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March 25, 2022 30 mins

Luann gives an honest and vulnerable explanation of her less than desirable appearance on stage the other night.Plus, there is obviously major breaking news in the RHONY world… Luann explains what’s happening and whether or not she’ll be involved.Luann tells the ladies were she stands with Bethenny and Dorinda.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Two Teas in a Pod with Teddy Mellancamps at Tamra Judge. Hi, guys,
welcome to this week's two Teas in a Pod with myself,
Teddy Mellencamp and Tamra Judge. We are so excited to
have on Lue Angels. I know so much has happened

in just the lasts with her. I mean, the last
week has been a lot. Last week has been filled
with New York actually Land stories. Yeah, I mean it's
filling up our feeds, so we may as well talk
straight to the source. So we're excited to have her on.
Let's bring her in. Hey beautiful, Hi girls, how are you.

I'm good, I'm fine, great, Actually you are. So much
has happened just in the last twenty four hours. I know,
I can't every time we were just talking about it,
We're like, before you him on, we we asked people
to send in questions and whatnot, but I'm like, we
don't even need people's questions because it's our entire news
feed this filled with you in New York. What's going on? Okay,

first thing is this what's going on with this whole
reboot and the recasting. It was all of a variety
from Andy's statements. Right, well, I mean, you know, basically
I found out at the same time you guys did.
I hate when the announcement is like via daily mail
or something like. Well, now, I mean actually we found

out just before, I mean literally the same day. Um,
so they call you guys, they call you guys individually. Yeah,
they called us all first. Yeah, so that's good. We
got a call saying this is what's happening. And so,
you know, I am I gotta say that. I don't
think it's a bad idea. I think it's kind of

cool to see a younger diverse cast in New York.
But I like the idea of keeping the O G
s because yeah, I think it's amazing. I think it's great.
You know, I agree. Well, can you confirm this because
now I just read I mean, and this is just
such a viable source from Radar Online. Oh god, that
that they the o G cast is saying that they're

not gonna want to do it because the pay is
less than a hundred thousand dollars that they will Um
that you already have signed a deal with E Network,
so you're not going to be able to do the reboot.
I cannot confirm that. Oh congratulation, Yeah I cannot. I did,

I said, I cannot compline. Now, I know drinking my pose.
Now it's so good. I gotta get you girls some
of this. Yeah, so we'll tell me about that. Oh girl,
it's so delicious. You know, God knows I created this.
You know, I've been you know, I've been dealing with
sobriety for years now. And I created this with my daughter, Um,

who's been sober for a couple of over a couple
of years now, and so we there was nothing on
the market that we really liked, so um, so we
decided to create our own. You know, when you go
out for a drink, you know, if you don't want
to drink, you know, the mock tails, you're at the
mercy of a muck tail artist, right. It's like either
sweet or it's not what you want um, or you
order a peria and people are like, oh, you're not drinking,

you know. So I wanted to kind of take the
stigma away from that and be I like, I'll have
a those and people like, wonder what that is? So,
so what it is? It's a non alcoholic sparkling rose.
It looks just like rose. Um. Even the bottle, you know,
could be mistaken for a bottle of rose. Look at
the color. It's perfection and it's filled with beautiful ingredients. Um.

So it's not whine. I took the alcoholic. It's wine.
It's built from the ground up with amazing ingredients, you know,
vanilla oak, natural tannin's, rosemary, damiana, things that are good
for the nervous system. So, and it's delicious. It's low calorie,
and you know it kind of it really kind of
mimics the taste of wine. Um. And so I'm very

proud of it. Um. I just got distribution on it.
So I'm thrilled um with bet Max. So, uh, don't
want to buy something to drink now? Was the point.
That's that's great. I would love something. Where do you
buy it? You can get it to drink fosa dot com.
And you know, soon it'll be out there for you know,
out in California and that'll be everywhere, Beth. You'll be

in bed though soon. Well, well, we we drink one
time of the week during our pod, but we feel
multiple pods a week, so today we could really use
these because we're not we're not drinking today. We're trying
to keep it. You know, we drank the other night
at the Heart Music Awards and we're still recovering. We
saw we actually saw one of your ex cast members there,

Bethany was there. Oh really yeah, do you still talk
to her? I don't. I don't. She kind of moved
on from the show and all of us, and you know, yeah,
she didn't talk. She didn't talked to didn't even we
didn't make an effort to see her. Well, what's not uncoming?
We got a little bit like as we're there, we looked,
We're like, okay, now let's check on the podcast charts. Okay,

our podcast our numbers are higher. I was like, we
are such petty spies. We're like we're sitting in front
of her. I mean, this is the level of now
just getting but okay, but back onto talking about fose
and that kind of thing. Do you think that being
on the show helped or hindered your relationship with our
alcohol or do you think it would have been the

same record? No, I I don't think it's a show
at all. In fact, I filmed the Ultimate Girls Trip.
I wasn't drinking the last season of the Housewives, I
wasn't drinking, so I go, you know, listen, it's one
day at a time, um, and that's what it's all about.
It's you know, progress, not perfection. And you know I'm
only human, um, you know. UM, you know I have

my slips like everybody, and you know, my ultimate goal
is to not drink. And that's why I made the
fose um so that I have I have an option,
um that I like. Uh. So you know, like I said,
it's um, it's one day at a time. And no,
I don't think the Housewives. No, I mean, you can
drink or not drink on the Housewives. God knows, there's

plenty of drinks around on the show. But if you
don't want to drink, you don't have to drink. So
nobody's forcing you. They're not forcing you. But for me,
I felt like I got my liquid courage if I
had a few drinks. And then of course if you
if you had more than that, then that's when you're
just like a big jerk on the show. That's how
I was. Anyways, So for me, I always because I

feel like I get like a little bit shy when
the camera comes around at first I do I swear,
and then if I have a few drinks and I
feel like the words flow out of my mouth, where
if I'm not drinking, I second guess everything I'm going
to say and I get a little like nervous in
your Yeah, really interesting for me. I feel more in
my game when I don't drink. Oh that's awesome. Yeah,

I'm you know, I'm not one of those people that
needs to drink to be social. Luckily, you know, I'm
I I'm grateful for that because, um, because I can
have fun without drinking. And you know, even the girls
on the Ultimate Girls Trip they're like, I can't believe
you're not drinking, and you know you and you're the
most fun. So that was nice. Who would you say

you had the most fun with on on Girls Trap?
I gotta tell you, probably with Kyle Kyle. Uh. You know,
Kenya Kyle cracks me up. She's the hoop. I was
not expecting that. I was expecting kind of the you know,
kind of prissy and to Paris somehow, Um, I don't
know her that well. So um, I was pleasantly surprised

because she's like cool and down to earth and very
sweet and and very funny. UM and I really liked
um you know, Teresa Jude Ice and and Kenya, who
I didn't know at all, who I heard was like
the biggest diva. UM. And I was thinking, well, you
met your match and she was great. She was really

um really you know interesting, I thought. And um, and
could turn turn on the charm when she needed to.
And you know, obviously she got along with some others
than if there's someone that you could have probably done
without hanging out with me, well listen, you know, um,
I'm gonna plead the fifth on that one. I will

have to say, your body is rocking. And I'm like,
so Teddy and I are both obviously in the fitness industry.
What is your workout like? Because that that body you
don't get just from not eating. You have no I eat.
I mean I everything. I'm I just you know, I do.
I have my own routine. You know, I'll run one day,
one day, I'll do yoga. Um. I do like my

own workout. Um, you know, and I'm just really active
and I have a good metabolism and I have a
Mediterranean diet. You know, I really don't do curbs hardly. Um.
And you know, I just don't mix a lot of
foods and you know, protein and it's just healthy diet
and you know, and listen, um, not drinking it always
helps with that too. Absolutely. First throughout all your years

on the show, what would you say your highlight and
your biggest regret? You know, I'm not really somebody who
lives with regrets because I feel like it's an opportunity
to like change something about yourself and grow. Uh. And
I think that because of what we do when we
see ourselves on the show and it's like I can't

believe I said that, or I can't believe I wore that,
or I can't believe that happened to me. You know,
I look at it all as an opportunity to grow
and to make oneself better. You know. Um, you know
I fell into a bush in Mexico. You know, I
got into trouble and pump Beach and got arrested. You know,
I don't regret that, you don't. For me, those were
opportunities to grow and change in my life for the better.

So I can't stay have any regrets. I mean, I
feel like, you know, the favorite parts for me are
like some of the trips we did to to the
to Marrakesh for example. Uh, that was a fantastic trip.
I you know, I got to sing with Natalie Cole
on on our show and now and not at least
you know past, and you know, there's just been I've
got to create my music that I love. You know,

there's just been so many great opportunities that far to
me outweigh the negatives, even though I've gotten into some.
You know, I've gotten divorced on this show. You know,
you know, gotten married and divorced, and you know that's
what it's all about. You know, everybody goes through the
same stuff. How many total years were you on It's
now going to be fourteen and you were the first

housewife that ever, well we call it, got the Vicky
and then got your apple back. I think you're the
part time one year right, yeah, well yeah, one year.
But you know, and I was on every episode, so
call it what you want to call it, right, And
I was basically on every episode. It was you know,
you know how that contract stuff goes. Yes, I know, yeah,

you get that time. How are your kids doing? My
kids are great. Actually, my daughter is in Europe with
her father. Um, she's been in Switzerland. Another embarrass and
my son is in Brooklyn? So how old is how
old are they now? The seven? Oh my god, that

just gave me. Yeah you look amazing. Well I have
a thirty six year old, so well, girl, thank you.
I was very young. I was like five, that's kidding.
I have a two year old and you could tell.
I'm like tie, I'm like you do to sweet work though,

it's unbelievable I had. I had my first one at
eighteen and my second one my last one at thirty eight.
Having one was not easy. Well, and how well did
the youngest home stretch? I got one? Alan? Yeah, you're
you're you're on your way. How did your kids feel

about being kind of in the spotlight all of those years,
or you know, having the highlight on them or people
wanting to talk about you or the show and yeah, well,
you know it's not easy for kids. You know, they
just want you to be mom. You know. Uh, they
don't want to be sexy mom. They don't want to
be a mill They want you to be just be
mom m. But you know, uh that's not who I am.

I'm a show girl, you know, I'm I've been in
television way before Housewives. You know, I used to work
for Italian television. I was a TV star over there
and in Italy, and that's how I met my husband
in Switzerland, Um, and ended up marrying a French aristocrat,
you know, because I was living in Europe and I
had a career in television and you know it's uh,

you know been singing. I'm like, you know, I was
you know, I've been an entertainer for you know, quite
some time, and so house Wives was just a new
kind of platform that was so new. Um, we didn't know,
you know, what reality TV was really when we started
the show. Uh, the only thing reality was maybe The
Osbourne's and I didn't watch that because I just meant

and I think I think were I was around then too, um,
and so you know, it was it was a chance
to do something that I had never done before, and
it was more of like a da It was like, Okay,
I can try this, and um, little did I know
that it would take off the way it did. You know,
you were experted and it was like crazy. The first

two seasons was insane. It was like second the Sex
in the City meets Desperate Housewives in reality at a
certain point, you took over daytime television and the soaps
were getting canceled. And I remember we started the same
year one daytime, you know, and it was just crazy.
I missed those days. Write me to how do you

originally get cast? You know. I was in the Hampton's
and I was at a party and this UM woman
walked in and she's like, Hi, I'm Jill Zarin and
her Long Island accent. I've never met anybody like that
in my life, you know. At that point, I you know,
I grew up in Connecticut and um, and then I

lived in New York and then I moved to Europe.
So at that point, you know, I speak three languages,
and I've never met anybody from Long Island, you know,
like a local Long Island person, you know that from
like Mid Island. You know. Hi, I'm Jill Zarin, you know.
And I said, oh my god, I love her because
she was just so authentic and real and I just
loved her character, you know, and I wanted to know

her anyway. So we ended up hanging out like the
whole night, and then I she said to me, you know,
I'm thinking about doing this TV thing, but I don't
know if it's happening in et cetera. And I was
going to Europe on vacation at that point, and she goes,
and I go, here's my card, because I was actually
trying to do a TV show out in the Hampton's
for a local TV station, and I had a little

card and it was pink. It was a few shop
like whan on it and I gave it to her
and then I got an email from her saying the
show is happening and I think you're perfect. And so
basically I got, you know, cast by Jill Zarin and
the producers out in Hampton's. They came to meet me
when I came back from Europe and and the rest

is history. Oh my gosh. So I had a chance
to be with Jill at the Ultimate Girl's Trip to
I don't even know if that's the title yet, but yeah,
So we were together like eight days. And I've known
Jill for a long time, but not obviously like you
and um, I just love her. I love her. We
gave her a hard time a little bit because she
didn't stop talking and then she come outed her products
the entire time, but she really truly was like one

of the most supportive women on that trip, and like
even like my own products, my CVD company. She's like,
come on, Timber, let's talk about it. I'm gonna come
in you. We're going to talk. Like she's always pushing.
She's very empowering to women, that's for sure. Well, she's
great at selling stuff. I tell you, she used to
be a buyer I think at Macy's, Jill, So she
you know, she's very good at you know, marketing and

all that stuff, which is something I'm terrible of that stuff.
But she's she's really good at it, and she's doing
really well with her you know, all of her you know,
various her carpeting and her furniture and her candles and
you know, I'm sure you got to hear all about it. Oh,
I have all of them. I had to. I had
to get that. I had to get a second suitcase
to fit all my all this wag. But she she is.

She has a sweetheart. The one thing I have to
say is like she doesn't have a mean bone in
her body. Doesn't He doesn't. And that's what I like. Like,
I like all the quirkiness about her, but she has
zero mean unless you go after you know her peeps.
You know, yeah, I haven't seen that side of her,
but yeah, sweetheart. And do you think, you know, after
all of the successful years of New York, what do

you think it was that created last year to be differently?
Was it the same production company? Did anything else that change? Well, listen,
we had COVID, we had the Black Lives matters, we
had an election year. We couldn't go anywhere, We couldn't
invite any people. You know, there was no scene to
go to. You know, it was very restrictive. And we

had a small cast, you know, we had we were
just five and two of them are basically new. You know.
Leah was new last season before and then we had
Ebony who was brand new. So it was a lot.
It was a lot. It was a lot to carry
as a cast. And I think that, you know, that
weighed in on us hard and you know, everything we
were going through and um, you know, I just think

that that weighed heavily on our season and um, and
you know, you know how it is. You have a
good season, you have a bad season. Do you think, um,
losing Grenda hurt your season as well? You know, I
love to to us. So you know, I'd love to
see her come back. And and you know, I think
when whenever you lose somebody who who is an important

cast member and who's you know, who's beloved, I think
that you know, that's it's not gonna be helpful. That's
not that's a good way of putting it. It's not
helpful helpful. Yeah, Well, something that I've everywhere I'm reading,
I'm reading about you know, the reboot and then also
you know, the new people being brought in and how
potentially Ebony would stay. But they haven't mentioned Leah's name

on either side. Have they said anything to you know, Listen,
I have no idea what's going on in terms of
the O G cast that they're gonna keep, because you know,
you know what's going on with Ramona. How is Ramona?
And Ramona is good, she's living her best life and
asking right now. Um, And so I don't know, you know,
I'm not privy to who is actually coming back as

o GS. And I guess they're working on a whole
new cast, you know, for the other show. So, um,
I don't know exactly who's coming back. I know who
I I just have come back Yeah, I feel like
it's gonna be a long time. I think they're gonna
before they get the O G cast together. I think
they're going to concentrate on the rebit first, is what
I heard, right, But I think they should do it
the other way around, which I do too. Yeah, you

already have your cast of O G. Start them up
and then get together with the other ones. And we're
so obsessed with Peacock two. I mean, we watched Real
House Lives in Miami and and Girls Have both that
originally started on Peacock, and we loved the look of
the shows. I love their artwork, I love their music.
Like everything it's it is a little different. You guys

never even had a reunion last year, so so there's
some unfinished business, right, I mean, why did was the
ultimate reason? Covid or because of well, I think it
was the timing issue, and um, I think you know
that we kind of ended the season on a good note,
and I felt felt like, you know, as as it
was not, the ratings suffered. I felt like it was

just overkill. And and I think because of timing issues,
as you know, what was your ratings last year average?
I don't know, And like this seven hundreds. Well, yeah,
Orange County is like that right now, right, Yeah, we've
we've always been in the one point too, and so
it was. Yeah. But I think overall the ratings for

all the shows are kind of going down, but I
think they're they're coming back up because ultimately, when we
were going through the hardest times during COVID, sometimes you
don't necessarily need to see other people fight your I
was already like on edge, like if I couldn't get
a parking spot to go into Gelson's for my masks
time to go in, you know, like there. Well, that's

where I think, and I'm gonna be perfectly honest, that's
where I think that The Ultimate Girl's Ship works so
well is that it wasn't a big cat fight. It
was there was a lot of you know, kind of
old school kind of housewives moments where you know, we're
connecting as women were having fun. You know. I think
people want to see that, and I think that's one
of the reasons I think that worked so well that

that's why they want to bring the O G cast
back and not just start over. Yeah, I think you're right,
And who would you say, I mean, I know obviously
for Beverly Hills. Like I became good friends with a
good amount of the girls and still in but like
I found like one of my very best friends on
the show. We talked about sometimes and I see the
girls were a little bit more competitive, so there wasn't

that kind of dynamic. Is there somebody that you say,
I couldn't imagine my life without this person and you
met them through the show? Um? Well, you know, you know,
I really love Leah, you know, and she's new on
the show, and um, her and I get along very well,
and she's a cool chicken. Um, and she's very supportive.

Because I've known all the girls on the show since
since before the show. I mean I've known for years
um and Ramona I've known before the show as well.
So so nobody knew that, you know, except for Leah.
Are you still close with most of the wh in? Oh? Yeah,
because you guys have been on a break for a while, right,
how long is it? Yeah, it's like going on a

year and a half. It's been. This whole shakeup didn't
really surprise you, you probably know, no, I mean it
surprised me about the second cast for sure, but in
a good way in a good way. I knew they
were recasting, but I had no idea, you know, that
they were going to go, you know, with two different
you know shows. Yeah, it's very interesting. I'm wondering if

they're going to do that with different franchises. I'm well, probably, probably,
especially when there's does well, yes, so let's let's see,
you know I again. I think one of the reasons
for that, um, for that for the two different types
shows is that you know, Ultimate Girls Trip really worked

so well for them in ratings wise, and so it
showed them that people really want to see the girls
that have been around a while, you know, and and
you know, and I think that's that was a very
important thing for the for them in terms of making
decision about our future on Housewives of New York, Is
there anyone you would not film with? Like, is there

one person that you're like, absolutely can't do it? Well?
I mean, you know, listen, um, I don't think um
Alex and Simon are gonna be back anytime. I don't
think that's that's that's a listener question. The listener wrote it.
I said, do you think that you were a little
judgmental of Alex McCord back in season one. I didn't

see back then, so I don't I was not. I
was not so judgmental about those two. I think, uh,
it was more judgmental about this two, Bethany. Maybe everybody was. Yeah,
everybody was. Okay, everybody you know obviously you don't you
don't talk to her them, right, No, No, there were
in Australia. Yeah, all right, we're back and okay, so

now we're getting into These are the questions that we
put up on Instagram. They're you know, sorry, nothing's off
limits on on the two chees in the pod. That's
why we're hashtag twatsu. But okay, if you had to
bring back one person a Viva or Alex and Simon,
who would have been um, oh gosh, I mean Aviva Aviva.

A lot of these questions have already been answered a
lot of people asking about how you stay in great
shape if you're still friends with Dorenda and Bethany. Um
are you? Did you say you're still friends with Dorenda? Yeah? Yeah,
yeah you are? Yeah. Yeah. Who do you talk to
the most of the well of the current cast or
the current o G s Probably Sonya. Yeah. And then

there was a bunch of stuff in the press recently
that um, you had drink and some of it we
don't know if it's true or not true that you
got thrown out of a bar, that you're doing all
these things. You know how the press just drags page six,
just loves to embellish. They love to embellish. Is there
anything you want to say on that? Well, you know, listen,
I like I said earlier, you know that's where I

made the fose because you know, um, you know, it's
it's one day the time. For me, it's it's progress,
not perfection. You know, my ultimate goal is not drinking.
But sometimes I slip and that was a little slip
for me. There you go, Yeah, yeah, it happens. It happens. Um.
And then well this, this was part of the question.

If you were to be stuck on a desert island
with either Dorenda or Bethany, who would it be? Oh,
definitely Dorenda. Okay. And then what is your biggest argument
you ever had on New York that like you still

think about from time to time, still haunts you, still
haunts you crazy. I mean, life is not a cat
all right? That is so iconic, Like I mean, I
thought her head was gonna pop off. I love when
you fell in the bushes because I was a bush

girl too. I fell in the bushes. You were you
cried in the crying and the buy was so drunk.
I was laughing. I was so drunk, and I was
the middle of this stupid lawsuit, and I was scared,
and I drank too much, and I like ran in
the bushes and started crying. You know what you got?
Sometimes people made a bush. Yeah, I never that kind
of bush. You need to stop landing bad. You know

it right exactly? And that it wasn't a rose in
your favorite song? Which one is your favorite? Out of
my music? Yes? Out of your music? Um, you know
it's a toss up for me. You know. I love
Feeling Jovanni so much. Our producers just texted us, please
ask about I gonna give us a little song and

Dovanny does it feels so good? Feeling Dobanny. I love
that song and I love chat LVI s Do you
write these songs? Yeah? I do. I have to say,
I'll never be able to see a Jovanni dress again
without thinking about you, about singing that. I hope they
give you free dresses all the time. Well listen, you know,

God knows um Jovanni has gotten a lot of you know,
attention from all of mine grades with with the dresses
and Derinda's story and you know, and of course my
classic money can't buy your class because it's so true.
Oh yes, I used that the other day, an asshole,
and I'm like, I can, so will you'll be out

in California to perform anytimes. I am doing Caba ratios.
I'm so excited California. Yes, uh ye to the twenty
six I'm at the l RA huge. You guys are coming.
Oh yes, okay, well we love it. June we are
June twenty three, We're still here. Yea, So you can

come opening night? Yeah, oh my god, yes yes we would.
And you know what we we are not good singers
or good dancers or anything. But if you need someone
just back. We'll hype you up. We'll be your hype.
Believe me, if you guys were there, We're gonna have
some fun with you in the audience for sure. Oh
my god, do you still have do you still make jewelry?
Have you jewelry line? No, I'm not doing the jewelry anymore. Um. Yeah,

you know, I was doing the statement necklaces for a
while and send me a piece and I wore it.
I'm one of my Yes, that diamond one right, Yes
it was. I still have it. It's beautiful. You guys
know that there's a complete Instagram dedicated to statement jewelry
now because of the housewives wearing statement necklaces. And they'll
find they post everything from like, you know, some stuffs

from fourteen years ago or whatever it is. I see
all these big I know it's a circle. So you know,
obviously we're not wearing big statement necklaces. I mean I
am when I perform in my cabaret shows, and I
got to have lots of diamonds and jewels, but you know, gems, jet, silhouette,
champaigne and this guy's like part of my lyrics. But um,

I'm concentrating on the fose and my cabaret and you
know and just uh and and the reboot or the show.
I'm busy. Well we're here for it. Well, we thank
you so much. And um, and I can't wait to
see you when I come out there. I mean, I

never get to hang out with you guys, so I know. Well,
if you're out, I'll d mu R numbers so you can. Yeah,
so you have it, and then we'll bring Kyle along
on June. Oh yes, awesome, Yeah, I know she wants
to come. She was on the girl's trip and I
would pass by her room and I would hear it.
She she was like singing in her room, not knowing

that I was there, you know, in the house. Help ourselves.
Told me that that's got to be flattering that you
have a song, you have multiple songs that are so
catchy that you can't get out of here. And that's
like how we are right now, like with our kids
about the Bruno song. Oh god, talk about Bruno. Right,

all right, all right, thank you so much. You have
a good song, right, that's how you know. You can't
wait to see you in June. Oh my god, I'm
so excited you guys are coming. Yea, thank you organized
that for you guys. Thank you. Fine
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