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April 25, 2022 31 mins

Drunk with power, Jonica prepares to bury herself in the Heart of the Matter to save JD, ever-coaxed and manipulated by the nefarious Hoodwink. Meanwhile in San Francisco, the Laundronauts rush to the Washaterium to prepare for Jonica’s rescue.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Laundronnarts is a production of I Heart Radio. This
is what we remember and remember. This is what it
sounded like. What we couldn't hear, we made up. The
rest of it is ultrue. Before we returned to the

laundron article of Jonica vernicle of fleet pap our children
poised as the Puma ear is at the pinnacle of
our own personal point of no return. We must first
re equate ourselves with Charlie Evans bedroom that we seem
a hons ago. You might recall that we had just
made contact with Charlie and his dream unaware we had

in fact made contact with Charlie through Hoodwink, who then
delivered our message to Jonaka send the signal we pulled
her through. At the fifteen minute mark, Charlie promptly awakened
to inform us that this Hoodwink was now in an
absential with Jonica and had some home manipulated us all
in getting there. Adding to this confuge was Roscoe and

Annabelle Evans, Charlie's parents, bounding on the bedroom door, demanded
to know what all this ruckus was about? What's all
this rock is about? Charlie Harley Evan there's no rockish
Anna bell, Charlie motionless of the window were vade. Then

he tried to unsuccessfully smother the sound of the plum
as we darted out onto the fire escape and slithered
down the ladder to the street below. Mona hesitated at
the open windows, and you chuck, I'm having a nightmare.
Go away, don't make a bust down that door. Maybe
if you pulled your butt out of bed once in

a while. Roscoe, you have to come, Charlie. We need
your head as a coagulant. Co what you lent, Charlie,
holly us let me go back to sleep. Just be there.
I will just go go. Mona ducked out the window.

We could still hear Charlie round his parents screaming at
each other as we dashed to the washing turney. Meanwhile,
in absentia, surroundered on all sides by mounting danger and
impending chaos, Jonica floated serenely in the calm waters of
her own conscience. I'm ready hoodwink for suckling, shuddered ecstatically.

Wonderful news. Please do not, Shawnica, do not do this.
I bed of you. We imprisoned cluckling struggled mightily within
his restraints. It'll be okay, quiet time piece, goodwink, whippot
the curl and squeezed more inky steel at Kink until

he was completely muffled. As you can see, my queen,
Time is of the utmost essence. I imagine sludge is
demanding entry to cataclysm at this very moment, and I
imagine Queen mcleanchar is stubbornly denying him said entry. That
standoff will not last. So I just bury myself here,

wake at the beach, just cover up to replace the
creator of my talis woman, you must bury yourself in
the deepest part of absentia, inside the heart of the matter.
Could Wink executed a quick survey of the outer show
of the heart, slithering over its many curves and concaves

and convexes until sweet Sozo, what is it? Come and see,
my queen. A door had been carved into the heart show.
No locks were visible, just a simple door. A drawing
from my knowledge of the human anatomy. You will need
to find the crossroads where the ventricle chambers meet the
aortic and pulmonary arteries. One can go no deeper than

that in the heart, what will be doing hiding? It's
when I do best give me the care. You won't
meet it, my mistress. Are you my obedient servant? Or
aren't you hoodwink coiled curtly, it is clearly not chuffed
at being ordered about. Then he slowly produced the carrot,

bowing low like a twig in the wind. As you wish,
oh celestial one, I will hang on to its twin,
if you don't mind, purely as a safe door, of course,
Jonica slid the carrot into her knapsack and faced the
door everything. She flung a open and stepped across the

threshold into the very heart of the heart of the matter,
and found herself in the attic of a great Granny
Manny's house, the neumatic attic, the once most glorious attic
Jonaka had ever seen, now second only to the ecstatic
attic of the city of what the Yes, she was

there be shold as always tending to her orchards. Near
the cracked, dusty, cob webbed window that was always cracked,
dusty and cobwebbed. The morning sun beamed into the refracting glass,
illuminating the dancing dust mites in the air. Are you

sure you're not slug? Yes? Should be chird perhaps, but
sloge never a y. He miss you so much. A

monsieur to love. We embraced Jonaica could feel Granny Money
was solid and warm. How I didn't have the answers myshere,
just the questions. You and the other hands have all
of the answers, none of the questions. I don't understand.

I'm not supposed to help j D. Should I just
run for it? It's holding lyne. I wasn't even supposed
to be here, and you have been so very brave
and resilient, like an ally cat a poma, actually even better.

How do you know what I've been doing? You're just
a memory, it seems here in absentia even memories have memories.
Do you still have my luck? Of course? I never
take it off. Why did you put a photo of
my mother in there? Granny Minnie? I asked for a
picture of you. I wanted you to see your mother

as she once was, pumpkin, young, strong, full of life,
like you, She's nothing like me. Life can wear us
doing I can't if I don't understand it, cannot live
life fully until you learn to love life fully, my darling,

all of it, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. Only
then will you ever truly live. I never learned any
of that stuff. It's not something you learned, see, it's
something you're unlearned. I need to get to the crossroads.
So focused and the resuliant, Come, dear, look good my window.

Johonnica joined her at the cracked, dusty cup with window.
It was as if they were inside and diving down,
submerged in some strange dream. Outside was a labyrinth of
tunnels and valves, opening and closing, aqua blue water coursing everywhere,
a pulse something the walls throbbing and vibrating. That the

need soon over there, until you get to the pulmonary artery. Hello,
the current of the pulmonary artery to carry you to
the chambers of atria. There you will find the crossroads.
Wherever you do, darl And to not go into either
of the ventrical chambers, why not, you will be summarily

redistributed into the DNA of abstincia. Is that a bad thing?
Let's certain less? Thuds painful? Where were you as near
as your looking? Oh, the embrace Granny Manna and the
confines of her attic dissolved away, and Jonica was standing

in the veiny tunnel in shallow aqua blue water. The
walls of the tunnel inhaled and exhaled, pulsing with absentious power.
Follow the cannot get the ponary artery, Jonica dashed down
the tunnel, her feet splashing in the stream. The rumble
of a large river grew louder with each twist and turn.

The tunnel narrowed began to slope down. Jonica lost her
footing fell started to slide face forward. She was suddenly
launched into the air, then splashed into a seething lagoon below.
The rapids churned in front, tossing Jonica about, but she
managed to break the surface using her knapsack at the

floating device. She was moving with a new, more powerful
curve into a large duck tunnel. The pulmonary order the
ductor swallowed her. The water settled into an eerie calm m. Hello, Hello,

is someone else here? Hello? Hoodrink? Is that you? Oh
it's me Granny, Yes, Love, there's someone else here. They

are three help me. I cannot then, what good are you?
You got the pain. I got the boom, she got
the pain. We got the boom. Can advise, I can come, sir,

I can take her and tosser like your thought. Gay
means the consiences for your easilis there just your stud

I forgot c back of LOI it's a god like

god an she got the bank I got you stonished
sished bo. Jonica awakened from our musical reverie to find

herself alone, lying on dry land. To her right and
left were cathedral like chambers whistling wildly with wind. The
ventricle chambers behind her, and before her were long tunnels
with slimy walls, pounding with power and purpose. They are
taken pulmonary pathways. Jonica stood and looked down at her feet.

The soil of absentia wafted over her shoes like a sandkerchief.
This is the place, her voice echoed in the cavernous crossroads.
She took off Granny Manny's lucket. Opened it took out
the photo of her mother as a teenage girl, healthy, spry, fearless,
performing a hand standard top a galloping horse. Nothing like

the grim husk. Jonica wheeled around San Francisco every day
the narrowed knitter of other people's socks, sad forlorn, always chastising,
always sowing seeds of diminishment and doubt. I don't want
to know what happened to me and where I hope

you don't mind, do you, Miniology. Jonica buried the luckets
and photograph in the soil and stepped back from the
ground sprung a flowering bush, pink tohition dancer. Jonica spun

it was the teenage girl from the photo, the acrobat, smiling,
standing on two good legs. Mamma, I never wanted to
book the tide rope or sweet on the topees. Mother
the fleet plucked a pair of tow shoes from the
pink bush and tried them on. They fit perfectly. She

began to dance gracefully. Papa was having none of it.
So the Fleet family belongs to the silk v artists.
Your father has the same fire, demanding, disciplined, stubbing the hearing.
But it was nothing like your Colbert. Your father was

a hoard, a liar. As soon as I walked my
back from the fall, he was gone with the horse
Tiger's daughter. No he's holding He sounds like a horrible man,
and glad I don't remember him. No, every six Jake.
There was a as steadfast as the sea. Everything's Jake.

He was a fisherman on the board when we stowed
away to America. You wouldn't remember him, knew were just
a baby. He discovered us hiding and double clad allowed
your crying. But he didn't he tells the captain or
the rest of the cool. He kept us hidden, spared us,
kept us safe. He gave me money and his coat

when we arrived in New York, an everlin mother and
her awful What about everything else? Jake. Let's what he'd
say when I was asking questions or despair. Everything's Jakes, sweetheart,
Everything's Jake. He the whole ways was what happened to him.

He told me he would come and find me when
he had his own boat, when he was his own captain.
I think that's what he said. That's like you can
where you down to the warf every day and look
for you on a bo sometimes dreaming. It's every since Jake,
finally coming from me, but the devils because there is

no print charm in my love. I don't need a prince, Mama.
Everyone needs a prince or a princess feet it's intuible.
I'm not afraid, Mama, you should be. Why why do
you teach me to be afraid of everything? Why do
you teach me to doubt myself? Hid my talents, follow

her people. I don't want you to be calm like me.
She melted into a bubbling puddle of tar, and slowly
we shaped into the motherless fleet of today, old bent,
a piece of gnarled cold, mounted in a chair with wheels.
Is this what you want? It doesn't have to be

like that. Life is good. Life wants us to be happy.
I want us to live and hate got me. You're
not listening. You never listen to me. Jonica met her
other's eyes. They were lifeless, cool like I. You're not
my mother. No, you're the militancy. You're the sickness that's

somet to g D. You're the one I heard splashing.
It takes one to know. Her mother melted away into
the puddle of tar and began slushing and slushing about
the chamber. There ain't no sinningen, so they speaking again,

speaking again on alignancy, just a whisper. It's so very
hard to see, Professor listen. I'm alignancy girl. Don't Joe
see it? Watching wait so patiently, heavily. I'm a laten

see spice, spice, sp Spice've gotten the spice? Spicy? Jonnica
o her parch of cinnamon. She had forgotten all about it.

She stuck her finger inside and brought it to her
tongue her buds when bunga spine, singing splut space to
give games. I'm a lign same what you go, It's

what I need that stop. I'm a lagos nay who
flung me to uskin again. I'm alignance. What you got
is what I spakin again. Jonakan force the maligtancy out

of the crush, back through the pulmonic artery, back back back.
Goddess is the podest that we're going to keep it
honest because they're gonna be astonishing without so much admonishing, abolishing, demolishing,
and polishing. Where am I hello? Catch you? Jonica had

pushed the malignancy into one of the ventricle chambers Granny Man.
His words echoed some early redistributed into the DNA of obstination.
Jonica was listed off her feet and sucked towards one
of the valves. She caught a corpuscle hanging from the
ceilings and held on tight. The vacuum tugged at her.

The malignancy oozed out of the chamber, staying low, avoiding
the clutches of the vacuum. School I'm caring it again.
It was gone. Who are you? But Granny Money was

nowhere to be found. Janka had buried her with the luck.
She was on her own. She searched for the plug,
It too was gone. She took a long, deep breath,
bowed down to the now, and let go of the corpuscle.
She was instantly sucked out to the yawning mall of

the vow actually described it later. I went, I was
pushed up through cataclysmia. I saw everything worh past me,
the piectings and wheels and gears and mcclinker sarge in
the grumblers. Then I was in soft mountain, pushing upwards,
up to the current of socks came down. Pressure was
so strong I thought I was going to explode. I

erupted out the mouth of the mountain and it was
me again. It was a bright flash, and and on
that resounding no children. We pivot back to San Francisco,
where our crew had just arrived at the washer, ury
and breathless and bedraggled, but barely a minute to spare,
and no Charlie Evans in sight. Where's Jolie? Well turned

the monor, the instigator of our helpless plan. He if
he'd be here. Well, he's not. What's the time, I asked?
One minute, I'll go find him. No, there's no time, Perry.
We stay together. He'll be here. Come on, Charlie, day down?
Did I miss anything? Where have you been? I had

to check my parents and walking themselves in the bathroom,
and then I had to stopped for some ice. Get
in the machine? What? Get in the umbo? Now? Have
to use your head as a coagulant. No one's touching
my head. There was no time for argument. We left
on Charlie and rustled him to the jumbo tar and
he pushed us home. All right, all right, back away

and climbed into the machine and sat awkwardly in the
soapy water. Now what we all turned them on? I
don't know. Great, he's not collagulating. Maybe he needs to
be asleep. Go to sleep, Charlie, what well? I don't
know something about his dreams. I'll finish my bedtime story.

We don't have time for that, Nick, Are you people nuts?
Do you want me to all of a sudden fall
asleep again in a washing machine? Yes, you know what,
forget it? I tried. I'm done. Charlie started to climb
out of the machine, but then he stepped forward and
Cole cocked him in the jar. Charlie crumbled like an

old card table, and it was out like the proverbial
nightlight in wanting to do that for a long time. Wow, Gang,
and the new heavyweight champion of the world is Benjamin
Franklin came in? How can he suddenly be so comfortable?
I asked, a disbelief, No conscience, remember, keep his head

out of the water. Seconds I repositioned Charlie safely inside
the machine. We backed away and locked into our diamond formation.
The water bubbled, his a wind swirled, Yes, she comes.
Shades everyone, Everyone slipped on the sunglasses. We had water
along for the occasion the blinding flash. Then Jonica and

Charlie came rocketing out like two bubbling bowling holes. Oh
it's okay, Jonica, you have to send me back let
I didn't send the signal. Jonica pushed us away and
jumped to her feet, Her eyes searched for something none
of us could see. I had it? What the malignancy? Who? Jonica?

It's us, your home. It's okay, you're safe. I didn't
send the signal. What are you talking about? Somebody? Did
I have to go back? She tried to leap inside
the jumbo to again. Perry and Benny grabbed her and
pulled her back. Jonica struggled madly. Jonica, calm down, you

will kill him. What what do you talking about? Hey guys,
we're a little business. Perhaps you'd like to help Charlie,
he said, waking up? What he's not waking up? Benny
and Mona darted back to Nick and Charlie, leaving Perry
to wressel with Jonica alone. Help where are you going,

Manny gave Charlie, and not so gentle prod with his shoes.
Charlie's slumber remained undisturbed, missing round Charlie. I don't think
he's missing, Benny me, somebody help, please, Mona. Mona turned
back to Perry. Get up Charlie, Mona. Mona turned back

to Nick and Benny, I have to go back Mona.
Mona started to speak when could only manage a shake
of her head. It was the first time we could
have remember Ramona Verona rays aka the owl being at
a loss for words. No, the return of reason and

the rise always so horribly on time. Oh you won't
they and often comes from a more southerly climb. Was
it that the end of John? Yes, that was indeed
the chaotic conclusion of the Cuma Goddess's adventure. And while

there is still much to unpack, it must be left
for our next meeting. Until then, Stittlings, your next long
door not challenge is thus capture a moment of wonder.
Bring it to me, unspoiled and intact, a moment of wonder.

How does one do that? Sir? I hold your hand
at every turn, child, look to it. Yes, sir, the
wrong clothes? How do you pick the wrong clothes? Did
they did the clothes? Perhaps pick them? Madam? Here strange man, Indeed,

I'll be running along woman, madam. Just let me gather
my wherewith holes and here too fall. No, you don't
need to, that's not I don't mean to. Yes, the
building they are selling it all of it, shoes up, barber,

crazy watchmaker, been in family for a long time. All listen.
No every year, they asked, But no, you know times
are very more, Dah won't be until after holidays. They

will probably turned on and make ugly condo minimums. Wanted
to tell you because just because nothing lasts, madam, neither
is the pain of the pleasure. I enjoy and and
you are both in equal measure. And so I bet

you were fund and warm. You can sleep in supplies
it excuse me out back supplies it very cluttered, but warm.
Here's I go to inventory fornight, I leave key. If
key gone, then I returned. We have understanding that Dah

the key to kindness. It's much like a blindness. What
you love is what you'll see. What you hate is
what you'll be. The door of insight, it's just a
window in the half light, the wall of chances, just

the type of passing glance. That's did you see a
moment of wonder? Madam? Nothing more, nothing less. I thank
you for your kind nurse, and good night study's ma'am.

The Laundronauts are potentially untre tale based on actual events, conceived,
written and directed by Colin Mackenzie Mitchell. Original music, sound
design and editing by Dave McKeever. Produced by Monica Michlas
and Dave McKeever. Script supervision and editorial assistants by Christina Bryan.

Casting by Mary Claire Sweeters. Executive producers John Cameron Mitchell,
ed Asner and Calling Mackenzie Mitchell, starring an order of appearance,
Isaac Robinson Smith as the Man Everything's Jake and Roscoe Evans,
Alison Fraser as the Woman Great Granny Manny and Madame Russia.

Ed Asner as the Narrator, Kate Prendergast as Annabelle Evans
and Mother of Fleet, Noah Bentley as Charlie, Lily Resto
as Mona blue Bell, Saracino as Jonica, Stephen Kieran as Hoodwink,
Trent Mills as Kenkle and the Malignancy, John Cameron Mitchell

as Absentia London, Johnson as Benny, Nirvan Pau as Nick,
Trevor Bernardino as Perry, Evan Took as the sister, Max
Mitchell as the Brother. The Laundronats is a collaboration between
I Heart Media and Little Brother Sam Productions. For more

podcasts from my heart radio, Visit the i heart Radio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. The Laundronats
is a production of I heart Radio.
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