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February 3, 2020 40 mins

In an elaborate occult ceremony, Pearl (Elizabeth Hunter) is introduced to the followers of Corbeau (Kevin Godley), and forms an unlikely friendship with Bax (Rachel Frawley). Acting on Pearl’s behalf, Albert (Tim McDonough) searches for Rose (Minka Wiltz) in an East Coast dime museum.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Seventh Daughter contains scenes of realistic violence and graphic sexuality.
It is intended for mature listeners. Have you come seeking knowledge?
Do you wish to know the truth? Allow me to

show you. Close your eyes and follow the sound of
my voice. Allow it to lead you further into the past.
When I remove my blindfold, you may look into my eyes.
Don't just look at them, look through them, and you

will see what they have seen, and all my secrets
will be revered. The Seventh Daughter. As much as I
want to let Corbeau unwrap his present, I can't help

taking a peek. Would you mind anything you say? Miss
Baxter younger than I expected, and I have to agree
she is not I'm attractive. I wasn't expecting the such
thick dark hair. Tell me, my dear, did you have

a comfortable journey? I am here? Do you know where
here is a conservatory? It seems not exactly the stately
pleasure dome I would have imagined. And don't worry, when
you step into the ceremonial hall tomorrow you'll have quite
a different reaction. We apologize for masking your head. It's

important that the location of the Blackbird's little nest remains
secret and you are. You can't just look at me
and divine my identity. I'm sorry, but my perceptions respond
to human warmth and genuine emotion. I have a bit
more difficulty reading cold fish. I am misspexter, but my

friends call me backs. I hope you will someday call
me backs and be my friend. I should like that
very much. I managed the house, I arranged the soirees,
I've supervised the servants. Today, I will show you around
the grounds, explain the operations of the estate, and prepare

you for tomorrow's ceremony. How does that sound very well?
For the time being, you and Carbo will sleep in
separate chambers. I've never had to remove my own. They'll
spend a lot of time alone while Carbo is busy
with other matters. He's up at all hours performing various workings,

writing and correspondence. Not a bad little room. A wardrobe
has been prepared for you. Wear what you wish. Tell
us if there is anything you desire, but please understand
that all your garments must suit the Master's taste. He

can be very particular. For example, all your clothing will
be white, all of it, all of it. Must I
always wear white. You must for as long as it's appropriate.
At a certain point, you will be expected to wear

a different color. And what color will that be? Oh?
My dear, don't you know? Red? Superceptive? See? I knew
you had warm up to me. You don't share a
Corbo's belief in the spiritual significance of colors numbers. It's
fine for him. I prefer to look at things a

little more deeply. Yeah, can you see him? To me?
Right now? I can't actually, Yeah, what do you see?
Look into my eyes? Okay, not at them through them? Here,
stand closer and look through my eyes and try to

see what's on the other side of them, and that
will allow me to see what's on the other side
of yours. Got it? Sure? Go? I need to stop.

Are you okay? Sit down? No, I need to go
upstre There's a pookcord in the corner. Should you need anything?
But you haven't told me what I'm supposed tonight is
a formal introduction to his closest friends. Look pretty, be charming,
and you'll have nothing to worry about. Okay, then the

blackbird A's come. For more than fifteen years, I have
sought of her, and to night, our faith and my
diligence are being rewarded. Tonight I introduced to you the

Seventh Daughter, my spiritual princess. She was discovered by a
Negro priestess and put to work performing magic tricks on
the sidewalks of Steel City. But her light could not
be hidden under a bushel for long. An esteemed man
of science brought her out of the gutter. He conducted

rigorous examinations and pronounced her genuine beyond doubt. In time
I will share her with you. But tonight I offer
you only advance. Let us welcome my Madonna, my Virgin

Mary Pandora. I sense that there are some among you
who are wondering who I am and how I earned

the privilege of standing before you. I am eager for
the opportunity to demonstrate my gifts, to dispel the merest
shadow of your doubts. I have won the confidence of
the dark Lord, and I have no doubt that I
shall command your faith as well. Yes, well, that does

not delay to night's festivities, a bachelor's feast of sensual
delights worthy of Lucifer Sun. And for the bride, prepare
the loving cop let it brim to overflowing, and let
everyone partake before it passes to my bride, so that
she may taste the essence of your lustful yearnings. I

am honored that you have come to my temple of indulgence,
so that we may worship together. My will be done
on earth as it seldom is in heaven. I shall
give you this day a little more than bread, and
I shall forgive you your trustpasses. So long as you

allow others to trespass against you. Let me lead you
into temptation and deliver you some evil. For thine is
the kingdom, mind, the power, and all of ours the glory.
If not forever, at least for the next six hours. Amen,

bring forth the five supplicants and have them kneel at
each point of the star. All right, ladies, take your positions.
I won't do it anymore. You've said tonight would be different.
Come on, don't be that way. Don't you see what

a privilege you're being good to. Let some wrinkled promy
tell you who one of the priests is under his mask.
I don't really care to know, Wally Read, you're lying?
Am I lying? The King of Speed just came in
last night on the express direct from Hollywood, stayed in
the guest room, which one is in Not at liberty

to say, but look at the symbols on their robes.
Smart girl like you could figure it out. What if
he doesn't line up at my point of the star,
You'll never know unless you play go on spen Wheal
trudy between you and me. I'm putting my money on red.

In the name of the priests of the Shadows of Darkness,
gathered this night, I call for the ceremony of betrothal
to commence a contract of marriage this night. Shall we
write inked in blood, sealed with the unholy elixir formulated
by the priests and concubines, consecrated in my own name

and in the name of the Unholy Father, Prince of Darkness,
Lord of Chaos. Yeah right, you drink, so tell me

was it everything you expected? No one could have prepared
me for this. This is nothing one of Garbo's more
formal affairs. So impress this patrons' thank you, go on
taking everybody drinks here cost it will help mask the

taste of the loving cup. Wait until I throws a
real party. So what is it? I'm supposed to do
with these. My advice is to drink enough that it
makes it all seem like a crazy dream. But you
don't want to drink so much that you lose consciousness support.

You're a clever girl. Figure it out, Backs, Wait, let
me ask you. You call me backs. We're going to
be friends. You and I write nothing. I want more,
but listen, at what point will I be expected to

perform sittings or readings? Sittings? Come here, come here. We
don't do a lot of that here. I don't understand
that was the whole reason I was brought here. Well, yes,
and sit down. Let back spell it all out for

the new girl. Corbou you see, goat fucker that he is,
excuse me, is a very important man, got a lot
of people he needs to impress, actual believers in this
who do voodoo. He's peddling, and a man like that

has got a line himself with a woman of absolute
spiritual power, shares a wife that commands the respect of
his peers. Once they're married, we'll just like any woman,
say'm married, her career is over. She'll do the same

wifely chores that all women perform. Rich and Paul easy
sip it, My dear, there are certain chores of a
housewife that I am unwilling to perform. Anyway, I have

probably said too much, so please forget everything I've said
in the west five minutes. You're fine. Facts. I appreciate
your candid Hey, Pandora, you stuck a booda needle into
me today, did I? Yeah? Stuck it in really deep?

You asked for it backs. I guess I did, didn't I?
And now that the needle is in, I suppose you'd
better do everything I ask, hadn't you? You just say
the word A toast to the brightest star of the

firmanent Pandora and Ms Pandora. Yes, Nelly, someone to see you.
It's Mr Shrink Albert surn him in. Yes, ma'am, that'll

be all, Nelly. Um, I'm not allowed to leave you
alone with a guest. Could you at least outside? You
can leave the door open. Very good, ma'am. You were
at the initiation party, but you hardly spoke to me.

Your attention seemed occupied with other things, and to be honest,
I was rather ashamed to fash you. Listen, I'll keep
this brief, since I brought you into the circumstance, Pandora,
I feel a certain responsibility and I have you to think,

and that is not exactly reassuring to me. M What
is the matter? Should you be drinking fine to hour
at any hour? It was searched me at the initiation.
I'm a married woman, I think, am I? Anyway? I

see no harm that as it may. After that's night's bucking,
I have to wonder if he's appropriate for a girl
like yourself to be left here. I really wish you
would stop worrying about me. This is what we all wanted,
isn't it? You? Me? Rose? It's just not at all

that I expected. Frankly, I found the entire spectacled, cheap,
integrating and unfolding of a fullment of your sensibility. What
did you think I do here? Sit on a throne
and read palms every night? Rose warmed me many times
of corbos appetites, And you are willing to accept this?

Can you honestly say you had no idea what was
in store for me? Or did you just not bother
to think about it? You're being unfair. I have only
had the noblest of intentions on straight and not saying
don't act so wounded. I'm the one who has to
sit on that throne and preside over a bunch of
drunken fools, not if I can help it. You already

helped it, and now there's nothing you can do to
stop it. If it's forgiveness you seek, I cannot absolve you,
I understand, but I will hold no grudge against you
if you can fulfill a promise to me, how through anything,
I want you to find Rose. I couldn't face her.

Just find her, Pandora. Please pardon me for saying, but
you don't seem quite yourself. Perhaps you should put away
the vine with pleasure there now? And you were saying

you're on the immense strain I cannot imagine. No, you can't,
And you mustn't let your emotions get the better of
your emotions. I don't share the same emotions that ordinary
beings seem to feel, lust and loss, desire and regret.

I'm merely observe. Is your heart made of stone? Surely
you know that love feels like I know what it
looks like. I've read about it in books, but I've
never touched it, nor has it touched me. I'm so sorry. No,

lack of feeling is a blessing, not a curse. It's
what enables me to detect the emotions of others. Is
what will enable me to get through Saturday's ceremony and
the next and the next. You see, Albert, emotions cloud
the mind in ways you cannot imagine. I'll show you.

Don't pity me because I feel no love. I also
feel no pain. Oh my God, though my flesh may bleed,
I assure you my heart is as cold as clay.
This I could you let me? Let me pick the
glass from your palm. I'll be very gentle as you wish,

wheather you wish to have my help or not. I
feel do everything I can to save you. Pandora find
her Ah, oh lord, Oh what's this? M hm? Yes,

my Lord called the piano tune. I have him come
and fix this. This won't do at all. I'll see
to it right away. Oh what is it now? Your kingdom? Come?
My will be done well? The High binder himself to

what do I owe the pleasure? M Oh, don't worry
about Baxter. She knows all my secrets. A letter arrived
in today's post for Pandora. Pandora no one knows she's
here well. Baron von Shrank does ah has the love

sick schoolboy written her letter? It's marked personal and confidential.
Didn't I tell you? Do you have it? I went
ahead and steamed open the seal in case you want
to deliver it after How considerate of you, But I
have saved the pleasure of reading the note for you.

Open it, Baxter. I am just boarding a liner, but
wanted to pen this letter before we leave port. I
completed my tour of the East and witnessed almost forty
psychics and mentalists along the way. I am pleased to
report that I have located Rose Rose, as you requested.

While in New York, I visited a dime museum in
the Bowery Worley's Museum of Marvels. Not a fit place
for a gentleman such as myself, but for your sake
and in the name of science, I pressed onward. This
amusement hall had none of the charm of Paradise. Pier
was a dark and feted place, filled with constant noise,

a place in which the most morbid of curiosities could
be indulged. The mostular attraction ever presented, indeed, United I
went into the booth of a medium that calls herself Minerva.
She was dressed in black, had a black veil covering

her face. She took my hand, turned it palm up
and asked me, what do you wish to know, my
old friend. I remembered what you told me to ask.
I had repeated the message to dozens of other mediums
already and had never gotten a response. If it pleases

the spirits, can I ask? Is it possible for an
earthbound mortal to see in to the mirror of dreams?
I'm sorry the noise? Would you mind repeating the question?
I couldn't detect her reaction because her face was so

heavily veiled If it pleases the spirits, asks your forgiven
and needs your help dreams. She seemed shaken by this.
She released my hand so I wouldn't feel her strengthing.

Is she in danger? For I have from shrink? Tell
me what has happened? Afraid you have me at a disadvantage.
And that's when she lifted the veil. That's when I
knew it was ross. Is Pandora say she is safe

for the moment, But to be honest, I don't know
for how long. Having spent some time in Corbo's circle,
I've come to believe he is not the spiritual seeker
he pretends to be. Corbo is still alive, fine, for't
t be. He is alive and fellow, and he has

deceived us. And you, kind hearted, ignorant man. Has your
eagerness to believe really made you that blind? Do you
not see how many people are deceiving you? Who is
deceiving me? All of us, not Pandora, especially Pandora. Oh yes,

you're wrong. You were a stepping stone that allowed her
into Corbo's nest. Your jealous. She's left you behind, and
now you want to tear her down. You've want to
destroy her chances of success. Says If Corbo is alive,
then she has already failed. Failed in vain. Corbo tried

to take my child away from me. My husband had
What is it? How did I not see it? Or
you either? The woman Rose? It's Divina, That's impossible. Davina
was white, Roses black? Really think about it, just how

black is Rose? And how white was Davina? Now it
can't be think about it. She knew exactly what I wanted.
She groomed the girl in such a way that I
would find her irresistible. She put her on a platter
and practically waved her under my nose. Every step of

her career was calculated to bring her one step closer
to me. But why if she didn't want you to
have her daughter, why would she turn around and drop
the girl on your doorstep? The trojan horse, a poisoned apple,
and anarchist's bomb tossed into my window? But what harm
can a girl do by herself? Nothing? As soon as

someone exposes the truth, let her be expa to say
I was a fool or a fraud. We won't give
her that opportunity. We can't hurt her, can't we. It's
Rosa's fault, Pandora's. She hasn't done anything to harm us.
When people learned that she is a fake, and I

have made her my queen, it will corone my empire
from within. The newspapers have been waiting for something like
this to happen so they can smear me with their filth.
All these years I looked for finally found her, only
to be publicly humiliated by that pow. The woman had

no right to put her here. It's obvious Pandora never
belonged in our circle. Innocent school girl like that, No
harm will come to her. We just need to checkmate her.
Force her into a corner so she'll do as she
is told and take away her privileges. The woman Rose Davina,

whatever she's calling herself. Now bring her here. Hold a
proverbial gun to her head. Second thoughts, let's put a
literal gun to her head. Let the hag live out
her life with a muzzle press to her temple and
a finger resting on the trigger. If Pandora fails to
perform her duties as our queen, we will paint the

walls red first with the woman's blood. And if that's
not enough, then the girls begging the lord's pardon. Yes,
if Pandora is a fake, and I still don't believe
she is, how can she fulfill her obligations as the

High Priestess. Now that you mention it, maybe it is
taking too big a risk allowing Pandora to preside over
our followers. M we've encouraged this notion that the medium's
power is dependent upon her virginity, have we not, Yes,
it would be quite a simple matter to deprive her

of her powers, gather our most influential members to witness
her ceremonial deconsecration before their very eyes, before the eyes
of her own mother. How poetic would that be? It's disgusting, Yes,
it is, isn't it. Thank you for the suggestion. Carry on, Baxter,

put together a guest list, engrave the invitations. It will
be the most decadent gesture a man could perform, to
destroy something rare and beautiful for the sheer pleasure of
doing so. As you wish. Come in. I was hoping

it was you backs, come to have your palm red.
I'm dying of boredom in this place, not for long. Listen, kid,
Carbo would skin me alive if he knew I was
telling you this. But you need to think of a
way to leave the compound. But I just got there,
onto you, onto me. How they think you're a fake?

They figured Rose sent you here to embarrass Carbo. But
I'm not a fake. Come on, Pandora, I promise you
backs the spirit of truth. Even if it does, it
won't for much longer. What do you mean by that?
Corbo's planning a new kind of ceremony, one in which
your powers are take away if you get my meaning,

So you and I need to start packing. I can't
do that back. You really don't know what's about to happen, Baxter,
you're not listening. They're planning. To know what they're planning,
and you're willing to stay here and let it happen.
Since you've become something of a friend to me, I

would rather you not be here to witness it. Pandora,
When the time comes, will you promise me not to
attend the ceremony? Neither one of us promise me. You
can't be there. If I don't attend to Corbobile thinkrust me.

After the ceremony, none of that will matter anymore. Thanks,
and here give us a little privacy. Will you open

for business? Have a seat? What do you wish to know?
My friend? I need answers, and I'm told you the
woman to give him. If you would make an offering
in this box, I would be happy to help you.

You look a lot like a woman I used to know,
damnedest thing. In fact, you look like two women I
used to know. What a coincidence you see? I am
both of them, so you are. Now? How about the
two of you who get up and follow me outside.

We're taking a little trip. I've been waiting for you,
high binder. I've had my bag packed for almost a
week of predicting the future? Are you I am? Then?
Tell me, sister, what's the future? Wholes bloodshed, suffering, death?

My god, it is you. M. I never expected this
day to come. You have no idea how long I've
searched for you, how deeply I've hated you all these years.
I think I do. Every carnival, every midway, every music halls.

We looked everywhere, and now I understand why we couldn't
find you. Brilliant really an unimaginable mask garage. On the contrary,
you were so used to seeing my mask that when
I showed my real face, you didn't recognize it. The

great deceiver. Indeed, tell me, how shall I address you?
M Minerva ruse the Vena? Call me what you will?
What is it you wish to know the truth? No fortune's,
no philosophizing, just the truth. Do that and I just

might let you live. Ask what you will? Is it true?
Pandora is the girl. She is the seventh daughter of
the seventh daughter, Your daughter, my daughter? Why did you

take her from here? I didn't take her. She was
never yours. She was promised to me. I bought her
for the girl's father I paid for. The girl was
not his to sell. She was mine. You know, just
because you carry a child in your belly, it doesn't
mean your own her. No, that is true. Now she

belongs to me. If you'll forgive me for saying you
should not assume that just because a girl lives under
your roof, that she is your property, or that she
will obey your commands. That was the mistake I made.
Tell me, Rose, what sort of sabotage are you planning?

You kept her heaven for years, but then, for no
good reason, you put her on display. Didn't you think
we notice? This? You see, is the truth that I've
come to tell Pandora is here, not because I put
her here, but because it is her destiny. You deceive

me once, Rose, I'd be a fool to trust you
a second time. You hold all the cards, Corbea, You've
won the game, You've got what you wanted. There's no
reason for me to lie. Then tell me this, honestly,
are her powers real? Hear me out? I will tell

you everything, and if you listen, you will understand and
you will believe. Go on. For years, I kept her hidden.
I planned to give her a different life, any life,
but this. I shaped her and molded her, raised her
to be a proper young lady, and I almost succeeded.

But a few years ago she began to change. It
was becoming difficult for her to become this thing I
wanted her to be. She wanted to please me, but
I could see the struggle inside her. Something was gnawing
at her, making her unhappy. She couldn't describe it, couldn't

give it a name, but I could. Don't forget. I too,
was a seventh daughter, So when I saw her struggling,
I knew exactly what was happening. I took a chance.
I thought, perhaps if I allow her a taste, a
small taste, she will be satisfied. Allow her flame to burn,

but not too brightly. Maybe I could control it. So
I began to teach her. I showed her how to
let the spirit flow through her, and as I hoped
it would, this calmed the disturbance within her. The spirit

cannot be consumed in small doses. Each chaset only fuels
the appetite, so I gave her more. Eventually I taught
her everything I knew, but still it was not enough.
I tried to protect her, keep her identity a secret,

prolong her childhood, but it was useless. Once she spread
her wings, she couldn't possibly remain in a cage. That's
when she began to perform. But you knew what would
happen if I found her. Yes, I knew. And it

was at that moment that I suddenly realized what it
means to be a mother, that there were limits to
my protection, and having endowed her with certain skills, I
had no choice but to open the cage and release her.
I had to let her live the life she chose,
even if it resulted in certain death, because it's her life,

not mine. And that is how she came to be
here Corboud, not because of me, but in spite of me.
She wanted this, not me. You asked me, if she
is real? Yes, she is real. She has the potential

to be more powerful than either you or I, and
I came here without a struggle to ask you to
beg you not to crush the spirit out of her.
Thank you Rose for your confession and your sincerity. It's

important for me to know that she is not just
a common grifter, but is a living, breathing vessel of
the Holy Spirit. Yes, it has been most illuminating. You see,
when I'm prepared ring to destroy something, I like to
mow its value first. It enhances the pleasure. You know.

I once burned painting by Vermere for the simple satisfaction
of destroying something unique, beautiful and treasured by others. And
so it shall be with Pandora, you best hand, I
shall deprive you of everything you are, all you have been,

and anything you hope to become. My will be done. Yeah,
I must now replace my blindfold. As my vision begins
to fade, your own senses will gradually return, Return to

the warmth and the light of your own reality. The
Seventh Daughter is a production of I Heart Radio, written
and directed by Brett Wood, recorded and mixed by Rob Gow,
featuring Minco Wilts as Rose, Elizabeth Hunter as Pearl, and

Kevin Godley as Corbo. There, you may now open your eyes.
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