All Episodes

February 7, 2019 45 mins

Ron takes a stab at the most popular genre of his new chosen medium—the True Crime podcast. The tales he unfolds and his interview with a criminal psychologist are positively bone chilling.

Credits:Ron Burgundy: Host, Writer, Executive ProducerCarolina Barlow: Co-Host, Writer, and Producer.Producers: Whitney Hodack, Jack O’Brien, Miles Gray, and Nick StumpfExecutive Producer: Mike FarahConsulting Producer: Andrew SteeleAssociate Producer: Anna HossniehWriter: Jake FogelnestProduction Supervisor: Colin MacDougallThis episode was Engineered, Mixed and Edited by: Nick StumpfMusic Clearance by Suzanne CoffmanGuest Expert: Dr. Scott C. Musgrove

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Check one one to check one one to check check
check check is this on? Tell me tell me when
we are we're rolling, and we will go ahead and
start microphone check one two one two two Micronesia, Micronesia, Philodendron,

Philodendron one two one to one two. However the levels
are we getting good levels? Just just tell me when
we're ready, okay, tell me. M hmm. That's a good apple.

Oh ah, nothing like an apple and coffee. Look down
when we're rolling. We're going, we are, okay. Why didn't
anyone say anything? Just tell me when we're rolling? We

were rolling since when this whole time crap? Come on, Nick,
Jeez Louise. Okay, so we're rolling. Thumbs up from Nick
rolling Okay, m hm, I gotta chopped down this apple. Yeah.

Hello friends. This is ron Burgundy and this is the
ron Burgundy Podcast. Que music, I said, que music. We
don't we don't have music. Okay, we need to work
on that. Hm. Once again, this is Ron Burgundy and

you're listening to the Ron Burgundy po Guest. This is
our initial launch into the podcast space, and I I
want to welcome you, the listener to this journey. We
are about to take together a journey that I think
you will find fascinating, I hope, informative, and at times terrifying.

I know that right now I'm a little terrified because
I don't know what a podcast is. When the men
in the gray suits approached me about recording my voice
for a series of discussions, musings, interviews, et cetera, my
curiosity was piqued, so I asked, is this played out

on the radio? They said no. Then I thought, well, okay, well,
we'll just record it on a bunch of cassette tapes
and mail them out and hope that we get the
money back, sort of an honor system. The men in
the gray suits all laughed and said, Ron, this is
why you're a genius. And I said, well, I'll never

correct you on that statement again shrieks of laughter. This
meeting was going well, and I wasn't about to admit
that I still didn't have the faintest idea of what
a podcast was. I'll be honest. It had been a
while since I had had a meeting like this where
people were interested in what I had to say, and

I thought it was entertaining. It felt good. How did
they find out where I lived. Can it Ron don't
ruin the good vibes, I thought to myself. The men
in the gray suits said I would have complete and
utter journalistic control over all of my podcasts. And with
that they left, and here we are, just you and

me and a whole buttload of time to discuss anything,
and I mean anything, by the way, I did look
up the meaning of podcasts. It is a digital audio
file made available on the Internet for downloading to a
computer or mobile device, typically available as a series new
installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically. So

they're easy, right, So I just speak into the microphone
and then a digital audio file is constructed by by Nick,
our engineer, and then he delivers it by car or
airplane to the Internet, and then those guys do their
thing and whammo, instant podcast. Every installment will be an

adventure that I will rip into like a juicy Porterhouse steak,
just like the ones they've served at Balbonado's just north
of Old Town in San Diego. Since nineteen Jim and
Jackie Balbonado have been serving the greatest cuts of meat
and wild game. And listen to this, They've only been

shut down eleven times. That's pretty good considering they have
a whole roasted camel on the menu. Anyone who has
tried to prepare and cook camel meat knows it just
doesn't keep balbonados. When it's time to find, dine and
drink a little wine, it's balbonados. What's that? I can't

I can't read my own ads? Okay, well, no one
told me that, so sorry. The voice that you're hearing
in the back there is Carolina. Carolina is our show producer,
and just she's a fantastic lady. And why don't why
don't you get a little close to the mike so
everyone can hear you. Okay, there you go. Great, Hello Carolina,

how do you? How do you feel about the show? Oh?
I think it'll be pretty good. I don't know. I
mean it's sort of up to you. Ron. Well, I
think it'll be up to all of us, you know,
to pull our own weight. Uh yeah, but still it's
your podcast a right. But now now I feel weird

like you're judging me. No, no, no, I'm not. This
is weird. Sorry. I don't mean to be weird. I
just know it is. I think the show is going
to be great. I feel weird, like I don't want
to continue. Ron stop, You're fine, the show is gonna
be great. Do you mean that you're not just saying that,
let's just have a great first podcast. Okay, yes, okay, yeah,

let's just get this one down. Nick the engineer will
make sure he downloads it into the audio file and
he delivers it to the fine men and women at
the Internet, and then we can breathe a sigh of relief. No,
that sounds great. Oh my god. Yes, okay, once again

our producer Carolina. She is top notch, a real smart cookie.
Went to Sarah Lawrence, which I always thought was a
made up school. No, it's real school. Very good. Great.
Did you like your time at Sarah Lawrence Oh yeah, no,
it was so fascinating. I studied American literature from the

nineteenth century and um then I got actually an internship
at npr UM and from then on I moved to US.
Is there a Tom Jones University? No, I don't think
I don't think there is. Maybe in Scotland. I don't know. Well,
I think there should be one, especially if Sarah Lawrence

got her own school. You know, like I said, this
will be a journey, and I want to be upfront
with you. We're gonna make some mistakes along the way.
I may get a factor two wrong, but I will
always issue an apology in Carolina, will fact check us
at the end of each broadcast. And finally, I want
to thank you the listener, for indulging me on what

could become the greatest chapter of my career or complete
and utter failure in some ways. And I don't want
to come off crasp, but now I think I know
how Neil Armstrong felt. One giant step for man, one
giant leap for all the other people. Powerful words from

a powerful man. So please come with me. Let me
be your Neil Armstrong or your Lance Armstrong or any
of the Armstrongs. Let me guide you to the truth
by doing the only thing I know how to do.
Speak from my fart. Damn it, I'm meant to say hard.

We can we can edit that out right, Okay, thank god? Okay,
I wrote, I wrote hart, and I wrote I even
wrote a symbol of art, but I was I'm nervous.
So all right, let's take some calls. Caller number one,
you're on with Ron Burgundy. What's on your mind colors,
No colors. No, okay, So and let me ask what

why aren't their callers? No, they're not any callers because
there won't be any callers on this because we didn't
get the phone lines set up. No, because people aren't
listening in real time. Check got it? Okay, no callers. Great.
So for our first episode, I've decided we'll lean on

the old podcast forum that never ceases to fail. Yes,
that of the true crime podcast They're incredibly popular, wouldn't
you say, Carolina. Yeah, probably the most popular podcasts have
to do with true crime investigations. There's no question. I mean, yeah,
there's other popular genres, but but it's white hot. The

true crime podcast form is white hot. Sure. I mean
it's not just hitting. It's been a trend for probably
at least three four years. But it's molten white hot.
It's good. It's a it's like a bucket full of lava.
It's an okay thing to choose for an episode. Everyone
wants to know about the sickos out there. That's the

bottom line, what they've done and what they'll do next.
I know you listeners out there are sitting in your
cars right now eating some cold hummus wrap from old Foods,
waiting for the blood splatter analysis. And I've got it
and it's bloody and it's everywhere. Boy is it disgusting?

And with that, Welcome to true crime. But first let's
do our movie reviews segment. A star is born. Someone
finally told my story. I've never spoken to Bradley Cooper,
but he obviously knows who I am. I used to
hide my singing voice, just like Google Gaga, but now

I'm more brazen than ever. There aren't enough stories out
there about straight, white, red blooded males. And when I
saw that my story was finally being told, I tell
you I was shaken in my boots. That being said,
I did leave as soon as I finished my popcorn,
got some more, and then drove home. So I didn't

quite finishing them. Is that how you see movies? Once
I'm done about popcorn? A bounce? Oh that's so. Yeah,
you can just get popcorn at home. And that's just
the way I've done it. I can't teach the old
dog new tricks. Yeah sure, I just I think you
want to know what happens. But Google Gaga is a

real talent. I'm just telling you, right, now right, it's
Lady Gaga, but her first name is Google. I think
her name is Stephanie. Actually, then why does she go
by Lady Google Gaga? Lady Gaga? And I think it's
just more of like a stage name. She's a pop star. Oh,
it's a stage name. It's like a name you have
to actors have to do because their name is already

taken by the Screen Actors Guild, things like that. Yeah, sure,
so someone had already taken Stephanie. No, I think it's
more she wanted to perform as Lady Gaga, So why
would she choose the name Lady Gaga? Um, you know what,
That's something you'd have to ask her when that's a
whole another podcast. So back to our murder episode. Carolina,

let's let's go ahead and take a collar. Oh no,
we can't take a collar. Christ Carolina, do you pay
these producers to say? No? I get that for free
at home with my wife. Are you are you married? No?
But for the sake of the joke, I am we are.

We're going to take a look at a few cases. Um,
some of these will shock you, disturb you, and most
of all perplex you. But we'll get to the bottom
of them all. First up, Q Scary Music, Thank you.

This one is a murder case in Arizona. A woman
named Mackenzie Rothkamp was accused of murdering her husband, Harold
Rothcamp two knife jabs in the chest. Police found Mackenzie's
fingerprints on the knife that was later identified as the

murder weapon, and after her rest, they interrogated her for
a cool twenty minutes. In the interrogation room, Mackenzie confessed that,
preceding a jealous row, she did indeed kill him. The
jury sentenced her to twenty to life and that was that.

So we got we got one down. We did one. However,
any other details like do we know the if the
confession was coerced, or if the fingerprints were just on
the knife because it was her knife at home, or
you know what I think. We just trust the process.
You know. It seems like everyone did their job. It's
a beautiful system, zero holes in it. Yeah, okay, I

mean this was our investigative. Let's move Let's move on
to the next. Q Scary Music. A series of gruesome
murders in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Betrayal of blood led
the detectives to their victims bodies, and the murderer was

later identified as local bartender Fred Oxhorn. Wait wait, wait, wait,
hold on, Fred Oxhorn. It was in wait Fred Oxhorn
by the stars of c G. I it's Fred. Oh, Fred,
I know Fred. I love Fred. Are you serious? You

know Fred? You know him? Yeah? He was one of
my favorite bartenders in Pasadena. He bartender to the thirty five.
He's great, what a great guy. I think he's a
really reading this file was shockingly violent. I mean, if
if it was after last call, he'd take us to
his shed in the back for a drink. He's is

a beautiful collection of animal hides. Yes, and there's no
way he did this. Not my Fred, not my Fred Oxhorn.
I think he confessed. And if it is him, I
bet there's an explanation that reminds me. By the way,
I've got to call Fred. Call Fred, Carolina, please remind

me before I leave today. I've got to call Fred
Oxhorn to set up a lunch date. Sure, I think
he's in prison. We're going hiking and the Hands of
Brego Desert. Okay, onto the next one. Mm HMQ scary music.

This one is called the Zodiac Killer, a serial killer
who taunted the press with bizarre codes that looked like
little hipster tattoos. Interesting background for the Zodiac Killer. He
was raised in Houston, Texas, and he actually attended Princeton
and then Harvard Law. Pretty impressive. He worked in the

White House for George W. Bush, was instrumental in the
two thousand Florida presidential recount, and is now working as
a senator in Texas. Born Raphael Edward Cruz, he changed
his name to appear more American and is now called
Ted Cruz, and he's doing quite well for himself. His

wife just revealed that they cannot afford a second home.
But to suffer is to be human. So that Chris
goes to show it doesn't matter how many people you
kill in San Francisco, you'll be justified. Interest. These are fascinating,
their bone chilling. They are chilling me to the bone. Yeah.

I mean that one is the Zodiac Killer, a k A.
Ted Cruise, Senator Ted Cruz. So that's who that is. Well,
it's actually that's more of an Internet There's not a
lot of evidence. Two, but I just read the evidence.
I mean, this is something you wrote. I mean attended

Princeton then Harvard Law. Add that up. Those people are nuts.
That's a crazy combination there. That's a lethal cocktail. Princeton
and Harvard Law. Cuck. I just think that's a smart person, probably,
I mean, not that he. These cases have been fascinating.

I mean they seem pretty open and closed. Um yeah,
but you know the murder cases. I just thought we
would have cases that were a little more perplexing that
we could go in. I found them all astonishing and perplexing.
I don't know, great work, this was wonderful. In fact,
this is all your stuff, like you wrote this on

your phone. I know. I'm telling myself. Great work, Ron,
great work. If you're listening in your car, why don't
you pull over to arrest up? And it's a good
time to take a year nation break like I'm going
to do right now. We'll be right back and we
are back here at the Ron Burgundy Podcast. We are

doing a very very intriguing podcast today where we have
been talking about true crimes, cold case murders, and it
is so far, so good, right Carolina, I think we're
knocking it out of the park. Yeah, No, I mean
there's some factual stuff that we have to go over.
But but other than that a plus. Right now, we're

joined by a very esteemed forensic psychologist, Dr Scott Musgrove.
Am I pronouncing it correctly? Yes, yes, thank you, um,
thank you for joining us here. It's a privilege. Thank you,
and thank you for for giving us insight with your
your valuable expertise. Let me ask you this question, what

exactly does a forensic psychologists do? So a forensic psychologists
works at the intersection between the realm of mental health
and the realm of the legal system. So in our training,
our expertise, and education, we provide information, evaluation and assessment

to the legal preceding community. So we might go to
court as expert witnesses on the person who's committed crimes
or been accused of committing crimes in the community, and
we evaluate whether or not their mental health may have
had an hacked on. That interesting and did you have
to go to school for that or can you just say, hey,

I'm a forensic psychologist, I can read people. No, that
would be frowned upon. It's it's a doctoral degree. It's
a doctoral degree. That's right. I'm sorry you are a doctor.
I read that So how many years of schooling did
you have to do for the masters in doctoral? It's
all together about six years of school plus. So this
isn't This isn't baby games here, this is real life drama.

You're a real doctor. Yes, So I have these horrible
bunyans and they are putting such pressure on I can't
wear a dress you I have to wear these really
thick orthopedic shoes and I don't know what to do
about him? Would you recommend surgery? Well, that would be

out of my scope of practice. I'm not I'm not
a medical doctor. That's for you. Just have to go
to the doctor. Just go primary character position. Okay, so
you can't. You don't examine people medically in that guard. No, no,
I don't check that this is good. This is all
fact fighting for us. Okay. So I should go to
a clinic or I should just go to minitialist. Really

like a podiatrist. You should see a podiatrist. Yeah, okay,
so now this is getting confusing. So do podiatrists often
help to solve crimes as well? Not that I know of.
It's a yeah, it's a foot doctor, got it? So
they have nothing to do? No, No, with the line
of work that you do. No, not, in my knowledge,

I wouldn't unless it was foot related. Unless there was
a murderer who killed people with their feet and they
wanted to examine some sort of aspect, then you'd bringing
it up, bringing up a dietrist. I've read a lot
of police departments are having podiatrists put on staff for
that very same reason. Really, that's what my research is showing.

Dr Scott. Let me ask you this question. H Jeffrey Dahmer,
Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, F Mary or kill? And there
is a right answer. Excuse me, F Mary or kill?

And F is I know what you mean. I really
don't think that's kind. I can answer that, Carolina. I'm sorry.
I don't feel Carolina. I don't feel comfortable answering that.
Come on, it's for the show. It's for the show.
Um okay. Based on their looks only and acknowledging that
it's it's terrible what these guys did. I'll say, kill

Richard Ramirez, Mary, Ted Bundy, F Jeffrey Dahmer, based on looks, Carolina,
I can't even look at you right now. Disgusting. You
are disgusting, Scott. I apologize. I would really recommend not
any of those three with any of those three people.

Voice of reason here, Yes, Carolina, this might be the
lowest moment the show for you, for all of us.
You put me in this position. I knew this would
be tough subject matter. I didn't realize it would it
would bottom out this quickly. We have been cast upon

the rocks. Let's see if we can't get this ship
back into deep water. Dr Scott, let me ask you this.
If you are grouchy and you've had a bad day
and you express that to some strangers, Okay, does that
make you a psychopath? No? Mhm Okay, no, absolutely not.

I mean, let's get a scope on a psychopath, just
to checks and boxes. What is actually a psychopath? Well,
it's a term that gets a lot of inner Uh.
There's a crossover with another term called associopath. The way
we look at it in the Big Book of Diagnosis,
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals. Yes, it's fascinating. And their

criteria for people it's by night by Night stand. That's
some heavy reading for night I'm just starting to read it.
Full disclosure. Um, so those two things would fall under
what we call antisocial personality disorder, and it's a constellation
of behaviors and uh thought patterns in an individual that

really show a callous disregard and lack of empathy for
other human beings. And these individuals may involve themselves and
criminal activities. There's a lot of there's actually a frighteningly
high level of in the community and the general population
of antisocial personality to disorder individuals, but some of them

are quite successful. Fortune companies actually look for many of
the qualities of antisocial people to put into very high
positions because they will take chances, making decisions that you
or I wouldn't wouldn't want to take, risks take. So
say someone you're late for work twice in a row,

and someone takes their mug of coffee and um when
you turn around after apologizing, throws at the back of
your head, scalding your skin. So you have to wear
a weave and a wig for six months at your
sister's wedding and your bridesmaid, I mean, this is hypothetical

that I would. I would, It's an absolute hypothetically okay
without it, and it was a one time thing hypothetically right, okay,
because the hypothetical person in question and didn't sleep for
three days. Well, that actually is very interesting. You're bringing
in an additional factor because at the first part of

the story I would have said that, you know, uh,
and the even and the person was hungry too. Yeah, well,
you know, people can There are people who have extremely
impulsive personalities and maybe a lack of ability to regulate
their internal experience of emotions. So those people tend to
act out more. But they're not They're not a psychopath. No,

but I would say that it's thank you, Dr Scott.
But what I'm concerned about is someone nick. Do you
hear that in the booth? Yeah? Maybe they just have
um to say I'm sorry sometimes sometimes maybe they will.

Emotional reparation can be very helpful in a work situation,
too help. But I've got a lot of those fortune
company guys don't ever say I doubt that the yea,
Well there in a different league that I would say it.
What if you were leaning out a window and you
dropped a watermelon on your producer's car. Yeah, what if

that happened? Well, that's a very doing it just for fun.
It wasn't calculated. Is that a psychopath? That's given me
a lot more concern because that's intent, right, That's someone
who intended to cause harm or harassment to another individual.
And if that person didn't pay for the cars and

will never pay the cars repair, the person who dropped
the watermelon, well that's that shows sort of a callous
disregard for responsibility, and that I'd be concerned. I disagree,
especially if they're in a power of position. I disagrees, Scott,
But that's what this forum is for. Yes, I would
say so. Yeah, Well, maybe in the future, in the

hypothetical land this. You know, this person says, I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to throw the coffee at your head.
I'm sorry about your weave in you know, maybe that
could happen. Maybe it did, maybe it just happened. Maybe
the person says that happened too, says thank you, mhm, okay, sorry, um,

let's move on, Scott. Let me ask you this. If
this is a legal question. If a woman dumps you,
can you have her arrested? Oh my god, didn't Melinda
dump you? In what manner? Did she dump you to
involve a criminal act? Don't look at me hypothetically. I'm sorry,
I'm so sorry, Well, this is what happened. I picked

her up at m hmm gosh, eight o'clock because she
said she had to work eight and it was our anniversary.
We had been going out two weeks and so it
was gonna be a special night. And so I go

to her apartment and there's just a note on the door,
and there weren't any words. It was just a drawing
of a middle finger. So that's for you, Ron, And
you want to arrest her, Yes, I'd like to file charges. Well,
I get you know, in a situation like this that

I and from a forensic psychologist standpoint, Well, let's let's talk.
I can do that. No, I wouldn't say. Can I
call my podiatrist get them involved? Well, you should call
your pediatrist about the I know I'm gonna do that anyway,
but not for this, alright, So that's that's not an
area you can go. No, I mean, yeah, I wouldn't.

That's not really breaking a law what she did. I'm
sure at her, but she didn't break a law. Scott.
Let me ask you this, how how much interaction do
you have in our our penal system? Do you have
to interact with prisons? Do you have to visit them. Yeah,
I will. My right out of grad school, I worked
in California State Prison for several years, and then following

that I worked at the Twin Towers Jail downtown and
in my current position, I actually go to court a
lot um helping to advocate for the mentally ill in
the Los Angeles community to get the help that they need.
Have you ever been on people's court? Have you met Judge?
I have not. I have not. If you ever come
across him, could I hand you this football for you get?

I'd love to get his autograph. I have a collection
of autograph footballs. You know. I would love to help
you out with that. I'm just not sure if I
would ever really come in contact with him, I can't
guarantee that would happen. We'll keep your contact information, and
if you ever think that you're in a position to
meet Judge Wapner or Judge Judy Forget, that would trump
everything he's been Yeah, I really mean a lot to
on um. That'd be great. I'll do what I can.

So put it back to prisons um bad as they
say it is, or a good place for some alone
time for some people. I think it's a really good
place to be. We have some you know, we have
some very dangerous people, um that need to be removed
from the community, and that's a good place. Melinda, I

don't think that she needs to be my girlfriend ex
girlfriend x Yeah mhm. So prison isn't this romantic place
that it looks like on television? Uh, because I know
I've seen some shows where I'm like, I could handle

myself in prison. Old er on Burgundy. He knows how
to handle himself in a in a fist fight. You know,
you do have some good communication skills. You might be
able to take a certain level I think, item, yeah,
thank you, But for the long term, it wouldn't be
the best environment for you. I don't think exactly. Um

O J. Simpson. What do you know about his football career?
You know, I'm not a sports guy. I just remember
the Hurts commercials mainly. Do you know any of his stats? Actually,
he was one of the first football players to rush
two thousand yards, that's correct, and he did that multiple times.
Was really amazing. With the Buffalo Bills. He played his

whole career I believe with Buffalo Bills and did the
San Francisco UM sure, Sans Francisco, San Francisco, he moved
a lot of riddle cars. Yes, that that can be said,
Bad boys, bad boys, What you're gonna do, What you're

gonna do when they come for you? Who wrote that? Faulkner?
I can almost guarantee that it wasn't Faulkner. I'm not
or who recorded that. But when you're in court and
you're walking down the hallway, do you and your profession
and the like, do you guys as you're walking down
the hallway to kind of create a fun atmosphere, do

you guys all sing that song? Bad boys, Bad boys,
What you're gonna do, What You're gonna do when they
come for you? Do you guys sing that to each other? No?
You really you really want to present as it would
be professional? Yeah? Yeah. Do you get a lot of
vacation time as a forensic psychologist? Uh? Yeah yeah. So

it's a good job. It's a good job. It's a
great job. You create your own hours, uh not really
forty hours a week um for a large government agency
and it's six years of school run. So just think
about six years of school and you cannot Sorry I
keep pushing this, but I haven't. I have a hard

time believing that you're a doctor and you're still not
allowed to operate on anyone. If you had to, if
you had to take someone's tonsils out, would you do it?
I would not know where to begin. It's a clinic.
It's you know, there's one that's like, if we brought
you back with all the right equipment and supervision, would

you be up for taking Carolina stensils out? I don't
even need that. I couldn't do that. It's elective surgery.
It's fine, it's not life threatening, I know, but I don't.
I don't need that. I'm perfectly healthy. I don't know
why you'd want me to go through that. Just kind
of thinking of different things we could do just for

a podcast episode. You got to fill the time. Yeah,
Dr Scott. Yes, here's another question. I have forensic meaning
Latin for I don't know. That's really good question. What

does forensic mean? Not everything has like a Latin root.
Some words are just originated from the English language, you know.
But like a psychologist, do you make people lie down
on a couch in my private practice, if if it
feels appropriate and if it's needed by the client. What
if I were to visit you as a psychologist and

I didn't want to lie on your couch, you would
not have to. I would just pace the room. That's
happened before and smoke cigarettes. We wouldn't allow that. But
what if I was a psychopath and I needed to
have my cigarettes otherwise I'd get psycho. Well, when you
put it that way, we might be able to make
some kind of a megandation. Yeah, yourself, Like, you have

to be flexible, right, and we have to look for
you know, the safe, your safety as well as my
safety in that situation. Yeah, it was so fascinating before
you got here, we we stumbled across the fact that
I had no idea that the Zodiac killer was center
Ted Cruz. Well, I don't know about that information. It's

that's a that's a popular um to my understanding, that's
a really a popular meme or area of of humor
in the community right now. But I'm not really I'm
not even sure the ages would really match up, because
are you referring to a mem I'm sorry, I pronounced it.
I pronounce that's correct, it's but it's spelled me. Yeah,

it's a hard eat in the middle Oh, it's it's
okay because whenever I read it, I think in my head, mem,
well that's an interesting mem Yeah, that's like a French pronunciation.
I think it's just a hard meme. Do you ever
think of going to France? While we're on the subject,

I think about the time practicing there. No, I think
you would probably be better. I mean, if I was
going to you would really need to be fascile with
the life. There's more action in France. From a criminal standpoint,
I don't think so. I think we have a lot
more here in the US. We've got too much. If
you asked me, I would agree. Yeah. I mean, and

what is your thoughts on if video games produce violent individuals? Well,
that's a good question, Carolina. Yes, you know. Now video games.
We're talking Frogger, We're talking Atari Tank Battle, We're talking
to the really violent games m Asteroids, Tar Sky, and

Hutch Pinball Machine. I can almost guarantee that those would
definitely not even be in consideration for inciting violence. But
everyone's talking about violence and video games. Well, I mean,
I think the debate is about whether or not exposing
young children into uh not so much more like grand

theft Auto Halo first person shooters. But then again, we
don't really have it. I'm not familiar with those, but
we don't really have any statistical um there's there are
no numbers that really back up that there's a direct
correlation between exposures of those games. What about vape pins, Well,
we're talking about the youth. They contribute to violence, monkst youths.

I would not say they contribute to violence. I would
really be concerned about their contributing to health concerns, long
term health concerns. Although I'm not a medical doctor. I'm
just reading the research. Yeah, watch it. I don't want
to watch it. Yeah, thank you for that. My back
is killing me, but Scott, you can't do anything about it.

I gotta remember to take my dones back pills. I mean, yeah,
you know what I'm gonna say. I just really think
you haven't seen a doctor and for six years, forty
six years, not four to six years. And I'm still trucking.

But you you see your teeth hurt all the time.
You know what my doctor is? My doctor is waking
up at six thirty am every morning, drinking two raw eggs,
goggling with a about two fingers of Scotch and hitting
the heavy bag. That's my doctor, Jesus, all right, I'd

be really concerned about that. I mean, you have have
you had? No one asked you, Scott. Just a human perspective,
I'd like to do a colonoscopy of the human brain,
you know, like how it works, because this episode, it's
been fascinating, fascinating to get in the mind of a

killer who. I wouldn't describe that as a colonoscopy. I
would just say have they ever solved? That's another case
we didn't bring up, the colonoscopy killer um, which I
believe took place up near Fresno. I'm not familiar. It
was a gentleman posing as a doctor, just like Scott

uh who was killing people through giving them colonoscopies. And
he just gave them a colonoscopy and then it was
lights out. Yeah, that's look it up. Research it you're
so into research, Carolina, Just look it up. Look it up. Well,

anything else we need to ask Dr Scott here. Thank
you so much for your time. Dr Scott we Um.
We really appreciate our relationship as co workers. I think
that Ron learned a lot about how to mend things
with his ex girlfriend. And that doesn't necessarily have to

do with prison or arrest. It can just be and
it was just it was informative and helpful. I realized
I can't have my ex girlfriend arrested, um, just for
breaking up with me, which was about to pay a
lot of money for legal help. Two. You know, exercise
that but I'm not going to do it now. Um.

But we we really appreciate what you do, your expertise.
Thank you very much, Thank you, thank you very much.
We'll be right back. We're back here at the Run
Burgundy podcast here with Carolina. We're going to do our

fact check. How how do we do today, Carolina? You
know we did pretty flawless if I remember correctly. You
know we have some stuff actually, Um, so google Goga,
Lady Gaga, right lady, not lady and not lady Google Goga. Okay, great, Um,
I have Judge Waffner actually passed away last year. So no, yeah,

oh no, I feel I'm never going to get my
football signed. Sure. Ah, I'm the most unlucky human in
the world. I don't know about that. I think I'm
having the worst day. All right, let's move on. Why

am I so cursed? I don't think that seems that
would have really completed my whole judicial set of signed football's. Yeah, no,
I'm sorry, but gosh, alright, go on, whole foods. Not
what did I say, hold foods? Oh see, I always

thought it was hold foods, like hold the foods for
me so that I can come to your store and
buy them, like hold onto them, hold foods. No, incorrect,
So it's whole foods. Whole foods that's a terrible name
for a market. Just means like organic. And then we

looked it up. There is no records of a colonoscopy killer.
There isn't. And I actually remember when you show me
your dream journal. I think that was just a nightmare
that you have that I wrote in You're right, You're right,
You're right, You're right. Guilty is charged, it happens. And also, um,

it's San Francisco the city. Um not San Francisco. No,
it's San Francisco Riso roni, the San Francisco treat because
they put saffron in the rice of rony. No, it's
I don't I mean, I don't know that. Um, I

see what you're saying. But the city itself is San Francisco,
but don't call it Frisco anyone from the Bay Area.
They'll punch in the face. I don't know why they're
so particular about that. Yeah, you know, people in San
Francisco bugs them so much. That's why whatever I'm up there,
I just called Frisco. It drives them nuts. It's my

little way of tweaking them anyway. Final thoughts. Today, we
learned a whole heck of a lot. I think we
learned about the legal process. We learned that Carolina would
marry and f a convicted serial killer, surprising, shocking. We
also learned that some people just don't even want to

be in prison. This is Ron Burgundy. See you next
Thursday on The Ron Burgundy Podcast. The Ron Burgundy Podcast
is a production of I Heart Radio Podcast Network and
Fun Here Die. I'm Ron Burgundy. I'm the host, writer
and executive producer. Carolina Barlow is my co host, writer

and producer. The show was also produced by Whitney Hodeck,
Jack O'Brien, Miles Gray, and Nick Stup. Our executive producer
is Mike farre Our consulting producer is Andrew Stephen. Our
associate producer is Anna Hosnian. Our writer he's Jake Pogous.
Our production supervisor is Colin McDougall. This episode was engineered, mixed,

and edited by Nick Stump. Until next time, this is
Ron Burgundy.
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