All Episodes

August 12, 2024 50 mins
Kamala rips off Trump. Biden border mess. Mass delusion. Buck's Fauci impression.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in everybody. Monday edition of the Clay Travis and
Buck Sexton Show gets going right now. I am solo
this week is you know, Clay taking a week of
much as their vacation, and fortunately today my voice is
pretty much back. I beat the coal with some help
from my kracketcoffee of course, Crocketcoffee dot com. Please subscribe

get the best most America loving, freedom supporting coffee ever.
Plus ten percent of profits goes tunnel to towers, go
to Crocketcoffee dot Com and I use it to push
through a cold. So there you go. Gives you that
fiery uh well, fire in the belly. There you go.
I've got so much to dive into today. Polls from

over the weekend. I've got a lot of people that
are coming to me now. I guess some folks are
a little week in the knees on the right, they're
a little you know, Oh my gosh, is Kamala going
to win? No, we don't roll with that here. We're good.
We're good, We stay focused, We stay fraud us. The
Trump is on it, and Trump is going to come

out the winner. Here. We just have to do our part,
we the voters and Trump the campaigner and the people
around him. If we execute the plan, we win. That's
how I see it. And so part of the plan
is trying to get as much of the truth out
there as possible, because the lies are coming fast and furious.

I have never seen so much condensed rewriting of history
as I have witnessed with the Kamala Harris Tim Walls ticket.
It is astonishing, it is. And yes, I saw the
polls over the weekend that they basically have Kamala within
the margin of error, but up in a whole bunch

of swing states. Now, Trump is still in a better
position going into a presidential election than he's ever been
in before. And he's in a better position than he
was in twenty twenty when he was in a razor
tight finish with razor thin finish with Joe Biden, and

better than he was in twenty sixteen when he trounced
Hillary Clinton. So keep that in mind here, all right.
I know that there's whiplash. I know there's a feeling
of oh my gosh, it's all shifted on us. So quickly,
just we take a beat. We don't get caught up
in the emotions of the moment we leave the mob
emotions to the democrats, you know, to the collectivist. So

they're like, oh my gosh, what did that person say.
I'm going to say the same thing. Let's all just shout.
Let's shout the brainless slogan together, the bleating of the
sheep for those of you who are or well well
nineteen eighty four, but also animal farm is what I
was referencing, orwell fans. This though, is a particularly brazen
moment in the campaign for the presidency from Kamala and

I have to start with this. She was campaigning, and
she was in Nevada, and that's obviously an important state.
It is a swing state. I think Trump's still looking
good there no matter who you talk to, but they're
trying to make in roads the Democrat side of things,
and Kamala Harris all of a sudden just works this

into her her routine. Up there with the prompter is
guiding her through this is cut one, play it and
eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality worker. Is
she doing a Trump impression? Like I would prefer it
if Kamala got up there, she was like, probably the
best thing we could do would be borrowing from Donald himself,

including the voice, and say, big, beautiful removal of taxes
on tips. We love it. It's gonna be great. I
would have preferred that. I would prefer a full on
impersonation to what we got there. I mean, you heard that,
you know what, team play it one more time, just
whever we could hear. This is Kamala's new big idea

and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality worker. Right,
the thing that Donald Trump has been saying, and that
Democrats just because they whatever Trump likes, they must oppose,
at least in the moment. Democrats have spent time saying
he's going to blow up the debt with that, and

we're going to have so much the deficit's going to
be huge, and he's all this stuff. And I suppose
now they're going to change change this around CNBC headline,
I mean Axios actually gets this more more accurately. I
think Harris copies Trump's promise on no tax for tips. Yeah,

she copied it. This is a straight up plagiarism. This
is a ooh, that's a good idea. I'm going to
do that too, which is amazing because hold on a second,
I thought Donald Trump was horrible. I thought Donald Trump
was a threat to the Republic now than the new
savior of the Democrats, Kamala Harris. The savior of the

Democrat Party is just taking the newest and most compelling
idea from Donald Trump as to what he would do.
And you're supposed to not not notice this or not
not pay attention to it. I love CNBC's headline here
Harris matches trump proposal to ban taxes on tips at

Las Vegas rally. I mean, yeah, she matched it. That's
one way of saying it. She lifted it. This is
telling you actually a lot more than the Democrats want
you to pick up. But one is Kamala has no ideas.
She stands for whatever the Democrat machine tells her to.

And in that sense she's formidable. You know that means
I have a lack of intellectual respect for her, yes,
because I don't think she has any particular ideas of
her own. But she is a She is a good comrade.
She is an apparat chick, a cog in the wheel
of the apparatus, and even at the very top, she

will do what the party wants, which I will point
out so same thing with Joe Biden. Joe Biden broke
with Democrats as president on nothing on nothing, and the
left wing of the Democrat Party, which now is the
Democrat Party, or rather runs it. You know, in a
few places they play it, Oh I'm I'm like a
midwestern duck hunting Democrat. Oh yeah, sure, you're seeing that

with Tim Walls, which, oh, don't worry, we'll get to
that a little bit. But stealing the no tax on
tips things, it's so brazen you almost have to respect.
You're like, wow, Wow, they're just gonna do that. And
the big hope is that they can get through the
days ahead less than three months. They can get through

the days ahead of this election get into early voting
hiding who Kamala Harris really is and what her record
really is from the American people. That's obvious. I mean,
this is basement campaign two point zero. This is not
technically in a basement, but incredibly stage managed a campaign

that is being built in a lab by consultants for
the Democrats, for the Obama brain trust to come together
and decide what the Harris campaign shall actually say out
loud via the teleprompters, via the scripted moments, They'll say

anything to protect this. I would note, they'll even go
to the lengths of maybe Kamala Harris doesn't even Why
do we even have to I was seeing this over
the weekend. Why does she even have to talk to
the press. Why does it even matter if she does
an interview. Yes, the person who wants the job to
represent three hundred and forty million Americans. However, many tens

of millions of illegals are here. Person who wants that
job and the nuclear codes and the most authority and
power of any position in the entire world. Why should
the American people who are supposed to vote for that
person really know anything about that person. This is the
media doing what it does. You know, I know the
Olympics are over, but if being a contortionist was an

Olympic event, the journals running cover for Kamala the contortions
they are engaged in oof remarkable stuff. Anything that anything
that will help her, It doesn't make any difference. Any
lies they have to tell, they will go all in
on them. And I just sit here and in some

sense and I expect it, but it's still it's still astonishing.
Rights It's almost like I'm waiting for a solar eclipse
or something to happen. You know, you know it's coming,
but when you see it, you go, WHOA, that's pretty interesting.
And that's how I feel about all the things they're
doing with this Kamala campaign right now. I will say
I would like to have more of a I would

like to see more dominance of the news cycle by Trump.
I know that's hard because they they normally would be
talking about Trump to tear him down, but that now
the Democrat apparatus is crowding out the anti trump ism
for the time being, with the fabrication, the manufacturing of

the Kamala narrative. Right and as I've told you, I've
got two guy's funny. One of I think it was
my little sister Saul. She's like, who's Kamala Harris? She
was visiting us the weekend. She goes, who's Kamala Harris autobiography?
Is this? I was like, well, that belongs to me.
I'll have you know. It's quite a page shurner. It's
actually not at all. It's incredibly boring, But you know,

I gotta know, I gotta know what's going on. I
want to understand who this person is, or rather scratch that,
I've got to understand who the person is that they
want you to believe. Kamala Harris's right, What is their presentation?
What is the way they have molded the narrative of

her life and her success and what she stands for?
This is very important. We'll call also in the Obama years,
Obama had two autobiographies when she didn't write, but put
that aside, and if you wanted to really understand how
they created the mythology of obama Ism, you had to
read those right. So I feel the same way about

Kamala Harris. So I want to understand what they're trying
to present. They have a weak product. They know they
have a weak product. So now the question becomes how
much can they get away with? How much are they
able to foist on the American people in terms of
falsehood without backlash? And that I think is going to

be something that we have to put pressure on we have.
This is where confronting the lies. I know it can
feel like a fool's errand I know it can feel
like there's so many of them buck how can we
ever swap them all down? Well, that's the task ahead
of us. We'll take some of your calls here eight

hundred and two eight two two eight A two kamala
on the border. By the way, perhaps the biggest lie
of all. We're going to get to that here shortly.
You know, this month is a busy one for me.
I'm excited to start publishing a weekly e newsletter. The
first one is going to be going out tonight, my friends.
It's all about the intersection of world events, politics and finances,

and has a lot of action items for how this
stuff affects you. You'll get my written analysis on what's
happening in the world and how it affects everything from
market to the election to everything in between. I'm collaborating
with a writer who has particular expertise in the stock market,
Brad Thomas, a really brilliant guy who understands how the

market works. Together, we're publishing this weekly newsletter so you
can make key moves to position yourself to take advantage
of what's coming. Sign up to receive it. It's free.
Go online to this website the Urgent Message dot com.
That's the Urgent Message dot com. You ain't imagining it.
The world has gone insane.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
Reclaim your sanity with Clay and find them on the
free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
What is the single biggest weakness of the Biden regime
and therefore vice's President Harris's tenure or piece of that overall? Hi,
what is the one area that if you were going
to choose to attack for failure that you would hone

in on. There's a variety of options here. I would
say Biden was too crafty to personally get caught up
in the defund police stuff the way that Kamala Harris was,
and for me, the one to two punch of walls
as governor allowing Minneapolis to burn because the Biden base

wanted to burn it. They were unhappy. Biden base is
throwing a tantrum, so gott to let him burn down
a whole neighborhood or series of neighborhoods. That happened. But
beyond that you had Kamala Harris raising money for the rioters,
as you know, which I would think is a pretty
big deal. These are two people for whom the national

nightmare of months of BLM rioting, anarchy and chaos on
the streets was a political opportunity and something that they
were ideologically aligned with. They thought that was a necessary
purging of the American soul in the name of racial

justice or some such nonsense. That alone should be sufficient
grounds to reject the ticket for anyone, particularly Minnesotans. And
I know, if you're a Minnesota and listening to this,
you already you know, you're already on the team. I
get it. But maybe we have a few independent voters,
maybe have a few swing voters in Minnesota. How could

you see what they allowed and encouraged and did nothing
about afterwards during the BLM riots in Minneapolis and see
Walls and Harris's fingerprints on this issue and not reject them.
It honestly is to me like a symptom of some
kind of a disorder for a person not to just

view that. To live in the state of Minnesota and
have your your capital, I know it's a Saint Paul,
but Minneapoli Saint Paul. Uh, you know, to have your
biggest city attacked in that and have these people asleep
at the wheel while it's happening, encouraging it in some ways,
and do nothing about it afterwards, And that you don't

have the pride as an American as a Minnesotan. To
reject these clowns just based on that it is, it
is unfathomable to me, unfathomable. But I know this is
where we are. I understand that's what they are likely
to do. They're gonna just say, Oh, you know, but

a woman's right to choose is so much more important.
Just say abortion. Just say abortion. It's the single most important.
I am a died in the world Democrat. I am
the Biden Harris Obama base voter, and the only thing
that matters to me as an American is abortion. Abortion, abortion,
nine months, all the time, taxpayer funded, and it's a
great thing. And I'm gonna wear T shirts talking about
all my abortions. I mean, I just wish the Democrats

would come forward and say that. I think they do,
but they just aren't as upfront about it, right, I
think that is what they believe, but I won't even
say it. I mean, can you imagine the central belief
of your political religious faith? But you can't describe it.
You have to sort of talk around it. Oh, it's
about a woman's right to think through the issue and

come to her own conclusion. Oh, it's about abortion. Cities
are burning, people can't pay their bills, people can't buy homes,
Borders wide open, national security is a mess. Look what's
going on with you know, whether it's Ukraine war or
the situation of Israel and the escalation from Iran and
all these things happening on Biden's watch. But for unfortunately

a lot of the Biden base, what matters abortion, that's it,
that's all. It's really a mental illness. I mean to
think that this is the only issue. It's the only issue,
but there are a lot of one issue voters on this,
meaning that they'll just go along with Kamala because of this.
It's a sad state of affairs for the country, but

it's true. But there's one weakness that we have not
addressed yet, and that I think is where they know
that if you are particularly in that critical cohort of
the white male, non college educated working class guy, what

has happened with the Biden border and Kamala Harris, the
borders ares roll in. It is just a mess by
any stretch of the imagination, by any calculation, it is
a disaster. It is an embarrassment. Democrats of course secretly
like it. I'm not so secretly, but you know, behind

closed doords, they're like, great, we're creating, we're deluting American
culture and values, diluting any respect for the Constitution, and
promoting a lawlessness that benefits us politically in the long term.
That's how Democrats view the border. They don't come out
in so because again, so much of what Democrat politics
and policies are about is lying about what you want

to get enough power through the lives, then you could
ignore the people who say, hold on a second, that's
not what you said you were going to do. It's
the whole game. Look at the Kamala Harris campaign right now,
I give you this advertisement for Kamala Harris portraying her
given what's gone on the let's call it ten million.

I think that's a decent Estimate's probably more, but ten
million illegals in four years who have come into the
country knowing that it's because Joe Biden is the president.
That's the whole reason behind this. Let's hear how the
Kamala campaign is positioning her on the issue of immigration.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
Play for Kamala Harris has spent decades fighting violent crimes
as a border state prosecutor. She took on drug cartels
and jail gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across
the border.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
As Vice president, she.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
Backed the toughest border control old bill in decades, and
as president, she will hire thousands more border agents and
crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
Fixing the border is tough. So is Kamala Harris. Fixing
the border. Kamala Harris is running on fixing the border.
There's so much here. First of all, if you do
not radically increase deportations and immediate turnarounds, immediate expulsion from

the country for those who are in process of crossing
leg illegally. If you do not use the power that
the White House has under various executive authorities to just
say this is, We're done with this. No more lying
about asylum to come into the country, no more lying
about all these processes. If you do not do that,
nothing changes, Nothing changes, And that I think is something

that the co Malla Harris campaign is going to have
a tough time with. If we pointed out, if you
can get enough people to understand this, all this stuff
about secure the board, secure the board, it's like a
right to choose what do secure the border mean to you.
To Kamala Harris when she was the borders are and
last week we played you that we have been to
the border. When she was talking to a lesser hole,

lesser holts like, look, lady, you haven't been to the border,
you know what I mean, Like, come on, you know
what I mean, Like I got a job here. I mean,
I'm trying to help you. But you know, we gotta
play in reality Ville a little bit, right, And she
said she went to the board, she had you know
what she had done. She went to Central America to
deal with root causes. How are you going to deal
with root causes by traveling to Central America? First of all,

that would require transforming those economies so that they were
in a position to give massive welfare benefits similar to
what Kamala Harris wants to give illegals in this country.
I'm pretty sure that's beyond the skills of Kamala Harris.
You know, I don't think she's going to make Nicaragua
or Guatemala as financially prosperous and generous to its people

as America. So the root causes thing was pretty funny
on its face. The whole thing was absurd. But you
have people now crossing into America illegally from one hundred
and eighty countries, give or take, all over the world,
all over the world. What do the Democrats not want
to do. They don't want to enforce the law. They

don't want to enforce the law against people who show
up and lie to get into the country. They don't
want to enforce law against people who don't show up
to their first hearings when they eventually, after years, are
supposed to have their asylum cases heard. They don't actually
enforce the law. When the asylum case is denied and
they're supposed to be deported, they just they let the
whole thing collapse. They let the entire thing collapse. But

Kamala knows the swing states, the two areas where she
is the most vulnerable, the economy in the border on
the economy, she can get away with what Democrats always
get away with, which is which is their socialist Santa Claus.
Everything is going to be free. The rich will pay

for it, pay their fair share. Everything will be free.
You go, well, hold on, that's not true, but you
know that's what they'll say. And the people who are
struggling I get it. You know, you want a little
bit of help, and someone's telling you they're going to
give you a little bit of help. You know, the
inclination is to think, well, maybe that's a good idea
for me, and so I'll give them my vote. The
problem is that Democrats aren't going to help. The problem

is with their regulations and their policies, whether it's on
energy or labor issues, or you name it, trade policy.
They're going to make everything more expensive for you. They're
going to make it harder for you, and they do
it all under the guise of making it easier for you.
So on the economy, they have an enormously challenging, an

enormously challenging case to make. But Kamala will make it,
and maybe they're able to get away with even though
inflation is as high as it is and costs are
as high as they are. That's a possibility. But on
the border, I mean, I can just say this to
you as I have been saying it to you in
all honesty. We have the worst southern border in the

history of the United States when it comes to lawlessness,
fentanyl pouring over killing. You know, it's over one hundred
thousand a year dying from overdose deaths, and of that,
fentanyl comprises seventy to eighty percent of them. So yeah,
and you know there's more. There's so much fentanyl pouring
into the country. We didn't even talk about all the

methamphetamine that's pouring into the country too. Meth in recent
years has also reached an all time high. I don't
know where it is right now. I'd have to check,
but during the pandemic of you know, the pandemic years
of the Biden administration, the amount of meth out there
actually exceeded with it ever come into the country too
as a disaster. The point is, it's a total mess.

It's the worst it has ever been. This would be
uh somebody who you know has has presided over the
absolute implosion of a company and the stock going down
to almost zero, getting the stock like delisted from the exchange,
saying I am the CEO for the future. I can

fix it all. Well, hold on, what have you done
up to this point? The border it is, it is inexcusable.
But they're they're lying so much, They're going to lie
so much, and I just wish, you know, we we
don't even have the people, the the little assistant commissars
of the Kamala campaign, and the media. They don't even

have to debate these issues publicly. They're not going to
get it's not just that Kamala it doesn't have to
defend these things. They don't even pretend like they're not
gonna They're not gonna bring me on morning, Joe, even
though I am such a dedicated watcher. I mean, Joe,
I'm looking at you every morning doing your propaganda. For
a little bit. There he is. He's got his cool

guy glasses on, he's got his hair swept back. Maybe
he's just come off the tennis courts in Nantucket, you
know what I mean. And you know I'm sitting there saying,
come on, Joe, let me let's talk about these issues now.
I will say the problem with that is they'll just
say the insurrection January sixth, Donald Trump. You know, they

would run the same script on that. They always will,
so they won't talk about any other issues. But on
the border. I gotta tell you, we cannot let this
one go. We cannot let this one go because ultimately,
if the Democrats get to a place where they're able
to find some way to do a backdoor amnesty, which
they people say, oh, they'll never have the votes. They'll
find a way to make it a de facto reality.

Look what they've done with asylum. Asylum is supposed to
be for you know, maybe ten thousand people a year
or something. I mean, look at previous years, how many
assy lees actually made it, It made it through the process
in this country. They used asylum as a crack in
the dam to let the whole thing explode on the
rest of the United States. You don't think they'll find
a way to backdoor amnesty. If they can, of course

they that's the whole plan. That's the whole plan. Change
the demographics of the country, change the country. As long
as they're in control, they don't care. That's where we're heading.
I think Trump can stop it, though, I think he can.
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Speaker 2 (27:30):
Keep up with Clay and Bucks campaign coverage with twenty
four a Sunday highlight reel from the week. Find it
on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
We're gonna dive into the Trump side of the equation
in this election. Now we are less than three months
from election day. Pretty crazy when you think about how
quickly this whole thing is going to come to a conclusion. Now,
I would know it may not be election night. You

see Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has officially put out that from the
Pennsylvania Department of State that they won't always know the
final results of all races on election night. Any changes
in results that occur as counties continue to count ballots

are not evidence that an election is rigged. See the
full explanation at vote dot Pa. Blah blah blah. Isn't
it amazing? I mean, Florida can get us a count
that night. I think the entire country of France can
get same day count in. Lots of places can do
the count. But in Pennsylvania, no, they can't. And I

think it's reasonable for people to say, oh, you mean
the critical swing state where Democrats broke the state constitution
in twenty twenty in order to change voting regulations to
favor their side. Never mind anything else that you think
was going on there. The state that is the single
most important, Yes, the Keystone state is the keystone in

this election. They can't get us on election night a
final tally, and they want us to just be okay
with that.

Speaker 4 (29:24):
I know.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
Look, we got a lot of GOP lawyers in place,
we got a lot of poll watchers. We talked to
Chairman Wattley of the RNC on this one. He's on it.
He knows. I've talked to him personally offline. He's on it.
He knows, he gets it. You know where we have
learned lessons from twenty twenty, the GOP has learned lessons specifically, Well,

this situation Pennsylvania is, Oh boy, can you imagine if
it really just comes down to that night comes to
down out of Pennsylvania and then all of a sudden, well,
we don't know. We'll get back here in a few days.
Let's see how many votes Trump has first before we
tell you what the final vote tally is. Ah, it's
not gonna be good. It's not gonna be good. A

little bit, a little bit of a problem here though,
is I mentioned Trump and where his messaging stands? Here
is Trump right now on this campaign play it. This
is the final battle. With you at my side, we
will demolish the deep state.

Speaker 3 (30:29):
We will expel the warmongers from our government.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
We will drive out.

Speaker 4 (30:33):
The global List, We will cast out the communists, Marxists,
and fashionists.

Speaker 1 (30:37):
We will throw off the sick political class that hates
our country.

Speaker 4 (30:42):
We will route the fake news media.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
And we will liberate America from these villains once enter all. Remember,
we just witness an election with a massive seesaw effect
in the polls. Yes, know, they changed out candidates, but
perception can shift very rapidly. Look what happened to Biden

after that one debate. Kamala has agreed to debate Trump. Now,
Kamala doesn't have dementia. A lot of things you can
say about her, but there's no evidence that she has
dementia or senility or you know age old or you
know old age rather issues. Okay, to be fair, but
she is going to be pressed at least by Trump,

if not by the moderators, which I'm sure they'll go
very easy on her and try to box Trump in
at every occasion. But there's going to be moments for
Trump to hammer home that this person is Kamala Harris
is a fraud, is a political chameleon. You know, it's funny.
I just saw this Byron York piece Washington Examiner. Byron's

a very good writer, and it's no Kamala Harris cannot
flip the script on the border. A candidate with an
endelab record on an issue can't just push a button
and purport to be the opposite. Some scripts can't be flipped.
That's his headline for the piece he wrote up at
Washington Examiner. And I will just say, yeah, that's exactly right.

You can't just this would be like Bernie Sanders saying,
you know, I'm an unreconstructed ultra capitalist. I just think
whoever makes the money keeps the money. Then that's the
best way. You know, Bernie Sanders is not allowed to
just all of a sudden decide when he wants to

be elected. I know he's not in this race, but
you get what I'm saying. Oh yeah, I'm actually the
low tax, small government guy like you. Just can't do that.
And that's what Kamala was trying to do on the border.
She has been part of the worst administration ever on
this issue, with the most pro illegal immigration policies ever,

and now she's trying to tell you that she's strong
on the border. Trump will all this out. The media
is trying so hard. They want you to be afraid
because they're afraid. They're afraid Trump is going to win,
so they are trying to I guess you could say
the psychologists might call this projection. They're trying to convince

you that you are the one who should be afraid
because Kamala is so amazing. No, she's not, they know
she's not. In fact, you can go back. It's fun.
I was doing it last night just to sort of
see what I can come up with. Go back and
see all the commentary about how Kamala Harris was a.

Speaker 5 (33:38):
Drag on the Biden ticket, and so the guy who
couldn't even run for reelection all the way, the guy
who had to abort the mission midway through, was within
the last twelve months considered to be so much better
than Kamala that he should consider replacing Kamala because nobody.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
Likes her and she's bad at her job. And now
it's just whoop, snap of the fingers. Kamala Harris is amazing,
great on the border, very tough, very tough on the border.
Oh going to lower prices, Oh, going to help you
pay the bills and be so good for the commity.
I mean, who could believe this stuff? The people who

are voting for Kamala don't believe this stuff. They know,
as I've said, for them, it's you know, abortion, identity politics,
you know, fifth wave feminism or whatever it is, third
wave feminine, you know, whatever wave it is, third wave,
fifth wave. Who cares. It's a wave and it's bad. Okay,
it's a wave and it's bad for America. And I

think that this is the ultimate challenge they have is
that they're relying on mass delusion for her election. This
is a mass delusion election for Kamala Harris. If they
can succeed in manufacturing that delusion, they will be in
the place they need to be to win. That's it,

because if it's an election based on facts, logic, reason, records, truth,
she can't win. No way she can win. And either
you know, she'll get she'll get beaten resoundingly. But we've
gone through crazy times as a country. And what COVID
reminded me of was, or maybe taught me in a

way that I had never even experienced before, was it
massed illusion is a very real thing in America that
you can get people to embrace with religious fervor, irrational
policy and government mandated lies. And now they're trying to,
in a sense, run that same playbook to get Kamala
in office. They're telling us things about her that we

all know to be untrue, and they don't care, and
they're just going to keep saying them. They're gas lighting
three hundred and fifty million people, and they're doing so
thinking that they're the good guys. Now back to the
Trump side of things, I do we need to get
You know, Trump's going to be hitting more rallies. Trump's
going to be out there. He's going to be tonight

on x the platform formerly known as Twitter, which Elon
Musk has bought, and I think is one of the
most important advantages that we have now versus twenty twenty,
the fact that there is a free and open information

platform for the truth. Think about all the clips of
Kamala Harris's past comments and everything else, and there's so
much And you have to remember it's not just oh,
they're not banning it, they're not shadow banning it. So
a lot of things that we believe, oh the old Twitter,
let us say this or that, Yeah, but nobody saw it.

So did it really get said? Did it really make
any difference? Were you? If you're on X And by
the way, I hope if you follow politics. I really
think X's is a great resource, and I hope you're
on it, and I hope you follow me and you
follow Clay and it's a it's a really useful tool
if you're into politics and current events. I'm just gonna

say it more so than you know. I mean, there's
a Clay and buck app is fabulous, but the other
news sites out there, X is I think the single
most vialuable news gathering tool that exists right now. So
if once you get using it. But anyway, Donald Trump
is going to be on X tonight with Elon musk
At at eight o'clock. We need more of this. We

need more of Trump on a big platform. Look, truth
social is great, but that's you know. I'm on truth.
I posted on truth but truth is is Magaville right
or Nagaville? Do we ever get an I need to
ask the big guy. I've never asked him this. Do
we go Naga or Maga? Which do we You know?

You yell at me, I'm you out there, yell at me?
Whichever way I say, there are people who say I
should say it the other way. So I need to
get a I need to get a from the top,
from the big guy himself. I need to ask Trump
which one he prefers. He'll probably say whatever, who cares
say it however you want. At least then will know.

At least then we'll have a ruling from on high.
But we need Trump to be able to take the
message directly to the people and go around the filter
of the media. That is what he did successfully in
twenty sixteen using Twitter, before he was considered a true
political threat. They thought he was a clown. So did CNN,
so did all the They thought, oh, isn't this great.

The more people see of Trump, the more Hillary's gonna win. Well,
they were wrong. Then they changed that in twenty twenty, right,
they learned the lesson. They weren't fighting the last war,
they were fighting the war of twenty twenty for political office.
And then this time around it has shifted back where
we can actually have a an open and honest discussion
about both what Trump brings to the table and the

lies that are being told about Kamala hair So I
think this is is very significant and look at the
look at the the Tim Walls controversies already, how they've
been talking about Tim Walls well in a range of things,
the support of putting tampons in boys' bathrooms. As a politician,
think about that. What a weirdo. Honestly, he's the one

that's trying to call jd Vance and Trump weird, Like,
what exactly is weird about jd Vance? He's an incredible
success story, all self made. And I really do believe
that there's an effort on the left to if you
are a self if you are a self made success,
particularly as a white male in this country today, you
are to be undermined and and constantly, you know, shoved

out of the spotlight. You know, we don't want to
hear about that. You didn't build that, right, You weren't.
You weren't responsible. It took a village, it takes everyone.
It's a collective project, right, And that's a lie. Jd.
Vance did build it, so to speak, He built his career.
He built his success through talent and hard work and perseverance.

Perseverance probably the most important trade a person can have
in their success over their lifetime, and one of the
ones that gets talked about the least, you know, psychological endurance, perseverance,
stick toitiveness, however you want to call it, resilience. That's
what really matters. People talk so much about talent. Talent's

a gift. Talent's great, But you gotta work hard, Okay,
hard work. A lot of people work hard though. I
always say this, you know, talk to somebody who's digging
ditches by the side of the road. Do you work hard? Yeah?
Does he get paid on?

Speaker 4 (40:50):

Speaker 1 (40:51):
And so hard work is not a pathway necessarily to
success either. But if you add talent, hard work, and perseverance, resilience, persistence,
then you've really got something. And Jadvance, I think exemplifies that.
And I think Jadvance exemplifies that no matter what skin

color you are, no matter what gender, male or female
you are, that he is the promise of the American dream.
And that's not the American dream that the Democrats want
to promote. It's not about what you do that's exceptional
and that you overcome. It's where do you fit within
the system, what category do you fall into, and what

does the machine choose to elevate you to, you know,
kind of like Kamala Harris. There's very distinct visions of
the American future that are on display in this election, right,
very different futures for America. Do we have a future

where the American dream is you can be a successful
as you can as your talents and will and grit
will take you. Or some people have to suffer, some
people have to lose opportunities because of historical injustice, or
they have to step aside now to make way for
glass ceilings to be shattered or whatever. That's when you

get into that Marxist stuff that's at stake at this election.
In this election as well, very much so, it's actually
in the forefront. And as you know, I was talking
about how Kamala Harris is an abortion extremists, no question
about that. She's never moderated or changed on that position.
She believes an abortion all nine months of her pregnancy
for any reason whatsoever. So that extremism and that evil

is out there. And when a woman experiences an unplanned
pregnancy so many times they're going to have that feeling
of being alone and also the pressure around them societal pressure,
maybe even friend and family pressure. Oh you don't need
to take this on. You should just make the choice
to end that life. That's where the Preborn Network of
clinics come in. The Preborn Network is compassionate for moms

to be and provides them with the care and support
they need. And so often when they get that first
ultrasound experience, that's all that's needed for mom to say,
you know what, I'm going to give this baby life.
It's not uncommon to hear comments like this one quote.
I got to hear and see my baby for the
first time. Hearing that heartbeat made me cry, and I

was certain then that I was going to keep my
baby forever. I met some of the moms who went
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clinics and it's incredible. It's like you're just you're witnessing
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life is being supported. But this is only possible because
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Speaker 2 (44:16):
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Speaker 1 (44:34):
All right, welcome back in so you want to remind you,
I'm wearing the T shirt right now for Cracket Coffee,
the best coffee anywhere. It's absolutely delicious. Good to Cracketcoffee
dot com partnership with Tunnel the Towers Foundation. Why should
you do in crocket coffee? It tastes better. It's a
company that you are building. We're gonna be doing far
more than just the standard coffee products. You know, new

stuff launching soon. Gear and our gear is gonna be awesome.
I mean you're gonna see be wearing all the time.
It's gonna be super cool, comfortable, and then other products too.
So it's a company that you are building. And also
ten percent of the profits goes to the Tunnel to
Towers Foundation, which is of course an amazing, amazing organization
doing such critical work. So yeah, that's why. Or you

can just keep on drinking that like communists will. That
comes from wherever some faceless, nameless corporation probably hates your
values and they're like, you know, hey, like maybe you
can get Oh wait, I forgot I was gonna say,
maybe you can get your eighth shot. You know that
Fauci made an appearance recently to let everybody know. In
case you're really worried, doctor Fauci. Here he is everyone.

You thought he was gone, just counting his millions in
Farma stock proceeds and all the rest, and no. Instead,
here he is telling you that after getting six six
count them shots for COVID, sure enough, Fauci has COVID

play it. I got infected about two weeks ago. It
was my third infection, and I had been vaccinated and
boosted a total of six times. It's insane, you know.
The sixth time it was a little better than the fifth.
The fourth. I gotta say, I feel like they deviated

from the script and I wasn't as involved with the characters,
if you will. But the sixth episode of my vaccination,
I really thought they nailed it. And but I got COVID. Anyway,
what this guy, I swear the fouch he's out there still,

you know. Really, I just wish he would have taken
the virus more seriously and gotten shots number seven and eight.
Otherwise he might have been able to avoid the sniffle
that he had for several days. He had a sniffle,
That's what I'm told. Yeah, and let me tell you

I had a sniffle. I mean, I just had COVID.
Oh no, oh no, I didn't test for it. So
whatever VIP email from George. Let's mention more often the
people need to get out and vote, because that is
the most important support there is. Without the votes, all
the other effort is for not George. I just did it.
So there you go. Yes, all of you, you must vote.

You must vote. We you know, Clay hits that a lot.
You know, Clay likes to rally the rally the troops
and get get everyone focused and fired up to make
sure you're going to vote. And also that person, you know,
someone you know, someone who would vote for Trump if
they were to vote. But you know, I don't know,
and I got a little you know, and I got

to go into the thing or I got to go
to the place I got a register or whatever. If
you get that one friend to say, look, man, you
gotta you gotta do this one. You got to vote
this time. It can make all, it can make all
the difference. And when you're when you're talking about what
ten thousand, fifteen thousand votes being the difference in an

election like Georgia or Michigan or there are millions of
people who listen to this show. Millions, So how many
of you actually need to in some of those states.
Make sure you get out and vote and encourage other
you know, citizens, lawful voters to get out there and
do the same. Not that many of you, So you know,

I'm I'm just saying that the VIP emailer has a
good point. Let's see Mike in Ohio. What's going on, Mike.

Speaker 4 (48:41):
Bog Thanks for taking my call. Love listening to you guys.
You guys are a wealth of information. I just want
to say to people, if you don't know the school
that these people come from, the Democrats that are in
power now, you need to realize Obama, the last of
the last, from just leaning a little bit left. I

would say I'd give Bill Clinton a little bit of
I give him a little bit of credit that he
was a little more willing to reach across the aisle.
These people come from the school of Olenski, and they're
being very good about brainwashing the public with the propaganda
wim the main media, and what people don't seem to

realize is they can turt and twist facts, and right
now they've made somebody that has not accomplished much of anything,
and in fact, the very voter constituency that she's going
after did a lot to hurt them when she was
in any power, and they need to realize that they

are doing exactly what Olenski would.

Speaker 1 (49:51):
Say is, yeah, what you do, you.

Speaker 4 (49:54):
Lie, and you lie until it becomes truth.

Speaker 1 (49:58):
Rules for Radicals is really the modern Democrat playbook, which
reminds me of my friend Glenn Beck and the guy
who gave me my started media. He's going to be
with us tomorrow, somebody who's probably done more than anybody
else in the whole country to make everyone aware of
the Olinsky Playbook and Rules for Radicals. So we'll talk

to Glenn Beck tomorrow about that and more. Make sure
you join us

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