All Episodes

May 31, 2021 45 mins

Teddi reveals that she is the reason for new Beverly Hills Housewife Crystal Kung Minkoff. Crystal joins Teddi to tell all. Crystal talks about the warrant out for her arrest and the friendliest fellow housewife.

They talk Fashion, Snobs, Sutton and so much more.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
This is Teddy Tea Pod with Teddy Mill and Cab Hi. Guys,
welcome to this week's Teddy Tea Pod. How fun is
it that we have a hotline now? I am obsessed.
I love talking to you guys in the moment. It's amazing.

This week joining us is Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
newbie Crystal, Come minkoff. She's going to be answering all
of our tough questions and we are so excited to
have her on. We're just gonna get right into it, guys.
So this is Crystal, and of course she gets on
and has to be like riding my ass already, Like

I can't believe. I can't believe you guys scheduled this
right now. Blah blah blah. Crystal and I are hosting
a baby shower later on today, and I took the
easy job. I was like, I'll be in charge of
booze and crystals, Like I'll be in charge of food.
But I didn't know she was going to be cooking forever.
Of course overche so literally Megan calls me because our

mutual bestie. Megan was like, because I'm in charge of
picking up the food and we're going to cook it
all for a lot of people. And she was like, okay,
So how the groceries going. I was like, oh, I
just I haven't done it yet. I'll make a list.
She goes one you're gonna get. I was like, I
don't know, Like I don't know, I'll get the day
before and she's like, it's today. That was this morning.

I have no listen, Crystal, I almost fell off the
couch last night. And you're talking head When you said
I am so organized, I was like, lies, you're ja
b I am organized except sance. You put me into this.
It was like, and I honestly, one, Crystal is always

late coming to dance every week. Two well fashionally like it,
but it's proved to be on time. Well I I
actually don't because you know, one time I got that
spanking and I've never been late since. But you do
bring delicious cocktails real coco. Margarite is like, so it's okay.

She can be forgiven for being you know, five to
seven minutes late ever three time. So Crystal. The number
one question that came in for us was were you
guys actually friends? Before Crystal joined the show and did
Teddy refer you to the show No Lies again, the

Double Lies. Well we um, Yes, I pushed for Crystal
so hard because I was like, this would be so
exciting to be on with my friend Da da da
da da. And then we found mutual friends to pretend
to host baby showers together and it's it's all you know,
it's all orchestrated. But no, we met and mommy and

what was it, Mommy, and I met you at your
house when you were hosting a baby shower for meg.
Oh my gosh, so we met. That means it was
eight years ago. Eight years ago we met, and you're
at the other house, but it was a long time ago. Yeah,
it was at the first house. I was the house
and Mount Olympus. Yeah, so we met there and immediately
I knew that I loved Crystal because she came in

and was like dancing and fun, in the life of
the party and likely late for sure, late and not organized,
but looked beautiful. Was so much fun. Um, And yeah,
that's how we met. So Crystal, what advice did I
give you going into filming? You are you keep things

close to the nest? You gave me a lot. I
might have said, no, Um, you. Oh God, what advice
do you give me? You said be yourself and you
were really sweet. You said people love you, and m
that is challenging. That looks verience talent. It's hard to

be yourself in this, you know, And I am because
like every reaction to have as real because it's it's
truly authentic, you know. But I've never been in front
of a camera, so that environment is brand new, and
if you've never been in front of it, you can't
help but feel it, and you do lose yourself at
some point, but not not fully for me, you know.

But so I really worked hard internally two make sure
that I was projecting who I you know, I'm saying
I didn't want to act like a certain way. I
was like, this is who I am, but I had
actively do that. But you'd be self, which is really
important because I think that's the only really way to

do it, you know. Yeah, I think being yourself. And
then I remember when I first started it was being
present because sometimes my mind would like wander and think
about like, oh no, what's gonna happen here? What does
this mean? Was that? And then I was like, shoot,
is everybody talking about I'm lost and so being president
was like a big thing for me at the beginning.
Oh no, I don't like this next one. What if
you are like shady to me? Uh? What was your

first impression of me? And did we click right away? Oh?
I like to you, I think you're very but you
could you could you tell that was not real? So
you paused? You pause like to read did when she
said I like you? You know what, you, Teddy are
a force And I don't know what people really know

that And when I say force, it's genuinely super positive.
And you're so you're such a good friend and you
have such a close group of friend that I love,
you know, like we are our best friends are mutual
and um, I think it's I don't think that everyone
gets to see that that you only see of a
small part of you. Um, but you you are the

life of the party. Um my god, why do you
have to be so now? I'm like what you can
cry cry cry, No, I've done my share of crying.
But you won't see that. And that's the shame of it.
And so I'm saying it out loud that you really
are genuinely and um and that's how I really felt

about you, and you know we've been friends ever since.
So well, I always have so much fun for you
and you guys. Crystal is not only like the most
amazing host. She always comes into every event having fun,
ready to like take action. Like every time she'll be
the bartender, she will get her hands dirty, which I love. Like,

I know you're seeing a side of Crystal that's like
very like proper, but she's also like the girl that's
like I got the ice bags and this and that,
Like you make stuff happen so huge, you know, huge
shape so much. Yeah, I think that's what's weird. And again,
it's only only two episodes in UM. And when you
really break it down, I think I've been on camera

for I don't know, seven minutes, so you know that
you time it out. Was that like you know my calculations,
you know, and you know when people that people have
formed such strong opinions, And that's okay. I understand that
because when I watch any kind of show, that's so
that's the nature of it, and that's okay. There's no
blame in that. UM. But yeah, so it's definitely a

a real and very specific part of who I am. UM.
But yeah, hopefully then people get to see me, you know,
slipping ice bags and well, do you realize that, even
though we've been friends for eight years, you never told
me that you worked at an escort service. Okay. I
saw the preview and I was like, oh my god,
I forgot. I'd say, yeah, you know, it's like not

eight nine months ago, so long ago. And I was
telling my friends where I was a tennis and I
was like, oh, you know, they're going to use this
thing there like you worked where Okay, So I just
need to clarify because it's very very It's not the
editing that's a problem. It's just, you know, it's very
limited to what he said. So it was an advertising
company that was for escort. It was resting. Yeah, So

I like, how you trying to sugarcoat that there? Yeah.
So I did not send girls out. I received the
calls that I received were from the girls, and then
they pay us as an advertising company to put their
picture up and phone number. So I worked with the
girls actually, but escorts is like, you know, they're like
they got to dinner with you and stuff like like

I don't know, try Okay, Yeah, they trips to they
have your hang out with you or there's like then
what how were you? How did they reach out to
to bring you on as a madam? That was not
part of that. Oh that was the lie. No no, no,
no, no no, that happened to separations. Yeah. The lie was

me um the law. It was me getting arrested because
it sounded such an easy like maybe she you know,
like ridiculous. I actually do have a I have a
warrant for my arrest and that's actually kind of that
would be great. Oh what did you do about Arizona?
And I talked to the judge and he's like, just
don't are you gonna come back here? I was like no,

and he's like, just don't come back. That's a whole
remind me not to bring you to Arizona. Well I can't.
I can't drive there or I'll get arrested. So it
is with the madam story. Rob was super super into
like when you know, like World Porka Tour was really
popular and that we just watched it endlessly, watched m XC,
which is like that Japanese game show and all all date,
all night, and so Rob got really to poker and

then we go to the commerce casino and there was
this woman there and very loud and you know, like
throwing money on the table and just and I'm just
like two years old sitting there and she's like looking
at me. She's like, come here, come here, and she
was I could tell she was Korean, and so I
feel like like it was like a mama to me,
you know. And I'm like okay. And then Rob's like

like she's asking to go with her, and like he's like,
are you okay. I'm like I'm okay. So Just we
walked through the casino out to these like double doors
and but their glass doors. It was like a pat
like a kind of a patio, so he could see me,
I could see him, and she's like what are you
doing here? I'm like my friend, and she's like, you know,
I can make you some money. And then out walks

a guy like Just and he just immediately like he
was ready. Yeah. It's just like standing there next to
her and I'm like uh and she's like I can
you know, make good money. I was like no, like
I'm so scared, like no, thank you, you know, and
then she was okay, go go to him. She's like
get out of here. And she was okay, so I

see a lot of me and you, and then it
was okay, this girl's not going to do that. Maybe
I could be a little like a protege. So that
that was that's the story, you know what. I know,
I have a weird and by the way, it's like
I didn't ask for it just came to me, don't
you know what. You're just lucky that way. Commit opportunities

are always finding you. Crystall all right. Next back to
you know, housewives. They want to know you're new to
the group, who has been the most welcoming and who
has been the most standoffish. So this question is asked,
like people, really, I don't know. I feel like Jurie
was super welcoming. Um, And when I answer this question,

I immediately think about the very first time I met
the group as a whole. You know. That's that's sort
of how I can approach it, because everyone was actually
welcoming in different stages. So I think about that first Nigeria,
big arms open, and I didn't know what to expect.
I thought maybe I'd just get coldness, you know, and like,
who's the new ber I don't like her? And Durie

was like, oh my god, you have kids and Dada
and Teddy told me that, you know, and obviously you
and Deret her friends. So I think that there was
that connection. And I felt that from Garcela too, because
she was like, oh my god, your Rob's wife like
years ago. And so for me, that sort of experience
is like safety of like when you have one connection,

you feel you know, welcomed. And I would say Sutton
and she knows to hear all the time. Sutton was
definitely less warm, but from the beginning, yeah, not super cool,
but just not as like bubbly as I would say.
The other people were alright, alright, well Rob, he's directed all,
you know, all of these things. He's so talented. I

personally love Rob. He is that person that like when
you're sitting at dinner, you're gonna be laughing, you're gonna
be learning. He's such a great guy. But um, how
did he feel about you joining the show? Um? You know,
like his first reaction and I said, oh, Teddy called me.
He's like nope, Um, you know, it took us a

long time and you know, you were on the journey
with me and you know, he just it's scary it's
a scary thing to put ourselves out there, you know.
And he's though he's never done reality or you know,
been an act or anything like that, you know, you
sort of know what might come with the territory. But
you know the biggest fear was when people say, oh,

people get divorced, and we would just be like, well,
that's that's our issue, Like we are solid. And I
think that was the reason why I said yes. If
we felt that that would not hurt our family, then
we could potentially say yes. So once we you know,
pass that threshold, then it was sort of diving deeper
into what you know would be positive and negative. And

you know, I did the charts, I did the pros
and con I wrote him now and we you know,
went through each one. Well, I've now, this reminds me
of another piece of advice that I gave you that
obviously you forgot, but I said, if you have any
dark secrets that you don't want to come forward, do
not do the show that that's the only reason other

than that do it. Like for me, that was the
same thing. I'm like, I know I'm in a good marriage.
I know that I have good you know, like my
family's good, life is good, business is good, Like there's
no reason and there's nothing I have to hide, right,
So I once like like that I felt comfortable with
and then when you dive deeper, it's so why do
you do it? You know, as opposed to like I don't.

I really don't understand why people do it if they
have that kind of stuff for fear of it, Like
I didn't have fear in that aspect. So then it
was the approach was why why yes and um, and
then that's why you know you dive deeper into what
it means for you and your family? Yeah, for sure.
And I was like the first thing you said, come on,

well now that you're a season in, like, are you
happy that I brought you in? Or are you like
you knows I'm gonna say, okay, we'll say this because
I always try to be a positive person. I'm camera

close it. I'm like, okay, ER's a right. No. I
have grown so much and it sounds so sappy. I
have grown so much as a person in the last
year then ten years combined in my life. I have
seen so much that I never thought I would see,

including working at you know, an advertising Govinie. That's you know,
it's it's so um it's it has made my life
so expansive and insular in a weird way. Um So,
But do I regret it? No, not, No, I don't

regret it. I want to see what it's going to
look like, to be honest, you know, I don't know
how that's going to play out, and and and then
I'll assess whether that's it's you know, to move forward.
But um, you know it's I've grown a lot, and
I think that's if I can take anything positive out
of it, is you know i'd say that. Yeah, And
I'm just to put it in perspective for for the listeners,

Like people think that like we already know how the
show is gonna look like weeks or months in advance. No,
like Housewives get the episode the day before, that's it
and then and there's no changes, Like it's it is
what it is, and you just have to sit there
and live with it. You have what the night before
it actually airs, after you've seen it is the worst.

It's not a good episode for you. It's horrible. And
I have to say, like episode two, I was really
down in the docks about it and then I don't
know why. I think you're just so self critical and
so like, what if I had done this or how
I approached that? And then you know, the feedback is
so interesting, you know, and then you sort of seen
a different light. But yeah, it's you know, but I

know from what you and all the girls have said,
there will be great episodes and hard episodes for everyone,
and she's designed to do that. So what part what part?
In particular? How did you feeling that way after watching
the episode? Of course, I mean the ending, it's it's
really hard to watch, and it's you know, even though

I feel so strongly, I'm so convicted in my in
my how I feel about this topic about race and
stuff like that. Um, I don't want to ever. I
don't ever want to become an argument or where someone
feels uncomfortable, and you know, and I and I look

at that, and it's that I don't like that. That's hard.
I mean, you guys did have an intense conversation about race.
How did it feel like when she said, I'm not
talking about racial stereotypes. I also have a stereotype, but
I don't want to bring it up. How would you
have preferred that conversation about well, as you said, nothing's planned.

I mean that thing was that happened so organically and
at one in the morning, and you know, you know,
I know people are like, oh, like drinking and all
that stuff adds fuel to the fire. I was not.
I was holding a drink, but I really didn't drink
that whole trip. And um, you know, I mean, we

haven't seen the next episode. I have not seen the
exact I don't. I think it resolves by ending, you know, Um,
but you know, for me, it's like in any conversation
race or other. You know, you want it to be
open and honest and accepted on both sides. Do you

want to hear all sides? And I think, um, sadly,
a lot of what she wanted to say and what
I wanted to say was not heard. And um, but
that's also again a growth experience amongst people. Just that
was the That was the second Dame at her wow
I think about. I know I met her at Dereats

for jin Are and that one when you went on
the trip and went on the trip and I hate
to do this, but we have to take a quick
break and then we'll come right back. Okay, guys, welcome back.
And to start off, we are going to open the

hotline for a couple of questions before I go into
the instant questions after that. So let's bring on Sarah. Hi.
Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to talk to you guys.
Hi um, Yes, Sarah, hi um. So my question is
for Crystal Um. I would love to know more about
your brother. I you said he would a pop star

and he was living with you guys, Like was that
crazy growing up? Or like how long has he been
doing that? Oh my god, I'm so glad you asked
my brother brother so much. We're like, so Jeff and
I are nineteen months apart, he's older whatever he says.
By the way, I have to make this clear. If
you google me, I'm trying to spread this far and

wide right now, if you google me, it says I'm
born in five and I'm not. I was born eighty three.
And because there was I guess another Crystal Kong who's
an artist, and our profiles got merged. So people think
I'm younger than I am. And that would be great
if it didn't date me and Rob situate and making
a problem like no I do, but my honey, it's

like I don't know what to do, but I know
how old I am, and so I'm like, I just
want to say that for the record, I'm thirty eight
and born in eighty three. Okay, that's all so um
and Jeff was born eighty one. So Jeff actually went
to Michigan and he studied abroad in China like I did.
Our parents sent us for a year to Beijing. And

when he was there, he had Um called. I was
senior in college and and he or in high school
and he called and said, oh I did like a demo,
like it was a song. We're like, what the hell
is that? That was going to Michigan like international business,
like we're normal, you know, sort of classical Chinese things

that we're doing right, and and I almost like what?
And then he called us and it's like okay, they
want to record an album. And my mom was like
over my dead body. But then he said, okay, what
if I promise you'll finish college. So he finished like
literally that year. He just like flew back to Michigan,
got it done and came back. And then he was
twenty years old and he won Best New MTV Asia

Best New Artist and that was it. That was twenty
years ago and he had been since so um, which
is so weird, you know. But he was here in
l A with us while we were filming because he
had left China. Um and of February when things were
starting to get locked down there for COVID and we

didn't know what was happening here yet, and he called
us was like, you guys, this is like a serious thing,
and we were like, well, you have an American passport
and maybe you won't be able to get out, so
maybe it's best to get out here. He thought maybe
four to six weeks. It wasn't four to six weeks.
So he was ended up in lockdown here in l
A with us, which ended up being great. Um. But

that's so that's what happened. So he doesn't normally live here. Um.
He's back in China now, um, but he's planning a
buying house in l A next year because we're born
and raised here. So that's about my brother and he's
like the best uncle. Do you think too? Do you
guys think together? I mean, I'm an incredible shower singer.
Why don't you show us a little bit, Crystal. I'd

love to hear you just you know, throw something out,
just something casual from Lyon King, because like, I don't
think anyone knows that we're all directable annoying, like why
do you talking about liking him? Because they told me
to keep talking about lying like I don't talk. How
do you think I feel John Mellencamp, like they've lost
those questions. I'm not sitting there like, hey, my dad's
the coube. You answer those questions and then you look

like such a douche after totally like oh, by the way,
did you know? But all these things that it's so
insane to me, like look at his awards, look at
up there, you know what do you know? So funny
because so Rob is um up north finishing his movie

and he's because it's so sad, like of course, like
all COVID you've been home and now like you're away
during the first week and he's like, oh wow a
little I'm like, shut up, you idiot. I was like
I'm a big timer. Yeah. I was like, He's like, wow,
I didn't know I was going to get so much
free press is so funny. Yes, I seen in the

shower but not professionally. Thank you so much, Sarah. Thank
you Bye Sarah. Now we're gonna bring on Alex. Hi
you guys, Oh my gosh, how such a big fan
of the show. Christal. My question is for you. I'm

so curious who the bff on the show? Oh Um, Well,
my bff on the show is definitely Kathy. You know,
Kathy and I've been friends for fifteen years and people
always asked, how how did you guys know each other?
You know, what's the origin? So um, Rob's producing partner,

Kimberly was married to Kathy's brother, so they were sister
in laws. Um and so I. So Rob's partner has
been his partner forever. And when I first met Rob,
that's my first people I met, and so um they've
always been super close as sister in laws. Even though
Kimberly had divorced. So I had met Kathy so long ago.

So when you know she was seeking about doing the show,
it just made it another great opportunity to do it together.
And you know, having her, they're kind of helping me
now the gate, the whole experience was super, super helpful. Yeah,
Cathy is a trip, as you guys can all see,
she's so fun. The Three Truths last night, I was like,
so good. And all of her t shirts with the

words on it. I was like, Kathy, I'm not searing
a teacher with words. Okay wait, so like literally your
bestie Kyle every time she come downstairs, like who do
you come on? What are you wearing? I look great?
So don't change. So good and the fan all of it. Um.

Next up we have Bella, Bella what you got for us? Hey? Um,
I was wondering, um, for both of you guys, who
was each of your most cringing moment of the episode
so far? Well, watching you guys, what was my most
cringe part? I mean I think, you know, watching the
scene between Crystal and Sutton, you know, when you know,

when she said the redneck like I think that. I
was like, no, you do say it? Like you know that?
For me, I was like I could see where she
was starting to go and I was like, I really
just hope she doesn't say it. So, um, yeah, that
was my the cringeest part for me to watch. Yeah. Um,

it's so like I think I understand obviously, I understand
that being not the two people in it. Um. Every
moment for me is a little cringe e like of
how I could approach things differently. And you know that's
the interesting part of the shows, Like it's already done,
so I can't analyze it and do it next time,

like it is what whatever has happened happened. That's authentic
and organic. Um. But yeah, it's you know, I mean
for me, it's like other than that, just like when
I talk about, oh, this and this is when you're bragging,

you know me, I don't do that. It's like I've
never seen a side like because you know, somebody even
asked her like it's Christ and I'm just saying it's
crystal stop. I'm like no, Like, I mean a snob
comment is so weird because I understand why people think
of It's not like I get it, you know, because
they say, so tell us about this. I'm like, I
don't want to tell about this, okay, and then they

just use that like and I have this and I
have this and they're like, oh god, so like so
I don't. I don't. I'm not like mad people thinking
of it's stop. There are worse things, but it is
so not my personality. But that's okay. I understand. I
don't believe me. She wears croc flip flops when she
comes over, I think, so I wrote, like, you know,

I hate this girl and her Walmart clothes. I want
to be like, what's wrong with Walmart? I don't know. Well,
you pretty much have a uniform except when you're on Housewives.
Do you have like your standard uniform? You come over,
it's a button down, it's shorty shorts with like a
draw string and you're crop. Do you have them on now?

Ida and your croc flip flops? Okay, so I buy
things in bulk. These shorts, ladies, the old navy, y'all,
they're linen. I didn't even tie them for you. Okay,
they're linen. I think they're like twelve and they're my
favorite shorts. So what I do is I end up
buying like five and White and five and Peak. But
like I, it's just and she wears them, guys, she

wears them to the end. Any hating on my fashion,
I literally could care less. Could care less, So go
for it. It's my favorite. By the way, I learned
this the hard way. It's I got so much heat
for saying it on the show. It's couldn't care less?
I thought, could I got killed for that? I couldn't.

I could. Oh yeah, So if he's liked could less,
they make you care Yeah, and so I got killed
for that. And I also got killed for saying electronical.
I'm like, I'm not electronically savvy. Electronicals, lady, you can't
say electronic call? What is the right word? What? What
are you trying to say? Like, I'm not savvy on

like like my phone technologically savvy. Oh well, okay, maybe
I want to text. Maybe I should have phoned a friend. Yeah, well,
or it could be a new word like choog e.
Oh choogie is all the rage right now. So you
can just create a word technology technological, electronically, electronically Okay,

it's a good word. Okay, yeah, all right, Oh my gosh, Sam,
come on in hi. Um, I have a question. I
want to know, Crystal, where do you stand with Sutton
right now? So you will see that our friendship it's
an arc, as all friendships do, and it's a roller coaster,

not what all friendships do. Um, But I will say this,
I think that we have come to a better understanding
of each other. If I can say that, Okay, I
think should be all right, That's what I'll say. Well,

following up with that, how hard after that? You know,
I know we have a lot to stay tuned for,
but like, now that you kind of knew her mindset,
was it hard for you working with her going forward?
I mean after that, yeah, after after last night? What
what's coming? Yeah, it was hard and I and it
completely affects me to where I've never been affected for

my life actually, and so I'm not quite It's funny
watching it because I've been trying to analyze it this
morning of sort of what's coming and quickly comes and
I'm like, I didn't. I'm just like I'm still processing it,
you know, because it happened, but I was it was

such a crazy fog. And then now I'm watching it
back and I'm like, so I just to know for
myself internally, like how did that affect me? And it did? Um,
and yeah, you're gonna see it. You're gonna see how
it affects me because I feel like I look cool
and whatever. And then it's I you know, I'm gonna
I can be emotional and I try to keep everything

cool at the time, and I think I just I
just couldn't you know, so well, we're humans and we
uh that's what happened. But I cannually have not. I've
not had a confrontation like that in my life. So
it's weird that it happened. And that's what I'm saying.
What's it's organic like it happened on camera two days

after meeting her, and I've literally I you'll say, I
say something like, I've never met anyone like you. So yeah, intense,
I can't even I mean, wow, Um, well, thank you
so much. Sam. We got to bring in tomorrow. Hi Betty, Hi,

I'm a huge fan. I'm so happy to be talking
to you. Thanks for having me on of course, Um
so of course I want to know, um what you
think of the new season so far? And then I
want to ask Crystal who she's bonded with the most. Okay, well,
how I think about the season so far? You know,

it's it's been, you know, a completely different experience. I
I didn't watch Housewives before I became a housewife, so
I didn't have like that knowledge going into it, and
now I can watch it as like a legitimate like
fan versus you know, like these are my girlfriends. These
are people I care about. So I can watch in
a completely different way without being self critical, without you know,

having anxiety, without beating myself up for every little thing
that I did wrong. So you know, there's pleasant like
that part's pleasant and I, you know, I enjoy it
as entertainment as what it is. But of course there
are moments where you like have like you know a
little bit of like satis fans. Wow, you know, I
miss I missed this camaraderie. I missed the trips like

are the plane rides are always the most fun? You know,
like those types of things. Um, but I you know,
I think it's gonna be a great season. I'm so
excited for you know all the girls. Are you already
watching it wondering? Oh, I wouldn't have said that, or
I wouldn't have done that, would the two episodes so far? No,
I'm not watching it with a critical I versus them
like for me, like the way I like to watch

my shows, like a reality shows is like is this good?
Like am I enjoying the content? Am I learning? Am
I laughing? Am I? You know? Am I wanting to
purchase that thing? Whatever it is? Not like, oh, I
would never do that or that's so you know, those
types of things, because you know, I feel like I've
been on the other end of it and I don't
need to go there. Uh what about what? She had

a follow up question about who you bonded with? She
said earlier Kathy, but other than Kathy because we can't. Um,
Cathy is like an easy answer, I would say Dree, uh,
Drey and I she was just always I could just
feel she was very honest and wanted to help me
through this experience. Um. You know, her husband reached out

to Rob a lot and checked in. They had dinner,
So like, I appreciate that in a person a couple
to sort of actively do that with us. You know,
it's not especially guy. The guys don't just call each old.
Are It takes like the women to bond and you know,
and so for like they would have dinner alone and um,

and it was just a really they've shown a lot
of grace and um and friendship and welcoming to me.
So I appreciated that. Oh that's awesome. And p K
is hilarious. He's so fun. Yeah, life of the party. Um, well,
thank you for calling in. You guys, we gotta take
a little break and then we'll come back and finish
up your questions. All right, So now that we're back,

we're gonna start a little a little heavier and then
good lighter as we finished. But with all the anti
Asian stuff and all these movements, like how how could
you give our listeners a better way to approach everything?
Good question? So for me, I think everyone has a
different Obviously, everyone approach to anything and people. This is

a very heated topic, and I think that your approach
is going to be based on your history, right, whether
you've been attacked or it's a constant you know, you're
living in fear and stuff like that. For me, you know,
I and very obviously very much open to this conversation.

I like to talk about it. We talk about it
with the kids all the time. It's like, is a
very important topic for me. So but I don't I
don't want to come from judgment, and so I really
try to have empathy and understanding where the other persons
coming from who I'm talking to. So if you it's

like one of our friends at Teddy you know, who
were hosting with us. It's like she said to me,
I've never where she grew up. I've never met an
Asian person, a black person, like a person like never
my life. And if I and she has said something
that like offended us. When I met her and I said,
I called her out, I was like, you cannot say that,
like that's not okay, And she was like, I am

so sorry. I've I had no idea, and I give
grace to that. You know, it's it's taking ownership. And
but I didn't want to attack her. I just said,
this is not okay with me. It hurts me, it
hurts other people, and I want you to know that.
And I think there's a way to um talk to
people without judgment. You know, you have to be I

think there you can do it in a soft way.
I think the softer you are actually is when people
hear you more too hard, they close it off. It's
too scary. Uh So, I think it's about showing people
right your cultures and and you know, but if you
want to talk about it, it's trying to tread in
a softer way. That's to serve my approach. And if

somebody has questions, what are what's you know? I know,
you know personally sometimes I struggle with the right way
to ask questions, so how or even talking to my
kids certain way, like how would you say the best
way to talk to your kids? And then like how
to start bringing up those questions so that you can
have a more fluid conversation. Right, So I totally understand that.

So when I tell people I'm an open book, ask
me any question, that's what that's one person. So I
know that that's easier said than done, because you know,
if someone else is open, or they're going to think
that that's offensive or I know, it's like it's a
hard time to ask these questions. So I think maybe
starting with your inner circle if you you know, or reading.

You know, there's a lot of books out there, and
now it's out there, right if you don't have a
person of color, who's this friend, you know, then google it,
start researching what people are looking for, you know, um
when it comes to your So for me, it's I'm
an open book, but I can see that if someone
is not and they get sort of push back, then

you're going to clam up, right, You're never gonna open
up again, and that's could be a scary thing. So
with kids, you know, I I don't. I don't feel
like they're in a situation, a situation meaning they're they're
half Chinese that have Jewish I don't want them to
feel nervous about that. You know where I grew up

being taught to if someone attacks me, like verbally, to
put my head down, like um, like, you can't change
the way you look, so just like, don't but they
don't like you, so just look down, you know. Where
my kids, I want to sort of have them speak
out on who they are so people know who they
are before it comes back. And maybe that's a defense
mecham I don't know, but I encourage them to acknowledge

skin color and their friends like, oh where are you from?
You know, and like Lucier, you know Lucier family. Lucy
by the way, she she steals the shows. Literally, people like,
we don't want Crystal, don't Lucy. I'm like, I get it, Lucy.
You guys don't even understand the Lucy situation. So Crystal
was out of town one Halloween. It's so Crystals like,

I'm gonna send Lucy with the kids to trigger treat
with you guys. I have never laughed so hard in
my entire life from that evening with her, because she one,
she's going to tell you exactly how it is and
she's gonna boss you, and she like, you guys are
the best dynamic. When she said that dress was ugly,

it's she's I mean, she's not wrong, Crystal, I haven't
worn did don't let me your makeup. Girls are just
like you see what he thinks. She's like, so ugly,
and it's Lucy hate me. I'm like, she says everyone,
it's not like personal. So with Lucy, she'll say it's
like Zoe like, look at my skin, and she'll have

her look at it, and so she's like, see how
brown I am compared to you? Like we really lean it,
we really talk about it. So it's not a taboo thing.
It's like it's embrace it, you know, and celebrate it.
And so we're like, well, I want to be more
dark and I want to get you know, like and
it's that's you know, and those kinds of comments if

you are not open as an adult, can feel you
know whatever, but like nerve racking. But actually, from what
I'm trying to instill in them is how great and
positive saying something like that is so but anyways with Lucy,
like she deserves her own show and she's she's incredible.

You guys are so great, Like what is the full dynamic?
I mean, you guys are so busy. What's the full
dynamic of your house? Especially like once filming all that
kind of stuff, Like how does it? How does it?
Pre COVID, I'm very social, Like she's the most social
person ever. You guys like you've never she schedules two

dinners a night. Yeah, it's yeah, it's a problem and
it's a problem. Um. So with COVID it was like
depression shut down and then filming, so that was weird. Um.
But you know, we are a very active family. Like
I'm always on the like wet mom websites in l A,

what's going on? You know. So Rob will be in
the studio working until maybe three his movies um in Canada,
so he's dooming to Canada. So he's off at three.
You know, I'm doing what I don't ask about it.
And then we're like we take organizing things organizing. I'm
just looking at my laundry basket like I can't wake
to put it away. And we'll go golfing and we

do like whatever we do movie nights, Rob is up
tessed with the kids. If they watched TV, it's like
it has to be erected on a giant scrape, and
so we do outdrecter so often. It's not normal. Um,
but I don't know what's their daily routine. We're just
like a normal I don't know we're normal. She's just
like everybody else. You guys, like you call me exercise

and I always find an excuse him as before that
I can't make it. She didn't make it to one though,
you made it to one. Even in COVID, we like
we're separated socially distance. She did a workout video with me.
I'm very grateful for that, and you coming here. Um,
A couple of other people were curious, how do you
know Tiffany Moon from Dallas? Oh, so it's funny. She

was face timing before this. So Tiffany and I met
because of this. Really yeah, yeah, we didn't know each other.
And she I noticed that she was like following me
and liking me. I think she you know, she found
out I was on it, and and you know, you
do have an automatic connection, you know. And and her
series was clearly very hig. This race issue was very heightened. Um,

and we're both from northern China. We're just two years apart,
so we had a lot of connection. And you know,
I was starting to be a doctor and so I
felt like I understood what her life was and we
just started texting calling. She had dinner here a couple
of weeks ago. She's been pressing here in l A.
And Um, she's a great um person to talk to

with kind of exact experience six months prior. Yeah, like
telling what happened this, you know, like she does exactly
what I'm going through, but six monther earlier, so I
had in real time. Yeah, she's a good girl, but
she she had it really hard. I was unbelievably hard,
really hard. Yeah that's yeah. Yeah, that Twitter. You gotta

that Twitter. Believe me. I'm going I'm not on Twitter.
You know what. Instagram is a safe and safe and
fuzzy place. So I really have to wrap. But if
you could change one thing about your first season, what
would it be? M I already know. I just ain't

gonna give too much away. Is that we're worried about
it's coming up very soon, Okay, but it's related to
my arc was sune, and I wish that I didn't
take it on so hard. I'll say that I wish
it wasn't that big of a deal to me, but
I was so emotional about it, and I just wish

I wasn't And not because I don't like crying on
camera or whatever. It's like, it is what it is.
I just I'm a pro at that cry baby. That's me.
I remember Judge some of crying and too. The whole
thing was too overwhelming and I wish I could have
stepped back from him and like, it's actually not a
good deal, just handle it. And I felt sort of

mmm uh, blocked to do that properly. So well, thank
you so much, Crystal. Make sure you guys tune into
the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Wednesday nights at eight o'clock.
And then, guys, next week we're having to riak Kimsley on,
so keep sending your questions into the hot line. Thanks
for listening. Subscribe to Teddy tea Pot on her radio

or wherever you listen to podcasts.
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