Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Two teas in a pod with Teddy Meloncan't and camera Jedge.
All right, so we're here to teas in a pod.
We The plan was supposed to be for me and
Tam and uh justin to do a little recap of
Beverly shut Up, to blow shut up, here to blow
it up. But then we saw Lisa Barlow checking in,
and I'm like, can you come up to our room
right now? Teddy's like a predator. Literally, I have one
below a prostitute in the lobby. I am what is it?
I'm a horn What is that? No? What is it?
I'm a garbage wore a piece of ship in New York.
That's exactly who I am. It fits with everybody. I honestly,
i'd like you tonight. It's open. Just now. I'm praying
get quick, coming onto. It's like getting awkward, like our
relationship is gonna She's trying to she's trying to check. No,
we're doing that the next one. Okay, So the first
thing is we tried to just sit in like our
regular spots, and then Lisa moved us because she has
a side. So now we need to know what why
do we need to be on this side? I like
my life side on my left side way more than
my right side because in fifth grade I was playing
baseball with my brother and he's like back up and
he threw the ball up and instead of hitting the ball,
he hit my Marshall moment, Marsa moment, Yes, total Marcia
moment total Marsham. What's the difference? I don't know nobody,
but if I'm going to tell you, I think this
side is more in and this is more out. It's different.
Teddy just confirmed it's different, just saying, by the way,
I never asked you, never asked, never asked. You don't
want to hear I didn't want for chair of the
reunion because of this side. No you don't. Actually it's
a terror well outfit. The other day every girl have
like a side sheep prefers. Yeah, no, I don't. I
mean it's the same from every side. For me, it's
it's either it's either a good day or a bad day.
It's not about go back A little bit more problem
with reality TV though, that's a good conversation. Like when
you start watching yourself on TV, I'm sure you guys
start noticing everything, right, Like that's why. Also people will
be like, why do all these women change their face
so much and go so oberboard? What are you talking
about me? I haven't had a necklace. But nobody realizes
if you watch yourself on a screen every week, you're
gonna pick out and hide death. Yeah. Well, if you're rich,
if you're everyone have seven houses? Are still watching with
antennas on top versday? Uh? Well? Any who? Um? Okay,
so we know this. We also know that we recently
watched the most recent episode of of Salt Lake, and
now I have some questions. One your relationship with Whitney.
I know it's a shock, but like I totally love
Whitney because of what she did for me in Arizona. Like,
I literally she did me a favor. She's taking so
much ship right now. She does not deserve it. If
she didn't call it out, it would have gone on
the whole entire season. I was so grateful for Whitney
coming in and at me too. And when she came in,
I was like, oh my god. We had this great
plane ride, we had this great hot tub talk. And
what did they say to her out at Like we
didn't get to eat dinner because our me ended up
on the ground like that got through the ground. Yes,
but let me ask you, were you just a little
bit excited and happy that Meredith threw all that ship
at you? Because now you like everything that went on
last year, your whole like, you know, going off in
the bedroom, whatever you did. Now it's like, I'm going
to clear this closet. But now we're on playing field.
You know what, I honestly was like, Okay, this is retaliation.
We're tipped for tat. You cannot keep coming from you
like you are, like, this is not going to keep
working for You can't have it both ways. You can't
be like the victim and then attacking me. Does she
go after you all season? Because she kind of played
like a victim the first three episode. I'm not even
going to say a victim. I done thing that I
really don't like her when she brought up well, I
know you don't. I can't because Mamma doesn't have to
talk to her tomorrow. We do like sticking my own
finger in my you know, but started you know why
you look, it totally makes sense to me that you're
the only one getting glam at Bravo con right, I
mean at Arizona Trip. Actually had glam too, but you
were smart to hide it. I never show it. I
have it on every trip. I find a glam team
wherever we are. Yeah, I feel like everybody's morphed into this.
Now it's okay to have glam, but it was. It
was concerning to me when you guys are all drinking
the and and Meredith is, yeah, it tastes. I didn't
mind it, but it was like really earthy, yeah, bitter.
I didn't mind it. I had to chocolate type of taste,
like like like you knew it was good for you.
It was so good, Let's get down to the real dirt.
I was nervous, though, I'm like, what am I going
to say? You thought it was like Iowa. I was like,
when I was going to face, how close were you
here with Meredith? Because if you were ever really close
with her? Now I have to question the way that
I like it, because no, you know what, I totally get.
So I'm gonna interview Meredith alone tomorrow because you guys
cannot be there. But I am curious, like, were you
guys ever as close as they remember? When I started
Beverly Hills. Everybody's like Teddy and Juri granted we are
close now, but when we started the show, we went
to one mommy and me together and then they're like,
They're like, and then you had bad glassware and then yeah,
I mean from there, I'm wt for life India. Now
we just do the best we can. But um, I
need to know, is it really a true thing? Before
ever cast we were friends. But I think I've always
been way more vested in our friend up than she
ever was, or I would have never even gotten to
that point where I was that upset. That was out
of her. I wasn't trying to be mean. If I
wanted to be mean, I would have sat at the
table and stead it in front of everybody because I
had had enough at that point. It was you guys
don't see everything. But every single time we were together
she yelled at me. They were blame me fee for things.
There's some stuff I'm gonna save, but like she did
and said some things to me and blamed me for
things that she deep down knew I didn't do. But
just it was like, these guys don't like her and
she was boring. Oh you know why, I don't know.
But it didn't start that. No, I think that she um,
I honestly think it's I was way more vested in
our friendship than she was, and I was like, I
have four sisters, so I'm thinking, like, oh, we're gonna
be great friends, We're gonna have the best time on
the show. But it was a child her about It
was more about like her and then her like I
don't want to say against me, but I definitely think
it's all about her. Okay, so we're at that first party.
You you go to apologize to Seth and you're doing
pretty well for a little bit. I think the whole
thing was good because it was honest. To be honest,
my heart didn't go well. That's why I love Lisa said.
I think it was really good. I felt really comfortable
and what I was saying to him because it was
from my heart and it was what I was feeling.
And I kept asking them, I'm like, you know, I
know you're upset with me, and I know I'm accountable
for what I said, but you've never asked me why.
Nobody's ever asked me why. I got to that point
because I felt so hurt by her for the last
year and a half, like she was taking out everything
on me. It was like anything would. I was trying
to get her and gend to be friends. She was
like brutalizing me for that, like every like literally nitpicking
everything I didn't say, everything I said and did. It
was like too much. By the end, Zion was the
breaking point for me. And I'll be explaining why at
the reunion, but it was there was a lot that
happened in Zion that I yelled at for and like
I was trying to be her friend and take care
of her, and it wasn't reciprocated. It was like thrower
under the bus, runner over throat. She's like, this is
what's popular? Do you think she's panning down on Twitter?
She was like pandering to Twitter. Do you think she's
somebody who is going to go look online and see
what people hold on? By the way, gin Shot needs
to maybe focus on what's going on in her life
right now. Twitter better off social media. You committed a crime.
She came for me. She came for me a little bit.
I know, well start Chuck Chucky isn't really he's really creepy, Okay,
But my favorite on the next episode, My favorite part
of this episode is when we finally get through it
all and I apologize to your husband I'm making eye
contact with right now. But rumors are being thrown around
and you handle it really well. But they ask you
and you're confessional. I don't even remember if they break
the fourth wall, but they say something to you, like
when you did say that when you had the hot
mic or whatever it was, do you actually believe it?
And from until this moment you had consistently said no,
and then you go yes, no, you know what, you
have to listen to what Meredith saying. Prior she said,
admit you made this up and you lied. And I'm like,
they asked me, did you make it up? And I'm like,
this is a loaded question, but the answers, no, I
didn't make it up. What happened is jen Shaw had
said it so many times that it just stuck in
my head. If you rewatch our season, like even in
the van on the way to Zion, she's like your
best friend who cheats on her husband, ten boyfriends, ten
lives and at my Vita party, she's reduced it down
to half of the Upper east Side, but she's like,
she fucked half the Upper east Side. But she had
said funk half of New York so many times that
was like my go to. It was like my real
Like you were you drunk that night? No, I wasn't drunk.
And that was like an intense night because if you
look at what's going on, like on the Van rid
Gen almost like beats me up. We were laughing. It
literally was like laughter to like charging. I feel like
every Housewife has like a moment that's really pivotabal, pivotal, pivotal, pivotable.
I feel like there's like one moment where it changes
for the fans because I'm obsessed to you and I
talked on Instagram all the time and like we love
each other. But on this last episode, like something like
the way that you broke down, you opened up, and
I can't imagine how hard that was for you guys
in the conversation or whatever. But like the fans people
watching you feel it like you were so protective of
your relationship and the way that you opened up, Like
I think that turned everyone in your favorite It was
like the way that they were like dogging the relationship
and trying to like expose it for something that isn't true,
Like that's when it turns dirty. It's dirty. And you
know what, you don't do that, but that's really dirty.
Like you're protective of your family, your kids, everything. The
can't do better? I get it. He's so cute. So
cute are you? He's six four? He's lying okay, and
he strikes so just but that I love it. I
you know, I have this, Master Sweet by myself tonight.
Wait is this the mater and each other's hair? Wait?
This is the master sweet, Master, my master Sweet. We
have fourteen people crammed in square. Yes, I have to say,
Master Sweet, you guys need better trips. We need way
better trips. Literally, am like Arizona, San Diego, veil Zion
didn't even leave our state. No, I want to buy
somewhere tropical. I don't want to see you somewhere in
the snow or the know. I mean, we have to
Utah so much better in the summer. I'm gonna have
to work out a little harder. That Whitney walking around
and just in her little look at her. Whitney's body
looks so good. I can't she did it turn you on? Yes,
she is a little boy that I had. I had,
I had Lady Boner until she started really like she
started coming a little unhinged for me, like all of
a sudden the change, and then I was like she
maybe can I love Whitney, but I'm like she may.
I felt like she was so she was so drunk,
likew You know what was hard is she conflated two things.
So instead of saying Meredith came to my house and said, um,
I've heard rumors about Lisa that she's exchanging favors or
via tequila favors, you've exchanged. Um. The only favor I
do with VI toa tequila is I make a really
great tequila for everyone. I'm doing everyone a favor by
making good tequila. Okay, So now and the next question
that we have to have is its sexual question. We
all are in you know, relationships. How often are you
getting it on? Me and John? Yeah? Oh I never
talked about this. I don't want anybody else thinking about
John Barlow every day. Just two times a week, three
times a week? What are we talking to two times?
Be happy? In Europe? He like in Europe. I literally
was like, this is like to be erupted. We go
to Europe was like a long time, Yeah, okay, there's
there's Tis and loves and marriage. When I'm open about
it too, I'm like I've thrown and told us up
at the window, like, yeah, there are highs and lows.
They're totally okay. So you're two times a week, you're
how many times? I cannot say it might be a storyline,
Oh how many times? Well, I'm a gay man. We
do it every day to each other, every day, do
it alone like a really horny Mormon family, like my
Mormon Mormon. Yeah, that's why, like such a connection to
Salt Lakes City class. Mormons have more set than anyone.
So they're like out of control, stricted. There's no there's
no there's no video. There's no video. Sorry, there's somebody's
taking a video somewhere. Trust it's that. I can't believe
you grew up Mormon though, But like literally Mormons have
more sex than anybody else, Like I swear, I just
learned and they do everything but have sex. In college,
I just learned about what. I don't know what's not soaking.
I've never heard of button, Like, no, that's not what
it is. You're just not moving in and you can okay,
I swear the button that homosexual. I I really thought
that's what it was, hold on, there's something else where.
It's two people are going at it. Actually gay humping,
no jump, bed jumping or whatever it is. So it's
somebody like, let's say you and John are together, he's soaking,
and then you have your friend come and jump on
the bed so the friend will move you. Guys up
and down. I've never heard of this in my life. No,
I actually didn't. Guys, told you when you can I
show us? Can you show us right now? Whitney was
actually I was thinking about it. But there's other people.
Is Meredith told you about I feel like she's not credible.
You know what I had. I have to tell you
Meredith doesn't want to come on the butt. They asked,
if you had to choose, who would you rather be
stuck on a deserted island with Meredith or En that's
a good time or Jen Shaw looks like Jen is
a lot of fun till she's not. I do think though,
Jen would be more fun on a deserted island. She here?
Do you worry that? Hold on you? I have not
talked to Jen wrapped, and I know we wrapped and
at the finale I told her, I'm like, hey, like,
I don't. I can't give too much away, but I
was kind of just like, I'm a different kind of
friend than you are. We'll just leave it at that.
And then I heard from her on Mother's Day. I
wished her a happy Mother's Day. And then it was attack,
NonStop attacks from Jen. Anytime I go on of a
cation or go do an event, she's on social media attacking,
making up stuff. Do you think so? I just don't
have anything that you could potentially focus on. And what
a hunter. I also feel like maybe we should bring
John in for this. What are your thoughts on coach?
John likes coach? Do you think that coach has zero
idea of what was going on Bush? Yeah, that's a
cop out. Now, you know who you're married to. That's
a good question. You know you're married to, do you know?
I actually don't think coach has a law I don't
want to discredit coach. He has a law degree, like
he was a practicing lawyer. There's my kind of handing. Now.
I just don't think there's any way he didn't. But
I don't think he's that involved in her life. John
was making millions more dollars than he's making right now.
You wouldn't question it for a second. Not with him, Yeah,
I'd be adding to my stack. I think, Um, I
think that he's so busy, he's so vested in the
U of you football team. That's like his love, and
that's like kind of being like a parent to a
bunch of kids. I just think he's gone a lot,
he was on the road a lot. I don't want
to give him more credit than he deserves. I'm just
saying what I think. I honestly think he was not
that vested in what she was doing. That was my
honest opinion. Can we also talk about what but he's
not done? That is so ridiculous that I almost started
to laugh and then I was like crying because they
the person they brought up is a very close family friend.
Our kids are friends with this person. He's a business
partner of ours, like I've done business with his kids.
He's older, he's older than seventy and you know what,
it was jealousy and a seven year old. Ever, Honestly,
I mean I've been well, I'm not I'm not. I
cannot do the old man saying that's how my husband's
five years younger, because I'm fucking old enough. Does you
not need an old man? I don't care how much
money he has. No, no, no no. If a guy's
for me, yes, I know, and it's flat with the jeans,
I boundaries. I'm the thirsty motherfucker. But that's at saggy asses.
I mean that's only I mean it's really like three things. Gasses,
what's the other two? We'll figure it out. Oh so
one time I didn't know if it was a penis
I had, I had a micro penis. One time it's
like a button. That's a real thing. I've okay, So
what do you do any you don't you walk away?
You try not to laugh. I like had to grin
a bear. We worked together. I was like, was he
your passe no than me? I was like nineteen, and
I remember thinking he was like the hot the talent
agent um this. I remember thinking like this is I
should even try? Well, I didn't know there was I
would touching. All I know is that in the morning
I was like, this is going to be so awkward.
And then when it went in and I was like
is it in? Back? Then it gets worse, you guys,
because this is when I was like, on my you
know before I was all in by Teddy and then
I said, can I borrow to the next level? But
then I said, can I borrow a pair of shorts?
So because I needed to get back to my Jetta
and drive home and his shorts and was this ding
or two? I couldn't even fin boxer. That's a bad night.
That it was a bad night. He's an agent at CIA.
Got me on Housewives, just kidding to teen years ago?
How do we get on that topic? Weird? This is
what do you give yourself? One to ten? I have
a big beautiful penis I talk about he's got big
beautiful feet too. Yeah, okay, it's a roomful of women.
I might really like a woman lovers. That feels so weird,
Like I know we're going to run out of time
with you, but I do have to we have to
ask a couple of additional questions. All right, So we
saw Heather. You and Heather were hanging out in the
lobby right now when we had when we had Whitney on,
she was pretty much very clear that she had no
relationship with Heather at this point in time. And yes,
I haven't caught up on your podcast. I'm sorry, but
I didn't know. Have you caught up on the television
show it's called Real House. But my question is, if
knowing that the relationship is askew between the two of them,
who who do you trust more Whitney right now? I
told Heather that on the plane. I don't have any
issues with Heather. We're fine, um. But the thing is
is I told I said it when we got off
the plane again on the plane, off the plane, I
am a hundred percent with Whitney on this, And I
told Heather, I'm like, fix it with your cousin. Stop
backing someone that is a proven liar. Go make up
with your cousin. So who do you think is not
willing to make that change? Do you think it's Whitney
is not willing to make the change or Heather is
not willing to make the change. I'm gonna be super
honest about my relationship with Heather. We're always fine until
I see her in an interviewer confession. She's she's a
confessional fucking gangster. Yeah she is. That's where Heather like
rock everything lines or she come up with them all
by herself. I don't know. I don't know because I'm
not there. No, it's like, you know, she's yeah, yeah,
it is She's So who are you most excited to
see a Bravo Con? You guys, but is there anybody
from Miami to Beverly Hills to Atlanta's or anybody that
you're like, Oh my god, I totally want to meet them.
You know, I think this is so this is going
to sound like a politically correct answer, but I think
it's so hard to do this. I think it's so
hard to be on Housewives. I think everybody's kind of
like special in their own way. Um, and it's just
I feel like we're part of like a sorority. It
sounds so fucking cheesy, but like everybody. So, it's the
very first Bravo Con. Two they announced the real house
has is Hot Lake City, and everyone was appointed. What's up?
We're gonna watch a bunch of mormants drinking in the basement.
What is going on? I'm so excited about that, you were.
Everybody was like, but I say, it's one of my
favorite franchises. It turned out really good, and you guys
are building it so fast. I mean the way that
it's happening, like, I think it's going to be one
of the top shows, because do you feel real relationship?
This is but not even that. I feel like everybody
on that show, you guys are all really opening up,
like it feels vulnerable, like it's like you're not hitting
that by That's my issue. Bye Bye Bye was terrible.
I love Miami like it was entertained. But also I
don't know anything about those women's personal life. There's nothing
like you guys are open, You're good. Now we lost Mary,
which I was very upset about because I really liked her,
and now we're going to be losing. Does that scary?
It doesn't scare me at a losing gene she plays definitely,
I think I'm not a let's get off like she's
actually going j did it hold on like this is
a guarantee? Her minimum sentence is eleven to fourteen years.
But I think that's a great question to ask because
the viewers, I don't think get it. They don't get
that she's actually I was to grade just to clarify.
I hope he's taking up for right now. Not worried
when she's gone that it's going to affect the show. No,
I think it's going to be a different show though,
but Jen brings Jen brings something interesting because like Jen
um brings out her microphone and his high energy. But
then that gets old. It's like a one trick, it's
a stick, it's a one trick cheerleader microphone, cheerleader microphone,
and I'm like old, it gets really old, and we're
not ever able to like fully get into something because
she ends up getting just gets upset about stuff and
then you, like the conversation shut down. But also as
you watch, like even when she's like laughing and giggling
trying our phone, in my head, I'm like, you're a criminal,
Like I can't giggle. I can't. I got sent to
free Jen Shaw T shirt and I was so excited
to wear it the season when You Guys aired, and
then I heard she plead guilty, and so I threw
it in the trash and we talked about on the
show and then and then she would have to metagram.
No I know. I was so putter, though I don't
I un followed her. I threw my sho. I was like,
you don't have funk with old people or anybody, but
you know what I mean, especially she's guilty about something
just fucking own it. Don't don't owe it you guys,
don't do it. Just be quiet about it. Don't do it.
But how about just don't say you're not guilty. Well,
of course, she's trying to save her freaking life. She's
trying not it was. It was really hard though, because
she It pulls on your heart strings because you're like
innocent until proven guilty. I've got a backer. She's crying,
she's upset, she's having the worst time. But it is
hard to be around that because, like I feel like
Jen's the type of person that takes a knife and
cut you and then complains about how you're bandaging it,
and then literally is like telling you what's your fault?
She cut you. That's the relationship with now we need
to get to that. I feel like they cut a
little short on this past episode when you said I'm
not going to slit my wrists and all of a
sudden Meredith started and then all of a sudden she
was wan want want. That really made me upset. I
did not know anyone in her family tried to kill themselves,
Like I was not privy to that information. I didn't
know that, and it wasn't no and I said it
in the season one reunion. I'm like, I'm not I
say I'm gonna slip my wrists all the time, and
nobody was mad about it then. And then it was like, okay,
we're nippicking me. Now we're like everything I say is
a problem, everything I do is against you. And that
was like at that dinner, I had had enough. That
went on for like three hours and I was like,
I mean I had to like bite my cheeks, bite
my tongue, punch my jaw because it was getting too much.
And I'm like, I'm sorry, you're complaining about the way
I apologize, and I believe it or not. I think
I was sincere with Seth when I apologized to him too,
and then that gets nippicked. So I thought your apology
to Meredith when you guys were drinking the chalk or
whatever it was, I thought that was Yeah. I thought
that was an excellent apology. And throughout the time, I
do think that Seth embellished a little bit more. But
I'm so excited to keep watching because I mean, I
have to say, there's about fifty thousand other we're all
housewife husbands. I'd rather have sex within seth, this is brutal. No,
what do you want to have sex with him at all? No? Like,
I guess why I didn't want to say that. Out last,
I'm glad that you're saying that. I could be like
that's me I but speaking to the microphone, like I
don't want like to looking at him. I'm like when
he was buying the bananas and the jelly and all
the things, I was like, I was like, I don't
want to bone you, even if you have four thousand employees.
She's like, I'm not commenting, no comments. Okay, So final closing,
what do we need to think the most? Like, what
is the one thing you want to tease for us
coming into this next season and kind of close it
up for us that you can't give too much away.
I think there's so many relationships shifts and you get
to see people more for who they are and not
just what they're telling you they are. So I think
that's like it was great this season. I honestly think
it's great this season because I'm like, you're gonna like
what people were thinking. Perception is not reality, like in
any sense of the words. What about it? Okay? Last, Sorry,
one more last question, one more last question. Of all
the friends, now, I love to catch stake after this um,
but of all the friends of is there anyone that's
really gonna we're going to care about Angie cast Avis?
Is that the one who's daughter rides. Yeah, the one
whose daughter rides. I love Angie caston Avis Andie yeah,
she yeah, she loved you too. She told me she's like,
oh my gosh, Teddy's at the same horse show that
my daughter is at. That's that's so cool. Her daughter
is a great rider, and like there, I just love
and because in Salt Lake, what I think we've been
missing is you know, one of the reasons I wanted
to do this show is because I'm like, oh, it's
women in business and I'm a serial entrepreneur. And just
the same way, she owns like the best hair salons
in Salt Lake. They're the bougie she owns hair schools.
She's lifestyle. She's super embedded in the community. But she's
she's so kind, but she's so bitchy mouthy too. It's
like amazing. Yeah, she's got the perfect combination and she's witty.
I love it. And I talked to her all the time.
I've been friends with her for like ten years, so
I love Ange. Yeah, don't let those girls talk with you. Thanks,
don't do it, don't you know. It's I'm learning that.
You know, there's the New Yorker in me that's always
like you see it, but you don't comment on it
because you're like, none of my fucking business. And now
I'm like, no, no, no, We're gonna start commenting on everything. Everything.
Most of my most of my friends are New Yorkers,
so they're very like, don't comment, we don't say anything.
And then think you listen to me on the show,
They're like, you're too much. But you have her, and
I'm excited to see like the whole evolution of Lisa
Barla because you had a turn, like all of a sudden,
it's like you're not taking it, but you're still sweet
and kind and you hold your own slice of bitch.
That's I can't think. I look so cringe e On
this last episode when Henry saw me crying, He's like, oh,
it's so cringe ekay as they should close it out,
Mary f kill Taco bell Uh, Jack in the Jack
in the box or what's your third favorite? Um? What
I'm on right now, Taco Bell, Wendy's. Yeah, Del Taco
and Del Tacokay, so Mary puck kill give it to us. Mary, Wendy's,
what would you order from? Oh my god, they have
the best menu right now, like literally the best menu.
I'm you go give it another try. When I was little,
I hated it because they had square patties on round buns.
Couldn't do it. But Wendy's chicken nuggets are so good.
Their sandwiches are so good. I swear they're player kids.
They're round. It was discussing and now they're round patty
round bun. So we're good with Wendy's. But I'm loving
Wendy's right now. So Mary, Wendy's what else a Taco Bell?
Maybe I should say, wait, like fucking what sense? Like
like I would say Wendy's, Wendy's, fuck Wendy's kill, Del
Taco and Mary? What is it? Mary? Taco bow? So
tacos are number one? No, I'd say Wendy's right now. Okay,
I'm marrying Wendy's. I'm Mary Wendy's. She's a chubby girl
in his skinny body. Guys, I had eight almonds today,
so let's just keep it. My friend mike Lynn, who's
friends with your friend Phoenix, has lost so much weight
following your program. She looks so killer and she's had
her third kid, and she I'm like, what are you doing?
You look at amazing. It's your program. Oh that's awesome.
By Teddy, Hey to break it to you guys, it
does it works. I'm gonna send you before and after picture.
She looks amazing and it's your program. She did after
her second child and now after her third. Oh yeah,
thank you so much. Thanks guys for all cramming in
this room together like a Mormon party