All Episodes

August 13, 2024 58 mins
An important shift in the media. WI U.S. Senate candidate, Eric Hovde. Trump's gonna win. Glenn Beck on Chasing Embers.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome everybody. Tuesday edition of The Clay Travis en Buck
Sexton Show kicks off right now. We are racked, stacked
and packed, my friends. Glenn back to the Man himself
will be joining us second hour, talk to us about
everything going on, and he has quite an eye for
the future as well, so we'll ask him where things

are going. We've also got Eric Hovedy running for that
critical seat in Wisconsin, that Senate battle. He'll be joining
us third hour. Can he defeat Tammy Baldwin. That would
be a gut punch for Senate Democrats. We are certainly
hoping he can pull that one off in the Badger State.
Would also be a great indicator of how things are

going for Trump in that state, if he's able to
even out with longtime incumbent to Tammy in the poll.
So we've got two phenomenal guests and a lot of
things to dive into today. As you know, we are
just is it eighty three days now? The math is
going to escape me, but something like that eighty plus

days from election day, early voting starting in a matter
of weeks, not months, we are in the thick of it.
Usually August is a time when you know, you can
sort of just sit around and just talk about whatever,
and there's not a lot of news. There's a lot
of news right now. A lot of things are happening.
First off, the Elon factor, the Elon phenomenon. I like

Elon phenomenon better. I think that came into view last
night with the sit down that Donald Trump did with
Elon Musk on X. I'm gonna dive into that. The
media's controversial, Well, that's not even controversial because we expect it, right,
I guess the media is absurd, absurd thrown shining for

Biden and for Kamala and for the Democrats doing everything
that can and to make this administration look like something
less of a disaster than it is. The Kamala campaign
has put out a response to the Elon Trump sit down.
So let me dive into that. Let me get into

that first and foremost, because one of the things that
I've been saying to you that factors into my optimism
for Trump and the Republicans in this election is that
we learned some lessons in twenty twenty and some things
have changed. Notably, twenty twenty was the absolute high water

mark of online digital censorship. Of online authoritarianism, particularly with
the dominant social media platforms, which when it comes to news,
are the single, you know, decider of what is in
the news cycle. I mean, the social media platforms are

pushing more information out there by far than what you
can get from any one of these other news websites
that have been around, or these newspapers. Even some people
still read. The newspaper has been around for a long time.
So we have Elon buying Twitter. It is no longer

one of the authoritarian tools of the Democrat Party and
of the left. It is a free speech platform, or
a platform at least that adheres to the principles of
free speech. And Trump sat down with him. Now, there
were some tech issues to get it started, and that
is unfortunate. It took a little while to get going.
But when you have that many people that want to

hear a conversation, the technology can be stressed a little bit.
And if anyone's going to get that fixed, I'm sure
it is Elon himself. He has since put out that
the discussion with him and Trump in terms of view
who is at the billion mark? A billion with a B.

This was a conversation A lot of people wanted to hear.
It wasn't a formal interview. And by the way, I
like that Elon set it up this way. I like
that Elon said, I just want to talk to Donald
Trump as a person about things that matter. I'm not
here pretending to be a journalist. I'm not here pretending

that I have some pseudo objective approach to getting the
information that's honesty. Well, I'm just gonna talk to this
guy about I'm gonna share my opinions, He's gonna share
his opinions. We're having a conversation essentially like a podcast
on X in real time, and there's some very interesting
things that were said. I'm gonna dive into some of

those here. Of course, as this is happening, the toadies
of the Walls of the Harris Walls campaign in immediately
started attacking this. They started saying, you know, this is
like an in kind donation to the Trump campaign from Elon.
Guess what Elon has already said, Kamala Harris is welcome,

welcome to get on this platform, and he will host
a spaces with her as well, which is a live conversation.
It's like a stream on X that I even can
listen into I'm telling you. I mean, X is for
social media platforms, the future of news and communication. I
think so. I've been a believer in it all along.

I know there have been some challenges Elon has taken
along the way, but he's the only man on the
planet who was going to do this, and it has
had an enormous positive effect in online communication and also
in American politics specifically because they had a stranglehold on us.
I mean, yeah, this show, Talk Radio, Fox News. There

are a number of platforms, but if you add all
the liberal media platforms out there, the news shows and
everything else, CBS, ABCNBC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, LA Times,
Washington Post, you add all this up, and then you
add to it Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter. We were just

completely outgunned. We're still a little outgunned, pretty utgunned, but
at least we can fight back in one place online.
It is very important. A lot of people believe that
if Twitter and Facebook had not suppressed the Hunter Biden
laptop story, because it was so gross and showed just

the the sliminess of the Biden family at a time
when Biden was promising to restore decency and unity to
the White House. It might have cost them the election.
You can't convince me that it wouldn't have swayed ten
thousand votes here, fifteen thousand votes there if that story
had gotten the coverage that it deserved, which was of

Biden family influence peddling to US adversaries and enemies. That
was the real story that they were able to suppress
when they had full control of Twitter. But Elon has
changed all that. Will Kamala Harris sit down with Elon Musk?
The answer is no, she will not do it. And

I would say that she's a coward, but that's actually
not the right word. It's not that Kamala isn't brave
enough to do this. Honestly, she is not dumb enough
to show everyone how dumb she really is. And so
that's where this that's where this all comes together. She
knows she has to hide from the American people as

much as she possibly can. She has to hide her
absolutely absurd policy ideas of the past, which the media
now says, oh, she doesn't believe that anymore, Well why,
and says who? Kamala doesn't seem to address these things.
It's just spokespersons talking through the filter of the media.
Oh yeah, no, the you can't attack her on that
anymore because she doesn't believe that, If you will believe

the media right now, Kamala doesn't believe anything on policy
that she said four years ago that is of particular
interest to the middle of the electorate. Now, isn't that
so interesting? Anything that could be problematic for her to
fool people is suddenly just cast aside. You say, wait,

but she said it, then what does she say now
doesn't matter. They simply do not care. But I would
also tell you Elon Musk is interesting to me, not
just an interesting is not even nearly a powerful enough word.
He is momentous enough. I've told you that Trump is
a figure of destiny. Now Elon Musk is also a

figure of destiny. Now at this point in humanity and
in the history of our species, what he is doing
technologically is changing the world, and he deserves tremendous credit
for that. He is the richest or second richest, depending
on the stock price man in the world, self made
to get there as well. It's not like he inherited,

you know, the Carnegie or Rockefeller fortune or something. Back
in the day. He's the richest man in the world,
self made. But also he is so dangerous to the
left because he comes from a perspective back of having
been truly red pilled, of having seen the light, having

been far more open to and favorable to the ideology
of the left. But then reality hit. And in this specifically,
I am reminded of a few moments from Elon's past.
I mean, for one thing, this was back in twenty
twenty one on the Babylon Bee, which does great work

Babylon be podcast. He sat down with Seth Dylan and
he gave one This is I think one of the
most important quotes he's ever said, and it of course
aligns so much with Trump and trump Ism and the
Maga movement. This is what Elon said about the ideology
of the left, which is wokeness in shorthand play clip this.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
Is cut two like wokeness basically wants to make comedy illegal,
which is not cool. At its heart, a wokness is divisive, exclusionary,
and hateful. It basically gives mean people a shield to
be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue.

Speaker 1 (10:41):
It gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel,
armored in false virtue. Doesn't that remind you of every
leftist you know who just says and believes all these things,
and it is nasty. Is nasty celebrates when people who
disagree than politically have bad things happen to them. Celebrates.

I mean there, you know, there there were some popular
leftists and I almost hesitate to bring this up on
the air because it's so grotesque, but I do think
you need to know about this. I will not name
them because I don't want to give them but there
was a prominent YouTuber who not only was celebrating the
assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but was on video laughing

about the Trump supporter who was killed, and was pressed
on this and kept going and saying, yeah, that's what
people deserve, that's what people who support Donald Trump deserve.
I mean, it's horrific, evil, demonic stuff, demonic mindset, but
that's the woke mind virus. It takes over. It actually

strips you of your humanity and convinces you that you
are the most humane at the same time, it's very dangerous. Oh,
by the way, this is also communism, same thing, same
processes in the mind and Elon also blames rightly so

the progressive leftist ideology of the moment for the loss,
as he puts it, of his son. Now, I'll come
back and address that in a moment, but I think
that an Elon Trump or a Trump Elon alliance, which

was what was on display last night, and he says,
he clearly came out and said Donald Trump should win
this election. Kamala Harris and I'm going to get into
some of this. This is the stuff of Democrat nightmares,
and we need more of this. We need people who
are enormously successful and brilliant and formerly of a Democrat

or left of center mindset to come forward and just
say we have to reject this psychological cancer that is wokeism,
Democrat party dogma. It is Democrat Party dogmite. It's not
a fringe belief for the Democrat Party. And Harris and
Walls are all about it. They subscribe to the whole thing.

So we will get into some of this and more
on Elon here in just a moment. Also, if you
listen to the conversation last night, you want to weigh
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Speaker 3 (14:23):
Saving America one thought at a time. Clay Travis and
Buck Sexton. Find them on the free iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
Wisconsin Battleground Wisconsin. Is there a state that is more
important to the future of this country in terms of
the twenty twenty four election. You add the Senate race
into the mix, you can certainly make the case Wisconsin
is top of the heap. It's Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan. I
think in most people's reckoning. Well, we got a guy

joining right now who certainly knows how the fight is
going on the ground in the Badger State. Eric Hovedy
is with us now. He is successful businessman and a
lifelong wisconsinit who was running for Senate there against Tammy Baldwin,
the Democrat swamp machine creature. So tell us what's going on, Eric,

how's it looking for you in this Senate race and
in Wisconsin more generally for the election.

Speaker 4 (15:24):
Well, you're exactly right, Buck, you know, we're ground central.
Things are going well. Look, Wisconsin's the center right state
and like everybody else around the country, bidnomics has been
a disaster, which Senator Baldwin supported him, voted with him

literally ninety five point five percent.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
Of the time.

Speaker 4 (15:48):
You know, You've now got a perfect trifecta. You've got
Vice President Harris, who I think we all know is lacking,
but was voted the most extreme liberal senator in the
US Senate when she was there. Then we got the
governor of Minnesota, Tim Walt, who literally is the most

liberal governor in our country. And then we got Senator Baldwin,
who has voted the second most liberal senator. And you
know what, the policies that they've pushed through is destroying America.
Let's just be honest about that. The economic damage. Real
wages have gone down over the last three years by
two point two percent. We've never had a three year

period of time where real wages have gone down. They
opened our southern border, Our state has been impacted like
every other state, fentanyl crisis, crime issues, impacting the access
to healthcare and housing. You could go on with the
litany of problems that they brought, and then you look
at their policies and their morals. They all support boys

competing in girls sports, they all support men going into
females bathrooms, and they all support transgendering our children. It's insanity,
Senator Baldwin, Just so all your viewers and listeners understand
how extreme she is. She gave our taxpayer money in
an earmark to a clinic here in Madison, Wisconsin that

affirms kids and helps them go through the transgender process
without telling their parents. Now, think of that one. It's
the same nonsense that Senator Governor Walt where he signed
that bill. If parents don't agree with their children going
through that transgender process, that they can be taken away
from them. So you got a perfect trifecta of just

crazy ass liberals. But I think the good people of
Wisconsin are going to figure this out.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
I certainly hope so. But you know, you also can
shed some particular light on the realities of the Governor
Tim Walls administration. A friend of mine, Ryan Krudusky, on
the show earlier in the week and he talked about
how there have been now the population of Minnesota, population

Wisconsin is not that you know, that's kind of a
medium sized state. He said, there have been tens of
thousands of Minnesotans who have just said I'm done with
Minnesota and fled to your state, Wisconsin because of what
Walls has done. What can you tell us about this
that's true?

Speaker 4 (18:26):
And if you talk to Congressman Tom Tiffany, whose district
is up there in the northwest that buttresses Minnesota. He
talks endlessly about that it's no different than what's happening
in Montana and Idaho and places like that, where Californians
are saying, this is just insane. I'm getting out, I
can't take it anymore. Well, look at what Governor Waltz did.

I mean, the BLM movement. They've destroyed Minneapolis. Downtown Minneapolis
is a ghost town to what it used to be.
The crazy policies. They passed an abortion bill that literally
allows a baby to be killed up into the point
of delivery, just like California. Did you know you wouldn't

think this craziness would be happening in Minnesota. But you
know that's how extreme this guy is, and he's right
over our border. But he fits with Senator Baldwin. She
supports all the same crazy stuff. So yeah, I don't
think it helped them in the state of Wisconsin by
picking him as the VP. Harris herself in the state

of Wisconsin without question.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
We're talking to Eric Hovedy. He's running against Tammy Baldwin
in Wisconsin, and it's funny Tammy Baldwin and Eric We've
discussed this before, but she really exemplifies that Democrat machine
politician who speaks with a Midwestern accent but votes with
a Pelosi communist flair. You know what I mean. She's

somebody who goes along. She's all, she's one of the Wisconsinates,
but then she goes along with what the coastal elites
of the Democrat Party want ninety five percent of the time.
Let's speak about the border issue, though, because this is
I think a major vulnerability for Democrats nationwide, including Tammy Baldwin.
It's top of the list of concerns, right behind the economy,

which you touched on a little bit already. How does
the border crisis, because you know, we're not really worried
that much about what's going on to the north with Canada,
We're really thinking about the southern border. How does that
affect the situation of wisconsinates.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
In all ways? I call it a rotten onion. Now
why do I call it an onion? Because there's many layers.
So when you bring in anywhere from a minimum of
ten million to as high as sixteen million illegal immigrants,
when our state is already struggling with providing affordable housing
and access and affordable healthcare. Now you've just compounded that

problem by bringing all these people in. They dumped a
thousand people on a little town called Whitewater of about
twelve thousand people, and immediately it really caused problems with schooling,
access to healthcare, and housing. The second issue is crime.
Win an illegal immigrant kill his own two children here
two weeks ago in the state. But there's crime problems

popping up all over. National media is not touching it
anymore because they know what causes blowback for the Democrats.
But probably the biggest issue is the fentanyl crisis. Our
state has been hammered by that like every other place.
The amount of young people that have been poisoned by
this drug that gets created and China sent to the
drug cartels in Mexico and brought up over our southern border,

and they have done nothing about it. So, yeah, Senator Baldwin,
you're exactly right, rubber stamp for the left. She's a
complete hypocrite, says she's against Wall Street, and yet she's
sleeping with Wall Street. Her partner who's a wealth manager
to the uber wealthy and equity set. She spends all

her time in New York and DC raises her money
out of California New York, and she's just a rubber
stamp and a complete hypocrite. Tries to run back in
our stata as kind of this moderate but you know,
trying to act like a chameleon. But she's far from it.
But the border is, without question the second biggest issue
after the economy.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
What kind of money are the Democrats pouring into this
Senate race because they know, I mean, this is if
you can take down Baldwin, that's a huge win for
the Republicans. They've got to be aware of what the
stakes are. Certainly whenever comes to power and holding on
to it, Democrats are very focused. What kind of money
is going into this? What kind of national media and

local media buys are you seeing? I mean, I just
want to give everyone a sense of how much of
a focus your race in Wisconsin is getting, even far
beyond the boundaries of your state.

Speaker 4 (22:56):
Well, it tells you I'm over the target because I
is the very first Republican Senate candidate to be hit
by Chuck Schumer, and they've spent more money on me
than any Republican candidate now Bernie Marino in Ohio. They
may have caught up at this point, but up to
three weeks ago, they had spent more money attacking me

than any place else. You turn on the television, all
it is is one made up lie, mischaracterization. I can't
even go on with the nonsense that they have spread.
You know, I'm fighting hard. I've made a big investment
in my campaign, but I need help. I'll be honest
with you, everybody out there listening. If you want to

not only change the Senate and swap out a extreme
leftist socialist senator with somebody who's a conservative business person
who loves his country because I'm very patriotic, then please
some money this way, and if I do well, I
can help President Trump like he can help me. So

go to Eric E. R C HUBD H O VD
dot com.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
What is the single just one last one for you here, Eric,
the single piece of legislation that would do that would
have an economic impact that you hope you'll be a
part of passing in President Trump. I know, assuming we
have the House too, But let's say we have the House,
we have the Senate, we have President Trump. In four
more years. What's the first piece of legislation you would

want him to sign so that the economy gets back
to what we were used to before the Biden Harris disaster.

Speaker 4 (24:39):
Well, from an economic standpoint, look the two big things
that have to get done, and there's two. Number one
is we got to extend the tax cuts for the
small and medium sized businesses because they're going to shoot
way up and it puts them at a competitive disadvantage
against the big giant corporations, and we want to leave
that money in the private sector. The other issue is
we need a big regulatory push. Businesses are being choked

to death by regulation and that plays a role in
creating inflation with all the money that they've spent and
money printing the Federal Reserve has done. So we've got
to stop the crazy spending and then we've got to
deregulate the economy to get our economic growth really booming.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
Go to Eric Huvedy dot com h O v d
E if you want to help out. This is a
very important Senate race, and Eric, we're gonna be watching
it closely. We'll talk to you more, and we're gona
come out and visit you actually in a Madison do
an event out there, Clay and I will, So we're
looking forward to that. And uh, you got to beat
Tammy Baldwin Man and the Badgers have to win that
football game.

Speaker 4 (25:44):
It's gonna be a blast. We're gonna have a lot
of fun, uh the night before doing your Your, Your
Your show and then going to the Alabama Wisconsin game.

Speaker 1 (25:55):

Speaker 4 (25:55):
So we're gonna have a blast at Camp Randall and
probably tip a few drinks a law with it. So
sounds fun and I hope all your listeners and viewers
have a wonderful day.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
Thanks so much, Eric, Good luck to you. We'll talk
to you soon. We'll see you soon. Thank you again.
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Speaker 3 (28:05):
Patriots radio hosts a couple of regular guys, Clay Travis
and Buck Sexton. Find them on the free iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
All right, welcome back in here, team, great conversation with
we would be should be Senator Hufdy. We're hoping he'll
be Senator Hufby. He is Eric Hufdy, successful businessman and
patriot now but if wisconsinits turn out and do the
right thing, he will be joining our buddy Ron John,
one of our favorite senators on the on the Republican side.

So we're really hoping that those of you who are
listening in the Badger state get it done. Show up.
And that is is such a critical, such a critical state,
it must be kind of fun at some level. I've
thought about this before. It must be fun to be
voting in a state where you know that every vote counts.

I would have had that in Florida if I had
lived in Florida many years ago. Now, thanks to Governor
Ron De Santis, Florida is solidly read. But in a
place like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, even you know, Georgia, we
can't sleep on Georgia, we can't sleep on Nevada. These
are states where it really really matters. Every vote's going

to count. But I think that you know, Wisconsin's going
to get a particular influx of well certainly of massive
media buys and political attention. But I just feel like
the electricity there in the air is going to be
very palpable as election day approaches, because it's gonna make

a big difference not just for the presidential election, but
also for the control of the Senate, which is we
know is critical. Meanwhile, you might be wondering, well, given
Wisconsin is such a critical state and there are other
states that are up for grabs within the margin of
error right now according to polling. And also I don't

want to get obsessed with the polling between now and
the election, because you know what, It's going to be
a close race and Trump's going to win as long
as he focuses. So that's all there is to really,
I don't want to get into this all. But it's
up one point, down one point. You know, I'm not
trying to give you give you a heart palpitations over

here or something. We're not trying to drive up the
stress level for our side. Unnecessarily. Trump's going to win
as long as he stays focused, calm, cool and collected.
And there's also this I think desire to parse the
polling down to percentiles where it's just not even mathematically theoretically,

mathematically possible to have a real answer. This is why
they have a margin of error, right, And if you're
just looking at swings within the margin of error, this
race is back to twenty twenty territory in a sense.
This is now a Democrat against Trump Biden because of
the dementia turned in after the debate. It turned into,
oh my gosh, we can't fool any swing voters, so

we got a bail on this guy the palace coup, right,
But now they're back to Okay, this is a standard
issue Democrat race for them. But there's something that's a
little bit funky about the whole situation. Right on the
one hand, they're running a generic Democrat campaign. But you
would think that that would involve the usual interviews, sitting

down with friendly news outlets, right, that's what we would
expect if this was generic Democrat and just filling the
blank with anyone other than Kamala Harris. Who was you know?

Speaker 5 (31:46):
This was Gavin Newsom. Gavin Newsom just looking so handsome.
He's got a shirt unbuttoned. I don't know, maybe four
buttons down. Maybe he wants to give the ladies in
the Midwest something to think about.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
You know that this is a true this is true.
That was a joke, but this is true. Well that
was also true. But Gavin's photographer that follows him around
as the governor of California is a celebrity photographer who
gets paid two hundred thousand dollars by the state of California,
known for photographing celebrities. Now is just.

Speaker 5 (32:17):
Following handsome Gavin around. Let's make sure the wind blows
through his hair just the right way. A little bit
of salt spray perhaps in the background. Who needs fabio
on the cover of your book at the grocery store
when you can have Gavin Newsom?

Speaker 1 (32:33):
Anyway, if it were Gavin Newsom, for any other Democrat,
Gratchen Whitmer, Cory Booker, you know, any Democrat you can
think of who's at that national level of some prominence,
there'd be a lot of interviews, right, There'd be a
lot of stuff going on, there'd be a lot of
conversation about happening in front of people. But with Kamala Harris,

you can't make this stuff up. All right, this is real.
She's on the cover of Time magazine and they've given
her an iconic, intentionally iconic portrait, really trying to be
I think evocative of the iconic Obama portrait that we're
all so very familiar with that was really one of

the most important tools of visual propaganda of the Obama era.
They've done this for Time magazine, which is still run
by communists. I mean, Time magazine is insane, and the
title on the bottom of the page it's really all
abou Kamala. The title in the bottom of the page
is her moment. But there's one thing about it that

you want to be aware of. Time Magazine is doing
a glowing portrait, a literal portrait on the cover, and
then a portrait in words of Kamala Harris as their
main story this month, doing everything they can to help her.
And then there's the quote her campaign denied a request

for an interview for this story. Huh, Hold on a second.
You're on the cover of Time magazine, which is run
by Democrats. Is a you know, and all I don't
even ever thinks about with Time magazine is what's on
the cover, right, Nobody actually reads that thing. So the
cover is everything for Time magazine. That is the value, right,

And they're not willing to have her sit down and
talk for the portrait that's supposed What is that all about?
When you can't even as a presidential nominee, when you
can't even do the super friendly media outlets, when they're
trying their absolute hardest to elevate you way beyond what sanity,

truth and reality would What is that telling the American voter? Right?
How is it possible that they could come away from
this thinking anything? Then this whole thing is a fraud.
The Kamala campaign is effectively one big lie. First there

was the bait and switch of running a campaign and
then just deciding you had a primary, okay, and then
the machinery of the Democrat party. After the Biden debate,
Biden wins the primary. No one else even really runs.
There was like, I can't remember that guy's name and
I work in politics. The guy who ran against him,
he showed he had events where nobody actually nobody showed up. Hey,

please clap, And then you have, all of a sudden,
the Democrat machinery decide that it will be Kamala Harris
and not Joe Biden. Democrat voters didn't make this decision.
In fact, Democrat voters resoundingly rejected Kamala Harris back in
twenty twenty. There's no question about that. So what's this

all about? Why did it happen like this? Now? What's
the situation? And I think we are seeing it day
in and day out. In this way, she is being
hidden from the public, she is being effectively it's a

con right, I mean, this is a confidence game. This
is a con the whole thing, and the American voters
are the mark. This is Glenn Greenwald on this issue.
Who Glenn Greenwald a man of the left, but a
man who has principles from the you know, despite being
of the left, still has some principles about journalism, transparency, truth, consistency.

So if you have those principles, there are whole areas
of the Democrat canon you have to just completely a
free speech You cannot have those principles and be a Democrat.
You cannot adhere to principles of free speech, transparency, consistency,
that is, you know, applicable standards for both sides, or

the same standard for both sides. Greenwald writes the way
the US corporate media transformed Kamala Harris from a national
embarrassment to a transformative pioneer overnight without even pretending to
care about anything that she thinks or believes, is a
powerful testament to how potent the science of propaganda is.

That was him on X, that was Greenwald on X.
It's brilliant, It's absolutely true, and it is just so brazen.
It is so brazen. They didn't take a no name
democrat and construct this whole fable of her or his
great leadership and ready for the moment, right the cover
of Time magazine her moment. They took a democrat who

six months ago, three months ago, all of these Times
writers in the Washington Post and the Morning Joe and
I missed Morning Joe this morning, very sad. I was
doing other work, so you'll have to tell me how
it went. But all of them were saying Kamala Harris
was a was a really weak pick for Biden. She's incompetence,
she's unlikable, and her her, you know her. I remember

everyone was telling me this. They were saying, oh, it
can't be Kamala if it's not Joe. Remember I told
you and some of you remember I said, look, it's
if it's not Joe, it's one hundred percent Comma, there's
none of this like it's gonna be Michelle Obama. And
I was right about that. Biden took it down to
the one yard line and then couldn't get into the
end zone because of the debate. But they were telling
us the negatives about Kamala were so high that it

couldn't be her. And now they're saying, oh, no, she's
the she should be the president. It's great. Whatever will
keep their team in power, nothing else matters. They will
lie to you endlessly, even CNN. I mean, here's one
of the CNN anchors, and their job is to tell
Democrats what they want to hear, asking one of the

Kamala campaign spokespersons Adrian l robbed, what is Kamala Harris
doing today? She's only it's a Tuesday, She's only got
eighty three days to campaign. What's you up to today?
I want you to hear this answer. Play it. What's
on the vice president's schedule today while.

Speaker 6 (39:21):
She's traveling and talking to voters and getting her message
out there to the American people, something that she's been
doing from the very start of his campaign and something
that she certainly did when she was president. Biden's running
mate is vice president. But look, you just mentioned the
speech she's going to be giving.

Speaker 7 (39:34):
In I was asking about today, and I don't think
she's got any campaign events on the schedule today, does she.

Speaker 6 (39:41):
Well, she and Governor Walls have been traveling across the country.
They hit nearly every battleground state last week on the
campaign trail. They raised thirty six million dollars within the
first twenty four hours.

Speaker 1 (39:52):
I mean, it's like it's like her campaign. It's like
getting an AI response, it's like pressing a button on
a robot. Well, Governor Walls and Kamala harr I've been
traveling the country and doing all no. No, he asked
you a very straightforward question. But I can't blame miszel
Rod here because the answer is Kama Harris isn't doing
anything today because you know who's doing her campaign for her,

the media. They are the campaigners. She is so weak
that she has to outsource her campaign of falsehoods to
second and third parties out there, because guess what if
people start to see her and hear her and she

has to answer questions, They're gonna go, oh yeah. This
is why even Democrats have thought she's a disaster. Even
Democrats rejected the idea of her being in an elected
leadership position for the whole country in their primary. This

is why I I'm just gonna say it. You know
why I know Donald Trump is going to win this
election because if he doesn't, we're just not a serious country.
And I refuse to believe we're an unseerious country. You know,
I refuse to believe we are. It was one thing
with Biden Covid the BLM riots. Biden's been in the

game a long time. He Biden fooling people in that
moment was obviously wrong. But I can understand how it
happens if Kamala with the media carrying all the water
for her. If Kamala was able to fool the American
people and become president, we get what we deserve because
we're an unserious country. But I don't believe that we are.

And that is why I have full faith every day
I wake up, I have full faith that Donald Trump
is going to pull it out and win this election.
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Speaker 3 (43:22):
You know him as conservative radio hosts, Now just get
to know them as guys on this Sunday Hang podcast
with Clay and Fuck. Find it in their podcast feed
on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (43:36):
Welcome back to Clay and Buck, everybody. Glenn Beck joins
us now he has the phenomenal Glenn Beck program On
in the Mornings on radio and syndication across the country.
Blaze Media co founder many many times over New York
Times bestseller. His latest is actually his first young adult
fiction novel, Chasing Embers, which we'll get to in a second. Glenn,

always so fun to have you on. Thanks, thanks for joining. No,
it's great.

Speaker 8 (44:03):
Oh, it's always great.

Speaker 1 (44:05):
You're you're the best.

Speaker 8 (44:06):

Speaker 1 (44:06):
Man, I always tell them like this, guy, Glenn, you
saved me from business school. Man, you saved me from
being a Wall Street drone. I can't thank you enough.
You got to get the guy talent. He's like, you've
never written anything, You've never done you've never done media,
you've never done any of this before. I think you'd
be good. Let's hire you. So here we are, Glenn,
You're you're You're a man who can see the future.

Before we get into the book, can you just tell
me on talent. Yeah, you're a phenomenal talent Spotterer, But
tell me about what you thought about the Elon Trump
discussion last night. And I think that this is big,
not just the conversation, but the fact that people like
Elon are coming forward like this, and also that there's
no longer a total stranglehold of the left over all

the social media platforms.

Speaker 8 (44:56):
So I think there's a couple of things. First of all,
you're right about the stranglehold. However, they are doing everything
they can to shut him down. I mean, it's amazing.

Speaker 1 (45:05):
He was the hero.

Speaker 8 (45:06):
I mean, he's probably done more to save the planet
if you believe in, you know, global warming, He's single
handedly handedly have done more for the planet than anybody else.
But man, once he disagreed with any of their policies,
he is out. And the letter that came from the
EU and the question from the Washington Post reporter at

the White House, what can the White House do.

Speaker 1 (45:30):
To stop this?

Speaker 8 (45:31):
It's insanity and they are They're not going to stop.
I'm telling you, Buck, if if we don't win the
White House, I don't think we have a future talking
to the American people because things are going to change,
and they're going to change rapidly, rapidly. I thought his

endorsement at the end, I'm one of the few, I
guess that listened to all of it. I thought his
endorsement was incredible. And you know when he talked about
standing in line for six hours to shake Barack Obama's
hand and he's like, I'm not a I'm not a conservative.
You know, most people would say I'm middle of the road,
but I'd lean left. But this is too important. It

is the end of the road. And I hope people
hear that because it is terrifying some of the stuff
that is coming down right now. It is really spooky.
You were just talking about, you know how we're just
supposed to pretend that Kamala is okay. Look at the
propaganda that is going on right now, and it is

throughout the entire Western world. There's no place to run,
There's no place to go if we lose it here.
And you know, election, I think is going to decide that.

Speaker 1 (46:48):
I totally agree. You mentioned this. We actually have a SoundBite,
haven't played it yet, so I just wanted to let
you react to this. Glenn mentioned the in the White
House Press Corps, asking the White House Press Secretary a
Wash Post journals like, hey, can you guys like shut
down that Elon X thing. We're not making this up, folks,
this is cut for play it. Elon Muskus slated to

interview Donald Trump tomorrow tonight.

Speaker 4 (47:12):
On on X.

Speaker 7 (47:13):
I don't know if the president is going to go
free to say if he is or not.

Speaker 1 (47:17):
But I think that.

Speaker 7 (47:21):
Misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue, it's
a you know, it's an America issue. What role does
the White House or the President have in sort of
stopping that, or stopping the spread of that, or sort
of inter intervening.

Speaker 5 (47:38):
SPA Some of that was about campaign thiss.

Speaker 1 (47:39):
Information, but you know, Okay, let's stop right there, Glenn.
It's it's jaw dropping, but I want to I want
your reaction to this. The first thing that I think
about is, well, yeah, but this is what the Biden
administration does. So him asking the question isn't isn't as
crazy as it seems because they got away with it
the last time.

Speaker 8 (47:57):
No, I gotta tell you, we are the ones out
of step now in America. We believe in the First
Amendment for everybody. I've never wanted to shut any voice down,
even Lewis Ferrikhon, who I think is despicable. He has
a right to say it. He has a right to
be there. You cannot have a free society if you're

not allowed to hear other opinions. And I mean, if
you don't think that they won't try to kill these
people that they disagree with. Look at what they're doing.
Look at what Europe did yesterday. They sent Elon Mosk
a threatening letter saying you better watch yourself tonight with
Donald Trump. I've never seen this before. This is nineteen

eighty four V for Vendetta kind of stuff, and it's
coming fast. We no longer have a we no longer
have sovereignty in our countries. They're all moving exactly the
same way. The press all over the world is acting
the same way. This is a new global mission. And

you know the reason why they're they're going after Donald
Trump and Elon Musk so hard is they are standing
in the way of us, and they just they just
want us to do what they tell us to do.
And if Donald Trump gets in, it's over for them

because he knows now what's going on. He knows. I mean, buck,
I've never I'm approaching my fiftieth year in broadcast. I've
seen a lot. I've never seen this, and it is
becoming frightening.

Speaker 1 (49:43):
I've never felt like I would fear for the future
of the country, and not in like a lib hysterical way.
I'm not going to start shrieking at the sky like
a lunatic. But but to be legitimately concerned about what
the country has become. You know, I've always felt like
we can rebound. There's another you know, we've got another
bite at the apple, another chance to set things right.

But Glenn, I really do feel like if they can
make Kamala Harris president with a ninety day sham process
of just picking her and lying about her and changing
her whole record, they can make anybody president. So really,
what's the point anymore? I don't know. I started to
get very negative feeling about it. So that's why I'm like, well,
Trump has.

Speaker 8 (50:26):
To Well I will tell you that everyone has to
go out to the polls and vote.

Speaker 1 (50:31):
I mean, this is.

Speaker 8 (50:34):
This is imperative, this is it. I really believe, Buck,
that this is the last election under a constitutional America
that we understand. If they win, it's going to change
and change forever. And it's true, you lose it here,
where are you going to run? Look at what's happening

in Europe Without a United States. We are a different world.
And I mean the way they're throwing people in jail.

Speaker 1 (51:04):
In England is astounding.

Speaker 8 (51:08):
I Mean, we've always kind of understood that we had
freedom of speech and we had the First Amendment, and
so it set us apart. But you know, you could
say things in Canada, you could say things in England.

Speaker 1 (51:18):
Not anymore.

Speaker 8 (51:20):
And the fact that England would say yesterday that it
doesn't matter where you're originating your misinformation. If you are
found being a purveyor of misinformation, no matter where you
are on Earth, they will put you in jail. That's
a quote from the officials in England.

Speaker 1 (51:43):
What can I tell you something scary, Glenn, and I
was just talking to friends about this. I do not
say what you will about China and Russia, and I
say a lot. There's a lot of bad stuff going on.
They will not hand over one of their nationals to
another country. They just won't do it right. You can say, oh,
I want that this Chinese guy stole you know, espionage
stuff from us. The Chinese will not hand him over.

I would not trust a Kamala Harris administration to stand
for the First Amendment and you will use an extraditional
request from Great Britain over this stuff. I would not
trust them. Yeah they would, Yeah, they would trust They
would turn you over. They turn me over. They turn
any American over. I mean, this is this is where
we're at now.

Speaker 8 (52:25):
This is no longer. I mean I've been talking about
this stuff, you know, Buck for twenty years and it's
always been okay. But these things have to happen, and
maybe they won't happen. We're there, We're there now. Uh,
this is the moment of choosing and you can't give up.
And you can't give up on the youth. I mean,
you know, the the the ones that are coming up

are more conservative than their parents.

Speaker 1 (52:51):
It is. It's not a miss.

Speaker 8 (52:52):
It's it's not a mystery why girls and boys who
are growing up now the teens, the boys are conservative
and the girls are not. Girls naturally, let's be really
crazy and recognize that men and women are different. Girls
and women naturally go with their feelings and they are

to they're to mother, and they're to heal and protect.
Boys and men naturally see problems over the horizon and
they stand up and their protective mode comes out. So
when you're looking at the difference between male and females,
especially with the youth, they're doing what they're what they're

built to do, mother and defend, and the boys are
seeing the horizon and seeing what's coming at them, and
that's why they're more conservative than the girls.

Speaker 1 (53:47):
It's tell me a little bit, tell me a little
bit about the youth. This this young adult fiction. This
is your first one, Chasing Embers, which has just been published.
I feel like I know you all have to know
that you tackle some real stuff in here. Yeah, it is.

Speaker 8 (54:06):
It's not political. It's a dystopian future. It is where
we will be in fifty years, maybe not even that long,
if we continue to go down this road. If things
don't change, there are a racing history in real time.
You know, it's one thing to say that they're doing
propaganda and they can change, you know, Kamala Harris and

everything that she is and has done. Let's be clear.
This is nineteen eighty four and the Memory Hole. They
are changing history in real time and nobody knows what
the truth is anymore. Well, that's what this book is about.
Is the truth worth looking for. It's a dystopian tale

where you know, the fifteen minute cities have happened, and
everybody lives in these dystopian kind of communities, and the
rebels are the ones who don't accept the history and
don't accept this way of life. And all they're trying
to do is just you know, you find out through
the book they're just trying to put a library together.

But books have been banned, knowledge has been squashed, everything
has been erased, and these kids are having to make
a choice do I go with the system or do
I actually pursue the truth which could get me killed
and all my family killed? And is it worth it?

And there's all kinds of rabbit holes and easter eggs
in the book, hoping that we tell true history that
they're trying to piece together, and hopefully these teens we've
written it in such a way that they will be
interested in want to go find out more about history,

real history and courage and standing up for what you
believe and what the truth actually means. But it's a
really great story.

Speaker 1 (56:03):
Great book to get for the young adult in your life.
For all of you, Chasing Embers by Glenn Beck out
now get yourself a copy. Glenn, thanks for all you
do and also, yeah, thanks for putting me in the game, coach,
always remember it. Always appreciated it. Yeah, you're great, Thanks
so much. Buck, Thanks Glenn Blad. Yeah I looked, I

I see it a lot of the same way Glenn does.
I don't know what happens if Look, we can't lose
this election. I was. I was upset about twenty twenty,
and I don't know what to tell people, don't know
what to tell my own family if we If Kamala
Harris becomes president, Trump's gonna win. Trump's gonna win. Keep

the faith, Keep the faith. Look, football is in the air.
I'm gonna go see a game next month. I'm gonna
go see my beloved Alabama play against my beloved Wisconsin
role Tide and Badger Clay's gonna inform me about more
of these teams. But football's in the air. Preseason football
is happening every week now, and even college football. Like

I was just saying, that's going on. As someone mentioned me,
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Speaker 3 (58:11):
Keep up with Clay and Bucks campaign coverage with twenty
four a Sunday highlight reel from the week. Find it
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