Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
We did it.
Speaker 3 (00:05):
We made it to a Friday. It's a meat Friday
at that white bean chicken chili and Jamaican beef patties.
Who has it better than we do? Nobody's going to
be a spicy Friday in more ways than one. We
got a busy show. Our good buddy, Clay Matthews. He'll
join us a little bit later on. Booker McFarlane stops by,
and the head coach of the National Champs, Ryan Day
from Ohio State, will stop by. There's something brewing in
Tampa and Jacksonville. It's not good for Tampa, and I
hope it's good for Jacksonville. Have that story for you
coming up as well. Stat of the Day is always
brought to you by Panini America, the official trading cards
of the program. First down, we're brought to you by Maco.
Most cars on the road could use a little TLC.
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affordable pink chomps like collision repairs. Get a free estimate today,
Uh oh bet or get Mako play the day poll
question stat of the Day. All of that forthcoming good morning.
If you're watching on Peacock, our streaming partner and radio
affiliates around the country over four hundred who allow us
to entertain you, at least try to entertain you.
Speaker 2 (01:15):
Monday through Friday.
Speaker 3 (01:16):
Odds to win the Super Bowl according to DraftKings this
morning Eagles, then it's the Chiefs, then it's the Bills,
and then it's the Commanders. You're going to get wishful predictions.
I talk about wishful reporting. Sometimes we want something to
happen because it makes our job easier. There's wishful predictions.
I think you're going to find a lot of people
who think the Commanders and the Bills are going to
win this weekend. Now, I don't know if they really
think they're going to win. They're hoping they win because
we can be chiefed out. You're going to be eagled
out too. But with Buffalo, you're like, all right, they
finally did it. That was a nice reaction from.
Speaker 2 (01:59):
You, Marvin. Thank you.
Speaker 4 (02:00):
I was into it.
Speaker 2 (02:02):
You left your microphone on.
Speaker 4 (02:04):
Oh did you hit it?
Speaker 2 (02:06):
I liked its like.
Speaker 3 (02:07):
Church yeah, yeah, Jesus.
Speaker 4 (02:20):
Yes, going to the Catholic Church. It is a culture
shock with you.
Speaker 2 (02:27):
We don't do that with your spirit. Yeah, we don't
do the no at all.
Speaker 4 (02:32):
There's no amen, no hallelujah, no praise be to Jesus.
So nothing, Okay, just sit here.
Speaker 5 (02:39):
Yes, wait, are you guys having a good time? And
now you can shake hands?
Speaker 2 (02:44):
Here's the money basket. Yeah?
Speaker 3 (02:48):
Oh boy, not a lot of joy I remember growing
up and I said to my mom, like.
Speaker 2 (02:53):
Are we supposed to have fun? And she goes, no,
we're in church.
Speaker 3 (02:56):
I go, well, but isn't a joyous isn't abration?
Speaker 2 (03:00):
She goes, no, you're in church. Like her answer was no,
you're in church. I'm like okay.
Speaker 3 (03:05):
I then went to a church with a friend of mine.
This is years ago, and they they had a great time.
They had music, they you know, the guitar mass you know,
they had they've had drums.
Speaker 2 (03:17):
I'm like, okay, I could get into this.
Speaker 4 (03:24):
Yes, ma, yes, the musicians are professional, like legit. They
get paid to play at church and it is serious.
So the church that we went to with my wife,
it was forty five minutes. Praise in worship where you
just sing was an hour and ten minutes.
Speaker 2 (03:41):
I like that.
Speaker 4 (03:43):
I mean they were killing it too. That bas paid
that bass player was on fire.
Speaker 2 (03:48):
Speaker 3 (03:48):
I went to a Mass one time or no, it
was just a I guess it's not mass, it's just
the service service, okay. And my wife said, hey, it's
new Age. Are you open minded? I said yeah, anything
that adds a little joy to this. I'd sit there
and I'd be like, I'm gonna get yelled at. When
I was a kid, went to church every single morning.
When I was at school, every morning we went to church,
had to get all dressed up. I remember just sitting
there and then you go into the confessional like everything
is damn. I'm in trouble already. I was born with
a sin, Like how did this happen?
Speaker 2 (04:23):
Mom? What did I do? You're in church? I'd be like,
all right, I'm in church.
Speaker 3 (04:28):
So we go to this service and it is raucous,
it is wild, and you know, even the sermon was great,
like was it was entertaining, It had energy to it,
and I'm like, can't we sprinkle a little bit of
that in to a Catholic Mass? Just give me a
little bit? And then I remember when they broke out
the guitars at my church, Shreadfast Saint Susanna had folk music.
You know, I was waiting for Joan Biez and Bob
Dylan to come in. He answer, my friend, oh that
was a big deal. It's like we got a guitar. Yeah,
we're having fun, yes, Arvon.
Speaker 4 (05:10):
The only awkward part is when they try to get
a little life in there. They clap on the one
in the three started the two in the four, and
it's like no, no, no, no, no no, don't stop clapping like that.
My wife starts. I was like, you stop too.
Speaker 3 (05:25):
Eight seven seven three DP show email address DP at
Danpatrick dot com Twitter handle a DP show operator.
Speaker 2 (05:31):
Awesome breakdown right there, Tyler sitting by Eagles.
Speaker 5 (05:36):
Eagles, I'll get it back to football.
Speaker 2 (05:40):
But in the same.
Speaker 5 (05:44):
Run the bold home mighty.
Speaker 2 (05:50):
Dang yes, Mark what they so?
Speaker 4 (05:53):
When I was a kid, the church I went to
during football season, they started service an hour earlier so
the pastor could get home and watched the giant.
Speaker 2 (06:00):
Respect like that.
Speaker 4 (06:02):
Church would be over every single Sunday during the season
at twelve thirty so he can get home and watch
his giant.
Speaker 2 (06:09):
Why are we always late to church? Though?
Speaker 3 (06:11):
I never understood that. Always my family was always late
to church, and we live about I don't know, three
minutes away from the church, but somehow we would be late,
or you get the people come in and they're they
get it right, you know, for the homily, or they
leave right after communion because those people have mastered it communion.
You're walking back, walking back, not gonna go into.
Speaker 2 (06:38):
The pew sea. Yeah, but those are the people that
also everybody noticed that, oh John left you.
Speaker 5 (06:45):
Okay, that's something that like my grandmother would have been
all over that Sunday before dinner. I would have already
gotten the call from my mom. Hey, my mom saw
you leave church after communion.
Speaker 2 (06:58):
But yes, ud it seems it's like the box.
Speaker 6 (07:00):
If you're showing up late regularly and or leaving early,
you want to do just enough so you don't.
Speaker 4 (07:05):
Go to hell.
Speaker 2 (07:07):
I technically was here. What if the minimum I.
Speaker 6 (07:09):
Can do to show my face and still be in
good you know, good graces?
Speaker 2 (07:12):
Yeah Lord, yeah, yeah, you walk out right after communion.
Speaker 3 (07:16):
Plus when you have to turn around and you have
to shake everybody's hand, like how far do you go
down the road where you're going to shake everybody's hand?
Like I like to just kind of acknowledge, like a yeah,
but you know, my wife is a oh oh, yes, peace.
Speaker 2 (07:31):
Be with Yes, yes you do the peace be with you?
Head nod. Yes, that's big. Yeah, I did dap. I
did dap. The other day.
Speaker 3 (07:39):
My wife goes, you should shake his hand. I go, nah,
I don't think so on just a little dap. Yeah, yes,
I wish you piece, but yeah, not so much. He
I'll shake your hand, Yeah, I'll light them out. Yeah,
just a little dap.
Speaker 6 (07:51):
We've got to work in one of those complicated athlete
handshakes that they do just to say, how hip there?
Speaker 2 (07:56):
All right? Poll question? What do we have today's seaton?
Speaker 5 (07:58):
Let's see, we got one here from I can't believe
blank had become likable, Notre Dame commander's other.
Speaker 3 (08:04):
Okay, well commanders. I don't think we disliked the commanders,
and we didn't care about them. They didn't care about him.
You only cared about the owner. So you disliked an owner.
You didn't care like they weren't on the radar to
actually dislike.
Speaker 2 (08:21):
Speaker 7 (08:22):
Point, but the Daniel Snyder stink was all over that
franchise the past two decades, and you felt bad for
like Ron Rivera and the different quarterbacks, and it made
you almost like you said, they're off the radar, but
generally dislikable.
Speaker 2 (08:35):
It's so much so because of their owner.
Speaker 3 (08:36):
Well, nobody disliked the commanders because they didn't threaten you,
they didn't bother you, like go Lee. They got to
live with that guy. You know, if your owner is
not a good guy in their winning, then that's different.
But I look at the Commanders is like they didn't
they didn't factor into my life. It was like, oh yeah, commanders, Okay,
those uniforms are.
Speaker 2 (08:57):
Kind of nice. All right, who's their coach?
Speaker 6 (09:00):
Speaker 2 (09:00):
Okay, yes see.
Speaker 3 (09:02):
Speaker 5 (09:02):
I feel like there are some teams that you are,
like you being people actively dislike.
Speaker 2 (09:08):
For sure. I know I have teams that I absolutely
do not like.
Speaker 5 (09:11):
But then there's other teams that you're just sort of
apathetic about, like whatever, Like the Raiders. For me, I'm
kind of like, oh yeah, all right, let's see if
they could figure it out or not. The Browns, all right,
let's see if they could figure it out or not.
I would put the Commanders in that scene things like,
oh what, but now it looks like maybe they did
figure it out.
Speaker 3 (09:27):
All right, great, But that's why people have wishful predictions
this weekend. I think they're just hopeful that the Chiefs
aren't back in the Super Bowl. I don't know if
they really believe Buffalo can win. I mean, it's a
two point spread, so we wouldn't be shocked if Buffalo won.
I think there would still be an element of surprise
if that. The Bills be KMP City in KANPS City.
The Commanders, I think you're like, man, the Commanders are
a good story. And here's something that came to me yesterday,
and I hope this isn't a prediction of things to come,
but I'm thinking about the Commanders making it all the
way to the NFC title Game, and the comparison was
the Atlanta Hawks making it to the Eastern Conference Finals
to face Philadelphia when they had Treya. And of course,
when you like you remember that it's one of those
if you look at the Eastern Conference Finals in previous
years and you go, oh, man, that's right, the Hawks
made the Eastern Conference Finals. The Commanders feel that way,
like they're not supposed to be here. At least it
feels like they're a year early. And Atlanta was the
same way. And then Atlanta disappeared. I hope that that's
not the case with the Commanders. It's been a great
story with Jaden Daniels, but I think the wishful would
be nice to have somebody else in there. Philadelphia and
Kansas City, and we've already seen that before, So I
think you'll have people who will say, man, I'm rooting
for pulling for prediction King Buffalo and Washington to make
it into the Super Bowl.
Speaker 2 (11:04):
All right?
Speaker 3 (11:05):
Uh so that is that the poll? What other poll
questions do we have? Because I don't think people hate
the Commanders. I just don't think they like Dan Snyder.
The Commanders are a lovable team. I think now or
that that underdog feel to him, and we're fascinated by
Jaden Daniels. The other thing I thought of with Jaden Daniels,
I can't help but go back to RG three when
he played there. He made one Pro Bowl his first year.
He was incredible and then he got hurt. And if
you see Jaden Daniels, he not a big guy. He's fast,
but he's not a big guy. There's a bigger target there.
He's a tall guy, he's wiry, no density to him,
like when he gets hit, you know he's spinning, and
that's what concerns me. You know, when you're looking at
longevity here, and who would have thought RG three would
not have been a Hall of Famer if you saw
in that first year he had track speed and he
was just different. You're looking at somebody who is the
prototype of what the league is going to be.
Speaker 2 (12:12):
And then it didn't last long after that.
Speaker 3 (12:15):
But as RG three is said on the show, their
decisions that he could have made that were smarter decisions.
Jaden Daniels has to understand that. And then I saw
where the defensive coordinator for the Commanders said, Hey, Jalen
Hurts runs the ball, We're going to hit him. Yeah,
that's what you're supposed to do. I don't think you
need to tell everybody that, but the defensive coordinator for
the Commander's Joe Witt Junior, said yesterday, we're going to
hit him. That's their decision if they want to get
him hit. If they don't, then keep him in the pocket. Okay.
I don't know if you need to say that. I
don't know if that changes anything for the Eagles and
Jalen Hurts, it's like, oh my god, wait, they're going
to hit me. I'm guessing if you get it. Look,
if I'm a defensive coordinator, I'm telling my team, if
you get a chance to take a shot, you take
a shot, do it within the rules best you can.
But if you somehow maybe go into the maybe that
wasn't a legitimate hit, that's okay, we'll take the we'll
take the penalty. I'll pay the fine. I don't know
if Buffalo would say that to their players privately with
Patrick Mahomes, but if you get a chance, hit him, yeah.
Speaker 5 (13:35):
They those type of comments do seem to eventually come
back into like a bounty gate type scenario. You know, like, yes,
it's great, tell your players that and all that stuff,
but you don't really say that out loud, necessarily, not
to go too extreme with it or anything. But they
it's comments like that that eventually get twisted into something
that they're not supposed to be.
Speaker 3 (13:59):
Yes, if Buddy Ryan was still coaching, then we might
go there's a bounty here, but there's no reason. There's
no reason to say it. If you say it to
your players, great, but saying it to the media that
means you're basically going into the Eagles locker room and
saying to Jalen Hurts, Hey, if you run, we're hitting you.
By the way, Washington's defense against the Eagles gave up
seven hundred and seventy two yards and fifty nine points
in the two games between those two So that's what
I would be a little more concerned about than just
making sure I hit Jalen Hurts.
Speaker 7 (14:32):
Yes, Paul Washingt's playing the long game. They lulled them
into a false sense of.
Speaker 2 (14:36):
Security of those two games. Mmm, they did a really
good job. It is a really good job.
Speaker 6 (14:41):
Yes, unless they're employing reverse psychology making that comment publicly.
How to even in your subconscious mind an official not
have that in the back of the mind and anything
close were like, well, they did say they were going
to kind of go after them a little bit or
treat them like a running back, and you're like, not
intentionally just putting that in the ref's ear that like,
we're going to be extra close watch how they're gonna
hit him.
Speaker 3 (15:01):
It happens so fast on the field that I don't
think it official is in the moment in a split
second going hey they're dirty. Hey, that's I mean, it
all kind of sorts itself out. I would think if
you're hitting somebody in the pocket, then that would be different. Hey,
we're gonna hit him. We're gonna hit him right as
he throws the ball. That would be something that I
would keep an eye on. But as far as Jalen
hurts outside the pocket, well, I mean, he is a
runner once he's outside the pocket, So I don't I mean,
I'm surprised you say it. You don't need to say it,
but you might get caught up and you're spirited, you know,
you're fiery. We're gonna if he runs, we're gonna hit
him like okay and get his football. I hope you do.
But do we have that sound? Can we get that? Marvin?
Speaker 8 (15:51):
We've had a number of these guys that they are
that we've had to prepare for. And so the one
thing is as if he's going to run the ball,
and if the coordinator makes a decision for him to
run the ball, we're gonna treat him like a running
back and we're going to hit him that way, you know.
So that's that's their decision. If they want to get
him hit the way that that he gets hit. If
they don't, they'll keep me in the pocket. So that's
that's what we're going to do.
Speaker 3 (16:16):
Okay, coordinators don't talk to the media like, how did
this happen?
Speaker 2 (16:23):
Where all of a sudden he's given the game plan?
Here we dare you it hurts to run?
Speaker 3 (16:28):
Speaker 2 (16:29):
Watch what happened?
Speaker 3 (16:30):
Yeah, well, giving his knee concerns, I don't know how
much he's going to run. But if you're Washington, keep
him in the pocket. Make him a thrower. That's no surprise.
All right, we'll take a break, just getting started on
the program. By the way, decent weather for both of
these games coming up this weekend. The Jags get a coach.
I think we'll have that for you coming up. Dan
Patrick Show.
Speaker 1 (16:53):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
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Speaker 9 (17:05):
Hey Steve Covino and I'm Rich David and together we're
Covino and Rich on Fox Sports Radio. You could catch
us weekdays from five to seven pm Eastern two to
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Speaker 2 (17:17):
Why should you listen to Covino and Rich?
Speaker 9 (17:19):
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Speaker 3 (17:24):
We have a lot of fun talking about the stories
behind the stories in the world of sports and pop culture,
stories that well, other shows don't seem to have the
time to discuss.
Speaker 9 (17:32):
And the fact that we've been friends for the last
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So check us out. We like to get you involved too,
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Speaker 2 (17:46):
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Speaker 9 (17:47):
Be sure to check out Covino and Rich live on
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Speaker 2 (17:51):
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Speaker 9 (17:54):
And if you miss any of the live show, just
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of course on social media, that's Veno and Rich.
Speaker 3 (18:02):
Case you're wondering why Notre Dame wouldn't join a conference,
how about we look at the payouts from the college
football playoffs. The Big Ten made forty six million dollars
with the six wins that their teams had. The SEC
twenty six million dollars, but their two wins, then Notre
Dame made twenty million dollars off their wins. The Big
twelve had eight million, you had, the ACC had eight million,
and the Mountain West had eight million.
Speaker 2 (18:33):
That's your payout.
Speaker 3 (18:34):
So until we get into that super conference, Notre Dame
is going to stay independent. And if you're going to
expand this from twelve to fourteen, it just means Notre
Dame is going to make it. You may not want
to give them a home game, and you know the committee,
there's going to be a lot of things discussed here
over the next two months and then what is put
into play with the new TV deal. But that's the payout.
The Big ten had to share forty six million. How
many teams are in the Big Ten?
Speaker 2 (19:03):
Speaker 3 (19:05):
Did each school make like two million dollars or three
million dollars from this?
Speaker 2 (19:09):
Maybe? What do we have eighteen teams in the Big Ten? Yeah?
Speaker 7 (19:14):
I think Ohio State gets a double share because they
earned it for the title game, but everyone else splits it.
Speaker 2 (19:19):
Okay, Ryan Day will join us in the final lave
of the program.
Speaker 3 (19:22):
SEC they're sharing their twenty six million with how many
teams are in the SEC?
Speaker 2 (19:27):
Speaker 3 (19:28):
They got like sixteen? So hey got a million million
and a half dollars. Yeah, things will change though, all right.
Uh Buddha in San Francisco. Hi Buddha, what's on your mind?
No money?
Speaker 10 (19:47):
Happy to me? Friday boys, Uh DP, you're straight preaching
this morning. My passion bucket was full after that opening segment.
By the way, Dan, little lou Holtz there on your desk,
you got to straighten them up a little bit before.
Ryan Dacobs on the show. He's had a little gangster
lean to your left for quite some time. I'm surprised
you haven't trained him up yet. But anyways, I digress in.
I am praying for the Lord to deliver us from
the chief this weekend, and in the great words of
our friend and Charles Barkley, Guyaudy, the Bills will win
on Sundays. Let's go for see.
Speaker 2 (20:27):
Thank you, Buddha, have a good weekend.
Speaker 3 (20:30):
Buccaneers offensive coordinator Liam Cohen told the team Thursday that
he was leaving to become the Jags head coach. Is
according to a source telling ESPN, two sides have verbally
agreed on a contract, so this was a wild forty
eight hours, Liam Cohen all of a sudden became Ben Johnson.
He pulled himself out of consideration for the Jags job.
He agreed to a contract extension with the Buccaneers that
would have made him the NFL highest paid coordinator. That
he changed his mind after Jacksonville reached out to him,
and then I think he reconsidered after Jacksonville fired general
manager Trent Balky. So then they were looking for Liam
Cohen yesterday all day, Tampa Bay is looking for their offensive.
Speaker 2 (21:25):
Coordinator, and he ghosted them.
Speaker 3 (21:29):
And then I think he got in touch with head
coach Raheem Morrison said he had been with his son,
had to take his son to the doctor, and then
word came that maybe unless the doctor is in Jacksonville
and he was taking his son there. He was with
Jacksonville agreeing to a new contract to become the head
coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars. So I'm thinking I heard
the name Liam Cohen during a Buccaneers broadcast. I didn't
think much of it. He's kind of traveled around a
little bit. He was, I think with the Rams. I
think he was with Kentucky Football and done a great
job with Baker Mayfield. But all of a sudden, and
Liam Cohen sounds like he's you know, twenty four years
of age. He's almost forty, almost forty. I'm a man,
and he's now jack Well, they've agreed to a deal.
I don't know if he signed it, but he's agreed
to a deal. Rick Stroud, who covers the Buccaneers for
Tampa Bay Times, he will join us coming up at
top the next hour.
Speaker 2 (22:36):
Yes, Paul.
Speaker 7 (22:37):
Diane ever seen you at the Athletic reported that he
was back in Tampa going to be the assistant offensive
coordinator again and get the big deal. Then they put
him on a plane back to Jacksonville, not drive a plane.
They let him pick the general manager, according to Diana,
and offered him Ben Johnson level money for multiple years.
Speaker 2 (22:54):
Dang, Yes, Todd, But did.
Speaker 6 (22:57):
Liam give Tampa Bay a doctor's note at least, because
sometimes just like in school, you give the doctor's note.
Speaker 2 (23:01):
That it's okay, I don't know, we can ask.
Speaker 6 (23:04):
We're absolved from all the problems if you get Yeah.
Speaker 2 (23:08):
But they so they were.
Speaker 3 (23:09):
They said, hey, we need you to come in and
sign your contract in Tampa.
Speaker 2 (23:13):
All right, I'll do it.
Speaker 3 (23:15):
And I think that was Wednesday, and then all of
a sudden Thursday, they're reaching out and going, hey, come on,
we need you to come in now. I'm paraphrasing this
from some of the reporting there, but you can't get
in touch with him, and then you realize he's taking
the Jacksonville John that he calls up Raheem Morse at
five o'clock on Thursday, and they've been trying to get
in touch with him.
Speaker 2 (23:37):
I guess the entire day. Yes, boy.
Speaker 7 (23:41):
Ashley Cohen, the wife of Liam Cohen, actually posted on
social media an hour ago, an hour ago quote, I
hate that I have to say this, but people are
negative about my kids. I will not be silent. Our
son is sick. We were at the hospital yesterday seeking
a specialist for his autoimmune disease. Please don't spread information misinformation.
That was just an hour ago.
Speaker 2 (24:01):
She posted it.
Speaker 5 (24:02):
Okay, sounds like she's unknown it too.
Speaker 2 (24:07):
Supportive wife, supportive.
Speaker 3 (24:09):
Wife, Okay, but I'd still like to know how did
you get to Jacksonville. There had to be some preparations that, yes,
I hope your son is better, and uh, you know,
a good bright outlook here and maybe he was there,
but Tampa. You didn't tell Tampa you're going to Jacksonville.
So both things can be true that, Hey, your son
was at the hospital and you ghosted Tampa Bay.
Speaker 2 (24:40):
Yes, Todd's that's the problem.
Speaker 6 (24:42):
If you care, a quick little note, a little emoji, something,
just to let them know that you're acknowledging that they're
looking for you and you just can't be there just yet.
I don't know why that's too much, unless it's such
an emergency situation where you can't take a couple of
seconds to say, let me get back to you. I'm
dealing with my kids illness.
Speaker 5 (24:56):
Win now, yes, well, I mean okay, yes, he air
quotes disappeared right from Tampa to Jacksonville. It's not like
it was Miami to Seattle. They're three hours apart from
each other. It's not like he you know what I mean.
Speaker 2 (25:14):
Yeah, but he didn't tell them that he was going there.
Speaker 3 (25:16):
Why does he need to Well, because they were waiting
for him to sign a contract. They had just made
him the highest paid coordinator in the NFL. He came
back and he said, hey, are you gonna take care
of me? We will come in and sign your deal.
You have to at least say, hey, I'll be there late.
Hey I got something I'm dealing with. It's really important.
I'll be there.
Speaker 2 (25:41):
But you can't.
Speaker 3 (25:42):
You can't you leave them hanging like that that you're like, eh,
I'm oh, forgot to tell you.
Speaker 2 (25:48):
Hey, I forgot I was in Jacksonville. Like, you can't
do that to him.
Speaker 7 (25:54):
Yeah, Pauline, I think I disagree on this one because
the Jaguars are pursuing him for a much higher level
job that pays much more. I would have gotten on
that plane and see what you could do with Jacksonville
and talk to them. I think they'd be dangerous for
your career to call Tampa your bosses and say I'm
about to get on a plane to look at another job.
You may be in no man's land.
Speaker 2 (26:15):
Then you've already spoken to them.
Speaker 3 (26:17):
You spoke to them and came back to get a
better offer from Tampa, so that already happened. This isn't
like they didn't know you were talking to Jacksonville. You
told them that you were going to sign this contract
and then you end up going to Jacksonville.
Speaker 2 (26:32):
I get it, Tampa.
Speaker 3 (26:34):
If you said to Tampa, hey, Jacksonville just fired their GM,
I have to talk to them about this head coaching.
They're not going to pass on a guy who is
this good to that organization. If you're going to spend
that kind of money on him, then you really believe
in him, and you believe in him as maybe your
next head coach in Tampa at some point. So I
don't think I think you could have just said to him, hey,
to check this out. You know, my goal is to
be a head coach. I have this opportunity. Maybe it
won't work out. I'm sorry, I'm leaving you hanging here,
but this doesn't look good. I mean, he's gonna get
the job. We might, you know, look back on this,
or you know, if Jacksonville plays Tampa, you know, you know,
he won't get a hero's welcome.
Speaker 2 (27:23):
It's just messy. It's just messy.
Speaker 3 (27:26):
And most of these owners they know, if you get
the job or a chance to be a head coach,
we won't stand in your way. And they were offering
him great money to be a coordinator. Now Jacksonville offered
him money that's similar to what Ben Johnson got in Chicago.
So he played both sides. Maybe he did it brilliantly.
It's just messy. The Cowboys situation isn't firm yet. Brian
Schottenheimer looks like they're going to elevate him. I guess
if I'm going to use a word, i'd say pending.
Then there was the are they going to reach out
to other candidates here Pete Carroll? There was a report
that they called Pete Carroll. I don't know if you
have Pete Carroll be part of the staff, which would
be weird because is Pete a consultant and advisor head coach?
Speaker 2 (28:24):
Ish? But it's the Cowboys. And here's the other thing.
Speaker 3 (28:29):
Sometimes when you go, gosh, we got our guy, like
Chicago got a guy that a few teams wanted. If
nobody wants the guy that you're hiring, that might be
a telltale sign of did we get the right guy?
Did we get the right guy for Jerry to still
be able to be the coach of this team? And
maybe it works out it just if I'm a Cowboys fan,
I feel like, what do we do?
Speaker 2 (29:01):
What are we doing? We've been down this road before.
Speaker 3 (29:06):
You got the Commanders and the Eagles in the NFC
title game?
Speaker 2 (29:11):
What are we doing? And that was the feeling I got.
Speaker 3 (29:14):
I thought, and I don't see Pete Carroll taking a
job like that, Like I didn't see Dion taking a
job like that, and Jerry should realize there are coordinators
or former coaches who don't want to go into that situation,
and it's weird. I don't know if Mike McCarthy said,
I don't want to come back for one more year,
it's still the Cowboys, and maybe he's got a job
waiting with the Sins. Maybe I thought maybe the Bears
would work out for him, because if Ryan or Ben
Johnson went to the Raiders, then maybe he would have
gotten the Bear's job. But you walk away from the
Cowboys and Jerry would have given you one more year.
But Mike didn't want to be dangled like that and
he shouldn't be. But because of that, you don't fire
Mike when you probably should have. If you're moving on
from him or kind of moving on, then move on
from him. It's like, if you're thinking of retiring, then retire.
That's what I always tell an athlete. If you're thinking
of retiring, then retire. But they miss out on interviewing
Ben Johnson, they didn't interview Mike Vrabel. So here you
are Dion wasn't an interview. That's a conversation. Somebody made
it public. That and maybe both did it helped Dion,
and then Jerry stays in the news cycle for an
entire week. Hey, they're considering Dion. Brian Schottenheimer is a
football lifer. He's bounced around his father, you know, Marty Schottenheimer,
and maybe it works out, but it feels like a
Jerry jones Hire that nobody else would make that higher.
It's like when Barry Switzer came in, there is nobody
who go, man, we want to get Barry Switzer. Dave Campo,
I mean you can run to Chan Gaily. I mean,
Bill Parcells was a big get and then Parcells goes.
I don't know if I want to stay in this.
So you you have occasionally a bigger personality. You know,
Jason Garrett loved Jason, but he was ideal for Jerry.
It's like he had his other son there coaching and
he was there to help him constantly. These coaches, it
just feels that way, and it's unfortunate because Cowboy fans
deserve better than that. I mean, do I want the
Cowboys to win, No, but you've suffered for thirty years.
You were insufferable before that. Now I feel bad for
you because you're stuck. You're in, You're in the colts,
you can't get out, and that cult leader keeps doing
the same stuff, same stuff. Oh my goodness, it's it's
football ayahuasca, Like, uh, we're gonna we're gonna.
Speaker 2 (32:15):
Get it's gonna be better, it's gonna be different. And
then it's not. It's the same.
Speaker 3 (32:18):
You go into that TP and you come out and
you go, uh oh no, same thing, yeah.
Speaker 5 (32:24):
Se, So is the problem here really just that he said, well,
I'm taking my name out of the running and then
threw his name right back in. That's really the whole
problem with Cohen, right. He said that he wasn't gonna
go after the job anymore. He interviewed and he was
just like, all right, I'm not I'm not gonna take
that job. They came to some kind of verbal agreement
for a new payment with the Bucks and then he's like, well,
maybe I will go back to the Jaguars.
Speaker 3 (32:51):
Well, they fired Trent Balkey, and I think that's why
he wasn't taking the job. I think they wanted him
to take the job, and then I don't think he
you know a lot of these candidates they didn't want
to go in there with Trent Baulkey.
Speaker 5 (33:04):
Firing the GM is what changed his mind for the
second interview.
Speaker 3 (33:08):
Yes, yes, I think they wanted him to be the coach.
I don't think he wanted to work with Trent Bulky.
That's why he went back to Tampa. They gave him
a contract extension. Then all of a sudden, you know,
Jacksonville's like, we're gonna lose him. All right, We're gonna
fire Trent Pulkey.
Speaker 5 (33:22):
Trent Falkey must make a real impression, even dudes who've
never coached, and he like, oh that guy. I'd rather
stay the coordinator over here down the road. No thanks,
all right, we'll take a break.
Speaker 2 (33:36):
Dang uh. We got Play of the Day up next
after this.
Speaker 1 (33:42):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan
Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio WAP Oh my God.
Speaker 2 (33:54):
Of the day. This is the play of the day.
Speaker 1 (34:01):
Check this out.
Speaker 3 (34:02):
One point seven seconds left for Denver inboundy Yoki's from
seventy eight feet.
Speaker 9 (34:08):
Got it at or Oh my god, from seventy eight
feet Choker baseball pass throws that big home.
Speaker 3 (34:17):
He said he knew it was going in. That's courtesy
of Altitude Radio Network. That's your play of the day.
Play of the day brought to you by the great
folks at Express Employment Professionals. Speed up your hiring process,
reduce time to hire, cut costs, and find the right
talent for contract in full time roles. Visit expresspros dot
com today and transform transform your hiring process. Whenever somebody's
name is mentioned statistically with Wilt Chamberlain, I take note
because we kind of dismiss Wilt's numbers. We're like, yeah,
but that was before the NBA became the NBA. Hey
average fifty points a game? Yeah, was he playing against Okay?
I understand that Nikola jokicch had his name mentioned with
Wil Chamberlain last night. He had a thirty five twenty
two seventeen night. The last time that happened in the
NBA was Wilt Chamberlain in nineteen sixty eight. Will also
did it in nineteen sixty eight. Another time, Oscar Robertson
did it twice in nineteen sixty two.
Speaker 2 (35:28):
That's it.
Speaker 5 (35:29):
Whoa now stead of a day Stanta day, stead of
a day Stantata day.
Speaker 2 (35:38):
This is the Stele of the.
Speaker 3 (35:40):
Day four games this season with at least twenty twenty
and ten, the only player to have one game this
season like that. But it's become commonplace for him, and
he's doing triple doubles in three quarters, so he averages
a triple double and he gets his average in some
of these games by the end of the third quarter.
I don't think he's going to win the MVP this
year because I do think that the voters will lean
towards Shay Gilgis Alexander. Oklahoma City is a better team,
better record. But what Joker's doing, he's still the best
player in basketball. Now that doesn't mean you're always the MVP,
but he's still the best player in basketball. And it's
strange to watch somebody play a game. He plays old
man basketball and he's twenty nine. He doesn't speed up
like he'll play this way until he dies. You know,
he could be sixty out there. He's not slowing down.
He's already slowed down. Oh he's not gonna be able
to jump that high. He can't jump that high. It's
we've all played on the playground and there's that guy
that you know, cut off shorts and he's got beat
up con On and he's the guy who probably played
in the Ivy League for Cornell, and the guy's torching everybody,
and you're going, you gotta be kidding me, you gotta
be kidding. This guy's got black socks on, and like,
what are we doing? This guy's dominating. That's Joker. Joker
plays at a pace that's different. We think, you know
a you know, athletically, it's speed, gotta be fast, gotta
it's not. It's when you need to speed up, when
you slow down. And there's so many players that have
been able to do like Paul Pierce. I never understood
the greatness of Paul Piers, not that he wasn't great.
I just never understood how Paul Pierce could do what
he wanted to do to Lebron James. And if you
look at them athletically, it's not even close. But Paul
understood how to get to certain places use his body,
angles Kawhi Leonard, he can have the game. He can
dictate the pace of a game when he was healthy.
Luca does this the pace of the game, and Joker
does this as well. And it's remarkable when your name
is mentioned with Wilt, when it comes to offensive statistics,
you get my attention, and that's pretty impressive. Go thirty five,
twenty two, and seventeen. I don't know if he was
sweating either. I don't know if he broke a sweat,
but it just feels like a yeah, that's my job.
Speaker 2 (38:27):
Yeah, Pauling, he's.
Speaker 7 (38:28):
Up to thirty points a game, thirteen and a half rebounds,
ten assists. Here's a stat for you. He's never been
a volume three point shooter. This year he's up to
shooting over four threes per game. Guess who is currently
the league leader in players who take four or more
three point shots per game three point percentage.
Speaker 3 (38:46):
Jokis well, Joker's shooting I think forty eight or forty
nine percent from three point right is at.
Speaker 7 (38:50):
Forty eight percent. He's never been above thirty eight percent
in his entire career. And it's not a small sample size. Yeah,
that's what's amazing.
Speaker 3 (38:57):
And you look at that shot and it's almost as
if you're or you have a folding ladder and then
you open the ladder up. That's how it takes him
that long to get that shot all the way up
and all the way back. But it's a really pure
shot follow through, but forty eight percent, that's crazy.
Speaker 2 (39:17):
Yes, Mark, you.
Speaker 4 (39:18):
Hit it on the head. Yesterday you were talking about
the MVP's kind of like the Academy Awards. This is
gonna be his Godfather, Like he didn't win for the Godfather,
but he won for Scent of a Woman.
Speaker 2 (39:29):
Speaker 3 (39:30):
Yeah, No, I agree because I think that there was
a real push for embiid to win the MVP. I
think the voters, some voters went out of their way
to really make this a campaign against Joker. Now, embiide
had great numbers. I think the campaign has already started
with SGA and his team is really good and he
just put up fifty four and he's the favorite right
now to win the MVP.
Speaker 7 (39:52):
Yeah, Pony, I think you've brought this up before, back
like ten years ago with Lebron, when you're considered the
best player on Earth and there's not really a discuss,
but you're not in the MVP vote. It's you've entered
another category of being taken for granted mahomes the past
two or three years. It's the ultimate category.
Speaker 3 (40:10):
By the way, we have the most must win game
of the weekend. We'll have that for you coming up
we'll try to sort through the mess that is Jacksonville
and Tampa Bay with their new head coach. That'll be
coming up. Mike in Texas. Hi, Mike, what's on your
mind today?
Speaker 11 (40:25):
Hey Dave? I heard I'm not sorry, not Dave there.
I heard you talking to Dave a couple of weeks ago,
who retired after forty years, and y'all have some history together,
and I guess y'all started off together. And you know,
I was listening to Dave and all of his messages,
hair sing you get me really choked up in the thing.
You think, did it change her feeling about retirement more
excited or more apprehensive?
Speaker 2 (40:47):
Speaker 3 (40:48):
No, I'm fine with my decision. But I had to
make a decision. I don't want to hold on. I
want it to be great. I want the show to
be great when it's done, and not to compare ourselves
to Seinfeld. But you know Jerry talked about that he
wanted the show to be great. You don't want to
just hang on. He passed on a lot of money
to do another year, and I want to be great
when we're done with this. I don't want it to
be Yeah, it's about the time, so No, I'm fine.
I'm fine, no problems, no issues. Fritzy's always like you're
going to reconsider. Have you thought about reconsidering?
Speaker 10 (41:35):
Speaker 4 (41:35):
Guys hold that hope.
Speaker 2 (41:37):
Them Cohen, It's true, it's true. All right. One hour
of the books on this Meat Friday. Two more to
go Dan Patrick's show,