All Episodes

February 19, 2024 35 mins

J-Lo dropped a new movie and we have many thoughts. Chris Brown is back, and it's the same ole story. Billie Eilish gets busted gossiping. Beyonce has gone country and it's a hit!




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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
From Los Angeles and.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
One and only world famous Perez Perez Hilton.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
Everybody, welcome to the PHP. Happy President's Day here in
the States. I'm Booker, He's Perez. What's doing?

Speaker 2 (00:24):
I am jazzed because we're talking about a lot of
people that we don't usually on the show today, including
Chris Brown.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
Are you jazzed to talk about Chris Brown?

Speaker 2 (00:35):
I am that way, not him specifically, but collectively him,
alongside Kristin Stewart, with Kelly Rowland, with Candae Owens, and
this singer also her name is Taylor Swift. We're also
talking about her too. But first, I'm feeling really good,
but also feeling like, you know, like there's like a

point like that last drink that takes you from buzzed
to wasted. Yeah, and I'm there. I'm at that last
drink And it's not anything to do no, no, it's
got nothing to do with alcohol. It's just like, thank God,
we're checking out today. We're at the Fountain Blue and
it's just been so many days NonStop of doing too

much with my son for his birthday, like five e
then's five activities in one day, and eating big meals.
It's like food it could be worse than alcohol actually,
So it's like I'm there, but I'm also so grateful
to have had this one on one time with him.
And people are so funny. People think that there is
a right way to parent, Like so many people are

shocked that I decided and have for a couple of
years now, not to have birthday parties for my kids.
And I'd rather take each one on a solo vacation
and spend four or three quality days with them and
make all of these memories and do so many things
instead of spending whatever amount of money I would have
on a party. So thank you to the Fountain Blue

for having this. Really is my favorite hotel in Vegas now.
It's just phenomenal. I love it, and I've got to
come back because there's still so much more to do
at the Fountain Blue that I haven't.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
Could you get one more plug in for the Fountain Blue?

Speaker 2 (02:11):
I was wondering I could, because it's that good. How
was your weekend?

Speaker 1 (02:15):
How you been good off today? It's raining in Los Angeles.
It's a horrible day.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
Wait, I got a weird text message from the City
of Los Angeles.

Speaker 1 (02:25):
Oh yeah, that was flogged warning probably so weather. It
just won't stop fucking raining here.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Wow. You also spent some time with Gwen Stefani tell
us about that.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
She was like so positive and into it and fun
and excited to talk about, you know, her new song
she did something with her husband, Purple Irises, a good
little pop country sort of crossover kind of thing.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
Why was she on ALT ninety eight to seven promoting that? Though?

Speaker 1 (02:54):
I think more it's promoting that, you know, No Doubt
also will be doing Coachella this year. No Doubt something
together and trying to figure out where she is with
the band. And it's weird, Like during the interview she
said that they'd only face timed once, which is strange
to me, you know, like that they haven't talked so
there sounds like there's still something going on there. Whether

this is just a one off or take the money
kind of thing, I can't really tell. But she's just lovely.
She was absolutely dynamic and I love talking to her
and she's a sweetheart.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
It makes me happy to see that, you know. Like
last night were the People's Choice Awards and Kylie Minogue performed.
I missed that.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
I would have watched if I would have known she
was there.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
She's the hardest working pop person of all time, Like
she's been doing this since the eighties, and she does
so many TV performances and I love that because what
a legacy she's leaving behind. When she's no longer here,
we'll be able to watch this and that. And when
she did this version of the other And actually the
People's Choice Awards were so funny because Billie Eilish went viral.

Did you see this? No, she went viral because she
was complaining to a friend at her table and that
she was caught and overheard that there were TikTokers there,
which raises an interesting question. I mean, should TikTokers be
at these big award shows? I say, of course.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
Yeah, Like one thing's more important than the other thing.
Does someone inherently have more talent that could sing? I
mean that is a talent? Is tiktoking a talent? I
don't know if it's an eight, but you know you
got to work at it.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
Yeah, And to be able to have and maintain a
following on there, it's not easy. Like you might be
able to get a viral by luck, but to build
and keep building on there, that's not.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
Easy, you know, it's funny. I literally just wrote to
someone I keep getting I don't know if it's like
spam or what it is, by this same woman who's like,
I want to help you grow your Instagram. And I
responded very politely and said, look, I'm not really interested
in bots and I'm not interested in really growing it.
Quite frankly, if it wasn't for my job, I wouldn't

be on social media. I'm just really not interested. Thank you. Well,
then she hits me back and she's like, well, here's
your follower count, and tomorrow you'll see two hundred more followers.
So I wake up this morning there's two hundred more followers,
and I'm like, I said, listen, I go. I'm about
being authentic. I want the people that want to follow me,
that want to consume what I do on the radio

or on this podcast, I want them to be there.
I do. I'm not going to say that I don't,
but I'm not interested in some phony people that I
don't know. People can see that, they could smell it.
It doesn't feel authentic. I go, and I have no
interest in paying for it, So please move on. Find
somebody else. It's not me. I don't do this, so
it's just funny you should bring all that up. But

I just got done typing all this.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
You should not have engaged.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
That was the first That was the first thing.

Speaker 2 (05:48):

Speaker 1 (05:49):
Well it's like she just constantly kept hitting me up
and I was like, no, thank you. I wanted to
be polite because it seems like a real person, you
know what I mean. And I was like, all right,
you're right. Probably should not have even engauged.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
I'm so thankful that Instagram has really turned things around.
Like reels are popping on Instagram and getting so much views.
Like a lot of big creators that are friends of
mine are talking about how their reels are getting more
video views than their TikTok. So thank you Instagram because
I'm allowed on there all right. You know, like any episode,

if there's a topic, you know, something that we're talking
about that you don't want to listen to, just fast forward,
like Taylor Swift. You know, there's some Taylor Swift haters
that listen to our podcast or you're just tired of
hearing of her. But she is the biggest star on
the planet and dominates a lot of conversation and from

people that shouldn't really even be talking about Taylor Swift.
I find this so not interesting but so telling that
Candice Owens, this political commentator who gets a lot of
attention herself, has repeatedly been talking about Taylor Swift recently
non stop. Why because it works? She saw, Oh wow,

that one Taylor Swift clip of mine got way more
views than anything else I've done this Year's trying to
get into the algorithm of that exactly. So, as a
Taylor Swift og myself, I'm not bothered. I don't care.
Like she literally called her a psychotic feminist, and she
was defending Scooter Braun and all this stuff, and I'm like,

thank you, Candice Owens, I see right through you, and
I just say thank you. I'm not bothered by people
criticizing her for anything because she's just living her life
and doing the best and being a kind person. She's
a kind person.

Speaker 1 (07:44):
I'll stop you and your slobbering. It's not the reporting
on Taylor Swift that people have a problem with. It's
the fact that you can no longer be objective anything objective.
You aren't. You're just slabber all over her. You're just
trying to get better seats for the next concert you
go to. Now, I'm not You're not being objective. Even
when I tell you what people are saying whatever, You're

not listen to you, you won't even you won't even.

Speaker 2 (08:07):
See I am a free thinker. Okay, I don't care.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
You're a narrow minded thinker.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
So let me finish. There was that awful shooting in
Kansas City and Taylor Swift donated one hundred thousand dollars
to the family of the woman that died. And what
connection does she have? Is she from Kansas City?

Speaker 1 (08:26):
Well, I think the connection's pretty obvious.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
I got that dub, but like, that's the only connection.
Her boyfriend plays on the Kansas City team. That's her
only connection. And she still donated one hundred thousand dollars.
I think that's very kind, And I don't think she
did kind. I don't think she did that just for publicity,
you know.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
I think when you have billions of dollars, it's a
drop of the bucket.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
Yeah. Also, Travis Kelcey donated one hundred thousand dollars to
a different family, one of the families where the children
were injured. There were so many injured children, it's like, oh,
so ridiculous, and it was all because of these two
dumb ass teenagers that got into some disagreement and had
access to guns. I did not know that Kansas City

is one of the top ten most violent cities in
the US with gun violence. I had no idea. Ah, God,
so upsetting. What's going to happen? I don't know. But
back to Taylor swift and lightheartedness, because I don't want
to linger on this. She's in Australia and making everybody
go crazy down there with every concert that she has
and going viral at every show, including this one speech

that she gave talking about her upcoming album. And I
guess answering your question right, or the question that a
lot of people have, like why is she releasing another
album so soon? Because she's an artist and that's how
she processes life. She says she was going through a
lot underscore the breakup with her boyfriend, which apparently was

a long time coming, and she says that this new
album was a lifeline for her and that writing songs
helps her process life. So that's your answer. And if
you think everything Taylor is too much, don't listen to
her music. Simple as that, I'm excited for the album
and actually, so many, so many superstar divas, isn't that interesting?

Instead of like newer artists, all of these, like legacy
Diva acts are the big releases for the next couple
of months. Excited for that. Speaking of superstar artists, Ussher
is talking about the super Bowl and his performance and
revealing that yes, he did reach out to Justin Bieber
to perform at the super Bowl halftime show, and they

did speak in person briefly, and Justin said no, And
then another article came out from I believe that it
was people just saying that he's not in the mental
headspace to do it, which is basically what I said
on the podcast. You know, so I'm glad he didn't
because he would have sucked. It would have been bad.

Speaker 1 (10:53):
So well, he's doing a good job of ramping up interest.
Him consistently saying no. Will come a time when everybody's like, hey,
we're ready for you to do it, and he'll be
ready to do it, and the mania will be out
of control. I mean, it's like the Jonas Brothers effect.
It's like the Taylor Swift effect. I mean, all these
Taylor Swift fans have been fans since they were four,
and you know, she's just consistently been putting out music

all during this time. But the whole kind of missing
you thing, it'll pop, it'll be big, It'll be huge
when he's ready to do it. So I don't know,
maybe he's just taking a break.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
But Justin Bieber's never been an amazing performer.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
Wouldn't disagree with you, but I do think he's got
a lot of talent and he's got the hits. Yes,
that's the difference. I mean, when you have multiple hits,
they want to see Chris Brown. Chris brazy.

Speaker 2 (11:39):
People live in their own bubbles and he is in
his and is a little out of touch with reality.
I would say Chris Brown was initially, according to him,
invited to take part in this All Star Game during
NBA All Star weekend, and then he was disinvited. And

some people might let that slide or make not a
big deal about it and try to like keep it
secret because they might think it's embarrassing. Not Chris Brown.
He would not shut up about it on Instagram and
even calling out the event sponsor.

Speaker 1 (12:16):
Ruffles, which makes me what ruffles right now?

Speaker 2 (12:19):
By the way, Yeah, No, So much so that Ruffles
felt compelled to deny that they had any involvement on
what players took part in the All Star Celebrity Game.
And I just want to remind Chris Brown that just
last year he was involved in a violent fight with Usher,

according to reports, So it would make sense to me
that they did not want somebody with a history of
violence on the court, simple right.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
They booked him, though to his point, you know, if
you're going to book somebody, make him look like shit
by canceling him and him telling people he's going to
be there.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
Listen. It goes back to what happened to me on TikTok.
Two different layers of employees said, yes, you're back, and
you're allowed officially to be on TikTok.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
And what are you doing? Your shit talking the fuck
out of them, which is exactly what he's doing.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
All right, fine, pot meat kettle, I take it back,
Chris Brown. I mean, I'm not shit talking him.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
You're shit talking the platform, and he was shit talking
Ruffles or the All Star Game people.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
I'm just saying, I understand the decision.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
You understand the decision from TikTok.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
No, I don't understand that decision. I do, Well, that
was three years.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
Ago, okay, Well, Chris Brown and his incidents with Rihanna
were over a decade ago.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
Yeah, and Usher was just last year.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
Well, who knows you to show me the video of that.
That could have been a throwing a drink on someone,
and we don't know what really happened there, all right,
But to Hearsay.

Speaker 2 (13:46):
Well, speaking of Hearsay, that's exactly what's going on with
Kelly Rowland. This story has gone majorly viral, and I'm
not sure what to believe. According to The New York
Post and Page six, which is very reliable for New
York stuff and also for non New York stuff, they
break a lot of stories in are and are consistently correct.

Speaker 1 (14:07):

Speaker 2 (14:07):
They say that Kelly Rowland was supposed to guest co
host the nine o'clock hour of The Today Show and
was displeased with her dressing room, and her team requested
a better dressing room, and they said they could not
accommodate that because the bigger, better dressing room was occupied
by Jennifer Lopez that day. Right, So she left and

did not go through with co hosting the Today Show's
nine o'clock hour with Hoda. It's a good look too, allegedly.
I just don't know if I believe this. So here's
my two thoughts. My first thought is, I don't believe
it just does not sound like Kelly Rowland. She's also
been doing this for twenty five years. You know, she's
been on The Today Show before. She knows what the

dressing rooms are like. Like, why would she have unrealistic expectations?

Speaker 1 (14:56):
Well, maybe her dressing room was where j Lo was
that day with all of her props and accouterments and
people and staff and whatever, and she was but hurt
by the fact that she couldn't be in her dressing room.
But it's a guest dressing room, you know what I mean. Like,
I don't know, when you're on those shows, you can't
sit there and go, Wow, the talent's getting all this stuff.

The talent always gets all of this stuff. And she
wasn't there as a talent. She's there as a fucking host.
Us hosts get treated like shit. We usually get set
in a fucking closet somewhere with a light you could
barely put your makeup on with.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
What I find really weird is, you know, usually when
something is not true. A publicist will release the statement
denying it. But Kelly Roland's publicist has not denied this,
So that's why there's like a little bubble of you know,
I don't believe it per se. Yeah, it doesn't sound
like Kelly Roland. It doesn't make sense. She's a pro.
She's been doing this for so long. But why haven't

they denied it? Why didn't they deny it?

Speaker 1 (15:52):
But then it's true.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
I guess it might be true.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
She walked off. The proof is in the pudding. She
didn't show up for her gig for whatever reason she
and said I'm.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
Out another thing though, who knows, Like we don't know
everything going on with her in her life, like maybe
something bad happened and she doesn't want to talk about
it publicly.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
A statement would have been released, I guess, even if
it's just funny story. But no, Kelly has something personal
going on in her life and thank you, that's it.
It's not like she doesn't have people. She has people.
So maybe the truth is more powerful than anything because
you're going up against a news organization like the Today Show,
and if they're pressed, they're just gonna tell the truth.

They're gonna go. Yeah, she left. We don't know why,
but she left.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
Well, you know, I guess everybody makes mistakes and everybody
has bad days. I remember I had. I made a
big mistake once. I regret this. I don't even remember
what station. It was in Los Angeles. I was appearing
on some local news show in LA and somehow somebody
either gave me the wrong arrival time or I just

read it wrong. It could have been my It could
have been one hundred per sent my mistake. And I
showed up way earlier than I was supposed to be
on air, and I asked if I could just go
on early, and they said they couldnot accommodate me. And
then I got really upset, and I regret that. You know,
there's nothing they could have done, and I apologize if
I got all.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
DMOS planned, and you know you were slotted in.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
I know, I am sorry to whoever that was. If
any of you are listening, I doubt you're listening.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
It sounds like KTLA to me.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
I think it was. What's that one place that's like
almost in East Hollywood. That's okay, Yeah, it's exactly that place,
all right. Jennifer Lopez has the number one movie on
Amazon Prime. According to a press release. Wow wow, oh wow, wow,

Oh my god. That I would never have known. However,
after I saw that press release, I did a little
digging and some unfortunate, embarrassing information. A couple of weeks ago,
j Lo actually more than that. Several weeks ago, I forget,
maybe three or four weeks ago, Jennifer Lopez released her

single with a big push, the first song off this
new album. And I went on Billboard dot Com and
I saw that can't get Enough. Despite all of this attention,
didn't even crack the Billboard Hot one hundred. That's a
flop floppityflop. It could not even make it to the
top one hundred.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Guy, I always say that the charts don't matter. However, Dot,
when you see so much promotion for something, there's gotta
be some correlation. There's gotta be people saying, all right,
I'll at least check it out. Or to not hit
the Hot one hundred, that is pretty telling. I'll say
that with that kind of push.

Speaker 2 (18:48):
The album's out, the movies out. Did you watch the movie?

Speaker 1 (18:53):
Come on now? No? No?

Speaker 2 (18:55):
Did your fiance watch the movie? I was here at
the Fountain Blue and enjoying the found to Blue.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
You know, maybe you know, I'll ask her because I
know she's seen enough clips because she made social media
for it. So but I don't think she watched the
whole thing.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
Well, I saw some clips and it actually, I mean
I didn't see it, but from the clips I saw,
it seemed funny, oh good, Oh I'm cute. Like I
even shared one clip that was pretty freaking hilarious with
Keiky Palmer in it. I love you have no idea
who Keky Palmer is, but I love Kicky Palmer. Okay,
the gays and and girls of a certain age love
Kiky Palmer. Also, I found it really interesting in one actually,

I think multiple of her media appearances promoting the movie
and the album, Jennifer Lopez warned us this is probably
her last album. Oh my god, no, no, I love
j Lo. I like her music, but like I would
not be devastated if this is her last album, Like,

I don't care. Is that supposed to be like some
reverse psychology to try to get people to listen?

Speaker 1 (19:58):
I don't know. No, stop more shitty new music and like.

Speaker 2 (20:02):
You know, the Amazon Prime thing. Cool, But next week
when we see the album chart. We'll be able to
tell how well or poorly it debuted on the Billboard
album chart, so you can't you can't hide that either.
And you know the people have spoken, people will have spoken.
But it's cute, you know. It's all about love and
her relationship with love and herself and with Ben and

yet and Ben is in it, but he's not himself
in the movie, and Anana, he's playing some newscaster.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
Poor guy. No one's asking for this. And I love Jet,
but there's no one like, please do this. He is supportive,
he is give him that.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
He's that cheerleader boyfriend that just you know. I think
he's either a pussy wibbed or I don't know what,
or he just loves her. He loves her. I love
it for them.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
I'm glad they have this love affair. I just don't
understand the incessant need to share it with us, like
we give a shit.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
Well, a lot of people still care.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
Listen, if they care about anything, You're right, they care
about that relationship, they care about the music. No, I
think they care about his movie making, because he's pretty
fucking good at that.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
I want to love like that, but not exactly like that.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
I don't know. Yeah, that needs a lot of attention.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
I know I was gonna say, yeah, I know, that's
literally I was gonna say, like, their love seems.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
Exhausting, exhausting exactly.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
There's just something. There's a song I want an easy kind.

Speaker 1 (21:21):
Of love, Easy Lover to go without, Easy Lover, Phil
Collins and Philip Bailey.

Speaker 2 (21:27):
Yeah, I want an easy kind of love.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
You know what I'm watching? Love is Blind.

Speaker 2 (21:31):
Oh, there's been some drama with that.

Speaker 1 (21:33):
It's so good and Kellen gets the advances. So they
released the first half on Netflix of this season, but
we have the second half at home, so I already
know what happens when everybody's talking about already and it's
fucking awesome. Wait till you guys see it. It's really good.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
Well what's everybody talking about.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
Well, there's this one girl that said she looked like
Megan Fox. Then the guy fucking meets her and he's like,
you don't look like Megan Fox because she doesn't, and
she's cute, Like, don't get me wrong, but it's just
their relationship. I guess I really can't share because let's
just say, their relationship becomes a focal point which it
already is in the first half, but the second half's

pretty interesting. So if you guys are watching the show,
just stick with it. It's really good.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
Well, speaking of Megan Fox, we spoke about her on
the Patreon and I won't repeat what we said because
that's just for Patreon ears own.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
That's our safe zone over there.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
Yeah. Yeah, but Megan Fox is responding to critics of her. Specifically,
there was a photo that went viral from super Bowl
weekend where she looked very different and she wants everybody
to know that it was just a bad angle and
bad lighting. Okay, okay, and did not address the boattox

and fillers.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
If you want our true thoughts, Patreon dot com slash
for us Helton.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
Yes. In more love news, Love is Blind, and Love
is Back For Real Housewives of Miami star a Pippin
and Marcus Jordan, they had broken up and then they
refollowed each other on social media and reunited publicly for
Valentine's Day, so they're giving it another go.

Speaker 1 (23:13):
Thank god.

Speaker 2 (23:13):
I don't remember when, but on a recent episode, Booker
theorized that the real reason Katy Perry was leaving American
Idol is because they were not willing to pay her
more money.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
Right, and her time is money.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
According to a new report, that's the exact reason she's
leaving American Idol.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
Wow, it always comes out the money. We knew that.

Speaker 2 (23:39):
That was a peresidamus moment for a booker.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
I think that was an obvious one.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
Brow Also, according to reports, American Idol bosses are eyeing
Miley Cyrus to replace Katy Perry, but some worry that
she might be too risque for a family show.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
N I don't buy that. I think it's going to
be more about the same problem. Miley Cyrus isn't walking
in there for cheap. Miley Cyrus doesn't need the money.
All these people don't need the money, but she got
to make it worth their time.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
I had this thought earlier that escaped my mind, and
I just want to get it out there. I see
all this chatter of people speculating who should perform at
the Super Bowl halftime show next year, and I am
going to advocate for Dolly Parton. We need it before
she dies, Okay, I would like to.

Speaker 1 (24:23):
Just see some sort of country halftime.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
She could spearheaded. It could be Dolly with everybody else.

Speaker 1 (24:30):
Yeah, Dolly and Friends. That would be awesome.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
Dolly and and then Miley would come out for sure,
of course, yes, oh that'd be so good. This is
a really good segue. Speaking of country music, Beyonce's new
song actually is poised to be a hit, or at
least if social media love is any indication. Like I
keep seeing everybody using this new Beyonce song, the Texas

Texas Hold Them, which I always liked. My problem with
the song was just lyrically, one of the lyrics don't
speak to me.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
But that's the thing with country music. The lyrics do
speak to people. Like that's what my mom says over
and over about these songs and Lady Wilson and all
these different artists. That's the first thing that comes out
of her mouth, Like, man, that song really talks to me,
Like I really can feel it inside. It's a very.

Speaker 2 (25:16):
Good Yes, so it is it is.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
That's the thing for country music.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
Yeah. Well, and some Beyonce fans have been calling up
radio stations, country stations, and this one station specifically in
the middle of the country somewhere said they're not going
to play the song because they don't play Beyonce. What
are your thoughts on that.

Speaker 1 (25:37):
You know, if you're speaking for the station as a DJ,
I find that that'd be a big mistake. You don't
pick the music. If your company says you're playing it,
you're fucking playing it.

Speaker 2 (25:45):
I also think if it was a better song, they'd
probably play it.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
It's a good song, but it's everything you just said.
We both are in complete agreement. I like it, Like, yeah,
I like it.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
Boy said it.

Speaker 1 (25:55):
But to me, it's like a good pop song with
some country guitar twang to it.

Speaker 2 (26:00):
Yeah. In other wacky news, Kristin Stewart was on the
cover of the new issue of Rolling Stone and really
triggered a lot of people. There was a lot of
hate over this because it was I don't know, I
don't I wouldn't consider it graphic. Was it sexual? Yes?
Was it graphic? No? She's in this vest, a leather

vest and jocks jocks jockstrap. Yeah, you only see the front,
so you don't see bear ass, and she's got her
hands reaching into the jockstrap. You know, it's just like
a strong pose and like, yeah, is it? Is it sexual? Yes?
Is it graphic? No? But so many people were just
butt hurt about it. And kudos to Kristin Stewart. To me,

that's a great piece of art where you can get
people talking, Yeah, you can get people talking and feeling something,
and she got a lot of people feeling.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
I read that she said, I want this to be
the gayest thing anyone's ever seen. So I read the
line before I saw all the pictures, which was cool
because then I got to like experience the art after
that sentence, and I was like, Oh, that's awesome, Like
mission accomplished.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
I know it.

Speaker 1 (27:09):
She looks beautiful. I mean, I love her. She's got
the she does smoky eye better than anybody. She really does.
Her eyes just popped. I tell you. I saw her
to party once. No, yeah, she was at this party
for some designer and she was just like, I don't know.
She was just kind of paladi everywhere she went in
the room, like not interested in being there. I'm like,
why the fuck did you come?

Speaker 2 (27:30):
She probably got paid.

Speaker 1 (27:31):
No, it wasn't that kind of thing. It was Stella McCartney.

Speaker 2 (27:36):
She probably got paid. No, she probably got paid.

Speaker 1 (27:38):
It wasn't that kind of party. Just put it that way.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
There was no media. There's no step and repeat.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
No, no step and repeat, nothing like that. I think
it was kind of a personal thing, but yet it
was at the store. I don't know, she just was
just sort of like, pooh, pooh is what what I
left with. And I was and she was just walking
around like talking to people she knew. But it was
just a lot of which I thought was funny because
she just seemed miserable back in the day with everything

or being famous or something. But I like her.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
Yeah, well, she's she's definitely settled into that and she's
been you know, she's less hot famous than she used
to be, but she's still famous, so she's you know,
she's she's matured and handling the relationship with fame differently,
So kudos to her. We've talked on the podcast about
how Kim Kardashian is dating Odell Beckham Junior, and some

Kardashian fans might remember that, prior to dating Kim, Odell
Beckham Junior was linked to Chloe Kardashian.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
I saw that on our Patreon message board. Is that true?

Speaker 2 (28:41):
Yeah? I mean, you know, they've actually hello, look at
Travis Barker too. Travis Barker was first with Kim and
now he's married to Courtney, and he even wrote about
it in his memoir Like That's Immortalized Forever. Chloe gave
Kim permission, according to reports to date Odell Beckham Junior,
So all is good there. Speaking of Kim, her ex

husband Kanye West. We are going to find out today
how well his new album does. But it is projected
to debut at number one.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
Hi, buy that I told you that last week. He's
got fans. He's formally brilliant.

Speaker 2 (29:19):
Anyways, Kanye insists though he's been very active on Instagram,
and he insists that he's not Taylor Swift's enemy and
that he's been helpful to her career.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
M he has been a foil. She needs foils in
her things, so in that regard, sure, let him have
that one.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
He also denies that he was kicked out of the
super Bowl. Instead, he says that he just went to
another box to hang with friends and that he wanted
to walk around and have a nice time with his wife,
who had never been to the.

Speaker 1 (29:51):
Super Bowl before.

Speaker 2 (29:52):
Okay, all right, whatever. Also, Chloe Kardashian's baby daddy, Tristan Thompson,
is being dragged by Kardashian fans for liking Kanye West's
photo of his nearly naked wife. That doesn't bother me.
I don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
Yeah me neither.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Also upsetting a lot of people. The Royal Watchers, as
they're called fans of the British royal family, were triggered
when Prince Harry and Megan markle they've basically changed their
last name. They're now using Sussex as the surname for
their children because British Royals, at least the high ranking royals,

don't have last names. Oh really no, they're just Prince
so and so or oh whatever.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
That I'm watching The Crown again. It's funny because I
didn't like the Princess Diana season. I'd stopped at some point,
but I've picked it back up and I'm actually finding
that I am liking it. So I'm about to get
into the new season that they just dropped. So I'm
back with the crowd everybody, and I'm liking it. I'm
liking it a lot.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
And Prince Harry was in Canada recently for some event
with his charity, the Invictus Game, and I feel for him.
I feel for him because he's damned if he does
Damned if he doesn't, meaning if he's asked about his father,
there's no right thing to either talk about it or
not talk about it. Whichever one he does, he's going

to be criticized for it.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
So welcome to being famous.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
Yeah, we've got so much more to get to. We'll
do a lot more good stuff on the podcast. But
one last thing on sorry I'm the Patreon. Yeah, but
one last thing. For today's show, Arianna released the remix
of her song Yes And with Mariah Carey, which I
on a recent show I pointed out how that song

debuted really well at number one and then plummeted and
died a quick death. So this is a way of
Ariana goosing the system and turning things around dot dot dot.
But the remix is so lackluster. Have you heard an now? Huh?

Speaker 1 (31:56):
I like the song. I like the single. I told
you from the beginning. I thought it was a pretty
good song.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
I like the song too. I never loved it, but
I liked it. But I like this remix even less.

Speaker 1 (32:05):
Really, yeah, huh.

Speaker 2 (32:07):
It's so weird because Mariah back in the nineties, she
was the remix fucking queen. She was like she used
to have different versions of songs, like a hip hop version,
the pop version. She used to do music videos for
the remixes. She would even fucking go in and for
the dance remixes, add new vocals and give them to
the remixers.

Speaker 1 (32:27):
But those were hers. Yeah, this is Arianna's you know
what I mean? Like I could see where she's spiced
trying to spice it up. They should have put Maria
in charge and said here's the track, you can knock
it up.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
I know, But what I'm getting at is like, at
least make it feel a little different or a little special,
like add an extra thirty seconds with like an outro
or a bridge or I don't fucking know. It just
felt so boring. It was boring. There's nothing Wow, Okay,
Rob Mariah's on it, but like it adds nothing. I
don't know. Let's take some calls. Hey guys, it's falling

from Southwest Florida and love. So just have to say though,
pres you do not you can't objectively say anything about
Taylor Swift like you're just such a bando. Like I
agree with Booker, she was just it was all about
me and me. I just feel like, yeah, she's a great artist.

Speaker 1 (33:16):
And all that, But I don't know like she.

Speaker 2 (33:18):
Needs to take it down. If you nutches in the
humble department, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
I don't know if she needs to do anything. I
don't know if I agree with that last part, But
the first part, I'm wholeheartedly on board with what she said.

Speaker 2 (33:28):
Compare Taylor Swift to Beyonce. Okay, Beyonce thinks her shit
doesn't stink at least. Taylor Swift at points pretends to
be humble.

Speaker 1 (33:38):
Okay, I don't get what any of that means, but
I like your response. Here we go, Hey, prev, Hey Booker,
this is Renee calling from Washington State.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
I just had a question about what your thoughts were.
You may have already talked about this.

Speaker 1 (33:52):
Regarding Kanye West and his wife Bianca. Just wondering what
your thoughts were about all of these pictures she's thought
of her on his website.

Speaker 2 (34:02):
All over where she is wearing.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
Nothing but like a raincoat or I don't know, a
paper bag that is like strapped underneath her and up
over her shoulders.

Speaker 2 (34:14):
Thoughts on that, well, I have a few thoughts too well,
but I'll keep him brief. My first thought is maybe
it was Kanye who was the mastermind of the Kim
Kardashian Naked Years era. Yeah, remember how she used to
be naked all the time.

Speaker 1 (34:30):
One hundred percent agreed with that. I always thought that
that was kind of assumed, to be honest with you.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
I thought it was just her doing like a cheap
way of like getting attention. So maybe, you know, maybe
maybe Kanye was behind that. And secondly, I don't give
a fuck. It doesn't bother me. But what I do
find weird is there was this TikTok video that was
deleted that Northwest posted, and she drew this drawing, and

one of the things that she drew was a naked
photo of Kanye's wife, Like she drew Kanye's wife in
one of her looks. That's just weird to me. The
fact that she's aware, she knows what's going on.

Speaker 1 (35:08):
It doesn't seem like there's a lot of parenting going
on on at least one side of that family. That's
what I'll say.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
Yeah, yeah, Well, before we say goodbye, a quick thank
you to some new Patreon supporters. Thank you to Kathleen
Moore who just signed up. We appreciate you. Thank you
to Marlee Davis, Thank you to Marcy, thank you to
Alexa Bochia, and thank you Janet Finkel.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
Sweet thanks for listening. We appreciate you. Eight hundred and
seven that's our phone number, and we'll do this on
Thursday for the Patreon Show again.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
Have a good week, everybody.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
Take care.
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