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May 18, 2024 16 mins

Harrison Butker, a kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, gave a commencement speech at Benedictine College that sparked controversy. He spoke about biblical values, the importance of faith, and the roles of women and men in society. Many people were outraged by his remarks, calling for him to be dismissed from the team. However, others defended him, stating that he was simply expressing his Christian beliefs. Tudor highlights the clash between traditional values and societal norms. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network. For more visit

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast. This is our quick
weekend update, and I would be remiss if I did
not talk about Harrison Butker, who is a kicker for
the Kansas City Chiefs, and anyone who knows me knows
I don't really watch a lot of Kansas City Chiefs football,
so this was a whole new world for me. I

think it's fantastic because people are just freaking out about
the speech that he gave. It gave a commencement speech
at a college in Kansas called Benedictine College, and well,
change dot org got a hold of it. I didn't
actually really pay much attention to them before this either,
so everybody's kind of peaking each other's attention, right, So

Change puts out this petition. First off, I'll let you
I will read this to you so you know what
it says. Because they are just wild about this, and
you've probably heard of it. They say, Okay, a change
dot org petition is calling on the Chiefs to dismiss
kicker Harrison Butker for making several dehumanizing remarks during his

commencement speech at Benedictine College on May eleventh. Here's what
the Three Times Super Bowl champion said about women, pride month, COVID,
abortion and more. Okay, folks, he was at a Catholic
college doing the commencement speech as a person of faith,
and there's outrage. So I wanted to play you a

little bit of the video that they connected to this tweet.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
Here it is I think it is you, the women
who have had the most diabolical lives told to you.
How many of you are sitting here now about to
cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions
and titles you are going to get in your career.
Some of you may go on to lead successful careers
in the world, but I would venture to guess that
the majority of you are most excited about your marriage

and the children you will bring into this world. I
can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle would be
the first to say that her life truly started when
she began living her vocation as a wife and as
a mother. By making it to this moment, through all
the adversity thrown your way from COVID, I hope you
learned the important lessons that suffering in this life is
only temporary. As a group, you witnessed firsthand how bad

leaders who don't stay in their lane can have a
negative impact on society. While COVID might have played a
large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique.
Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues.
Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a
growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem

from the pervasiveness of disorder. Our own nation is led
by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith,
but at the same time is delusional enough to make
the sign of the Cross during a pro abortion rally.
He has been so vocal in his support for the
murder of innocent babies that I'm sure to many people
it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro choice.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
I find it interesting that after watching that, the world erupts.
And I find it interesting because he's not a politician,
and he doesn't tell you how to vote. He is
telling you this is what biblical values are. I am
someone who follows God. He clearly lives his life vertically.
He looks up to the Lord, and he doesn't look

too around him, to the masses who are going to criticize,
because let's face it, this guy, he's got a pretty
impressive career and now these people are calling to get
him fired, and that kind of puts the kaibash on
his whole, like, my wife can stay home and take
care of my kids and we can have this happy
family because then all of a sudden, you're looking for

what your career is, so you know, the average person
wouldn't take that risk. He is not living for society.
He is living for the Lord. But people took this
as oh my goodness, he came out and he trashed abortion,
and he said that his wife found her place as
being his wife, that that was what she looked forward

to in life, and they just went crazy. He's just
speaking truth, though, and if you're listening to what he's saying,
or you listen to the left, who says, well, you
can speak your truth, and why are they so mad?
But I find it funny that everybody has come out
and talked about this as this controversial speech, because I

ask you, what's controversial about a man of faith going
to a Catholic college and speaking about biblical values. It
would be a controversial speech if it had been a
drag queen at a college campus giving the commencement speech
and talking about giving up all of your biblical values.

But it wasn't. But society today can't take this, and
to me, I sort of love it because I look
at this and I say, this is what I've been saying.
Stops saying that politicians are the only ones that should
stand for things that go back to having value in
your life. Instead other people in culture, we the people,

or even dare I say, the people of God the
church can come around and speak real truths. And for
all the people who are complaining about the way he
spoke about his wife, which was incredibly loving and he
got great praise for it. I want to play another
clip here in a second, but I want to play

this clip because he was not speaking down about his wife.
And to make it clear, he never said women shouldn't
have jobs. He said, you may be thinking about all
the positions you'll hold in the promotions, and many of
you will go on to do great things in work.
But he didn't say you can't have the other. He

made it very clear that there is something that women
look forward to, and if you're not looking forward to this,
the majority of you are lying, because when I was
a child, I remember quite clearly thinking about what it
would be like to be a mother. I had dolls,
I played with them, I put them in their cribs.
I loved when we would visit my mom's mom and

dad's friends who had babies and I could hold them.
When I was a very little girl, I thought about
what it would be like to be a mom and
with that a wife. So this idea that it was
so controversial that he said to these women, you're probably
most excited about being a wife and a mother. Why

wouldn't you have been. It's something that you innately feel.
Most of you, I'm not saying all of you, but heck,
probably every little girl, when she's at home by herself
as a child, is thinking about what she can do
to be like mommy one day. Yet that was not acceptable,
but it wasn't a cutdown of women. Listen to what

else he said that.

Speaker 2 (06:56):
All of my success is made possible as a girl
I met in being class back in middle school, would
convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one
of the most important titles of all. Holemaker. She's a

primary educator to our children. She's the one who ensures
I never let football or my business become a distraction
from that of a husband and father. She is a
person that knows me best at my core. And it
is through our marriage that Lord willing, we will both
attain salvation.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
The most important thing in his life is the next
life is salvation, and he believes it. Together they form
three strands, he and his wife and God together and
they will achieve salvation together as a couple who is

led by faith. I left all the clapping in there.
You heard it. It went on for a long time.
I left that in there because all of the outraged
people should understand that the audience for this speech understood it.
They got it. They said, that is true, that is
what I want out of life, and it's okay. I

wanted to talk about this because it is okay to
feel that way. It is okay to come out and
say I want to get married, I want to have children,
and I want a husband who lifts me up and
says I love the fact that she is embraced to
being a homemaker. And for all you women out there
who think I'm not going to be a homemaker, well,
what is your house going to be? Like, I mean,

we're all homemakers. And if you have kids and you worked,
you are a homemaker. And if you don't have kids
and you work, you are a homemaker. And if you're married,
you are a homemaker because you have a home and
you keep your home in some sort of order. I
would assume. So the fact that you have decided that
being a homemaker, which is one role of many, is

so offensive to you. What did we do in society
to get to this point, I ask myself, because it
is something that you can embrace and it is not
something that you will ever avoid because making your home
is still your home, is always there, no matter what
else you're doing. It is one role of many. But

there was like all these people they believe they're victims.
I wanted to play you someone's TikTok. I can't play
all of it for you. She was at the speech.
I can't play all of it for you because it's
filled with the F word. But I don't think this
part has any fwords in it. So listen to what
she says. She's a terrible victim of this commencement speech.

Speaker 3 (09:54):
Getting married and having kids is not my ideal situation
right now. Yeah, it was definitely horrible, and it definitely
made graduation feel a little less special knowing I had
to sit through that and get told I'm nothing but
a homemaker. So but thank you all for congratulating me.

It means a lot. I cried a little bit reading
all y'all's comments.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
But yeah, oh my gosh, she had to sit through
her commencement speech and hear that there is a role
out there for her. She can have a job, and
she can love her home and love her family. There
are so many students this year that don't get a commencement.
They're not getting a speech. She had to sit. There's

a hum. I think she just wanted somebody to feel
bad for her. On TikTok. She's looking for the views.
There's another woman on TikTok and she just goes crazy
about this that she just can't believe this. She feels
like she's not even in this time. I'm not going
to play that video because I don't want to take
up more of your time with these crazy people. But
I do want to play one other part because he

also talked about men. He addressed the men in the audience,
So what you'll hear is that he addressed women, and
then he talked about masculinity, and how offensive this is
because he addressed women and said, you can be something
great and leave a legacy with your children and see
salvation one day. But he said this about men.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
The gentleman here today. Part of what plagues our society
is this lie that has been told to you that
men are not necessary in the home or in our communities.
As men, we set the tone of the culture, and
when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction, and chaos set in.
This absence of men in the home is what plays
a large role in the violence we see all around

the nation. Other countries do not have nearly the same
absentee father rates as we find here in the US,
and a correlation could be made in their drastically lower
violence rates as well. Be unapologetic in your masculinity fighting
against it's the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things,
never settle for what is easy. You might have a

talent that you don't necessarily enjoy, but if it glorifies God,
maybe you should lean into that over something that you
might think suits you better.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
It's reminiscent of something when you hear that people want
to come and take him off that stage and re
educate him. They want to get rid of him. They
want to make sure that he doesn't exist anymore. They
don't want him to be anywhere near football because he
has wrong think. I mean, this is nineteen eighty four,

it's already we've this book has been written, We've read this.
We know exactly what's happening. These kids, they don't know
that that's what is happening. They don't know that big government,
schools and big Brother has come in and said, you
have to accept total chaos, that the norm that family values,
that the nuclear family, it's not good. And any man

who listened to that and God uncomfortable. They got on
comfortable because they've been lulled into this sense of I
have to put myself into this room of sadness, and
I shouldn't try to have a relationship with women. And
now society has become this place where we have soft
men and angry women. And that is the response that
is so clear from this. I've seen a lot of

conservatives come out and defend him as well. I've seen
a lot of people who are saying, wait, wait a minute,
these are biblical teachings. This is Christianity, and I am
defending him as well because what he said was not nasty,
it was not controversial. It did not go after anyone
who did not deserve it. From the government standpoint. Joe Biden, Yeah,

he stood at an abortion rally and did this use
he had the sign of the Cross. I mean, what
in the world. I think he made a very good point.
You cannot be certain things. Society wants to tell people
a girl can be a boy, a Catholic can be
pro choice. Society wants to tell you that men don't

need to be masculine, that women should wear the pants
in the family, and that people don't need each other.
But it's not true. Monogamy is a beautiful thing. Having
someone to live the rest of your life with is
a wonderful thing. And the reality is that if you
are so science based, there are plenty of studies out

there that will tell you that women and men belong together,
that people look for a relationship, they need companionship. I mean,
look at what happened during COVID. We found that there
were people who were in nursing homes who died of
a broken heart. Companionship is not something to be ashamed of.

It's not something to shy away from. Motherhood is not
something to be mocked. And the reality of this is
that this man spoke from the heart, spook of biblical values,
and he was mercifully mocked by the left, who is
desperate for you to say I don't need any of that,
when in reality science would show that you absolutely do,

and it can be the most beautiful part of life.
And I will say that when I did get married,
it was the best day because I knew that I
was joining with someone who was going to live life
with me, who was going to go off on that journey.
All the things that I had learned in my childhood
home from my parents. Now I had to take that

and be out on my own and function as a
human and I had somebody to do that with me.
And then I got to build a family. And that
first day in the hospital with my oldest daughter was incredible.
The fact that we want to belittle that and say
that it has no value, Wow, that is just It's

not acceptable. So in conclusion, live your faith, live your values,
do not be shy about them. I'm so glad that
people like Harrison Butker are out there saying things like this,
because I'm hoping it gives the rest of the church
the freedom to go out and speak like this as
well and say, you know what, I'm not okay with this.

I'm not okay with that, and I do think that
this is the right way to live. So be empowered,
enjoy your weekend. Thank you for tuning in to the
Tutor Dixon Podcasts. For other episodes, go to the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts and come
back Monday. We'll see you then. Thank you, have a
blessed weekend.
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