a reminder of how
extreme this weaponization and this law fair really is. I mean,

they're treating Donald Trump like a criminal. He has not
been proven guilty of a single crime. The crimes they're
alleging he committed don't even seem like crimes to any
normal person. They're stacking the deck against him, They're holding
the prosecutions until the election. And all of this is
based on the premise that we already know that he's

the bad guy. There's no presumption of innocence for a
former and possible future president.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
I'm gonna I understand your position of the FBI agents
expect to be armed. I actually think that Merrik Garland,
if he was truly paying attention as he said, and
we're about to play the audio for you, should have said,
FBI agents are going in unarmed here, because what is
the danger? Most all FBI raids require that you go

into a place that you probably are not aware of
how secure it is. Mar A Lago is one of
the most secure locations on the planet.

Speaker 2 (06:32):
The Secret Service is there and they are armed.

Speaker 1 (06:37):
I wouldn't even want them to have weapons where this
could turn into some sort of violent endeavor. I would
actually be concerned that the FBI and the Secret Service,
which they notified, that there could be some conflict there.
Now I understand your point of the FBI agents always
want to be armed, but if you're rating a completely
secure location, I don't even understand why you need arms.

So certainly don't understand. So we can disagree on that
a little bit. I certainly don't understand how if you're
Merit Garland and you're reading this warrant you can authorize
the use of deadly force at all, Like that language
has to be taken out of the document and you
have to say there can be no violence whatsoever against

two different parts of the government as it pertains to
this Trump raid.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
I would want to know, uh, what, what is the
scenario in which Merrick Garland thinks deadly force is going
to be authorized? Like one of Trump's groundskeepers is going
to grab a box of papers and make a run
for it to one of the yachts park nearby mar
A Lago, and they're going to have to just take
him down. First of all, they wouldn't be authorized under
normal circumstances to shoot him there. Well under under what

you know, under what possibility could you see lethal force
as justified given the dynamics of this raid at mar
A Lago, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
Point on even having them a market is crazy. Well,
but I mean the cops are armed. You know, they're
pretty much armed all the time, right, I mean they
but they never raid the former president of the United
States behind Secret Service protected venues. So I understand, like
usually you're going in where there could be danger, buck
what would have been now they tried to time make
their arguments for them, They would say, what if there
was a threat to the president and we're FBI guys

and we weren't armed and we couldn't step in and help.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
I mean, you know, trust me, they'll have a million
ways to expect. Whether service is there is why I'm
coming back to it. But what would have happened they
tried to time this raid so Trump wasn't there. What
if somebody was there in the family and just refused access.
What if Milania had been there and she doesn't want
her underwear drawer getting raided and she just stands there

and says no, and listen to America. This is all
so much of.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
The problems that you find yourself in are a function
of all of the choices that you make. And Merrick Garland,
basically he's hired for his judgment. The fact that he
would sign off on this raid, I think is indefensible.
The fact that he would sign off on an arm
drade with a ability to use deadly force is indefensible.
And if you're out there saying, well, Merrick Garland wasn't

really involved in this, he came out and said he
specifically approved this decision. Listen to cut twenty two.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
Federal law, long standing department rules, and our ethical obligations
prevent me from providing further details as to the basis
of the search at this time. There are, however, certain
points I want you to know. First, I personally approved
the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter. Second,
the Department does not take such a decision lightly where

possible in a standard practice to seek less intrusive means
as an alternative to a search, and to narrowly scope
any search that is undertaken.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
I just I look at this and I already knew,
and I think you did two buck that the rig
job was in here. But the more details that come
out in this Aileen Canon case down in South Florida,
the more of a crazy set up this becomes. And
she's just basically applying the law pretty evenly, it seems
to me and every one of these filings, and we'll

talk with Julie Kelly about this next hour, makes this
look more outrageous than it already did. And in August
to twenty two, when this happened, you and I came
on and said this is outrageous. It's actually becoming more
indefensible as we get more and more details associated with
this rate.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
I don't think the Democrats who are behind all of
this anticipated what's happening. And I think you can see
this from the data around independence. In a lot of
places across the country, not just in the Swing States,
this is increasingly seen as a meaning the stuff they
are doing to Trump is so unacceptable, out of bounds, offsides,

you know, all that stuff, that it alone becomes an
entirely reasonable explanation for a vote for Don Trump to
be president again, because otherwise this wins. Otherwise this is acceptable.
What has gone on here, and so you know, we
could talk about the economy and the wide open border,

and we do all these other things. When you look
at it from a cost benefit analysis of a Trump
presidency versus a Biden presidency, Trump is clearly better, right.
But I'm saying this has now created almost a solo
issue or a single issue voter paradigm where if you
don't want this to be a third World joke of
a country where elections are rigged by the prosecutor's office,

you vote for Donald Trump. I don't think they anticipated
that that feeling is out there as strongly as it is.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
Can you imagine? And I do think it's important to
try to apply principle and precedent and contemplate it. If
Trump had authorized the FBI to have an armed raid,
using deadly force when necessary, of Barack Obama's personal residents
to try to go get classified documents that he believed
or stored there, the media would have I mean, he

would have been impeached. I don't think there's any doubt
at all he would have been impeached for this.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
There would have been an impedn removed, impeached and removed.
I think Republicans would go along with it. I think
he actually would have been taken out of office.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
I hope you're wrong, because I would like to think
that Republicans would be you wouldn't get to sixty seven
in the Senate.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
But you may well be right. If Trump ordered a
raid on Obama's house, a lot of Republicans would go
I'm telling you a lot of Republicans would go along
with it. We don't fight dirty the way they do.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
And the point here is this thing is really tried
to get snowed under. A lot of people are saying, well,
this is standard FBI operating procedure, that's not a big deal. Well,
you're raiding the former president's home for the first time
in two hundred and fifty years, and the sitting president
is effectively signing off on it through his department, his
attorney general, who specifically said he approved every aspect of

this raid. It was on his desk, This was his decision.
Just think about what the reaction would be. Trump has
a call to Ukraine and he gets impeached over it.
Imagine if he had rated Obama.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
The other part of this is, and I can speak
with some familiarity because I mean, I've seen for years.
I saw what was going into the presidential Daily briefing
on a rock stuff, on a whole range of things.
I doubt very much that the information that Trump has
that they're so worried about, a normal person would look
at and say, oh my gosh, if our enemies got this,

then we'd really be screwed. Like I think. I mean,
there's and anyone who has any familiarity with the classification system. Again,
it's different because he's a president. He's allowed to say
this is declassified. He can do what we used to
call in the CIA real time declassification. If the president
goes on TV and says, guys, you know, you know,
we just did an air strike five minutes ago. It
was a black op, and now I'm telling you about it.

You're not locking him up. He's a commander chief. You
can talk about wherever he wants, right, So it's different
for a president. The rules for classified information are different,
and that's where I think there's a little bit of
some legal back and forth that needs to be hashed
out a little bit like the presidential immunity thing. But
to act like this is some imminent national security threat
that there were some boxes under lock and key at

mar A Lago, and like maybe the bad guys were
going to get this and there, you know, and then
the terrorists would win. It's entirely disingenuous. And I think
this is also why they're never going to get this
case through because you know, the Florida case, because they're
never going to show the public. If it's so classified,
they can't show the public, and the public is not
going to take their word for it if they refuse

to show what these documents were that they wanted so badly,
So the whole thing ends up falling apart, and then
you're going to try to get on an obstruction charge.
I Clay, I think it's very hard to convince people
that a former president is engaged in criminal obstruction when
his lawyers are going back and forth with the National
Archives for months. You know what I'm saying, Like this
is just not anyway the whole thing. But this brings

you back to people voting for Trump just because they
want to nullify the law fair effort, and I think
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Speaker 4 (16:17):
Learn, laugh and join us on the weekend on our
Sunday Hang with Clay and Buck podcast.

Speaker 5 (16:23):
Fight It on the iHeart Apple or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
Our friend Julie Kelly joins us. She is the author
of the Declassified Substack and had quite a firestorm started
a firestorm online yesterday with her latest findings with regard
to the marl Lago document raid. Julie, I know you've

it's probably been a very busy twenty four hours or
so for you after deciding to just light the Internet
on fire with some of your some of your findings.
Tell me, first off, we mentioned at the top of
the show, where did you How were you able to
get this information about the use of deadly force authorization

in the warrant for the Trump raid? And give us
any backstory you have on it, any context for it,
because people see that and there's their reaction is not
stuff I can say on radio, but they're very upset.

Speaker 6 (17:23):
They are, so, as you guys know. And I'm outside
the Florida Courthouse right now. I tended hearing this morning.
There's another one this afternoon in the class by Document's case.
But I knew that Judge Aleen Cannon had unsealed these
two trump motions, and I was just watching the docket
really all day for them, and they were posted, and

one of them is this motion to suppress evidence from
the mar Lago raid, claiming that the raid was unlawful,
the affidavid, the search warrant, all were unlawful, et cetera.
So I just started reading through the motion and came
across the passage in the motion that his defense lawyers
wrote that said that a use of deadly force policy

was part of the instructions related to the Mara a
Lago raid. So I had to read that a few times. Anyway,
it was attached. There was an exhibit attached to it,
which is what I started posting, and that is this
twenty sum odd page what they call an operation order.
So it's kind of a standard form apparently that you know,
you've just fill out any random time you're going to

send thirty armed agents into the residents and offices and
bedrooms of the former presidents. And so I noted that
the policy use of deadly force policy. So I posted that,
and then of course some other interesting hobbyasts that were
in that document talking about how agents should conduct themselves

if Donald Trump showed up at marro A Lago. Of
course it was e there at the time, how to
deal with Secret Service agents if there was any resistance,
as they noted that in the document. Also a medic
was embedded in the team, and instructions on how to
get to a trauma center if anyone was injured during

this raid. Because of course these agents were armed with
what they said weapons AMMO, handcuffed, they had boat cutters.
They were also advised if they needed to pick locks
to get into different areas of the entire resort, the
entire states, and if mar Lago's staff did not turn

over keys to rooms that guest rooms at mar A Lago,
that they would be going door to door like the estaffle.
I don't know for what. So that's how I knew
these motions were coming I've been waiting for them, and
that's how I just.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Truly the immediate follow up, I just I need to
know this. We know are they now? Is the response
that this is all quote standard operating procedure. Is that
what they're going or what are they going with?

Speaker 6 (20:01):
They are going with that, And I'll tell you I
was shocked yesterday, and I know you guys saw this too.
You had former federal prosecutors FBI whistleblowers who we've all interviewed,
and suddenly saying this is no big deal, this is
a nothing burger. One of them posted, this is included
in every armed raid you know, instructions or a manual.

This is following standard operating procedure. I was shocked to
see that because there's no way to justify. First of all,
this has never happened before, as we all know, so
it shouldn't be standard operating procedure. And also, you guys,
they're calling him f COTUS in this order, so it's

not like a normal suspect, right suspect one, or you know,
mister drug dealer or mister bezzler. They were referring to
him as the former president. So in no way is
this a usual situation, a usual search warrant being executed.
Nothing is usual about this, and it's really shameful to
see people in any regard defending this, and even the

FBI had to come out last night and defend themselves
and say, this is normal. This is how we handle
these raids. You know, this is part of our policy
and has been for YadA, YadA. Just pretty pretty shocking response.

Speaker 1 (21:23):
To Yeah, to your point, Julie, this there is no
precedent for this. Merret Garland said he personally made these decisions,
and I just want to hammer this home. I don't
know if you've been to mar A Lago before, Julie.
I would bet that you have, Buck and I have
been there several times. It's Secret Service protected. You get
wanded when you go in. There are arms security that

are already there, charged with protecting the president from any threat.
So the idea that there would be any deadly force
necessary inside of a secret Service protected venue is that.
This is the part where I look at it and say,
if Merrick Garland truly did as he said, go ahead

and sign off on all these details, how did no
one come to him and say, hey, maybe we want
to change up some of the language in this warrant
that we're putting out because this is an unprecedented situation
and there should be a zero percent chance of violence
given this is already Secret Service protected.

Speaker 6 (22:23):
Correct, And to your point, that's another unusual, rare circumstances
that the Attorney General came out and said he personal,
personally signed off on the search warrant. Well, the Attorney
General of the United States does not sit there all
day personally signing off on search warrants. Okay, so that's
not normal at all. But yes, I think there was

a little pushback. We got some interviews transcripts the Haad
of the Washington Field Office at the time. He pushed
back about the need for really even his office to
be involved, but the use of potential use of or
having armed agents there. But to your point, what was
going to happen with Secret Service, as you guys know,
also mar Lago private security there, so there was no

need for them to come in guns blazing. Also in cognito,
they did not have their standard law enforcement gear. They
were instructed to wear regular street clothes so they couldn't
be identified. Again, another unusual aspect of how these raids
are typically conducted. So you know, I see a lot

of lawmakers though a few senators who are really outraged
about this, and I suspect you guys that we're going
to be learning more about the details of the planning
ahead of time, how this was executed. We already know
the FBI agents brought fully cover sheets to put on
documents and take a picture and make it look like

they found it that way. My suspicion is we are
going to find out in some of you court proceedings
and maybe other investigations just how dirty and really potentially
dangerous this wad was.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
Yeah, I mean the problem with the and this is
why I asked you about it right away. The standard
protocol line is there's nothing standard about a raid on
a former president, right, so I know that's what they're
going to say, and that is what they're saying. But
the moment that you start to unpack that or peel
away the layers, it makes absolutely no sense. I think
it's also worth noting, and our friend Molly Hemingway pointed

this out that there were people within the FBI, and
this has already been reported on, who were like, what
are you doing? Why are we having a raid like this.
This is insane. I mean there was that there were
voices even within the FBI who have been reported on
an honestly anonymously saying that this is unnecessary and could
cause huge problems.

Speaker 6 (24:54):
Exactly. And there were transcripts released by the House who
had interviewed the Stephen d'antwano and other two were sort
of pushing back on how this went down. But eventually,
you know, Stephen d'antoino is how to the Washington Field
office they signed off on this, and it's so I
do think again, we're going to find out more information.

Was their pre planning, where was the training?

Speaker 3 (25:17):
You know?

Speaker 6 (25:18):
And now we know that the evidence that they collected
is not in its original form. It has been spoiled
in many aspects. So this was not even a successful raid.
This was a bungled rate.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
And what did they do, Julie, because this has already
come out. They they've they've messed with the evidence they collected.
I mean you mentioned the cover sheets. Is there anything else?

Speaker 6 (25:39):
Well? Yes, Now Jack Smith had to admit in a
filing a few weeks ago that the boxes they took
out I think they took like thirty Sumid boxes out
of mar A Lago. But the files, the evidence inside
is not in the same sequence that it was when
they took it from mar A Lago. This is very
important because you're allegedly they were supposed to demonstrate that

there's classified files mixed in with you know, newspapers, et cetera. Well,
they had to admit that it's not in the same sequence. Furthermore,
and even more suspicious here is they also had to
admit to Judge Cannon that these placeholder sheets that they
brought us props which we talked about attaching to files,
kicking a picture making it look like that's how they

were filed, that's how they were found. These placeholder sheets
where they put in they took an alleged classified document,
put a placeholder in. Jack Smith just had to admit
they can't match up in every instance the placeholder sheet
with the classified document that was taken out of the box.
So this is a bungled investigation, a dangerous investigation, unprecedented,

and things could have gotten a lot worse than they
actually did. And you actually sort of have to credit
Donald Trump for not flying down there and you know,
doing protecting his property and certainly the bedrooms of his
wife and his side which also were ransacked, and we
have evidence of that yesterday as well.

Speaker 1 (27:04):
We're talking to Julie Kelly. Eileen Cannon, the judge in
South Florida, seems to be doing a really incredible job
unveiling all of this. I know that you have been
covering more than almost anyone, all of these documents that
are being filed. And as the story has grown, unless
it has gotten classified, where is this case going now? In

your mind? Where is Judge Cannon headed? What should we
expect as it pertains to the classified documents case in particular.

Speaker 6 (27:32):
Well, what I've written is that she has now turned
the tables and she is putting Jack Smith in the
DOJ on trial. And today I'm here. There's two hearings today.
A motion to dismiss for selective vindictive prosecution filed by
Trump longtime aid Personal Aid while tein Nada, who is
a co defendant. So there was a few hour hearing
on that this morning. This afternoon there's another hearing for

emotion to dismiss based on falsehoods contained in the fortia
eight page indictment against Donald Tumpt his two co defendists.
But I'll tell you guys, there is no love lost
between Judge Cannon and the prosecution team. They got into
it a couple times this morning. At one point, Judge

Cannon had to tell David Harbach, one of Jackson's prosecutors,
to calm down. He is disrespectful, he is condescending. At
one point, she asked him a question, and he said
to her, that's not the right question.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
Holy again, that ain't good to say to any woman,
by the way, Julie, much less the judge who was
in charge of your trial. That ain't the right question.
Doesn't go well with Laura Travis. And she's not sitting
at the top of the bench either.

Speaker 6 (28:43):
There were gaps in the media room when he said
that he's trying to school now. She is extremely meticulous,
extremely informed, extremely well prepared when she comes to these hearings,
and he does his best to try to school her
on things that she are already knows because he's putting
on a performance. He knows this case is imploding. So

what he has to do is act indignant, you know,
when he's doing his rebuttal to this motion, and you know,
you can just see the tension there between the judge
and Jetmith. But how this is going forward is she
is entertaining. Not only is she unseiling and posting all
of this information that the government for the most part

doesn't want us to see, she is now holding all
of these hearings where then it will be publicly vetted,
including hearings next month which I'll be covering this bombshell
motion that accuses of Biden, White House, the General Counsel
of the White House, and National Archives BOJ and FBI
of colluding together as basically right after Donald Trump left

the Oval Office to concut some sort of documents crime
against Donald Trump. So she's really turning the tables and
that's why you could see this frustration from the prosecution
side today and I expect more fireworks to staff.

Speaker 2 (30:05):
Than you real quick, Julie, before we got to go,
do you think that the is there any real legal
legal jeopard in your mind from the Florida case still
for Donald Trump? No, yeah, sounds like it. I mean,
that's and Clay and I haven't seeing it that way
for a while. So if you're on that on that
train too, I think it's a very very high probability.
Check out declassified with Julie Kelly, Julie, let us know

the next time you want to blow up the Internet
with findings, will definitely.

Speaker 6 (30:33):
Have you back on I definitely will. Thanks guys, Thank.

Speaker 1 (30:37):
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Speaker 4 (31:44):
Up twenty four a weekly podcast from Clay and Buck
covering all things election. Episodes drop Sundays at noon Eastern.
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get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
Welcome back in replay Travis bock Sexton Show. I told
you guys yesterday as we finished the Tuesday edition of
the program that he had walked into studio here in
d C. And so we are taping this on Tuesday,
but we're playing it for you now on Wednesday. Congressman
Jim Jordan, who the heck knows what might happen in
the next twenty four hours.

Speaker 2 (32:18):
Let's be honest, but I.

Speaker 1 (32:20):
Want to start here with you, no kidding, even for
crazy American politics standards, Thanks for being here. I want
to start with our good friend. I call her Fanny
because I think she's shown her ass a lot. Fanny
Willis down in Atlanta, was on Rachel.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
Maddow's show I Believe.

Speaker 1 (32:41):
And she decided that she wanted to weigh in on you.
We've got the audio here is cut six.

Speaker 7 (32:47):
Jim Jordan has time after time after time attacked my
office with no legitimate purpose. Anyone who knows Jim Jordan's
history knows that he only has the purpose of trying
to interfere in a criminal investigation. He has now turned
his tricks to he's going to look at grant programs,
which I invite him to do, and we have complied
with his subpoenas.

Speaker 3 (33:07):
But yet he.

Speaker 7 (33:08):
Continues his attacks to try to interfere in a criminal investigation,
all while his jurisdiction has one of the worst crime rates,
has poverty issues, and not one time has he used
his position to try to investigate people who are attacking
me and attacking others legitimately doing their jobs, making him
illegitimate in his position. And it's disgusting. And so I

bring that up at the federal level because now at
the state level, they've decided to follow this clown's lead.

Speaker 1 (33:38):
Okay, she called you a clown. I would think just
to refresh for everybody out there. She hired her lover,
she paid him seven hundred thousand dollars in state funds.
She may well get removed by the Georgia Court of
Appeals before all is said and done. When she decides
to go after you in that manner, is it a
badge of honor? What do you think think when things

like that, when attacks like that are made against you.

Speaker 8 (34:03):
I mean, their case is falling apart. I mean she
paid Nathan Wade, as you said, seven hundred thousand dollars.
She came to DC, met with met with the Justice
depart member the January six Committee, meet with folks at
the White House, all part of this coordinated effort to
go to President Trump. And oh, by the way, there's
a whistleblower down there who's talked to us. Miss Timpson
has come forward and said she did it. She leged
she misspent federal fun So you know, like I said,

I've been called a lot worse than clown by folks.
So I just try to stick to the facts. In fact, Clay,
every one of these cases is falling apart. The immunity
thing in DC is on hold. Two weeks ago, Jack
Smith got caught altering the sequence of the documents he
sees the physical documents don't match up with the scan documents.

Some people might call that tampering with the evidence, something
you're not allowed to do. And of course the irony
is not lost on anyone. Jack Smith mishandled documents while
he's charging President Trump with mishandling documents, that case has
fallen apart. And of course we know what's going on
in New York, which is a complete, complete joke. We
saw that when when when Michael Alvin Bragg said he

could not and this is like two years ago, could
not envision a bringing a prosecution against President Trump and
calling Michael Cohen as a prosecution witness. That's what he said,
and but then in fact did just that after Trump
announces he's running for president. So these cases are all
about politics, and when you're all about politics, you can

see why there's a good chance he'll fall apart.

Speaker 6 (35:35):
Like the art.

Speaker 2 (35:36):
Congress and Jordan appreciate you being with us here. What
what do you think happens if? I mean, Clay and
I talked about this a bit yesterday on the show.
Let's say, and I unfortunately predicted that there'll be a
conviction of New York, not because I disagree in any
way that it's a sham. I think it's an outrageous sham.
It's an absurdity, but not a funny one really when
you think about what's at stake. But I think the

jury's biased. Maybe I'm wrong. We'll see if they're there
is a hung jury, which I think Clay is more
inclined to think that's a possibility. What does it mean
for the rest of these cases? I mean, do they
just then act like nothing, really, no big deal. J six,
We're gonna get them on that, or maybe we'll get
them in Florida or something else. Is that just where
this goes? Because it feels like it's all such clear

election interference at this point and they're gonna double down
on it no matter what is that? Is that your read? Yeah?

Speaker 8 (36:24):
I think so, because again, you know, you go through
the history. We've talked about this before, but you know,
they spout of his campaign in sixteen, then it's Muller.
Then it's then it's you know, Muller what nineteen lawyers,
thirty million dollars, forty one agents, they go into that,
they find nothing, then it's impeachment. Then they raid his home,
then it's you know, all for of these cases, then
it's the fourteenth Amendment. Everything they try doesn't seem to work,

but they're not gonna stop trying because they're determined to
keep President Trump from being the next president of the
United States. So yeah, I think they just just keep
plowing ahead. Now, as I said before, the good news
is all these all these cases are falling apart because
they never should have been brought in the first place.
But I do not see Democrats letting up. One thing
about Democrats, particularly the left which now controls their party.

They are committed to getting to the objective, come Hecker
high water. That's just how they operate.

Speaker 1 (37:11):
Unfortunately, do you since that they're starting to be a
little bit of a panic inside of the Biden campaign,
the decision to debate on June twenty seventh and September tenth,
the lawfare collapsing. Regardless of what happens in New York City,
we're five and a half months out. You've known Trump
for a long time. I'm not sure he's ever been

at a stronger political position in his career than he
is as we're talking today. Do you get the sense
that they're starting. They spent tens of millions of dollars already,
their game plan, as it were, kind of getting its
ass kicked.

Speaker 2 (37:46):
Yeah. Do you since that they're starting to panic a
little bit.

Speaker 8 (37:50):
Yeah, particularly when the polling in the states to count
the seven states and now determine the presidency of the
United States. What there was I saw one pole in
Georgia they were down like point Yeah, Arizona they're down
like ten points. And you know, the only stay to
think of this of the seven where they're like dead
even is Wisconsin, which Wisconsin's always dead even, you know
this way Wisconsin is right now. But they're winning the

other six, including the VATA up substantially in the polls
I saw like a week and a half ago.

Speaker 2 (38:15):
I think so.

Speaker 8 (38:15):
I do think that's you know, because we're not We're
used to the polls being kind of close and the
polls being a little off, and some of our voters
like get nervous about even saying anything. You know, I'm
just I'm not gonna I'm not going to weigh in. Uh.
And yet now with them showing Trump in the lead
and by substantial margins in some of these key states,
I do think you know, why else would they out
of the blue, Just well, Shitzam, we're gonna we need

a debate in June. Well, whoever heard of that? Yeah,
you know, it's like, of course we're gonna have debates.
We have them every four years in the presidential race,
but we never had them in June. And they came
from Biden, who we thought was not going to debate.
So I think that does indicate you know, your your
question is is on target.

Speaker 2 (38:52):
Speaking of Congress and Jim Jordan of Ohio congressman, obviously
some very important races, including Bernie Marino, who is running
for a critical Senate seat as you're seeing it on
the House side and the Senate side, What are the
what are the issues that are going to be the
determining factors in the important close races, right, I mean

where it really counts, where we need to win in
order to have control of the House and control of
the Senate. What would you say are the top three issues?

Speaker 8 (39:23):
Yeah, secure border to Noboarder, that's the biggest change in
three years and one hundred and twenty days ever long
Joebide has been president, safe streets, to record crime, and
you can you can measure the inflation, both in the
cost of gas and everything else. So it's you know,
from two dollars gas to four dollar gas, from stable
prices to record record inflation. Those are the issues are
gonna drive you take your family out to dinner. Yeah,

are our youngest son and daughter in law and their
little one over in Indianapolis, And we took them out
the dinner. It's like a month or so ago, and
we didn't go to the fancy, but it was a
nice restaurant. And you get the bill for just like
the five of four of us. That's different, Like holy cow,
how to middle class families, Like, it's crazy, what just
to go to a pretty nice restaurant with your family.

So I think all those things, and then you add
in this attack on Trump, this weaponization of government, these
agencies being turned against we the people, and then the
final straw is some people are going to step back
and look, you know, with President Trump, we didn't have
Russia going into Ukraine. We didn't have Hamas a terrorist
organization attacking our best friend, the state of Israel. None
of that garbage was going on. And I kind of

liked it when it wasn't going on. People are going
to say, so, I think those kind of those three
key issues, the weaponization of government and then this foreign
policy to some that is in the back of people's
minds as well, and they're going to say, like, let's
go back to Trump, things were so much better.

Speaker 1 (40:45):
You listen to the show, so you're aware that Buck
and I have been on opposite sides of whether Biden's
going to be the guy. Yeah, and I know you
have seen the size of another a Yeah, the ice
cream debate and who's going to be the Democratic at all?

Speaker 8 (40:58):
Those are important.

Speaker 1 (40:59):
So it's important answer here for you to see whether
you're on the side of truth, justice and Clay or
evil and uh and and and and awful things and Buck.
But to set that up, it feels like every day
now there is a new viral Biden clip where he's
just not able to read the teleprompter or he's not
able to get off the stage. June twenty seventh, you

mentioned is now the CNN debate. Do you think they're
really gonna roll.

Speaker 8 (41:25):
With this guy?

Speaker 1 (41:26):
Or do you think as the lawfare is crumbling and
as Biden's essential argument for why he deserves the second term,
it feels like every day takes a new punch to
the gut.

Speaker 2 (41:37):
What are they thinking?

Speaker 8 (41:39):
I don't know, but I do. I hate to say,
since I'm sitting with you and watching Buck on the screen,
I'm with I'm oh.

Speaker 2 (41:45):
No, let's cut the interview. Now. I hear he doesn't
want to wait a second congressation. You don't want to
join Clay on his rapidly sinking ship. What a shock,
I think this far. And I mean if they change now,
like what the country say, like what we're now? We
gotta we were We were kind of sizing them up,
you know, because I mean it's always about the choice.

Speaker 8 (42:06):
We're sizing them up. And now it's like somebody completely
new and we got five months to figure this out.
I mean maybe, but my gut tells me. And and look,
I wasn't necessarily there a few months ago. I thought,
you know, what, will they will they bump him out
for someone else and put someone else in there. But
now I think it's gonna be I think it's gonna
be Biden. I just think it is. It's it's Scranton, Joe.
They'll still try to play that game, and they'll still

aside from these two baits, probably keeping keeping them away
from the crowds as much as possible. That's my gut,
and I don't I don't know they have anything else.
But the scary thing is is what are they planning
for September and October?

Speaker 2 (42:40):
What do you think that's I don't know.

Speaker 8 (42:41):
Keep coming I keep coming back to, like, you know,
there's something else, because if they don't get a conviction
and these like they don't get a conviction in New York,
these other three cases are following apart, what are they
gonna do? And I keep kind of racking my brain,
like what what is it?

Speaker 2 (42:54):
I'm with you, Jim see see I see this as
first of all, you know you're right because you're agreeing
with me and at all along which is that Biden's
going to be the nominee and everyone says, oh, no,
it's gonna be some other person. I'm like, no, it's
gonna be Biden, and sure enough it will be. But
I I also agree with you that they're not just
gonna go off to the election as things stand now.
I mean, because I think even if they got a
conviction in New York, I think the numbers might go

even deeper in the positive column for Trump. I mean,
I think it could blow up even more in their face.
So they're gonna pull something else. And I can't think
of what it is off to out of my head.
But you know, I'm certainly not not celebrating early. Just
before we let you go, Congressmans, we'll run up against
the clock.

Speaker 8 (43:34):

Speaker 2 (43:34):
You know, do you have much of a sense of
does the VP really matter? And and do you have
a VP that you think is the right choice for
for the Trump ticket.

Speaker 8 (43:43):
I like all the people he's talking to you. I mean,
I really like Sarah huck to be saying. I don't
know if she's on the kind of the list, but
I like, at least he's a colleague of ours. She's
she's been tremendous. Tim Scott mark as your.

Speaker 2 (43:53):
Question, I'll actually I want to jump in really quick.
Is at least is alas a conservative?

Speaker 8 (43:56):
Is Alisa's been solid, She's been really I mean, we
worked well together back in twenty nineteen on defending President
Trump during impeachment when they did the crazy impeachment thing,
and on the Intel Committee, and because then then Leader
McCarthy put me on the Intel Committee for two months
during during the impeachment process, so yeah, she's been, she's
been tremendous. So but I think this is all about

President Trump. I really do. I think our team is coming.
You saw that one hundred thousand people wild with New
Jersey like our folks are fired up. And I think
it's all about him and that comparison between him and
Joe Biden, and what a what a contrast, Holy cow,
what a contrast. So I think ever's been.

Speaker 2 (44:38):
Jim Jordan always appreciated you get to hang out with
play in DC. I'll be there next time. I actually
don't take any excuse to hang out in the swamp
going on like a swamp tour.

Speaker 8 (44:46):
I really enjoy you guys show. You do a great job.
Appreciate that you so much.

Speaker 2 (44:50):
You appreciate it. Thank you, Clay. I do love AUMs
where we talked to Jim. He can reference other shows
we've done when he wasn't a guest. That's always what
if you want to ingratiate yourself to radio hosts, it's
referenced the show when you weren't a guest because you
were actually listening. Then we're like, oh, true, it's totally true.
By the way, you know, it's fantastic Anyway, Look, we
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Speaker 5 (46:33):
Need a break from follozis a little comedy to counter
the craziness, So do we The Sunday Hang, a weekend
podcast to lighten things up a bit. Find it in
the Clay and Buck podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
All right, welcome back into Clay and Buck. We're gonna
talk to Julie Kelly here in a few minutes about
the lethal force order or lethal force rules of engagement,
say in the warrant for the Marlago raid. She broke
that story yesterday. I got a huge amount of attention.
Julie Kelly will be with us on that and more.
But also I wanted to hand the flow over to

Clay for a minute. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (47:12):
Look, first of all, excited to talk with Julie, I
want to say something. The last three or four weeks,
thanks to the crew here on the studio, we've been
moving around a lot in the Travis household because my
step father in law passed away on Saturday. Name's Larry Kornaki,

lifelong Michigander, amazing guy, seventy eight years old, served in
the military during Vietnam. Is a business owner in Southeast Michigan.
Has owned his business, his food production business for decades.
I say step father in law, It's not really accurate
because for me personally, I think I have two great

father in laws, both of whom are Michiganders. Up in
Southeast Michigan. He'd been married to my wife's mom for
twenty five years. I've been married in August for twenty years.
So the minute I met him, we were already I've
only known him as a father in law. And he
had a stroke about three and a half weeks ago.

He had moved to East Tennessee to live on the
lake there while still managing a lot of his business
interests back in Michigan, and so we've been going back
and forth a lot with that. Didn't want to say
he runs a business wanted to make sure that everybody
was taken care of. Theirs got over one hundred employees.
It's thriving, it's doing well in Southeast Michigan. But for

me personally, he was an incredible grandfather to my three boys.
He's got seven grandsons, which is really pretty remarkable to
think about across his family. We were in the hotel,
we were in the hospital room as he passed on Saturday.
The three boys meet friend's family surrounding him. But personally,
I don't know that I would have a meeting career

if it weren't for him. Right now, I don't know
that any of you would be listening to me because
if you work in media and buck, I know you've
experienced this. You can get fired at any moment. It's
really hard to make a living in this industry, particularly
when you start off. I got fired in January of
twenty eleven along with about one hundred other people on

a website called FanHouse, and Larry, who had owned a
small business his entire life, told me, hey, don't let
anybody else basically control your future. Start your own business.
I started out kick. I wouldn't have done it without
his encouragement. I don't think I would be sitting here
talking to all of you without his encouragement. So for

everybody out there, I know there are many different types
of families everywhere. Try to be that force of positivity
in your household. Even if you're not blood related to people.
The difference that you can make in someone else's life
is so tremendous. I wouldn't be here without Larry. I
wanted to say thank you to all of the Larry's

across this entire listenership. I know that many of you
have people who have done for you what he did
for me. He'll be deeply missed. I thank all of
you in advance for the condolences and everything else, but
I just want to encourage you to be the positive
force in someone's life and help them get to the
proverbial next level in their own way like he did

for me.

Speaker 2 (50:28):
Appreciate y'all.

Speaker 1 (50:28):
We'll be back next with Julie Kelly.

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