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February 16, 2023 20 mins

Pro Bowl Safety Jordan Poyer recaps his week on radio row in Arizona during media week at the Super Bowl, gives his reaction to Patrick Mahomes the Kansas City Chiefs defeating the Philadelphia Eagles, and talks about the start of his free agency process. #volume

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's good everybody. Welcome to the sixteenth episode of the
Jordan Porter Podcast. It is Wednesday, February fifteenth, the day
after Valentine's Day. I hope everybody had a great, loving
Valentine's Day. You got to love your loved ones, love
yourself just as important. It is the week after the
Super Bowl, and just like I predicted, Chiefs won by

three thirty five with a crazy, crazy game. We'll talk
about that a little bit more. I gotta get the
flowers to those guys. Man, She's are a great football team,
my homes. I mean, just just a different, different generation
type quarterback. Man. You gotta give gotta give him this
credit out there playing hurt on an ankle, getting hurt again.
Travis Kelsey doing this thing man that we're getting that

a little bit later. But it was a great experience
out there in Arizona. Had a great time, a lot
of media. Uh it was. It was my first time
on media rowe, which is really really awesome. I got
to get on the Pat mcnie show with to get
a shout out, Pat, thank you for letting me get
on the show. It's always fun to come on the show.
Um serious sex um Jim Rome. It's always fun talking

to Jim Rome. He's somebody that I grew up listening
to and now to be able to sit and have
conversations and talk ball and talk life with Jim Rome
on the set is just truly and on or so
many other uh, you know, so many people I met.
I got to meet for the first time, Malcolm Jenkins.
I did an interview with him. Um, it was just
a great event. Uh you know, hopefully next year I'm
playing in it. But you know, all that said, it

was cool to see a lot of guys run the
league that you watch, Um, you meet, uh, you get
to hang out with, have dinner with, and and just
chop it up with. So it was, like I said,
I flew back, I flew out there, flew out to
Arizona on Thursday. Um, did all the media stuff on
Friday Saturday. Then get a couple rounds of golfing, played
some beautiful courses, the Ocean, beautiful course. Saw DJ called there,

he was golfing. Um, it's just a great weekend. Like
I said, we wanted to beat the traffic, my wife
and I, So we left at two o'clock on Sunday.
During the game. So we watched the game on the
plane and like I said, what a crazy is a game?
I hate that it ended the way it did. You know,
I felt obviously the Chiefs were gonna pull it out anyway.
But you know, even though even though brad Berry said
he held juju, I mean, come on, man, that's to me,

it's like a situation right there. It's almost like you
gotta let boys play, you know, you gotta let boys
play unless this. I mean, that could have definitely gone
either way in my opinion. It could have gone either
way as far as throwing the flag or not throw
the flag. But um, to me, in that situation, you
just don't Obviously I played defense, so you know i'd
be offensive players gonna want that flag, every defensive players

gonna say, you gotta let him play. But that's my opinion.
Tough way to end for the Eagles, but they played hard. Man.
You gotta get props to Jalen Hurts saying going out
there with all everything, all the pressure that he's had
all season long to perform and I mean he just
had a spectacular for performance. And um, it was a
great game. It was a great game. Definitely up there
was one of the top h super boats of all time.

You know obviously that the halftime performance was it was crazy.
Rihanna did their thing. You know, just really cool to
see d Ham out there with everybody celebrating, all the
celebrities and all that. It was just super cool to
see and experience all that. But uh, definitely up there
with one of the top Super Bowls, um two super
Bowl shows games you know, of all time will definitely

go down to history. I just like I said, I
just don't think you make that call at the end
of the game right there. I do think chick Case
was still gonna find a way to put the ball
in the end zone, whether it's the field goal or
run out some time. But I do wish they would
let him play a little bit more. That being said,
the game is over. It is time for a new season.
Where will I be. I don't know. We'll see if

three Agency is gonna start ramping back up. I'm excited
about the process. I'm excited about you know, just you know,
I bet I've worked extremely hard to put myself in
in a position like this, and I'm gonna enjoy it,
you know, And I've I've said this before all media
all week long, weekend long. Everybody's asking me, you know,
on the media row, you know, with what's what's your playing,
What's gonna happen? And I honestly don't know. I've said

it before. You know, if it works out in Buffalo,
you know, great as a as a blessing. If not,
you know, it's obviously it's just this is a business.
And I understand that. Um. It's one of the first
things that they tell you when you come into this
league that you know, never get to attached to one place,
is we'll never get too comfortable, uh comfortable to better word,
because in the day, this is a business. Um. Team

is always gonna look after you know, themselves, and you know,
I'm gonna look after myself and the family and my family.
And I got no shame in saying that. Um. Like
I said, it works extremely hard of these last ten
years I've been in the league, or the last six
years I've been in Buffalo, trying to do my best
to help that team win football games. So if it's
meant to be, it's meant to be. If it's right,
it's right. Uh. And like I said, I'm just excited

about the process. And excited to get my body right.
That's another one of my big goals this offseason. You know,
I feel really good right now. Um. You know, it's
been a little less than the months since we played.
So I'm you know, a lot of rehab, a lot
of treatment, you know, a lot of dis recovery stuff
to get my body you know where it needs to
be for you know, when I start training you know hard,

and so it's my main goal, you know, and and
I know I can accomplish it. You know, it was
a tough season having to deal with all the injuries.
You know, kind of start behind the eight ball in
training camp, you know, with the elbow, and just continue
to you know, small little I mean not little things.
Spring my foot. I got that back, and then I
freaking broke two ribs on the interception. You know, that

came back, and you know, lung contusion. You know that's fine. Um,
you know, and now you know, obviously, just continue to
rehab my knee. I was feeling so much better. Um,
and thank goodness, I don't have to have surgery, so
I will feel a percent better going into next next season.
And I'm excited about that, Excited for my body. Feel
right going into another season to play the game I love.

So that's where I'm at in the off season. A
couple of things I'm doing this offseason. I got some weddings.
I get to go to my boy Kirksey. Christian Kirksy
is getting married in Cabo. Really excited about that. I
saw Kirksy out in uh Arizona. I haven't. I played
with Christian Kirksey in Cleveland a long time ago, and uh,
you know, he's had he's had his his success in

the career. He's going into year ten now. Um, almost
seems like we came into lead together. But a really
good friend of mine getting married. Congratulations to you and
your family. Got something really excited coming up. I'm not
going to share with you guys yet when I kind
of let him mingo a little bit, but I am
taking a trip, very excited to hopefully share at some
point with you guys, you know, and share my experiences

with you guys. But I'm very very excited to go
on this trip. Um, it'll be in the end, actually
right after my buddy Kirksey's wedding, and uh, you know,
we'll get into a little bit uh Z that gates closer. Uh,
get get into a little bit of that more. Um.
But yeah, like I said, got some got some really
fun things coming up. And it's always off season, you know,

you know, down here in South Florida, I love the weather.
Get to go train in the morning, go off on
the afternoon, and hang out with the family in the evening,
hit the jet skis, hit the water. The sun is
always out and I love that. You can see I'm
starting to get my color back a little bit. Uh.
You go back into a couple of episodes ago, maybe
four or five episodes ago. I might be looking pretty pale.
My mom's side of the family comes out of me

in the wintertime. But down here seeing the sun again
and getting some color back in my vitamin D back.
It's always good to see the sun. Let's get into
this week's Pick six category. I'm excited to continue to
share this category with you guys. Uh. It seems pretty
good to go pretty well last week. A lot of
you guys loved this. I'm gonna come back to it's
talk about the waste management. Scottie Scheffler. I'm a big

Scottie Schefferd fan. Um. I like his swing it's just
really unorthodox, but he gets it done with the foot.
You know. I'm also big Justin Thomas, but Justin Thomas
and John roth Fan, all three of those guys played
extremely well. Scotti Scheffer took her home. I mean those
guys I didn't go. Um I've gone to the waste
management open before, back in twenty had to be twelve,

and mean, it's absolutely just way too many people out
there for me to enjoy my time. And you know,
it's just it takes about two hours to even leave
afterwards because there's that many people. So I watched it
in the comfort of a nice chair, going from place
to place, whether it was lunch or um My Buddy's

Buddies creat for barbecue, you know, and just seeing the
talent that these guys haven't seen the poise that these
guys have on there's so much pressure. I mean, I
don't know if you guys saw the clip is my
favorite clip ever. Ricky Fowler is on six team putting
for Birdie and the crowd's chance. Crowd's chance something I
can't repeat on my podcast, but they're chanting as he's

about to take his as these approaches put and the
crowd starts to quiet, but the crowd starts to you know,
tell everybody to be quiet, and Ricky. Ricky turns around
and he just kind of goes and he starts telling that,
you know, get louder, and he sinks this probably about
eight and ten ft put just sinks. It absolutely just
can drains it as the crowd's going crazy. And I

mean just that poise right there, I mean, that's that's
some I mean, those guys got, you know, some so
much talent and so much fun to watch. You know,
I'm never gonna be as good as them, but I'd
like to think that, you know, I could have some
of that, some of that, uh that mental toughness and
that that poise that that those guys, that those guys
show out there on the golf course. Uh, you know,

I I truly feel like a lot of that, you know,
golfing carries out. I mean all sports. I feel like
any sport you play, you know, definitely there's things that
that that translate from football to life or safe from
golf to football. You know, as far as it's for
an easy one. You know, you hit a bad shot
off the t u or you make a bad play
of the game, you know, being able to forget that

play or forget that shot and move on to the
next shot, and understanding that the next shot, your most
supporting shot, not be not be so you know, stuck
on the the shitty shot you just have or the
bad play you just have, you know, focusing on what's
important right now and that's the next shot. And you've
got to really be able to tune your mind and
train your mind in order to to think like that.

And so, um, I give a lot of credit to
those guys. You know, you see a lot of guys
that hit a bad shot off and and you know
they they kind of flush it. They call it flush it.
And you see him get on the green on their
second shot out of the rough from under retreat and
it's sexually like, oh my god, I mean it's crazy.
So it's watching those guys play. So Scott shot to
Scottie Scheffler, you know, taking first, Nick Taylor getting second,

John Wrong, coming in third Big John wrong. Than Yeah,
it was fun weekend. Like I said, waste Mana is
always a fun, fun tournament to to watch Annaton. If
you haven't been, I suggest that you go. Um it's
always fun pick number two. Let's talk about these UFO sidings.
What is going on in this world? First of all,
you want my opinion. I know you didn't ask, but

I'm gonna give it to you anyway. Um. To me,
I feel like these UFOs have already been here. It's
really not a surprise to me because I do believe
in extraterrestrial whatever you wanna call it, aliens out of
planet whatever, I do believe in them. What uh what
do you want to believe it or not? That's fine,
But to say, these UFO sightings all of a sudden

are starting to come and pop up out of nowhere. Okay,
to me, it's more of a distraction. I gotta talk
politics here because you know a lot of people, you know,
they get uncomfortable talking politics. To me, I feel like
it needs to be talked about more. We need to
have discussions more as as human beings, whether you know
we agree with one another or not. You know, I

think verbal communication, you know, none of I'm not talking
on Twitter or Instagram getting an arguments, but having real
conversation with people who maybe disagree with you or maybe
you know they don't see the world that how you
see it. But having that conversation, and you know, continue
to have those conversations. I only think could help regardless,

like I said, if you agree or disagree or not,
because you're able to see how someone else perceives the world.
What is a fact? Nowaday? You know a fact? Who
who is the who determines what the fact is? You
know who? It's all. It's all really how you perceive it. Right,
you have the Christian and you have you have a Muslim?
Is is one religion or the other? You know, are

they okay to tell the other religion that they're you know,
they're praying, praying to a false prophet? Is that okay?
It's almost like it's how you perceive you know, they
grew up in this. They grew up learning this, and
and and and this. They grew up learning this. And
are they wrong because they didn't learn what you learn
or don't didn't perceive the world how you perceive the world.
So to me, it's all about perception, you know, how

you see in the world. And so you know, I
don't I don't take it what anybody says. You know,
I don't say. I don't sit here and get upset
at how they see the world are upset if they
disagree with me, because I think dialogue only helps you
know each other. You know, we're all in this together.
In a sense, it's like, why why are we fighting
each other when we're all in this together? And regardless

of if we agree or disagree. You know, there's a
lot of things in life that we all um disagree
and agree on. But that doesn't make us enemies, if
that makes sense, Like, that doesn't make us need to
hate each other. We can have disagreements and we could
have you know, things that that it might make sense
to somebody and it might not make sense to you,
and that's okay. You know, we live in in the

crazy times right now. And uh, you know, I definitely
think that that we need each other a lot more
and we need that I need we need to have
dialogue a lot more healthy dialogue. Not sitting here you
know point you know, going back and forth at each
other telling year at this or year of that, because
you believe no, like, we need to have continuous dialogue

and and continue to you know, just help each other.
I think at the end of the day, it's just
like I said, we're all in this together with each other.
So when we talk about these UFO sidings, it's like,
I mean, okay, Like to me, I feel like these
UFOs have been here. Why are they all of a
sudden right now starting to pop up? We'll shoot you see.
You see other stuff going on in the world, like

you know, going on in Ohio the railroad that just
got blown up, or I mean, there's there's a lot
of other stuff going on in the world that to me,
why couldn't it be it? Is it not a distraction?
I don't know. I don't know. To me, it seems
like a little a little bit of a distraction. You know,
you look at all the newspaper articles back in the sixties,
even the fifties of of of ships, you know, crashing

and you know, I mean every fifty one roswell you
can you can go back to you know, probably hundreds
of thousands of years of of ships crash landing and
you know, obviously it's not gonna be just Hey, here's
some aliens out here, the crash landing on our on
our soil. Uh where the next guys, No, they can't
do that. Well, that's enough about my my UFO talk

big in big into space, big in the UFOs. But
with that being said, it's getting on the pick number
three talking about my favorite top three favorite clubs in
the bag in my golf bag. What are my top
three favorite clubs on the golf back. I have to
say one, my sixty degree, like I could do a
lot with it. Um, I would have to say my

five iron. I feel like I could hit that anywhere.
And then I would probably have to say I really
like my pitching wedge too. I mean, you know, it's
easy to put the driver out there. You know, I'm
I'm handing the ball three d and thirty yards. You know,
no big deal. But but you know I'm getting a
lot better with my irons, which is making the game
a lot more fun. And so those are probably my

top three favorite clubs in the back. Pick number four.
Three events you want to part take in outside of football?
Three events I would like to part take in outside
of football. Well, I've been skydiving before, so um, I
guess you crossed that off the list. But I definitely
want to go bungee jumping. Um. I definitely want to

go to space because I think there is some sort
of space program coming up where I don't got that
much money, but billionaires will probably buy a ticket to
space to go to a hotel, which is crazy. That's fascinating.
My third event outside of football, I've been to Carnival,
which was a bucket list of mine. Yeah, I don't

know if it's necessarily event, but I do want to
go see the Pyramids. I want to go to Egypt
and see the Pyramids. Is not necessarily event. I guess
you can call it an event because you gotta go
somewhere and they gotta set it up and you gotta right,
you know, it's gonna be an event. But I definitely,
um outside of football, that's definitely something I want to do.
So bungee jump, travel to space, and go see the pyramids.
Pick number five? Who pick these who put these picks

in order? Going from back from golf to Aliens to
outside of football, tow back to golf again because Tiger
Woods is returning to the PGA Tour. Yes, I believe
he can win again, and I hope you I mean,
I just you know, I feel like if he gets
hot and it's just not like there's just gonna be
that old tiger that comes on to him that he

just feels he can win it, and I think at
that point it's going to be a rap like what's
everybody else starts feeling, But he's gotta get to that
point first, like he's got to start hot. I do
think I don't think he would come in and playing
the PGA Tour if he didn't think he winned. I
appreciate he said that one of his quotes as well,
um that he wouldn't he wouldn't join the tour if
he didn't think he went. So I'm rooting for Tiger

my favorite athletes of all time. Uh, just just absolute
Like you talk about poise and talk about just pressure,
talk about just just the confidence dude. And you know,
the the aura that he has around him when he
walks around the green. I'm sure as a golfer going
against him, you know, on that same green, you just
feel that. You feel that. So yeah, and I'm excited

to watch Tiger play again. It's always fun to watch
Tiger play. Obviously I grew up watching Tiger Woods, you know,
somebody who we all appreciate in the game of golf.
So um, I definitely think he went again. Good love
Tiger pick number six man prayers going out to the
m s U victims. I think three people were killed,

five were injured, and it's gotta stop. Man, And everybody's
got an idea of what we should do. You know
what we can do again, this comes down to it.
I think we just got to continue to conversate more
amongst each other. You know, whether it's people that we know,
where people even we don't know, whether it's was saying
hi to someone just to make in their day. You know,
you never know how, you don't know how far high.

You know, it's just a simple high I could go.
You're walking past somebody, and I know has nothing to
do with the victims of You know, I'm just trying
to continue to trying to make this this world a
better place. And you know, I think as we continue
to share love to each other, you know that love
spreads like wildfire. You know, we just gotta we have
to continue to you know, we gotta stop stop all

this hate in the world. Um again, no matter you're
no matter your religious beliefs, your political beliefs or or whatever.
You know, we gotta we gotta learn to continue to
love each other and love on each other and that
that goes a long way. And like I said that,
you know that that fires, that fires, prayers is going
out to those victims. It's always hard to go on

the news and you know, one of the first things
to see when you wake up or one of the
last things to see before you go to bed. You know,
it's just, um, you know, more people dying in this world. Uh,
you know, to to to violence, and we gotta you know,
it's gotta be us. Man, it's gotta be us. You know,
no one's gonna come save us, no one's gonna come

rescue us. You know, we gotta as people continue to
show that love, continue to spread that love, and uh
will continue to train in the right direction. Uh. It's
it's tough. I always having to say, you know, prayers
to the victims. Like you it seems like, you know,
every two or three months we're you know, same prayers
to prayers to victims, prayers and victims. And we gotta

continue to spread love. Man. I saw, so I can
really say, we gotta continue to spread love. That being said,
I appreciate you guys to sixteenth episode. I've Enjody for
a podcast. We will be back next week and uh
until then, season
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