All Episodes

May 18, 2024 36 mins
Clay and Buck interview President Trump about his VP list, expanding the electoral map, Kristi Noem's "tough story" and the lawfare being waged against him. How will Trump choose his VP? C&B take calls. Doug Burgum speaks outside NYC courthouse.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in Tuesday edition Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. Appreciate
all of you hanging out with us. We've got a
very special guest for all of you. President Trump forty five,
soon to be forty seven, taped with us yesterday evening
because he is presently in court dealing with the ridiculous

trial that has been brought against him by Alvin Bragg,
Joe Biden and company. So he's in a courtroom right now,
but he wanted to make sure he could talk with
all of you. We're going to play right now half
of the interview right off the top of the show here,
and then we're going to play the second half of
the interview in the third hour. But President Trump wanted
to make sure that he could speak with all of you,

and we talked to him yesterday evening. It begins now,
we were blown away by the crowd that you had
in Wildwood, New Jersey. A guy I think you know,
Mark Simone, said that he thinks you can win New
York your campaign, we know, said Virginia and Minnesota are
both competitive. Based on the reaction you're getting in New

York and New Jersey, do you think you can make
a run in that area. In New York in particular, well,
they say, we're in play.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
And the beautiful thing about New York. You win New York,
that takes their cheating out of play because they won't
be able to will any state that they win by
cheating will more than make up for it with New
York and New Jersey. So we have great polls. We
were one up in New Jersey. We're very close to
New York, you know, outside of the actual city, which
now is so bad that I look, if I live here,

I'm going to vote for the Republican no matter who.
And Trump is sort of the good Republican. But you know,
Lee Zeldon is a great guy. He's solely supportive of us.
He's if he would have been running today instead of
two years ago, he would have picked up a ten
point difference.

Speaker 3 (01:51):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
He he won close, but it would have been ten
points better. And I think New York is in play.
I think Virginia, I think that New Mexico and Minnesota.
I think there are a lot of states in play
that people aren't thinking about. They're so dissatisfied with the
worst president in the history of our country. He's the worst.
Look I don't have to convince you people you know

better than me. He's two of the people that might
know better than me. He is the worst president in
the history of our country without there's.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
No question, no question about that. I mean, you were
speaking about a great guy, Lee Zelden. A lot of
speculation right now, mister President, about who your VP might be. Now,
if you want to tell us who it is now,
we're not going to stop you. But if you just
maybe want to give us a top three.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
A top three, well I won't do three, but I
will say we have a lot of good people, and
you know, Lee will definitely be somewhere in here in
terms of the administration. He's great. You know, he's a
great lawyer too. He's actually a very he was fantastic
on the impeachment hoax when he was a congressman. And
he'll be coming with me in some form anyway, at

a high level.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
But Tim Scott in play, d Evans in play are
these are all names the names that are being talked about.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
Of like a lot of people are in play. And
I'm really a believer that you do it during the convention.
You know, you really do it during the convention. I'm
also unfortunately a believing that historically vps I don't think
ever have helped. I think they can hurt a little bit,
but they haven't helped. It's you know, you have one
exciting day and then you're back to the president is running.

But you need somebody that can be good just in
case that horrible, just in case. You know, look, that's
a big situation. You have to go with it, but
just in case, and you need somebody that can ideally
help you get the votes. But I will say the
single most important ingredient is will that person be a
great president? That's a very important thing.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
I'm sure you've seen some of the Christy Nome stories.
You might be the only person getting worse pressed than
you on the left right now with the dog shooting
story and then the Kim jong un story, you met
Kim Jong un, I'm curious what that relationship is like.
Now does any of that story? Is she still in
the mix as a VP? Have you thought maybe she'd

make more sense in a cabinet? How do you analyze
stories like that as you go about making a choice.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
Well, until this week, she was doing incredibly well, and
she got hit hard and sometimes you do books and
you have some guy writing a book and you maybe
don't read it as carefully. You know, you have ghostwriters too.
They help you, and they in this case didn't help
too much. Now she's terrific. Look, she's been a supporter
of mine from day once. She did a great job

of governor as governor, and you know, you look at
South Dakota numbers. She's really done a great job and
in some form, I mean, I think she's terrific. A
couple of rough stories, there's no question about it. And
one explained the dog story. You know, people hear that,
and people from different parts of the country probably feel

a little bit differently. But that's a tough story. But
she's a terrific person. She said she had a bad
she had a bad week.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
We'll have if I can, if I can, mister president,
and we're speaking to number forty five, President Trump, and
as Clay said, future number forty seven, Uh sir. This
so far, this Coen trial, I'm sorry, this New York
City trial where Michael Cohen testified. It would be hard
to think of something that is both more absurd and
more more outrageous than what they're doing to you. In

New York, but it doesn't seem to be working. I
just wanted to give you the chance to address everyone
across the country. It seems like this is backfiring in
the Democrats faces of the Biden prosecution.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
It's one of the most disgusting things that anybody's ever
seen in the history of our country. In terms of elections.
It's third world country. What they've done is weaponize the
DOJ the FBI, They've weaponized and you could see it
coming with these people. They are truly the ones. They
are bad for democracy. You know, they like to say
a threat to democracy. They are a threat. And part

of it is that we have a president that's totally incompetent.
But they are so bad what they're doing with this
this hoax. And you know, I have a gag order
where many very important parts of it I'm not allowed
because we have a totally corrupt we have a corrupt
judge and a conflicted judge. He's conflicted like no judge

has ever been before. And the mainstream media knows exactly
what I'm saying, but they try and keep it down
to a minor roar. No highly conflicted, and this is
a case that should have never been allowed. You know,
Alvin Bragg, the DA who's a terrible DA. Crime is rampant,
I mean violent crime is all over the city at levels,
I mean levels that people have never seen before. And

he's got like twenty guys sitting in their assistant das
over absolutely what Jonathan Turley, what Andy McCarthy, what Mark Levin,
all your friends, what every one of them said, is
not a crime. There's not a case. And I've been
sitting there for almost four weeks in this icebox, I
call it the icebox, and in front of a judge.

It's so highly conflicted. He should not be allowed to
be doing this trial. And it's so bad for New York.
But I had two other cases too, I had Judge
Kaplan and Judge and Goren, and they should they should
not be allowed to even serve when you see what
they did. So I've been set up with bad judges.
It's so bad for New York. It's so horrible for

New York what's taking place. But this one is going on,
and literally every scholar, every legal expert, and you guys,
but everybody has said that this is a case that
shouldn't happen. Alvin Bragg. You know, when he originally came
in said there's no way you have a case here,
he got angry. And then when the eleegtion, you know,
they could have brought this case seven years ago. They

could have brought it seven years ago, but they chose
to bring it right in the middle of my campaign.
Nobody's ever seen anything like it. There's no crime. I
mean Mark Levin was doing last night his show is great,
and he was going, there is no crime, and he's
giving you fifteen reasons why it's terrible. It's a terrible,
terrible thing. But when you look at McCarthy and Tury

and Greg Jared, who's fantastic, You look at all of
these people and they all say the same thing. It's
I mean, I haven't seen anybody that says it's even
a case. But I'm not allowed to speak. Can you
believe I'm gagged? They gave me a gag order where
I'm not allowed to speak about major portions of the case.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
Is this election already ribbed, sir? Given what they're doing
to you, is it already rigged? Because I don't see
how we can say it's not.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
Well, they're trying to rig it with this. This is
their new form. And remember I have a voice. So
the truth is my poll numbers you saw the New
York Times Paull today. My poll numbers are better than
they ever were, probably better than they would have been had,
you know, had this horrible hoax not taken place. And
it's not only here, it's you have Fani in Atlanta,

and you have Jack deranged Jack Smith. He's a deranged individual,
and he's got a problem in Florida because if you
watch and you look at these reports, they caught them
tampering with evidence, and he's got some I think he's
got some problems. And he always has that problems, you know,
he he goes too far and he gets himself into trouble.
But he's got big problems here. They caught him tampering

with evidence and worse Clay.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Every time we interview Trump. We're gonna have more by
the way of our exclusive interview with Trump coming up
later on in the program. But every time, you know,
you ride them the Trump train, the Trump train pretty
much decides where it's going.

Speaker 4 (09:36):

Speaker 1 (09:37):
You can try to ask what the next stop is,
but when he wants to hit his subject, he's going there.
He covered so much ground in just that ten minutes
or so.

Speaker 4 (09:47):

Speaker 1 (09:47):
I jotted down three things that he said that I
thought were super interesting. Eight hundred and two A two
two eight A two U. He said they're up by
one in New Jersey. That again coming off of the
water Wildwood event that they did in New Jersey, would
be a seismic shock if he's competitive in New Jersey.

Also said that Virginia, New Mexico, Minnesota, and New York
the polls look good. He specifically said something that I
haven't heard, that lee Zelden is going to be a
part of his administration, which the former candidate who almost
who I think what lost by about five to Kathy
Hokeel in twenty two, and that he thinks that lee
Zelden would win the governorship if you were running in

twenty four. On Christy Nome. That's a tough story. She
had a bad week. We all have bad weeks. That's
a tough story. In response to the dog thing, very
very funny. And I think that what he just told
you right there, that his polls are better because of
the court cases we got him he said it. I mean,

we've been saying this is what we perceive to be happening,
but for him to come out and confirm it, and
I do think that how could you not see that
as what's going on here? You know, Clay, if we
were to roll the tape back maybe six months even
twelve months ago, well not twelve months and I'm trying
to think when when was the mar A Lago raid?

Speaker 4 (11:10):
That was last.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
August, right, so August of twenty two, But certainly, you know,
seven or eight months ago we could have we would
have been able to say what is the Biden reelection campaign?
And the strategy very obviously as these indictments came down
and after the mar A Lago raid, the strategy very
clearly was to just slam Trump with all these criminal trials.

There's no way anyone can see what's going on right
now and think that that is to this point an
effective strategy. In fact, it looks like it's backfiring on them, which,
as I've said before, I think would be the ultimate
poetic justice. That the abuse of the system they're engaging
in is what in fact puts Trump back back in
the driver's seat. We do it, We have more of that,

by the way, it's more content that you will not
have heard more of the exclusive Trump interview playing that
third hour.

Speaker 4 (11:58):
Clay, is that right.

Speaker 1 (11:59):
We're going to go into the third hour at the top,
so you got to stick around with us. We got
the other half of that interview coming up in a
little bit. It'll air for the first time of course
here on Clay and Buck. We're also going to take
some of your calls if there's anything that you know
you want to add to our discussion of where Trump is.
I gotta say, for a guy who is in a
courtroom facing thirty four felony counts, I know they're crap

and it's absurd and everything. We all know that, but
he's in amazing spirits and I really, you know, the
guy's basically my dad's age, okay. And and when I
think about how much energy and resilience Trump is bringing
to this whole process, I don't want to say it's superhuman,
but it's definitely in the one one thousandth of one percent. Well,

we talked to him, so right after he got out
of the courtroom yesterday, he can't talk with it's alive
on the air because he's typically in courtrooms because he's
a proceeding.

Speaker 4 (12:51):
Isn't that insane?

Speaker 1 (12:52):
Yeah, he's sitting in the courtroom right now, but he said, hey,
I want to make sure I talk to your audience.
And so I'm glad we were able to make it happen.
But that's the reality. This is Trump after spending all
day in court yesterday in the middle of what is
this week four, Week five of the Alvin Bragg crazy
court case. So we'll continue to break it down what
stood out, Where are we and more. By the way,

as we roll through the Tuesday edition. Here in the program,
I've got some other analysis of Trump that we're going
to have to dive into. You see Robert de Niro,
he's I think he was on the View? Was it
the View he was on?

Speaker 4 (13:27):
Yeah? De Niro clays on the View a little bit crazy.
He's going a little bit. Let him on.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
They won't let me on. That's well, that's for sure
when you hear what's being said. I don't understand how
anyone in good conscience can even air the kind of
idiocy that the View does with some of these guests.
But de Niro's, you know, analysis of Trump, We're going
to get into that coming up here in a few moments,
but since October seventh, the attacks on Israel have increased
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Speaker 2 (15:05):
It's silly, it's goofy, it's good times.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
Fight it in the Clay and Buck podcast feed on
the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. So
we just aired some of that interview with President Trump.
We got more coming up in the third hour. We
spoke to him last night. Klay and I had a
lot of fun chatting with him. He is Honestly, people
always ask this too when you're in this game. I
will tell you it is not the case with most
politicians on either side of the al you'd say remarkably

charming and fun to hang out with. It is actually
the case that Donald Trump is really engaging and funny
and very very easy to engage in.

Speaker 4 (15:41):
A conversation with. But not everybody sees it that way. Clay.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Unfortunately, denierro is a little uh, you know, a little upset,
is over at the view and he's got some some
words to say about the President Trump. A little bit upset,
and here he is This is how he views the
former and popossible future president.

Speaker 5 (16:01):
I don't understand why people are not taking him seriously,
because you read about it historically in other countries that
they didn't take the people seriously. I think, I Hitler Selenia,
but the fools and clowns, well, and I hear it.
There's some people, I mean, who who does not think
that this guy is going to do exactly what he

says he's gonna do. He's done it already, yes, and
then what we're gonna sit around and say what we
told you so or whoever I told you so? It's
gonna happen if he gets elected. It's going to change
this country.

Speaker 4 (16:36):
What That's what I asked. He's talking about Hitler and Mussolini.

Speaker 1 (16:39):
I'm sure he knows nothing about either of those historical figures.

Speaker 4 (16:42):
Really, what is he What's gonna happen? We're gonna have peace.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
And prosperity again, Like this is the part of it, Clay,
I don't understand how do these people escape the asylum? Well,
my question would be, did Hitler and Mussolini have a
peaceful first term?

Speaker 4 (16:57):
Did? I? Did I miss the.

Speaker 1 (16:59):
Part where Hitler and Mussolini took power, gave it back,
that there was peace universally, that the economy was great.
Muscle was on the same step act. From what I recall,
I I just it's hard to argue. I think that
could work with morons before Trump became president, but given
that he was president for four years and left, I

don't remember there being a lot of opportunity out there
where people were like, Hey, you know this Hitler guy,
he's likely to voluntarily relinquish power. He's going to run
for reelection again.

Speaker 4 (17:34):
Brains are broken?

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Does he have a room temperature IQ or is he
just so emotionally shattered by all the propaganda that he
can't separate fact from fiction. I mean, what he just
said on the view is a monumentally stupid thing. And
by the way, it might have been something that somebody
could have said in twenty sixteen, and you would have said,
I don't think it's likely. But after a term it's
they're trying to play the greatest hits, and the greatest

hits weren't very good. I'm just saying, Mussolini didn't send
people vanilla milk just to be a nice guy.

Speaker 4 (18:01):
You know, it true?

Speaker 1 (18:02):
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Clay Travis buck Sexton show, all Right, Trump with us.

We're gonna play again more of the interview in the
third hour. A bunch of stuff that stood out. I
think he said jd Vance and he said Tim Scott
are still in play. We know Doug Bergham is in play.
I think, Christine we are. We've invited Doug E. B

to come on the show, so hopefully he'll come and
talk about this with us soon, because I do want
to get Look, he's you know, he's within the tent,
he's within the Republican family. I'm not gonna try to
ambush the guy or anything, but I just want to
get some clarity on where he stands on some things
because Clay, there are some people that I'm getting, Oh
my gosh, Doug Bergham great on economics stuff, really understands

the markets, and other people are saying kind of a
lib so I got to see and not good on
COVID and you know they're not good on COVID thing
I need some answers about. I think this is gonna
come down to such an interesting decision for him on VP,
because I think it comes down to is he picking
a guy that basically is getting the Trump seal of

approval to be the nominee and twenty eight, which I
think that would be jd Vance. I think that would
be Tim Scott or is it going to be somebody
like a Ben Carson or maybe a Doug Bergham. I
know those guys have run, but I don't think that
then you're getting sort of the deputization of you're the

next guy up.

Speaker 4 (20:32):
I also think yo, for sure.

Speaker 1 (20:33):
But I also think when you look at this, people
sometimes I think rightly point out the veepsteaks thing can
be a little bit of oh, like the media likes
to play the horse race game, look'd an election cycle,
and this is just people are curious about this. We're
all curious about it, and it can be. The thing
about a VP is it could be enormously consequential.

Speaker 6 (20:53):

Speaker 1 (20:53):
We all understand that. Trump even said, you know, we
need somebody who's ready to go as VP. He said
that himself, So that's the truth of it. But it
is fascinating we're having this conversation and you're rattling off
names that are possible vps or even just people that
might run in twenty twenty eight on their own after Trump,
God Willing has had his second term, people like JD. Vance,

people like Tim Scott, Doug Bergham. We get a lot
of Tulsi gabber. We'll I've heard back on soon conversation here.
People write in about her all the time. Ron DeSantis
obviously governor flop.

Speaker 4 (21:26):
I mean we could go.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
These are all serious and impressive people who I think
are true public servants and would do a good job.
You look at the Democrat side, Why have I been
so confident? And we did ask, we did ask Trump
about this. We have to stick around for hour three.
You'll hear what he said. Why am I so confident?
Play that it's still going to be Biden. Look at

the bench, Look at who else they have. You're gonna
try it out Bernie Sanders for the tenth time, and
everyone's going to realize, Wait a second, he's a lunatic socialist.

Speaker 4 (21:54):
I thought.

Speaker 1 (21:56):
Interestingly, Trump said he favors not announcing his VP until
the convention, which obviously is taking place in Milwaukee in July.
Will be up there broadcasting live. But Buck, what if
and I'm just tossing this out there, but this feels
very Trump. What if he announced his finalists, had them

all present there in the convention hall, and then came
out himself to announce who the VP was live and
maybe they don't know, and he tells them, hey, you
prepare your speech. I'm going to make my pick live
on stage, and then they come up and they deliver
the acceptance right there. I mean, we've never seen anything

like that. But from a showmanship perspective, you tell me
who on a random night in July when there ain't
let's be honest, a lot of great television, not sports
dominating the cycle. Certainly, who's not going to turn over?
If Trump said, hey, at eight pm Eastern on Wednesday,
whatever night it is, twenty fourth, I'm going to announce

my VP. They don't know. Here are the five or
six finalists. They'll all be lined up right there, boom.
It's like accepting an award. You get it and you
go up on stage and you deliver your speech. That
would be kind of wise. I mean, it wouldn't be surprised.
First of all, that would be very Trumpian on a
whole range of ways. And I think that creating some

excitement and a sense of momentum both during and then
coming out of the RNC would just be smart politics.
I think that's pretty obvious. So I wouldn't be surprised.
And the fact that he just the fact that he's
waiting until the convention and it's not going to even
if it leaks, it doesn't count until Trump says it himself.

Speaker 4 (23:43):
As we all know, there's nothing.

Speaker 1 (23:44):
You can leak multiple names, I mean, don't I mean,
would you put that past them to kind of play
games with the New York Times and everybody else. Yeah,
So I wouldn't be surprised at all if he told
people that they're on the short list and then almost
in a game show like fashion, he came out on
stage to the winner is like we're at the Oscars
or something. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, that would
make a lot of sense to me. We've got a

lot of people who want away, and you want to
get to some of the see, yeah, let's take somebody deepstakes.
People fired up Russ in Florida. Russ, what have you got?

Speaker 3 (24:14):
How you doing?

Speaker 6 (24:15):
They were good.

Speaker 3 (24:17):
Two of the names that I have not heard that
I think should be on the top of the list
are Marsha Blackburn and John Kennedy. Either one of them.
I think is ready to take over should anything happened
to Trump, or I'm not sure about Kennedy's age, but
or to take over in twenty eight.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Well, you know we've talked about Marsha Blackburn here as
a possibility before Clay actually has raised it, I think
a few times. Yeah, super safe choice. You know, Marcia's
rock solid conservative, lovely woman, so you know, I could
totally see that. I've never heard anyone before bring up
Senator Kennedy as one.

Speaker 4 (24:54):
I don't know. I mean, you know, he's funny.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
Marshall would be I think it ringing choice. I don't
think she's on his short list, and she's running for
re election in the Senate in Tennessee. I've already endorsed her.
They've got a video. I don't know if they've posted
it yet. Just full disclosure where I endorsed her. I
think I did it live on the show when she
last was on.

Speaker 4 (25:15):
I was also a.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
Big fundraiser with John Rich here recently. You like Marcia BlackBerry,
I'd be very just that choice. I just don't think
she's for a VP. I gotta say, you know, we
have to take into account Trump's age, and I just
feel like it would be unbecoming to ask Senator Blackburn
her age, like I would never I would never transgress.
I don't even want to look it up on Google.
I don't know how old she is, and I don't

have to know how old she is. But I think
for the VP slot, they're probably going to try to
go with somebody who's of a different generation. That's my guess.
We didn't ask Trump about Nicki Haley. This came up
what on Friday or Monday. I was out, had an
amazing time at BlackBerry Mountain Resort, thanks to everybody up
there who ensured that we had a phenomenal time East Tennessee.

It's extraordinary. But Trump came out and said Nikki Hayley
is not in consideration, but that he wishes her well.
Axios reported that she was the reason why I bring
that up. There hasn't been maybe Tulsea Gabbard, maybe a
least Stephanic. The four finalists that Axios reported were all male.

Christy Noam certainly has been in a tough spot with
all of the stories out about her. I'm not sure
that there's a woman that's strongly in the mix right
now at least not one that's gotten a ton of
media attention. Yes, so you got the sense that Trump
still may put if assuming he wins. This is all
assuming he wins, right, uh may put no him in

some capacity.

Speaker 4 (26:41):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (26:41):
I think vice president seems unlikely right now. But also
the way that he spoke about it, reading between the
lines a little bit, I think that she was certainly
a top three candidate for him.

Speaker 4 (26:52):
And maybe you.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
Know, Trump is a guy who if you're loyal to Trump,
you know he he will extend a lot of grace.

Speaker 6 (27:01):

Speaker 1 (27:01):
So it's interesting to see how how he handled that one.
We have Tom in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. What's up Tom?

Speaker 6 (27:11):
Hey? You know what, guys, I think you're going about
it the wrong way here. You're bringing up all the
names that are out there unpopular. And you remember in
twenty sixteen, comp didn't he pulled Pence out of nowhere? Okay,
I've got four choices that I'm gonna tell you, and
I can give you reasons why each one of them
if you want me to. But jeff Man drew out

of New Jersey, Lee's Elvin New York tutor dis diction
out of Michigan or John Duffy out of Wisconsin.

Speaker 4 (27:44):
Well, I got a few things for you, Tom.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
First of all, Tutor Dixon's already got a job and
hi our podcast feed.

Speaker 4 (27:50):
So we don't know.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
I mean, if if President Trump wants her to be
vice president, I get I guess we will say that,
you know, we will bless this.

Speaker 4 (27:57):
But no, seriously, Tutor's great. I don't. I don't.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
I've never heard any and bring up her name as
she hasn't had elected office yet, so I don't think
that's likely to happen. Sean Duffy Clay do you know, Sean,
I can legitimately say, one of the nicest people I've
ever met in politics, Like just a genuinely nice human being.
And his wife Rachel is also phenomenal. They have an
incredible family. I'm actually, I think scheduled to be on

with Sean on his show on Fox Business this afternoon.
So the two of the they're almost they're they're like
two loveliest human beings for politics at that level, Like
I just wouldn't you know Shawn's to there's such nice,
such nice people, and such a lovely family.

Speaker 4 (28:36):
The only one that Lee's Elden Trump brought up.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
So just to be clear, we started off the show
on Leezelden Tom, so that's not out of left field
at all.

Speaker 4 (28:42):
Oh, we lost him. I was gonna ask him to
explain the new Jersey guy, Jeff Van Drew. Where's that guy?

Speaker 1 (28:47):
I think he is the former Democrat who has turned
to be a Republican. I think there is a zero
percent chance that he would be considered zero zero, So
that I mean, the reason we don't even bring up
some of these names is that the chance is zero.
Bronk and I are also going to be the vice president,
so we haven't floated out. When Clay was talking about
the convention that all of a sudden we could be there.
You know, we're covering it. We're up a stage and

Trump was like, you know, I love him, he's fabulous,
he's got a job. But we're gonna have a conversation.
We're gonna have many beautiful conversations. Clay Travis vice president.
He's never he.

Speaker 4 (29:18):
Lived in DC before, he'll live there again.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
Naval Observatory, very nice, very good food, room service for you, Clay.

Speaker 4 (29:24):
I'm worried, I tell you this.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
Laura Travis would not be happy at all with that
because she likes life in in Nashville, Tennessee, so I
can on the spot though he hadn't talked to like
if the president asked you to be the vice president,
I mean, I think you gotta do. But again, he
knows television. The Apprentice was an incredibly successful show. I

really feel based on his answer to us, that he
might say, these are the final eight contestants or six
contestants or four, whatever the number is. Remember he owned
Miss was it Miss America or Miss Usa? Uh, he
knows beauty pageants, he knows drama from the Apprentice. If
he said, I'm announcing my VP at eight pm Eastern

on the Wednesday night of the uh, you know in
the same way that if you're out in the crowd
at the Academy Awards, you have a prepared speech.

Speaker 4 (30:19):
And you don't know if you're gonna win.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
What if you had a prepared speech from the final
contestants and they don't even know who's delivering it. They're
sitting there, they turn, they shake hands with everybody, and
then they go up on stage and deliver their acceptance speech.
To me, that would be incredible television. I mean, are
you telling me you wouldn't be watching that.

Speaker 4 (30:41):
I know.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
I think that there's a chance Trump does something just
like that. So look, we'll take we'll take some more
of your comments from all across the country on this one.
I just want to note Michael Cohen is currently testifying
about how he turned on Trump. A lawyer who flips
on his client. I don't know what is a lower

thing professionally than that. That is where the situation is
right now. We will bring you up to speed on
the latest with the Trump trial going into the second hour.
And then also Clay, we have a very interesting, very
interesting guest to talk about how the left has gone insane.
So looking forward to it.

Speaker 4 (31:18):
Yeah, no doubt.

Speaker 1 (31:19):
Nelly Bowles, who is the wife of the uh uh.

Speaker 4 (31:24):
What's fairy?

Speaker 1 (31:24):
Wis Sarry Weiss who has left in New York. Gonna
find out for once and for all if it's Barri
or Barry. I think it's Barry Weis, but you like Barrie.

Speaker 4 (31:32):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
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All right, welcome back to Clay and Buck, bringing you
up to speed in real time here with the Trump trial.

Speaker 4 (32:58):
Now, remember there's no cameras allow, so it's all you know.

Speaker 1 (33:01):
Reporters in there relaying out what they're hearing, relaying what
they are seeing, and the court what do you know?
The court artist, I guess right, the Stormy Daniels pictures
a little little, little unfair to Stormy. I'm just gonna say,
little unfair, Okay, the like the Brady sketch artist with
Tom Brat Any Justice you see your boy Jake Tapper

did his own courtroom sketches and use them on his show. No,
were they pretty good? I bet I don't know if
they were very good or not. I just saw the story.
Now they're now saying we heard Trump say that the
charges so far he thinks has helped his poll numbers.
Axios had a big story, I think, or maybe it's
The New York Times. I was reading it this morning,
and they're now saying one of the reasons why there

hasn't really been much of an impact is because the
case isn't televised, and so it's a struggle to get
people to care. Unlike say, Oh j which we talked about,
the only way that they are really I think even
able to hope that this turns in their favor, is
that the guilty verdict becomes its own thing in terms

of the new cycle. And Trump is guilty of a
feliy the first president. They're hanging at all on that
At this point, I don't see how else I mean
this stuff about all the salacious Oh really, Oh they're
making salacious allegations against Donald Trump. Oh you know, somebody
get the smelling salts, Like, how am I ever going
to handle this? It just doesn't it doesn't hit, It
doesn't land. We have Doug berg and we mentioned before

top three in the betting markets for VP right now,
but he was out at the trial. Trump's allies jd
Vance has done it. Tumberville SEC coach, right, I remember
former Auburn football coach Tommy Tumberville. They were eagle, not
role tide.

Speaker 4 (34:50):
Very well done.

Speaker 1 (34:51):
You're becoming a college football expert before to Obi Wan.

Speaker 4 (34:56):
But here is Doug Bergham outside the courtroom.

Speaker 7 (35:00):
The election interference, that it's tying up the president from
being out on the campaign trail. And of course we
know that from the polls that have come out, even
from the New York Times. Rasmussen Interactive. This week, President
Trump is leading all over the country. And the conclusion
you could draw from that is the American people have
already acquitted Donald Trump because the things that they're concerned about, inflation, crime,

the border, the economy, all of these things. President Trump
is leading by huge double digits versus Joe Biden, and
the sooner that this scam trial can be concluded, the
sooner that the President can get back to getting out
campaigning and talking to the American people.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
You know, people are out there making the case, Clay,
and I just one thing that really strikes me is
what's the counterpoint to all this. You notice there's no
one of any real haft who's making the argument in
public and showing up down there that this trial is
really important and about our sacred democracy or whatever they'll

say in the comfort of their studio and I'm NBC
or something, But they won't subject themselves to the public
and they won't say this out in the open in
the same way because it's absurd.

Speaker 4 (36:07):
The whole thing is crazy.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
And remember, while they're running out this trial, we're at
mid May. Now, when is that opinion from the Supreme
Court going to come down? I think you're starting to
see a panic. Axios began their story on their Morning
Digest Bucks saying that the whole Biden administration is basically
engaging in a form of magical realism in the belief

that the polls are all slanted against him. I even
saw our good buddy Joe Scarborough come out and say
The New York Times is too biased in favor of
Trump when.

Speaker 4 (36:40):
It comes to their polling.

Speaker 1 (36:42):
When you hear that, maybe we can grab that clip
from our good buddy Scarborough on Morning Joe, that's a
sign of desperation. The Times is consistently underrated Trump's support
throughout his whole career.

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