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May 9, 2024 74 mins

Teddi and Emily are recapping the season finale of Vanderpump Rules and the 8th episode of The Valley! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hi guys, this is Teddy Mellencamp and I'm joined by
my friend Emily Simpson for our new spinoff show Popping Off,
where we are digging deep on this season of Vanner
Pump Rules. Welcome to another episode of Popping Off with myself,
Teddy Mellencamp and and Emily Simpson.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
Thanks for joining us.

Speaker 1 (00:20):
We're going to talk about the finale of Vanner Pump
Rules and we'll talk about the valley. But before, of course,
we have had lines, okay, which the first one is
we get a first look at the three part vander
Pump Rules Reunion Bravo video. It's revealed that the cast

will be watching the season finale together so we can
get their real time reactions to the episode. From the
sneak peek, it's clear that there will be a lot
of tears, people will feel betrayed, and Lisa tells someone
sometimes it's okay to walk away.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Okay, So I watched the So I watched the trailer
for the reunion. So they so none of them watched
the finale episode going into the reunion. It wasn't just
like a clip that they showed or they showed the
entire finale episode.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
My guess is they're showing bits and pieces of it. Yeah,
because I think what we've seen throughout Watch What Happens
Live this year is a lot of these people they're
not watching.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Yeah, well I don't, like I don't watch ocy, so
I got it.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
But I mean we heard Arianna say that she hadn't
had time to watch. Even last night on Watch What
Happens Live, it was Jax doesn't watch. So it's like,
I feel like Andy's like, no, no, we need everybody
to actually.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
Oh, yeah, here's your assignment. We're gonna we're gonna take
We're gonna put you all together, and you're all gonna
sit here and you're gonna watch it.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
You're gonna watch it because it's the only way we
can trust that you're all going to see this go down.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
So I would think that they probably just showed that
maybe the last five minutes or something.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
Yeah, the last ten minutes, I would say, like the
last ten minutes kind of where it starts. But even
before we get to that, Katie went on Off the
Vine podcast and had this to say about vander Pump
Rules season. She says, you know, she doesn't know what's
going to happen with vander Pump Rules.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
She calls the cast.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
Broken and says they don't know if they're getting picked
up for another season until it's public news. She's unsure
if they're done or not.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
What's your what's your gut thought on that?

Speaker 1 (02:37):
Well? I at first my true thought was like, Okay,
this felt like when they showed all like their like
first season confessionals and like how they've changed throughout the
years or not changed or whatever it may be. It
felt very much like an end. So I don't know
if that means it's an end to Vanner Pump Rules

and they're going to be moving some of the van
pub Rules people to the Valley, or if it means
they're gonna just do a big cast shake up because
some of these people, and I'm not saying there's some
that I don't want to watch or some that it's
but some it really makes these people would make sense
on the Valley at this point. Yeah, but they don't

make sense to what the original show was.

Speaker 2 (03:23):
Yeah, I agree. I mean watching it, I felt like
it wasn't just a season finale, but a series finale. Yeah,
But then I thought maybe it was edited that way.
So so it's open to interpretation, and then if it
does end up ending, it ended in a way where
it was a good ending for the series in total. Uh,
you know, I don't know. I do feel like the

Valley is the next extension and it makes sense. I mean,
we get to the point where you have these they've
been together for ten years, they don't work in a
bar anymore, They're they're not on the same page anymore.
They're not in the same place in their life. So,
you know, I do think it makes sense that like
Shena and Brock would be on the Valley, and it
seems like the next extension that makes sense.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
Even if the Toms went over to the Valley, that
would make more sense seeing them get into that next
stage of their life. They you know, we're going to
be seeing Jesse and Jack's also single. Like I think
all of that kind of can mesh together. My question though,
is like what does that mean for Arianna, Katie and Lala,

Because clearly what I got from the end of that
episode was not necessarily what's right or what's wrong or
healthy boundaries. I think they're What it's actually showing is
some of us are still willing to come up here
and do whatever we have to do for this job,

and some of us aren't. And that kind of divide
really adds another dynamic to just their living separate lives.
I mean, Brittany says to Lala on the after show,
I'll bring her over to the valley. I mean, so
maybe it's something where the majority of them can transition.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
I feel like Lala works on the valley too. You're
talking about a mother, she has a child, she's pregnant,
she's gonna have another child. I feel like she has
stepped over into the valley where we're talking more about couples, families,
kids and how people are navigating that life. And I
think la La can segue into that as well.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
But then what does that say for Katie and Arianev
Do they have their own just the two of them
type show? But I think watching them clearly they have
outgrown fan or pump rules.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
I agree because I feel like in the end, in
the finale, I mean, I don't feel like I don't
feel like Arianna's in it.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
Yeah, but it's not necessary. Here's the thing, because I'm
watching it from both sides, and I guess we can
get into it more when we start to recap the episode,
but watching it from both sides, I see Arianna wanting
to put her boundaries down. Also see where you know
some of the people are like, this is crazy, you know,
like what happened to Like we're all having to still

show up and do this. We know that you were heartbroken,
but like you still signed up and you're still getting
the same paycheck, right, we got to do this, So
it's really Well, I think.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
That's an interesting question, and I mean you can actually
I feel like that even segus over into other housewife shows,
et cetera. Where do you draw the line with boundaries
when you're on a reality show? Like can you have boundaries?
Are you allowed to put boundaries in place? Are you
allowed to say, you know, I'm still going to take
a paycheck, but I'm not going to film with that person.
I don't want to be around that person. Like, well,

is that fair?

Speaker 1 (06:41):
Well, let me put it to you this way. You
do not have to respond to me on this whatsoever.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
I probably can't go out.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
I can't, but I'm going to say if I was
in Shannon's situation going into this season and I found
out that they were going to bring Alexis and and
Shannon's ex onto the show at that point. If I
was feeling a certain kind of way, I maybe would

have said to the network or the production company, if
you guys are going to have her on, I'm not
interested in doing this show. However, you then have to
be okay with getting the answer you may not want
to hear, which is by then goodbye. And I think

that's a really hard thing for people to do. I
don't think if you're going to remain on a show,
you get the option of who you're going to film
with or who you're not. I mean, even we're watching
Melissa Gorga and Teresa, they're not having scenes together, but
they're in the same place. They're having to do it,
and it's going to lead to more issues because of that.
But I think what people saw at the beginning was

Arianna pretty much saying no, like there should be no friendship,
there should be nothing, there should be no crossover. But
then both people were hired on the show.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
Yeah, and then what do you do? You do your job.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
You either do your job or you walk away, and
not walk away at the end of the season, you quit.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
Yes, I agree with that, so I mean, once.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
We read through exactly what they said, we can kind
of decipher that more we did see on by Wig
Hello Drama. Instagram posts that Zach Wickham's interview When Reality
Hits reveals new info. Zach tells Brittany that producers were
interviewing the Valley cast for two years before started filming.

He did a lot of interviews with Kristin because at
the time he was prepared to donate his sperm to Kristen.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
Did she think about that hairline when she asked for that?

Speaker 1 (08:51):
Well, I mean we even went back to see what
his hairline looked as a teenager. It's always been the same.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
But yeah, that happened.

Speaker 1 (08:59):
What about Jack's removing Lori k Did you see this? Oh?

Speaker 2 (09:03):
He removed her from his Instagram bio. Yeah. At the
Bravo investigator says the audio in this post is from
an interview Laurie did on the When Reality Hits podcast
on July fifth, twenty twenty three. In this episode, Brittany
is saying Lori is one of her closest friends and
she doesn't know what she'd do without her. Laurie also

says she has access to both Jack's and Britney's Instagram accounts.
You know, I did see Jackson watch What Happens Live
and when Andy asks him as there been in any infidelity,
he said absolutely not. So what's your take on that?
Do you believe him absolutely not? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (09:42):
I found that interview. I wanted them to kind of
come in and either be like total douche lords or
funny or over the top, and I felt like their
body language was weird. I felt like both of them
like we're tiptoeing around who they actually are, and it

didn't find it entertaining. I was like, you're either are
going to come.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
In and make and embrace right.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
You're either going to be a fucking asshole and you're
going to double down on being an asshole, or you're
going to come in and you're gonna have big apologies.
But I think they both tried to do both, and
to me, that's a problem. Yeah, you can't. You're either
going to reveal who you are or you're not. But
seeing Sandoval's girlfriend who may or may not be his

girlfriend anymore in the audience saying that she never watched
the show, that interaction was also very strange to me.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
So do you think they're broken up. They've unfollowed each other,
right or no, he still follows her, but she unfollowed him.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
Some blogger posted that they unfollowed each other and that
Billy Lee unfollowed them, and blah blah blah, And all
I can think is like, who did this? Is this
something Jack said? Did they go somewhere afterwards? Did Jack's
out something that then pissed her off? But we don't
know because now she is private Victoria is, so I
can't see who she follows. So have bloggers ever gotten

it wrong?

Speaker 2 (11:10):

Speaker 1 (11:10):
Have bloggers also gotten it right? Yes, but we do not.
We cannot give a definitive answer on this question. Yeah,
but she did seem aw not as awkward as Joe,
but she seemed quite awkward in that audet.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
Well, that's the epenome of awkwardness. This is Joe. Joe's
up here at the top. Everything just trickles down from there.
But you know, I don't know. Maybe Jack's was not
himself because he was second seat next to Sandoval, and
he is the number one guy in the group, So
maybe that was like a kick in the pants when
he got there.

Speaker 1 (11:41):
You know who also didn't really seem too thrilled to
be there, those two plastic surgeons.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
They were like, shit, this is not the publicity.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
We thought, right, get here?

Speaker 2 (11:51):
Why did we agree to this?

Speaker 1 (11:53):
Yeah? And then did you see Ann's post where she
went on Instagram and pretty much was like I was
asked a show to do something kind of like much
much smash me from Live, but I can't say what
it is, and it's to be the bartender. But the
network doesn't pay for your flights or your hotels. So
I'm gonna put a little PSA out there if anybody
wants to pay for a hotel room for me so

I can go. I was like, I don't know with
this recent granted, go get yours all you can, Like,
if you wanted to be sending your private dms to
different hotels in New York and try and get a
free room, that makes sense. But putting it out there
that they don't pay for your flight, yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
Mean, yeah, that is embarrassing.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
It just made me feel a little embarrassed, like we've
been tamanned throughout it all. But that muss that that
post sent seemed a little off to me, Like I
was like, if I was the network seeing that I'd
be like, Okay, you're not supposed to share any of
these things. Now you're sharing all of the things. And
also now I don't know, I just don't I would

imagine it's frowned upon.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
Yeah, it was cringey.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
It was cringey. It was crumchy. Chicago the Musical reveals
Ariana Maddox is returning to Broadway. Ariana will be returning
to Chicago from August first to the twenty seventh of
this year. Fans are speculating this may be the reason
Season twelve filming is being delayed.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
What do you think you think it has to do
with that. I think it's their regular.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
Film schedule summer, So normally they would pick up like
middle of June, I think, and they film all summer.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
Well, so this is basically the entire month.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Of August, so it'd be like the final the I mean,
between that and her hosting Love Island, which is also
on Peacock. This could just be there waiting for her
and seeing or this could be she's already told them
I'm done and they need to figure out who the
new cast is going to be or where we're going

to put all these people. I mean, where where she
is in her life. I do think she is in
a place where she could walk away.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
Yeah, I think so too. I mean maybe she should
not just could, but should. But also we have to
speak about.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
The elephant in the room. Was not get paid as
well to go and do an additional month on Chicago
as you do to be on van der Pump rolls.
So even though yes, being on Chicago is a dream
type situation, if they were to offer that to me,
I'd be there in a second, even if I had

to be like Anne and a hotel room, you know,
like all of those things. But it's not a ginormous payday.
You're not there getting glammed. You're doing your own glam.
I mean, and I remember when I went to see
Erica there like you're in a small little dressing room
getting yourself ready, putting your wig on.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
Like it is it's true theater. It's not. It's not
reality TV.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Yeah, it's true theater. So so congratulations to her, but
it also she maybe still be undecided.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Do you think if they did another Vanderpump Rules, they
say Okay, we're gonna do it again, would you think
that it would be beneficial to the show for her
to come back and for her Like, what are your
thoughts on that?

Speaker 1 (15:19):
Well, I think I've gotten to the point after watching
this season. I don't believe there will be Nor do
I think I need to see any sort of reconciliation
between her and Tom Sandoval.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
I don't think so either. I don't think I need
a conversation. I'm actually over the situation at this point, Like,
I just want to see them both move on, and
if they're both indifferent to each other, I'm fine with that.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Yeah, I'm fine with that, but I also don't know
where the show goes from. Like, was I riveted by
the scenes with Arianna and Dan No? No, do I
appreciate the friendship that Katie and Ariana have and that
Katie also. I mean, here's the difference. The scene that
Katie had with Joe. She fucking nailed it. Like, to me,

she nailed it. Joe came over wanting to get in there, yeah,
and Katie just she went to work. Yeah, like you
don't talk to me, you don't deserve to be like
blah blah blah blah blah. But they had that conversation.
So to me, Katie's still putting in that work, and
like you could see it in Schwartz's face, like he
was like, shit, I was hoping this is going to

go differently, Like he's like, I saw.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
That differently in my mind. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
So she's like, I have boundaries too, but her boundaries
are still allowing her to create a little bit of
drama and whatever.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
But we'll get more into it. I know we're obsessing.

Speaker 1 (16:44):
Michelle Lally speaks out about her politics on this page
six post. The Valley Star tells page six Virtual Tea
that she is not homophobic, despite speculation that she supported
Florida's controversial Don't Say Gay bill, claim she doesn't follow
politics and doesn't even know what exactly that bill is about.

She states she is not homophobic and not racist, adding
that the person that officiated her in Jesse's wedding, who
happens to be one of their best friends, is gay.
Do I think that she is homophobic or racist? No?
Do I think she's a little bit of a sociopath allegedly?

Speaker 2 (17:22):
Yes? Is that a political group?

Speaker 3 (17:26):
We've got Republicans, Democrats, and sociopaths.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
Here we go. Vandr Pump Rules Season eleven, episode fifteen,
It's Day two of San Francisco. Shina gets emotional thinking
about her conversation with Sandoval last night. Rock argues that
Sandoval has been the best friend to them out of
everyone in the friend group. Sina doesn't agree with her husband.
She says she will never turn her back on arianaw.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
Four hours she turns her back on Ariana.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
Yeah, she's like, La, La, I got your back. You
know what you just said.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
I agree, And like Sina being emotional, like I'm like,
I really, I really am trying to wrap my head
around what is upsetting her. Like I'm trying to like
be is meta the word I'm trying to like take
myself out. And what I feel like I'm seeing is

Shina feels like if she loses Ariana or she loses Tom,
she loses her place in this group because we know
Katie and her ain't coming around tightness, Like there's just
she feels like she has to be in the mix
on both sides in order to keep this job.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
Well, yeah, album now we're seeing it as a job
to people. Well, I also think it's it's a concern
for the public backlash, just like you know, I believe
it was Lola that said in one of the after
shows that she is very concerned with people and their comments,
and she reads all the comments and she tries to
gauge where the public's at. And I feel like, as

a reality as someone on reality TV, when you start
to do that, when you start to try to perceive
what the audience is going to think, which way they're
going to go, then that's a problem because you're not
acting how you would normally act, your thinking first, and
trying to act how you think you should act. And
I think she's concerned with public backlash if she's not

tight with Arianna.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
But I think this is where it's flawed for me.
I think if she were at the beginning just to
have a conversation with Ariana and be like, listen, I
love you, but I'm at the point where I'm probably
going to forgive Tom. Are we good with this? But
the fact that she keeps needing to tell Ariana about
all of her conversations with Tom, Yeah, it's like I've

always like arian It's like I've already told you I
don't need to be a part of it.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
But Arianna in this moment is very nice to her.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
She's like, you're not gonna lose me, I still love you,
blah blah blah. But then they did flashbacks of all
the times Arianna says that nobody can be friends with
her that is friends with him. So clearly she has
shifted in the last three six, whatever months it's been
since this started.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Right, I mean, she did draw a line in the
sand and made it very clear that she didn't have
anything to do with anyone that was still friendly with Tom.

Speaker 1 (20:30):
And now she's saying, I will be still be your friend.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
Yeah, but I agree, I agree with what you're saying.
That was far as as Sheena, and Sheena feeling the
need to replay every conversation she has with Tom. It's
too Arianna. It's like, you don't have to do that.
You don't have to have to give her details of
every conversation. Like I think it's, oh, it's her guilt.
It's her guilt.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
Like I'm feeling guilty, and I feel like if I
tell Arianna and she tells me that it's okay, then
it is okay. And we're all just here trying to
get through this. But before we even get more to that,
the whole group excluding Sandoval, goes to Chinatown for lunch.
La La is interrogating Dan at this point, but he's

handling it well. He doesn't seem like much phases him.
Other people ask him questions as well, and he gives
a very sweet answer to what first attracted him to Ariana.
Ariana gives a sweet answer back to what attraction to Dan,
And then when Ghena and Shorts talk about Sandoval, Arion
isn't having it and Katie doesn't understand why anyone would

stick up for him. Dan, in a shocking turn of events,
does not feel.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
Like he wants to be on this television show.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
No, like I feel like he's just like I'm here.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
Yeah, I agree, I don't you know, I don't feel
a chemistry between the two of them, But again, I
don't know if it has to do with chemistry because
he just isn't interested in filming. And I do understand that.
I gain that. I dealt with that for two years
with Shane. I had to listen to thousands of people
tell me that my husband wasn't into me. And really
it wasn't that he wasn't into me. He wasn't into filming.

Like he's not, he's not interested, he doesn't he doesn't
need the spotlight, he doesn't need followers, he doesn't care.
So that indifference, you know, can translate as an indifference
towards me or towards Arianna. But I mean, knowing that
they're still together, clearly there is some chemistry. But yeah,
I think he's just he's not interested in being on

the show.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
And also I think he's not interested in fighting. And
if Arianna is saying I'm not speaking to Tom, I
don't think Dan feels the need. It's not like Dan
and him were great friends. Dan doesn't know him, so
like what is other than Dan just you know, being
a kind of respectable human being to him, and like
that's all you really need. And but I mean, Laala

was definitely asking the question. She's like, so, how old
are you? You're forty, you've never been married, you're a
personal trainer, and then you barton on weekends? What are
you looking to make personal training a bigger thing? And
then or what about this? What about I was like,
oh my gosh, I respect the questions though I'm a
big question ask her.

Speaker 2 (23:13):
So I respect that Lala, thank you for asking all
the questions that I would ask.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
But did you notice that we didn't really get any answers.

Speaker 2 (23:20):
Yeah, I mean, well, I don't know if it was
the editing or what, but I feel like it showed
a lot of Lala asking the questions and then Dan's
answers were very yes, no, maybe yes, Like I don't
I don't feel like I didn't learn a bunch about that.
I didn't either, But I don't know if he elaborated more,
but they edited to just make it short answers. I
don't know, but I didn't feel like there was any

emotion in any of his responses. I felt like he
just felt like he was going through the motions to
get through this, like yeah, when are we done with this?

Speaker 1 (23:50):
Like okay, I showed up. Let's move it or lose it.
Right then we're back at the hotel and I had
a jump scare because I did not know that Joe
was going.

Speaker 2 (23:58):
To be there. I didn't either. I was like, where
did she come from? Like did she just she just
popped in?

Speaker 1 (24:03):
And is she in shorts room? Or is like and
then when watching them iron and like awkwardly was that flirting?

Speaker 2 (24:10):
I I don't know what Joe. I don't a lot
of her actions I feel like are just a little off.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
But then he's like, Joseph make up, and then he's
like it's like when a little kid like grabs their
mommy's makeup and puts lipstick on, And all I can
think is, like, Joseph, he's not your person. If he's
gonna talk to you like that, it's just and now
you're this is what is making me feel like Schwartz

is being a touch of like a vagin, Like if.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
You're not inder her, don't invite her to this thing.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
You know she's gonna cry and get upset when the
girls treat or shitty.

Speaker 2 (24:49):
You're not putting her in a situation to shine.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
You're also now instead of telling her she looks beautiful
and wow, like you made such an effort, your makeup
looks great, You've now made her feel awkward because of it,
Like why why is she here? Do you think he
invited her to come?

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Or was it it's because it's a finale so production
was like, hey, we got to get you in there
a little bit at the end to wrap up this.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
Still, you have to remember this is out of Los Angeles,
Like I need to know if she paid her own
way to get there, or if production was like, you
know what, No, we're going to pay her a day
rate and we're going to fly her there and we're
gonna get her glam because I don't think so.

Speaker 2 (25:29):
See, my guess would be they flew her there, they
paid her a day rate, and they wanted her there
and just a little bit at the end, just to
wrap up that storyline, because that's what they want to
do in a finale. If Joe's not there, then it's like, well,
what happened to Joe? What's going on? So I feel
like they just needed her to get that, just that
little bit of story. But it's like she popped in,
like she just beamed there. Yeah, okay, we're back at

the hotel. Shorts visit Sandoval in his room next and
gives a quick recap of the day, adding that he
really likes Dan. Lisa facetimes Shena as she's getting ready
for tonight, and Sena admits that she still loves Sandoval.
La La tells Katie that Sheena is under a lot
of pressure. She needs to know Arianna will still be

her friend if she remains friends with Sandoval too. Katie
doesn't think Sheena deserves to be the exception to Arianna's rule,
Sandoval wants the tention to dissipate, so he's willing to
apologize to Ariana. So that's where we're at.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Sandival essentially was like, I know this is a finale,
so I'm going to create my perfect finale moment, like
I am going for it. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
That was so awkward though. I was like, don't do it,
don't do it. Did you want it to? Like did
weren't you just like what I was watching it? I
was like stop, no, no, no, don't do it, no
walk away.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
But also did you see how messy his hotel room was?

Speaker 2 (26:59):
Yeah? Yeah, it was gross.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
So much food everywhere and like so much junk.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
See. And we've been blaming Ariana this whole time, calling
her a hoarder, and maybe maybe it's her and Tom,
Like maybe that's why the house is always the disaster.
It's both of them.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
Yeah, Like I need to know did they always live
in this kind of chaos or is this just, like
I don't know, like a post breakup chaos post breakup,
like you can't even call downstairs at the hotel and
ask them to pick up your breakfast, lunch, dinner for
the last three days.

Speaker 2 (27:30):

Speaker 1 (27:31):
Then everyone starts to arrive to Kyle Chan's party. Sand
of all paid for the sound engineer for his band
to come up here and help with sheena set. These
gestures mean a lot to her. Sheena is nervous for
her performance. She's never done something like this. We get
a flashback to twenty thirteen of her singing on top
of a bar. At this point, this may they may

have just well made an announcement that this show is
the reboot all around Kyle Chan like this to the
Kyle Chan Show.

Speaker 2 (28:01):
It's the Kyle Chan Show. Yes, I actually love Sheena's
song though, no love it. It's a banger man. I
was like, oh, I'm going to download this. This is good.
We should be a real to it. Don't act like
you know how to download music, You're so full of shit.
I don't. But what I meant by download is I'm
going to try to find it on Instagram somewhere in

a reel somewhere.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
Then James brings Ali outside to watch the sunset. He
clarifies that Ali will always be his priority. She says
she's not ready for marriage yet, but when she is,
she wants it with James James gets emotional because his
life hasn't gone to plan, but he wouldn't change anything.
This was very like Paige and Craig from Summerhouse, like

they just had this moment and it really shows the difference,
and you know, just different mindsets, like listen, I love you.
The plan is right now that yeah, you're going to
be the one. But Ali is significantly younger than j James.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
Well, I think, I mean, even though she's younger, she
seems very mature though. I mean for her to say
I don't want to jump into anything, I don't want to,
you know, talk about marriage right now. I don't know
about kids right now. I feel like that's actually a
mature move on her part.

Speaker 1 (29:15):
It is a very mature move because they have had
a surprisingly perfect edit this season. So I always worry
that whenever a couple has a perfect edit that it's
gonna get trickier. They normally don't just want to show
bliss all of the time. Exactly like her, even saying

she missed hippie all this stuff. I was like, Okay,
well guess what, We're back to Joe.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
We're back to Joe.

Speaker 1 (29:44):
Joe and her confessional, she clearly states she would have
liked her in Shorts to become a couple. Joe follows
Ali and Shortz into the lions Den, and maybe she
should have thought out this apology first, Like she gives
a half apology to Katie, who then essentially Katie's like,

that's you're weird. You're maybe gonna apologize, like you're just weird,
And then things are starting to heat up and you
can see like the death in Katie's eyes, Like and
Joe's apologies she checked to Katie right after the divorce
meant nothing because she moved in with Shorts right after.

I mean, I enjoyed Katie in this moment, because like,
what does Katie owe Joe?

Speaker 2 (30:30):
What when Joe says, do you do you think you
should apologize now? Or whatever however she said it? What
apology was she looking for from Katie? Did she tweet
something about her calling her a crackhead?

Speaker 1 (30:43):

Speaker 2 (30:43):
Should you apologize for calling someone a crackhead?

Speaker 1 (30:46):
I mean, if they're not a crackhead, then I think
it's pretty clear that this is a joke, Like she
doesn't clearly thinks that she's actually a crackhead. But I
don't the fact that she thought she was gonna walk
over there not apologize and get an apology is obscene.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
Like if she.

Speaker 1 (31:06):
Could have just walked over there and been like, hey,
I know, it's awkward that i'm here, and I'm really
sorry for the way I handle things. I probably should
have never even messaged you like it just it was
messy and gross and like I'm sorry.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Yeah. Well, I think that's where she went wrong. I
don't think her relationship with Shorts she has to apologize
for or anything like that, but I do think the
apology is messy because of the message. She's Syndicateie trying
to convey that she was somehow a girl's girl and
that she had her interests at heart. Meanwhile, she's evolved

with Shorts and living with him, et cetera. She should
have just left the message out. Yeah, you can't be
with someone's ex and try to be friendly with the
ex wife. It doesn't work, like pick aside and just
go that way.

Speaker 1 (31:53):
But also, this is where I'm a little bit confused
in regards to Schwartz, because he's down just gotten in
pretty good with Arianna and Katie and now he wants
to throw this into the mix. But in the worst
possible way.

Speaker 2 (32:08):
Why you mean him just kind of walking Joe over
there like here we go, yeah.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
Like and half apologize and don't even like he's not
like he was standing up for her even making it
better or just like, hey, guys, Joe's part of this
friend group, liked.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
I kind of wanted Katie in that moment to tell
Joe that Schwortz asked her to have like a one
night stamp with her him.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Oh, that was a missed opportunity, right, the real missed opportunity.

Speaker 2 (32:38):
Yeah, like I I mean, she was just going at
her heart, so why not just like just get in
there and just finish it. Then, h Sena's dress breaks,
du dah.

Speaker 1 (32:50):
Like Sena's dress breaks, which I thought was gonna be
a pretty big deal until I realized that's not the
dress she was gonna wear on stage. So that was
the pre dress, like she could have easily just you know,
thrown on the other dressed a little early.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
But then Brock is running around trying to find.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
Her for a coat. But then did you this part
made me? I saw this actually on somebody else's Instagram,
and I had already thought it, and then I saw
it on a daily dose of Donna's Instagram. But it's
she zooms and on Brock's dance moves when he's just
like going at it, like when Sheen's looking for him

and he is like in the gold suit and.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
Yeah, and then.

Speaker 1 (33:38):
I was really hoping that wasn't Brock, like I was
hoping I was the friend of like the drunk guy
who kept trying to dance with Laala in them.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
Like what what are you doing?

Speaker 1 (33:50):
Like I don't know, Oh my gosh. Our producer just
said I find Brock very attractive.

Speaker 2 (33:55):
I do too. I agree, I know, but I don't
like I like.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
No, no, Like I had a real issue with like
Jackx's pants last night, Like I don't like when like
guys were tight pants like that. It's it's a it's
a no for me.

Speaker 2 (34:14):
And wait, so you did not like Brock's gold suit?

Speaker 1 (34:16):
No, I would like you can see the guy's ankles, no, Like,
I really, I don't want to see the gold pants.
I don't want to see the ankles. I don't want
to see the bulge.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
You don't want to see the bolts. So maybe you
just don't like brock style. I think so, I I.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
Think I don't love his style or his like heeled boots.
I think Brock and just like a head confessional is
like can be funny and charming and but like he's
he's not my like type. I've never been with a
Brock type. You're not a cheat a speedo type. I'm
definitely not a cheat a speedo type.

Speaker 2 (34:51):
Can you imagine Shane and a cheet of spido?

Speaker 1 (34:53):
I mean seriously, Edwin made me tell him last night
when we were watching Watch What Happens Live because I
was making him watch with me. He was like, so,
who's hotter to you? Jack's or Sandoval? And I was like,
hotter in what way? And He's like hotter, like you'd
have to hook up with one of them? And I
was like, is this a lose lose answer. He's like, no,
you just have to answer it. And I had to
say Sandoval.

Speaker 2 (35:15):
I would say Sandoval too, Yeah, okay, I mean if
I had to pick yeah, right, Like JACKX just seems
like he always seems we masty, Like he always seems sweaty.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
Yeah, Like he always seems sweaty and stressed and like,
but I'm so confused what he stressed about. But then
we get to Sena crying and her confessional again saying
things with Sandoval aren't so black and white. Then Sandoval
introducing himself to Dan. This was pretty amazing because they

had already like the hands were already like Arianna and
Dan were I guess sharing a group text like they
were together texting.

Speaker 2 (35:58):
So Dan wasn't on a to lift his.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
Hand up shake his hand, but they had already said
in the introduction like that. He would not shake his hand,
but I thought he was plenty pleasant enough. He was.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
I mean, I don't even know if there had to
be an introduction, but I feel like Tom was going
out of his way to try to, you know, make
amends or at least look like a good guy in
the finale, So he goes up and introduces himself. But
I mean Dan handled it well. He wasn't. I mean,
he doesn't have a lot of emotion anyway. We saw
him at the at lunch. He didn't answering questions from
La Law. He didn't have much emotion, so you know,

I think he was civil.

Speaker 1 (36:34):
Well, I learned about a term. It's called a gray rock,
and a gray rock is how you're supposed to behave
when you're dealing with narcissists, and I think Dan has
studied this method and his goal was I'm going to
be a gray Rock this entire episode.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
So do you think Dan is the one that taught
Arianna about the gray Rock? Possibly because she doesn't mention
it in her confessionals.

Speaker 1 (36:57):
Yeah, so I think Dan, whether she taught him or
he taught her. I think they are going like there
was never going to be a moment like we saw
the one time Ariana kind of lost it at the
beach that one day I kind of talk to him,
But other than that, she hasn't okay.

Speaker 2 (37:17):
But let me ask you a question, though, if you're
on a reality TV show, is going into like a
gray Rock mentality a good idea?

Speaker 1 (37:26):
No, not unless one of the person is people are
going to get booted. But most of the time what
happens is there will be a choice that will be made.
So let's say I think they wanted one year to
play this to play out going into next season. If
next season is going to happen, I do think if
it's coming back with this cast, for the most part,

it will be Ariana or Tom. I do not think
it'll be both of them because I don't think there's
one person watching this show that cares about those two
having a reconciliation. No, I an, I don't care. I
don't care.

Speaker 2 (38:06):
Which one would you pick? If you're a producer, which
one would you go with?

Speaker 1 (38:10):
I think Arianna has more ability to get other types
of shows, especially if she's a good actress and on Chicago, like,
I think she has a really the opportunity for her
to really grow as a human being, is there she
had like when this all happened, especially because they've talked
about her mental health issues in the past. When this

all happened, she could have gone into a very dark place,
kind of disappeared, not you know, and really fallen into
a deep depression. And instead she turned that negativity into booking,
Dancing with the Stars, every commercial, even bringing her friends
in on her commercials, promoting Good as Gold, like every

single one of those things like brought It Together, Chicago,
you name it. She's capitalizing on what happened and building herself.
So whether I think I loved her this entire season,
I didn't because it didn't give us the best TV.
But I think her future is bigger than the show.

Speaker 2 (39:17):
At this point. Yeah, I would agree with that because
if I had to pick, if VPR is going to continue,
and I had to pick one or the other, I
would pick Tom. I mean, he still has connections with
people on this cast. He and Sheena seem to be
in a good place. They can go forward. La La
seems to be good with him. Clearly, he and Tom
are still friends. He and James, I don't know where
they're at after the reunion, but I mean, at least

by the finale, they seem to be in a good place,
so I feel like he can continue on on this
show with those people. I don't know about Ariana though
she doesn't seem connected to any of them at this point.

Speaker 1 (39:51):
And then I mean for Katie, because I do think
Katie is that like voice that we need on the show,
especially now that we see her utilizing her. But I
don't know that she is doing that show without Ariana,
and what does that mean about something about her?

Speaker 2 (40:07):
I don't know. Maybe they have a spin off with
the two of them and they're They're Sandwich Shop. Okay,
this just in.

Speaker 1 (40:12):
I've gotten a text back from a from a source
close to the show, just Teddy Walters, and this is
what it says. Non primary cast members usually get a
flat rate for season. No clue how much that is for. Also,
I know that production paid for the rooms, but I

am not sure about a non primary cast members travel travel.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
Okay, that makes sense, So that makes sense.

Speaker 1 (40:41):
So a Rock or a Joe or whomever else came
and did whatever. They've got their rooms paid for, they
got a flat rate for the season, which I doubt
is exorbitant, and we go on from there.

Speaker 2 (40:57):
I'm going to guess they paid for her to travel.

Speaker 1 (41:00):
We've gotten conflicting sources from conflicting info from two different sources,
So this is pretty juicy. I mean, and I kind
of trust what both sources have alleged, but maybe that
one of the sources didn't know if this person was
paid as a non primary cast member. But long story short,

we've got a couple of sources letting us know most
likely she didn't get paid to be there.

Speaker 2 (41:36):
It's time for Shena's performance. She performs Apples first, and
everyone loves it, even Standibal. When she performs Good as Gold,
everyone goes crazy. Brock even goes on stage and puts
the guitars on his shoulders. Sena asked the twenty sevens
if she's in their band, to which they say yes.
I enjoyed her performance. I thought she was great. I
thought it was fun.

Speaker 1 (41:57):
I thought it was fun. I thought she was happy.
I thought the band was excited to have like their
you know, like this is this could be something big
for them. And a lot of people watched that that
show and it was good and it was a banger
and it was fun and you did legitimately see Tom
look proud of her. But know who else looked proud
of her? Ariana? Yeah, like in that moment where we're

all trying to see Ariana is only caring about herself.
Shed No, that's not how it appeared. Why she was watching,
She not on stage. It didn't look like she was
mocking her. She's excited. She grabbed the little too too
and put it on herself like she was in it.
So whether they want to say she's not in it
to support people, she was there and she could have

been at Applebee's earlier.

Speaker 3 (42:41):

Speaker 2 (42:41):
Why what was the Applebee's reference.

Speaker 1 (42:43):
Well, I think it's because they were building the Applebee's Martini's.
I think they wanted to plug Applebee's like that was
probably already in the works.

Speaker 2 (42:51):
I thought it was Chili's.

Speaker 1 (42:53):
Oh fuck, it was Chili's.

Speaker 2 (42:54):
I don't know what's Appleby's pretty much.

Speaker 1 (42:56):
I just wanted to say, if you had Chilis, I
love that. I just confused the two is the same. Yeah,
Applebee's Chili's, you know. But then this is where it
gets dicey. Arianna doesn't even so, so sheena once again
like she's just now had this great moment. She finds

out she's in the band of course, yeah, and reality
television world. Now She's like, now's when I should go
and fuck everything up and talk to Arianna about some
of the growth I've seen in Tom, like you know,
and like, I appreciate what you're trying to do, Sena,
but this is not the way.

Speaker 2 (43:35):
Quit making it about you. But I do think.

Speaker 1 (43:39):
Arianna in this moment is very clear. She's like, I
don't want to breathe the same air as him. I'm
fine if you want to be friends with him. I
do not need an apology from him. I am done,
Arianna says, sure she and she will never lose her.
They kiss and riat her at how much they love
each other, but then.

Speaker 4 (44:01):
Up king no, no, like and also did you hear
her go, I guess we can't kiss anymore now that
Brock said we can't kiss anymore or something.

Speaker 2 (44:15):
I did hear that, and I was like, huh. I
was like, did I catch that? Is he is that
that's a no? No? Huh?

Speaker 1 (44:22):
Yeah, Well, I mean if I was, I don't think.
I don't wan would be cool if I was like kissing.

Speaker 2 (44:26):
You, well, I feel like it's it depends on the
type of kiss, Like is it just like a quick,
like funny between girls kiss or are we making out
with tongue like, I mean, there's a difference.

Speaker 1 (44:37):
I'm not a well, I'm not a hugger or a
lip kisser to really anyone like i'll kiss on the
cheek or like other than my husband. Like, I'm not
one of those people that's like so good to see you.

Speaker 2 (44:49):
Yeah, I'm not.

Speaker 1 (44:50):
It's not so that would be completely out of character
for me, right, except when you have those awkward times,
you know, when you like go in and you think
that somebody's trying to kiss you on this cheek but
it's only here, and then all of a sudden you're.

Speaker 2 (45:01):
Like, yeah, yeah, that happens to me a lot, because
she like all of Shane's family are Persian and they
do the I never know what to do. I'm always like,
I don't know where to go. I just put my
hand down. Nice to meet you.

Speaker 1 (45:19):
But then Ariana walks up to Jeremiah, who's the executive
producer on the show. I used to work with Jeremiah
at one of the talent agencies. So every time I
see him, my laugh and we hear her say it's
not happening. As he tries convincing her not to do this,
she tells him fucking walking up on me talking to Shina,
he didn't give a fuck if I fucking died in

a ditch or got fucking deadly sdds. The way he
was fucking around me behind my back, that is non
informed consent and he does not deserve to speak to me.
The EP is begging arian And not to end it
like this, and she tells him it's about a performance
for the audience. He wants thirty seconds with the audience.
She calls a lift and leaves the party. Jeremiah, you

might want to turn your comments off for a while,
because I know these fans are gonna find you.

Speaker 2 (46:08):
It's gonna give me a lot okay. I feel like
there's a lot to unpack here. I did you okay.
As a producer, your job is to make the best
show possible, and a lot of times you need to
wrap things up in a finale. And I understand that
you need these conversations. You need this, you need a resolution.
We need to wrap it up. So I don't know

if someone said to Tom, hey, you need to go
over there to Ariana and try to have a conversation
with her, that had to have happened. I agree, especially
because she's talking to Sheena. It was an awkward moment.
I don't know why he would choose to do it then.
To me, it feels like someone went up to him
and said, Okay, the night's almost over, everything's whining down,
Yet you have to do it now. So he does
the you know, awkward walk up. She loses her mind.

I guess my question is, in this circumstance, do you
think she should have just had the conversation because that's
her job and that's what she's getting paid to do.
Or is it okay that she left and started yelling
at production saying this isn't gonna happen.

Speaker 1 (47:09):
Well, I think that's the point, I think if she
is done with this show, she made her point, I think,
but where because I can't help but go back and
forth on things that they also said, because she does that.
And then Sandoval is fuming once he hears Ariana is
calling him performative. Santoval tells Billy that she's unwill willing

to film with her act she shouldn't be doing this show.
Sandaval storms up to the rest of the cast, yelling,
I'm pissed that she's fucking saying that shit, because Ariana
she doesn't fuck with you guys. She's fucking talking shit
about all you fuck her. She doesn't show up for shit.
She's not gonna come to your fucking thing. I am.
She yells back and tells him that she knows and

that's why it's been so hard for her. And then
on Watch What Happens Live, Tom said he was exaggerating
in the heat of the moment and didn't have any
real receipts of Ariana talking shit, but something he did
say was something she did say. And then he said
that this is too conflicting the information. She said he
has never once reached out to me to talk to me.

Off television, and he is saying, I have tried numerous
times and she has never been responsive.

Speaker 2 (48:24):
Yeah, who do you believe in this point? Because I
watched it too about the same thing.

Speaker 1 (48:28):
I mean, I kind of believe he probably sent her
some stupid ass text and she's like, fuck you.

Speaker 2 (48:33):
Yeah, I mean that's where I'm at. I feel like
he probably did reach out, Maybe he did make an effort,
but the way her mindset is and the way that
she's acted all season, there's no way that she would
have accepted anything. So her saying he could have written
me a letter. He could have written me a six
page letter, and I would have read it. No, you
wouldn't have. You wouldn't have read it. You would have
ripped that You would have ripped that shit up into

a million pieces and thrown it all over the floor.
You wouldn't have read it. And good for.

Speaker 1 (48:58):
Her if you're not on a reality show, so good
for her. Like I would love to be able to
have that strength. Unfortunately I'd be the one that would
like rip it up and then pull it out of
the tape it back together, have to tape it back
together and try to decipher what that chicken scratch handwriting.
He used it from his journal from Rachel. But then

it kind of keeps going because then Lala's has to says,
you know, i haven't wanted to break the fourth wall,
but I'm deciding to do it now. She yells about everything,
rallying behind Arianna to the point where she thinks she's Beyonce.
It's bullshit that Arianna can't film with Sandoval, yet she's
sleeping down the hall from him. She understands he did
a really shitty thing, but he did not kill someone.

She reminds everyone that Ariana moved on eight days later.
Sheina openly agrees with everything Lala saying and Lala's confessional.
She says she loves filming the show because it's real
and finds it to be healing. She thinks it's such
a slap in the face that Ariana left like this,
because this is what they do and have done for

most of their lives. On the after show, Arianna said,
if you think I'm doing a bad job as a
reality star, I was Reality Star of the Year, so
maybe I know what I'm doing. But this is what
I want to talk about.

Speaker 2 (50:14):
Okay, All that aside.

Speaker 1 (50:17):
Last season, Lala was adamant that Schwartz couldn't play pickleball
with Randall. She said he had to pick a side.
Now does that matter that Randall wasn't a cast member?
Is it different because we followed Tom and Arianna for
ten years on the show, or do you think Lala
is being hypocritical?

Speaker 2 (50:37):
I think there's a difference. I think you can differentiate
the two. Randall's not a cast member, and she moved
out of that house, and she moved out of the house,
she removed herself. She wasn't involved. He's not a cast member.
He's not getting paid to be on the show. I
think he won't even be on the show, right, I
think is not even allowed to be on the show.
It's a completely different set of circumstances.

Speaker 1 (51:00):
But I feel like Lala is going to get a
lot of shit for this because people can't see that
breaking the fourth wall aspect.

Speaker 2 (51:07):
But like that, there is a.

Speaker 1 (51:10):
Big part of it, like Randal. Once she left Randal,
like we saw those videos, like we saw her like
two best friends going with her getting ocean, she was
in a hotel, like she was done, completely moved out,
she was blindsided, she left it. It did not carry
on into another season of her and Randall fighting and
trying to get back together, try.

Speaker 2 (51:30):
None of it.

Speaker 1 (51:31):
It was done right, So her boundaries were done off
the show. If you choose to be paid to be
on the show, are you required to bend your boundaries?

Speaker 2 (51:44):
I agree? I agree. I mean I kind of when
Lala said all that she said, I agreed with what
she was saying. I mean, I might get backlash for that,
but don't. I thought everything she said was profound and
had a lot of weight to it. Well.

Speaker 1 (52:00):
I think also the part that they're not all saying,
but they are all saying, is they're all fucked. If
this show does, it goes away. So they're all doing
the most that they can to keep this show going.
There's only one person really on this show that is

going to at this point really skyrocket away from it,
and they're going to be annoyed by that.

Speaker 2 (52:30):

Speaker 1 (52:31):
Does that make it right? No? Does it make it
feel like that they're you know, they've lost some of
their empathy to what has happened to Ariana. Yes, but
I think that's the end thing is like this is
a job that they've had for whatever over ten years,
and they want to secure that bag. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (52:50):
I mean, but Ari, I think, like you said earlier,
she's in a different spot. She has so many opportunities
now that she's not as invested in this show anymore,
and that has to be irritating for people that are
invested in it, that is their thing and their bread
and butter. Then they're going to be irritated and frustrated
by someone who doesn't share that same amount of you

know what I'm trying to say, like, isn't as invested
fully as they are because they have other things going
on that are paid well or whatever. She has this
rise up above, But I mean that has to be
frustrating for them. And I think Laala was just had it.
And then I think Sheena agreed with everything Laala said
because these are probably things that she'd want she'd been
thinking for an entire season, but she never had the

guts to say it.

Speaker 1 (53:34):
So she's been just wishy washing.

Speaker 2 (53:36):
Yes, she's been trying to like, yeah, she's trying to
play both sides and not you know, and then all
of a sudden she's like, yes, what she said.

Speaker 1 (53:44):
Yeah, I mean I think there are also is a
point to be made that Arianna is the one who
called production to pick cameras back up when Sandoval went down,
so she wanted all of that filmed, and Tom and
Rachel agreed to film. So you get why she doesn't
want to interact with Tom and don't think he should
get redemption. But you got to see both sides of this.

Speaker 2 (54:07):
Okay, let me here's my other thought on this. I
understand that what happened to Arianna is very deep for her,
but when it comes to everyone else, I understand that
in the moment when they learned about it, it was deep.
It was frustrating it when they were angry, they were mad.
But when you're not in it, I feel like as
time goes on, you move away from it, you're not

as heavily invested anymore.

Speaker 1 (54:33):
Especially when like you have to also think like Lala
and randall have kids together, they have a daughter together.
They you know, regardless of how many years or how
each relationship started, which I think both relationships allegedly started
with cheating. There's no like who's right and who's wrong
in this situation, but it is definitely more stressful to

have a breakup with somebody who's cheated on you allegedly
when there is a child involve and then you have
to share custody of a child, not a pet, with
another human being. So I just think there has to
at least be that like point of view as well,
Like that is that's major. Then they show all the

flashbacks of everybody throughout the years, and the producer announces
that's the end, and then Schortz calls. Schortz is like, well,
that was a fucking flot twist, and Sandoval says he
loves it because it was good for him. But then
on Watch What Happens Life, he said he meant it
was good for him because what he did is his

job that came together. He felt good he at least
showed up and did his job.

Speaker 2 (55:43):
Do you think that's what he really meant when he
said it's good for him?

Speaker 1 (55:47):
Oh? I was like, listen, Tom, it actually was good
for you until they kept that last line in and then.

Speaker 2 (55:54):
You can't say it's good for you. You have to
just keep your mouth shut. At that point, you just
have to let it play out on its out. You can't.
You can't re like verbally recap your own reality show.

Speaker 1 (56:07):
I can't. Wow, we really nailed it this season.

Speaker 2 (56:10):
Yeah, Like that was awesome of me. Did you see
how good I looked?

Speaker 1 (56:14):
I loo was beautiful?

Speaker 2 (56:15):
Yeah you did?

Speaker 1 (56:16):
So you think you look beautiful?

Speaker 2 (56:17):
Yeah? Yeah, that was great.

Speaker 1 (56:19):
Gosh, let's take a quick break and we'll come back
to talk about the Valley. So here we are. We
are back Talk Valley Season one, episode eight recap starts
out where once again, Jack seems pissed at Brittany.

Speaker 2 (56:43):
Yeah, he's permanently pissed.

Speaker 1 (56:45):
Like I feel like this episode name should just be
Jack's is always pissed at Brittany.

Speaker 2 (56:49):
Yeah, he just wakes up and he's pissed.

Speaker 1 (56:52):
Wakes and pissed. Brittany's talking to her mom, saying now
she and Jack's are unsure about having a baby number two.
Her mom things opening a bar is a bad idea.
I'm not going to be mean, but at some point
during this conversation, I was like, I should have put
my subtitles song because I'm having all the time what
they're saying I did.

Speaker 2 (57:13):
I missed some of that conversation too, I was like,
what did her mom? What is she just that? What?

Speaker 1 (57:20):
Man? Let's go with south And I'm not on I mean,
but I do feel like her mom is you know,
pretty accurate. But this leads me to another question. If
you are having problems with your significant other, who is
the person you go to to talk about it with?
Is Like, would it be a parent or does Shane
talk to his parent?

Speaker 2 (57:41):

Speaker 1 (57:41):
Or is it a friend or do you just keep
it on the cusps? Like what do you do?

Speaker 2 (57:45):
Well? For me, it would be my sister. I mean,
I don't really have a close relationship with my parents,
so that's a that doesn't happen. But I have one
sister and we do talk all the time, so it.

Speaker 1 (57:54):
Would probably be her. Do you think then that makes
her judge Shane for stuff when you've moven. Sometimes I
feel weird about sharing too much stuff because then I'm like, oh,
now I'm gonna have to I'm super annoyed right now,
but most likely I'm gonna get over it. It's not that
big of a deal.

Speaker 2 (58:09):
Well, here's what I think. I think if you share
about your significant other, you have to share with the
good and the bad. You can't just share the bad.
It has to be a good balance. Yeah, So when
he does great things, when he's good with the kids,
when when he does something nice for me, I make
sure I share that as well, So it's not always
just calling to vent about something bad that annoyed me.

Speaker 1 (58:28):
You mean when he's telling his son to keep licking
the window, Yeah, before.

Speaker 2 (58:32):
Go s lick it again, lick it again and again.

Speaker 1 (58:39):
Then Janet's having Habachi night. She invited everybody but Kristin
and Luke listen. I'm sorry, Janet, and I'm happy to
have you on, and have you changed my opinion? But
since when are you the number one girl in the
group and you're calling these shots?

Speaker 2 (58:53):
Yeah? I agree with that one hundred percent. I actually
was like irritated by that. First of all, Kristin has
been on reality TV for a long ass time, so
I mean, I mean, Shell wouldn't exist without Riston at
this point. And then I don't know, cutting her out
like that, I didn't like it.

Speaker 1 (59:10):
I didn't like it. But also I wanted to be
like Janet. I know you think that your main character,
but unfortunately you're wrong.

Speaker 2 (59:16):
You are incorrect in your assumption.

Speaker 1 (59:19):
Yeah, but then Jasmine and Chrisma, Christmin, Chris, Jasmine and Christmas,
Jasmine and Kristen for wine. Kristen saysn't a confessional that
Michelle was texting another woman having an emotional affair. We
see that jacks told Kristen at their previous lunch that
he was told Michelle was cheating with an actor celebrity.

Then they flashed back to the scene where he's like,
you don't think they're filming us, right, and she's okay, Jackson,
are on or the eight guys standing around with the
cameras in our faces filming? Like, is there a reason
we picked this jacked up place to lunch that we
get a freaking permit here? But it's clear, like Jackson's

moving storyline and Kristen, you know, Kristen is too, But Kristin's.

Speaker 2 (01:00:10):
Not anymore in the wrong than Jack's. No, one hundred percent.
But let me just clarify something. So what JACKX knows
about Michelle came from Brittany, correct, Okay, So.

Speaker 1 (01:00:23):
Then Jackie told Kristen and said, don't tell anyone, right,
don't tell anyone, but he said it on camera.

Speaker 2 (01:00:31):
Right to these things work? Are those things on? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (01:00:35):
But then texted Kristen afterwards after they just filmed a scene, right,
and said, don't say anything to anyone. I don't want
to ruin a marriage or a life or blah. Blah,
and she's like, what the hell are you talking about?
You just shared this on camera. So at that point,
this is where it's so bothersome in the world of

reality television that anyone at this point isn't realizing what's happening, right.

Speaker 2 (01:01:00):
And why Kristen is the scapegoat for all of this. Yeah,
it was.

Speaker 1 (01:01:05):
I mean, not to compare it to myself, but I
was considered the scapegoat when it came down to the
Brandy and Denise stuff. But I was not Randy and
Kim came to a place where I was and told
me this information on camera. I wasn't like out on
the streets looking for this information like I was told.

It came to you. It came to me on camera.
At that point, it's already out there. Did I have
the choice to not share it?

Speaker 2 (01:01:34):

Speaker 1 (01:01:34):
Did I still share it?

Speaker 2 (01:01:35):

Speaker 1 (01:01:36):
But the point is it was already out there, so
it's already going to be.

Speaker 2 (01:01:39):
Out there exactly. I mean, anything on camera's fair game.
I mean, you can't really you can't get upset at
somebody for sharing something that they was shared originally.

Speaker 1 (01:01:47):
On camera, but then it's Hibachi night. Jesse removed Kristin
from the group chat. Jack says he blocked her. Then
Janet's all so happy to taught me how to block,
and I was like, Janet, like, you don't know how
to do that, Janet, I'm sure you've been blocked plenty

of times.

Speaker 2 (01:02:09):
It's time to learn.

Speaker 1 (01:02:11):
Then Brittany leaves because she is sick from the sake.

Speaker 2 (01:02:17):
Jack stays. But then Jackson is.

Speaker 1 (01:02:20):
Like not very nice to her when she like, she
wasn't a dick about it, she was just like she
took it. Then four minutes later you see her kind
of feel sick.

Speaker 2 (01:02:28):
And he's like they're drinking. They're drinking that.

Speaker 1 (01:02:31):
I'm like, she wasn't pounding. She had one drink that
everybody else had. I guess there was a you know,
she had an ulcer back on vander Pump Rules and
the doctor told her not to drink. Who knows if
she still has that ulcer or not. But also, like Jax,
she's married to you, she's bound to need a couple

beverages before.

Speaker 2 (01:02:52):
I'm sure it was the also the also the result
of being married to Jack's that's right, that also has
Jax's name on it.

Speaker 1 (01:02:59):
Or decide if you're going to marry Jax after he's
cheated on you again, Like it's it could really be
a lot of things. I doubt it had to be
like a skinny margarita. But then they played drag your
Heart how well you know your partners? This kind of
was boring to me.

Speaker 2 (01:03:17):
This, Yeah, well, I feel like it's like the same
thing over again. Here here's my take from that whole
game with the couples. What was it? They asked, like
who you would have a threesome with? And Danny I'm
sure he would answer, but Nia won't let him answer again.
I know we had this conversation before. But I like
them as a couple. I think they're very sweet. But
if they're not going to get messy, if they're not

going to answer questions, if she's going to stop him
from talking, and she's going to find everything inappropriate and wrong,
like I don't know if reality TV is for them.

Speaker 1 (01:03:47):
Yeah, I think it's going to be hard to continue
on because even that, I mean, we play that game
a thousand times, like, right, who would you rather? Like
everyone is not getting mad at me for it, But
then I was like, but you're comfortable sharing that you've
boned on top of the rooftop and your knees are
still bruised.

Speaker 2 (01:04:06):
I was like, hmmm, but I just feel like there's
too many circumstances of her being like offended because things
are inappropriate. She doesn't want to answer, and she doesn't
want to engage, and she doesn't want to respond. It's
like it's it's a reality TV show, like you got
to get in there. You can't Everything can't be inappropriate
to you.

Speaker 1 (01:04:27):
Yeah, I think those are you know, do I think
the other couples answered one hundred percent? Honestly, probably not,
but Michelle did. Michelle was like, you know what I'm
gonna answer. I think Jesse'd pignea. But you do really

see through this how much Michelle can't I mean, the
amount of how much she can't stand Jesse is.

Speaker 2 (01:04:55):
It's it's palpable, it really is.

Speaker 1 (01:04:59):
It Like I get nervous watching him talk. I do.

Speaker 2 (01:05:04):
I agreed a hundred percent. I'm like, I'm afraid she's
gonna like, like the switch is gonna flip and she's
just gonna like attack him or something. Yeah, it's always
so calm.

Speaker 1 (01:05:17):
But then but also she never really shows any excite.
I'm wondering, like with the actor if she shows excitement
because I get being kind of monotone and whatnot, but
at some moments you would think there was like joy
or excitement or laughter. Even with one of the girls,
you never really see it. It's like so controlled and just.
But even if you're having marital issues, like, don't you

find moments with your friends or other people that you
might find some joy or laughter in? Have we seen that?

Speaker 2 (01:05:46):
I would think, I don't know. That's why you said
she was like an Ai.

Speaker 1 (01:05:50):
She may we need proof that she's not. Is she
gonna get recalled like those new cyber trucks. Then Zach
meets with Kristin to go over her James mat clothing
line relaunch and his confessional. Zach says Janet is getting
away with being messy because she is pregnant. He tells

Kristin there's no reason for her not to include people,
just to do it. Then Jesse is getting ready to
go away for his spiritual treat It's outside of his personality,
but he thinks it will help repair his marriage. Then
if Jesse goes, what would you like me to change?
And she said your personality.

Speaker 2 (01:06:32):
I know that's a good answer. Just everything about you,
you know, like you, how you are? Could you just
come back a totally different person? That would be great,
like listen, is Jesse great?

Speaker 1 (01:06:45):
Absolutely not? But asking someone to change their entire personality.

Speaker 2 (01:06:50):
Feels borderline emotionally abusive to me. You may say, like,
you know.

Speaker 1 (01:06:57):
Teddy, I wish you'd talk with your hands a little less.

Speaker 2 (01:07:00):
But if you want me to completely shift who.

Speaker 1 (01:07:02):
I am to my core and I'm married to you, like,
this is a problem.

Speaker 2 (01:07:09):
It is a it's a problem. But could Teddy, could
you change everything about you? Please? I'll work on could
you go on the spiritual retreat before our next podcast?

Speaker 1 (01:07:19):
But will you do absolutely nothing to change yourself? Will
you stay exactly the same and trigger me exactly the
same way and hope I come back different?

Speaker 2 (01:07:27):

Speaker 1 (01:07:29):
This ayahuasca better work wonders for me next Wednesday.

Speaker 2 (01:07:32):
Before the pod, I kept thinking that she's probably pissed
that it's only one night. Damn it.

Speaker 1 (01:07:39):
Can you lead for three weeks?

Speaker 2 (01:07:41):
It isn't like a different like a platinum version you
could go, so it's like a week long.

Speaker 1 (01:07:46):
Because my actor dude, he's like, you know, he's in town.
I got to pretend to sell him a house, but
we've got an available one near Chateau Marmont.

Speaker 2 (01:07:53):
Like it's just constant.

Speaker 1 (01:07:55):
But then we get to the James May event, where
did everybody realize it was not gonna be one thousand degrees?
Everyone was sweating through their clothes and wearing the wrong.

Speaker 2 (01:08:05):
Colors, Like, don't that sweat on Jackson's shirt? That was
just he didn't so he didn't just spill a bottle
of water on him and he was that sweaty.

Speaker 1 (01:08:15):
That is why I don't wear colors like olive green
or like dark blue when it's sweaty, or like a
gray T shirt. I would be like, I'm sweaty human being,
and I would really be pitting out. My first couple confessionals,
I was like pitting out so bad that I was
like having to talk and like panic that I've I
lit my armpit. But this entire event doesn't fully make

sense to me other than it's just a way to
let Kristen and Zach know they're not invited to a
baby moon. First question, who the fucking invites other people
on baby moons? I didn't know that was a thing.

Speaker 2 (01:08:55):
It's not a thing. I feel like they should have
it should have just had a different reason that they
were going somewhere, because that doesn't make sense.

Speaker 1 (01:09:02):
Like called the last hurrah with friends or something. But
a baby moon is normally like the two people having
the baby together get away for their one last time alone. Right,
not invite all their dysfunctional friends.

Speaker 2 (01:09:14):
Exactly, just call it something else. But then Zach cried, oh,
because he wasn't invited.

Speaker 3 (01:09:21):
He took he took that hard, a hard hit for him.

Speaker 1 (01:09:29):
He took it so hard that Kristen didn't even have
a response. Was just like, sorry, Zach, sorry, I fucked
you over on this new TV job.

Speaker 2 (01:09:39):
But okay, but what's the reason Zach's not invited? Because
he's friendly with Kristin.

Speaker 1 (01:09:44):
He thinks it's because he set up this event. He
hung up these T shirts and told her to write
restroom on the restroom door. But I think he probably
wasn't invited. I mean, because I think it's a couple's trip.

Speaker 2 (01:09:56):
I mean, I get it, that makes sense.

Speaker 1 (01:09:59):
I also think that Janet and Michelle really thought the
audience was going to react differently to them while filming,
so that's why they thought this could all happen. But
I mean, I don't know this. They we got some
work to get through. But yeah, you can see Jack
spiraling like they're going to kill our show if they

don't all figure this out. Right, Zach says, Janet is
only inviting him because he Yeah, is only is not
only inviting him because he's talking to her about Christna. Yeah,
so that is what it is.

Speaker 2 (01:10:35):
But other people are friendly with Kristen and they're invited, right,
I mean, I just I don't understand the cutting. I
still again, I know we talked about it before, but
I don't understand the cutting Kristen out, Like those are
big moves.

Speaker 1 (01:10:49):
I don't understand the cutting. I don't know why Michelle
and Jesse and Janet think that they're in the place
to be cutting people out exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:11:00):
And Janet and how she keeps just getting by with
being the one that does a lot of the crap
talking and no one seems to call her out for it,
Like Kristen's always just the messenger ding dong that just
messes up stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:11:13):
Yeah, Kristin like will repeat things Jack told her, but
she'll get the words wrong and then everyone will get
mad at her. But what I do wish Kristin would
do a little bit of is in these scenes where
you see whether it's Luke or Zach or whomever trying
to or even Brittney trying to talk to her about
what she needs to do to mend this relationship, she

just looks like forlorn, Like she's not even responsive, Like
I don't think she's listening like she's Do you think
that's because her feelings are hurt and she doesn't want
to cry because she's like worried about getting kicked off
the show or iced out, or she doesn't want to
fully double down and say worse shit and get herself
even more trouble.

Speaker 2 (01:11:54):
Well, if she was truly worried about getting iced out
and getting kicked off the show, she would have invited
them to her T shirt thing. Was she not really
selling T shirts?

Speaker 1 (01:12:03):
Was it just like, yeah, it was not to sell
T shirts? She said it was just to hang him
out there. It was a gifting thing because they're going
to launch her new line and she wanted to gift
it to people and take some pictures and YadA, YadA, YadA.

Speaker 2 (01:12:17):
Okay, but she did not invite Janet or Michelle and
Michelle right, So I mean I feel like at that point,
it would have been better for her to invite them,
because then you can say that she's consistently trying to
make sure that the group is together. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:12:33):
About a group event, but I think by this point
Kristin probably should have reached out. I don't know what
Janet has to do with any of this, if I'm
being honest, but should have reached out if she really
wanted to fix things to Michelle, say sorry, I got
things twisted in my delivery.

Speaker 2 (01:12:49):
And actually out of Jacks. Jackson is the one that
told me this.

Speaker 1 (01:12:53):
Said I heard from Brittany, like get it, wake up, Kristin.
If you're going to move story, then moving you should
have found right to Michelle outed Jack's and then we'd
be in a whole different Jozy of a sitch.

Speaker 2 (01:13:06):
Exactly Why do people not out Jacks? Why do they
They just kind of brush over him and blame everything
on Kristen. I don't really understand that.

Speaker 1 (01:13:13):
I don't know, but maybe I started thinking that it's
because everybody trusts Brittany, and people tell Britney things, and
then clearly Brittany tells Jacks, and Jacks can't be trusted.

Speaker 2 (01:13:23):
Exactly don't dunt dunt dunt dund dum. But until next week, guys,
it's pretty good.

Speaker 1 (01:13:29):
I'm excited for the reunion of vander Pump Rules and
for the Valley to continue. And I hope they stop
not inviting people to everything and they can work through this.

Speaker 2 (01:13:39):
Yeah, we have to stop doing that. Also, is there
no reunion for the Valley? I keep reading there's no reunion?
Is that a confirmed thing?

Speaker 1 (01:13:45):
I feel like there's gonna be a reunion. I had
another question, would you Oh, Kristen said there's no reunion,
but I don't. Kristin also gets things wrong, so Christill.

Speaker 2 (01:13:54):
Also thinks that that Jesse's leaving Michelle, so really Michelle's
leaving Jackse.

Speaker 1 (01:14:00):
But Kristen also tasted a piece of the Lizard's food
or the get Ghos food, and you know, I liked it.
I liked it, said it was delicious, and I'm not
over it. So that's really where I stand. But I
feel like Kristen, it's Kristen's time now to kind of
throw Jack's under the bus.

Speaker 2 (01:14:20):
Let's do it.
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