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May 15, 2024 36 mins
Joy Behar says Trump won't show for debate, corrected by co-hosts. Joe Scarborough claims NYT poll is tilted toward Trump. Stephen A. Smith says Michelle Obama would beat Trump. Hunter Biden trials coming up, Clay predicts Biden will drop out after June debate and Hunter Biden convictions. KC Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker tells women college graduates to embrace the title "homemaker," libs freak out.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It feels like election season.

Speaker 2 (00:02):

Speaker 1 (00:03):
Welcome to our three of the Clay and Buck Show.
Biden and Trump debating next month and September as of today,
subject to well, you know, fortune and whether things actually
go the way they're supposed to and the negotiations over.
But it looks like it's gonna happen because you have

at least initial agreement from both sides as to the dates.
I think Trump wants an additional debate now for Fox
News to carry one in October certainly makes sense to me.
Do we over on the View? Do we have joy? Baja,
We've got joy? Bea haa. She wanted to weigh in

on this with Clay. This is kind of funny. You know,
this is the problem with reacting to live news, and
it happens. You know, it can happen to any of us.
But I'm sure it happens a lot more at the view,
where you just take a stand on something real fast
and then events catch up to you play it.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Biden should have projected that he wants no audience and
the moment, I think I think that Santam should have
said to the two of them, this is the debate.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
You know, they're not.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Keeping that we're not telling you the works, and also
no audience. An audience just distracts everybody. Yes, well that's
what that's happening, so it'll be into So Biden.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
Needed to get out in front of it.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
I would actually disagree with Joy and say he had
to project that because if they arranged it for the
best TV moment we've opened in those times.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
It doesn't serve.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
But it gives him a way to get out of
it by saying, look, I'm not doing you that.

Speaker 1 (01:36):
Well, you know he's also it's he agreed to the
thing that you said. He won't even do. It's just
you know, everyone's kind of just making noise over there
about what's going on here. They don't know what to
make of this because it's a lot of information came
out very quickly on it. Just to review briefly, clay
for everybody, because we know, uh, some didn't hear us

in the first hours, why they should go and on
the iHeartRadio app and listen to it on demand. But
there are two debates agreed to in principal at least
Trump Biden June twenty seventh and September something or other.
September tenth on a September ten.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
June twenty seventh on CNN, and Trump has proposed that
there be an October second Fox.

Speaker 1 (02:22):
News debate and then the important conditions so far are
no audio. These are the requests from Biden, no audience,
no interruption, which is, you know, don't be a baby,
you're going to interrupt each other. I think the only
thing that prevents people from interrupting more than they do
is how the audit, how they think the audience will
perceive it. No RFK Junior. That's interesting. That's an interesting one,

especially given that this is happening in June, before you
even have official party nominees. This is now raising the
why are the conventions as late as they are and
what is a convention even mean if you're going to
have presidential debates before the parties officially decide who's going
to be in the presidential debates, as the nominees for

the various parties, CBS, ABCCN N or Telemundo anchors, that's
a Biden thing, And yeah, those are the main ones.
But the no RFK junior, no audience, audience. I will
say that one doesn't that one doesn't bother me I
don't think that you need to have an audience for
these things. I think the audience sometimes does distract. I

don't really care to hear booze or yea's or hisses
or whatever. It's better TV, though I understand it's better
TV to have an audience for sure.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
It's like the laugh track back in the day of sitcoms.
I think audiences make particular sense when you might actually
take questions, which is something that it doesn't sound like
is going to happen here. In other words, at town
hall style format, where now the challenge there is you
are pre selecting what the questions are. It's not as

if you just have somebody standing up that you don't
know what they're going to ask.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
So there's a little bit of a rig job and
effect there.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
But to me, I just come back to what my
initial reaction was, and I'm even more convinced of it
now that it's been a couple hours since this came out.
I think this is desperation from Biden. Well, they have
spent tens of millions of dollars in the battleground states.
He's trailing, the numbers aren't moving. Whatever balance he got
from the State of the Union was very short.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
Lived, if at all.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
And I think they're terrified potentially that, given the RNC
goes first, if the RNC goes well and Trump makes
a good VP selection and delivers a decent address, by
the time the Democrats get up to bat so to speak,
in mid to late August, they could be down really, really, substantially,
even more so than now.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
And this is where I think you can point to
the polls as the indicators of perception. And when you
have Joe Scarborough, get ready for this, everybody, This is
cut forward. Joe Scarborough freaking out about how the New
York Times Siena poll is slanted toward Donald Trump. Listen

to this.

Speaker 5 (05:14):
The New York Times Sienna pol traditionally has consistently slanted
toward Donald Trump. And what's so funny is the Times
will release their polls, Liberals will run around with their
hair on fire for about a month, right, and then
like three days later, polls will come out that will
show a deadlock race.

Speaker 6 (05:35):

Speaker 5 (05:36):
There's if anybody, By the way, if anybody wants, if
anybody wants to bet me, I can't bet.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
I don't bet.

Speaker 5 (05:42):
Betting's for stupid, but if I were a better and
if somebody wanted to give me eleven or twelve points
and Biden in Nevada, come on, come on, That race
is always close, and Democrats always win the close races
except for the governor.

Speaker 1 (05:57):
If you're arguing Clay that the New York Times is
to slant it toward the Republican and the polls, you've
got a problem. Yeah, and I give credit here to
Tom Bevin, who's been on the show before. He's at
Real Clear Politics, which does a really good job of
collating all the polls. If you want one site to
be following, Real Clear Politics will update them daily. He's

quoting Joe Scarborough, and Scarborough says New York Times SIENA
poll traditionally has consistently slanted towards Trump. He says, that's
I'm reading from his tweet. That's flatly untrue.

Speaker 2 (06:32):
The final New York Times polls in twenty twenty overestimated
Biden's support in every swing state by an average of
nearly five percent. Their final poll in Wisconsin was Biden
plus eleven. So I assume someone in the Biden camp
gave Joe Scarborough that talking point, and he didn't do

the research himself. But that is actually fascinating. So the
New York Times poll is actually historically been the exact
opposite of what Joe Scarborough said. It has tended to
exaggerate anti Trump support and underrate Trump support. So I
think this is a really significant factor here because it

speaks to how desperate they are.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Let me hit you with these bucks.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
Final New York Times poll twenty twenty, they had Biden
winning Iowa by three. I think Trump ended up winning
by ten. They had Ohio Biden winning by one. I
believe Trump won by seven or eight. North Carolina they
had Biden winning by three. Trump won comfortably there or
closely there but by a point or two. And in

Florida they had Biden winning by three. They also had
Biden plus nine in their final national poll. Biden lost
all four of those states.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
Here's the continuation of that discussion over on Morning Joe,
which I do think is the the one show that
Democrats are watching now you know how Rush used to do,
you know, show prep for the rest of the media
on the right. Yes, the one, the one show that
I think sets the tone for the Democrat Biden comies

is Morning Joe CNN. CNN no longer has a tent pole,
no longer has the one big name that and neither
does MSNBC anymore. Rachel Mattow doesn't really do very much
over there mourning Joe, and they know it, and so
they've seized this. That's very opportunistic. They have to be
the heart of Bidenism. And here's how they're trying to

explain the very bad polls for Bidenism. I'm not saying
this is not LUs.

Speaker 7 (08:39):
I'm not going to carry water for the New York
Times or for the methodology of this poll. I'll keep
going back to a thing that I try to say
every time we talk about these things, which is that
I'm really interested and I know you know this. It's like,
where do the polls talking as directionally about the race.

Speaker 5 (08:51):
I understand that there's a difference though with the New
York Time Siena poll, and you know this, it's given
disproportionate impact papers this year, this cycle, it is skewed
wildly and Donald Trump's direction hold on and the New
York Times feasts on it with clickbait stories like a.

Speaker 7 (09:10):
Dozen at a time, and I and what I'm trying
to focus on is what I think people should pay
attention to. But what I'm trying to focus on is
New York Times right now is actively shaping the election cycles.
Where this poll comes out on a Sunday and on Monday.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
People go oh, and I heard it, and.

Speaker 5 (09:26):
I'm sitting there going, oh, don't be so stupid. That's
why we're doing this.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
So what hold on a second, hold on.

Speaker 5 (09:32):
Hold on? What I hear is after these Siena polls
come out every time New Yon Times poll is, oh, well,
everything that Joe Biden's done since the State of the
Union address, all of these all this money that he's
put out, all of the campaigning is for not no is.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
Not Clay Morning. Joe is going bag Dad Bob here.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
That is again, I read you the actual data on
the New York Times polls. They have consistently exaggerated Biden's
support and denigrated that is, knocked down Trump support relative
to the twenty twenty election. Now, if you want to
argue they're not accurate in twenty twenty four, that's an
argument you can make. The team that's losing the side

that's losing always argues the polls.

Speaker 1 (10:17):
Are inaccurate, but also we have to not allow them to.
This is going to sound decontextualize. I know that sounds
like I'm in some philosophy one on one class with
a bunch of purple haired schizo Democrats around me. But
we can allow them to take out of the current
context that Trump is ahead with these numbers. Let's just

let's assume that what morning Joe or meaning Joe Scarborough
himself said there's true, which I do not at all,
that the New York Times is willing to shape the
electorate against Biden, to betray Biden for clicks. I don't
think Joe has spent five minutes in the New York
Times newsroom or knows anything about what's going on over there,
because they are true believers in the Democrat cause. But

just put all that aside for a second. The fact
that Trump is facing is rather just in one criminal
trial actively right now, the presidential candidate is facing thirty
four felonies as a matter of law in New York,
and the biggest Democrat and most influential Democrat show is
having to argue that Democrat polsters are favorable to Trump

because the numbers are so wildly bad for Biden. At
this point, this has got to be a moment of
unreality for the Democrat media. Did you see what I
mean that they're in this position given what's going on
with Trump. I don't think they can mentally or emotionally

process this well.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
I think it's also important to remember that I think
Joe Scarborough is acting out for Joe Biden, who watches
this show every morning. So remember Scarborough and Miko were
good friends with Trump back in the day. I think
he has effectively become a left wing propagandist in many respects.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
And if you are arguing that The New York.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Times is too biased in favor of Trump, that is
such a ridiculous position to be taking out. I would
argue against it. But you would have to argue that
uniquely the twenty twenty four pole cycle is favoring Trump,
not that there's a historic favor of Trump, because the
data actually reflects the exact opposite of what his argument is.

And I would think they have to have researchers. That
got pretty heated.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
You could hear Mika like trying to call them down.
That was Heilman, John Hilman, who's their national affairs analyst.
But you could tell. But Joe Scarborough, Look, he used
to be a Republican. Everybody, this is a guy who
is a pure media opportunist whatever he not only just
to remind everybody, not only was Joe Scarborough a Republican

from the Panhandle, which plays in America. I was gonna say,
according to everybody I know who spends any time there
is like one of the greatest places in all of America,
and they don't want more people to know about it
because they're full. That's accurate. Don't come, We're full on
the Florida Panhandle.

Speaker 8 (13:14):
Scarborough was a Trump booster in twenty sixteen. Yeah, Joe
and Mika, we're having off the record I know about
this off the record meetings with Trump to coordinate messaging
and meetings and interview appearances.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
And then Trump slapped them down and now they have
a vendetta against him. But the fact that he's having
to take this position because this is where he's gonna
get the most audience just shows you the emotional fragility
of the MSNBC audience is such that they cannot be
told the truth right now, which is Donald Trump is

beating Biden's butt. That is what is going on.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
That's what all the gambling markets reflect. The money is
really on Trump right now, and I think that the
way that they are having to debate in June is
an incredible indictment of Biden. We'll take some of your
calls reactions on this and more. Obviously big news day already.
We'll see if anything else drops the next forty minutes. Yeah,
we'll continue to follow this closely. Line up those lines, everybody.

Eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
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Speaker 6 (16:35):
A weekly podcast from Clay and Buck covering all things election.
Episodes drop Sundays at noon Eastern. Find it on the
free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show June twenty seven,
Strange dates nine pm Eastern on CNN. Could there be
something else going on? Our buddy stephen A said, Well,
Michelle Obama would absolutely crush Donald Trump if she decided
to run.

Speaker 4 (17:06):
And I think that Michelle Obama would win right now
if she would run. I think that Michelle Obama would
hands down be the next president of the United States
if she would have run against Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee.
That obviously is not going to happen.

Speaker 5 (17:21):
She doesn't seem to have an interest.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
I'm just saying, if you were trying to come up
with a strategy, as I've said for some time, to
keep Kamala Harris, the first black female vice president, from
getting the nominee, I think you'd have to have a
black woman to do that. The only person I see
out there that would be better than Biden is Michelle Obama,

just floating that around. Also, a couple other stories are
going to hit here in the back half Buck. You've
got a story out there about Biden supposedly really worried
about Hunter and what's going to happen with his trials
going on, and Harrison Butker getting crushed for talking about relationships.
He's a Kansas City chiefs kicker. A couple of fun
stories there that we will dive into as well. But

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Speaker 1 (18:26):
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Speaker 1 (18:55):
Welcome back in here to Clay and Buck. We've been
talking a lot about the trial in New York City
of Donald Trump, and I will tell you I have
not been able to see a single person on television, online,
anywhere make a persuasive case that what is going on
in New York City is a serious judicial proceeding in

the best traditions of our rule of law, and that
this is effectively anything other than an outright partisan farce.
It is. It is a blatant, absurd weaponization of law
in an election year ambush. It's an October surprise dirty

trick in May. That's very obvious to all of us.
But there's another trial that's going to be starting soon
and not of Donald Trump was sorry, I was gonna
say Hunter, Biden Clay tell us, I mean that this
is going to be something that the media is going
to have to cover. And here's the the thing. Hunters guilty. Everybody, yes,

Hunter did.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
It has not gotten a lot of attention. But the
Politico early morning story that dropped before all the discussion
went into the two agreed upon debates June twenty seventh
and September tenth, that all happened this morning. In the
event you're just getting in your cars right now and
you haven't heard the news. This story came out. Here's

the headline from Politico. Biden ades worry. This is the
legit headline about psychological torment. As Hunter heads to trial subheading,
President has expressed fear his son may serve time in prison.
I think everybody out there expects that he would pardon him.

But June third. June third, the case is expected to
last three to six days on gun charges. That's gonna
happen in just a couple of weeks, and then on
June twentieth, the tax of asion charges possible. By July fourth,

Hunter Biden could be a twice convicted felon on each
side of the country.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
And this is a quote.

Speaker 2 (21:18):
Three advisors granted anonymity to speak about private deliberations, said
they and members of the First family are worried about
the weight Hunter Biden's trial will place on the President
at an already difficult time for him politically. Biden has
expressed fears to them about the possibility his son will

serve time in prison.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
Here's a quote.

Speaker 2 (21:45):
He worries about Hunter every single day, from the moment
he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep,
said one of the three advisers that will only pick
up during a trial.

Speaker 1 (21:58):

Speaker 2 (21:59):
Here is my on how Biden removes himself from the
political equation. June twenty seventh, he goes out there and
Trump cleans his clock. Biden's team over July fourth sits
down with him. Hunter by that point will have likely
been convicted of felonies in Delaware and in California, and

they impress upon Biden that he should just go ahead
pardon Hunter and announce that he's not going to seek
reelection and that he hopes again. This is what I
would argue, that he has dialed down the temperature, but
he believes families should be off limits. His son is
an addict, his other son died. You know how the
story would go. And he has, because of his age

and his health conditions, has recognized he doesn't have the
mental or physical capacity to serve four more years. That's
if he gets his clock cleaned on June twenty seventh
and Hunter gets doubly convicted this June twenty seventh day.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
I'm sorry you are quadrupling down on a losing hand here.
I've given you the out. We've already established it's gonna
be Biden. You are still holding on to this pipe
dream that they're gonna buy Clay. What you're saying requires
Biden to have a conscience, to have introspection, to have decency,

to be something other than a fifty years in the
making political creation who will do anything. Biden exists first
and foremost for proximity to power and exactly where he
is right now, which is to be a facade for

the Democrat socialist left in this country. He doesn't care about.
He's gonna Hunter is not going to spend a day
in prison, even if he gets prosecuted. But he's gonna
pardon him. You and I both admit it, because we're
honest people. If my son was in Hunter's I'm not
gonna let my son go to prison. But also for
this too, It's not like he murdered somebody. I'll be
honest with you. The whole sending people to prison for

lying on the gun form thing kind of opposed to
it in general. It seems pretty harsh to me.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
But nonetheless, well, the tax evasion he deserves to go
to prison for.

Speaker 1 (24:15):
But I know, I'm I'm gonna to make some people
upset here. I think in general, for tax evasion, you
should probably just have to pay back massive fines, and
the taxpayer should, you know, get big upside from it.
They effectively put a lean on you for ten years
or something. Once you're caught imprisoning people. You know, a
lot of other countries they don't throw you in They
don't throw you in prison for tax stuff. They usually

make you pay huge fines, but don't Biden's top. I
think our standard for it's amazing. You know, you look
at the standards for what gets you thrown into prison
this country. Do you see that the illegals who jumped
the police officer so they're near illegally and they they
gang beat up a cop in New York, their plea

deals are one year. We're all getting one years for
gang assault effectively of a police officer, they're getting one year.
People in January sixth had to spend eighteen months in
solitary before they could even get sentenced to their four
years in federal prison. What you put, what you take
people's freedom away for, and what you don't, goes to

the heart of whether a society is just or not.
We lock people up for trash and we let people
go for heinous stuff all the time.

Speaker 2 (25:27):
In general, I agree that we should be focused on
violent criminal perpetrators as opposed to a less violent crime.
Is a good example in Washington, d C. Tying in
with the Jan six protesters. They just had a guy
fire I think twenty six shots at a car, managed
not to kill anybody. They let him out of jail

without even having to post bail.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
I believe. I mean, it's crazy.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
But my point on the Hunter Biden situation, I think
one aspect of this that you have to contemplate what
is Hunter? What is Joe Biden's legacy if he loses
to Donald.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
Trump in twenty twenty four, If.

Speaker 2 (26:10):
You're eighty two, I would suspect that you think a
lot about your legacy and what history will say about you.
And I understand that Biden's people are saying, oh, the
polls are skewed, We're actually winning this thing, all those aspects.
But if Trump were to come back buck and he
were to kick Joe Biden's ass in a rematch, Yeah,

what would history say about Biden if he lost in
twenty four comfortably, like, not particularly close? Versus if he said,
you know what, I'm eighty two. For the betterment of
the country, I'm going to step down and allow somebody
else to run it.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
You I have to say, you apply your rationality and
decency to situations that I think are not going to
bring either one into you know you, we used to
call it in the CIA, would call this mirror imaging,
where you think that somebody else is going to do
what you would do in that situation. Yeah, you gotta
think like a ruthless comedy Clay. You got to get
in the ruthless commy mode on this. What makes you

think Biden and his handlers, under any circumstances will publicly
accept in the you know, general way that they can
that Donald Trump has won. I mean, yeah, they might
seed power, but they're going to say he cheated if
he wins, you know what I mean. I don't think
they're going to let this go to that.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
But Biden, right now, if you are, I do think
the way that you craft a story about yourself in
his head to the extent that it works. Biden has
convinced himself that he saved America by beating Donald Trump
in twenty twenty, and that he saved millions of lives
by putting out the COVID shot, and that he has

been the most consequential first term president since FDR. I'm
telling you that's what he sees when he sees and
looks in the mirror to the context that he actually
has a functional brain. If Trump comes back and kicks
his ass, then what he's gonna see and be forced
to confront is the reality that I think is true,

which is he's an accidental president who hid in his
basement and used COVID fear and cheating and rigging the
election to narrowly win in twenty twenty and then deliver
it the single worst term in office, one term since
James Buchanan. That's what I think the argument could become.

And so if you step back and you say, you
know what, I'm too old for the betterment of democracy.
I'm gonna step down and somebody younger. It's time for
a new generation. And then if they lose, nobody blames
Biden Clay. If he steps down, they're guaranteeing a loss.

Speaker 1 (28:45):
He can't. This is the whole point. He well, I
think I think this is Michelle Obama would be the
would be the relief. Oh my god, no more Michelle.
We're gonna get a buzzer in a band. No more
of this Michelle Obama talk. How she's going to be
the It's not going send me all your emails. No,
I'm going to all of you. I'm going to collid all.
I'm gonna keep them all on a list. And when

Biden takes the stage and does his whole acceptance of
the DNC official nomination. I'm gonna apply to all of you,
where's my steak? Where's my steak? It will not be
Michelle Obama. This is crazy talk that gets Eric's.

Speaker 2 (29:21):
The only reason it makes sense is that Coablo will
get beat wars and I don't think they're gonna lead
her over the middle and just get e wrecked. Gavin
Newsom had his opportunity to kind of wow people, and
Ron DeSantis mopped the floor with him.

Speaker 1 (29:35):

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Pritzker is too fat and too rich to combo. Don't
governor of Illinois too rich? If he were just fat
and not rich, maybe I think they might try to
draft Josh Shapiro, who seems to be a well liked
governor of Pennsylvania.

Speaker 1 (29:53):
With the Michigan Democrat voters that they're worried about, I'll
tell you that.

Speaker 2 (29:56):
And then they throw Gretchen Whitmer in and it's just
a desperate Midwest hell Mary. If they couldn't get Michelle Obama,
because they would have two popular governors in the Big ten,
and they say we're gonna win there. I think this
June twenty seventh is the trial balloon. It's going to
be Biden.

Speaker 1 (30:13):
They think after Biden takes the stage, it creates the
moment for the new narrative to turn on all the
machinery to I think they've been playing a little bit
of possum. I think there. I think there's a little
bit of oh, you know, what are we gonna do
with Joe Biden. They're they're putting him out in front.
The numbers look bad right now. The drum beat that

they're going to have on the airwaves where they needed.
I mean, look, I don't know if it's going to
be enough for them or not, but I think that
that turns into their plan. They think they can the
whole summer. When was the last time you saw any
January six footage on the TV? You think that's it?
That's not working.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
No, I think they they they trial ballooned the State
of the Union and Biden was about as good as
he could be at the State of the Union, and
at last did for about three weeks, and then everybody
was like, yeah, he's still a decrepit dementia red oled
old man.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
You made me feel good, Clay about the home team's
prospects going into the game, but the visiting team pays
off the reps, fights dirty, and spits in people's faces
when no one's paying attention. So I just refuse to
think that they're gonna go down, uh you know, in
this in this way without making it a very close,

a very close election. And I will say to all
those writing the pro Michelle Obomba emails, if all of
you are right, I don't know. Maybe I didn't get, Yeah,
what you get. Maybe you're gonna have to rent out
on everybody to come in for a huge buffet. I'm
gonna have to cook a lot of scrambled eggs for
a lot of people because that's my specialty. So there
we go. If you're will take some of your calls
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Speaker 6 (33:19):
And they do a lot of it with the Sunday
hang Join Clay and Buck as they laugh it up
in the Clay and Buck podcast beat on the iHeartRadio
app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. Finishing up
the Wednesday edition of the program. Appreciate all of you
hanging out with us. We have got a clip that
I want to play for Buck. This is Harrison Butker,
who is the Kansas City chiefs Kicker. He was speaking

at a recent event, a Catholic graduation for a college
and he talked about women and the idea of being
homemakers based on his own success in life. It has
blown up into a major controversy. Buck has not heard it.
Let's play cut twenty nine.

Speaker 9 (34:11):
I want to speak directly to you briefly because I
think it is you, the women who have had the
most diabolical lives told to you. How many of you
are sitting here now about to cross this stage and
are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are
going to get in your career. Some of you may
go on to lead successful careers in the world, but
I would venture to guess that the majority of you
are most excited about your marriage and the children you

will bring into this world. I can tell you that
my beautiful wife, Isabelle would be the first to say
that her life truly started when she began living her
vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on
this stage today and able to be the man I
am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation.
I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me.
But it cannot be overstated that all of my success

is made possible because a girl I met in band
class back in middle school would convert to the faith,
become my wife, and embrace one of the most important
titles of all.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
Holemaker sounds great contract. I love it. Ten out of ten,
ten out of ten to you.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
He was speaking at the Benedictine College at Atchetson, Kansas.
If I messed any of that up, I'm not familiar.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
I'll say, first of all, I mean, this is so
important and there need to be far more people that
are talking about this. I career switched out of the
CIA into media, and I did so now in retrospect
at the expense of starting a family earlier. And that's
a tough call, and I would not recommend it for
most people. I would recommend people getting married younger and
starting their families younger. I would not do what's very

normal here in New York City, which is push as
hard as you can until forty and then turn around
and build your life as you want it then, because honestly,
whether you make VP at Goldman or you make partner
at the law firm or whatever, it's just not going
to matter in the end. Your kids are your kids,
your family, your loved ones, your wife, your husband. That's
what's going to matter in the end. And I already

know that that's well said by you. I give credit
to Harrison Bucker here because I know so many of
you out there are raising families. I became a dad
at twenty eight. To your point, Buck, I was relatively young,
which is like, in New York City terms, might as
well be high school age, Like that's really young. Yeah,
I was super young to become a dad, relatively speaking,

especially for somebody who stayed in school till twenty five
to become a lawyer.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
It's the right decision. I'm so glad that I did it,
but it had a lot of struggles. We didn't have
a lot of money. My wife and I. Early in
our life, we were spending more money on childcare than
we would have had to pay for tuition. And our
life got a lot better when we had the ability
to have one parent stay at home. It can be
the dad or the mom, but that is ideal, and

I think that's really what Harrison Bucker's just talking about.

Speaker 1 (36:50):
Why are they mad at it? That's a question. Crazy

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